#anyway if anyone has strong opinions about this let me know bc I’m curious
mytholegy · 9 months
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evansbby · 3 months
Hey, okay so I’ve rewatched Vanderpump rules by myself a couple times but I’m rewatching it with my mom and it’s kinda cool to see someone else’s perspective watching and their opinions without knowing what’s going to happen and that’s kinda how I feel with you right now LOL like I’m checking your blog ever day for VPR updates 🤭
Anyway, I like Ariana a lot now but I didn’t like her in the beginning. I’m not going to spoil anything but I will say that I don’t think Ariana personality type was made for reality tv unlike Stassi and I think that Ariana revels a lot about herself later on that might make certain things she done more understandable if that makes sense? I relate to Ariana in terms of being more introverted however I agree with you that she kind of let Sandoval go crazy to women and scream at them and just kind of turned a blind eye which is never okay but the blame for that behaviour should be more on Sandoval. I do think Ariana grows on more people as the series continues but your opinions on her in the earlier season are so valid and honestly, even if you never like her that’s okay too she not for everyone
I also am curious about your opinions on Lala?
I knew from the get go that Ariana’s personality just isn’t made for reality tv like she’s literally just so blah. Which is why it’s annoying that she’s on my screen five seasons in and she will continue being there. And I’m not saying it’s her fault that she doesn’t contain her misogynistic boyfriend’s behaviour, my point is that she turned a blind eye to it which says A LOT about her. So i just don’t find it in me to sympathise with her. She just wants to be seen as the “cool, chill girlfriend” so she’s 1000% given him a pass for cheating with Miami Girl. So then why am I supposed to suddenly feel sorry for her when he cheats on her in the future with Raquel? Like I couldn’t give a single fuck lol.
Girls like Scheana and Ariana can never be trusted. Honestly I’d trust Lala over them two. So far, I think Lala really really admires Stassi and wants to be like her, but she just isn’t as clever or sharp. I think Lala in season 5 just wants to fit in and she lashes out and gets mean when she doesn’t fit in. As for the other two, I’ve seen girls like Scheana and Ariana in real life.
Scheana has such a deep rooted insecurity that she wants to be liked by everyone, so she does all that neutral bullshit. But you can tell she wants you to be best friends with the trio of Stassi, Katie and Kristen — she just doesn’t want the heat that comes with it. So she’d rather throw those three under the bus and watch them get crucified by everyone, and claim she’s neutral and “scared of them.” Which is such bullshit. Like in private she bitches with the trio about Lala and agrees with what they say, but when it’s time to answer to it, she lets the trio burn in flames all like “omg I was forced to agree with you” like shut the fuck up Scheana. And to think I felt sorry for her in the beginning of season 5, bc I genuinely thought the trio was being mean to her. But the trio are such fierce girl’s girls and it’s so clear the way Bravo edits stuff to make them out to be villains, you can’t even trust it. You could tell Scheana was getting the heroic edit and she just doesn’t deserve it. She’s fake and cannot hold down deep friendships with anyone, it’s all surface level friendships. And this stems from her own insecurity.
As for Ariana, I know her type too. She’s the type who thinks she’s better than all the other girls, and looks down on them for being “bitchy” and “emotional” but like… what she doesn’t realise is that when the going gets tough… all these men she claims are her besties will not be there for her. But the girls will. Instead of understanding the girls and not villainising them, Ariana very rudely just thinks she’s above them. And for someone who calls herself such a huge feminist, it’s sad to see her not only hating on strong, opinionated women on the show, but also turning a blind eye to her own misogynistic, sexist, woman-hating boyfriend. Who ends up cheating on her anyways about five years into the future lol. Ariana is a woman if she was written by a man — aka a woman who acts all “chill” and doesn’t call men out on their bullshit, isn’t “overly emotional” and always sides with the men’s opinions. That’s why she’s palatable to men and they want her around them. The loser men on this show just don’t want to be called out on their bullshit, which is why they gas up Ariana so much and try to discredit the trio so much.
And speaking of Sandoval, I hate him so much. He always sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. I used to find him so cute in the early seasons but now it’s just painful and irritating to watch him go after Katie/Stassi/Kristen every single reunion. He has some deep-seated hatred for women that needs to be studied. Like genuinely he needs to be studied. He rides so hard for his boy Schwartz that all logic and reasoning goes out the window for him. I genuinely feel like he has some sort of feelings for Schwartz that he needs to navigate through. Also every time Sandoval cries it looks so fucking fake. Like I hate this man. I despise this man and nothing he could do is genuine. I feel like Ariana would blossom without him.
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asterekmess · 3 years
Heyo! So I’ve been in the sterek fandom for quite some time now and I’ve been wondering about how you would describe stiles’ personality?
I’ve never actually sat down and watched a full episode of teen wolf (and honestly I’m not sure if I ever will considering everything I’ve heard about how they treat derek and his history but idk who knows I’m very curious in a lot of the plot lines and character development), and a lot of the stuff I know about the show I’ve scraped from fics, gifs, and meta posts
For me personally, Stiles’ personality and characterization is so fluid and nuanced that sometimes I have trouble pinning him down (tho derek doesn’t have trouble with that *wink wink*) So I would love to hear your thoughts! Sorry for the long ask, this grew legs and an ugly mug shdhdhhdjdcj anyhow have a great day :D
Well, everybody's got different perspectives and opinions on Stiles' personality, honestly. Even when you try to stick to 'canon' things, there's a lot of room for interpretation on the why when he does things, or what it says about him as a person, etc etc etc.
Personally, I see canon Stiles as kind of an asshole. I mean, I love him, and he does some incredible things, and he's clearly got an intense love for those close to him. But I do make him kinder in fics, or I at least make him regret being a dick.
In canon, we're given a Stiles who cracks 'dead baby' jokes (he's talking about human sacrifice, so the conversation was already plenty morbid. This wasn't out of the blue.) Who begs for Scott to let Jackson die (though it's made clear that this wasn't serious, and he later works to save Jackson's hide like ten times over), and who will mercilessly poke and prod at people's insecurities or painful pasts, especially when worked up. Isaac's previous abuse isn't a no-go topic. Derek having 'dated' (read: been assaulted at worst and at best, been lied to) serial killers isn't something he's going to tread lightly around. He doesn't try to soften things to save someone's feelings most of the time.
He's presented as someone who is incredibly impulsive, with his emotions, words, and actions. It's kind of implied this is because of his ADHD, but that doesn't explain how often the impulsively cruel or harsh things he says aren't retracted or apologized for, or just generally regretted. Yes, ADHD people are impulsive, and yes sometimes our mouths get away from us and we can end up saying some Fucked Up shit to people because we literally couldn't control the words coming out. But that doesn't mean we're cruel or evil or mean. We still feel bad for doing those things, and those of us who are decent people, try to fix or repair what we've messed up. I am...not a fan of how often ADHD is used as an excuse to make a character a dickhead because "he has no filter." No filter means we struggle to control our thoughts and what we say, it doesn't make us heartless.
So, when I'm writing him, I fix it. Even if he still Does something fucked up, I have him care that he did it. I have him realize what he did or said wasn't okay and respond to that knowledge in some way. Which to some people, means I'm just ignoring what a fucker he is, but imo it feels like a horrible fuckup on the creator's parts, so I'm just correcting the mistake. He's no less Stiles just bc I taught him to say sorry.
Anyway. I'm trying NOT to ramble here.
To answer your question, as best I can; Stiles is sarcastic. Stiles is passionate to a fault. His emotions are BIG, whatever they are. Good, Bad, or even apathy. Whatever feelings he has are just intense. He is very much a no gods, no kings, no masters, kind of man. There isn't really an 'authority' to him, except maybe his dad sometimes. He puts family, and those he considers family, First. But that doesn't mean he isn't selfless. Because he is. Incredibly so. Uncomfortably so.
He walks into gasoline for his friends. He puts himself in the position of losing the only parent he has left, for his classmates. He cares enough about strangers to insist a drunk girl he's spoken to for five minutes max stay hydrated and give her a bottle of water. He literally handed over his mind on a platter to a fox demon for someone he barely fucking knew, to keep her safe.
Loyal. Humorous. A fighter. Family-oriented. Clever. Passionate. Strong, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And a very good liar, in my opinion.
He doesn't lie very well in the show, not to people's faces. He'll stumble around a "I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him" or "are you asking me to tell you what I would have told you if I were going to tell you it?" but at the same time, he can repress and hide away his feelings and his pain in a way not even Derek manages.
He asked Caitlin questions about her girlfriend, and worked to solve the human sacrifices, literal minutes after finding out he'd just lost his oldest friend. He drove Lydia to the warehouse to save Jackson after having the shit beat out of him by a man who'd been learning to cause pain since he was a CHILD. And he never gives away how incredibly broken he is for more than a couple seconds. and it's a little frightening, because he convinces people in this show who are lie detectors that he's okay, when he's a fucking mess. Even Derek shows his pain.
You're right that he's nuanced, and part of that is because when you see him in meta or in fic, what you're seeing is a dozen versions of him sort of compressed into a flat image. Because he changes throughout the show, and while some of his core personality stays the same, a lot of stuff changes. So one fic might harp on his insensitivity, and callousness toward Isaac or how easily he says "just let them die" when talking about Derek or someone else. And then another will dive into how fucking far he's willing to go, travelling all the way to mexico and facing down a hunter clan a dozen times more powerful than the argents with no one but a banshee at his side, just to get Derek back. Or how he saw Malia hurting and sat with her on a couch and held her hand. One is a much earlier version of Stiles, from the start of the show, the other from his midpoint. Near the end, you're able to say that he was so torn about leaving Derek while he was dying, he had to be Begged to go save Scott. That he manipulated an ENTIRE FBI investigation in order to save and protect Derek. (im focusing on derek bc sterek, but also bc his relationship with Derek is the Biggest Arc he has in the show, and the most solid)
You're going to read about different versions of him, and I totally get how that's confusing.
We all sort of bleed ourselves into him and either bring certain canon characteristics to the forefront, or straight up add our own so he's more relatable to us.
So while I can't really help you pin down any specific Stiles, just know that there's not really a 'true' Stiles that anyone can confirm or deny. It's all just perception, so however you see him, go with it. Strengthen it. Explore it. I'm sure you'll find people who see what you do.
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: i love love love LOVE how you just draw gojo leaning onto getou, hiding his face in getou's neck or back or chest <////3 im just so heartbroken over those two
So glad to hear you like him clingy as much as I do!! TT^TT as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t clingy enough in canon, so I’m fixing it as much as I can with every new doodle haha
Anon said: whenever im sad i just come to your account and look through your art :")) it brings me so much comfort :')) also i gotta mention that the teacher getou art you've made has healed my broken heart bc of jjk and now that is the only canon i accept thank you very much gege akutami has nothing on me
GAH GETO-SENSEI MY ONE AND ONLY I’m happy he makes you as soft as he does me, he’s such a comfort to me ;;;; and thank you for liking my stuff!!!! Means the world to me to hear it ;A; <3
Anon said: I miss your krbk sm 😔 No pressure intended!!!!!! I still love and support u and ur art!!!
Man I miss them too!!!!! @ hori when are you bringing my loves back from the war I’m here waiting good sir!!!
Anon said: v v curious on your thoughts on what’s currently going on in bnha manga :)))
HMMM what are my thoughts on it? Well, let’s split it in two: Deku’s side and Todoroki’s side, because that’s how it’s split in my brain atm, and allow me to start from the second because it’s easier to get through for me
I’m in love with everything Hori is doing with Todoroki and everyone involved with him - that’s to say his whole whole family and Hawks and Jeanist too, all of it, I’m so into it it’s no joke at all. Always been in love with how he handles Enji’s character and his interactions with his family and the latest developments didn’t disappoint me at all, wasn’t very much into Dabi right after the “reveal” but the more I think about it and about the story from his pov the more behind it I am, forever and always head over heels for Shouto’s way of dealing with a situation that’s as complex as one would expect from a protagonist of their very own story you could really make a manga out of the Todoroki’s family plot from Shouto’s pov alone, it’s incredible I can’t state how in love with it all I am enough. And Hawks, don’t make me start on him I’ll straight up never stop, absolutely and most definitely my favorite pro-hero I would trust him with my money and my kids 100/10 just assume I’m constantly crying over him. Also Jeanist is just hilarious so bless him and his presence in an otherwise too heavy story
Deku’s side........ well, the main problems I have with it are that one, I don’t really understant the need to keep ofa a secret from the class for the biggest part of the story when the reveal wasn’t forced upon Deku, didn’t have a huge impact on him or his relationship with the others (his leaving wasn’t directly caused by him coming clean after all, he wouldn’t have had to leave earlier had he not kept it a secret and he would have still left at this point had the class already known all along) and didn’t, like. Matter. All that much. Two, this manga is called my hero academia and I’m genuinely starting to wonder why. What was the point of all the arcs set inside the school anyway? Most of the characters growth (Deku’s especially) and the progression of the main plot happened in the arcs outside of the school anyway, and at this point it’s clear we’re not going back to the school after this or even seeing anyone graduate. What of Shinsou? What was the point of his plot when we’re not even gonna see him being active part of the class in a school environment? I’m just confused about it all, I guess. Three, which is really my biggest problem with it all, is the way Deku’s set on saving Shigaraki. It’s not like I don’t like a story in which all the villains are saved and the good guys win and love prevails and all that, call it corny but they’re exactly my type of stories, but I’m not sure I can get behind it when Twice died like that, and Midnight did as well, and Aizawa lost a leg, and Nighteye died, and Hawks might have lost his wings, and Shirakumo ended up Kurogiri and it’s still unclear whether he can be saved, like... why does Shigaraki get to be saved when so many people suffered like that? And it’s not only about them suffering by his hands, it’s about Hori and how he was ruthless with so many characters but lets the story show arbitrary kindness to Shigaraki alone, it’s all... well. Unfair. The way I see it. At this point I at the very least expect kindness for Touya as well, here.
That said if I pick the chapters one by one by themselves I do enjoy them very much. I just don’t gotta think about the big picture lmao AH but it’s all a personal opinion, of course! I know people who enjoy the way the story is going and I can see where they’re coming from, this is all arbitrary tastes and preferences on my part, I’m aware of it!
Anon said: Hi hi! I finally got into jjk AND finally caught up on the manga and i appreciate your doods soooo much more now!! They’re so great!! But imcurious, is there one specific moment in the story where you Gojo and Geto became IT for you? Just genuinely curious!!
THANK YOU happy to hear you liked jjk!!!! And that’s!!! a great question, I’m not sure I have an answer actually? I binged the manga in a day and a half, you see, and when I binge stuff that fast I rarely stop to overthink things - I did ship them as I read too since, well. They’re in love lmao but I shipped them in the same way I shipped itafushi or yuutoge after I read the prequel, you know? Just a general aknowledging of how good they were together. The main point with satosugu specifically was probably that satoru has been my favorite character since the beginning of the story and suguru got there as well as soon as I read their backstory, so once I was caught up they’re the ones I ended up spending the most time thinking about, both by themselves and together, and that ended up making me a bit obsessed..... just a bit lol
If I had to give one specific moment that got me by the heart and squeezed the hardest it’d be... probably Satoru’s “my soul knows otherwise”. And the way his voice alone could bring Suguru back, even for just a single moment. The thing about satosugu for me!!! one of the many things about them, but the main thing for me, is that they love each other. Be it platonic or however you wanna see it, they love each other. Despite everything and after it all, even if Satoru had to kill Suguru, even if Suguru killed so many and betrayed Satoru and they went their separate ways in the harshest of ways, they love each other. It’s insane, isn’t it? That they’d love each other so much they could pass over everything and anything. I’ve seen the “best friends become enemies” trope so often in shounen manga, but this is the first time I see it treated like this - with love so strong that they never blamed each other or turned that love in hate. The way satosugu do it is all-encompassing! It goes beyond the world and their differences and death itself! So if I had to pick it’d be that one, because that scene happens after it’s all over, and it all went to shit and way beyond too already, and still their souls resonate with each other and answer to each other and that sends me insane, just thinking about it. Like, god, they really still love each other. Satoru’s mourned for Suguru for a year, Suguru’s been dead for a year, they’d been separated ten whole years before then, and still! And still!!! It’s so tender I don’t know how to deal with it
Anon said: “What’s a god to a nonbeliever?”—That tag is going to haunt me for a while. The entire tag section for your latest Gojo and Geto drawing is meta-worthy.
THANK YOU it’d been eating at my brain I had to write it down somewhere why are those two like that
Anon said: Do you take commissions? No pressure! ✨❤️
Not right now!
Anon said: How do you feel about sukuna ? like/dislike or thoughts on him
AMAZING QUESTION I love him. I have absolutely zero clue as of why so don’t ask me to elaborate, I’m literally that marge pic with the potato when it’s about Sukuna, I have no meta thoughts about him nor deep reasonings behind it - by all accounts, I should dislike him! But he shows up and I’m like nghhh king, so that’s where we stand. It’s Sukuna, you know. I just think he’s neat.
Anon said: sighs time to get into another fandom bc i simp too hard for ur art 😔
HAH thank you for the trust I hope you’ll like ror if you do get into it!!! hahaha
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thefoulbeast · 4 years
A little bit good deal of character analysis in regards to Saburota Todou in the Kyoto arc. This is for my own benefit bc I’m writing smth involving him...
Skipping over the 1st appearance in ch16 because it didn’t really have what I was looking for. Instead I’m skipping straight over to ch25 where Tatsuma shows up and they fight.
This got. Very Long And Very Rambly. So uh, yeah.
tw for canon typical violence and gore
So - Todou already has considerable enhanced physical abilities and regeneration before Karura. Granted, not as strong, but still there. 
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(man i wish i could do backflips like that when im 56 lmao)
He’s been planning this whole fiasco for over 10 years now (Myou Dha joined the order 10 years ago, and that’s when he first started on manipulating Mamushi)... I wonder how long he’s been eating demons and stuff? How did that even start? How many has he gone through over time? Things to ponder...
Anyways, my biggest question here is... what the fuck is up with his pain tolerance?
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He’s straight up getting barbecued and all he has to say is, “I can’t heal fast enough!“ He doesn’t even look a little distraught. Just mildly inconvenienced by the whole thing. (Also - what kind of knife is that? The shape & handle is really funky :O)
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I think he was originally intending to like. Eat Karura as soon as it showed up but he had Impure King as a last resort in case he couldn’t overpower Tatsuma (as was the case). The guy really did all his research and had a lot of back ups planned huh.
...I also want to know just how he managed to find out all the stuff regarding the Impure King. How exactly did he know that it hadn’t been destroyed completely? How did he know about Kurikara being empty? And the deal between Karura and the Head Priests?
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Sir please cite your sources I’m so curious...
Back on track though! Stuff happens, Tatsuma gets it in the neck with the weird knife, Todou’s all healed up from those nasty burns again and it’s all dandy.
And then we get straight up fire eating.
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Again... that should hurt, no? That’s mouth, throat, oesophagus and probably tracheal burns. And Todou just... doesn’t care. He’s still as calm and collected as before, no indication of discomfort. Personally? I’m unnerved by this lol.
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The closest we get to discomfort is this when he groans a lil bit after he’s done eating but I think that’s more the stomach upset. From this point on I guess we assume he doesn’t feel pain from fire... but I’m still squinting at everything before this...
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Adding this purely because I love these panels. This guy is so messed up. So very very messed up lol.
[Skip forward everything Im not interested in right now]
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Someone is having a bit of a bellyache. This is why we don’t eat things while they’re still alive, sir!
But upset stomach or not, he’s still??
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“Yeah it’s fine - hello yukio how have you been? - yes, I’m ready to throw hands with you; pain who?“
also... he may be a Huge bastard but I absolutely love how!! Polite he is!!
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“Thanks for cooperating ^w^“ <- Todou after cutting off Yukio’s escape route with a wall of flame. lol. However he got evasive when Yukio asked: “What the hell are you?“
He seems to happily give out tidbits of non-vital information, but he obviously knows when to keep his mouth shut (10+ years spying on True cross and no one knew? This guy is very clever! Very tricky! Many secrets!)
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I’m sorry this whole thing is so funny... Small, polite talk during fighting is exactly the kind of unhinged I expected from him and he did not disappoint in the slightest. Bless. (I mean he does admit that he’s only doing it to rile Yukio up a few pages later... but still... This man knows just how to get under people’s skin and is so very good at it...)
Also I love how this fight reveals so much about his character so subtly?? I honestly just rec ch28 for p much most anyone would need to get a feel of him as a character.
He’s got this new body and these new powers and the first thing he does is fight a teenager for shits and giggles. Except both the teenager and the younger body keep reminding him of his own youth.
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Lower right panel... his face says they’re not happy memories. (In my very biased opinion I would call that expression a mix of “oh whoopsie” and “these memories literally make me want to die”) (And oh Boy does it go well with ch106 pages 23-26 where we actually see how the Todou brothers interacted with each other and that is So Much To Unpack i dont even know where to start lol)
And then right after remarking that family is a sore spot for Yukio, he immediately goes “lmao me too I get it“ ( it’s actually ”Heh heh heh! I feel such a connection between us! Asleep or awake, you’re always hung up on your family! I understand. I used to be the same way.“)
And then finally I reach the part that originally made me want to re-read his scenes in the Kyoto arc...
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Todou literally getting his brains blown out with water type bullets 😍😍😍 This is literally the only instance of him admitting that something hurt that I could find so far! What the hell! But that’s not all!
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Even then he’s still smiling! He’s still playing around! He got shot through the head, said “oh ouchie“ and immediately shook it off and kept trying rile Yukio up like nothing had happened. Pretty fucked up in my humble opinion, not gonna lie.
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“Ah yes I’ve sustained a horrific facial wound let me just dab at it with a handkerchief for a bit that’ll do it.“
He does underestimate Yukio though, becaue he doesn’t see the naiads coming at all. But even with the whole water prison, it bothers him for a few seconds and he’s back on track. He’s very... I’m not sure if tenacious is the right word, but perhaps diligent? Goal oriented?
Very hard to knock off balance, that’s for sure! And even if you manage to catch him by surprise, he seems to adapt very quickly. He’s just genuinely fighting Yukio to have a good time and doesn’t see him as a serious opponent.
But the chilling bit is that he was going to kill Yukio, just like that. He got a feel for his new abilities, had some fun at the expense of Yukio’s emotional state, reminisced on his past for a bit... and that would have been it, if not for the Satan-eyes.
Anyways this got so much longer than I wanted it to lol and I managed to fry my brain so I’ll leave off here. Maybe I’ll do smth aditional later maybe I wont. But just know that I am screaming about this unhinged bastard like 24/7 ❤
Idk if anyone even got to the end of this but I wanted to put my thoughts down somewhere I could find them later lol. Thanks xoxo
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arrtemisia · 4 years
Hey so... If you could redo cannon Makoto what would you do? How would she change? I'm curious cause out of the main cast she was the only one that I just couldn't get a solid interest in (aside from Ann but that's just cause the idea of her being a fashion model confuses me more than anything I think)
God. So much stuff.
There's a couple big things about her that bug me, and none of them really change at all in her canon vs fanon portrayal, which means it's hard for me to enjoy her even in fanworks. In my opinion, I think her biggest flaw is that she's simply miscast, and her character would have worked much better as a confidant instead of a thief, which would've given her a place of her own to shine and avoid the weird dissonance between different aspects of her character (and this was actually their original plan, so Hifumi would have taken her place which. She would've fit in much better imo bc she's actually suffered under another's will like every single one of the others and she's an actual strategist instead of just """smart,""' but that's a topic for another post), but since we're talking about how I'd personally fix Makoto in the role she currently fills, I'm going to list some of the issues I take with her and potential solutions.
First of all, just to get it out of the way, she needs an actual reason to be here. She doesn't have one, full stop.
The big thing tying the thieves together is that they're all victims of abuse and oppression who rebel against their tormentors and want to prevent anyone else from suffering like they did. I'm not saying Makoto has never struggled, because she has, but it's really, really not the same type of struggle.
This leads to weird moments where everything about Makoto's personality and characterization, such as being a stickler for the rules, idolizing the police, etc mean that she has no in-character reason to stick with the thieves after kaneshiro is dealt with and should maybe even be opposing the thieves' way of doing things, but the plot drags her along anyway because the game really wants her to be a party member. And really, what's up with her awakening? She gets threatened once and then bang-boom-kapow she has a persona? It's weak.
Also before anyone says "well all those things about her personality change when she awakens and she sheds her good girl personality and yada yada," no she doesn't, actually, and I'm getting there I promise
The easiest solution here is also the most drastic. Swap when Makoto and Akechi join. This kills two birds with one stone; Makoto gets an actual reason to awaken through Sae, and Akechi's betrayal hits harder because he's pretending to be with you for longer (although admittedly this is much less needed on Akechi's part ever since royal).
Not only does this give Makoto a much stronger reason to awaken and join in the first place (Sae starts twisting into something horrible and Makoto wants to help both stop and save her), but it also gives her an internally consistent reason to stick around. Before, unlike the others (who all at least have "I want to stop others from feeling like I did," or in Futaba's case, "I wanna find the ppl who killed my mom."), once Kaneshiro is done with, Makoto has no real big personal reason to stick around other than "I'm a thief now and the plot says so ig." Now, of COURSE she'd want to go after Shido because he's the one that was manipulating her sister, and after that of COURSE she'd want to help take down mr divine sippy cup in order to get Shido tried and jailed.
However, if we're not going to shuffle around the order of party members bc that'd nuke the canon plot a little, then we need to rework the entire Kaneshiro arc and/or Makoto's backstory and values as a whole. Yeah this is why the first solution was the easy one.
I'm going to go in-depth about how I feel Makoto's personality and values should be reworked later I'M GETTING THERE, so I'll talk about that then. As for reworking Kaneshiro, I... don't have a whole lot of ideas. The palace itself is fine, it has one of the coolest atmospheres in the game (c'mon, there's got to be a fun bank heist in a game like this), but Makoto's connection with him is very weak. Maybe have it be that he was extorting her for years in secret and she never said anything? Maybe have him be the one that ordered the hit on her father? I'm not sure what would be strong enough to match to the other palace leaders, without feeling forced. I'll have to come up with more ideas for this one.
The second big issue I have with her is less of one specific thing and more of a collection of smaller problems that all come from the same source. She waltzes in, takes over, and starts acting like she's the boss of things. She then names herself the "strategist" and yet only ever states the obvious and, to use a word I hate, mansplains things to you that you already learned two palaces ago. She's constantly condescending and passive agressive to the other team members, especially Ann and Ryuji, berates everyone for not being as naturally book smart as her when all the other characters are smart in their own ways and just not good at academia, all the while everyone around her, even characters that normally wouldn't take that (ryuji, ann) or are too prideful to admit to anyone bring better (mona), are constantly like "You're so cool, Makoto!"
It's a classic case of show don't tell, and rhe game is obsessed with telling you that Makoto is "smart" and "cool." Once she joins the team, all the characters that were originally shown to be smart in their own ways are never allowed to say anything meaningful ever again bc Makoto is the "smart" one. She never does anything particularly different compared to the other party members, but the game is constantly insisting she's special.
I'm very hesitant to call her a mary sue, because I don't think she is one, and also I disagree with the use of that term at all as these days it's just meant to devalue powerful characters that happen to be girls, but I definitely think she's emblematic of a common writing flaw that can lead to mary sues. The problem with making a character the "smart" one as a personality trait instead of something that just comes naturally is that you have to dumb down everyone else's characterization to make them look smarter or cooler by comparison. It means that the character you're trying to prop up bends everyone else around them, making them act in ways they normally wouldn't in order to make the one character you're trying to look cool seem better by comparison.
This has an easy solution: cut that shit out. Have her slowly find her place on the team naturally instead of forcing her way in as a pseudo-leader. Don't give every single "well, duh" line to her, and cut the scenes where she stands around explaining obvious things you already know in a condescending manner so she looks smarter. Let the other characters actually act like themselves when they're in the same room as her instead of bending around her to prop her up. Have her treat those characters with respect in turn, bc for all intents and purposes when it comes to thief stuff they are her senpai, instead of just having her act like she's better than them, or boss them around, or be passive agressive about the fact that their grades are bad. Show that other characters are smart in other ways instead of acting like Makoto's book smarts are the end-all be-all. And for fuck's sake, stop acting like "smart" and "punches stuff real good" are personality traits, which leads me into my last big point.
Makoto and Queen don't really feel like the same character. Okay, so to explain this, let's walk through her awakening again.
Makoto is a good girl who's a stickler for the rules, sucks up to authority, idolizes the police, is obsessed with her grades and academic performance, and looks down on others who don't do the same. A couple people call her useless and then she gets threatened by a mob boss, after which she decides to live her life for herself and completely shed her good girl lifestyle and rebel against everyone pressuring her.
That is, except for the teensy tiny detail where she doesn't.
Nothing significant about her personality changes all post her awakening and joining the thieves, aside from the part where she sucks up to authority maybe a little less. She's still uptight, her grades (and the grades of those on her team) are still her top priority, she still idolizes the law and those enforcing it.
Y'see, persona has a bit of a common problem with saying one thing about a character, be it making a reveal or saying they're gonna change in some big way, but not fully committing to it. You can see it most in p4 (party members saying they're gonna quit/stop/do whatever and then backtracking in the last two ranks of their social link), but it's rarely so severe that it completely ruins their personality and character arc as a whole. Makoto, I feel, is the main exception.
The writers want Makoto to become this tough, rebellious biker queen who oozes badassery in every move and will never follow anyone's wishes for her ever again, but they also want to keep her old personality of the uptight naive rule-following law-abiding academic. So, instead of altering one to better fit the other, they try to do both... badly.
Instead of integrating the two parts of her personality, it just feels like she swaps between them whenever the plot calls for it which is really, really jarring. She'll be stuttering about following the rules and getting to know her generation one second, and then the next she'll be yelling about mowing down shadows with her motorcyle the next. It feels like Queen and Makoto are two separate uninteresting half-characters, with only a couple personality traits each, instead of one whole well-rounded character.
Either rework Makoto's thief aesthetic to better suit her personality as a whole and give her something other than "I'm totally not a good girl anymore" to make her compelling, or actually commit to Makoto shedding her past life everyone around her had forced on her and change her personality. Have her grades start to slip, have her talk back to Sae, change the way she dresses so it's rougher and less perfect, hell, maybe even have her quit student council. Just, anything to make her more well-rounded as a character.
I have some other nitpicks with her here and there, like the fact that her confidant is actually just Eiko's confidant and doesn't give Makoto herself any development, or the way the game keeps trying to set her up as Joker's waifu or whatever, but those are just that; nitpicks. The three big things I mentioned earlier - her not having a compelling personal reason to be a part of the thieves, the way the writers shove her into the spotlight by putting down everyone around her, and the fact that her characterization is just one badass half and one smart half that don't mesh and have little else in between - are the problems I feel are what's actually holding her character back.
Again, I do think that all of this stems from the fact that she's miscast, but it's too late to fix that now. While I personally really dislike Makoto, I do kind of understand her appeal for others when she's written well, and she's a totally valid character to like. I just wish she was portrayed better.
(Also, if anyone wants to reblog this, feel free I ask that you please don't put this in Makoto's main character tag. I know how much it sucks to get a bunch of negativity in a character's main tags as I am an Edelgard fe3h fan)
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misterbitches · 4 years
i said i would talk about saizon and usually i would be under the influence. but i am not yet. read the * at end of the post first if u want clarification of overall.
i might mention torfight (will refer as f/t) but if anyone gets upset just chill. it’s a really inconsequential opinion. the chances of someone stumbling upon this means nothing. it isnt’ a compare and contrast just how i personally feel while viewing these shows. and i probably want to dive into what this means in a broader context since i have all the time and brain space in the world 
from the first encounter of saifah and zon or their first encounter outside of their “kiss” (LOL? so unnecessary) it was clear that as awkward as it could or may be there was natural chemistry. which i want my tiny head to explore.
so a lot of BL (which is like....tv and movies etc in general anyways) hell even dramas may have a less sexual undertone to get to where they are going. which i think is a problem with tv in general (a friend was bringing this up with the new rules of social distancing on set which...capitalism but whatever)  where sex is a vehicle for connection. a lot of BLs can be explicit i suppose, but in the west it’s like jumping into bed is a huge base for a lot of couples. also everyone fucks too much who cares.
but sex, kisses, hookups, any nudity, etc is not a placeholder for like actual intimacy, romantic love, showing love. that’s part of why i hate the concept of love at first sight, at least the way it plays out. you can really like someone, hell maybe even love, when you see them or feel this bond but the bond isn’t because you TOUCHED them.
there’s a difference between natural chemistry and forced. natural chemistry is what you would prefer which is why casting directors have literally chemistry tests to test your compatibility as actors, with a writer/director, and on camera. there can be people whose chemistry develops and we see the potential, or people who we know don’t love each other IRL and this is acting but it’s still powerful. but this always means you have to give them the time and space. actors can jump in/out of character but it’s human nature. if two peopl eare meeting for the first time and have to simulate sex there’s going to be this natural like...strangeness. obviously. viewers can see it.
so when you get two people who click irl and it doesn’t always have to be romantic or sexually it’s kind of more of a thrill. very obviously mii2 are a lot more flexible around each other so it is less mechanic. i think i like watching tharntype because even tho i feel like parts of it seriously need some oil, i can see and understand a relationship developing through their characters as they act (and i do not particularly think they are good actors.)
the friendship that saizon display—whether we think it is spontaneous and too quick or not—is legitimately nice. and they are very obviously comfortable with each other. i guess there can be an idea of romantic friendship (but idk abt that one, we dont have to fucking label everything you can love someone so deeply in your own way outside of our parameters bla bla capitalism ruining everything bla bla individualism)
they got in each others faces, then would do very weird shit together, because that’s who they are. for me personally i think being able to have fun with your partner is iMPERATIVE. one of my fav moments is when they fucking meow at each other (which i know is a thai joke, right? idk) and it is so weird but you can tell they understand the way they communicate?
to me  like...having someone you feel something deep with is that there’s this role you guys are playing, it’s a joke you started, and with the best kind of intimacy and love your partner can keep it going, keep it rolling, hang it up in the air and you guys just go back adn forth....forever lol 
i also legitimately think it is important to hammer home the fact that you are yourself without a partner and i really resent a message that makes it seem like you can’t live without someone. maybe a lack of saizon was good that way. like they existed as two seperate people. their love and attraction weren’t the only thing going for them. it was just natural and very nice.
this particular display of romance and affection is one that’s strong but doesn’t take itself too seriously. not because you don’t want to lose them but because there’s enough security. or like, it’s really guided by this unspeakable feeling you feel with another person. 
i’m not sure if that means soulmates but it’s something close. saifah doesn’t expect zon to be someone he can’t, but it doesn’t mean he has to let himself go completely for him. when he expressed being sad that zon pulled away it’s normal. and zon knew he couldn’t do it but they still got through it. and then he pats the bed and saifah jumps on him.
these types of couples remind me of why i feel the way i do about love. i can’t imagine something fucking bogging me down, where i feel like i can’t get up without pulling me, where i don’t feel myself first. zon was figuring himself out and he was thinking of himself and his feelings. bc he should. 
that’s another reason why trapped MC (H3) is one of my favs. first of all THEY LAUGHED TOGETHER WHICH IS LIKE A REQUIREMENT UR NO FUN IF UR A SQUARE and second of all they were going to spend year apart and could do that. had to. fuck the carceral state but. 
you don’t ask someone to give up a part of themselves, you only want them to be the best they can be. it isnt through demands it’ sgrowing with them and fucking respecting them with everything you have. and it means having a foundation outside of them, too. 
i know people get upset at the “love anybody but u have to love yourself” adage but i don’t really see it tht way. i absolutely believe you need to learn to be healthy alone and have a community. rely on all sorts of people. have different types of love and figure yourself out. we can’t be free as human beings without it and i would rather fucking die than not feel free. 
oh and like....being with someone where you feel seen and heard not shamed. i read this thing in the atlantic like, partnerships fail a lot because of lack of validation. imagine having someone who trusts you, and maybe helps to trust yourself, and validates you by being there. nice.
and it’s nice having someone you love so deeply and beautifully along for the ride. instead of no actual pleasure outside of sex, your relationship IS the pleasure. beautiful stunning etc. and that’s what makes everythign feel good the love, sex, living, whatever. with someone and with yourself.
this got away from me in conclusion theyre very cute eand that’s cos it’s easy and natural. mii2 are fun to watch as saizon and themselves. life shouldnt be too hard. im a big fan of working as little as possible and being happy kekekek
*i am talking monogamy, love, and the self. why only ‘traditional’ rships? first: i literally cannot handle people because i can’t handle my mind. non-monagamy is incredibly alluring to me for my autonomy, in the abstract, and in theory. however, in practice, i don’t think—for me as a black woman and what it means for me—i can enact anything i feel would be detrimental to me or puts me in a position where i feel forced into a dynamic i no longer care for. 
and who knows if that changes? i only do and care about the things i like and find important. no one else but me, family, and friends. how i choose. so i am talking abt monogamy but u can interpret that for other rships if you wish. 
second: it’s. my. life. 
i dont carrreeee about monogamy/non monagamy outside of liberation and sexual freedom and what does that mean?  there is no blueprint for that. there is no future expectation for a relationship, there is nothing but how we choose to interact with the world and community. first and foremost: love means so many things and it doesn’t have to mean any “new” ideas. or “instincts.” who fucking cares. we can’t reimagine literal relationships, people are fucking toxic in all types of them, only reimagine how we interact with ourselves and each other. there is no fucking guarantee with any of this we are safe. you cannot predict life. just live it. honor yourself first. there’s some black feminists books on like love and intimacy if you are curious how capitalism binds us. we keep wanting to find solutions WITHIN when its like nah, it;s our own fuckin terms. self-love becomes the love you can extract from others. it isn’t sustainable. 
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lovelikeelena · 6 years
My Thoughts On The Fandom Drama Re: Mateo
My Thoughts on This Fandom Drama Re: Mateo ½ When I started watching Elena of Avalor, I liked Mateo.  He wasn’t a favorite character of mine, but I did like him.  I was curious how he factored into Elena’s journey and how he would contribute to it.  I liked seeing his bond with Sofia.  One of my favorite episodes is Spellbound bc of the friends working together and Mateo’s character growth thanks to Elena’s building him up.  I also enjoyed Scepter of Night bc it had heart and Mateo actually expressed a genuine desire in “Wisest Wizard in the World.”  It wasn’t until Wizard in Training, Spirit Monkey Business and Realm of the Jaquins  that Mateo started to slide way down on my like meter.  It didn’t help that certain people on tumblr were talking about him all…the…time.  Not only that, they had paired him with Elena!  Now everyone is intitled to their own opinion and ship preferences.  I happen to have my own ship preference and it is NOT Eletaeo or whatever they call it.  Alas, my ship preference is NOT what this post is about, so I’m not going to  mention it here.  If you’re interested, you’re welcome to read most of my other posts.  Anyway, as the season progressed and Mateo started being in more episodes than Naomi, he started grading on my nerves.  Why couldn’t Naomi have a chance to go on an adventure with Elena alone?  Why couldn’t she help her out on her journey without Mateo being there?  There’s only one episode where that happens.  Race for the Realm.  This ep happens to hold a special place in my heart for many personal reasons.  I’ll talk about them in another post.  I don’t have a problema with Mateo being Elena’s friend and helping her out when necessary.  That’s fine.  I do however have a problem when he’s in more episodes than the other characters.  One of the many things I Love about the show is that there is NO love interest for Elena until possibly the last season.  It’s refreshing to see Disney’s first Latina princessa focus on familia, her friends and ruling her kingdom rather than finding love.  Elena deserves to be happy in the romantic department, but she has time for that.  Last year, my best friend and I started an Elena of Avalor podcast called Spirit of Avalor.  It’s on youtube if anyone reading this wants to check it out.  We love doing it and it brings us joy to know most people love listening to it.  We review the episodes and interview show runners.  If you listen to most of our reviews, we DO NOT bring shipping into the conversation for the most part.  There are only a few where we talk about it.  Also, we give each character their turn in the spotlight.  Due to our blindness, we use audio description when its available to help us with the reviews.  AD means someone is telling us what’s going on between the dialogue.  Body language, actions, fight scenes, etc.  While this helps tremendously, it does not give us everything.  Therefore, we’re liable to miss things.  We’re not perfecta.  Nobody is.  We do try our best though.  The important thing is, we have fun!  There’s another Elena podcast out there called themagicwithin.  I’ve listened to the first five episodes.  With the exception of Song of the Sirenas, they choose to only spend ten minutes reviewing each episode unless Mateo is the center of it.  When he’s not the center but still there, they spend a half an hour focusing on him and leave important story points out.  Which is why I’ve lost interest in listening.  They also tend to give Mateo more credit than he deserves in certain cases.  I E Rise of the Sorceress.  Yes, Mateo threw Elena her scepter and had a part in helping her defeat Shuriki.  But the real hero of the episode was Naomi!  If she hadn’t pushed Elena out of the way, her best friend would have died.  I love the scene at the end of the episode bc Elena and Naomi have a heart to heart.  I love the episode overall-especially the Cristina stuff!  But the scene at the end tugged at my heart the most.  Anyway, the hosts of theMagicWithIn didn’t even mention Naomi’s quick thinking and act of bravery!  Mateo is NOT the star of the series.  Elena has other friends who help out just as much, even more than Mateo does.  I’m so excited for the episode where Naomi rescues Elena and Esteban!  And those of you who read my blog know I’m not a huge Esteban fan.  But he’s for another post.
  A week ago, we got the summary for the next upcoming Elena episode.  It’s called Movin’ On Up.  During an interview Becca and I did, a crew member told us this particular episode would be emotional.  We were excited, thinking it was going to be about Elena finding her Mami’s tiara.  Fast forward to a week ago when the programming highlights were released.  Upon reading the episode summary, I almost started crying from disappointment.  Before I go on, I want to say I don’t usually have that kind of strong emotional reaction to not looking forward to an episode of Elena.  In fact, this was the first time it happened.  The reason is, I had been counting on this episode being about Elena bc she is helping me on a journey of trauma recovery.  I have a medical app coming up that will be very hard on me emotionally.  I needed this episode to be about our girl.  Instead, it’s about Mateo!  Worst of all, he moves into the palace!  Despite my disappointment, I understand why they’re doing this.  Mateo needs to move out of his mother’s house.  He’s growing up and needs to spread his wings.  I just wish he wasn’t staying at the palace permanently.  They could have done this episode by having him stay there for a week or two while his new place was cleaned or whatever while still having Rafa learn she must let her son go.  I like Rafa a lot, so I’m looking forward to seeing her!  The only saving graces of this episode for me will be Rafa and the possibility of either her or Elena singing.  I also hope Elena has an emotional reaction to Rafa being there.  Seeing her and Mateo interacting, reminding her of her Mami.  It’s natural and would be realistic.  If they do that, I’ll be able to give this episode a seven out of ten. Part 2 of this post is coming in a little while
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coalessscence · 6 years
Tumblr media
(i’m doing this for remembrance) ・・・・・★ BASICS.
FULL NAME:  Remembrance Raimond Descoteaux NICKNAME: doesn’t have any. honestly has never had anyone to give her one. the closest would be that while undercover, she rarely bothers to introduce herself- she rarely says much at all. she is commonly referred to as just ‘driver’. AGE: 26 (may be adapted) (verse dependent) BIRTHDAY: November 1316th, 1945 (verse dependent)  NATIONALITY: French American PLACE OF BIRTH: Ohio, USA  CURRENT LOCATION: Anywhere her case takes her, across the US and sometimes beyond. Technically, her non-undercover, legal residence is in new york, though. PRONOUNS: because she looks like a woman, she gets labeled as such and ‘ma’amed’, referred to with she/her, etc. she is agender, but in a time when that’s not really a well known thing, so she doesn’t have the terminology for it. she knows she doesn’t think of herself as a woman, but that’s about all she knows. she would honestly answer to literally any pronouns you decided to use without issue, but generally gets referred to as she/her and doesn’t feel the need to argue.  ORIENTATION: polysexual, aromantic RELIGION: doesn’t subscribe to any faith in particular and was not raised with one; also is not actively an atheist. kind of just legitimately doesn’t care one way or the other. LANGUAGES: her first language was french; she obviously fluent in english as well, but has an Accent (tm) VOICE: the same as her fc, isabelle adjani. this is a p good representation. i would just say remembrance’s accent might be slightly more notable. ・・・・・★ PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES.
EYE COLOR: dark brown HAIR COLOR: dark brown HEIGHT: 5′4 BODY BUILD:   short, tiny, very thin. she has more muscle than her boxy t shirts and button-ups let you know about. her widest place is probably her hips- but even those are on the slim side. she doesn't have a lot of chest either; not that she'd ever let you see it even if she did.
people always notice the accent. she’s sort of tired of them asking. not really angry- just over it.
notable scarring from being in fights, from being stabbed, and from that one bullet wound she had that time.
a sort of stoic existence; you rarely see a change in her expression or her tone of voice.
she’s actually very bad with people, outside the very specific professional standards she usually interacts with them in the parameters of, and as soon as an interaction leaves the script, it becomes very apparent.
has a necklace that was a family heirloom. pretty much always wears it.
PHOBIAS/FEARS: remembrance is a strange one- she doesn’t, in the traditional sense of the word, have a lot of fears. there are a couple things that concern her; the main being that she’s not a human like everyone else. she already feels different, for the gender reasons, and because being aromantic in the 1960s and 1970s with no terminology or awareness for it is a sure fire way to be branded a robot. but also, she just doesn’t feel like she fits in with people. she can’t say why. interaction is difficult for her, and emotions- both their expression, and sometimes, feeling them at all- are a problem.if asked to describe it, she might just say all of her emotions have the volume turned down. she can count on one hand the number of people she has had any kind of meaningful connections to. why would she pursue more? she isn’t human. no one would want her anyways. she’s too different. people don’t like her, and in return, she doesn’t like them. she’s afraid of people, and just a little bit of herself. DISEASES: when she was very tiny, before her parents died, they noted that their child was different from other children. she didn’t ever smile, she rarely laughed, and she lacked a range in expression that other children seemed to have. they took her to see someone about it, concerned that she was sick or that they were doing something wrong. some mention had been made of there perhaps being “an axis II personality disorder” at play, but the parents were also told not to worry about it- that they should wait and see how she matured before they were truly concerned for her sanity, and that it was “probably nothing”. they took that advice. it was not technically an official diagnoses. today, she might be diagnosed with asperger’s, and/or an avoidant personality disorder.
GENERAL IMPRESSION:  i think people just have a lot of questions about her. who is this strange ‘woman’ who never smiles or expresses true humor? no one can tell if she likes them or not, no one can tell if she’s thinking anything at all. one of the few things holding her back in her career, from becoming a lieutenant or higher, is her interaction skills, and her general perception with others. no one knows her and she doesn’t know anyone. it’s like she was copy and pasted from another universe and brought nothing with her. she is smart,  quick witted, and adaptable. she does have a (somewhat dry) sense of humor, and she isn’t actually an asshole- she doesn’t hate people, she doesn’t lack empathy, she’s not a sociopath. but that is how she’s perceived and she doesn’t go out of her way to stop it. she largely doesn’t care, but i also don’t think she would know how to.
but on the other hand, she is somewhat morally ambiguous. she is sort of rude sometimes, intentionally or not. she doesn’t mince words for tact. if your opinion is not indifferent or curious, it is hostile. the impressions that people have of her are all very similar, and she has sort of accepted all of them as an apparent reflection of herself. they all see her that way, so that’s who she is. she’s not offended. she just sees it all as facts. MORAL ALIGNMENT: true neutral 
・・・・・★ MISC.
・・★ LIKES:
car & racing culture
driving in general
very strong coffee
traditional french foods
americana-flavored rock music (i.e. america, the eagles, etc)
record & tape stores
androgynous clothing
the concept (but not the practice) of being a punk
actually helping people in her job (it actually kind of makes her feel something ???)
people who label her a certain, negative way
just people in general tbh
the way people have expectations for her & her life but don’t even know her
pretending to care
men hitting on her (why are they all so gross) (why do they ask why she’s ‘dressed like a dude’) (they can all fuck off in her opinion)
being asked to trust anyone for anything
doing any job she doesn’t actually care about
expressing emotion and/or being real or vulnerable
being told what to do
letting anyone else drive her car
TAGGED BY: @piper-aileen-lenox <3 TAGGING: uhhhhhH ok @surviivorx @psychicinstincts @themostpowerfuleditor @survivaliist @seesgood @truckturning @abouttiime @violetxsilverxstark @cointriicked @aggressivelyarrogant and akdhffgf ANYONE WHO WANTS TO STEAL IT AND TAG ME BC THATS P RAD
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head-and-heart · 7 years
The 100 Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @istilldothiseveryday ! This looks fun :)
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? 
Protests? Can you get arrested for that on the Ark?
I dunno. I have a very strong personality I’d probably get into to some kind of trouble politically on the Ark 2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? 
Nah. I’m very much alike with Clarke in the way I think and as much as I may like to stick my middle finger up at the council if I was sent down on the dropship, I think I would see the value in having the Ark (aka. a functioning society) follow us down to the ground. I would be scared out of my mind of the Grounders - back up would be nice. 3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) 
Probably a mangled mess of metal cause I’d shut down that shit SO hard
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? 
Maya. I understand that her surviving doesn’t really make any sense and they needed her to die for jasper’s arc or whatever BUT TBH SHE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL??? Like, I stanned her team-up with Bellamy so hard; I’d literally sell my soul to satan for her to be incorporated into the delinquent’s group. Can you imagine her suiting up and going on hunting missions with Harper? Attending Lincoln and Bell’s sparring lessons? Sharing her music with Gina at the bar????? Helping out Abby and Jackson in medical???? Having heart to hearts with Clarke about her mom (and Clarke’s dad), who both died rebelling against the system??? Cracking jokes with Monty?? imagine if she went up to space with the squad, and what their relationship could have been like then! She could be their medic on board. 
People always simplify Maya to her relationship with Jasper (and yes they were cute) but SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE. She was smart and courageous and selfless - she had fire and wit and strength and i m i s s her. 
She’ll never see Earth, never breathe real air, never float on the water, never meet Riley 
We’ll never get to see her grow up and it makes me sad
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? 
Raven and Monty because they’re GENIUSES obviously.
Lincoln and Bellamy so I don’t fucking DIE lmao - I know they got my back (my poor boys - both too selfless for their own good)
Clarke cause the Angry Cat game is strong and she’s got a real knack for not dying even when she should, probably, be 110% dead 6. Minty or Briller? 
Briller. Tragically, Bryan only started to interest me in 4x02 when they gave him more dimension by visiting farm station. 
Also ... how can you say no to chickens?  7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Uhhh. Keit? Kayt? 
What a lame name 8. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
i don’t know him
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? 
I doubt I would take it. Unknown drug with unknown effects? Sounds pretty sketch. I don’t see myself going for that - I’m a generally skeptical person. 10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… 
Definitely relate the most to my INTJ queen Clarke Griffin! 
And Octavia is probably my least favourite character. I can see why some people like her and the merit in her character arc I guess but tbh she just IRRITATES me to no end - she has certain characteristics that really grate at me. Obviously, some characters are horrible people (like Dr. Tsing ew) but Octavia just infuriates me because of some of her characteristics.
She’s not for me. 11. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) 
Something practical cause I’m boring. 
Cargo pants. Ark-issued t-shirt. And a nice warm jacket. The jackets the characters wear on this show are pathetic - they barely look like they keep the wind out. And only Bellamy zips his up. smh vancouver is colder than it looks - all that humidity
As for a trademark thing? 
I’d be the only arker with an “I <3 BELLAMY BLAKE” t shirt probably
12. Favorite type of mutant animal?
Bellamy’s three-headed doggo he hasn’t found yet
anyway i still have hope
13. What would your job be on the Ark? 
I think I’d follow in Raven/Monty’s paths a bit and go into something mathematical like engineering but knowing myself I’d probably end up moving into politics later on. I have too many strong opinions to put up with the Ark system lol 14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Oh HELL no. I’d probably throw up all over it. I’m sorry Clarke. It’s not like that’s ACTUALLY how blood transfusions work anyway *intense side-eye at The 100 “science”* 15. If Lxa wasn’t Heda, but she’s still alive right? then who would make the best commander? 
None of them. Bellamy x Clarke leadership duo. I don’t care about the Grounder commander system - it’s all kinda bs anyway. 
None of the individual leaders on this show have done a good job. They’ve always functioned best as a team (which is why I want the Bellarke leader couple back) 16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? 
I mean I know she went all cray cray and they all died but probably Luna’s rig. I don’t want shit to do with the other clans, who are always warring with each other. And I think Nyko would be a pretty good mentor. I’d like to learn medicine.  17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? 
Let’s be real, I’d probably start crying about how Bellamy and Clarke are in love and wHy cAn’T tHeY jUSt bAnG aLrEAdY ... and Finn would be real mad about it if he was in charge of picking my ass off the floor like in “Day Trip” 
ha! I think it would be worth it 18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake? 
I mean ... I definitely wouldn’t lead a manhunt to kill a thirteen year old girl so I can say with a lot of confidence that I would NOT follow the Murphy route. Not so sure I’d just pardon her though. I think the delinquents needed some kind of prison system. Charlotte did murder a kid. Even though she was a child, there probably should have been some kind of consequence for that (though not killing her would be ideal) 19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? 
Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin co-leading motherfucking power couple
I will accept no less in canon. just let me fucking have this
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? 
Oh, the iPod for sure. I literally don’t know if I could live without music. I’m listening to it ALL the time - I’m listening to it right now. RAIGN is playing *cries in Bellarke* 21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like O.ctavia? 
I’m a weak ass bitch so probably 
and on the basis that I don’t like any of the people who ARE immune then maybe I don’t wanna be - what’s the point of surviving in a world where you’ve only got Finn Collins and O.ctavia Blake for company?  22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? 
I want whatever makeup L.exa’s got from Polisephora. You think she’d share some of that eyeliner? 23. Favorite quote? 
“Shouldn’t there be more to life than just surviving?” - Clarke Griffin (2x14)
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy?
Yeah. I feel like we’re kind of past this point in the plot. They’ve both showed development and change and I think we’re definitely at a place in the story where both of them are intended as sympathetic characters to the audience. 25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? NOOOOO ALREADY SO MUCH DEATH NOOOO 
I’m going to answer this as if all of our characters were thrown into the ring and I have to predict which one would win. 
I wanna say Octavia because I think she’s independent and - er - determined enough to take out someone she knows if it came down to being the two of them to grant her own freedom and survival. Whereas, someone like Clarke or Bellamy or Kane would probably just nightlock it cause they’re self-sacrificial af. 
But then I also think maybe Murphy ‘cause cockroaches never die (thank you Raven). 26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC 
Least favourite ship that people actually like? (aka. not something like Clarke and Jaha)
Probably B.echo (as a romantic relationship, not necessarily sexual). Hate to be basic and predictable but I think I would actually die if it were endgame.
how dare
If you asked me this a few months ago I would have told ya Niytavia but now that we’ve gotten more teasers about Octavia’s character in Season 5 I’m not sure if I want her anywhere near her (I like Niylah when she’s hot, but not cooked, ya feel?)
So maybe Jasper and Raven. Idk. I liked their friendship. Still bitter about Season 4.
I don’t really ship anything besides Bellarke that much. They’re an anomaly for me. 27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? 
Tbh RAIGN goes hard af so anything by her would be pretty lit. 
I mostly only associate songs I listen to with Bellarke when I’m applying them to the show so I’ve got like 100+ songs that I would love to use for them but its hard to think of a context where they would fit in with the tone of the show
And I want Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir to cameo. They don’t need to say anything - they just need to stare soulfully into each other’s eyes in the background. 
... or makeout
Whatever. 28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? 
Steal the wine. Have karaoke battles. Drunkenly cry because RaVEn iS sO sTrONg and sO gOoD (and he would cry with me - he WOULD). 
Gossip about Bellamy’s butt.
The possibilities are endless, really. 
29. Opinion on Emori? Roan? 
I don’t really have a strong opinion on Emori. I feel like our knowledge of her is still so limited. She’s still barely interacted with anyone besides Murphy. But I’m guessing that may change in Season 5. I’d like to see her interact more with Bellamy, since they both have siblings (and Emori was the disgraced child too, just like O). Not many people can relate in that sense.
I really liked Roan but TO BE HONEST I found him more intriguing in Season 3 than in Season 4. He was literally up there in like my top four or five characters in Season 3 - I was so excited to learn more about him! In Season 4 he didn’t have much of a character arc, he was just kind of there to look moody and badass.
But honestly Roan is one of those characters that I don’t think was necessarily intended to be funny (as opposed to characters like Jasper and Wick) but his interactions with Clarke, Bellamy, and Echo offered up the occasional piece of comedy gold. He went too soon. Forever mourning the bromance that he and Bellamy could have had.
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? 
I wanna be Satisfied Girl.
Or Riley. Everyone loves that guy
so ... no? maybe? does it come with the job? 31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
CADOGAN. @metastation has ruined me; now I just want more!
Also any of the Eligius crew tbh 32. A character you’d bang? 
Omg like all of them.
Bellamy and Raven are up there tho. 
And highkey Bree could get it. She looks like she knows what she’s doing.
Echo’s hot but i dunno chains and choking aren’t really my thing
Anywayyyyy I’m way too late to the party so I won’t tag anyone but like if you feel like doing this GO AHEAD ! And you can tag me in your post if you want too
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