crystalelemental · 2 years
Unit Teambuilding - BP Clemont
I actually like this kid’s kit, but I am not a Clemont fan, so you win some you lose some, you know?
General Overview Clemont’s claim to fame in my eyes is built-in Vigilance and Endurance, alongside Screech and defensive buffs.  This is fantastic general utility.  But then he ups the ante with X Accuracy All, and incredibly rare support tool that is extremely valuable.  With built-in immunity to paralysis, and Antitoxic easily available on grid, Clemont feels almost designed to attempt an F2P counter to Cresselia.  Which is very much appreciated, thanks.  His grid’s not bad either, being pretty straight forward with First Aid 2 and X Accuracy All MPR, but being able to decide between the other MPR, Electrorepulsion 3 for 30% damage reduction under Electric Terrain, Quick Cure, or even Hostile Environment.  Clemont has some nice tools.
Unfortunately, what he lacks is a way to offensively threaten Cresselia.  Cresselia buffs evasion rapidly, but the bigger problem is that it buffs offenses too.  He can’t keep up with its damage, unless his allies can handle it.  And most cannot on their own.  He needs self-sufficient offensive strikers, or he’s just not getting past the problem.  Additionally, unlike BP Morty, he has no real healing for the team, and no personal healing beyond First Aid.  Synchro Healing is available, but without EX it’s a limited skill.  As a result, he doesn’t function well on Stall teams like Morty can, further limiting his team comps.  He’s an interesting type of support that is generally good, but specifically shows some trouble.
Team 1: BP Clemont, T!Red, Sophocles Thunderbolt Red works pretty well with Clemont.  Clemont offers defense drops faster, allowing Volt Tackle to shred opponents, while Red provides Gradual Healing to the party and Electric Terrain for Clemont’s damage reduction.  Sophocles is here because anyone can be, and may as well take the kid with a good flinch rate and potential speed debuffs to further combo with Red.
Team 2: BP Clemont, Ash, Lucian/Bede BP Clemont also works really well with Ash, who only needs the defensive support.  Add in a debuffer to special defense and Ash is ready to throw down reliably.
Final Thoughts I’m sorry, I tried.  The problem for Clemont is the harsh competition from BP Morty.  In most situations, BP Morty feels downright preferred, and in situations where accuracy buffs might be nice, your allies either need offensive support like Kris or N, or they buff accuracy enough themselves like with SC Rosa and SC Sonia.  Clemont has a lot of theoretical potential right now, but I don’t think he’s all that good in specific terms.  Morty feels far better optimized.
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qqdahao · 7 months
Side effects of Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule
Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule is suitable for the adjuvant treatment of primary liver cancer with deficiency of the spleen and kidney and internal obstruction of blood stasis. Patients who are suitable for the use of this drug to treat diseases must pay attention to the correct operation, understand the usage and dosage in advance, not change it randomly, and do a good job in disease surveillance at the stage of drug use and pay attention to regular reexamination.
Yangzheng Xiaoji for sale is mainly used for invigorating the spleen, tonifying the kidney, removing blood stasis, and detoxification. It is used in the auxiliary treatment of primary liver cancer with deficiency of spleen and kidney and internal obstruction of blood stasis and toxin, with clinical symptoms such as fullness of the wrist and abdominal cavity, lack of food, fatigue, waist, knee, acid, soft, right flank, stinging pain, refusing to press loose stools and so on. It can increase the anti-tumor effect of chemotherapeutic drugs, improve the bottom-up quality of patients, and reduce the damage to immune function, hematopoietic system, digestive system, and liver during chemotherapy.
The efficacy of Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule is quite powerful. usually, when we use it, we should not only be clear about the diseases that can be treated, but also have some adverse effects in the process of long-term use, and patients with side effects should also be aware of the side effects. avoid causing unnecessary harm to our bodies. So, the side effect of Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule is not big? Let’s take a closer look at it.
The side effects of Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule are not clear, but it does not mean that there are no obvious side effects. Baiji pharmacist warmly suggested that Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule is suitable for the adjuvant treatment of primary liver cancer with deficiency of spleen and kidney and internal obstruction of blood stasis, which is combined with intrahepatic arterial infusion and embolization chemotherapy. it is helpful to improve the curative effect of interventional chemotherapy and reduce the toxicity of leukocyte, liver function, and hemoglobin. it is a proprietary Chinese medicine with long-term use and few side effects. But the advice is to take the medicine under the guidance of a doctor.
Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule also has synergistic and antitoxic effects, which can increase the anti-tumor effect of chemotherapy, improve the bottom-up quality of patients, and reduce the damage to immune function, hematopoietic system, digestive system and liver in chemotherapy.
n addition to taking medicine in accordance with the doctor’s advice, patients with tumors should also follow the following dietary rules to help the body recover: 1. First of all, it is necessary to maintain an optimistic mood and establish a strong confidence in cancer. 2. Proper exercise can make qi and blood flow smoothly and enhance the resistance of the body. 3. Diet should be light and nutritious, eat more vegetables and fruits and others rich in a variety of amino acids, vitamins, protein, and digestible nourishing food. 4. Cancer patients consume a lot of heat, so they eat 20% more protein than normal people. 5. Eat less greasy and heavy food. Avoid excitants such as too sour, too spicy, too salty, tobacco, and alcohol.
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banglia · 11 months
hola antitox 23
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Nutritional supplements and cancer: potential benefits and proven harms:
“Nutritional supplements are widely used among patients with cancer who perceive them to be anticancer and antitoxicity agents. Large-scale, randomized cancer prevention trials have mainly been negative, with some notable adverse and beneficial effects. For example, these trials showed that beta-carotene increases the risk of lung and stomach cancer, vitamin E increases prostate cancer and colorectal adenoma, and selenium reduces gastric and lung cancer in populations with low selenium levels but increase rates in those with higher levels. Both beta-carotene and vitamin E supplementation increase overall mortality.” - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24857143/
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
 With raspberry.
 Antibacterial, anti  nflammation, anti fever, sweating for, as of leafs, young twigs, berries, as of jam, infusion is awesome anti-cold cure, thus drinking this tea you need to stay at home for sweat as go in bed ,warm in blanket.
One tea.sp. berries, one half tea black add 2 glasses for the hot water in tea pot, close with lid, towel, infuse half hours, filter, press, use hot on half portion and second portion for night, also you can cook of leaf one tbl.sp, and this tea low blood coagulation, useful in cardiovascular diseases.
With blackberry.
 As close effect,like in raspberry, stay in one raw with prunes and raisin, and  defers for pomegranate.
And one tea.sp. chopped fruits and young leafs  from  an  ends are shoots and not a full one tea.sp. black tea, add 2 glasses of hot water, infuse hour in thermos, filter, press. And drink in hypoavitaminosis, fragility walls of vessels, capillaries, bleeding gums, nose, irritability high, neurosis.
With tilia flowers.
Antibacterial, sudorific, anti fever, expectorant, ani  inflammation.
Mix one tbl.sp. flowers , leafs of mint pipperine, half spoon tea of black tea, add 2 glasses for the hot water, filter, use within a day, as  remove from organism harmful substances, cholesterol, toxins, salts of  hard metals.
With flowers of  sambucus nigra.
As tested remedy in cold , antibacterial, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory,  sweating for.
One tbl.sp. flowers, one tea.sp. of leafs fragaria vesca, one not full tea.sp. of black tea, add 2 glasses for the hot water, infuse half hours,filter, use for 2 times , add sugar or jam, such sambucus tea benefit for cardiovascular system, that strengthening walls for blood vessels, and capillaries.
With pink.
Antibacterial anti fungus, anti-cold, analgetic, anti inflammation, relieving breathing, warming body, blood circulation improving and his called a Zeus flower is a king for gods.
5     Buttons chopped, add in 0.5 tea sp. . of black tea, add one glass of hot water, infuse for closing with towel for 15 min, add one tea.sp. honey, use on small gulps.
Add in tea pot 1.5 tea.sp.  of black tea, add 5 buttons of pink spicy, and cinnamon pinch, add 2 glasses of the hot water, close towel, infuse 25 min, and drink in cold, headaches, indigestion, work for liver, fight bad mouth smell.
With ginger.
Root of ginger is antibacterial, , antitoxic, anti inflammation, analgetic , spasmolitic, sudorific, immune stimulating, antitumor, tones, improve mood circulation and digestion.
1/4 tea.sp. of dried chopped root or one tea.sp.shredding fresh root, 0.5 tea.sp. black tea, add glass of the hot water, infuse 15 min, add honey, lemon, use ,like tea.
One tea.sp. shredding fresh root , 1/4 tea.sp. grinded cinnamon, 0.5 tea.sp. black tea, add glass of the hot water, add one tea.sp. honey, drink for night.
Add in tea pot 0.5 tea.sp. black tea, add one tea.sp. grinded fresh ginger, add oe tea.sp. honey, piece thin of lemon, add 2 glasses of the hot water, infuse 15 min, and tea such improve digestion, helps after abundant overeating, fight headaches, lows cholesterol, and meteorism, mood rises, prevents cold and flu.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/fKJ23tU via https://ift.tt/0khDpYd
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Non-Centrifugal Cane Sugar is a Potential Functional Food?
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Non-centrifugal sugar (NCS) is a traditional sweetener consumed worldwide. Previous investigations have reported that NCS is an important source of nutritional and bioactive compounds. The results show that NCS is of great scientific and nutritional and technological interest due to its potential beneficial effects on health. However, better characterization is required to recognize NCS as a functional food.
Keywords:Sugar cane; Antioxidants compounds; Functional food; Amino acids; Complex sugars
Nutraceuticals and functional foods have broad potential for preventing the mechanisms of viral infection and modulating immune responses [1], for this reason, in the last decade this topic has been widely studied. Non-centrifugal sugar (NCS) is a traditional sweetener consumed worldwide Flórez-Martínez et al. [2] that contains abundant amounts of sucrose and potentially relevant components like phenolic compounds, amino acids, complex sugars and other compounds that make it different from refined sugar [3]. Interest in the constituents of sugarcane and its products has been rekindled by the recognition that sugarcane juice and some of its products, particularly un-refined sugars, less-refined sugars, and molasses, have antioxidant capacities. Previous authors have reported that NCS is an important source of nutritional and bioactive components [4-8]. The aim of this review to provide a comprehensive overview of beneficial reports of NCS properties from antioxidants compounds and other potentially relevant components.
Relevant studies published in scientific journals were analyzed. The search was done in the Scopus database using a structural equation with keywords. Keywords related to minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other potentially relevant components and their effect on health were used in this search.
Health Effects of NCS
NCS can be considered as a potential bioactive product. The cane plant itself supplies primarily low molecular weight plant pigments (flavonoids, chlorophylls, carotenes, xanthophylls and phenolic compounds [5]. Previous research [8-11] have demonstrated the antioxidant activity of NCS. Furthermore, Asikin et al. [9] reported policosanol content in NCS, which may have beneficial effects on human health. Different in vitro studies have reported the effect of the antioxidant activity of NCS. Harish Nayaka et al. [7] showed that NCS has a 97% protection against the oxidation of NIH 373 cells. Salazar et al. [12], demonstrated the neuroprotective and antioxidant effects of NCS. Cuellar et al. [13] studied the potential regenerative effects of NCS in a 2D Skin wound Model. In addition, the effect on diseases such as the decrease in the proliferation of tumor cells in leukemia, stomach, lung, colon, and bladder cancer has been demonstrated [14]. An antitoxic and cytoprotective effect has also been demonstrated. Of the studies reviewed, only two articles report the beneficial effects of NCS in human trials [14]. Jaffe [14] showcased the state-of-the-art research reporting the health benefits associated with NCS consumption. The reported benefits include immunological effects, as well as cytoprotective, antitoxic and anticariogenic effects. Also, he found that NCS has the ability to scavenge free radicals, reduce iron complex, and inhibit lipid peroxidation.
Conclusion and Future Prospect
NCS is of great scientific, nutritional and technological interest due to its potential beneficial effects on health, but a better characterization is required. In addition, this antioxidant and healthy product could have a more relevant position as a key nutritional component in a wide variety of foods. In this way, the recognition of NCS as a promising functional food would be promoted, and it would be hoped that research efforts would be increased to extend its use.
To Know More About Nutrition and Food Science International Journal 
Please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/nfsij/index.php
For more Open Access Journals in Juniper Publishers
please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/index.php
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snaanasocial · 1 year
Benefits Of Black Pepper Essential Oil & Hydrosol
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Black pepper is a spice used in lots of food items throughout the world. It is also known as the ‘king of spices’, which is used to prepare many dishes. Many consider that only a pinch of this spice builds the essence of any dish. Not only does it instantly enhance the dish's flavour but carries many health benefits.
What is Black pepper Essential Oil?
SNAANA Black pepper essential oil is extracted from the black peppercorns through the steam distillation process. It has been used appreciably in Ayurveda and other conventional forms of medicine due to its powerful medicinal and therapeutic properties. 
SNAANA offers premium grade and pure black pepper essential oil that can be easily identified due to its strong, musky, and spicy fragrance. It has effective consequences in your digestive system and also boosts mental alertness. Our natural Black pepper essential oil is popular in aromatherapy and pain relief oils, healing balms, hair therapies including face treatment products.
Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is used in many skincare and hair treatments as nicely. Its rheumatic properties make it a perfect element of pain-relieving lotions and creams. It carries powerful antioxidants which can assist your skin and overall health in many ways. All those residences make our organic Black pepper essential oil a really versatile essential oil.
Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil
SNAANA black pepper steam-distilled essential oil is hot and dry in nature. It may be used topically, internally, and aromatically for multiple purposes.
Some benefits of SNAANA black pepper essential oil-
Black pepper oil is high in demand due to its amazing therapeutic properties such as diuretic, antiseptic, antitoxic, and many others.
Black pepper oil is concentrated in nature thus, it is recommended not to use oil without diluting it with a suitable carrier oil.
It eliminates tobacco cravings and helps quit smoking.
Treats dry skin and slows down premature aging symptoms like wrinkles, fine lines, etc.
Due to its warming and stimulating effect, it helps improve blood circulation.
How to use Black pepper Essential oil
Black pepper essential oil is used in aromatherapy. It is used to warm the body by increasing circulation and bringing relief to tired, achy muscles. Helpful for boosting immunity and lifting emotions. It’s an excellent essential oil for the winter months, both physically and emotionally. 
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kikibixstories · 2 years
Is jaggery a better superfood sweetener than sugar?
Jaggery is a natural, unprocessed sweetener. Some people consider it a superfood because it contains more vitamins and minerals than sugar and has a lower sucrose concentration. Jaggery is still a kind of sugar, and it should be consumed in moderation.
Jaggery is a popular food in Asia and Africa. It is derived from the juices of palm trees or sugarcane and is becoming increasingly popular as a substitute for white sugar. It is a staple in India, where it is known as gur.
Because jaggery contains vitamins and minerals, it is a better alternative to white sugar. However, it is still a form of sugar, and taking too much of it might be harmful to one's health.
This article will look at how jaggery is made, what its nutritional profile and uses are, and whether it is healthier than sugar.
What exactly jaggery is?
In contrast to sugar, which has a granular texture, jaggery is usually a semisolid mass.
According to 2020 study, jaggery is often golden yellow in hue, with a sweet, winy scent and a flavour akin to brown sugar or molasses. 
A good quality jaggery comprises around 70% sucrose. White sugar, on the other hand, comprises 99.7 percent sucrose.
According to India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry, more than 70% of the world's jaggery is produced in India, where it is known as "medicinal sugar. 
Jaggery is high in minerals and vitamins, and many people believe it may treat a number of ailments.
For thousands of years, practitioners of Indian Ayurvedic medicine have used jaggery.
Benefits of jaggery
Unlike sugar, jaggery is high in vitamins and minerals, both of which are essential components of a healthy diet.
According to a 2007 research analysis, areas with continuous jaggery use have a lower incidence of diabetes.
Researchers believe that the magnesium in jaggery improves nervous system function and that the high iron level of jaggery may protect against anaemia.
A 2012 study of 46 scholarly studies discovered a possible link between jaggery consumption and antitoxicity, cytoprotective, and anticariogenic properties. It also mentions that jaggery consumption may boost the immune system and lessen the risk of diabetes and hypertension. More research, however, is required.
According to a recent review, consistent consumption of jaggery can:
Help with digestion
Cure lung and bronchial infections by detoxifying the liver and blood
Constipation relief
Boost your energy levels
Remove stress and treat premenstrual syndrome
Have anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties
It is important to note that these assertions are primarily anecdotal, with little evidence-based study to back them up.
Jaggery is a staple in many African and Asian cultures. Some people believe it has medical benefits, and to incorporate jaggery in day to day lfe we can consume does kind of snacks which are made from jaggery like cookies, savoury items etc. 
You can find those snacks on these platfor :- 
Although jaggery has certain advantages over sugar, it is not a very nutritious food. It contains certain key vitamins and minerals, but in modest levels compared to the amount of jaggery a person would regularly take.
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aleeenng · 4 years
Read it, Learn it, Live it
A bold, fresh piece of humanity
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rolandasart · 3 years
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The blackcurrant, also known as black currant or cassis, is a woody shrub in the family Grossulariaceae grown for its berries. It is native to temperate parts of central and northern Europe and northern Asia, where it prefers damp fertile soils and is widely cultivated both commercially and domestically. It is winter hardy, but cold weather at flowering time during the spring may reduce the size of the crop. Bunches of small, glossy black fruit develop along the stems in the summer and can be harvested by hand or by machine. Breeding is common in Scotland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, and New Zealand to produce fruit with better eating qualities and bushes with greater hardines and disease resistance. The raw fruit is particularly rich in vitamin C and polyphenols. Blackcurrants can be eaten raw, but are usually cooked in sweet or savoury dishes. They are used to make jams, preserves, and syrups and are grown commercially for the juice market. The fruit is also used to make alcoholic beverages and dyes. Boosts immune system antimicrobial. anti-inflammatory. antiviral. antitoxic. antiseptic. anticancer. #anticancer #antiseptic #antitoxic #antiviral #anti-inflammatory #antimicrobial #blackcurant #berries #blackcurrantberries #delicious #healthylifestyle #eatmoreberries #healthyeating #rolandasdabrukas #healingfoodmandalas #whimsicalfinearts #internationalartist (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHK_4qnmUq/?igshid=1xmd7q86mgt2i
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🔳 Read this caption, then re-read it again and again. 🔘 DON'T LET THE UGLY IN OTHERS KILL THE BEAUTY IN YOU. 🔳 It's easy to react when we're hurting, but what is that manner in which we react really going to accomplish? 🔘 If we react in a negative manner to UGLY, we in turn often start to decay, decompose, become pungent and toxic within ourselves. We harbour resentment and bitterness, this destroys our souls. 🔳 Don't let your soul be blackened by the words and actions of other's. To do so gives power to the UGLY itself. 🔘 Instead look for the BEAUTY in yourself, forgive, do not forget but remember that you too can be dragged into UGLY. 🔳 You need to, as hard as it may be, hold your head high, wish whoever has shown or given you UGLINESS a positive wish for them as they move forward. No longer welcome in your life, no longer letting their decomposition to rub off onto you. 🔘 It's not easy, but I can say categorically it is better to walk your own path, and to walk it alone with your BEAUTY in tact. 🔳 Knowing you can continue your personal evolution smelling more like roses and fresh air than rotting and decaying UGLINESS. 🔘 Internal BEAUTY is capitulating and all encompassing. Embrace your road, release the toxic and walk, knowing you're worthy, you're deserving of bigger and better than UGLY can provide for you. 🔳 Spiritual and emotional beauty is the beauty we need to focus on. Do not compromise this beautiful cacophony of love, giving, steadfastness and happiness. Don't let your life be clouded by the dark, walk in the light 🤍. 🔘 Don't WAIT for the OPPORTUNITY, be the change. 🔳 CREATE THE OPPORTUNITY 🔘 LOVE, LIGHT, POSITIVE, HEALING, CLEANSING ENERGIES AND PRAYERS TO YOU ALL. 🔳 Let BEAUTY reign over UGLY. ❤🌞🙏 #beauty #innerhealth #innerspiritualgrowth #ugly #decay #antitoxicity #bethebetter #decomposition #rottingspirit #walkinthelight #removetherot #notalliseasy #leavedarknessbehind #taketimetocreate #medium #opportunities #happiness #lightwork #psychic #yourlife #youmatter #carveyourownpath #betheleader #dontfollowthedark #darkness #yinyang #darklight #nightday #donthide #bethelight https://www.instagram.com/p/CUaCa5ivTOt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
 With raspberry.
 Antibacterial, anti  nflammation, anti fever, sweating for, as of leafs, young twigs, berries, as of jam, infusion is awesome anti-cold cure, thus drinking this tea you need to stay at home for sweat as go in bed ,warm in blanket.
One tea.sp. berries, one half tea black add 2 glasses for the hot water in tea pot, close with lid, towel, infuse half hours, filter, press, use hot on half portion and second portion for night, also you can cook of leaf one tbl.sp, and this tea low blood coagulation, useful in cardiovascular diseases.
With blackberry.
 As close effect,like in raspberry, stay in one raw with prunes and raisin, and  defers for pomegranate.
And one tea.sp. chopped fruits and young leafs  from  an  ends are shoots and not a full one tea.sp. black tea, add 2 glasses of hot water, infuse hour in thermos, filter, press. And drink in hypoavitaminosis, fragility walls of vessels, capillaries, bleeding gums, nose, irritability high, neurosis.
With tilia flowers.
Antibacterial, sudorific, anti fever, expectorant, ani  inflammation.
Mix one tbl.sp. flowers , leafs of mint pipperine, half spoon tea of black tea, add 2 glasses for the hot water, filter, use within a day, as  remove from organism harmful substances, cholesterol, toxins, salts of  hard metals.
With flowers of  sambucus nigra.
As tested remedy in cold , antibacterial, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory,  sweating for.
One tbl.sp. flowers, one tea.sp. of leafs fragaria vesca, one not full tea.sp. of black tea, add 2 glasses for the hot water, infuse half hours,filter, use for 2 times , add sugar or jam, such sambucus tea benefit for cardiovascular system, that strengthening walls for blood vessels, and capillaries.
With pink.
Antibacterial anti fungus, anti-cold, analgetic, anti inflammation, relieving breathing, warming body, blood circulation improving and his called a Zeus flower is a king for gods.
5     Buttons chopped, add in 0.5 tea sp. . of black tea, add one glass of hot water, infuse for closing with towel for 15 min, add one tea.sp. honey, use on small gulps.
Add in tea pot 1.5 tea.sp.  of black tea, add 5 buttons of pink spicy, and cinnamon pinch, add 2 glasses of the hot water, close towel, infuse 25 min, and drink in cold, headaches, indigestion, work for liver, fight bad mouth smell.
With ginger.
Root of ginger is antibacterial, , antitoxic, anti inflammation, analgetic , spasmolitic, sudorific, immune stimulating, antitumor, tones, improve mood circulation and digestion.
1/4 tea.sp. of dried chopped root or one tea.sp.shredding fresh root, 0.5 tea.sp. black tea, add glass of the hot water, infuse 15 min, add honey, lemon, use ,like tea.
One tea.sp. shredding fresh root , 1/4 tea.sp. grinded cinnamon, 0.5 tea.sp. black tea, add glass of the hot water, add one tea.sp. honey, drink for night.
Add in tea pot 0.5 tea.sp. black tea, add one tea.sp. grinded fresh ginger, add oe tea.sp. honey, piece thin of lemon, add 2 glasses of the hot water, infuse 15 min, and tea such improve digestion, helps after abundant overeating, fight headaches, lows cholesterol, and meteorism, mood rises, prevents cold and flu.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/Dv5i7rF via https://ift.tt/V72UPWv
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I would like to thank the SS13 community and the @shiptest tumblr blog account for letting me know that shiptest exists
I just brung an etherial back from the dead by way of charcoal pills, epinefrine, antitox, S H Ő C K, my surgery knife and a coronary bypass as
Also next round I'm playing as an IPC so wait like 3 days (not counting today and wednesday)
Like I understand that ss13 is a small community and so the hosts of shiptest is probably unable to host it all week but my addiction to shiptest can only be satiated with more consumption
So yeah
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naughtydred · 5 years
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Good morning!! #4stepstopeàce #message #selfcare #highlife #antitoxicity (at Flamer Hq) https://www.instagram.com/p/B056s8-nS-z/?igshid=1jot2ooej8es
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zivov · 2 years
Can a diabetic eat Beetroot?
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More often than not, fruits are referred to as some of the best sources of sugar for Diabetes patients. They are referred to as “nature’s candy” which do not lead to a sudden sugar spike. And it won’t come as a surprise when we speak about including Beetroot in the diet for Diabetes.
But, is it the right choice?
Nicknamed Beet, this edible root vegetable is scientifically known as Beta Vulgaris.
Various studies have indicated its positive effect on blood pressure, blood flow, inflammation, and even improved athletic performance.
Rich in Nutrients:
Beetroots are a powerhouse inclusive of some of the most essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They include Folate, Calcium, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Copper, Iron, and Zinc.One-Stop-Solution Remedy: This vegetable must be on the top of the list of natural remedy solutions for several aspects of human health. It lowers the risk of chronic diseases and heart diseases.Natural Blood Pressure Maintainer: High BP which is common in Type 2 Diabetic patients can be reduced to healthy numbers of beetroot. Nitrate reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and nitric acid helps in relaxing the blood cells.A Great Source of Fiber: If you are consuming Beetroot as a whole and not in the form of juice, for every 100 grams of vegetable, you are consuming 2.8 grams of dietary fiber. Not only that its good bacteria help the digestive system remain healthy and boost immunity.Home to Unique benefits: Beyond that, they also have unique bioactive compounds called Betalain, which lead to the deep red colour of beetroot. These pigments are rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitoxic properties.But can I consume beetroot as a Diabetic or not?
Yes, beetroots are beneficial for Diabetic patients in more than one way.
How? Let’s delve deeper into the relationship between Beetroot and Diabetes!
Beets are rich in alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that may help lower glucose levels and increase insulin resistivity.
As we mentioned before, beets are home to a unique compound Betalains, which represents a group of Phytochemicals that are found in some restricted food options.Reduced Diabetes Complications: Diabetic patients usually face several complications related to nerve damage and eye damage. The above-mentioned alpha-lipoic acid reduces the risk while Betalain improves insulin resistivity.But I have heard there are some risks associated with beets in case of Diabetes?
Well, yes there are some aspects of beets that should be taken into consideration before we move forwards:
High in Sugar:
Beets do have a higher sugar content as compared to other vegetables. Two small beets have 8 grams of sugar. But they are also rich in fibre which allows the sugar more sugar to be absorbed. When consumed, this sugar is released slowly into the bloodstream.
High Glycemic Index:
Beets have a GI index or Glycemic Index, (a number that tells how fast blood sugar will rise after a meal) of 61 which is considered medium but can still raise blood sugar levels. But they have a GL or glycemic load, (the number estimate of how much food will raise the blood glucose) of 5, which is low. Hence, it should be consumed in moderation to ensure that the carb intake per serving is low.
Therefore, people faced with the problem of low blood pressure should exclude beetroot from their diet.
Beetroot Recipes for Diabetes
Click on the link below to read further:
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bm-asian-art · 3 years
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Blossoms on the Tama River Embankment, No. 42 in One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, Utagawa Hiroshige, 2nd month of 1856, Brooklyn Museum: Asian Art
The Tama River Aqueduct shown here was constructed in 1653-54. It carried drinking water for the city of Edo along a 30-mile course, and continued to carry much of the water supply for the city of Tokyo until the 1960's. Then the old Edo wooden system was replaced with modern equipment and this part of the canal, no longer needed, was paved over. The cherry trees along the embankment were planted in the 1730's and were not only a source of beauty, but helped to keep the water pure through the allegedly antitoxic powers of the leaves and petals. To the left is the entrance to one of the smaller samurai estates. In the Edo period, most of this park was the estate of the Naito clan, lords of Takata; subsequently, it served as an agricultural college, a private imperial garden and since 1949 as a public park. The two-story buildings mark the Naito Shinjuku settlement, where one can see a customer and three "serving girls" as they were known, in the rear quarters of a brothel to the right of the canal. Size: 14 5/16 x 9 5/16in. (36.4 x 23.7cm) Image: 14 5/16 x 9 5/16 in. (36.4 x 23.7 cm) Sheet: 12 15/16 x 8 3/4 in. (32.9 x 22.2 cm) Medium: Woodblock print
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