#anyone having more ideas for what larry bakery offers could be called
awesomefringey · 2 years
Get the fuck out of fandom larrie tinhats. Sell your tickets to those real louies who love the real Louis with his son and girlfriend. If you haven't yet got the message just look at how many real Louies liked and qouted his tweet about Freddie and how Louis thanked all non tinhat UAs for their Defenceless and charity projects. Non larrie UAs and fans are the majority in his fandom. So GTFO of this fandom wacko tinhats.
Dear anti,
since you all seem to be bred in the same pits of Isengard you’re going to read this message on behalf of every idiot sending my blog the same word-for-word copy/paste anti-mantras.
Let me paint you a picture.
So this fandom is like a village. And Larry tumblr is a bakery in said village. A peaceful little place, really traditional, one that bakes their stuff, creates little seasonal muffins and cupcakes. It’s a bit old-fashioned but nonetheless cozy. They sell the best rainbow cakes they say. But overall this place is an insider's tip for most.
In this bakery you would find all sorts of people, of all ages, all genders, all sexualities. Everyone is welcome, you can do your own thing here, have a cup of tea and some cinnamon rolls, or just sit and type up your next essay, others would discuss their latest book and there’s always someone drawing in one of the quieter corners of the bakery. You can tell these people enjoy hanging out together. They know each other. They respect each other. They say hi, catch up, comment on the newest excellent baking creations. And these people come back here every day. They really love this bakery and their little community, right?
But then every other day, out of nowhere, the door flies open and some dude storms in. Looking pissed. Chest heaving from running or hyperventilating? I can't tell! Giving everyone a condescending once over while sweating profusely, then takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, remembering the words he came to say and yells “You f-king tin hats! You are delusional to think bread is real food! It isn't! But meat is! Everyone loves meat! They even say it in the tabloids. So stop making everything about bread! It's gross! You are nothing but a weird wheat cult! So f-k your cake! F-k your rolls! F-k your scones! F-k your little delulu café!”. Before anyone can say anything, he quickly turns on his heels and runs off.
And you know what happens next? Exactly. Nothing.
Because you see, what’s left is really that we all observed a dude making an absolute ass of himself. Who literally ran into a bakery of all places to express his love for meat? Demanding a bakery to stop doing what a bakery is there for just because he loves meat. Pretty dumb, don't you think?
Nothing about this dude's behaviour made anyone here think "Oh I gotta try out the butchery down the road because meat sounds really damn delicious and the people consuming it are super nice!". Nope. Instead I appreciate my little peaceful bakery even more. I love the community so much more.
If it wasn't clear yet, the dude was you. So excuse me, while I'm going to sip on my big "Sweet Creature Latte" and munch on a "Dagger Croissant" because you just made a fool out of yourself.
PS: You know what's the saddest part?
This dude ran out the door, stopped around the corner, then slowly snuck back, is now freezing outside just to creep through the window in hopes his performance had made an impact. Because you, dear anti, really read until here…
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