#anyway did anyone else think ''you could write a leverage au with this and eliot would have a praise kink? cuz thats what i did
suddenrundown · 2 years
me, watching absolutely anything: hey you could make a leverage au out of this
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pebblesrus · 3 years
Idk if this counts as hell au 3.0 or something else, but an au where Eliot hasn’t been working for Moreau and has really been living his best life with the team, and then hears that they’re being tasked with taking down Moreau, and specifically leaves the team to ‘rejoin’ Moreau in order to keep the team safe and take Moreau down from the inside
Added angst of Eliot disappearing off the fucking map for an indeterminate amount of time and the team freaking out but not freaking out, and Eliot having already left and gotten free of Moreau but going back anyways because he thinks it’s the only way to keep the team safe
!!! i do think this would fall under the generalized eliot goes back to moreau au but i also love that au 
(i did one time write my own variation [cw temporary character death] which is a different type of unhinged for my brain)
but, may i present, hell au.......2.3, where eliot works for moreau for s1, doesn’t work for moreau for s2, goes back to moreau for s3. 
okay this one is pretty convoluted but i’m combining them for fun—
eliot is working for moreau when he joins leverage. moreau hears dubenich is putting together a crew of the best so he sends eliot to go spy. it goes okay. eliot is screaming internally the entire time, but the team dissolves before he can really get attached. at least that’s what moreau thinks.
eliot and moreau were having problems and arguing about morality and moreau figured, okay, i can loosen eliot’s leash, let him do some side low-violence-non-homicide jobs. it’ll fulfill this silly need he has and the fact that i’m letting him do it will reenforce that he belongs to me. plus, eliot will provide intel on a group that could be a future Problem.
but moreau was wrong about how strong his hold on eliot was, or maybe he was wrong about eliot’s true weaknesses, whatever it was, his eliot is gone. so, between s1 and s2 (the amount of time might need to be longer than in canon) eliot leaves moreau. 
this is my general hc of how eliot left, but basically, moreau lets eliot go. whatever he’s doing isn’t working, this is Plan B. let eliot go, let him see how cruel the world is, wait for him to come crawling back, more loyal than he was before. 
similar premise here—eliot is back with moreau full time after his year of robin-hood-ing but he’s different, slower to take an order, quicker to defy moreau. but at this point, eliot’s worked for moreau for ~6 years and for his entire career he’s been willing to do anything for moreau. so moreau lets him go. lets him have his personal crisis. knows he’ll come back eventually.
moreau doesn’t necessarily foresee the team coming back together, but when it happens he lets it. he keeps an eye on eliot, but stays out of it. (lets flip the timeline a little bit so the reunion job happens in s2, meaning that what the team is doing is actually helping moreau.)
but then nate announces they’re going after moreau. 
and eliot disappears. goes back to moreau, tells him the team is coming after him—it’s hell au 2.5 but the team still doesn’t know eliot ever worked for moreau and they sure as hell do not know he’s just gone back.
eliot’s part is basically the same as hell au 2.5, eliot’s back with moreau, following every order perfectly, using his insider knowledge to make sure no cons the team ran worked and tracking the team to “protect moreau” (read: protect the team), and is secretly working to (well, with the help of the team) take down moreau.
nate ford has a weakness, it’s that he's pretending to be an honest man. [“you can’t con an honest man”—he would never expect hat eliot could con him]
eliot spencer has a weakness, he pack bonds with anyone who asks him to follow orders and promises him he can be something—or, it’s the team and it’s moreau and no one knows which is more important.
damien moreau has a weakness, it’s eliot.
how it all goes down: 
they find out that the rams horn is a bomb before ever meeting moreau. hardison says he’ll go because he knows the tech, he’s built one himself, after all. they let him because, well, they don’t have a better idea. 
plus, since they lost their hitter (and have refused to hire another), each member of the team has had to pick up their grifting abilities to better stay out of violent situations and they have taken up fighting lessons for the times they still can’t grift their way out of a situation. they think they have a handle on the situation. 
hardison grifts his way past the elevator (goons are notoriously dumb, even moreau’s goons) but when he walks into the room every gun is pointed at him (in canon, the guns were pointed at eliot, and not until chapman made the call, because eliot was the biggest threat in the room. but in this au, hardison is a standard problem.) 
Hardison leaves the catering cart in the elevator, straightens his tie, takes a deep breath, and does his best to channel the confidence he used to see in Eliot's shoulders every time he walked up to a goon and let them get one good punch in them before knocking them out.
“Moreau is expecting me.” 
To his surprise, the doors open. 
The chlorine air hits his lungs, he takes in the room, rows of men in suits. Eliot would know how to ID them. 
Hardison doesn’t see Moreau but he sees one man at the heart of the activity. Chapman. 
Even with his wealth of skills, Hardison barely found anything on the man, but he had heard rumors of Moreau’s chief enforcer and he had heard rumors of Chapman’s work. Chapman, who, up close, has no soul behind his eyes, must be the monster protecting Moreau. 
Chapman stands as Hardison approaches. 
When Hardison stops what feels like a thousands guns click. Eliot would have already counted the guns, counted the exists. 
"Moreau is expecting me.” Hardison repeats the line, his heart in his throat this time. 
“No, he’s not.” Chapman sneers.
A door* opens and—
Hardision’s heart drops out of his body.
Eliot walks out. 
“Yes, he is.”
Chapman visibly submits to Eliot’s words and every gun in the room lowers and Hardision heart actually fucking stops for a beat. 
[*not the sauna.....for personal reasons. eliot is in a suit, shirt buttoned up all the way, tie perfect, etc.]
i am not going to write the rest of this scene this second but uhh now it lives in my brain so......that will happen soon, unfortunately.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I think all the Newsie's AU's could be really entertaining but I would most like to know about the Leverage one and the Lilo & Stitch one.
Okay, so I had two people in a row ask for Lilo and Stitch while also requesting another outline, so I’ll be doing Lilo and Stitch very soon.
But… I LOVE this one.
So, for those of you who haven’t seen Leverage, you can watch it on Amazon Prime Video. It’s amazing and I adore it. My favorite character is Hardison. He’s everything. Nothing he says ever gets old. Hardison and Parker are literally so freaking cute that I just can’t. And I think I’ve already talked about how Spot Conlon is very similar to Eliot Spencer, at least the way I write him. So this’ll be fun.
So anyways…
Leverage AU
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Jack Kelly — Nate Ford
Katherine Plumber — Sophie Devereau
Spot Conlon — Eliot Spencer
Racetrack Higgins — Parker
Albert DaSilva — Alec Hardison
Jack Kelly: The Mastermind
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Jack is an alcoholic
He’s only twenty five when this story starts.
He used to work for an insurance company but after that same company let his baby brother die, refusing to pay for his treatment, Jack quit and has been a “functioning alcoholic” ever since.
Jack has anger issues that he refuses to acknowledge
Jack used to pride himself on being emotionally broken, but still never crossing over to the “dark side” of the law.
He’s the son of a numbers runner who was emotionally abusive
Was originally trying to become a catholic priest as he was strong in his faith but has since strayed a bit after losing Charlie, the only person in the world he truly loved
After meeting his team, Jack grows very protective of them, viewing them as a sort of family that he’d never really had, all except for Charlie.
Jack first meets the team when a man comes to him, begging him to keep an eye on a group of thieves as they execute a job he’s hired them for. After they are all double crossed by this man, narrowly escaping death, they come together to set things right and the team begs Jack to continue leading them as Jack shows them how good it feels to do the right thing, even if the right thing requires bending or breaking the rules.
Jack grew up extremely poor but is an excellent artist and chess player.
Jack likes to cook.
Jack loves to learn new things when he can’t drink to continue distracting himself.
Jack is the one to typically choose the clients his new team takes on.
Jack took Charlie in the second he turned eighteen, unable to trust his father who was a no good drunk.
Jack hates that he’s becoming just like his dad but refuses to stop.
Jack is more protective of Race than anyone else, as Race’s optimism and energy remind him of Charlie.
Jack serves as a mentor of sorts to Albert.
He is kept in check by Spot.
Jack is very quick witted, moving from one plan to the next as things change.
Jack gets his own father killed after a mission gone wrong.
Jack gets arrested protecting his team who he knows will go away for much longer than him for all the crimes they’ve committed.
Jack is the one who introduces the group to Katherine, the best grifter he’s ever seen, with whom he ends up falling for.
Katherine Plumber: The Grifter
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Katherine is a struggling actress who can’t perform to save her life, though is the best grifter in the business.
Katherine is very careful of her identity, meaning that absolutely no one knows her real name.
Katherine speaks nearly eleven languages.
Katherine has difficulty maintaining real relationships as it’s hard to decipher her acts from reality.
Before becoming a member of Leverage she focuses heavily on art theft
After meeting the team, she bonds with Race over art
Katherine manages to fake her death twice in two years and attend her own funeral at both
As Katherine is the only woman on the team, she often feels as though she doesn’t belong, but all of her boys adore her and protect her at all costs.
Katherine has an abundance of connections around the world, though none of them know her true identity.
Prides herself on long cons that she’d pulled in the past all by herself.
Katherine never reveals how she grew up to her friend as she is very good at letting things go and never getting attached but all of that changes when Jack reaches out to her.
Katherine is wanted in five countries.
Successfully stole the Stanley Cup and replaced it with a replica, though she does not care for Hockey and did all of it out of spite because someone told her she couldn’t.
Katherine makes a game of keeping her real name from Jack as she insists he has to earn the right to know it.
Katherine falls for Jack nearly as fast as he falls for her.
Though Jack and Katherine do sleep together a few times, they agree to keep it a secret for the good of the team.
Though Katherine and Jack aren’t much older than the rest of the team, they take on a sort of parental role for Race and Albert who both grew up orphans
Katherine eventually opens up her own acting company where she finds she is an excellent coach, though she was never a performer herself because she lacked a certain truth element when she would try to perform on stage or on screen.
Katherine is very close with the whole team, but is able to relax while around Spot, as he’s more an equal to her than Race and Albert, and Jack and her have a lot of tension sometimes.
She shares the most with Spot on accident as Spot is easy to talk to.
Runs away at some point to “find herself” after an old team of hers tries to kill her and the rest of her current team and comes back just in time for Jack to be arrested, saving all of them.
Spot Conlon: The Hitter
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Spot Conlon was in and out of the mob all growing up. (Eliot was black ops, but I want Spot to be younger, this is different).
He began training when he was very young and is a very skilled “retrieval specialist”
Spot has had to kill before and is ashamed of his past. When asked about it, he calmly asks his team not to get curious because he would tell them what he did 
Though the whole team consists of criminals, Spot believes them, especially Race and Albert, to be innocent and naive and he constantly looks out for them as best he can, acting as a sort of big brother for them until he catches feelings for Race (yeah sorry guys that’s gonna be different too)
Spot is very calm and never shows any kind of panic.
Spot is a trained chef
He grows up only fighting, learning to not get attached
The leverage team is his gateway to figuring out that he is capable of love
His role on the team is protection. He is always around to keep his team out of trouble when something goes wrong or even when things go right and he has to disarm people on purpose.
Spot is wicked smart and is able to discern things from noises, smells, walking patterns etc. always stating “It’s a very distinctive __”
Knows various types of martial arts and uses them regularly
Though not technically a grifter, Spot has an easy time playing different roles and can blend in easily with a crowd.
Hostage negotiator
He’s extremely protective of his team and is willing to go great lengths to make sure they’re safe and secure
Has a budding relationship with Albert who constantly gets himself into trouble that Spot has to get him out of.  
Was known as Sean before Race showed up and gave him a non threatening nickname based on his freckles
Can play the guitar
Manages to get shot at constantly, taking a few bullets but refusing to walk with crutches.
He loves teaching Katherine how to defend herself
Loves teaching Race knew things as well
Speaks six languages
Spot is not familiar with a lot of technology, causing him to often need Albert’s help with that kind of thing
Has rescued Race and Albert from being kidnapped or hurt the most
As times goes on, finds himself more and more in love with his team and really does love to protect them
Sees Albert as a little brother, even if he won’t admit it.
Racetrack Higgins: The Thief
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Has been a thief since he was very young, maybe seven, but only gives his team made up stories about how it all started
Has a hard time coping with grief or pain, which is why he likes to make up stories about his past.
Abusive father killed Race’s mother when he was very young
Race grew up in foster care until he ran away at twelve, eventually getting raised on the street by an elite thief who spotted his talents and offered to train him, making him the best thief in the world
Is socially awkward on account of being a loner for most of his life and rarely ever opens up about his childhood
Despite this, Race is very loud and curious, almost childlike with his team, thus why Katherine and Jack become sort of parental figures toward him.
Race did have an older brother who got hit by a car when he was very young, after going out to get food for him. Race blames himself to this day.
Desperate for some kind of real family, besides the thief who trained him, Race meets an older foster brother who teaches him how to boost cars, along with “teaching him other things”. Though his is abused physically and sexually by this boy, Race doesn’t know any better and hangs on his every word, believing that the older boy wanted to help him.
Race is arrested when he’s fourteen, taking the fall for the boy who taught him how to boost cars
Race was a getaway driver at thirteen, and a good one at that.
He is constantly reminded of how he’s not normal, taking a toll on his mental stability as he’s often referred to as insane or inhuman
Race is fairly naive, but does live up to his title as the best thief in the world
Enjoys stealing diamonds more than anything else.
Quickly becomes best friends with Albert and is curious on how to get Spot to open up.
Never went to high school but is still amazingly smart as it takes a lot of math and science and so forth to be a thief.
Enjoys using tasers as a weapon of choice.
Has a bit of a sadistic mind as he enjoys watching Spot beat up on some of their enemies, especially the ones who’d tried to come at him, sometimes even visualizing that they’re the boy who left him behind after using him constantly all those years ago
Eventually does have to confront Drake again, but has his whole team to protect him.
Really loves cash
Is shocked the first time Spot kisses him because, he has been abused before, but kisses Spot again, telling him how different it feels
That’s the first time Race truly opens up about his past and Spot figures out that someone had used him
Has a fear of horses
Is not anywhere near afraid of heights
Has trust issues (obviously) despite the insistence that Albert and Spot (and of course Jack and Katherine but most Al and Spot) would never let anything happen to him
Actually trusts Jack the most as he came from the good side of the law
Does not like psychics
Katherine coaches Race in his social skills, helping him embrace his sexuality and slightly rely on those around him for connection and comfort
Race’s real name is Antonio Higgins, but he’s known across the world as only ‘Racer’
Albert DaSilva: The Hacker
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Much like Race, Albert grew up in foster care, though through most of his childhood, he lived with a woman he refers to as “Nana”. Not his actual grandmother, but a foster mother who he adored and actually took care of him.
Often refers to himself as a geek and prides himself in being one as it is the “age of the geek, baby”
Is relied on heavily by the team as he makes a lot of their equipment (eg: coms, modified cell phones, button cams)
Provides CIA level aliases for his team.
Owns the teams vehicle, “Lucille” and is pissed when they manage to destroy not one model, but two
Has an unhealthy obsession with orange soda
Is physically very fit, but is not good in combat situations
Being an introvert for most of his life, Albert took to technology and learned just about everything one can about them
Albert is straight in this one (sorry for my Ralbert fans) but, as Race’s best friend, is constantly trying to subtly get Race to admit he has feelings for Spot
Though he and Spot didn’t get along too well at first, they eventually see themselves as brothers and look out for each other
Gets buried alive during a job gone wrong and is showed just how much he’s loved when his team manages to rescue him, believing him to be dead at first
Manages to keep the team very well paid and secured so the government can’t find them
Hacked into the pentagon when he was only twelve
When he was younger, his nana forced him off the computer for one hour out of every day to “give his eyes a rest from the screen” and Albert learns how to play the violin
Mostly used his skills for fun when he was younger, just wanting to prove he could do something
Skipped his senior prom to hack into medical records and get his nana on a high priority list
Has always looked out for the people he cared about
The only one Albert didn’t trust was Spot, as Spot intimidates him until Spot started showing interest in what he did, never commenting on it, but always looking very impressed
Oversells himself while grifting and often relies on Katherine to help guide him
Cares about humanity and the big picture, much like Jack. This is where their bond comes from as Katherine, Race and Spot have spent most of their lives looking out for themselves
Has a soft spot for little kids
Enjoys messing with Spot and making bets with him, even sparking in them having their own handshake which consists of them subtly high diving twice at waist level and then fist bumping. It’s often how they seal a bet or agree on a plan
What do you guys think? Any scenes you wanna see? Any other characters you wanna hear about? Let me know!
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Plan M (Leverage)
a Leverage series finale AU
As always, I own nothing. This one’s due to the layout of my season 5 DVD set, I kid you not, and what that made me expect from the series finale.
I’m posting this under scraps and snippets, because it kind of is - it’s either a oneshot or the start of something bigger, and it’s totally unchecked. It’s also my first attempt at writing Leverage, and I’m not sure I can live up to the excellence of the source material.
Plan M 
Alec listens to Parker panicking over coms and tries not to join her. Oh, he'd like to, but someone's going to have to keep it together if they're going to make it out, and looks like he's someone.
“Parker. Parker! I need you to take out your earbud, Eliot's too. Okay? And then smash'em.”
“What about the others? What if they're in trouble and need us?”
“If you don't think they can hold it together while we make sure Eliot survives, then I don't know who you've been spending the last couple of years with.”
If he's wrong about what's going down then there'll be time to apologize later. If he's right... Well, if he's right then ain't nobody going to need no apologizing.
Once Parker agrees Alec takes out his own earbud and crushes it with a pair of pliers before turning on Lucille's internal communications system. Once he's made sure Parker's found the giant first aid kit – Alec had started stashing one in Lucille, in every version of her, after the first time Eliot had ended up bleeding for them – and has patched up Eliot somewhat he starts throwing out orders.
“Right, get back into the cabinet where you found the first aid kit, yeah? Feel the upper right corner, front? There's a thumb-print pad.”
Three people are keyed into that pad, three out of five. Maybe it'd have been different once, but when Alec'd put in that secret compartment after DC that's the choice he had made. The three of them together, for better and for worse.
He directs Parker through removing the canister with acid – slowly, carefully – and dropping all three earbuds and their dismantled phones into it before replacing it in the compartment. Next he talks her through remote-triggering a virus in his system to corrupt and erase everything. Once that's done he feels himself relax a little. Things are still bad, only now their chances of getting out safely has gone up a couple of points.
“Okay, good. Great work. Now, please tell me you have a doctor lined up. Someone you haven't shared with the rest of us.”
And this is why he's secretly happy it's Eliot lying there shot instead of Parker. Okay, part of it – Alec's pretty sure he'd be nowhere this calm if it had been Parker bleeding out, plus Eliot would agree that it's better him than Parker or Alec – but. Between the two of them – hell, between all five of'em – Parker's the one most likely to have secret resources. Be it a secret identity unshared, or a warehouse slash safehouse, a stash of money for easy escape, or a doctor. They've all got some backup-plan, and Nate's got a dozen, but Parker's the one who doesn't advertise. And right now that's what they need.
“Hardison? I don't understand.”
“I know, and I wish I had all the answers, and time for them, but truth is I don't. Eliot don't. I'll tell you everything I can once he's safe. So, you have a doctor? Because if not we need to get in contact with Vance. Now.”
That makes Parker go quiet, just like Alec knew she would. Bringing Vance in means Eliot lives, but they lose him anyway. Because Vance'll help, but he won't do it for free. Not when it'd mean getting Eliot Spencer served on a plate. Not when Alec and Parker would go with him, even into hell.
And it would be hell.
She's got someone, and Alec releases a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Good. That's another hurdle passed. As he follows Parker's directions he counters with his own. The secret compartment holding the canister of acid also contains a set of bags. Five, even if only three people can access them, because he still hadn't given up hope then.
Parker leaves four of the bags in the duffel they'd been kept in, only taking out Alec's. She'll sort them through later, safely getting rid of what they can't use. She only protests a little at taking the money and ID:s meant for Nate and Sophie, but she knows as well as he does that at least Sophie's got her own backups out there.
“Don't call anyone. Okay? Not Archie. Not Sophie. No one. Just make sure Eliot is fine, and then head out of the country. Vancouver if you can make it, there's a key to a safety deposit box in your bag, if you can't... Anywhere you think is safe. I'll find you. I'll cover your tracks and then I'll find you.”
“Alec? Why can't I contact Sophie? What's wrong?”
He debates what to tell her, because it's such a long and ugly story, but in the end he tells her the truth. There is no other option.
“Nate wasn't honest about this job. It isn't about a medical patent, it's something else. It's... Well, the details don't matter, not now anyway, but he's looking to steal information. Part of it's because it'd pretty much provide a list of which bad guys to after, but I've realized it just as much about getting one over on Sterling.” Nate and his hubris. Deep down Alec has always feared that one day  it'd get them backed into a corner they couldn't get out of. Oh, he hadn't really thought it'd happen, not with the four of them keeping watch, but what you believe and what you fear at 3 am are different animals.
“And before you ask, yeah, I knew. He promised me he'd tell you before anything real went down, and I was stupid enough – flattered enough – to believe him. Only it didn't go like that.”
The truth is that had Parker and Eliot known they'd have played it differently, and Eliot wouldn't be bleeding in the back of Lucille right now. Probably.
And that's just as much on Alec as it is on Nate.
He hated keeping the secret, but he still did. He still believed that Nate knew best, that Nate would look after them. Now... Now he suspects Nate will look after himself, and Sophie, and the rest of the team will only come into consideration if protecting them won't threaten Sophie.
Alec can, reluctantly, understand that. After all, it's sort of what he's doing now, isn't it? He's protecting Parker and Eliot at Nate and Sophie's expense. Doesn't make what Nate's done any more right though.
Doesn't make what Alec has done more right.
“I'd never have gone along with it if I'd thought either of you would be in danger, I need you to believe that, Parker. I would never. You two are the most important thing in the world to me, I would risk that.”
He knows he has though, and it kills him to think he could have stopped this. Eliot's been shot, protecting Parker, and Alec just isn't okay with that. He knows Eliot is, that it's his deal with the universe – his life for theirs, if needed – but it wasn't going to happen like that. It was going to be the three of them, looking out for each other, and now Alec's fucked that up.
If he makes it to Vancouver and they're not there he won't blame them. If he can't find them? He'd deserve it. Because while Eliot's deal was to protect them Alec's deal – Parker's deal – was to protect Eliot. And now Eliot's bleeding out in Lucille because Alec was distracted by Nate's flattery.
He'd thought this was Nate teaching him, showing him how to be a mastermind. How to make sure he could keep them safe. Making plans that didn't need adjusting, that wasn't too involved and elaborate. How to make plan A the working one. Instead it's... it's plan M. Only a plan M where it's not Alec, but instead Eliot.
No. He won't think like that. Not now.
As he pulls to a stop Parker jumps out and runs up to his window. She's hard to read on a good day, which this is definitely not, and Alec can't even begin to figure out what's going through her head right now. He just knows that it's probably better than he deserves, seeing as he's still in one piece.
“You take care of him, okay? And yourself. Be safe, and smart, and don't let anyone get in the way of you getting out alive.
“I love you.”
He pretends not to notice the tears in Parker's eyes as he drives off.
The hunt's on now, Alec knows it, and he's pretty sure that if he could just get his rapid heartbeat to calm down he'd hear sirens all over. He needs to shake them, obviously, but not really. What they tried to pull is too big for the other side to let go. They'll be hunted until they're found, and so Alec needs to be first found and then, but only then, get lost. He's thought about options before – of course he has, because hello? They lost their first and second office due to people coming after them. The chances of it not happening again were never that great. (Alec mourns the brewpub for a second. It might not have been the office he'd have chosen, but it was never about that. The brewpub was for Eliot, and Alec hates that he's losing that.) Anyway, after that he wasn't going to pretend like they didn't need fall-backs.
He flicks through scenarios in his mind, one after the other, discarding them just as fast as he can remember them. They're not bad plans, they're not, it's just that they're very Alec Hardison. They'd work against just about anyone they've ever gone up against, except this time it needs to work not only against the police and Interpol and Sterling. It needs to work against Nate as well.
In the end he decides that only one thing will work against Nate: the kind of plan Nate himself would come up with. Luckily he's got one of those in his back-pocket. (Okay, not actually in his pocket, but almost. Kind of.)
It takes running a red light or ten, but Alec picks up a police tail. Great. That's step one. Next he heads for the docks, speeding more than a little, praying all the while that he can do this. This plan really needs Parker, or Eliot, or both of them. It's made for the three of them, like they promised it'd be, but Alec can adapt. He hopes to hell he can.
As Lucille goes over the edge Alec sends up a prayer to a god he doesn't believe in, fixes Parker and Eliot's faces in his mind and allows Parker's voice to echo through him.
“Better or worse, we change together.”
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Rebels thoughts part 2/?
* I keep thinking Vizago’s first name is Cilantro.
* So I have a sort of rant about the Force, which fits as well here as anywhere else. I *really* didn’t expect to get along with a Jedi character, okay, which is the other reason I’m probably not watching Clone Wars. See, my thing about the “will of the Force” is that I don’t think it exists. I think the Force binds the universe together, and if you are Force sensitive and meditate it will show you things, but I think every single piece of “it was meant to be such and such a way” is the relevant Jedi projecting their own interpretation on the events they see.
(I also don’t believe things in our universe have that kind of intentionality behind them. Shit happens. Sometimes it seems like the universe is mocking you. Sometimes it seems like it’s on your side. It’s all pareidolia. Which is a belief that makes my life harder, but that’s another post. I think.)
* Um. Where was I? Right. So I really didn’t expect to like Kanan. I think why I do like him is a combination of facts. One is that he doesn’t pretend to understand the Force; he was only a padawan during Order 66 and he knows little more than Ezra in some ways. Another is that, being voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr, he doesn’t really have a default “reverent” setting like most Jedi. XD So we have a Jedi who’s doing his best, but doesn’t act all-knowing with his dignity up his ass like most Jedi tend to do at times. Also, as noted, he is very much the mom friend. Which is distinct from being the friend who has the brain cell, but he’s competent at what he does and he tries hard to protect the others, which are both characteristics I am weak for.
* Hera usually has the brain cell. Not always. Unusually for an astromech, Chopper *never* has the brain cell. XD Ezra occasionally gets to hold the brain cell for a hot minute but it tends to slip through his fingers. Sabine thinks she has the brain cell a lot more often than she does.
* I suspect the first new-canon Thrawn novel will make a whole lot more sense to me if I reread it now that I know whomst the fuck Arihnda Pryce is and why I should be interested in Lothal.
* I was able to deal with loth-rats and loth-cats, started to roll my eyes at loth-wolves, and am really rather irritated with loth-bats. Seriously, I put more work into naming vegetables in a grocery store in “Dutybound” than this show puts into naming anything to do with Lothal. (Okay, Leia put in most of the work naming the vegetables, but still. If meilooruns were native to Lothal they’d be called loth-mangoes or something.)
* I did like Captain Rex. I may wind up watching Clone Wars at some point to borrow clones and parts of clone culture for Leverageverse. I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned, but in @camshaft22 ‘s and my Leverage AU, Wes (the Eliot character) is the first non-clone to become a clone commando, some time after Order 66 was prevented, which is where the AU branches from canon. He’s culturally a clone, and sometimes forgets he doesn’t have a clone face, which occasionally causes trouble for him. XD Anyway, so that’s my main thought on clones, and Rex is a suitably badass one, I like him.
(You knew I was somehow going to bring Wes into this conversation, right? ;P)
* Kanan destroying the Grand Inquisitor’s lightsaber wheel in the first season finale was sexy as fuck. Just saying.
* The Inquisitors being able to fly with their helicopter lightsaber blades was utterly ridiculous and made them ironically less scary.
* I do kinda see why people like Hondo Ohnaka. He’s very much a trickster’s trickster. He reminds me of somebody but I’m not sure who.
* The B-wing episode was pretty damn cute.
* There needs to be a LOT more Sabine/Ketsu. I swear to god, people, this is the single biggest problem with fandom is you can’t get femslash when it’s right the fuck there in front of you.
* (This is not actually the biggest problem with fandom but I have opinions.)
* “Legends of the Lasat” was a really neat episode. It reminded me of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode where Sisko builds an ancient Bajoran spaceship that flies on tachyon eddies, which made me squee loudly in the 24 hour computer lab the first time I watched it. Both of them hit me squarely in the Thor Heyerdahl / Tim Severin fanthingy -- I have a huge soft spot for that whole genre of using ancient techniques to recreate boats and follow ancient travel paths, and doing it in space only makes it cooler.
(No, I am not allowed to tangent off about Odysseus. Some other time.)
* Tarkin and Vader did *not* have the problem of the voice actors not sounding quite right. Whoever does the animated Tarkin’s voice is astonishingly good.
* Kanan being knighted in the Jedi Temple by the ghost of the Grand Inquisitor! That was such a damn good episode. I really like when the show actually leans on the thing where Jedi aren’t just about fighting, where peace and balance are important.
* Rant, continued: The prequel Jedi especially go on and on about bringing balance to the Force, but they don’t want balance, they want the light side to win. They don’t get it. They don’t consider what they’re actually saying, and that drives me crazier than anything else. Balance requires the existence of both light and dark, order and chaos in equal measure. Ethan has a tangential rant I don’t think we’ve ever actually done anywhere, about how modern culture is so very regimented that the only way to move toward balance is to be aggressively chaotic. That’s an argument we probably need to have in more depth at some point, because I like order and agree that I need to be better at chaos but I also very much want to stay within the confines of society and not be a semi-homeless jobbing magician, Ethan.
* Ahem. Where was I? Balance in the Force, right. I have thoughts about Kanan and the Bendu that are still processing. The Bendu really, really reminds me of Tom Bombadil, which... I can go into more depth in if anyone wants, but short version, I’ve never found Bombadil annoying or pointless, and I have an essay on what approximately makes me think this way, but there will be a lot of Elvish in it.
* I really love Chopper’s friend AP-5. He reminds me a whole hell of a lot of Squeaky. I think one of my very favorite moments in this whole series was the episode where it’s Zeb, Chopper, and AP-5 against the infiltrator droid, and Zeb and AP-5 are sniping at each other like Squeaky and Ton Phanan the whole time. :D
* “Twilight of the Apprentice” was one hell of a season finale. I wonder if they thought they weren’t getting renewed, or if that was a worry, because *damn*. Blinding Kanan, sending Ezra halfway to the Dark Side, blowing up Ahsoka, finishing off the Inquisitors... they certainly did close with a bang.
* Baby Wedge was cute but didn’t have much personality. That seems to be an ongoing problem with new canon’s Wedge, from what I hear. Still and all, rather have Wedge than no Wedge. I wish they’d have gone with more Wedge-and-Hobbie though -- poor Hobbie never gets any damn screen time. It’s a sad case when Starfighters of Adumar is still his best outing with two whole memorable moments. :P
* Saw Guerrera (sp?) makes me very uncomfortable. I know he’s supposed to, to show the way the “good” side can become extremists, but I was one slip of an Overton window from becoming him myself for a long time, and I don’t like being reminded. Nor having the writerly part of my brain noticing how I could write him more realistically.
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