#anyway i absolutely agree with everything you said anon and i don't mind the rant!! feel free to do so anytime!!
meowmeowmessi · 2 years
Please say you're joking about some new barça fans being anti Messi??? (I've never seen them so far but that's probably bc I don't really interact with other football fans) Like for the love of god do they don't know about the time he had to carry that team (may his back heal from that)
I swear the stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me (also going for pique over Leo?? Pls bffr there's no way you choose this brain dead manchild over leo)
Sorry for ranting like this but this actually shocked me...anyways hope your day's going well
i wish i was joking anon but there are a crop of true coolers (mostly the prepubescent reactionary types and the racist catalans) who genuinely slander messi and act like he wasn't literally holding up the absolutely shambolic club on his shoulders in the last few years on his barça tenure. they accuse him of being selfish and draining barça funds like he didn't take a pay cut during covid and his very presence wasn't bringing in barça a fuck ton of cash. and the pique dickride my goddd this man cheated on his wife with his teammate's mother ffs and these incels think he deserves a medal for that 🤡 people with messi as their avi on twitter calling him "my president <33" like bro be serious 😭😭 even after retirement he was leaching off barça funds 😭😭 i have no love left for barça tbh im messi fc first and foremost, the way these catalans act like messi would be nothing without barça is so ridiculous- clubs like real madrid and inter were gunning for messi to the point where they had to draw up a contract on a fucking napkin on the spot just so they could sign him up with barça asap. like i respect xaviball but without messi you're playing in europa league and 8 points clear of madrid only when they're in their most shittest form; have some shame instead of sucking off a politician and making laporta fancams
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yeah… i don’t think i’ll be able to support olivia ever after what happened this last year. i was a sabrina stan before and will continue to be one, i’ve discovered josh’s music and adore his music now and beyond olivia’s music not being my taste, she just showed in the last year an utter disregard for sab and josh and the negative impact on their lives…
sorry i said what i said but i cannot support someone who a) tears down other women b) has such a blatant disregard for the aftermath of her music (not that she shouldn’t talk about what she wants to talk about, but hello damage control???)
Hi, anon! I am so sorry for the late reply, I was preparing my stuff for law school and things got hectic as of late but thank you for this ask! I agree with everything you said and I hope you won't mind me going into a kind of sort of rant in the next few sentences!! LOL
Honestly, I came from having lukewarm feelings about Olivia to just not straight up liking her, just for the way she handled the drama. I am also so tired of how her fans are babying her and saying that whatever she says won’t change anything and I’m like that’s not the point?? The point is to show that she actually fucking cares, which she didn’t show at all  😭😭 Also, even if we go with that argument and disregard "controlling" her fans, what about her friends who posted slutshaming/shady tweets about Sabrina? I heard this from a friend but her dad also apparently liked slutshaming tweets about Sabrina although I am unsure about that one but still, if she couldn't take the time to say anything to her fanbase maybe tell her friends to stop shading Sab and fueling the drama further?
They also bring up Selena's situation where Sel addressed her fans so many times to not send anyone hate and people hate on HB anyway and I'm like but notice how no one is blaming Selena Gomez for it? Because she actually took the time to "control" her fans, at that point, anything her fans do is out of her hands. But Olivia never took that time, not even once. I am not counting that fucking magazine interview because that was honestly so half-assed and performative I pretty much lost my respect for her. I'm sure she's a great singer songwriter or whatever, I'm personally not a fan of driver's license and I didn't bother listening to her other songs so IDK but just the way she handled everything left me uninterested about everything else.
Also, there's this thing Joshua said in a recent interview that artists are in some way too are responsible on how the conversations around their art goes and I remember it being quoted on a tweet and so many livies going wild. Like it's true tho, I think anyone with a platform is in a way responsible to how their audience reacts to the things they put out-- I mean small youtubers can do it so why can't Olivia?
And then there's what Louis said about the fandom being reflective of the artist and I had never fucking agreed more, IDK if it's just me but everything makes so much sense whenever I interact with someone on stan community and find out their fandoms LOL
Anyway, I think what I'm most angry about the drama is that Sab honestly had so many plans for 2021 but she had to take a raincheck because those obsessed weirdos would make it about that fucking drama. Josh too, he had to let the drama die down a bit because people were taking it too far-- I remember that one tweet about him in the hospital and all those livies tweeting he should've been dead. Let's not even talk about the SA and the coming out, at that point, even bigger figures where chiding in that it's impossible to say that Olivia didn't know how blew out of proportion everything was. The internet literally witchhunted Sab and Josh for a solid year (and even now TBH) and she stood there and did absolutely nothing. So yeah, I don't really blame you for not liking or supporting her, I don't really either.
I just hope her fans stops sending me hate anons at this point, the slurs are getting kind of old. Also forgot to add that everything you said just resonated with me so well that's my exact feelings thanks for the vindication op ily xx
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hey Storm, how are u doing? I hope you survived the concert lol I might be writing this from my own grave.. I just wanted to say a few words about the anon talking about Jimin saying in his vlive he’s not ready to have a pet etc. Feel free to scratch this ask cause I’m not sure if it worth the discussion tbh but well. My opinion might not completely align with yours but in the end I agree with you. But tbh, I think us jikookers are kinda getting beaten at our own game here, cause we do say (legitimately) that we should listen to the members and not twist their words or make assumptions etc unlinked another unfamous breed of shippers ahem. So I get why ppl like that anon think that way now : most jikookers (counting myself) do think jimin and jk live together and personally what jimin said did make me go 🤨 because even if it’s jk’s dog, when you’re living with your partner him/her adopting a pet and even more a big dog is a decision you usually take together, it’s only logical you need their agreement on that (been there, done that) For me it made me reconsider that jikook might not living together after all, and that’s not a big deal, they still look very much like a couple to me. But who knows, maybe jimin changed his mind, maybe jk managed to convinced him or whatever. that discussion over a dog is really weird so I’m not gonna go over all the reasons that might explain why he said that but what I wanted to say (I’m not the best at getting straight to the point LOl) is that anon did consider the possibility of them living together as well imo. At this point I think a loooot of armys do have their own suspicions about jikook and consider that they could be sharing the same house, even if they don’t wanna admit it. if you don’t consider one bit then why are coming all the way here? they see what we see but they want to rationalize everything and make all the pieces of the puzzle fit and if they don’t then we’re just a bunch of cuckoos. it’s a good thing to want to see things logically and not fall for any conspiracy or wishful thinking, as a lot of shippers do. As for me I decided to accept that not all the pieces of the puzzle might fit for now, cause we can’t know the truth anyway for obvious reasons! Jikook looks like a couple to me, their extreme domesticity seems to indicate they live together or at least spend a lot of time at eo’s place but there’s lot of stuff we don’t know and that’s okay. It’s like keeping a rational mind but at the same time leaving some place for doubt and uncertainty, which a lot of ppl struggle with, even the non-shippers ;) (especially them actually lol) They want the truth, to be sure, to know. This is a very useless and repetitive rant jeez, my apologies.
I liked this rant 🥰 this is also a very nice example of disagreeing with me, sending in an ask with your opinions about not agreeing with everything I say and still being kind and respectful about it. Thank you anon 💜💜 and I totally see your points over the dog discussion and they are valid opinions too. And I agree over the whole it is a silly thing to get hung up on and not worth all the angst.
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And it is absolutely very important to remember that not everything can be or should be explained. We are not entitled to every detail of how their life works. Hell, I am not even close to being famous like they are and I still keep plenty of details about my life and how my relationship works private from yall. I tell you plenty while also not giving yall even close to everything. We see 10 to 15% of their lives, everything else is stuff we don't know. Not to mention they are extremely famous and the way they grew up in the world and the dynamics in relationships and friendships may not be what you are used to. Not every puzzle piece has to make sense to you. And you shouldn't impose your norms and ideals on them just because their norms, ideals and dynamics don't make sense to you or how you would want things. In the end, as long as they are happy, we should be happy for them. Full stop.
Thanks again for sharing anon, I enjoyed your thoughts 🥰
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ionfusionpunk · 3 years
Starset anon here! I have some others now
Casualty by Hidden Citizens for all of them, but maybe especially Echo?
Immortalized by Hidden Citizens for all of them
Someone You Like by The Girl and the Dreamcatcher gives me Foxiyo vibes if you switch the first parts sung by the girl to Fox and the part by the man to Riyo lol
Don't Give Up on Me by Andy Grammer might be best for Rex but my heart says Cody
Champion by Fall Out Boy as either Fives or just all of them in general
Hope you enjoy these!
Heyo! Great to hear from you again! Your suggestions tended more towards the styles/genres I prefer, so I’m especially excited to see what you’ve brought me :)
... Oh. Ha. Haha. Okay. Um, right off the bat? Yeah, yeah. Um. That is... that is angsty. Casualty def could go for any of them, but Echo is a good one. Now I - I can’t stop thinking about the Domino Twins. ouch I think this fits Fox, too - at least my own idea of him, anyway. Rex too, but especially p0st-Order 66 :’(
Geez, much heart hurt. Dang, this group is good. You’ve sold me on them, just so you know. 
I am 100% down for anything Foxiyo. It’s a little scary how hard I’ve fallen for that ship, tbh lol. ... This song. It’s - It is Foxiyo, and it’s so happy, hnnn. They both deserve it, honestly.
Our hearts speak the same language, lol. Cody is mah man, yanno? I think I’ve said this before somewhere, but I always want everything to work for Cody haha. Unfortunately, I must agree with your logic: it fits Rex best :’/ I’m gonna add it to both playlists though bc Cody is, without a doubt, the person Rex learned to keep fighting - to believe - from. (Can I just say I love Andy Grammer? Honey I’m Good is one of the best songs to ever be written, in my humble opinion. Just - so good. I could rant about it, but I won’t unless someone asks me, lol)
Oh. Oh, this is so perfect for what I’m planning for Fives, you must have read my mind, Nonnie 😂 (Means I have music for that particular section muwahaha!)
As always, an amazing batch of songs 😊 Keep ‘em coming as you think of them! If you have any more for Echo and Foxiyo expecially, because I have a sneaky suspicion they will end up playing a bigger part than I originally expected, lol. (The benefit of only letting myself plan this fic until I’m done with my current Naruto project is that I’m making more detailed notes than I normally would so that I’m all ready to go :)) 
I mentioned this to Clone Playlist Nonnie, but my inbox is always open! If you’d like to chat about SW in general, rec me some of your favorite fics - I always need more, lol - rant about the latest episode of TBB, drop more songs, etc,. don’t hesitate. I love hearing from you guys! It absolutely brightens my day and makes my week easier to get through 😊
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meanderfall · 6 years
Naw fam, don't worry about it, sorry for making you sad though! And yeah, I can definitely see how it would be more "sigh, me too buddy," which I think maybe the difference between that and loving the character because you never were is that it's more like gallows humor maybe? Like, we're fucked up in the same ways, might as well stick it out together in solidarity, and turn it into something enjoyable. And yeah not all our faves are going to be the ones we relate the most to, or who have a (1)
flaw we have. Idk, maybe how we pick favorites is the same way we pick friends. Sometimes we pick them because they're someone you can relate to and who knows what it's like so you can commiserate together, and sometimes you pick them because they're nothing like you for the most part and that difference is exciting and refreshing, but mostly it ends up being a combo of the two so you have common ground and *get* each other, but they still bring something new and good into your life. (2)
!!!!!!!!! That makes a ton of sense to me anon!!!! A much better way to put the point of the distinction between the two. And yes, I quite agree that how you pick your faves is kind of like how you pick your friends. (lolol and now im pondering the process of how we go “that human. i love them and want to spend time with them.” because yes sometimes we connect because of our pasts, but I guess imo, it also kind of comes down to what’s in our hearts or souls?? Because man. There are some friends (and characters) that it just feels like I was meant to love with everything that I am, who speak to the very core of my being, even though in lots of ways we’re absolutely nothing alike.)
That was.... way cheesier than what you said for sure, but what can I say? In lots of ways, I’m a naive, idealistic, romantic, who believes in those epic friendships that are in all kinds of stories, the ones where they’ve been through hell together, that would do anything for each other, and you just know that they’ll be friends forever. But I can’t be the only one though, because or else they wouldn’t be so popular in the first place, huh? :3c
Lmao, idk, that was probably really cheesy and unhelpful, and I'm really sorry if that made you even more sad, I just think it's interesting to talk these sort of things out because they help me get a better idea of what my mind is doing when it does things. And you're really smart and articulate, so your response was really interesting and got me thinking about some things I hadn't really considered before. But yeah, totally sorry if this isn't something you want to talk about anymore! (3)
anon, you are too sweet and kind! something, whether that’s meta about a character or fandom, myself, friends, story ideas, concepts, etc etc. what is my life, why am i like this). And imo, sometimes the best way to think something through is to explain or put forward the idea to someone else! Though in my case, lmao, I construct what I want to say first in my head, which means I end up kind of internally ranting to either myself or the person I want to ask, but then I just sort of end up answering my own thoughts and coming to a conclusion on my own.
Anyway, tbh, it really isn’t your fault at all!!! Honestly, I probably should’ve put off answering that ask for a while :/ I was just in a pretty bad place because something happened irl that made me feel awful, and work has been exhausting me a lot recently. I would’ve seen the bad in everything in the kind of mood I was in. I’m the one that’s sorry anon :( And really, this discussion is super interesting and thought-provoking!!! So don’t feel bad, and don’t feel like you can’t talk to me. I hope you have a good evening
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