#if he must write his lyrics in English then I hope his staff is there to give him advice
altamugs · 3 years
Hi! I'm just venting feelings, it's okay if you think this is dumb. I've been listening to Fullkawa for a few years, but since I speak Japanese I didn't check the lyrics for *all* of his songs, and I never understood his english lyrics because of his accent. But a few days ago spotify uploaded his lyrics and I realized, "Lifetime Soundtrack" has such... weird lyrics. "We pretends you to escort a motel and molests you." Surely it made you uncomfortable too, right?
[continued] I couldn't think of a single way to justify writing this  without rape culture... usually I'm a 0-tolerance kind of person but  Fullkawa's songs have already became the comfort space for me :( I don't  know what to think. Please tell me your thoughts even if it's that I'm  being too sensitive and judgy.
No, I absolutely don't think you're being sensitive and judgy because that particular line makes me really uncomfortable, too. Luckily (should I say so) I don't find this song particularly good, so I don't have to listen to it too often. With that said, I don't associate it with rape culture or anything. As a language learner, I know how hard it is to grasp the nuances of a foreign language when you’re not very good at it. I think Fullkawa just... didn't understand the true meaning of "molest" when he wrote the lyrics. I just looked up the word “molest” in a Japanese dictionary, and sure, the first definition is to hurt / to harm someone intentionally, so Fullkawa really ought to have thought “This is not good, I have to find something else”. But in his defence, the second meaning is to “conduct (sexual) mischief”. Since I’m not a native speaker of both Japanese and English, I can’t say it for sure, but to me, both “mischief” in English and “いたずら" in Japanese have a playful tone to them, and therefore I don’t normally associate them with criminal intention or truly heinous deeds. I look at them and I think “yeah, that’s a child doing something stupid for attention.” I’m sure Fullkawa aimed for something playful here, but it doesn’t work out at all and it’s just downright creepy and disgusting. 
Anyway, regardless of the reason why he wrote it, nothing can invalidate your feelings towards the song. You should avoid it if it makes you uncomfortable. I do that too. I just don’t go as far as rejecting all of his other works. I don’t know him personally, so I can’t vehemently insist that Fullkawa is not a problematic person. I just think it’s more probable that he made an honest mistake and leave it at that. I hope I’m not being overly biased :D
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anonymous-swiftie · 4 years
If you are on twitter, please retweet this:
Dear #Swifties,
I'm new on tumblr, and I really don't know how to use it.
I know you are the best supporters of the music industry and I'm here to ask your help.
I'm fighting with a crippling depression, that due this covid situation just got worse.
I'm at my lowest, I truly don't know if I will make it through this time.
I always dreamed to talk to Taylor, since I was a teenager. She is the only one that make me feel like I do fit in this world.
I've created this account because I know she is very active here, and I'm trying to reach her with this part of my story.
You can read everything below.
I didn't write any personal information because I don't want this to be seen by my family or somebody that can recognise me.
I don't want upset anyone.
I know that everyone hope to meet or chat with her, and so you are probably wondering why you have to share this here.
You're totally right, maybe it's a stupid idea to ask you this, but I haven't anything left in my pocket to fight this situation, and you're my only hope right now.
Thank you.
#taylor #swift
Dear Taylor,
I keep writing and deleting this, over and over again.
I feel so dumb to write my personal story here, but this truly is my last chance to feel better and try to overcome this giant monster called depression.
I genuinly don't know if I can make it through this year. It's the worst period of my entire life and i don't even know if it's worth living this hell anymore.
I know you have millions of supporters (that probably write you every single day, and they are all better fans than I am, that's for sure) but I know that you proved, time after time, to be so down to earth and to use your time to read your fans messages.. so, in this moment, I'm just trying to share a part of my story with you.
You are the one that make feel understood, since I was like 13teen.
I'm so sorry if my English isn't very good but I'll do my best.
I'm not very active on social media , because I'm very shy when I have to talk about myself.. but If this could work, I must do it.
I will try to send a letter, If I can find the strength to mark this feeling on paper.
I'll try now to resume, because I don't want to bother you too much.
This has been a crazy year so far, and the all the time I spent by myself during the lockdown didn't help at all.
This situation brought me back to childhood.
I spent a lot of my days back and forth in hospitals, due to my allergies.
I had to wear a mask all the time I wanted to go outside to avoid severe allergic reaction (that's why this Covid thing awakened some hurting memories)
I didn't have real friends back then, 'cause I've spent most of the summers at home, watching other kids playing around, from my window, or from the windows of my classroom.
It was so hard to make new friends, because the only thing that other kids saw was my mask.
I was the masked kid.
I was the strange kid.
I couldn't play with them.
Everytime I tried to play with them, the only thing I heard was "oh you are ill , I don't wanna be like you so stay away".
This situation made me start to write things in my personal diary.
I wrote small sentences, as a kid, and that was the only thing I could do alone inside an empty classroom during all summer.
This situation continued  for many years.
I wasn't the cool kid before, I wasn't the cool guy after.
The only things that let me enjoy those days were writing and listening to your songs.
I started to listen to your music thanks to my English teacher. She was a fan of folk and country music and she gave me a pic in which you were singing near a lake (I still have that photo somewhere, I strongly remember the white banner with your name written in red on it) and told me to listen to the cd she gave me that day.
I immediately fell in love (I think I still have a crush on you, I'm sorry).
I loved your album. I loved your voice. I loved the lyrics.
I remember having a "test" in school: each one of the class had to write their favourite lyrics and let the others guess the song.
If the someone guessed It, We could play the cd.
I chose Love Story and I translated it in Italian.
The class guessed the song, and I played it.
After the lunch break I went back to my desk and I saw some bullies that were breaking my cd-album and they started to laugh at me because I loved your music an I loved writing poems.
I was a boy so I was a loser because I enjoyed those things.
That felt terrible, but I continued to love your songs even more .
Those were my inspiration to write and to study english.
I felt so good when I listened to your album and this still happens.
Then I went to a private high-school.
Nothing changed, I still was the nerd guy that always got good grades and I have to say that the first year was quite good, but the second year was the start of the apocalypse.
I choose that school because two girls that I knew from childhood went there.
One of the cool new guys started to spread a fake "news" about me.
He said to everyone that I was the boyfriend of one of the two girls that I mentioned before.
So he was the cool guy and one of the girls believed him and told me to f*** myself.
The other girl was her best friend, so you could imagine by what happened next.
After 14 year spent together, I was nobody.
I didn't have "friends" in that class anymore.
I didn't say hello to anybody for 4 years, and nobody would say anything to me.
Nobody to talked with me.
That's great when you're a teenager.
I hated to wake up every morning.
I had an eating disorder, I lost like 22pounds in less than a month. Got hospitalized twice. I kept vomiting for 3 years, every single morning before school.
During that time I only talked with one of my cousins, who lived like 2 hours by car from me.
He was older than me but he always tried to help.
He knew that I loved to write poems so he started to give me guitar lessons.
I made it through a lot of things thanks to him.
I'm sorry, It's hard for me to write this part of the story.
I still get emotional when I think about this.
On the 10TH of December 2013 (some days after his birthday) we received a phone call from his mother: She warned us that he didn't return home after the last working shift.
I wrote a message to him like 3 hours prior to that phone call.
Never had the opportunity to get a reply again.
This year is the seventh year that he is missing.
That destroyed me.
I felt empty.
I felt like nothing couldn't help me.
I still feel that everytime I care about someone in my life, it will disappear someday.
This have happened several other times.
You know when ignorants say that men don't cry, is real bullshit. Men cry. I cried a lot.
I wrote so many poems , lyrics, thoughts in that period of time, that I destroyed my hands.
That was the only way to close my eyes and let me reach another reality because the real one was way too much for me.
Be a sensible man in this world is somehow a curse.
All these things made me afraid  even to hug someone 'cause I feel I'm too ugly or just to scared to be refused.
I will stop here my story, but there's so much more to tell.
I make it through all of these things and memories because I keep dreaming that one day I could meet you and we could talk together.
Dreaming about the fact I could spend a day with you made me find the power to battle my depression.
I'm 25 now and this year I'm not dreaming anymore.
I was going to start again university, I wanted to get a degree in marketing and have the chance to live in the us.
For years I believed that I would make it and hopefully be part of your marketing team.
I'm so stupid. All these years I kept dreaming to avoid pain.
I wanted to pursue my passion and continue to write lyrics but all I was doing was putting myself in unrealistic realities.
This covid situation made everything clear.
When everyone had someone to facetime (or video call) I was alone.
When everyone had someone asking them "how are you?" I only had myself looking in the mirror saying: "Will I ever feel better?"
I've never been the one for anybody, and I think I'll never be.
I won't be the one among all your fans to realize his dream.
Nobody likes me, and I'm exposing myself once again just because I want the opportunity to smile at something that could happen to me.
I'm tired to smile only for others best moments.
I've always seen the sun through a window.
I want to feel happy.
I want to burn my face with the sun.
I'm so sick of hiding my pain,
sick to cry when I'm alone in my car before going to work,
sick to let my eyes rain on my pillow every night.
I'm sick to say to my mother that I'm fine, just because I don't want to make her feel bad.
It's not her fault.
She is battling with a degenerative autoimmune disease, why I should put other weight on her shoulders?
I didn't give up to my weakness before because I don't want to hurt her.
I always say to her that soon she will feel better, that's why your song It's stuck in my head.
But when she won't be here anymore, how I can go through all of that?
I don't even know if will ever get better for me.
Will this pain ever stop?
Sometimes it's so hard to live and so easy to die.
Hope that my dream to spend some time with you can become true.
Thank you for everything, you gave me the strength to go on for many years.. But this time is so hard to put on my armor and continue this battle.
But is this even worth if thy I try to surround myself with people and I always feel lonely?
@taylorswift @taylornation @jackleopards-thedolphinclub
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nctinfo · 4 years
[TRANS] WayV’s interview with ELLE Korea May 2020 issue!
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— Kun
A suffering leader, everyone's Kun —  With a meticulous personality. The pros and cons would be: I think I am the leader thanks to my sense of responsibility and delicacy. [But] when there is too much to take care of, it is a bit cumbersome. There’s no member who gives me a hard time because they all pick on me one by one (laughs). If I had to introduce my hometown, Fujian Province, it's a quiet city with clean air and few people. Many people come to visit because the mountains and the lakes are beautiful. When I think about nature, I start missing my hometown. At school, I was the head of the student council's entertainment department. I might look like a serious person since the members are so active and mischievous, but I'm also a fun person. Times when I feel like we’re one team are when you know what the others are thinking just by the look in their eyes and, when we dance and the movements are 'synchronised'. WayV to me is the comfort of being able to share everything with each other. All the members worry a lot about music so a lot of ideas come out every time we hear new music. It is certainly an advantage that all seven have a lot of desire. I have a bright young voice, but my desire as a vocalist is to have a thicker and more mature voice these days. Wouldn't it suit dance songs that match our [team's] style more than ballads. I graduated in Practical Music. If there is a song I want to arrange: I'm still trying to look for my style while listening to various songs. I want to challenge not only the arrangement but also the composition. I am a good cook. The dishes I recently made for the members are the dishes that I learned from the main chef of the company while I practiced them [on the members]. The menu with the biggest reaction recently was DongPo Pork. When I can't sleep, I deliberately watch low-rated movies and these days, I watch a four-hour-long landscape video shot from a train driver's perspective. It makes me fall asleep really fast (laughs). The most memorable stage after debuting was as expected, MAMA 2019. When I was giving the award speech, my hand that was holding the microphone was shaking and it was all captured [on camera]. What I want to say to myself in hard times is to be confident! The moment you lose your confidence, everything becomes more difficult. The mindset I don't want to lose is to be grateful. Everything I do right now is impossible to do by myself. This is the most important. To Winwin: who has known me the longest among the members! I hope you always take on challenges with courage because I will always be there beside you to support you. Also, all the members know that you are cute.  
— Lucas
Healthy energy, hot Lucas — Between a boy and a man, I feel closer to 100% boy! I don't think I feel mature enough. [Maybe I’m just like] a baby who wants to be a man (laughs). The most impressive man to me is a responsible person. And also, a man who gives everything to his loved ones. Having an attractive rapping sound because of a low and husky voice. My desire to sing is big! I want to sing a sad song. I've heard from people around me that a calm song suits my voice. Like the calm songs of Paul Kim I normally listen to too. My favorite song is "Take Off, The killing point is the dance break, with the powerful guitar riff. Emotion is what is the most important on stage. I believe each song has its own soul, and it is important to immerse yourself. My role in the team is positive energy. Although always looking bright, surprisingly, I have a lot of thoughts. Yesterday too, I had a lot of thoughts before going to bed, so it took me a while to fall asleep. Not long ago, Kun hyung played me a song he had composed and so many ideas came up so I wrote them down and sent it to him. WayV to me is a friendship that feels really deep even though it’s been only a year since I made a debut with the people I love so much. So much that when we come back from a schedule, as we laugh and talk together, the stress will suddenly be gone. The most important thing in a team is to have sincere conversations with each other to understand each other's differences. Only then can we get along well because of the wider understanding. Having appeared in a number of familiar variety shows like the Chinese version of <Running Man> <Let's Run Season 3> I like that I can go to various places the most. It's also a special opportunity to meet people with other jobs and not only artists. I think I'm often called/casted [for these shows] because of my sincere youthful reactions. The mindset I don't want to lose is the promise I made when I debuted to be a good influence on people. That's what I always keep in mind. I want to be a person who always gives positive influence to people, family, and fans around me. To Yangyang: who I know is really smart, you're still a cute little brother to me (laughs)
— Winwin A quiet presence, Winwin — In the reality show <Dream Plan>, mingling well with the elders in the village was impressive. Special trick behind it was thanking them for looking out for me! Since they were all kind natured, I guess treating them with sincerity looked good. When Lucas and I visited their home, we got served a meal and received a warm welcome. A performance video of Ten and I has been released. As a dancer, Ten is a member whose strength is being versatile. He helps the members at dance practices a lot. I’ve learned dancing in a special dance school. At the time I was the shortest and least talkative kid until I grew taller in high school. I’ve spent most of the time practicing alone. Chinese dance is similar to modern dance mixed with ballet. Learning the choreography is fast and it’s an advantage to be skillful in tumbling. I would like to properly showcase a modern dance at a concert someday. When I’m on the stage what I care about the most is my gestures and facial expression. During ‘Take Off’ promotions, the gestures and facial expressions I did during my part varied from stage to stage. I hear that I’m ‘pure’ a lot. A new charm that I want to have: our fans call me ‘Baby Chick’. I want to showcase more of an ‘eagle’ image, so I cut my hair short. Isn’t it similar to Park Saeroy (laugh). Something that makes me angry, although I normally have a good temper is being unsatisfied with stage performance to the point I can’t sleep on that day. But it’s okay to just take a nap. I just need to do better. The most memorable moment in WayV promotions was receiving the Best New Asian Artist Award at the MAMAs, it was the first time we’ve gotten an award together so I was very happy. The reason why I went to Beijing on my own as a middle school student seems to be fate. I passed my exams without much determination, left my hometown and went to school in Beijing where I was noticed and then debuted. Coincidence became fate. To me WayV is a path that we’re talking together, a team with a lot of growth potential. I’d like it if the younger members came to me whenever they need someone. I feel our fans love and support the most when: I’m always amazed and grateful for our fans hearts. All of the people who always look out for us even when we’re not promoting any albums and who support us are an immense source of strength. Success to me is when more people get to know us and we get to perform in many different countries. I want to think about my personal success after my team’s success. To Kun: when members want advice, we reach out to Kun first before our families. He knows a lot, can do a lot, and is a person we can depend on.  
 — Ten
Ten who is curious about what's next rather than what’s now — The secret to adapting well everywhere is attending an international school. I had friends of various nationalities and I also traveled a lot. Wherever I went, I went to see the common [places] first. Learning an unfamiliar culture is fun. I’m learning Thai, English, Korean, Japanese and now working hard at learning Chinese. I memorize expressions that I can use while watching Chinese variety shows and dramas. Although it's still difficult to read the buzzwords and hanja. The most important thing as a performer, and what makes you an outstanding dancer, is to have your own style while not being trapped by masculinity and femininity. I am different now from a few years ago and I'm trying to challenge myself by being flexible in various aspects. What I've learned since debut is, in the case of WayV, that when you work with various genres the main concern is the vocal style and with SuperM, I learned about the importance of performance through the activities [we did]. 'It's important to dance well, but you must also have your own [style]', 'think about what you want to express in front of the camera, but you must be faithful to your feelings on every stage in order to develop [yourself]' is the advice I received from the Hyungs (Baekhyun, Kai, Taemin). For the dance video that I did together with Winwin, the concept, music, settings, and outfits were all decided by us together without the company's advice. I came to realize the difficulties of being a staff member (laughs). I can [now] see the wider picture and more details. I like poetry too. I think poetry expresses emotions. It helps me  understand the world and the society as a person and not as an artist. The lyrics of my 2nd solo song 'New Heroes' feel like an autobiography. If 'Dream in a Dream' was all about the performance then 'New Heroes' is a song about the time spent committing [to something] and I thought anyone can sympathize with that. The [original] lyrics were so great that I asked them not to change it and to just go with it. I want to write lyrics myself someday. The kind of person I want to be is [someone who] always tries to go with the flow as I think that making plans and setting expectations can make it more difficult on yourself. I hope I could be a person who can leave a good impact on others. WayV to me is just like a family who always does everything together and takes care of each other asking ‘have you already eaten?’. Everyone has an open mind to try and accept new challenges. During the 'Moonwalk' promotion period, I was kinda surprised how well we got along. Having received recognition for my skills since debut. The times when the expectations are high are: Art and languages too are ever-evolving disciplines, so it's not easy to keep up. Nevertheless, there are self-expectations and anticipations to show a new side of myself. I will work hard (laughs). I still play Pokemon Go and I'm waiting for the June update. I will catch a lot of new Pokemon again! To Xiaojun: with whom I saw Harry Potter together yesterday! Let's make an appearance in Harry Potter when there is a reboot.
— Hendery
Flexible midfielder, Hendery — Something I’ve gotten into recently is practicing playing drums. Kun hyung is cooking a lot lately so I’ve been reviewing the food too. The other day he made kimchi jjigae so good that it even got an approval from manager hyung. My favourite track is ‘Take Off’. We filmed the music video in Ukraine and spent loads of happy times together, so I feel happier whenever I listen to it. Something I’ve improved on since debut is that recording songs takes less time. When I hear a member of staff say ‘Is this really Hendery’s voice?’ I feel proud of myself. The charm of my vocal is: I’m still looking for it, but I feel like my rap sounds nice when I spice it up with a little melody. Good at giving advice to our members. A tip to giving good advice is: it’s important to have helping and not making decisions in mind. Talk about both bad and good points about the A and B. The secret to always looking like I’m at peace is my parents always telling me ‘Your happiness is the most important. You always have a home to come back to, so work as much as you can enjoy’, thanks to them I grew up as someone with little stress or worries. Mindset that I don’t want to lose is the excitement before going on stage. I think the most important thing for an artist is their greed for performing. When I get on stage the most important is interacting with fans. The most memorable stage was our Korean debut on <Show! Champion>. I couldn’t believe we’re performing Chinese songs in Korea. I was so overwhelmed to see our fans welcoming us so enthusiastically even though they didn’t understand what we were saying. I opened an instagram account recently. My posting plan is ‘This is where I am‘ ‘I am filming today’. I want to showcase my daily self. I hope our fans can smile for a brief moment when they see the pics I had the most fun taking. To me WayV is: I feel empty when I go away to see my family for a little. Every time that happens I facetime them to relieve the sadness. Lucas is the member who picks up the most (laugh). To Lucas: No matter how busy we get, even if we become grandpas, I’ll always be by your side. It’s something I want to say to all of the members, but Lucas is a friend I'm especially attached to so I really wanted to say this. 
— Yangyang
Infinite potential, bold maknae Yangyang — I speak Chinese, German, English Korean and Spanish. Great language skills are useful when you travel. Whenever I talk with friends of various nationalities, I think it's fortunate that I can speak many languages. In our team alone, it's full [with people who speak] Chinese, Thai, English, and Korean (laughs). My role in the team is being the happy virus! Although of course, the hyungs think I'm a maknae that requires a lot of energy from them. WayV to me is a high tension team that can deliver strong and positive energy. If someone shows a slight sign of exhaustion, we immediately stick together and somehow infect each other with energy. I think that such energy is conveyed to fans on stage. If I have learned anything from living together with the members [it would be] the habit I have developed to control my greed and to care for others. I'm used to looking at the other's feelings now before doing something. My favorite song is ‘King of Hearts’, because I participated in writing the lyrics. I also love 'Love Talk' from the 2nd mini album. It is a charming song that is sweet and sexy but has a way to make your body move. My ambition as a rapper is the flow. Because I think this is the aspect that determines the impression of a song from the listener's point of view. I want to be a multi-talented person who is good at not only rapping but also dancing, singing, and writing lyrics. I've always had a lot of ambition. The attractive part of writing lyrics is that I can tell my story, since from a long time ago, I wrote lyrics little by little and it's always fun work. I want to steadily keep doing it. I like Virgil Ablo and Demna Gvasalia, and the fashion icon who caught my eye these days is Mike Amirie. I am drawn to people who have a simple yet clear style. The same goes for musicians. I like people who have a clear style like Travis Scott and A$AP Rocky. I’ve said 'I like who I am' before. Instances when I am especially like myself is when I'm confident. When I have confidence and want to show off, I can show much more than my actual skills. I use SNS to check on NBA and fashion news. I see the news on sneakers I'm looking forward to fast. Surprisingly, I don't look up anything about me [but] when a stage or performance is over I do look up the reactions. Most of them are good, so every time I read, I get energized. To Hendery: hyung, you seem to really get into gaming, but don't try too hard (laughs). 
— Xiaojun
Warm voice, Xiaojun — Something I’m into these days is practicing the songs that will be included in the next album that we are preparing for. Before debuting, I only sang my favorite ballad song, but nowadays, I want to sing songs of other genres such as R&B. I've been uploading videos of me singing on my personal Instagram. My favorite song is ‘Face to Face’. My heart warms up every time I hear it. I really like the lyrics ‘You won’t be lonely because I’ll be your strength, I won’t let you cope with your wounds alone in silence’. The keywords that describe me are kind. Friendly. Positive. I often say ‘I wish my songs were healing different people’. The way I heal myself is: my heart calms down when I look at pictures with many memories sealed in them. I take a lot of pictures of the scenery and especially when I look at the pictures of my hometown in Guangdong I feel healed. The reason behind my strong sensitivity is the big influence of my dad who’s a singer and my older brother. Ever since I was little we would often watch movies together. I graduated with a musical major. My greed for musicals is: I’ll surely do it again later. I like starring in musicals but one day I’d like to make my own. A musical piece I’d like to recommend is <Dear Evan Hansen> who won at Tony Awards and Grammys. It’s a warm story about a lonely high school boy suffering from social anxiety disorder, who is working on his trauma and healing from the pain. My way of dealing with stress is quiet time on my own. Just like positive energy, negative energy is easily spread to others, so I’d rather be alone. A memory I really want to make is a trip, I promised to go on before debuting, with the members. The destination is still undecided. The kind of team member I want to be is a silent supporter. It would be nice if I can be 'my people/dearest' to others. Something I want to do this year is to have an event for the fans. I like to surprise friends or throw surprise birthday parties. I think fans will love it if we would do a guerilla performance. I told you here so I have to throw [that idea] away and I will prepare something else (laughs). To Ten: You are one of the 'Hyung-line', and you Korean is the best so there are many times you have to lead us. Don't carry everything on your own and sometimes lean on us! The same goes for Kun hyung.
t/n: Due to the structure of this interview there might be inaccuracies as many things only made sense in Korean but sounded kinda awkward in English (more so compared to other translations we did). We tried our best to convey what they meant, but please keep this in mind when reading this interview.
Translation: Alex, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ELLE Korea Scans — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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fyexo · 5 years
191115 Meet SuperM, the Team of K-Pop Superstars That Became One Big Family
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SuperM has arrived. It’s late afternoon in Los Angeles, and voices can be heard floating through the halls of Capitol Records in L.A., muffled and low. They’re just out of sight, but if the video teasers for the K-pop supergroup’s debut are to be believed, the seven members will turn the corner burning with a smoldering intensity, walking with the confidence of an elite squad of K-pop assassins trained to vaporize the competition with a single look. All have been hand-picked for this mission from some of K-pop’s most successful groups: Taemin from the legendary SHINee, Kai and Baekhyun from the record-breaking EXO, Mark and Taeyong from the massive 21-member group NCT, and Ten and Lucas from NCT’s Chinese subunit WayV. Together, they are an industry team of aces, pairing powerful performance with immense individual skill in dancing, singing, and rapping.
But as they find their seats around a massive marble conference table, they’re more like a bunch of brothers at summer camp. Kai, an often blush-inducing dancer, has pulled the arms of his sweater over his hands to create soft paws and is hiding behind them as he whispers to giggling rapper Lucas. Baekhyun, the group’s leader and stunning vocalist, scrunches his nose in frustration as he struggles to open a water bottle. One by one, each member relaxes into their chairs and widens the gap between their slick onstage personas and their sweeter offstage selves.
Taeyong looks softer than his icy rapper persona as he yawns and stretches, the blinding silver highlight on his cheeks catching the sun as he adjusts the waves of his purple hair. Ten, usually a brooding dancer, is disarmingly friendly. When a part of the conversation strikes him as funny, he looks around the room to find someone else who is laughing and wrinkles his nose at them as if to say, “Isn’t this all so silly?” Mark, the youngest, is usually the excitable little brother of NCT. But as SuperM’s strongest English speaker (he’s actually from Toronto, Canada, originally), he matures into a calm and collected translator and only ages down again when caught in a fit of laughter.
The member with the biggest gap between onstage and off is Taemin, the group’s most senior member in terms of experience, who was selected from one of K-pop’s foundational groups, SHINee, and boasts one of the most successful solo careers in the history of the industry. When performing, Taemin is wickedly villainous, sensual, and sophisticated. In a recent interview, Taeyong went so far as to describe Taemin’s stage presence as “a bit immoral.” But offstage, in this conference room, Taemin’s small frame is almost swallowed up by his chair. He likes to hold water in his cheeks so that they puff out like a fish, and his big, round eyes, which are usually narrowed for effect when he performs, stare blankly from beneath his shiny blonde bob. He is so quiet that he sometimes appears to not be paying attention at all, but then one of the other guys cracks a joke and his entire face lights up.
The group is in high spirits, coming off of an intense October weekend of stateside promotion that included their first official appearance as SuperM, the debut of the music video for their single, “Jopping,” the release of their eponymous debut mini album, and a performance for thousands outside of Capitol’s iconic headquarters in Hollywood. SuperM carries on the legacy of SM, one of K-pop’s oldest and most-revered entertainment agencies. “If you ask me, I’d say what the world now considers K-Pop began with SM Entertainment,” says Taemin, through an interpreter, as Ten nods in agreement. “SM was the very first company to take musical influences from Western culture and incorporate Korean culture into that by rearranging and writing lyrics with our style.” When Taemin finishes, he turns to Kai in embarrassment and says, “I’m too proud of SM, huh?” But Taemin is right; the company created what is considered to be the first modern K-pop idol group, H.O.T., in 1996, and has been a dominant player in the space ever since.
The guys don’t show it, but they are under an immense amount of pressure. SuperM was conceptualized and produced by the founder of SM, Soo Man Lee, and their staff notes that curiosities are piqued, even within the company itself. “I think people are interested in this new attempt because we are not newbies. Each of us are from groups that are already well-established,” says Baekhyun, the eldest. Kai agrees, “We feel obliged to live up to their expectations.” They don’t know it yet, but in a week they will have the no. 1 album in the United States.
Despite looming expectations, the guys seem more delighted by the new arrangement than worried. “I’ve been in SHINee for 10 years, so starting a new team almost felt like getting a different job,” says Taemin. “I was excited; it felt so fresh, like a new start. To be honest, I thought the project was going to get cancelled when I first heard about it, so SuperM has a special place in my heart.” Baekhyun finishes, “Each of us saw it as an opportunity, a new challenge, and that helped…” Taeyong chimes in, “It united us.” “That’s right,” nods Baekhyun, “Now, we feel like we’re a family.”
That bond was formed quickly, over a handful of summer months in 2019. Though they all trained and worked under SM, most members had only ever seen each other in passing, like students in different grades at a large school. Despite this, the synergy between them is almost telepathic. After Baekhyun fails to break the cap on his water bottle, he silently pushes it towards Taeyong, who opens it for him with a twist of his wrist and without a single word. Members often finish each others’ sentences and exchange knowing looks across the table. Whenever Taemin isn’t sure about the meaning of a word in English, he leans over to consult Ten. At one point, Taeyong looks at Mark with pride and reaches out instinctively to stroke the youngest’s ear. This must be fairly normal, because Mark barely reacts.
When they return to Korea after this trip, each member will rejoin their respective group or solo promotions until they come together again as SuperM in November to tour the U.S. and Canada. Kai discloses that Lucas is already exhibiting separation anxiety. “This morning Lucas said to me, ‘Hyung, I wanna move in with you! Can’t we move in together?’” Kai says, using the Korean word for “big brother.” Lucas lets out a wild, guttural giggle as Kai snitches again, “Even Baekhyun said in the car that he would miss us after we all got back from the States!”
For these short two weeks in Los Angeles, they’re living together and having what sounds like the time of their lives. They’ve all taken roles around the house. Baekhyun is known for recalibrating the group dynamic, cracking jokes to lighten the mood. “I’m the reaction, I react to them,” Taemin says cheerily. “Mark and Ten are English teachers,” says Baekhyun, “Taeyong is the cook and dishwasher…” “and alarm!” chimes Taemin. “Taemin is in charge of dieting,” says Kai. Taeyong points to Baekhyun, “And he disrupts dieting,” he says, as they all crack up, “he’s the Diet Destroyer.” Baekhyun shrugs. “We’re the tall ones,” says Kai, pointing to Lucas and himself. “I’m in charge of getting things that are far away,” says Lucas, with a laugh that is almost musical. “He’s the biggest baby,” says Ten, smiling lovingly from the corner. “There are cups and plates placed high on the cupboard...” says Taemin. “And Lucas takes them out for us,” finishes Taeyong.
Like most families, they watch Netflix together. “We like zombies, especially Kai hyung. He likes The Walking Dead,” says Ten. “And Black Mirror,” suggests Mark. Taemin looks up at Ten with doe eyes and says “Stranger Things!” in a small voice, which Ten repeats at a volume everyone can hear. They go swimming in the house’s pool, play mafia and video games, and share meals, Taemin’s favorite. “I love that we eat breakfast together every morning. We wouldn’t do that if we weren’t close. We feel comfortable with each other’s company, it feels natural.” They’ve had everything from Korean meals and Chinese food to pancakes but, usually, they eat cereal. That is, until the diet destroyer gets involved. “We started off with Froot Loops,” says Mark, “and then we searched through the refrigerator and saw strawberry yogurt. Baekhyun was like ‘Alright, we’ve got to put the Froot Loops in the yogurt!’”
Between the seven of them, they speak five languages: English, Korean, Chinese, Thai, and Japanese, so “sometimes communicating gets very confusing,” says Lucas, switching into Korean for the last word, to underscore his point. Still, “we understand each other very well,” assures Mark, “and I feel like that's the true role of K-pop: bringing cultures together.” Ten nods in agreement. He can speak four languages and has remained alert throughout the interview, like a guard dog, leaning in to translate Korean or Chinese to English. “What’s cool is that we’re from different places, so when we talk we get to learn new vocabulary,” Ten notes, as Taemin looks on with cheeks full of water. “Sometimes I even teach them Thai,” he says, beaming proudly. “That’s the best part.” On cue, Taeyong presses his palms together, bows his head, and says the Thai word for “hello.”
SuperM has been focused on breaking into the United States, so many of the members have been learning English from Mark and Ten. Taemin, who is already fluent in Korean and Japanese, says “pronunciation” has been the hardest part. A few days earlier in an Instagram live stream, he playfully pleaded with fans of SHINee, called Shawols, to help him learn the language. When asked about that, Taemin smiles, shrugs his shoulders up to his ears, straightens his arms and splays his hands wide in discomfort, like a scared cat. With perfect pronunciation he says, “I hope to speak English well but...” and then makes a gesture that communicates, “I hope to get better.” Taeyong nods and says in English, “Step-by-step,” while Kai lets out a supportive, “Wow!”
In September, Baekhyun also took to Instagram to announce that he and Lucas were delighted and perplexed by the sound of one word in particular: awkward. The mention of this sets off a domino effect during our interview, as each member tries pronouncing “awkward” themselves. Then Baekhyun introduces a new word: turtle. He points to his mouth, which he has opened comically wide to get the sound just right, “Toooortle!” “The word turtle is so awkward!” summarizes Taeyong. Then they can’t be stopped—their favorite terms are flying back and forth across the table: Pronunciation! Positive energy! Level! Frog! Pioneers! Taeyong slowly sounds out “performances” and then claps for himself when he’s done. Over in the corner, Baekhyun leans back in his chair and crosses his arms matter-of-factly. “Turtle!” he says with confidence, one last time, as Mark bursts out laughing and Taeyong slaps him playfully on the knee.
The room is so warm with joy, so free from ego and pretense, that it’s easy to forget that these seven friends are some of the world’s most celebrated performers. Despite their differences—in age, language, culture, and experience—they function as a single solid, supportive unit, united by one goal.
For almost the entire interview, Mark and Taemin have been playing with two thick silver rings overlaid with heavy crosses. At one point, Taemin experienced a brief panic when Mark’s ring got stuck on his finger. “We got these as a gift from Mr. Soo Man Lee,” Mark says seriously, holding his up in front of his face. Each member’s ring bears a slightly different design, but they all “have ‘Super M’ inscribed on the back.” The accessory feels overtly symbolic: a physical reminder of the heavy expectations that unite them. “This is our Thanos Infinity Gauntlet,” Mark jokes, referencing SuperM’s branding as the “Avengers of K-pop.” As he laughs with Taemin, his face softens and he looks like the group’s little brother again. Then they both pick up their rings and place them back on their fingers, joining the rest of their team.
Source: Elizabeth de Luna
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pupa-cinema · 4 years
Tanabattalion☆Returns Analysis (七夕リアン☆リターンズ考察)
By Sekihan via https://lineblog.me/omedeta/archives/9380720.html. ~~Reading the Lyrics~~ I see. I don’t understand ‘em at all🤔 Let's review them bit by bit then, shall we.    'At my side you were when you said    “Do you know what Chikuwabu is?”    Today marks 2 years of nights we’ve spent together like this    I really hope I’ll be able tell her...' Ah, so it’s a song about a couple. Yeah yeah. “Chikuwabu” is buzzword for ‘Oden noodles’ that only people from Kantou know, so the girl asking the question must be from Kantou. Meaning her boyfriend, the main character, must be from somewhere other than Kantou, yeah that makes sense. It’s like their 2nd year anniversary together then or something like that. Yeah yeah.    'I stub my pinkie toe on the edge of a cabinet    It hurt so much I got sent into shock, I kicked the bucket’ I see. The main character dies.   'I’ve tried to tell you my feelings 100 times before, but still after all this time     I still left them unsaid' So he wanted to tell her something in the intro (on that special day) but... This clutz of a main character went off and died before he could say it. What a clutz. The number of attempts he’s made at telling her this important thing is.. exactly 100 times. He keeps track huh, he’s quite the feminine main character. So his 100th attempt also ended in a failure. Yeah yeah.   'Let me stay with you   Come wake up my cold corpse (body)’ A sudden twist into horror. Even after death he still wants to stick with his girlfriend. He wishes with all his heart: Enough to turn into the walking dead. Kinda like Colin🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️     'I won't die, I can’t die     Because I love you     My 101st confessionI pray it reaches you     The Sanzu River, the galaxy’s rivers of stars     I’ll push through all of them just to see you     Our bond holds even millions of lightyears apart     A couple’s necromance, ah what a dumbbell' Wait this is ‘Monday 9’. So the writer just wanted to reference this, I bet. “I won’t diee. Because I love you.” (✳︎'Monday 9' is the word for the dramas that air at prime time on TV  https://wiki.d-addicts.com/Getsuku_(Fuji_TV), with the show '101st Marriage Proposal' among them. A notorious line from an episode is these exact words… After a character expresses their distress and terror of falling in love, another character runs out into the rain, almost gets hit by a bus, is safe by a hair, then wails them out at his beloved. Seki’s imagination recreated this zombie style.) On the night of Tanabata, do Hikoboshi and Orihime cross the galaxy that divides them. Once a year, this is the only time they can finally see each other. That’s the common conception of the legend of Tanabata. Likewise, the main character of Tanabattalion Returns.. crosses the galaxy’s river of stars, or more like the River of Sanzu, just to see his beloved. It’s truly necromantik. (A deadly romance).  Ah what a dumbbell. (✳︎Dumbbell - Or the true word “baka-chin” is a diss coined by Takeda Tetsuya. In stories he told on his shows, his mother would call him ‘baka-chin’. )    '"I love you so much thatI could just eat you up🤤"     This here zombie’s confession rehearsal' So it’s a joke based on the way Zombies are known for eating humans. That’s actually adorable. It’s not funny but still 🥺 I feel as if I’ve heard of this “Confession Rehearsal” thing before...       'I get dressed up from happy go lucky head to toe and head out      My legs are dragging, will I make it in time…' If you’re gonna see your special someone then you gotta dress up, y’know. The reason it’s “dress up from happy head to toe” is because it's a reference to our band name Happy go Lucky Heads. (✳︎ The word “Dress-up” is “おめかしOmekashi” here. As the word has “Ome” in it just like Omedetai, Seki changes the Ome in the lyrics to be written in the same katakana way as the band name, instead of the standard hiragana spelling. Imitating the way the band Boyz || Men change every “to” in their lyric booklet to be written as “||”. 
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The main character... He died and became a zombie because he stubbed his toe so His ambulation is wonky, he can’t get much speed. Even though he needs to hurry up and reach her before the night of Tanabata ends! He’s in a pickle🥺     'I won't die, I can’t die     Because I love you     My 101st confession     I hope it reaches you     With my rotting brain I     Considered and chose     A bolt nut ring     I hope it will look good on your finger' These lyrics are the same as the first chorus so I omitted some of them. (✳︎Here Seki uses the word “割愛” for “omit”… A word which has “愛(love)” in it. It has “愛” in it because it’s a bit more intense than a mere omission, it more leans towards “Force self to let go of something, even if don’t want to.”Seki's word choice is cute.) I got the idea for the engagement ring from zombies’ heads. A bold nut ring. Ahh. ‘Cause it’s the whole Monday 9 thing. Yeah yeah. So when he says “I hope it looks good on your finger” ... He must be fully committed to giving it to her. 
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    'I won’t die, because I love you      I won’t die, because I’m going to make you happy' For the recording I screamed this part of the interlude. The second line is still the 'Monday 9' thing. During concerts I’ll actually straight up tell a story here. What’s wrong with being a bit like King-Show. 🥺   I say it so fast, as if a guns to my head. So I need to put a lot of brain power into making sure it’s intelligible.     'July 7th, a sunny day     I found you     There, under the night stars shooting down, was the sound gunfire      I’ve been shot in the head' "'Us staff searched long and far. Until at long last I found Her 🥺'" ↑This reference is unrelated. I just wanted to say it. (✳︎A notable line from this variety show). Now. On this Tanabata night, under the wide open starry sky, did he finally find her. The moment of truth to confess his feelings. His 101st attempt! I won’t die! Because I love you! I won’t die! Because I’m going to make you happy! (In other words: please marry me). He says! Even though he’s already dead! Alas... Instead of hearing her voice say “Yes” The last sound he ever hears is Her scream, along with the roar of gunfire. It’s said that zombies can’t die but With a headshot you’re certain to K.O. them. Just like “Shoot him in the head! (頭を狙え!)”(✳︎Seki writes it in English here then adds JP translation. Thanks Seki for being fluent in English). The classic phrase from zombie movies. Hey, who the hell shot him! Who!     'I won't die, I can’t die     Because I love youThe bolt nut ring     It hope it reaches you     The Sanzu River, the galaxy’s rivers of stars     I pushed through all of them just to see you     Our bond holds even millions of lightyears apart     A couple’s necromance, for now and forever more' If you think about it.. He’s a zombie right, It’s hard to tell if he truly has consciousness or not. So then what the hell was this all about?! You may be wondering but This is fantasy, fiction. Or... You may instead be worrying “Will he not be able to give it to her anymore...” The “I hope it reaches you” lyric holds true for this too. And as you may have already guessed, in the last chorus, as his consciousness is slipping away He sees a dream. In his dream I bet he’s succeeded in confessing to her. In giving her the ring. If he was still human this would be considered homicide,It would be a bad-end but He’s a zombie soIs it a bad-end Or a happy-end..Which.. For her, who’s still alive, and for him, who's a zombie, This is how it has to be. Though it’s impossible to know what’s truly right but. Anyway That calls it for my explanation of Tanabattalion Returns. The title is reference to Return of the Living Dead 3. My favorite of the Living Dead/Battalion series. (✳︎In Japan the title of the series was localized to ‘Battalion’ and the 3rd as 'Battalion Returns'! This is because zombies come in such huge armies, my guess is this conveyed the sheer volume more concisely to the JP audience.) This is probably the first ever love story about a zombie and stuff like this, right? IDK but. The guy who wrote this song is gonna try his best to write lyrics that’re easier to understand from now on. Promise. 
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suggable · 5 years
Im going to write down my second experience seeing Day6 live mostly for me, but feel free to read it after the break if you want (please do not reblog it tho) ✨ a little warning i’ll probably get very emotional and personal and this is going to be Very long and probably will get incoherent at some point!!!!!
I saw Day6 yesterday in Madrid for the second time, and not to be dramatic but it was probably one of the best experiences of my life 😭💕 I already had lots of fun last year but this year’s concert was not only fun but very meaningful for me.
As some of you may know I finally finally finished this week my architecture studies after 6 and a half very long and tough years. The last two have been especially hard, aproximately the same ammount of time I’ve been following Day6 closely. When I first discovered their music I immediately fell in love with it, and I fell in love again when i got to know them. I can positively say they’re the closest artists to my heart, my soulmate band. I do love and appreciate a lot of other artists but the way I love day6 it’s.... unparalled. I’m gonna stop being cheesy now hfjjsjka but knowing that I was going to see them again and meet them after all the constant exhaustion that my master’s has been has given me so much strenght during those all nighters and endless days working on my project kjfdkjjks 
I’m privileged enough to have been able to get vvips tickets this time but tbh that’s not important, the whole experience of the concert it’s what makes it worth it. Me and my friends decided not to go queueing very early bc we wanted to be well rested and we knew we were going to have a good spot in any case. We were so lucky yesterday’s weather was sort of warm, considering our awful awful experience from last year jkdjkskj. I’m so happy we were so prepared this time, we brought lots of snacks and blankets for the queue. We also prepared some fanart freebies to share and trade and it was the nicest experience, everyone there was so so lovely!!! I had such a great time only waiting in line and chatting with myday ^^ After we got out numbered wristbands we picked up our signed entropy copies. I got the “Sweet” version which is my fave!!! I traded around the pcs so i ended up with all Sungjin and Dowoon jhjfhjsdj (and the loveliest Dopil pc 😭❤) I was so happy we didnt have any trouble with queueing or numbering this time!!!!! Then we went for lunch and almost didn’t make it back on time bc it took us ages to get out meals n we wanted to leave all the heavy stuff and coats at the car jdfjkdkjskk but!!! we made it thanks to the lovely people next to us in the queue!!!
We finally got into the venue (which is so big!!! and we filled it!! im so PROUD) and my friends were headed to the left side where Jae is but I noticed the middle section was also kind of empty so we ran there kjkjfd and ended up in 2nd-3rd row!!! so we were in the middle and had a great view of everyone ^^ i felt kind of bad bc the people around us had been queueing from 3am and we’d arrived at 8:30 :P also next to us there was this korean girl who runs a Dowoon fansite and she was very nice and polite and she must kind of hate now me a bit bc I didn’t stop moving and jumping  i hope her pics came out nicely anyway!!! we only had to wait for an hour inside n we had lots of sweets to keep our energy up so it was quite alright :)
when they boys came out i noticed i had the clearest Sungjin visual so I ended up looking at him most of the time kjfjdkkkdksd i just couldn’t help it like the pics don’t do him justice he’s just so cute and expressive and makes the funniest faces when playing!!! and sort of bounces when playing which is the Cutest thing!!!!  there was some sort of problem with his guitars at first n seemed a bit annoyed but it turned out alright!! I also paid lots of attention to Jae bc he has Such Energy performing, the truest hype man!!! when he plays you can see he’s genuinely enjoying himself and loves myday so so much :(((( he interacted a lot with us!! 
Dowoon was also in front of me but he was covered most of the time by his drumset :(( I could see him making all these baby bird pouty faces or mouthing the lyrics and it was.... so CUTE :((((( he’s so cute i 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 also i was in awe at his drumming technique like he’s so so so talented and you can clearly see how much he loves it!!! He’s the best boy!!!
I had to move my head a bit to see YoungK and Wonpil and I tried my best looking at everyone when they were singing, but my eyes would automatically go back to Sungjin jfdjskjkaskj I can tell you Young K is very VERY Atractive when performing, he has a sort of magnetism!! He also seemed soooo happy and would jump around non stop and smile at the fans and just Bless us in general!!! Wonpil was sort of serious when playing but you could tell he was concentrated !!! Also his piano and dj skills im!!!!!! like when he plays the Time of Our Life intro so easily!!! i play piano and let me tell you it is difficult as Fuck!!! he truly is so talented!! plus when he was talking with us he was so playful and cute :(((((
Some concert Highlights for me: hearing Best Part live, also So Cool, TOOL, Headache, wanna go back!!! how to love!!! SWEET CHAOS!!!! also hearing WARNING again which may easily be my fave song of them now (well no...we all know it’s impossible to pick just one but yeah jkdfjskkç) also Colors!! when the first chords started playing i started tearing up n then the chorus came n i just broke down crying jsdsk I also cried during I Need Somebody and that bit when we sang back to them and we sang I Smile :((( also the fucking SOLOS hello most talented band in the universe????!!! but like for real they all sound so good live!!! i love that you can clearly hear the drums and keys and all the instruments, plus their vocals are just!! so!! good!!!!!! Jae and Young K went Mad with the adlibs I was living my best life!!!!! 
at some point i locked eyes with Sungjin n my potato brain decided the best thing i could do was to send a flying kiss his way so i did n he got so SHY!!!! and made a 😳😳😳😳 face jkdfjkjkjks i felt v awkward afterwards like i didnt know he was going to react that way jfdkjksa 
Also hearing them speaking spanish...fucking surreal...but when they did their ments in English!!! wow!!! they’ve gotten so good!!!! they kept saying they were so happy and this was the best way to end the tour and they’d grown so much, and reminding us to always be happy i :((((( Wonpil’s ment was the sweetest thing and he sent such an important message and I started crying again (and i made eye contact with Jae while ugly crying so i had to hid behind my banner jkdskjjkjdskks) and couldn’t stop through the whole length of their ments :(( i barely remember anything from young k’s bc i was trying to compose myself a bit jkfkjkjd Dowoon’s was so cute!!! He’d wait for the translator and make such funny faces i :((( Sungjin’s English and like Everything about him im so gone kjfkjjkds and then JAE’S...........
that was truly the Highlight of the night, what truly truly made everything special and what i hope will make them cherish and remember this night forever. So a bit of context: we had prepared a project where during For Me we would take out some prints of some of Jae’s encouraging and inspirational tweets and held them up. So at first Jae was surprised but I guess he didn’t have the time to read which specific tweets we were holing. Then during like the second half of the song he realised n got like v serious like he was trying not to cry...I remember Sungjin also realised bc he was looking at Jae just Knowing.... When we took the concert pics Jae asked us to take an extra one with the tweets bc he wanted it for himself....and then his MENT he thanked us for listening to him and letting him know we hear his words and basically acknowledge and validate him when he passes those life lessons to us and that it meant more than we could imagine....and he was getting more n more emotional n trying not to cry but im p sure he did...and then Sungjin and Wonpil came to his side n started doing this weird dance around him hdjfjjkskjsdkjskkkladsslk n cheered Jae up THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS :((((  but like moments prior u could see Sungjin just Waiting for it n smirking jkjkfdsjkjkkjs also the fact he immediately tweeted about it after the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the whole hi touch thing was such a fiasco but tbh i didnt have much hope to begin with jkfdjkdkjs they made us wear face masks as a prevention for the coronavirus break.........but it didnt really matter bc there was an insane number of vips so we were a LOT of pple for the hi touch...we were rushed n pushed n screamed at by both security n mmt staff....i was laughing at the whole absurdity of the situation n wonpil saw me hjdfkjksjks...we barely had time to say something and high five them but i did manage to say thank u to each of them n look them in the eyes at least!!! (they’re so beautiful from upclose!! and GIANTS! and sungjins eyes.........otherwordly) i felt so bad for the fans that were looking forward to it and for them as well bc you could see their apologetic faces....but anyways everything else went so well im not going to dwell on that!! so yeah i’ve met day6 but i barely remember anything kjjkdsjkd it feels like a fever dream :((((
but tbh considering everything it was the nicest experience!!! im so happy i had the chance to see them again n i hope they come back again!!! also i really wish they’d tour more cities, like there are so many mydays that deserve to see them too :((( 
ok im done with this whole essay like i could keep rambling and rambling but this is the most essential of it!!! if you also read this thank you!!!! please be happy and trust and listen to day6!!!❤💖💕✨🌟
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ellalovesjoonie · 5 years
Head over heels
Namjoon x Reader
"You are tired of routine, everyday wake up, get ready, go to the work you hate at the hotel, go back home, sleep.
Music, your only escape... That music that takes you to places you wish you were, that made you feel like that void in you was slightly filled with something else than your self hatred, your salvation.
But, that day, life was going to surprise you with the unimaginable."
Warnings: +18, self derogatory behavior, Smut, explicit, rough language, Angst, role play Sub/Dom.
[OK, so, this is my first ever fanfic of bts, please bear with me, also, english is not my main language so if you find any typos or errors in grammar I apologize TT_TT I hope you like it!]
Chapter 1
-That is not a part of my contract - You argued with the hotel's manager in a tired manner. He was always making you do extra stuff, extra hours, extra anything, sometimes you felt like he feed on your misery.
- I know, but this is a very special occasion, this hotel has never hosted such important guests and we need to make a good impression -The manager retorted with a smirk on his face, he was so proud of his accomplishment of renting an entire floor of the hotel to the staff of an important company nobody knew about that he was forgetting that everyone had a job description, he was being more of a pain in the ass than usual and the staff was more than fed up with him.
Your normal job consisted in managing the maids and cooks and recieving orders from rooms and sending over whatever or whoever was needed, but more often than you would have liked, you have ended up going yourself to deliver room service and even to help some maids with the rooms where parties were held, the joy of a hotel for others was that others get to clean up your mess, not so fun when you were the one having to clean after.
You had studied for 4 years, management and languages, you could speak several of them and your dream job as a translator or interpreter of some major firm was now buried with all of your dreams of possible happines, you have ended up failing to get your dream job and getting stucked in a crappy one that even if it payed well, it didn't make you hate it less.
Tired of complaining in vain you gave up an headed to work. With all the commotion you were forced to go room by room after the maids ended the cleaning to supervise and put flowers, fill mini bars and make sure everything necessary was there for the guests.
That day you were feeling particularly miserable, your headphones changed song while you were fixing some flowers and it was as if they were answering your call, you smilled when the swift notes of Cypher pt 3 filled your ears and you started to sing along, how free that made you feel, the amazing fast paced rap rolled in your tongue with incredible easiness, you were so familiar with the lyrics that you could have singed no matter how fast it went.
It was still amazing for you how good a song could make you feel, you were lost in the sound, not paying much attention to the manual work you were doing and even less attention to the fact that the guest of the room you were working on had arrived and was watching you from the door with amusement.
Namjoon and the rest of BTS were in England recording a Von Voyage, so it had been a secret were they were going and they even chose a smaller hotel than usual in a small city and gave a fake name to be able to remain as anonymous as possible, he had entered his room and was sorprised to listen to his own song being sang smoothly by a female voice, he saw a ponytail of long hair swinging as you moved, he assumed since he couldn't listen, in rhythm to the beat, you weren't tall, 5"3 at the most but you were slim and curvaceous and looked really young in his eyes, he just stood there not knowing why he was stucked looking at you like that, something about the way you were singing was enticing, it called to him, what was it? He felt lost for a moment, only your movements and voice were important, the soft sweep of your hips kept him in trance and when you bent over to fill the minibar the breath got stucked in his lungs, he had never felt the inappropriate urge of grabbing the ass of a girl he didn't know, his hands twitched at his sides but he didn't moved.
You turned once the minibar was filled and noticed the man standing on the door -Shit - You muttered, taking off your earphones and bowing slightly in the direction of the stranger, not even looking properly at him you mutter and apology -I'm so sorry, sir, we weren't expecting you yet, welcome - You said smoothly, in a rehearsed manner, as always, you plastered your fake smile on your lips before lifting your head but when you gave the stranger a proper look, the air got stucked in your chest, your eyes enlarged in recognition and you blushed furiosly... Of all the people in the entire world why did Kim Namjoon had to listen to you butchering his song?
You knew better than to act like a stupid fangirl (You weren't that kind of girl anyway) but you had humiliated yourself in front of your freaking idol, so you had only one possible course of action.
-I hope your staying with us is pleasant - You said with a straight voice, or as straight as possible and rushed past him before he could utter a word, running away far of him, as fast as you could and you didn't stop or looked back until you were in the safety of the employee's bathroom in the first floor, your heart was pumping furiosly and words of self hatred filled your hair- You stupid bitch, how could you ridiculize yourself like that? In front of him? In front of the man you admire the most? He must be laughing at you, he must... He... - You started to feel dizzy, you slid into the floor against the door and put your head between your hands, clenching your nails in your scalp in an attemp of causing outside pain to get out of the spiral of self hatred in your head, you weren't one to self injure yourself, you couldn't even stan blood or cuts, but here and then you founded that some fisical pain was better than the self hatred and it worked to bring you back to reality, you did your best to gain back your breath and empty your head, that process took you some solid 10 minutes, but you were able to stand up. You fixed your appearance and went straight to the manager's office -Everything is done and the guests are in their rooms -You announced.
-Perfect! -The bright smile in his face seemed disgusting to you, he was more than thrilled to have the biggest band in the world staying at the hotel- Now you go home -He said to your utter surprise, but before you could get your hopes up he continued- I need you back here at 8 pm, you are up for the night shift since I can't let the hotel in charge of anyone else with such important guests here, when you come back I'll give you a list of things to do, now go to sleep, you will need it.
You just looked at him, turned around and left, now you had to spend the night with your idols and the man you had ridiculize yourself in front off... Great, just great.
Kim Namjoon had had a shock too, he felt confused and embarrassed but above all he wanted to see you again, everytime he remembered the way you moved, his big hands twitched, he had broken his headphones that were unlucky enough to be in his hand when one of those twitches came, everyone had been laughing at the "God of destruction" for his even clumsier behavior that day. After everyone settled in their rooms they went to have lunch at the hotel's restaurant that had prepared a buffet for them, they had a translator with them which made things easier, his head was in no place to translate, he kept looking at the people entering and leaving the room in hopes of seeing you again, to do what?, he had no idea, maybe to apologize for embarassing you, to ask why you had run, to praise you for your smooth rapping, to hold you flat against his body... No. He shocked his head and flushed slightly at such thoughts, he didn't know you, you weren't some cheap whore hired to pleasure him when he had wanted. With his busy lifestyle those were the only "romantic" encounters he could have and he had had one tracked mind since their debut anyway, writing, learning, growing as a group and as a person, he never missed the relationship he was "deprived" of because of his idol status, his sexual urges could be satisfied when he wanted and he didn't care much for the rest, success was his goal, lately, to help others, the love yourself movement have been one of his most important achievements and he was fully committed to make the world a better place. It took a girl on a small city at the other side of the world to suddenly remind him that he had never had an encounter or relationship of any kind with a "Normal girl", the way he was lusting for you was almost too much, he thought of asking discretely for a escort or something but he had stopped several times, he didn't want an escort, he wanted you.
That day they were free to explore but he couldn't bring himself to go out with his mind in the state it was and maybe he had hopes of seeing you sometime during the day if he was being honest, he didn't really know, he just said that he was tired because of the long trip and rathered stay and sleep for a bit, Yoongi too had decided to stay, he knew he really wanted to sleep, walking around wasn't one of his favorite activities.
You were getting ready for your night turn at the hotel, your stomach tight with dread and maybe some excitement that your favorite band was in the building were you worked, if only Namjoon hadn't seen you embarassing yourself... You banished that sorth of thought for the hundred time that day, it was easy for you to imagine how he would have told the story to the others and laughed some more so you had to keep your act together, you had to work, maybe you wouldn't even see them, it was the night turn after all. You dressed with a black dress, the top similar to a shirt with buttons but at the waist a flowy skirt started and ended a few inches above your knee, you did black sandals with straps till your ankles and your required ponytail. You weren't dressing up because you liked it, but because the night shift required it from you, it was mandatory to attend dinner time in a semi formal dress, you looked in the mirror with disgust only to make sure that your hair was perfectly tied back, you hated to look in any mirror and see yourself for the disgusting creature you were.
You left your flat with a sight and went straight to the taxi you had ordered to take you to work, trying not to think much about what was to come -You better not mess this up even more with your stupidity - You told yourself while trying to breathe in regular intervals to cast your nervousness aside.
Namjoon had tried to rest in vain during the afternoon, he slept shortly but with troubled dreams, he woke up because of the hard bulge on his pants, he was 12 again. Sighting he went to the bathroom and took a cold shower to calm his body and changed clothes for dinner, he had been told they had to be in the dinning room of the hotel at 8:30, but restless as he was he just went there at 8:00, maybe he would order a drink or something, he was grateful that the cameras had gone with the others and he was left in peace, the last thing he needed was the crew to ask again what was wrong with him. He went down to the lobby and straight into the private area the hotel had prepared for them, it was empty but everything was more or less prepared for their dinner, he sat on a couch near a window waiting for someone to ask a drink to come in and when the door opened he wasn't disappointed, you, at last, his breath catched again while studying your outfit, a dress, he could see your legs in display even thought the skirt was by no means short, it was enough for him, it was as if you were teasing him by wearing such sandals that closed just at your ankles, calling for his eyes to enjoy the sight of the smooth skin of that part of the body that he founded incredibly erotic, your top was buttoned but left a nice cleavage look at sight. Definitely, you were a sight for sore eyes and he couldn't help himself, he stood and walked towards you, more like gravitated towards you, there was no discussion about stopping now.
You had entered the dinning room to check that everything was in place, closing the door behind you, you took two steps into the room when you saw him and your face blushed, your stomach tightened, all your preparation was now gone as you watched in panic how Kim Namjoon walked towards you, you swallowed trying to regain your composture, your eyes fixed on the floor until you noticed he was standing really close to you, your nose was suddenly filled with his musky, woody scent and you wanted nothing more than to look at him and thank him for everything he had done for you, but you were frozen in place, he was so close...
Namjoon only stopped when he was close enough to get your scent, something he had wanted all day, you smelled sweet, as he had imagined, a little flowery but sweet, he noticed just then he was a bit too close but he couldn't care, he just wanted to do unspeakable things to you, he couldn't, but he would talk to you.
-Hi -He said as a way to break the ice and made you look at him, he noticed how your eyes were casted on the floor and he wanted for you to look at him- Hi... I mean, good evening, I hope you are having a pleasant staying at our hotel- That was the best you could say, you didn't dare to look up at him, he was so tall... You remembered his height of course, but having him standing in front of you didn't made it justice to any picture or tv shot you had seen, you picked just a little bit between your lashes to see he was wearing gray jeans and a white buttoned shirt, you nearly jumped when he bended to have his face at the same height than yours- It has been great, you were in my room earlier, I wanted to excuse myself for making you uncomfortable -You were not looking at him but he would make you, when he bended he was even a little closer to you, he could see your flushed cheeks and the narrowness of her breath which did little for his already sexualized thoughts- You shouldn't apologize, it was me who was stupid and embarrassed myself, I'm sorry -You said in a rush not measuring your words, you lifted your eyes in panic when you noticed what you have said and you saw his face and the frown between his eyebrows, he was unreal, so beautiful you could have cried but you have spilled too much again.
-Why would you say that? -Namjoon found himself mad at you for the harsh words you had casted upon yourself- I was surprised in the best way when I heard you, I have never heard that song with a female voice and the intent it has, you were perfect -He found himself scolding you but telling you the absolute truth, your eyes were on his now, big eyes with long lashes that fluttered at his words, your expression was of absolute incredulity but he was glued to your eyes- You don't have to say that... I... -You muttered, taken aback with his compliment, your self hatred already eating you inside- You think I'm lying? -Namjoon arched a brow annoyed that you would think that- No, that is not what I meant, I... I just... -You stumbled trying to come up with an excuse, your face blushing even more- What did you mean, then? - The tall man in front of you radiated heat, he was mad, if course, you always made people mad at you by being so stupid, but the truth, invisible to you, was that the heat you felt was his raw desire for you- I'm sorry, I... -You tried again but his presence was too strong and you were finding hard to articulate any more words, you lowered your eyes again but his hand flew to hold your chin and make you look up, your breath catched, fuck, why was he touching you? He shouldn't, he was too beautiful to taint himself with someone like you- You are... -Namjoon muttered but he didn't finish, touching you was barely too much, he lost his train of thought noticing how your face was holded in perfect place by his hand, you couldn't lower your eyes anymore, you couldn't run from him anymore, he was in control, he could even... He leaned down till his mouth was an inch away from yours and he breathed in your breath, sweet, sweet, sweet... His mind was lost, he tightened the grip in your chin and pressed his lips against yours, you gasped, breathing in his scent and he obviously took the chance to seek your tongue with his, your mind left you, you were having an out of body experience, his lips molded hungrily against yours, tasting every inch of your mouth, you responded naturally but not daring too much. He couldn't stop himself, your taste was what he wanted, his right hand janked your ponytail back to have your mouth at his mercy while his left hand ran across your back, stopping in your hip and pressing his fingers there to push you against himself where you could feel his excitement throw his pants right in your hip, he was barely breathing, intoxicated, he only stopped when you both listened to voices outside the room, you inmediately took a step back, disbelief clouding your mind and stepping on every other happy thoughts or desires there, your lips were swollen and your ponytail a bit undone, your breathing harsh, as if you had ran a large distance but you knew you had to get out of there so you turned and bolted to the door, leaving just as everyone else was entering, all 6 of your favorite artists in the world walked passed you and you didn't have a glance to spare, your mind was filled with him, you walked quickly, and instructed the staff to go offer appetizers and drinks as you walked straight to the staff's bathroom and closed the door behind you- Fuck...
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destination-of-fate · 7 years
(English) Amatsuki’s birthday blog post
Read the original blog here (includes pictures from the concert)
Amatsuki’s birthday was on June 30th and he held a concert that day, guest starring ShounenT and Hashiyan. Among the events at the concert was a moment where ShounenT surprised Amatsuki and the crowd by reading a letter that Amatsuki’s parents had written for him! It was very emotional and made him (and everyone) cry. The full text of the letter, as well as Amatsuki’s thoughts on the concert, his birthday, and his life are written in this post. I’ve preserved the line spacing to show how he wrote it in the original post. Enjoy!
Happy new year. No, that’s not the right “year.” This is Amatsuki, and it’s my first blog post in a while.
The other day, or rather, yesterday I celebrated my birthday.
Until now I’ve done different things for my birthday each year But who would have thought I’d be organizing my own birthday concert...
  There are still a lot of things I’d like to say And I want to convey them so badly that I feel like I won’t be able to get my words together But please take your time and listen if you’d like.
  First and most importantly Thank you That one phrase!
When the moment came and the date changed, a truly huge amount of people wished me a happy birthday.
No matter who you are Even in a mundane life A birthday is a special day that everyone has.
I never really experience that feeling of truly being another year older But the kindness and warmth that I receive in those moments have always made me incredibly happy.
 I have some lyrics that I love that say, “A small misfortune is noticing your happiness for the first time only after it’s gone.”
I believe that definition of happiness there is different than the happiness I mentioned earlier.
If you’re always happy despite being worn down every single day I’m sure you won’t ever actually feel happy. The reason I’ve been able to have so much fun in these last few years Must be because I’ve been able to face my past self and walk forward without losing or forgetting that person.
  Birthday Concert I’m really sorry that the announcement was so sudden! It really only became official just before I made the announcement, and not only was it sudden, but the venue was huge too. Honestly, I spent my nights worried that people would be mad at me, or that no one show up.
 Deciding to do my first solo concert in a while had me troubled over things!
 Even though it’s for my birthday, it wouldn’t be fair if it was only fun for me!
 I wanted the people who attended to have the most fun because it was my birthday!
 “Ok! I guess I’ll take song requests for my setlist first!?” With that plan in mind I started taking entries, and in just a few days I had over 1000 requests... Thank you for this as well…! What was funny was that when I tallied the votes I was like, “Wow! I rarely perform this song, but it’s really that popular!?” “Ah, I always do this one. I don’t think it’s right for this occasion.” It somehow felt like an opportunity for the “me” that you all perceive and the “me” that I perceive to come face to face.
  There were songs that were requested that I couldn’t perform this time And I think there must have been more differences Between the people who always come to my concerts and those who have never been to one!? That’s what I thought!! It was so interesting. I definitely want to do this again sometime!
  To talk about the specifics I think I basically never stopped saying “thank you” while MCing.
  I don’t know if you’d call this my aspiration for my next year or what I’ve spoken about this many times before now, but there are many things that I don’t like about myself.
If I started listing my complaints about my talents, my appearance, or who I am on the inside, I wouldn’t be able to stop.
But the reason I’ve been able to keep going despite all that Is thanks to the friends who support me and to everyone who listens to my music.
The happy and fun things overtake my own self-hatred And I think that’s how the person called “Amatsuki” came to take shape.
  Even a cowardly crybaby like myself Found something he loved and made it this far. But I can’t use that weakness as a reason to rely on others forever. I want to be an adult!! That’s what I’ve been thinking about.
I strongly felt like, “I want to be someone who can help and lead others sometimes too!” Those were my feelings regarding this concert.
 But it’s not like that’s something that’s easy to do.
When it finally began Myself and others had a fun time at this concert as well We played catch the whole time And I came to fully realize that I can’t do wonderful things like this when I’m alone.
Of course I mean that in a good way, not a bad way! There are many different artists in this world And it’s overflowing with many different kinds of music.
So among all those infinite other choices out there, thank you for finding me.
It’s possible that yesterday yet another person stopped listening to me And it’s possible that someone new started listening to me yesterday as well. We meet and part ways under all sorts of circumstances.
But just for that one moment! There are people who acknowledged me and had fun because of what I was sending out in that moment.
It’s a miraculous kind of joy that I doubt I’ll ever be able to find a replacement for in the rest of my life.
 As a surprise, I was given a letter from my parents. I’m a bit embarrassed to print it here But a lot of people told me they’d like to take the time to read it again at their own pace, so…
 “Happy birthday! You must be so happy, having such a wonderful place set up for this day, and having so many people rushing there to celebrate your birthday. Your grandfather and brother and sister were so delighted when they first met you 26 years ago. When you were in kindergarten, you were a lively boy who never stopped smiling, and you had so many friends that you were always laughing together with. But when you started elementary school, you smiled less, and it became hard to even find you in pictures of school events.  You were soon attending school less after you started high school, but then you gradually started going to school more after you joined the laid-back baseball club. At home you began to speak to people through the computer, and at times you started singing in ways that weren’t quite what you’d call “good” just yet. People who lived nearby would stay over at our house to work on things with you, and as we started interacting with those kids, we gradually came to understand this new world. You gained your self-confidence little by little, and thanks to everyone who listened to you and shared sympathetic words with you, you regained those smiles you had as a child. Our hearts feel warm watching you find what you want to do and working hard to put out things that will satisfy others, if even a little bit. To everyone who is here today, and to those who are sending their thoughts from far away, please allow us to use this time to offer you our deepest gratitude. Thank you very much. Love, Amatsuki’s parents”
 Sorry, when I started writing this It made me remember all sorts of things And now quite a lot of time has passed since I began this post.
 I really didn’t have anything I wanted to do in the past So to me, everything looks so much brighter now no matter where I am.
I don’t want to lose this place in the world So I do feel fear and unease over the thought of losing it someday But I’ll keep believing in you all more and more So believe in me too.
I hope that from here on out, I can keep doing things I enjoy As well as make music that you’ll all enjoy. I want to do lots and lots of things for you outside of that, too. I would be very happy if I could continue to have your support.
 Finally I had some guests attend for fun too. Sako Tomohisa-kun Hashiyan-san
The band members who supported my music with their performances.
The people who helped me make this wonderful stage Makeup artists Wardrobe assistants Cameramen Audio specialists Stage designers All the staff members
All the irreplaceable friends who sent me birthday messages My dear manager who told me, “Let’s make music together” And you, who supports me. I want to cherish everything I have now Since I used to have nothing at all. I wonder how I’ll be able to do from here on out!
I have my 3rd single! And a summer tour!
I want to do my best to do everything in my own special way And to become an even better “me” in the future!
But surely at another location! At another time soon! I’ll see you there again!   June 30th, 2017  Amatsuki Birthday Live Setlist 1. Hoshiai 2. Cosmonaut 3. Mikazuki Resize 4. Marionette Lovers 5. Mr. Fake 6. Panda Hero feat. Hashiyan 7. LIFE!! 8. Tsunageru 9. Aikagi 10. Heartful Edge acoustic arrange  11. Futariboshi feat. Sako Tomohisa 12. Present 13. Sekai no Mannaka wo Aruku 14. Chiisana Koi no Uta 15. DiVE!! 16. Nagareboshi Encore 17. Shooting Star 18. Hello, My Story Thank you!!! So much!!!
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Understanding Music Copyrights
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Discussions about Copyrights and verbal abuse on social media without any basic understanding of the issue in hand has been the hot topic this week. So, I thought I could shed some light on the actual laws that exist to protect the Intellectual Property rights of music creators and producers.
Having worked with Maestro Ilaiyaraaja for my English movie “Love and Love Only”, I speak from a Producers perspective. Having written the lyrics, I also speak from a Lyricists perspective. Finally, Raaja sir gave me the special opportunity to release the music worldwide myself. I did that through my own label and had to learn the copyright laws as a Music label. For explanation purposes, I am using the Copyright Act 1968 of Australia, which is quite similar to any other part of the world.
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Firstly, there are three forms of copyright that exist in music. They are
1. Musical Work (Melody, Harmony, Rhythm)
2. Literary Work (The Lyrics)
3. Sound Recording (The actual recording)
The owner(s) of Copyright in the Musical Work or the Lyrics have the right to:
· Reproduce or copy the song ;
· Publish the song;
· Perform the song in public;
· Communicate the song to the public (such as by radio, television, or internet);
· Arrange or transcribe the musical work;
· Translate the lyrics.
The owner of the copyright in a sound recording of a song is NOT the owner of the copyright in the song being performed and recorded but rather the person identified as the ‘maker’ of the sound recording. Simply said, the person who paid for the recording to happen is the maker. This is usually the Producer of the movie who pays the composer, singers, musicians, the studio and all staff associated with the recording. Many people asked this question on social media about why the composer should hold the rights and not the producer. Hope this clarifies that doubt.
In case the producer employed the composer and the lyricist, the producer becomes the sole rights holder for all three rights. For example, AVM studios used to employ some composers as Studio staff.
However, law differentiates employees and independent contractors. An independent contractor paid to create music or lyrics is still the first owner of copyright in the works they create, unless there is a written contract that transfers ownership of the copyright to the producer. In most of his films, Ilaiyaraaja sir was not an employee but an independent contractor commissioned to write the music and songs for the movies. Therefore, he is entitled to the copyrights associated with the ‘Musical work’, as defined above.
The owner of the copyright in the Sound Recording has the exclusive right to:
· Make copies of the Sound Recording
· Cause the Sound Recording to be heard in public
· Communicate the Sound Recording to the Public (such as by radio, television, or internet)
· Enter into commercial rental arrangements in respect of the Sound Recording
The singers and musicians can claim a part of the Sound recording copyright if they are not paid for the task upfront. Once they get paid, they don’t hold any rights in the recording unless there is a written contract stating otherwise.
The author should usually have put in creative skill and effort in creating the work. When you perform someone else’s creative work, you are just a performer and not the author. The requirement of ‘composition and creation’ means that a person must provide a significantly original contribution to the creation of the musical work and/or lyrics in order to be recognized as the co-author of the work. For example, Ilaiyaraaja sir himself cannot claim copyright for the songs he has sung for Yuvan or Karthick’s compositions, provided he was paid for the task, as he is only a performer in this instance.
Performing rights are the right to perform music in public. It is part of copyright law and demands payment to the music’s composer/lyricist and publisher (with the royalties generally split 50/50 between the two). Public performance means that a musician or group who is not the copyright holder is performing a piece of music live, as opposed to the playback of a pre-recorded song. Performances are considered "public" if they take place in a public place and the audience is outside of a normal circle of friends and family, including concerts, nightclubs, restaurants etc. Permission to publicly perform a song must be obtained from the copyright holder or a collective rights organization. (Copied from Wikipedia)
I will give you an example with reference to “Love and Love Only”.
As the maker of the sound recording, I hold the copyright for the sound recording. As the composer who wrote the melody and the complete score for the movie, Raaja sir holds the copyright for the Musical work. I can communicate the sound recording to the public, make copies, sell the music as the soundtrack of the movie and use it for any promotional purposes for “Love and Love Only”.
However, if I decide to run a commercial stage show (selling concert tickets) with a Symphony orchestra playing the complete score of my own film, I would have to seek separate permission from Raaja sir and share the profits with him. But if Raaja sir decides to use the same tune for another Indian film, he doesn’t need my permission, as he is the copyright holder of that melody. That would be a totally separate sound recording paid for by the producer of that Indian film. But that producer cannot use the sound recording of “Love and Love Only” as is.
Those who have bought the Music CDs of “Love and Love Only” can check the back cover for clarification. It would have ‘JUVI Digital Co’ next to a P within a circle, and Raaja sir’s name next to a C within a circle, and they refer to two distinct rights. Those who don’t have the CD can check that here.
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All these rights could be transferred to third parties through written contracts. When written contracts aren’t made, this is how the copyrights are to be split by default, and this is how it is supposed to work. Please feel free to ask for any clarifications, and I shall research further for you. And, please avoid verbal abuse on social media without proper research and understanding.
This content was originally published here.
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