#anytime i do something different from my norm. or bring in a new aspect of the story. Anything.
orcelito · 5 months
I think the #1 thing to make writing good is to just. Stick to your guns. Take yourself seriously. If you treat your writing as if it's serious, even if you're doing some crazy shit, people are willing to believe it. The moment you doubt what you're doing in your writing, it's gonna shine through. So even if you're scared, pretend you're not until you get the hang of it & no longer feel so scared
It's worked for me so far 😅
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mysmegrace · 3 years
woop wait i just saw the requests open thing sorry , can i please request the rfa with an ace/asexual mc ?
of course! thank you so much for your request! i hope i did this justice, please let me know if any information in this post is inaccurate or misunderstood! i'm not asexual and my resource for all info is from the internet.
RFA with an Ace/Asexual MC
yoosung kim:
the topic of your sexuality first arose from a movie night in his university dorm.
you two have been dating for a while now and it's been in the back of yoosungs mind for a while.
in his mind, he knew the time for that special event to happen was approaching.
so he decided that tonight was the tonight he would bring it up ever so subtly and maybe experience it for the first time.
with your consent of course.
you had a different idea of the action however.
you don't understand the huge hype around it.
it just wasn't something you’re attracted to.
the action itself repulsed you.
that's not to say you didn't want a relationship with yoosung or didn't find him physically attractive.
you valued your significant others personality and the emotional connection you had together such a strong way.
and you hoped yoosung would understand that when you eventually told him.
so when you arrived, he had everything ready to make the night comfortable and amazing.
the fluffiest blankets you could imagine had been laid across the couch with a bowl of popcorn, made just the way you like it, in front of you on the coffee table.
and the night was just  beginning.
half-way through the movie, yoosung reached across your body laid in front of him to the coffee table and took up the remote to pause the film. 
he said in a low, yet nervous voice “MC, i was thinking recently..”
you could sense where this was going.
you knew you had to tell him sometime in the near future, but if you were honest, you didn’t expect to have to let him know tonight.
“we’ve been dating for a while now. usually couples around this point in the relationship would..” he continued, cutting himself off with a breath to calm his nerves.
then he let it out.
“start talking about that special event..you know, the really deep one in relationships. i was wondering if maybe you wanted for us to try that out for ourselves tonight?” he finished.
you could feel your heart racing ever so slightly.
you weren’t ashamed or embarrassed of your sexuality.
you were mainly concerned that yoosung would get the wrong idea or shame you because of it.
but you knew you had to tell him, so you answered after a long thought.
“i’ve..never been interested in those types of things. they’ve always repulsed me and made me uncomfortable. it’s not because of you personally, i was just born like this. i understand if you need some time but my idea of it won’t change anytime soon.”
you took a deep breath, slightly closing your eyes to shield you from his body language in case he would become angry or upset.
yoosung took a breath too as he thought about your response.
he had never thought about the fact that you may not have been attracted to those things.
he finally responded after a minute or two, saying “oh, i’ve never thought about it like that. i hope i haven’t made you uncomfortable..”
truth be told, yoosung wasn’t ready for the event just yet.
but he understood your feelings towards it.
the absence of sex didn’t mark the end of your relationship.
your relationship was much more than one physical action.
he wrapped his arm around your waist, saying
“don’t worry, i completely understand”.
then he resumed the movie, eventually falling asleep with you on the couch.
hyun ryu / zen:
you’ve been living with zen for a few months following the third rfa party.
over the course of these past few months, you could feel your relationship continuously evolving into something deeper.
zen kept making moves with you, getting increasingly physical each time.
you knew the time for that special event between couples was approaching.
and you were not looking forward to it. 
you found zen very physically attractive, but couldn’t imagine doing the deed with him.
it disgusted you to your core.
just the thought of it alone was enough to make you shiver.
one night after zen came home from practicing for his new role, he started with the typical nightly routine.
it consisted of skincare, a drink, and loving actions towards his love.
tonight when his loving actions came out, it continued to get deeper and deeper.
the arm around the waist turned into a kiss which continued into a make-up session.
eventually he was asking for your consent to go farther.
you knew what this meant and immediately got it together.
you quickly denied, saying “wait, i don’t want this”.
you could tell by the wave of shock and confusion flashing over his face that you would need to explain this.
so you quickly let him know why, saying “it’s not because i don’t want to be with you or think your ugly, i just think sex isn’t for me. i find the very thought of it disgusting. im content with kissing and i hope we can keep it this way”.
you hoped he wouldn’t be upset with you.
he was taken aback, sitting up to make eye contact.
he had never heard of someone not wanting to do the act.
not just with him, but all together.
however, he listened and stopped all action in the moment.
he looked away, thinking about your words.
he knew your relationship was more than physical actions and that something so deep wasn’t something that a relationship should be centered around. 
so after some thought, he embraced you.
reassuring you that this wouldn’t change the way he perceived you in this relationship.
he would still love you.
he could never not love you.
so instead of continuing your previous intense make out session, you two ended up cuddling, eventually falling asleep in a loving embrace.
jaehee kang:
you awoke with the sun piercing through your eyelids.
a rude awakening in your opinion.
as you rub your eyes, you turn to look at your love sleeping besides you.
it was only 5:30am, the cafe you two owned didn’t open until 8am.
with a solid 2 and a half hours to waste, you stroked your sleeping beauties face.
ever so gently moving her once short hair away from her face.
the sun eventually woke her up too, only 15 minutes after it woke you up.
she said good morning with a kiss.
you returned her kiss, but she continued the kiss.
deeping it more and more.
you had become a little annoyed, pulling away more and more every time she went in for another one.
she caught on not long after, giving you a questioning look.
 you were quick to explain your actions.
“i’m not comfortable with such physical actions. i’ve always had a general disgust when it comes to actions such as deep long kisses and sexual events. i hope i haven’t made you upset” you let out.
she was incredibly understanding, giving you a quick smile saying “oh, i’m sorry love. i understand”.
she then left the bedroom, heading to make breakfast for the both of you.
jumin han:
your wedding day was coming closer and closer by the day.
you knew jumin strongly believed in not living together before marriage or participating in extremely intimate actions before marriage.
however, you knew sex was something many people expected to happen in a marriage at some time.
you had no doubt jumin expected it too.
you couldn’t exactly blame him when you knew it was the societal norm.
but you hated it.
you hated everything about the action.
no matter what way you looked at it, you couldn’t understand why so many people want to take part in such a thing.
but you knew you would have to tell him sometime.
it would be better to tell him sooner than later.
you didn’t think it would be right to tell him after you were already married.
plus you wouldn’t want to spend your life with someone who couldn’t accept everything about you.
so tonight was the night you would let it out.
you met jumin at his home once he came home from work and cleaned up.
he offered you some wine, and you accepted.
it was the perfect opportunity.
watching the expensive liquid being poured into your glass, you wondered which way you should let him knew.
should you hint towards it?
should you say it outright?
you knew in your heart that that would be the best course of action.
jumin was a straight forward man afterall.
once both of you were settled down, you started off the conversation with your concerns about the marriage.
more importantly, your concerns about the sexual aspects of this.
jumin was caught off guard.
he didn’t expect you to be worried about it.
did you think he would hurt you during the act or take advantage of you?
however, he continued to listen with a concerned look on his face.
all of his predictions were shot down when you said your feelings towards the act.
you said you hated the thought of it and had no desire to ever participate in it.
“oh” he thought.
sure he would like to take part in those acts from time to time, but only if you were 100% comfortable with it.
if you didn’t want to do it, he would respect that.
afterall, he didn’t want to marry you for his own physical pleasure.
he completely understood you, but reassured you that you had nothing to worry about as he would never force that upon you.
he wants to marry you for you, not for your body.
saeyoung choi:
the night of your engagement was an exciting one to say the least.
a party with all of your close friends that you would consider family was exactly what you needed right now.
and to see your future husband and brother in law finally together made your heart want to explode out of your chest from happiness.
and now you were here, laying on saeyoungs bed smiling while talking about your future together.
the house you could build together.
the car you could drive to the store in.
the names of any future children you may have.
it’s safe to say, you two were getting carried away.
saeyoung started to make out with you after you two had calmed down a bit.
you returned the action, and it was getting increasingly heated as time went on.
he started to lay his hands upon the bottom of your shirt, gesturing towards pulling it off. 
you snapped out of your makeout haze after you realized what he was trying to get at.
you pulled away sharply, leaving him shocked.
did he do something wrong?
his head started racing with worries.
he didn’t want to upset you in anyway.
you blatantly let out your feelnings towards his actions.
“saeyoung, i don’t like that. you haven’t done anything terrible, i just don’t like things getting that intense and sexual.”
he didn’t know what to say.
he never meant to unknowingly upset you.
cue the wave of apologizes from saeyoung.
you calmed him pretty quick once he starting this, saying “saeyoung, it’s fine. i know you didn’t mean to”.
eventually he calmed down and thought about it seriously.
he was completely understanding.
so instead of going further, he just continued with the kissing.
but made sure to keep it strictly kissing.
he was ready to love you for his entire life, even if he never had sex with you.
and he was content with that.
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Taking Whisks || Roland and Kaden
TIMING: Before the scream LOCATION: Roland’s house PARTIES: @sgtrolandhills​ and @chasseurdeloup​ SUMMARY: Upon learning that Sarge eats way too many Lean Cuisines and doesn't even know what a roux is, Kaden offers to teach Roland some cooking basics. The pair bond and have a perfectly pleasant evening. (But for real)
While he could solely rely on prepped delivery boxes with the simplest of instructions, Roland realized he was probably getting too old to not have any real cooking skills. It didn’t look like the being alone aspect of things was changing anytime soon either. With him feeling more and more like he was failing in his work life, he needed something for himself in his personal life. He enjoyed eating. What better hobby to pick up than cooking? Plus, Kaden seemed to know what he was talking about with his roux and flour. He liked Langley well enough. A bit of a wild card, but he could see them getting on outside the station. A friend or two couldn’t hurt, right? That’s what he told himself as he opened the door to welcome Kaden into his home. “Hey,” he greeted, “I appreciate you taking the time to show me the ropes of cooking. I have some beer in the fridge-- lady at the store said it was French. I also have some pinot noir which is apparently pretty nice. Haven’t tried it myself yet.” He had planned on sharing it with Erin, but it was now very apparent what a bad idea that would be. Even if there was no longer evidence against her, he couldn’t look past what he’d seen.
As Kaden stepped up to his boss’s house, he realized he hadn’t planned ahead very well. Well, alright, he had planned ahead and brought not just his own food to cook, but his own pots and pans, too. Okay, sure, Sarge probably had pots and pans but he couldn’t guarantee a man who ate lean cuisines had adequate cooking equipment. What he hadn’t planned on was how in the hell he was going to ring the doorbell. Kaden tried to angle his elbow to knock the door bell but he couldn’t get it just right. He then tried to adjust the pots and pans in his arms to try and wriggle a free hand to knock on the door but there was just too much. Sure, he could just sit something down first and then knock or use the doorbell, but then he’d have to reach down and pick it all up again. Instead, Kaden decided to knock on the door with his foot. Some might call it kicking, but it was clearly a knock. “Hey, Sarge,” he said as the door swung open. “Don’t mention it. I can’t let you waste away on, what are they called again, Lean Cuisines?” Kaden shuddered at the thought. “I’m no master chef, alright, but I can teach a few basics. Trust me, you’ll never be able to go back.” As Kaden settled in the kitchen, he couldn’t help but think how strange it was that he had co-workers. He was so used to being a weird freelancer type, taking whatever odd jobs paid the bills, hunting and relying on the kindness of his hunter contacts. This whole same people every day thing was new. And strange. Stranger yet was that he sort of respected and like Roland. “This wine doesn't look half bad,” he said, looking over the bottle. “You didn’t get it on account of me, right?”
While he and Langley didn’t get to do too much talking at work, Roland did respect him. Animal Control was a vital part of public safety, especially in this town where aggressive animals seemed to somehow be the norm. He looked forward to learning the basics of cooking from him. Weren’t the French notorious for really fine cuisine? From Lean Cuisines to fine cuisine-- that sounded like quite the tagline. “Yeah, you got that right. I take it they don’t have Lean Cuisines in France,” he joked. “I’m sure you’re way ahead of me. I have it on pretty good authority you make good pies.” Why Dr. Kavanagh knew that, he wasn’t sure, but he trusted her to be objective above all else. He welcomed the younger man into his kitchen and gave him a brief tour of his home. There wasn’t much in the way of decor and sometimes he missed the little odds and ends Isabel always kept around to make it feel more welcoming. He’d never been good at that whole home decor thing. At the mention of the wine being nice and Kaden wondering why he’d gotten it, he frowned slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, uh,” he started, “Originally thought I’d share it with a lady friend, but things didn’t quite work out.” It felt odd saying it out loud and he was sure Langley didn’t need to hear about the sad state of his love life. To lighten the mood, he cracked a small smile. “Don’t worry, Langley, not trying to woo you with the fancy wine instead.” He watched as Kaden began unloading bags onto his freshly cleaned kitchen counter. “So what all did you bring and what are we making,” he asked.
“I don’t believe they do, no. I think half the country might riot at the thought alone,” Kaden joked as he started placing his cooking accoutrement on the counter, getting things set up and situated for the lesson at hand. The mention of his pie brought a small smile to his face. It had to be Regan who told him about the pies, right?  He shook his head, tried to focus, didn’t need to sit there grinning like an idiot while thinking about his girlfriend, not after what Sarge just told him. “A lady friend, huh?” Kaden was ready to jibe him, but the look on Sarge’s face made him think better of it. “I’m sure she wasn’t worth it,” he said with a shrug. “Hey, you never know. I’m quite a catch, after all,” he said as he started setting out the ingredients one by one, trying to keep them in order that seemed sensical, easy to follow. “I will warn you, though. I’m taken so sorry to dash your hopes. I know. You’re crushed.” He took his pot and set it on the burner and started the heat it up, low and slow. “So we’re going to start with a roux. It’s a decent base to make a lot of sauces. We can make a white and a red sauce so you have some basic options. You’ll never want to look at a Lean cuisine ever again.” At least he hoped. Sarge was a nice guy. There was no need to keel over on account of the massive amounts of sodium he was likely consuming. “So how did you end up in White Crest, anyway?
The thought of a bunch of French men rioting over Lean Cuisines was pretty comical. Roland chuckled heartily and noticed the small grin on Kaden’s face. It was kind of nice to see him in good spirits. Usually when he saw Langley, Wu or Stryder were ribbing him. Amusing as it was, he knew it could make anyone a little annoyed. Thankfully, Kaden wasn’t pushing the mention of a lady friend. His own lapse in judgment bothered him more than anything else. A pretty face had never been able to fool him in the past. He shrugged, “Definitely am better off. Just thought I was a better judge of character, but what can you do?” Clearly not much considering the evidence against Erin had just vanished somehow. It wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on. All he could do was move forward and work the case alone. Not that his detectives left him with much of an option until he figured out just who was compromising cases so carelessly. He couldn’t help but laugh at Kaden going along with his joke. “Damn, glad I didn’t splurge on the fancy cheese then.” He looked over the ingredients Kaden was pulling out and added them to his mental grocery list. “A roux is a sauce base. I’ve had red and white sauces before… not sure if they’re the same ones, but I’ll give them a go. What would I put them on,” He imagined some sort of meat, vegetable, or pasta which didn’t narrow much of anything down. “I do plan on ditching the Lean Cuisines though.” Mostly on account of needing to take better care of himself. The next question made him shake his head. “Funny story, actually,” he said with a laugh, “I was transferred here. Pretty sure it was because I was hopping ranks too quickly and my boss didn’t want me to get a promotion over him… or I was digging too deeply into a case they wanted to keep hushed. Either way, I’m almost positive they wanted me out of Boston. Joke’s on them, somehow White Crest manages to be more exciting than Boston. What about you? I’m sure Maine is no France.”
“Well, better to figure it out now and not months later.” Kaden huffed out a small laugh, more at himself than Roland. True, things were fine now but he spent how long thinking Regan was human? At least Sarge wouldn’t have to deal with any fall out later “Sorry, just thinking about-- Uh, nevermind.” He pulled out the ingredients, butter, flour, heavy cream. “Yeah, it’s a base, good for a béchamel or espagnole, it can just add a good rich base to a lot of sauces” Kaden reached into one of the bags he brought with him and pulled out a bottle of wine. “And you can add wine to about any sauce to make it better. Sort of a solid rule. Never fails.” As he started working, Kaden explained as he went, showing Roland exactly what he was doing, trying his best to elaborate on it. He wasn’t sure if it all made sense. But he tried and hoped Roland was getting something out of it. “Sure seems like you got more than you bargained for.” Hopping ranks too quickly? That didn’t surprise him. Roland seemed the type to throw himself into work head on, unflinchingly. Part of him figured that was a result of this divorce but maybe Kaden was mistaken and it was the other way around. “Yeah, it’s very different, that’s for sure. I actually was last in Montreal, though. Not as big a leap, but certainly different.”  Kaden stirred the sauce in the making, never taking his eyes off it as he did. “This is probably my first longer term job, believe it or not. Most didn’t really have ranks you could hop. Odd jobs are odd that way.”
“Very true,” Roland agreed. It would have stung much more if he had let himself grow more fond of Erin only to discover the truth. There seemed to be a joke that he didn’t quite get, but Kaden seemed to prefer writing it off. Outside the station, he didn’t make it a habit of pushing people to share. Butter, flour, and heavy cream seemed odd for a sauce, but he supposed flavored correctly it could almost be a picatta or alfredo. He still looked a bit confused as he looked over the ingredients. “Becham-what? I don’t think I’ve had that,” he said somewhat embarrassed even though both words sounded French. He’d at least heard about the wine thing if only because he likes the chicken in white wine sauce at the Cheesecake Factory. “I’ve heard about the wine thing before. Not that I’ve tried it in practice myself, but I’m not completely hopeless.” He realized he may have sounded a bit arrogant, but he knew his former boss was nothing if not insecure. If anything, Roland took pride in his officer moving up because it meant he was doing his job as a leader. “You’re telling me,” he said with a hearty laugh, “This place makes Boston seem like Disneyland. Just means we all have our work cut out for us to make this town a safer place to live.” He followed along as Laden started the roux and listened to the instructions closely before he touched anything. He listened, too, genuinely curious to know more about Kaden. “Montreal, huh? Went there once with my family on vacation. Definitely a different world. Seems like you’re pretty well travelled,” he noted. It was a bit surprising to hear this was his most long term job. “Do you prefer Animal Control to the odd jobs you’ve held in the past? You seem to have a passion for it.”
“Béchamel,” Kaden repeated. He didn’t expect Sarge to get the accent right, rarely did many Americans manage. “It’s similar to an alfredo, but different. You’ll see. Or taste, rather.” Kaden continued working the roux, making sure it mixed and thickened, but stayed light. “Really, so long as it tastes good, that’s all that matters. Cooking’s not too hard when you look at it like that.” He grabbed a second pan and placed it on the stove, gesturing for Roland to take a spot there and try his hand at it. With some guidance, of course. “This town certainly isn’t boring, you can’t deny that,” he said with a half-hearted laugh. “But yeah, I’ve traveled around a lot. Grew up in Lyon, France. Saw most of the country, not all of it of course, moved to Germany after--” Kaden clenched his jaw, stopping his sentence short. Strange how he got used to just casually talking about his parent’s death with so many people. Still wasn’t something he liked to just bring up out of nowhere. “Anyway, lived there a while, I’ve seen a lot of Europe, then came over to Montreal for a bit and now I’m here.”
It was strange to realize how different his life was here to his past. Weirder yet, he didn’t hate it. He was so fucking sure just less than a year ago that stability was the enemy and that it was the last thing he wanted; that it would make his life boring or pointless or just not worth living. Part of him hated how much he preferred things now. Another part wondered what things would be like if he’d opened himself up to things a little sooner. “Surprisingly, yeah. Love it.” He brushed his hands together, looking around for the next ingredient. “Never thought I’d be the type to like a structured job with all the authority and everything.” Kaden tapped the spoon on the edge of the pot, pausing before taste testing. “Not sure there’s any ranks for me to hop but I’m really good with where I am. Guess there’s probably room for improvement, all that.” He took a look at Sarge’s attempts at the sauce. “There’s some room for improvement there, too. But not a bad start.”
It didn’t come as a surprise to Roland that he couldn’t say the name of the fancy French sauce correctly. Even when Kaden repeated it, he looked at him a bit wide-eyed, and tried saying it again more slowly. Still didn’t sound the same, but it was probably at least a little bit closer. “I do like alfredo sauces,” he noted but failed to mention that he primarily ate the Lean Cuisine Chicken Alfredo. Hopefully, this roux tasted even better since the Lean Cuisine one lacked in flavor. It was really a matter of convenience. He didn’t have any sort of passion for food like some folks seemed to. It was a means to an end. “I guess you’re right there. Here’s to hoping all the frozen and canned food hasn’t totally destroyed my palette,” he joked with a laugh. He listened to as Kaden explained his travels and how he ended up here, but also carefully watched the ingredients being prepped. “Sounds like you’ve definitely seen a nice chunk of the world. I’m glad you ended up here though. Not everyone could do your job, especially in this town.” The records alone indicated just how aggressive the animal population was, but after that night stuck in that house with Marley, Roland realized just how dangerous Langley’s job really was.
He slowly stirred the sauce in the pot to keep it from coagulation and listened as Kaden spoke. It brought Roland joy to know that Langley found his job enriching. There wasn’t much room to move up within the department, but pay raises came based on performances and he’d love to hear any ideas Kaden had to help improve the department. “I’m glad you enjoy your job. From what I’ve seen, you’re good at it,” he said truthfully. He took a taste of the sauce and it wasn’t bad. Wasn’t great, but was definitely a step up from a Lean Cuisine. “Mm,” he started, “Definitely an improvement. But in all seriousness, if there’s any changes or efforts you’d like to implement within the department, let me know. I can put in a good word and help push things forward.”
“Sure have. There’s something to be said for stability though. Everywhere’s a little different, it’s good to travel, but it’s nice to have a home.” At least that was what Kaden imagined. White Crest was starting to feel more like a home than any place had in a long time. Lyon, sure, but that was  a long time ago. And even then. Kaden tried to hold back a laugh at the second part. Sarge has no idea how right he was that not just anyone could make it as an animal control officer in White Crest. Hell it took a literal hunter. And even then. “Thanks, though. Definitely glad you ended up here, too. Even if you’re probably way too good for this small town force.” He took a moment to taste Roland’s sauce. Not bad. “Add a little salt.”
At Roland’s offer, Kaden paused and his head tilted in thought. His sauce was all but forgotten for a moment. Did Sarge really trust him? Have faith that he knew what he was doing enough to-- “You’d do that?” was all he could manage to ask. He wasn’t even remotely sure how to feel about it. The only job anyone ever trusted him to do and do well was hunting. Hell, it was the only long term position he’d ever really held. “I always worry I’m screwing up more than not or that-- I don’t know.” That he wasn’t good enough. “I know I keep saying it but, thanks. I mean that. I’ll, uh, I’ll think on it.” A brief pause and a million thoughts flooded into his mind. “I mean I already know we need some more help I think. I know it’s a small town but even another part time officer on shift would help a lot. And, uh, maybe more snare poles. Stronger ones. Sturdier cages. And an outreach program to educate people on what to do wh--” In all his excitement and ideas, Kaden almost forgot the sauce. And that he needed to keep stirring. “Putain!” It was darker than he wanted. “Oh well, still better than a lean cuisine. I’m sure I can save it somehow. Yours looks pretty good, though. Good job. I think you’re getting the hang of it.”
“I get that,” Roland responded as he continued to stir the sauce. He wasn’t so sure if White Crest felt like home, especially not after what happened with Erin. It seemed to only reaffirm the notion that he was supposed to be alone in the world. It would inevitably make it easier. He had no disillusions about how he’d go out. The risks were apparent when he first joined the force so many years ago and even more so after his father died in the line of duty. He supposed he did feel a sense of responsibility for the community. Did that make somewhere home? He didn’t want to recall the last time anywhere felt like home. Instead, he’d take his sauce only needing a touch more of salt as a victory. He added a dash of sauce and mixed it in before giving it another taste. “I think that may be spot on now.”
Roland wasn’t sure why what he said to Langley came as a surprise. He believed in helping good workers grow and important departments expand. In this town, Animal Control was vital. What he and Stryder had seen in that house only proved that belief. “Of course,” he answered, “I wouldn’t have said it if I hadn’t meant it. You do good work and I’ve seen some of the more aggressive animals in this town. Your work is a vital part of public safety, If you have any ideas to improve that, I want to hear them and help make them happen.” He’d meant it. When Kaden started to excitedly list ideas, he couldn’t help but smile as he continued to stir his sauce. That kind of passion for the job was something he loved seeing, even if it wasn’t necessarily his department. A safer community meant the whole station was doing their job. He made a mental list of everything Kaden said. “More snare poles, but stronger. Sturdier cages. I’ll have to run the idea of another part time officer by the department head, but I’ll see if I can have some pull in that. Those all sound like good ideas, Langley.” He was a bit amused that Kaden had messed up his sauce and shook his head. “You may have gotten a bit distracted, but I think you know what you’re doing well enough to fix it. I’m pretty happy with mine. Definitely better than Lean Cuisine.”
“Right, yeah, of course.” Kaden was pretty sure the corners of his mouth were turning up into a smile. This was stupid. He knew he did a better job than most animal control officers in the past and certainly better than Gary. He also had an advantage over most people trying for the job in this town. Still, it just, it wasn’t all that often that anyone told him he did a good job. His work was vital for public safety. It was something he knew but the acknowledgement from someone else, someone he respected; it felt better than he could have guessed. And it was for something he did that was normal. Well, alright, it still involved hunting, but it wasn’t all hunting. It was a lot of mundane stuff, too. And he loved it, even during the hard parts. And he didn’t suck at it. Normally he didn’t suck at cooking, either, but at least he had helped save Sarge from a lean cuisine. “You’re right. This is one thing I know how to fix.”
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NSFW A-Z: Robert Plant
I saw this done first by @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx . I loved your responses! It looked like a lot of fun, and I absolutely knew I had to offer my 2 cents on my lion bae. ☺️ I figured it would also be a good exercise to get me thinking about different conversations/scenarios I could write for my Robert fics. I enjoyed doing this a lot. Great idea you had! 👌🏽❤️
Aftercare(what they’re like after sex)
*I think it's going to depend on the kind of sex. I think he'd be tender and doting after a romantic romp, or something rough: snuggling, flirting, soft voice conversation. But I could see him being energized and dragging a partner off on some sort of fun adventure after a quickie, a big ball of energy, all laughs, totally invigorated and totally capable of getting his partner to go along with whatever's on his mind.
Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
*Robert is clearly very proud of little Robert Anthony and his two lemony friends. And his chest. And his hair. And his legs, with those little red shorts. Everything that he likes to show off is what he likes best.
*On a partner, I think he's going to like whatever her best asset is. I don't think he's exclusively a leg man, breast man, etc. I think women are like beautiful snowflakes to him, and he judges each one on her own merits.
Cum (anything to do with cum…basically I’m a disgusting person)
*I think he's down if the woman's down. Wherever she's comfortable with him releasing on her.
*As far as a woman squirting, our boy loves him some custard pie, in all of its stages of consumption. 😈
Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
*I think Robert would enjoy being dominated by a woman. I don't think he'd be ashamed of it, but I think it would be something he'd keep between himself and the woman.
*I think younger Robert, say, before the 90s, would not say no to a romp with an older woman.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
*Robert was The Sex™ in the 70s. He has a PhD in sexology without ever cracking open a book. There's a reason why there's a lyric in one of his 90s songs says "your body's talking, I swear I've heard it all before."
Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
*I think he likes all the positions. I think he'd enjoy any positon that enables him to assert dominence, show strength, or sex someone deeply. But I think he also enjoys woman on top positions--I think he relishes being under the spell of a strong woman from time to time. I think it's going to depend on his mood which position(s) he chooses for play.
Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
*Goofy during sex? I think it's possible, if he was with someone that he cared about and was in a silly mood, but I think under normal circumstances he'd be intense or passionate or tender, or some combination of those things.
Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
*The older Robert gets, the better his hair on his head is maintained, and certainly his facial hair nowadays. He is not one for manscaping below the neck. We know that Robert's hair is some sort of reddish medium-brown, and the hair on his head has traveled to a lot of places on the color spectrum. The carpet and drapes are frequently out of sync color-wise.
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
*I think Robert craves Intimacy, closeness, touch, PDAs, etc. I think he can get deeply intimate anytime, anywhere. He is generally not afraid to be vulnerable, and he is capable of achieving intimacy in many ways. I once called him an hourly serial monogamist, because I feel like he's able to make deep connections quickly, with anyone, and I think he can bring that level of passion and intensity to any physical dalliance if he wants to. I'm sure he's had anonymous, impersonal sex, but I think forging a connection--no matter how short-lived--is something he enjoys as much as the physical activity.
Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
*Robert has a virtually unlimited supply of partners, but I think there were times when he pleasured himself. Like, I could see a morning orgasm being like a cup of coffee for him if he happened to be by himself. And we know poor Bonzo was subjected to a pre-Zeppelin incident. 😬
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
*I think exhibitionism and voyeurism would be normal. I also think light dom/sub stuff--Robert giving or receiving.
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
*Uh, wherever the mood strikes. Really. 😈 But I do think he would enjoy being outdoors. I fantasize about him being nude on his property. 🥰🥰🥰 I also love the idea of pool sex or shower sex.
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
*An emotionally/intellectually willing partner who strikes his fancy. I think he would enjoy someone with whom he can have some flirtatious mental sparring. I think he enjoys being physically seductive, but I think he would highly value someone who builds attraction and tension with words. From a physical standpoint, I think he's more attracted to women who don't try too hard, natural beauties, women with quiet confidence. We know he has a type, but I think he could be captivated by just about any woman, if the vibes are right.
NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
*Animals or anything that is excessively harmful. He's a lover, not a punisher. I think narrow-minded women would also be a turn-off. Definitely narrow-minded or prudish sexually, but also narrow-minded in non-sexual ways. I feel like he'd be less likely to engage someone whose worldview is limited/exclusive/negative.
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
*Loves giving and receiving. A lot.
*Very good at giving; he adjusts his approach to whatever is turning on an individual woman. He's not going to stop until she's a complete, trembling, wet mess of nerves. And he might just keep going after that, to take her to new heights of pleasure, as much as to turn himself on by turning her on.
*When it comes to receiving, I think he would really enjoy losing himself in the woman's actions. I think he would immensely enjoy being deep throated, but I don't think he's going to expect every woman to be able to do it. I think he'd be most likely to let the woman lead the action, until he closes in on his climax. Then, he might be more likely to more forcefully hold her head in place or try to control her action.
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
*I like to think he's slow and sensual and then builds up to fast and rough, although I think that would change with mood/context. I'm sure he'd go for just the fast and rough immediately after a concert. And just slow and sensual would be appealing when he returns home after a tour.
Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
*I think they'd be fairly common during a tour and less common at home. I think he'd place value on quickies for concert logistics and/or to "let off steam" immediately after a concert, or when curiosity about a new partner gets the best of him.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
*Certainly up to the risks of public sex. Up to the risk of physically changing positions. Up to sleeping with the partner of someone he knows? I don't think we can rule that out. 👀😒🤫 I don't think seducing a woman in the first place, putting himself out there, is any kind of risk that would stress him out. I do think he would be less likely to engage a risky person--a criminal or someone else who functions outside of positive society norms--he's not one for drama or bad vibes.
Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
*How many do you want? How many do you need? He's your man, unless he's super extra intoxicated or in an emotional funk.
Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
*I'm sure he's used toys, but I don't think it's a regular occurrence. I think he'd be most likely to use toys from time to time with someone with whom he has a serious relationship, to spice things up here and there.
Unfair (How much they like to tease)
*Robert is an evil, teasing bastard when he wants to be. Teasing with words, teasing with touch and kisses, with dat Plantaconda… Again, I think it strokes his ego but also stokes the enjoyment of his partner. It's not for the sake of asserting control or anything just what he thinks is best for everyone's pleasure.
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
*LOUD unless he has laryngitis or something. 😂😂😂 Although I think older Robert wouldn't feel the need to be a loud to express his enjoyment. I think he would LOVE for his partner to be loud.
*As far as sounds, choose from the menu of the LZ discography. 😉😈😁
Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
*I like to think Robert at least made out with a guy at least once in the 70s. We know he kissed Peter Grant, Michael Des Barres, Phil Collins… Why not? A lot of men experimented then, and I think it's plausible that Robert did, too.
X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
*Don't need an X-Ray for that. You can see it from aerial shot photos. You can damn near see it from outer space. I can't see the big E on the eye chart well without glasses, but I know I could make out that Legendary Ample Manhood™ without difficulty if someone snatched my glasses. 🤷🏽‍♀️😉
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?
*Very high. Well above average. He's gonna want it. He's gonna get it. And he won't have to beg.
ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
*I think he'd trail off pretty quickly. I think he'd put a lot of energy into it and it would eventually wear him out after a few times. I think he probably was also just generally tired in the 70s, after the drugs and adrenaline of performing wore off.
What do you all think?
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siorca · 6 years
hey gang, coming on in here to drop off my weird little megasound fic ive been working on for the past week now and felt compelled to complete. takes place in a g1 au (i guess) where the war doesnt fully get back up into the swing of things after they wake up on earth and the autobots are bored and nosy. also warning for a bit of sticky talk at the end but it’s pretty tame.
Megatron and Soundwave treated their relationship with as much discretion as they were allotted. They did not bother to cover it with secrets, but it was important to both of them to, at the very least, keep a high veneer of respectability. It would not do for the Decepticons to dissolve into catcalls whenever they were seen together, after all.
On Cybertron, during the height of the war, it had been easier to stay down low. The troops had been spread thin during that time, and any remaining under their command were far too busy to bother with what their commanders were up to. As time moved on, and the war grew more volatile, it became increasingly harder for them to find time for even a good night kiss.
Earth, however, presented them with an, admittedly, much sought after lull. Fewer large battles left them with only small skirmishes to deal with, ones which were becoming less and less frequent the longer they stayed on the planet.They found themselves coming together much more frequently - much more easily - than before, something that came as a relief to both of them. They rarely indulged in some of the more flirty aspects of their relationship - Megatron would grouse that they were much too old for such foolishness. Soundwave, older and far more enthusiastic, would beg to differ -but it was the companionship that was always the most fulfilling aspect of their relationship and it was a relief to have that back again.
Yet still, in the midst of a calm that Megatron had not felt in millenia, he was restless. He could feel a prickling under his plating; one that had very little to do with the organic mud that tended to get stuck between his seams. It was an instinctive sort of thing, built from habit. He did not like not knowing what the enemy was up to. He told as much to Soundwave.
“You never did well with these sorts of stalemates, my love,” said Soundwave, a touch of bemusement in his tone. It’s a soft sort of teasing, one that Megatron could do nothing but grumble about. His casualness was enough to bristle, but there was a cleverness to Soundwave’s optics; the only indicator that his words did not go unheeded.
They were refueling together in their shared living quarters. The domesticity of it was not lost on Megatron. Here, it was almost believable that they were back on Cybertron and all they had to worry about were simple and inconsequential. A cozy warm feeling curled within the pit of his tanks. He was tempted to forget his misgivings, but Megatron was nothing if not pragmatic. In war, when the enemy was quiet, there was need to worry, a fact that he had become aware of many times in his long career.
Soundwave, more than anyone, understood. It was this understanding that was calming, a balm to Megatron’s frazzled nerves. “Do not fret so much. I have reconnaissance out already.”
“Ah, I should have known better.” A good reminder of why Soundwave was not only his top spy, but also why he loved him so dearly. Megatron grinned coyly behind his cube.
“Of course. Do not doubt me.”
Laserbeak’s return was met with little fanfare; a quick check-in with Soundwave, before she made a beeline for the washracks. It was a little known secret that she loved to preen and being away on missions always slighted her, even if she never voiced her protests. A quick mention that she had procured some interesting files that he should take a look at and she was gone.
Protocol did not require them to converse; whatever information was crucial to pass along would be found in her report. If anything, their exchanges were more for Soundwave’s benefit: a small way to reassure himself that she was ok before she disappeared into the base.
For his part, Megatron was elusive. A quick sweep of the command center and the common areas left him with nothing. Soundwave was not concerned, although he did let loose an irritated huff. There weren’t many areas he often haunted. Megatron was nothing if not a creature of habit and it didn’t take long to track him down in their living quarters.
He paused in the doorway, disbelief converging into wry amusement. Earth had slackened Megatron’s resolve enough for him to idle within his quarters, datapad clutched in a slackened grip, while he looked to be half asleep. Soundwave privately thought it was quite cute.
The sound of the door snapping shut only served to applify the clinking of Soundwave’s mask retracting. Megatron jostled, straightening on the berth in an immediate display of attention. He relaxed almost immediately upon realizing it was Soundwave, who met him with a look of bemusement.
“Your comm is off,” Soundwave said, as way of greeting. His optic ridge was cocked in an exaggerated manner, twisting his face into intentional comical proportions. There was no respite in his voice, just clear amusement.
“Oh is it?” Megatron’s words were casual, with only the barest hint of alarm. He fiddled with the side of his helm until Soundwave could hear the barest hum of a frequency. He paused as he reviewed his recent pings. “Sorry about that.” He made a poor attempt to cover his sheepishness as he met Soundwave’s optics.
Soundwave shook his head dismissively, a smile tugging at his lips. He turned his attention to the datapad in his hand, if only to steer his thoughts back to more important matters.  He held it out in front of him for emphasis. “Laserbeak has returned with her report.”
He made a subtle turn back toward the door. Both of them knew that it would be preferable to have their exchange in a more appropriate setting; either Megatron’s office or the bridge, as normal protocol stated. Today, however, seemed to want to deviant from the norm, for Megatron waved him over airily, still lounging upon the berth like some sort of would be king.
“Well, bring it over here.”
Soundwave stifled a sigh. He silently mourned the waning professionalism in high command. It was only his deep love for Megatron that kept him continuing toward the berth, but it wasn’t enough to hide his mumbled, “I do so hate when you get like this.”
Megatron, at least, looked thoroughly scandalized at the reprimand, straightening on the berth to a more presentable position, sitting at the edge of the berth with his back ramrod straight. Soundwave snickered lightly. Megatron growled lowly in faux threat, reaching for the datapad with urgency.
“Together.” Soundwave sat next to Megatron, in a close, familiar position, sides pressed tightly together. He shivered; Megatron’s plating was always cold, a layover from his days as a miner. It warmed quickly as it ate up the heat from Soundwave’s own unnaturally warm frame. Together, they held an ambience that was comfortable and uniquely theirs. Megatron wrapped an arm around Soundwave, pulling him closer to his plating, and Soundwave gladly leaned into him, flopping into his lap like a large cat. He raised an eye ridge at the display, but otherwise made no comment.
Soundwave balanced the pad between their laps. The screen flickered to life soon after, a slew of files neatly ordered on screen. Largest, by far, was Laserbeak’s full report, carefully organized and detailed in her usual precise way. The files below it were tantalizing, as well, clear copies of whatever confidential information she was able to procure. Soundwave ignored them for now.
Her report consisted mainly of mundane scenarios. In the absence of proper battle, the Autobots had instead decided to invest into things like recreational activities, focusing on strengthening their bonds with their human allies. The Autobots did not look to be gearing up for a proper war anytime soon. He had suspected as much. Yet Soundwave would loath to come to a definitive conclusion before truly finishing, lest he let Laserbeak’s hard work go to waste. He read on, half a processor bored, leaning more into Megatron’s bulk as it went on. It wasn’t until the end that a lone addendum caught his attention. He stiffened, meeting Megatron’s optics with confused surprise.
The Autobots knew about their relationship and kept extensive records on it.
It was not the fact that they knew that was shocking - Soundwave would seriously question the legitimacy of their spies if they had not figured it out by now - but the sheer volume of information, as if they were specifically keeping tabs on their romantic entanglements for a purpose that Soundwave had yet to figure out. The information held no tactical value in his eyes. Even to use their relationship as a ploy in a hostage situation was a moot point; Megatron would be desperate to have him back regardless.
Megatron make a quizzical noise in the back of his throat. It bordered into something distressed until he rebooted his vocalizer. “Perhaps those files that Laserbeak stole will shed some light on this.”
Soundwave nodded, already fiddling with the datapad before Megatron finished his sentence. An eagerness had overcome him, presented with such a puzzle as he was. He opened the first file, optics skittering over the words with a rapid hunger. Information, he knew, could be wielded like a weapon, but how sharp that weapon struck depended on its owner’s might.
Luckily, Soundwave was adept at rhetoric, and reading only proved that said weapon was dull and lifeless and much more suitable to be used as a toy. How fitting.
He laughed, causing Megatron to give him an odd look. His brow was still furrowed as he digested this new development. A gifted orator he may have been, but Soundwave was designed to get inside a person’s mind in the quickest way possible. And the way the Autobots wrote about them was almost innocuous.
“They are fascinated by us.” A part of Soundwave was weirdly amused by the whole situation. It was provocatively invasive and he, who had left his misguided notions about privacy in some early decade of the war, felt titillated.
“What?” said Megatron, confusion melting away into disbelief.
“These are not high level security files, even if they are encrypted. These are more akin to gossip holos, clearly written out of boredom.” Soundwave selected another file, scanning through this one quickly.
Megatron snatched the pad back. In this new light, several things stood out to him. He paused. “I believe you are correct.”
Megatron wrinkled his nasal ridge, reading the pad with more intensity than before. He selected another file, giving an offended scoff at the first few lines. “‘It’s hard to believe that a mech like Megatron is selfless enough to love another, let alone someone within his command staff. It explains the blatant favoritism, I guess. Now I get why Starscream is so pissy all the time…’ what’s that supposed to mean?”
Soundwave snorted. “It means your fierce warlord persona is working, my dear.”
Megatron made a face that might have been smug, had the twitching of his face not give him away. Soundwave could read solid amusement, barely masked by a bit of unease, on his surface thoughts. Neither of them had ever given much thought to what others said about their relationship, ancient and comfortable as it was. What was theirs was theirs and it worked for them. Here, it is different; on display in a way that was voyeuristic. He can tell that there is a part of Megatron that is annoyed by this, but neither of them felt like engaging the Autobots in the matter of wartime gossip.
Instead, Soundwave snatched the pad back, rifling through it like an excited youngling, caught up with fascination. “‘To think that either of them could be so different behind closed doors is almost ludicrous to believe, and yet I’ve seen it with my own two optics. They fit together nicely, which is strangely nice to see, almost like a wall is broken the minute they are alone. It’s almost like looking into a parallel universe: Megatron is almost sweet and Soundwave? Soundwave is open and playful and not at all what we’re used to. If they weren’t enemies, I’d be jealous of their connection, and maybe I still am…’” Soundwave paused here. Meeting Megatron’s optics, as if they both came to a new realization. “Well, that’s oddly sweet.”
Megatron made a barely audible humming noise that may have passed for agreement, but was too absent-minded to really tell. He leaned over Soundwave’s shoulder, scrolling through the pad in a slow, thoughtful manner. “These all seem to be separate entries, compiled together, all written by different people.”
“Yes, I noticed that too. They have traces of several Autobot signals.”
Megatron narrowed his optics. “You would think we were the subject of some sort of Autobot romance novel.”
“Indeed. At least they have good taste,” Soundwave teased.
“I’m glad to see you at least find some amusement out of this,” grunted Megatron.
“There are worse things for the Autobots to become enamoured with. Be glad that they have yet to show this level of dedication to anything war related.”
“Hmm.” Megatron scrolled through the other files on hand. There was a substantial amount, pages and pages, all dating back to about the time that they had all awakened on Earth. It was unclear if the Autobots had known before that time, but they had certainly became fascinated by it by then. “I think the Autobots could find better things to do with their down time.”
“Do not begrudge them so much, Megatron. Perhaps they don’t have the luxury in their faction. You have said before that Prime could be a bit of a prude.”
Megatron made a humming noise. “Yes, I am aware. I feel no sympathy for them.”
Soundwave chuckled, leaning back into Megatron until they fell into the bed in an ungainly manner, Soundwave making quick work into contorted Megatron into a make-shift pillow. Megatron rolled with him, a rumbling purr shaking his chassis, passing pleasant shivers through Soundwave’s body. He shifted, draping himself over Megatron, chin propped up on his chest, datapad held in front of him in a way that Megatron could still read it if he dipped his head a certain way, of which he took full advantage of, still scrolling through the entries with a reverent greed.
Soundwave smiled indulgently. “I can tell that there is a part of you that is at least flattered.” It was the egotistical side, the only that got off on rousing speeches and demanded to be referred to as ‘Lord’ by his subjects. A part that he pretended that did not exist because he liked to believe that he was humble. It was endearing.
A barely legible smirk teased Megatron’s lips. “Perhaps.”
Soundwave snickered, freely giving the pad up to Megatron’s devouring hands. It allowed him to snuggle further into Megatron’s frame, of which he indulged in freely, drowning himself more fully into his sturdy frame. He could not resist a brush of lips over Megatron’s plating. He was rewarded with a gentle caress of his head and he smiled contentedly.
A relaxed silence settled between them, broken up by the gentle sound of Megatron’s thumb swiping against the pad. The noise was consistent enough to create a pleasant background noise, lulling Soundwave into a half doze. Megatron’s emotions danced in the back of his processor, as they always did when they were alone together; an open connection that Megatron embraced early on in their relationship. He could sense his amused fascination deeply, creating a pleasant warm feeling throughout his body.
This created a sharp contrast when that leaked into a near sort of offense, a bristle of something that wasn’t quite anger, yet still brushed against Megatron’s mind in an unpleasant manner. It was uncomfortable enough to stir Soundwave from his lounge, glancing up at Megatron’s otherwise stone face. His emotions bled out into the rest of his body, stiffening him in ways that motivated Soundwave to move in a quick manner. He gently moved Megatron’s hand down until he could view what was on the screen and promptly gave a sharp bark of laughter.
“‘Do you think Megatron is a valve mech…?’” Soundwave read aloud. “Now that would be a waste of a perfectly good spike.” He patted Megatron’s shoulder in a placating manner, rolling until he straddled Megatron’s hops.
Megatron scowled deeply at him, throwing the datapad toward the end of the berth. He unconsciously wrapped his arms around Soundwave’s waist. “That is entirely too personal.”
“I agree.” Soundwave lifted himself until he could reach Megatron’s brow, smoothing out the lines of his frown with gentle kisses. Megatron huffed, teetering on the edge of a full-on pout. “Perhaps if they are so curious, they would appreciate a demonstration next time they decide to pay us a visit.”
Megatron balked at first. Soundwave tilted his head with a devilish smirk, which succeeding in turning Megatron more thoughtful. His discomfort was momentarily forgotten, face falling into a predatory grin. “That would require more diligence in the future.”
“Of course,” said Soundwave. “I will get right on that.”
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traveltips41 · 4 years
Masturbate and Feel Good
Masturbate and Feel Good
best masturbator "Masturbation... is not really approved of the particular Lord not this cathedral, regardless of what may be said by those whose 'norms' are lower", President Kimball of the Church regarding Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (1981) "Every sperm is actually sacred. Each and every sperm is extremely good. If some sort of sperm is wasted, The almighty gets quite irate. inch Monty Python's This is regarding Life. A offer generally used by various churches in an effort to help contain illicit works amongst its people. Every rollo on masturbation would price it, at least the many sermons I have been told. Under the circumstances, is that difficult to imagine masturbation as one of the biggest taboos in the society? Even today? Research education has done some sort of little to alter it. Really does that mean people avoid masturbate? Certainly not. 00% of men and 70% of girls masturbate according for you to various experiments. The problem lies in the approval of the fact this you masturbate. Let me tell you any story... a story about you. A single night a person were sitting solely in your apartment eating pizza. You decided to look at out several new sites on the net when you eat. So you record on to your ISP and start surfing. Inadvertently, you discover some piece of pornography(yes, online is quite entire of it! ) Hunting at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingling regarding the legs. One issue leads to a different and also you end up spoiling your underpants. Now let me tell you a different story. male masturbator One night you had been sitting alone in some sort of nightclub drinking beer. Along with then some sort of most wonderful person makes its way into the pub. The person that will cause tingley between your hip and legs just taking a look at him or maybe her. You decide in which you can't let go of this particular opportunity to get in order to know fantastic creation involving god. So you move in direction of this person and start small talk. One thing leads to another and you finish up in your current house. Whether you are some sort of woman or possibly a man, typically the next morning a person probably would not be jumping with delight in the first circumstance. When you go available in the evening for you to meet your friends, an individual would not really tell these about the hot web site you found and exactly how you actually jerked off for you to it. Even so, in typically the second case, it would be eaiest revealing anyone who cared for you to listen how you had one of the most wonderful experience connected with your life yesterday. The reason why? Well, maybe due to the fact self applied pleasure is, nicely, absolutely nothing special. You can perform the item anytime you need. Of course influencing the particular person of your aspirations is very an accomplishment. No wonder you need an audience. But what if you have any friend like me. A buddy who is crazy sufficient might you did an individual wank off yesterday nighttime? Had been it good? Just what do you do then? Would likely you inform your friend with regards to the hot web site in addition to your experience? Would you just say, "Yeah! This was great! What regarding you? " Or even might you pretend nothing got happened and lie... something similar to you were somewhere else yesterday nighttime, or might be lead your good friend to be able to believe you got lucky together with someone? I was guessing you would probably do often the latter. Most certainly you won't acknowledge the act associated with masturbation. Rather you will evade the question as well as alter the topic. And while your buddy tells you about a hot cure the same night, an individual would want a dish of water in which you may drown. Shame and also guilt would come over you actually and you would adjust the theme in two times quick time period. Are you crazy? Noway! You are just one of the the vast majority. And an amazing majority in that! Way more the vast majority that what George Rose bush had in the final elections! The reason -social health! You are identical to the youngster who ran outside the movie theater hall that was screening an adult film (mind you, he had absolutely no business that they are there in the first place! However the many cinemas care with regards to is the purchase regarding their tickets! ) Afterwards in the day, typically the close friend who had been recently at the movies together with him, caught up together with the pup and asked, "Why in the hell's name do you run out? micron The boy answered, "My mom declared if We watched a woman obtaining naked I would change to gemstone. And darn you Harry, a portion of me was already evolving into stone! " Unfortunately, the social conditioning is wrong. It is seeing that wrong for the reason that social condition in 18-19th one hundred year The indian subcontinent, where widows had been pushed to burn living together with their husbands. As wrong as the church has been in getting rid of Galileo regarding implying everything was certainly not the centre with the market. Lily Tomlin put it very best, "We have great believe that man first strolled upright to free his / her hands for masturbation! inches If god didn't wish us to masturbate, possibly we would still become walking such as dogs as well as horses! The social health is a result regarding a number of myths, lies in addition to hoaxes perpetrated by a number of individuals intended for personal profit. Unfortunately, this kind of conditioning is definitely like a hard enthusiast, very tough to split. However, with effort in addition to chanelising your energies, you are able to break it. Remember, typically the nuts that crack the toughest, are often the ones that taste the top! You actually must be wondering, how the hell does it make a difference if you are guilty about fleshlight. Why wouldn't you spend time bursting this casing? Certain research psychologists believe that shame cognizant, whether sexual guilt as well as in any other form, is the most damaging element for the mental wellness. Others believe it is one of the most destructive. Nevertheless the greatest effect involving guilt conscious in my experience offers been a lack regarding confidence throughout self. Now you are an sensible reader. I don't have to have to make clear you often the importance of self self-confidence. Whether it is your career, romantic relationships or any additional aspect of life, lack regarding confidence can bring your personal downfall. Now I am definitely not implying which will you get started to feel more comfortable with regards to masturbation, you would certainly succeed in all of elements of life. But the idea will be a nice step to help take. A useless sense of guilt that should, and will be eliminated from your mind. Remember, an ocean is manufactured of small droplets of water. Get rid of a decline at a time and in due time, the ocean would be empty! Associated with course it will take many millennia! The good news is, you avoid have an ocean rich in guily! Just some naggings every now and then! The first action towards eradication of the guilt is knowledge. You will discover hundreds and hundreds of myths around masturbation. Most of them perpetrated by certitude, unfortunately. But some perpetrated simply by hoax runners. Lets look into typically the most important ones. 1. Masturbation is against typically the will associated with god. Hoke. At just one point the church regarded as anyone who else was overtly excited to help his wife the adultrater. Follow that training in addition to your wife would end up being doing adultery! Several clergymen have hot on record in order to say in which not merely the church's coaching regarding sexuality were unconnected for you to the scriptures, but they caused more harm as compared to good amongst people. Furthermore, nowhere in the spiritual theories of any important made use of is masturbation considered incorrect. 2. Masturbation will probably cause erectile dysfunction. Most adult males and even several ladies seem to think and so. Wrong again. Lets take on the males first. It is understandable that seeing their own sperm flow out of their body, they think this may end at some point. Properly, it will end eventually... maybe when you usually are 100 years old. Although until then don't be anxious. Your sperm bank is very unlike Standard Chartered. You might have unlimited credit here! Orgasm is a completely alternative learning resource, renewable on a hourly basis! For girls, well, there is absolutely no time frame in the idea. Probably perpetrated by previous ladies who also never acquired an ejaculation in their particular entire life! three. Masturbation causes acne, thinning hair, pores and skin diseases. This one is definitely my favorite. Mainly since it is on the list of far better scams of all times! Your own social conditioning might have you think that masturbation is not particularly healthy. But bad how? Nobody would provide you a satisfying answer! Now some scam musicians saw this as the very good opportunity to will sell their products including locks growth lotions, etc. Given that most people start masturbating in their teens, (the occasions of zits and some other skin problems), they might get you believe that this specific is a result of masturbation! Unfortunately for them, this is while untrue as the sun rising from the western world! Fleshlight has no bodily side effects! four. Masturbating will make you skinny and skinny! Then there would be no need for diet program pills and health and fitness routines my friend! And many definitely 70% of STATES would not be overweight! your five. Just Kids masturbate! Exactly why will you say that? I wonder! Effectively quite untrue, most people masturbate... you got it even after relationship! six. Masturbation is for adult men. And it is for 70% on the women also. That's right, 2/3 involving all females masturbate! 8. Only losers masturbate! A different of my favorites. Merely goes to show simply how much of any taboo is masturbation! Very first thing, 00% of males and also 70% of females get masturbated at least once within their existence. Now in which is a hell of the lot of losers don't you think! Nothing considerably more that I can also add truly... this is really often the quintessential insecurity amongst men and women relating to self pleasure. 7. Masturbation is for homosexuals. Wow. Where did that will one originate! Someone need to make a etymology of those myths, would make with regard to an interesting read! Merely as untrue as all of these myths, masturbation and also homosexuality have nothing in accordance. Some people masturbate to their fantasies of other sex, other individuals to their own fantasies of same love-making. That's it. in search of. Masturbation will make you blind! Others claim that masturbation is actually bad for your own personal eyesight. But their says are unsupported by facts and medical advice. My partner and i suggest you talk to your common physician in addition to he will clarify anyone what a load connected with bull this is. 15. Masturbation changes the appearance of your male organ Nicely, it does make this rock solid. But believe myself, as soon as you orgasm, the solidity fully gone! So no. Fleshlight provides absolutely no effect on how your penis seems.
0 notes
Masturbate and Feel Good
Masturbate and Feel Good
best male masturbator "Masturbation... is simply not approved of the Lord none this ceremony, regardless of what could possibly be said by those in whose 'norms' are lower", Leader Kimball of the Ceremony associated with Jesus Christ regarding Latter-Day Team (1981) "Every sperm is actually sacred. Just about every sperm is wonderful. If any sperm is wasted, Our god gets quite irate. inch Monty Python's This is involving Life. A estimate usually used by various churches in an effort to contain illicit functions among its people. Just about every arenga on masturbation will price it, at least the many sermons I have listened to. Under the circumstances, is it difficult to think about masturbation as one of typically the biggest taboos in our own society? Even today? Methodical education has done some sort of little to change it. Can that mean women and men no longer masturbate? Certainly not. 99% of men and seventy percent of women masturbate according in order to various experiments. The challenge lies in the popularity of the fact that will you masturbate. Clearly any story... a story about you. 1 night you actually were sitting solely within your apartment eating lasagna. You decided to check out out a few new sites on the net as you eat. So you diary on to your internet connection as well as start surfing. Inadvertently, you discover some piece of pornography(yes, the web is quite complete of it! ) Searching at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingley between legs. One factor leads to one more in addition to you end up spoiling your current underpants. Now make me tell you a different story. pocket pussy review One night that you were sitting alone in a nightclub drinking beer. And also then the most lovely person makes its way into the bar. The person that causes tingling between your feet just looking at him or her. You decide which you can't release this kind of opportunity to get to help know fantastic creation associated with god. Therefore you move in the direction of this person you need to tiny talk. One thing contributes to another and you ending up in your residence. Whether you are a new woman or a man, the next morning an individual didn't be jumping together with happiness in the first scenario. When you go away in the evening to help meet your friends, anyone would definitely not tell these people about the hot web-site you found and exactly how you jerked off in order to it. Connections, in the second case, you would be sharing with anyone who cared to listen how you possessed one of the most wonderful experience regarding your life last night. Precisely why? Well, maybe due to the fact personal pleasure is, very well, nothing special. You can carry out the idea anytime you wish. Of course influencing typically the person of your wishes is pretty an accomplishment. Zero wonder you require an viewers. But what in case you have a friend like me. A friend who is crazy adequate might you did an individual wank off yesterday night time? Has been it good? Exactly what do you do then? Will you tell your friend about the hot web-site in addition to your experience? Would anyone basically say, "Yeah! The item was excellent! What about you? " As well as would likely you pretend nothing had happened and lie... something such as you were somewhere otherwise yesterday night, or might be lead your good friend to be able to believe you got fortunate along with someone? I feel guessing you should do the actual latter. Most certainly you simply won't acknowledge the act of masturbation. Rather you would likely evade the question along with replace the topic. And when your friend tells you about a hot conquest the same night, a person would wish you had a pan of water in which you could drown. Shame in addition to sense of guilt would come over anyone and you would alter the subject in two times quick time period. Are you crazy? Noway! You happen to be just one of the the greater part. And a serious majority at that! Way more the vast majority that what George Plant had in the final elections! The key reason why -social physical fitness! You are identical to the son who ran out of your movie theatre hall that was verification an adult film (mind you, he had zero business of being there throughout the first place! Nevertheless the many cinemas care regarding is the sale regarding their tickets! ) After in the day, the actual good friend who had been recently at the movies using him, caught up having him and asked, "Why from the hell's name did you run out? " The boy answered, "My mom said that if I watched a woman getting naked I would turn to stone. And really you Harry, a aspect of me was previously becoming stone! " Unluckily, the actual social conditioning is definitely incorrect. It is since wrong for the reason that social problem in 18-19th centuries India, where widows had been pushed to burn living with their husbands. As drastically wrong as the church ended up being in losing Galileo for implying everything was certainly not the centre on the world. Lily Tomlin said ideal, "We have reason why you should think that man first walked upright to free the hands for masturbation! " If god didn't need us to masturbate, probably we would still possibly be walking just like dogs along with horses! Often the social fitness is a result of many myths, lies along with scams perpetrated by numerous individuals intended for personal gain. Unfortunately, this conditioning is definitely like a hard fanatic, very tough to crack. However, with effort in addition to chanelising your energies, you can break it. Remember, the actual nuts that crack the toughest, are often the ones that taste the very best! You must be wondering, what sort of hell does it make a difference if you believe guilty about masturbation. Why should you spend time breaking this covering? Certain psychologists believe that remorse mindful, whether sexual sense of guilt or perhaps in any other type, is the most destructive element for the mental well being. Others believe that it is one connected with the most destructive. However the finest effect associated with guilt conscious if you ask me provides been a lack involving confidence with self. Now you are an intelligent reader. I don't need to describe you typically the importance of self confidence. Whether it be your career, associations or any some other aspect of life, lack regarding assurance can bring your own personal downfall. Now I am not necessarily implying which will you start to feel more cozy concerning masturbation, you would likely succeed in almost all areas of life. But the item will be nice step to be able to take. A useless shame that should, and they are eliminated from your mind. Take into account, an ocean is built of modest droplets involving water. Remove a shed at a time as due time, the sea would be empty! Regarding course it could take several millennia! The good thing is, you have a tendency have an ocean packed with guily! Just some naggings here and there! The first move towards eradication in this guiltiness is knowledge. There are actually hundreds and hundreds of myths around fleshlight. Most of them perpetrated by faith, unfortunately. Yet some perpetrated by scam runners. Lets have a look at the most important ones. 1. Masturbation is against the will of god. Hokum. At just one point often the church regarded anyone who else was overtly excited to his wife an adultrater. Follow that educating along with your wife would become assigning adultery! Several clergymen have visited on record in order to say in which not simply the church's theories in relation to sexuality were unconnected for you to the scriptures, but they will caused more harm than good amongst people. Furthermore, nowhere in the non secular coaching of any major certitude is masturbation regarded drastically wrong. 2. Masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction. Most males and even several ladies seem to think and so. Wrong again. Lets take on the males first. It is understandable that seeing their sperm flow out connected with their body, they think the idea may end sometimes. Nicely, it will end one day... maybe when you are generally 100 years old. Nevertheless until then don't be anxious. Your sperm bank is pretty unlike Standard Chartered. You will have unlimited credit here! Sperm is a completely replenishable reference, renewable on a good hourly schedule! For females, well, there is simply no time frame in the theory. Probably perpetrated by previous ladies who never possessed an ejaculation in their entire life! several. Fleshlight causes acne, hair loss, skin diseases. This one is actually my favorite. Mainly since it is on the list of much better scams of all occasions! Your personal social conditioning would likely have you think that that masturbation is not particularly healthy. But undesirable how? No one would supply you a satisfying response! Now some scam musicians saw this as an excellent opportunity to easily sell their products similar to frizzy hair growth lotions, etc. Due to the fact most people start masturbating during their teens, (the times of acne and other skin problems), they would include you believe that this kind of is caused by masturbation! Unfortunately for them, this is certainly because untrue as the sunshine rising from the western world! Masturbation has no real side effects! several. Masturbating will make you slender and skinny! Then there would be no need for diet plan pills and exercise regimes my friend! And most surely 70% of USA didn't be overweight! 5. Simply Kids masturbate! Exactly why can you say that? We wonder! Effectively quite untrue, most older people masturbate... yup even after marriage! 6th. Masturbation is for adult males. And it is with regard to 70% from the women too. That's right, 2/3 connected with all females masturbate! several. Only losers masturbate! An additional of my favorites. Only goes to show only how much of the taboo is masturbation! First thing, 99% of males and also 70% of females have got masturbated at least once within their day-to-day lives. Now that will is a hell of a lot of losers may you think! Nothing more that I can add truly... this is really the actual supreme insecurity amongst individuals about self pleasure. 8. Masturbation is for homosexuals. Wow. Just where did which one originate! Somebody ought to make a etymology of such myths, would make with regard to an fascinating read! Only as untrue since just about all these myths, masturbation and also homosexuality have nothing in accordance. Some people masturbate in order to their dreams of reverse sex, others to their fantasies of same sex. That's it. being unfaithful. Masturbation will make you impaired! Others claim that fleshlight is bad for your own personal eyesight. But their claims are unsupported by points and health care advice. I actually suggest you talk in order to your common physician and also he will describe you actually what a load connected with bull this is. 12. Fleshlight changes the appearance of your male organ Well, it does make this firm. But believe us, when you finally orgasm, the firmness fully gone! So no. Masturbation features absolutely no effect on how your penis looks.
0 notes
Masturbate and Feel Good
Masturbate and Feel Good
best pocket pussy "Masturbation... is not approved of the actual Lord neither this church, regardless of what may be said by those as their 'norms' are lower", Director Kimball of the Church of Jesus Christ involving Latter-Day Heureux (1981) "Every sperm is actually sacred. Each and every sperm is extremely good. If a sperm is wasted, The almighty gets quite irate. inch Monty Python's This is involving Life. A offer often used by various church buildings in an effort to contain illicit serves amongst its people. Each arenga on masturbation will price it, at least all of the sermons I have noticed. Beneath the circumstances, is the idea difficult to think about masturbation as one of the actual biggest taboos in our society? Even today? Medical education has done any little to alter it. Does that mean men and women have a tendency masturbate? Certainly not. 00% of men and 70% of females masturbate according for you to various research. The difficulty lies in the endorsement of the fact this you masturbate. Actually some sort of story... a story about you. One night you were sitting by yourself within your apartment eating pizza. You decided to look at out some new websites on the net while you eat. So you sign on to the speed of your internet connection in addition to start surfing. Inadvertently, you notice some piece of pornography(yes, online is quite whole of it! ) Hunting at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingley relating to the legs. One issue leads to another and also you end up spoiling your current underpants. Now allow me tell you one more story. best masturbator One night you were sitting alone in some sort of pub drinking beer. As well as then the most wonderful person goes in the tavern. The person that leads to tingling between your legs just investigating him or perhaps her. You decide in which you can't rid yourself of that opportunity to get to help know this wonderful creation associated with god. Which means you move to this person you need to tiny talk. One thing brings about another and you end up in your condo. Whether you are any woman or even a man, often the next morning an individual didn't be jumping using pleasure in the first event. When you go away in the evening to help meet your friends, you would not necessarily tell these individuals about the hot internet site you found and just how an individual jerked off for you to it. Connections, in the actual second case, you would be sharing with anyone who cared for to listen how you had the most wonderful experience associated with your life last night. The reason why? Well, maybe simply because personal pleasure is, well, nothing special. You can complete this anytime you would like. Of course seducing typically the person of your dreams is quite an accomplishment. Absolutely no wonder you would like an audience. But what should you have a new friend like me. A friend who is crazy adequate to inquire you did you actually wank off yesterday night time? Seemed to be it good? What could you do then? Will you inform your friend in relation to the hot web-site in addition to your experience? Would an individual easily say, "Yeah! That was great! What concerning you? " Or would likely you pretend nothing possessed happened and lie... something like you were somewhere different yesterday nighttime, or possibly lead your friend to help believe you got happy using someone? I am guessing you will do the particular latter. Most certainly you simply won't acknowledge the act associated with masturbation. Rather you would avoid the question in addition to change the topic. And any time your buddy tells a person about a hot cure the same night, a person would wish you had a pan of water when you can drown. Shame as well as remorse would come over an individual and you would change the subject in increase quick time. Are you crazy? Noway! You are only one of the the greater part. And a significant majority in that! Way more the vast majority that what George Bush had in the previous elections! The explanation -social health and fitness! You are similar to the son who ran out from the movie theater hall that was screening an adult film (mind anyone, he had not any business that they are there with the first place! However every one of the cinemas care with regards to is the selling of their tickets! ) Later in the day, typically the pal who had recently been at the movies along with him, caught up having the pup and asked, "Why from the hell's name does you run out? micron The son answered, "My mom said that if My spouse and i watched a woman having naked I would change to stone. And darn you Harry, a portion of me was by now evolving into stone! " Unfortunately, often the social conditioning is definitely wrong. It is seeing that wrong as the social situation in 18-19th century Of india, where widows had been pushed to burn in existence using their husbands. As incorrect as the church has been in burning up Galileo intended for implying our planet was definitely not the centre in the whole world. Lily Tomlin put it very best, "We have great think that man first stepped upright to free their hands for masturbation! inches If god didn't desire us to masturbate, perhaps we would still end up being walking such as dogs and also horses! Often the social health and fitness is a result connected with quite a few myths, lies and also frauds perpetrated by quite a few individuals regarding personal profit. Unfortunately, this conditioning is usually like a hard enthusiast, very tough to fracture. However, with effort and also chanelising your energies, you are able to break it. Remember, often the nuts that crack the hardest, are often the types that taste the very best! An individual must be wondering, how a hell does it subject if you believe guilty about masturbation. Thinking about spend time bursting this covering? Certain research psychologists believe that guilt cognizant, whether sexual remorse as well as in any other form, is the most dangerous element on your mental wellbeing. Others believe that it is one regarding the most destructive. However the very best effect associated with guilt conscious if you ask me has been a lack of confidence with self. At this point you are an clever reader. I don't have to have to reveal you the particular importance of self self-confidence. Be it your career, relationships or any different aspect of life, lack associated with assurance can bring your current downfall. Now I am not necessarily implying that ought to you start off to feel more cozy with regards to masturbation, you would likely succeed in all of features of life. But the idea will be nice step in order to take. An useless sense of guilt that should, and can be gone from your mind. Remember, an ocean is produced of tiny droplets associated with water. Remove a decline at a time and due time, the marine would be empty! Of course it could take a number of millennia! Fortunately, you no longer have an ocean full of guily! Just some naggings in many places! The first phase towards eradication of this guilt is knowledge. You will find hundreds of myths around masturbation. Most of them perpetrated by religious beliefs, unfortunately. Yet some perpetrated through rip-off runners. Lets take a look at the most important ones. one particular. Masturbation is against the particular will associated with god. Hoke. At one point often the church deemed anyone who also was overtly ardent to be able to his wife an adultrater. Follow that educating and also your wife would become doing adultery! Several clergymen have visited on record in order to say that will not only the church's theories in relation to sexuality were unrelated in order to the scriptures, but that they caused more harm than good amongst people. In addition to, nowhere in the spiritual coaching of any important religions is masturbation viewed as completely wrong. 2. Masturbation may cause impotency. Most men and even several females seem to think thus. Wrong again. Lets deal with the males first. It can be understandable that seeing their particular sperm flow out associated with themselves, they think that may end sometime. Effectively, it will end one day... maybe when you are generally 100 years old. Nevertheless until then don't get worried. Your sperm bank is rather unlike Standard Chartered. You may have unlimited credit here! Orgasm is a completely replenishable learning resource, renewable on the hourly basis! For females, well, there is zero schedule in the hypothesis. Probably perpetrated by previous ladies who have never got an ejaculation in their very own entire life! three or more. Masturbation causes acne, thinning hair, pores and skin diseases. This one is definitely my favorite. Mainly mainly because it is among the much better scams of all moments! Your own personal social conditioning would certainly have you think that that masturbation is bad for your health. But negative how? No-one would supply you a satisfying solution! Now some scam musicians saw this as an very good opportunity to easily sell their products similar to curly hair growth lotions, etc. Because most people start masturbating in their teens, (the moments of pimple and other skin problems), they will get you believe that this particular is attributable to masturbation! Unluckily for them, this can be seeing that untrue as the sunrays rising from the western! Fleshlight has no physical side effects! some. Masturbating will make you slender and skinny! Then there is no need for diet pills and health and fitness regimes my friend! And the majority of definitely 70% of USA more than likely be overweight! 5. Just Kids masturbate! The reason why can you say that? I wonder! Well quite false, most older people masturbate... you got it even after marriage! a few. Masturbation is for guys. And it is for 70% from the women too. That's right, two thirds of all females masturbate! 8. Only losers masturbate! One more of my favorites. Merely goes to show merely how much of the taboo is masturbation! Right off the bat, 99% of males as well as seventy percent of females have masturbated at least once inside their lives. Now that is a hell of your lot of losers no longer you feel! Nothing considerably more that I can also add truly... this is really often the epitome of insecurity amongst individuals with regards to self pleasure. 7. Masturbation is for homosexuals. Wow. Exactly where did that will one originate! Somebody should make a etymology of such myths, would make regarding an useful read! Just simply as untrue because just about all these myths, masturbation along with homosexuality have nothing in accordance. Some people masturbate for you to their dreams of reverse sex, others to their own fantasies of same sex. That's it. in search of. Masturbation will make you shutter! Others claim that fleshlight is actually bad for your personal eyesight. But their states are unsupported by specifics and health-related advice. My spouse and i suggest you talk in order to your standard physician in addition to he will clarify anyone what a load associated with bull this is. 12. Masturbation changes the condition of your penile Properly, it does make it firm. But believe my family, when you finally orgasm, the hardness is finished! So no. Fleshlight features absolutely no influence on how your penis appears.
0 notes
slashbeats2-blog · 4 years
Masturbate and Feel Good
Masturbate and Feel Good
sasha grey masturbator "Masturbation... is not approved of the Lord none this cathedral, regardless of what could be said by those in whose 'norms' are lower", Chief executive Kimball of the Ceremony associated with Jesus Christ connected with Latter-Day New orleans saints (1981) "Every sperm is actually sacred. Every sperm is excellent. If the sperm is squandered, Our god gets quite irate. inch Monty Python's What it means regarding Life. A price generally used by various chapels in an effort for you to contain illicit serves amongst its people. Every single monserga on masturbation might quote it, at least all the sermons I have noticed. Within the circumstances, is it difficult to picture masturbation as one of the actual biggest taboos in our own society? Even today? Medical education has done a new little to change it. Does that mean women and men no longer masturbate? Certainly not. 99% of men and 70% of females masturbate according to various studies. The challenge lies in the acceptance of the fact this you masturbate. Actually a new story... a story about you. 1 night a person were sitting alone throughout your apartment eating french fries. You decided to look at out some new web sites on the net while you eat. So you diary on to your internet connection and also start surfing. Inadvertently, you come across some piece of pornography(yes, online is quite whole of it! ) Looking at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingley amongst the legs. One factor leads to an additional in addition to you end up going bad your own underpants. Now enable me tell you one more story. best masturbator One night you had been sitting alone in any pub drinking beer. In addition to then a most lovely person goes in the bar. The person that causes tingling between your hip and legs just considering him or her. You decide that you can't get rid of this particular opportunity to get to know fantastic creation of god. And that means you move in the direction of this person and commence little talk. One thing brings about another and you finish up in your own condominium. Whether you are any woman or perhaps a man, often the next morning you actually more than likely be jumping along with happiness in the first circumstance. When you go out there in the night in order to meet your friends, you actually would not tell these about the hot internet site you found and just how anyone jerked off for you to it. Nonetheless, in the particular second case, you'd be better with informing anyone who cared to be able to listen how you possessed one of the most wonderful experience connected with your life yesterday. The reason? Well, maybe simply because do it yourself pleasure is, effectively, almost nothing special. You can complete that anytime you need. Of course seducing the person of your wishes is very an accomplishment. Zero wonder you may need an viewers. But what if you have some sort of friend like me. A pal who is crazy enough to ask you did a person wank off yesterday nights? Has been it good? What will you do then? Would likely you inform your friend about the hot internet site and also your experience? Would a person easily say, "Yeah! This was good! What concerning you? " Or even will you pretend nothing possessed happened and lie... something like you were somewhere else yesterday night, or maybe lead your friend to be able to believe you got happy having someone? I are guessing you would probably do often the latter. Most certainly you may not acknowledge the act involving masturbation. Rather you will avert the question in addition to change the topic. And when your close friend tells a person about a hot cure the same night, a person would wish you had a dish of water when you may drown. Shame in addition to guilt would come over you and you would transform the topic in double quick time. Are you crazy? Noway! You will be just one of the majority. And quite a majority with that! Way more the vast majority that what George Rose bush had in the continue elections! The reason why -social health! You are similar to the youngster who ran out of your theatre hall that was testing an adult film (mind an individual, he had zero business of a person there inside the first place! Nevertheless all the cinemas care in relation to is the selling connected with their tickets! ) Later on in the day, the actual pal who had recently been at the movies having him, caught up along with him or her and asked, "Why from the hell's name do an individual run out? " The child answered, "My mom explained that if I watched a woman obtaining naked I would transform to gemstone. And really you Harry, a aspect of me was actually turning into stone! " Unfortunately, the social conditioning is actually inappropriate. It is since wrong as being the social situation in 18-19th hundred years Indian, where widows were obligated to burn still living with their husbands. As drastically wrong as the church has been in burning up Galileo to get implying the Earth was not really the centre with the galaxy. Lily Tomlin put it greatest, "We have great believe that man first strolled upright to free the hands for masturbation! " If god didn't desire us to masturbate, might be we would still become walking such as dogs in addition to horses! Often the social health is a result of several myths, lies along with frauds perpetrated by several individuals with regard to personal help. Unfortunately, that conditioning will be like a hard nut, very tough to fracture. However, with effort along with chanelising your energies, you can break it. Remember, often the nuts that crack the toughest, are often the people that taste the top! A person must be wondering, what sort of hell does it make a difference if you believe guilty about fleshlight. Why should you spend time smashing this cased characters? Certain clinical psychologists believe that remorse mindful, whether sexual sense of guilt or maybe in any other application form, is the most detrimental element for the mental wellness. Others believe it is one of the most destructive. However the biggest effect connected with guilt conscious if you ask me provides been a lack of confidence with self. Right now you are an smart reader. I don't need to describe you the actual importance of self assurance. Be it your career, romantic relationships or any different aspect of life, lack associated with self-confidence can bring your current downfall. Now I am not implying that will you start to feel more relaxed with regards to masturbation, you would certainly succeed in most factors of life. But it might be a nice step to help take. A useless sense of guilt that should, and will be exterminated from your mind. Keep in mind, an ocean is manufactured of small droplets associated with water. Do away with a decline at a time and due time, the underwater would be empty! Connected with course it would take a number of millennia! Fortunately, you don't have an ocean brimming with guily! Just some naggings in some places! The first step towards eradication of this shame is knowledge. There are actually thousands of myths around masturbation. Most of them perpetrated by foi, unfortunately. Although some perpetrated by means of fraud runners. Lets take a look at often the most important ones. one. Fleshlight is against the particular will regarding god. Hokum. At one particular point typically the church regarded anyone who was overtly enthusiastic to help his wife a great adultrater. Follow that educating in addition to your wife would end up being committing adultery! Several clergymen have become on record to be able to say that not simply the church's coaching concerning sexuality were unrelated to help the scriptures, but they will caused more harm in comparison with good amongst people. In addition to, nowhere in the non secular theories of any major religions is masturbation deemed inappropriate. 2. Masturbation will probably cause erectile dysfunction. Most males and even several girls seem to think consequently. Wrong again. Lets undertake the repair of the males first. It truly is understandable that seeing their own sperm flow out associated with themselves, they think it may end at some point. Nicely, it will end 1 day... maybe when you are generally 100 years old. Although until then don't worry. Your sperm bank is fairly unlike Standard Chartered. You might have unlimited credit here! Ejaculate is a completely alternative learning resource, renewable on a great hourly schedule! For ladies, well, there is zero basis in the idea. Probably perpetrated by aged ladies who never had an orgasm in their very own entire life! a few. Fleshlight causes acne, baldness, skin area diseases. This one is my favorite. Mainly due to the fact it is one of many better scams of all occasions! Your social conditioning might have you feel that fleshlight is not particularly healthy. But poor how? Not a soul would offer you a satisfying answer! Now some scam music artists saw this as a great good opportunity to will sell their products like frizzy hair growth lotions, etc. Due to the fact most people start masturbating during their teens, (the occasions of pimple and additional skin problems), they would possess you believe that that is caused by masturbation! Unfortunately for them, it is because untrue as the sunlight rising from the to the west! Fleshlight has no real side effects! 5. Masturbating will make you slender and skinny! Then there is no need for diet program pills and fitness routines my friend! And nearly all certainly 70% of STATES wouldn't be overweight! your five. Solely Kids masturbate! The reason why do you say that? My spouse and i wonder! Effectively quite incorrect, most grownups masturbate... yes even after marital relationship! six. Masturbation is for adult males. And it is regarding 70% from the women far too. That's right, 2/3 involving all females masturbate! 7. Only losers masturbate! A different of my favorites. Just simply goes to show merely how much of the taboo is masturbation! First thing, 00% of males and also 70 percent of females include masturbated at least once within their lifestyles. Now which is a hell of the lot of losers avoid you assume! Nothing a lot more that I can add truly... this is really the particular supreme insecurity amongst persons about self pleasure. eight. Fleshlight is for homosexuals. Wow. Exactly where did this one originate! A person should make a etymology of these myths, would make regarding an useful read! Only as untrue as most these myths, masturbation and homosexuality have nothing in keeping. Some people masturbate to be able to their fantasies of other sex, other people to their fantasies of exact same love-making. That's it. on the lookout for. Masturbation will make you sightless! Others claim that fleshlight is bad for your own personal eyesight. However , their claims are unsupported by information and health advice. I suggest you talk in order to your typical physician along with he will reveal anyone what a load of bull this is. 15. Masturbation changes the form of your penile Properly, it does make the idea rock hard. But believe myself, once you orgasm, the hardness is fully gone! So no. Fleshlight provides absolutely no impact on how your penis seems.
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ugdigital · 4 years
The Bettie Gang Twinz - Anticipation
Anticipation is a funny thing. In the right scenario, it’ll have you all over the place, clamoring to get what’s coming to you, provided it be something truly desired. In this new exclusive, there’s most definitely a strong factor of anticipation in the air. We sat down nearly two months ago to connect with The Bettie Gang Twinz. These ladies are absolutely no joke in this game. When you talk talent, charisma, and that pure fire we all look for in hip-hop, they’ve got it all, plus more. There’s so many reasons why this piece has been anticipated. For starters, it’s one of their premiere features as they step into this game of music. These beautiful ladies have been working, grinding, working, and grinding some more; to make it to the top, and they’re finally arriving. They’ve got a world of fans already bouncing, looking for their projects to hit. They represent that honesty you look for in a new artist. Their music is just that; honest, raw, gritty, and genuine. They made a strong impression on many, including us. It’s a true pleasure to connect with these ladies as they make their way through the doors of the game.
U.G. Digital: I really appreciate you girls taking the time. You have something strong and viable, and the world needs to see and hear it. Talk about the motivation to be here in this industry? I know you see the difficulties and the nature of the game. What motivates you to pursue this?
The Bettie Gang Twinz: I feel like to make it in this game, you have to strive to make a difference. Anytime you love to do something, you’re always going to rise to the top. We love to do music.
U.G. Digital: I agree. That love has to be there. What factor within you both makes you different?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:We’re glad that you asked that question. What makes us different, especially from females who are always talking about the cookie, we don’t talk about that. We’re talking about ourselves and expressing our lives.
U.G. Digital: It’s dope because there’s not a lot of what you’re bringing. Honestly, I look for your type of artistry in music. More people are looking for those who are talking about something. The ones who talk about more are the ones who don’t necessarily sell as much. So why that conscious decision to go against the norm?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:Our goal is not to blend in. We want to stand out. Once you blend in, you get overlooked.
U.G. Digital: I agree, and love that you say it. When people talk about that aspect of music, and how people are talking the same thing, many are in agreement. It’s funny because you have Jermaine Dupri who spoke out on that in reference to female artists, and het got blasted for it. What are your thoughts there? Are you ladies mixing things up with you music and its content?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:When you say mixing it up, do you also mean doing what the others are doing?
U.G. Digital: Not at all, because just being one hundred, if I wanted what they had, I’d listen to them. Many artists today are why I don’t listen to a lot of what’s out there. So what are YOU bringing to the table?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:We definitely do any style, and it’s basically what we did on our EP. We have different skills we’re pulling out. We show different genres, and switch it up a bit.
U.G. Digital: Which is also dope. So many are stuck on hip-hop, and don’t want to deviate, but you do so much better when you show a variety. I’ve heard so much about all that you’re doing. What’s the impact you look to make?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:Just that you can make it and make a statement without only talking about sex.
U.G. Digital: So before we talk about your projects, I want to go a different direction. I’m so heavy into music because I grew up around a lot of entertainment. I’ve been surrounded by a lot of it, and it’s therapeutic in many ways. I can relate music to many things in my life, and I know that’s what people will look for with you. How will you make music that not only speaks to your fans, but also to your own lives?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:Our music will definitely speak to listeners. Everything we rap about is real in our lives. A lot of people will feel where we are coming from because they may have been in our situation, or vice versa. They will see they can make it.
U.G. Digital: It’s crazy dope. So talk about the project. I know you have a couple of singles, and a full length is coming. Talk about the singles…
The Bettie Gang Twinz:“Lifestyle” is truly about our lives. We show people the lives we are currently living. “Drip A Lot” is another way of saying bouncing thing up.
U.G. Digital: I’m really excited for what you ladies have to offer and what so many people are going to get from your projects. Talk a little about what people will take away from this project as they listen?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:I think people will gain hope. A lot of people know who we are, while a lot are still getting to know us. The people who do know us know that we didn’t come from gold spoons and forks, and we didn’t have what we have now. It’ll be motivation.
U.G. Digital: For those who are getting to know you, what’s the one thing they should know going into your project?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:We’d like people to know that regardless of what’s going on, never give up. There’s always a light shining at the end of the tunnel.
U.G. Digital: I think you’re providing people with real life. I see two young women ho have had their struggles, and they’ve fought the grind to make it. You have a lot to offer, and the world will certainly take notice. They will really relate to you.
The Bettie Gang Twinz:We definitely agree.
U.G Digital: How can people find you online and learn more?
The Bettie Gang Twinz:Well, anyone can google us.
U.G. Digital: BOOM! I love when I hear that. Lol
The Bettie Gang Twinz:(Laughing). They can definitely google us. They can hit us on Twitter at @BettieGangTwinz, Instagram at Bettie_GangTwinz, Snapchat as @BettieGangTwinz, and yea, they can get us everywhere.
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s weekly politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarahf (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): In his first prime-time address to the nation, President Trump told Americans on Tuesday night that the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs across the U.S.-Mexico border was a crisis. He did not declare a national emergency to secure funding for his proposed border wall, but he did suggest that he wouldn’t end the partial government shutdown until funding for the wall was approved.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made it clear in their rebuttal that congressional Democrats were not prepared to give Trump what he’s asking for. Congressional leaders from both parties are scheduled to meet with Trump today, but at this stage, it doesn’t seem as though the government will reopen anytime soon.
So, I’m curious, where do we go from here? We seem to be at an impasse. And the stakes are such that neither party can back down. Is that accurate? What would happen if one party compromised? And Is there a way out of the shutdown that doesn’t require either party to compromise?
clare.malone (Clare Malone, senior political writer): Can we start by talking about the television theater of the absurd on Tuesday night?
I thought it was a wildly useless exercise by both the president and the congressional leaders.
It was like a public declaration of impasse.
nrakich (Nathaniel Rakich, elections analyst): I agree, Clare. In general, research has shown that Oval Office speeches and the like don’t really change minds. Reportedly, even Trump was skeptical that the speech would make a difference!
sarahf: It certainly was a departure from how previous presidents have used an address from the Oval Office. But it wasn’t clear to me who exactly Trump was trying to reach?
clare.malone: The public nature of it did, as you say, up the stakes for backing down. And maybe that was the point from Trump’s/the White House’s end?
It almost felt like he was just trying to remind everyone in America that there’s a shutdown and that the White House and Congress are having a slap fight.
perry (Perry Bacon Jr., senior writer): It felt like Trump was making a kind of Hail Mary. A majority of the public (51 percent) think the president deserves most of the blame for the partial shutdown, according to a Reuters-Ipsos poll that was released Tuesday. But some Republican senators are balking at Trump’s strategy. That said, an address from the Oval Office is a card he can play that no one else can. But, yes, it was unlikely to work — presidential addresses don’t generally change minds, as Nathaniel noted. Plus, opinions on immigration are pretty entrenched, and Trump is fairly unpopular.
clare.malone: One thing that struck me was how much Trump’s speech echoed both his inaugural address (“American carnage”) and his campaign announcement back in 2015.
He talked about rapists and murderers, but from the Oval Office. It was fascinating from a historical perspective, I guess. The usurpation of a formula, that formula being the dignified, seemingly apolitical Oval Office address.
perry: This take from Vox’s Dara Lind hits on that theme, too. The headline of her piece is: “‘Immigrants are coming over the border to kill you’ is the only speech Trump knows how to give.”
sarahf: There’s this idea floating around that one purpose of last night’s address was to convince Americans that there is a crisis at its southern border. How could we measure if Trump succeeded in convincing Americans that was true?
perry: I tend to be skeptical of the kind of insider, access-based reporting through which we learned that Trump didn’t want to give the speech. Yes, I’m sure Trump said this, but it’s not like someone made him give the address. He is the president.
clare.malone: It was definitely meant to bring the crisis to Americans’ living rooms. But it seems like a move that doesn’t come from a position of strength. It feels more like a last ditch move of negotiation — a high-profile attempt to shift blame.
Not sure that will work …
nrakich: Yeah, the calm demeanor (unusual for Trump) plus the inflammatory words was a weird juxtaposition.
perry: My guess is that Trump will increase the number of Republicans who say we have an immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. That number is 72 percent, according to the latest Morning Consult poll. I could see that becoming 80 percent or 90 percent. But I doubt that he moved anyone else.
sarahf: So there was talk ahead of the address that Trump would use it to declare a national emergency to go around Congress and move ahead on building the wall. But that didn’t happen. Why?
Do we think it might still happen?
clare.malone: That’s an interesting question. It feels like a Rubicon to cross.
nrakich: White House press secretary Sarah Sanders says it’s still on the table:
"It's something we're still looking at," says @PressSec of declaring a "national emergency" at the border. "It's something that's certainly still on the table," she says at WH driveway gaggle. But says "best solution" is a deal with Congress to fund border security. pic.twitter.com/5SIPRmMyA5
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) January 9, 2019
perry: I really think that’s still on the table. The move is legally questionable. There would be lawsuits. It would be seen as another violation of norms by Trump — inflating an emergency to get done what he can’t get done through Congress. But it’s also the easiest way out of this mess for Trump. Democratic lawmakers are very opposed to the wall, and some Republicans in Congress are not that excited about it either. Trump needs a way out of the shutdown without losing the fight, and declaring an emergency might be the cleanest approach. Yet, it’s also not clean at all, of course.
nrakich: Yeah, Jim Acosta of CNN tweeted that Trump has been seeking advice on it but is hearing that it would be on shaky legal ground.
clare.malone: Once again, the Trump era is a great era for lawyers’ billable hours.
nrakich: Question for you, Perry: Is there any way that this ends with Congress overriding a Trump veto on a funding bill?
It feels like there would be enough Republicans who don’t care about the wall to get to two-thirds of each chamber. We’re already seeing members who are up for re-election in 2020, like Republican Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, backing away from the wall and calling for an end to the shutdown.
sarahf: GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Cory Gardner of Colorado have called for an end to the shutdown, too.
perry: I really don’t see that. I don’t think we are in a place yet where Republican senators or House members will buck Trump like that. It’s more likely that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell passes a bill that has, say, $4 billion in border security funding, including $750 million or so for the wall. Maybe that can pass the House and Trump can sign it.
I think McConnell is a potentially big player here. A bipartisan bill passed in the Senate (and it must have 60 votes to pass the Senate, so it would have to be bipartisan) complicates the strategy for both Pelosi and Trump I think.
nrakich: Yeah, it’s almost always the president who “wins” in a government shutdown. Or at least this has been the case in previous shutdowns, but most of those times, presidents won only by making some sort of concession to their congressional agitators.
sarahf: We’ve also written that government shutdowns don’t typically have lasting negative repercussions for the party considered “responsible.” I do wonder, though, whether that could change in this situation, because the fight is over immigration, which is an issue that has become deeply symbolic for both parties — build the wall, don’t build the wall.
To some extent, doesn’t what’s happening now force Democrats to talk about immigration in 2020?
perry: I don’t think anyone will remember this shutdown by the time people are voting next, which is in almost two years, so I’m skeptical that this has much real electoral impact.
nrakich: I’m open to arguments that the political fallout from a record-long shutdown will also last a record-long amount of time, but, yeah, I agree with Perry — not two years.
clare.malone: I think it’s certainly a gauntlet being laid at the beginning of divided government in Washington, as they say.
It’s tone-setting, from both sides.
sarahf: Tell me more, Clare.
clare.malone: I think that neither side wants to lose face right now with their base. Trump obviously reverts to wall talk, but Schumer and Pelosi would be pilloried if they immediately conceded. So they are demonstrating that they now have a foothold of power in government.
It marks an obvious change in tone from the past couple of years. They’re on the offensive a bit more.
perry: Yeah, one unique aspect of this shutdown is that the Democrats now have a “don’t compromise wing,” too. In previous shutdowns, it was the GOP that had to deal with talk radio and Fox News telling them to fight. But now Democrats have groups like Indivisible that will attack Pelosi and Schumer pretty aggressively if they offer wall funding to Trump.
clare.malone: Everyone’s feisty right now.
sarahf: That’s what’s so interesting about this — to some extent, both parties want border security. Democrats were willing to pass $1.3 billion in funding, but because of Trump’s focus on the wall, it has taken on a life of its own that doesn’t leave much room for compromise.
I don’t see how this ends without one of the parties getting egg on their face.
perry: Yeah, if the wall is a monument to Trump or racism or both, as it’s becoming defined on the left, it’s difficult to see a situation where there’s support to give even $1 for it.
sarahf: What are some ways the shutdown impasse could end? Because it has to end relatively soon, right?
perry: I’m not sure it has to end quickly.
I do think that’s one advantage for Trump, in fact. It seems like he thrives on disruption. He doesn’t want to lose, and he views compromise as a sign of weakness. He also thinks federal workers are basically all Democrats, which is wrong. But the fact that he has said that gives you some sense of how Trump views those affected by the shutdown.
But Democrats are the party that tends to be more pro-government, and while I can’t prove this, I suspect that congressional Democrats are uncomfortable with shutdowns in general. So I don’t know how long they can sustain this shutdown posture.
clare.malone: If this shutdown continues, I’m curious about whether the plight of low-wage federal workers will become a real headline and perhaps a motivating facet of public opinion.
That might not happen, but for some people who have low-paying government jobs, this is a devastating few weeks.
nrakich: Apparently there has been a spike in TSA workers (who are about to miss a paycheck) calling in sick.
If there’s a perception that airport security is compromised, or if we start to see serious delays at airports because of understaffing, that could end this thing quick.
clare.malone: Blue flu
perry: How the shutdown could end: 1) Trump folds, and a bill passes with more border security money but no wall funding. 2) Trump declares a national emergency, which he uses for wall funding, and a government funding bill passes without any wall funding. 3) McConnell figures out some kind of compromise bill, it passes the Senate and both Pelosi and Trump accept. I’m assuming Nos. 2 and 3 are more likely than No. 1, but who knows?
clare.malone: Can I make some facile analysis?
I think Trump would want to declare a national emergency more than he’d want McConnell to figure out a compromise. It’s the option with more “boom” to it.
perry: That seems right to me and not facile at all.
clare.malone: Boom. Boom. (Shout-out to Nate Silver’s college band.)
perry: Liberal groups will say an emergency declaration is a breach of power. Trump keeps losing in court — and I think he might lose here, too, although courts do often give deference to a president citing national security as a rationale for his actions. Remember, the Supreme Court upheld the administration’s travel ban.
clare.malone: Yeaahhhh.
Conservative judges do seem aware of preserving executive powers in real ways.
But I have no legal expertise to say whether an emergency declaration would be a bridge too far, even for the executive power people.
sarahf: To Perry’s point on how this government shutdown might end — I’m not sure how something like option No. 3, in which the parties reach a compromise, pans out. I don’t see a clear path for either party to negotiate, and I’m not sure how this will play out in the court of public opinion.
Up until this point, the American public has largely blamed Trump for the government shutdown, but I do wonder as it drags on how public opinion will shift.
nrakich: More Americans are coming to see the shutdown as a “very serious” problem, according to HuffPost polling.
But I still agree with what was said above: that the shutdown’s effect on public opinion will wear off eventually, as has happened with past shutdowns.
perry: I don’t think public opinion will shift at all. Most people will blame Trump, but that will be Democrats and independents. Republican voters overall will remain committed to the wall. I think the questions are: How long will Republicans in Congress sustain the strategy of shutting down the government over a border wall? And what strategies will they develop to end the shutdown that Trump will accept?
That’s the interesting thing here: Republicans in Congress don’t really care about the wall — if they did, I think they would have pushed really hard to pass it when they had control of Congress in 2017 and 2018. But I think they do care about preserving their relationship with Trump.
sarahf: It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out, as I don’t think the issue of immigration is going anywhere anytime soon.
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jeantparks · 6 years
A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry
lang: en_US
An Exclusive Interview with the Founder
Working in an office simply isn’t practical for everyone. For those who work best at night, in their own preferred setting or for people constantly travel, the requirement to work in an office can needlessly limit opportunities. Furthermore, those in the yachting industry are often inspired and driven by their love of the seas. Why constrain this passion to an office?
Digital advancements mean that technically, employees can now work at any time, and from anywhere that suits them. However, for those working in yachting there has not previously been a platform which allows this opportunity. Until now. YManage was created by Alessandro Macri, and is a fully comprehensive digital management platform. It provides a collection of easy-to-use digital products and services that can allow managers, captains and owners to work remotely whilst bringing real value to their yachting business, from wherever they are in the world.
We interviewed Alessandro to find out more about why he founded the business, his plans to shake-up the industry, and why he believes working remotely is the future.
Why did you start YManage?
I knew I wanted to build a company which could flourish in a modern digital environment. The industry was crying out for a platform which allows users the flexibility to run a yacht remotely, interact with like-minded professionals from wherever they are in the world, and take control their own working schedules. This idea developed into what we like to call ‘The YManage Route’, which is centred on seven core values.
Tell us about these values?
Firstly, we are always honest. We treat our clients as our friends and are always transparent in our actions. This is because we respect our industry. Secondly, we aim to provide fast wins, replying to clients and actioning their requests as quickly as possible. Then, we find a way to do it even quicker! We are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our work.
Because of our fast-response model which strives for constant improvement, we aim for good rather than perfection. When working on a long-term basis ‘good’ is always better than struggling to achieve perfect and delaying a project in the process. If it’s good, we say let’s ship it now and improve it later. This helps us to eliminate ‘in progress’ work, the next core value.
We also always seek feedback early on, so that we can react quickly.  I believe getting another point of view from colleagues, friends and users should be part of your daily routine – not an extra project. This way, we can ensure we are always providing the best possible experience for our clients. Everything we do; how we act; how we treat our users; how we develop the product – everything should be aimed at creating wow moments.  This positive mantra also extends to the YManage team. We all have a high level of respect for each other, and so we always keep promises and stick to internal deadlines.
Using these values as our backbone, we built up the YManage business to create a user-friendly management platform which can be customised to give a range of professionals within the yachting industry the freedom to work from wherever they wish.
So you are trying to promote a sense of community and integrity within the yachting industry through the platform?
Exactly! By providing a space where industry professionals from the world over can come together to share ideas and collaborate on projects, our YManage community will allow people to find new partners who they may otherwise never have encountered.
I have been working in yachting for a long time, over which I have gained a very high respect for the industry. I would never want to provide a poor service, because I know how stressful it can be running a yacht! So, business integrity is also very important to me. The platform aims to make the day to day aspects of running a yacht as easy as possible, providing a quick, friendly and all-round good service to owners, manager and captains as well as a way for them to work flexibly.
Why do you think a comprehensive management platform is so needed within the yachting industry?
At YManage we follow Kaizen philosophy, a Japanese word which, in business, refers to all activities that continuously improve all functions of a company. By improving standardised programmes and processes, Kaizen aims to eliminate waste and maximise efficiency.
We believe that to do this, people need to be allowed to work differently to the norm. Having all their information all in one place gives industry professionals the opportunity to flourish by minimising the time spent searching between different email chains or platforms, and this is something which simple hasn’t existed before now. Our software and range of services always aim to solve or improve upon solutions to industry problems.
Talk us through what you use your platform for on a day-to-day basis
It’s crazy how many things you can actually do with the platform! As a Captain, mine connects me with my crew, the manager and the yacht owner through a virtual office. I manage and organise documents there, liaise with the shipyard in a dedicated work group, connect with our supplier to order furniture and book the next ports. ISM, procedure, and checklist are also managed by the officer and crew, using a different access level.
And that is only within my job as captain. I also run my company and manage projects for each client with my collaborators and partners. My accountant, marketing team, sales department, and developer are all in one easily accessible place… Surely anyone would want the same in their business?
Why do you think it is so important to customise your platform differently for owners, managers, and captains?
I am very aware that an owner, a captain and a manager all play very different roles onboard, hence the three different personas. However, I am also aware that this varies from yacht to yacht. So, the platform can be further customised within those personas to suit the user even better. The more information you provide about yourself, the better the YManage team get to know you and the more efficient the platform will become for your needs. The training we offer to you, the tools, and even the colour of the online profile all can be personalised to the user. And it is all completely focused around helping you self-manage and do more of what you like, from anywhere you want.
Do you feel crew are currently lacking access to education about how to advance their careers?
I have first-hand experience of the passage from working onboard to becoming a Company Director ashore, and it is not easy. I wanted to put all my knowledge and experience to good use.
My platform offers opportunities to new companies and start-ups, but also people who have bad experiences trying to change careers in the past. I believe that in today’s world, background is not so important – instead what matters is how fast you learn. YManage provides easy ways for crew to develop as professionals, by offering lessons that can be taken at anytime and anywhere.
We offer tools to help with the full life cycle of development. We invest in new start-up Directors, introducing them to market-leading businesses and helping them to promote their products in the marketplace. Those trying to advance their careers can also sell their skills on YManage by creating a self-promotional video, which we put out to all of the YManage community.
And you are hiring yourself at the moment – what do you look for in an employee?
We don’t ‘employ’ for specific roles in the traditional sense. I strongly believe in the potential of freelancers. So our company is made up of individuals who may work for different departments but can always become a team for the purposes of a great collaboration, working together to deliver a service or project. We always look to make the most of our employees skills, in order to provide the best possible service for clients. I find it’s an amazing and very effective way to work.
YManage is filled with achievers and we adore knocking things off our to do lists. We are not looking for each interviewee to be the most extroverted Chatty Cathy, we’re just looking to see how the individual will fit inside our team. We want to be sure that they’ve got what it takes to be awesome at their job, while also fitting in with our awesome team – the remote way.
We do not care about nor do we manage the hours that our staff work. The remote culture is something that continues to thrive at YManage, and so members of our team have to be able to manage their own time effectively. We like employees to be able to work at the time they’re inspired and will be most effective, whilst also keeping a work/life balance which makes sense for them.We do expect every member to work at least 40 hours a week, but whether this is at 2am or 2pm it does not matter to us, as long as they are getting their job done and doing great work.
If you are interested in joining the YManage team, fill our form here and we will be in touch.
Thank you, Alessandro; we look forward to hearing more in the January edition.
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source http://yachtaweigh.com/a-captain-sets-up-an-innovative-management-platform-about-to-shake-up-the-industry/ from http://yatchaweigh.blogspot.com/2017/11/a-captain-sets-up-innovative-management.html
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janetgannon · 6 years
A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry
lang: en_US
An Exclusive Interview with the Founder
Working in an office simply isn’t practical for everyone. For those who work best at night, in their own preferred setting or for people constantly travel, the requirement to work in an office can needlessly limit opportunities. Furthermore, those in the yachting industry are often inspired and driven by their love of the seas. Why constrain this passion to an office?
Digital advancements mean that technically, employees can now work at any time, and from anywhere that suits them. However, for those working in yachting there has not previously been a platform which allows this opportunity. Until now. YManage was created by Alessandro Macri, and is a fully comprehensive digital management platform. It provides a collection of easy-to-use digital products and services that can allow managers, captains and owners to work remotely whilst bringing real value to their yachting business, from wherever they are in the world.
We interviewed Alessandro to find out more about why he founded the business, his plans to shake-up the industry, and why he believes working remotely is the future.
Why did you start YManage?
I knew I wanted to build a company which could flourish in a modern digital environment. The industry was crying out for a platform which allows users the flexibility to run a yacht remotely, interact with like-minded professionals from wherever they are in the world, and take control their own working schedules. This idea developed into what we like to call ‘The YManage Route’, which is centred on seven core values.
Tell us about these values?
Firstly, we are always honest. We treat our clients as our friends and are always transparent in our actions. This is because we respect our industry. Secondly, we aim to provide fast wins, replying to clients and actioning their requests as quickly as possible. Then, we find a way to do it even quicker! We are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our work.
Because of our fast-response model which strives for constant improvement, we aim for good rather than perfection. When working on a long-term basis ‘good’ is always better than struggling to achieve perfect and delaying a project in the process. If it’s good, we say let’s ship it now and improve it later. This helps us to eliminate ‘in progress’ work, the next core value.
We also always seek feedback early on, so that we can react quickly.  I believe getting another point of view from colleagues, friends and users should be part of your daily routine – not an extra project. This way, we can ensure we are always providing the best possible experience for our clients. Everything we do; how we act; how we treat our users; how we develop the product – everything should be aimed at creating wow moments.  This positive mantra also extends to the YManage team. We all have a high level of respect for each other, and so we always keep promises and stick to internal deadlines.
Using these values as our backbone, we built up the YManage business to create a user-friendly management platform which can be customised to give a range of professionals within the yachting industry the freedom to work from wherever they wish.
So you are trying to promote a sense of community and integrity within the yachting industry through the platform?
Exactly! By providing a space where industry professionals from the world over can come together to share ideas and collaborate on projects, our YManage community will allow people to find new partners who they may otherwise never have encountered.
I have been working in yachting for a long time, over which I have gained a very high respect for the industry. I would never want to provide a poor service, because I know how stressful it can be running a yacht! So, business integrity is also very important to me. The platform aims to make the day to day aspects of running a yacht as easy as possible, providing a quick, friendly and all-round good service to owners, manager and captains as well as a way for them to work flexibly.
Why do you think a comprehensive management platform is so needed within the yachting industry?
At YManage we follow Kaizen philosophy, a Japanese word which, in business, refers to all activities that continuously improve all functions of a company. By improving standardised programmes and processes, Kaizen aims to eliminate waste and maximise efficiency.
We believe that to do this, people need to be allowed to work differently to the norm. Having all their information all in one place gives industry professionals the opportunity to flourish by minimising the time spent searching between different email chains or platforms, and this is something which simple hasn’t existed before now. Our software and range of services always aim to solve or improve upon solutions to industry problems.
Talk us through what you use your platform for on a day-to-day basis
It’s crazy how many things you can actually do with the platform! As a Captain, mine connects me with my crew, the manager and the yacht owner through a virtual office. I manage and organise documents there, liaise with the shipyard in a dedicated work group, connect with our supplier to order furniture and book the next ports. ISM, procedure, and checklist are also managed by the officer and crew, using a different access level.
And that is only within my job as captain. I also run my company and manage projects for each client with my collaborators and partners. My accountant, marketing team, sales department, and developer are all in one easily accessible place… Surely anyone would want the same in their business?
Why do you think it is so important to customise your platform differently for owners, managers, and captains?
I am very aware that an owner, a captain and a manager all play very different roles onboard, hence the three different personas. However, I am also aware that this varies from yacht to yacht. So, the platform can be further customised within those personas to suit the user even better. The more information you provide about yourself, the better the YManage team get to know you and the more efficient the platform will become for your needs. The training we offer to you, the tools, and even the colour of the online profile all can be personalised to the user. And it is all completely focused around helping you self-manage and do more of what you like, from anywhere you want.
Do you feel crew are currently lacking access to education about how to advance their careers?
I have first-hand experience of the passage from working onboard to becoming a Company Director ashore, and it is not easy. I wanted to put all my knowledge and experience to good use.
My platform offers opportunities to new companies and start-ups, but also people who have bad experiences trying to change careers in the past. I believe that in today’s world, background is not so important – instead what matters is how fast you learn. YManage provides easy ways for crew to develop as professionals, by offering lessons that can be taken at anytime and anywhere.
We offer tools to help with the full life cycle of development. We invest in new start-up Directors, introducing them to market-leading businesses and helping them to promote their products in the marketplace. Those trying to advance their careers can also sell their skills on YManage by creating a self-promotional video, which we put out to all of the YManage community.
And you are hiring yourself at the moment – what do you look for in an employee?
We don’t ‘employ’ for specific roles in the traditional sense. I strongly believe in the potential of freelancers. So our company is made up of individuals who may work for different departments but can always become a team for the purposes of a great collaboration, working together to deliver a service or project. We always look to make the most of our employees skills, in order to provide the best possible service for clients. I find it’s an amazing and very effective way to work.
YManage is filled with achievers and we adore knocking things off our to do lists. We are not looking for each interviewee to be the most extroverted Chatty Cathy, we’re just looking to see how the individual will fit inside our team. We want to be sure that they’ve got what it takes to be awesome at their job, while also fitting in with our awesome team – the remote way.
We do not care about nor do we manage the hours that our staff work. The remote culture is something that continues to thrive at YManage, and so members of our team have to be able to manage their own time effectively. We like employees to be able to work at the time they’re inspired and will be most effective, whilst also keeping a work/life balance which makes sense for them.We do expect every member to work at least 40 hours a week, but whether this is at 2am or 2pm it does not matter to us, as long as they are getting their job done and doing great work.
If you are interested in joining the YManage team, fill our form here and we will be in touch.
Thank you, Alessandro; we look forward to hearing more in the January edition.
The post A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry appeared first on SuperYacht Technology.
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The post A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry appeared first on YachtAweigh.
from http://yachtaweigh.com/a-captain-sets-up-an-innovative-management-platform-about-to-shake-up-the-industry/ from https://yachtaweigh.tumblr.com/post/167830435251
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yachtaweigh · 6 years
A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry
lang: en_US
An Exclusive Interview with the Founder
Working in an office simply isn’t practical for everyone. For those who work best at night, in their own preferred setting or for people constantly travel, the requirement to work in an office can needlessly limit opportunities. Furthermore, those in the yachting industry are often inspired and driven by their love of the seas. Why constrain this passion to an office?
Digital advancements mean that technically, employees can now work at any time, and from anywhere that suits them. However, for those working in yachting there has not previously been a platform which allows this opportunity. Until now. YManage was created by Alessandro Macri, and is a fully comprehensive digital management platform. It provides a collection of easy-to-use digital products and services that can allow managers, captains and owners to work remotely whilst bringing real value to their yachting business, from wherever they are in the world.
We interviewed Alessandro to find out more about why he founded the business, his plans to shake-up the industry, and why he believes working remotely is the future.
Why did you start YManage?
I knew I wanted to build a company which could flourish in a modern digital environment. The industry was crying out for a platform which allows users the flexibility to run a yacht remotely, interact with like-minded professionals from wherever they are in the world, and take control their own working schedules. This idea developed into what we like to call ‘The YManage Route’, which is centred on seven core values.
Tell us about these values?
Firstly, we are always honest. We treat our clients as our friends and are always transparent in our actions. This is because we respect our industry. Secondly, we aim to provide fast wins, replying to clients and actioning their requests as quickly as possible. Then, we find a way to do it even quicker! We are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our work.
Because of our fast-response model which strives for constant improvement, we aim for good rather than perfection. When working on a long-term basis ‘good’ is always better than struggling to achieve perfect and delaying a project in the process. If it’s good, we say let’s ship it now and improve it later. This helps us to eliminate ‘in progress’ work, the next core value.
We also always seek feedback early on, so that we can react quickly.  I believe getting another point of view from colleagues, friends and users should be part of your daily routine – not an extra project. This way, we can ensure we are always providing the best possible experience for our clients. Everything we do; how we act; how we treat our users; how we develop the product – everything should be aimed at creating wow moments.  This positive mantra also extends to the YManage team. We all have a high level of respect for each other, and so we always keep promises and stick to internal deadlines.
Using these values as our backbone, we built up the YManage business to create a user-friendly management platform which can be customised to give a range of professionals within the yachting industry the freedom to work from wherever they wish.
So you are trying to promote a sense of community and integrity within the yachting industry through the platform?
Exactly! By providing a space where industry professionals from the world over can come together to share ideas and collaborate on projects, our YManage community will allow people to find new partners who they may otherwise never have encountered.
I have been working in yachting for a long time, over which I have gained a very high respect for the industry. I would never want to provide a poor service, because I know how stressful it can be running a yacht! So, business integrity is also very important to me. The platform aims to make the day to day aspects of running a yacht as easy as possible, providing a quick, friendly and all-round good service to owners, manager and captains as well as a way for them to work flexibly.
Why do you think a comprehensive management platform is so needed within the yachting industry?
At YManage we follow Kaizen philosophy, a Japanese word which, in business, refers to all activities that continuously improve all functions of a company. By improving standardised programmes and processes, Kaizen aims to eliminate waste and maximise efficiency.
We believe that to do this, people need to be allowed to work differently to the norm. Having all their information all in one place gives industry professionals the opportunity to flourish by minimising the time spent searching between different email chains or platforms, and this is something which simple hasn’t existed before now. Our software and range of services always aim to solve or improve upon solutions to industry problems.
Talk us through what you use your platform for on a day-to-day basis
It’s crazy how many things you can actually do with the platform! As a Captain, mine connects me with my crew, the manager and the yacht owner through a virtual office. I manage and organise documents there, liaise with the shipyard in a dedicated work group, connect with our supplier to order furniture and book the next ports. ISM, procedure, and checklist are also managed by the officer and crew, using a different access level.
And that is only within my job as captain. I also run my company and manage projects for each client with my collaborators and partners. My accountant, marketing team, sales department, and developer are all in one easily accessible place… Surely anyone would want the same in their business?
Why do you think it is so important to customise your platform differently for owners, managers, and captains?
I am very aware that an owner, a captain and a manager all play very different roles onboard, hence the three different personas. However, I am also aware that this varies from yacht to yacht. So, the platform can be further customised within those personas to suit the user even better. The more information you provide about yourself, the better the YManage team get to know you and the more efficient the platform will become for your needs. The training we offer to you, the tools, and even the colour of the online profile all can be personalised to the user. And it is all completely focused around helping you self-manage and do more of what you like, from anywhere you want.
Do you feel crew are currently lacking access to education about how to advance their careers?
I have first-hand experience of the passage from working onboard to becoming a Company Director ashore, and it is not easy. I wanted to put all my knowledge and experience to good use.
My platform offers opportunities to new companies and start-ups, but also people who have bad experiences trying to change careers in the past. I believe that in today’s world, background is not so important – instead what matters is how fast you learn. YManage provides easy ways for crew to develop as professionals, by offering lessons that can be taken at anytime and anywhere.
We offer tools to help with the full life cycle of development. We invest in new start-up Directors, introducing them to market-leading businesses and helping them to promote their products in the marketplace. Those trying to advance their careers can also sell their skills on YManage by creating a self-promotional video, which we put out to all of the YManage community.
And you are hiring yourself at the moment – what do you look for in an employee?
We don’t ‘employ’ for specific roles in the traditional sense. I strongly believe in the potential of freelancers. So our company is made up of individuals who may work for different departments but can always become a team for the purposes of a great collaboration, working together to deliver a service or project. We always look to make the most of our employees skills, in order to provide the best possible service for clients. I find it’s an amazing and very effective way to work.
YManage is filled with achievers and we adore knocking things off our to do lists. We are not looking for each interviewee to be the most extroverted Chatty Cathy, we’re just looking to see how the individual will fit inside our team. We want to be sure that they’ve got what it takes to be awesome at their job, while also fitting in with our awesome team – the remote way.
We do not care about nor do we manage the hours that our staff work. The remote culture is something that continues to thrive at YManage, and so members of our team have to be able to manage their own time effectively. We like employees to be able to work at the time they’re inspired and will be most effective, whilst also keeping a work/life balance which makes sense for them.We do expect every member to work at least 40 hours a week, but whether this is at 2am or 2pm it does not matter to us, as long as they are getting their job done and doing great work.
If you are interested in joining the YManage team, fill our form here and we will be in touch.
Thank you, Alessandro; we look forward to hearing more in the January edition.
The post A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry appeared first on SuperYacht Technology.
Read Full Content Here
The post A Captain sets up an innovative management platform about to shake up the industry appeared first on YachtAweigh.
from http://yachtaweigh.com/a-captain-sets-up-an-innovative-management-platform-about-to-shake-up-the-industry/
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