#anyway ill hsut up hahaha my ambien kicked in
soggypotatoes · 2 years
also he analysed a ridiculous dream i had so ruthlessly, just read my whole soul, and he told me today he had a dream that i turned up at his house w my bags packed ready to move in and he was like ‘ok!! thisll be fun’ and now im so anxious about what this means omg i want to ask him but the conversation moved on after that..... i want to know what he thinks it means bc im worried that im like, overstepping boundaries or pushing into him too much by messaging so often, hes said a few times he doesnt mind and told me ‘not many people have the green light to talk to me but you do’ he said it with a lot of sincerity IDK WHAT TO MAKE OF THIS LOL
and hes just not the kind of person im used to navigating, i need different software lol idk how this relationship works
i guess thats the thing about bonding with people in rehab... it’s like, a weird dynamic! but it can be so good!!!! i just don’t know how to go about it, should i message him less?? more???? i’m watching for his responses to tell me but im not SURE
i just wanna keep messaging him weird questions and shit i love talking to this guy!!!!!!!!
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