#anyhow guess I can finally try to start winding down from THAT whole box of horrors
loregoddess · 7 months
turns out Thing that has been stressing me out for the past two weeks might be a thing I didn't need to be stressed out about at all
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trade-baby-blues · 7 years
In Bloom
Pairing: Bones x Reader
Word Count: 1697
Warnings: 90% Fluff, one little swear word, a small amount of angst 
A/N: This is technically Part 2 of Wilted but can be read as a standalone I guess. If you want to, though, Part 1 is here. This trip was inspired by a road trip I took to Gibbs Gardens over the weekend. It’s an amazingly beautiful place, and it probably shows you my priorities that I spent the whole time thinking about how cool it would be if we found alien plants and planted them among our own gardens. Anyway, that’s enough rambling for one post, so as always, I hope you enjoy and let me know if you want tagged in anything!
Things had calmed down since your talk with Leonard. Well, it wasn’t talking as much as it was sobbing. Then, when Leonard walked you back to your quarters there wasn’t much of that either. You had to hand it to him - the man sure knew his way around your anatomy. Right now, your little tryst was forgotten, though, because you were annoyed. It was the second day of shore leave, and he’d pulled you up at 6 a.m. for something other than a morning quickie.
“Please, Leeee,” you whined, dragging out the vowels. “Just let me sleep another hour.”
“As cute as you are when you sleep, we need to get going. It’ll be nicer when there’s not as many people around.”
“There’s not many people here.” You groaned as Leonard pulled the covers off of you. When that didn’t rouse you, he pulled the pillow from your arms and hit you over the head with it. You let out a sigh of defeat.
“Fine, but I hope you know I hate you for this.” You shoved yourself off the bed, heading for your bags. “What do I wear?”
“Boots. It’ll be muddy with the rain last night and maybe a sweater. It’s a little cold for October.” Leonard leaned against the door, arms crossed watching you undress.
“You don’t have to watch, you know. I can manage to dress myself.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re not gonna go straight back to sleep when I turn my back.”
“You just like watching me get naked,” you said, poking your tongue out at him.
“Guilty,” he said, walking over to you. “But I like seeing you wear my sweaters even more.” His voice dropped to a low growl as you pulled his old academy sweater on. When he kissed you he tasted like coffee, and you groaned softly. His fingers dug into your hips, dragging up the bottom of the sweater.
“I swear to God, Len, if you made me get dressed this early in the morning just to undress me I’m never speaking to you again.”
“Mm, you don't have to talk, baby.” Leonard smirked before brushing his lips against yours again. You slapped him playfully on the arm and he pulled away with a laugh, hands still trapping your hips against his. “Lord help me, you are so beautiful.” He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear as you snorted.
“That's what beauty sleep does for ya. Might wanna try it yourself sometime, Doc.” You slapped his ass as you walked past him out of the bedroom. “Tell me you saved some coffee for me,” you called over your shoulder.
After you were fed and properly caffeinated, Leonard loaded you and a basket of food (and another thermos of coffee, at your request) into the car. He still refused to tell you where you were going, so you’d taken it upon yourself to annoy him until he caved or you got wherever it was you were heading. So far, he didn't look like he would break.
“Cow,” you said, pointing at a ranch as you sped past. The wind whipped your hair around your face and you enjoyed the sting of the cold air. “Cow,” you said again, passing another group of cattle. “Oh! Horse! Lots of horses. Oh, Len that one's just a baby!” Leonard only chuckled at your enthusiasm. After a few more minutes, it seemed like you were only annoying yourself, so you looked up some music on your PADD, trying to figure out what song Leonard would hate the most. You barely managed to bite back a laugh as you pulled up a classical song and synced your PADD to the car. There was a brief pause before the song started, and you turned the volume up as far as it could go.
The speakers rattled when the song started: “My anaconda don't. My anaconda don't. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun.”
The verse didn't even start before Leonard smashed the radio off. “No,” he said.
“But Leonard,” you fake-gasped, placing a hand over your heart, “I thought you liked my buns. Maybe you just need some reminding,” you purred. Loosening your seatbelt, you turned in your seat to face Leonard. You brushed your lips against his neck, and you could see his grip on the steering wheel tighten.
“I’m driving, sugar.” Leonard said, and you threw yourself back into your seat with a huff, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You're no fun.”
Leonard laughed. “I’m plenty fun. You're just cranky ‘cause I woke you up this early.” You only grumbled in response, watching the landscape fly by out the window. Leonard put a hand on your knee. “Just go to sleep, sweetheart. I’ll wake you when we get there.”
Between the cool breeze on your face and Leonard’s thumb stroking your knee while he hummed under his breath, you were asleep in minutes. You were still grumpy when he woke you up again and asked you to put on a blindfold. You agreed, though, tripping as you clambered out of the car and fell straight into Leonard’s chest.
You buried your head into his chest as he laughed, hardly able to keep off your own smile at how ridiculous you felt. “Don't worry. I’ve got you.” Leonard laced his fingers through yours as he led you forward.
You felt wood under your feet and then gravel. You could hear water trickling, so you guessed it was a bridge. You smelled flowers, too, which led you to believe this was another one of Leonard’s nature adventures and you groaned softly.
“Wait here,” he said, letting your hand go. You immediately turned away, reaching blindly for a wall or a sign of some sort. “Hey, hey, I said wait here,” Leonard said, cursing under your breath as you knocked something over. He barely managed to catch it, setting it upright before dragging you back to the counter and wrapping you tightly in his arms. There was money exchanged and the cashier handed Leonard a map, but he declined. Said he’d been here a million times before, and then the two of you were off again.
The road went from concrete to gravel to dirt and grass. You were glad you listened to Leonard and wore boots, because you felt yourself sinking into the damp soil. The two of you walked in silence, Leonard no doubt enjoying the serenity of nature. You scoffed at the thought, still annoyed that he woke you up so early. You were about to cave and start whining again when Leonard finally stopped, setting something down and hooking an arm around your waist.
“You can take the blindfold of now.”
“Yeah, but then I have to look at you again,” you teased. Leonard laughed, a deep infectious laugh that even made you crack a smile.
“Just take it off, smartass,” he said, pressing a kiss to your temple. When Leonard spoke, it was barely a whisper. “My sister brought me the first time. Right after Jocelyn and I split.”
You looked at him first as you slipped the blindfold off, then hazarded a look around. You gasped softly as the colors flooded your eyes. Beautiful Japanese maples blending with blue flowers and orange plants you couldn't identify. You re
“I was in a bad way. Especially after she got custody of Jo,” Leonard let go of your waist and out of the corner of your eye you saw him reach into the basket he brought. “My sister thought bringing me here would remind me that there's ‘still beauty in the world,’” Leonard continued. You chuckled at his impression of his sister.
You stared into the pond in front of you, watching the trees dance in the reflection on the surface. “Did it work?”
“Bless her heart, no. She tried everything but, I didn't see beauty in the world again until I met you.”
You looked at Leonard, eyes dropping when you saw him kneeling in front of you. You heart jumped to your throat when you saw the ring. “Len.” It's all you manage to get before your voice breaks.
“Y/N, I know I’m closed off and temperamental and I wake you up too early and nag you about all the caffeine you drink - which is still too much, by the way,” Leonard laughed. You laughed with him, tears slipping down your cheeks. “It’s all just because I love you, which isn't something I thought I’d ever say to a woman again, but damn if you didn't make it impossible not to love you. I’d like to tell you exactly how much for the rest of our lives.”
You dropped to your knees in front of Leonard and nodded your head vigorously. You threw your arms around him, trying to form words but not trusting yourself to not start crying. You peppered kisses along his jaw before pulling back to kiss him on the lips. The damp grass was soaking your knees but you didn't care. You wanted to live in this moment forever. “Yes. God yes.” Leonard smiled wider than you’d ever seen, pulling the ring out of the box and slipping it on your finger. “It's perfect,” you breathed.
“I asked your dad your ring size before the shuttle crash. Wanted to do this right and get his blessing.” Your chest tightened, thinking about walking down the aisle without him. Leonard saw your worry and pressed a hand to your cheek. “My pa’ll walk you down, if you want. He already thinks of you as his daughter anyhow.”
“I’d love that,” you said. You looked at Leonard again, admiring the lines of his face. The wrinkles at his eyes and the corners of his mouth, revealing more laughter than his typical scowl suggested. You pressed your lips against his again, slipping your tongue in his mouth. Tasting the coffee and honey he had for breakfast, tasting the love he had for you. As the breeze blew your hair around you, you realized Leonard was right. There was still beauty in the world and it was seated right in front of you.
Tags! Let me know if you wanna be added/taken off !! 
Here’s a pic of what the maples look like in Fall in case you’re not in GA and are curious: 
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zombierunfiction · 8 years
Season 1 Mission 9: Recovery
Nearly a week later Charlotte had completely healed from her late night run and was slowly getting closer to Sam.  They spent a lot of time when he wasn't watching out for the runners spending time together.  He showed her all around Abel including the closet where they kept the board games that they had found from runs.  
Charlotte actually felt hopeful for the first time since the event happened.  Currently she was sitting in the mess hall talking to Jack and Eugene over bowls of oatmeal.
"So Charlotte how's it going on those runs?  I've noticed our sports bra supply is getting bigger."  Jack said with his playful british accent.
Charlotte rolls her eyes.  "Hey there's a lot of women here in Abel and sports bras are a need."
"Your last run yesturday brought in 8 of them!"  Eugene said being one of the few Americans in Abel.  
"Not my fault."  Charlotte said holding up her hands.  "Besides if i remember correctly Sara brought in several pairs of underware the day before."
Both Jack and Eugene started laughing hard as Janine steps over.   Charlotte had yet to meet her in person but she looked exactly how she imagined the land owner to look.  Dark brown hair with a deep farmers tan that melded well with her green eyes.  
"Runner Five we need you to go on a run."  Janine said briskley.
Charlotte raised an eyebrow.  "I didn't hear any annoucement."
Janine rolls her eyes.  "Well now you have so get your gear and let's go."  She said roughily as she walked out of the mess hall.
"Woo... someone has a bee in their bonnet."  Jack whispered as Eugene gently pat Charlotte on the arm.  
"Go on.  It might be important."  Eugene said as Charlotte nodded and quickly walked to the packs.  She got her pack on then grabbed her axe tieing it into her pack.  She put on her head set then walking towards the gate.
"Raise the gates!"  Sam says as the alarm goes off while the gates rise.  "Runner Five, ready... gates are open... covering fire."  The gun shots start to ring out.  "and... go!"  Sam said as Charlotte took off away from Abel.  "So... just checking my mission sheet for your status... yeah, that's not a mission sheet.  You've seen my office or should i say, corrugated iron hut we decided was no good for a latrine, with enough electricity from the generator to power the transmitter, but not enough some days for, oh, I dunno, light?"  Sam said almost bitterly.
Charlotte chuckled.  "You're office is just like you Sam.  A mess but a very organized mess."
"I'll take that with the love that was intended."  Sam says with a grin.  "Did you hear that Janine?  It's okay.  Don't you worry about me Runner Five.  Just trying to keep everything together here while Janine..."  There was rustling around before Sam taks away from the mic.  "What are you doing with the electricity, Janine?"
"Remember, you're in MY house Mr. Yao."  Janine states harshly.
Sam chuckles slightly.  "Yeah, I thought we did away with private property after the whole, you know, end of civilization?  Remember that?"
"I remember this place was my farm house before all of you arrived.  And I remember I am the only one who knows where all the junction boxes are, because I wired the place myself.  So, yeah, those tools we were expecting from the military base would be pretty useful right now.  Any word on that?"  Janine said  sounding rather miffed.
"Ah, yeah... right, right, right... Yeah, so uh... we're sending you back to your helicopter today, see if there's anything you can, uh, find in the wreckage.  And I've got a surprise for you..."  Sam said with a smile as foot steps run over as Sara runs over with a green army hat on that held her hair under her hat.
"Hey there Five!  Remember me, your old pal, Runner Eight?"  
Charlotte shook her head.  "Of course I remember you Sara."  
Sara smiles.  "We're on the road together again.  Isn't that great?"  She says coughing roughily.  "We're making good pace here, Five.  We're heading into hostile territory.  You remember from your first run in?  But if we just keep running, and don't stop for too long at the chopper, we'll be just fine."
"Joy.  Not like I am dying to go back there... besides I jumpped out and parachuted down."  Charlotte said as she jumpped over a stump.  
"I'm pretty interested to see what we'll find in that chopper, you know.  That's why I volenteered for this duty."  Sara said as Charlotte glared at her.
"This isn't about you still thinking I brought down the copter is it?"
Sara looks at her.  "You can't be to careful.  I know what people say.  'Don't think about the past, just keep your eyes on survival' but I-"  Sara started coughing hard again.  "Well I just can't help wondering about things.  I mean, I've got the same problems as everyone else.  Lost my husband and my two boys back when the dead took the east.  Had to take them out myself when they came back.  Only had a shovel to do it with."  Sara said as she ducked under a tree branch.  "I never would have thought I had the strength in me, but you know!"  She laughs breathlessly.  "Like they say, we didn't know ourselves 'til this happened.  You never know what you're capable of."
Charlotte looked at her for a moment before looking ahead of her.  That was an understatement.  She was in the same position.  She had taken out several of her former neighbors when the outbreak first began and it was surprising her reaction to it.  She had none.  She didn't feel anything when she had to take out the neighbors that had welcomed her into their Northumberland neighborhood.  
It distrubed her.
"Well, I won't ask your story.  You'll share it when you're good and ready.  No one's story is ever good, is it, Five?"  Sara asked as they got up onto a small hill that led down a road.  "Anyhow, I didn't expect to wind up somewhere like Abel Township.  For a while there, I thought I might go mad!  But turns out... I can run really fast.  I always ran at school and college back when I was a girl, and that's a useful skill these days.  Useful enough for me to earn my keep... in lots of places."  Sara starts to cough again before taking a deep breath.  "Oh this damn cough just won't quit!"
Just as Charlotte was about to comment the sound of a distant cough is heard.  Both girls stopped and looked around, listening.
"I know I cough loud, but that wasn't an echo."  Sara whispered.
"No... someones out here other than zoms..."  Charlotte whispered back before a groan hit their ears.
"We've got more company!"  Sara shouted as she grabbed Charlotte's wrist taking off down the road as zombies began chasing them quickly.
"Hey Runner Five, Runner Eight - you're out of range for Runner Eight's transmitter, but I guess you can still hear me.  You're getting close to the chopper, and we've got more movement - hostiles behind you, just like we expected, but something up ahead too."  Sam said.
"No kidding Sam!"  Charlotte shouted as she dodged away from an abandoned car following Sara.
"Watch yourselves, because I -"  Sam sighs heavily.  "Janine, is this really nescessary?"
"Unless you want the whole base's electricity to go down in the middle of the night, I've got to replace this wiring right here."  Janine said matter-of-factly.
Sam sighs heavily.  "Yeah, apparently it can't wait.  They're switching off transmission AND scanner."
"So complete radio silence?" Sara said.
"Only for a few minutes!  You're on your own guys, You'll be fine."  Sam consoled.
"Unless we turn on each other, hey?"  Sara joked as the distant coughing happened again.  "Who is that coughing?"
"Okay... I'll be back in just a few minutes.  Sorry about this guys.  You know, if i could it all myself..."  Sam says slowly.
"You've be a very valuable asset to this base, Mr. Yao."  Janine said as static comes over the radio before silence hits them.
The coughing continued then began having a wheezing sound joinning it.
"So we're on our own, huh?  Just as we reach the chopper, and..."  Sara said as they got to the trees where the wreckage of the chopper laid among broken trees.  "holy... is that..."  Sara said as Charlotte looks in horror.  
"My pilot... yes..."  She breathes as she looked back seeing the zoms and seemed to lose interest in them.  They walked towards it slowly.  
"That girl... she's reanimating from the dead right now.  She must have been left half eaten like that, strapped into her seat in the chopper..."  Sara said as the woman was fighting against her seat belt.  Her face was half eaten as she fought hard.  The sound of fabric ripping is heard.  "Now she's... oh hely mary, mother of god!"  Sara said fast.
"Run!"  Charlotte shouted taking off grabbing Sara this time as the pilot broke free of her seat belt and scrambled after them fast.  "Holy shit i thought she died in the crash!"  She said as they weaved through the trees.
"Good thought.   Damn who was this girl?  A sprinter?"  Sara asked as Charlotte lept over a boulder chancing a look back seeing the pilot stumbling after them groaning loudly.
"She was just my ride.  I didn't even know her name."  Charlotte said fast.
"Hey Five.  I've got a plan.  We've got to find out what's in that chopper!  So if you - I know how this sounds, but just trust me -"  Sara starts.
"Yea like that's not the first time I've been told that."  Charlotte said with a laugh.
Sara smirks.  "If you circle round that way, she'll chase you.  I'll head back around quietly to the chopper to see what I can find.  Deal?  Okay I'll catch up to you.  Remember -  the newly reanimated are the quickest.  Run really fast!"  Sara broke off heading in one direction as Charlotte headed off fast.  She heard the pilot running after her hot on her heels.
It took her a bit to finally shake the pilot but after dropping down a small hill and running up the other side.  She jogged over to Sara who was picking at the chopper.  In the distance zombies were groaning and the snapping of branches signalling their approach.  
"I lost her.  Thankfully."  Charlotte said as she took off her bag.
"Good.  Got them!"  Sara said as she was stuffing the electronic equipment into her bag.  "Here, I can't carry all this, you take some."  Charlotte nodded taking the rest of the electronics.  Sara reached in the dash and pulled out something.  "Well, you know what I found back there?"  She pulled it out showing Charlotte's Mullin's Base Military ID.
Charlotte looked at it.  "My ID."  She said simply.  "Still think I'm the one who shot it down?"  She asked almost bitterly.
"It's looking pretty good for you.  There's your picture, there's your military cred.  Guess you're just a raw recruit like the rest of us, huh?"  Sara said as Charlotte gave her a look.
"If being a lieutenant is a raw recruit then yea."  Charlotte said sarcasticly as she reached for the ID only for Sara to pull it back.
"Now, I hope you don't mind, Runner Five, but I guess I'll be handing this to the head of runners when we get in.  Just because, you know, a bunch of us were wondering who you really were, and this... Well this is looking really great for you.  Imagine what I would have to do out there If I'd found someone else's ID in that chopper?"
Charlotte glared at her and stood up zipping up her pack.  "Stop speaking in riddles Sara.  I don't appreciate it."
"Just imagine.  Wouldn't have wanted old Sam to hear that.  He's a good kid."  Sara probed zipping her bag.
"Don't you dare-"  Charlotte said just as static came over their head sets as Sam's voice appeared again.
"And... we're back!"  Sam said excitedly.
"Yep.  Got you all hooked up again back here. Even boosted your signal a bit."  Janine said.
Sam chuckled softly.  "Did I miss anything?"
Charlotte stared at Sara for a long moment.  Sara had started out very suspious of her and even when she found proof, she still seemed hesitant.  And to bring Sam in on this was bellow the belt.
"No Sam you didn't miss anything."  Charlotte said tensely as Sara and her started to jog away from the chopper.
For a bit the two ran in silence before Sara pushed her mic up so Sam didn't hear.  "You know, Five,  I didn't know whether to trust you at first.  i've been in that military base myself, you know.  Never saw you there."  She said simply.  "But I guess people move around a lot.  Yes I was there, well, it must have been nearly five months ago!  Just after the outbreak hit."  Sara said running along the road they took to get there.  "They gave us all these shots, told us it might be a vaccine.  Might be a punch in the eye, you know?"  She chuckles softly.
Charlotte looked at her with a stone face.  The military had taught her that no matter your personal feelings fellow soliders stuck by you.  They trusted you until you gave them a reason not to trust you.  She had done nothing to Sara to warrent the mistrust.
"A lot of people thought they had a vaccine back then.  Remember how they said on the news?  'It's like small pox; it's like rabies!  We'll have a vaccine in a few weeks.'  Yes pie in the sky!  But a bunch of us thought we could make it to family down south.  We'll I guess you know how those journeys turn out.  I was lucky to find Abel Township before I got bitten."  Sara coughed hard again.
"Is this conversation going to continue on or do you have a point somewhere?"  Charlotte asked.
Sara looked over at her.  "I keep in contact with a bunch of those people back in the base, and I guess it's my job to say you and me - we've got to talk sometime, Five.  About Project Greenshoot?"  Charlotte looked at her in shock.
Sara was her contact about Project Greenshoot.  
*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~           < 9 >
Season 1 Beginning
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