Mfw i realize i might need to get an MRI
So like
A while ago like early 2021 and late 2022 and parts of late 2021 i got these weird like dizzy spells where like
My body goes numb starting from my lips and that's how I knew "aw shit here we go again" so i lay down because after the first time where I just went almost entirely numb before deciding 'hey maybe i should lay down maybe that'll help ' anyway i go numb starting from my lips, then the rest of my face then my finger tips start going out then my toes as it slowly creeps up and by that point I've already layed down and close my eyes because when they're open i literally can't process anything anyway, it's all fuzzy but not blurry, i can read things but can't like i imagine similar to dyslexia? Maybe? Where i can clearly see what I'm looking at but i also can't as all the colors kinda blur into eachother (i just get that occasionally but i can't remember if i got it before or after) anyway my body slowly just numbs to the point I'm just asleep now, sometimes I'll have gotten on my bed but other times I'm on my couch or under my bed (it's a loft i swear it makes more sense if uve seen my bed there's blankets down there and it's very comfortable) anyway It reminds me of migraine in the way that I'm intentionally sleeping but it feels more like I'm going unconscious if that makes sense, one moment I'm relaxed next I'm out kinda thing and anyway usually when i wake up the numbness is gone though sometimes i wake up too early and it's only like half way gone but that's workable... Anyway one time i was awake and it was around Easter and i can't remember if this was the first or second time this happened but it was early ish and anyway i was talking w my dad when suddenly my vision just kinda cuts him out
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Ignore the poor editing but it kinda looked like when you fold a dollar bill to remove the face but the darkness was there but also not, like weird way like looking through a closed eye, with the other opened. And so i joke about it with my dad and his girlfriend who react more 'what the fuck are you talking about ' and i just say 'oh yea ig it's doing that' and my body goes numb i remember arguing about something then going to the living room and just bop I'm out like a light and when i wake up I'm off the couch and feel like hell but luckily not numb or anything just chalky tongue and sweaty. Anyway this happens for like a while and i assume it's just computer sickness then way after the fact i assume i might have had a seizure session for like a year 💀 where every so once in a while i just seize but like the more i think about it the more it doesn't make sense because i don't know why I'd even seize for that while but i mean I've gotten headaches and have a history of head trauma without going to the doctor or even treating it like a concussion ever. Despite having slammed my head incredibly hard... Anyway i get dizzy still but not as much numbing as much just nausea like on Halloween I almost collapsed but that could have been from pain since i sprained my ankle but i also got dizzy nausea wise again around mid November and another time around last week and I've been sick for the past 2 weeks ish (can't miss school because they said i used up my absences which... ) Anyway i might have had a bunch of seizures that still fuck w me or I've had a stroke lmao y'know normal haha funny things anyway either way I feel like i should get an MRI just to be safe
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