#ive been praying that god gives us the strength to deal with NewLady AND that she behaves bc that woman would pick a fight with the mirror
bunnyb34r · 5 months
Walked into work and aaaaaall the clothing tables were plastic wrapped so that you couldnt get into the boxes beneath the tables bc they counted those for inventory and we all were like "I LIKE IT, we should keep it this way."
So that was fun, but I also nearly had an aneurysm at work bc the manager had told me to count the men's jeans but put them so each sku number is separate. Say okay I'll do it when I finish recovering my table (since no one else will and I only had the Sharter's and the horrible store brand baby sets that make me wanna scream)
So I start sorting the jeans and I'm scanning the 32s and huh there's 2 skus for this color... okay start sorting them... then I'm like okay well do I leave it dark to light like she has them (which is wrong) or do I just do the 32's skus in piles then the 34's? Go ask RC. She says leave the colors. Okay back to sorting... there's some sizes with 4 skus, I only have so much space and theres like 6 sizes not to mention 2 colors so that's like 48 piles... go get RC
We both agree it would be faster if we can just scan each one in individually (like we've done in the past....) but we go to call the manager... who went home an hour ago 😑
We figured out a system kinda... but I dont have faith that customers wont fuck it up and I KNOW NewLady (who called off) will have a fucking FIT with us me fucking up her shit and it's like first of all blame the manager and second of all, inventory fucks everything up for everyone, welcome to hell.
And that was only one brand of jeans... I didn't even try with the others and the mens pants basically ALL have fucked up skus like Gray Pant #5 small is one and Gray Pant #5 medium is another ect AND it's super fucking fun when you get to these two store brand pants that look kinda similar but are clearly marked as Pant Type A and Pant Type B, and she just... puts them together like they're the same shit. Idk if she can't see and won't admit it or what but it's like whatever the issue theres help for that... or you could just go back to retirement if your eyes give you that much trouble with your job (if I could retire I sure as hell wouldnt be working retail for funsies. Especially when she has beef with everyone)
ANYWAY inventory should be fun.... 😑
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