#anyway thanks again anon ill keep ur suggestions in mind
I'd also add where you're from or why you're moving and if you have any special interests! Like if you know how to cook or play an instrument or do karate or something. Makes it more personal and it might stand out! Definitely don't say that you're messy ahahah
thank you! ill probably think about these in the morning and try typing out something cohesive in regard to things you mentioned. for now im seriously way too tired thanks for the suggestions tho xx
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poptod · 3 years
can u do a one shot that’s ahkmenrah x reader where u get kicked out of college bc ur mental health is rlly bad n u were missing a lot of days like just what he’d react n do bc I have been kicked out of college today n I can’t stop crying
notes: i’m so sorry! i’ve added a personal note at the end for you specifically, anon.
WC: 885
“It isn’t… necessary, is it?” He asked in the most gentle tone he could manage.
The two of you sat on the old, worn couch in the night guards break room, the contents of your backpack strewn out across the floor. Textbooks and loose, crumpled pages sat in disorganized piles at your feet.
“It is these days, if you don’t want to live in poverty the rest of your life,” you said through a wail.
You had great difficulty speaking through both your sobbing, which wracked your shoulders, and your sniffling that seemed endless.
“And I wouldn’t fucking be here if I just - got my shit together and fucking went to class.”
“My dear, if you went to those classes on bad days, I don’t think you would’ve retained anything anyway. It’s not your fault. You are dealing with a genuine illness.” He set his hand upon your heart, brushing away fat, crocodile tears. “You know, my brother never finished his schooling, either.”
“Your brother is a psychopath, Ahk.”
“Fair point. But you understand, right?” He asked softly, and his hand dropped to take your hand. “You said there is many people in your classes. I have found that students learn best in smaller classes, more attuned to the needs of the student instead of - of indoctrinating children into a job they can never be free of.”
“But everyone else can do it,” you wailed, digging your fingers into your hair.
“I wouldn’t be able to. Waking up at dawn? No thank you. I would’ve dropped out months ago if I were you, and I haven’t got any of your illness,” he said, and he removed your hands from your head, instead keeping them in his lap.
“That’s not true,” you mumbled.
“I’m afraid it is,” he chuckled.
“What am I going to do now?” You asked, finally meeting his eye with a red-rimmed gaze.
“Whatever you want to,” he said with a shrug. “I know you can go to the college -“
You tried not to laugh, but a smile broke across your face anyway.
“- again, try again when you’re older and wiser. There are an infinite number of ways to live. Surely college cannot be involved in all of them.”
“I guess…”
“You could.. run a bakery, or, uh… one of those tattoo places,” he suggested with a small smile. “Set up a bookshop and spend your days reading and talking to new people, or live off far away from these cities.”
“I don’t want to leave you,” you said quietly.
“That’s alright,” he said, a light blush filling his cheeks. “Something to always keep in mind, though, is that everything is subject to change. If you don’t like your life, you can go to another place, or -“
“That actually takes money.”
“It does?” He asked, raising a single brow.
You chuckled half-heartedly and said, “everything costs money these days.”
“Let’s not get into how preposterous your civilization is. The point is that if my world started in Egypt thousands of years ago, and now I sit here with you, touching a living being made thousands of years after I was….”
A strange look overtook his eyes as he reached forward, pulling you in by no more than a touch down your flushed cheek.
“… everything, good and bad, changes and ends. There are wondrous things in the world, yourself included,” he murmured as he scanned your hapless expression. “College is not one of them.”
You laughed, truly this time, your gaze falling to the floor before flickering back up to him.
“Am I going to be okay?” You asked, knowing full well he didn’t have the answer.
“If you keep love in your heart, you will find happiness in every place,” he said.
“Who said that?” You chuckled.
“I think it’s a… a paraphrase from a great magi from my times,” he said. “A man by the name of Imhotep. He wrote a great deal of poetry.”
“An Egyptian magician-poet, then,” you said with a giggle.
“And an architect. He built the first of the pyramids, and he was a physician as well as a priest, and a scribe. Do you want to know something funny?”
“What?” You asked, wiping away stray tears with your sleeve.
“He didn’t go to school, either. My people turned him into a God in their stories.”
“That was thousands of years ago.”
“Yes, but the human condition has never died,” he said, grinning. “Remember those ancient caves?”
You chuckled, “the one where it said, like, “this is really high” on the ceiling?”
“Exactly,” he said with a laugh.
A while ago, you showed him a meme on your phone detailing how ‘humans never change’. He loved it immensely, going by how much he referred to it.
“But you see, my dear? You will be alright,” he said, softer than ever to accommodate the small space left between you. “There are so many ways to live happily.”
“Yeah… maybe,” you mumbled
“Ah, ah,” he tutted, tilting your chin up to him with a single finger. He raised one brow, gazing down at you with an almost stern expression, though kindness always shone through those tiny facades. “Yes. There are many ways to be happy.”
“Yes, there is,” you chuckled. “Thank you, Ahk.”
“Of course, my love.”
my note to anon:
i dont know much, or really anything about your situation, but i do know what its like to feel like everything is crashing apart, so ill tell you what i needed to know at that point:
take a step back. like, a big step. you should focus on yourself, on taking care of yourself, on building yourself so that one day, you really can do all the things you want to do. sometimes you need to just take a break from the progress of the main video game in order to heal your character or get better armour, and the same is true for non-digital humans. please, please take time for yourself. build up your comforts but expose yourself to new things and please, do not isolate yourself. 
i had to be taken out of school too, because i missed too many days due to a physical illness of mine. so, i kind of get that overwhelming of feeling like you’re failing, but you’re not. this is nothing more than a setback. there is another railway, another journey, for you to join, and it will be perfect.
anyway, that’s just my advice, you dont have to listen to it. im truly sorry you had to go through that, it must be an unimaginable amount of stress, but you’ll be alright. i promise.
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