#my fav genre is horror and as a kid i used to hang out in a graveyard. im obviously macabre enough lmao
timeisacephalopod · 2 years
On one hand I would love to watch Wednesday, but I've watched reviews and even before that the trailers for it told me it was Addams Family themed Riverdale and that's exactly what the reviews said too 🥹🥹🥹
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1rosex · 7 years
Jungkook: Visting S/O Hometown
Request: Merry Christmas to one of my fav kpop blogs!! I'll request a Jungkook scenario where he goes to the reader's hometown to meet her family, the standard seeing her baby pictures and videos and all that stuff (gAAAHHH). But when he goes into her room he finds a ridiculous number of medals and trophies from school and quiz contests and gets surprised bc he never really knew that side of her (the nerd inside me is trembling). Take your time and thanks in advance!
-Genre: Fluff
-Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
A/N this is my first time writing a scenario, hope you like it I tried ;;
Getting Jungkook to agree to go and see your hometown and family was quite the challenge. Jungkook was so nervous he would mess something up, it had taken weeks and a lot of video game bribing to get him finally agree.
So far, all had gone well. It took a few minutes to get him out of the car upon arrival, but he had gotten out eventually. He had been shy and kept wiping his hands on his sweater in anxiousness when he introduced himself to your parents, but it had gone smoothly. Now you two were sitting in the living room and talking while waiting on lunch. At that moment, your older sibling walked in and saw Jungkook seated on the couch.
“Oh! You must be Y/N’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you.”
Jungkook looked at you in alarm before nervously shaking your sibling’s hand and smiling in greeting. You couldn’t help but laugh at how Jungkook looked like a deer in headlight’s anytime anyone spoke to him. Your sibling hung around a little longer and started a normal conversation with him, but it soon started to escalate. Before you knew it, they were trying to squeeze in embarrassing stories of things you had done as a little kid.
“Wait... so you completely convinced Y/N that adults could read kid’s minds?”
Jungkook asked, looking a lot more fascinated than he should be. You groaned and tried to push your sibling out of the room but they didn’t budge.
“Yeah! God you should have seen her/him. Every time they would think of something bad, she/he would start bawling her/his eyes out and apologizing. Actually, I have a video of it here somewhere..”
Your sibling started to reach for their phone, much to your horror and embarrassment. You leapt to your feet and grabbed Jungkook’s hand, removing him from the room. 
“Thank you but I don’t think Jungkook needs to see it! Bye!”
You waved before pulling Jungkook up to your room, who was laughing. Once you got into your room, you stopped to look around. It had been a while since you were there. Jungkook sat on your bed and stared at you with a smile.
“Do you think I can read your mind?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “ I’m going to the bathroom, stay put.” 
“I knew you were going to say that.” Jungkook tapped his head.
You just laughed and shook your head, leaving him alone in the room to go use the restroom.
 As he was sitting there whistling to himself and looking at the walls, he noticed the shelves along the wall weren’t empty, they had were cluttered with shiny metal. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, lifting himself off the bed to get a better view. 
Once he approached the shelves, he realized it wasn’t just metal he had seen, it was trophies. Among the golden and bronze trophies were diplomas. Each one had a different academic accomplishment written on with rich black ink. Jungkook soon realized that it wasn’t just the shelves either. The wall had whole handfuls of medals with different colored ribbons hanging on it, accompanied by more framed diplomas.
The whole wall seemed to have awards. As he scanned all the accomplishments, he could see that they ranged from dating back years to more recent. Jungkook knew you were smart, but he didn’t know that you were this smart. He never would have guessed that you would be so into earning rewards, you never showed that side of yourself when you were around him. He couldn’t believe that you had been earning them for so long. He found himself smiling, standing in front of them, in a way it made even him feel accomplished. He felt lucky that he had managed to get with someone so smart and talented.
He stood there a little longer, admiring all of the trophies before he started to look through some of the medals. He was running his fingers over one of the medals from high school when you entered the room again. Jungkook jumped a foot in the air with surprise, causing you to laugh.
“Were you snooping through my room?”
Jungkook just smiled his bunny smile as he approached you and wrapped his arms around you waist.
“Maybe a little. You never told me you were so smart.. Gosh. Aren’t I lucky?”
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