#anyway Wednesday should have been an adult themed show about her leaving home and learning to balance
timeisacephalopod · 2 years
On one hand I would love to watch Wednesday, but I've watched reviews and even before that the trailers for it told me it was Addams Family themed Riverdale and that's exactly what the reviews said too 🥹🥹🥹
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rnufharose · 8 years
Final Fantasy XV Novelization
Chapter 1 Warning: May contain mature content and explicit themes. I don't own any of the characters. Final Fantasy XV belongs to Square Enix. I only own my OC. The lights of the Crown City shone in the night, the hustle and bustle of the sleepless city filled with the sound of beeping and speeding cars, footsteps crossing the busy streets, and music from ever corner filling the quiet apartment. On the leather couch, I watched as Noct fumbled with the screen of his phone, preoccupied by an intense battle in King's Knight. He cursed under his breath and his face contorted with frustration, shaking the phone for a few moments. I stood by the coffee maker, brewing some Ebony as I listened to the sounds of his game. smiling fondly as he went back at it again. "Having fun there?" I chuckled. "If you call dying fun, then no," he replied. "is the coffee ready yet?" "Almost," I answered, pulling out two Coleman brand mugs. Noct sat up, propping himself against one of the pillows on the couch, "Put some cream and sugar in mine," the prince said. "Yup," I smirking. "the Crown Prince of Lucis, drinking coffee and he actually hates it." "Hey," he took offense to that. "I may hate it but I have to drink it. It makes me look cool." "It makes you look stupid," I quipped, bringing our cups of coffee to the living area. My name is Alma Integritas. I am eighteen years old, fresh out of high school and am now a part of the Crownsguard. Both of my parents are also soldiers in the Crownguard and I take pride in the fact that I followed in their footsteps. I stand at five foot three with a very petite frame, have hazel eyes and long brown hair. I met Prince Noctis in high school and he has always been like a brother to me since then. My hobbies include sketching and painting on my free time but I am also one of Noct's retainers. "Thanks, Ally," he smiled as I gave him his coffee, blowing on the tan liquid and taking a polite sip. I joined him and brought my feet onto the couch. "You nervous?" I asked. "Terrified," he said in a low voice, his blue eyes resting on his drink. "I know that I have a responsibility but I don't think I'm ready." I gave him a comforting smile, "No one is ready for any responsibility. But I think you'll be alright." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "You'll make Lady Lunafreya happy." "Y-You think so?" He met my gaze through his jet black hair. "I haven't seen her in twelve years." I pointed to the notebook on the dining table, "Yet you still write to her in her journal. That says a lot." He stood up and made his way to the book, opening it to the page were he left his recent message, "Guess it does, huh?" he looked back me. "with you guys on the road, it won't feel so hard." "Happy to be of service," I gave him a single nodded. I left my seat and walked back towards the kitchen. "Anyway, I should be getting back. I have to wake up early to overlook training in the Citadel. Prompto is going to receive his garb tomorrow too." "He must be excited," Noct chuckled as I drained my coffee into the sink. I shook my head with a small grin, "You have no idea." I placed the mug into the dishwasher. "You know how to start the dishwasher, right?" "Uh, yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ignis showed me how a few years ago." I grabbed my leather jacket from one of the chairs and and slipped it on, heading towards the door. "Make sure you wake up early tomorrow," I reminded him with a giggle. "or Ignis isn't going to be happy." "Yeah, yeah," he smirked, waving a hand as I slipped into my shoes. "I didn't turn twenty in twenty days." "But you are very difficult," I laughed and opened the door. "Good night, Noct." "Night," He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. I closed the door behind me and made my way towards the elevator, heading to the ground floor. I pulled out the keys of my sleek black car and slipped inside, pulling out of the parking garage and onto the road leading home. Tomorrow was the day before we set out for Altissia. It was going to be a hectic day filled with helping Noct pack his things and cleaning out his apartment. I felt a bit melancholy at the thought of him leaving his apartment. We made a lot of fun memories there. I never knew Noct personally when I was a child. I spent some time in the Citadel with my parents back then and only saw him on occasion. I never went to elementary or middle school because I had many tutors who would teach me general education, not to mention I began training to become a Crownsguard. House Integritas is a well known noble family alongside House Scientia and House Amicitia. The three families are closely associated with the Royal Family of Lucis and there were high expectations on my part. Although I enjoyed learning, I wanted to have some friends. I had asked my father if I could attend public high school and he complied. He thought it was time I socialized a bit more. On my first day, I was tasked to clean the classrooms after school and that's how I met Noct and his friend Prompto. Although they were two years older than me, I always hung out with them. We studied together for midterms and finals in Noct's apartment, went to parties hosted by the other students, attended school festivals together, even trained in combat together on some days. When they had graduated that same year, I felt a small sadness that I was going to be alone for the next two years but even then, Noct and Prompto always seemed to want to spend time with me. I cherished every moment I had with my new big brothers. I turned onto my street and parked my car by the curb in front go my house, pulling the keys out of the ignition and locking it after exiting the vehicle. I opened the gate and walked towards the porch, slipping the house key into the lock, entering my home. I closed and locked the door behind me and hung my jacket, putting my shoes onto the low shelf and put on some slippers. I turned the lights on, finding the house was empty. Mother and Father had been spending time in the Citadel this week, preparing for the treaty signing with the Empire of Niflheim. They hadn't been home since last Wednesday and practically slept at the palace. One hundred fifty years of war was going to end in a peace treaty and a wedding. However, even I felt something wasn't right. Maybe that was why the veterans of the Crownsguard had been staying at the Citadel this week, not for preparations for a peace treaty, but for an ambush. I went up the stairs and towards my room, today's fatigue starting to finally set in. My room was painted a ruby red, with glass doors draped with white curtains, leading to a balcony. The queen sized bed held brown sheets and there was a dresser next to it. A large dressing table with a mirror rested on the right side of my room by the walk in closet, holding makeup and fragrances and on the left side was a book shelf and a couch to lounge. On the far corner near the window was where my canvas, sketchbooks and art supplies where. I walked towards my closet, pulling out a tank top and pajama bottoms, slipping into them after taking off today's outfit. I crawled into bed, my eyelids growing heavy the moment my head hit the pillow. **** The morning sunshine stung at my eyelids and I turned away from the light, yawning and rubbing sleep from my eyes. I reached for my phone and checked the time. It was seven o'clock in the morning. I had to by at the Citadel by nine o'clock. Quickly, I sprung out of bed and went to find my Crownsguard garb, which consisted of a black shirt with lace on the back, exposing my upper back and my shoulders, leather jeggings and a fitted leather jacket. I went into the bathroom for my morning routine, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I blow dried my hair afterwards and then went into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. When I was ready, I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys, slipped into my high heeled boots with red soles, got in my car and drove towards the Citadel. Every morning was busy like the one before. Adults went to work, kids walked to school, I even found several black cars resembling mine heading for the palace. It was a quarter before nine by the time I reached the Citadel. I got out of my car and gave the keys to the valet, walking up the steps and into the building. Upon entering, I found Noct already inside, accompanied by our friend Ignis Scientia. He has known Noct ever since they were kids. He was a young man of twenty two who stood at six feet with light brown hair, green eyes and stylish glasses. He would tutor Noct and look after him because King Regis was always busy. He would also come to the apartment to cook dinner for him after school and I would join them sometimes. They were in the middle of a conversation with Captain Titus Drautos, a middle aged man who is the commanding officer of the Kingsglaive, an elite group of soldiers within the Crownsguard comprised of people from outside the city, who fight at the front lines for the kingdom of Lucis. I walked towards them and their eyes shifted towards me as I came closer. "Ally, you're here," Noct gave me a warm smile. "Good morning, Ally," Ignis gave me a nod. "Good morning, Lady Alma," Captain Drautos greeted me. I smiled towards them, "Good morning. How are you?" "A bit tired," Noct sighed and held his hips. Ignis adjusted his spectacles, "A fine day it is, however His Majesty is caught up in an important meeting and may not be able to meet with Noct." "Oh," I replied softly. "I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted to see him." Noct waved his hand, shrugging it off. "Don't worry about it. He's probably busy with the preparations for the treaty signing." Even though he was smiling, I still saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. For as long as i could remember, even before I knew him personally, Noct had always wanted to spend some time with King Regis. It had always been hard for him, being alone and always being surrounded by servants. "What are your plans today, milady?" the Captain asked. I answered, "I'm overseeing training with Sir Clarus. And also, our friend Prompto will be getting his garb today." "That's wonderful news." Ignis gave me a small smirk, "Well, we can't keep you waiting now. You have duties to attend to. We'll see you tonight at Noct's place." "Good enough," I chuckled. "See you two later. Good day, Captain." "Good day." the Captain nodded. "See ya." Noct gave me an informal wave. I went down the hall and into the elevator towards the training room on one of the top floors. I exited the elevator and turned left towards the large black doors, listening to the grunting and clashing of wooden swords and the echoes of people falling. I opened one of the doors, walking inside, finding Sir Clarus Amicitia overseeing the men and women training. By his side, I found his son Gladiolus, or Gladio, also watching them. The Amicitia family is the sworn sheild of the Lucian kings. Sir Clarus protected King Regis and Gladio was tasked to protect Noct. "Alma, you've arrived," Sir Clarus greeted me. "Good morning," I said. "I hope I'm not late." "Not at all," he chuckled, shaking his head. Sir Clarus was a middle aged man with a shaved head and blue eyes. He wore the black and gold robes of the Lucian ruling council. He has known King Regis ever since they were children. "Thought you wouldn't make it," Gladio gave me one of his smirks. Like Noct and Prompto, I had also known him ever since I was in high school. He was a tall guy of twenty three with the body of a warrior with long, brown hair shaved along the sides. He had a long scar running over his left eye, which he obtained by protecting Noct from a drunken stranger, dark amber eyes, a jaw beard and a deep voice. He has tattoos of feathers along his arms, which belonged to the eagle tattoo he had on his left pectoral, hidden by his leather jacket. "Why wouldn't I?" I asked him. He laughed and I looked to my feet. "What," he towered over me, for he stood at six foot six. He was a giant compared to me. "had enough of me already?" "I'm here to oversee training, not make small talk," I raised my head and gave him a soft glare. He only smirked again and his father cleared his throat, at the edge of laughter, "Let's just observe these warriors." I obliged and turned away from the hulking giant before me, crossing my arms as the recruits continued to practice their sword skills.
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THE CATCHER IN THE RYE: Chapters 8 - 11
I chose this as the theme song representing Holden because it portrays Holden’s loneliness and isolation from the rest of society. In the beginning of the song, it says, “Can anybody hear me? Or am I talking to myself? My mind is running empty. In the search for someone else.” These lines perfectly convey how Holden feels unimportant and alone. His views on society are not heard by anyone else but himself. Finally, the song also depicts Holden’s desperation for affection from others. 
Holden catches a train and starts heading to New York. As he rides the train, an older woman gets on, sits beside Holden, and starts a conversation with him. The older woman was the mother of Ernest Morrow, one of Holden classmates at Pencey. Although Holden detests Ernest, he lies to Ernest’s mother and tells her fabricated details about her son that make him sound better than he actually is. Everything was going smoothly until Ernest’s mother asked why he was out before Wednesday, which was the original day Pencey students were suppose to visit home. Afraid that his parents would learn that Holden got kicked out of school, he quickly comes up with a lie, claiming that he has an operation for a tumor in his brain. After he gets off the train, he starts thinking about whether or not he should call Jane and his little sister Phoebe. In the end, he decided not to call anyone. He gets a cab and drives to Edmont Hotel where he checks into his room. He observes people, from the view at his window and suddenly starts to feel horny. He calls up Faith Cavendish in an attempt to meetup with her, however, she refuses his offer. Since the night was still young, Holden decides to go to a night club called the Lavender Room. On his way there, Holden speaks about his little sister Phoebe, who he also spoke highly of. Once he reaches the Lavender Room, he meets three women, visiting from Seattle, who he flirts and dances with. The women seem uninterested in Holden and end up leaving as they want to rest. Holden pays for their drinks. When Holden returns to the hotel, he begins thinking about Jane once again. He begins reminiscing about the pleasant memories with Jane, showing that Holden really cared and loved her. Since Holden thought the hotel was depressing, he decides to take a cab and head to Ernie’s to listen to some piano music.
In the novel, Holden tries to ask Faith Cavendish, a person completely unknown to Holden, to meet up with him. In the text it states, “It was the address of this girl that wasn’t exactly a whore or anything but that didn’t mind doing it once in a while” (63). Although this seems like Holden is just a horny teenager looking for fun, I think it goes a bit deeper than that. Previously, Holden mentioned that he wanted to call Jane Gallagher and Phoebe, however, Holden makes excuses and decides not to. Holden is isolating himself away from people he cares about and who he feels he holds a close connection to. When Holden decided to call up this unknown women, I think Holden was searching for compassion and affection. Holden, who feels alone and unimportant, is desperate for anyone and is willing to meet with a stranger in order to make close connections with others. As for myself, I would not reach out to a stranger to receive affection. I believe that I should trust the people who are closest to me, since they know me best and they will be able to support me when I’m feeling down.
From chapters eight to eleven, I noticed the theme of maturing and growing up was reoccurring. When Holden goes to the Lavender Bar he tries to order alcohol but it told off but the waiter. “I had trouble with him anyways, though. “I’m sorry, sir,” he said, “but do you have some verification of your age? Your driver’s license, perhaps?” I gave him this very cold stare, like he’d insulted the hell out of me” (69). This quotation shows Holden acting like an adult even though it is obvious, to others, that he isn’t. He also tries to flirt with older women. Both these adult-like activities are rites of passage, however, it is obvious that Holden isn’t ready for the life of an adult as he is still very young and immature. Ultimately, the events that occurred at the Lavender Bar portrayed and emphasized the theme of maturing and growing up in the novel.
Why does Holden lie to Ernest Morrow’s mother, even though Holden hates when people are “phony” or “fake”?
Holden is a hypocrite. Even though he says he hates “phonies,” he falls under that category too. I think Holden deceives other because he is trying to make connections with people. By telling lies, Holden was able to relate to Ernest Morrow’s mother because they could talk about her son.
How does Holden’s behaviour at the Lavender Bar display Holden’s conflict between childhood and adulthood?
At the Lavender Bar, it is clear that Holden is trying to act more adult-like. For example, he asks the waiter for alcohol when he isn’t of legal drinking age. Furthermore, he tries to flirt with women much older than himself. Even though Holden wants to act more mature, he is still a young teen. Ultimately, while Holden tries to find a place where he fits in, it causes conflict between his child identity and his adult identity.
Based on the events up to chapter eight, Holden’s feelings of loneliness and isolation have been constantly reoccurring. I predict that Holden’s obvious signs of depression will only continue to worsen at Ernie’s.
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