#anyway this is fun. they're having fun. I'M having fun. kim's excited. can you tell
o-wyrmlight · 7 months
I'm having way too much with this chapter that I was struggling on just yesterday. What the fuck. Holy fuck. This is what happens when I read a fanfic with a great narrative voice that I adore. I just start going off, I guess. This means Kim's going to be very inwardly opinionated and vocal in Chapter 6.
Anyway whoo Chapter 6 preview for A Toast To The Pigs, a fanfic where Harry didn't lose his memory in Martinaise and still has to solve the case. This preview skips the next chapter:
“…I lost you there, didn’t I?” Harrier asked, sounding disappointed. “Somewhere at the end.” Kim lifted his eyes from his notebook. He stopped flicking his pen in his fingers to push his glasses back up from where they were sliding. Harrier was watching Joyce Messier, a brow raised and a half-crooked grin plastered on his face. Some offshoot of that odd expression of his. Joyce Messier smiled apologetically, shaking her head. Ah. Joyce Leyton-Messier. Kim had almost forgotten entirely that she was there. She really was committed to just listening to his theories and not sharing anything. What was it again that spurred Harrier to share absolutely everything about his theories right here? Rather than somewhere he and Kim could go over in private? Wasn’t this supposed to be confidential? These were just theories. Perhaps it didn’t matter. Perhaps it was another can-opening. All right, big man. Wet dog. Can-open away.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME! once again, i am behind. four-episode update 💀monday we watched ds9's "visionary" and voy's "emanations," and last night we caught voy's "prime factors" and "state of flux" which was a banger of a fucking evening tbqh.
visionary (ds9):
HEADLINE: ONCE AGAIN, O'BRIEN SUFFERS! he's become so dear to me that i get really distressed when this happens, but also a little excited, because his reputation for suffering is like the only thing i knew about him even when he was just an extra in the tng pilot, and i like knowing what's up
actually, he did a lot of swooning this episode, which was really fun. very damsel of him.
side bar kira gets so quiet when they're dealing with people she doesn't like. it's almost like sisko told her "fi you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" and so she shuts it to avoid undermining him (whom she likes and respects) in front of people like romulans or cardassians, whomst noses she would be happy to break.
i DO like that she got to get mad later, though. ESPECIALLY mad when they insinuated that odo had feelings for her. odo agreeing that this was absolutely ridiculous totally made my night. liar liar <3
back to the a-plot, obrien and julian having moved onto darts after wringing every last bit of joy out of racketball that they possibly could...this is so funny. julian is literally going through his wifeless year right there with him. he is such a good bro
which made it so distressing when obrien saw him in the future and was like BRO HOW COULD YOU LET ME DIE
julian's response of "i did everything i could to keep you alive for an hour" was very casual but i can just imagine him sweating bullets, deeply distressed. i'm sure it was a very long hour for him. i wish they had played it with a little more gravitas!
obrien seeing his own dead body TWICE was creepy. what's more horrific, OUR obrien basically kind of died. like, future obrien is a slightly different version of him. the obrien we've known since tng is dead and he never got to say goodbye to his family. like green shirt and black shirt john. i think i spent fifteen minutes of the next episode (which was about death, hilariously) going "OBRIEN JUST DIED? HE JUST DIED??" he even said he felt like it wasn't his life...........
monday was literally existential dread night. we brought up the mood after this with...
emanations (voy):
this episode was a pretty thoughtful look at te nature of death and what happens if you fuck up a culture whose belief in the afterlife is unshakable by shaking it up. that said, absolutely none of this is up my alley. GOOD for harry kim though. or um bad for him depending where you fall on that
i liked chakotay's story at the beginning about accidentally desecrating someone's grave. i was afraid they were having him be ultracautious about the dead bodies because they were being racist like oh he's aware because native americans are so Spiritual but he literally just picked up a rock once and felt bad about it. could happen to anyone. bullet tentatively dodged.
i have been referring to harry kim as chekov with brain cells but i think in this episode he lost the brain cell for a little while. he very much violated the prime directive with every word. dude, don't tell them you came from the asteroid with the dead bodies!
that said, i am no less fond of him - it was very compassionate to offer that guy a way out and VERY brave to get back into the death pod wearing the death shroud
it is crazy also that this place was in a whole other fucking dimension. this could easily have been a planet.
janeway & co waking that alien lady up and her finding out the afterlife is not real and that she still has to die anyway was really horrible and fucked up. like, they didn't even need to do that to get harry back. he got it on his own. they just tortured her for nothing <3
janeway at the end like i wanna give you time to reflect on what happened harry kim :) and harry kim is like yeah i should do that :) and theyre like yeah the afterlife might be real after all bc of the energy around this planet :) not my ass. there's not even a therapist on board. i would be back to work as QUICK as possible. who wants to reflect on getting into the death pod!!!
prime factors (voy):
here is the thing. if you let it, this episode will FUCKING take you places
wait wait let me go back and remark on some little details before i get into it. firstly, tom paris needs to stop trying to get harry laid. he'll cheat on his gf if and when hes ready and considering the extenuating circumstances we can't get mad at him bc for all he knows his gf thinks hes dead and has begin moving on too
also, smart of them to bring seska in for this episode when next episode she. you know. bc she's had such small parts so far that otherwise i'd be wondering who tf this even is. and she is HERE to cause problems on purpose! she's such a bad fucking influence i was absolutely aghast. more on this in the next episode but it's a wonderful way to show the maquis guys, who, lest we forget, FUCKING HATE STARFLEET, didn't all automatically hop on the starfleet bandwagon just because they're all stuck out here together.
i think janeway could have pulled a captain kirk in this episode ie fucked and sucked her way to victory. i mean, i'm glad she didn't have to bc that guy was SO skeezy, but she COULD have and it wouldn't have felt the way deanna's victimization in tng felt, it would have felt like kirk's close encounters in tos.
harry kim discovering the transport technology by accident when he's about to finally cheat onm his gf with some hot alien lady...poor harry. he has the worst luck recently.
and of course now we get to the big thing. the tech. the Big ethical dilemma. i LOVE that they quoted the prime directive here - like yes, of course it sucks for the aliens! it's also true what harry said that it still does more good than harm, but there has to be nuance involved...i still think it's stupid to let an entire culture die rather than save them, etc
you know, and i was sitting there like. falling out with this episode, is the thing. i was sitting there going jesus christ why is everyone being so STUPID why are they disobeying orders why aren't they thinking straight. especially after the huge plot twist of tuvok being the one willing to take one for the team, so to speak, and do the illegal dealings so he could save janeway's morality (WHICH: HELLO??? WHY DO THAT IF NOT FOR THAT FORBIDDEN EMOTION: FRIENDSHIP). like just wait to test the damn thing! tuvok is on his way to janeway RIGHT NOW!
but they're desperate. they're desperate and scared shitless and of COURSE it is making them stupid. they almost KILLED EVERYONE because they weren't being smart because THEY WANTED TO GO HOME. like, the scene in janeway's office at the end totally saved all of this for me. you can see on b'elanna's face so clearly she is facing her sins in the cold light of day and having the SAME THOUGHT PROCSS which is "how could i have possibly been so FUCKING stupid"
oh my god. i rewatched it twice. JANEWAY. did we know kate mulgrew could ACT? she was so emotional but still holding it together because SHE IS THE CAPTAIN. her whispered "dismissed" at b'elanna after she GAVE B'ELANNA A CHANCE. i would have sunk right through the floor. and her speech to tuvok!!! "you can use logic to justify anything that is its power and its flaw" LIKE HOLY SHIT GIRL. SAY IT, OUT LOUD!
sorry ik hes married but i also know hes gotta do pon farr eventually he and janeway could get it. like they could literally get it just as buds like one time. "we have forged this relationship over years and i depend on it" SHE LITERALLY DOES DEPEND ON IT! like, that was easily, EASILY the finest acting we have seen in this series so far. that scene CRACKLED. it was incredible. it took an episode i was losing faith in and flipped it around to one of my favorites. 10/10
state of flux (voy):
this one wasn't as good as the previous one but it was still pretty fucking good.
the mystery was really entertaining in this one and kept me guessing until the end. i kept going "no it's too EASY if it's seska" and then seska would trick me and everyone else into thinking she had plausible reasons for x suspicious fact and i would go SEE she's just complex! but she got me. and in hindsight it's SO obvious, and especially compared to lt carey who was a dick at first but fell in line and is working on his redemption arc or whatever. it wouldn't make sense narratively to send him back
chakotay refusing to take even ONE MORE BITE of that soup he wanted so bad after he realized seska essentially stole it. punishing himself ALONG WITH everyone else for the infraction. seska is such a good way to illustrate the tensions between starfleet and the maquis, even out here, and chakotay is in SUCH a rough position, having to both protect his own people AND keep them in line AND protect them BY keeping them in line. he and janeway both want the crew to be completely integrated but it's just not that easyyyy i love the complexity of it all
i feel like i recognized the filming locations in this one...yeah, all caves look alike but it looks so much like that valley outside the holo-city from ds9 and the save reminded me of that tng ep where picard and crusher got mind-linked
janeway was a sucker to let those kazon get that close. like of COURSE they kill the guy after the entire ship bled to save his life. but she's a well-meaning sucker. classic starfleet move
i also love chakotay's little crisis at the end. like, bro, am i that easy to trick? he is trying so hard and everything continues to fall apart around him!!! he hates cardassians and he was fucking one! dude is living in a nightmare scenario.
i hope we see seska again - they wrote her out when she just now got interesting. problems on purpose.
crack headcanon for a second there was maybe she was that woman they thought kira was in that one cardassian kira episode. that would have been way more interesting than her being cardassian on purpose, actually
TONIGHT: ds9's "distant voices" and "through the looking glass."
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And we here and see them here on the video and then they come out here and when we go there and we know something why do you can't walk much ever at all ever and you need to fix yourselves. And simple reasons that you're not feeling good I suggest you do it. The second thing is this guy has no life and we keep on asking questions is getting angrier and angrier he's trying to tell you to go to hell he just keep coming back I don't want to get into that group or be involved with people who are doing that and I think I am I have to try and figure this one out and see what they're saying we need to do work so I'm going to get going on yeah that's pretty tough my name is Abby and it's an Abby Westminster Abbey okay
You better differences over the years but right now we can be friends and we're together and oh my God hubba hubba. He says he's fine he has a Jersey girl she's a little bigger I know it's not Kim Kardashian it's a giant giant girl and I'm big but it's always kind of funny that was him he's pretty sharp and she's pretty Sharp I'm tired of talking to him she's a fun girl and I don't want to deal with anyways I tell you you can spend a life 10 years without hurting anyone it just does not change your image this is an office game everyone wants to get out there be some poor person who doesn't have rank I'm tired of that yeah she's going to change is the hologramic games whether you use the spheres or if you use screens it is intense and everybody wants it up and a couple seasons of starting basketball ended baseball is going to end shortly and then it's the summer sports and really it's not the same but there's a bunch of them tennis is not the summer swimming is so that's fun with Greg Tommy f up there but seriously there's a few sports sports all stuff you likes and we want to set up these light cycle facilities and watch an IndyCar race without being there I'll be intense and he said I can make this video games better and I sat down to one of them and I said I can't believe that I think that I'm in the car almost and if there are a couple things more it would be perfect so she's calling me now he says get yesterday I got up in the middle of the night and a dream in Utah that's what she saw she's always going to a realtor it's nice thing to do Justin is to be company for someone and them to be company for you especially a woman you really need this so she says it too but really I can't give you any advice I'll tell you if you start a fire in a flame you better not put it out cuz you'll regret it and I'll see what you're saying but then again it might be Sarah if I'll get your ass kids that freaking blows I didn't know she's Sarah no I know she is it's going to suck
Jesus f****** Christ this is hell do you know if it's her or not no I can't tell Sarah's not really dumb she writes books and stuff but I'm not big of a fan of that big of a fan. And he says good but really everybody else used to be so yeah she's gets exciting watching you do stuff and then close to find someone what's your rhealm. I understand that but Justin you're dead get away from me Trump I don't want to be having a kid who was going to fight me in the ass literally it's kind of understood he says it every time needs me to go away it's all stupid s***
I hope you know this is going to cause a problem between Trump and Justin's and Justin does not like Trump and he doesn't like Tommy f and he shouldn't all of us are suing them his lawsuit tomorrow and opens up on time you have he's all pissed off and the one on Trump and company should close five other individuals names and they're being sued for a lot of stuff and if it's not kind of suits they're going down these boys are not playing soft shoe
Thor Freya
We are ready for it now we can prep and getting lawyers and have our stuff together we do a lot of damage and as soon as for all sorts of damages and discover tons more we don't just get out of here like the instructions too. I'm sickness this is terrible
0 notes
heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish and Briny Waters (two)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Settling into your new house Part 1 Masterlist Part 3
Tags: +17 | 1.7k words | just really fucking domestic stuff, one (1) bad attitude, presumptuous behavior, unprotected morning sex, more remodeling.
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AN: I kind of know where I'm going with this. The conflict will be subtle at first but it's there I promise.
The first day goes by fast and for Ralph meeting every single person on staff in this prestigious school was like trying cheeses and wines in a vineyard– fun at first but you get a stomach ache because somebody forgot to tell you not to swallow and there are just so many of them each more rich than the last. By the time he crosses the threshold to his new home, he's exhausted and annoyed. 
"I told you not to unpack without me." 
You look at him from the kitchen and shrug. "I needed stuff, baby. I already wrote a list of things to work on in this 'bare bones' house you put us up in and I was bored." 
You don't care for his attitude but offer him the covered plate anyways. "I saved you some dinner." 
All at once, Ralphie's anger melted from his face. He shuffled his tired feet across the still empty living room and pulled you into his side. The plate was warm (still warm or recently warmed up, he couldn't tell) and his stomach growled. 
"M sorry," he said, "I don't mean to be an asshole." 
You smile your forgiveness. "Long day?" 
"Yes," he hisses. "I already can't wait for the weekend." 
You chuckle. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a chance, baby!" 
"As you wish." 
After eating, Ralph is right to sleep despite his insistence you finish packing together tonight. A part of you thinks it's the climate here– fresh sea salt air and less artificial light to disrupt the body's natural sleep patterns. You took off his shoes and empty his pockets because he was just 'resting his eyes for a moment,' then slid in right next to him. He's fine without a blanket, but you pull the back of the quilt over your rear and curl into his side. Sleep comes easier tonight than last night and you dream of wallpaper and wood smoke cologne. 
The rest of the week gets easier for the both of you. You arrived on Monday and unpack the bigger furniture together by Wednesday with the help of some locals. Ralph is getting to study the lesson plan for Ms. Lewis' math class and establishing a gentle authority with his temporary students. He is still excited for the weekend, intent to help you figure out what to do with the walls of the house. 
"Has anybody come to see you at the house yet?," he asks you Thursday night. 
You pause dicing onions to think. "Besides the neighbors to the north and those Vayle boys? No." 
Ralphie raises his eyebrows and drops them, an involuntary gesture made more for himself than you. 
You put a hand on your hip. "Why?" 
Ralphie waves you off and continues mixing the meat with the spices. "Nothing. It's just everybody and their fucking moms has been asking me about you." 
"What?" This was news to you. "Why?" 
"Because they're nosy," he replies, "asking me about my whole life story and I let slip I had a wife and then they just wouldn't shut up about it." 
You swat his shoulder. "Well don't sound so depressed about it. Do you not like having a wife?" 
"No!" Ralph huffs and turns to look at you as he says, "I just hate that every single one of them bugs me about a million personal things and then I mention you and it's the only thing they can talk about now." 
Ralph turns back to stirring the pan and grumbles to himself, "might tell them to fuck off and just hoard you forever…" 
It clicks in your head at least a bit. Ralph's a born and bred city kid. In the city nobody cares who you are, what you like, or where you're from. Strangers don't want to be anything more than strangers. Their eternal social motto is 'don't waste my time' and anyone who acts differently is probably scheming something. 
You chuckle and rest your chin on his shoulder. "You're forgetting these are a different breed of people. Rich and educated socialites more over but suburban, maybe even rural. We're probably the first new thing to happen to them in decades, and communities like this don't have a 'mind your business and I'll mind mine' attitude." 
Ralphie flicks you a look but you know he knows you're right. It doesn't mean he has to like it but at least he understands it's not malicious, at least not inherently. It's out of his element, a little out of yours too, but you'll have to adapt and play by their rules if you want to stay here for a while. 
The dining room table can seat six, but your Ralphie takes a seat right next to you at a corner so he can hold your hand while you eat. Homemade tacos ease your apprehensions a bit and you go over the remodeling plans with him until midnight. Getting ready to sleep, you wear your thinnest shift and wrap around him like an octopus, your warm core brushing over his barely clothed manhood in temptation. 
Ralphie hums, tucking a stray hair back into your bonnet. "We need to get up early tomorrow." 
It's a weak protest. The two of you keep rocking into each other and sighing at the feeling of friction but eventually fall asleep despite the delightful buzz of sexual energy surrounding you. You do wake up when Ralph flips you under him and sucks a few marks into your neck.
You spread your legs to accommodate his breadth, feeling him settle deliciously and glancing at the bedside clock. It's barely 5 o' clock and the sun is rising. You gasp as you feel Ralphie's cock slide into you and he's met with little resistance. You two have sex for the first time since you moved and it's been so long that the affair is short lived. 
Ralph already has an apology on his lips but you shush him and come a moment later with your fingers brushing your clit in tandem. He peppers you with a dozen more kisses as silent promises to make it up to you. 
You shower together, barely bumping elbows as this bathroom is way bigger than your New York City apartment ever was. You chat idly about the weekend and the town and when you're ready to leave, you grab the manila folder where you store the plans for the remodel. You've even got samples from the wallpaper, only taking the ones you like and want to replace. 
"I know we probably won't find exact replicas but I want to at least find something similar." 
Ralph squeezes your thigh. "Ok, ok. We'll try." 
While this town doesn't have a McDonald's (the town over does and it's fancy for some reason), it does have a Home Depot (also pretty fancy). You know you'll need wood and screws and glass panes to finish that solar room but that's not the goal for today. 
Ralph skips right over the green paint swatch section to the creams. He's rambling about paint brand pros and cons, he did his research on the way in since you were driving and he brought the book from the school library. You follow and half listen. 
Ralph finally catches on to your soft smile. You glance around to make sure no one is in earshot because god forbid these gossipers over hear your conversation right now. 
"I guess I got you pretty excited last night, huh," you say with a sense of pride. Ralph feels the opposite about his performance this morning. 
"I just… I think it's just been a while." He occupies his hands by grabbing every single free swatch sample on the shelf and says, "I promise I will make it up to you." 
You roll your eyes in a not unkind way. "It's fine, babe, really. I uh… it feels kind of good to know I still have that kind of effect on you…" 
Ralphie sports a smile of his own and puts you under his arm. "Of course you do, sugar." 
He leans down to plant a kiss on your lips when you're interrupted by a bright voice. It's so startling that your husband bounces away from you. He stares wide eyed at the woman who interrupted you and he gets that dark look in his eye that only you can see. 
"Jesus, Julie," he tries his best not to growl her name. "This is Julie, she's a teacher at the school. Julie this… is… my wife." 
Julie makes a noise like a whistle. "Oh my god you are so much more beautiful than I imagined! Ralph doesn't have a picture of you in his office!" 
"It's on my desk," he huffs, "it's the one turned towards me." 
"And why would you do that?" 
"...so I can look at it while I work…?" 
Julie's… a little too hands on for just meeting you. You're too reserved to say something about it so you sling a loose arm around her back and hope Ralph doesn't say something for you. 
"Hi Julie, it's nice to finally meet you," you tell her. "Ralph's been slowly but surely introducing me to the concept of his coworkers." 
"I can't believe we haven't met before now! Ralph keeping you all to himself, me and the other teachers are just so curious about you," she coos. It feels almost put on, like overindulging in sweet to play up her first impression. You let it slide though, maybe it's just your city lens. 
"Well, uh, once we've got the house fixed up a bit, we can plan a housewarming party," you suggest. "But not a day before and you may quote me on that, miss!" 
Julie laughed and gave you her phone number 'in case you need anything at all.' Ralph breathed easy once she finally left and you tug his ear gently. "She's veeerry friendly." 
Ralphie shoots you a glare like you'd made a joke he didn't find funny and you go back to debating the paint to use for your walls eagerly.
@escape-your-grape @hoodoo12 @softbeej @go-commander-kim @beetlesstuff @imma-fucking-nerd​ @werwulfy​
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muilkyu · 4 years
𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀
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🐷 Hyunsuk
"What if she doesn't like my outfit? Should I change? I should add a necklace, maybe the rings aren't enou-" you ramble on fiddling with your clothes. Hyunsuk is laughing at you from the corner. "Why are you laughing? This is important, she has to like me."
"She's gonna love you. You look fine, I dressed you so of course you look amazing."
You turn back towards the bed plopping down skulking, "I'm still nervous. Your mom is a big part of your life and I really need her to like me."
Hyunsuk makes his way over to the bed pulling you back up into a hug, "My mom will love anyone that I love. Now let's go."
🐼 Jihoon
"Stop, frowning so much you're gonna give yourself wrinkles," Jihoon says.
You scoff flicking him on the head, "I'm nervous. You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to comfort me."
"Nah, you'll be fine," Jihoon concludes, "Also you hit hard I think I have a bump now."
"Oh come on Hoonie. Do you think they will like me?"
"Honestly, I don't know," He replies and you reach out and flick him again, "Oww, okay I'll be serious. I think they will like you. They might ask you a lot of questions, but they just want to get to know you."
"This going to be a long dinner isn't it?" You question.
"Yep, they are going to find out every single detail about your life. I'm going to tell embarrassing stories to them because I love you oh so much."
🐨 Junkyu
"Why are you sweating too? It's not like this is the first time you have met your parents," you complain. Junkyu looks more nervous than you which is ironic.
He rubs his sweaty hands on his jeans, "I know but they are very straightforward. If they don't like you they will tell you."
You nod looking down, "Do you think they won't like me then?"
"I honestly have no idea but regardless of what they think I still want to be with you." Junkyu's sweaty hands grasp yours and he leaves a small kiss on your index finger.
🐯 Yoshi
"You know what I should have brought a gift we should turn around. Don't you bring a card or something to the first meeting?"
"I don't think that's a thing," Yoshi answered.
"I should have gotten a plant or something. People like plants. Is your mom a plant person?" Asking all these questions is actually helping your nerves.
"No, my sister might be though." He ponders.
"That doesn't help me at all. You know what let's just get this over with."
Yoshi places his hands on your shoulders slowly rubbing them. He looks you in the eyes, "I get that you're scared, but I promise my mom is probably more scared or meet you than you are. Look we don't have to do this yet if you are nervous."
You contemplate the odds of pushing back the date. While extremely tempting it also means so much to Yoshi that you get along with his family. Instead of opting out you just shake your head, "This means a lot to you. Plus your mom sounds lovely. Let's do this."
🐹 Mashiho
"Do you even know how this is going to go?" You ask picking at a piece of lint on Mashiho's shirt.
"I think it will be fine," Mashiho replies, "My parents have always supported me. I don't see why this would be any different."
"Well you have never introduced a girlfriend this is different. If they think I have a bad influence on you or I am not to their standard they won't approve."
"My parents aren't like that. Also you aren't the type of person that someone wouldn't fall in love with. The more they talk and get to know you the more they will see why I love you."
🦁 Jaehyuk
"This is the dress you should wear," Jaehyuk concludes pulling out the yellow sun dress from your closet.
You shake your head, "No, I wore that one last week I got a black stain on the end of it. I can't get it out."
"Oh," he puts the dress back in the closet reaching for another, "What about this one?" He's holding up a white romper that you got last summer.
"That one makes my ankles look fat." You complain.
"I don't think my parents will care about your ankles," Jaehyuk points out.
"Well I care about my ankles. I don't have anything to wear guys we can't go then. Let's just order some food and watch a movie." You suggest already reaching for your phone to order.
Jaehyuk walks over to you grabbing your phone before you can, "No, you're going we promised to eat dinner with them months ago."
You whine, falling back dramatically onto the sofa, "I don't wanna go. They probably don't like me for pushing the dinner off for so long."
"Just one more reason we have to go tonight. Eventually they are going to be mad that you don't wanna meet them. Look, my parents just want to make sure you're not going to hurt me or something. Your parents would do the exact same thing"
"Okay you have a point. Just don't baby me the whole dinner."
"I will not be making any promises."
🤖 Asahi
You and Asahi had decided to have a weekend in rather than going out. Seoul is currently going through the 3rd hottest summer it has ever had and the idea of walking around in the warm weather is not tempting.
"What should we eat tonight?" You question. Your current lying down on the couch dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. Asahi is sitting in front of the couch trying to find something to watch on TV.
Asahi shrugs pushing his hair back with his hand, "I don't know. We could cook what do you have?"
"I think I have enough for pasta." You respond sitting up on the couch.
"That sounds good," his phone vibrates as you start to stand up. He looks conflicted at the name across the phone. It's in Japanese so you can't read it. Asahi looks at you and to the phone as if he silently is asking for permission.
"You can answer the call, that's fine. I'll start the pasta," as you start to walk away he grabs your hand pulling you back.
"It's my mom she is going to want to say hi." He says. Picking up the phone ready to answer.
"Oh, well then no I should just leave. I don't know any Japanese."
"That's fine. I'll translate for you." He answers the call with an excited shout of hi.
That's how you end up face timing your boyfriend's mom with him translating for you. The nerves of course don't go anyway the entire call but at least you have met one of the parents now. Only one more to go.
🦊 Yedam
"Why do we have to meet at a karaoke place. I can't sing to save my life."
"You know my parents like to sing. They don't care if you can. They just want the first meeting to be fun." Yedam explains.
"This is not my definition of fun. I'm going to embarrass myself."
"You won't. I already told them you don't want to sing." Yedam reassures.
"What if they make me? I can't say no to your parents. I'll look like a bad girlfriend."
"Then I'll have to sing with you. We can sing a duet. I'll hold you hand the whole time."
"I promise."
🐰 Doyoung
"My mom wants to meet you." Doyoung states. You both just woke up and as always he closed you to say good morning.
"Okay, when?" You question.
"Today at lunch. She wants to meet at Onion." He explains.
"Today? Isn't that a little bit early,"
"We have been together for a while and she thinks it time to meet you," Doyoung says.
You sigh before responding, "I don't know if I can do that. I am going to have to make a good impression."
"I don't think any of that matters. It's just brunch."
"Okay as long as you are there I should be fine."
"Oh I won't be there. I have to go to the store with my dad. You should be ready by 11 though my mom will be at the cafe waiting for you."
I have to go by myself.
"Kim Doyoung, did you just set me up to have a date without your mom without asking me?"
"I might have. You'll be fine. I have to go so you won't kill me. I love you bye." He hangs up before you have the chance to debate with him.
"Love you too. I guess." You mumble burying your head in your hands. I don't have the time for this you think.
🐏 Haruto
"I have a surprise for you." Haruto tells you.
"Sounds fun. What is it?"
Haruto pulls out two prices of paper from his back pocket and places them on the table, "Ticket to Japan for next weekend. Ta-da!"
"Oh my gosh really?" You exclaimed grabbing onto the tickets, "This is amazing, but do I have enough time to book an hotel?"
"You won't need a hotel. You can just stay with my family." Haruto replies.
"Is that such a good idea? I haven't even met your parents yet."
"Exactly this is the best time to meet them. Plus these tickets aren't refundable so you have to go."
"As long as it's okay with your parents I guess we are going to Japan."
🐺 Jeongwoo
"What do you mean your parents are on their way?"
"I mean my parents are joining us tonight for tteokbokki." Jeongwoo causally answers.
"You're just now telling me this. How long have you known?"
Jeongwoo looks up at the ceiling to ponder, "I don't know maybe the entire week."
"You have known the entire week! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I knew you would react like this. They're just my parents. They won't kill you."
"They're not going to like me, I can already tell. I don't even have on nice clothes. I am in jeans and a t-shirt. I know I should have dressed up today." I pointed out. I am not even remotely ready to meet Jeongwoo's parents.
"You look fine. You don't have to dress up, you're already pretty. Looks aren't everything. You have a beautiful personality. That's why I like you. If I like you my parents will have to as well."
🐮 Junghwan
"This was really fun. We should have gone to a carnival a long time ago," you smile holding tightly onto a small blue bunny Junghwan won you.
Junghwan blushes a bit looking down, "I am glad you had fun. Next time we have to go to Lotte World."
"That would be so much fu-" you start to say before you hear a loud voice over the crowd yelling 'So Junghwan'.
Junghwan looks up looking around for the voice calling out his name. He pales and then looks at you. He barely can whisper out, "It's my parents."
As soon as the words leave his lips your stomach churns. Junghwan mentioned his parents being super strict when it came to even just letting him come out tonight.
"Are they coming over here? Do I look okay?"
"You look fine. Just turn around, smile and introduce yourself. I'll think of an escape plan."
"Junghwan-ah here you are. Are you going to introduce us to your friend?"
This was probably the worst way to meet your boyfriend's parents but at least they deemed you okay. You could live with that.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed~!
Requested By : @imajigglypuff3
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Starry-Eyed Smile | Chapter 2
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⭐ Summary: You practically grew up with Youngjo, attached at the hip, two peas in a pod. You did everything together. At some point, both of your feelings became more than platonic, and you both knew it. Everyone knew it. But neither of you have had the courage to do anything about it.
⭐ Chapter 2: 2,594 words
⭐ Pairing: Reader X Kim Youngjo (Ravn) / Characters: GenderNeural!Reader; Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju (Xion);
⭐ Rated: E / Warnings: I talk too much about Youngjo’s smile / Genre: Fluff; BestFriends-To-Lovers; Angst; Love Triangle if you squint; Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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You had texted Seoho that your work ends on Friday, and in response he sent you the address of where you would be able to find them for filming today. He had told you they'd probably be filming for hours after your work ended, so you didn't need to rush too much. Still, throughout the entire day, you keep your eye on the clock. You watch the hours tick by, wishing that the seconds would fly faster. 
As the clock finally ticks to 4 o'clock, you stand up abruptly from your chair and grab your bag. You make your way out the door with everyone else who is done with work, phone in hand as you head home to change out of your stuffy work clothes and into something more casual and comfortable.
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You watch the boys dance in the middle of the room, which is lit up by natural sunlight from above as well as artificial light. The pillars on all ends support several floors, which all circle around the members, all dressed in white which seems to glow in the sun. None of the boys look at you, focused on their choreography. They move so elegantly, it's mesmerizing. They look so ethereal and gentle, but at the same time they dance with so much power it's intimidating.
The music plays loudly from a speaker. You recognize it from when Youngjo showed you it the other day. The title track. This is the first time you're hearing it all the way through, though it's not clearly. The ONEUS director occasionally shouts directions, and there's the constant sound of machinery whirring around. The camera people run the camera around to get a good shot. The other staff members are chatting. Hair and makeup waiting to be needed. You've attended other music video shootings for ONEUS, as one of Youngjo's closest friends. You were present during the Valkyrie and Twilight music video shootings. But still, you're fascinated by the amount of work put into a four minute YouTube video.
The boys finish and take a break for water, hair and make-up.
"Y/Nie is here!" Keonhee yells, walking over to you. You catch Youngjo smiling fondly at you over Keonhee's shoulder.
"Hi Keonhee," you say.
"It's been too long," Keonhee says, pouting. "I haven't seen you in maybe three weeks. I could barely survive it, I'm surprised Youngjo managed to survive that long."
"We actually video called every few days and--" You pause and frown at him. "What do you mean by that?"
"You two are practically stuck together normally," Keonhee says. "I swear you two are soulmates."
"Keonhee," you hiss, smacking him. He laughs, and you look around. Youngjo is off to the side, talking to Geonhak and Hwanwoong. Seoho and Dongju are leaning against a pillar, farther away  talking. You face Keonhee again.
"Everyone knows that you two like each other," he whispers. "Or at least suspects it. It's kind of obvious. "
"Yes, but we aren't together so shut up about it," you say, smacking his shoulder. Just then, you look up and Youngjo is walking over. You smile.
"You didn't tell me you were coming," he says, hugging you.
"Yeah. Seoho invited me."
"Oh, he did?" He smiles, nodding and glancing over at Seoho. "When?"
"When I came over the other day," you say. "As I was leaving to throw away the garbage, I stopped by to say bye and he came to say bye. He came with ms to throw away the trash."
"Oh," he says, frowning a bit. He shakes his head and smiles. "So, uh, what do you think?" he asks, looking back at you.
"I like it. The song is awesome. The video is going to be beautiful," you say, looking around you at the building, the decorations for the music video. Even the costumes that the members are wearing are gorgeous.
"Yesterday we had indoor filming," Youngjo continues. "We have a dark versus light concept that I hope will show well in the music video."
"It will."
You walk over to where the other members are chatting, some of them--Hwanwoong and Dongju--getting their hair and makeup touched up by the stylists.
"Y/Nie came!" Seoho says cheerfully, running to hug you. As he pulls away from the hug, Youngjo inserts himself between you and Seoho, eyeing Seoho suspiciously. You pretend not to notice.
"Looks great," you say, nodding your head to where they were dancing minutes ago. "Love the choreo, too. The song sounds amazing, I'm so excited to get myself a copy of the album."
"No, no," Hwanwoong says, shaking his head. His stylist sighs, and he stills again. "Y/Nie, we'll get you the album as a gift."
"You don't have to."
"You're our friend!" Hwanwoong insists. "We're getting you a copy. Maybe you'll get Ravn's photocard."
You catch Youngjo glaring at Hwanwoong out of the corner of your eye, but decide to ignore it. You're used to the teasing you receive from all of the ONEUS members. As Keonhee had said, everyone knows that you two both see each other as more than friends. But neither you nor Youngjo have had the guts to do anything about it.
"Y/N," Seoho says. "Did you see the ending of the choreo? The killing part? Do we look cool?"
"You guys looked so cool," you say, nodding. "You guys look so elegant and powerful. And the ending, you guys look so cool."
"Do you like the song?" Geonhak asks.
"I absolutely love it, Geonhak. Youngjo showed me a bit of it the other day but hearing it all now, it's more amazing than I thought!"
"Of course Youngjo showed you," Geonhak says, chuckling.
"What was that?" Youngjo asks, his tone scolding. Geonhak shakes his head, smiling innocently.
They continue filming, redoing the choreo one more time in the center of the building, then move to film in the woods outside. As the sun begins to set, they film the choreo one more time before the end of the day, while the sun is at just the right place in the sky. You watch from behind the camera. You sigh, knowing that though the music video will be amazing, the camera will never capture the true beauty of the scene.
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"You don't have to cook for us," Youngjo says as he sets the table. Nearby, you're helping Geonhak cook bulgogi. Everyone seemed tired after filming, though they tried to hide it from you. You insisted on cooking, or at least helping Geonhak cook.
"Seriously, you six must be exhausted from filming for two days," you say. "So much work all day. Anyway, we're all done!"
The seven of you eat together at the table, chatting about things other than the comeback.
"You should have been there to see what Dongju did yesterday," Geonhak says to you. "We went out, Dongju, Hwanwoong and I, to get bubble tea and snacks. Dongju said he was going to pay, but then said he forgot his wallet at home. Turns out he did it on purpose."
"Hey!" Dongju yells. "I never said I did it on purpose!"
"Oh? Then what happened?"
"I realized as we were leaving that I forgot my wallet. But I didn't say anything," Dongju says, laughing. "I knew it even when I said I'd buy it myself, and I pretended to be surprised so you would buy me snacks and bubble tea."
"These kids," Youngjo says with a chuckle.
After everyone has finished eating and chatting, you gather all of the dishes to wash. Youngjo joins you despite your insisting that he should rest.
"Seriously, Youngjo, you should rest. You worked all day today and you have practice tomorrow."
"Y/Nie, I'm not a kid," he says. "Let me help you wash the dishes."
"Ach, look at them," Keonhee's voice says from behind. "They're so cute like a married couple."
"Get married already!" Hwanwoong yells from the table. Both you and Youngjo turn around at the same time to glare at them. They duck their heads in shame, and you and Youngjo look back at the dishes you're washing. Then you hear a whisper.
"They glared at the same time. They really are destined to be together," Keonhee whispers loudly, clearly intending for Youngjo to hear.
"Yah!" Youngjo runs at him, leaving you at the sink alone as he chases Keonhee around the dorm, yelling, while the other four members laugh at them.
You smile softy. Their childishness is endearingly adorable. They're so serious and focused during work, like when they were filming earlier today. But they are still adorable goofballs.
You watch as Youngjo finally catches Keonhee and holds him still, arms wrapped around him tightly as he squirms. His smile is wide, so he obviously finds this teasing fun, and your heart melts the way it does every time he smiles.
Growing up with him was a gift, and he's very much the same as he used to be. He's always been both hardworking and silly, even when you were kids. No wonder you started liking him more than a friend. With a heart made of gold and a smile brighter than the sun, how could you not fall in love with him?
It's obvious he feels similarly about you. The other members have pointed out to you how much Youngjo loves spending time with just you. How much just your presence makes him smile. Even you notice that he treats you differently than his other friends.
And he knows you like him.
But he doesn't know how much you like him. How just his smile can brighten your darker days. He doesn't know how much you value your relationship, how just spending the day with him makes you happy. You wonder if he has ever caught you staring at him, gushing over his smile or his laugh. You wonder if he's ever caught you humming one of his songs, singing and smiling at his parts, admiring his rapping or singing.
You if he feels the same way about you. If he latches onto your habits and traits the way you've fallen in love with the little things he does.
Your gaze drifts over to Seoho, who is sitting silently at the table with Hwanwoong, smiles at you. You smile back and continue washing the plate in your hand. After a minute, Youngjo returns to your side to help.
"Those kids," he says with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
The two of you finish washing and drying the last few dishes, and you look out the window. The sky outside is dark. It's later than you'd expected to be here.
"Y/Nah," Seoho says. He's moved to the couch, which is now crowded with him, Geonhak--who has Dongju sitting on his lap--Hwanwoong and Keonhee. Youngjo has just gone to the restroom.
"Did you enjoy seeing us film today?" Seoho asks.
"Of course they'll say yes," Geonhak says, not looking up from his phone. "Y/N says yes every time you ask them after a day of filming."
"I did enjoy it," you say as you sit down in the nearest chair. It's true.
"Told you," Geonhak says, smiling. Seoho rolls his eyes.
"I really enjoyed it today," you say. "The song is so cool. And the filming location was absolutely amazing. I thought the building was really cool. I'm really excited to see the music video. Oh!" You check your phone and realize just how late it is. "Oh gosh, I have to get home."
"You're going home?" Youngjo asks, appearing from behind you. You nod, setting your phone down on the table next to you.
"Do you want one of us to take you home?" Seoho asks.
"No, it's okay," you say, shaking your head. "I only live ten minutes away."
"Okay. See you soon, Y/Nie!" Seoho says.
Youngjo walks you to the door, thanking you for helping out with dinner and the dishes, and he waves goodbye as you take the elevator down.
You hum as you walk down the street, slowly making your way toward your home. The night air is cool on your cheeks. The night is dark and calm.
After about five minutes of walking, you hear footsteps behind you. You tense up, but steadily quicken your footsteps, worried that it might be someone with hostile intentions. Then you hear the person call your name.
"Y/N! Y/N!"
You turn around. "Youngjo?"
He comes to a stop in front of you, gasping for breath with his hands on his knees.
Did he run all the way here?
"Youngjo, what--"
"You forgot your phone at the dorm," he says, reaching for his back pocket. He holds out your phone to you, and you take it. "It was on the dining table."
"Thank you for bringing this," you say. You pace your hand on his shoulder as he tries to catch his breath. "Youngjo, you didn't have to run all the way here. I would have noticed and come back to get it."
"I wanted to," he says, standing up straight and fixing his shirt.  "Besides. I kind of wanted to walk you home."
"I'm sure you did. You can walk the rest of the way with me if you really want, since we're halfway there. Or you could go back to the dorm and rest after a long day of filming."
"I'll walk with you," he says.
You nod and continue toward your home, Youngjo by your side. You two walk toward your home together, side by side.
After a minute of comfortable silence, you speak.
"You should be proud," you say. He looks at you curiously. "The song is amazing. The choreo is beautiful. Everything I've heard, from the little sneak peaks you've given me to everything I've accidentally heard when I come into your studio uninvited, it's all amazing."
He smiles sweetly at you. You catch it out of the corner of your eye, the way he smiles that smile that makes you feel giddy. His eyes are shining brighter than the stars in the sky. But then again, Youngjo doesn't have any light pollution in his eyes. He has a very starry-eyed smile.
"I haven't heard all of the songs in full," you continue. "But knowing you and everyone else who has contributed, it'll be a masterpiece."
"Y/N . . ." Youngjo slows his walking pace, and you aren't sure if he's aware of it.
"Hm?" You look at him, slowing your pace to match his. He seems to be thinking really hard, staring at the floor with an unreadable expression. "Youngjo?"
He looks at you with a soft smile. It's not the same starry-eyed smile.
"Thank you for encouraging me, Y/N," he says gently. You feel like he wants to say more, but he doesn't. "Ah, we're here."
You look forward and realize you're at the doorstep of your apartment building.
"Oh yes." You nod. "Thank you for walking with me and returning my phone."
"Thank you for helping Geonhak with dinner and helping with dishes," Youngjo says. "And for visiting us during our music video filming. It gave us--all of us--energy and motivation to do well today."
You smile, opening your arms to him for a hug. He hugs you tightly, squeezing you as if you won't be seeing each other for a while.
You wave goodbye after pulling away and go into your apartment. You watch fondly from the window as Youngjo disappears down the street.
You really love him.
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vampexx · 5 years
ML babies just hangin' out and bonding
Marinette: Hey, can I ask you guys something?
Alya: Sure, what's up?
Marinette: What are your favorite artists/ bands?
Alya: Well I love Rihanna and Fifth Harmony, and I know Nino loves Marshmello.
Nino: Yup. I really like Bruno Mars too. Uptown Funk's the shit. Adrien?
Adrien: Well my father really insists I listen to and practice classical music. But when my father isn't around, I listen to my mom's old records and I really like Jagged! He's so cool...
Ivan and Luka: Same. Except the classical part...
Ivan: yeah...I also really like Metallica and Green Day. Anyways, what about you Mylene?
Mylene: Well, you know I love BTS.:)
Alix: I like Eminem, he's sick. Drake too. Well, Max? How about you?
Max: Well, I don't really have a favorite artist or band, however I do find the techno genre particularly interesting. I love how it's made electronically! But if I had to pick one, I guess I would agree with Nino.
Marinette: Makes sense
Nino: Yeah, dude that's cool. Maybe you can come over next time I DJ?
Max: Sounds great! I can't wait!
Lila: Well I like Beyon-
Marinette: So what about you Juleka?
Juleka: I really like Evanescence...Panic! at the Disco.... Billie Eilish.....and My Chemical Romance....stuff like that....
Marinette: Same, that and Jagged too.
Adrien: You too, Marinette? That's awesome! :) Chlo?
Chloe: Ugh....I LIVE for Ariana, she can sing circles around all your favorites, obviously! I'm sure she's a huge fan of me too!
Lila: Not Beyon-
Chloe: Sabrina? Hurry up and tell us yours.
Sabrina: Oh I like Ariana too, Chloe! And I like Taylor Swift!
Chloe: Excellent choice Sabrina, I was just about to say that!
Lila: I said I like Beyonce.
Marinette: That's cool. Kagami?
Kagami: I don't really listen to music that much, but I like P!nk because she seems like she's not afraid to kick someone's ass and I really relate to that.
Everyone except Adrien and Marinette: ...
Marinette: Cool! Uhhhh.....Marc? Nathaniel?
Nathaniel: Imagine Dragons are really cool! They have a lot of really creative beats! Oh! And I like Muse, they're really unique too! Marc?
Marc: Ummm.....I really like BTS too......
Mylene: Oh cool!!
Nathaniel: That's so cool Marc! :)
Juleka: Rose?
Rose: I.REALLY.LOVE.SLIPKNOT! Oh! And some Disney songs.... they're so cute and fun :D
Everyone: ...Yeah...why are we not surprised..?
Juleka: That's like, really cool Rose :)
Luka: Yeah, that's pretty sick Rose. Twenty One Pilots are really cool too
Rose: NAAAWWW! Thanks you guys! :)
Marinette: (sees Kim shaking with excitement, waiting impatiently for someone to ask him) Kim? Who do you li-
Kim (screams excitedly): N I C K E L B A C K!!!!!!!!
Adrien: Nickelback? Who's that?
Luka: Don't worry about it...
- Extra -
Wayhem out of nowhere: WELL, I LOVE ADRIEN!!!!
Everyone: We know...
LMAO sorry/ not sorry! My first time doing something like this so I hope it was good. Sorry if it sucks....
Kim and Lila's part are really the reason why I wrote this LOL I couldn't let it go...
Have a miraculous day!!!!!
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BTS Reaction: Easter with you
Requested: nope :) psst, requests are always open!
BTS MASTERLIST ← find all my works here~
Genre: FLUFF❤️
Warnings: None~
a/n: My second BTS reaction you guys!\(^-^)/ I'm still in shock from the support on my first reaction, like I feel like I'm still dreaming. I hope you like this reaction just as much as the last my bbies 💕 p.s. I'm terrible at finding gifs so I'm sorry, but our boys are cute anyway~~ Happy Easter!! (I got a bit carried away the farther down I got I'm so sorry)
Psssssst, read all the boys! They may or may not be connected ;)
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Aww, bby so soft~
"Jin sweetie~"
You try to keep the whine out of your voice as you pout down at the cutting board on the counter where you're trying to cut cute shapes into about two dozen hard-boiled eggs. You and your husband were throwing an Easter party this afternoon and you didn't have time for this.
At first the eggs kept rolling around before it was their turn to be cut, then when you got a bowl to put them in, it fixed that problem, but after that you couldn't figure out what shapes to make. You finally decided on bunnies and chicks and a few could just have pretty designs.
Now, the problem was that you couldn't do it. You weren't a terrible cook or a dreadful artist, you were average, but mixing the two, apparently that was way out of your league.
Jin chuckles and looks up at you, still stirring the pasta salad he made for the party. He gives the salad one last stir and then walks over to you and your stubborn hard-boiled eggs.
"What's going on princess?"
"I can't- I'm getting so frustrated right now."
You glare at the little egg in your hand until Jin gently takes it from you. He walks over to the knife block and grabs the smallest thinnest knife then walks back over to you.
"Try it with this knife princess, here, I'll do one first, then you do one." You nod and he holds the egg a bit closer as he carefully carves some bunny ears and then decorates it with black olive pieces to make a cute bunny face. He holds it up in triumph and turns it to show you the adorable design.
"There! Hey, it looks like Jungkook!"
He bursts into his windshield wiper laugh and starts lightly stomping his foot in his laughter. You break down and start giggling with him while you take it so he doesn't drop it.
"It's cute Jin~ I love it! I bet Guk will love it too, seeing as you made it special for him."
Jin wipes tears from his eyes after containing his laughs and gives you a kiss on the forehead, then he takes another egg and hands you one after you put down the bunny one. You smile at him, grateful that he's gonna help you out, since the Easter party was soon and it was more fun with him anyway.
He looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eye than arches an eyebrow.
"Who should we make next?"
A few hours later, the party is going smoothly and you can't stop smiling as you see more and more people arriving. When the Easter egg hunt starts for all the kids you smile while looking out at them laughing and running around. Jin comes up behind you and takes your hand in his.
"You did great princess, everyone is having a blast."
You turn and smile at him, "you did a lot too Jin! Thank you for all the help, and for doing the food." He chuckles and kisses your cheek. Then hugs you tightly as some of the members come up to talk with you two.
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He smile :((
Yoongi was a bit anxious about the party, since there would be a lot of people there and he hoped you didn't expect him to talk to them all. Which of course, you didn't. He wanted to see the rest of Bangtan even though he saw them everyday for work, but strangers? Nah...He wasn't afraid of them, he just didn't like being awkward. He told you his worries and you assured him that he could stick with you and not to worry. You suspected he'd be attached at your hip practically the whole time. Well, you were right.
It was a giant gathering, all the BTS members and their girlfriends and wives, and all of their family members and some close friends along with their little children were there.
You and your fiance Yoongi arrived as the party started, walking into Jin's house where the Easter party is being held. When you two arrived, Namjoon was there with his fairly new wife, and Hobi and Jimin were there with their girlfriends.
"Y/n!! Yoongi!! Happy Easter!"
You see Jin's wife walk over to you smiling and you wave, then open your arms to her. She hugs you and leads you to the kitchen so she can show you the adorable little eggs that she slaved over this morning.
You two fawn over the cute little hard-boiled eggs and you keep telling her how beautiful the house looked with all the Easter decorations. She blushes and is quick to say,
"Thank you, I mean, Jin helped a lot. I can't reach a lot of the places he can."
The both of you talk until Yoongi comes up behind you and back hugs you shyly. You pat his hands comfortingly until you finish talking to your friend. She then goes to greet more of the guests.
Yoongi nuzzles your shoulder and you turn to take his hand, then you go outside to the big backyard where people are mingling and eating the refreshments on the little tables.
You and Yoongi sit on some of the chairs and he keeps your hand in his, rubbing it with his thumbs and absent mindedly messing with your engagement ring. Some little kids come out and start running around with their Easter baskets looking for the eggs that Hobi, Jimin and their girlfriends hid around the yard.
You smile at them and feel Yoongi squeeze your hand slightly. You look at him and notice that he's got a tiny smile on his face as he watches the children run around. You keep watching him since he has no idea that you're looking and you don't want to miss this. His eyes are bright as his smile gets even bigger and turns into his sweet gummy smile.
He finally sees you watching him and his cheeks turn pink as he ducks his head away from you. You bring his hand up to your lips and kiss it while you coo at him.
"Aww, Yoongi~, don't worry someday our kids will be doing that too."
He turns to you and smiles then pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear.
"I love you y/n..."
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Curly hair bby here, uwu
"Hobi love, calm down! We have plenty of time and there is a lot to choose from!"
You laugh at your boyfriend as he bounces up and down in the candy aisle. The two of you were in charge of filling half the eggs for the egg hunt at the Easter party the next day. His smile is glowing and he grabs another bag of jelly beans,
"Look at these y/n!!! They're starburst flavor!! Do you think the kids will like them? Should we get a bag?"
You smile at him and nod so he happily puts the bag into the cart you're pushing around the store.
"Baby, do you think we have enough? Maybe too much..." He looks uncertainly at the cart that he threw a ton of candy into, then he looks at you to see what you have to say. You act like you're thinking then say,
"Hey you know what? I think we don't even have enough yet, a few more bags, and if there's extra we can eat it ourselves." You wink at him as he beams at you than takes your hand and continues searching for candy.
The next day you two arrive an hour before the party so that you can hide the eggs and help finish up the preparations. Jimin and his girlfriend arrive at the same time. You talk with Jin's wife and Jimin's girlfriend while you three plate up different snacks and put them on the tables in the backyard.
You look up and see Jin, Jimin, and Hobi slinking around the yard, scouring for good hiding spots that won't be too hard for the kids. Jin ends up telling the boys he needs to finish other stuff and they can figure it out. You giggle when Hobi catches your eye with a panicked look.
So you and Jimin's girlfriend go over to help them out. Hobi walks super close behind you and every once in a while he points out a good place to put one. Eventually he just clings to you like a koala while you finish hiding the eggs.
"Ohh, jagi I'm so excited for the kids to find them!" You laugh at his enthusiasm and give him a quick kiss on the lips, then give him a high five.
"Good job love, we did it! Now let's go help with whatever else needs to be done." He takes your hand happily and follows you inside to find out what to do before the party.
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I wanna poke his cheekies uwuu
Namjoon fiddles with the tie that you just put on him. You look at your husband quizzically, "is it uncomfortable Joonie?" You ask him and he blushes then pulls his hand away.
"Oh, no...no it's fine babe." He smiles at you and his dimples show perfectly, you smile back at him and shake your head. You two have only been married a few months and you couldn't be happier.
You realize he's just being his cute awkward self when he has nothing to do. You grab the dress that you've been waiting to wear until today, then make your way into the bathroom. Quickly undressing and pulling the dress over your head you call out to Namjoon to keep him occupied as you finish getting ready.
"Are you excited to see everyone today?"
You can hear the smile in his answer when he calls back.
"Yeah, I see the boys all the time, but all of our families will be there and I haven't seen them in a while!"
You smile and open the door then walk over to him and turn around, holding your hair up.
"Can you zip this for me please?"
"Of course babe." Namjoon ever so gently zips up the dress so as not to break the zipper, being the god of destruction himself. He hums proudly when it's zipped and still intact.
You smile and turn around to show him the new dress. He grins widely and takes your hand to spin you around then he whistles,
"You look absolutely stunning y/n."
You blush and fix his tie again then step back to look him over once more, "thank you Joonie, you look very handsome yourself."
He puts his fingers to his cheeks and starts acting cute as you laugh at him. He puts his face in his hands in embarrassment and walks over to the front door.
"Wait! Joonie wait!" You catch up to him and hand him the veggie platter that you two are bringing, then grab the fruit platter yourself. He holds it cautiously in his hands and starts walking to the car. You smile and call after him,
"Be careful babe! I've only got one platter of veggies!" He nods slightly and continues his treck to the car.
You two arrive a few minutes before the family members start to show up, you greet everyone and hang out with the girls who freak out about the dress you bought, as Namjoon goes to say hi to Hobi, Jin and Jimin. You smile at him seeing how happy he is talking to them.
When the party is in full swing you and Namjoon are out in the backyard drinking punch and watching the kids hunt for Easter eggs. You see Yoongi and his fiance sitting in some chairs and watching the children, smiling. Taking Namjoon's hand you two walk over and join them. Namjoon has you sit on his lap and Yoongi's fiance gushes over your dress as you two chat.
Namjoon snuggles his face into your hair and you play with his hands, enjoying the rest of the party.
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Mochi boy so squish 🤗
Jimin grabs all the grocery bags full to the brim with candy as you finish checking out. He turns to you with a smile and you laugh at his cuteness,
"Jiminie baby, let me help you with those!"
You hold your hands out but he shakes his head and starts walking out of the store. He calls back to you as you scramble to catch up, "I'm fine baby, it isn't even that heavy!"
Back at your apartment you quickly unlock the door and open it for him since he insisted on carrying everything. He walks in and sets everything on your dining table. Then he turns to you and beams,
"Ok then y/n! Do you have the easter eggs?" You nod and run back to your room to grab the bag of colorful eggs you bought the day before. You, Jimin, Hobi and his girlfriend were in charge of filling the eggs for the egg hunt that would take place at the party tomorrow.
You hurry back out and place the eggs on the table with the candy.
"All set baby!"
Jimin smiles and takes your hand to lead you to sit down. He takes a seat as well then starts opening the candy bags while you open the Easter eggs.
The both of you fall into a system of switching between one filling an egg and another closing it and putting it in a big bag then switching again. You tell jokes and funny stories to pass the time and soon enough you two are holding your sides and laughing hysterically. Jimin keeps snacking on the candy and you try to scold him but he puts a piece into your mouth as well.
It's so good that you can't help but eat more and pretty soon you're both snacking on the candy and it's a miracle that you manage to fill the last egg with the amount of candy you've already eaten.
Jimin proudly places the last egg, a purple one, into the giant bag. You both give each other high fives then he pulls you to the couch to cuddle and take a nap after all the work you did.
When you two arrive at the party an hour early to help set up and hide the eggs, you see Hobi and his girlfriend are just arriving as well.
You, Hobi's girlfriend and Jin's wife set up the food while the boys hide the eggs. Suddenly Hobi's girlfriend taps you on the arm and you look up to see Jimin wandering around blankly and Hobi staring at his girlfriend in a panic. You two walk over to help them and you giggle as Jimin hands you a bunch of eggs and smiles gratefully then carefully walks the yard over again to find the best spots, you can see how serious and dedicated he is to making it perfect. Once you finish with the ones you have you find Jimin only has one left. His eyebrows are furrowed as he clutches the purple egg in his cute hand.
"Hey isn't that the last one we filled yesterday?" You point at the small egg in his hand and he smiles at you and nods. You help him find a good place for it right before the other members start to arrive. He looks around the yard happily and you can tell he's super excited for the kids to come and do the egg hunt. He kisses your cheek and grabs your hand, walking over to where Taehyung and Jungkook just arrived with their girlfriends.
You chat with the girls happily as Jimin holds you closely by the waist and gently rubs your hips. The party was super fun and lasted a while, giving you a chance to hang out with your closest friends and sweet boyfriend.
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Everyone say, "TaeTae is too precious~" tis true, my friends.
"What do you think about this one y/n?" You look up and try not to uwu out loud at the sight of your boyfriend carefully finishing cutting an egg shape out of pink parchment paper. When he holds it up to you, you see that he's decorated it with a ton of pieces of different colored parchment paper and added some glitter. It really was impressive.
"It's beautiful Taetae, how did you think of all those colors? They look amazing together! And the glitter really makes it very pretty." He smiles so big that his eyes scrunch up and his boxy smile makes an appearance. He goes over a bit of what he did to make it then asks you to show him yours.
You shyly hold up your pastel green egg that has diamonds and a white bow on it. He gasps and claps his hands together for a good thirty seconds and won't stop smiling as you giggle at him.
You smile as your boyfriend hangs up the last of the Easter egg decorations that you two spent hours making. Then you choke back a gasp as he teeters on the chair, swinging his arms in an attempt not to fall.
"Tae!!" You grab your heart and hurry over to him as he straightens himself out in the awkward stance he acquired being at a height he wasn't comfortable with.
"I'm okay! I'm fine! I'm fine!" You're not sure whether he's trying to convince you or himself that he's not dead as he shakily gets down from the precarious position.
Now safely back on the ground his breathing steadies and he says proudly, "there you go baby! Now your place is all ready for Easter!"
You smack him lightly on the arm, "thank you love, but geez Tae, be careful please! You scared me half to death just now."
He just grins with his boxy smile, "that makes two of us."
A few days later Tae is back at your place where you two are getting ready to go to Jin and his wife's Easter party that will be held at their place. Some people volunteered to bring things, and when you asked if there was anything you could do they assured you that everything was in place and all you had to worry about was bringing yourself and Tae. So that's what you planned on doing.
You were in your favorite Easter dress and touching up your makeup when Tae came around the corner to the bathroom to show you his new shirt for the event. The shirt was white with colored flowers on it, he also had on his wire rimmed glasses and tbh he looked like a snacc and you were sure to tell him that when you saw his outfit. He blushed and giggled then shyly said he wasn't sure if he wanted it tucked in or out and loose, so he asked you what you thought.
You hum thoughtfully as you look him up and down.
"Try tucking it in...."
He tucks it in then looks at you.
"Okkk, now let me see it out."
He pulls it out and looks at you again.
"Mmmm, I like it tucked in."
He smiles and nods while he tucks it into his belt again. You stifle your laughter and say casually as you go back to your makeup,
"I'm kidding, out is better."
His deep laugh erupts happily at your teasing and he pulls his shirt back out.
You two finish quickly then hurry out to the car since you were picking up Jungkook and his girlfriend to go to the party together.
When you four got to the party you see Jimin smile and come over with his girlfriend and the six of you talked while Tae held your hand tightly and kept his chin on your shoulder.
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Pls don't speak to me, I just want to kiss his cheeks 🤧
"What's the matter Jungkookie?"
You scoot over on the couch to get closer to your boyfriend and gently touch his arm. His big doe eyes aren't sparkling like usual and his little lips are turned in a frown. When he feels you touch him he blinks and refocuses on you instead of the blank TV in front of him. He rubs the back of his neck and shrugs unconvincingly, "nothin', I'm fine, sorry." You sigh and start to slowly move your hand down toward his waist. You knew how to make him crack and tell you something; sometimes it was better to do it another way but now, this was best.
His eyes narrowed in suspicion of your moving hand a second too late as you started to tickle his sides. He started laughing immediately and you grinned at his bunny smile returning. You finally let up to let him catch his breath, "ok Kookie, now tell me what's up." You say softly.
He shifts a little then mumbles quietly,
"I wanted to do something for the party tomorrow but Jin hyung said it was okay and we didn't have to bring anything."
You feel your heart drop hearing that your little bunny just wanted to do something to help with the party. He was so sweet. You think for a second and then stand up abruptly. His gaze follows you curiously. You walk into the kitchen and call out for him to follow you.
When he reaches the kitchen he sees you pulling two cartons of eggs out of the fridge and he notices that you set some weird colorful looking kit thing on the counter.
"Uh, y/n? What're you doing?"
You quickly grab a pot and fill it with water before setting it on the stove and plopping all the eggs in carefully.
Then you turn to him and put your hands on your hips in determination.
"We, Jungkookie......are going to have some fun!"
An hour later, you and Jungkook are sitting at your dining room table and he's bouncing up and down in his chair in excitement while you sort out different cups full of different dyed colored vinegar.
Finally you give him the signal to start and he grabs a few different eggs and gets right down to business. You start dying your own eggs and glance up at your cute boyfriend every once in a while. He's going all out with all the different supplies in the coloring kit and he does his signature little head tilt every now and then when he's trying to think of a new design. He's so zoned into his work that he doesn't say anything.
You smile at him and keep working on your own hard-boiled eggs. After about half an hour Jungkook makes an irritated grunt. You look up and see that one of his eggs rolled while still wet and got splotchy. You get up and move to his side,
"Baby, these are amazing! They're the best Easter eggs I've ever seen!" He blushes and mumbles a thank you before pointing at the smudged one sadly,
"Except that one....it's ruined.." You look at it and tsk your tongue at him then take it and hold it up. "I don't think so, it actually looks pretty cool like this!" And it did still look cool, since the golden maknae himself did it. You two finished up and he went on about how good your Easter eggs looked and you just shook your head and laughed. Then he hugged you tightly and said, "thank you baby, that definitely made me feel better." You just hummed and hugged him back, happy that he was back to his old cheery self.
"Honey are you ready?"
It was the next day and Jungkook was at your place to get ready for the party; you hurry into the living room and grab your purse. "Ready! Did Taehyung say they're here?" Tae and his girlfriend were going to pick you and Jungkook up to go to the party together.
"They'll be here any minute, you look beautiful by the way." He smiles at you and your cheeks turn pink. You mumble a thank you and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Once you four make it to the party you immediately see Jimin and his girlfriend come over to talk to you all. Jungkook is back hugging you the entire time and keeps playing with your hair. What a cute bunny.
(let's just say his day got even better when Jin gave him a hard-boiled egg shaped like a bunny, saying it was just for him.)
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BTS Reaction: Girl Version of Suga
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Cute idea! Funny story, I told Eva that this was her once I got into BTS. This fits her to a T!
~ Admin Destiny 💜
Kim Seokjin
The oldest of the group has always had a good relationship with his former roommate. Sure, Yoongi never laughed his jokes, but, sadly, hardly any of the members appreciate them anyways. With his girl twin, however, that Taehyung had befriended, he couldn't hide his displeasure.
"Why don't you laugh at my jokes?" Jin asks.
"You're not funny," she replies, as direct as Suga would. Figures.
"And you're saltier than he is," he says, "Maybe he should get a new name!"
"Tae, why'd you bring me here?" she questions.
"Oh, come on!" was Seokjin's only response.
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Min Yoongi
Yoongi was sceptical at first. He is the only one like Suga. Of course, the habits Tae has revealed about her are similar, but that's just a coincidence. It was easy for him to deny it. Until she comes over.
"What do you like to do?" Namjoon asks.
"I play basketball."
"Hyung does, too. It's his favorite sport."
"I love it," she replies, "but not the professional profit aspect. Capitalism is taking over everything."
Nodding in agreement, Yoongi knows he's going to like have her around.
"How do you feel about the piano?"
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Jung Hoseok
Hoseok definitely has an "opposites attract" connection with his hyung, but it's nothing he's ever worried about. Once he heard about Taehyung's friend, he couldn't be happier. The girl, on the other hand, is confused by his excitable charms.
"Dance with me!" he insists.
"Wh-what?" she asks shyly, a little shocked of how he saw through her cold shell so quickly.
"You don't have to," he changes rather abruptly, remembering how Yoongi was at first. Hoseok doesn't want to pressure her.
She could tell him no, but he looks so happy. Man, how can someone be platonically whipped?
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Kim Namjoon
To Namjoon, Suga is the wise and cool older hyung. Meeting someone with some of his traits, according to Taehyung, is anything but dull. Plus, he may understand Yoongi better by talking to her and hearing what his hyung has to say. He just forgot how long it took him to open up. It's been eight years, can you blame him?
"Taehyung said you write as well," Joon says.
"What do you write about?" he tries again.
"Anything I feel like."
This could take awhile. Obviously, Namjoon doesn't expect full answers right away, but she's been hanging out here for four months and not even a birthday date?
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Park Jimin
Jimin was living his best life when Tae's friend came over. Not only is she nice to talk to like Yoongi, she's shorter than all of them, even Jimin. Unlike his hyung, she can't tell him that they're close in height. Playfully, of course.
She was simply getting a cup down for juice when Jimin decided to poke the bear.
"Do you need some need some help?" he asks suspiciously.
"It's fine," she replies as she struggles.
"You know, I am taller."
"I'm aware, Jimin," she rolls her eyes.
"Seriously, though, I'll get it," Jimin says laughing.
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Kim Taehyung
He didn't realize how similar his hyung and new friend were until Jin said something to him. Taehyung just thought she was fun and cool. Making things awkward, though, Tae wants to ask her out and Jungkook won't let him forget.
"Are you sure you to deal with her when she's waking up?" the maknae pesters him.
"She doesn't have all of his habits," Taehyung attempts defending himself.
Jungkook reminds him of last week when Hoseok had tried waking her from a quick nap and was met with a pillow in his face.
"Her work made her stay up for three days," Tae fires back, "Give her a break."
Maybe she is like Suga.
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Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook loves all of his hyungs dearly, even if he doesn't show it sometimes. To be honest, he had feared Yoongi at the beginning, but now he realized it was respect. The only thing odd about Taehyung's new friend is that she is a year younger than him. Not that he knew at first.
"Noona? Where is V hyung?" Jungkook asks.
"You don't have to call me that, Jungkook oppa."
Realizing his mistake, he giggles.
"Sorry. You just seem so wise for your age."
Finally, someone younger than him. He can be the wise one now. Though, he wonders how close wisdom and age are connected.
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seungly · 2 years
Okay love, sorry I'm a bit late to the party but anyway LET'S DO THIS!
💖 , 🌹 , 🍰 , 💘 , 💓 , 🍒 , 💫
I wanna know 😌
💖 have you ever been in love? are you in love rn?
I like to think I had my first love! Haha though I probably really did <33
Seungmin's the only one occupying my mind rn tbh 😩💗 love that guy fr
but other than that no vdjsbsjs hehe
🌹 what do you think are the most romantic flowers other than roses?
Not to be biased but daisies!! I love daisies hahaha
🍰 what's your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make?
Ice creams are my go-to, they're so good 😭 my favorite is vanilla or chocolate, I'm basic mb 🧍🏻‍♀️
I like baking brownies. They go with ice cream, easy to make, and so so so delicious 😔🙌
💘 you would fall in love with someone who...
would be able to handle me. I can be a lot sometimes and my anxiety gets so bad 🥲 and I also tend to look down on myself a lot hahaha
💓 what do people do that makes your heart skip a beat? what makes your heart melt?
Compliments always gets my heart beating, and when they can tell whether I'm actually okay or not. Heart go crazy
When I get praised DBSJBS, when someone remembers tiny details about me! ah and when I make people laugh. I like to think I'm funny 🤡
Kim Seungmin.
🍒 which is better– a down to earth, comfortable love or an exciting, butterflies in your stomach type of love?
How dare this be a question. I don't know what to answer VDJABSN I LOVE BOTH.
I like to be comfortable but also the thrill, please that's so– I want it. Both is great, I want both 🧍🏻‍♀️
Depends on my mood tbh hahsha
💫 do you get crushes easily? What makes you fall for someone?
Yes. Definitely. You call me pretty? My heart goes boom, now I have a crush on you 😤
When they're genuine! When I can actually feel they admire me or they really care. Also humor, if we have the same humor then congratulations you have a chance of me 🫂 sorry man, that's your fault.
also when their name is Kim Seungmin.
VSJABSJS RHIS IS SO FUN!! ILY FOR ASKING 😤💓 I really enjoyed answering it!!
I hope you're well, bestie 😚 especially during your hell week 🤕
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