#anyway FFXIV is one hell of a game tbh
daeiran-morran · 11 months
I arrive at my static night-
Mechanics: Learned
DPS: Perfect (2nd place but still good)
Anxiety: Existing (because that’s just me as a person)
I am Forcibly Removed From My Static
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astrxealis · 6 months
on a whim and in spite of my responsibilities i have started on making a whole 9 chapter self-indulgent fic for mr. grim reaper from the hit game 'a date with death'
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#haha... so quickly did i finish the game and all endings and achievements.....#started at 3 am on a school day :)) damn.#so i have a lot of thoughts and things to say but writing is tiring so i will just say. fuck me. fuck hell. fuck all. oh god.#...so i have a big thing for white-haired fictional guys w/ red hair. at the top of my head i can think of two vampires and one grim reaper!#haha. oops.#then there is an angel... a ghoul... and idk what the fuck to call him but he isn't a normal guy.#and there's more. but. i cannot recall at the moment. uh. anyway!#wowed tbh bcs this game got me my inspiration to write for myself back....... and also to write for others. and also to write in general.#even as i yet procrastinate on something i am actually required to write! two of those#actually so uhm haha rip!!!!! but it's fun at least. writing :3#i like having a sense of dread creeping up on me bcs when i have nothing needed to do i feel empty... gotta improve that.....#idk what game to play now tho. sigh. haven't played undertale in a bit even as i am trying to finish it and idk where i left off <//3#omori... i am just Scared..... but will finish that alongside undertale!#currently playing persona 4 golden actually but bit tiring going through my routine of having to use my dad's laptop bcs i own a macbook he#owns a whole ass gaming windows laptop so. yeah. uhh genshin is on to grinding again so i'm sick of that. uhhh.#ffxiv..!!! i am avoiding it rn for the sake of my sanity bcs i love that game too much. in a good healthy way but also it takes up#everything i have in me so i have to. prepare for it. oops.#the recent news tho... i am trying not to perceive so i don't go insane.....#oh. i could read books. but i want to make a bunch of notes and uh that is Something indeed! bcs i am currently reading classics +#nonfiction ... science or philosophical books..... and there's rereading pjo. :)) fun
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emahriel · 6 months
Hi! First of all I just want to say that I adore your blog and Fjorn! One of my favorite tumblrs 100% (:
I have a question about oc’s and development and backstory. I have a Female high elf (rogue) and i’m trying to write a backstory for her, like where she comes from, her family, past lovers etc what happened before she met the companions basically. But its SO hard and usually i have no problem with this but with bg3 i feel like i’m more limited with the ideas, because i want it to make sense with the bg3/dnd universe. Like the place she grow up in etc, i feel like that has to be a place related to high elfs in the bg3/dnd universe if that makes sense? Anyway do you have any tips when writing backstorys for your oc? Thanks a lot!
Hello there! Thank you so much for the love, I appreciate it! I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have very good tips when it comes to writing backstories and I feel like I’m still in the process of figuring that out myself – but I’ll share tidbits from my process if it can help!
Generally speaking, I take specific concepts or ideas from other medias/characters I like to start with (for instance, the idea of a tragic past and trying to escape from someone for years until a nautiloid snatches my Tav away – a miracle in disguise, aka the beginning of bg3). I also knew I wanted my character to somewhat go through the following states: good – evil – neutral.
Thus began the process of reading! So the first thing I did was figure out if there was a good race that would work with that. I was thinking of a Drow or maybe a Tiefling, but I eventually settled for Aasimar despite them not being in the game. Then I stumbled upon Fallen Aasimar and was like damn… this is perfect for the concept of a ‘‘damned’’ character. After figuring that out, I thought about the class and what would fit the best. Tbh I had just watched The Witcher: Blood Origin (wasn’t great) so a big inspiration for Fjorn was Merwyn and Fjall (with Fjall being assigned as her protector, and Merwyn – an Empress- being evil), so I settled for Paladin since they swear Oaths and it worked with that concept. It wasn’t until Larian announced Paladins and showcased Oathbreakers during the Panel from Hell for Patch 9 that I decided that’s what I would choose for him. Dark Knight is one of the most interesting classes for me in FFXIV, and I really wanted to have something similar for Fjorn; I thought it fitted the idea of ‘‘sometimes you have to do bad in order to do good’’.
So yeah, I take characteristics from other characters that I really love and just combine all of my favorite things together! It’s not really a tip, but something worth mentioning is that the different Wikis out there are extremely useful: Forgotten Realms Wiki, DnD 5th Edition Wikidot, Baldur’s Gate Wiki, DnD Beyond, (wouldn’t recommend Fextralife), etc. I also spent quite some time on reddit just looking up other people’s DnD OC concepts, which did spark some ideas! I wouldn’t worry tooooo much about things not making sense though, the one thing I love about DnD is that you can go absolutely wild and get away with almost anything.
In your case, would probs start reading up about high elves, although I feel like they could come from nearly anywhere. According to different wikis, there are different kinds of high elves in the Forgotten Realms: moon elf, sun elf, star elf, dark elf and llewyrr. There’s most likely way more info about them out there, possibly also more kinds, but this could serve as a base. Click on one and then read about them until one catches your eyes and just go from there since they may have different cultures, different upbringing, different characteristics, etc.
Sorry this is kinda all over the place, but I hope this helps you a bit more!
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surprisebitch · 4 years
i just had an epiphany.. i played Love Live! School Idol Festival (LLSIF) for an entire year like last time and i got like 5 URs with it and was F2P entirely but i received some love gems as a birthday gift from a mutual).. as soon as best girl Umi UR came home i was like “i can leave idol hell forever now” najfnsadfsakl (it’s also SO IRONIC that my Aqours luck is better than my Muse luck when i prefer Muse more.. that Kanan UR on a single ticket still gives me goosebumps and she’s my fave in Aqours)
and now i no longer play it. but im just glad i never spent a single dime on that game... cause i know gacha can be hell and encourage gambling. i am gonna shell out some cash for the annual GUARANTEED SSR in Fate Grand Order though if it appears because that money will go to the animation anyway and it’s like paying half the price of an indie concert ticket.. i’ve also paid $15 a month for a game like FFXIV so its gonna be not too much.. except i had to halt my subscription cause i dont earn as much since i stopped working part-time and just tutor now
BUT TBH.... I already got Emiya... and he is my ultimate husbando.. so im just glad the game is generous enough to give him in the tutorial roll.. he appeared after my 3rd reinstall asjfklsadjklf and AGAIN on my first ever 30 quartz roll.. it’s meant to be...
and for Cu Chulainn to be a 3-star servant. even Fergus who is daddy af is 3-star. every SSR from here on will just be a bonus. to me personally, if i can clear difficult content with my servants then i’d be satisfied. ALTHOUGH, i would love for Cu Alter to come home if i really had to pick one servant but i wont ever wish for it nor for any particular servant. if they release something like Emiya in speedos though i s2g nah i still wont spend money on it i will still roll for banners i’m interested in though with the free quartz and tickets
ngl im looking forward to my first SSR. IF I GET ANY HAHA but i have 130 sq rn so i just gotta keep saving while i try to finish the story and collect ascension materials along the way
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djgamek1ng · 5 years
FFXIV Tank Ramble
Welp, I’m feeling a bit tired and I’m thinking about all of FFXIV’s tanks so I’ll just type some stuff on here for a bit. TL;DR: scared for the tanking balance. Main tank/off tank balance scares the crap out of me. Gunbreaker is looking really damn cool. Might switch to either it or DRK for my main job if they feel good in ShB
Let’s start with tanking balance. The balance for the tanks has always been rocky. Apparently in 2.0, double PLD was the preferred “meta” comp because of WAR being weird and pretty bad. Then in 2.1 they fixed WAR. Then double WAR become the comp with PLD being left in the dust. Then 3.x came around with DRK being added. Simply put: WAR went Super Saiyan, DRK was good because of mostly magic damage fights and PLD was... bad. Having Royal Authority combo off Savage Blade made it impossible for PLD to be the off tank and it didn’t bring enough to the table to be the main tank. With the end Heavensward (3.x), came Stormblood (4.x) and ooooooooh boy. WAR was kind of messed up, PLD went Super Saiyan and poor DRK. Of all the tanks, DRK definitely had it the roughest. This lasted until 4.2 where WAR got fixed and therefore became the best tank (mostly best main tank). DRK got fixed with 4.3 in which got the role of either main or off tank depending on your co-tank (with a WAR in the party, DRK would 100% be the off tank. With a PLD, DRK would 100% be the main tank). Also PLD got nerfed a bit because it was doing too much damage... party poopers.
So as we can see from that the tanking balance hasn’t always been the greatest and 5.0 makes me worried. Gunbreaker being a thing, which btw until we get official the short version revealed, Gunbreaker is GBR on here, is one thing. Nomura’s statement after EU Fan Festa about them considering the whole 2 main tanks and 2 off tanks thing makes me more worried. Apparently there is supposed to be a job adjustment patch before Shadowbringers about which my guess, if that it is true, is to give us at least a month or 2 to prepare before Shadowbringers with certain properties on skills or maybe even entirely new skills given.
Anyway, back on topic. Why? Why does it make me worried? Because this can potentially be HW PLD all over again, but then for 2 tanks. It also makes me worried because what the HFIL determines a main tank and what the HFIL determines an off tank? Currently the “main” tank is the one that can generate the most aggro very quickly and off tanks are essentially your 5th DPS that isn’t as good as a DPS, but they are disgustingly tanky and bring utility to the party, though tank swaps are a thing that exist. If they want to keep tank swaps as a thing, main tanks can’t be too bad at doing whatever the off tank needs to do and same goes for the vice versa scenario. Plus how will you explain in-game or through official means (like the job guide) what a main tank and off tank actually means? So my question again is why? Like, I get needing some base to actually balance them off from but I feel like main tank/off tank will only cause more pain then anything. I felt like balancing them on utility vs damage (more utility = less damage, more damage = less utility) is the better way to go about it. Well, not like this will matter in 3ish months when we actually get the 5.0 patch.
Also speaking about GBR... holy hell man. I’m hyped. While I will forever love the classic sword and board (even though I don’t really like many of the sword and boards in FFXIV, I’m sorry ;-;) in PLD, GBR and DRK depending on how they turn out could make me switch mains to be honest. DRK already tempts me a lot because of its lore actually existing (PLD’s really is shallow outside of “here, these are techniques I can teach you. Also this is what the Sultansworn do. You are a Free Paladin however. What do those do? Protect people and land. Neat huh?”) and because the gameplay is a lot of fun. I’m not fully committed to switching from PLD yet though, since I love PLD. I just hope the story for PLD is good this time around. Hell, make it a plot dump about how Free Paladins get their powers and why we should care about Ul’dah to begin with. I know, that is where we start but seriously... the whole point of the Free Paladins is that they AREN’T restricted by a master (in this case, the Sultana of Ul’dah), so why do we care about Ul’dah so much at this point? Why wouldn’t we move to Gridania and help people there? Or Limsa Lominsa? Ishgard? Ala Mhigo? Doma?
Anyway, rant aside, GBR is looking great from the 30 or so seconds of gameplay that we got. I'm hoping its lore is good and that it will play well. Honestly, ideally for me it would find a middle ground between SB PLD and SB DRK. If it does, I will probably main it, though that goes for any of the tanks tbh. Whether it is PLD, WAR, DRK or GBR, if it finds a sort of middle ground between SB PLD and SB DRK, I will main it. GBR is just the most likely since out of all of the tanks it isn't quite as expected to be covered in heavy plate armor from head to toe and I like that (especially in FFXIV where I honestly think most heavy armor doesn't look thay good).
Anyway, tank ramble over. I'm gonna go sleep. Bye!
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ophexis · 7 years
Can you talk a little about being aromantic and how you came to realise you are?
Ooo hi anon!! ;w;
I put this under a cut cause it’s ended up accidently being a huge wall of text for something that isn’t super interesting to a lot of people but thanks a lot for the ask anon! ;w;
also this is probably not very coherent sorry about that ;w;
(disclaimer: also this is my own personal experiences and does not represent the experience of every single aromantic person on the spectrum)
aromanticism is simply just not feeling or experiencing romantic love.
For me being aromantic is…well nice, cause I didn’t have a word for it before I got in college. It’s also a bit strange. For one a lot of other aromantic people are very into physical intimacy anyway, and I’m….extremely repulsed by the idea of physical intimacy, so even in the aro communities I felt a bit out of place :’D (I eventually stopped looking at aromantic communities completely…it was….i dont really have a word for it aside than alienating)
But it’s also very freeing. I was never really convinced of romance, I went along with the whole ‘someday you’ll find someone’ thing cause….that’s what everybody does right? But nope. I can just be myself, on my own, and live my life to the fullest. No need to force myself to find a guy to spend all my time with, no need to have children….my life is my own, and it will always be. And it’s a nice way to think with how bad my anxiety, social anxiety, lack of self-worth and what everybody tells me is depression making me feel like honestly, I know be a fuckin awful mom. Kids deserve better, and I deserve to live my whole life how I want to. It’s a bit of a selfish way to see things, but I spent most of my childhood basically being owned by my shitty abusive friend who never let me live my life and do my things, and I intend to live for myself from now on. 
It’s also a bit alienating in fandom settings. Ships are the most important aspect of a fandom in most of them, shipping drives most of fandoms. Most shipping stuff makes me pretty uncomfortable, from the very aggressive way people push their romantic ships and ideas, and how you basically don’t exist when you don’t really ship anything, and how you know that nobody will ever really enjoy your aromantic headcanons, because “b-but muh ship”. You have people saying how obvious a ship is, that you’re stupid if you don’t see it, but hell you watched the same serie, played the same game, and….never saw any of the romantic subtext. You saw friends being good friends, and never really realised it could be romantic until you stumble on the fandom. I am so oblivious to what people see as romantic subtext TwT; I feel bad sometimes with how people scream IT’S SO OBVIOUS!! IT’S CANON!! and I’m like….idk man. I basically need the author to spell it out for me before I see anything romantic. It’s not because ‘oh no you hate that ship you big meanie so you say they’re just friends!!’, I just legit never saw anything in it that I’d interpret as romantic actions. I’d be really okay with ships if shipping didn’t turn a lot of fans into rabid animals tbh >3>;; I can easily warm up to ships when I stay away from the fandom. 
i have a few aro headcanons…Shaundi from Saints Row, Y’sthola in ffxiv, Sailor Mars (her manga personality mostly), Peridot and Lapis (people would hate that one), Rey from Star Wars…and all my ocs, unless specified otherwise, tend to be aromantic by default. Yuri is demiromantic. Towering Hound and Pupuri Puri are aro as fuck.
finding out there was a word for it was very liberating and made me feel like all this discomfort about romance and everything related to it wasn’t me being a lonely weirdo but was just something valid that other people experience as well.
And I still love my friends lots. I love my family. I love all of them very deeply and I care for them and wish them the best. I’ll just never love someone in a romantic way and that’s ok.
and now for boring life story:
I am pretty sure I have always been aromantic (I just never knew that was A Thing before tumblr). It was in a childish way earlier, kinda, but I remember I refused to watch a lot of Disney movies with princesses in them cause I thought they’d just be love stories, and I thought it was boring as heck. I went along with the whole “girls wanna find boyfriends!!” stuff to fit in but I was never really much into the idea?
In high school I never had a crush on anyone, to the exasperation of my friends. My shitty abusive ex friend basically pushed me into the only “romantic” relationship I ever was in, with a guy i met on a Sonic forum (yep). he was a nice dude, but honestly I was never really….like I never felt any different than with a friendship you know? My friends also mocked me endlessly for this relationship so that was eeeeeh…Eventually we fell out of contact and he assumed we weren’t a thing anymore and he went in a relationship with a guy and I kinda found out accidently, it was awkward but then again I was just kinda….”welp i guess that’s that” (also cue my friends mocking me and saying I was such a bad girlfriend I ‘turned him gay’ even tho he was probably bi in the first place anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
I always just thought at that point that I’ll just wait and someday “I’ll find someone” cause that’s what everybody tells you no matter how uninterested you are.
Then in college I joined tumblr at some point. I do not remember who reblogged the picture with various orientations on it, including romantic ones, but thanks so much. I didn’t even know there were romantic orientations!! I saw aromantic, and something clicked. Like “holy shit that exists? That’s a thing??” I felt a bit bad initially to grab the label cause im still just a straight cis girl but I read more into it, and into other aro peep’s experiences, and I realised that yep. That’s me, that’s how I’ve been feeling all my life and it’s totally okay if I wanna remain single all my life, if all this shit makes me uncomfortable its not cause im a weirdo. 
being aro is a bit like standing on the sidelines while a bunch of people are screaming about how great this one thing is but you’re kinda “meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯“ about it. Or kinda like when you don’t like booze (I don’t like booze) but everytime you’re at a party everybody’s trying to make you try all the booze “It doesn’t even taste like alcohol you’ll like it!” “oh try this one, I’m sure you’ll like this one”. It’s a bit like that. It probably doesn’t sound nice to people who experience lots of romantic love, but its nice and cozy for me if that makes any sense, and I don’t want to try it. I’ve tried it before, I didn’t like it. I’m done. (this statement applies to both romance and booze lmao)
my current life goals is to live in a nice lil cozy appartment with some kitties, on my own.
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soreillia · 7 years
FFXIV Fan Festival Day 2
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This was the last day of the two days event at Frankfurt! It was so much fun and people there were so nice?! (Like it never occurred to me people would just start a chat with strangers XD A lot of people were asking me to switch to their servers FFFF) I’m already amazed that FF14 players are so much more friendly than in any other MMORPGs I played. well it’s not free to play after all... tbh i miss p2p aion as well
Anyway! My day 2 report under the cut~
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I actually want to skip the stuff that was on livestream but DAMMMMN I’m still so surprised and happy for them, when they handed 3 Guinness World of Record Awards to FFXIV/SE!!
One of the world records was “having the longest credits in an online game” with 1h and 48 min. Yes. Almost 2h of credits.
The 2nd award was for having the most music tracks for a game with 384. Soken seemed so surprised about creating that many xDD But as they pointed out in the talk between Uematsu and Soken even Titan Theme has for every of 5 phases its own track then it was no wonder haha
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Also since it was the last day I wanted to finish collecting my stamps you get from Mini Games and Ingame Events. So I picked the “Battle Challenge” to get 3 more stamps (you get 5 if you succeed). In this challenge 24 people can join and have to fight “Proto Ultima” together (split in 3 alliances).
There were many people standing there queuing for it so I wondered how long it will take for my turn. But as I was waiting for about 2 minutes a woman came to me asking if I was solo and that one of the alliances still needed a healer! So I pretty much got instant queue like ingame healer queue... XDD The people seemed to know each other and I was so nervous!! I didn’t have any idea how the fight was gonna be and what the mechanics are. I asked them if I should play SCH or WHM-- (hoping I can play SCH and let my fairy carry my heals /SHOT) but the other healer already picked SCH, so they asked me to play WHM. Well... I was cosplaying White Mage already so... it was fitting.
The fight was pretty stressy-- the other SCH died so many times and the DRG died first as usual, these LOLDRG pls so we wiped on the first try, but on the second try we made it!! I had no idea what was going on--- where to run to-- everywhere AoE-- but HEY WE DID IT!! 5 STAMPS GET!!
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So after I got the 9+ stamps I was able to pick up my rewards! It was the Fat Chocobo Keyring and cute stickers of minions and stickers of the Grand Companies and Stormblood.
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I past the signature wall once again to see what people wrote and......
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Yes, I can’t believe they added more to the Haurchey Memorial.
Also wanted to check on what I wrote the day before AND SOME PERSON WROTE OVER MY WRITING FFFF SO I ADDED A CACTUAR NEXT TO IT DOING 1K NEEDLES ATTACK but I forgot how cactuar look like and it became very derp. Also thank you random person adding Haurchey next to it.
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After I finished being in rage about my writing being overwrote BY SOME SLOPPY LAD’S
managed to take a picture together with Susan Calloway. /MEL PLS U LUCKY GETTING ALL THESE SIGNATURES THO
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She also signed for me-- AND IT SO CUTE!! WITH THAT “: )” AAA She also complimented me for the costume that I’m looking great so I was super blushu AAAA Q//////////Q
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Then I went to check on the drawing of Mogi again-- how far he got today AND FFF I thought he would still work on the other drawing he started the day before, but he actually started another drawing on this day and...
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The festival ended with a concert by The Primals. Oh man hearing all these tracks live was such an amazing experience!! ESPECIALLY RAVANA THEME. THE VOCALS PLS.
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Also Susan Calloway sung Shiva’s Theme together with The Primals AAAAAA
Sadly after their final song (Alexander Boss Theme Locus) there was no encore. But after seeing their performance THEY REALLY DESERVED A BREAK LOL my throat would hurt so badly trying to sing these xD
I’m sad it is over now and I really hope there will be another of these events in the future, the ticket was REALLY REALLY WORTH THE PRICE!! > 3<b
Well and I couldn’t stop myself from buying two more merchandise-
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