#anyway i feel like i Do Not have enough information to fully rant abt this but yeah
OK BUT THE THING. THE ONE THING. i wasn't even mad at the show for this i was just pissed at like. the everything. bc a second thing before my brother (the understander of tv and film) pointed out the kids, perfection, etc thing, was that she said once these kids have their daemons taken away they will be freed of sin and have no regrets. babygirl i know sooo many people who've gotten baptized and come to God etc etc and still have regrets. like i know this is probably an issue with ms. coulter (whom holy shit terrifying but complex and interesting but also what the fuck) and her grief and regrets and being generally very fucked up but ALSO CONSIDER. i hate the idea that believing in something takes away everything. like there is so much peace that comes from spending time with God and talking to him and stuff but like it's not. easy? in fact it will probably be the hardest thing you will ever do? so many famous and well respected prophets doubted and hesitated and didn't want to carry out the things asked of them even tho they were disciples of the faith yk? i am SO apologies for dropping five million christianity things into your inbox lmao i just am like going to lay in bed tonight and stare at the ceiling like 🤨 bc nowhere in the Bible does anything say we will ever be free of feelings or regret or even sin on this earth. some of the people i know who are closest to God go through the most suffering because of their desire to know and follow and love God so it was just like. it made me laugh while also making me annoyed that people rlly think it will be easy like yes! real and true peace! cool and vibey and the reason i am who i am and i would be literally nothing without it! but we're still like. human. we still live here. it's just a weird thought i had and also maybe it doesn't relate to what philip pullman thinks at all but i just yeah. weird interesting thoughts
and like. YEAH. i hate to be like. ooooh people are so desparaging of christianity but? i think athiests are just. they feel above religion somehow. as if athiesm isn’t just. different from organized religions. on the same plane just in. different areas. (as if i havent done this also rip me ig)
but anyway yeah. i think the whole. that whole getting rid of sin is without regret is possibly a very athiest take? like. i guess i cant really say for sure but. yeah religion is totally just like any other relationship. it takes work and effort and of course you will have regrets for some things i think that’s for? most big complicated experiences?
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placentaur-archive · 5 years
why is specter knight the best knight (though more seriously tell me about how you see his relationship develop with plague knight)
see heres the thing both of those questions constitute equally long rants SO shit goes under a cut
why specter knight is the best knight (or more accurately, why specter of torment is the best shovel knight campaign):
STORY IT'S GOT SO MUCH STORY AND THE PACING IS ACTUALLY GOOD. both plague of shadows and shovel of hope have story to it too obviously but in SoH the pacing is kinda really..... not good. it's a big cutscene in the beginning and then a lot of meaningful dialogue at the end (not to say that dialogue wasnt good, the ending of SoH is what made me wanna see more of this game and sparked a 6 month hyperfixation). but like during the main part of the game the plot kinda gets lost. no one in the villages really talks about shield knight or the enchantress (save for a few people who congratulate you on beating a specific knight or the one dude in the armor outpost that says it was taken over by the order which is kinda rlly easy to miss anyway). so unless you're finishing this game fast enough to remember the original first cutscene it's not rlly gonna stick. PoS does a better job with pacing but the story itself is,,,,, not super interesting. it's just a dude who wants to make a potion so he can get super strong and impress his crush. the plot sorta does pick up 2/3s through the game after mona leaves the potionarium but ultimately the game is just About One Thing (SoH is also like this). SoT on the other hand has MULTIPLE plot lines that develop almost simultaneously. you've got specter on a mission to serve the enchantress that develops in the actual levels, you've got donovan's flashbacks to his quest with luan which happens in between levels, and you've got specter dealing with reize when you're in the tower. you could even say red's whole deal is a plot line because eventually if you're good enough at the game he does get his wife back and thEY DO A DANCE FOR YOU AWWWWW. but in the end all these plot lines come together (yes even red's if you collect all the skulls) and it's a big, narratively satisfying, emotionally crushing ending and its GREAT. the way that SoT develops characters that even SoH couldnt (cough cough shield knight) and gives us insight into the past and why things turned out the way they did is like,,,,, it's perfect okay
how specter's relationship with plague develops:
I did a thread abt this on twitter a LONG time ago but I'm too lazy to find it bc finding old tweets is even harder than finding shit on tumblr so here's a list of events
- specter and plague dont know each other very well at all, specter just beat plagues ass that one time and now they work together and probably havent spoken since bc they both think the other is kinda weird
- plague during PoS is in the lich yard on his way to beat specter's ass so he can get a thicc thigh goth gf and finds the phase locket aka the locket luan gave specter. except plague doesnt know any of that shit he just finds a relic and hes like "oh cool I can sell this to chester for something useful"
- specter post PoS finds the locket missing and is real mad abt it
- however post PoS is also post SoH which means the tower of fate has fallen and the enchantress is no more which is Bad News for specter bc the enchantress was the only one keeping him alive oh god oh fuck
- so after a lot of back and forth with him, black knight finally convinces specter to go see plague knight bc plague is the only one who might remotely know what to do about this
- specter reluctantly goes to the explodatorium and plague and mona (who he's already kinda friends with so it relaxes him a little) agree to help him out
- somewhere along the line though specter finds out it was plague that took the locket and sold it to chester and now The Bird Man Is Dead To Him and he stops going to see him for help
- plague feels bad about it so he tracks down who has the locket now (shovel knight) and gets it back for specter
- specter gains 2% respect for bird man and when plague asks why the locket is so important to him specter very briefly tells him abt luan (mostly just "it was given to me by someone close to me, that person isnt around anymore so this holds a lot of sentimental value")
- time passes and they start seeing each other more often, even outside of when specter comes for treatment. they start learning about each other more and they learn their insecurities (theyve got shared insecuries about their appearance and their names, both of them are very against taking off their mask around anyone)
- one day specter decides fuck it and tells plague his name. plague can't reciprocate but he appreciates it
- they start taking to hanging out on the roof on what's left of the tower since no one goes there anymore and they can be alone together
- one day specter decides he can show plague his face and once he does plague gets very excited and is like "oH SHIT IM SENSITIVE ABOUT THAT TOO" and rips off his mask without thinking and suddenly they're both just kinda looking at each other and they realize they look a lot more similar than they thought and no one says anything for a few seconds before plague gets nervous and puts his mask back on and the moment is passed
- over time they get more comfortable around each other, specter doesnt mind as much when plague calls him donovan and he can show his face to him when they're in private together (and plague takes off his mask sparingly around him too)
- one day plague decides hes ready to tell donovan what his name is and he begs him not to tell anyone or even use it on him in private. specter says he doesnt have to tell him but plague insists that he wants to (I wont say what it is here bc it's just a dumb hc name and it doesnt really get used at all bc specter mostly just keeps calling him plague kkskgkdg)
- but that level of trust is there now!!! plague tells specter that no one else knows this much about him, not even mona
- and specter realizes he's been keeping information from plague and if they're gonna air everything out then,,,,,,,, well he might as well tell him fully about luan and reize and everything else that happened
-that night is rough for the both of them but it's also cathartic knowing they can trust someone enough to tell them about this
- eventually plague and mona come to the conclusion that to keep specter's soul stabilized they cant keep treating him forever because specter is going to live indefinitely and plague and mona are very very mortal SO the only way to keep him semi permanently tied to this world is to bind his soul to something else
- specter wants to bind his soul to plague knight
- plague is like NONONONONO I am NOT having that responsibility and I am NOT letting you die as soon as I do and convinces him to bind his soul to the phase locket instead
- I haven't talked about him at all here but by now specter is definitely dating propeller and has been for a while so whether u wanna see plague and specter as dating or just super close friends is up to u anyway I love these idiots thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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