#anyway i grabbed my scanner this morning and the first notification on the screen was that she called off and i stg i felt a weight lift off
bunnyb34r · 5 months
Walked into work and aaaaaall the clothing tables were plastic wrapped so that you couldnt get into the boxes beneath the tables bc they counted those for inventory and we all were like "I LIKE IT, we should keep it this way."
So that was fun, but I also nearly had an aneurysm at work bc the manager had told me to count the men's jeans but put them so each sku number is separate. Say okay I'll do it when I finish recovering my table (since no one else will and I only had the Sharter's and the horrible store brand baby sets that make me wanna scream)
So I start sorting the jeans and I'm scanning the 32s and huh there's 2 skus for this color... okay start sorting them... then I'm like okay well do I leave it dark to light like she has them (which is wrong) or do I just do the 32's skus in piles then the 34's? Go ask RC. She says leave the colors. Okay back to sorting... there's some sizes with 4 skus, I only have so much space and theres like 6 sizes not to mention 2 colors so that's like 48 piles... go get RC
We both agree it would be faster if we can just scan each one in individually (like we've done in the past....) but we go to call the manager... who went home an hour ago 😑
We figured out a system kinda... but I dont have faith that customers wont fuck it up and I KNOW NewLady (who called off) will have a fucking FIT with us me fucking up her shit and it's like first of all blame the manager and second of all, inventory fucks everything up for everyone, welcome to hell.
And that was only one brand of jeans... I didn't even try with the others and the mens pants basically ALL have fucked up skus like Gray Pant #5 small is one and Gray Pant #5 medium is another ect AND it's super fucking fun when you get to these two store brand pants that look kinda similar but are clearly marked as Pant Type A and Pant Type B, and she just... puts them together like they're the same shit. Idk if she can't see and won't admit it or what but it's like whatever the issue theres help for that... or you could just go back to retirement if your eyes give you that much trouble with your job (if I could retire I sure as hell wouldnt be working retail for funsies. Especially when she has beef with everyone)
ANYWAY inventory should be fun.... 😑
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dsmroleplay · 3 years
#DetoxHorrors #DSM #SPN Part One
Written by @TridentHunting & @bigbadethan 
Sienna: -The bar was a little warm from all the bodies crammed together in the small space so she ordered a glass of tea. Putting one foot under her and grabbed a scrunchy gathering up her long blonde hair and putting it up in a bun. Catching a headline on one of the news outlet’s she’d marked. The headline read “Recovering Addict Goes Missing.” and while it didn’t scream at her as supernatural she was compelled to read on. Wallas Wren and Brent Hayslip had both been at the brand new facility for Church of Christ starting their lives over when Wallas went missing as the two had been out exploring the area. Brent was being held without bail under suspicion of murder. His pastor Jack Reeves had stood up for him but no one was listening. Reeves believes that something was out there with them. “I’ve known Brent all his life and while he has had addiction problems he’s always been open and honest. He’s /scared/ and believes someone grabbed Wallas." The running theory was that the two had slipped off from everyone to get a little high struggling with coming down off their vices.
Local police found a bloody shoe that facility counselor Mark Hamby confirmed was one of Wallas’ shoes. Local Sheriff "Longmire” said that is office was working around the clock to find Wallas and that blood tests were being done on the evidence as well as on Brent to see if he’d ingested anything that might explain his claims of seeing dark shadows. Local doctor Randy Callowhand had weighed in that with addiction issues these men had hallucinations were totally plausible and sometimes a side effect of the medications used to help bring them off the substances they abused. Scrolling down she’d read through the comments from the public on the article. It wasn’t to kind. “Two addicts, who cares.” and so on even some theories they’d been messing with “bathsalts” and Brent had killed Wallus in his high. Si sipped her water Tapping her pen to her lips she laid it down and looked up Leesburg Idaho. The first pictures to come up were of a retro picture of miners. Reading on “Gold was discovered at Leesburg, Idaho in 1866 by a party of men led by F.B. Sharkey. The town took its name from Confederate General Robert E. Lee. As with much of the territories of Idaho and Montana, Leesburg contained many Confederate sympathizers.
Supporters of the Union started the settlement of Grantsville directly adjacent to the camp, but eventually the larger community came to be known as just Leesburg." Reading on she saw the actual mining site had been vacated and was secluded. The Church of Christ had bought the property and turned it into a new addiction get away center for long term addicts. It had only been open about six months when Wallus disappeared. Looking at the history of the place, there could be a lot things to grab Wallas out there including wild animals but it was a perfect breeding ground for a Wendigo as well. She’d have to see if she could round up a hunting partner for this excursion so she saved the information. to her computer and forwarded it to several hunters emails. Now she’d prepare while waiting for a partner.-
Ethan: -Ethan walked around the stark home that looked out to the ocean. It’s always the oceans and seas that comfort him. Maybe it’s the sound of the waves or the vastness of it all. On the surface, the sea is calm and peaceful but he knows in its depths there is turmoil and chaos. He laughs, not a happy laugh, but the irony doesn’t escape him. Setting down the empty glass that once held bourbon, he then walks over to his office and takes a seat. The smell of leather hitting his nostrils like an old friend. Hitting the tab for emails, he takes his time and sifts through them. One, in particular, catches his eye. The name instantly brings a smile to his lips, his hand running down his beard as he reads it. Not once. Not twice, but three times. Typing out a reply for the email, he answers simply. <You need me, I’ll always be there. Send me the coordinates and I’ll be there in the morning.> He hits send then sits back in his chair. Yes, calm and peaceful on the outside, turmoil and chaos on the inside.-
Sienna: -She was rereading the article just to see if anything stuck out when an email notification popped up on her computer screen. Clicking on it her eyes widened, it was E. She read his reply, how long had it been since she’d seen him? Years she was sure. They’d kept a wide birth, especially on her end. There was a time she couldn’t even be in the same room with him. God she hated Colt because of E. Colt was a hard reminder of things. But like all things pain fades, she still didn’t like how Colt was but she’d seen him suffer on more than a few occasions so even her hatred towards him had dwindled. Hell she worked for Blackwater. Typing back.- “I appreciate that mister if you have time. But don’t put yourself out on my account. 45°13′26″N 114°6′50″W . It’s good to hear from you either way. Hope you’re doing good. -Si
Ethan: -The sound of email notifications brought him out of his daydreaming. He read the email, but didn’t reply this time. He did however memorize the coordinates then shut off his computer. He was going, that’s all there was to it. Maybe, she didn’t expect he’d answer her first email. Hell, it caught him off guard too. Rising from the leather chair, he goes to his vault. The scanner there scanning his eye and the prints on his hand. Was it too much, maybe but the time he spent with the SEALS taught him many lessons and preparation was key. The heavy titanium door swung open and Ethan walks inside. Oh, the weapons cache he has would give the staunchiest hardcore terrorist or service man a hard-on. Grabbing his old duffel bag, he begins to load it with what he thinks he might need, and maybe a few toys just for a little fun. He just hopes Sienna will be happy to see him.-
Sienna: -From lack of response she figured he’d thought better of it. What made her reach out who knew. She wasn’t to far out from Leesburg and she wasn’t going to get any sleep anyway so she grabbed a hamburger to go and got back into her truck. Maybe she just needed to know he was okay and that was enough for her. Turning up the stereo she pulled out of the parking lot and got on the freeway setting the cruise control.-
Ethan: -Bag packed, Ethan stands out on the balcony, watching the sun go down. The yellow and oranges streaking the sky in brilliant hues. He’s in no rush, he knows he can be where she asked him to be in the blink of an eye. He’s nervous. He tries to shake it off, but he can’t. He didn’t like the way things ended the last time he saw Si. Maybe she can forgive him and they can start again. Clean and fresh. Maybe it’s just a pipe dream but he truly wants to. The thought brings a sincere smile.-
Sienna: -She'd managed a few hours of shut eye in the backseat of the truck. Rubbing eyes she sat up and looked around before opening the truck door and getting out to stretch. Pulling on a camo long sleeve over the white tank top she strapped a gun holster to leg and grabbed her jacket slipping it on. Grabbing her backpack putting it on and then shouldering the AR-15 she pulled the GPS from the front console and put on her hat. Normally she would not hunt alone but she wasn't even sure if this was a legit hunt so she'd scout first. Running through a list of possibilities as she checked the GPS. Once she got it up and going she put a sat phone in the left pocket of the BDU's she was wearing and took off in the direction that lead to the mine.-
Ethan: -Ethan stands just inside the mines entrance. He hadn’t gone in, he was waiting for Si. This is her case, he’s just there to have her back. Okay, maybe that’s not the only reason, but it’s all he can handle until she either a) shoots him or b) she gives him a hug and a smile putting him at ease. He prays, literally for the later. Hearing her approach, he steps out of the shadows and waits for her reaction.-
Sienna: -Looking round to see if anything stood out but nothing had so far but as she came on up around the trail she smelt a cologne that only one person wore that she knew. It stood out from the pine tree scent, swallowing hard she came rounded a tree and there he stood. She had to to catch her breath and it had nothing to do with the elevation.- I'd ask if your lost but since I sent you the coordinates I know you're not... -She couldn't but help but smile and walk over to give him a hug fighting tears. They'd been friends along time and she couldn't help but just be thankful to see him again.- You big asshole, I think I should shoot you just because.
Ethan: -When he saw her, he couldn’t help but to walk towards her, his arms wrapping around her small frame. He is a giant next to her. When she pulled away from the hug, he instantly felt a loss.- I can live with asshole, but I can’t live with you wasting ammo. -With a shrug, he turns towards the dark mine entrance.- What are you thinking? Ghost of a pissed-off miner? Demon? Please don’t say windigo. Those things are butt ugly
Sienna: The angel makes jokes now, I like it. -smiles- It can wait, look at me. How are you? And it's not a waste of ammo if it makes me feel better.
Ethan: Jokes and sarcasm are part of my charming personality. -He gives a light shrug, pondering her question.- I’m okay. Hanging in there. Doing the angel thing. I try and keep busy. How about you? You look great. -big smile and an innocent wink-
Sienna: -Hands-on hips she rolls her eyes.- Okay charming, I'm gonna shoot soon. -Laughs- It's good to see you, I hope you stick around. So... I had thought to scout the mine before night hits but what do you think? Might be better to check the area around for anything out of place... only thing is they had a bunch of rangers, sheriff's and search parties up in here if there was any clues they probably disturbed it.
Ethan: That is a big 10/4 on the destruction of any clues. Let’s just go in and see what we find. -E stops and cants his head just slightly and inhales deeply.- I...can smell it.
Sienna: My own extra-large blood hound. -Teasing smile.- Well can you tell what it is by the smell?
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