#anyone would end up with trust issues dhskdbdh
hyperfixationwizard · 2 years
I feel the need to talk about Graves' betrayal and it's all @alexgalaxyboo 's fault btw.
I don't think we talk enough about,,, what that betrayal meant for Soap man.
He trusted Graves, he thought they were friends- the man saved his life a good handful of times already, and he truely did consider him a friend, perhaps even during the rare downtime they had. And then he turns, and Soap has to fight his way through Las Almas with a bullet in his shoulder that someone he thought of as his brother in arms put there and the knowledge that said man wants him dead.
And there was probably a moment, somewhere between stumbling into the trees, away from the betrayal, and hearing Ghost's voice over Comms im las almas, where Soap had to consider the fact that he may be all alone- he doesn't know if Ghost made it out, if he was captured like Alejandro or perhaps even killed. And maybe there is some part of him that thinks, maybe he betrayed them too. It doesn’t make sense logically, and he doesn't truely believe that, because why would he have yelled for him to run if he had been a traitor? But the thought still stings, because as much as Graves meant to him, Ghost meant just as much, if not more.
Except all the logic in the world won't quite make that little voice in the back of his mind that tells him, 'if one of your friends betrayed you, who is to say the rest won't, too?', shut up. He pushes the fear down, tells himself to focus on getting out, first. And then he hears Ghost over his radio and all he can feel is relief, until that treacherous part of his brain begins to wonder if this could be a trap. And yet he chooses to trust Ghost, still, because he's done nothing to earn his mistrust- the opposite, actually, when he had stayed to make sure Soap got away. He realizes, when Ghost calls him "Johnny" in that worried tone of voice, that he still trusts the man- with his life, and, if he's being honest, with his heart, too.
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