#anyway beloved mutuals and friends please advise
tavina-writes · 7 months
does anyone have suggestions for where to get really durable wooden hairsticks for people who have a lot of hair that are about 7 inches long or thereabouts because I have just snapped one of my favorites like a week into being freed to do buns again and need a replacement.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Inazuma Round Up
Yanfei:You know there’s a reason why I put “I know your busy” in my letter, don’t you?
Aether:Hehe, I figured I should at least try. You tend to overthink and I didn’t want to give you the wrong idea.
Yanfei:*red* I…can’t argue that.
The legal adviser sighed, helping her wary boyfriend into his bed. This all started with a surprise visit at her office. Aether, in a state of exhaustion, had drifted off waiting for her return. Yanfei found him face first and unconscious in the cake he had prepared.
Aether:I’m sorry again.
Yanfei:Stop apologizing. Cakes can get replaced. Your health is important. Sweet dreams Aether.
Aether:But I’ve missed so many birthdays recently! *yawns* First years are…special. I still gotta…see…zzzz
Yanfei looked at his work corner. There was a small mound of gifts by his desk and a sheet of paper. On closer inspection it was a lift of names and items to give them. As well as their birthday letters. The fact there was more than three would’ve stressed her out. In his defense however, these birthdays were incredibly close, and not just in dates. In fact…
Yanfei:Hmm, Kuki’s on the list. I wonder…
[Inazuma precinct]
Sara:Okay, what’s the urgent situation that simply couldn’t wait yet not important enough to tell me-
Sara:…What did you do this time?
Itto:Heh hey hey! I haven’t done anything! You don’t see me in a cell do you? That’s right, I’m here on mission and that mission is you.
Sara:Itto, I don’t have time for another challenge.
Itto:Why would- okay I know why you’d that but that ain’t it. My beloved savior from Liyue came to me asking for help and I’m here to lend a hand!
Sara:Your help, or Shinobu’s?
Itto:Both actually! Anyways, happy belated birthday.
He reveals a box behind her desk and opens it to show off an Amos bow. As well as cute little cupcake in another box.
Itto:The traveler wants to let you know he hasn’t forgotten about you or the sparring match; which by the way, hurt me to learn about. I mean I’m right here! Anyways, the gang also helped organize papers. Under supervision of course. As for Kuki, my savior has made me swear an oath to “be legally responsible” for the rest of the day and tomorrow.
Sara:Wow, you must be so bored.
Itto:Pfft, this is nothing! But hey ummm, anything fun to do? I may or may not be allowed to do beetle fights with the kids.
Sara:Heh, I don’t know about fun but if there’s no work around here, then I guess lunch is in order. Care to join me? I’ll pay of course.
Itto:Well well wel-
Sara:*red* I will let you starve.
Itto:I would love lunch.
Sara:Good. Just give me a minute. *holds a box* I had my own mission.
Heizou:The general wanted to see me?
He looks around to see nobody, but there is a box on his desk with a letter from the general.
“Happy belated birthday. Aether wishes you good health and would like to apologize for not giving you this in person. Our mutual friend has been rather busy lately. I myself took liberty or paying for this particular gift. He knows you just met but was certain something practical is well within reason. I doubt he’ll be happy if he got his mora back so i trust you’ll find a way to give it to him without noticing. Keep up the good work. Please clock in on time.”
Heizou opened up the box and pulled out a Solar Pearl, all ready to go.
Heizou:Hmm *smiles* how bout that?
Meanwhile at the Grand Narukami Shrine, Miko is having a wonderful time.
Miko:I like to believe I’m in the know about a great many things, but this…what did I do to see this again.
Kuki: *in a shrine garb* Happy belated birthday, Lady Gugi. I better not see any photos. Aether sends his wishes.
Miko:Aaah, and here I thought he couldn’t be bothered to make time for little me.
Kuki:*squints* You knew he was tired.
Miko:Of course! Pretty sure he got sick around my birthday. Even tempered blades need maintenance. It’s cute to think he thought I’d be bent out of shape. I’m a patient woman. Looks like it paid off.
Kuki:This is not your gift. *pulls out a small box* this is.
The shrine maiden’s ears flicker. The size immediately told her it was a book. Miko unwrapped it and with it was a letter from Aether himself.
“I’m no publisher or anything but I hope this manages to peek your interest. My honest attempt at a light novel. Enjoy and Happy Birthday.”
Miko:Ooo, this is a treat. Has a weight to it. No wonder he’s tired. Writing a novel, adventuring, and fighting gods, any mortal would need break. If this is my gift, then why the outfit that’s causing you visible embarrassment?
Kuki:I don’t do half measures. His birthday entailed praying and giving an offering to the Sacred Sakura on the Shogun’s birthday. I know the proper ceremony so I should honor it. Though it’s a bit of a unique way to celebrate. I didn’t even know her birthday.
Miko:(That child is a bigger softy than Ei.) *smiles* Correct me if I’m wrong, but your birthday just passed. I suppose it’s only right to pay good deeds forward. I’ll take care of ceremony. You can change.
Kuki:Oh thank goodness! *bows* Pleasure doing business with you, but I did also have a request. There’s a gift I know you’ll have an easier time delivering.
Miko:*kicks open door* Hello~
Ei:Did knocking go out of style in the last 500 years?
Miko:Don’t be like that. And after I brought Aether’s wonderful gift of desserts from Mondstadt and Liyue.
Ei opens one eye to see Miko holding two boxes filled with new and sugary sweets unknown to the Archon. Ei stopped floating, sitting on the floor and patted the mat for Miko to come over and join.
Miko:I’m worried one day you’ll meet your end to a poison tart at this rate.
Ei:As if I’d go that easily? I’m surprised. I assumed Aether forgot.
Miko:Don’t tell me you were pouting all this time? Aww, waiting for a friend sure is hard isn’t it?
Ei:I don’t need this, I get it. Also I was not pouting. *bites doughnut* It just would’ve been nice to talk.
Miko:He’s been busy, but I’ve been told he plans to visit when he can.
Ei:I’m no stranger to waiting.
Miko:He also gave offerings to Makoto.
Miko:Twins don’t forget about other twins so simply. Aether keeps you in his prayers for sure.
Ei:Is that right? *smiles* Hmmm, it’s decided then. Miko, I shall have the finest blacksmiths make him a blade and armor for any situation.
Miko:Please just write him a heartfelt thank you letter.
Ei:How are messages sent these days? Are we still using the Kitsune?
Miko:*tired stare*….
Ei:*red* What!? Why would I know!? It’s a valid question!
Kuki:That’s everybody to my knowledge. Everyone else has already celebrated with him or because of him somehow.
Yanfei:I can’t thank you enough! No way I could’ve gotten to everyone.
Kuki:It’s nothing Senpai. I wouldn’t even be celebrating a birthday this year without the both of you. Tell Aether to get some rest. I’ll see him when I see him.
Yanfei: *yawns* Wiiiilllll doooo.
Kuki:He’s not the only one tired. Maybe you should stay until tomorrow? It’ll be night when you get back.
Yanfei:I’d love to, but I have my own civil affairs to look after. I’ll be fine.
It was well into the night and Yanfei was tired! However, she was also fulfilled. Not a regret to be have. All that was left was set aside a few files for tomorrow. She opened her office door and flicked on the light, gasping at the sight of a single cupcake in a box and Aether’s resting his head on his arms at her desk. He looked up, greeting a tired smile with another.
Yanfei:You’ve been busy.
Aether:So have you. I woke up to get some water and noticed several boxes and a list gone. I’m no detective but I figured you were up to something. Thanks.
Yanfei:No thanks needed and don’t feel guilty either! I had fun seeing Inazuma and my wonderful junior.
Aether:Better than fishing?
She walked over to the single red and white cupcake. Yanfei opened the box then put a single birthday on it before lightning it with her finger. A single breath blew it up and she giggled as he clapped.
Aether:Hope your wish comes true.
Yanfei:Let’s find out. Work can wait. Carry me to bed, please?
Aether laughed. A easy wish, even when tired. He got up and lifted Yanfei into his arms like a bride. Yanfei rested her head on him. She even got a kiss on the forehead.
Yanfei:*red* Will I wake up to you next to me tomorrow?
Aether:Who am I to deny a wish and good sleep? Happy Birthday Yanfei, and sweet dreams.
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