#any love given to them is wasted. now my love is 100% introverted.
fckeverything-v · 5 years
 1. Do you bite or lick ice cream? Lick
 2. What is home to you? Alabama:/
 3. What was the last lie you told? I couldnt tell you
 4. Does everyone deserve the truth? Maybe not?
 6. Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation. Walk away, move states..
 7. List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn't mix them up.) Being alone & fuck irdk
 8. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? Mhm 4 years ago.
 9. How many all nighters have you pulled? A lotttt haha
 10. If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? Woah people express that? no but humans would probably bone all the time.
 11. How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had? Only 2 (technically 3) serious relationships. Many flings.
 12. What is your paradise? I dont have one :(
 13. What is your favorite background noise? (Ex. Water dripping, people talking.) Music
 14. How many hearts do you think you have broken? Only 1... maybe 2 soon. (not you hehe.)
 15. What is the most important thing about electronics? What does this say about you? Finding friendships through social media or other platforms. And mhm probably that im a lonely pos
 16. Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities? Because they're pretty. Not really.
 17. What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you? Chew loud.
 18. Do you overexaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this? Eh, yeah. And I cant think of any pros.
 19. Have you played any instruments before? Which instruments? Piano, saxophone
 20. Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? No. I stare at it until i hate it.
 21. List 3 things you like about yourself?
 22. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? To not give up. As simple as that sounds.
 23. Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not? No. Dont you need to be mentally stable- i would hope so..
 24. How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? Play games for hours.
 25. When was the last time you felt awkward? Ha. Literally 5 minutes ago.
 26. Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both? Introverted x100000
 27. What constitutes a good friend? Someone who doesnt give up on you amd atleast tries to understand.
 28. Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? One best friend.
 29. In a regular day, what do you not want to hear? 'Hey hows your day going'
 30. What is your dream job? Fuck, is this still a question.. to be a homicide detective in the biggest city i can think of.
 31. Is it better to be lazy but smart or hardworking but unintelligent? Lazy and smart DUH
 32. What is a truth about yourself that others find hard to believe?
 33. What have you always wondered about the other gender? What it feels like to GET OFF. DUH.
 34. Which fantasy world would you like to visit the most? Um my own dreams i guess.
 35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. Im not wasting my time describing that.
 36. Imagine that you have switched bodies with someone you don't know. You can't switch back. What do you do? Live it up. I think id feel happy honestly.
 37. If you found the recipe for immortality, would you sell it or would you burn it? Mh. Sell it, their problem now and im rich.
 38. What is the most important, applicable class you have ever taken? Current events.
 39. Name the last book you read. Dammed- chuck palahniuk
 40. Imagine that you are unable to express emotion. How would this affect your world? No change
 41. When was the last time you made the first move? Um never..
 42. What is your opinion on electronic music such as dubstep or trap? Trash
 43. What was the last tv show youve watched? Rick and Morty.
 44. Do you like and appreciate your life? I appreciate what i am trying to do.
 45. Do you like and appreciate yourself?
 46. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
 47. What are you scared of? Heights.
 48. What is the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy thing you have ever done? Um live my life everyday probably.
 49. What are some of your hobbies? .... literally WORSE question. I smoke cigs. Is that a hobby?
 50. What is a superficial yet annoying mistake you constantly make?
 51. Are you a good friend? What makes you a good friend? If not, what makes you a bad friend? I feel like i am both. I try to be there for them. But also, im so hard to get so i feel like i might come off the wrong way a lot.
 52. Do you honestly learn from your mistakes? Honestly; nope.
 53. What have you learned the hard way? Not to care what people think. After wasting my whole life. Im starting to realize it doesnt matter.
 54. What is the most important thing to have in order to attain happiness? Follow your heart
 56. Are you a creative or a logical thinker? Both but probably logical.
 57. What is the smartest thing you have ever done?
 58. What is your ideal meal? Fuckk probably so good ass chicken with some gooooood asssssss mac and cheese. As lame as that sounds hahaha.
 59. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date? 1. Go on date with me
 60. Do you like animals? Which kind is your favorite? Yeah and dogs are cute but i love elephants.
 61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? Christmas.
 62. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Of courseeeee (;
 63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created? Video games.
 64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games? Woah you read my mind of sum? Shooter games.
 65. What is your opinion on beauty in today's society? Bullshit
 66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up? No not really and like 5pm nowadays.
 67. Do you have a favorite Disney movie? Character? No
 68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside? City but i love the countryside
 69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains? Mountains
 70. What are the best things about winter? Cold. Even though i hate it. Snow. Even if i dont see it. Trees dying.
 71. What scares you most about the future? Literally everything.
 72. What makes you feel old? Doing nothing.
 73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average? Idk like 5.
 74. What are some of your New Year's resolutions? Be a better me.
 75. What is your life story in 6 words?
 76. Describe yourself in one word. Awkward.
 77. What bad habits do you do? Smoking
 78. What genre of music do you listen to? everything
 79. Most prominent childhood memory? I would say, but its embarrassing that that's the memory.
 80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don't, how would this change your life? My life would be so different. Maybe i would have someone to talk to.
 81. Spirit animal?
 82. Do you believe in horoscopes? Yes
 83. What is the worst advice you've ever been given?
 84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. 1. Fox 2. Fox 3. Fox
 85. Favorite memory of your family. :/
 86. What do you look for in a relationship? Happiness
 87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not? No. I dont need it. But now that i think about it i have one role model.
 88. What is your opinion on social media? Dumb
 89. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Pessimest
 90. List some things that you think are overpriced? Food
 91. What is your worst memory or creepiest experience? ..
 92. What superpower would ruin the world? Any of them
 93. What is something you swore you would never do when you grew up, but you did anyway? Exactly what im doing now. Nothing. Giving up. Dropping out
 94. What lessons have you learned from movies and which movies were they? Dont trust yourself when you know you arent okay. Fight club
 95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Europe
 96. How do you approach people? I dont but i guess a smile.
 97. What is your opinion on first impressions? I think theyre okay. Only if you dont judge.
 98. What are some things you did as a child that you no longer do? Lol play with imaginary friends
 99. What languages can you speak? English
 100. What do you think society will be like in 30 years? Lol hopefully ill be dead bc that shit sounds terrible
 101. What do you do on your lazy days? Play games.
 102. What ended your last relationship? I had enough.
 103. Favorite food? Soul food
 104. What is the most terrifying dream you've ever had? Fuck im not saying.
 105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? Last night
 106. What was the last friendship you broke? My friend Ashley:(
 107. Do you have any pet peeves? Close minded people
 108. Who was the last person you gave a hug to? Zack
 109. When was the last time you got seriously stressed? Last night
 110. What part of your personality do you want to change? I dont have one.
 111. Who is the most positively influential person in your life right now? My sister Grace.
 112. What is your biggest motivation? My siblings. Faith & Grace.
 113. What did you want to be when you were little? Honestly i never knew.
 114. What are some things that you are good at? Smokin weed
 115. What is one thing you want to be good at? Social skills
 116. What distracts you the most, especially when you're trying to work? My mind
 117. How important is privacy to you? Eh pretty significant i guess.
 118. If you could create one social norm, what would it be? Be friends with everybody.
 119. What's the craziest lie you've ever told? Um.. i told my 2nd grade teacher my family died in a car crash.
 120. What story do you like to tell about yourself at parties? I dont go to parties haaha
 121. What is the lamest thing that you have seen someone do? have friends and socialize too much like woah calm down you know youre still alone.. right. Like its only you. Hahah jk. But irdk.
 122. What is the stupidest thing you've done to impress someone? a guy invited me over and ive never done anything sexual before so i pretended like i knew and i hurt his dick like bad. (We didnt have sex)
 123. What is your morning routine? Wake up, wash face, brush teeth, get dressed, and then boom feel sad
 124. What's the last thing you did that is worth remembering?
 125. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you? Help
 126. What is your opinion on playing "hard to get?" Being sort of isolated like not opening up. Which is okay bc if they want you they'll wait.
 127. What are the pros and cons of straightforward? Cons, you may hurt feelings. Pro, you know yourself and what you want to say congratulations
 128. What do you consider "leading" someone on? Being fake happy.
 129. Are you the friendzoner or the friendzoned? Friendzoner
 130. What do you admire most about your friends? How beautiful he is. Inside & out.
 131. What do you admire most about your family? They're still here.
 132. What is your opinion on "going with the flow?" You may forget where you are trying to go. Or who you are.
 133. Do you enjoy talking or listening? Listening.
 134. When is it time to end a friendship? Idk
 135. What is the worst excuse you've ever come up with? Lol too many.
 136. If GPA didn't matter, what courses would you have taken? Doesnt matter.
 137. What are your favorite baby names? Ive always liked Riley for a girl name and idk havent thought Bout a boys name.
 138. When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone? Maybe a week or so ago. Or a few days ago.
 139. What instantly ruins a conversation? Lack of excitement
 140. Biggest turn ons and turn on offs. Affection. And idk
 143. When did you last do something outside of your comfort zone? God every day.
 147. What do you like about the 21st century? ???
 141. Biggest disappointment. Myself
 142. Do you have any self-restraint? A little.
 144. Prized possession(s)? little things
 145. What is your opinion on second chances? They might seem okay but idk.... depends i guess
 146. Text or call? Both, depends on whom im texting or callin
 148. What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago? Life is hard and stupid but choices you make will stay with you forever so what are you gonna do, follow your heart or head? (head is better hope)
 149. How organized are you? Eh not really anymore.
 150. Favorite mode of transportation. My car
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thesimparrot · 6 years
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Get to know me tag
I was tagged by the amazings @racingllama @sixamart and @notdaniella! 💕 thank you so much guys for thinking about me, you always make my day better :’) besides I’ve been trying to find a way back to this blog, it annoys me not to post anything... so here it is! and it also was a good excuse to show my new haircut huhu
RULES: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
I’d now like to tag @intricately-silly @purplebex @pollinationqueen @omiscanking @bleumimosa @mellowsimss @cakeiko @weirdsimfreak @pixel-whimsy @adrianaplays @lilacsimblr @amykii @xastraea @blurri-sim-kid @stephanine-sims @amessofsims @johnnyzest @gloomyplumbob @puddingplace and as always whoever wants to do it!
3. BIRTHDAY? July 28th
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? I don’t think so, but in the dark I’ll believe in anything
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Katherine Rundell atm
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? a french one called Rire & Chansons (literally Laugh and Songs)
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Move Along by The All-American Rejects
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I’ve noticed I say “cool” a lot
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? No Light, No Light by Florence + The Machine
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? hell yeah
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? people I love leaving me
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? ooof, too many of them
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? DOGS (i'm afraid of cats so….)
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? childhood ones
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? dark brown
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? family and friends
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? family and friends
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? I went to a book fair this afternoon!
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? right now, going back playing the sims huhu
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? I don’t think so?
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I’m afraid of cats but try to learn not to be anymore
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? reading and playing
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Raymie Nightingale by Kate DiCamillo
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? becoming a human torch
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? when I take my shower
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I recently started rock climbing
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? people who breathe loudly (but like, very loudly)
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? a few in fact, I think the last one was Queen of the Stone Age
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? when I was 6 I wanted to be a taekwondo teacher (for like a week)
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yeup but sadly I don’t sing very well
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? if pretending to be sick count then yes
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? not near Paris anymore
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? sadly no but I have a panda bear called Casey
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? definitely an early bird. If I woke up after 9 am on a day off I feel like my day has already been wasted
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? I do have my licence but if I can avoid using it….
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Shadowcat
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? a lot of things, in top of the list right now are impolite people
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? my cinema class in high school
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? one sister, 10 years older than me
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? a book (well, two actually)
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 154cm (I’m smoll)
75. CAN YOU COOK? still debating
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? playing, going to the movie, eating chocolate
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? not knowing what comes next, being sick, being upset over dumb things
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? near Paris, France
81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? if tumblr i.m. count as texted then it’s Ale from @sixamart
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? he’s not really a youtuber but I thought immediately about a french streamer called Mister MV
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? I’m really close to my mum she’s one of my best friend, my dad is a more reserved person but we got along pretty well too
89. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? don’t have one
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? hell no, I’m a big coward
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? some kind of makeup (or my face will turn into a moon fish)
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? when I will be, I’ll let you know (I’m a very funny person)
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU?  “when I’m upset about something, I pause for a minute and take the time to ask myself if it’s worse the trouble. Most of the time it’s not, so I move on.”
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? nope
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? Hufflepuff and proud
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? waaay too much
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? it really depends on the situation
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I used to but it was too depressive so I stopped
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? leave it where it is probably (I’m a coward, remember?)
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? ooooh yes
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? searching for work right after my three years of “university” (despite my mom’s wish to go on on the studies)
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? hell yeah but I doubt karma believe in me
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? don’t know yet
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? a childhood friend
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? I’ve tried but never succeed
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? not really
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 23
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “I'm not great at the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” (Chandler Bing, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.)
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yoolee · 6 years
If lee wrote otome | #2 - Boss
The Heroine (MC)
CEO MC: Never gets enough sleep, which makes her sarcastic but is also semi her own fault given the amount of caffeine she consumes. Sort of obsessive about long-term planning, unwaveringly believes that a company’s value comes from its employees and will choose them over shareholder dividends every time. Determined to run an ethical company even if it means it’s not the most profitable company. Super duper Type A – aggressive and fearless because she has to be. Sometimes really just wants a cupcake in her hand and a cat in her lap, but then she’s bored and goes back to business planning. Creative risk-taker, decent negotiator. Smart enough to know where she needs help and hire people who can do the things she can’t (or, more to the point, doesn’t want to do). Gets back up every time. Will definitely fight you. Might feel bad about it later but only if someone reminds her it happened.
Love Interests
The BARISTA: Peppy, optimist (or so MC thinks) but it turns out they actually switch up their personality depending on who they’re serving (sometimes they are the chill, hipster philosopher, sometimes they are the rude New York get-it-done eye roller, etc.) actually somewhere in the middle of it all – but really IS an optimist despite themselves. Kind of slippery and hard to pin down. Big family, used to being what their other siblings/parents need from them. Fairly certain CEO MC is headed for an early heart attack with the amount of espresso she imbibes. Probably an author. Maybe an ex-broadway personjust because. IDK.
The PR LAWYER: Worked-three-jobs-put-self-through-college story. Patience, tact, good at calming people down. Detail oriented, a little fussy about appearances. Perennially exasperated by CEO (Please don’t promise to have a cure for cancer In the next three years with no data to back it up. No, you can’t punch the reporter for being a dick. Look, I know you WANT to donate 100% of proceeds to charity but please pick a friendlier one than ‘punch reporters in the face foundation’ that’s not gonna fly) never gets enough sleep. Has a key to MC’s house so they can come yell at her for making their life difficult at whatever hour of the night she insists on doing so. Is on MC’s speed-dial, which means they also get called to DD, though they’d rather not.
FLAKY MODEL(s?): Trust fund kid? Pretty face? Floats through life? The sort of person who will get on the wrong subway train and then just ride it all day people-watching never mind that they had an appointment six hours ago. Pose with a boa constrictor? Sure, as long as it’s being treated humanely. Tarantula on the face? Awwww, it’s fuzzyyyyy. No filter, no worries. Probably drags CEO MC along on a Caribbean shoot and PR Lawyer has to call and yell because that does not look good, okay? And poor MC is like, I thought we were getting a drink and model is like WE ARE we are getting tropical coconut water from the SOURCE here oh wait I don’t know how to drink out of a coconut…who knows why they are attracted to CEO MC, probably because she’s there and sticks around and no one else does. Human puppy dog.
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: young hotshot venture capitalist, thinks CEO MC is a bleeding heart (your employees do not need that many sick days, lost productivity blah blah blah why do we need a daycare onsite that’s a waste of shareholder money), kind of a math whiz, naturally lucky, doesn’t get along with family (gambling problem in the fam – which manifests in him in investment risks and unresolved issues) butts heads constantly with MC, frequently tries to get her fired – in part because his attempts to do so get her fired up and she does great things, which ultimately is better for the company than when she’s just doing her normal ‘good’ job. She is going to be royally ticked when she figures that out. Manipulative, but relatively benign under it all. The sort of person who smirks instead of smiles. All the time.
CHEF FROM HER FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Also a CEO though on smaller scale, because, running a restaurant IS running a business. Probably under the impression CEO MC is actually like, a graduate student with no money because she tends to get takeout at weird hours. Gruff, grumpy, abrupt, but heart of gold. Basically—will grumble about you coming in late but will add extra veggies to your pasta because you’re looking a little pale and need the nutrients and if you call them on it will snarl that they had to be used up they were going bad and he wasn’t going to waste extra, expensive, PROTEIN on you. (MC asks them out and then realizes the only nice restaurant she knows is the one the chef owns)
PRESCHOOL TEACHER: JUST A DECENTLY NICE PERSON. Checks in to make sure MC has eaten regularly, staying hydrated, needs anything fixed around the house (she can do her own plumbing but doesn’t like the electrical and hey it’s nice to have company). Good with kids. Maybe divorced and wanted them but ex-spouse didn’t? idk. Calm, not easily ruffled, sweet as pie, except when he’s playing video games and suddenly MC understands how he can get through the day without any aggression – he unleashes it on fictional zombies. Blissfully normal, all things considered.
PERSONAL TRAINER: “fine, whatever, EAT THE DANG CHEESE if you’re just going to ignore my nutritional advice we’re doing ten more reps” athletic, happiest when DOING versus saying or reading or sitting. Not as impulsive as you’d guess at first glance, because they tend to use working out as a meditative time to make decisions. Didn’t finish college because they realized they just didn’t enjoy it, but they did enjoy working with student athletes, which is how they got into training. Enviably fit. Wants to expand the gym so wheedles business advice out of MC in exchange for not harassing her about her tendency to drink coffee instead of water (she insists it has water IN it, it should count) not particularly intimidated by her, which is a pleasant change of pace.
Supporting Cast (non LIs)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Keeps MC sane, has her back, schedules everything. Good at details, even better at smiling at angry people and making them not-angry through sheer force of sunny personality (actually a ruse, MC is convinced she’s actually the most delightfully evil person ever, but like some kind of fairy tale where when you acknowledge the thing it goes away, refuses to ever dive into figuring out). Older than the MC because we need to stop making middle aged women invisible in stories?? Sometimes has to remind MC of how much she does by holding silent protests (in part why MC thinks she is secretly a supervillain in the making) which are always, always successful.
PARENT COMPANY ADMIN ASSISTANT: Bane of MC’s existence. Smarmy, smily pain in the tush.
CFO: We have put in an official request with the company credit card management to start declining purchases at that coffee shop you go to, no this is not negotiable, it’s not in the budget anymore drink so darn water woman. Completely willing to go toe-to-toe with MC, meetings often involve a lot of yelling, but they’re always productive and no hard feelings.
CIO: Serpent-y, but not in a bad way. Just a very cool-tempered person, very contained, very guarded, very introverted. Never happy when she has to do presentations, so super willing to share knowledge with MC so she does it instead (she is not a great teacher, kind of judgey and shows her frustration when MC doesn’t ‘get’ it right away, but very brilliant, and there’s no malice in the judgement, just no filter). Extremely logic-oriented and process-oriented over people-oriented. Picks up and assess tech very quickly, and good at finding affordable, fast solutions.
RANDOM MARKETING EMPLOYEE:  Set up to be a villain but is actually like gung-ho on MC’s side. Literally an ex pageant queen, went to college on scholarship from it. Out of the workforce for awhile as a stay at home mom when her kids were young, but picks up the new trends fast. Now a single mother, so will literally fight the chairman if he tries to take away the company daycare. Some days uses the ‘people see a pretty face and assume no brain’ to her advantage, some days it wears her out. Unofficially drinking buddy with MC, even though they both feel weird about it given the fact MC is technically boss’s boss’s boss.
BARTENDER: also an ex-girlfriend maybe? Current best friend? Who she turns to when the barista cuts her off from coffee and the chef’s restaurant is already closed. Sharp-tongued, bristly, generally disgusted with MC’s six inch heels and slacks in her leather-jacket, cigar smoke bar. Like lady, you’re lost. Probably on the mob payroll at some point in her life.
(Chairman route?) MERGER – company has just bought another company, which is a major risk move for CEO (can only be one, so do you keep the old one on as a VP? Do you let them go? Will they be bitter/try to sabotage you?) you have to fend off internal sabotage, get everything running smoothly without either company falling apart in the process.  
(PR Lawyer route?) Parent company did something massively shady and it’s tainting your company’s name too, so you have to scrounge to avoid having to fire half your employees and keep the company alive.
(Model route?) New product launch – hence why models are entering the picture. It’s a new business venture in the sense it’s targeted at a completely new audience your company hasn’t catered to before.
(Personal Trainer route?) Company is in its infancy, hugely risky time, and you’re doing everything you can to ensure it’s a success  (maybe including putting your own salary back into it, which means you can’t afford PT so they agree to work with you as long as you give them business advice)
FROM @han-pan- they keep trying to buy new retail space for the gym and MC keeps buying it instead because it’s SUCH GOOD PROPERTY and they sort of exasperatedly are like ugh fine whatever you owe me since you keep swiping prime spots out from under my nose
See the rest here
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ifleewroteotome · 6 years
#4 - Boss!
Context: Sarcastic, ambitious, slightly aggressive, creative and caffeine-addicted CEO manages her business and falls in love, featuring:
Heroine: Risk-taker, smart enough to hire people to do the things she can’t (or doesn’t want to do), gets sh-- done and done well. Drinks too much coffee and does not know what work-life-balance is.
Barista: Peppy, optimistic, concerned for CEO’s general health and well-being. Chameleon.
PR Lawyer: Not paid nearly enough. Perennially exasperated. All to often CEO’s DD. Responsible.
Chairman of the board: hotshot venture capitalist with an attitude. Super alike to CEO which is why they bang heads a lot. Never smiles--just smirks. A lot.
Flaky model: Hired to promote new product, floating breezily through life like the blessed flower child they are. 
Chef: Grump with a heart of gold, has CEO’s takeout order ready (with extra veggies because girl, vitamins)
Preschool teacher neighbor: Actual hufflepuff, single parent, has the work-life balance stuff figured out.
Personal trainer: Doer of things. Does not judge. 
Supporting cast!: Possibly-evil-but-also-awesome administrative assistant, smarmy parent company vultures, cool-tempered CIO, quick-tempered CFO, ex-beauty pageant marketing employee/ally, ex-girlfriend bartender
The Heroine (MC)
CEO MC: Never gets enough sleep, which makes her sarcastic but is also semi her own fault given the amount of caffeine she consumes. Sort of obsessive about long-term planning, unwaveringly believes that a company’s value comes from its employees and will choose them over shareholder dividends every time. Determined to run an ethical company even if it means it’s not the most profitable company. Super duper Type A – aggressive and fearless because she has to be. Sometimes really just wants a cupcake in her hand and a cat in her lap, but then she’s bored and goes back to business planning. Creative risk-taker, decent negotiator. Smart enough to know where she needs help and hire people who can do the things she can’t (or, more to the point, doesn’t want to do). Gets back up every time. Will definitely fight you. Might feel bad about it later but only if someone reminds her it happened.
Love Interests
The BARISTA: Peppy, optimist (or so MC thinks) but it turns out they actually switch up their personality depending on who they’re serving (sometimes they are the chill, hipster philosopher, sometimes they are the rude New York get-it-done eye roller, etc.) actually somewhere in the middle of it all – but really IS an optimist despite themselves. Kind of slippery and hard to pin down. Big family, used to being what their other siblings/parents need from them. Fairly certain CEO MC is headed for an early heart attack with the amount of espresso she imbibes. Probably an author. Maybe an ex-broadway personjust because. IDK.
The PR LAWYER: Worked-three-jobs-put-self-through-college story. Patience, tact, good at calming people down. Detail oriented, a little fussy about appearances. Perennially exasperated by CEO (Please don’t promise to have a cure for cancer In the next three years with no data to back it up. No, you can’t punch the reporter for being a dick. Look, I know you WANT to donate 100% of proceeds to charity but please pick a friendlier one than ‘punch reporters in the face foundation’ that’s not gonna fly) never gets enough sleep. Has a key to MC’s house so they can come yell at her for making their life difficult at whatever hour of the night she insists on doing so. Is on MC’s speed-dial, which means they also get called to DD, though they’d rather not.
FLAKY MODEL(s?): Trust fund kid? Pretty face? Floats through life? The sort of person who will get on the wrong subway train and then just ride it all day people-watching never mind that they had an appointment six hours ago. Pose with a boa constrictor? Sure, as long as it’s being treated humanely. Tarantula on the face? Awwww, it’s fuzzyyyyy. No filter, no worries. Probably drags CEO MC along on a Caribbean shoot and PR Lawyer has to call and yell because that does not look good, okay? And poor MC is like, I thought we were getting a drink and model is like WE ARE we are getting tropical coconut water from the SOURCE here oh wait I don’t know how to drink out of a coconut…who knows why they are attracted to CEO MC, probably because she’s there and sticks around and no one else does. Human puppy dog.
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: young hotshot venture capitalist, thinks CEO MC is a bleeding heart (your employees do not need that many sick days, lost productivity blah blah blah why do we need a daycare onsite that’s a waste of shareholder money), kind of a math whiz, naturally lucky, doesn’t get along with family (gambling problem in the fam – which manifests in him in investment risks and unresolved issues) butts heads constantly with MC, frequently tries to get her fired – in part because his attempts to do so get her fired up and she does great things, which ultimately is better for the company than when she’s just doing her normal ‘good’ job. She is going to be royally ticked when she figures that out. Manipulative, but relatively benign under it all. The sort of person who smirks instead of smiles. All the time.
CHEF FROM HER FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Also a CEO though on smaller scale, because, running a restaurant IS running a business. Probably under the impression CEO MC is actually like, a graduate student with no money because she tends to get takeout at weird hours. Gruff, grumpy, abrupt, but heart of gold. Basically—will grumble about you coming in late but will add extra veggies to your pasta because you’re looking a little pale and need the nutrients and if you call them on it will snarl that they had to be used up they were going bad and he wasn’t going to waste extra, expensive, PROTEIN on you. (MC asks them out and then realizes the only nice restaurant she knows is the one the chef owns)
PRESCHOOL TEACHER: JUST A DECENTLY NICE PERSON. Checks in to make sure MC has eaten regularly, staying hydrated, needs anything fixed around the house (she can do her own plumbing but doesn’t like the electrical and hey it’s nice to have company). Good with kids. Maybe divorced and wanted them but ex-spouse didn’t? idk. Calm, not easily ruffled, sweet as pie, except when he’s playing video games and suddenly MC understands how he can get through the day without any aggression – he unleashes it on fictional zombies. Blissfully normal, all things considered.
PERSONAL TRAINER: “fine, whatever, EAT THE DANG CHEESE if you’re just going to ignore my nutritional advice we’re doing ten more reps” athletic, happiest when DOING versus saying or reading or sitting. Not as impulsive as you’d guess at first glance, because they tend to use working out as a meditative time to make decisions. Didn’t finish college because they realized they just didn’t enjoy it, but they did enjoy working with student athletes, which is how they got into training. Enviably fit. Wants to expand the gym so wheedles business advice out of MC in exchange for not harassing her about her tendency to drink coffee instead of water (she insists it has water IN it, it should count) not particularly intimidated by her, which is a pleasant change of pace.
Supporting Cast (non LIs)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Keeps MC sane, has her back, schedules everything. Good at details, even better at smiling at angry people and making them not-angry through sheer force of sunny personality (actually a ruse, MC is convinced she’s actually the most delightfully evil person ever, but like some kind of fairy tale where when you acknowledge the thing it goes away, refuses to ever dive into figuring out). Older than the MC because we need to stop making middle aged women invisible in stories?? Sometimes has to remind MC of how much she does by holding silent protests (in part why MC thinks she is secretly a supervillain in the making) which are always, always successful.
PARENT COMPANY ADMIN ASSISTANT: Bane of MC’s existence. Smarmy, smily pain in the tush.
CFO: We have put in an official request with the company credit card management to start declining purchases at that coffee shop you go to, no this is not negotiable, it’s not in the budget anymore drink so darn water woman. Completely willing to go toe-to-toe with MC, meetings often involve a lot of yelling, but they’re always productive and no hard feelings.
CIO: Serpent-y, but not in a bad way. Just a very cool-tempered person, very contained, very guarded, very introverted. Never happy when she has to do presentations, so super willing to share knowledge with MC so she does it instead (she is not a great teacher, kind of judgey and shows her frustration when MC doesn’t ‘get’ it right away, but very brilliant, and there’s no malice in the judgement, just no filter). Extremely logic-oriented and process-oriented over people-oriented. Picks up and assess tech very quickly, and good at finding affordable, fast solutions.
RANDOM MARKETING EMPLOYEE: Set up to be a villain but is actually like gung-ho on MC’s side. Literally an ex pageant queen, went to college on scholarship from it. Out of the workforce for awhile as a stay at home mom when her kids were young, but picks up the new trends fast. Now a single mother, so will literally fight the chairman if he tries to take away the company daycare. Some days uses the ‘people see a pretty face and assume no brain’ to her advantage, some days it wears her out. Unofficially drinking buddy with MC, even though they both feel weird about it given the fact MC is technically boss’s boss’s boss.
BARTENDER: also an ex-girlfriend maybe? Current best friend? Who she turns to when the barista cuts her off from coffee and the chef’s restaurant is already closed. Sharp-tongued, bristly, generally disgusted with MC’s six inch heels and slacks in her leather-jacket, cigar smoke bar. Like lady, you’re lost. Probably on the mob payroll at some point in her life.
(Chairman route?) MERGER – company has just bought another company, which is a major risk move for CEO (can only be one, so do you keep the old one on as a VP? Do you let them go? Will they be bitter/try to sabotage you?) you have to fend off internal sabotage, get everything running smoothly without either company falling apart in the process.  
(PR Lawyer route?) Parent company did something massively shady and it’s tainting your company’s name too, so you have to scrounge to avoid having to fire half your employees and keep the company alive.
(Model route?) New product launch – hence why models are entering the picture. It’s a new business venture in the sense it’s targeted at a completely new audience your company hasn’t catered to before.
(Personal Trainer route?) Company is in its infancy, hugely risky time, and you’re doing everything you can to ensure it’s a success  (maybe including putting your own salary back into it, which means you can’t afford PT so they agree to work with you as long as you give them business advice)
FROM @han-pan- they keep trying to buy new retail space for the gym and MC keeps buying it instead because it’s SUCH GOOD PROPERTY and they sort of exasperatedly are like ugh fine whatever you owe me since you keep swiping prime spots out from under my nose
See the rest here
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isrustandstardust · 4 years
1 - Who was the last person you texted?
A good friend of mine.
2 - When is your birthday?
In October.
3 - Who do you want to be with right now?
A wealthier version of my self.
4 - What sports do you play?
I work out from home atm, soon I’ll be on bike!
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts?
My husband.
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment?
The one I’m making 🤫
7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with?
Someone who knows more about surviving in the wild than I do.
8 - What do you feel right now?
I’m cold. As usual.
9 - What chocolate is your favorite?
White chocolate with raspberries!
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have?
One girlfriend, four boyfriends, one husband.
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account?
I was feeling nostalgic and wanted a safe space for myself.
12 - Who is your favorite blogger?
Hell if I know.
13 - Where do you want to be right now?
At home, I’ve been at the studio all day.
14 - What do you want to be in the future?
15 - When was the last time you cried? Why?
When my mother in law died back in July.
16 - Are you happy?
Pretty much.
17 - Who do you miss?
The devil.
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life?
I would like to change a few things.
19 - What was the best thing you were given?
My intelligence.
20 - Who was the last person who called you?
My friend from Germany.
21 - What is your favorite dish?
Pistachio ice cream and red meat.
22 - Who is your bestfriend?
My soulmate ♥️
23 - What is your biggest regret?
I could have handled a certain ‘relationship’ in a different way.
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner?
Yes, in the past.
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with?
My friends.
26 - Name someone pretty.
I have a crush on Mads Mikkelsen.
27 - Who was the last person you hugged?
My husband.
28 - What kind of music do you listen to?
Metal, Rock, Ambient, Indie, Classic.
29 - Are you over your past?
Not even slightly!
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts?
31 - What kind of person do you want to date?
I’m ok with the one I’m currently with. He’s kind, intelligent and has a good heart.
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night?
Yes, yes I do 😞
33 - From whom was the last text message you received?
It was spam.
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt?
35 - How’s your heart?
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”?
Does Jack count? [Inside joke, sorry.]
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment?
Seems like it.
38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend?
Absolutely nothing, I really do not care one bit about him.
39 - Do you have any phobias?
40 - Did you try to change for a person?
Yes and it ended terribly.
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone?
A choice.
42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship?
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood?
Good mood :)
44 - Name someone you can’t live without.
I can live without anyone.
45 - Describe your dream date.
Dinner in front of a fireplace, a long walk, a kiss.
46 - Describe your dream wedding.
Few friends, no family, no shoes, a lot of music.
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s?
I really do not celebrate Valentine’s.
48 - Have you ever been kissed?
Yes and kissed good.
49 - How long is your longest relationship?
4 years.
50 - Do you regret your past?
No, not at all.
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else?
Doing stupid things is my specialty.
52 - Have you ever cried over someone?
I did. I cried my eyes out and then I cried some more.
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone?
54 - Are you a crybaby?
Not at all, I’m the opposite.
55 - Do people praise you for your looks?
It happens.
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t?
Once. God it was a beautiful mess.
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret?
A lot.
58 - Do you like getting hurt?
It depends on the situation 😏
59 - Does anyone hate you?
A couple of names come to mind but I hope not, for them. It’s a waste of time.
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”?
Yes, I did!
61 - What hair color do you prefer?
Mine, brown and warm.
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it?
My social anxiety.
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment?
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself?
I actually tried. Twice.
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school?
I’m not in school.
66 - Can you live without internet?
Yeah, easily.
67 - What’s the song that remind you of a special someone?
IFHY - Tyler the Creator.
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears?
I’m a pro.
69 - Are you a liar?
No, but I’m good at it when I need it.
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical?
When I was very very young.
71 - Are you a KPOP fan?
No way.
72 - Do you study hard?
Really hard.
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love?
More than once.
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight?
Yes, it was really beautiful.
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat?
Yes, a few times.
76 - Did you have an accident last year?
Nope. Never have.
77 - What kind of person are you?
Introvert, overthinker, creative, morbid and weird.
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone?
More than I’d like to admit.
79 - Have you ever been jealous?
Hell yeah.
80 - How can you prove your love to someone?
You don’t.
81 - What are you thinking right now?
That everyone here at the studio is wearing t-shirts and I’m fucking freezing.
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts?
My hairdresser.
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase?
Quite a few.
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel?
That’s why I stopped talking about me, my past, my feelings.
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone?
When someone deserves it, I do it gladly. But in the end, it’s not badmouthing if you’re telling the truth.
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone?
A million time.
87 - Do you have trust issues?
A lot.
88 - Are you broken-hearted?
No, not anymore.
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”?
My husband.
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it?
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”?
I some way.
92 - Who do you want to marry?
Already tied the knot.
93 - Do you believe in destiny?
94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”?
95 - How do you look right now?
Cute 😆
96 - Do you believe that true love never dies?
In a way I can agree with that.
97 - Have you found your true love?
98 - What should you be doing right now?
Nothing, I’m waiting for a export on Premiere.
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends.
100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough?
Like, all the time.
0 notes
journeywithrenee · 7 years
December 19, 2017
It’s been a long time since I’ve updated! I’ve been working on a memoir of sorts which I may eventually share if I ever finish it haha. This is going to be my last update on this blog so I’m preparing for some long rambling and a maybe a few tears as I type, I’m not sure yet. 
Today, I finished my last day of chemo, hopefully forever. Tomorrow I will have a doctor’s appointment and they will take my picc line out. It’s official and I’m very excited. 
It’s been humbling sharing my experience with everyone. I’ve never felt so encouraged, loved, and blessed with so many people praying for me. God hears prayers and God 100% heard all of yours. This journey was long and short at the same time. I was diagnosed at the beginning of May and here I am, less than a year later, finishing up my treatment. It’s been less than a year but it also feels like a lifetime. I’ve met so many people and heard so many stories along the way and I can now firmly say that I’ve never been more grateful for life. 
That being said, during a large part my treatment I admittedly was not in the right mindset. After the initial shock and worries wore off, there were a lot of struggles. I struggled with emotions and self worth. I struggled with how to love; especially how to love myself. A potent bitterness consistently clawed at me, finding the weakest part of my mind and took residence there. There were a lot of doubts and insecurities that I drowned in for a better part of my phases.
I’ve touched upon this, even before I got diagnosed with leukemia, but I’ve struggled with self worth for almost my entire life. I looked to others for affirmation of identity and every time (obviously) it would fail me. I pinpoint everything I shouldn’t have done, everything I’ve said wrong, and every embarrassing memory until it’s so overwhelming that I’m paralyzed with self loathing disgust. After getting diagnosed with APL and having gone through the motions for a while the abhorrence really hit hard. 
I stressed a lot about how to define cancer in my life. As I went through treatment I met a lot of people along the way who have battled so fiercely with their disease. They’ve suffered greatly yet their positivity shines despite their hardships. Looking at them made me feel ashamed that I was making such a big deal about having APL. As many of you know, APL has a very high cure rate and the treatment for it is not very strong. Someone told me that it’s not even really “chemo”; it’s that weak. I barely experienced any side effects and even if my blood counts were low, once upon a time, there are fellow leukemia patients with even lower. Now that treatment is done and my leukemia is gone, how can I even tell people that I had cancer? I felt like a huge embarrassment, getting a type of cancer that is just time consuming and  money wasting. 
I also battled a lot with the value I put into friendships. I put friendship on such a high pedestal that I constantly let myself down with my expectations. The utter loneliness I felt consumed me and I kept bottling it in, feeling unable to share how I felt because no one would want to put up with all my problems. I complained a lot about trivial things when I shouldn’t have and eventually I realized that I felt like such a burden. I felt irrelevant and unwanted and those thoughts hurt me greatly. 
In such a state, I looked upon my life and saw nothing. I saw emptiness and failure; I lost the will to fight for anything. I struggled with some serious thoughts and emotions as I was trying to dig myself out of a bottomless pit. 
How silly of me. I pushed aside the only person that could help me because I lost sight of His omnipotence, mercy and unfailing love. I fought so hard with myself that I failed to remember where I should put my worth in.  Even if everyone else fails me, even if I fail myself, God will never fail me. God loves me so much, even if I don’t love myself. He never left me. He will never leave me. No matter how wrong I am, no matter how far I’ve wandered HE STILL CARES. 
My internal conflicts did not disappear overnight. It is still very much present and prominent. However, God constantly reminds me that He is still here. He is a solid rock and I can always depend on Him, no matter how impossible I think it may be. I am human. He is almighty. There is no comparison. Everything about Him is infinitely greater than everything about me and I am SO ok with that. 
About my story, I don’t want to hide it. No matter how insignificant I thought it was, it happened to me for a reason and I want to share. I want to let people know about God’s goodness, grace and mercy. I could’ve gone through all sorts of difficulties but I didn’t because of those things. I shouldn’t feel pity that I didn’t have “enough struggles” to make my story “more compelling”. I should praise Him for all the wonderful things He has done for me and for all the amazing people He’s put in my life. 
There are so many more things that I could say but I will refrain because this post is long enough as it is. Today I celebrate. One chapter of my life is complete and whilst I am still coming to terms with the aftermath of it, I am genuinely grateful. I am very blessed and very fortunate that I was given a second chance at life. 
Today, I said my final goodbyes to the nurses that helped me out so much during my treatment phases. They didn’t just treat me as a patient, they treated me as a friend. They were all so genuinely excited for me, they literally counted down the days I had left of my last phase with me haha. I was asked may times if I would ring “the bell” on my last day of treatment. There’s a tradition for outpatients who finish treatment to ring the “victory bell” (I think that’s what it’s called?). I’m so introverted and shy that I was very reluctantly to do so but my nurses managed to convince me. They all followed me (out of my treatment pod to the other side of the floor!) and cheered as I rang the surprisingly loud bell (Seriously. It was loud.) I hold a lot of bittersweet memories in the hospital but right now I feel so incredibly happy and relieved. Although I still have to take my chemo pills until the 31st, I’d like to say that I’m done and I’m incredibly thankful. 
This Christmas season is a time of quietness and healing for me. I will join in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and I will learn more about humility. Jesus is the ultimate example and I yearn to follow Him; to be a light in the darkness. 
In the future, I will be going to school again and hopefully I will start working soon after. It will take some time and some getting used to but I am looking forward to it. A new year is coming and I will embrace whatever is given to me. 
Everyone, thank you again for everything you have done for me. Thank you for journeying with me, praying for me, and sending me all your love. I realize I may not have fully understood the magnitude of support I’ve received in the past months but I want you to know that I really REALLY appreciate it. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:6-7 (NLT)
Also, here’s a picture of me being surprised at how loud the bell was:
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Survey #106
gonna start making the surveys i compile a tad bit shorter.
Does your mom have nice hair? I guess? Do you prefer really cold water (to drink)? Yes, I'd prefer to not drink warm water. But that's true with any drink. Kiss with your eyes open or closed? Doing that with your eyes open would creep me out. Can you keep a secret? I have literally never told a secret before. Because I respect people trusting me enough to tell me about such things. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? Meet my best friend and crush ya'll lmao. Has anyone ever told you they couldn’t trust you? I don't think so. Who in your family has the prettiest eyes? Probably my brother. Are you an aggressive driver? Or more passive-aggressive? When I drove, I was far too passive to be safe. Too skittish. What would you consider an unacceptable first date? Uhhh idk. Probably going to his/her house and being home alone with the person. I'd be scared. Would you rather help others, or just help yourself? Help others. Are you the kind of person that’s afraid to cry in public? I don't know anyone who isn't. It's embarrassing. Have you ever been rejected by someone you really liked? More like loved. Have you ever used fake tan? No. Have you ever had a panic attack? Probably around 100 times. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yes, because they’re often better than “grown-up” movies. <<< This. Who is one person you wish you would have never met? Rachel. She had no form of positive impact on my life. What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? A lemonade daiquiri, but drinking it was actually an accident. x_x What’s your favorite type of milk? If chocolate milk doesn't count, 2%. Are you laid-back? No, I'm constantly anxious. When at home with nothing to do, do you wear socks? I wear socks as little as I possibly can because I hate them. Is your bed actually a bed? Yeah. Do you prefer other sleeping arrangements rather than the usual bed? Why? No, I prefer a bed. Comfier than pretty much anything else. How often do you shower?  Every other day unless I feel dirty for whatever reason. If you were given a plane ticket for free right now to Florida, what part would you go to/what would you do? Orlando for Disney World, obviously. When you get upset, do you prefer to go to friends for support or to be left alone? Do you wallow or do you continue on with life? It reeeaally depends. Would you rather have the ability to speed up time, freeze time, or go back in time? Probably none, honestly... Have you ever had a teacher you got really close with? Many. What chain restaurant (Applebees, Ruby Tuesdays, Outback, etc..) is your favorite? Olive Garden omf Can you actually picture yourself getting married/having kids, or is that something that seems too distant in the future to imagine? I can see myself married, but not with kids. Ever. Would you rather eat all day or exercise all day? Uhhh neither? Eating all day would fuck someone up, and God knows I don't have the endurance to exercise all day, I legitimately would pass out. Do you write? Daily. Have you ever gone to see a movie past 9:00 PM? Pretty sure I did with "Silent Hill: Revelation." Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other? Hold hands. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? Personality. A pretty face doesn't mean they've got a pretty personality whatsoever. How is/was your chemistry class in high school? Actually, I never took it. There was an alternative option called physical science. Would you rather eat rice or bread? Depends on the type of rice or bread, but let's just say it's my favorite bread (pumpernickel) versus my favorite rice (pork fried). I'd go with pumpernickel any day of the week. Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? Not since I was very little with my younger sister. I wouldn't do it as an adult because it's both impractical and claustrophobic, and not to mention it's my personal time to get clean and such. Are you hard to please?
 No. When are you at your happiest?
 Hm, I dunno. Do you have a waste basket in your car? We have a bag. Have you ever told a friend you thought their parent was hot? God no, even if I did, I wouldn't tell them. Awkward. Have your parents asked you to explain a term and you lied because it was inappropriate? No. If I didn't want to explain the term, I'd just tell them to look it up. Do your parents know you have a Tumblr account? No, but it's not like I'd hide it if they asked. Is there anyone you wish you could apologize to? Who? Maybe... no one's coming to mind now. Typically, do you like being asked a lot of questions? Strictly depends on the questions. Do you put up with more in friendships than in relationships? Yes. I'm way more picky with an s/o. Do you feel better sleeping alone, or with someone else? Alone. When I was with Jason I was sometimes happier sleeping with him, but in general, I find sleeping alone more comfortable. Do you enjoy applying make up, if you wear it? God no, hence why I wear it less than once in a blue moon. Do physical exams make you uncomfortable? Holy fuck yes, don't touch me. Do you like ketchup or mustard better with your corn dogs? I haven't had a corn dog in YEARS. I probably wouldn't put anything on one. Do you like peas? NO. Apparently I loved them as a baby, though. Don't know what the hell happened. Have you ever kissed under water? I think I have? Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you say? Don, yes.  Any other, no. Have you ever swam while it was raining? Yeah, no harm in that when you're already in water. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older? THEN WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT SO LOOOONG Is your hair a lot different from when you were little? Not really, other than the fact I had bangs as a kid. Have you ever gotten stung by a stingray or a jellyfish? No. Do you know how to do laundry? This is extremely embarrassing, but no. My mom has always done all our laundry together and likes to do it herself. But I still need to learn for obvious reasons. When you wash your hands, do you use the cold or hot tap (faucet)? Hot, but our water heats up slow, so. If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re currently not!), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date? I'm bi, so. What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it? I fell onto the road while running and skinned the actual fuck out of both knees, especially my right. Like to the point there was pus. What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched? Probably just a reticulated python (pretty sure that's what it was, maybe I'm wrong...). Not all that strange, but. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Describe it in detail. It involved my dad and no, I'm not describing it. Put these in order of your favorite movie genre to least: Horror, action, thriller, adventure, superhero, romance, drama, comedy, musical and dance? Horror, comedy, superhero, adventure, romance, thriller, action, drama, musical and dance. If you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would you choose and why? Smell, as I think that would affect your life the least. Name all the drugs you have tried: None that weren't prescribed. Name all of the alcoholic beverages you have tried: Only daiquiris and margaritas. Name all the drugs you’d never do: I'd never do any. What is the most alcohol you’ve drank in a night? Four daiquiris on New Year's and it did almost nothing. @_@ I handle alcohol extremely well. I should probably add though that I wasn't drinking with the intent to get drunk, I just drink drinks in general a lot. I'm always thirsty. What do you order from McDonald’s? It alternates between McDoubles and chicken nuggets with usually a small but occasionally medium fry. What do you order from Burger King? I don't like BK. What do you order from Wendy’s? A Baconator like a fatass cries. What do you order from Sonic? A hot dog. I tried a bacon cheeseburger there recently tho and I liked it, so I might get that sometimes. What do you order from Taco Bell?  The only two things I like there are the chicken and cheese quesadillas and fiesta potatos. I hate Mexican food. How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend/girlfriend out for a drink?
 I'm single.  I broke up with my ex just today because I'm just too scared of men.  It had been almost four months and I was coming no closer to him than I was as his friend.  I didn't feel safe opening up to him.  It's going to take me a while to be comfortable romantically around a man again.  Another reason I broke up with him is because I realized I have a crush on my best friend. Any idea what you want for your next birthday?
 A bearded dragon. Name some models you think are hot: I don't know of any models. Not my thing. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress?
 No, considering I'm not even somewhat revealing. Where did you lose your virginity, if you have? I haven't. What are your views on getting rid of the penny? Don't care. Have you ever kissed someone underneath mistletoe? Maybe, but I don't think so. Do you have a weak stomach?
 Nope. Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer?
 Three people that I know in my family have had cancer. I think I know one other, but probably more, realistically. Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No, but really, I prolly shoulda the night my friend was so wasted she called her husband to ask if she could get high (her sister's fuckboy was brazen enough to bring his weed to her house) despite her being against drugs. I went the fuck to bed because I was exhausted and had to leave the next morning at 6 AM. @_@ Which website do you spend the most time on?
 YouTube Do you read fanfiction? If so, what fandoms?
 Believe this shit or not, no. It's usually waaaaaay too smutty. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
 If it gives you any idea, you know the popular site where you can take the personality type quiz? I am almost entirely on the introvert spectrum lol. Do you like meatball subs? Nope. Like I'll eat one if it's the only choice, but I don't enjoy them. If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? I only ever call them by their names. Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Both. I support most being inside, but larger breeds should be outside so they can get rid of all that energy. Obviously bring them in in unfavorable weather, though. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? NOPE. Scariest driver you’ve ridden with: One of the scariest experiences in my entire life was this time Dad had to pick me and Nicole up from middle school, or maybe I'd just gotten into high school. He was in an awful mood so went WAY over the speed limit, ran red lights, and passed illegally. It was absolutely terrifying. And mind you, the ride home normally took about 25 minutes. Do you know anybody who is afraid of clowns? Lots of people. Do you listen to ASMR? No. The ones with people whispering make me super uncomfortable. Rain storms or a light drizzle? STORMS What snacks do you usually get at the theater? Please, I bring my own shit. Sometimes buy popcorn tho. What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition? UGH "Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs." It's my third-favorite game of all time, but it's pretty criticized for not being what people expected. Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb? No, too much maintenance. Thoughts on freckles? They can be super cute. What band do you never get tired of listening to? Ozzy<3 Like I'm not constantly in the mood for him, but if I listen to a song, I always enjoy it. Do you have anything that belongs to an ex? Yep. Do you put marshmallows in your hot chocolate? No. Does it bother you when dogs lick you? Not usually. What is the best thing you can draw? I think I'm best at meerkats. Are you good at wrapping presents? NOPE I AM THE WORST. Do you put your hair up when you cook? I don't cook. Do you prefer Mountain Dew or Sprite? I don't like Sprite, so. Have you ever encountered a ghost?  I feel that I have. Does anybody in your contacts have a heart after their name?  No. Who was the villain in the last superhero movie you watched?  Hmmm... it has been a LONG time since I've watched a superhero movie.  I actually enjoy superhero movies, I just don't see them much. Does your phone have hole for charms? No cries. I have a Pyramid Head phone charm and I wANNA USE IT DAMMIT Who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over an hour?  I don't even think we've ever talked that long, but the closest and most recent would probably be Colleen.  I never talk on the phone long. Ditched school to do something more fun? No. Do you take compliments well? I appreciate them immensely and even the smallest one will literally brighten my day, but I get very shy about it, especially if you say it to my face. Has a boy/girl ever called you babe/baby? Yup, fucking hated it. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? Yes.  It gives me a headache.  I also don't fancy cancer. Have you ever kissed on a boat? No. Do you have to check in with your parents before you go some place?  No, but I'll let my Mom know. Would you rather have big or small dogs? I like bigger dogs because they act like they're so smol and are usually babies at heart. Do you trust all of your friends?  No. Are you afraid of falling in love? FUCK YES I AM Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?  Yes, but I don't believe he meant it, honestly.  I feel he was just trying to appease me. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest/fastest for? Nope, which is for the better. Jim Carrey movie or Adam Sandler movie? Jim Carrey, but I can enjoy both. Favorite music genre?  Heavy metal. Do you like your body?  I enjoy how resilient it is, particularly as far as bone strength and my immune system, but I don't like it in general at all. Zombies or vampires? Vamps. Do you like mood rings?  I don't believe they work. How many stories does your mall have?  One.  It's an awful mall both in stores and things that happen there. New York City or Paris? I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy Paris more. Ever been skydiving?  If no, would you want to? No and no.  I'm scared of heights and the idea of the parachute failing is just... no.  The idea is thrilling though. Do you order your burgers with only ketchup? No, they also have mustard. Skirts or jeans? I wouldn't wear one, but skirts are super cute. What is your worst relationship quality?  I think the fact I'm very distrustful and need a lot of personal space are tied. Are you a fan of cake?  I don't always enjoy the frosting, but I love cake itself. Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school?  No, I was essentially the teacher's pet ha ha.  Didn't try to be, but. Are you a very affectionate person? Verbally, very, almost not at all physically. What is something that makes you very squeamish?  Vomit. Do you have any godchildren? AHHHHHH!  I have one coming in May!! Ever had to take a sobriety test?  No. If your old class was to have a reunion, would you attend it?  No. Have you ever abused an animal?  Holy fuck no. Have you ever been homeless? Technically, yes, but I lived with my best friend for a month. Did the last book you read have a good ending?  No.  Well, no as in what happened, but good as in I liked it. Did the last book you read have a character in it that made you mad?  She doesn't make me mad, but I hate Jaina. Do you like the color orange?  Yeah. Would you ever drive an orange car?  Actually, I've known for a long time that if I ever do have a car, I'd prefer a burnt orange one. Do you own a fall wreath? Yeah. What event did you last dress up for? Who went to that event? Uhhh probably Ashley's wedding, so over a year ago.  And plenty of people. What is the last illegal thing you did, even the smallest crime? Rode in a car with my friend while she smoked weed because I was too nervous to tell her I didn't want to go with her.  I was terrified. Beard or moustache? I don't particularly have an opinion on either, but I'm more likely to like a beard. Have you ever witnessed a birth?  I've seen cats give birth many times, and while I'm honestly terrified to because personally I find birth more disgusting than miraculous, I really do want to be in the room with Colleen when she has her baby.  I mean c'mon, she's my best friend, and I'm also going to be his/her godmother.  I want to be there. Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed?  My room.  But that's no different than any other time. Would you like to be able to read thoughts?  Not really, no. Have you ever been on a farm?  Yes.  Ashley had a friend who lives on one. Do you have freckles?  No. What is the temperature currently in the town you live in?  According to my phone, 60.  So glad fall's here, and the middle of the night. Have you ever made out on a couch?  Yeah. What are you doing on Halloween?  I don't know, but I hope I do something. Do you own any Sims games? Which ones?  I own most of the animal ones.  I used to looove them. Do you know anyone who still doesn’t have a smartphone?  My mom.  She legit has an ObamaPhone because we're poor. What is your favorite kind of fruit juice?  Mango and peach mix. Do you acknowledge your feelings or ignore them? I've always acknowledged them. If you have kids, do you pack lunches or send lunch money?  I don't have kids, but if I did, I'd pack lunch for them if they didn't like what was being served that day. Do you have any cousins that you’re jealous of? Why?  Robby and Audrey, yes.  They're both veeery ambitious, smart, talented, and on paths to great success. Do you hate your last name? Do you want to get married so you can change it?  I actually don't like my last name, but I don't want to get married just to change it, that's ridiculous. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Why did you break up?  Aaron, and I realized it was merely platonic attraction. Is green your favorite color?  I actually don't like green unless it's pastel or mint, and even then, I'm not big on it. Have you ever fallen asleep laying on your boyfriend/girlfriend?  One ex, yes. What was the last vacation you went on?  The beach with Colleen and her husband last May. Describe your best friend’s hair. Colleen's is short, somewhat curly towards the end, and light brown right now, and Sara's is long and brown. In school, what subjects did you achieve your highest grades in? English Which of the seven deadly sins are you most guilty of? Quite easily sloth. Do you have very strong opinions?  Usually, yes.  Sometimes I'm totally ambivalent, occasionally on important issues, which honestly bothers me, but I just.  Can't always pick a side. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Have you ever had to give a pet away?  Our neighbors called animal control once because they complained about our cats wandering into their yard.  The bullshit thing is they never actually confronted us about it, they just called them and they were all taken.  I fucking sobbed, especially because this included Aphrodite, one of my favorite cats we've ever had. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire?  Yes, hot dogs.  They taste amazing like that. Is anybody in your family disabled? I don't think so. If you have Facebook, how many friends do you have on there? I checked, 116. Have you ever worn a corset?  No but I totally would if I was smaller because they're fucking hot. What is your favorite pair of earrings? I have these really pretty, hanging earrings that are circular-shaped, the outside being made of black gems and then three chains hanging down inside of it, the center of each having a little black bow.  They're super cute; I wore them to I think both of my proms. Do you have health insurance?  We're in the process of trying to get it. When was the last time you cleaned your ears via QTip?  It's been like a month because I was instructed not to after I got my ears cleaned after wax being literally adhered to my eardrums because I used q-tips so frequently; it pushed it back too far.  My mom now uses some kind of tool to clean my ears for me because my ears have always produced waaay too much wax and I don't want to not clean them. Ever lived through a natural disaster?  Yes, hurricanes. How many tattoos do you want?  Oh my gosh, so many.  I want my arms and shoulders essentially covered, I know I want one on the top of my right hand, there's one I want on my hip, I might get one on my foot...  I don't think I'll get any on my legs, though.  There's few I like that look good there imo. Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon? I totally wanna see "Happy Death Day."  It looks pretty creepy. Which of “greasy, salty, bitter, sweet, spicy, bland” do you react most strongly against? Bitter. When you’re completely exhausted, do you prefer to be around people or not?  God, no.  I get irritable. Rank Oceans, Forests, Tundra, Deserts, Mountains, Prairies, Lakes with whatever comparator you like. Mountains, deserts, tundras, forests, lakes, prairies, oceans. Abolish human-caused death, or disease-caused death?  Hmmm.  I think... disease-caused?  You can't change diseases, you can educate people.  Now, that obviously hasn't worked on many people, but I feel it would be more beneficial. Is it better for things in general to err on the side of too simple, or too complex? Too simple. Do you have any phobias?  Pregnancy and childbirth, VOMIT, whale sharks, situationally claustrophobic, mildly afraid of dolls, mannequins, and animatronics.  Probably others I'm forgetting. Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret?  Kinda. Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”?  Eh, I think so. Do you pop your bones or crack your knuckles? Ugh no, the sound is disgusting. Would you rather have an owl or a snake? God, why not both?  But I think an owl would be more interesting. Are you a mean drunk? I've never been drunk, but any time I've been tipsy, I've just been giddy. Have you had any major tragedies in your life? The biggest was the breakup; that was absolutely a tragedy.  The almost total loss of sanity that followed that was also one. Name the last 10 people in your Facebook inbox. 1.) Don, 2.) Colleen's father-in-law, 3.) Summer, 4.) Colleen, 5.) Sammy, 6.) Miss Tobey, 7.) Everett, 8.) Morgan, 9.) Kieley, 10.) Nicole When was the last time you saw 4?  Last weekend, I think it was. Has 2 ever made you cry?  No. Where did you meet 3?  Pretty sure when Nicole was in kindergarten.  True story, it was them who started out as friends, then me and her shifted into being closer. What’s the age difference between yourself and 6?  At least 30 years.  She's a family friend. How old is 2? I don't know. Have you ever slept in the same bed as 5?  No, we've never even met. Is 4 attractive?  She's beautiful. Does 3 care about you?  Well considering she cried and reminded me how loved I was when she got me to talk about my suicide attempt, I'd think so.  She's a sweetheart. Have you ever kissed 10?  No. How long have you known 6? Since my senior years of high school. Is 9 younger than you? No. What if you had a one night stand with 8? Nope. What’s the first letter of 7’s last name? H Have you ever met 5’s parents?  No. What if 3 told you that he/she liked your ex? She dated Tyler briefly, but she can't stand him anymore.  She agreed he got attached far too easily.  She brought him up at the party. 1 is coming to your house for dinner, what will you cook for him/her? I don't cook. Has 9 ever cried in front of you?  I think she might've teared up while talking to me in Skype once, I'm not sure. Describe your relationship with 2. I don't really have a relationship with him, and I can't pinpoint why, but he actually mildly creeps me out.  I don't have a reason, he just does. When was the last time you saw 10? Earlier. What’s 5’s favorite food? I think pizza? Do you know 3’s middle name?  Rae Does 6 have long or short hair? Long. Have you ever held hands with 1?  Yeah. Does 8 have any piercings or tattoos? I think she has her ears pierced, don't know about tats. If 3 never spoke to you again, how would you feel? That would suck. Have you ever felt jealous of 4?  Envious, yes. Which of these 10 people would you say you’re closest to? Colleen. Do you listen to music simply for the melody or for the lyrics?  Mostly melody.  I can listen to songs with horrible and/or offensive lyrics and still enjoy the song for the melody. What is the most visited website on your Internet window?  YouTube. How many windows are in the room you’re in, if there are any? Two. Do you always voice your opinion to random people? NOPE Would you ever consider yourself over-dramatic?  I can be.  Used to be way worse, though. Do you like to sing? Do you personally think you have a good singing voice?  No and no.  Even most of the closest people in my life haven't heard me sing What is one word you could never properly pronounce?  People will ALWAYS point out how I say "breakfast."  I don't know why, but I always put a "t" sound after the "k."  I literally can't say it right. ;-; Three of your favorite movies in the world: My first two are Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" and "White Chicks," but I don't have a set third one.  Maybe "Troy?"  I need to watch that again, I love it. Do you ever get paranoid about who your significant other hangs out with? I'm single. Which one of your guy friends is the best looking?  Probs Kyle.  We don't really talk anymore after high school, but I still consider him a friend. Which one of your friends is the most brutally honest?  Colleen. Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player? Ozzy Osbourne.  Metallica comes close. What color is your shower curtain? White. Do you like screamo music?  No.  I want to be able to hear words. What song are you listening to, if any?  I am like??  Obsessed with "Cool Patrol" by NSP??  It is so catchy and the music video is like aesthetic as fuck?? Do you like the color purple?  Yes, especially pastel shades. Do you have a sensitive gag reflex?  You would not fucking believe it.  I can barely brush my tongue.  If it gives you an idea, dentists have to use those things that go in your cheek when doing x-rays meant for children versus adults. Have you ever had an online argument?  I have been socially active on the Internet since I was nine.  Take a guess. Are you at risk for any medical issues?  Quite a few.  Cancer might run in our family, diabetes does, and I found out very recently that I have inactive MRSA, which could become active. Would you try to be a hero in a hostage situation? I'd probably be too terrified to. What flavor [in general] is your favorite?  Strawberry Have you ever lied about your sexual past?  No. Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex? I apparently have a thing for dark hair. Have you ever stayed up very late talking to the person you like[d]?  Yeah. Have your parents ever not approved of someone? You mean of someone I dated?  Mom never liked Juan, but we weren't even together for a day, so he doesn't even really count. Have you ever snuggled with someone you weren’t dating?  No. What is your best friend’s mom’s name?  Cindy and Donna. Who is you BEST friend ever's name?  I think the person I've ever been closest to was Megan, but considering most of what I knew about her was a lie, y'know.  Maybe Mini, then. What is your favorite Hostess/Little Debbie snack?  Omg Twnkies.  True story, Mom's nickname for me has been "Twinkie" since childhood (I know, embarrassing, right), so I guess it's fate lol. Do you/your family buy loaf from the bakery or bagged on the shelf? Bagged. White, wheat or other?  My favorite's pumpernickel, but of those, wheat. Do you embarrass easily?  Almost everything embarrasses me, holy shit. Are you afraid of heights? Yes.  Not horribly, but still afraid. What’s the best thing about being your gender?  I dunno. And the worst thing?  Menstruation is some bullshit. What’s one subject that makes you feel uncomfortable?  As far as talking about?  I can get uncomfortable with sexual stuff.  Not always, really just depends on who I'm with and the subject. When does your driver’s license expire? I don't have a license, but my permit expires in December. Do you like pulp in your orange juice? NONONONONONONONO I CAN'T DRINK IT NO If you could donate to any charity, which would it be?  There's one that focuses entirely on suicide prevention, can't remember the name, but totally that one. What’s one old school Nickelodeon show you wish was still on? Stealing the last person's answer, "Drake and Josh."  I loved that shit. Does it make you uncomfortable when your parents talk about finding people attractive? If your parents don’t make comments like that, what sort of things can your family members say that do make you feel uncomfortable?  No. Are there any subjects that you are interested in so much that you would read whole books or academic journals about them?  No. Can you write in cursive?  My handwriting is mostly cursive. Where do you like to sit in the movie theater? Pretty near the back and in the middle of the row. Would you rather live in Oz, Neverland, Wonderland, or Middle Earth? Wonderland! Don’t you just love it when guys sing to you? If it's directly at me, I'd feel super awkward.  Like how would I react. Ever taken dance lessons? For a good number of years. What is your favorite kind of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you play the saxophone?  No, but I actually wish I'd played that instead of flute in high school. What kind of camera do you have?  Nikon D3200 Who is your favorite superhero?  I don't have any strong opinions on superheroes, but I guess Batman. Who is your favorite supervillain?  She's really a sidekick, but whatever.  Harley Quinn's a beb. What is your dream job?  Meerkat biologist.  I don't pursue it mainly because I don't want to move out of the country. What’s your favorite TV show of all time?  "Meerkat Manor." What do you want for Christmas?  This year I'm legitimately only asking for one thing, and that's a tattoo.  I don't know much about pricing tats, but I'm going to guess it'll be around $150.  As I get older, the less things I really want, and there truly isn't many other things I'm like dying to get, and I don't like my parents buying me too much shit anyway.
3 notes · View notes
meepface · 7 years
1. What’s one thing you would like to change about yourself?
that i constantly feel incapable and stupid, it holds me back from doing anything
2. Are you religious? If yes, what is your religion?
i am not religious, i do believe in there being some sort of higher power but i don’t know what so i just try to live a loving life and be good to everyone and not judge others and to give as much as i can and i’ll just see what happens when my time comes lmao
3. What was the best phase in your life? What was the worst phase in your life?
the year after i graduated high school was one of the best years of my life. i grew so much as a person that year and my confidence grew and i was so happy. i think i am currently going through one of the worst periods of my life however because i can see myself devolving back into the anxious, sad high schooler i was and my confidence decreasing and i think it’s because i have a lot of family stuff going on and because i allowed myself to be so surrounded in negativity for so long. i feel like i am trying to break out of that right now but it’s extremely hard
4. Are you the person you thought you’d be when you were little?
no, i thought i’d be more social in college, i thought i’d have moved out, i thought i’d be straight, i thought i’d be happier. at some points when i was little i thought i wouldn’t even have gone to college. i don’t know, some of these things i wish i was and some of these things i’m glad are different (aka i’m real glad i’m not straight lol)
5. Who is one person you would talk to about anything?
Caitlin, my brother, my mom, my friend Stein and my friend Joe
6. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
7. Have you every had your heart broken? Have you ever broken someone else’s heart?
yes and yes, both of them sucked. i never wanted to hurt anyone but i couldn’t help how i was feeling and i couldn’t lie and i wish it didn’t have to end like that but i wish them the best with their life regardless
8. Do you believe in second chances?
depends on what they did
9. What is one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
oh everyone assumes i’m straight, also everyone thinks i’m shy but i’m just introverted, two different things
10. What is your biggest regret in life?
honestly i’m living it right now lmao but having not worked towards moving out in college sooner
11. What things are standing between you and complete happiness?
fear of change
12. If you lost everything important to you tomorrow, whose arms would you run to in order to make everything okay again?
probably either my mom, Caitlin, or my friend Stein, depending
13. Does the most important person in your life know how much they mean to you?
14. If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say to everybody?
try to put yourselves in other people’s shoes for a minute before you immediately judge them and spout hurtful things about them. think about how you would like to be treated
15. If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you spend today doing?
i’d try to see everyone i love in one day, i’d especially try to see my grandma and take her out to lunch. i’d tell everyone how much i love them but i would not tell anyone that i knew i was going to die the next day. i’d just try to make my last day special and i’d try to make sure everyone knew they are loved. i want to live like that more because you really never know if you’re going to lose someone the next day and you should rethink any issues you’re having with them or any way you’re treating them and try to decide if it’s really that important in the long run
16. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
a big ol sensitive bitch
17. What opportunities have you not taken that you regretted not taking?
study abroad opportunities, joining a club last year, spending the summer working so i could’ve moved out this fall
18. What would you do differently if you knew that no one would judge you?
i’d be more open about my sexuality lmao i’m already pretty open about it but there’s some people i feel like i can’t even say the word “gay” around without feeling awkward
19. If you could ask one person a single question and they had to answer 100% truthfully, who would you ask and what would you ask them?
lmao...i am going to skip this one 
20. If you could start your life over, what would you do differently?
stop letting my belief that i am “incapable” and “slow” and “dumb” hold me back from going out and doing things, i would have started therapy much sooner, i would have spoken up for myself more and distanced sooner from a few select people, i would have been a little more carefree in high school, i would have experimented w my sexuality much sooner
21. Are you currently holding on to something that you need to let go of? If yes, what’s stopping you from letting go?
yes, fear probably
22. Are you living or just existing? How do you know?
just existing right now, i feel so distant from everything and so dissociative all the time and i know i hate everything about my current life situation but i keep putting myself through it and giving up on fighting for myself and i hate it but i feel hopeless lol anyway
23. What was the last thing you did that was really worth remembering?
i made friends in my spanish class!!! i also officially changed my major to Psychology and found out i can probably graduate a whole semester early!!!
24. What do you want most out of life?
to be happy and to be honest with myself when i tell myself i’m happy in my current situation, and to be doing everything i can to fix it if i’m not
25. If you had one year left to live, what would you want to do in the next 12 months?
i’d take all my best friends on a road trip, i’d go out of the country and maybe visit my family in Denmark, i’d spend sooo much more time with my family and my grandma, i’d take Caitlin on a trip if she wanted to go on one with me, i’d volunteer more
26. If you could get one wish to come true, what would that wish be?
to maybe actually understand my worth lmao???
27. When you think of home, what comes to mind?
people i love who don’t judge me and care about my well-being all around me
28. What scares you the most?
settling for less than i deserve because i’m too scared to fight or what would make me happy
29. What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
talking to people/understanding people/making people feel important and included/empathizing with people, my greatest weakness is not taking care of myself in the way i always take care of others and allowing people to walk all over me or take advantage of my kindness
30. What did life teach you yesterday?
i don’t really want to answer this
31. What have you done in the past week to make someone’s life better?
i was there for a few friends who needed someone to talk to, i helped this guy who was sorta douchey but overall a nice guy get some food and charge his phone so he could get a ride to go home, i talked my mom through some stuff she was going through, i talked to my dad a bunch about a song he wrote and encouraged him on it when he was feeling insecure about it and now his song’s getting added to his band’s CD !!!
32. What makes you special?
i’m good to people no matter how they treat me i always try to treat them the best that i can. i give everyone a chance and i do not judge and i’m a good listener
33. What was a time that you did not speak but you should have?
well i wish i’d been able to go to the Women’s March here in my city because it’s important to me to be involved in things that you care about. i was afraid to show up there alone and i had work in the evening anyway so i couldn’t have stayed the whole time so i chose not to go but i wish i hadn’t
34. Describe what you want the next five years of you life to be like in a single sentence.
to have done the things i keep talking about doing but i never do
35. If you knew when and where and how you were going to die, would you life be better or worse?
that’s a tough one, i want to say worse but if i knew how many days i had left i’d probably live them to the fullest more
36. What would life look like for you if you never wasted another minute of it?
i’d be sooo much happier
37. Do you consider yourself to be the hero or the villain of you story?
right now the villain, usually not though
38. How much do you love yourself?
i love myself a lot and even when i’m down on myself i know i am a good person and i deserve good things. i have really worked on learning that this last year
39. What or who have you given up on?
i don’t think i’ve given up on anything recently
40. Who are you really? Deep down, who are you really?
a big ol gay
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yuseirra · 8 years
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Hey there! I’m happy to tell you that THERE ARE COUNTLESS SAIAKA/SAIEDE MOMENTS IN THE GAME!!// Although I think it’s usually saihara>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<akamatsu in the main game(and we all know the reason why right: Hint: what happens in chapter 1) 
in the omake mode kaede invites shuuichi to her piano concert and she gives him a ticket, he says he would love to see kaede play the piano and she says wait you’re coming to see me, not just to listen to the piano? and blushes and he says yes? Is that strange? I would also like to listen to you play too.. he also asks what’d be right to wear are school uniforms okay and shes says yes anyway she ends with saying there are lots of songs I want to play to you saihara-kun they’re just really cute and pure aren’t they dating??? I think they are?? isn’t that something like a date??
Also she keeps telling him she’d like to show him to her family?? in the bonus modes in the game I found that adorable.. they’re really happy when they’re talking together there Ahh there’s also the love hotel bit and their one is super pure.. that one is about the only (romantic) one where saihara is actively engaging, he leads in the end.. in the other ones he’s relatively just going along with the flow
In the main game there’s chapter 1 for sure. They stick around together and there are so many cute moments where kaede makes the guy blush. He kind of reacts and blushes around her every single time whenever there’s a chance to;; Chapter 1 throws in a whole ton of cute situations between them. For example, there are many saiaka fanarts being drawn about this one part in ch.1 where they’re investigating the school together, and kaede finds an adult video in the shelves by mistake.. she freaks out and saihara comes right to her and asks if she’s found something important, and she freaks out even more: This moment right here. Um.. I’ll add really broad translations for it from memory (pardon me if it’s not 100% accurate!) 
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..what kind of film is that?
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..what’s wrong? Did you find something?
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I, I said, this is really nothing to be concerned of!
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The reactions that you’re showing...
But mustn’t that mean you’ve seen something important from it !?
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S, Stop, wait! D, don’t come any closer-!
(after finding what the video’s contents were)
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Really.. I told you so.
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...le, let’s search somewhere else, shall we.
There is a reason why saiaka is my favorite ship. I usually go along with the ships that make sense in terms of the story and are implied and I say saihara definitely likes kaede a whole LOT (romantic or not, but it does suggest he has strong feelings for her and I dare say it’s really likely he’s had a crush on her)
The reason why he took off his cap after the first chapter is because what kaede said to him too. Take a look at this scene:
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“and, it’s a waste to have your hat on? Saihara-kun... you look so much better with your hats off. (the word here is “kakkoii” so I guess it means she thinks he looks more cool? or handsome with the caps off??// that’s sweet)”
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“W,what.. was that(phrase)...”
There are plenty, plenty more. I really suggest you either play the game or at least watch chapter 1??? There is no wonder that this ship has gotten really popular. There are cute moments, heartbreaking moments, really sweet stuff and also the pain. I still can’t get over it hhaha;; To be fair, maybe you could still call all this friendship, it could happen between friends too, but.. this next bit that I wanna show, I think that’s something that could imply the feelings saihara’s had that’s more than just friendship?
Considering how his personality is (a bit of an introvert and bit awkward around girls and a blushy mess sometimes) he’s being.. pretty direct about his feelings towards her here. I brought some screenshots of this one specific moment where he doesn’t deny it when somebody asks him if he liked akamatsu.
That one, I’ll place beneath the cut, because it might-no, would-have spoilers.
(chapter 4)
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Maki: Hey, you... Did you like akamatsu kaede?
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Maki: Well, I don’t think you would have, such things are weird.
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Maki: In a situation such as this... and liking a person you don’t even know very well.
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Saihara: Then tell me... When is it not weird for you to take a liking to someone?
Also, in chapter three when there’s a possibility of reviving someone I hear shuuichi says: “If.. if such a thing could really happen, I would like to talk to her once more...”
When kaede dies he stands in front of the piano thinking ‘Just once, once is okay, I would like to see Akamatsu-san playing this piano’
When Iruma tampers with kaede’s doll in chapter 3 he gets really angry about it and when she says “Ahhh so the doll of your beloved akamatsu, you want to f*** with it? There, take it, do whatever you want with your perverted heart” <- something like this;; I can’t find the screenshots for it now but I can promise this was a thing
and he doesn’t deny here that he likes kaede also, he just gets mad and says “That’s none of your business”.
He also looks away when he sees a knife stuck to kaede’s doll in a pretty pained face
and repeats what kaede told him in the first trial in his final trial and did I say when she gets executed, before she does, he cries and says “but akamatsu san, I really wanted to get out of here together with you. become friends with you like what you said...”
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she tells him she’s given him her feelings, her heart to carry on forwards and tells him she’s really sorry for making him face painful things in that trial
To add, I’m seeing reviews from those who cleared the game and they say saihara thinks about kaede throughout the story. He looks at other people getting along and thinks of kaede, keeps to her words, wants to see her again, they get along super well in the omake and are best friends there. He likes her. It doesn’t have to be about romance but he is really fond of her at least
and she certainly thinks of him AT THE VERY LEAST, as someone she could fully trust and throw her life in order to protect and she is certainly fond of him in the omake mode
I’m going down with this ship till the very end okay
bye I’m sad again hahah;v; happy saiaka everyone I love this ship so bad
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malmo777-blog · 8 years
About Me
Haven’t done one of these since I was fourteen. It’s time. 
1. What is your full name? Mallory Cook Fraser
2. What is your nickname? Malmo, but I try to get people to call me McFraser. No one does.
3. What is your zodiac sign?   Libra. Fun fact- I’m attracted to Tauruses, always have been, apparently always will be.
4. What is your favorite book series? Obviously Harry Potter is dope as fuck but I read these Stephanie Perkins books and fell in love.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? No aliens, although something is out there that moves, it just isn’t gonna follow our earth definition of “life”. Ghosts- not typically. I believe in energy, and energy can possess things.
6. Who is your favorite author? I love Hemingway, Stephanie Perkins, and Sarah Dessen can be great if you’re in the mood. John Green is running out of steam at this point although he used to be on the list.
7. What is your favorite radio station? I love so many! Either 95.7 or 92.5 (both NH radio)
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Cherry
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Wicked or dooooooope.
10. What is your current favorite song? Today it was Cinderblock Garden. Lately, Undone (the sweater song)
11. What is your favorite word? Fuck. 
12. What was the last song you listened to? Broadside- Coffee Talk
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Skins really is for everybody. Or HIMYM. Although Fairy Tail is my favorite, it’s not for everyone.
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Little Mermaid can always perk me up. 
15. Do you play video games? Not much anymore. Used to play super nintendo. Good at racing games.
16. What is your biggest fear? Being financially unstable as an adult.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m 100000% honest all the time. I say things exactly how I see them and never leave people guessing. I don’t like to play games and waste time.
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? On the flipside of that, I can’t keep my mouth shut. If something is bothering me, I wanna talk about it, even if it’s venting to another person. Which sometimes causes unwanted conflict. Not a huge deal, but I’m also super type B and I hate conflict.
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats. Dogs are too in your face.
20. What is your favorite season? Springtime, spring-a-ling-a-ling time.
21. Are you in a relationship? I’m in lots of relationships, just none are romantic.
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? It was so inexpensive to be a kid.
23. Who is your best friend? Not sure if he knows it, but totally my bud Dillon. He is my mind. We don’t even have to talk to understand what’s going on.
24. What is your eye color? Blue
25. What is your hair color? Golden blonde.
26. Who is someone you love? My daddy.
27. Who is someone you trust? My best friend.
28. Who is someone you think about often? Alex Gaskarth
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? End of the semester! Woooo! And I just barely got sick the day after it closed, which is good. I get sick every year around this time, it just usually falls on midterms week, not right after. So I’m happy I missed it.
30. What is your biggest obsession? My book series.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Roccos Modern Life
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Obviously my best friend.
33. Are you superstitious? Only after one of my exes passed away. Since he did, things are freaky sometimes. But never scary. It’s always good energy.
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Elevators. Potatoes. Mold.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? In front.
36. What is your favorite hobby? Writing!
37. What was the last book you read? This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. Finished it two days ago.
38. What was the last movie you watched? Road Trip. I love raunchy comedies.
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Bass clarinet, clarinet, guitar, a lil piano, a lil sax, and vox.
40. What is your favorite animal? Loke ;)
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? Oooo haven’t been on here enough to decide.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Ability to call spirits and bond with them.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? Lying in bed right before sleep, listening to tunes.
44. What makes you smile? Going to work.
45. What sports do you play, if any? Marching band.
46. What is your favorite drink? There’s this orange mango peach shit from market basket that’s phenomenal. Oh, alcoholic? Ahh, umm, Smirnoff ice?
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Christmas. Cards, you know.
48. Are you afraid of heights? Used to not be but now? Abso-fuckin-lutley.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? Mixed silverware in the dishwasher.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Try 12.
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? I am vegan, but not super duper strict raw vegan or that shit. Just nothing where the ingredients state meat, eggs, or milk.
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An actress or a pop star.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Fiore
54. What is something you worry about? Money, clearly.
55. Are you scared of the dark? No. I’ve been living in the woods long enough to be used to it.
56. Do you like to sing? FUCK YES
57. Have you ever skipped school? One time I said I was sick so I could stay home and write Harry Potter fan fiction.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Fells Point, Baltimore
59. Where would you like to live? Baltimore
60. Do you have any pets? Not anymore
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Early bird!
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunrises. The signal a new chance.
63. Do you know how to drive? Very well actually.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Headphones!
65. Have you ever had braces? Nope.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop punk, 2007-2008 era
67. Who is your hero? My daddy.
68. Do you read comic books? Only Deadpool
69. What makes you the most angry? When TOP fans come into my store aND FUCKING TEAR APART THE T SHIRT WALL AHH GO BACK TO HELL YOU ANGSTY LITTLE SHITS!
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real books. The creak of the pages, the smell. All part of the experience.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? History!
72. Do you have any siblings? Four older ones. Two and two, each gender.
73. What was the last thing you bought? A new air freshener for my car. Wait, no, groceries. Some of that juice I was talking about before.
74. How tall are you? Five foot nuthin’.
75. Can you cook? Apparently I can grill, I’ve been told. I think I make BOMB pasta.
76. What are three things that you love? 1. Blink 182 2. Chipotle 3. My dad
77. What are three things that you hate? 1. Pessimists 2. The word “hate” 3. Unneccessary negativity (kinda like this question)
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? A really good mix. My anime crew is all boys, my music friends are boys, my coworkers AKA besties are all girls, and my school friends are girls.
79. What is your sexual orientation? Straight.
80. Where do you currently live? Washington, NH
81. Who was the last person you texted? My girl Colby
82. When was the last time you cried? About twenty minutes ago, watching Fairy Tail
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? I don’t watch a lot of youtubers but the one I enjoy the most is Shane.
84. Do you like to take selfies? No. But on occassion I will, just so I can do better personal branding.
85. What is your favorite app? I use wattpad more than anything.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? With my mom? Deceptive, negative, she always needs something for nothing. With my dad, amazing. He’s my best friend, sole provider, everything. If he wasn’t my dad he’d still be my bestie because we just get each other.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? My phillipino friend Cam is phillipino, sounds mexican, and my mock accent is indian. Fuckin hilarious.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? San Diego, west coast pop punk capital.
89. What is your favorite number? 7, but 77 in sports.
90. Can you juggle? No
91. Are you religious? I love all religion and the concept but do not identify with any one.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space fucks me up. Ocean for sure.
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No. I may be a Gryffindor for the things I love but I am waaaaay too type b to take unneeded risk.
94. Are you allergic to anything? Nope. But caffine reacts really badly with my body.
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yup
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Nope
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Often
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach. I can go to the forest any time; I’m bored of it.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Just as a flower does not get to choose where it blooms, a child cannot choose their parents. It stuck with me, that my character doesn’t at all need to be attached to them. That I get to be my own person.
100. Are you a good liar? No fuckin way.
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Gryffindor!
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time, only in the car.
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert. Being surrounded by people makes me feel less lonely.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? I keep an everyday question journal.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Only after apologies. No sorry, no chance.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Depends on the money. Ten bucks? I’ll call that my payment for the hassle of turning it in. Lots? Nah. If I turn it in with that much, they’ll probs be grateful and gimmie some.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Absolutely. Everyone changes all the time. 
108. Are you ticklish? If I say yes you’ll know my weakness. If I say no I’m a liar.
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yup. Like three times? Not sure.
110. Do you have any piercings? Belly button!
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Wooderson
112. Do you have any tattoos? Not yet. A few more months.
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Moving out and quitting Shaws. I followed my dreams all the way to Hot Topic.
114. Do you believe in karma? Not really. Coincidences are funny, but good people hardly ever get good karma, it’s usually only ever bad for bad people. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? No.
116. Do you want children? Four!
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My best friend.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? Tripping while hiking with my crush. My only recent moment.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Twice!
120. What color are most of you clothes? Maroon or green. Can’t decide.
121. Do you like adventures? Love*
122. Have you ever been on TV? Nope
123. How old are you? Seventeen without a purpose or direction.
124. What is your favorite quote? “I just wanna fuck this burrito!” - Jack Barakat
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Totally depends on the mood.
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
I'm the first male in 6 generations to not become a coal miner. Dads a preacher, grandpas a preacher. I dont line up much with them.
(6-19-20) You both like politics.
You: hiyoo
Stranger: Hello
You: what's on your mind?
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: us east
Stranger: Same here. And mostly just different environmental roll backs. You?
You: mhm bail laws
You: which environmental rollbacks?
Stranger: Ones pertaining to furthering waste dumping into my local streams
You: oh...
Stranger: Making the fish inedible
You: are they local roll backs?
Stranger: Federal
Stranger: With local gov support though
You: ah...
Stranger: Yeah. Money over clean water I guess.
You: yeah I guess
You: are there rollbacks of bills or executive orders?
Stranger: Well this was from rolling back regulations in the clean water act a few months back. But my understanding is there are about 100 other regulations pertaining to water and air quality going to be rolled back.
You: ahh okay
Stranger: So what's on your mind?
You: oh I was just reading about bail reform, nothing particularly specific
You: I'm curious about the clean water act though because I'm not that familiar with it
Stranger: Oh damn, you mentioned that, my bad.
You: did congress vote to repeal it?
You: or does like trump/epa just have the authority to change parts of it?
Stranger: I think this was done by andrew Whittaker, head of EPA. But with urging from trump.
You: ahh I see
Stranger: Former coal exec and lobbyist in charge of the EPA. Lol
Stranger: What a time to be alive
You: yeah... trump clearly just wanted to gut the organization
Stranger: Yeah. I have many disagreements with trump but his stance on the environment is the number 1 thing that irks me.
You: I sometimes get asked by people "what bad things did trump" and I'm not informed enough to list things
You: so it's helpful to know about the clean water act specifically
Stranger: Yeah. If he believed in human driven climate change I could handle a lot more of the stuff he does.
Stranger: He has said the sound from wind turbines cause cancer lol
You: mhm my brother isn't very compelled by moral/stupidity arguments, so if I can't find like legitimate policy changes that trump has done, I don't think I'll be able to convince my brother very well
You: like he doesn't care if trump says stupid stuff
Stranger: Yeah I get that. I'm from west virginia, coal country. So even many of the bad things hes done dont matter with many folks here.
Stranger: I'll give trump credit on his foreign policy and that's it. I really thought we'd be in another war by now.
You: mhm
Stranger: Is your brother a hunter?
You: nope he's like an english major
Stranger: An english major who supports trump. That's an interesting combo.
You: yeah weird, right?
You: or well, he doesn't support anybody
Stranger: But he hates one side more than the other?
You: I'm not sure if he hates either side really
You: it's more like he believes that not that many bad changes have happened under trump
You: so he's fine with him getting reelected
Stranger: Well I guess ignorance is bliss. I dont know how to change someone like that's mind.
You: yeah idk
You: I think he's kind of politically apathetic
Stranger: Besides just pointing out things hes done lol.
You: like things don't affect him so he doesn't care
Stranger: Yeah I get that. I could see how trump would be appealing to people like that. If you remove all real life ramifications trump is funny as hell.
You: mhm
You: so what does your family think?
Stranger: I'm the first male in 6 generations to not become a coal miner. Dads a preacher, grandpas a preacher. I dont line up much with them.
You: ohh ^^
Stranger: But they're good people. Sometimes it's just hard not to lose my mind when discussing politics with them.
You: ahh yeah... do they get heated as well?
Stranger: Only on certain issues that I see as irrelevant. Things like gay marriage still gets them worked up.
You: ahh are you religious at all??
Stranger: Not really. I dont know if there is a god nor do I care. I just try to not be a dick.
You: right
You: I'm kind of visualizing a huge rift in your family haha ^^;
Stranger: Haha well it's not that bad. I keep in much of what I would say for the sake of preserving relationships.
You: ahh true
You: do you have other siblings?
Stranger: I have a sister. Shes turned out like the rest of the family.
You: oh is she older or younger?
Stranger: Older by 2 years. She has a couple children, married to a coal miner, goes to church 3 times a week.
You: ahh sounds conservative ^^
You: do you still live in west virginia or did you move out?
Stranger: I live here currently but only due to covid. I'll be moving to South Korea soon to teach english.
You: ohh wow!
You: that's really cool
Stranger: I'm excited. I've known a few people to do it and they've all loved it.
You: yeah that sounds really exciting
Stranger: I hope I can tune out some of the US politics while I'm there. If that's possible
You: mhm exhausting?
Stranger: Yeah and it's my fault for continually reading about it. But I cant seem to stop.
You: mhm for me I feel like i'm on and off
You: like I can go for months without reading the news
You: I think the protests drew me back to omegle haha
Stranger: That's amazing. I've kept up with it all consistently for 10 years. I love geography so sometimes I can take a break from US politics but it all leads back to politics eventually.
Stranger: I get on here for an hour every day while visiting my grandparents.
You: oh my goodness, that's a lot haha
You: I feel like you must have seen so much on omegle lolol
Stranger: Haha. I try to match on geography but I typically only get politics.
Stranger: It's new to me. Maybe been doing this for a month
You: ahh I see
You: I was like totally thinking to myself (omegle for 10 years?!)
Stranger: Hahahaha. I tried it probably 10 years ago but that was a different time and had nothing to do with politics lol
You: mhm yeah idk what it would have been like 10 years ago
Stranger: About the same. Back then video chat had less people jacking off and more people just goofing off and talking.
You: ohh
You: I never use video chat lol
Stranger: Dont
Stranger: It's terrible now lol
You: I think I might have tried it once and it freaked me out a little lol
Stranger: Yeah definitely. There are many strange people in this world.
You: mhm or at least
You: to some extent it's kind of amazing how many people can be horny at any given time
Stranger: No kidding. It makes me feel strange because of how un-horny i am 99% of the time.
You: i know right?!
Stranger: What's peoples fascination with sex? Like it's fun and all that but people are addicted to it lol
You: mhm yeah, or at least, I would ordinarily think that there'd be better things to do than come onto omegle for it haha ^^;
Stranger: So many of my friends have just always been focused on getting laid. Just never been a top priority for me.
You: ahh I've always been curious what that kind of culture is like
Stranger: Yeah lol. Wanting to jerk off to random strangers after 100x skips...
You: yeah I know lol
Stranger: I was like that in senior year of high school but it quickly lost its appeal. Not the omegle stuff
You: mhm
You: like I've never done tinder so I've always wondered what it was like
You: I read a statistic somewhere that like 50% of college kids did it or something
Stranger: Like if a girl is attractive but has no personality or interest it's impossible for me to be attracted to them
Stranger: Yeah I've never used it either. I considered it once but you needed a facebook and I didnt want to make one.
You: ohh
You: I didn't know it needed a facebook
You: you're pretty oldschool for not having one of those either haha
Stranger: Hahaha. It's because I have too high of an opinion of myself and find it easier to critique others :p
You: lol haha
Stranger: I have one opinion of facebook and even though I know it's incredibly diverse in the way it can be used I stick to my one notion of it
Stranger: I dont have any social media besides a WhatsApp that I downloaded to keep in contact with some international students form college
You: mhmm
You: I have a facebook but it's basically unused haha
You: I'm a bit too introverted I think
Stranger: That's a good quality. The thing that frustrates me about Facebook is however shares their opinion on everything.
You: facebook the company?
Stranger: How everyone*
You: ohh okay
Stranger: No just users
Stranger: I hear so much from friends about unfriending people over political beliefs.
You: ahh wow, I didn't realize there was so much of that kind of stuff
Stranger: Idk if there is for sure. But its prevalent in my friend group lol
You: mhm I'm basically silent and don't post anything haha
You: I don't think most of my friends know my political opinions
You: idk if that's a good or bad thing though
Stranger: Both probably lol. Save yourself some unnecessary conflict but I guess bad in the sense that you should stand up for what you believe
You: mhm right
You: I'm probably a terrible activist ^^;
Stranger: Hahaha. Most activists are terrible and 99% will never see what they want come true. I might be cynical though..
You: mhm, but I mean, I live through inaction, so I feel like it's not my place to criticize since I'm not even doing anything
Stranger: I can respect that. I criticize activists a lot mostly due to the order of my priorities. I can agree with activists but still be angry that they're not rallying against what I'd consider the most important issue.
You: ahh
Stranger: It's an issue
You: yeah it's definitely easy to get drowned out
Stranger: Hopefully living abroad with make me reexamine my beliefs
Stranger: Where there are so many things going wrong at once I just feel hopeless and I believe thinking badly of others is some sort of defense mechanism or something.
You: mhmm
Stranger: But I do have to go. It was nice talking with you. Good luck in your life friend.
You: you too!
You: it was great talking
Stranger: Goodbye
You: bye!
Stranger has disconnected.
0 notes
lalka-laski · 5 years
The Day Before Thanksgiving = Slooooow Work Day
Have you ever been served breakfast in bed? On school days as a kid my mom would gently wake us up and ask us what we wanted for breakfast. Then she’d go downstairs to make it while we stole a few more minutes of sleep. She would then bring us up our bagel/pop tart/waffle/fill-in-the-blank and we’d eat it in bed. Wow, she was a saint. And if only I could still start my mornings that way...  What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? I’m slowly getting into cooking, so every meal poses more than a few “challenges” for me lately. But I’m having fun with it and learning a lot!  Are you one to approach others, or let them approach you first? I almost exclusively have others approach me. There are two reasons behind this: 1) I’m introverted  2) I just have a very approachable look/energy. Seriously, strangers come up to me or sit down next to me and tell me very intimate details about their lives, completely unprompted! I guess it’s nice that I look like a friendly and trustworthy person, but it can feel overwhelming at times. Just the other day at Dunkin Donuts it took me 5 minutes just to place my coffee order because the guy behind the counter was telling me how sad he was that his girlfriend broke up with him. I was like “Uh I’m sorry dude, but did I ask??”  When was the last time you took painkillers? When I had oral surgery years ago Have you ever picked flowers out of someone else’s garden without asking? I might have as a kid
What is your favorite thing to do as a little kid? I was- and still am- a huge bookworm, so reading was always a favorite activity. I also had a wildly active imagination, so I could entertain myself for hours living out fantasies in my head. I used to pretend I was a pioneer girl like the characters in my favorite books, and I’d make dirt and grass “soup” and pretend to churn butter in a bucket. Good times lol.  Are holidays as fun for you now as they were when you were younger? They’ve definitely lost some of the “magic” since I’ve grown up, but that’s true of most things. But I still really enjoy the holidays and I cherish the time spent with my family. Plus now I have a partner with whom to share all these traditions (and build new ones!) and that’s such a gift. I have a feeling this holiday season is gonna be one of my best yet.  Do you find non-fiction to be boring? What a silly question. That’s like asking “do you find movies to be boring?” Non-fiction is just an umbrella term encompassing an infinite number of sub-genres and topics. To find that “boring” would be saying that there’s not a single topic on earth you find interesting.  Are you a punctual person? Or are you always late? I’m very punctual, usually early. It’s the anxiety! :)  Do you own a thesaurus? Do you actually use it? I used to, but nowadays I just have Thesaurus.com bookmarked. And it’s almost always in an open tab. #WriterLife  Do you ever write your own short stories? Funny you should ask, ha! I wrote tons as a kid and I had a Creative Writing concentration, so I wrote plenty for assignments in college. I’d love to say that’s still something I actively do but sadly, it’s not. Time to change that... 
Have you ever won money by entering a contest/raffle? Not cash money but I’ve won prizes  Have you ever lost something very valuable? My dignity? Ha I’m just kidding. I still have a few shreds of that. Otherwise I can’t think of anything majorly valuable that I’ve lost.  Have you ever lost something with a lot of sentimental value? I’m an extreeeemely emotional person and I collect/keep everything of sentimental value. The only objects that I regret throwing away are some journals from my youth. I still have most of them, but there were a few I deemed too embarrassing or incriminating to save. I’d give anything to leaf through one of those now... Have you ever been close to drowning? That’s a horrifying thought. Thank God I never have.  Have you ever had a panic attack? Yes.... What stores do you go into when you go to mall? I have a problem where I insist on browsing in nearly every store, even knowing full well I’ll never buy anything. It ends up a huge waste of time. I’m trying to get better about just setting a plan for myself on a shopping trip and only hitting the stores I KNOW I’ll buy from.  Do you ever stop to eat in the food court? Yeah! Just the other day my sister and I ate some very disappointing pizza and fries.  Do you find it easy to relate to other people? I’m empathetic and I always seek to understand and relate.  Who is your favorite philosopher? I can’t say I have one What is your favorite song to sing? Whatever is stuck in my head at any given moment. I love to sing! (Doesn’t mean I’m *good* but...)  Do you consciously try to be unique, or do you just be you? Interesting question. I don’t like to feel the need to be mainstream just for the sake of it but at the same time, I don’t feel the need to deviate from the mainstream just for the sake of it.  Do you worry about being judged by other people? Only every moment of every day  If someone doesn’t like you, do you usually want to know the reason? Oh of course. And I’ll torture myself reliving every mistake I’ve ever made in my life until I find out why  When was the last time you told someone something really important? Yesterday maybe?  Have you ever lost a large amount of money? Nothing more than about $40. Which is still valuable, don’t get me wrong Have you ever tried to blame something you did on someone else? Well I grew up with two sisters so, of course.  Did that person get in trouble, or did the plan fail? We all had our failures and victories... 
What is the weirdest hairstyle you have ever had? Well I was a tween at the height of Lizzie McGuire’s popularity, so I was definitely a fan of crimped hair. But not totally crimped, no no. Just random stray pieces here and there with no rhyme or reason. And don’t forget the butterfly clips!  Describe the ugliest pair of shoes you own? I don’t own any shoes that I consider ugly. Why would I buy shoes I didn’t like?  How many times a day do you look in the mirror? For how long? I have a slight phobia of mirrors. Well, not a phobia, but I have obsessive tendencies about my appearance so it’s best for me to avoid my reflection as often as possible. For that reason, I don’t look in mirrors often.  Are you ashamed to leave the house when not looking your best? I give less and less of a shit lately. It’s freeing  If you are antisocial, WHY are you that way? I’m not. Would you describe yourself as modest? Modesty is a concept steeped in misogyny and it’s one I certainly don’t endorse. These days I probably *could* be described as modest just as far as my lifestyle and clothing choices BUT.... ya girl used to be a huge slut. And I don’t regret it. I support women making their own, informed decisions and doing whatever makes them comfortable!  What is your favorite singer? Bowie, of course! If you could relive one day from last year, what day would it be? Why? There’s one day, one small incident, that I’d kind of like to do-over. But that’s it.  What is something that you are afraid to fail at? Uhh... everything?  What would happen if you did fail at it? .....  Do you ever worry about your loved ones dying? It’s a constant worry. Thanks for reminding me :)))  What is the cutest thing a guy could do for a girl? Well I’m really partial to love letters, songs, poems and the like...  Stuffed animals–immature, or should everyone have one? I have several stuffed animals, some from childhood and some that were recent gifts, and I love them dearly. They make me happy! Surround yourself with things that make you feel good!!  What do you like in your breakfast burritos? Egg and cheese, and veggie sausage or bacon if it’s available.  What restaurant would you choose to go to for breakfast? There are a few trendy brunch spots around here that I like, one of my favorites being a Mexican place. But I love some good old-fashioned diner food, too!  How much money do you think you cost your parents? Um? A lot?? What an odd question though.  Do you have good hand/eye coordination? Laughably bad.  Can you do a flip on a trampoline? I’d 100% kill myself if I tried.  Do you remember the last time you climbed a tree? Sadly, no. But this tree in my front yard was one of my favorite reading spots as a kid. There was this one thick branch that was the perfect size for me to stretch my legs on while I leaned against the trunk and read my books.  Did you ever lie on your back and pick shapes out of clouds as a kid? I still do that Do you watch any Japanese anime? My boyfriend’s really into it so I’ve *seen* some but I can’t say I’ve actually WATCHED it lol  Is there a foreign culture you are interested in learning more about? So many! The world’s a big place, ya know...  Do you let your emotions get the best of you in a fight? HA HA HA HA HA. Do you know me? I am nothing BUT emotions.  Logic? Reason? Rationale? I don’t know her.  Do you know anyone whose reputation has recently been ruined? All the recently outed sexual predators in Hollywood come to mind.  When did you first get a cellphone? For Christmas my freshman year of high school.  And fun fact: a month prior, I gave my parents a presentation as to why I should have one. I had notecards and everything. And clearly it worked! I wish I could put that on a resume...  Do you have your own laptop computer? A chromebook, but I barely use it.  Do you drive your own car, or your parents? I don’t drive Say something inappropriate? No thanks!
What were you doing before you started taking this survey? I just had my lunch “break.” I use the term loosely because not a whole lot of work is getting done today. So it was a break from a break.  Describe the best summer you ever had? I could more easily describe the WORST summer I’ve ever had. I guess my favorite summer was the one right before I left for college. I had the tightest group of friends and we partied every night. It was just your typical care-free teenage dream.  Do you eat any meat other than turkey on Thanksgiving? I don’t eat meat any day of the year! Did you attend a pre-school? I did, and I went a year earlier than usual because my mom was the teacher. So, free childcare. Go mom!  Do you remember what it was like to learn to count to 100? Not even slightly  What is something you lost in the process of growing up? My ability to drink liquor straight  Do you wear any wristbands? If so, what’s on them? Nope  What was the last picture you were in? I took several selfies with me and the girl I nanny the other day Did you have required reading material in high-school? Of course. Most of it I really enjoyed and would’ve read for leisure anyways.  Do you keep your room organized? Yep. I’m a pretty neat person.  Do you vacuum daily? No, but weekly. 
How many board games do you own? I have one card game in my apartment now but no board games, sadly!  Own any books? No. Not a single one. I don’t know how to read. I don’t even know what a book IS???  Recently checked any books out from the library? I just borrowed an e-book from a virtual library so does that count?  Does your cat give you kitty kisses? I don’t have a cat but I wish I did! What’s in your make-up bag? I have several. And I have no idea why they’re separated the way they are. All my makeup is just tossed together 
0 notes
wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Before Dating Apps, Retro-Futuristic Telephone Bars Nurtured Introvert-Friendly Flirtation
The sign on the bar’s front door sounds almost quaint for this era: “By entering these premises, you hereby waive the following rights: To privacy. To publicity. To bring a claim against C.E.V.”
C.E.V. stood for Controlled Entropy Ventures, the experimental technology company behind Remote Lounge, a concept bar that opened in NYC’s East Village less than a month after 9/11/2001. Inside the lounge were 60 miniature cameras (or was it more?) that filmed patrons and allowed them to surveil each other in hopes of generating love connections — or impromptu hookups.
Considered mind-blowing and transgressive at the time, Remote Lounge seems antiquated if not downright childish today, when literally everyone at every bar has their head head, staring at their phone. Still, looking back at the bar offers a fascinating insight into social culture in the final days before iPhones and dating apps. While hardly remembered today, Remote Lounge rather presciently foreshadowed the vaguely performative, look-at-me digital narcissism that has pervaded, if not somewhat ruined, modern nightlife in NYC and worldwide.
The Telepresence Bar
“The genesis of the idea came from working with Josh Harris,” explains Leo Fernekes, one of the three partners of C.E.V. “He basically funded these crazy experimental ideas and I used them as a paid lab learning experience.”
Labeled New York’s first Internet millionaire, Harris was the founder of live streaming network Pseudo Programs — and a bit of a conceptual artist. With $85 million in his bank account after cashing out an early dot-com IPO, he hired C.E.V. to produce “Quiet: We Live in Public” in December 1999. It was a “Truman Show”-esque experiment in which 100 volunteers lived in a four-story human terrarium in SoHo, filled with free food and drink, not to mention machine guns, while webcams followed their every move.
“People want to turn the camera on themselves,” Harris told Wired at the time. “There is a pent-up desire for personal celebrity.”
The toilets lacked walls, the only shower was in a see-through geodesic dome, and the basement had a system that allowed residents to control cameras to watch their housemates having sex. A giant sign constantly warned the residents: “WE LIVE IN PUBLIC.” Their experiment later became the subject of a 2009 documentary of the same name.
“One thing that convinced me to open Remote Lounge is that Josh threw a party with all those cameras,” Fernekes says. “There were cameras in the bathroom and during the party, people would go in and perform for them. Doing sexy, naughty things, knowing they were being broadcast and monitored outside. Then they’d come out of the bathroom and people would cheer.
“‘Wow, that’s something I’ve never seen before!’” Fernekes remembers thinking. “It seemed natural to extend it into a business concept.”
A bar appeared to be the most practical move, especially since another one of C.E.V.’s partners, Bob Stratton, a software developer, knew the industry a bit from his stint as a bartender at 2A, a dive on 2nd Street and Avenue A.
“Our concept of voyeurism is very much along the lines of a normal bar,” Stratton told the L.A. Times. “People are constantly checking each other out anyway.”
The startup took over a storefront on the skid row Bowery where Bowery Electrical Supply Company, an electrical wiring outfit, had resided since 1947. They cleaned up the space’s rotted floors and outfitted it with cameras and monitors. The equipment was hardly state of the art, even by nearly 20-year-old standards.
“This has to be as inexpensive as possible,” thought Fernekes, claiming if he had developed a fancier bit of technology he wouldn’t have wasted it on a bar. They used the cheapest possible consumer-grade televisions and mounted them in interesting places around the space. There were 12 cameras over the bar, six more scattered in random places, and 24 cameras placed at custom-designed “Cocktail Consoles.” They were all rigged together like a cable TV set-up — each console had joysticks that could move any camera 360 degrees, able to see every inch of the bar — as well as a monitor that customers could tune to any camera’s black-and-white broadcast.
C.E.V. called Remote a “telepresence” bar, but critics thought the NASA-gray consoles and traffic-cone-orange seating was more “retro-futurist.” Based on this 2002 picture of Remote Lounge, it resembles a 1960s vision of the future; “The Jetsons,” if you consider that a positive, or “2001: A Space Odyssey” if you don’t.
Fernekes estimates it cost them about $1 million to set up the bar, but about 75 percent of that was just exorbitant Manhattan real estate costs.
“My partners and I were high on the total hubris of the dot-com era,” Fernekes says. “We were delusional in the thought that everything we touched could be turned into gold. I look back at it now and it’s a little sad. Sad, but humorous.”
Remote Lounge opened in NYC in 2001 with retro-futurist interiors. Credit: JPDA.net
A Digital Playhouse for Local Hipsters
Yet Remote Lounge was almost immediately a hit with the “in” crowd, and it quickly (and briefly) became a part of the East Village party circuit. From its October 9, 2001 opening onward, there were lines to get in every night for the first six months. Microsoft and Apple even fought over which would be the first to hold a party there (Microsoft won).
“The whole city was still in mourning, in shock and disbelief [over 9/11] and Remote kind of popped up as this cute, happy story,” Fernekes says. “The media also went bananas for it.”
Within the first month The New York Times called it, “perhaps the most media-intensive public setting in the city.” CIOL thought it was “a digital playhouse for local hipsters.” Reading these articles in 2019 is incredibly amusing, given the very public nature of social media, dating apps, and nearly every other facet of modern society.
“The concept is incredibly simple: hand over your privacy at the front door and enter a world where anyone anywhere can follow your every move,” proclaimed a 2001 BBC News article, crediting its development and acceptance to “a mix of instant messaging and reality TV, both becoming extremely popular in the last few years.”
Early Yelp reviews are even more hilarious: “It’s like on-line/chat room dating but you’re in a real room and everyone’s eerily watching you! (sic)” “I guess you can call it ‘instant’ video-dating?” “why would you call someone on the phone when they’re in the same room with you??”
Adding to the surreality, Fernekes would often lie about how many cameras were actually in the bar (that BBC article claims a remarkable 120) and made up names for the drinks they served (he told writers their most popular cocktail was the Vertical Hold, an archaic term for adjusting a tube television set).
In actuality, Remote Lounge was like any other bar, serving Brooklyn Lagers and vodka sodas in the early-aughts era of New York nightlife — except for all those creepy cameras.
“Culturally the world was evolving to having a greater comfort for these ideas,” Fernekes says.
The visionary Harris had previously predicted to Business Week that the world was already headed toward a place where “people want their fame on a day-to-day basis, rather than in their lifetime.” And Remote Lounge fit the bill, even screen-grabbing the most outrageous moments of the night — which often involved nudity — and uploading them to the lounge’s website instantaneously. This encouraged introverts to monitor what was happening at the bar and, if they saw something they liked, hopefully lure them out for the evening. (Curious to see what they were seeing? You can! For unknown reasons, someone is still fitting the website’s hosting bill.)
Still, if Remote Lounge was the world’s first “telepresence” bar, Fernekes knew there was a bit of a precedent in the form of “telephone bars.”
A Neat Party Trick
Telecommunications have a long history in nightlife. The telephone was invented in 1876, and by the early 1900s, diners at higher-end restaurants could request to have phones brought to their tables for important calls.
In 1920s Berlin, some nightclubs had installed tischtelefonen on every table, so Weimar-era partiers could dial up random guests at any other table, which were marked by lighted numbers. At Femina and the Resi, two Berlin dance clubs that each held thousands, customers could even send pneumatic tubes filled with cigarettes, Champagne bottles, and notes to other tables. (Though nothing too provocative, as “messages sent by tube [were] checked by female ‘censors’ in the switchboard room,” according to The Chicago Tribune.) This gimmick was memorialized in “Caberet’s” “Telephone Song” and still occurs at Ballhaus Berlin.
A few decades later, in 1968, a pricey joint called Ma Bell’s opened in New York’s Times Square. Each table at Ma Bell’s had its own “old-timey” landline with free calling privileges (even long distance!). It was open until the mid-1980s and was featured as a setting in a Season 6 episode of “Mad Men.” While bar-hopping, Joan (Christina Hendricks) and a visiting gal pal hit the new spot, noting that, “Apparently, there are quite a few men here who go for a certain type.”
Yes, whether Berlin in the 1920s, Times Square in the ’60s, or the Bowery at the turn of the 21st century, these bars were, of course, mainly designed for amorous purposes. USA Today believed that, with Remote Lounge, C.E.V. had created “a setting that could revolutionize flirting in New York.” The L.A. Times wasn’t quite as certain, mocking the bar as a place “where Stanley Kubrick and Michel Foucault would go scouting for dates.”
But 20-something New Yorkers immediately loved the concept, a harbinger of their technological dating futures to come. “Around midnight, a long-haired man dressed in requisite all-black, sidles up to writer Kate for a rare moment of face-to-face human interaction,” observed journalist Lauren Sandler in 2002. “His parting words are the ultimate postmodern pickup line … ‘Find me on screen later.’”
“It’s a legalized version of stalking,” a female NYU student told CIOL on opening night, observing how the monitors only showed grainy, black-and-white images. “It makes people look a lot better than they do in person, masking their flaws and making them look more attractive.”
That was intentional. Fernekes had realized that the impersonality of it all was why the concept worked so well. When the place was packed, you could be ogling a person on the monitor with no sense that they were just five feet away from you, unaware where you were as well. If both parties actually liked what they saw on their monitors, you could message a “hello” using the system’s crude text-messaging capabilities or ask to speak to them on the console’s land lines.
“That gave you the freedom to say outrageous things, as if the person wasn’t really there,” says Fernekes. “This chaos diffused into a sense of detached, impersonal anonymity.”
Rejection didn’t hurt as much either, claims Fernekes, because, unlike a face-to-face interaction in the real world, you didn’t have to actually see them reject you. They could just ignore your console-to-console texts. It became a total free-for-all, with customers trying to pick up as many people as they could at one time. Get rejected, and you could simply flip the TV channel, quickly moving onto the next person on screen, then the next. If in-person pick-up culture used to favor the bold, Remote Lounge favored the shy and timid.
“Remote Lounge provides yet another opportunity to erect a barrier between ourselves and the people we hope to meet. It is almost as though we yearn for the days of an appointed chaperone to play interference,” Stacy Kravetz wrote in her 2005 book “The Dating Race,” ultimately denigrating the cameras and monitors as nothing more than a “neat party trick, a way to entertain myself while I sit at a table.”
Our Technologically Perverted World
“Twelve years later, it’s funny to think how this novelty bar in NYC would so closely mirror our modern experience,” says Brian C. Roberts, a popular online personality. “Sometimes I’m shocked at how my experiences at the Remote Lounge would be recreated time and time again by following a hashtag on Twitter, to a photo on Instagram, to a small conversation online, and finally with meeting someone face to face … all over the course of 10 or 20 minutes on my iPhone at a local bar.”
Unfortunately, though, whether Remote Lounge was shockingly prescient, or just a neat party trick — or probably both — it ultimately wasn’t enough of a gimmick to create a thriving business. Nor was all that media coverage.
“The truth is, [Remote] reached a huge international audience,” explains Fernekes, “but those people couldn’t come to our bar, so it was lost at that point.”
C.E.V. had once hoped to franchise its idea, with pop-up Remote Lounges all over America and Europe. It hoped to then connect them all through the same system so drinkers in, say, Dallas could flirt with bar patrons in Amsterdam — “the time-shifting of content,” Fernekes called it. “The problem is, the only way we were making money is by selling drinks and there’s a limit to what you can charge people for a cocktail. It just didn’t make much economic sense.”
Eventually, Fernekes realized the bar also suffered from what you would call a “critical mass” problem. A packed house on Saturday was great. But what if you came in on a Monday evening and there were only two other customers in the bar?
“It was very uncomfortable, like going into a hall of mirrors,” Fernekes says. “If the bar had less than three or four people, it was a very unpleasant experience.”
People quickly realized that as well. First, Mondays started being dead, then Tuesday, then the whole week, and little by little Remote Lounge was only getting viable crowds on the weekends. Soon the cameras and monitors quit working; drunk and disorderly patrons even broke a few. Eventually you had a mostly empty, windowless, retro-futurist bar with dozens of monitors broadcasting bright-white static.
“It was a novelty at first, but gave way quickly to just being creepy,” Eater wrote in a 2007 postmortem. “The crowd got seedier over time.”
The real world was changing, too, and finally catching up to Remote Lounge’s vision. In 2007, Americans sent more texts than phone calls. Dating websites were becoming more prominent and mainstream. Then, in June 2007, the iPhone hit the market. This was perhaps the final nail in the coffin for Remote, and the one topic Fernekes seemed unwilling to discuss still today. Remote Lounge closed a few months later in November 2007.
“Nowadays you’re just numb to all of it. It’s too much of a technologically perverted world,” Fernekes says. “I think Remote definitely alluded to the perversely artificial and competitive nature of Instagram. The technologically augmented social interactions that are completely fabricated and just designed to tap into the human instincts. It’s a bit perverse and unhealthy. Our genetic, instinctual evolution has not caught up with the technology.”
And the technology is still racing forward. Smartphones have gotten better and more widespread in the last decade. Meanwhile, texting grew more prominent, and a plethora of dating apps arrived. In 2009, Grindr launched, and in 2012 Tinder. Now all the pieces are in place — everyone has a tiny Remote Lounge in their pocket or purse at all times. You just need to add drinks.
“I see kids on their phone today [at the bar],” says Fernekes, now 56 and living in Bangkok. “And I think, wow, that looks kind of sad. It’s just not a reality that seems very interesting to me.”
The article Before Dating Apps, Retro-Futuristic Telephone Bars Nurtured Introvert-Friendly Flirtation appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/back-to-the-future-flirting/
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acekatherineplumber · 5 years
The Post of Many Questions!
PART 1. About myself…
Do you like the way you look? Right now, the answer is no. I’m really working on it. I’m in recovery. I’m going to group therapy. I’m trying.
Have you ever cut your hair yourself? Not cut, but trimmed Honestly, I don’t trust other people with my hair.
What’s your Instagram @? @cheveuxderaiponce. Follow me!
Favorite console to play video games on? I don’t play video games
Do you collect anything? Mugs!
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Ew. No.
Are you a fan of bread and butter? Nope. It’s not vegan.
Does everything happen for a reason? No. Sometimes the world is just random and terrible. All we can do is be decent and kind to each other. Do no harm, but take no shit.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you? I tend to block that stuff out.
Have you ever almost died? Yes. Back in January, the external manifestation of my mental illness almost killed me. I had to make a choice at that point, to continue letting my mental illness  take over my life and take everything from me, or to recover. I chose recovery. It is HARD. I’m not going to lie to you, and some days I really don’t want to continue with it. However, to choose recovery is to choose life. It is to choose the future. it is to choose possibility. That is what I choose.
Go-to ice cream order? I’m vegan, so it’s really hard to go somewhere and order ice cream, but I like to buy vegan rocky road at the store.
Do you like your room? I do! I’m leaving it soon though.
What do you like to do when you’re feeling stressed? Make tea and watch The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged
Who’s your best friend? @hoogwoorts and @purplerainbowsrachel
Favorite animal? Cats, hedgehogs, and otters
Do you like to read? I LOVE to read. I’m almost done with The Three Musketeers!
Are you an extrovert or introvert? Introvert
Biggest regret? Regrets are wasted energy
Are you a fan of theme parks? I don’t like big roller coasters, but I do think theme parks are fun
Have you crossed anything off your bucket list in the past 2 months? Not in the past 2 months, but about 3 months ago I graduated from college!
PART 2. Ask me if I’m a believer…
Do you believe in aliens? Yes
Do you think everything happens for a reason? No
Do you believe the butterfly effect is real? Kind of?
Do you think love at first sight is legit? Absolutely not
Do you think we go to heaven or hell when we die?
Do you believe in karma? I do. I believe that the energy you put into he world will come back to you.
Do you believe in witches and/or magic? Yes
Do you think ghosts are real? Yes
Do you believe in anything mythical/supernatural? (Bigfoot, Mermaids, Vampires, etc.) Yes
Do you believe in a God? No.
PART 3. Ask me about relationships & love…
Are you in love with anyone at the moment? No
Do you want to eventually get married? Yes
Who are your best friends? Already answered that
Have you ever broke a friend’s trust? Definitely, but usually it’s because I’m trying to help them
What was your first kiss like? Unremarkable
If a friend called you to help hide a body, would you help or turn them in? I would probably say that I was busy.
Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing? Everyone who feels romantic attraction has. It’s a part of life.
Explain your dream date. Indian food and good conversation and then a Shakespeare play
How would you react if you had a secret admirer? Confusion
You’re having dinner with your s/o, are you guys eating at a restaurant or having a home cooked meal? Home cooked that we cooked together
Talk about one of your favorite memories you share with a friend. It’s a simple one, but I just remember disappearing off to my friend’s house for a day. We ordered Chinese, watched movies, and just hung out. :)
Have you ever secretly taken something from a friend and not given it back? Definitely not on purpose.
How would you react if a friend started dating your ex? I’d warn them about what they’re really like, and tell them how much it would hurt me to see them make bad choices and be involved with any of those people
Do you think any of your friends talk about you behind your back? Only when they’re worried about me
Where would you want to have your honeymoon? France
Do you believe in sex before marriage? Yes
Are you currently single? Yes
Have you ever broken up with someone? Yes
Have you ever cried over a break-up with a friend? Yes
If you were in an emergency, which friend would you call first? Probably @purplerainbowsrachel. I trust her and she’s the closest.
PART 4. Ask me about my favorite things!
Favorite feel-good movie? The Princess Bride
Favorite song from before 2005? 1985 by Bowling for Soup or I’m a Believer. They’re super nostalgic and have a lot of good memories attached to them/
ALL-TIME favorite album? Reputation. Sue me.
Favorite actress? ANNE. HATHAWAY.
Top 3 favorite colors? Aqua, silver, and olive green
Favorite book genre? Historical, action-thriller-mystery. Think The Da Vinci Code, but better written.
Favorite poem? “Won’t You Celebrate With Me?” by Lucille Clifton
Favorite actor? Chris Evans
Favorite type of food? Indian
Favorite pair of shoes you own? Mid-calf vegan leather boots
Favorite song right now? “You Need to Calm Down” by Taylor Swift. I had it on repeat this morning.
Favorite show you’ve ever watched? Parks and Recreation or Brooklyn 99.
Favorite show as of right now? Brooklyn 99.
Favorite quote? I draw strength from different quotes at different moments. Right now I’m drawing strength from “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated” (Maya Angelou). However, I think an over-arching one is from the 2015 live-action Cinderella, “Have courage and be kind.”
Favorite thing to do when you’re bored? Read, scroll through the internet, go for a walk.
Favorite food? Samosas and hummus. 
Favorite sea animal? Octopi
Favorite perfume/cologne/body spray? Black Tulip by Nest, Black Raspberry Vanilla and Vanilla Bean Noel from Bath and Body Works.
Favorite drink to order at a coffee shop? Tea!
Favorite person you know? Probably my cousin.
Favorite blog(s) here on Tumblr? Abby’s, Rachel’s, Carolyn’s, and a few others.
Favorite Youtuber? So many. I watch way too much YouTube. I like Christina Randall, Jessica Kent, Olivia Simone, Lucia Tepper, Once Upon a Bron, caitlovesdisney, Jay Swanson, Sarah Ingle, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, Five Foot One Teacher, Colleen Ballinger (her, not Miranda Sings), Patrcia B, Katherine Steele, the Di’Amore Family, DFB Guide, The Financial Diet, Cherry Wallis, Brian Hull, Emily’s Wanderland, kenziemacbrown, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Amy Lovatt, and definitely more.
Favorite place to shop? Barnes and Noble.
Favorite book? Les Mis
Favorite musician? Taylor Swift
Favorite city you’ve been to? Paris
Favorite sport? I life to watch gymnastics and dance, but I don’t like to play sorts. Working out is fun though.
Favorite outfit you own? My teal Lularoe dress I know, MLMs are terrible, but I bought it before I knew that, and it’s higher quality than most of Lularoe’s other stuff.
Favorite app to use? Hogwarts Mystery
Favorite flower? Irises and sunflowers
PART 5. Ask me Would You Rather…
Eat a slug OR Eat a cockroach? Cockroach
Not take a shower for a week OR Not brush your teeth for a week? Not take a shower.
Cuss out your boss OR Tell your mom she looks fat? Cuss out my boss
Fart in front of your crush (and they know it’s you) OR Accidentally sneeze in your celebrity crush’s face? Definitely fart
Jump off a cliff into the ocean OR Go skydiving and jump out of a plane? Jump off a cliff
Be the girl who was known for eating her tampon OR Have everyone in your life legitimately hate you? Be known for eating my tampon.
Not be able to own anything that costs more than $20 OR Only be able to own things that cost $100 or more? $100
Shit your pants on nation television OR Shit your pants at a job interview? Job interview
Be famous while you’re alive but forgotten when you die OR Be unknown while you’re alive but famous after you die? Be unknown and then famous after death
Go to jail for 5 years for something you didn’t do OR Get away with a horrible crime and live with guilt & fear? Get away with it.
PART 6. Ask me if I’ve ever…
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes
Ever kissed someone who wasn’t single? Yes, and that is definitely part of the worst thing I have ever done. 
Ever spit in someone’s food/drink? No
Have you ever done anything illegal? Jaywalking is technically illegal, but other than that, no.
Have you ever cheated on a test? Yes
Ever spread a rumor? Yes
Have you ever saved someone’s life? Yes
Have you ever been to a foreign country? Yes
Have you ever made someone cry? Yes
Ever lied straight to someone’s face? Yes
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topicprinter · 6 years
Hey, it's Martin from Mr. Web Capitalist. On my blog, I'm doing interviews with online entrepreneurs.Today I want to share an interview with Chris Makara - an entrepreneur, online marketer and the founder of the social marketing tool called Bulkly.​Could you describe what do you do and how you earn your living?I make a living through multiple streams of income.I have a day job where I utilize my skillset and then evenings and weekends I do freelance work and work on my own side projects.​How did you get started?I first got started online back in 2003 while I was in college.A friend and I wanted to create an e-commerce site where we dropshipped bowling supplies. The reason for bowling supplies is that we were both a part of our college bowling team and it is a sport I had been doing since I was about 8 years old.So we had a pretty good knowledge of the products and industry – just no idea about anything regarding a website.I was tasked with building out the site, marketing it, etc. while my friend handled fulfillment and customer service.Since everything was new to me (and not many resources available like there are today), I self-taught myself everything through trial and error.This included everything from design, coding, SEO, SEM, analytics and more. You can learn a bit more about me here.​Do you still own the bowling website? What happened to it?I still own the domain but am not currently doing anything with it.After I graduated college (back in 2004) and got a real job, I just did not have the time for it.The other competitors started undercutting each other which shrank the profit margins. Which made it not really worth our time. So, we were actually in talks to sell our customer base to a competitor.Unfortunately, the web server crashed and we were not able to restore a backup. Keep in mind, this was back when backups were massive and manual and hardly ever went right.It was an expensive lesson, to say the least. But luckily backups and restoration are easier than ever today 🙂​What’s your typical workday like?My typical workday starts with me waking up before the wife and kids and it’s usually when I answer emails from clients, questions from my developers, customer service tasks, social media monitoring, etc.Then I’ll head off to my day job where I do focus mainly on data and analytics, SEO, SEM, and some social strategy mixed in.After the kids are asleep and I’ve had some time to relax, I’ll spend time on circling back on similar tasks that I first started with in the morning.​What makes You the most money?My day job definitely pays the bills, but my client work gives me some extra funds to do whatever with it that I would like.Usually, it funds side projects like Bulkly or allows me to reinvest in other partnerships and streams of income.​Tell me more about Bulkly. How did you come up with the idea? Why would anyone use it?Bulkly was actually an idea that evolved from me needing to be more efficient.A lot of my clients create evergreen content. And I would schedule this content on their social media channels with Buffer. But I got tired of manually adding the same updates into Buffer every week.So I created Bulkly that would allow me to easily recycle my social media updates on Buffer. It takes just a few minutes to set up and I will always have content dripped into my Buffer account automatically.It’s the perfect solution for anyone who wants to leverage their evergreen content on social media.​Is Bulkly a profitable business? Have you made back your investment?Bulkly is slightly profitable. But honestly, I have not promoted it like I should.That is another goal of mine this year – to increase the userbase of Bulkly.​Do you have a large team working in Bulkly?Going back to my previous answer, it is a small team – just me. And my developer.I’ve toyed around with bringing someone in to help with the promotion of it since most of my time is spent on client work.​What is your Top source of traffic?Organic search is definitely my top source of traffic.​Care to tell some less-known SEO secrets for our readers to implement?I don’t really think there are any big secrets at this point. It’s really about getting your on-page SEO in order and building relevant links.I will say that content audits are often overlooked and can provide some easy wins.​How many websites do you operate?Over a given month, I have my hands in 15-20 websites/marketing projects.​How to keep track of everything?To stay on top of things, I rely heavily on Trello and Skype.​What do you like about online marketing?What I like most is that there is always something new to learn. I’ve been doing this for 15+ years and I still find ways to learn new things.Digital marketing is always changing and that keeps things interesting for me. If I’m not learning something new, I feel like I am wasting my time.​Which blogs do you read?I don’t read as many blogs as I used to because I feel that the majority of them are too high level and rarely bring anything new to the table.The ones I do enjoy reading are Brian Dean, Robbie Richards, and Bryan Harris. Everything they publish has something actionable in it.The AHREF’s blog is also a good one as well.​Which books about business would you recommend to our readers?I recently read Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin.I’ve been following Rand/Moz for years, so I knew it was one I would be reading when it came out. I really enjoyed the behind the curtain view he provided in his book.I think it is a must for any startup/entrepreneur.​Are there any must-have tools or resources you recommend for internet marketers?I use quite a few tools. Among my “must-haves” are AHREFs, Bulkly, MalCare, Lumen5, and Mailshake.​What’s the hardest thing about being an entrepreneur?One of the hardest things is the balance of time.Back when I first started, I wasn’t married or have any kids. Over the years, my situation has changed.Before, I could easily work on my projects as much as I wanted to. However, now I have to find a balance between my family and work.With a full-time job, it can become quite the juggling act. But I think I am much more focused and efficient with my time which allows me to get more done, quicker.​Which is your favorite moment in your business?Great question. For me, it’s when you get validation on what you have been working on makes a difference in someone’s life.​What are your goals for 2019?One of my main goals this year is to put more of an emphasis on chatbot services for my clients. I feel that the time is right to focus on this channel. It’s still in its early stages and has not yet hit critical mass.Not only will it help my clients better their business, it will be an additional revenue stream for me.​Have you ever been offered to speak at online marketing conferences? Any memorable moments?Chris Makara at a Social Media BreakfastI’m actually more of an introvert, so I don’t actively seek out speaking opportunities. I’m definitely more comfortable speaking one on one or in small groups.However, I have previously spoken at the Houston Social Media Breakfast. It was a great experience to talk about using social media automation like a human with about 100 people.The event took place shortly after I launched Bulkly, so it was a good opportunity to get the word out and feedback on it while answering various questions about automation and measuring data.​What does the Internet Lifestyle mean to you?To me, an internet lifestyle is really just being able to do what you love online.Do you like data and analytics?There’s plenty for you to do.Interested in design, CRO, and user behavior?Yep, plenty of opportunity for you in those areas.Like writing?Ranking websites?Pretty much anything involving digital marketing?Then there’s plenty of opportunities and ways to have your own internet lifestyle.Just don’t get all caught up in the get rich quick schemes or those who claim to have it all figured out.Truth is no one has it all figured out. And for those who do become successful, there’s no doubt that they had the struggle to get to where they are.But in the end, if you enjoy the journey then the internet lifestyle can be rewarding both professionally and monetarily.​What advice would you give to people just starting out with an online business?There’s definitely a lot of advice to give. I think among the most important things are to stay focused.You’ll run into a lot of distractions and unknowns – don’t chase all the shiny objects.Create a goal and determine what you will need to do in order to get there. Don’t work on something that is not going to contribute you reaching your goal.But in order to be focused, you have to get started.So I would say to just get started would be the most important piece of advice…Because if you don’t get started, then you won’t ever make any progress.​​If you liked this interview with Chris Makara, then read my other interviews with entrepreneurs and online marketers. Check out the full interview with photos and videos.​Got a cool online business or an interesting success story? PM me!
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roomalthoughts · 6 years
12.11.2018: someone new
Tumblr media
Go take this the wrong way
You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
Only blue or black days
Electing strange perfections is in any stranger I choose
Would things be easier if there was a right way
Honey, there is no right way
And so I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
There's an art to life's distractions
To somehow escape the burning weight
The art of scraping through
Some like to imagine
The dark caress of someone else I guess any thrill will do
Would things be easier
If there was a right way, honey there is no right way
And so I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I wake, at the first cringe of morning
And my heart's already sinned
How pure, how sweet the love beneath it yeah
You would pray for him
'Cause God knows I fall
In love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day
Love with every stranger, the stranger the better
Love with every stranger, the stranger the better
Love with every stranger, the stranger the better
Love with every stranger, the stranger the better
And so I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
- Someone New // Hozier
**Please excuse any mistakes I made on this post. I had a massive migraine and I feel incredibly weak and I can’t really see well...enjoy :)
While I was sitting on the couch, watching tv, I was reminded of the times when I was a young teenage girl. For some odd reason, when I’m really sick (and don’t really have anyone to talk to at an emotional level that I trust) I like to go back to the past and highlight the good times. Reminiscing much as I would say. And lord and behold, my mom played a short snippet of the song Someone New by Hozier. Now it really trigger a lot of memories (that I already talked about) when I was in high school. A little fool who was yearning for something so consuming and filled with passion...
Ahhh, young love. Joking aside, I was a little fool that used to wear my heart on my sleeve. Now, I keep it hidden and out of sight for those who are just hunting it for pleasure. My generation (not all) loves to play games and go on with the next person. There’s no such thing as love and romance. All there is is partying, getting drunk/high and sleeping around. If you have a romantic heart, you are born in the wrong generation. I’ve been seeing boys and girls get hurt by those who just want a good time. Nothing serious. No strings attached.
I will admit that I still see hope in the mist of this storm. Many young adults that I know of prefer to be alone and travel rather than waste their time on someone who just isn’t ready for commitment. I’m one of them. I’m not afraid of commitment, I’m afraid of wasting my time on the wrong person. I would much rather wait than just fool around. I don’t have time for that quite honestly. I love traveling because I fall in love with many strangers when I walk around a city that I don’t live in. I love walking through the park and just looking at so many different faces.
Every day I fall in love with someone new.
I really do. It can be them playing the drums or guitar or singing or just simply walking through the crowd. I fall in love with strangers that are minding their own business. Why? Because they are the cutest when they are in their natural habitat. There’s something about humans in general that I find it so amusing. I love meeting new people and getting to know them. I’m no extrovert (I’m probably one of the most introverted people you’ll ever meet) but I like hearing stories.
Stories that make an impact on me. That will make me see things more differently. You have to have an open mind in this world sometimes. It helps you see and understand about the world around us. If you only see one side and not the other, then you’re shooting yourself in the foot. You cannot be opinionated about everything. You have to be willing to see both sides of everything and understand that not everyone will see your side. We have to agree to disagree. You have to be willing to learn. If you learn, you will expand your horizon.
My job is fun (sometimes) but it’s a job where I’m surrounded by people and I have to be willing to be super talkative and chipper. I cannot carry my own baggage and hate the world. I have to drop it at the door and walk in with a smile on my face. Of course I have bad days at work, we all do, but it’s a job where anything can happen at any given moment and I have to be ready for it. I do fall in love with random strangers and sometimes, we will have a small conversation and if they are one of my common customers that stop by all the time, then I will definitely say “hey, how’s it going?!”
When I say I fall in love with someone new everyday, it doesn’t mean that I’m going to get their digits and have a one night stand. What I mean is that I fall in love with their way and how they carry themselves. I tend to go for the shy and awkward ones because I’m the same way myself. I prefer intelligence over looks because looks fade away. If I can have a deep, meaningful conversation with you about life, knowing that I trust you 100% (you have to earn it or else it’s not working out) then you’re on my list.
It’s funny and ironic how I slowly am becoming my old high school self now since I’ve been on the single circle for almost two years now. I’m more flirtatious with those that I find attractive and sincere (obviously) and I’m starting to open up on the idea of going out on a date. As some of you know, I do have someone in mind and we are planning on hanging out sometime after the holidays (so excited :)).
If it doesn’t work out, then I’m totally cool with it. It’s a casual thing at the moment (even though I know I have a couple more people that are interested in me, yikes!) but I’m totally okay with just getting to know people and not rushing anything. I’m super busy with work and the demand of it, but once the holidays are over, I think I’ll get back on the dating scene once again.
Anyways, back to the point of this post, this song (and the video) just shows how I am in the inside. The most ironic part about this song is that Hozier co-wrote this song with an ex of his...I don’t know if I would even do that (even though I think that would be interesting if I co-wrote a song with one of my exes). It shows that he’s a romantic fool who just simply falls in love with someone new every day.
I’m a romantic fool who just falls in love with strangers every single day.
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