#any facepaint tutorial videos
oneknightlight · 1 year
Facepaint cosplay makeup tips from someone who’s been doing it for 7 years because fuck it why not:
(Keep in mind I work with primarily water based facepaints because they operate best with my skin type)
You will be blowing out (whatever color) facepaint snot out of your nose for 48 hours after wearing the facepaint. Do not be alarmed, happens to all of us, don’t ask me how.
Please do not do more then 2-3 layers the facepaint will begin cracking (far more then usual!) Depending on what brand, that number may vary slightly but not by much. Better a thin and patchy layer then a thick and crackly one. I usually do 2 coats max
If by the time you’ve done two layers there’s still a mistake, just leave it. Leave it alone. You will regret trying to add more paint to fix it, just trust me on that one.(If you really can’t help but fix the error then let the rest of the paint on your face dry before you do it, it’ll still result in a cracky finish but it’ll be less severe.)
Mehron paradise paints are excellent once you learn how to use them, but they’re a bit finicky and not as beginner friendly as people say they are imo. Try snazzaroo if it’s your first time working with facepaint ever! I’ve heard oil based facepaints work excellent on the right skin types, unfortunately mine is not, I have very oily skin, and the paint melted right off me within 30 minutes. It was great when it was first applied though! If you have average-to-dry skin, oil based paint might be an excellent option for you! Check it out, I can’t speak on it.
Facial hair, regardless how thick or thin it is, might make your facepaint do weird things in your jaw area. It reaaaallly varies person to person, for me its something I have to/want to shave.
Setting powder is a MUST after you’ve applied your even base layer before you start contouring. My life changed when I figured that out, and my facepaint started looking “professional” and actually lasting more then 2 hours. I can’t express how much I recommend mehron setting powder.
When you’re contouring or using any powder do not expect it to blend on water-based facepaint like it would on skin. The powder sticks very quickly to the paint and doesn’t want to budge, so it’s better to do thin layers until you’re satisfied, and blend quickly.
Expect it to be uncomfortable, especially your first time wearing it. Your entire face, neck, and maybe more are covered in paint, it’s gonna suck lmao. The good news is, once you’re used to it, you’re USED to it. I wore facepaint for 3 days straight 11 hours a day the other weekend, and forgot it was there almost immediately. However, if it burns or hurts, remove it immediately, that’s not the facepaint for you!
Don’t be afraid to make expressions! If your facepaint isn’t applied too thickly, it should move with you for a good amount of time before expressions begin to crack into it. (And even when it begins to inevitably wear down, your fun is more important then your facepaint.)
Your teeth might look yellow as fuck! Like gold yellow! It’s ok! First and foremost, yellow teeth are natural, secondly, the contrast between tooth color and the different colors of facepaint tend to make your tooth color appear differently then you’re used to.!
Put your contacts in BEFORE you paint your face and thank me later. :)
If you get paint stuck in your eyelashes, dampen your finger tips and gently strain it out of the lash between your thumb and index finger.
To avoid chapped lips, either find a lipstick in a color you can use, or mix a bit of eyeshadow and chapstick.
There’s no easy way to eat in facepaint, but the best advice I got for you is do not be afraid of eating weird. If you have to unhinge your jaw and clamp into a sandwhich to avoid fucking up your paint, just do it. I stopped caring what people thought of my facepaint eating ritual a long time ago. However, if you can opt for it, popcorn, m&ms, grapes, walnuts, and stuff like that are good to just throw in your mouth. (And of course, touch up paint is never bad to have on hand.)
Drink stuff through a straw! I repeat! If you can! Drink stuff through a straw!
And to conclude: Facepaint. Looks. Bad. Inherently. Facepaint will never look like skin up close. It will look like skin to someone over 5 feet away, and on a camera, but it will never look like actual skin. Expect small cracks even if you did your damndest with the base coat, expect your sweat to create a ring around your nose and eyelid. ESPECIALLY if you plan on wearing the paint for more then a couple hours. It’s inevitable, and it’s perfectly ok!! Even those of us who have been facepainting for years still have our sweat stain and forehead cracking days, it’s just in the business. Don’t let the internet fool you with filters!
Facepaint unfortunately takes a good couple attempts to get the hang of. Your first couple attempts might suck! They might! But please don’t let that stop you from filming videos or going to a convention. It’s a part of the learning curve, and before perfection, cosplay is SUPPOSED to be about fun, and any facepaint is good enough to have fun in.❤️
And ahhh don’t forget to take it off before bed!
Happy cosplaying!
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sims4wcif · 4 years
its not a mod request but a tutorial request. Do you know any tutorials on how to covert facepaint eyes to non defaults?
I found this video
And for written tutorials:
I found this link, which seems promising but the site is currently down so...
@blahberry-pancake also has a tutorial for facepaint --> default, but maybe it can still be helpful?
I hope this helps! :)
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saralynnx · 5 years
100 Berry Mermaid Baby Challenge: Rules and Resources
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@animecutie1503 kindly sent me this request in the comments of my most recent post and I thought it would be fun and a good idea to kind of compile the sort of guidelines I’m following. Plus, I enjoy helping other simmers out, and I’ve had a bit of a rough day so this will be a good way to distract me from my sorrows. This post is pretty long, so the rest of it will be under the cut.
Firstly, all credit to the original Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge goes to @snarky-sims-witch and you can find the rules here: https://snarky-sims-witch.tumblr.com/post/181535303038/tos-i-am-the-original-writer-of-the-sims-4-version
(I didn’t even realize she and I are mutuals until I went seeking the original rules of the challenge--oops)
If you read her rules, it won’t take you very long to realize that I’m...not really following them. Another oops. I have a habit of modifying challenges to my own personal play style, so I have basically taken her concept and used it to mold my own. That being said, what I am about to write are not to be considered ‘rules’ of any kind and as such should not be credited or associated with all of Briar’s hard work on the official rules.
Without further ado, here is how I am playing my ‘challenge’:
I was first and foremost inspired to do this gameplay after seeing this video by @simlicy: https://youtu.be/KqRKwiRlDU4
Therefore, I absolutely used the free real estate cheat to move Moonflower immediately into this house. I have not used any money cheats afterwards though, as I don’t like to cheat in general.
Moonflower makes money from her paintings, but I also allow her to hold a rabbithole career off of her home lot.
Using MC Command Center, I play using a custom long-ish lifespan which is as follows:
Babies: 2 days
Toddlers: 10 days
Children: 15 days
Teens: 20 days
Young Adults: 40 days
Adults: 40 days
Elders: 20 days
Instead of trying to have 100 babies in as few generations as I can, I am playing this legacy style, and am having a set 10 kids in each generation for 10 generations. The youngest daughter will still become heiress however, as per the original rules.
Therefore, I don’t use donors, I create a specific spouse for each generation who is allowed to move into the house after marriage and help out around the house however he likes.
I randomize all traits for the children, and I do not age them up early. I don’t set goals for skills, aspirations, or grades; it’s all purely casual in my gameplay.
In my save, I create the spouses initially as human sims, but then have Moonflower/the heiress give them mermadic kelp to transform them into a merman before conception of the first child. This guarantees that all the children will be mermaids too.
You can find mermadic kelp easily once you reach level 6 fitness and explore the cave on Mua Pel’am. You should only have to do this once because each time you find the kelp, it gives you ten at a time. However, I cheated and bought all of Moonflower’s kelp in buydebug. You can also purchase mermadic kelp using lifetime reward points, and sometimes dolphins will catch kelp for your sim if you have a high enough friendship with one. I believe you can find kelp while scuba diving as well, although I’m not 100% positive on that.
Those are about the only guidelines I follow for my own personal gameplay. Next up, berry resources.
The vast majority of TS4 berry simmers use @tainoodles‘ fantastic, 76-color Sorbets Remix palette. All resources (skin, eyes) can be found on her sideblog dedicated specifically to this palette: @noodlescc. However, I’ll go the extra mile and link you specifically to the post where you can download her berry skins and eyes: https://noodlescc.tumblr.com/post/182529315304/sorbets-remix-palette-sorry-for-the-external-link
As for hairs/clothes/furniture/etc, Tai also has a sideblog for that, too: @noodlessorbets. Here, she reblogs just about every piece of cc that is recolored in her palette. She also has all of the pack hairs that she recolored herself linked on @noodlescc.
Another thing you can do is recolor stuff for yourself if you wish. Recoloring is very easy. Most people start out recoloring hair, since it is generally simpler to do than clothes or furniture. Here is a good video tutorial on how to get started with recoloring: https://youtu.be/Phs43_5T8ds. Tai so generously shared her Photoshop actions and S4S palette, linked in the same post where you can find her skins and eyes.
One thing I have done for myself is recolor the mermaid facepaint scales that came with Island Living in the Sorbets Remix palette, because I enjoy putting them on all of my mermaids. You can find and download those here: https://elfiesim.tumblr.com/post/186606220894/island-living-scales-face-paint-in-noodles
An important thing to note is that berry genetics do not function properly. Babies will be born with vanilla skin, and sometimes even vanilla eyes and hair colors. If children do happen to be born with berry hair and eyes, the colors will often be random and not match their parents’. A way around that is to use dice or a random number generator to determine for yourself what colors each baby inherits. For example, I got Aquamarine’s colors by randomizing the numbers 1 and 2 three times: once for hair, once for eyes, and once for skin. If number 1 was randomized, she got Seafoam’s color. If number 2 was randomized, she got Moonflower’s. The random number generator I use can be found here: https://www.random.org/
Last but not least, to make matters even more complicated, berry colors do not ‘stick’ on toddlers, children, and teens. What I mean by that is, if you go into CAS with your toddler, child, or teen sim to change his/her outfits or hairstyle, the colors of his/her hair and/or eyes will often change as you cycle through his/her outfits. As frustrating as this is, there is an easy way to combat it with MC Command Center, as demonstrated in this post: https://crisisbarn.tumblr.com/post/164078549858/how-to-get-child-toddler-hairs-to-stick-with
This should be enough to get you started with berry sims and the 100 Baby Challenge. I hope it is helpful and if you have any further questions, I’ll be happy to help you. :)
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nachoaveragecat · 6 years
I need some YouTuber recommendations. I unsubscribed from a bunch that I just have no interest in watching anymore and so now my subscription feed is really dead.
What I'd like(please):
Posts at least a few times a week. Just posting on the weekends is fine too as that's when I have the least to watch
Gaming. Preferably games like Overwatch, Slime Rancher, the new Red Dead Redemption, etc. This can include lore videos about games! But please no Fortnite. I'm not interested in that game personally and that's the reason I unsubbed from some YouTubers because that was the only game they played anymore.
Makeup! Whether it just be regular tutorials, facepaint type deals, SFX, or just any kind of fun lighthearted YouTubers in this category.
Funny stuff. Funny compilations of people or animals. Readings of funny reddit posts/text conversations. Just anything thats feelgood in some kind of way.
Please no drama channels. I'll watch videos if they show up in my recommended if they might be talking about a YouTuber I'm familiar with or that I already watch. But i don't wish to have my subscription feed filled with drama(another reason i unsubbed from some people)
Examples of YouTubers I'm already subbed too(just to give some ideas to what I'm looking for i guess lol):
Tati, NikkieTutorials, Glam&Gore, SimplyNailogical(and her second channel), Brad Mondo, Keilidh Mua
Alonzo Lerone, WildSpartanz, Comment Awards
Tyrodin, BazzaGazza, Lt Eddy, StraightUpIrish, Seri! Pixel Biologist!, Rooster Teeth(and co), MxR(both channels)
Misc channels that I sub to: gtoger, AWE Me(i love watching them make video game swords), BigCatDerek, Jun's Kitchen & Rachel and Jun's Adventures, Philip DeFranco, Safiya Nygaard
I know this is pretty long, but I'm pretty desperate for more stuff to watch at this point.
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
Ten Things That You Never Expect On Supergirl Face Paint | Supergirl Face Paint
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But…the adventure is laughable, right? Not as bad as the additional bisected of The Aphotic Knight Rises bad, but that alarm accessory plotline, the not abundant Harvey Dent contest that advance to him acceptable Two-Face, I don’t apperceive Dent is abnormally bad, we bare to accept in Harvey Dent, as the announcement for the film[…]
Freeze, and Two-Face accept all been recreated as Batman mash-up abstracts that are article absolutely alarming and awfully amazing First, we will be attractive at the bats’ best belled villain, Joker, with his Play Arts Kai amount The architecture of this actualization is article about out of the video bold alternation Bloodborne or Aphotic Souls[…]
But is there a added able way?While Batman continues his accepted aphotic and absorption adventure in Detective Comics #1021, Two-Face has aggregate his band for a appropriate coin-flip.And as luck would accept it, it appears that Two-Face and his emblage are about to alpha accomplishing Batman’s job for him.As a aftereffect of the flip, the[…]
Last but not atomic we are accepting an amazing Two-Face bronze that is not abandoned accurately abundant but the blush aloof POPS! Each one of these brings a little added acidity out of Gotham and would attending abundant in any admirers collection.Each DC Comics Statues from Diamond Select Toys is priced at $49.99 and is[…]
Two-Face may accommodated his end in June, and not because he’s apprenticed the coronavirus Well, actually, the accost doesn’t absolutely say he hasn’t, so who knows? When will Gotham’s supervillains accomplish the reasonable accommodation to conduct all of their abomination from
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blulumaesims · 7 years
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Hello! This is my first piece of cc that I am sharing, and I'm hype lol.
I'm literally obsessed with @dustflwr's Meteor Eyes conversion, but I’ve always been wanting some additional natural-looking colors. (You can find some unnatural recolours here).
So I took it upon myself to learn how to recolor stuff and things (with much help from video tutorials by @holosprite), and here they are! 44 additional colors in browns, blues, greens, and greys. 
These colors are non-default, and I am too lazy to make a facepaint version (bc I don’t use contacts AND I don’t know how). If you want to make these into contacts, feel free --- just please credit me when doing so.
ALSO, if there are any problems, lemme know :)
Download : Sim File Share
Special Thanks to:
@dustflwr for converting these from ts2, and doing an amazing job at it.
@holosprite for making helpful tutorials. 
Remi & Leh for the beautiful texture (original can be found here).
All CC creators whose content I have utilized for previews.
Thank you!
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hanari502 · 7 years
Patreon Update and Rundown for May
Before I go on about anything, I’d like to remind you that yes i have a Patreon and you can find it right over here
Alright so
All of the physical prints for April have been shipped out, so if you weren’t a patron back in April then sorry guys but you won’t be getting any Rey content here or elsewhere.
That being said, my plans for this month are very straightforward
First off, I will be starting How-To makeup and facepaint videos. These videos and their contents will be decided on by the $10 patrons and up. I’ll be going through my facepaint and bodypaint collection and doing various instructionals on how to do paint for certain fictional characters. I’ll be starting off with several Steven Universe characters (Peridot, Garnet, Lapis, a few others) and then I’ll be moving onto makeup tutorials for characters in other media that don’t have odd skintones. These videos will be posted once a week and willonly be available for my $10 patrons, so if you want to learn how to do all of that, please feel free to pledge at that tier.
I will also be doing Cosplay Breakdown videos, which are videos where i’ll explain the intricacies of an outfit from a selected piece of media and i’ll be breaking down what kind of materials to use, what the outfit consists of, and any suggested patterns to use for the outfit. These will also be available for my $10 patrons, so if you want all of my video content for the next forever, go up there and get yourself signed up.
On another note, the Cosplay Of The Month and related photos will be of my recently finished Black Canary cosplay, and all of the previews for it are available for my $5 patrons and above. All physical prints will be available for my $25 patrons and above once the pay period is up at the end of the month, and all pictures will be released in HD download format to my $10 patrons.
So really, if you’re one of my $10 patrons there, you’ll be getting a lot of stuff in the coming months.
Higher tiers like the $50 tier will be getting something extra special along with their cosplay prints, and these things will range from shirts and mugs to cool bonus boxes, so if you want a lot of neat me related merchandise, head on up there.
I lost a good deal of patrons last month because I was in the middle of moving and I didn’t have a lot of time to put out content, but i’m all settled in now and i’ll be putting out tons of things for you guys. so please, if you would, go up and pledge and help me continue to do what I love to do.
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