#anyway i hope fullkawa wont use English in his lyrics anymore
altamugs · 3 years
Hi! I'm just venting feelings, it's okay if you think this is dumb. I've been listening to Fullkawa for a few years, but since I speak Japanese I didn't check the lyrics for *all* of his songs, and I never understood his english lyrics because of his accent. But a few days ago spotify uploaded his lyrics and I realized, "Lifetime Soundtrack" has such... weird lyrics. "We pretends you to escort a motel and molests you." Surely it made you uncomfortable too, right?
[continued] I couldn't think of a single way to justify writing this  without rape culture... usually I'm a 0-tolerance kind of person but  Fullkawa's songs have already became the comfort space for me :( I don't  know what to think. Please tell me your thoughts even if it's that I'm  being too sensitive and judgy.
No, I absolutely don't think you're being sensitive and judgy because that particular line makes me really uncomfortable, too. Luckily (should I say so) I don't find this song particularly good, so I don't have to listen to it too often. With that said, I don't associate it with rape culture or anything. As a language learner, I know how hard it is to grasp the nuances of a foreign language when you’re not very good at it. I think Fullkawa just... didn't understand the true meaning of "molest" when he wrote the lyrics. I just looked up the word “molest” in a Japanese dictionary, and sure, the first definition is to hurt / to harm someone intentionally, so Fullkawa really ought to have thought “This is not good, I have to find something else”. But in his defence, the second meaning is to “conduct (sexual) mischief”. Since I’m not a native speaker of both Japanese and English, I can’t say it for sure, but to me, both “mischief” in English and “いたずら" in Japanese have a playful tone to them, and therefore I don’t normally associate them with criminal intention or truly heinous deeds. I look at them and I think “yeah, that’s a child doing something stupid for attention.” I’m sure Fullkawa aimed for something playful here, but it doesn’t work out at all and it’s just downright creepy and disgusting. 
Anyway, regardless of the reason why he wrote it, nothing can invalidate your feelings towards the song. You should avoid it if it makes you uncomfortable. I do that too. I just don’t go as far as rejecting all of his other works. I don’t know him personally, so I can’t vehemently insist that Fullkawa is not a problematic person. I just think it’s more probable that he made an honest mistake and leave it at that. I hope I’m not being overly biased :D
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