#anyway i'm on my way back to the inn for today. i'll start training as a part time delivery hedgehog tomorrow!
l1ghtn1ngstr1kez · 5 months
guess who's getting a new job!
that interview with jewel went better than i thought it would (i was. so nervous lol). this girl named tangle took me on a tour of the place after the interview too, and i got to meet some of the people working here! almost everyone seems to like working here a ton (except for this sheep lady. she seems kinda... i dunno. depressed? looks like she runs on coffee alone the poor thing)
these two people kept giving me strange looks though. a tenrec and a small fox i think. dunno what's up with them but they give me a weird vibe.
also i heard about this race they're holding in a couple months in collaboration with some other company. clean sweepstakes i think she called it? seems like i'm joining the restoration at the right time! i'd love to participate!
in other news, i'm still working out living arrangements, but i've got my eye on a little house nearby. if that doesn't work out i can just live in the hq's residential area for a while. i'm already sold on moving though, it's been love at first sight with this place for me. such a breath of fresh air from empire city
i don't think i've ever been this excited for change. i'm usually not very good at handling big changes lol. but this feels... different, somehow. like an adventure maybe. it feels good :]
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moonelluffer · 5 years
"I Choose You!" Leon X Reader One-Shot
Galar Region
          You are laying in bed at your hotel room in Motosoke at the Budew Inn. You had just beaten the Gym Leader Kabu and his fire type pokemon with your trusty sidekick Scornbunny, who had been given to you by your friend Hop's brother Leon. Scornbunny and you had this connection the first time you two had layed eyes on each other. It was almost like you two were meant to be. This is why picking the small fire rabbit was so easy for you.
Year 2020
          As you started to get up from the bed, you looked out the window to see that it was raining outside. Looking over at Scornbunny laying on the floor in a corner you began to chuckle to yourself. Luckily, the carpet is soft and not to rough for the creatures' fur, giving him some cushioning to lay on while he slept.
          Getting up from the bed, you want to go take a shower, brush you teeth and get ready for the day. After showering and finishing up your hygiene in the bathroom you grabbed your [F/C] simple dress and put it on, along with her [F/C] high top socks and equally as [F/C] combat boots. Looking in the mirror you didn't know what you wanted to do with your [H/L] [H/C] hair that day, so you decided to brush the knots out and let it hang down for the day.
          After waking Scorbunny up you were all set and ready to go out the door. As you left the apartment you ran right into Hop, Leon's younger brother who was equally as excited as you were about continuing on to the next gym.
          "Hey [Y/N]! You all set and ready for the next Gym Leader? I heard Allistar is pretty tough and doesn't take it easy on anyone!" Hop said in a very excited tone. He seemed to be really pumped about taking on the Ghost Type Gym Leader.
          "Yeah, I would say I'm pretty excited as well. Winning this will turn into my next stepping stone for beating your brother in the finals." you had stated more calmly but still as excited as Hop.
          "I wouldn't get too sure of yourselves about that!" ??? Said
          You snapped your head around to see the one and only Champion Leon standing behind you in his usual outfit and crown design hat. As he steps closer to you and Hop his 6 foot tall frame towers over you're [Y/H] height. You begin to feel flustered by the sight of him and lose your words. Leon notices you expression and looks at you while giving you a smirk.
          "What's wrong? Meowth got your tongue." he says sarcastically while tilting his head slightly.
          "I-I ... I-uhhh.." you muster out in a weak tone. You begin to get frustrated not knowing why all of a sudden you can't come up with a decent response to his witty remark. As you are standing there lost in your own thoughts Leon can see the annoyance on your face.
          "Hey hun, I'm just messing with you. It's ok." he states in a tone that sounds apologetic while walking up to you and placing his hand on your shoulder.
          "Riiiiggghhht..... Yea... I knew that!" You respond back in an unsure what to say tone. "Well anyway as I was sayi-"
          "How about we all grab some breakfast or coffee before you guys decide to continue on with your journey, shall we?" Leon states cheerfully cutting you off in the process. "I know a really good place where you can get some really good coffee. It's called the "Battle Café", it's most definitely worth a try." Leon continues on.
          "I would, but I'd much rather train up my team for the next gym badge, so I can beat [Y/N] next time I see her again." Hop says confidently to you and his brother Leon. Hop then proceeds to run off without saying another word. You are then left standing there in the hallway of the hotel with the one and only Champion Leon.
          "I guess ... that just makes the two of us! If, you are still up for having the best coffee in town." Leon says confidently. While staring back at you waiting for your response.
          "Yea. Sure we can get some coffee together. What's the name of the place again?" You respond questionably.
          "It's the "Battle Cafè". Come on! Follow me and I'll show you where it is, and this time I won't get lost." Leon answers while gesturing his hand for you to follow as you both make your way to the hotel elevators so you guys can head back to the main floor. As you both were heading out and too the cafè, you couldn't help but fixate your [E/C] eyes on Leon. It was almost like something about him put you in this trance-like state. You watched as he turned to look back at you. His golden amber eyes locking onto your shimmering gentle [E/C] eyes. It was like there was something about you just couldn't re-
          "HELLO! Galar Region to [Y/N]!" Leon said loudly.
          Your thoughts were immediately cut off and your face became red. Feeling stunned and taken a back at the sudden interruption of thoughts you're [S/C] was starting to become visibly even redder. You stood there dumbfounded and the only thing you could muster was:
          "S-s-sorry  ... I must have been dozing off into space." You stammered out the best you could while putting your arm on your other arm and tilting your head down so that your [H/L] [H/C] covered your extremely red face.
         "I was gonna shake you if I couldn't get you to stop staring at me like that. Hahaha!" He stated happily. As if your face couldn't get even more red, it did. You began to shrink down even more and shake alittle from all the emotion you were feeling. Leon noticed you were not ok and rested his hand on your shoulder gently.
          "Hey, are you ok? You've been out of it lately. If you do want we can go back to your hote-
          "No! I'm fine! Everything is fine. I guess my mind has been else where lately, but I would still love to be around you." you shout loudly while cutting Leon off abruptly.
          "Very well my lady. Let us go inside and grab something." Leon replies back with a causal but charming tone. He gracefully grabs your small hand and brings you inside the Cafè. He asks the waiter at the front for a table for two and as you both make your way over to your assigned seat, you could not help but blush more at how well put together and gentleman like he was.
          As you both sat down from across each other the waitress walked over to take both you and orders of drinks.
          "Hello, what can I get for the two of you today." The chipper waitress asked.
          "Two orders of your finest coffee please." Leon stated. The waitress then walked off to get your cups of coffee and both you and Leon were left there to too look at one another until a conversation sparked.
          "So are trying to bring me on this date to smooth talk me into how I plan to kick your butt when I battle you." You remarked jokingly at Leon.
          "Haha! Very funny, but no actually. I wanted to just talk casual with you. Get to know you more as a person, not just as a trainer." Leon replied back.
           "Really? You wanna know stuff about me? What would you even wanna know about me, because my life isnt all that exciting as yours." You replied.
           "I beg to differ, if I may. I'm positive you are more interesting than you found yourself to be, and my life is more stressful than exciting and sometimes, I just wish to get away from it all." Leon responded
           Listening to his response did raise your attention quite alot. "But, if it stresses you out. Why do you do what you do then? I'm sorry if this question seems silly, but I am confused." You questioned.
           "There is no such thing as a silly question, so you are fine. To further elaborate, what I mean is I set out on my journey to be the greatest pokemon trainer of the Galar Region, not to sign my life away and become some brand to the world. I wanted to do it to inspire others. To show them that if somone like me, a person who came from nothing, was able to it! Anyone can do it too!" Leon explained proudly.
           You couldn't help but fall even deeper for him after him saying this. It was comforting to hear him talk like a person instead of this facade he walks around portraying to the whole entire region of Galar. "So -."
          "Well, I might as well stop talking about this. I don't need to be throwing all my Champion life problems onto you. I got myself into this mess after all." Leon stated with great sadness to his voice while cutting you off.
          You looked at him and could see the pained expression on his face. He was definitely bothered by it all and despite him trying to hide it. It was showing more and more as you kept talking.
          You felt compelled to reach your hand over and grab his hand gently but firmly.  He raised his head a bit and his amber eyes looked back into your [E/C] eyes. As your eyes were locked onto each other, you knew in that moment you really loved this man and wanted to be with him.
          "Hey, I just want to say. It's ok, and if you need someone to listen to what really goes on in your head, I am here. You don't need to pretend anymore." You stated softly to him. You could see tears start well up in his eyes for sec and then they dissapeared.
          "T-thank you." Leon stammered softly.
          The coffee than arrived and you both drank it together and made some causal talk with one another. Leon learned that you also liked to walk around the Wild Area quite alot and you learned that he often enjoys making pasta and curry for people. As your conversation continued on you knew you were knee deep in love with him and there was no escaping that.
          After you guys finished your 3rd round of coffee. You realized how late it was getting. It was literally a quarter past 7. You guys have been talking for quite some time. After Leon payed for the check you both than proceeded to walk out and make your two separate ways, but before you were able to go Leon grabbed your arm as you were turning to leave. You stopped and looked back at him and saw he had that same expression he had on earlier when you saw him cry alittle.
          "Are you okay Leon?" You asked calmly. He looked at you for a bit and slowly moved towards you. You guys were about a few inches apart and this made you realize how much he towered over you. You knew he was tall, but never realised how tall. This caused you to blush slightly having him this close to you and looming above your small stature.
          You stare up at him, lost in eyes unaware of your actions anymore you find yourself going up on your toes and planting a kiss on face. Since you are so short you end up missing so your top lip came into contact with his bottom lip. Leon stiffens slightly and you feel as though you made a mistake doing this until Leon pulls back alittle and returns the favor with a proper kiss, not missing this time.
          Your eyes widen slightly surprised at his reaction, but you start to relax. You carefully but slowly  wrap your arms around his neck and let your body arch back slightly to allow you to brush up against his chest until there is no gap between you two. You melt into the kiss and allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth for alittle bit. After a few minutes you both proceed to let go of each other so you both could breath.
          Leon looks down at you and smiles his charming smile at you, the same smile that caused you to fall head over heels for him in the first place. "Good luck trying to beat in the final match now." He teasingly remarks while his arms are still wrapped around your waist holding you close to him.
          "Oh hush! You're not THAT charming!" Yoy playfully respond. Leon raises an eyebrow at you as if indicating he doesn't believe what you said, but you just playfully push him and laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta head home." You say while turning to leave.
          "We should do this again sometime. You are a comforting person and I haven't felt that feeling in such a long time." Leone states while turning away and making his way back home. You watch ad he leaves and you couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself.
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