#antitheists are ridiculous faux intellectuals
gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
People who are militantly against children being raised religious seem to paradoxically think that being raised in a religion makes one incapable of choosing for oneself and deciding to leave or stay at any point in one's life as if they haven't left the faith that they were born in after deciding for themselves to leave at some point in their lives.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
People who advocate that religion should be 18+ only and that it's "abuse" to raise children, especially children from marginalized and ethnoreligious groups, in their family's culture and traditions really need learn about Residential Schools and listen to the stories of survivors and their communities. And yes, there are still survivors, the last one closed in 1996. It hasn't even been 30 years.
You are repackaging and advocating the same system with the same logic and same end goals: eradication of diverse cultures and beliefs that you feel are inferior to your superior, Eurocentric, fundamentalist and absolutist way of thinking because you have the Truth™️ so the ends justify the means.
Genocide in all of its forms, including cultural, is never benevolent. If you think there is ever an instance where it is justifiable YOU are on the wrong side of history.
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