#anyway i'm going on a holiday i need to cut my bangs
miabrown007 · 1 year
do you ever just get embarrassed because you want to do thing the way it is clearly supposed to be done by a professional, but you don't have the skill levels of a professional, so how do you even come to trying to do it the way they would, or are you normal
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starrybl1ss · 9 months
Vanessa comes tired and mad from work and you both get iinto a fight and she fucks you omfg plsplspls
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YESSS!!!! ALSO I PUT ON THE PULLING TIE KINK FOR READER I JS LOVE THE IDEA LOL! i wrote this while innocently listening to taylor swift:3 anyways its a lil short cuz i gotta study:( im still in senior high (i started school late) and ik its still holidays but i have a lot to study thats why im starting to study a lil early for my finals<3
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MDNI - Vanessa who is still in work and got called by her boss that her work isn't 'impressing enough'.
"Okay, so you mean im bad at my job?" She sits infront of her boss desk at the office. "Don't get me wrong miss shelly, its just that you should make your job a little more.... impressing"
"I'm sorry, i work hard, i really do. And your just here sayying i suck at my fucking job? Fuck this" she bangs on his desk and leaves his office.
Its 4 PM already, she goes outside of the office heading to her car. "not impressing enough?" She scoffs. "What a bitch" she opens the door of her car and slams the door as she goes inside.
She hits the pedal and zooms off in a bad mood.
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She arrives home 15 minutes later opening the door. "Oh! Vanessa? Your... home already? I- i haven't made dinner yet -- you usually go home at 5..." you got up the sofa and puts down your phone.
She drops her stuff on the sofa. "You seriously haven't dinner yet?" She frowns. "M'sorry! I didn't know you'd come home early!"
"Its just an hour early y/n!" She yells as she sat down on the sofa holding her forehead as you stand infront of her. "I didn't fucking know. Okay? You could have texted me!"
"Don't you know im tired? all you do is sit around and do nothing!" she yelled. "whats your fucking problem ness?!" she stays silent. "won't you tell me?!" you said again as she avoided eye contact.
"m so tired, can you shut the fuck up?" she asks you. "ness, you fucking started it" you said with anger. "c'mere, im just in a bad moon kay?" you sit next to her looking at her with tears.
"yeah, i underst-" your words were cut off by her lips coliding with yours. she hold up you chin "im sorry for yelling at you, i didnt mean it baby..." her face softens.
she crawls on top of your body pinning you to the sofa and kisses you again. "im sorry okay?" she smiles. "i love you ness" you said. "i love you more baby"
You pulled her black tie and whispered in her ear. "ness..."
"yeah? need anything?" she asks. "i- need a, a lot" you replied. "really? you get turned on by me yelling at you?" you nod blushing from embarresment.
"well i'll give you want you want" she smirks. "b-but what about the f-food?" you asked. "just order some"
she unbuttons your shirt but not completely and pulls it down to your elbows. she didn't take off your bra but just lifted it up for good view. "Y'so pretty baby" she murmurs.
she then pulls down your sweatshorts. "wont be needin' that right?" without wasting time, she grabs the sides of your panties pulling it down to your knees.
you feel a sudden shock cause she slipped in one finger in your aching, wet cunt. "f-fuck" you groan out. "relax baby, its just one finger. s'not that bad"
she slips another finger in, curling them in. "nghhhhh- fuck!-" you moan. "im bout to-" she cuts off your words "babe, already?" you nod squinting your eyes.
"shiiiiittttttt...!" you groan out as you came on her fingers leaving her fingers sticky with your juices. "good girl" she praise as she licks her fingers clean.
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aidaronan · 10 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by the incomparable @greatunironic and my beloved @wynnyfryd.
Words and Fics
58, 889 words published on ao3
Plus at least 14,975 or so words of unpublished things that are started and incomplete.
At least 30 new ideas and/or WIPs.
8 published fics on ao3 + some new additions to the drabble/ficlet collection + many tumblr fics/microfics
One completed collab with @sparkle-fiend and one collab (two really) with @sparklyslug in the works
Two monsterfucker fics influenced by the Steddie FanExpo NoLa crew and getting crossfaded as fuck in the French Quarter after meeting Guiseppe Quintilliano.
Top 3 by kudos
Cassiopeia, Orion, Bootes (aka he was a gator boi) Like I Always Do (post-starcourt hurt comfort) Nothing Hurts (Like Your Mouth) (oops! all monsters. vamp eddie and were steve banging in a mausoleum)
Fandom Events in 2023
Lex's Spicy Six Spring Fanworks Challenge
Multiple @steddiemicrofic challenges: read here.
Upcoming Projects
Two Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang fics. Hilariously, neither of them are Steddie as the main pairing, but I think at least one is likely to hit novella length. I can't say a lot due to secrecy, but I feel safe saying one is a gen fic and one is f/f.
One tiny baker!steve/rockstar!eddie collab with @sparklyslug, hopefully out this holiday season.
One bigger collab with @sparklyslug in the spring if we keep our enthusiasm together long enough.
Will keep trying to plug away at the witches fic. I have, admittedly, lost some enthusiasm for them but I do know where the story is going. If you love this one, please be loud at me but in a non-demanding way lmao. I need you.
Two Fandom Trumps Hate fills of at least 10k for @withacapitalp and my dearest, Andi.
Eddie Bio project.
???Who Knows??? But there will probably be monstercock involved.
Some personal chat, rules, and tags under the cut.
Doing some oversharing because I'm starting to think it's vital that we all are honest about our struggles so we don't feel alone and so we know we're not failures. We're just people.
It's been a low production year for me. It's been a difficult year in general, but sometimes change is hard even when it's change you need.
Over half my year was eaten up with job hunting, moving, and trying to adjust while feeling the depressive effects of not having a local friend/support network yet or enough money for whatever the fuck the economy is, esp in this area relative to my salary. A good deal of my body of works for 2023 were written pre-move. Hell, a good deal of them were written in the first quarter. (Which, btw, shout out to anyone else who often feels a bittersweet sort of regret at not being productive in the current internet environment where you feel like you're old news if you can't keep up an unsustainable output. I love you, same, it's prob not true anyway, and here are 200 forehead kisses. <33) All of that said, I'm feeling much better lately. I've been reading again. Writing again. Feeling like I'm living again. I'm looking forward to another arbitrary border of time and on filling that border with joy, especially queer joy and weird joy and the intersection of both of those. As they say: let's fucking gooo.
I still love it here. I know steddie won't be forever for me, just like other ships before them weren't forever for me. But I'm having fun and have been really enjoying some of the connections made in this little sandbox.
On that note:
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums. Tagging, even though I know some people have already been tagged: @sparklyslug, @wormdebut, @banannabethchase, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @messessentialist @rainbow-nerdss @plutosrose @thefreakandthehair and anyone else. @ everyone who keeps this fandom rippin' and roarin', kissing you, kissing you, kissing you
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aeaeaexxzd · 2 years
Housemate vent post, I need to talk shit about them.
First theres the obvious, our rooms are next to one another, we share a wall, I can hear them having sex all the time, it was funny haha silly awkward at first but now it's just annoying, especially when I'm trying to go to sleep and when I'm waking up. It's not like I can ask them to schedule their banging for when I'm not around, it is why I end up staying at friends places very late, in the hopes that they take the opportunity of my absence to be as loud as they want. Thank god for my noise cancelling headphones, except I can't sleep with them on my head.
They're always fucking coughing ??????????????? This winter has felt sooooooo unbelievably long. I too had the sniffles at some point but like it's march and we live in the south. Seriously what is up with their immune systems, maybe see a doctor ? I guess that vegan oatmilk diet paired with the excessive vitamin tablets I always see lying around isn't enough to keep them healthy...full shade to vegans everywhere btw. It's also funny because they're always the ones to open the windows when it's cold outside and I'm always the one turning the heating on. We literally don't pay rent we are squatting so it's beyondddddd me why they don't take advantage of that. Once I even heard them say 'gosh it's hotter in the apartment than it is outside' like that's a weird thing ???? Like it was winter a few weeks ago. I'd sure hope it's fucking warmer in the place we live than the outside. Go fucking camping or something if you crave contact with the cold air so badly. So yeah anyways, they're constantly having coughing fits while also always leaving the windows open. And no it's never been covid, and no i've never caught what they have.
One of them always, alwaaayyyysss comments on the smell of weed whenever I smoke or I'm smoking with friends in the living room. They've said several times that they stopped smoking so I don't offer anymore. And I always ask "does it bother you, we can go somewhere else" and they always reply no. And I keep the window open just a bit when we do smoke, so I don't get it, not to mention I don't cut with tabacco. They stopped smoking but occasionally incorporate weed in their recipes so I don't really understand their take on the substance. but "WO W IT SURE SMELLS LIKE WEED IN HERE." every time. every time. Please.
They have two cats that I get along with more than them. I feel like I know more about cat behavior than them. I think they also know this and resent me for it in a weird way because it's like their children. They keep their door closed shut at night so the kitties come in my room. I'm the one who opens the building door for them to go outside, early in the morning (I don't live in "america" where cats are "dangerous for the ecosystem" or whatever nonsense, both these cats would have killed each other if they weren't able to run around outside in the garden everyday, and they stay inside at night). I've clearly bonded with the creatures and they know this, so much so that in the beginning they'd joke I was their new owner. they joke about it anymore.
Probably the worst thing for me was when I left for two weeks to go on holidays. It coincided with a weekend they were going to spend away, so no one would be at the apartment. They took the opportunity that I was going to be away for a while, to shit on me in the group chat. I'm a very clean person. I always do my dishes and I'm always cleaning something or another in the apartment. They know this. It didn't stop them from sending passive agressive texts about the dishes not being done once, after they got back from their trip. They got really mad for no fucking reason, about the apartment being messy and the cats being outside when they got back. Instead of communicating like adults, they sent some very petty messages. Instead of playing into their pissing contest, I simply apologized and explained I had left to the airport in a hurry on the morning I left and hadn't had the time to clean. The whole thing made me extremely uneasy, and we still haven't talked about it, but ever since I got back I've just been doing the dishes way more, including their dishes. They know how sensitive I am, which is why I felt so horrible when they sent such agressive messages. I could never confront them about this though. Our interactions are just very limited now, probably for the better.
Also, it used to be just me and my one roommate. Who then got a girlfriend, who started hanging out a lot at ours, then sleeping over constantly, until my roommate asked me, very non-officially, if she could move in with us. I said yes, but saying no wouldn't have changed much, considering she practically already had. At first it was alright, but now that there's been all this tension, I feel like an extra thing that they'd rather be rid of. It's unpleasant, so I try to make myself as small as possible. Which sometimes still doesn't feel like enough.
There's also the whole thing with our 'landlords'... this is my first time being in this kind of situation, and since we all live here together I wish we'd communicate more and sort things out in case shit hits the fan, which we don't really... I don't want to get into detail because it's so god awfully complicated and legally I don't think I should share much info. But anyways, I needed to get these things off my chest. Overall it's fine and I'll deal with it. I mean who gives a shit about coughing and loud sex.
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deeahhnuh · 2 years
I've done this year-in-review thing since 2007! 2007-2012 are over on my old LiveJournal, and 2013-on are right here on my Tumblr. :)
I didn't do one of these for 2021, whoops, but that was a weird year for me anyway so let's just get things going again with - 2022! :)
What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before?
Cut my own bangs! Okay, technically I did try giving myself bangs when I was like 13 or something, but that was a fail. This time, I have to say, they turned out very very nicely imho! I'm still quite shocked I (think I) pulled it off!
Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Never make any formal ones, but as usual for the New Year, I want to be sure to be careful and mindful about my health!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Two family friends - they're sisters! - gave birth to sweet baby boys like a month apart! Pure joy. ♥
Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank goodness.
What countries did you visit?
Ha, I'm quite the homebody - none
What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?
I'm hugely grateful for what I do have, but I have to admit I do have some humble ambitions and hopes that I would like to work on making happen in 2023 - or at least get some kind of show on the road! :)
What date(s) from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 2022 - I had my last appointment with my psychiatrist of almost 16 years, because he is retiring. I'll remember this date as it's all a bit of an end of an era! No words can ever sum up his incredibly positive influence on my life. So I'm sad, but more than anything, I'm just thankful that I had his care for as long as I did! ♥
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I didn't completely botch my bangs lol!
What was your biggest failure?
I don't think I made any total goofs this year, yay!
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh my goodness, I had to get a dang tooth extracted a few days after Thanksgiving! The oral surgeon was a magician or something: I had almost no pain afterward, so my biggest "issue" was just me making sure I followed the recovery instructions to the letter. Which I did, apparently; at the follow-up appointment, he said "I can tell you followed all the steps exactly!" :) Tldr: I'm doing fine now!
What was the best thing you bought?
Music. And perfume; but music, man. I need it.
Whose behavior merited celebration?
That oral surgeon, for one, lol!
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Not so much a behavior, but the perspective that COVID-19 is "over." Couldn't be me.
Where did most of your money go?
Music. Perfume.
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Holidays and birthdays!
What song will always remind you of 2022?
SOOOoooo many. Check out my 2022 list of my iPod (and Spotify) hits on my Spotify!
Compared to this time last year (2021), are you:
Better, by at least a bit!
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Listen to more new music releases, watch more new shows, see more new movies! There's always so much to discover!
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worry? But I'm so good at it, lol!
How did you spend Christmas?
Fam and ham. Two good things that are great together!
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2022?
I don't think I was too much of a doofus this year, tbh!
How many one-night stands?
Ha, zero
What was your favorite TV program?
The stupid: cartoons (Family Guy and South Park: I have trash taste) and Real Housewives of wherever (and other Bravo fare)
The not stupid: Abbott Elementary, Better Call Saul, The Orville, Shining Vale, Only Murders in the Building, What We Do in the Shadows, The Patient. Also, Space Force. I know it was canceled (boo!), and it was panned a lot, but it was fun!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022?
Business on top, pajamas on the bottom
What kept you sane?
Music. Spotify is a gift and there's so much music to find! (But I do tend to listen to the same stuff all the time lol)
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Lol no
What was the best book you read in 2022?
Lol I suck, nothing to report (again)
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Not really a discovery, because I knew about it already, but I did buy, listen to, and love some old "winter editions" of the Ministry of Sound Addicted to Bass series of releases. A pointless thing to do! But I had a good time.
What did you want and get?
Addicted to Bass winter editions! Nah, but for real, I have the things I need and I'm grateful about it! ♥
What did you want and not get?
See above! I'm good. :)
What was your favorite film of this year?
Watched a lot of great movies this year - see my Scrapbook! But my fave 2022 releases? Elvis was a spectacle and Bullet Train was bombastic fun. New-to-me faves? I've known about Crossing Delancey but hadn't seen the whole movie until this year - it's precious! So is You Can't Take It with You! And Educating Rita is adorable too. Doing a 180 from precious and adorable - Shadow of the Vampire, which is bonkers but kind of a delight. Finally, special shout-out to The Beatles: Get Back. It was incredible to see and I loved it!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Visited with my bro & sis-in-law and parents and had a great time! 36!
What three things would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Nah, I'm happy with what I've got. Whatever didn't pan out this year can always come through in the next, or the one after that. :)
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I'm reminded of little Mary and Violet in It's a Wonderful Life! Mary says "You like every boy," to which Violet just smiles and replies "What's wrong with that?" That's me, I'm Violet. Anyways, I dug Ringo in Get Back earlier in the year, then I didn't mind the Austin Butler buzz re: Elvis, and wrapped up the year thinking Michael Shannon ain't half bad for some reason. Who knows what next year will bring lol?
What political issue stirred you the most?
It's all a mess!
Who did you miss?
Family - those we've lost, and those who are simply not near. ♥
What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022?
As usual - we need hope. We just do. I certainly do! :)
What quote can be used to sum up your year?
Lol it's a South Park quote, but hear me out -
Butters: "I love life."
Stan: "Huh? But you just got dumped."
Butters: "Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid."
Goth Kid 2: "Yeah."
Stan: "No. No, Butters, that doesn't sound stupid at all."
So that was my 2022. Here's to 2023! Happy (early) New Year, Tumblr! :)
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xlovelyyoongix · 4 years
don’t leave me alone | ksj
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(I do not own this gif) 
summary: how were you supposed to say goodbye to the only man you ever loved?
pairing: Seokjin x f. Reader (ft. Yoongi)
warnings: zombie apocalypse, main character death, violence,  final goodbyes, blood, use of a gun, cursing, panicked reader, and panicked Yoongi.
Genre: heavy angst ( i’m so sorry for this...)
w/c: 2k ( one-shot )
a/n: so, instead of writing a warm and fuzzy holiday fic, I wrote this... wtf is wrong with me 😅? Anyways, huge thanks to @excusemin​ for being a sweetie and overlooking this and also crying with me 😭. Maybe make sure you have tissues before reading, yeah? I promise I’ll write a Jin fluff soon to make up for it. 💕
"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" Yoongi repeats with a dry throat, hands gripping onto Seokjin's shoulders to drag the older male's limp body into the room. "Close the fuckin door before they get in, Y/N!" he yells with a panic.
"Got it!" Ignoring the grunting of the undead chasing behind you, your hand slams the door shut the second you make it into the room. You make sure to lock the nob, but even that wasn't enough to keep the walking dead at bay; you need something big enough to barricade the door. Frantic, your eyes scan around the office-like room and spot a large desk that could be put to good use.
You sprint over, hands gripping at the metal of the desk but immediately met with the heavyweight of the object. "Y-Yoongi..." You grunt with clenched teeth, attempting to move the desk. "I can't move this on my own," you mutter in struggle.
"Can't you see I'm fuckin busy, Y/N!" Yoongi was never one to cuss or even raise his voice, but with the gravity of the situation, he panicked as he propped his best friend's body against a wall.  
Seokjin releases a sick cough, body wincing at the pain rippling throughout the damage of his legs. "I... I'm alright for now, Yoongi." His voice, weak as he struggles to speak. "Go help Y/N, please." Even being this close to death, Jin was still as polite as ever.
"Yeah, but..." Yoongi's eyes saddened as he gazed upon Seokjin's wounded state. His once flawless skin, now tainted with bloody cuts and purple bruises. Lips, formerly known for their pink, plush appearance now swallowed by a deep blue. It was clear Jin didn't have long to live, leaving no time for Yoongi to argue. "Fine," he releases a heavy breath. "I'll be right back."  
Following Seokjin's orders, Yoongi sprints towards you, assisting with pushing the heavy metal desk against the door to help keep the zombies outside.
With the task completed, your body lunges to your boyfriend's side. "Seokjinnie..." You whimper at the sight of color, leaving his precious face, and when your hand reaches to cup his cheek, you're met with skin as cold as ice. "A-are you in any pain?"  
Seokjin was definitely in pain, so much pain that his brain began to fog, making it hard for him to focus on anything other than the blood oozing injuries in both of his legs. "I... I'm fine, love." He lied, not wanting to make you worry more than you already have been. "All the blood leaving my body is starting to turn me numb." He grunts.
"Y-you'll be fine." Your breath staggers in your throat. "E-everything will be fine, baby," words rambling with a trembling lip. "We'll get you back to the compound, and the medics can look over your wounds and-"
"Listen, Y/N," The sudden power behind Seokjin's voice knocks you from your train of thought. "We both know I'm not making it outta here alive." Despite the grimness of his words', Jin somehow managed a smile as if coming to terms with his approaching demise. "I'll turn before we can even make it back to the compound."
You knew it was true. You knew that nothing could save your boyfriend at this point, but you refuse to believe it. "No, you're wrong!" You shout, a warm tear slipping down your cheek. "You're going to be alright, Jin! You just have to hang on! We can make it to the compound and-"
"Y/N, please" Seokjin's weak voice breaks your sentence. "I don't want to turn into one of them." His cold hand gives yours a comforting squeeze, wanting to feel the warmth of your lovely skin again before he leaves this world. "I don't want you to see me as one of them, so..." His darkening eyes rolled over to Yoongi, who was sitting at his right side. "Yoongi is going to shoot me."  
Your heart drops, jaw falling open from disbelief. "W-what?" Blood running cold as your body begins to tremble because he couldn't be serious, right? "No, absolutely not!" You protest in a frantic state. "We are going to take you back home-"  
"Y/N,..." Yoongi's eyes narrow towards you with a clenched jaw. "You know what happens after someone is bitten." He knows not to sugar coat it for you because the longer the two of you just sit there, the less time Seokjin has. "Don't make this harder on him."
Even though you hated it and didn't want to believe it, Yoongi was right. Seokjin was bitten, and the blood in his body was growing colder and colder by the second. "I... I know b-but," The whites of Jin's once dewy eyes become taken over by the virus, leaving them a deathly pitch black. "Don't leave me alone, Jin..." Your words, barely audible as your tears become potent. "I love you, I love you so much, and this hurts. I don't want to be without you..."
Using what strength he had left, Seokjin leans in for a kiss. His cold lips press onto the warmth of your own, basking in the serenity of your beauty. His thoughts start to wander, and he doesn't know if this is just his brain's way of coping with death, but he notices he's beginning to slip into a peaceful fantasy with you.
A fantasy where both of you stand in a lovely field of white flowers, the sun shining down so bright, your adorable face radiates and youthful glow that only enhanced all the beautiful features Seokjin loved about you.    
Standing tall, Seokjin places a loose strand of hair behind your ear. With eyes so big and your smile so bright, it melted him inside. It felt amazing, seeing you like this one final time, and Jin wished he could stay in this euphoric-like dream with you forever. A dream where he could use his strength to hold you, kiss you, and make love to you. However, the quick stabbing of reality begins to set in again, ripping him from his tranquil daydream.  
Seokjin slowly pulls away from the kiss, his thumb caressing across your cheek to help soothe your sadness. "I love you too, Y/N." He manages a smile, thankful for his short fantasy because now he has the strength to say goodbye. "I love you more than you could ever know, but please..." Jin's thick brows crinkling together, gulping in the air around him, preparing for what was next. "Let me leave this world while I'm still human. While I'm still the man, you love."
You don't want to believe it. You want to say no and drag Seokjin back to the compound and force someone, anyone, to save him because you can't imagine the man you love gone from this world so soon. But, no matter how much you wanted to change his fate, Seokjin was already destined to die this way. "O...Okay." You whimper, teeth gnawing at your lip to hold back any words of protest. Leaning in, you place one final kiss across Jin's cold lips before looking at your friend. "Yoongi..." And for the first time ever, you saw Yoongi's tears.
Yoongi's body trembled with despair, the gun shaking in his hand at the very thought of having to end his best friend's life. He's done it before, killed someone. It's nearly impossible to survive through the apocalypse without having to do so, but he'd never thought he'd have to use a bullet on someone that he loved.    
"Brother," Seokjin's voice creeps in slowly, placing a hand over Yoongi's shivering one. "It's going to be alright." He manages a weak smile, looking up at his dearest friend. "We've had fun together, right?"
A breathy chuckle vibrates from Yoongi's throat as he remembers all the eventful times spent with Seokjin. Friends as teenagers, graduating from college and becoming roommates as the two struggled to find their place in the corporate world. Every laugh, every smile, all of it flashing before Yoongi's eyes. "Yeah, we had a shit ton of fun, hyung." Yoongi laughs, rubbing tears out the corner of his eyes.
"So don't cry for me. I've lived a good life." A smile stretched across Seokjin's face, but he couldn't fool the fact that he was in pain. "I need you to stay strong and look after Y/N." His weak hand, gripping tightly onto Yoongi's. "Can you do that for me ?"
Yoongi rapidly nods his head in agreement, "I will. I'll look after her for you, hyung." Voice cracking in the back of his throat.
"Good." Seokjin grips the barrel of Yoongi's gun, guiding the weapon to be placed against the temple of his head. "I can feel it. I won't last much longer." Taking hold of your hand, Jin takes a deep breath to ease the anxiety rippling throughout his body. "I'm ready," he said, coming to terms with his inevitable end.
Yoongi's somber orbs glide to yours, grabbing your attention. "Close your eyes, Y/N. You shouldn't watch this part." Since the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, you've seen plenty of death, but Yoongi knows this will be the death that haunts your dreams at night.
There was no time to object or whine. Despite the growing ache in your heart, you had to let Seokjin pass on the way he wanted. "Okay," Your lips tremble, giving Jin one final glance before your lashes flutter shut.
Gun shaking in his hand, Yoongi attempts to let his mind fall blank, fearing if he over-thought it, he wouldn't be able to follow through with Seokjin's final wish. He takes an anxious bite of his lip, finger seconds from the trigger, waiting for Jin's signal.  
Closing his eyes, Seokjin grips onto your hand as tight as he possibly could. Of course, he was scared, and of course, he didn't want to leave you but, he'd rather die a man than turn into one of them. Taking a deep final breath, Jin nods, giving Yoongi the confirmation that he was ready.
The loud sound of the bullet echoed throughout the air. Maroon blood splattering across the office wall as Seokjin's hand grew limp in yours. Your lashes flicker open to the discovery of your boyfriend's body now slack and lifeless. "S-Seokjinnie...?" Your weak voice calls, but when he doesn't respond, a tsunami of anguish crashes over you. You can't catch your breath, your chest begins to tighten, and hot tears run down your face, streaming heavier than ever before. "NO!"
Before your body could collapse, Yoongi catches you from behind, pulling you in between his legs to cradle your sobbing body into his chest. He wants to tell you not to cry, that Seokjin wouldn't want you to be sad, but Yoongi couldn't even stop his own tears from falling. The only thing his weak body was capable of doing was stroking your hair as he rocked you in his arms, his mourning tears sliding onto the top of your head.
Eventually, the two of you would leave the building. You'd take your rage out on the zombies and let your bullets rip through their bodies as you escape back to the compound, but right now the two of you were too weak with grief. Only capable of clenching onto one another as you allow the hot sting of your tears to burn your eyes.
You would cry, and cry, and cry until you physically couldn't cry anymore...
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confused-android · 4 years
Day 13, Todd - Family
Amanda: hey, what time are you showing up at mom and dad's on tuesday? (7:02PM)
Todd: For what? Why would I go to their house? (7:05PM)
Amanda: …for hannukah? they sent out the invite three weeks ago, asshole. check your fucking email (7:10PM)
Todd switches apps on his phone and opens his Gmail account. The only things in his inbox are bills and spam. He looks in his spam folder, and even checks his agency account, just in case they had, for some reason, found that email address and sent him an email there.
He searches both accounts for his mom's email address, and finds only the last email she'd sent him, before all of this shit went down. Before he'd told Amanda the truth, and she'd told their parents. Before he was on the FBI's Most Wanted list for almost three months. Before they opened the agency.
From: Debora Brotzman <[email protected]> Date: 4/8/16 2:14 PM To: Todd Brotzman <[email protected]> Subject: Visiting Mandy?
Hey sweetie, it's MOM. Mandy said she's feeling better this week – are you going to visit her? Call me when you get there, if you can!  :-) Dad found a place to give him an interview, even with his knee, so send him some love and prayers! :-) I miss you, you're doing great.
Love, MOM <3 (Mandy says this is a heart, but in case you can't tell, imagine I put a heart there!)
He hadn't called her on that visit – all of his attention was taken up by Dirk, and it felt weirdly vulnerable to call his mother in front of some weird stranger. After that visit to Amanda, he'd been a little too busy to call her during the Patrick Spring case, and then he was afraid calling her would be trackable, and would bring the FBI down on his and Farah's heads. And since getting back to Seattle… Well, he's tried calling his parents a few times, and sent them an email over the high holidays, but they haven't responded.
He knows why, but it's just been easier to pretend that they were busy, to let Amanda send him occasional messages when she visited home, to imagine that they just… hadn't gotten around to responding to his lengthy apology email.
That strategy doesn't seem to be possible, here.
Todd: No email. (7:43PM)
Amanda: you sure? (7:44PM)
Todd: Yeah. (7:46PM)
Amanda doesn't respond and Todd slumps back into the couch, rubbing a hand over his face. This was… this was utterly predictable. He knew this was coming as far back as Amanda's first Pararibulitis attack, and this is what he knew would happen if they ever found out, and he can't pretend that they're just busy any more. He hasn't been invited home for the family Hanukkah celebration. He's not family any more.
This is the natural consequences of his actions, and he isn't even sure if he deserves to feel miserable.
Why does this suck so much? It's not like he was close with them, anyway. Not for a lack of effort on his parents' behalf, of course. That last email from his mom is typical. Just that it's hard to want to spend time with people you hurt, you're hurting, even if they don't know it. He kept hanging with Amanda because she needed him, and he needed to keep trying to make up for how shitty he was, but there was no way that he could ever save up enough to pay his parents back for years of – of stealing from and lying to them. So spending time with them, talking to them beyond occasional five minute phone call and a yearly awkward hanukkah gathering, never really happened.
Does this even matter? Should it matter?
Of course it matters. It's a punishment from his parents, for being awful to them. He's supposed to feel like shit.
Well, that's successful, then.
Dirk and Farah are out at some kind of trivia night thing, and Todd is honestly kind of relieved. He's not sure if he can handle them right now. Not in a bad way. Just that, Farah wants to be comforting but isn't ever really sure how, and Dirk is sure that he knows how to be comforting but rarely succeeds, and Todd always has to pretend that he feels very comforted by whichever of them has drawn the short straw to hang out with him when he's miserable, and he doesn't really feel like pretending right now.
His phone dings.
Amanda: i texted mom. (8:12PM)
Todd: …? (8:14PM)
Amanda: she said it wasn't an accident (8:20PM)
Todd: I figured *shrug emoji* (8:22PM)
Amanda: i feel kind of weird about this, tbh? (8:24PM)
Amanda: like, i'm still pissed at you, but you know that, and we're working on it (8:24PM)
Amanda: and i told mom that and she said that you emailed her for yk and apologized and that she didn't respond (8:24PM)
Amanda: and that sounds shitty of her? (8:25PM)
Amanda: but also you were shitty (8:26PM)
Amanda: like, really shitty (8:26PM)
Todd: I know that. I was shitty. And she doesn't have to respond to me. (8:27PM)
Amanda: it just feels weird bc she's our mom (8:31PM)
Todd: Yeah. (8:32PM)
Todd: I'm… having some feelings about it. (8:32PM)
Amanda: well i guess i'm proud of you for having feelings? idk (8:33PM)
Amanda: do you want me to not go? (8:37PM)
Todd: No! (8:37PM)
Todd: No, no. Go spend Hanukkah with mom and dad. I'm bummed, but I'll be fine.  (8:37PM)
Todd: I'll try emailing them again next Yom Kippur, I guess. That always seemed to mean something to dad. (8:39PM)
Amanda: that could work (8:40PM)
Amanda: idk (8:40PM)
Todd: I don't know either, if it helps. This sucks, but I knew it was coming, I guess. (8:42PM)
Amanda: :/  (8:45PM)
Todd: :/ (8:46PM)
Todd drops his phone on the coffee table and stands up, shoves his hands through his hair, and sits right back down. Then he stands up again, because while he has no idea what to do with himself, he at least wants to not know what to do somewhere other than the couch. He looks in the fridge without taking anything out of it, contemplates and rejects the idea of a shower, and then grabs the pipe and lighter from his dresser and climbs out the kitchen window and on to the fire escape. He leans up against the side of the building and shivers as a gust of December air hits his neck and seeps in through the fabric of his hoodie.
"Fuck," he says, voice lost in the night, and cups the bowl in one hand and lights it with the other. He takes a long inhale. The smoke floods his lungs and he tops it off with clean, cold air, then holds the breath for a beat before exhaling. He lets the smoke drift away and sits with the scent lingering in his nose before taking a second hit, and then a third. He taps the ash out through the grate next to him, shoves the pipe and lighter back into his hoodie pocket, and thumps his head back against the brick.
It's hard to not feel like a complete piece of shit when your parents have disowned you. Like, the people who are supposed to love and care for you no matter what just don't want to see you for the holidays? That's pretty bad.
He knows that it's not like he doesn't deserve it – he did a horrible thing. Like, a really horrible thing. The kind of thing that gets you disowned by your parents. But it… it really sucks. This whole situation sucks. And it's a situation he made, which means that he sucks.
It's cold outside. Not quite freezing, but not that far above it, either, and his hoodie isn't quite cutting it. He doesn't go inside, though. If he goes inside, he'll check his phone and reread the conversation with Amanda, and have to start thinking about it all over again. So he just stays on the fire escape, buries his chin in the collar of his hoodie, and tries to think about anything other than his parents choosing to ignore him, and not see him for the holidays.
"Fuck," he says again. And that seems to sum it up.
Todd loses track of how long he spends on the fire escape, but it's long enough that he's not really cold any more, just trembling slightly, when the door to the apartment bangs closed.
"Shit," Dirk swears, his voice drifting through the window. "It's bloody freezing in here."
"The window's open," Farah adds, baffled, and then says, "Todd?"
"Todd!" Dirk echoes, his voice a little louder than hers.
"I'm out –" Todd coughs, then tries again. "I'm out here! Sorry!"
He can hear some bustling and movement from inside, and then a long leg sticks through the open window and taps around, looking for the floor, and is then quickly followed by a body. Dirk steps out of the way for Farah, who is altogether more graceful when exiting the building, and they both look down at him, separate expression of confusion on their faces.
"Why are you out here?" Dirk asks bluntly.
Farah shakes her head and puts on hand on Dirk's shoulder, asks, "how long have you been out here?"
Todd shrugs. "Maybe since nine? I'm not sure. What time is it?"
"It's almost ten," Farah says, and crouches down in front of him. "What the hell, Todd?"
"I'm sorry," he says, too tired to really get riled up, or even defensive. "I didn't know what time it was. I left my phone inside."
"Will you, um. Come inside now?" Farah tries, and looks up at Dirk for back-up. Dirk has a funny expression on his face, though, and steps around both of them. He sinks to the floor next to Todd and wiggles up close, until they're pressed together at the shoulder and hip. "Dirk!" Farah exclaims.
"Come on," Dirk says, and gestures to the floor on the other side of Todd. She opens her mouth like she's going to object again, but then something on Todd's face, or on Dirk's face, seems to speak to her, and she scoots back a bit and tips off her heels and down to sitting. Farah holds still for a long moment, steeling herself with a deep breath, then presses against Todd's other side. The brick at his back and the metal grate under his ass are still cold, but his two best friends are warm on either side of him. For a moment, at least, he feels like he has family.
Link to: day one, Farah - Youth day two, Farah - Dance day three, Farah - Gore day four, Farah - GNC fashion day five, Farah - AU day six, Farah - Family (to be written) day seven, Farah - Pride (to be written) day eight, Todd - Youth (to be written) day nine, Todd - Dance (to be written) day ten, Todd - Gore day eleven, Todd - GNC Fashion day twelve, Todd - AU
prompt list
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domesticsns · 5 years
I'm so curious about what happened at the restaurant between Sasuke and his father.
aAh, yeah that happened after Naori was missing and after Naruto and Sasuke had a very big fight about Fugaku revealing the one who blew the whistle on the military boarding school ran by Danzo was Sasuke and he didn’t know this. 
So Fugaku wanted to patch things up and apologize for the night and he contacted Naruto because he could not get in touch with Sasuke. Naruto talked to Sasuke and convinced him to go. Of course, Naruto is this guy who gives out chances like cheap candy. But he convinced Sasuke and said Fugaku was trying to chance and wasn’t this some sort of improvement that he reached out now than never. 
Sasuke giving it the benefit of the doubt. Decided to tag along and when they reached the restaurant that was actually pretty nice place and not some warn out bar as he had expected his father to choose. This was odd to Sasuke, but his questions were quickly answered when he saw a young women, not older than forty years old next to his father. She had this blond long curly hair and brown eyes and quite big bosoms.They headed to their table and Naruto eagerly introduced himself. He, as Naruto is. Gave Fugaku a hug and the women was like  “Oh I am a hugger too!” and proceeded to hug Naruto and she introduced herself. When she headed to Sasuke. Sasuke couldn’t get away from her faster. It was only that Naruto was standing behind him that he was forced to be a recipient of a hug he never wanted to be in anyway. He didn’t give his father a hand, he just give him an acknowledgement of a nod before they sat down. 
The women started talking. She said how Fugaku, her boyfriend, had told her all about them. Sasuke looks over at his father and then back at the women and interrupts her talking by asking her how old she is  and she chuckles and says a lady never reveals her age. Naruto laughed but Sasuke stared at her intensified. 
She then coughed and said she was 39 and Sasuke looks back at his father and says, “She is as old as your child.” 
“Come on Sasuke...They’re adults, stop.” Naruto said, putting his hand over Sasuke’s and squeezing it which might appear supportive from the outside, but this was Naruto’s  “YOU’RE BEING RUDE, BASTARD!” Squeeze. 
“Right...Sorry.” Sasuke threw back his glass of wine before grabbing a waiter and says: “I need something stronger...Bring me scotch and whenever see my glass empty you fill. Okay?” He grabs a fifty note and puts it in the waiter’s pocket.
So Naruto is talking to Fugaku’s girlfriend. Naruto talks about his job with children and she talks about her job as a hairdresser and Fugaku chipped in he conversation a little and Sasuke wasn’t talking...Didn’t want to talk either. But the woman was kindly trying to talk to Sasuke too. She starts talking about his job but Sasuke was being very short with her. Then she tried to compliment him by telling him he was very good looking. 
“Thank you. I take after my mother who shot through the head because she was struggling with mental illness and my father dismissed it as her being an attention seeking whore.” He looked at his father who snapped he had never spoken so ill of his late wife.  Sasuke said he might as well have because she was dead either way. 
“I am sure things were...Different back then,” the women said and she wrapped her arms around Fugaku’s and said, “he has been nothing but supportive with my son. He was going such a rough path with his biological father. I thought he would be broken forever, but then Fugaku came in our lives and we couldn’t be happier.” 
“Oh you have son....” Sasuke looked at his dad. 
“Tell us more about him,” Naruto tired to stir the conversation a little to something more positive. 
“Well he is 13 and not even that long ago he was a she.” She said proudly. “When he came out to us about how he felt. I knew he was always my son and supported him. But my former husband did not and we got in a lot of arguments and we seperated. This had very emotional toll on Oliver. He blamed himself. He was really depressed, but with a lot of love and support from Fugaku and me and therapy he is doing a lot better. I am so proud of my little boy. He really looks up to Fugaku now, he wants to join the police force and follow in his footsteps. Fugaku is teaching him all these manly things.” She laughed at her own words and when she turned to look at Sasuke he could see such hatred in his eyes it was almost scary. 
“Oliver is trans...” Sasuke said, “You are fine with this, but when you figured out I was in love with Naruto. You packed my bags and send me away!” Sasuke raised his voice. 
“Sasuke no-” Naruto tried to calm him down, but even he knew by Sasuke’s look hew as too far gone. 
“No, you shut up!” Sasuke shouted. 
“You send me away! You abandoned me! My mother shot herself through the head you wouldn’t look me in the eye. When I was unable to talk for three years you locked me in a closet and forced me to piss myself in order to get me to talk while every specialist told you it was mental. And when I found shred of happiness in my live in the form of this dumbass!” He pointed at Naruto, “You send me to an all boys military boarding school in otogakure ran by a guy you barely knew and just left me at his mercy and didn’t even try to find out what was happening behind those locked doors! You cut me off without a second thought and put me through hell where I had to do unthinkable shit to survive!” 
“I was a different person back then,” Fugaku said, “I didn’t know better-” 
“And now you’re suddenly a saint!?” Sasuke shouted. Everybody in the restaurant was staring. “People don’t fucking change!” Sasuke stood up. “I thought when you reached out to me. I was sceptical and I was right to be sceptical! You’re the biggest asshole in this fucking world!” 
“Sasuke if this is about Danzo. I thought it was just a strict school I had no idea what was really going on behind those gates until they were exposed-” 
Sasuke broke the fucking table with one kick screaming. 
“Sasuke!” Naruto shouted his husband’s name, this probably prevented him from not twisting Fugaku’s neck on the spot. 
“I could kill you in a heartbeat,” Sasuke grabbed Fugaku by his collar,  “-but the only reason you’re breathing right now is because I love that little gay shit-” he pointed at Naruto, “And he opposed to murder.” He pushed Fugaku away from him before leaving. 
“I am so sorry....” Naruto said getting up looking awkwardly around him seeing all the people looking at him and they looked scared. Some people grabbed their phones and were filming the whole thing. 
“Uhm...” He grabbed his credit card and handed it to the waiter, “Just charge everything on here...I’ll come back for it. Sorry again...Don’t file charges...”  He said as he jogged out of the restaurant and into the rain. Trying to find his husband outside. He finally caught up to Sasuke and had to jog to keep up with him storming rage pace.
“You want to tell me what that is about!? Sasuke! Sasuke, talk to me! You can’t ignore me!” Naruto said, walking behind Sasuke. His husband wasn’t responding. 
“I know what he did to you was wrong, but the whole reconnecting to him was to give him a second chance. He obviously is a changed men he is treating  this woman so kindly and is accepting of her son. When we first met him he didn’t even know there were more two genders and now he is supporting a trans kid because he educated himself on the matter. He is trying, he has regrets. I don’t understand what more you want from him?!” 
“I don’t care what the fuck he does with that kid or that woman. I want nothing to do with him.” 
“Sasuke, you were open about giving him a chance. Why is this not a positive thing to you. Is this not the solid proof that he changed and is more open minded. Why are you angry?” 
“BECAUSE IF HE WAS GOING TO BE THIS CHANGED MAN, WHY COULDN’T HE BE LIKE THAT WHEN I WAS GROWING UP!” Sasuke shouted, turning around. Naruto saw big tears rolling over his cheeks and his heart stopped beating for a second. He had to look twice, so he wasn’t deceived if it wasn’t just the rain rolling off his cheeks. 
“You don’t understand I am his son and he just left me...He broke me...” Sasuke whispered, his voice cracking as he spoke. 
Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke and hugged him tightly, placing a kiss on his hair as he could hear his husband sobbing. 
“It is not fair what happened to you, Sasuke. I’m sorry. I should not have pushed you into giving your father a second chance.” 
‘Yeah...” He heard Sasuke mutter as he had his face buried in Naruto’s neck. His grip around his husband tightening. They were pretty soaked in the rain as they stood there for a while till Sasuke calmed down and pulled away, rubbing his eyes. Naruto gave him a soft kiss on his lips. 
“I should go back...I broke a table, I need to pay for that.”
“Yeah I gave the waiter my credit card. I can pick it up tomorrow.” Naruto let his hand go through Sasuke’s hair, pushing his bangs back and holding his face in his hand giving him another kiss on his lips. They went to Naruto’s favourite ramen shop and they were soaked as they entered and sat down on the bar stools. Naruto gave Sasuke his jacket because he was wearing a white shirt and leave much for the imagination. Naruto was sticking up the chopstick in his mouth making it look like a walrus teeth and Sasuke chuckled before they ate a hot bowl of ramen as Naruto told Sasuke a funny story that happened at school, making him laugh. 
They ended up going home, throwing their clothes in the hamper before taking a warm bath together. 
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Janis & Grace
Janis: what's the name of that boy we were partnered with first day Janis: the one when we won? Grace: Craig Grace: why? Janis: that's it Janis: what's his deal, how do you know him? Grace: I literally don't Janis: you don't fuck with him? Grace: idk he's like really shy or whatever Grace: that was the first time I'd ever talked to him & vice versa so Janis: okay, well Mia banged him last night Janis: we saw her going in his room Grace: EW Grace: poor Craig Janis: yeah Janis: where is he Janis: she eat him afterwards, like 🕷 Grace: 🐍 like Grace: ugh he was cute Grace: RIP 🙏 Janis: anyway, thought I'd say 'cos obviously did it to 💔 you so naturally act the opposite to piss her off Janis: we got 📸s Grace: 🙄 duh I am the opposite, he hit me up & I said no thanks, I have the 🗨 Janis: ha Janis: send me that Grace: [does] Janis: 👍 Janis: always handy to have Grace: yeah Janis: not ready yet but can preview it when I'm done Grace: not sure I wanna 👀🍿 her snatching that sweet boy's virginity but thanks Janis: she weren't that careless Janis: thankfully Janis: you'll 👀 Grace: 👌👌 Janis: How's Els? Grace: UM why? What did you do? Janis: Nothing Janis: she fell on her arse, did she not Grace: Oh that Grace: it was no worse than when Asia dropped your bf Grace: how's your ankle? Janis: If I didn't know how thick she was, assume Mia put her up to it Janis: it's annoying Janis: need it to be better for when we get back Grace: literally so many 🐕🐩 to walk, what would you even do? Janis: exactly, can make loads in holidays, those 7 hours free really add up Grace: I'd offer to help but so can I 👶🍼 Janis: I'll survive Janis: take one of Billie's old chairs if necessary, get them to pull me along Grace: 😂😂 Grace: ask Mia what shifts barista boy is down for, maybe he can help Janis: in theory worth it Janis: but she'd probably be weirdly smug about her knowing instead of me Grace: true, just ask him Grace: 🤞💜 Janis: ain't sharing my pay Grace: he'd totally do it for free cos he's SO 😍😍😍 Janis: yeah yeah Janis: that'd fade well fast when faced with 6am and dog shit Grace: Hello?! He gets up earlier than that to serve ☕ and clean bathrooms Janis: we've all got very glamorous lives Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: HIGHKEY should tell Craig to get tested but like I don't want him to think I'm 💔 Grace: ugh Janis: slip a 📝 under his door Janis: - a concerned citizen Grace: so retro Grace: love it Grace: idk if I even have any paper?? Janis: we have to do some exit survey bullshit don't we Grace: do we? Grace: EW Janis: mhmm, already planning my constructive criticism, obvs Grace: @ Mr Lucas what are you even doing here?! SO GROSS Janis: pretty sure he's following me Janis: fair, did cut the two spare ties he brought (??) in half Grace: OMG! you've literally saved someone's life tbh Grace: he's that creepy Janis: reckons we've got full term detention when we get back Janis: so sorry I foiled your plan, definitely wanna spend more alone time with you, sounds good Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: so sorry you're short & gross & single & mad about it, hun Janis: if mum actually makes me go, it'll be my 🩸 on his 🧤 and her 🤲 Grace: she won't even Grace: not for that long Janis: 🤞 Janis: if all he cares about are the holes in all his 🩲 and not finding out what else I did, then she won't be as pissed off as she could be Grace: what else did you do?? Grace: also EW for that visual, babes Janis: 🤫 Janis: you didn't have to touch 'em Grace: you've literally made it even easier for him to touch himself, excuse you Janis: 😂😂 Janis: 📸 that for the online burn book Grace: can he get enough hate to retire please?! so over what a freak he is Janis: ain't we all Grace: maybe he won't be able to take us for any more activities thanks to the wardrobe malfunctions you caused 🤞🤞 Grace: 🙏 Janis: could be his day CANCELLED 👌🍆💦🥴 Grace: STOP Grace: I don't wanna see 🍆💦 applied to him EVER Janis: it'll stop him being so 🤬🤬 on the bus Grace: the breakfasts here are literally gross enough the 1st time around, can you not make it come back up!! Janis: yeah, pretty rough Janis: that'll be why the gals have been skipping, yeah 😏 Grace: 🙄 Grace: Don't even, she wants me to Grace: I don't have the energy to fight with her about it even after eating, sorry not sorry, babes Janis: no wonder she's taken to spreading STIs Janis: wanna take out as many people as she can, that one Grace: idk what goes through her head, 1st barista boy, now Craig Grace: thank god if I was actually 😍 she'd clearly have no idea Janis: he's not the worst looking Grace: barista boy? DUH Grace: we all see your 😍😍😍 hun Janis: I meant Craig and you know it Grace: like I said, he was cute Janis: shame he's now 50% likely to have the clap Grace: I'll write him that note, it's been forever since I did a good deed Grace: 🙏😇 Janis: nan be 💃 Grace: maybe now she'll love me 🤞🖤 Janis: she loves no one but dad and the LORD Janis: allegedly on that last one Grace: as far as she's concerned they were basically the same person so Janis: where was his dad, tbh Janis: maybe he was 1/3 Janis: 2/3 now Janis: 👶🏾👻 Grace: 🤷 Janis: she'll ask the lady at church who can talk to spirits, that's what she was on about to mum last I heard Janis: gonna stay in touch now he's dead, clearly Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: I won't be taking Craig to 🙏 his STI away then Janis: cute date idea Grace: IKR?! Grace: so tragic that we'll both have to miss out Janis: 💔 be a trip to the clinic with Mia instead Grace: more like a solo trip Grace: she's already forgotten that boy Janis: poor, poor David Janis: what fond memories is he gonna have looking back Grace: 🐍🐁 Grace: but that's a v relatable mood, this trip has been the WORST Janis: has it? Grace: not for you, obvs Janis: just remembering that one where you pissed yourself and then cried the whole time Janis: it's at least one up on that Grace: EXCUSE YOU Grace: literally don't bring up that you've ever known me, thanks so much Janis: there's no selling that storyline, sadly Grace: there so is Janis: the name's a dead giveaway Grace: & it still wouldn't be the wildest rumour ever spread Janis: reality is boring in comparison to what they can cook up Grace: duh Janis: go ahead and have a go then Grace: 🤷🤷 there's enough rumours about you & your bf rn Grace: it'd get swallowed faster than poor Craig 💔 Janis: what's the best one you heard then Grace: they're literally all so cringe Janis: go on Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: no thanks Janis: 🎈🎉💩 Grace: it's bad enough I have to 👀 you IRL I'm not trying to gossip in 🗨 too Grace: try Mia or El Grace: they can't get over your 💖 life Janis: 'course they can't Janis: 💔💔 real devastated Grace: mhmm Janis: Ella should be buzzing Janis: but seeing Mia 😢 makes her 😭 Grace: she's too 💔 her fake injury didn't work & yours is real Janis: she can have it Janis: fucking stupid Janis: if this trip weren't a waste of time before Grace: you should totally forget about doing whatever if you wanna get better for hols Janis: doing what? Janis: it's not like we've done anything that taxing Grace: sure but anyway Janis: I can't spend any more time doing nothing Grace: like you said, we already are Janis: you know what I mean Grace: yeah Janis: maybe we'll go do something else Janis: idk Grace: you've got like the perfect excuse not to be under Mr Lucas' 👀 so Janis: I do, might make him join in though Janis: 'cos he hates us Janis: and then I just get bored Grace: OMG stop giving me gross visuals Janis: ?? Grace: anything involving him is like traumatising Grace: he needs to stay on the side lines, thank you Janis: bit harsh Janis: he's northern, not a monster Grace: 😂 but not even Janis: 😏 Grace: whatever Grace: it'll be over soon Janis: the trip? Janis: well observed Grace: duh not gonna kms over breakfast Janis: thought you meant my 💘 Grace: Mia wishes Grace: everyone else will obvs be 💔 Janis: give 'em a good thing Grace: they have so many #s and there'll be more when you dump him Grace: it'll keep everyone busy no matter how many boys she 🐍 and obvs me the freedom to 😢 and wet myself on this trip too so Grace: love that Grace: thanks, babes Grace: 🙌💜🙌 Janis: sounds like a wild time Janis: you are welcome Grace: sure Janis: enjoy your watersports, like Grace: 👌👌
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A change of hearts | chapter VIII
A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated this story in so long, I've been dealing with school and depression honestly. Sorry if everything isn't super politically correct I am not European so I am a bit stupid on their political happenings. This isn't meant to be offensive to anyone.
For a long time things had been going well between Ludwig and Francis. Their relationship blossomed and Germany eventually proposed, with France happily accepting the offer. However they knew there were challenges ahead. The first obstacle was their fellow nations.   
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! FRANCE HOW COULD YOU!?" Was the first response exclaimed after Germany formally made the announcement at a world meeting. The other nations were equally as confused and disgruntled with the match. England marched right up to the German, "YOU BRAINWASHED HIM OR SOMETHING DIDN'T YOU!?". Ludwig, offended by such a notion retorted. 
"Of course not." In a polite yet stern tone, 
"Angleterre that's rude of you to suggest! Even for a connard like you!" Francis stood up to defend his partner. 
"OH I'M BEING RUDE FOR TERRORIZING YOU!? THE MAN THAT HELD YOU PRISONER? THE ONE WHO DESTROYED NOT ONLY YOUR COUNTRY BUT COUNTLESS OTHERS!?" Germany immediately left the room, sensing that he wasn't wanted. A fist fight broke out as perusal between the two nations while the others pondered and discussed the proposal. 
Italy and Japan had followed Germany to make sure he was ok, the waves of guilt hit him all over again. "Maybe Britain's right, maybe France just pities me...maybe I never deserve a second chance or love at all..." He put his head in his hand. 
Italy rubbed his back, "That's not true at all! Everyone deserves love and kindness! Japan and I love you!" Japan nodded in agreement. Prussia who was peering a nearby window saw Germany's sad face. 
He banged on the glass. "Who made you cry like a little baby!? That's totally unawesome!" 
"Just go away Prussia, I want to be left alone." As he muttered the phrase America popped out of the doorway. 
"Yo Germany dude we need a little help in here!" 
"Huh?" The Axis trio went back inside to see France and England on the floor while America tried to separate them. 
"That was six hundred years ago you crazy frog!" 
"Frankreich! Ludwig wrapped his arms around the Frenchman's waste and pried him off. Arthur finally stood up and recovered, the others starring at the scene. Ludwig was holding Francis and whispering "it's ok" to help calm him. 
"Let's go back to the hotel so we can all calm down." The German suggested. 
"Why?" England snapped back, "You two can leave the rest of us will continue the meeting."
Ludwig was not one for bragging but Arthur was getting on his nerves, he growled and snapped back, "How are you going to hold a meeting without the two most powerful European nations? You can't talk about the European Union issues anymore since you backed out like eine Muschi!" The room fell silent, Ludwig was not to curse in a formal setting. Arthur stepped back a bit. 
"Well at least let us discuss this 'engagement' of yours." 
"There's nothing to discuss!" 
"We're nations we can't just marry whoever we please!" 
"Oh for Gott's sake do you watch T.V? Or do you not own one because you're so old. I've never seen two world leaders have more sexual tension unless you count Churchill and Roosevelt." 
To which Arthur and Alfred yelled. "HEY!" 
Francis sniffled and looked up at Ludwig. "Allemange it's fine don't worry. Can we just go back? The two of us?" 
Ludwig sighed in defeat, "Fine." The two men gathered their things and left the world to decide their fate.
Back at the hotel they tried to relax, Ludwig poured himself a drink. "Why do you always attack England?"
Francis chuckled and laid on the bed. "Because Mon cher, he is a dick."
"And I'm not?"
"Oui but a cute one."
"Ja but why am I more deserving of forgiveness than him?"
"He killed the love of my life. My very soul was crushed. Not to mention all the other dickish things he did. I know he gave me the plague."
"The plague spread everywhere Liebling."
"Oui but he started it."
"Whatever you say." Ludwig took another swig of his drink
Back at the world meeting it seemed more like a riot than anything else.
"I don't see the big deal dudes, being gay is gay. Who cares? I don't."
"It's not a matter of gay or not, at least not in most countries; it's a matter of alliances." England tried to school the American in politics.
"Oh yea cuz you and France are best friends. Who would marry Germany for the sake of an alliance anyway?" Again the room fell silent. Italy almost raised his hand however his brother smacked it down.
"I don't think it's really fair to pick on the guy eh?" Spain retorted. "Germany mentioned it himself, their bosses get along really well. They old the European Union together Si?" On this most everyone could agree. "Heck I was married to Austria for awhile, it wasn't that bad!" To this the Austrian flushed in embarrassment; Hungary twitched ever so slightly. However the room filled with laughter.
"He is still a person and should be treated as such." Belgium spoke up, which was a surprise to many of the nations. "The world needed justice for what he had done and it was served. Most of our people have moved on and don't even remember the war. His punishment was paid. Even if we don't like to think about it he suffers too."
"Belgium...can you really forgive him?" England asked with concern and shock. Poland was still very angry and made it very clear to the rest of the world. Many other countries had done the same. Yet Belgium and France were different.
"At first I really didn't want to. During one of my visits to France's house we shared what had happened to each other...He told me about how he forgave Germany because you should not live with that kind of hatred towards another human in your heart." 
"Well France is Catholic, you don't have to share his beliefs Belgium, you're lucky he didn't get you pregnant. You have every right not to forgive him, just like Poland." England tried to rationalize her anger, Poland agreed with him as well as a few other nations.  
"Joat but living the rest of my life being angry at my neighbor who I have to see a lot isn't helpful to anyone. Especially me, we aren't humans. We make sacrifices. You and France don't get along well but you still work with each other. Germany still works with Russia after all he's done." Suddenly the energy in the room shifted; It became dark and ominous as everyone turned to the innocent looking nation. "And America."  She quickly added and began to retell the story of the Berlin wall and all that Germany and his people had suffered. "We need to lay this to rest; Maybe their marriage is the best answer. Maybe we can all find some kind of happiness in this. We shouldn't deny him happiness when he's grown so much as a person." 
"Ja, I agree for once." The focus shifted to Austria. "He isn't the only one to blame, and it isn't like we haven't done bad things to each other before. The Napoleon wars were a mess. England killed Joan of arc, and conquered a lot more of the world than he ever did. Belgium had issues with the Congo, Hungary and I had issues with the Serbians," Though he would never publicly admit he was the cause of the first world war. 
"Will their marriage be like most peoples or is it like ours?" Lithuania piped up. "Because they're two guys and we've had arranged negations with two guys before but this isn't for legal reasons, so like...what about the countries who still...don't recognize that stuff?" The focus was again negatively drawn back to Russia and many of the eastern European countries, the Asian nations watched in silence.  
"WELL THEN FUCK THEM DUDE AM I RIGHT!?"  America very loudly interjected the awkward silence. "We basically said their bosses want some kind of weird alliance thingy so whatever! I say we let them be happy! If Francy-pants likes sausage dude why do we have to tell him what's wrong or right?  Like Emma said we're not mortal and unfortunately we all gotta get along whether we like it or not. Yea to us it might feel like it was just yesterday but to the rest of the world it's history, and our pain eventually goes away. I'm not mad at Britain dude for being a giant douche. I got a cool holiday to celebrate! I get to piss him off!" 
"WHY YOU-" England was cut off by laughter. No one really dare to go up against the loud mouthed American, at this point not even Russia cared anymore about the German-Franco union. The meeting was quickly adjourned afterwards and everyone went back to the hotel. 
Luckily the two were met with love and support, everyone decided to go out and party a little since Germany did announce they were now formally engaged. It was cause for celebration, to forgiveness, happiness and a new beginning for everyone. 
1. Frankreich: France - German 
2. Eine Muschi: A female body part - German 
3. Allemagne: Germany - French
4. Mon Cher: My love - French
5. Leibling: Love - German 
5. Joat: Yes - Western Flemish 
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