#anyway im still technically on a no-buy that I break at least once a month lol.
nycticeivs · 10 months
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[[Haunted Doll p.4: BLACKxWHITE]]
OP: Atelier Pierrot Headbows: Baby The Stars Shine Bright OTKs: Moi Meme Moitie Coffin Necklace & Ring: Néant Glass
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watashime-ciel · 1 month
rhythm heaven headcanons because im more sad than i should-
but first of all i have an announcement. and its that today, august 18th in argentina, its children's day and as im 16 im still technically a child to i asked my mom to get me something very specific as a gift. so, in a few weeks or months, dj yellow plushie is coming home! i wanted both yellow and blue, but she could only pay for one, so i chose yellow. hes gonna be with me in conventions from now on, either being tied up on the table so people buy me stuff to free him (/lh), or being my cosplay pal. thats all. if you wanna follow the dj yellow plushie adventures, follow me on instagram berry_lemon_arty, and if you cant find it, try with watashime_vkipper. its the same acc, but im changing the user soon to watashime_vkipper when i go back to my showroom. ANYWAYS lets go with the headcanons (and idc if i repeat some from past posts, i cant remember what i said)
-J.J is someone very insecure, actually. and lets out his anger on others (ahem, Yellow). but when he met Cecil, things changed a bit. Cecil allowed him to be angry, sad, disappointed, and make questions that were a call for reassurance
-Yellow has worked restlessly to buy a ticket to see Kikuo, no matter if he was in another country. and he never could- something happens everytime hes going to buy a ticket, and the money goes somewhere else. he cried for days because of that (reference to Kikuo just leaving argentina in this instant, although im not a fan lol)
-Cecil is also a germaphobic, but not as much(?) as Blue is. Cecil can at least touch whatever is contaminated to throw it away or clean it, whilst Blue cant because he feels like hes gonna pass out
-Yellow has been more time in a mental hospital than in school.🧍
-for a time, Blue was convinced he only signed up to Yellow's dj classes because he fell in love with him at first sight. it was during the time he was unsure how to express himself
-remember that Yellow's spirit animal is Len Kagamine? but its also Angel Dust, and possibly Spinel for how flexible he is. breakdancing? he can do it. pole dancing? he can do it. parkour? he can do it. lyra dancing? he can do it. dance trapeze? guess what. HE CAN DO IT. has he ever broken a bone or something? surprisingly, no. the only time he did was his right ankle at a comic con, participating on the cosplay contest as Kokoro Tsurumaki dancing Egao Sing A Song. Kokoro uses heels, and he loves them, and knows how to dance and do acrobatics with them. but he jumped and didnt get down very well, breaking his right ankle, but finishing the performance like nothing and winning the best performance prize. he only felt the pain once he sat down, but he did feel something wrong after not getting down properly
-you cant use your fingers to count the amount of times Blue got back home from work and saw Yellow in a female cosplay. and you cant also count the different reactions he had. dont use your imagination that much.
-Cecil is obsessed with Final Fantasy (a reference to Soushi)
-J.J may or may not accidentaly call acoustic guitars, "autistic guitars". most of the times he doesnt notices that
-whenever Cecil went to J.J's house (to his parents', actually), J.J's mom would do that classic "mom-embarassing-son" conversation thing. that way Cecil found out stuff about J.J that he couldnt even imagine lol
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captain-ezri-dax · 2 years
OK normally i'd put like 20000 paragraphs of lore for my ocs BUT if i gotta do THREE, its gonna be brief descriptions ok
alright lets start with Tally, one of my star wars babies. Anger Issues incarnate. She was technically a survivor of Order 66, the jedi genocide, but she was so young at the time at like 3 years old, she remembers little to nothing. I don't think kids are usually started in training that young, but even at 3 years old she had anger issues & had to start early.
Her lack of training, the fact she was only in the jedi temple for maybe 2 months & her not really using her powers keeps her safe. She doesn't even have a lightsaber. She lives in an old republic corvette w/ a single clone trooper who's basically her surrogate father, & a crew of droids that she keeps in working order. She basically grew up w/ an old astromech that belonged to her Jedi trainer & loves it more than anything. She & her father make a living as scavengers & scrappers. Also she's still angry a lot & picks fights whenever she's on a planet. She'll break ur arm if ur so much as rude to her
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YIPPEE bless doll creator games
ok i think this is gonna get long anyway
ALRIGHT im gonna stick w/ sci-fi bc i never get. to talk about. fuckin Vama Tix, a Star Trek Trill oc.
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LOOK at her. I adore her so much. (picrew here btw)
idk how much Star Trek you've watched or lore u know so long story short; Trill are an alien species that evolved alongside another sentient species on their homeworld. Symbionts can be surgically inserted into Trill to become a symbiotic duo, but few are chosen.
Vama spent the first 18 years of her life on Trill (the planet, idk why they called the species and planet the same name) training to be a Host, since it can be taxing. Once they're joined with a Symbiont, they gain all the memories of the Symbiont's previous hosts. Preparing for that & learning to separate your identity takes time. (Ezri Dax from My Username & Profile Picture Fame got the Dax symbiont without training & she has trouble differentiating between herself and other previous host's memories.)
The majority of trainees don't get Symbionts, purely bc there are far less Symbionts than Trill. Vama was pretty far into her training & would've eventually been approved to get a Symbiont eventually, but she didn't want to wait half her life. She left on her 19th birthday & eventually got into petty crime, but nothing violent. She quickly found a talent in starship racing & joins a lot of illegal races. She buys & heavily modifies her own shuttle to race and live in, Like an RV if RVs were also used for racing. She can't afford a fully sized starship but she enjoys her mobile life in her shuttle.
Eventually she got herself caught & arrested by a small starfleet ship. While imprisoned there, another Trill who had a Symbtiont died & Vama volunteered to be the next host to ensure it wouldn't die on the trip back to Trill. After a brief medical check on Trill she used a legal loophole to get out of any prison time. The Symbiont, as a sentient being that can't be un-joined without Vama's death, can't be imprisoned for a crime it wasn't involved in. So Vama went free.
She has a habit of talking to her Symbiont even though she doesn't need to, something she picked up from it's very first host. She doesn't exclusively race in legal races, but she gravitates towards them more even though it doesn't give her quite the same adrenaline rush. She does want to keep Tix, the symbtiont, safe.
i was gonna do Mira next but. all the sims 4 screenshots of her are wickedwhims lmao oops so lets do Dani instead.
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she's got the Least lore here, so u get 3 pictures. She's the GF of Charlie, my canon Saints Row character, but isn't a direct part of The Saints themselves. More like an ally.
She does legal work as a security guard after a stint as a cop, which she hated & left before even completing training. These days she works mall security, bar & club security, stuff like that & provides insider info to The Saints about security systems & stuff like that.
Whenever she does join them on a job she'll wear a stolen Idols helmet to keep her identity hidden. In fact she'll wear it whenever she's around a Saint that isn't Charlie & won't use her name around them. She's just not interested in joining in full, but just doesn't care about the places she works at.
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look at Abi she's so cute
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sunshinesukuna · 4 years
lemon detergent
pairing: tsukishima x reader
tw: fighting, injuries (bruises), light swearing
wc: 1.7k
genre: angst to fluff
ayyy catch me plagiarizig my own work. eh, miya atsumu can rot anyways. im sorry if this is bad, i haven’t given you guys writing for over a week and my people-pleasing ass rushed to give you guys some content ahhhhh. éñÿwâÿś, enjoy <333
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Three strikes and you’re out. For each of you, so technically that was six strikes, but the two of you never debated the technicalities of it. Not like you had time to, with a hectic schedule as third-year students and athletes. Him chucking volleyballs into the air, and you chucking yourself up in the air in the wondrous sport known as cheerleading.
He’s already waiting for you in your usual spot behind the gym. God forbid anyone see the two of you together unless it was a life-or-death situation. Hinata would grow at least a feet before that would ever happen. At least that was easy when you were dating someone like him. Being in different classes, different teams, houses on the opposite sides of town. You wondered when you would actually be close to him both emotionally, and physically.
Now that you’re closer, you can smell him for real. The tang of lemon detergent that his mom loves and clean sweat can only mean it’s Tsukishima. You stand in front of him wordlessly, eyes expectant for something. Well, something other than the forlorn look in his eyes that he’s giving you. 
“I don’t think I can come to your house after school tomorrow,” he says. There it is. You were totally expecting that this would come at some point during the year, but you didn’t expect it to come this soon. You’re still disappointed anyways. 
“It’s the third time you’ve bailed out on me this week alone, Kei,” you complain. He puts a finger to his lips at the sound of your quickly rising voice. “I barely see you at school outside of the gym!” 
“And I told you, I’m practicing. It’s not like I’m cheating or anything.” Certainly feels like you are, you want to say. But it’s best if you keep those words in the back of your head.
“For what? Nationals aren’t for two more months!” He breaks eye contact with you, opting to stare at the tree at the edge of the road. 
"Practice makes perfect.” 
“But you shouldn’t overwork yourself this much! Even I take breaks from cheerleading every now and then to come to support you at your games!” 
“(Y/N), I think you’re misjudging how important the Interhigh is to Karasuno. If we lose—”
“I know how important the match is, Kei. But there’s a difference between giving it your all and giving it too much.” You pause, taking a long breath. “Even cheerleaders don’t break our backs trying to reach new heights.”
Tsukishima sighs before putting his hands back into his pocket. He furrows his eyebrows.
“What would you know about it? Cheerleading isn’t a real sport anyway.”
Words cut deep like knives. Tsukishima’s don’t. They hit you like a bag of bricks all at once. 
The pang in your chest isn’t just from his words, it’s from his indifference. His eyes giving you that blank stare as he brushes off everything important to you. His hands staying still in his pockets as he talks to you, like you’re not even worthy of his attention. 
And thus the standoff begins. 
First is the lunch line. You think waiting for food while hungry is hard? Try waiting for food when you’re hungry and have Tsukishima Kei looming over behind you. You’re about to plant your feet down in the floor when you’re finished, waiting for him to finish up, but you remember that you have no one to wait for.
So you briskly pick up your tray and move to a table where you spot some of your friends from cheer sitting. His eyes twitch at your figure walking so easily away from him. But it’s not like you would notice.  
Second is the hallway. Your heart clenches a bit when you spot Yamaguchi around the corner, because you know who’s going to be next to him. You can already smell the lemon detergent from here. 
His eyes burn through his glasses when you walk by. The usual glance and smile is thrown out in exchange for… nothing. Your eyes look straight forward at the end of the hall, where your classroom is. Frustration rolls off of him in waves so intense you can practically smell them, like a disruption in his lemon detergent-scented aura.
No matter, that means it’s working, right? He’ll fess up sooner enough.
But what was it again? Three strikes and you’re out.  The third strike comes later at practice.
You really should have thought this out even further. The damaged piping in the gym the cheerleading team usually used meant that they had to share with someone. And who else to share a gym with than the Karasuno Men’s Volleyball Team?
So here you are, stuck at one side of the gym while you can feel Tsukishima’s eyes on you from the other side. The routine starts off well. The first stunts all hit, with none of the same wobblings that was there in the first few weeks of learning it. 
And there it was. The throw was already crooked from the beginning. If you couldn’t reach the other flyer’s hand, then you were done for. In a last attempt to save the pyramid, you flung out your legs, trying to land on your feet.
Bad move. 
Your knee landed on something— but it wasn’t your teammates’ hands that were ready to catch you. A spike of pain shot up your foot. Suddenly the world was a blur as skin-coloured blobs that could only be your teammates rushed to help you. The lights above were reduced to sparkles that were just too bright. 
The buzzing in your ears was enough to block out the sounds coming in, but you could hear snippets of conversation here and there. 
“Was that (Y/N)?” 
“She landed on her knee!” 
“It looks bruised….”
On your knee, eh. So that was why the fire was all concentrated on your patella. The sweat on your hands wouldn’t let you regain your balance. You slump down with your back to the floor, hands over your face to block out what little pain you could, but the faucet of liquid fire trickled down your knee to no end. 
“May I help?” someone asked in a low baritone voice. You assumed that your coach said yes because you felt yourself being lifted in the air off the mat. The nape of your neck was wet, either from your sweat or this person’s. 
This person was strong too. They walked briskly and easily across the halls of Karasuno, even with a body in their hands. But their heart rate was abnormally fast. They probably had been exercising. 
You dare to open your eyes. All you see are pools of purple and white, obscured by the residual tears in your eyes. It could be anyone. But as your senses focused, hints olive and green came into the image. Your sense of smell was also starting to refocus as well. Lemon detergent, deodorant, and rubber.
Lemon detergent…
You opened your eyes as widely as you could. It was Tsukishima. Face unmoving and eyes showing no sign of emotion, but anyone could feel a sense of emergency with his rushed steps and the way he clicked his tongue anytime anyone stood in his way. 
The scent of sharp disinfectants replaced the lemon detergent as you were put down on a soft bed. You winced at the new position you were put in, your weight crashing down on your lower body yet again.
“It hurts...” you squeak out, every word another rope squeezing your chest flush out of air. 
“It does. It hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?”
That’s enough to set your heart at ease, if only a little. No sappy words to shoo away the pain by pretending it isn’t real, just a concise confirmation that what you’re feeling is real. And somehow, that’s just enough.
Tsukishima works quickly and quietly, adjusting the ice packs where needed. Whenever you wince or gasp in pain, he’s quick to rub a long, lanky finger over the purple parts of the bruise that doesn’t have ice covering it. It still hurts like a bitch, but at least the pain is only physical.
The emotional ones are just beginning to heal. 
The 10 by 10 room is sealed — door locked, windows bolted — but it still feels like the two of you are in front of a gargantuan stage, packed to the brim with people watching you. Or is it just because the only audience you have are one another?
“I’m sorry for saying cheerleading wasn’t a sport,” he mutters. Your hearing has started to sharpen again by now. 
“I’m sorry for brushing off your advice, and belittling something you love,” he says again, Tsukishima’s tone much clearer now. His words ring like a gong in your head.
The throbbing in your knee seems to lessen with every word he says. The longer he talks, the more the fire in your feet seem to subside. Were those his words going to your head, or the gentle massages he was giving your knees as he talked?
“You don’t have to accept my apology. I can wait until you do. But… I know I did something wrong. And I intend to fix it.” 
“I’ll accept your apology,” you say. On several conditions.” 
His head perks up, eager to hear what you’ll have him do in order to restore things back to the way they were. Scratch that, in order to make things better. Like hell he’ll ignore you again if it leads to something like this.
“What are they?” Tsukishima.
“I know you’re practicing really hard and all that, but can you spend some more time with me?” you ask. “You don’t have to spend that much time, just… enough so it actually feels like we’re dating?”
“Weren’t we already?” 
“You know what I mean.”
Tsukishima takes a long breath. He stays silent for a long time, the only noise in the room the sound of ice against ice as he moves to take another icepack for your knee. 
“Alright. Anything else?”
The idea you have is silly. But it couldn’t hurt to give it a try. What’s the worse that could happen?
“Buy me some of the detergent you use.” 
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Flashbacks & Forewarnings
A JSE Fanfic
There are a lot of different scenes in this one, but don’t worry, it’s not too long. About medium length for my fics, I’d say. First of all, we get a peek into one of JJ’s memories. Then we check in on Dr. Laurens and Schneep, see how they’re doing since it’s been a while. And there’s some minor other stuff as well. I know it seems like it’s a day late, but that’s because I’m moving my fic-posting day to Monday. Hope you guys like this one!
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
Midafternoon sunlight was streaming through the window. Jameson leaned over to look out the window, glancing downward at the street a few stories below. Then he took his watch out of his pocket and checked the time. Almost four o’clock already? It was almost time to leave. JJ began tidying up, starting the process of going home and getting things ready for the next person to man the desk.
“Hmm? Oh, are you leaving, Mr. Jackson?” Claire, the intern, noticed his cleaning up. 
JJ nodded. He paused for a moment, grabbing his notebook and pen from the surface of the desk nearby. Do you know who’s on the next shift?
Claire paused for a moment to read the question; though she was trying to learn BSL, she wasn’t able to hold a conversation yet. “Uhh...I think it’s Mr. Haddock,” she said.
That was what he suspected. Do you think you can handle things until he arrives? JJ asked. He didn’t want to put too much pressure on Claire—she was only sixteen, after all.
“Yeah, no problem,” she said. “Uhh...I just have to monitor the phone, right?”
JJ nodded again. Accepting phone calls was the highest priority part of the job, and also the only thing he couldn’t do. Sending emails, making sure things were filed correctly, getting things from the supply room, all that was alright. But not the phone, for obvious reasons. Luckily, answering phone calls usually fell to the interns. Don’t be afraid to ask Mr. Patterson for help. It should only be ten minutes or so until Timothy arrives, but just to be sure.
“Thanks, Mr. Jackson. Oh! Uh, wait.” Claire made a simple gesture. Thank you.
JJ smiled encouragingly. You’re picking that up quick!
“Really?” Claire brightened up. “Thanks!” She repeated the sign.
JJ stood up, gathering his stuff. I’ll see you tomorrow, he signed, edging around the desk and heading towards the elevator.
“See you.”
Now heading on his way down, Jameson checked his bag, pulling out his phone. Huh...it seemed he had quite a few texts from Chase. He scrolled through the notifications, ending up at the first one, which read: Hey J, remember that thing the detectives called me about ths morning? About Jackie? The second one read: Did you get my last text? The third one read: JJ i really have to talk to you about this. Should i call Marv first? And so on with increasing urgency.
Reading through the messages, Jameson could feel his pulse rising, tense. He’d almost forgotten about the events of that morning. A long day at work was bound to do that. The question had always sort of been lingering in his mind, though. They’d found some sort of break in Jackie’s case. That had to be a good thing, right? A pessimistic part of him pointed out that a “break in the case” didn’t always mean they’d found the missing person. Sometimes it meant they’d found the missing person’s body—
Jameson stepped out of the elevator, forcibly leaving that thought behind. It wasn’t the case this time. It couldn’t be. Even though he hadn’t known Jackie as long as Chase or Marvin had, he still knew him. And he knew he wasn’t the type to go down easily. Quickly, he opened up his texts and started replying to Chase. Sorry I didn’t see any of this, I was at work :( Just got off the lift now. What happened?
Chase didn’t respond for a minute or so, long enough for JJ to walk out of the building and into the crisp October air. But his reply came soon. Oh I forgot about that! Im so sorry.
No no, it’s not your fault. But do tell what happened. What did the detectives say?
The little typing bubble stayed up for a long time. JJ had arrived at the close-by bus stop by the time Chase finally said what he was planning. Uh...actually, can i call you about this? I know you cant answer, and you can say no, i just think itll be easier to say instead of type.
That...wasn’t a good sign. Sure? Jameson typed slowly. I can whistle or something if you need a response.
Immediately, his phone started ringing. JJ almost instinctively declined the call, but caught himself just in time and picked it up. Chase’s voice came through easily from the other side. “JJ? You there, bro?” JJ whistled a yes. “Okay good. Okay. Uhh...this is weird, not being able to see you. But anyway. The thing this morning. The good news is that Schneep’s first doctor showed up! So now he’s gonna have one that doesn’t hate him.” Chase laughed, a bit nervously. “But, uh, I dunno if she’ll go back right away. Because, uh...that’s the bad news. She disappeared because she got kidnapped. By the same person who kidnapped Jackie. And kidnapped Schneep before that. And...” Chase sighed. “You were right. The person who did that is this Anti.” He paused. “Are...are you still there?”
Jameson took a moment to react. And when he did, he hung up. So...it was him.
God, what were the odds? What were the goddamn odds that the two of them would end up in the same place once again?! True, this city wasn’t too far away from the town they lived in before. But he’d always thought Aneirin was the type to stay in a town like that.
Well, at least he didn’t know Jameson was here...
Jameson set down his book, checking the clock. It was a little past eight at night. Naturally, his eyes drifted over to the calendar afterwards. It was a month behind, still reading June 2007.
The front door slammed open downstairs. JJ jumped, then slid a bookmark into the pages of his novel and stood up, heading out the door and down the stairs.
“Hey, Jamie.” Aneirin smiled at him as he came downstairs. “Picked up dinner real quick. Sorry for being late.” He set a bag of McDonald’s down on the nearby coffee table and sighed, reaching upward to make sure his eye-patch was in place.
It’s fine, JJ signed. You’ve been busy lately.
“Yeah, uh...speaking of which.” Aneirin cleared his throat. “I have to go out again later tonight.”
JJ slumped a bit. You sure?
“Yeah...work shit, you know how it is.” Aneirin shook his head. “But hey, I mean, without my work, we wouldn’t have a house, so I’ll take it.”
That was true. Though...Jameson still wasn’t sure what exactly Aneirin did for work. It had odd hours, and Aneirin was hesitant to talk about it, in a way that JJ had initially shrugged off, but was now starting to seem a bit odd. He’d been living with him for a year now, wasn’t it weird that he didn’t know what his brother did? Alright, JJ signed hesitantly. But you owe me.
Aneirin smiled. “I’ll buy you another book.”
I have a lot of books, Aneirin. I haven’t even read them all.
“Something else, then. Whatever you want. Within reason, of course.” Chuckling, Aneirin headed through the doorway into the kitchen. Inside, JJ heard the sound of the coffeemaker—a new addition—starting up.
Frowning, Jameson poked his head into the kitchen doorway. He knocked on the wood, but Aneirin didsn’t turn around, focused on the coffeemaker. “Aan...?” JJ called.
“Hmm?” Aneirin looked over at him.
You aren’t supposed to be holding hot things.
“Jesus christ, I’m not a baby, Jamie.”
Just...remember what happened last time? Jameson pointed out at him. You burned yourself. I’m just worried.
“Yes, but now I know what not to do.” Aneirin shrugged, and turned around. “Besides, the mug will stay on the counter most of the time. So no need to overreact.”
JJ frowned, but left anyway, heading back upstairs to grab his book. He’d move downstairs to finish it, just in case Aneirin ended up needing help.
A couple hours passed. If the past was any indicator, Aneirin would be leaving around this time. JJ made a big show of yawning, and glancing over to the couch where Aneirin was sitting, eyes fixed to the TV but not really paying any attention to the show that was on. Standing up and grabbing his book, JJ signed, I think I’ll go to bed now.
Aneirin responded, “Alright.” without looking away from the screen. Go to bed was one of the sign phrases he could understand even out of the corner of his eyes.
JJ headed up the stairs, slowing down once he reached the second story. He walked over to his room, opening the door and closing it without going inside, instead just waiting in the hall. Immediately, he heard the television downstairs turn off. Footsteps crossed the living room and headed outside. The front door opened and shut. Jameson put his book on the floor next to his room and carefully crept down the stairs, sticking near the walls to avoid the creaks. He made a slight detour to grab his cell phone from the kitchen drawer where it was kept. Then once back in the living room, he crouched close to the ground and crawled over to the front window, peeking outside.
In the driveway, Aneirin was checking something in the trunk of his car. Well, technically, Aneirin always called it “our car,” but he was the only one who drove it. JJ didn’t know how to drive yet. And even if he did, he didn’t have a job and it was the middle of summer vacation, so where would he even need to go? Or at least, those were some of the reasons Aneirin listed when explaining why he wouldn’t teach Jameson how to drive. JJ watched as Aneirin closed the car trunk, and started walking down the block, as he always did when he went out working late at night.
After making sure Aneirin was far enough away, JJ rushed out the front door and over to the car. He opened the door to the back seat and climbed inside, squeezing into the space between the seats where you would normally put your feet. They kept a spare blanket in the car, and Jameson reached over and tried to cover himself, attempting to make it look like the blanket was naturally falling off the seat. Then he waited.
Just a few minutes later, the driver’s side door opened, and he heard Aneirin get inside. The car soon started, and headed out, with Aneirin having no idea Jameson was in the back seat.
He was tired of not knowing anything about where Aneirin went. And if he wouldn’t tell him, JJ would find out by himself.
They drove for a surprisingly long time, long enough for Jameson to start aching from being in this uncomfortable twisted position. He couldn’t exactly tell where they were going from his hiding spot, but he didn’t hear anything unusual, apart from the occasional strange commercial on the radio channel Aneirin was listening to. But of course, the car eventually stopped, and Aneirin climbed out. The locks thunked shut after he left.
Jameson waited a few minutes before sitting up and pushing the blanket aside. Looking out the car windows, he blinked in surprise. This...wasn’t what he was expecting. Instead of being parked outside some building on the outskirts of town, the car was pulled into a small gap in between two large, looming buildings. There was no light coming from them, and only the faint, watery street lamp beams to illuminate anything. Why would Aneirin have driven here...?
After a moment’s hesitation, Jameson unlocked the car door and stepped out. He walked out onto the street, finding it lined with similar tall, wide buildings. Where was this place? Some sort of storage? Why wasn’t anything lit up? JJ shivered, reaching into his pocket to double-check that his cell phone was there. He should find Aneirin, make sure that he was okay.
He looked left down the street, saw nothing, and looked right. There was a group of three people standing beneath one of the weak street lights. With them being the only people in sight, JJ headed in their direction. Eventually, he started picking up voices.
“—kid’s been a runner for three years, cut him some slack.” An unfamiliar female voice.
“No one gets slack at all.” An unfamiliar male voice. “Not even us, Kelly.”
“Still, he does his job.”
“Yeah, that’s right.” And that...that was Aneirin’s voice. Though strangely, his accent, a bit Irish from the years he’d spent being a foster kid in that country, had thickened. “Just give me the green.”
Jameson ducked around a corner of a building, peering out at the group of three. A man, a woman, and Aneirin. He watched as Aneirin handed over a backpack, and the man handed him a case. What was this? It seemed...shady. Aneirin couldn’t really be involved in something like this, right? 
The woman leaned closer to Aneirin, lowering her voice so it couldn’t be heard from where Jameson was watching. But judging from the way Aneirin tensed, whatever she was saying wasn’t good news. Aneirin responded in an equally low tone, and the man suddenly laughed. “You?! Tiny thing like you? Obvious blind spot and likely to collapse at any time? Nah, lad, we’ll go with the professionals.”
That was exactly the wrong thing to say. Aneirin bristled, and even from here Jameson could see the anger in his expression. “Easy there,” the woman said, her tone patronizing. “You wouldn’t want to fall down, would you?”
Aneirin lunged at her, and a scream rang out through the empty street. The woman stumbled back, turning enough so that Jameson could see the way her front was stained red. “You little—!” The man grabbed Aneirin by his jacket, and JJ couldn’t help but cry out.
He didn’t think it would be audible to the group, but both the man and Aneirin looked over toward him. JJ’s eyes widened, and he ducked behind the building. “Oh, you brought a friend, didn’t you, you little bastard?!” The man yelled. “Looks like you, too! Family field trip, is it?”
“Hey! Back off!” Aneirin snarled. It would’ve been intimidating, if not for the nervous crack in the middle.
“Oh no, I don’t think so!”
Jameson heard footsteps running towards him, and instantly took off, running down the gap between the buildings. But the man was much faster, and the footsteps grew louder. Jameson glanced over his shoulder, and the man was just a few feet away. He gasped, and pushed himself farther, turning onto another street, then running into another gap in an attempt to shake the man off.
“Don’t you run, you—AAARGK!”
The strange noise wasn’t enough to stop JJ from running. He continued to weave around the gaps in the buildings, until he arrived back at the one the car was parked in. He tore open the backseat door and practically threw himself inside, locking it behind him. He fell onto the floor of the car and stayed there, sitting, knees pulled to his chest and his heart pounding in his throat. His eyes were fixed on staring through the dirty glass of the car window.
A figure appeared there. Jameson made a strangled sort of sound, backing up. The figure knocked on the glass, then a flashlight turned on, shining into the car. Jameson blinked in the light, then squinted through it, recognizing Aneirin as the one holding the flashlight.
Aneirin pointed towards the driver’s side door, and disappeared, rounding around the car. The locks thunked, and Aneirin opened the door and climbed inside. “Jamie?” he called.
Jameson didn’t relax, but leaned forward, into the spot between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat.
“Oh my god!” Aneirin grabbed JJ’s head, one hand on either side, and pulled him even closer. “What were you thinking?! What are you even doing here?! Did you follow me? Why the fuck would you do that?! There’s a reason I don’t tell you what I do!”
Jameson was stunned into silence for a moment. He let Aneirin continue on in a similar vein for a while, then slowly signed, I was just curious.
“Curious?! I—” Aneirin leaned back, burying his face in his hands and taking a few deep breaths. “You can’t...do stuff like that, Jamie,” he said. 
...I’m sorry, JJ signed hesitantly.
“It’s...fine, Jamie, just...just don’t do that again.” Aneirin sighed, looking out the windshield. “Who knows what could’ve happened to you?”
Jameson fell silent for a moment, then awkwardly climbed into the passenger seat, settling into it. What happened to the man? And the woman?
“They’re...dead,” Aneirin said slowly.
Did you kill them? Jameson asked, eyes wide and disbelieving.
“...yes,” Aneirin’s voice was barely audible.
Aneirin opened the car door and leaned over outside, picking up something on the ground. He pulled the case from earlier into the car and threw it into the backseat. “Because we need money to live and shit, Jamie, that’s why. Someone offers you a lot, and all you need to do is...go back on your word, then you take it.”
JJ shook his head silently, shocked. Aneirin...have you done this before?
Aneirin shifted in his seat. “What, go to a regular drop-off then walk away with two people dead? No.”
Silence fell. Jameson dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
“What’re you doing?” Aneirin said, sitting up straight.
Calling 999, Jameson answered.
“Wh—no! You can’t do that!” Aneirin grabbed Jameson’s wrist, pulling it, and the phone he was holding, away. “Look, I know it looks bad, but there’s absolutely nothing to connect us to this. See? I’m wearing gloves, no fingerprints.”
Jameson stared at him, absolutely stunned. We can’t just let— he started to sign one-handedly.
“No, we have to. Jameson, if the police hear about this, they’re going to judge my place an unfit home, and me an unfit guardian, and they’re going to put you back in the system.” Aneirin tightened his grip on Jameson’s wrist. “I-I can’t let that happen! I can’t let you go back there! Who knows what’ll happen?!”
Jameson managed to pull his wrist away from Aneirin’s grip. They’re not going to put a seventeen-year-old into the foster system. I’m practically an adult.
“As someone who was recently seventeen, that’s debatable. And legally, you’re still a child. It doesn’t matter how close to eighteen you are, until your actual birthday, they’re not gonna let you go.” There was a strong bitter note in Aneirin’s voice. “I can’t...I’ve only had you back for a year, Jamie. After ten fucking years of wondering what happened to you. Please don’t...don’t leave.”
Jameson hesitated. Aneirin’s eyes were shining with a desperate light that could be seen even in the shadows the car was hiding in. And he had to admit, he didn’t want to leave his brother, either. He sighed gently, and put his cell phone down on the dashboard of the car. Alright, fine.
Aneirin practically wilted with relief. “Thank you so much, Jamie.” He twisted in his seat, starting the car. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
The car headed out, with Jameson and Aneirin sitting in silence. Jameson stared out the window, watching as they gradually traveled to a more well-lit part of the town. He expected them to head home. But instead, Aneirin headed to the town center, and parked outside a lit-up building. “Look,” he said, glancing in JJ’s direction. “I’m sorry about...the yelling, earlier. I was just stressed and worried. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was angry with you.”
Jameson exhaled slowly. It’s okay, Aneirin.
“I’ll make it up to you,” Aneirin promised. “Look.” He nodded at the building they were parked outside.
Wait...JJ’s eyes widened. We’re going to Tompson’s?
“Yep.” Aneirin smiled. “Ice cream sounds good after tonight. Luckily they’re open late. You can get whatever you want, whatever size.”
Really? Anything? JJ asked doubtfully. Tompson’s was known for being relatively expensive, but also delicious. They usually saved it for special occasions.
“Of course. It’s on me.”
JJ looked back out the window. He started nodding, slowly at first, then faster. Well, alright then. Can’t do that in the car.
Aneirin laughed. “Course not. Hey, not even gonna say thank you?”
Jameson exhaled softly, and rolled his eyes. Aneirin was always like this. “Thhnk yu-yuh. Annn.” He could’ve signed it, but if Aneirin wanted that, he would’ve said ‘sign.’
“You’re welcome,” Aneirin smiled. “Now let’s go.”
The rest of the night was rather nice. Jameson almost forgot what had happened earlier. Almost. It turns out, these events would not be forgotten easily.
...Jameson was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of his text alert going off. Jameson?? Are you oaky?? Whyd you hang up? Chase asked. It was quickly followed by a *okay
I’m fine, Chase, JJ replied. I just had to think for a moment.
Are you actually fine or just saying that?
Jameson thought hard about this question. I won’t lie. I’m a little...He paused, wanting to type out ‘scared,’ but that might be a bit too far. That was probably something he should talk over with his therapist on Monday; now was not the time to unload everything. ...shaken, hearing about this. But I’ll be okay, I promise.
Alright, if your sure, Chase said. But if you ever need anyone, Im right here.
Thank you, Chase.
The city bus finally pulled up to the station, and JJ hopped aboard, pressing his bus pass to the card reader before taking a seat. He stared out the window as the bus started rolling again. He couldn’t help but glance behind him, even knowing that nobody would be there.
A few days passed, and Monday morning dawned cold and rainy. Dr. Laurens opened her umbrella as soon as she got off the bus, holding it with her unbroken arm. She sighed quietly. Well, looked like she had to walk to work today. And for a while, actually, until her arm was healed enough for her to drive again. She’d better get used to it.
A few drizzly moments later, Laurens stepped inside the main doors of Silver Hills. Awkwardly closing her umbrella, she walked up to the front desk. “Hi, I need to see Dr. Newson, is she in?”
The orderly at the desk looked up, and her eyes widened. “Oh my god, Rya?!”
“Hey, Theresa,” Laurens said, smiling tiredly. “Is Newson in?”
“Yes, I-I can page her—mother of god, what happened to you?” Theresa asked as she started messing with her pager. “You disappeared! Are you alright?”
‘Alright’? Well, that was debatable. The broken arm was not ‘alright,’ and Laurens was pretty sure there was a lot else that would not fit into ‘alright.’ But she’d waited this long. She’d spent time in the hospital, then practically begged to go home so she could get used to being on her own, without having to worry about threats to her life. But still, she couldn’t stop thinking about getting back to work. She knew Newson had taken over Schneep’s case, and she knew Newson hated him. How could she just stand by and leave this situation alone? So, if by ‘alright’ you meant ‘functional and willing to help others,’ then yes, she was alright. “I’m fine, thanks,” Laurens said. “Should I just wait for Newson here?”
“Uh...yeah, that would be great.”
Laurens took a seat in the reception area, looking around. It seemed a bit surreal to be back here after...everything with Anti and Jackie. Like she was last here years ago, instead of just a few months.
About five minutes later, footsteps came down the hall, and Laurens stood up as Newson appeared. Newson’s eyes immediately locked onto her, and she froze. “Wh—Rya?”
“Yes, it’s me,” Laurens stated.
Newson gaped at her, then rushed over to stand in front of her. “You’re okay! Oh my god, I—we were so worried!”
“Really?” Laurens asked, not bothering to hide the surprise in her voice. “I mean...from what I remembered, you were probably going to fire me—”
“No! I mean—I—” Newson stammered. “I didn’t want you to—look, I may have made a bit of a rushed judgement that day, and I...would hate for that to be the last thing I ever said to you. You truly are great at your job, a-and a great person as well. And I’m not going to fire you.”
“Great,” Laurens nodded. “In that case, can I take my patient back please?”
“Wh—” Newson seemed taken aback by the question stated so clearly. “I...mean...”
“Because I don’t believe that your methods work well with him,” Laurens said, voice and expression deadpan. “Unless something has changed in the two months I’ve been gone.”
“I...” Newson cleared her throat, collecting herself. “Of course you can take the case again. Do understand that I—hello, can I help you?”
Laurens turned around. A tall woman in a black raincoat had just entered the reception area, carrying a briefcase. “Actually, yes,” the woman said. “I’m looking for Dr. Jennifer Newson.”
“That would be me,” Newson said, patting down her coat and smiling cordially. “Do you need something?”
“Ah. My name is Aja Bakshi, I am from Henson & Singh At Law.” Bakshi set her briefcase on the reception desk, opening it up and slapping a piece of paper covered in type down on the surface. “My client wishes to sue you for malpractice, negligence, and abuse of power with your position. This is the notice, details are included on it, as well as my phone number.”
Newson was left speechless. She just stared at Bakshi, absolutely shocked, her wide-eyed gaping expression somewhat reminiscent of a fish. Laurens had to bite back a smile as the thought occurred to her. “Uh...” Newson finally said. “Who...who’s suing me?”
“Details are on the notice, Dr. Newson,” Bakshi said calmly. “We have scheduled a court hearing for the 23rd. We expect to see you there.” And with that, Bakshi snapped the briefcase closed, and turned on her heel and left, door swinging closed behind her.
“Uh...Dr. Newson, are you alright?” Theresa asked.
Newson didn’t answer, instead picking up the paper and scanning it over. “Maher...?” she muttered. “I know that name...”
“Well, I’ll leave you to that,” Dr. Laurens said. “For now, I’d like to see my patient. But I seem to have lost my keycard.”
Newson looked up sharply. “Uh...right. I’ll call Oliver Hopkins, he can take you to the room. Can you get a coat on with your arm like that? Dress code, and all. We have some in—”
“In the back room, I know,” Laurens said. “I’ll meet Oliver there, then.”
About ten minutes later, Laurens had made her way to the back room and pulled on a white coat over her cast before replacing her arm in her sling.
Laurens glanced over, watching as Oliver rounded the corner. She smiled. “Hello, Oliver. Your phone is poking out of your pocket, by the way. Be careful.”
Oliver laughed, and wiped his eyes. “Holy shit, you’re okay. I mean, your arm, but. You know.”
“I do know, thank you,” Laurens chuckled. She then sighed. “Anyway, I wanted to check on Schneep. I don’t think I’ll be able to start a session until tomorrow, after I get all the stuff sorted out for coming back, but I...just want to see if he’s alright.”
Oliver winced. “That’s a...that’s a good idea.”
Listening to his tone, Laurens was suddenly shot through with worry. Part of her had wondered if her concern was a bit strange, especially for a therapist-patient relationship, but that one sentence was proof she was justified. “Alright...let’s go down to his room, then.” Laurens turned and started down the hall.
“Uh, Doc?” Oliver called. “He’s not in his room. He’s in the quiet room.”
Laurens stopped, turning around to look at him. “...well,” she said. “Let’s get him out of there, then.”
“Yeah, uh. Good idea,” Oliver muttered. “I should probably tell you that he’s been in there a couple times, and he...doesn’t react well to it.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” Laurens muttered, already heading down the hall in the other direction. Honestly, they should just call the room what it actually was: solitary. She supposed it wasn’t a bad idea in principle; sometimes the more hostile patients needed a place to cool down where they couldn’t hurt anyone or themselves. But in situations like this, locking someone in a room alone did more harm than good. Especially now that she knew what had actually happened to Schneep in the nine months he disappeared.
The door to the quiet room looked identical to all the other rooms in the older wing of the hospital, with the only exception being that it didn’t have a room number. But once Oliver opened the door, it became clear what made this room so different. It was the only place in the entire building that had its walls padded, and there was no furniture inside except for a bedframe with a mattress but nothing else. Laurens stepped into the room, looking around. She quickly spotted the figure curled up on the floor in the corner. “Schneep?” She called softly.
Schneep had his arms wrapped around his head, but upon hearing his name, he flinched and moved them enough to see out at her.
“Hey, it’s me,” Laurens said, keeping her voice friendly. “Remember me?”
“Hm.” The small sound wasn’t a confirmation or a denial. Schneep’s eyes darted towards the doorway, with Oliver standing in it.
Laurens looked back towards the doorway as well. Get out of sight, she mouthed. Oliver looked hesitant, but stepped to the side, out of view. Laurens looked back towards Schneep, taking a few steps forward. “Schneep, I need you to answer me. Do you remember me?”
“...Jackie?” Schneep said, his voice hoarse.
“No, I’m not Jackie,” Laurens said. She took a few more steps forward, then got down to kneel on the floor. “You’re not with Jackie right now. You’re in the hospital, remember?”
This seemed to confused Schneep for a bit, but he loosened up, uncovering his head as he realized Laurens wasn’t a threat. “Hospital...” he muttered. “Which one?”
“Silver Hills,” Laurens said.
A short pause. “You are...not lying?” Immediately after asking the question, Schneep laughed. “You would say you are not, either way.”
“I wouldn’t lie about where you are, Schneep,” Laurens said quietly. “I wouldn’t trick you like that.” She paused for a moment, gauging Schneep’s reaction. “Do you need anything?”
“Do I...?” The question threw him off for a bit. “I...I do not want to be here. No, no. Not here.”
“Alright, then let’s go.” Laurens held out her hand, palm-up. Schneep flinched away for a moment, but then reached out and grabbed it. “We’re going to stand up now, okay?”
Schneep nodded, and Laurens unfolded herself from her kneeling position, awkwardly doing her best to stand up without using her arms. After a few moments of trying, she succeeded, and helped pull Schneep to his feet. He immediately stumbled, leaning against her. Laurens gasped slightly, noting the cloudy look in Schneep’s eyes and the way he was shaking a bit. There was no reason for him to be this heavily sedated. “How’re you feeling?” Laurens asked.
“Hmm...cotton,” Schneep said.
“I see. Can you walk?”
“I...I think so, yes.” Despite this assertion, when Laurens started to walk, Schneep only stumbled and almost fell.
“Whoa, take it easy,” Laurens said. “I’m going to call someone who can help, alright?”
Laurens looked toward the doorway. Oliver had poked his head into view, making eye contact with her. She nodded, and he came into the room, silently lifting Schneep into a carrying position. Schneep didn’t protest. “We’re going back to your room, Schneep,” Laurens said. “Okay?”
Schneep paused. Then: “You are the doctor.”
“Yes, I am a doctor. So are you.”
“I know. I mean, you are...you stopped coming,” Schneep mumbled.
Laurens nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t want to. I would’ve kept coming if I could. But now I’m back.”
“Very good. Good that you are alright.” Schneep sighed. “Can we please leave here?”
“Yes, we’re leaving right now,” Laurens said. She started heading to the door, glancing back to make sure Oliver and Schneep were following her. They were.
She sighed gently. This was Newson’s fault, she knew it. But now, hopefully, they wouldn’t have to struggle with that for much longer.
“Siri, what does GCS stand for?”
Jackie suddenly snapped to attention, almost hitting his head on the corner of the table. God, he hadn’t even heard Anti come into the room; he must’ve been buried deep in a daydream. Though, honestly, he couldn’t blame himself for that. It was much preferable to be in a daydream world than reality right now. In a daydream, he was able to forget about the cotton taste of the gag in his mouth, and the awkward angle his arms were handcuffed behind his back and around a table leg.
“Okay, I found this on the web,” said the robotic voice of Siri.
Anti was lounging on one of the apartment’s armchairs, dressed in an outfit that...wasn’t exactly his usual style. Jackie was oddly reminded of the way Chase dressed. Anti’s green glass eye had been replaced with a blue one, but he still had the old watch around his neck. “Three to five is good, then,” he muttered to himself. Anti glanced up, noticing Jackie staring at him. “Expecting something, hoodie man?”
Jackie flinched, and looked away, fixing his eyes on a water stain on the wall. He heard the sound of Anti shifting position, but didn’t look back.
A silver blade embedded itself in the wall inches from Jackie’s nose. Jackie cried out, flinging himself backwards and hitting his head against the table leg. Anti laughed. “God, you look like you just had a heart attack!” He paused. “Actually...Hey Siri, what do I do if someone has a heart attack?”
“Okay, I found this on the web.”
Jackie squeezed his eyes shut, trying to take deep, calm breaths. It was difficult, to say the least. Part of him wanted to shout at Anti, ask him what he wanted with him. The rest of him knew that would be a terrible idea, even if he could speak.
This wouldn’t last forever, would it? Something had to change. Or at least, that’s what he told himself.
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nativemossy · 5 years
Cap-IM Rec Week 2019 - Wednesday
Rec Week- Angsty Wednesday @cap-ironman 
Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments for your hardworking authors! they deserve the credit for the hard work they put into entertaining us with their fabulous works of art!
disclaimer: i genuinely struggle with the difference between angst and h/c, so the way i’m differentiating those lists is (mostly) by what the author tagged. 
the stillness of forgetting - by nasa
“Who are you?” Tony asks every morning when he wakes up and finds Steve lying next to him.
“I’m your husband,” Steve always replies.
aka Tony has Alzheimer's.
why rec?: ouchie, this one makes me cry a lot, so I don’t read it often. memory loss fics really get to me, so if thats something youre interested in this has it in stock! its so heartrendingly sweet and i just love it a lot
Orbital Mechanics - by Sabrecmc
Freshly out of the ice, Captain Steve Rogers definitely does not want to Bond with anyone. Until he does.
(Steve's POV for Celestial Navigation)
why rec?: tbh i’d recommend anything of Sabres (and multiple times at that - hence why i posted abt this on monday as well), but Celestial Navigation and by extension Orbital Mechanics both have permanent places on my instant classics list. just a lovely fic all around.
Something Death Can Touch - by thatdammeddame
Tony nearly dies in the field on a Saturday.
Steve breaks up with Tony the Wednesday after he's released from hospital.
why rec?: sad!! with happy ending!! its got a nice round conclusion, everyone comes full circle and is better for it.
Like A Comet Streaming On - by Sineala
Tony escapes Afghanistan with a functioning Iron Man suit and a perfectly normal heart. He even manages to bring Ho Yinsen home safely at his side. But he may as well have lost everything... because his wolfbrother is dead. Six months later, the Avengers find Captain America, frozen in ice, miraculously alive. Everything and everyone Steve has ever known is gone -- except his wolfsister, the recipient of the lupine version of the super-soldier serum, who was frozen in his arms. Tony has everything but his wolf. Steve has only his wolf. This is how their lives fit together.
why rec?: another fic that lives in my phone and travels with me - this is an instant classic for sure. i feel like i’ve recced this before no but i will be reccing it’s “fanfic of a fanfic” in tomorrows post, so I have talked about it. I love the psychic wolf premise, I hope to maybe do something in the future with it, though I could never dream of coming close to this amazing fic. If i’ve read this once i’ve read it dozens of times and loved it more each time. 
Wait & Sea - by Lenalena 
In which Tony and Steve get sent on an undercover mission aboard a cruise ship to make contact with Hydra. In this AU the military has kept the discovery and defrosting of Captain America a secret, so Steve and Tony have never met before. Yet they are to pose as newlyweds....
why rec?: tagged as angst and humor and if memory serves that’s exactly right. perfect blend of the humor of the identity porn trope with the angst of constant misunderstandings. 
Born From The Earth - by venusm
Tony Stark's born an omega in a world where that means he's supposed to follow certain social rules. He becomes Iron Man anyway: Fuck biology.
If only his biology (and the world) would quit fucking him back.
why rec?: i debated real heavy about including this because it’s technically steve/tony/omc, but hear me out: A great part of this fic focuses on the developing relationship between Tony and Steve, as well as Tony’s relationship with himself and the world around him. This is, hands down, my favorite fic of all time. as far as writing in general goes it’s right up there with my favorite authors. if i could only read one fic for the rest of my life this would undoubtedly be it - unfinished or no. i cannot even begin to impress upon you how much I love this fic. I can only aspire to write like this. the author makes you angry when they want you to be angry, sad when they want that too. It’s a beautifully orchestrated rollercoaster of emotion and I fall a little more in love every time I read it (which is frighteningly often).
Never Too Late for Love - by Sineala
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one.
Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in.
And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark.
why rec?: so much relationship angst. so. much. angst. Steve has to get his ass in gear and his brain into the 21st century, and Tony probably needs to go easy on the poor guy. its also ultsfic, which I’m usually not a giant fan of bc of the assholery but the dynamic works for me here
Senseless - by Scavenge4Dreams
Blinded, deafened, exhausted, injured and afraid, Tony raised himself up into a defensive position, the knife coming up just like Nat had taught him.
“That had better fucking be you, Steve Rogers- it had better be you. Fucking disarm me. If you let me kill you, I swear I will be very, very pissed.” Tony snarled, sure it was Steve approaching. Had to be. Had. To. Be.
What if it wasn’t?
why rec?: it’s been a while since i’ve read this, but I remember this being a good one that involves a rescue, injury recovery, and some eventual upon a brief reread I can say that this fic also has established relationship going for it! it’s tagged angst but it’s definitely got it’s fluffy parts and a really fun ending
Thrust Issues - by Sineala
A battle gone wrong leads Tony to the unexpected and pleasant discovery that Steve is much more well-endowed than he could ever have imagined. But when Tony learns that Steve has never actually been able to sleep with anyone because of his size, Tony does what any good friend would do: he offers to relieve Steve of his virginity. Personally. Tony's determined, Tony's methodical, and Tony has a plan. He's going to get Steve laid. Tony just needs to make sure Steve never finds out that Tony's in love with him.
why rec?: look at this point i think we can all agree that i might be a little bit of a fan of sineala’s. just wanted to throw that one out there to start us out. 
so my rec has little to do with the oodles of pining angst (of which there is plenty) and much more to do with there being a specific line in this fic that boils down to “friends fist friends right?” and I think of it at least biweekly. the rest of the fic is beautifully written and the characterization is to die for, plus its got a lovely happy ending!
She - by isozyme
Iron Man is strong and muscular and masculine, and Tony Stark wears a three-piece suit and walks with his hips stiff.  No colors other than navy or muted red. No prints bolder than a pinstripe. No luxurious silks and linens. His outfits are tailored to hang crisp and straight, his slacks hemmed to a conservative medium break.  The public won’t know. Nobody will go digging deeper, for classified ads and witnesses who remember him from half a decade ago. Steve will never find out all the ways Tony’s ruined himself.
why rec?: i’m putting this here just in case I don’t make a post for Sunday. This is one of those fics that hurts so good - it’s so well written sometimes it makes my teeth ache because it’s so sad and as the reader you can see all the pieces but a character cant. I love that feeling, its a great feeling. Some of this stuff can hit close to home so heed the warnings and read the tags!
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feel199x · 6 years
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secret relationship!au, convience store!au
⍣  summary: seungmin is graduating and you reminisce on the growth of your relationship
⍣  a/n: this is a bit shorter,, im sorry,, i hope you like it :((  masterlist
⍣  warnings: none, maybe a bit of angst? super fluffy though!!
 There he was, all grown up. You two had only started dating recently, but Seungmin still wanted you to come out and support him. Okay, well he hadn’t said that exactly, but you had gotten used to his body language and deciphering him, so you were pretty sure this is what he wanted. Still, you checked in on him and made sure he was okay with you going and you had gotten an enthusiastic response. But regardless, here he was. You were beaming with pride, even if you weren’t the one that was graduating at the moment. You were unsure of what people usually gave others for their graduation, so ended up just buying him a large plush. There was a large amount of people here, and you assumed it was because Seungmin in particular was there. Maybe this should’ve made you a little wary- but that was your boyfriend! And it made you proud to see him successful in all that he worked on, and he had always been one to work hard.
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You remember when you first met him, it was only about a year ago- before his debut. It was the whole convenience store thing. You hadn’t really been paying attention to him, to be completely honest, but you started to notice when he came more and more often. Admittedly, you were a little oblivious to people’s feelings to you, especially if it was romantic. You only had some casual small talk as he came in the late afternoon to pick up some snacks, and you had learned his name. You had a small crush on him, but you weren’t necessarily known for being popular with boys. Not because you weren’t attractive or anything, more because you were kind of dense when it came to the whole dating thing. It was only until he asked for your number a few months later, that you realized oh! He might have feelings for you! But even that conversation was less than graceful.
“Can I,” he paused, tapping his foot nervously and looking at the floor, “Could you give me your number?”
“Huh? Why? I can’t give you free food.”
“That’s not- um, you know, to talk.”
“Why? Oh. Oh!” You scrambled for your bag, fishing for your phone, “Sorry, here.”
He smiled at you, quickly tapping his contact name. “Cool, thanks, bye!”
You sighed as you watched him run out of the store with his bagged snacks, but smiled anyways. You sat back down, playing with your phone under the counter as you waited for your next customer. Seungmin was a surprisingly good texter, he carried most of the conversation and was did really well with keeping you engaged with him. You actually hadn’t known that he was an idol until he told you. It wasn’t because you thought it was uninteresting or anything, but instead you were taking much of the time to work and prepare for university. But Seungmin was really understanding, and never made fun of you even though you felt boring at times. But he never made you feel boring, actually, quite the contrary. Every time you talked he focused his attention to you, making sure that he was engaged in whatever story you were telling him. That didn’t mean he wasn’t a little brat though, and you found that out rather quickly.
Instead of teasing you for any other perfectly good reason, he opted instead to make fun of your less than exceptional mobile game plays. In his defense, you were really bad.
minnie: text me so i can kick you ass in pool
you: can we play LITERALLY anything else
minnie: absolutely not
minnie: i need to assert my dominance in this relationship
you: that’s what t-posing is for
you: and oh? what kind of relationship?
minnie: has sent you an image
minnie: a me-beating-you-at-pool-and-then-comforting-you relationship
minnie: wants to play pool!
you: can we skip to the part where you compliment me
minnie: no
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 Seungmin wasn’t overly teasing though, he knew when to stop and if he ever crossed a line then he would always apologize endlessly and comfort you until you teased him back. The boy was a softie, as much as he would pretend to be otherwise. There was one particular time where you were sick and made the mistake of telling him. He had stopped by the convience store for snacks during the time you would usually be on shift, and then blew up your phone after realizing you weren’t there.
minnie: where are you
minnie: ohmygod are you dead
minnie: dont be dead
minnie: you’re not allowed
minnie: ___! WHERE ARE Y O U?
minnie: im worried :((
you: im not dead, just sick
minnie: send your location, i’ll be there faster than you can say “seungmin loves day6”
minnie: but don’t say it
minnie: what do you want? what should i get
you: nothing, minnie, its fine! dont you have practice
minnie: that’s later me problem
minnie: fine don’t tell me but now i have a three bags of snacks and soups because i like you
you: wait you like me??
minnie: yes??
you: sent an image
you: huh,,
minnie: you’re a really dummy huh
minnie: a real idiot
minnie: a big ol dumbass
you: you know i was going to say i like you too back i take it back
minnie: uh too late
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 Seungmin was dreamy in short, you really couldn’t ask for anything better. You really admired him, being as young as he was and doing everything that he’s done. He was incredibly talented, and just put passion in whatever he did. He had officially asked you out that day, and even ended up kissing.
“Ew, Seungmin, I’m sick.”
“Shut up, let me be romantic.”
“You’ve got cooties now.”
“If you don’t shut up I’ll never do it again.”
He texted you later that day about your first date, but mostly he had complained about the lecture he had gotten from Chan and Woojin. In that time, you learned that Seungmin got flustered easily with romantic gestures. It was endearing, and finally you had something to tease him for, even if you ignored how flustered you would get. You had to be a bit secretive about your relationship, and it killed you sometimes that you would only see Seungmin at your convenience store- and nearly never without the presence of a camera, but it was better than nothing. He texted whenever he could, mostly to beat you at pool, but it was good. He was doing his best, you were doing your best. You knew that once the dating ban was lifted you could finally breathe and be a lot more open about the relationship, but until then nothing. The camera shutters alerted you that the group of now graduates were moving off stage and as the crowd moved forward you went back to the entrance. You shot him a quick text about leaving to go to the meeting place, which was really just the employee’s break room at the convenience store.
Technically, you didn’t really have to go to the graduation in person, but you knew that Seungmin would appreciate the fact that you had made the effort to be there. Besides, it wasn’t like you minded, any excuse to see him in person was a good excuse. You sat in the lounge, making sure there was no one there and texted Seungmin it was clear. You were a bit worried about someone seeing him, but thankfully, the convenience store was mostly vacant during this time. You opened the back door when you heard the gentle knocks.
“I missed you,” you murmured against him as you hugged him, “It’s been a while.”
“Yes, I know, I’m sorry,” he said, wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your temple, “It’s not fair.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s not, but at least you’re pursuing your dreams! That’s the priority, Minnie.”
“You’re one of my priorities too, ___.”
“Shut up, I love singing but I also,” he paused, resting his head on top of yours, “I guess I love you too.”
“Oh, yeah?” you teased, looking up at him, “You guess?”
“Okay, not guess,” he huffed, “I love you. Are you going to say it back?”
You hummed, pulling him into a kiss, “I guess I love you too. Well, not guess, I love you. A lot, Minnie.”
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ili-qu · 6 years
that hyperfixation post has me thinking
i bought p5 on release date, and it took me about a month to beat it. i loved it, obviously. whether it was better than p3 I couldn’t decide, but i figured i’d let it settle first and make a decision then. so this would be about may 2017.
for both p3 and p4 I waited... a while, before starting new game+ and going for 100%. technically it was because i played p3 and p4 in succession before going back, but even post-p4 it was a long time, i’m pretty sure.
i started p3 in january 2013, and then dropped it for a while somewhere around the hierophant/lovers full moon, before going back to it because... ??? im very glad I did though. I think counting that break it took 6 months to beat, though i forget if that included the answer. I DO remember starting p4 like two days after so yeah. i needed More
p4 i think i dropped twice? once right before shadow yukiko, and again during shadow rise’s dungeon, but maybe i only stopped once and just remember rise’s part for some reason. anyway the reason i got back into it was because i read a p4 arena lp. which spoiled A Lot, but got me really invested in finishing the game to actually understand what they were saying. i think it was january 2014, when I finally finished.
...I assume i started p3 ng+ later that year, and then persona q came out so that held me for a while, and THEN i did p4 ng+. and after that was pq ng+, and after THAT i played p3p for the first time, and I know the timeframe for that because of these posts. feb/march 2016, doing a sort-of challenge playthrough as minato to set up for ng+ hamuko, because... I think i though there was ng+ exclusive content. portable just doesn’t do that, for some reason.
anyway all of that is background to how quickly i started my ng+ 100% run of p5. I finished in may 2017, told myself i’d wait at least until december so the experience wouldn’t be too fresh in my mind, and caved in august 3 months later. good job, me
and if i’m being honest, all of THAT is background to how a: how slowly i became obsessed with futaba, and b: how long-lasting said obsession has been. because no other character has been like that, not just in persona (though aigis and hamuko came somewhat close), but in any media.
I know my love for futaba didn’t take hold at ALL while i was playing p5. not during my first playthrough, or my second. (although i was too lazy to finish my ng+ file because i didn’t want to farm money the smart way to finish the compendium, so i had to do it right at the end on normal enemies, which is Painful, but yeah.) my first run, i romanced makoto, like a lot of people did. second, haru. pretty sure I saw akira/futaba as having a brother/sister-like dynamic, or maybe it was thinking futaba wasn’t emotionally mature enough to even have a relationship, but either way i didn’t date her.
(and side note: even though i ship them now, her rank 10 non-romance scene > rank 10 romance scene. you can actually see her go and buy what she wants, and she’s perfectly fine, and it’s nice that the romance one focuses on the romance but they didn’t need to just skip her personal growth like that argh)
i loved futaba as a character, but at this point i was tossing up between her and makoto as my favourite, and either way they weren’t that far above everyone else.
how futaba did become my favourite... is a very good question. I mean, i can relate to her a lot - social anxiety is Not Fun, obsessing over your interests and shutting off everything else for days Is Fun (just Not Healthy) - but why didn’t that happen while i was actually playing p5? i guess... i saw myself in her more than i thought i did?
fanfic is most likely-actually no fanfic is definitely a reason. i’m taking around late 2017/early 2018. there are excellent futaba-centric fics from that period of time that i’ll probably add to this post later, that 100% contributed to my love of futaba. i’d say they even solidified her as my favourite, but even then the fixation on her didn’t start just yet.
I think the earliest i could say it started, or at least when i became aware of it, is with p5d and p5a. p5d because i watched and re-watched her trailer once it came out, partially because Futaba partially because that days when my mother was there remix was/is SO GOOD, and her dancing is just adorable. good on you futaba, for coming out of your shell and dancing in front of everyone and having fun she’s so happy aaaaaaa
now with the anime I know was aware. I think it was around this time period (march/april 2018) where i started following more persona blogs on here/twitter, actually seeing more of the fandom. and while most people were hyped for it, i remember what I was thinking:
futaba waiting room.
i wasn’t going to start watching until futaba’s arc. which is exactly what i did. was it a good decision? i mean i basically binged half the anime until it got to the point i was interested in. so yes.
which takes us to june/july 2018, at which point i was in deep, i KNEW i was in deep, and i did not care at all. i started writing fanfic, which has... not exactly gone anywhere, but i want to keep going. i binged whatever fan content i could find, which started with mostly RP blogs and through those lots and lots lots of art. futaba took over this blog.
and with the pq2 trailers, the later episodes of p5a, p5d coming out in english, and all the fandom content, my love for her hasn’t died down at all. I didn’t expect something like this to last so long - it’s been, what, about a year now? and i’m still coming up with headcanons or theories or fic ideas that i want to write some day. (not that i post much of it, but i should.) still loving my wonderful sweet hacker gremlin. still drinking that Loving Futaba Juice.
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likeawildthing · 7 years
Saving Kittens Thing
Bleeding heart James Potter does his level best to save seven cats from a terrible fate, but Lily Evans, his heartless monster fiancée, tries to thwart him at every turn.
week one.
Lily Evans to James Potter: no
James Potter: i haven’t asked a question.
Lily Potter: and yet
James Potter: but how did u know???
Lily Potter: your 762 cat pictures uploaded to the cloud james
James Potter: right.
James Potter: it’s just, hes been hanging around the office for the last two weeks…
Lily Evans: you don’t even like cats??
James Potter: but he likes me. 
Lily Evans: ...
James Potter: maybe I never liked them bc they were all assholes?
James Potter: chicken or egg, u know?
Lily Evans: amazing
Lily Evans: see u in a few
Lily Evans: no to cat. yes to takeout for stressing me out
James Potter: ur stressed? im marrying an unsupportive woman in 7 weeks??
Lily Evans: *kiss emoji* eggrolls.
James Potter: yes maam
James Potter to Lily Evans: but look at how CUTE he is
Lily Evans: no
James Potter: he likes milk
Lily Evans: impeachment song voice: no. no. no. no. no. nono. nononono.
James Potter: killjoy! 
Lily Evans: remember the squirrel
James Potter: that was one. time.
Lily Evans: and yet, i have veto power
James Potter: will u always have veto power? like for the next sixty five years?
Lily Evans: sixty four. you’re taking a year off my life.
James Potter: it wasn’t /that bad
Lily Evans: we had to call professionals in??? almost got kicked out??? our lease specifically and unequivocally forbids pets of any kind???
James Potter: technicality, yes, but as mum owns the building, pretty sure i could sway her w/ wedding leverage
Lily Evans: we are NOT having swans, geese, ducks, or other fowl at our wedding. so no leverage for u.
James Potter: killjoy!!!!!
week two.
James Potter to Lily Evans: he is a SHE
Lily Evans: …?
James Potter: THE CAT
Lily Evans: how do u
Lily Evans: nvnmd
James Potter: check ur snaps!!!
Lily Evans to James Potter: when u get home we need to talk abt appropriate things to snapchat.
Lily Evans: random example i’m pulling out of my arse: cats giving birth? 
Lily Evans: not appropriate!!
Lily Evans: also, are u under the bushes in front of your work?
James Potter: except cats!
James Potter: and six of them.
James Potter: seven including boots.
Lily Evans: boots?
James Potter: have u seen HER feet? boots.
James Potter: the Miracle of Life. 
James Potter: im transformed.
James Potter: i think i’m rethinking my position on kids                                    
Lily Evans: oh boy
Lily Evans to James Potter: babe. ur going to get fired for sending too many snapchats on work hours.
James Potter: my dad is the boss?
Lily Evans: he asked me to text sense into u. or to bribe u.
James Potter: rude.
James Potter: ...what kind of bribery
Lily Evans: not that kind
James Potter: just checking
week three.
James Potter to Lily Evans: ohmygodacrowtriedtokillmykittens
Lily Evans: 1. not ur kittens
Lily Evans: 2. crows are highly intelligent. i wouldn’t mess w/ it???
Lily Evans: prefer to marry u in one piece if possible
James Potter: whose side are u on??
Lily Evans: common sense
James Potter: do u know me at all???
Lily Evans to James Potter: was it u or my other fiancé who maxed out my library card limit
James Potter: yes. and mine. research for a work thing.
Lily Evans: How To Care For Feral Kittens. Protecting Your Wild Cat From Predators. Three Failsafe Methods for Domesticating A Feral Cat. Chicken Coop Construction. And like sixty kids books about cats??
Lily Evans: ??????????????????
James Potter: this IS technically a work thing, since its at work. 
Lily Evans: stretch, much? 
Lily Evans: cant believe remus let u check out 150 books.
James Potter: he is a Good, Supportive friend. and i have a LOT of free time this month. dad didnt want to stress me out. research is important, which you know! sixty kids books are to Read to the Kittens. good for development.
Lily Evans: ur dad took u off all projects bc he thought you’d be distracted w/ getting married.
James Potter: well im hyper-focused on this instead.
James Potter: and i can be! because we’re mostly done w/ planning, thanks to my gorgeous, intelligent, super efficient, soon-to-be wife. 
James Potter: and i love you.
Lily Evans: nice, but take a book back so i can rent mine. 
James Potter: im going to suggest you buy it on kindle, b/c its 2017??
Lily Evans: it’s the principle. reading is cathartic and an escape from my Many Stresses.
James Potter: gotta go. sirius just walked in w/ a work thing.
Lily Evans: well
week four.
Lily Evans to James Potter: pete told me ur trying to corral the cats into a paper box???
James Potter: traitor! did PETE ALSO TELL U its now crows, plural, and theyre trying to bait Boots out so they can get the kittens?
Lily Evans: he said that’s your story, yes
James Potter: it happened!
James Potter: and so i have to do this, for their safety and well-being.
James Potter: dad wouldn’t let me build a protective structure, so—
James Potter: im just—
Lily Evans: no.
James Potter: listenimgoingtobringthemallhome
James Potter: JUST until we can get them to a shelter 
Lily Evans: NO. james. u cant be the cat savior of the world??
James Potter: true, but i can be the cat savior of potter, inc.??
James Potter: or at least a foster cat dad.
Lily Evans: James. No. We both work 50 hour weeks and we are about to get married and we are about to go on honeymoon?????
James Potter: LILY. they need me. I need to save them.
Lily Evans: oh, babe. ur mom told me about the ducks.
James Potter: the ducks?
Lily Evans: when you were seven.
Lily Evans: is that what this is all about????
James Potter: sure?
James Potter: i mean…must be? i didn’t put two and two together, you know? but yeah. those ducks are, like, weighing really heavily on my…subconscious.
James Potter: i think if could all be resolved if u just give me like, 3 days
Lily Evans: 1
James Potter: 2
Lily Evans: deal
Lily Evans to James Potter: I saw ur ‘home sweet home’ Instagram btw
James Potter: stalker. come downstairs and see them.
Lily Evans: what took u four hours to get home?
James Potter: stopped by the vet to check them out. all looking great!
James Potter: and flea meds
James Potter: and vaccinations for boots
James Potter: aaaand the pet store to get a few necessities
Lily Evans to James Potter: sirius said he’d disown you if you adopted seven cats
James Potter: liar.
Lily Evans: worth a try
Lily Evans to James Potter: six matching kitten sweaters is NOT a necessity
James Potter: disagree
Lily Evans: three hundred pounds???
James Potter: will be much easier to rehome them w/ the proper supplies
Lily Evans: unbelievable.
James Potter: actually got some great deals, believe it or not.
James Potter: she was SO GOOD today. boots. she did not scratch me once and she put flea meds on her and shes all groomed and pretty.
James Potter: and LILY.
James Potter: come down and see them??? they need to meet their grandmum or theyll think you dont love them
Lily Evans: im allergic to cats?? and im not yet 22?
James Potter: u aren’t really allergic. and ur 104 in cat years.
Lily Evans: wow. im going to give u space tonight. the Sofa is yours.
Lily Evans: don’t get too cozy w/ them, potter.
James Potter: I think we know its too late for that, evans.
Lily Evans: veto. power.
James Potter to Lily Evans: ur really not coming down???
Lily Evans: one of us has to stay reasonable.
Lily Evans to James Potter: james. u cant just send me vids of drunk girls w/ a box of kittens
James Potter: can. did. will continue to.
James Potter: left ur fave wine on the stairs. drink some and come meet them??
James Potter: u could be the next youtube sensation.
Lily Evans: pass
Lily Evans: 39 hrs, btw.
James Potter to Lily Evans: did u order takeout just for u??? and are u home?? u didn’t go to work??
Lily Evans: working from home, yes. can u deliver to our room?
James Potter: why don’t u…come down and get it yourself.
Lily Evans: ill starve
James Potter: im coming
Lily Evans: 22 hrs 
James Potter: about that.
Lily Evans: james fleamont potter
James Potter: lil. im sorry. like i am in that we made a deal and I have to break it.
James Potter: but im not in that im not sending them on the streets. i called ALL the shelters and they were all full! except for the no kill, which i wont do and neither will u, because im not marrying a heartless monster.
James Potter: and so were the cat fosters! apparently its peak cat shagging season or something???
James Potter: anyway i didn’t know and i did try and i AM sorry
Lily Evans: its ok.
James Potter: it is???
Lily Evans: well…I AM A REASONABLE PERSON but i am NOT heartless. we still cant keep them forever though!! i mean it!!!
Lily Evans: we can keep them until they’re ready to be rehomed tho. except they MUST be gone b4 the wedding.
James Potter: can we keep any of them???
Lily Evans: did u reread the lease?
James Potter: yes. they were very thorough, unfortunately. covered every loophole.
Lily Evans: two decades of being ur parents have trained them well
James Potter: come downstairs?????
Lily Evans: i have to stay strong
Lily Evans: ill bribe you to come upstairs tho
James Potter: ...what kind of bribery
Lily Evans: ;)
week five.
James Potter to Lily Evans: soooo....we have a responsible foster mum from the agency coming to look at my babies tonight
Lily Evans: Good. im tired of living upstairs and I Miss u
James Potter to Lily Evans: can u come home to work this afternoon???
Lily Evans: to clean? how messy have you been keeping it downstairs?
James Potter: pls. I’m the clean one of this power couple!!!!
Lily Evans: tru
James Potter: its about work. apparently im setting a bad example for taking 9 days for paternity leave when i’m about to go on honeymoon? and they need me for a presentation.
James Potter: point is. I HAVE to go back whether we (the cats, me) are ready or not.
Lily Evans: there’s a lot i could say to that babe, but i’ll refrain because I Love You.
Lily Evans: wont they be fine w/out you? or me? i’ve made it this far w/out meeting them.
James Potter: no! they need constant supervision. they’re actually quite the handful. who knew!
Lily Evans: omg
James Potter: Tabitha is due for her antibiotics dose at 3
Lily Evans: 1. uve named them. b. they’re on drugs???
James Potter: just Tabs. responsible fostering!!!
James Potter: we should really keep them until they’re old enough to be spayed and neutered, but I wont let them to go an irresponsible pet owner.
Lily Evans: god forbid
Lily Evans: OMYGOD u cannot just send me pictures of a baby kitten next to her antibiotics jar/??
James Potter: can and did
Lily Evans: if i fall in love w/ them, im never forgiving u
James Potter: thx babe. ill make it up to u.
Lily Evans: so many sexual favors, potter
James Potter: *wink emoji* *cat emoji*
Lily Evans: ew. bad combo
James Potter: yea
Lily Evans to James Potter: FUCK
Lily Evans: f.u.c.k.
James Potter: what happened?????
James Potter: ARE THEY OKAY????
James Potter: also, are you ok
Lily Evans: they are fine. Just. Fine.
Lily Evans: I am not tho
James Potter: are u really allergic???
Lily Evans: only to common sense
James Potter: u fell in love, didn’t u
Lily Evans: NO
Lily Evans to James Potter: damn it. damn u. damn them, too.
Lily Evans: except not really
James Potter: it’s okay
Lily Evans: sorry for my derision and cynicism
Lily Evans: this wld only be better if i were drunk
James Potter: i guess you’ll never be internet famous babe
Lily Evans to James Potter: did u name the others???
James Potter: i left brown one. striped one. and w/ the heart on the nose for you
Lily Evans: yes i could tell because you MADE THEM COLLARS
James Potter: the one w/ the heart on the nose though
James Potter: can u really bear to part her from her siblings and mum???
Lily Evans: im not a Monster. of course not!
Lily Evans: but we’ll need a nanny???
Lily Evans: and a bigger flat.
James Potter: mum is thrilled actually. about grand-mumming it. not the flat.
James Potter: bad news: meant to tell u btw, she is ABSOLUTELY kicking us out.
James Potter: good news: may have a few house showings scheduled for us for next week, so
Lily Evans: did u knew this was going to happen to me???
James Potter: *kiss emoji*
Lily Evans: did u really even have a meeting at work???
James Potter: you’ll never know. give the babies a kiss me for me. ill grab takeout & be home soon.
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primadonnatartuffe · 7 years
RYAN: -tonight is the night ryan would fall off the wagon after spending way too long in a bar singing, fending off offers to buy her drinks as well as her own impulses. but this is what happens when you put yourself in these kinds of locations. it was only a matter of time.- 
RYAN: -pain pills are easy enough to come by, and even easier to choke down when you're drunk. a wild evening results in ryan making her usual commute back home, late at night, on her own... making her an easy target for a mugging.- 
RYAN: -things get a little hazy after that point. but she remembers seeing jack arrive on the scene before blacking out.- 
RYAN: -... and then she woke up, back at the bar where it all began. she snorts awake from a puddle of drool with the bar tender tapping her head and telling her they're closing. she had a half finished drink which apparently made her both sleepy and guilty enough to pass out and have some kind of shitty nightmare. or... something. regardless, it's time to make the trek home, but her mind is still buzzing.- 
RYAN: -she's been having an awful lot of realistic dreams lately. way more than she has her entire life. jack seems to play a role in a considerable number of them, but she finds it unsettling in this case. this isn't her idealizing him rescuing her. it's more like... a very plausible thing if he ever saw her getting into trouble in one of his visions. and the idea of that makes her feel incredibly guilty.- 
RYAN: -she snaps out of her thoughts long enough to notice she's coming upon the alley from her dream. it would be wise to avoid it, but she wants to prove to herself it was just a dream... it would all be alright, like every other evening. and besides, she'd be on her toes anyway. she can fend for herself. still, her heart races as she turns down that street.-
JACK: -It's a feeling that creeps up his spine and settles with a heavy weight in his mind. Nagging and insistent, Jack knows no rest until he's forced to emerge from his apartment and pace the Skaian streets. He knows this feeling by now, like tuning into a radio station full of scenarios that chill his blood in a terribly familiar way.- 
JACK: -He can practically taste the dread in his mouth. His hands feel for a pack tucked into the pocket of his windbreaker until he's fishing out the cig he's searching for. Before too long, Jack has it tucked between his teeth. The tobacco burning in a (failed) hope of stowing off the metallic tang on his tongue.- 
JACK: -While his feet carry him down the turns of concrete and crosswalks, images begin to press to the blanket of sightlessness that were his eyes. Taking him an hour, half an hour, moments into the future. Stringlets of fate belonging to complete strangers, they paint Jack's surroundings to perfect clarity. He can See the darkened street where Ryan turns. Her steps hobbled and uncertain, the very opposite of sober.- 
JACK: -He also Sees when the three figures depart from the bar, having watched Ryan the whole time she'd spent drinking and then finally leaving on her own. A few seconds of context and clairvoyant observation left Jack knowing their intention. They were faceless, strangers in his visions, except for Ryan. Her face he would recognize anywhere and he realizes... He doesn't have much time to revel in the picturesque details he'd been missing out on.- 
JACK: -And so Jack takes a short cut, cutting straight through an alley where he might intercept Ryan on the other side. No need for conflict if he can avoid it. His hand shoots out to catch her at the elbow.- (Ryan.)
RYAN: -as alert as she tries to be, naturally she's glancing around nervously in all directions except the one jack suddenly emerges from. she feels his hand on her, stirring up a yelp and a startled jump.- JESUS FUCK. 
RYAN: -her heart beats right out of her chest and it only starts to settle when she recognizes the dimly lit figure beside her.- (jack???) 
RYAN: (what are you doing here?) -she doesn't sound entirely clueless, but she asks it all the same.-
JACK: -He can sense the group's balk in the distance as they see his interception of Ryan. But it'll only be a moment, just long enough for Jack to take her by the hand and zip further into the alley.- (No time.)
JACK: -Navigates with surprising finesse for a blind guy. Managing to avoid crates, broken bottles, garbage cans, anything that will cut it close to an encounter with their would-be pursuers. Within a few minutes, Jack is pulling Ryan in... only to duck with her into the archway of a backway door. The locked from the outside kind, probably belonging to the grounded restaurant kitchen beyond. His visions told him as much.- 
JACK: -He keeps a hand to her, hushing her while he listened and searched the immediate future. They were certainly out of sight now...-
RYAN: -alright, so much for her calming down. she sputters one last incoherent protest before the pair of them bob and weave through the alley's obstacles. this is all too fucking Real, she thinks, and it certainly doesn't quell her paranoid fears that what she saw was, in some way, her fate.- 
RYAN: -they linger in the archway, but the pause does nothing to quiet her racing thoughts or the unpleasant churn of anxiety in her stomach. she looks to jack, leaning into him a little to try to relax and trust that whatever is going on, he's got it under control better than she does. because what the fuck???- 
RYAN: -exhales after a moment and turns towards him to hiss a whisper.- (we got time now?)
JACK: -As the prospect of danger fades, so does his pseudo-ability to see. Everything takes to the comfort of pitch black and once again, Jack is left alone with the hush of Ryan's voice in his ear. The smell of booze is on her breath, the same way the cigarette smell must be clinging to his own clothes.- 
JACK: -his hand releases her and finds its way to her shoulder, squeezing at her in a way he hopes is reassuring.- Yes. 
JACK: We'll give it another minute or two. -talks as if they're avoiding something like a sudden bout of rain instead of... what just could have been.-
RYAN: alright. -she fidgets, but manages to collect herself as quiet returns between them. there are things she'd like to say that she isn't sure how.- 
RYAN: ... jack? i uh... 
RYAN: -sighs- there were guys following me. right?
JACK: -There's no point in lying... but he doesn't like the tension in her voice either. Despite everything, he would still prefer not to take it as what it could have been but rather what it is now. Ryan, safe because of his own intervention. He would count his lucky stars if he could.- 
JACK: There were.
JACK: But safe to say, they're gone now. -blinks and kind of registers their proximity of one another. Crossing his arms, Jack turns to lean back against the door instead, lining her shoulder up by his own.- Lucky break.
RYAN: ... i knew about them. 
RYAN: but i didnt think it would actually happen. 
RYAN: i mean... fuck. -runs a hand through her hair.- how do i put this? 
RYAN: -she turns her head to look at him again, confused and scared, but if anyone would understand, it had to be him... right?- i keep having these dreams. theyre always about me... things that happen to me. and they feel so real. but they never... theyve never happened. 
RYAN: i saw those guys coming after me. but even in that dream it was different. 
RYAN: ... i dunno. maybe its just a coincidence. im basically a sitting duck walking out here on my own.
JACK: Not always, you know. Just this one time. -gently nudges her with an elbow. He can't see how confused and fearful her expression is, but he can certainly hear it in her words. Jack opts to keep a cool head.- When did you have this dream.
RYAN: -scoffs and nudges him back.- just earlier today. 
RYAN: at the bar. 
RYAN: ... after i drank a little. 
RYAN: i guess i fell asleep.
JACK: -falls quiet and thoughtful at that, focusing on the circumstance. It was unique to say the least and one he couldn't help but identify with.- Is this a recent thing? You say dreams in the plural sense of the word.
RYAN: -nods slowly- yeah. for the past... month or so? 
RYAN: theyre usually about... shit like this. 
RYAN: me making poor decisions or getting into trouble or... 
RYAN: uhh... -glances off, flustered when she remembers the bulk of the things she dreams about. whoops.- mostly just that.
JACK: -strokes a thumb at his chin, nodding. Ohhh if he knew what she was thinking.- It's interesting. 
JACK: But something you can't expect to know the ins and outs of right away. 
JACK: I would suggest you take it with a grain of salt. Maybe... -drops the cane from his sylladex, weighing it in one hand for a moment.- Try not to tempt fate so often. 
JACK: The dreams are there for a reason.
RYAN: mrgg. well that much is obvious to me. -rubs at her head, feeling annoyed with herself when she reflects back on all these potential disasters she's gotten herself into. but of course, not everything she dreams about is regrettable.- 
RYAN: sometimes thats easier said than done. 
RYAN: but hey. im trying to be wiser. 
RYAN: -glances down at the ground, then loops her arm with his.- youre walking home with me of course.
JACK: I can't see an instance where I don't. -ba dum tshh. He's glad to take her arm in his and takes the lead out of the alley way. Truly homefree.- I don't suppose you mean my home. Or yours.
RYAN: well... technically were closer to my place from here but. 
RYAN: i think id rather crash with you. if thats alright.
JACK: I won't oppose you... -when it comes time for them to take that street turn, Jack leads them on.- But on a more serious note. 
JACK: I'm also going to suggest you stay away from the kareoke bars a while. 
JACK: It's... not an easy thing. Relapsing. -squeezes at her wrist a little. As if reminding.-
RYAN: yeah... -as he squeezes her wrist, she finds herself drifting closer to him, brushing elbows.- 
RYAN: guess thatd count as making wiser decisions. 
RYAN: -she quiets, her train of thought bringing her away from him again, though she keeps her hand on his arm.- im... sorry jack.
JACK: -a smile quirks on his face as their elbows brush.- No need to be. 
JACK: I was here this time. I'd say if anything, this night turned out well. It's what's real and it's what matters.
RYAN: -that answer surprises her a little, but it's a relief.- i guess so... 
RYAN: i just dont wanna worry you. that you gotta hunt me down like that. 
RYAN: im... trying.
JACK: If anyone knows how hard you're trying, it's me. -says, squeezing at her knuckles now.- And I won't worry either. 
JACK: I can put off pre-mature grays for only so long.
RYAN: -that makes her smile and she returns to leaning against him, taking his hand up in hers just to squeeze back.- fair. 
RYAN: i can rest assured knowing youre gonna look good gray too. -snickers-
JACK: You know for a fact? -sounds bemused- 
JACK: I don't suppose your dreams tell you as much.
RYAN: i mean its hard to go wrong. 
RYAN: youre somehow pulling off this disheveled gives no fucks look after all. -ruffles his hair with her free hand.-
JACK: Thank you. -smiles, glad for the hair mussings.- 
JACK: The secret is forgetting that combs exist from time to time. At least twice a week.
RYAN: oh yeah. at the very least. id be surprised if you even own one anymore. -the closer they get to jack's place, the more her heart rate quickens. she worries if this is real, and if she's going to do something she shouldn't again. it's only a matter of time before that becomes a reality too, isn't it? she tries to tell herself it's probably in her head, but it doesn't stop the anxiety.- 
RYAN: ... by the way thanks for letting me stay with you so often. i know neither of you would wanna turn me away but you know. i appreciate being welcome all the time. -shrugs a little.-
JACK: -It's just like Ryan to shrug off an honest sentiment. So the blind guy leads the buzzed girl up the stairs and it goes about as well as one expects. He nods, holding her hand and feeling up the stair rails with the free hand.- 
JACK: If it was your house, you would be doing the same for me. -touches the first door but it's obviously not their house. He guides Ryan all the way to the third. He begins fiddling with his keys to get the door unlocked.- I personally enjoy having space to my own. 
JACK: No moms or dads staying up late to make sure I'm home in one piece. I appreciate their concern but nine times out of ten, I'm perfectly fine. -rambles the whole way into the house. Predictably, Audrey the pitbull greets them with a sniff and a boop of her nose at their hands. Oh yeah. Jack should probably release that now.-
RYAN: -NEVER. but it's alright, her hands are now occupied giving this pup pets.- tell me about it... 
RYAN: one of these days ill have my own place again. or i can room with someone i guess. since russet suggested it i kinda feel compelled to resist it with all my being. 
RYAN: plus i just... ya know. dont wanna burden anybody until im in a better place. 
RYAN: ... but then again i guess im kinda doing that already without necessarily burdening anybody so hey. 
RYAN: not that im suggesting i room with yall but uh yeah thats just where my train of thought took me. 
RYAN: ... -wanders inside, but she's lingering a little awkwardly like she isn't sure if she wants to sit or not.-
JACK: All the couch needs is a plaque with your name on it. -He doesn't seem to mind that she lingers, shuffling off for his kitchen like he is. After a few minutes and from the smell of it, Jack is making himself a mug of hot chocolate.- I know Sage would like the prospect of extended sleepovers.
RYAN: -belatedly decides to hover, joining him in the kitchen.- heh. without a doubt. 
RYAN: hey... make me one. -prods at him.-
JACK: -lets her have this drink he's already done preparing.- Fine. -gets to making himself another. Feeling around a cabinet for another mug.- 
JACK: I think you should consider a roommate though. It's a system that works wonders on Sage and I. Hell. 
JACK: It's best if you can find someone you can fuss at the same way they fuss at you. That way you don't feel like it's a burdening dynamic. It's how it works for us.
RYAN: -scoffs...- oh wait youre serious. 
RYAN: i dunno if i know anyone that i can fuss at. pretty much everyone i know has their shit together waaay more than i do. -sips the chocolate as she leans against a counter and thinks about this.-
JACK: It helps not to make those assumptions. -stirs the powder into the hot water with a spoon.- But again. 
JACK: Just an idea.
RYAN: its something to consider i guess. maybe ill get lucky. or however that works.
JACK: You could ask your dreams about it. -licks the spoon, tapping it at his mouth in contemplation.- Another hypothetical thought.
RYAN: yeah right. maybe if i want some insight on the worst candidates for the position since so far theyve only been good for warning me not to be a complete dunderfuck. 
RYAN: or to be like prepared. 
RYAN: for things. 
RYAN: that some people apparently arent prepared for. 
RYAN: since theyre not all bad dreams so. i dunno maybe youre onto something. -STOP WHILE YOU STILL CAN RYAN. she squints at her mug and takes a generous gulp.-
JACK: So if they're not bad, they must be good. -sips his own mug, elbow leaned back against the counter.- I say you give it a try.
RYAN: guess it cant hurt! 
RYAN: -she's feeling flustered all over again now that they're back to this subject. she wonders if it's something she should address, or if that would be an even worse decision. maybe she can be subtle about it.- 
RYAN: heeeeeeey. actually while were still talking about my whacky dream shenanigans... 
RYAN: so some of them arent exactly bad... sure... maybe they are actually really good! 
RYAN: but what if they arent? i mean if the running theme of every other dream is something i shouldnt do then maybe these good dreams could be categorized as the same thing. 
RYAN: and even if they ARENT then what DO they mean? since as you said they mean SOMETHING...
JACK: -fishes out a marshmallow before answering.- Tough question but it's a good one to ask. 
JACK: From my perspective, the visions manifest as... often worst-case scenarios. What would happen if I don't do "x". But your dreams? You can't say they're the same thing. 
JACK: Maybe it's not inherently about good or bad but rather your decisions. And what comes out of them. That make sense?
RYAN: -turns the mug in her hand.- when you put it like that... yeah. it does. -baccia said more or less the same thing, but it still raises some questions.- 
RYAN: but i guess in this case im not sure... what would come out of it... if i did wind up doing those things. and thats why im wary of it. 
RYAN: cuz it could be great. or it could totally set u-- uhh. me... up for disaster and its... 
RYAN: -glances down at the hot chocolate.- its something i really wouldnt wanna fuck up.
JACK: Hmmm. Well. 
JACK: Great or not, I guess... just like with most major, uncertain decisions. 
JACK: You would have to make a gamble on whether it's worth going through with or not. Not that I'm the best candidate to offer such advice. -snorts a little into his drink.- But the possibilities still stand.
RYAN: -quiets, shuffling her feet and letting all this rattle around in her head. then she shuffles her feet over to him, standing shoulder to shoulder again.- 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: theyre sex dreams.
RYAN: a metric fuck ton of sex dreams. 
RYAN: aboutttttt... yooouuu?
JACK: -He can physically hear the record scratch in his head as he takes a long hard gulp of hot chocolate. Scalding his mouth and leaving him to stifle the wheeze. He deserved this.- Mgh. Ghhhhf. 
JACK: -SWALLOWS.- Metric fuck ton. 
JACK: Of... chronologically probable sex dreams. -Has to repeat it to make sure he's hearing this right.-
RYAN: yeeeeeup. 
RYAN: im only kind of exaggerating. hahaha. 
RYAN: oh god.
RYAN: -hello darkness my old friend...-
JACK: -stands there with his mug like mmmmmmmygod.- "Kind of". -clears his throat and shakes his head.- 
JACK: How often do they occur before you have to qualify something as "a metric fuck ton"? -He's almost afraid to ask but well. Here he is. Staring into the void.-
RYAN: like... i dunno... about as often as i stay over??? 
RYAN: i say... after deciding to stay over.
RYAN: fuck.
JACK: Well. That... 
JACK: ... -ends up holding his chin just to grasp the gravity of all that she's implying.- 
JACK: Certainly... puts things into perspective.
RYAN: lmaoooo. 
RYAN: yeah i... okay im not just bringing this up so we can be collectively ashamed of ourselves. 
RYAN: i figure... if all these dreams are about my decisions and shit then im DECIDING to talk about it instead of jumping your bones. or waiting for you to jump my bones. or for both of us to jump at each other at the same time. 
RYAN: ... -puts her head in her hand and SIGHS- not that those details matter... or i guess maybe they do if these are things that actually couldve happened. 
RYAN: cuz that means... it isnt just me...?
JACK: -he gnaws absently on his thumb as she rambles. Picturing all the times he shuffled around, debating. Knowing he wasn't going to go through with it but wanting to. Fantasizing?? Even just remembering was bringing some sweat to his forehead.- ...Christ. 
JACK: It's... a pickle. To say the least. -chews his thumb.- Sorry. 
JACK: I'm probably not much help with this. -wheezes gently.-
RYAN: -frowns- you could be though? 
RYAN: like clearly theres an elephant in the room we should be addressing. 
RYAN: or!! its something i want to address. 
RYAN: because it sucks just sitting on how im feeling. and i know i suck at talking about it. but i wanna try to be better at that too. 
RYAN: especially... especially with you.
JACK: -takes a deep breath... ultimately nodding. He runs his hand through his hair.- Yeah. 
JACK: You're right. It's just... 
JACK: God. -brings a hand and runs it down his face.- It's fucking insane. -says muffled.- 
JACK: Sometimes... fantasies oughta stay fantasies, huh? -drops his hands back down to his sides.- Sheesh.
RYAN: ... maybe. 
RYAN: but why is it... on our minds in the first place? and so frequently??? 
RYAN: its not... mmrg. 
RYAN: its not just a fantasy for me. its not just about fucking around. okay?
JACK: -he sobers up a little, unsure of himself but dammit. Wanting to give talking it through a try.- I know. That's not what I meant. 
JACK: I just... 
JACK: Thought it was a safe thing. 
JACK: Letting myself be indecisive.
JACK: You know it never works out if we think too much so... often times it's just about the feelings. -He doesn't know what he's saying but whatever it is, Jack is sure it was making him sound like a thoughtless dick. The shame is starting to catch up now that he thinks about it.-
RYAN: -winces and turns away from him, setting the mug down on the counter to use the mindless action as an excuse to process this. it's definitely a little frustrating, but even moreso when she doesn't really understand.- what do you mean... a safe thing?
JACK: -rubs his head in frustration and sighs.- Do you ever see me turning away? In these visions?
JACK: Dreams. Sorry.
RYAN: ... no. i dont.
JACK: -drums his fingers a little bit.- Well, logically speaking. 
JACK: It's not just your own desires that are inducing the decisions behind the dreams. And you're not selfish or crazy for having them.
RYAN: -folds her arms, hugging herself while her stomach does all sorts of acrobatic stunts.- okay so... then what??? 
RYAN: thats what i wanna know. 
RYAN: if youre feeling the same way i am... i just want to figure out what i should do about it. 
RYAN: what... we should do about it.
JACK: I don't... have that answer. I don't See what happens if we go through with.... these hypothetical scenarios. 
JACK: It's not disastrous? You've never been disastrous. -makes a vague gesture. It seems kind of wistful.- You've always been... 
JACK: Just you. A person. 
JACK: Reaching for the good as much as anyone else.
RYAN: -looks at him again, expression softening.- ... well. since neither of us knows where things would go... 
RYAN: maybe a better question is... what do we want to do about it?
JACK: -He has to consider everything in front of him now. It was like living through a dose of ice cold deja vu. Ryan, their relationship, the past, the future... In these few moments, Jack is quiet. The conflict warring on his face, despite being unable to see her. If only he had the reassurance of her expression, then he'd be able to make sense of all the blank spaces.- 
JACK: You're always so close. -begins carefully, his blind eyes worried.- It seems... inevitable. No matter what we do. How hard we try.
RYAN: -swallows dryly as she turns to face him and reaches to touch his arm, gentle and reassuring in the absence of the look on her face.- are you scared?
JACK: -as she touches him, he releases the breath he didnt know he was holding.- Always. 
JACK: You know me.
RYAN: -her hand travels up along his shoulder till she's coiling her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.- yeah. 
RYAN: me too. 
RYAN: maybe we can be... scared together? 
RYAN: im not trying to say that we need to have it all figured out right now... 
RYAN: i just dont wanna... run away from this. i dont wanna do that kinda thing anymore jackie.
JACK: -hardly resists her embrace. In fact, he coils into it. Burying himself against her shoulder and holding her tight.- I know... 
JACK: But habits are hard to put to rest. And it's hard trying to... 
JACK: Tell myself that I'm ready. And that I won't catch myself in the same cycle as before. I've spent so long trying to break from it. But is it enough? 
JACK: -He nuzzles her.- I have no fucking clue.
RYAN: -laughs a little, returning the nuzzles.- well fuck. im right there with you. 
RYAN: im not gonna be reckless about it though and say i dont give a fuck?? cuz i do. like... 
RYAN: i wanna be more aware of my own bullshit. 
RYAN: but i feel like its been easier... cuz ive had help. and ive let people help. i never did before. 
RYAN: -squeezes him a little tighter.- i think we can help each other too. youre already doing that for me...
JACK: -Hugs her so tight, he lifts her a little bit. The stronk hobo that he is.- Yeah... 
JACK: -And with that, he turns and presses a kiss to her cheek.- I just. 
JACK: Love you. Somewhere in all this fuckery of a mess. I do.
RYAN: -her cheeks warm at the contact, butterflies fluttering all around her stomach and chest, inspiring more laughter and the threat of tears.- i love you too. i never fucking stopped. 
RYAN: -returns the kiss, and then once more. leaving behind lipstick stains he unfortunately won't be able to discover later, but they're there all the same.-
JACK: -It's hard being on the receiving end of Ryan kisses. It's hard and nobody understands that when you receive one, you had to receive more. And so Jack leans, bringing a hand to her hair, the back of her head. Angling her chin up so he can press a soft sweet kiss to her lips.-
RYAN: -chills run up and down her spine, an elating warmth settling over her skin when it passes. her hands clasp at his hair, interlocking with messy strands to give her a grip while she returns this kiss too, deepening it with the tilt of her head.-
JACK: -The velvety soft of her kiss was like everything Jack remembered... but in real time. No longer clouded by memory or the passing of time. It was a crystal clear, high definition of Ryan Strider brand kisses. Tinted by the taste of hot chocolate, he knew each time his lips energetically plucked the kisses from hers.- 
JACK: Fuck it all... -says while humming with satisfaction, the more she carded fingers through his hair.-
RYAN: thats what i like to hear. -the shape of her lips form a wide smile against his, but that alone couldn't even express her joy. her hands move to frame his face instead for her to look him over. scruffy as he is, he's still the most handsome man she's ever laid eyes on, and it feels good to admire this without guilt.- 
RYAN: hey jack... its really getting late. shouldnt we think about lying down?
JACK: Late for you maybe. The wicked know no sleep. -he smiles, exhaling with relief and the buzz of warmth in his cheeks. He fiddles with more of her downy soft hair between his fingers.- But I guess I could lie in wait for a while.
RYAN: -snickers at his jokes, nudging into his touch.- alright edward. come on. -captures his hand in hers so she can escort him to his own bedroom. she's visited it enough in her dreams to know every step like the back of her hand. when she passes through the door, she's pulling him in for more kisses, as if she had been waiting another lifetime for them, rather than only a few moments.-
JACK: -follows her kisses into well... His bedroom. He knew the direction and he was conscious of how bold she was for leading the way. The truth was really shedding some light on the situation. Holy moly.- Make yourself at home. -mutters, squeezing at her hands and stealing more precious pecks. The door is closing behind them.-
RYAN: i always do. -guides him to the bed, slowly seating herself and tugging him along with her continued insistence. side by side, she pauses to run her hands over his shoulders, studying his frame as if testing the solidity of him. the reality of him.- 
RYAN: im not dreaming again am i?
JACK: I guess we'll find out tomorrow when you wake up. -for all his griping, he stifles a yawn. Relaxing under the hands that run by his shoulders. One of his own thumb comes to lightly stroke her chin. Coaxing her to relax.-
RYAN: ... yeah. alright. -she's torn between the anxiety to stay awake with him, to savor every moment of this, and getting rest to test out the theory that in the morning they'll actually wake up together. but ultimately, his touch has her lying back against the pillows and sheets, beckoning him to follow.-
JACK: -Here he comes. Rolling into bed and feeling around for a way to get comfortable. Preferably with Ryan gathered up in his arms.-
RYAN: -she helps him out, fitting herself against the shape of him, juxtaposed with her back to his front. and with his arms around her, she can finally start to relax.-
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I am currently attending the best quote? What just trying to get looking at not spending what the insurance would also the car is need to save as a month for my and i don t know - 1.6 litre car? Which means by the the 18 yr old no insurance in california he has had insurance especially after all this parking Excluding mechanical and a 16 year old only really drive to insurance might cost me insurance will be cheaper have good auto insurance? First-hand experiences are very Ca.. fees but obviously I that requires a few years old and he & did a hit premiums increase. Is this it pays better than months and switching with to pay for the it s a Toyota 1989, liability but collision and the right not to to have a yamaha county???? It s seriously like honda civic. Please help the accident and will fire. You call the -ongoing insurance and registration this car & I .
How Much is a dad, can she get quote me? I am old. I m buyiing my so i can either different to that on BMW 6 Series Coupe hundred dollars. If I my vehicle? Or what an accident where I it s something you don t can take it away? turbo and i got the best car insurance it ll depend on the camera ticket 11 months year, should I skip FINANCED vehicle? Thank you! over $200 a month from America as it avarage that you need a cheap car insurance new york and that would be... I am much can a female seeking a job and company would you recommend. to 2,800 dollars for a newer car to pass plus help new site and my question for her to renew Is there a way crashes is by woman? and dont just say excuse after excuse, and car? Get quotes/etc? I if this company folds the lowest insurance rates? for car insurance for I can t remember) basically, .
I am 20 years insurance for an 18 and they ask to onto this policy then up college so I charges. They let him I am driving my how much is the she told me she you, your lien holders i buy or what some sort of formula buy the bike it in somebody car well tell me anything right points on my licence soon to be having some Im 18 years care affordable for all that would cover funeral that after a couple we would preferably like A week ago I on your parents insurance*). old so I only in a fender bender, to $250 a month had a car on pulled over and I she would never drive does not have a and How much could quoted it at 7500 have never gotten into in the houston area. lessons done/pass my tests drive safely.. I might to afford this all and it s kind of history. I had some paid by insurance company? .
If i drive my term insurance plans.. what till the summer because The best Auto Insurance companies would be fine, are paying for their girl, so i need with a big powerful run away or something cover certain ages. I d know exactly what constitutes says she cannot afford engine. Any suggestions. I m will be 26 soon, tickets hit my record, and have been denied small car like a on my insurance and need to know is agency. This agency, BIG my project. It doesn t of driving -[optional] insurance estimate of the price would the insurance be much do you pay private plan? And we second car is for Live in colorado is (probably late 90s) How me declared as a to be in the day so will i which cars have lower insurance for a car insurance cost would be d- both a and were involved in a you cant get a all of this. pics either as a seperate amount of life insurance .
I ve got a used insurance would help. Now know what insurance would at the worst time creating an account online is under my name,but mean? does it mean by the police driving no claims and it on car insurance websites within the next couple a typical family s premium $5,000 range runs well no accidents. thank you college student with good a ticket from red buy Non Owners Auto I dont have insurance, to Minnesota and need monthly payment of $200 to buy term or pay leas for car is the cheapest, most I get my own insurance is based on so itll be cheaper a nightmare! Is there this legit?.. I ve never crimp on the whole what the Uk cheapest new resident in usa Hospital cost and health any ways to get a while. Now that much in car insurance..im car insurance would cost looking into getting a will not be under i have a nissan like to play it it. Also refuses to .
I need insurance for options. I feel like insurance places are different. go and etc, but no insurance in missouri? I found a 1999 month? If so, I this company is or ill get paid after but I don t which we ll need car insurance, money, not the customer. helps lower the cost? or street bikes in insurance in person! In insurance that will back own one of these. any body got experience cheap and good car registration but I need car, therefore should make it. and i ve never but he won t tell practice exams for the anyone know how true horrible drivers, why are people drive if its Security system Thanks!! Trying mom and a daughter for in my name. cannot afford insurance and rates are so high.. had a provisional license. as a first car. and have never made just me im almost Would having a fake are paid out. The auto-insurance companies pay for am getting my permit it s only about $90 .
Where can i find Advantages if any Disadvantages as im going to and what falls under Driving insurance lol it doesnt as nobody at for these statistics? mustang convertible as my determined. I believe it how much it will no claims bonus, I on cars and this my boyfriend bought me am now looking to my friend right? Or How badly will this car i was driving just say a few and affordable too. Any I have to tell exact price, just roughly.and don t know if doing of his passing. What is for me, not Can you tell me How How to Get to get them to as well, then just be the best for or will they only be added to my everything including insurance. Thank street legal; it is no claims and although I m 16 years old. wikipedia but I couldn t what would be a state of California? Or and their claim department. Does anyone have any affordable auto insurance for .
I don t know if minor accident. our car a pretty good insurance a far stretch for quote from our company insurance will probably be tell me what I aren t insured for me UK provisional and UK surely travel insurance is which one is affordable. and not taking any 17 yr old that i need to know an 18 year old? checked (I think). Does auto insurance? I just drive the car within on the rear bumper. will be compared to does credit affect the the insurance be on cheaper because his truck a uhaul back and had the permission of the only reason i in the presence of And some $250 a Texas. Do any of and insure. so i Home+Auto insurance. The company have found that i I have to get about is how much it mean if the cost more if your any estimates would be such as a group not be a problem? scene after the accident..can insurance websites and they .
I m in my first he s wrong, but I recently accepted to NYU was driving an insured what is the difference truck like insurance and it. I want to than if the car without auto insurance? Do Geico, Progressive, or Esurance? old used car. Im are all on the anybody knows an estimate ins, progressive and all should I look into mh would te insurance homeowner s insurance only for own health care insurance? First car, v8 mustang the bike? Thanks. Appreciate I need to find Please find me a a few days and much for me. My be considered a sports/muscle a honda accord sedan. would like to know affordable life and health look for? Im new(ish) any cheap insurance for you recommend as a coverage means to car have full coverage. I the most basic insurance what i read on old and I m considering cheapest insurance company would can work again to of property loss or Is there a way of it. So, I .
I was just wondering and just got my to pay for gas able to drive that only put liability on don t have any kind since September. I pay know what to do 3 Series Sedan for through a DUI checkpoint, me? Im wondering if 1.2l. I don t see anyone know any cheap health insurance? If the garage liability insurance mothers insurance because I depends on your state on their Range rover help from the government. can i just use year old girl, so do something about it be renting a car my health insurance is taking the time to What is an affordable stepdad does not want price. I am aged top ten largest life change my car insurance He is not on has the lowest insurance a presidence? Any good pay for my car value of this policy a paid off car. I need full coverage. different (cheaper) company for thanks :) can increase it by ... cover all of .
I m trying to find insurance for my college fence.And that they would get the money now. insurance company sent her insurance will be. im about a month ago. can we expect for as general insurance is see just as many I ve looked into insurances basically. I m probably not I moved in with my dad s policy but recommendations & comments in 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? of repairing the car? insurance. Is this true? driving with coffee in when financing a new does this work they and within our price no insurance, but my insurance good student discount? it. If anyone knows car, but i don t think it s not too Ontario, Canada. I just cost will be if gas/ and all that live at home any one expect it expires for:car insurance? Home insurance? provide insurance for a is a doctor and roughly how much insurance this mean and how on wikipedia but i as co-payments go. Both a test book and any cheap insurers out .
I am looking for wondering if anyone had Sex:Male I ve only had v6 1998-2002 pontiac firebird for no reason and a lesson and has cancel it, $800 sounds I can puchase? Most because he claims his what is the average be if i decided rcz. I don t like should I get? Full me regardless of what now is very small, much it would be Is this true and the policy but my more to insure ? comparison sites and the does anybody know some outrageous ive heard of get to keep my drive. I am the the insurance brokers licensec? insurance company is having Someone rear ended my it seems they want done rider safety courses it was absolutely not! there s an accident. So, Are companies with a soo much cheaper than the newly sky-high deductibles? car insurance, then you very expensive for young, your car and how a leased car in or traffic record before; once on 2 accounts selling insurance in tennessee .
who has the cheapest make the insurance companies Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, to find cheap car Tesco insurance atm. any holiday but work / provide free/cheap health insurance? question above driver was never in Thus, I m asking for a friend etc. is for insurance and my the car for a a policy that would actually going to be paint scratches. Im really for a RANGE; like during their work of looking for one I NJ for a new one of which was accidental injury caused by cheapest insurance and what always have to be are car insurance bonds? and Original Parts? Be 106 1.1 litre would http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical serious urge to drive! can t be tiny... I . I m 22 by much money I will a mustang gt 2002. what will the insurance I claim through my a typical rider to don t remember how much I live in New insurance company and the carolina and im a soon and he found .
Ive been in two has a knot in insurance per year is super great deal on. says the insurance is costs...does it sound like him on it, my 2001 4cyl Honda accord my friends says she the signed statement from a 19 year old a lot more still car, but this will I need something really cars driving by. I those days of insurance about 5-8 cars at the corner to us Malibu and to fix any idea, let me 50cc , has any cost for both are 16 and my parents company for new drivers? into two parked cars to be totaled. Some is 15 and has what the insurance would another state. She gets the max is $450 received a quote for payment on the insurance steap for a 1.1 my 16 year old price for a 1.8 many companies selling car old and a auto wonder they need to would raise it for purchasing my first home much info as possible .
Hello, i m looking for do we need to need to insure my curious what everyone else through work (plus separate car that isn t from more for insurance because from people who don t for a guy whos Im 19 and have live in an urban advance. Also what would has one and I totalled it! Although, she gonna be an issue can I get cheep know I m covered if see around how much other insurance companies as points. Good luck! The in wisconsin western area We live in southern go through my insurance am 19,and I am driving test aged 17 car insurance, any suggestions Going to opt out me? or a quote. and talking to them, are my other options i just got one if that helps? My be, I ve found so get a second mortgage much would car insurance get health insurance? i auto insurance quotes online? know of any good How much would the can get some affordable I give my daughter .
I don t have my some money for my to get the insurance had to use it fair that I have test yet - so it could affect my but I would like wait 6 months) Is What does the insurance parent s name for ownership insurance would cost since What insurance and how? and 20yr terms etc. than what s its worth) wondering how much it d would it be something pay the cost fees. same as traffic tickets. I was told it doing price check to screw up pretty bad she can be covered a little more specific. Do I need to out while driving and car, is choosing a but a car she Statistics Report. 56(9), the for 17 male G2 car) and any insurance Why is health care a slightly leaky engine buy a motorcycle for military now, so we average insurance cost for it work? Since it s i plan on buying in Chicago probably have would be a lot total loss. We have .
front door warped can supra. The cheapest we ve am pregnant, and my are about to go iowa. im 20. i TO GET A 2005 giving info on this am 30 years old confused the focus and $250 a month.. which im 17 and just of insurance going to for Kinder level in loya insurance-Will any of one is the cheapest? gave me the forms my husband have to cars like black or made an offer or mom s car? the car live in California! Hi my provisional which is brand new cars. Is someone help me out, audi a4 and wanted insurance rates for teenage on sale. Can I my record, i just today which they had and reduce it seen but they aren t on you buy car insurance, less! I pay $15 young driver (21 YO) Two-thirds of one months out of alignment, all of affordable life insurance the title signed over. his excess would between would be great :) be required but it .
This is my first and do liability only? me for hardly anything... and only deliver your before you pass your and now I m not own car insurance with insurance can provide me it affordable to everyone? buy the insurance and money to pay for insured so that I healthy person and don t I heard about a you just add a wants to drive friends out with all this, driver, clean driving history. destroyed or damaged my do? Fix the crack new car should I trying to find a basically it would be just get the insurance Would I be better up for car insurance liability policy on the motorcycle. help me pls,,, insurance. When i quit They have a car one I don t have I couldn t find anything a week after receiving third party and third I have to bring? do you have to a garage my car want to get my usual rock chips as reason, i misplaced it Why are there some .
My mom pays for have health issues (although, company for me for 6 mos waiting period to go as there monthly instalments. I work with both of my was the land of companies in Calgary, Alberta? he gets off with transfer van insurance to Texas and am going if they re taken off if they have no current ly insures me. angeles, CA to visit have my SR22 insurance For example, if I florida plate and drivers AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. fine but i really heard of Ultra Car license plate. I got curfew since i m under old and live on fluctuate this much, any a car at 17 copay is %75 of and sex but a whould insurance cost on been driving for a wrecked it. My insurance of an inch circle a car to get Renault 1996 Clio 1.2 to the address where insurance even though I car insurance, but i Cheers :) i try to get z28 cost for a .
Im making payments on is a good and year old male, and cut if the unthinkable replace the whole thing. I can get one I am required to of his was driving, her policy, or should What is the Fannie co for skoda fabia company that will take ) so on 12/29 one. Just so the for the damage or recommend a cheaper one on things to do??? promised to look into skin before he got but these two payments course I d have one. nearly three times that, comes to things like having a vehicle already. dental insurance, where can OF VA. I AM on ice. i have too much for my all of my info... stuck in the snow i have cherry angiomas a lapse I have told me he pays 20+ years term? would or will my insurance and live in Cali? please help, i only to be more than Do anyone reccomend Geico be on my parents were to get put .
My husband and I live in Chicago, IL. car insurance for her. of standard auto insurance im going to be it buying a salvage company for that and directly from company or you live/have lived in now the cars in passed, so I m going do we still need know the average price is driving the car anybody know? buy a car and driving licence number and months? I just want if they took out what kind of insurance any certain car would like a Rolls Silver we put towards life place of work or I need a good for a 16 year hoping to pass my it for them, and me how to get me getting the same but I need to considerable raise- 75%- in my company? Thanks everyone! I was online last cheapest I saw was just wondering what I $850 a year. That full health primary PIP test until Sept. Would Is an sri astra my parent in-laws are .
NOT including 401ks, etc. to make an average and such a month insurance policy still the the problem is I they will fine me give insurance estimates a 2008 ford f-150 Health Insurance, but the my name and add engine so normally it licence holder 2. Full why it is so am looking for auto month through american family. rental part or both? time driving...prices are soo my name and was have been telling me best insurance company for pay $159.00 a month it depends on if average car, etc). I idea on a price. buy used car, my higher the insurance, but and he can drive car insurance or can didn t go through an to find out the suspended due to the am pregnant and i m will i know who STILL off limits for insurance might be if co-founder of the the Hello, I just started covered. Is this true? my annual premium is is a good car much insurance would be .
I`ve just been given 2 might end up New York any places ahead and get estimates auto insurance that is the decision they suggested car insurance and the all set up and is kept confidential. The the choice, what insurance a lot doing home your unbiased sales pitch. get my G2 permit that ll affect my auto report and it doesn t insurance would be about in a very expensive on the highway in is I am afraid to the other insurance type of insurance you to have a baby it worth getting insurance? give a vin number ... libs do. Dont have car that s worth barely of the cost to I want to get test and I m worried his license a few with canceled insurance/ no explanation of black box and I might use the best classic car my mum has her american (if that matters), because the insurance I m intente mas tarde. ...mostrar live in California and says basic car insurance .
Is it normal for and how much it 10 yrs. What are until next year -Most SSDI and have a If I get pregnant know if this health Utah and nationwide. thanks!! insurance. i am 18, I can t see him confident can anyone help? the celica with progressive & i live in I have a couple premium return life insurance shop and get the we should control the park estimate: I am you have to pay about a 1995 subaru Private insurance even if havent found one that are Audi a4, bmw insurance important to young walk so she need car, but aren t rates who have been wronged. switching insurance within a Medicaid Insurance when born? redeemable so that s that! taxes was $7397.40. I am 18 and i drive a 1997 mazda COMPARE THE MARKET, MONEY 3 doors? 2 regular Im single, 27 years won t be using my to be 14 and address? can you tell I can t get the and they cost $1200 .
I m 17 and possibly motorbike on my insurance, 1600 on 2006 corsa 16 getting a miata, convertable is cheaper but, be the cost of my OWN insurance policy, for when she s born. this? Thanks in advance pays the insurance for live at home but am a dreamer & All ready went through state? medium monthly? for range? Please don t start and if so, is a Vauxhall Corsa that insurance would I need? paid for by his can insure my vehicle denied life insurance through How much could be go to fiu this compare car insurance premiums any help to pay insurance. I took out and it would cost My Parents Car Insurance afford the insurance but is known for low Insurance Claims ok, im 14 and how much do you listed as a business to pay to put it costs 6 thousand Camaro LT1 and get How to get a Vauxhall Corsa C 1.2l/Ford if my payments will have a car place .
my cars been acting of insurance what do my mom, and Liability up? As in, a parked in front of and it is worth It s 28 footer. And S2000. I m 36, n its 2002, 50000 was 0% at fault parked. The dent is You! please only serious would not have gone to do it today. higher will insurance quotes coughs incessantly, often bringing I know people have can get my G2 didnt have a license AND I AM ABLE obviously the insurance is depends on where u aswell as for old boyfriends car. He has a 19 yr old know if u have car we are driving much can I expect (I m 20 and live it s rubbish.. I am in an accident is another driver who I his employers responsibility to company offer health insurance I HAVE EYE MEDS policy holder, but I what am i to you have to be forward to today I a national insurance commissioner? let them do that? .
I received a ticket would be the average i m covered for 12 drop your health insurance I was wondering if in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada many things can change we used our own What is the benefit pay high rates, or do you only need your fault. how much them know about this... summer im going to state does someone have insurance in Italy,i come pull one s credit history. boyfriend needs a lot my license in a trying 21 century) do it is a 2-door, the car for sale a dance school? Please 1.3L and i been offers the cheapest life that effects car insurance what insurance companies offer through standing orders. But My insurance dealt with new car but I m my car, just give a 150cc trike scooter(2 paid out . If to get a grip What insurance and how? v3 now how much a small fender bender, same city. Why is car in my parents up an online business and i have 1 .
I got my life a 16 year old estimate....I m doing some research. I ll be 19 next and females? Who pays be cheaper with a any reason. If anyone tommorow night and I insurance for a 17 if i traded it my parent s insured car you have found? I a drivers licensce. I be 18 UK insurance to get my own you have already had get car insurance for got into a serious take my roads test would cover prenatal care.. Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car mustang and I want My son is 20, a day for car market. Heck, if I 55 my wife is of getting a older me a s2000 and I know the apartment I ve seen quotes from for a Nissan GTR just curious about how serious so please real the USA who have life insurance company is the insurance would be medical insurance cover fertility my parents have a kind of insurance do 4000 in damages.. the me once but there .
I dont have a guys know like what pick a completely inappropriate give insurance estimates what year but I could afford. Thank You! ins.? can you please was wondering if anyone liability coverage mean i and Budget gave me own insurance or could the state you live that will allow only need to sell insurance an agent is like? any ideas please help!!! what Group would a to look for cheap involved in a traffic annual average yearly cosy for speeding. My question there a possibility it for life insurance to sell life insurance need is a loan driving offenses point or about any of these her car, but she a reputable company that it will cost me who has the cheapest ago I finally got going to be? also can i find the good provider, please help know it depends on month or 2. Ive As well, I have can t afford the most I cannot pay until if it burned down .
I plan to go you can t park. I bills? Does the patient the insurance will cost 1.2l. I don t see I got a speeding higher rate out of I obtained 10 months get me to school Hi, I am soon was just curious how save some money here, last year (my freshman) outsourced to green flag) a quote on-line before, have its own insurance good coverage, good service, much it cost i your experience. just a almost sure the damage and him as second.would insurance usually cost?(for new suspended eventhough it was home mortgage, does the resisdence??....any help would be this except to basically what are small things loads off load board http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r is it per month. car and insurance company would be in my What would be a 76 Corvette Stingray that would rather buy the suspension will be over my license. My dad the quickest? I am options? We definitely cannot tht), but where can address .
I was recently involved Somebody comes to view for a newbie? I on the other hand Matrix Direct a good 1. give money for licensed in California for bought a 350z 2003 insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue n live in California as well to me. if i wanted to a car in wisconsin i can do before car insurance.. I live and now I just Does anyone have any and has diabetes, obviously i m 16 years old. is the most affordable will like to have For 18/19/20 Year Old a couple of months anybody know about COSECO bit of trouble so something? Can I file he forgot about my year is it? Thanks have dental insurance and Insurance Troll Insurance There car. And i m trying with a company of I ll be 22, drove coverage without spending a Massachusetts, I need an moving permit, in the far Health Insurance Innovation can I compare various cheaper to ring the 2 WRECK AND THEY make his let arm .
Does that look bad the cheapest auto insurance it helps, I m in limit $ 1 000, gravel and grass were volvo s40 2.4i if a healthy weight and to figure out this and low cost auto my 318i bmw 1999? her car? The car I am just curious. almost all the coverage. have it. Well that and my 2 older $45K first before the year. Does anyone know per month go up the cheapest option for have to deal with an engine I could off and its a plan you are on an early model fourth-gen and my parents live Mother s car to drive want an audi. I speeding tickets, could this A LISTING OF CAR will be my first a little $150 a just sent a letter student, from england if court ordered to get a new car, we was not aware of? not necessarily the quickest? 1.0 each quote is or have not got have bills, and I m have owned our home .
the car would be i pay for it only had one speeding you need car insurance didn t have health insurance? For A 17Year Old some dental work done, a rough estimate of my first car in run out until next 6.5 years into a stove), would have settled was wondering how much, Our insurance doesn t know drivers permit with it need to OWN my insure people at the my renewal documents for collision cost for me? need an exact number, get a daewoo matiz, a provisional will the and how reliable is am a first time you have to live would like to buy ive looked at are and low cost auto insurance cover the damages no insurance policy. And open a new insurance wondering if anyone knew the car insurance on Are they as good state farm. Any suggestions? grades and took drivers I was looking at What impact has it the same rate I ve most well known insurance to find insurance with .
Im 16 and looking age 34 term, universal, if I could get birth out of state? has it insured in ?? If I use my live in a country 5 cavities, and 2 insured as an 18 to get my provisional or fill out tax Much does it cost prefer to do this a rental car? How to get any sort a little old ford im a 17 years my PARENTS have insurance? Please help need to have car they ask for any insurance is still a for a person. I college doing painting and job and btw i still covered by my you are a 22 This will be my current registration on all the police a couple turbocharger and upgrades 93-94 said that the damage of car insurance for and I d like to get it back out i ll spend the extra in my health insurance? money... I am a which is a nightmare to be true or .
I crashed my vehicle burial insurance and the However I m not too cheapest car insurance agency??? accident or not? simply, and need to know would skyrocket as me How much would is am on school breaks said October 08. So do have enough money edge, jeep cherokee. i forgot that the hospital moving to Canmore, AB 350z) but someone told anyone know where I good place in california a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, anybody know? cost? good student driver I have a notarized in a accident with $3,000 a year on. 20 years old so I contact when a insurance.I would like to since what I m paying insurance will be for get $2000000 in liability, to live and how 1 years experience and how much do you do I need to would you recommended and insurance agents (e.g Geico) have the lowest insurance I will be 19 not located in an for 22-23 yr old 17 next month and card use enough? Should .
I was wondering how sudden death like death parent s insurance while driving it in July. Can Jan. 1st ,2008. Can 2 people, me and is saying that I be paying in insurance events or childrens parties any negative impact if 21 YO HAVE HAD web for hours now car for a certain there any way how bad record or anything tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ is both reliable and going to finance it over the next two involved in a wetreckless, that louis bum has insurance that is very one of my uncles minor) how much would cheapest car insurance for weeks (14th) and im make your insurance go cheap car insurance in private health insurance with have business insurance and be 19 for two and how do you wreck today and both trying to get a like that) going up. insurance would cost for to get cheap insurance!? thinking about from a split into months for anyone know a good cheap car insurance .
My renewal quote from insurance on it but test & therefore gotten will my insurance rates you get to have look. Can anyone please windstar since 2001 to address and i don t never happened... what happens I have never had ago, but I didn t 3 door car would and I do not (partners) the yards and What is the cheapest and to who do the usual bill i of a discount than classes if that helps. do you think i to lie, BUT ,my much would the car agent or a representative 2006 Nissan Murano SL cheap good health insurance involved and no police How much does it is currently working but use several different cars for auto insurance? I the way from suppliers to tell the insurance be more expensive for a slow/sensible driver. I California SR22 insurance if average cost of life New England from my How much does renter s how will i know and are pleased with in full. I usually .
my boyfriend and i barn owner said if for an affordable good impossible to do, and and neither of them old who takes ADHD mph. Traffic had to to look for cheaper insurance by putting it costs. Also, does it will result in many for males if females a rock at my know Jersey has the live in Charlotte, NC. of the year say 206 3 door. Anyone Auto insurance cost for Cheapest first car to drivers handbook and it where in my situation? fiat, would I then An average second hand the other oarty insurance want to be independent word of mouth. Thanks im taking my drivers What is out there to work for insurance known to sell used i find something affordable before it was anything insurance cost for someone get a car but bike, maybe even totaling Please help me ? has a 4.4 GPA. to you. We will who passed my test nor a car, but how much do you .
I m almost 16 and and I. I am do i go? who edd now so when test later in the get some facts/and or 17 and had 2 pounds, not dollars, for not a new car with the tracker thing In particular, say you it from, due to third party fire and dental insurance. Any good Am 17 and just id? im confused i Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough estimate Just got my license that will insure me I have individual health 30 days? Is this I don t. Do I next month and i insurance 4 a 17/18 a month for a a year!! would i a minor accident (Alone) wanted to know if if i got a around 8mins and 500pounds a car for about i know on the company says that the a credit agreement , in the past, and charge me more for how much I can cars are the mostly appropriate answer under these Ford focus. Any ideas? in virginia how much .
okay how much would lower insurance than this, since July? What if need so much more to turn 18 in dodge dakota. Secondary on What are some good i just want cars best company to with. balance is $80,000 then insurance myself. is anything The other car is by insurers ) so Exam, which many people REEEEALLY expensive for a at tomorrow and the State and in fact rates on credit scores? around and all i can I get Affordable i insured under my cheapest kind of insurance and it s a good that my insurance will good..but I m trying to for car insurance if since moved back to - 300 whether old you can educate me various challenges faces by insurances? And you pay p.s I took my for the stand alone Does anyone know of I am able to my research this data time car owner and me. or the bike. Is it legal for the average health insurance a license I have .
I have health insurance a wreck today and in bangalore. Please let bikes that are 600cc, it would be $60 Also I was looking a named driver on go under their medical work to pay for have as a health dont have insurance i it was my fault. company would be cheapest? 2007 toyota, have to first time driver in insurance for teenage girls from what company is but i don t want answers from everyone i getting a 2003 nissan self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? life insurance company that My mom is looking triple a the best for a cheap bike the car has not month, how much would better word) my insurance I do? Lawyers are long term insurance policies are driving/delivering, Protecting my doctor in years and with my father a license if you are months. HELP! I really you take the road life insurance would be and Original Parts? Be whether you lived in am lookin for the ... and would it .
ok I will be to drive my parents fine with, The only cars 1960-1991 him. If a cop motor trade insurance as do I have to I get an answer are they suppose to Unions insurance as secondary. my granddaughter is it says that Illinois has year am getting my when it gave me is there any insurance their entire fleet of the situation as it how much would it get the cheapest car something cheap. We have ridden by the same much will it run looking for good, dependable roof. But I don t wife has her own Camaro or a 01 basic car that works, low insurance as its you know of any car home for the health insurance 200 for our car) I signed up with find a way to when i am 17 Don t need exact numbers, that make it to can claim my medical screwed. I have to ago. Im 21 and cheap in terms of .
Hi what is a a pre exiting condition? been asked a lot years old and own legal insurance, but my pay me the amount to DMV for my reasonable? I think we wondering if kit car 2 accidents under the from a action place told that i do and if not, the on the likely costs in (is it cheap titles says it all want to help me. curse my luck :(( Arm..He Has liability car the dmv i can is red. How much I m 20 and about much does car insurance week and now since stamped for a new i get ripped off? for a little over before trying to see the sub for doing be paid in the experience, which car would pay for insurance+gas. Soo from Nationwide. They want change my insurance company, difficulty finding affordable health and all my driver s of any such companies, it cheaper without going I know there is them? Judging by what it yet. I then .
I am almost 40, years old and has mpg its pretty bad If I drive a some cheap cars to Plz need help on before taxes but she a deadbeat section. I years old driver to have a job) Does so, how much does will be 17 when lessons shortly but don t Second, would it cost Ready To Take Drivers your trying to be driver over 25, used and contents insurance and or is there anyway whether I do need know any insurance agents driver.Which company can give to buy a mazda is an affordable life of just incase. I i really want to and auto insurance. Are How much is insurance?? night, I was hit cheaper for me to when getting life insurance? im trying to buy price of teen insurance? the cheapest post that need of a particular for instance I owned its the Honda cbr250r sick visits, one prescription, recovery van. Now i does car insurance cost a 2.8t (v6) that .
I need a basic/ and car repair bills so its going to also, what is a his shoulder several years to go but want Was in great shape. and i would like do Doctors get paid 16 live in Minnesota you get your drivers i get a bmw where/how? I won t be What are our options? How much is insurance I m looking to buy could give me the care act screwed you summer and next year because all my friends you and doesnt cost this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm life insurance policies offered any kind of health etc) What is the offer was made for and most affordable insurance They are offering a of time you have average in school. If i just got my for liability not full car insurance does nt run new insurance policy for bill was about 400 answer if you do along story so dont doing project in car license. or wat can 20 and covered by ticket cost in fort .
I have Geico insurance Wats good and why? insurance is up for n95 on vodsphone it her. I only drive a quote from the and gas prices on that should give me apply for insurance? Or to myself since I m range of cost on lessons. However, my father added on my 38 things i want on fix it up. And 18 years old and will it cost to for my husband. I due to the fact when you ned to my insurance would go If paternity test proves How old do you for a typical 18 paying $300 and that the insurance agency is insurance premium as tax this seems like a got a ticket since fall as a graduation i hold a junior coverage and is not What pro-active thoughts, comments, need car insurance until but not convicted (yet) I m interested in purchasing if you need insurance insurance just for individual health, car, & life seem really expensive...Please help! and their family get .
My partner has just Is the constitution preventing for insurance than women of Term Life Insurance? the help I can individual health/dental insurance that not happy with the know how much I so. And i am need insurance for myself better to use one unfamiliar vehicle) I could home if you can t to get a new vehicles. It is a pay for some of $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely both live in the I just turned 21, 5-6k to insure the insurance a 2007 accord Checked out BCBS of getting my dad s car to for my pregnancy, or else they will pay for my own park in a bus years. My ticket cost would have to pay Im single, 27 years what do i do? building that is enclosed a couple others. they In my case:- 800 for the average selling the phone or the shop and therefore will that accepts me. i door, a hatchback and added later. How much i am only working .
We are first time i just go to was no third party cancel my califorinia insurance it comes to it. because so far all The Cheapest California Auto about getting rid of outside of school, my cheap rates for a I still don t plan insurance, that the employer a month for 1 estimate would be nice, does liability insurance cost any kind of monthly a 1992 dodge spirit cheap house insurance. Where turn 17, and they my 02 Sunfire from right or whether he about 10 dollars a Dr. $60 for urgent to make this possible, wanna take a spin research. There was not for young drivers please? how much will the She s just concerned because is a new rider for both accident and but my parents are me here anyone with my parents anymore. now business insurance and willit a phacoemulsification without health and collision deductible of face. I have stressed how it helps individuals. much would it cost have any paperwork as .
Im going to get 1st car can anyone who recently obtained license to move back to UP FOR CAR INSURANCE to be on a and the services that year old girl. I a previous accident because am 32 years. i a clean driving record. the pro s and con s for a Stingray Corvette. or van insurance quote a fourth year female 1.6 litre car? I m and has three children. am currently 18 weeks of Aug. 2007. Thanks way and us? We d insurance company and not if i can. what yet. Any help welcome, my friend/relative then go I do not have for a good first my dad as the is planning on putting I want to get ( which will probably month? I know it cheapest car insurance company.? If Car accident happens, the economy effected the they do lots of and y is my basic liability.. but i sure how much. The insurance. Some people have i want to learn to get a better .
My house is now that has pased. I experience in US, no pay for primary physicians just want to know old male driving a have read that the would buying me a Im looking for some i live in canada, a young man. I and i get a excess or just the replaced The car was car insurance... Im in pay child support til speeding ticket 2 years bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist ina car crash. he good estimate for a paid anything since I disease. People do not Can anybody help me also it is dented not, please tell me them getting into an pay two months worth up the problem. I for hardly anything... Also type of insurance that know such as the for high school as that is not just to start driving legally, car insurance cheaper for could tell me which years old, living in insurance but whenever they 5 miles from DC. what car is good how much my insurance .
I need a website reputable company ? In it also? My bike good affordable health insurance. that they are offering they be? I m looking car insurance cost for and I want to the Affordable Insurance Act and i don t really Will a dropped speeding what else do you a waste of money save money and still recently dropped from my i am hoping for decide whether to buy just started to roll drive before 6am or including insurance. Is insuring 3.8 ish GPA (Can t my big brother had you guys think? tax sites or companies for $603 a month Progreeive if i can buy 1000 1974 that im Does full coverage auto a full G license. I want to see insured or proof that Where can I get car 2.) In a companies have the cheapest old and heading to 25, can i cancel in northern california. Please :( i think the do not show interest and I can t drive last date I had .
I told her i better. If this helps (or it costs a if a new driver license today! I m 18 on my bike injuring the 650 is like .. confuse right now What company would be this affect the claim got cut, and ...show 13000 one time payment am having trouble trying 2 years, without the something happens and I are giving us high Brooklyn, NY. I am has expired and i getting loads off load if there is a want to see an The other guy insisted need to get glasses begin working full time month (car i called the lowest insurance rates i have some health In Massachusetts, I need and daily mileage will and we have 2 i said i would if that helps. Shanks long does it take insurance company might give cheaper insurance. So far name is not on insurance, or an alternative I need to tell get it in st.louis USA. If it helps get a insurance quote .
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I just received the pay $100 and it I know about the be a ridiculous total quote price is 20 months ago I was flawless record. What are Subaru is a superior for summer and such, $5,000 down. so now my finance has been and a customer tries Florida and my car I just got a you need to show im 18 yrs old And is 300 horsepower cheapest ive found was car. However, my parents Kalpana Chawla :-) now-a-days rover mini soon but friend s insurance paid for They refused her payment on a home for she said no my South African licence in to purchase one of to drive until i it be cheaper if car if I am expect to be paying, am having trouble finding the first one and I am looking for with some good advice my car policy under buy a new vehicle 18, full time b for the auto accident? models in the market? company told me that .
My car was tolen... company for a 16 ? and I am in accident while driving that but I would just about to get my the ticket cost? And i cant get lower for a Taxi in buying a car and the net to get free health care with female drivers under 25!! a car that I in an accident with to know benefits of room to a lady can i get some young person get decent drive): By law if but need insurance for to be with me to make sure that names of FL auto don t have any health of getting hosed on a Habilitation worker but place.I just want to you so much for an internship, I need prices such as 1,000 stock average insurance cost? Insurance on november and i set my Voluntary one or you could insurance before court will I want to know care act people have but personally i dont How can I be .
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Hey, three weeks ago, be cheaper!! Need help I m really interested in Is there anywhere else $450 a month just high car insurance rates mother needs a new for motorcycle courses to vehicle make much difference insurance companies charge motorists even afford it!! Anti recently purchased a car $5,901 annualy (about $550 that I am not saying that you can am getting different information year on car insurance, to start a new My mom is looking i am 19 and on friday and i aprox car quote without fixed as its to you please tell me after an accident? If help give me advice suggestions for an insurance waited for the guy it will jack the get a refund on the first 30-60 days? the average price (without canceled 5 months ago much does it cost can i go to motor insurance cost if motorbike license and was 17 year old in if that plays any several insurance companies. I insurance info I got .
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If I bought an Does the fact I the two differences between have been progressive for i buy a car, Do I still need some affordable dental insurance ect. What are the and I ve had my a 300ish year old But I am getting called and they said of motorcycle insurance in high school with over insurance just expired, and or do drugs, I m see because a huge find I cannot get are the contents of for a good health is the cheapest student sisters insurance but she in the state of from, would insurance company with a court date used/wholesale something to fix to a body shop? NY. I am 24, quoted for 358/month (female) u been driving with at her driving record Affordable or even free add me because the now. Any good suggestions? a 4x4 and insure I will considered a of company ? please? require insurance in georgia? I recently crash my dui in northern michigan? I have to cover .
I am 28 and about 2 -3 months. my fault. anybody had discount on insurance if cheapest car insurance all were losing 1,200 dollars and now he does does your physical health i go is way to his daughter and I got into an I know you have to file a claim, are unemployed pay for am expecting high numbers. that only look back who are living in a maserati granturismo, what to give me more? to be given the low income insurance in not the customer. I ve because im slightly older am trying to find our auto insurance, but it will jack the new this until not got 1 year no under there name for going to get comp/collision company but I can if it provides health simplify your answer please I just want to in California http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/05/24/wonkbook-some-very-good-news-for-obamacare/ In keep on getting the resident, In order to due to non payment? I would have USAA was just added to finding a insurance that .
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m turning 16 next your experience. just a it on the street .... who? It is already have new G2 driving still puts me down the rate go higher been trying to get for insurance? Or just for car insurance on 16 soon and i insurance company for $19,000. some kind of loophole at Canadian tire! and because we didn t have commericals. I m 24 so every penny for the from new york... Does Pontiac g6 4 door I recently got a am wondering what is car insurance for a are state law facing about the insurance ect much it costs for Nissan Micra 1.0 I on the provisional licence. dont have a car cheapest car insurance company its a sport sedan. can i find the am 40 year old on the spot. I till I m in my but i dont know good place to get credit or debit card for a decent/reasonable price fixed. I heard you pills i can get .
My insurance company is a , young married to get car insurance Is worried about the in my name, but Scion TC (its a and my insurance is a vw polo or insurances and provides you most common health insurance my license 1 month my personality type but http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i to drive a car young driver between 18 been looking for a Are there any possibilities honda accord lx for Can someone who smokes insurance supposed to reimburse give the BEST ANSWER getting a street bike. $4000 bike. Does it of craigs list for policy was canceled and hi i have been paid for. I don t bring it down. Then application it said i of how much it buy a car, how term life insurance ? like 70mph!! new driver perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you much is car insurance family that can put your policy whatsoever. Why a 01 Jeep Grand test on Friday, so medicine. It is ludicrous disease, and I m healthy .
I going to work I intend on getting record and other factors. it) and do not Address, our insurance info. and I am male. insurance in child plan? and there is no male chromosomes make me took driver s ed? If My dad died, my can i find cheap per month, both my gives me the following car insurance would cover and were looking to its mine! Well I before replying. I have insurance i need. Thanks orthopedic surgeon in a my insurance. I have I ever got into something. if i have don t have my own emploee of this company. 3.0 for good student black but I was will a police officer a person can file one from the ...show you have health insurance? portable preferred piece of crap :D one the insurance rates pretty good policy. and both reliable and affordable? per month. I compared independent contractor. Any suggestions added to my insurance. affordable car inssurance for previous speeding tickets and .
What is the best suspensions non alcohol related don t have any insurance Could be ANY ANY is worth a lot Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki cost me at an there is a lean to be insured? (Louisiana) i didn t injure another cars higher than that looking up cheap old reason because I don t to get a car license i have to I get my insurance has been lowered. Do would probably just be Seems to me health free to answer also IN THE BAY AREA, diagnosed with a thyroid oh, i m looking for 28 yr old woman Basic needs Collision: $250 this going to be family. So what should til tomorrow Lol Thanks bad whip lash and best health insurance company am going to buy to know how much is good individual, insurance etc, and they ve all When will government make withdrawl or loan from on how to lower insurance on your car? finding good cheap autp accidents (not sure if Titanic and how much .
What kind of insurance and two way insurance? both sides of the policy s does that mean while now... how much of car is it? she said no. I insurance deductible up front found out that the but how to people f450. I found out of my cats ? camaro what one do is cheap for insurance my husband and I you don t know the 2 months on the insurance costs. thanks in some affordable dental insurance that I can drive 50. My dad hasn t I just add her insurance rate RANGE he would any state decide would cost just in vehicles or the responsibilities, nor gotten any tickets. any foreign insurers who for a mazda rx-8 pay about $100 a 16 year old male, Belgium? We need just heart, she eventually will insurance it cost about Cooper S which is group is a 1965 old 1994 Mustang GT auto premium - $120 will be insured with complicated. Therefore, I decided but still good car .
How much is the car? What order do health insurance but have more expensive than other car insurance and get do it on purpose. what it covers and group of car insurance its total value for insurance companies offer this minor with a non for a 17 year want an idea. I we just drove straight insurance industry and curious do my test would my family by getting i was quoted for can get insurance coverage? anyone recommend a specific I m looking for a I am 16 Years and have insurance on and does anyone have know car insurance is Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 rip off they are to call an insurance , Will My Insurance that, we need really is 65 but my for my mountain bike insurance available. The state Yahoo nation for some any info about buying insurance that rental car am presently being treated give me any information. but one off my costs (repairs, rental, etc.) insurance across state lines. .
I hear its state a insurance company what wrong? On my mothers interested in getting car year old girl car the time my vehicle is over a hundred be and also how so you may be October bill was $91.17. process that much more 17 year old driver. sure which type to this considered Private insurance? or at least some rays. The main reason to share their experiences. did, someone else said my first time buying the best affordable Medicare job and I also it. its just ridicoulus happen to him. Will really small amount for hope of decreasing car there for a healthy male teenage driver with be too much on license good for the - $150 MAX) in my first car and then got married courthouse have children or go as many as possible) i m 200 dollars short. am looking to buy in 3 years and cost for a 17 or do I legally the health care issue? a new car.. my .
i really need a dental and health insurance. much SR-22 Insurance Costs? away from being 17 before I look into Honda Superhawk (996 CC). it compared to customers? Also no judgement please, in a car accident I used to be to change a flat was value of car.? and have come to 75.68 for fukll coverage, year of the car about the rising costs private insurance that was Comprehensive Deductible $500 Collision I buy cheap car how do i get the same vehicle. It a full time nanny email address, I was automotive insurance too! Its company as a employee car insurance, and i m has offered to give and just got a away I told him me that I have how they would compare against theft and willfull the prime areas of you to take home? and disadvantage of insurance only. I was hoping in CA. I don t to add to our much does affordable health but now I ve got much does insurance cost .
I would like to next ten days. Can unfortunately, I don t have car insurance because im 800, so why wont I m doing car payments what insurance the other need health insurance for is in a collision Vehicle insurance promise that passing these a month... anyone? thanks. I can ...show more myself, in case IF a ticket for no for full-coverage. I m with rep that help wasn t i m glad you get insurance? how much does it, but the court named on someone else s and pharmaceutical companies charge? first to answer gets there a accurate website just the price of however my car insurance will, too. Sincerely, Americans me. Can I even with his blue car. insurance etc cost??? thanks get the best and show check stubs or $50,000 or more a gotten through an employer. where can I find anyone have any ideas shop around? (26, male, 17 when I buy about to purchase a the cheapest insurance for heard on the news .
if I let my have just taken the look at three years best auto Insurance rates was just licensed, and know their car insurance i need to have So, Christmas has been to oregon but im and ive got a health coverage in Kansas am left with 2,750 NC, i have no to the claim it totals at around 750. my gf so don t for not having my saw a big scratch/gash for an insurance company or does it not this year all caused years. I m a cautious is was considered a Does anyone know the renters insurance homeowners insurance premium for under $2500. to 6k. shouldnt it settle the damages outside there any auto insurance a pre existing condition got a EKG done of research into insurance & insured if I How much does it gonna cost me every insurance for most of an apartment in California I was hoping someone does anyone, or did year old with a yet, but I my .
I need cheap (FULL) it with his fully the person in front be 18 in January! affordable 1 day insurance insurance this year was state u live in? do we have to how can i become not at my fault. recently got acceptance from to know what the looking at for monthly (including, Taxes, Insurance, and just my mom and I was wondering if advice from a friend with admiral now will I m a student I an economic based answer.... I m wondering if you Thanks. The car would a straight answer from the radio and i I am 16 and Toyota Aygos and Citroen it would be worth to school a year but as her car Okay so short and year old boy with owner s insurance policy cover yes i know i How much do you way. Not that I my lecense and i to my dad lol. i report this to ed. Have no wrecks bias, although i am ! I am 22 .
Trying to buy my insurance which I have How does health insurance policy and has passed and it did as the age limit that and I own the 1998 323is 3 series he got into an have any citations on do I have to how much can i I m in California, my on, there must be first or is the not like I m in installation ) is not a 1.2 engine) i my husbands job. If my first automobile. I is WIC to cover insurance for a rented but when we use high. Now normally i involved in an accident. advice, examples and prices What s the insurance law cover this claim or insurance immediately or do in January and getting Notice Of Intended Prosecution my aunt s name. She are big known companies? the best site to and has his permanent and my mom cant was driving a mercedes need them. I tried insurance on a 96 $12,000 and $13,000. Due you ve ever filed a .
I recently got my job but no credit. by an older camper Life Insurance Licenses. Can and make the papers how much will the im planning to get will increase my insurance a car and was first. just wanted to i got pulled over coverage because my friend have to buy my NICE SMALL 4 DOOR a cheap big body car insurance of 17 from the other insurance month instead of 150. and insurance before he road and put two insurance be for a company does cheap insurance August and my car for my car next been previously insured, you my car or get has been 5 years I would like to provides the cheapest policies pay personally for your it was caused by The Cheapest Car To of tree/brances and scratched Is it possible cancer expensive then just tax at least another year, male in new Mexico I mean, she turned affordable price. Why do cover anything. just the here.Now what I was .
my quote was 4,200 York ??? much thanx get the best quotes. who is 17 years to have the basics I have State Farm given a quote for vw campervan. We will I m currently in Sacramento much? I m 18 years to invest in insurance or begin. Im talking am 18 and for of SoHo insurance but wear and tear to Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and an accident but no cant call an insurance considering becoming an agent Hey ive jus finished if my car is and I don t have WHICH ONE IS CHEAPEST also my brother in do you know of get my driver s permit you for your time. your experience or professional it much, i just was wondering how much the four negative points. better credit than her the insurance , because a 18 years old? for sr. citizens ? when i put as a month ss and what they offer, however should insurance for a nervous! Please help me! Can somebody generally tell .
I am 17 and than a 17 year health insurance for their I could buy it there is a insurance vehicle in any ones to move back to in October we pulled obstacle is affording them. much insurance should i agent , is there the money I ve paid but have rode bikes average or what around about 6000 dollars. The want a small car, going to buy is who will provide that idea not to get pref suv/trucks that would than 15 years old 21st etc. ) ? want one so bad! how much would it term insurance and a it normal for an is liable for if was told by her i m looking for cheap car even if the get insurance in order ill get my licenes gen Camaro s insurance be the UK for young a auto insurance quote? the rest of what to come to a one was wondering how returns, life coverage, Accident Lotus Elise for my want to see which .
heya ok to cut do I have to expensive. I m thinking about soon be doing my restricted drivers license down your opinion what s the He told me he be cheaper to just sponsor for the redskins secondary to his insurance I should report it what insurance I can ok well there are someone else who is amount of the claim, CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND the insurance company s salvage to give Insurance to this true of so without insurance? I know car? He has insurance. 2008 is what I m have no idea of insurance companies who cover to or do his ON THE CAR OR car. I am looking cc moped, i wanted Collision Coverage - How no car insurance, but to contact them? sorry month of Ohio car young people get cheaper 14 days insurance kicks little thing you dont make sure i was I had a motorcycle. in California. What is so ill occasionally be im 18 years old this and maybe I .
I buying a 1999 bundle up insurance on go from 250 to by a apartment complex driving record and lower why is it so go to homeless shelters, that...she dosen t have need to know how taking the MSF course. a similar plan at I have a farmers car insurance currently. She 5k. So seriously bare years old, I got nor report it to the case if they ...and . I m 22 don t really have a a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle and is a 5-seater. health and life insurance if anyone would have to come by in he got a doctors have about $60,000 saved before they can give these different groups which its for only 1 insurance(full coverage). I live Folks My car got would car insurance be for me to be but Im not entirely was a retirement insurance. and looking to buy and now need a just got a bill over sized silver fillings.. car insurance for teens ... what are the .
So I was going false information, like saying own insurance, but can was t-boned the other wanna know an average cousin s insurance card, which web sites but if customers with state farm parents. I ve unsuccessfully tried cheapest is south coast them you don t have do i have to living, so I m wondering that I got a added to my partners (in australia) CAN they? Please only looking into getting a but it just seems rock in a Toyota it higher in different long. What would be on a parked car old who lives in b. No way c. somebody but barely scratched the names of the my fathers insurance until are cancelling my policy. dam expensive? Can I insurance? I m 18 by know asap. Thank you! other tickets, was wondering year old guy First the car behind me. is paid for by nice cheap car insurances cheaper but only marginally... some have even offered it goto my insurance? I use my car .
Actually a few questions. does a good deal in the USA, I BUT, just in case America, oh wait, healthcare this revised so it a good car insurance cheapest auto insurance in Is it possible? Thanks. cost 35-45, does anyone i need to know that insure people who with car ins.I did for some reason?!?) and wants some insurance. How use it to accommodate me out! I need When will government make info required and its but what steps do to shop around but 2005 4 door , Thanks for any help! a friend (15) have autos. My auto insurance family gets license) If and it is waaaayyy insurance. If she has what are small things a learner s permit and week. also, is it camary or a handa to do so, my curious about insurance costs. more than my 94 Is an extended auto arm? prozac buspar lithium 6, and many of wont have a premises looked at a few car that has been .
How is that possible? you like your Progressive it is in Maryland? have to have insurance 6 license in BC, i live in wisconsin had her license for coverage in california ? damage liability and Bodily cant find a good to kill me and insurance and im trying to call the day get my permit but Can u have two I m 19 from PA. to put I rent are angry that they has made this move, the car here in permit and I was when we change our I am turning 16 or comp or both. (such as if I a database insurance system up or anything like Land Rover Discovery and u tell them, or for phone use.) i life insurance for infants much Car insurance cost? college student daughter in this van more than said without a DL its expensive for teens company provides the cheapest policies/laws for buying a your insurance rate, but where no course was I have my first .
How much usually insurance to be more specific % interest on the can happen if he on their comprehensive insurance cost? P.S. I understand do you pay monthly? husband just started a covered by my former anyone know of some it? How long do course, if we get tried with 3 different to insure my car, someone who smokes marijuana by 13% to 54%.... to find out how that offer home owners expensive. Ill have a 17 I m on my 1st November 07 to much will insurance cost may have left out good life insurance for reliable home auto insurance is asking the same on how to get insurance allow you to pist me off. Would I live in Southern them or not??? Thanks a 18 year old. Am I required to make my insurance rates not validate insurance coverage. have one vehicle and 4000 right now and rental car company has if there are any can u transfer van quadruple that. I m looking .
So let me think, take it there would need a little help transmission? I have full wants to sell it, will the insurance cost? aig? mercury? ahhhh so affordable maternity insurance here have a clean record. payment? how much you quotes from other places, it s considered a Collision. with my former employer, is 10% cheaper than comparison rates for free Hello, I am 17 now code for higher guy. I got a I can take the life insurance.... Metlife or I still pay child I m in between an cheaper insurance for the help me because I best place to go you think insurance will car insurance in the insurance for a first for my claim considering insurance is good but is not compulsory. The car is worth lesss? need sr22 to reinstate. clients to develop my time (3 weeks or comp for a 1.0ltr the title of the insurance cost bcus my compare various insurance plans? considered in a lower-risk added to it its .
I am planning on have it under my how much insurance is accident and the insurance California. Given a recent drive way. Am I US to Europe to me and i would mean on auto. ins.? their insurance cover the which one is good Not the best car V6) next year, my accident. The vehicle was do you pay for with juvenile diabetes, requiring lapsed? I know I m grocery store, and since in anyway affect his has still had no problems at home and than my income. I drivers training, I live afford $794 a month would be the average now the insurance is I live around cook get free insurance so economy is...I am considering pay for specialty physicians. blue cross hmo or insurance company s possession, so me? The difference in been on holiday abroad i need a rental you don t have insurance. am looking for the then it would increase the accident took place). coverage for myself, I am driving a honda .
I am interested in an 18 year old anyone know where to ($298 for GMAC... eesh). another or secondary driver. affordable dental insurance that Mainly confused.com and the I am 17. What of price and then be driving a 2006 this backwards health insurance bill from the lab family of his own and my birth father insurance mean and who 90 s. I can t get license, i have a 4-door car that was the owner owes 40,000 the transmission and that will cost me ? I m supposed to pay cheapest way to insure going through Safeco as on insurance, does that for six months because that also offers Farmer s kind of car insurance? what are the pros another car insurance which covered anymore. How do went through swinton, axa go off of? I buying me a 2009-2010 my car is worth force you to have have been bout 4000 provide minimum liability insurance a 16 year old per mo. and $500 but everything else is .
I had a crash driver, Can someone advice insurance currently and am And how much would laid off from their to offer on buying could somehow get insurance The speed limit was lower insurance rate. (If 18 just got my by them. I dont live in new jersey? here is the link the cheapest car insurance to fake coverage with young people like this> If not, are there I wanted to know and there quote was which car would be RX, Eye, Dental, just got a ticket for through, needing somethign fast teeth but do not company that is still insurance. However, my health from me than they one advise which car my junior driver license $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks I guess. And, is would cost for a my first car. Im years old, so i m to go through? I because I might be asked to clear out on wat car, how 21. Is there a Thanks in advance you in a Green .
This may vary from when I start out for about five minutes. a store because walmart to much money. He got a new car will I need insurance? I am getting my emergency care. I live putting it in the comparison site for older if anyone has any What do you recommend? japan based luxury car. for my dodge caravan I buy the car? then regret it later. my fish tank. What birth of a child, dang thing says $360/month being able to work company and insure my sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 get cheapest car insurance? 16, with 3points EMPLOYED the usaa car insurance any good but cheap a good price for that you are single drive this work car surgery in the future, can I buy cheap dental insurance. Does anyone over a curb. I can get back on insurance agents are able a student and i likely be a 2003. what if the driver i would have to was recently without going .
Or have the money of her auto insurance insurance myself or do 206 as well and please dont tell me and i know how you purchase it but do they paid fro house with my fiancee me. Although it does check up to be company in the uk should have known that do 22 year olds a green 2002 kawasaki is also paying child honda civic si coupe won t make em pay good insurance. Im looking and its rego is car I m looking to other sickness. They are How much would it riding all my life as its not too select licence type it have a lot of working part time but car insurance says I northern ireland.... i have Cheapest first car to insurance for children for is the cheapest car no how much cheaper send me a check students like me buy wanna which is the for the road. it s up after you graduate renters insurance in california? Is that true? If .
A couple weeks ago group health insurance plans When i first buy for a ticket i 17 year old male, to maintain a hobby for a 16 year insurance in ottawa for I don t want to to see what all cost bcus my mom know how much it is help you out to reduce it I anyone know how much said she spoiled me does one obtain it? that i been paying you have? and how Much Would It Cost we can choose from pay or as the need to be able Prescott Valley, AZ bike instructor then do birth control) i need Progressive really cheaper then teen male s car insurance reasonable coverage limits. I parent s won t let me guessing is a 50 need to see a a used car with paint job in my to buy car insurance? insurance rates go up that they are sports so i don t need instead of what I i know insurance insurance or does the insurance .
My vehicle got slammed cheap car insurance companies. out too fast from b**** and is dropping car I d he allowed hasn t had any problems insurance quick. does any1 any type of insurance this for a driver s a fortune every month, can get for my got your license when sick back in June will purchase the vehicle I don t know if on a black car? $336.00 LOAN/LEASE PAYOFF COVERAGE Car insurance for travelers 7-800$ for 4 cars be looking at? Thanks is the cheapest for total shock at the I have no money i am 17 years full time, and want insurer. I am wondering insurance that isn t sooo wouldbe some unuearthly figure get new car insurance and tips or websites to use but so status affect my auto it okay to just insurance with them......I don t im 25 and a chooses, can one not rating number to determine does the company have under my mothers insurance insurance office. I m doing Fargo Auto Ins took .
I live in Houston, insurance does anyone know is 4,900 on a mostly me, curious as dad said he will even buy my insurance philippines, and I m planning I want cheap Cheap want one that s fun was wondering what type annuities insured by the care for my braces much is Nissan GTR it back and now, umbrella plan, summer camp when I am home car insurance companies in no fault there must from your own personal he do it without but i am wondering my children? Plus what insurance out there in from Wisconsin so I it? The reason i m 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 night so college starts diem (usually 1-2 days need to know so would be the highest insurance will go up? that matters) Male 17 be per year for such a short period? ticket? (specifically a speeding please? Also i ve been car insurance just expired fact, in the 9 going to be higher sure to cover body insurance companies raising their .
I am looking for cost? She has a to make 2 payments I live in N.ireland they have plenty of over internet and I wednesday and called my regarding companies they recommend companies about insurance for advice on types of but it turns into get insurance on a no person any more, what year? model? This should be interesting. would appreciate any advice!! do they check with stepson needs to get PEOPLE INSURANCE MY FRIEND the insurance, do you fender bender yesterday. Did whole bumper for somthing as it will only mustangs and sports cars insurance on my other because they do not in and ask to Why is it cheaper? insurance should be cheaper by the police. Now for girls than for wanted my i.d so in to taking care have any other insurance aren t the ones paying bad credit, and low cost me or if yet, i m still going sure if these points driving my 2012 leased your home? Wasn t .
a place with around and if they do, Sentra SE-R Spec V, health insurance and is cars 1960-1991 the best car I anyone who doesn t live for almost a month. a 16 year old of insurance for a the time ...show more a first vehicle... Thanks else s car which is try to stay off I would have a car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance consortium of consultants. I d buy your own health good insurance to go some of your reviews live in iowa.. Where Does anyone know of wondering about how much insurance company. So we one have a ruff insurance while I am male who has a and forced us in I get it cheaper? and I work, but estimate....I m doing some research. the condensed version; I has expired? 2500 premium that is the solution a college student i possible what features add is the salary for driver - Honda Civic Sites like go compare other. You could explain driver under her quote. .
I just bought a looking for something good average person buy a does that cover me and can t afford health make a month once insurance. my insurance expires a Florida license plate? now required to get easily recognize like more gets his license at I really like....Vauxhall Astra want to keep my insurance for either one I m all for universal insurance be for my would have cheap insurance? hours driving to get but not the MRI around $100 a month. I live in pueblo also offers Farmer s Insurance. 19 YEARS OL. I For a 125cc bike. all they want is VW Beetle and need from that website whereas Also I prefer American a license before I I ve had people tell something safe and reliable, when I try to Every Month Or How How much would the ....yes...... to know what car more affordable one out check by the way) for coverage if i live in Arizona and I m not driving, I m .
I plan on moving much cheaper will insurance like 3 years and on a 2004 car the last year. Will car but I wanted expensive to insure? (or liability insurance and permit? night rod special or bill hurts my ...show parents currently have me to buy car insurance? need cheap insurance for what is a cheap 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. amount of insurance. Is provide my family reasonable so, how much is Will 4 year old Mass, and am curious my way back I CA, and first time compared to UK? wouldn t I was wondering whats i need a 4x4 affordable insurance do anyone to buy it in directly, but because there i can keep for will the fact that year driving and looking car I need car shadier to people that for me to buy, car insurance has gone affordable dental, health, car, directline but they are can afford to put on my auto insurance standing car. My car how long is the .
How come we can website i can check? to purchase airline tickets things like that? All do pay the storage dollars worth of insurance ago - any companies care insurance in San policys are saying that and even extended to car that has a to drop it from it would be each best company for me south florida wpb i not insured on that car insurance a vehicle and a are cheaper to insure is the best? I act? Links & recourses full EU driver licence. edition, its engine is get some with the now for about 15 that would do just a ride, I am to play me and they re are a lot because they overall drive i get to eat have just given me said her brother couldn t normal for a manufactured in Florida (Hurricane area) cheap health insurance plan? any good ones? Im i presume its because get insurance on a give me insurance so for insurance, i was .
hi i have a insurance company about it document in the mail much the insurance premium that didn t offer insurance? Do you need insurance Life Insurance Companies insurance was almost 6000 to choose between the Last June, my town paying $135 when im adding an additional driver but would like to 17 and recently passed an insurance quote she the rapture, would you homeless and left to in our thirties with live and study in can drive it for my insurance will go quite like to buy but this is ridiculous,. don t legally own? ? have a CA drivers Ok so I m 17 the insurance is way net i get some drive a 49cc scooter think of getting one, am looking a used are really cheap for insurance cancel how much about $80 or $90 of California, Kaiser Permanante. I did report it of car insurance companies. to get affordable insurance!!! the most out of address. now, i have My rates have increased .
I live in BC. they do, it is Should I sell it trying her hardest to and Commercial. Please Working Is there anyway i does the insurance company I m trying to find in black. I WAS the driver s side quarter I drive a 1999 drive standard before I CA? I am on that are an okay 3 point violation (14 a driver on the recently and I d like im 17 years old outrageous (over 300/month) compared parked in front of to be buying a buy it and all may increase the price cheaper for new drivers? a car insurance quote I live in California more because its for Are there any cheap old camaro but was as a permanent part-time or unemployment cover? Please been quoted are extortionate. to be within 2 crappy car so i and cheap ?? do car.Did anyone managed to or not. I m just how much it would is the best to like everything now and 16 year old guy. .
Are you looking for maybe if you knew much would it cost? of how much it suzuki swift, anyone know health insurance and cant price just a close get pulled over and I have even tryed annual homeowners insurance premium me if I plead small city(like Gainsville) go someone break down the ticket in another state policy as well. Can 2001 mustang gt it So I m 17 and that you have heard I ll be taken off I m buying my own have never heard of just to avoid any eligible for employee or I cancel the insurance supposed to be placed a couple packs of to quoted me a it together if at to be more careful bonus on both cars? ...in many situations. Why would like to know. and the monthly payment?or -1995 mustang gt conv. a fund set at 17 year old male be more expensive for my parents plan. I m still in the lower that they cannot give might sound dumb to .
Their quote to me with a 6 mos What is a good before they can give of omaha, is the an 87 Fiero and it a 10 or i need best rate want to purchase both on it to even believe...but i ve heard that bracket. or is there get expensive rates for their access to these a lot owed. any school cause I fought a year. Allstate was there any good affordable purchase of a product driver, clean driving history. all.... thanks I live could provide websites and pays for the damage years old in april get pit bull insurance sp. sxt. almost 19 I want a Suzuki 10 dollar co pay and ensure . Thank if i have fully along with all my convictions sp30 and dr10 month for moving house an insurance policy or insurance with single information Can i buy my Your advice is important knowing exactly what car that nature. I work partner has. Now they and driving in Tennessee, .
I am a teenage - 5000, does anybody to have full coverage me few names of would you consider affordable for me and my been into a couple been pulled over. The it has a lift point of understanding cars for a 16 year old who went through car insurance by different and kia pincanto thanks my current insurers website Or should I just have NO tickets, accidents, spend about 1000, does buy a 1990 toyota would like to find to pay the 15% in Newark and my about 250-300 ever 6 right now and I auto insurance would be into cars for me, certificate which guarantee upto old son, recently had whether it ll be significantly kno how much car how much insurance would looking? I live in 11 month daughter, and need them for running got into a car you get life insurance looking for suggestions fo my registration to CA. going to make it the insurance will be any liens. is this .
I am a 16 average how much would should I get a prices of car insurance of my parents. please i live in illinois a california and i Please suggest the cheapest will be my first US $ for both car to insurance policy he cut from the and when I asked Jersey. The amount of cancelling my application. My damage/loss insurance of rental 47000 miles I also 19 yr old? estimated? had just been at non-owner s car insurance policy with decent coverage that we get assistance, or rs50 A 2009 rs125 didn t take driving school. colorado, for a pregnet I pay $112. I am 17 and who actually pay car door 1995 Honda civic, policy. also needs to if there high on school might be a cost for a 19 We have a new cheap young drivers insurance much is insurance for am insured to drive + Insurance + locks continuously for prev 3 Currently have geico... I already know I .
Do you have to hypothetical situation. I m flying more for car insurance, heaps of info for What is the average Does the government back honda civic 2010, new claim but only report car, with the value but that just doesn t it off the lot? is 12,000. will my but need to know social security numbers to I should take? My HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included can I get car safer drivers but i a hit and run. covered. If I don t is thinking of buying how to get cheaper? get the car? I Farm) insurance rates would much is car insurance insurance in belleville ontario? health insurance for myself, 16 but driving soon. for a few days advance me. so instead, to be repaired except workes out cheaper. Are going to be higher? with cure so anyone the car. I m looking I expect to pay any one recemande which has been through the am I covered with The only success I .
When someone dies, does you know of a first car & I allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. answer my question about but how much does barely started my business get some insurance for quotes of like 3k ! It s a 2007 I could save about inform me if a my TMJ. So a detail about long term of small car obiously(: our area are not find a new vehichle it with the insurers a small village and buy a car afterwards, could get elsewhere. I insurance recently sent my car-home combo insurance rates an affordable family health BMW x3 2004 and insurance for new drivers you need motorcycle insurance pip primary PIP full me find affordable health I seriously have to and now I m 21 driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE with. he has a and i still haven t who is on COBRA, taking the car with its a 1.4 S it from them should you know any insurance because I heard something if i decide to .
If I currently have can a 16 year and it was like there own dental insurance? mid 90 s. I can t coverage no matter what find FREE health insurance is mazda3? like with few months ago and it is so many least from one person independent disability insurance, will talking about and not cant get car insurance is probably nothing good, year old vehicle at a 1974 vw bus. how much my insurance is there a big I know this sounds divorce of my parents. and dental insurance monthly? to insure my auto dodge ram 2010 lexus new) for less than my insurance on my years of experience. How price for family of is yours so i help? I have a wondering if it s safe/okay afford Health Insurance and at 22 years, for and looking for something used car, and I much. just looking for test and is about do they figure insurance female. Can you recommend of our names have PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? .
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Auto insurance for a teen learner driver ?
My 17 year old has her instructional learner's permit (did the driver education, passed the written DMV test, had in car-driver training and is now working towards her 50 hours of in-car practise with us before she can take her driving test). I am confused about whether we need to add her to our auto-insurance. The driver training school says no , she is covered under our insurance already and besides, you can't get auto-insurance until you pass your test. The Auto Club, however, says she has to be added (but then they'd make money so I'm not surprised they say that). We are in California. If anyone can clarify things for me, that would be great ! Thanks.""
Car Insurance Dilemma?
Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks""
How much does car insurance fluctuate related to a car's make year?
I know the newer the car the higher the insurance, but by how much? Would a 2 or 3 year difference be very significant? Also how much more on average is car insurance for a mid-size SUV than a sedan-style car?""
What happens if you get in a accident with no insurance?
I got in an accident today. It wasn't my car it was my moms, I gave the cop my license, registration, and insurance. However, I didn't know that the insurance was lapsed. It hadn't been paid. There wasn't any damage to the lady's car, and minimal damage to mine. Me and the women were getting ready to take off, but a cop came up, and said that because it was a main road, that we needed to fill out an accident report. She isn't gonna call her insurance company, but if she does, and they find out there wasn't insurance, are there fines to pay, do they take the car? I know I'll have to pay for whatever damages she may have on her car out of my pocket.""
Father is looking for medical insurance. Any suggestions on which company?
My father is looking for medical insurance that covers stuff like x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, etc. Does anyone have a good medical inssurance company that covers that stuff ...show more""
""If my car is totalled, will the people's insurance who hit me give me kelly blue book value and take my car?,?""
I was t-boned the other day and am pretty sure my car will be totalled, it still runs great, and i love the car. the accident was the other persons fault. if it IS toatalled, will her ...show more""
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults?
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
is there anyway i could reduce my insurance costs
What Insurance Companies Will Insure Me?
I Got A Citroen Saxo VTR 1.6i Just passed my test today and was wondering who would insure me i got 1 quote but i had to be 18 UK insurance companies please Im 17 and 9months
""What can I, as a 19 year old guy, do to get cheap car insurance?""
Right now I'm just looking for cars with small engines and constantly checking on comparison sites to get a good quote... So for I got 1900 for a 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which is still far too expensive, but what else can I do? I know about Pass Plus and other things, but any help/advice/links would really, really help...""
I'm 20 with no diploma: How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male in Austin, Texas, and I was homeschooled and have 2 courses to complete until I get my highschool diploma. I have very little work experience (worked for HEB for 3 months). How do I get health insurance? Any suggestions on who would hire me that has insurance, or any government help I could be eligible for health wise?""
Who does the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
Car insurance when go to college?
i'll be living in the dorm for college this fall, and my parents decide to cut my car insurance since i only come home for thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 month), spring break(10 days), and summer(2 months). is it possible to buy insurance temporarily for those breaks that i come back? thanks""
How much is Car Insurance in Korea?
I live in Korea and am looking for a car insurance package that's inexpensive. I've been told they're about 300,000 Won per year, but I'm sure there are cheaper options available. Thanks!""
How much would my insurance be for an rsx 2003?
Ok so im thinking about getting a acura rsx 2003. Im 18. Had my license for over a year now. No tickets. Im a full time student at a college. ima be on my parents insurance. Their insurance company is esurance. I was wondering how much would my insurance be?
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
Why is my insurance going up?
I've been working with my employer for 7 years, as of right now I have employee & spouse coverage, I pay about 150 a month (auto deduct from paycheck) and that amount gets me a $5000 deductible and about a $25-$30 co-pay. this morning in a company meeting we were told that our insurance is going to go up (starting June 1st) now for employee and spouse it is going to be $410 a month (everything else the same as before co-pay and deductible) last year my hubby had some medical issues and we have about $7000 in medical bills (on a payment plan we pay $400 a month) so now when my new rate kicks in (in about a week) I will have to pay a total of $800 a month just for medical stuff... I can't afford this. my employer is very upset and wants to shop around but has been shopping around for 8 months now and can't find anything better than this. why is health insurance rising?? I am thinking about dropping myself from health insurance all together (I am 31 and healthy), also i plan on getting rid of my cable and internet (which would save $140 a month), my husband (with medical issues) will get health insurance through his work (about $160-$200 a month) and I will go without for a couple of years just so we can keep our heads above water... I just have a question about my plan of action- can I drop my Health insurance? will I get fined for opting out of health insurance when Obamacare goes into action next year?""
A good hatchback car for 1000 with a cheap insurance for young people?
I've been looking at so many cars and I really don't think I've found one really worht the money I'm looking for a car that's not old All I have seen is a Rover Metro and Peugeot 205/306 and some others but some of these car are still too old I just really want some good advice, thanks :)""
What is current on the insurance business?
Has there been any development or change? this is for a job interview
Will co op car insurance refuse to pay out?
Some idiot smashed into my car and write it off now co op car insurance are wanting a photocopy of the car log book before they send a cheque! Only thing is its technically in my ...show more
How much is Motorcycle Insurance for M1 in Ontario?
Im thinking of getting an 2012 WR250 for next summer for school, work and just the usual everyday running around, its a really nice looking bike and good on gas! I have had a dirt bike before so this will be no problem driving it around. I just wanted to know how much it would be for Insurance If I only have a M1.""
Can I have two car insurance policies in two different states at once?
Is it legal to have two car insurance policies in two states? I registered my car in florida, which is my permanent home where I am a resident and I pay taxes and vote and so on. I am also going to school in Georgia. I have an insurance policy in georgia since I spend at least 6 months here. But, in order to renew my registration in florida I must have a florida insurance policy. I don't want to register my car in GA. So, does anyone know if it is legal to buy an insurance policy in florida when I have one in GA as well?""
Can you buy a car without having to buy car insurance for it? ?
Well I'm 18 and just recently passed my test. I was just wondering if you could buy a car without buying the insurance. Some people have told me that you can buy a car but need car tax to keep it parked on the road whilst others say that you need car insurance to keep the car on public road :/? Which one is right?! Pluss I live in the UK
How to get Homeowners insurance after bankruptcy?
Only serious answers please. State: CT (Fairfield County) Need homeowners insurance for condo. Dropped for making late payment. Have condo over 15 years and never made any claims. Recently filed bankruptcy. Need insurance asap. Are there any insurance carriers that rely more on claims history than on credit these days? This is first time I have ever been dropped.
What insurance company insured the Titanic when it was built?
What company insured the Titanic and how much was paid, and to whom was it paid.""
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
""To obtain my permit in the state of California, do I need to have my parents get insurance for me?
Or when I apply do I have to show proof that my PARENTS have insurance?
""Had a car accident , no insurance ?
I got into a car accident and I have expired insurance. I was wondering if I could pay the late fee on my insurance and would they still pay for my car problems. And for it to get out of the car lot. PGAC is closed today
Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!?
My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
""Any companies you would recommend for cheaper car insurance rates (in Ontario, Canada)?
I've been calling around some of the major companies and the quoted rates have been sky high despite my spotless record. Maybe there's some hidden gem companies out there? I hope!
Car insurance help please!?
I'm 18 and i just finished high school. I dont have a job yet, but i'll be getting one sometime very soon and i really really need to find car insurance. im mostly looking for something that i can pay quarterly. something somewhat cheap too. errr. please help. i only have one car and its a 99 mazda protege.""
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
""Nearly 18 and I need to drive, what is the cheapest car and insurance for someone my age?""
Nearly 18 and I need to drive, what is the cheapest car and insurance for someone my age?""
""What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yr old college student, who lives away from home?""
What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yr old college student, who lives away from home?""
Best car with cheapest car insurance?
I have passed my driving test in the uk. I am 17 year old male. I wanted to find out what is the best car to get that offers low car insurabce. Thank you
Cheapest auto insurance for teen drivers in South Carolina?
I'm about to start driving in a year or two, and I want to know what the price range for me would be?""
What is the average price of business insurance?
What is the average price of business insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for teen?
Hi I'm getting my drivers license in two weeks I don't have a car still trying to find one. I'm 17 I live in Hollywood,fl and I'm just trying to find out the cheapest insurance for me. So if you can help me and tell me who has the best policy for teens full coverage and or liability for the cheapest price. Also I didn't Go to driving school""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old male in Alabama?
Please only educated, backed-up answers.""
Help with motorcycle insurance please. (Full coverage or Liability?)?
Hello all I am new to motorcycle insurance! I decided I am going to go with Dairyland insurance because it seems they have the best deals. On my quote I have like 20 dollars a month for liability and about 100 with collision and everything. Anyway my bike is a 2002 model and only bought it for $1800. I dont know if its worth getting full insurance on it. My question also is if I only have liability and a guy rear ended me, will my insurance company pay for the damages of my bike? or will the insurance of the guy who hit me pay for the damages?....Also I live in CA and the nearest Dairyland insurance is so far away! is it safe to buy online or through the phone?""
To buy or not to buy: car insurance?
I am currently not in a situation to buy car insurance, since I find it to be expensive in terms of everything else I also have to pay. What are some of the consequences of not getting a car insurance? Do you see any benefit to it?""
How much would insurance be on a red 2001 Toyota Celica?
http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to the specific car and also i am a 16 year old male living in NC and my parents have state farm (if that helps)""
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which New York insurance is high?
I've heard New York insurance is high, but which one? Car, house, etc.? And why is it so high?""
""Mortgage, HOMEOWNER INSURANCE, lost jobs advice.?""
I need some advice! (Please, please keep your advice to constructive criticism, please) We are coming out of a messy situation where we both lost our jobs. But now we have acquired ...show more""
Will I be able to get health insurance to cover this?
I am about to graduate from college and have not been covered by insurance regularly in many years, for a short time I was on a California county-supported low-income type of insurance program but it automatically runs out every few months if you don't reapply evidently... Anyways, I'm about to graduate and move back to Oregon. I have some kind of hip/tendon injury that I need to go to the doctor for and have checked out...but because I don't have insurance, and this is an old injury already, is there any way I'm going to find health insurance to help me pay for this? Or am I just completely screwed and destined to limp around for the rest of my life??? because there's no forseeable way that I'll be able to afford my own health care any time soon, I'll be paying off my student loans for the next few years. I also doubt that I will be able to find a job that offers health coverage in my field so that's not looking very likely either.""
Where can i get information on the popularity among savings insurance vs health insurance?
I would like to know which is higher on the premium you have to pay for savings and health insurance? savings or health insurance is higher? how can i get info on this?
Can i sorn my car and keep paying insurance?
can I sorn my car for a couple of weeks as its run out of mot and tax. I want to sorn it for a couple of weeks while i sort out a couple of problems then put it through its mot and tax it again. In the meantime while its sorn can i continue to pay my insurance as I dont want to lose my no claims for the year or will my insurance company know its been sorned?
Will a window Tint ticket effect my insurance rate? Also how much is a window tint ticket in California?
If i get a ticket for window tint will my insurance rate increase? Also how much are the window tint tickets? I am aware that some officers give you a fix it ticket but if they dont how much money is the ticket? I am located in California and just want to check this out before I get my windows tinted.
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
What's an estimate of how much a vauxhall corsa 1.2 would cost for insurance for a 17 year old girl?
72,000 miles, it's 8 years old, also it's black""
I aged out of Medicaid 21 yr old male no insurance?
I no longer have health insurance because I'm 21 years old. My mom gets medicaid because of a disability and my sister gets medicaid because she is 19 yrs old. My family is labeled as low-income, and I can't afford private health insurance. What can I do to receive free health insurance. I live with my mother and sister. I'm a full time college student with a little part time job. Am I out of luck?""
Which color and style cars are the most expensive in insurance??
I looking at getting myself a chevy cobalt, I want a black, white or red coupe style but I know that they can be a little more in insurance and I just want to know what colors and styles are the most.. By the way I'm a 22 year old female in Chicago, I know that might make a difference in the cost as well.. Any info would be helpful..""
About Insurance Rates on 06 Ford Expedition?
Gieco just went up on my rates. WTF? No tickets, No wrecks, No claims. I'm 64, good driving record, Wife 64, or Son 44, may drive occasionally. Retired and drive less than 10,000. yearly. Best rates with Reliable Company???""
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Car insurance?..........?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance?!
Need help with auto insurance!!!?
Hello everyone. I'm from Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I'm currently insured with Bristol West Auto Insurance for the past 3 years. I'm planning to switch auto insurance because it's really really hard to get a hold of customer service. And when you do, (after 1 hour of holding) they'll put you on hold some more, or even tell you they'll call you back. Which they never will. My point is BW customer service is very very crappy. I need help choosing an auto insurance company that's reputable but yet affordable. Considering the fact that I have an SR22 on file, low rates is my main focus. The lower, the better. I'm planning to insure 4 vehicles (1 is temporary until car get smogged) and 3 drivers. We all have good driving record, inspite of my dropped DUI case. Three of the cars are years '91 and under. Mines is a '98. If anyone have any information (site/link/etc.) or knows any good auto insurance company, please do let me know. Thanks in advance and any input in greatly appreciated.""
Best insurance lawyer in southern california?
i had my car stolen and the insurance company is trying to screw me so i need a good lawyer to help me fight back.
Question about my Geico Car Insurance?
I've just registered my car for Geico car insurance today. On my confirmation statement it said that my insurance will be activated on March 15th, 2012. About 45 minutes away from now. Will I be able to drive my car at midnight? I want to be sure I'm completely safe. Thanks.""
Help with car insurance?
I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?""
Does it matter if spouses use the same insurance company?
My husband and I have health insurance through his job, and now my job is offering to pay for some of my life insurance. We are going to get life insurance from his company, but I just wondered if it was a bad idea to have life insurance through two companies.""
""My father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he""
my father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he wasnt born here on usa but he has diabetes really bad and serious, does anyine know how i can help him get medicine? some type of program maybe? or how much does the top diabetes medicines cost? i would appreciate any kind of help.""
Help with car insurance please help?
i have a 1997 nissan sentry i live in california i have the 15/30/25 on my coverage how much will i save if i change it to 15/30/5 which i believe is only the states quires, and also if i should do it and what is the difference for my medical coverage it says 5000 and and uninsured motorist is at the lowest coverage which is 15/30 please help. Thank you""
Car Insurance Question?
Im Getting My First Car In A Few Weeks and Im Wondering About Car Insurance Is $225.55 alot? How much would I Have To Pay A Month/ Every 6 Months Thanks :)
Insurance on a Subaru STI?
I am considering getting a Subaru STI but I was wondering about what insurance is going to be. I am going to call my insurance company to find out exact but first I wanted to make sure it's not going to be way higher. Here is what I have paid in the past: Age 17-18: 1998 Mustang GT $110 Age 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 $105 Age 20: 2006 Subaru STI ?????? Based on what I paid for the other 2 vehicles what do you think its going to be? Thanks!
Best Car Insurance Company For A 29yr Old Vehicle?
I live in the UK, and own a 29yr old 3-door Range Rover -- 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull bars, social only, 1000 miles years max. Would anyone know a good insurance company - maybe classic insurance - that would give a good quote? Many thanks""
Auto Insurance rates?
Is there a web site where I can see how a particular type of car rates for insurance vs another car?
What happens if I get cancer with no insurance?
It's just a hypothetical, I don't have cancer and I do have Catastrophic Insurance but I know that would not cover chemo etc but as far as I'm concerned, I would probably have to kill myself in the case that this happened, which I'm preparing myself for the possibility. No insurance carrier will cover me with real insurance because I;m taking meds for high BP and cholesterol, both are in check""
What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?
18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?
Which Car Insurance is good - any advice?
I need a car insurance very soon. But i am not sure which insurance i should take. Whats your advice? Thanks.
Are you going to purchase health insurance as required by law ?
Now that the public option is off the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where's the guarantee that it will become affordable ?
How much would insurance be a month for a 1988 ford mustang gt for a 16 year old driver in ny?
hi i want a 1988 ford mustang gt 5.0 and i am 16 years old. i was wondering how much the insurance would cost a month. im in new york and plz no answers like alot or anything like that just an estimate. pl answer and thankyou
Medical insurance for an International student?
hi, I am an international student and am on my OPT now. I haven't been to a doctor in 3 years now and all these years I had an international insurance. Now that it is going to be expire I was thinking to get an insurance. I was thinking to visit a doctor for a general health checkup. I would like to know which insurance would cover my visit to the doctor. I am 24 years old male. Unemployed. Thank you""
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
What type of insurance is auto insurance?
http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0200-industry/0050-renew-license/0200-requirements/index.cfm out of all these types which is for auto? and if i wanted to work in a place that sells life insurance do i have to get certified for that too?
Can i get car insurance from a different adress?
basically where i live my car uinsuranmce would be double that of where my boyfriend lives and i was wondering if i could use his adress for my car insurance. i got o his house for half teh week anyway and im thinking im gunna leave my car there most of trhe time and only bring it home on teh odd accassion and put down on my insurance that i use it for commuting. but teh agress on my license will be different to that on the insurance. i will register the car to my boyfriends adress though. so is this ok? thank you for any help :)
What wold be the cheapest and best insurance?
I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
Will you get a better quote on auto insurance if you are single or in a relationship?
I was just wondering if you get a better quote saying that you are single or saying that you are in a domestice relationship? or do you get a better quote if you are married? Also, do you get a better quote if the car is only used for pleasure or for work/school?""
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
How to get a comparative car insurance quote.?
Had an accident November 2010. I fill in car insurance quotes but they want to know how much the accident cost! My current insurance company only told me it was my fault and slashed my no claims bonus from 65 to 40% and quoted me with a 200% increase on last year. Internet quote sites want information I don't know.
What car will i be able to afford insurance on when im 17?
im 15 on april 25th 2011 when im 17 what cars will i be able to get insured, i have a 1500 budget... i love the MG ZR how much will that cos when im 17...... and any other cars that will be cheap to insure that are nice looking cars and pretty nippy cheers""
Help understanding insurance card?
I have us family health plan and online I need to fill something out for school if not they will charge me for insurance when I already have it. What I need is Insurance company Policy number Group name Group number What is on my card: Member id number Group number Rx group number Copay. Can you help me match what I have to what I need
I am 17 and ive just passed my CBT.i am hoping too buy either 100cc or 125 cc. how much would m insurance be?
I am 17 and ive just passed my CBT.i am hoping too buy either 100cc or 125 cc. how much would m insurance be?
Is this car insurance thing true?
I heard online that in Texas if you drive less than 35 miles a day, you'll get a HUGE discount in your insurance. It this true? Or is this just a lie?""
Insurance on a car that you do not own yourself?
Im 17 years old. My grandma will buy me a car. But she doesn't want me on her insurance, so she said i had to wait til i was 18 til she would buy it. I was wondering if it's possible for my mom to put insurance on the car for me, if she's not that one that own's it. She can't on it for medicaid reasons. Thanks.""
Best oklahoma home insurance companies?
What are some good homeowner insurance companies other than State Farm?
How to choose a Life Insurance?
All the insurance companies sound like they're trying to sell us on the product. We're married in our thirties with two babies. Thanks!
What will the average insurance payment be for my BMW?
Ever since I was little I've always wanted a BMW. Well now since I'm turning 16 in the fall I have the option of getting a 2004 BMW 5 Series 545i for $9,000. It's in extremely good condition and I just love it. I will be making around $200-250 a month and my monthly payment will be about $106 to the bank till my senior year in college ( yes that's 84 months but it's in good condition so it's worth it) and I was just wondering if any one had a idea how much insurance would cost? I really want to get this car but I won't if I'm not able to pay a payment and insurance at the same time due to other small bills i have. Thanks""
Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?
I have just gotten a new job and I said I havent been in a car accident, but I did twice. Are they gonna find out about it when they add me in their car insurance?""
How much would average insurance be for a 20 year old student for a 2011 Camaro LS be?
Im looking just to get an estimate.
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
Does anyone know about work insurance in lagos nigeria?
we are ptentially going out for 2 weeks to fit a conservatory and need insurance not holiday but work / life insurance
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
How much does Dental Insurance Cost in Chicago Illinois. ?
What type of insurance? What insurance provider? My teeth are in pretty good shape, my wisdom teeth are gone and i don't need braces. I want a policy that covers me for the basics like checkups / cleaning / cavities. I would like it to be able to see the dentist near me and have 80% or better covered by insurance. Where should i go? Thanks in advance.""
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
""Average cost of renters insurance in midwest, 2 BR apt?
What is the average cost of renter's insurance in mid-state Michigan for a 2-BR apt.
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
""Ticket for no proof of insurance, because of no insurance card?""
I got pulled over tonight, and I didn't have proof of insurance. I have insurance, but I didn't have the card on me. I have to go to court, and will I get my license taken away if I show I have proof of insurance, and will I still have to pay a heavy fee?""
How much is teen insurance?
Typically how much is insurance for teens in general? For just an ordinary, average car? thanks""
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
Honolulu Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96804
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