#anyway shoutout to the 2 girls who got bullied with me <3 they were both smart enough to leave that school when they got the chance
blueskittlesart · 4 years
if ur ever wondering why i hate the american public school system so much know that when i was in 2nd/3rd grade me and like 2 of my close friends were being hardcore bullied by literally all the other girls in our class so we reported it to the counselors office because that’s what they told us to do if we were being bullied and the counselor’s solution was to pull every girl in our class out of like reading class or something and make us sit in the counselor’s office and do what they called a ‘friendship circle’ where they would give us candy as rewards for being nice to each other. this did not stop the bullying however it did convince the counselor that the girls were too nice to actually be bullying us and we were just making it up for attention
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youtiaoshutiao · 4 years
i just finished "the romance of tiger and rose" and i have nothing to watch now :( do you have any cdrama recs?
hello!!!! sorry i got to this a week late my tumblr is like... neglected currently
anyway i’m so glad u enjoyed tiger and rose!!! i love it so much too :D for cdrama recs, omg it really depends on what u’re looking for!!!! i find it so hard to narrow down dramas that are my faves to recommend because i actually watch very little HAHA and i only watch to completion dramas that i really like anyway xD anyway i’ll just list a few that i’ve watched recently (meaning like... from mid 2019 till now) and really enjoyed!!!
period dramas:
- joy of life 庆余年 (2019): hard to describe this tonally because it’s v irreverant and hilarious yet moving and deep and suspenseful?! the first 15 episodes are fun and enjoyable but i think i really really truly got into it after that and became invested 100%. in my eyes it felt like a fervent love poem to life and the human condition especially towards the end. the characters are all very fascinating and there’s a lot of twisty plot twists. excellent acting and script writing. only caveat is that it’s the first season out of a planned 3 season series so it ends on a cliffhanger, and the female lead doesn’t really have as much agency compared to the other supporting female characters (mainly due to her circumstances and the role she plays i guess).
- young blood 大宋少年志 (2019): YOOO THIS is a huge lovelovelove for me, you have the most lovable squad consisting of 6 very different and generally lonely teenagers who get roped into this secret services thing where they deal with top secret government plots and stuff. and they start off all on the wrong foot and grow to LOVE EACH OTHER and RELY ON EACH OTHER and HAVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. *sobs just thinking about it* has many supporting characters that are interesting and whom u also get invested in. It’s an original script written by Wang Juan 王倦 who also wrote the joy of life script, except young blood is 100% original and not adapted from a webnovel! just like tiger and rose’s script, which is also an original script written by Nan Zhen. this is SUPER SUPER rare nowadays in cdramaland which is why i stan these 2 dramas so hard hahaha. caveat: young blood also ends on a kind of cliffhanger/open ending, but it still felt like the arcs that the entire series covered in terms of character development were well completed so i was okay with it. plus there are lots of hints that there’s also gonna be a season 2, though I think Wang Juan is still writing the script for that.
- under the power 锦衣之下 (2019/2020): this is the drama that tiger and rose is sometimes compared to in terms of how it became so popular unexpectedly. i would wholeheartedly recommend this 100% solely for the OTP which is a Tsundere Embroidered Uniform Guard (Ming-dynasty secret police) ML x Bubbly/talkative/street smart Constable FL. they are SUPER SUPER cute and the leads (who are both my faves) play them super well and their romantic development is presented really organically. the outfits esp the male lead’s are A+++ also and make him look super super hot. i like the OST too. however everything else is quite mediocre lol especially the special effects and the meandering sideplots and there was a whole plot arc that didn’t really make much sense because a lot was edited out because of censorship. STILL VERY ADDICTIVE THO
- the story of ming lan 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦 (2018/2019): a very long drama (but quite normal by cdrama standards lol) basically about the ~journey~ and ~growth~ of our protagonist minglan, unfavoured daughter of a concubine of a relatively high ranking civil servant. it’s a very different vibe to a lot of other cdramas in that it’s very slice-of-life and slow paced, but i think it’s fascinating how it showcases how women deal and work with the internal dynamics of a household in a patriarchal society, and how that affects societal and political affairs as well. her OTP with an unfavoured son from another family (lol) is also very very delicious as it’s basically 2 people who have gone thru a lot of Trauma as children treasuring each other/learning that they too are treasured by the other and them building their own family and household against all odds and evil family members. it’s v long and slow paced as i mentioned earlier but it’s very very rewarding!! and i think many of my tumblr mutuals would agree it’s quite a favourite :D
modern dramas:
(i’ll admit that i’ve only had the brainspace the past 1 year for fluffy brainless modern dramas so all these are just for the FLUFF)
- skate into love 冰糖炖雪梨 (2020): uni drama where the FL re-picks up her true love speed skating after abandoning it for Reasons and gets back into it competitively. her OTP is her primary school deskmate who is an ice hockey player. the otp is very very fun!! the ML has a lot of resentment towards FL initially because FL was quite the bully in primary school but i really like how they resolved it and eventually the ML falls first and falls Really Really Hard and it is Delicious. the career aspects was quite well done also and i really rooted for the FL to rediscover her passion and pick it up again, and also for the ML to become better at his craft. caveat: i actually still have 10 episodes to go as i stalled because i know there’s a couple of episodes coming up that are going to be frustrating because of typical Misunderstanding and Miscommunication blablabla. but that’s pretty common lolol and overall it’s still a cute watch.
- the 致我们 series consisting of 3 dramas : 
1) a love so beautiful 致我们单纯的小美好 (2017): high school drama basically tsundere male lead x bubbly female lead, they’ve been classmates since young and are next door neighbours, female lead has a crush on him since forever
2) put your head on my shoulder 致我们暖暖的小时光 (2019): set in uni, female lead’s doing an internship far from her school, male lead is a physics student and his parents have a flat for him that is near female lead’s internship place, BAM THEY ARE FLATMATES!
3) the love equations 致我们甜甜的小美满 (2020): uni drama, female lead is a chinese language major who loves writing forensic novels online, male lead is a forensic science major.
all 3 are really cute lolol. i put these 3 because i just watched the third one two months ago and i feel like i have to mention it in the context of the first 2 haha. the first 2 were definitely hits both domestically and internationally. i feel the 3rd one kind of flopped? in terms of reception compared to the first 2 and a lot of my drama mutuals couldn’t get into it, and i can understand why because it did feel more unpolished? in terms of directorial choices/the editing/the acting/the script. but i still somehow really loved it for some reason, i think some parts of the ML’s life esp his relationship with his mum really resonated with me, and i loved FL and her friendships with her dormmates so so so so much. so i really rooted for the OTP.  i think objectively in terms of quality i would rate them 2 > 1 > 3, but in terms of feels... i loved them all. and it’s all just pure fluff anyway at the end of the day HAHA.
ok i’m running out of time writing this hehe but also a quick shoutout to my 2 favourite youth/high school dramas forever - With You 最好的我们 (2015) and My Huckleberry Friends 你好旧时光 (2017) which are sister dramas/set in the same universe and imo, are the pinnacle of youth dramas and what it means to capture the anxieties/stresses/mundane joys/pain/beauty of the Chinese/Asian high school experience. 
there are many others from before 2019 that i watched and enjoyed but i didn’t put them in hehe. and i’m sorry HAHA i actually don’t have much trust in my own taste LOL but i hope it helps!!
ohhhh and i’ve been trying to avoid starting on new dramas because of Exam Prep but there’s been SO MANY airing lately that i’ve been interested in:
The Bad Kids 隐秘的角落: apparently super well done suspense/thriller drama that’s receiving rave reviews everywhere!!
Love A Lifetime 暮白首: an original wuxia starring ren jialun (ML in under the power) whom i love so much and zhang huiwen
My Girl 99分女朋友: this is a modern day cdrama written by nan zhen!!! (who wrote tiger and rose) so i think it might be worth checking out :))
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justanothr · 7 years
Spider sleuth and the case of a missing MJ part 2
FANFIC: PETER X MICHELLE Alright guys, there will have to be a part 3. The story gets a little cheesy and angsty over here. Fair warning. Special shoutout to: @tomhollandisdaddy2003  ! You have motivated me to write the next part of this story! Thank you! :* Quick recap of part 1: Spidey falls out of a tree right in front of Michelle's front door. For more part 1 read: https://justanotherfangirlpassingthrough.tumblr.com/post/163860253638/spider-sleuth-and-the-case-of-a-missing-mj
PART 2: Peter hadn't planned on starting a conversation with MJ! He had to say something now, though. It would be super awkward otherwise. "H-hey, Mich- uhm, miss! How are you doing on a fine day like this! " Peter tried and failed, to make his voice sound as deep as possible. This was going to end well. "Hey spider dude." Said Michelle. She'd lost her composure for only about a second. Now she was leaning coolly against the doorframe. "It's spiderman!" Peter corrected. "Yeah, whatever, I don't care." She was eyeing him with those striking eyes of hers, looking as bored and uninterested as ever. She still had unmistakable marks of bruising on her cheek. She also had crazy dark circles, making her look like she hadn't slept for weeks. He slowly let go of the web string and landed lightly on to the ground. God, how he hoped that he looked cooler than he felt. "So are you here looking for a bad guy in my frontyard? Because if you are, there's this really nasty racoon that's been terrorising my cat for the past week. It might be worth looking into as well." "Uh ma'am, I was just passing through! But you can count on your friendly neighborhood spiderman to get rid of the racoon menace for you!" Peter did a sort of salute and started to turn around, desperate for an escape. "Yo, hold up just a second, spider thing! " "It's spiderman" Peter groaned under his breath as he turned back around to face her. She rummaged through her hoodie pocket, took out a Rubik's cube and started fidgeting with it with quick flicks of her fingers. Not even looking up from the cube, she said, " I was just wondering about what you were doing in DC that day. The day the Washington monument blew up." She looked up at him with a slight smile. Ok, this was getting bad. He had to leave NOW. But something kept him rooted to the ground. "Uh, it was a lucky coincidence, really!" He said, sort of lamely. " Uh-uh" she said, continuing to flick her Rubik's cube around. " A local New York vigilante, spotted almost everyday on the streets of Queens, decides to visit Washington on the very day the monument blows up?" Damn, this girl ain't easy to convince! " Well, to tell you the truth, It was a tip off that led me to the bomb. There were a lot of things going on at the time... " Peter improvised. He tried to run his hand through his hair but then realized he had the mask on and awkwardly lowered it. "Sure, sure..." She was concentrating on the cube now. "You know, there's this loser named peter parker in my decathlon team. He says he knows you. He was supposed to be at the Washington monument with us that day, but he wasn't. Do you know where he disappears off to? " She tossed the Rubik's cube upwards and caught it. It was fully solved. Holy mother of spiders. " I know Peter , he's a good kid! But I cannot stay here and answer your questions all day, ma'am. I have a city to watch over! So see you around! " "Alright, spider dude! " "Just don't get into any trouble" he said, gesturing at his cheek. She raised her middle finger at him. "Fuck off, spiderman!" "Now she gets my name right." He muttered, as he turned around and swung away. ------------------------- "So you were stalking her." " Don't call it that, Ned!" Peter groaned. He was lying on his bed with his face buried in his pillow while Ned sat at the table, trying to finish an essay which was due the next day. " What else would you call following someone to their house without their permission?" Peter sat up. " look, I'm sure Michelle probably just ran into someone's extended fist and got bruised. But if there was even the slightest chance that she was in some sort of trouble, and I was sitting right there not doing anything, I'd feel terrible. I mean, what's the point of being a superhero if you can't even look out for your friends!" " I get your point. We are probably the closest things to 'friends' that she has." "Exactly! And she was right there and I couldn't help myself. " Peter sighed. " Anyway, I didn't really have to worry. I just got owned by her." " Yup. She wiped the floor with you." Said Ned, nodding. Peter threw the pillow at him. " MJ suspects that I'm spiderman. This is the last thing I needed right now." " Well, you can worry about that later. You have three essays to finish by tomorrow." ------------------------- MJ was a no show to school the next day too. Peter was returning home after running a couple of errands for May that evening. As he reached the seventh floor, he heard voices issuing from outside old Mrs Anna's house from across the hallway. Mrs Anna was this lovely old lady who always offered sweet treats to Peter when he was little. "Now don't get too stressed out, Michelle dear." She was saying. " You and your sister need plenty of sleep. Make sure you get it, won't you? " " don't worry about it, aunt Anna!" It was MJ's voice. Peter instinctively hid around a corner in the hallway, listening. He didn't want to have any awkward encounters. Not two days in a row. "Ohh, I won't. Take care now, both of you! And give Madeline my best!" " We will aunt Anna!" Came a second girl's voice. The sister? There were footsteps coming his way as the two girls approached the lift. They passed Peter in his hiding place and as they did, he could make out MJ's face. She had a swollen lip today and more bruises. Peter stifled a gasp. Who did this to her!? Face timing Ned later that day, Peter told him about everything he'd seen and heard. "Do you think she's being bullied? " Peter asked apprehensively. "Naah, she's too intimidating for that. She'd be the bully!" "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. If there's anything being spiderman has taught me, it's that. " Peter scratched his chin thoughfully. " I could ask Mrs Anna about it. She has always been nice to me." --------------------- Unable to shake the vision of the state of MJ's face last night from his brain, Peter decided to risk being called a nosy prat and pay Mrs Anna a visit. Mrs Anna loved having guests. She was especially delighted to have Peter over. After being offered coffee and a bunch of other snacks and trying his best to engage in small talk, Peter finally managed to get to the point. " So uh- Michelle Jones goes to my school, and I couldn't help but notice that you had her over yesterday!" "Oh you know dear Michelle, do you? What a small world! Her mother Madeline was the only one I was close to in the family. Having her children over is such a joy, seeing how I don't have any of my own!" She chuckled fondly. Peter went on tentatively. " She hasn't been coming to school much these days. I was just wondering if something's going on..." Mrs Anna's face grew somber. " She has been through a lot, Michelle. But she's a strong girl. She always has been. Never had many friends. Kids her age always think of her as weird, that's what she'd tell me. She has grown used to being alone. " Mrs Anna took a sip of her coffee, frowning. " But everyone needs friends at some point, Peter. No matter how strong they are. And that's why it's so great to see that she has someone like you asking after her, it really is. But it's not my place to tell you what she is going through, you'll have to ask her that yourself." She finished, with a sad smile on her face. ----------------------- You do not always need a fancy suit or a mask to help people. Sometimes, all you've got to be is yourself. Peter figured that Michelle didn't need Spiderman's help, she needed Peter Parker's. It was really chilly outside. Peter wore a jacket over his hoodie as he left the house that evening. He'd decided to go right up to MJ's front door and talk to her. Mrs Anna was right. No one can get through life without friends. He had Ned and that made life so much better. MJ shouldn't have to deal with whatever she was going through alone. She would have him if she needed him. part 3:
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joslynfoxes · 7 years
very late recap of my experience at Alexis Michelle and Farrah Moan's show in Bristol on 11/5/17
Note that I was blitzed out of my mind when I wrote this recap, except for the edits I made when I started to remember things:
One was called Leeonce Knowles (sp?), who did a good number but I legitimately can’t remember what it was (EDIT: IT WAS CLAT, FOLLOWED BY THE INTRO TO READ U WROTE U BUT INSTEAD OF THE LYRICS HAD THE LINDA EVANGELISTA REMIX), then Polly Amory (sp?) who did a great fun Hermione-witchcraft inspired number which included Harry Potter film audio clips, Little Mix’s Black Magic, School’s Out For Summer and What Time Is It from HSM2 (in my opinion she was the best of the ‘local queens’, besides the host). Another queen who I can’t remember the name of did another number but it was a song I’d never heard of so I didn’t really remember it. She had amazing legs.
Then the hostess introduced Alexis. Alexis started with S&M by Rihanna and was BRILLIANT. She pulled a guy onstage and like pretended to suck his dick it was funny and she had this whip. Then she finished the performance and spoke a little bit, mainly jokes about giving the guy chlamydia. She was like actually funny and i enjoyed her a lot. She then introduced her “little sister” Farrah.
Farrah was wearing her pink robe (my friend who doesn’t watch drag race kept yelling “OH MY GOD SHES SO PRETTY”) and she did a song I didn’t know but it was very good and very Farrah. (EDIT: It was a female cover of Whatever You Like which turns out is an absolute banger and we listened to it on repeat the next day in the hotel room). I filmed literally all of it because she’s really captivating in person. She got the biggest applause out of everyone for that number. Then she took the mic for a couple of minutes and said “This number was dedicated to everyone who says I’ve got a boy body. Number 1) Who gets to say what a woman’s body should look like anyway? Number 2) I am a boy. Number 3) We should all just be nice to each other (tl;dr version). She also mentioned the roast episode and explicitly said she struggled. She mentions how she didn’t want to rip on anybody who made a career out of it but she doesn’t really find it funny to make fun of people because she was bullied so much that it’s just associated with negativity and bullying for her.
Then there was a break. After the break the hostess sang Its Not Fair by Lily Allen, and then Mamma Mia by ABBA, she was very good. She sings live (like all the English queens according to Charlie). She cracked a lot of jokes and was very funny. Two of the local girls performed again, they were good but I was rather drunk so I honestly forgot what they performed. (EDIT: one of them did Titanium and I got a little bit of video of it, she sang live and was very good)
Farrah performed another song (it was very good but again I didn’t know what it was and again I was drunk so tbh I don’t know what it was). She wore the dress she wore at the premiere and did a reveal. She took the mic and chatted for a bit about England and then went quiet for a bit and then said "I’ve run out of things to say” which was cute. Alexis came out again and sang “Here’s to the ladies who lunch” (idk if that’s the actual song name but it’s That Song you know). Then she did a lip sync mash up that included spoken word and Hey Big Spender. It was brilliant honestly.
NON-PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS: Max was there! I’ve wanted to meet Max for ages, and I was actually wearing my Max shirt (totally by accident because I wear it most of the time), and she appeared at the beginning of the show in a little raised cage/box thing behind some of the audience, and she was just there enjoying the show. During the break I went over to her where she was behind the barrier and showed her I was wearing her shirt and we screamed at each other for like 3 minutes. Then she said “We should take a picture together” and I got my friend to take a picture and Max came out from behind the barrier to take a picture with me, and then she held my face and told me she was going to get a drink at the bar and then she hugged me again and then left. She’s such a sweet person, and seemed to make an extra effort because I was wearing her shirt when she came out from the barrier, because people before me taking pictures with Max took pictures where they were in front of the barrier and Max was behind. It was such a special moment and then we bowed at each other like weirdos because I was drunk.
Oh, Max also may have overheard me singing Sasha Velour’s verse in CLAT while I was peeing. The toilets were unisex and I was in a cubicle and my friend was outside of it washing her hands when Max walked in. I was complaining about how there wasn’t a handbag/jacket holder on the back of the door and Max was like “oh it might be because they’re unisex toilets” but because I was drunk and peeing I didn’t realise it was him, and then he said “Gender is a construct, tear it apart,” and I freaked and started rapping the rest of Sasha’s verse and my friend (who had no idea what was going on and only vaguely knew who Max was) was like “don’t rap in the cubicle!” and according to her Max just looked up from washing his hands and kind of just smiled. So that’s the story of how I sang at Max from a toilet cubicle without realising it was him.
Alexis and Farrah were so sweet during the meet and greet. They initiated hugs and they both looked amazing. I told Farrah she looked beautiful and then stood next to Alexis in the photo and then turned to her like “I wasn’t expecting you to look so good in real life” which honestly sounds like a back-handed compliment but I was just drunk, and Alexis laughed, and then I elaborated that she looked so amazing and she went “You do too!” and then she complimented my hair.
There was a cool guy with a bright pink beard who we chatted with in the queue, and who also told us about when the club got Unisex toilets and which side used to be the ladies and which the gents. He was good fun to talk to and was very nice.
The bartenders were very nice and patient and had cute purple bow ties.
Merch stall was small but had a reasonable amount of merch for a reasonable price. I had to ask about the merch a couple of times and apologised for being so drunk and the woman laughed and said “Don’t worry, I wish I were.” I bought a Farrah shirt and an air freshener because I had £30 cash and that came to the exact cost. Alexis had some merch but not as much because there were apparently problems when it came to shipping it from LA to New York and so she couldn’t bring as much.
Shoutout to my friend Liv who came along despite not knowing anything about drag race just so I wouldn’t have to go 165 miles alone to Bristol, and who gave me piggybacks when we lost our place at barrier so I could see.
Also in the break they played Read U Wrote U but the moment Roxxxy’s verse was about to play they cut it off abruptly and I’ve never been so upset in my life.
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