#anybody has a first watch gotham anniversary or its just me?
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2015 me irl
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iiintoxiiicated · 6 years
Robstar Week 2018 - Day Four
uwu hit me w that ROBSTAR KUSH
lol i mean,, i GUESS it’s also kinda dickkory because-
no whatever lets just uHhHhH get into the story
“It is most delightful that we are able to visit Tokyo once again,” remarked Starfire as she stepped into the airport, a yawn escaping her mouth. She rubbed at her eyes and if it weren’t for her yawn, the Tamaranean wouldn’t appear tired in the least. She beamed with excitement through her drowse, clinging to Robin’s hand while guiding him toward their baggage claim.
“I remember how much I admired the city the last time we were here,” Starfire continued as she floated beside her boyfriend, hands still locked together. Her feet were asleep and numb, leading her to stumbling insanely when they touched the ground. It was in her best interest to continue flying. “It is a relief we are able to partake in the festivities without worrying about the likes of Uehara Daizo and Brushogun.”
Robin nodded in agreement, his free hand gripping the booklet he had taken with him from Jump City. It contained various English to Japanese phrases that would help him if he miraculously got separated from Starfire. Thanks to the booklet, he’d know enough to get around.
He squeezed her hand. “Just remember to minimize the use of your powers,” the dark-haired teen warned. “Even though we stopped Uehara Daizo and his troops, Tokyo doesn’t see entirely fond to us. Remember what I told you?”
Starfire lowered herself to the ground, stumbling a bit with her footing. She cast around a curious gaze to see if anybody in the airport had noticed—which, they hadn’t, being so consumed in the crowd. The Tamaranean hero brushed aside her ruby locks shyly as she looked at Robin. “Yes; you are under the alias of Richard Grayson and I am Koriand’r.”
“Kori Anders,” Robin repeated, emphasizing the space that split it into a first and last name. “And call me Dick Grayson. It’s another way of saying Richard.”
Kori sighed and trudged on through the airport, weaving effortlessly through the swarm of people that hurried to catch their flight. She tucked another strand of hair aside. “I still do not entirely understand why we must celebrate our anniversary under the cover. We have saved the people of Tokyo! Why must they incriminate us?”
“Because, Sta- Kori,” Dick began, just barely correcting himself in time as they passed by another family, “I don’t think all of them know the real story behind Brushogun and Daizo. They just see us as the bad guys who came in from America and started messing with the police. A lot of them don’t believe Uehara should be in prison; they only see us in the wrong. I don’t want to risk anything while we’re here to celebrate.”
As they neared the baggage claim, Dick continued, “Plus, it gives us a bit of privacy. We’re heroes, sure, but we never get to live the lives of regular teens. Using our real names—that people don’t know—will let us get away with a lot more while on vacation. We can enjoy ourselves without worrying about the mobs of people who know us and love us, or know us and loathe us.”
Kori nodded in agreement, her eyes lighting up as she spotted their bags on the conveyor belt. She dragged Dick along with her to retrieve them, hosting her own hot pink one onto the ground as Dick did the same with his black one.
She kicked it onto its side and pulled at the handle, dragging the luggage on its wheels through the busy airport. Kori glanced back for a trace of Rob- Dick, letting out a relieved breath when she noticed him trailing not far behind her. She slowed her pace so they walked side-by-side.
“Do you recall the last time we were here?” Kori asked suddenly, startling Dick into alertness. She smirked to herself while her eyes affixed onto the carpet. “Besides all of the crime fighting. When we shared that moment on the top of a building watching the sunset?”
Dick smiled at the memory, even if the ending of it wasn’t so happy. He nodded, “I believe I recall that. The sunsets here are beautiful. It’s too bad we were too busy hunting Brushogun to admire one of the sunrises.”
“Well, we are here now,” Kori pointed out with a shrug as they laced their hands together again. “And this time we are not hunting anybody down. May we finally have the fun?”
He leaned over to press a kiss against her cheek, humming thoughtfully. “In a little while,” assured Dick with a small grin. “We need to check into our hotel first. We’re going to be here for a whole week, after all.”
“Oh yes!” Kori exclaimed, her feet detaching from the ground as her joy got the best of her. Dick squeezed her hand a little tighter as a reminder, watching as she instantly plopped back her feet back on the floor. The Tamaranean blushed though continued, “When you surprised me with the tickets, I did not believe that we were going for a whole week! You are usually too busy with the work to take a vacation.”
Dick scoffed, “Am not! I am more than capable of taking a vacation.”
Kori lifted a brow. “Dick, it is a chore to get you out of the Tower to go grocery shopping. You have even prohibited me from going because there could’ve been villains running amuck!”
“That was for your safety,” insisted the black-haired teen as he tugged on his luggage. “There were reports of Johnny Rancid out and I didn’t want you going alone! Who knows what could’ve happened if you ran into him?”
Kori rolled her eyes as they walked out of airport, the glass doors sliding shut behind them. She followed her boyfriend as he searched for the car rental where Cyborg had a reservation put in for them. “I am more than capable of looking out for myself,” she mocked with a smirk, taking note of his irritated glance back at her. “But that was unnecessary! We were lacking the milk for the cereal and-”
“Less English and more Japanese,” Dick teased, smiling at her irritated expression. He got on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss against her lips that seemed to put her at ease. “Please. I can’t find the sign to the car rental.”
Kori rolled her eyes again, though not long after a mischievous smirk made its way upon her lips. “My Japanese has become a touch rusty.” She set her jade eyes on a fine young man walking their way, making sure Dick could see who she gestured to. “Perhaps I should-”
Dick snatched her hand and dragged her past. “Nevermind. I’ll find the car rental myself.”
The rest of the day had breezed by; sad news for the two Titans on vacation. They’d spent their time acting as tourists in Tokyo, watching sumo wrestlers and trying exotic foods. They stopped by a couple of stores and picked up a couple of souvenirs for their fellow Titans back in Jump City as a thank-you for their help in organizing the trip.
Kori laid in the king-sized bed their suite had to offer. With the money that Dick had (which he seemed to acquire out of nowhere, shocking the other Titans), they were able to afford the finest hotel in Tokyo, as well as dine at the finest restaurants.
But the Titans were curious as to where this kind of money was whenever they needed it, though Dick insisted he knew a little somebody in Gotham who helped him out. Legally, of course! He’d never accept stolen money.
“Exhausted,” Kori breathed out as she nuzzled against the pillows. “I am utterly exhausted. The festivities we participated in were most enjoyable, if not equally tiring. Though I believe what I am feeling is the plane-lagging-ness.” She let out a yawn.
“You mean jetlag,” Dick corrected gently.
He smiled as he tugged on an old black shirt that he planned to sleep in. He tugged at the covers gently, urging Kori to float up and allow him to pull over his body. The black-haired teen patted at the free spot beside him, inviting the Tamaranean to join him.
Kori glanced at the lamp with a sigh. “You have left the light on for me to get. Again.”
Dick snickered under his breath, watching as Kori floated over to the switch and gave it a gentle flick. He opened up the covers and waited until she buried herself in them before speaking.
“Sorry, babe,” he began with a half-yawn, “but that’s your punishment for making me eat raw octopus earlier at dinner. It was still squirming!”
Kori rolled her eyes as she snuggled into Dick’s side, turning so that she was the little spoon. Even if it was slightly uncomfortable—as Kori was typically the big spoon—she still let out a quiet hum of pleasure. “That was nothing compared to the freshness of meals on Tamaran. It was delicious, either way. The sushi was glorious! As were the wrestlers of sumo and the mini markets we have purchased the souvenirs at.”
The Tamaranean let out a breath, her shoulders sinking as she did so. “Tokyo is indeed glorious, though I believe I find myself to be enjoying it more the second time around. We are doing everything we did not have the time to do on our first trip. It is… relaxing to be here with you. Exploring the streets of Tokyo, as well as the mini markets…” she trailed off with another yawn, her lips twisting into a slight frown. “Though, I do feel a bit of the homesickness.”
Dick tightened his grip around her reassuringly. His eyes were closed though he was listening to her as she rambled on drowsily. “There’s no need to feel homesick, Kori. Enjoy your time here because the next time we go on vacation won’t be for a long while. It was hard enough to convince myself to take a week-long break from watching over Jump.”
“As I have said before, you are utterly consumed with your work.”
“I prefer the word determined.”
Kori clicked her tongue, shaking her head only slightly as her locks tickled at Dick’s arms. “You are silly,” she remarked in a teasing tone, twisting in her position to press a kiss against his cheek. “A… what is the word? Ah, a workaholic, though silly. Have I said that I am beyond excited that we are here in Tokyo? Just you and I?”
Dick nodded with a confirming hum. “Many times, babe.”
“Well, I will say it again.” She blinked open her eyes, turning to stare at Robin, batting her lashes. “I am beyond excited to be accompanying you in Tokyo without the crime fighting. Even if I feel the slightest bit of the homesickness, you are my reminder that wherever I may be, I am home when I am with you.”
Dick leaned forward and pressed their lips together for a brief moment before he withdrew. He pressed his forehead against hers and felt the corners of his lips turn upwards into a smile. Dick squeezed her sides gently though reassuringly, letting out a breath.
“You’re my home, too, Kori.”
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