#anyway this is grizabella obviously
Thinking about Deuteronomy again, being that first point of contact for most cats in being welcomed into their family, newborns and new additions alike, but I'm thinking specifically about cats who were perhaps born into their group, left, and *then* came back, and how those are usually situations where Deuteronomy can sort of...tell if they'll be back when they do leave. He can't say anything about it, but he knows. Cats who know him very well can almost catch the expression that indicates one way or the other when he's informed of their leaving if he believes they'll be back. And - outside of the occasional anomaly - he's usually right about it.
He remembers, distantly, holding a little grey queenkit in his arms during one of his visits years and years ago, fresh faced and lovely, thinking: "This one will do big things" - not great things, not even potentially successful things, but big things nonetheless. He remembers a whisper of her little voice filled with confidence fading suddenly into silence; remembers thinking he hoped she would eventually find whatever it was she couldn't here, that she would find her way back when it was time, carefully avoiding the even stare of her mother as he passed her back.
And when he holds that little grey queen in his arms decades later, just when he thought he'd been wrong, only a little bigger, the sharp curves of her bones jutting from her fur, face so much older now, he sees that little one again, and smiles. Murmurs: "Welcome home", before he passes her onto the stars, hoping she finds her way back again to make up for lost time.
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pinksilvace · 8 months
Fern guides their mutuals and followers through Cats 1998 as if we're all sitting on the same couch watching it and I'm shouting out stuff: 3/?
shaking you by the shoulders it's about the SUBTEXT this is SUBTEXT you've got to trust me on this one I swear
7: Grizabella the Glamour Cat
OKAY OKAY OKAY NOW WE'RE COOKING!!! We're moving along with Plot #1 (Grizabella) and getting hints about Plot #2 (Macavity)!!! Wahoo!!!
Unfortunately, the beginning of this scene is cut off in the official clip, so I'm going to drag a few pics from this recording as well since it covers all the same bases:
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Starting off strong with a Psychic Moment (TM) so we know Something Big is coming
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Bombalurina always does this sort of haughty walk past/around Grizabella, since Bomba's 100% on Team Demeter and Grizabella (maybe) represents stuff that Demeter wants to detach herself from. I will say, this production is quite a bit more aggressive than 1998, but I like this portrayal a whole lot too!!!
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One of the big and obvious things to notice is how the kittens are physically protected from Grizabella (and moreso her past/what she represents). In 1998, this happens more in the form of the older cats pulling the kittens (Mistoffelees, Jemima, [who Skimble does physically restrain], Electra, Etcetera, and Victoria) away from Grizabella.
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Another kitten moment - Plato and Tumblebrutus convince Pouncival to scratch Grizabella (in this recording it's just Tumble convincing him) and are reprimanded by Munkustrap. This is definitely one of my favorite background moments.
First, it shows off a dynamic consistent throughout the show: everybody takes care of everybody. More specifically, there isn't a specific assignment of which adult takes care of which kitten or who is closer than whom, and however much I'll reference ships and siblings and whatnot throughout these posts, I can only think of one canonical relationship; the rest change production to production, even in replica performances. Hell, they change cast to cast. The one exception is that of Coricopat and Tantomile, who are almost undoubtedly siblings/twins. Even the thing going on between Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer is left vague. TLDR, I enjoy how everybody bears some amount of responsibility for the kittens in this community model.
Second, this is one of those parts that calls into question Plato's age. He's in the same nebulous area as Mistoffelees, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer, where he primarily hangs out and has interactions with the kittens but spends more time on his own than most of them. This is where looking at the RCCL performace coincidentally comes in handy for this analysis; the interpretation of Plato's character in that one has him older and more responsible. I've seen versions wherein Plato essentially acts as a third protector, and that's a neat way for his character to progress! Anyway uhhh I like him and he's pretty :3
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THIS, THOUGH??? THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART. Demeter reaches out to Grizabella, gets skittish, and rushes off to seek comfort from Bombalurina.
SO. Obviously, with all of the lines she sings, Demeter is familiar with Grizabella - if not on a personal level, then at least at a level distinct from that of the rest of the tribe.
What gets me. What GETS ME. is that Demeter only acts strangely (and stands out in general) whenever events have to do with one of two cats: Grizabella and Macavity. Most fans I've come across elect to go with the theory that these relationships are connected, especially because Demeter appears to have some sort of trauma associated with each of them. Their appearances also affect the tone of the Jellicle Ball in relatively similar ways, the main difference being that fear of Macavity translates to disgust of Grizabella.
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Other folks have pointed out before that some stagings of this scene have Bombalurina (and sometimes Munkustrap) physically turning Demeter away from Grizabella, presumably for her own well-being.
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Somewhat similar to what I pointed up above, this number establishes one of the few gender norms recurring through this show: the female kittens are guarded/protected/turned away, but the male kittens are left comparatively unsupervised. Considering that the only male kittens are Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, and Plato, one could argue over whether this is a gender norm in this society or whether there are other reasons for this. For instance, it is possible that Plato's older age and taller stature grant him independence, or that Pouncival and Tumblebrutus don't have solid guardian figures in the tribe.
Personally, I think it's more likely the choreography was directed with the mentality that the female kittens have a greater need for protection - which, considering the implied content of Macavity, Grizabella, and Demeter's stories, might not actually be wrong in-context.
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So, it's obvious that Demeter wants to talk to/about Grizabella, even if she brings up apparently bad memories. She turns away from Bombalurina of her own volition. Whatever memories are stirred up, the badness of them likely does not have to do with Grizabella herself, lending credibility to the idea that she's connected with Macavity.
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Tottenham Court was, historically, somewhat of an entertainment district in a poorer area of London. Allegedly (as in, I've only seen this stated in Cats circles and don't have time for further research at the moment), it was also strongly associated with prostitution in Eliot's time. "The Rising Sun" and "The Friend at Hand" are local pubs.
Essentially, the lines Demeter sings imply that Grizabella was a cat of the streets that hung around seedy areas, and that she eventually became so wretched as a result that even humans wonder how she's still around.
Some earlier lines - those that Grizabella sings about her appearance - are from a different poem of Eliot's and are used to describe a prostitute.
All in all, one interpretation of all of this is that Grizabella fell from grace by being "in kahoots" with Macavity. At this point in the show, the other Jellicles don't chase her off, but she is clearly not welcome.
I'll talk more about Demeter's deal in the Macavity section.
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Electra loving Munk moment :3
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jelliclekay · 1 year
i just noticed someone else sent you those emojis as soon as i did whoops. anyway 🎯
🎯 What's a common headcanon/theory/interpretation that you don't prescribe to?
I'm not going to give my actual serious answer lol but one theory that I've seen (though I don't think it's that common anymore) is that Grizabella was ousted because she was a sex worker. I don't think she was in the first place, but even if she was, the idea that the Jellicles would kick her out for that is absolutely ridiculous. The Jellicles are very obviously sex positive, and idk applying a human concept like sex work and the stigma against it to a bunch of cats is silly to me
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carlandrea · 1 year
Do you think you could elaborate on what you mentioned about the female characters in "Cats" -- I definitely agree, but I have a hard time articulating what I want to say about it.
tbh I feel like if i could articulate it coherently I would have put it in the post? But I'll do my best.
The two real storylines are like. The macavity situation and the grizabella situation—both of those stories are about women? Demeter and Bombalurina, and then Grizabella and Victoria. Both of them are like. hm. very concerned with beauty and desire? But I just. cannot figure out what they are trying to say. Possibly nothing.
Like Victoria as a pretty ingenue is a very clear mirror to Griz as the past glamour cat and like—but what is it saying? What is this storyline saying about beauty? It matters—like it has to—that Victoria is the one to reach out to grizabella. Is the story saying like this is what happens when women lose their beauty? Because that's. bleak.
And then Demeter is obviously the victim of some kind of gendered violence or. Like there's some kind of—it's unclear how consensual her relationship with Macavity was? But like this is obviously about her and bomba about like. friendship and solidarity. About women who have gone through the same hell together. Anyways. Crazy stuff uh.
and like why does victoria lose her virginity on stage? Is that? Relevant? It's not a loss of innocence thing—she's still the ingenue after that. so like. I wouldn't want her to stop being "pure" after she bangs plato but like. Is that part of it?
I am grabbing Andrew Lloyd Webber by the shoulders and shaking him furiously. what the fuck is going on here.
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kiryll-antiqua · 1 year
There was a package for him in the usual place at the usual time where Kiryll expected to recieve gifts a certain someone insisted on giving him. He expected them to cease with Varis's passing, but they kept coming at their appointed time.
The gifts were almost always practical or perishable things that Kiryll seemed to express some passing interest in. They would end up in his hands, discreetly packaged, without fail, every two months, despite his own insistence that it was unneeded.
"Let me do this, if you will not allow me to have your enemies slain for you."
Currency given out only to those who participated in the games at the Wolves Den, which he himself was once too timid to join, a fresh loaf of bread, still warm, from the most expensive bakery in town, a dip pen handle made of inlaid mother of pearl, depicting a beautiful white bird with long tail feathers, all things that were untraceable and easy to dismiss as innocuous and not out of place.
Surely there was some envoy still watching him. He had never caught the deliverer of the packages, partially out of lack of curiosity and partially not wanting to learn if it was someone he knew already. But Varis was dead and the Empire with it, so this should have stopped.
Two months was enough of the passage of time that it was easy to forget, and Kiryll was becoming more and more fed up with Ul'dah the longer he stayed there, but he wanted to know who it was who was still sending him things.
It was very easy to think that one in this city truly cared for him except his mother. People had certainly been apt to use him when they discovered he was kind despite looking too Garlean to be trustworthy. Even as a Warrior of Light, he felt like he could sense certain people's derision without even having a conversation with him, but his journey and meeting friends who treated him well had reduced his misanthropic worldview. Still, Ul'dah had lost its charm, and telling himself no one cared for him made it easy for him to think about leaving.
He stood up as if it were Starlight Eve, waiting for this mysterious courier in the hallway to his apartment. Despite his presence, the courier approached.
The envoy ended up indeed being someone he knew, a scrappy miqote girl who called herself Grizabella, who had "adopted" him despite being at least ten years his junior.
"Griz, no."
"Kiryll, I..."
"Look, I know this looks terribly suspicious, but if it's anything, I did replace the original courier after knocking them out for stalking you. I agreed to take up package delivery after I saw them lift your mood."
Kiryll was trying to break the habit of crying at the drop of a hat these days, but as usual, his tears couldn't be contained. "I would rather this stop. I've been thinking about leaving anyway."
"I guess I gotta tell the guy, then."
Kiryll folded his arms and straightened up. "And just who is this guy, Griz?"
"Another go between. There's loike, four or five that rotate for security purposes or sommat."
Kiryll sighed. "Of course." It made all the sense in the world for Varis to have gone overboard with his contingencies.
Grizabella tried to change the subject by lifting the package up for him to look at, and he reluctantly took it. It was a teacup in the style he had dimly remembered his grandmother owning in his early childhood. It wasn’t anything that had belonged to her, but close enough in style that it still evoked a sense of nostalgia. "Ohh! This one's right pretty, it is!"
"These things are always beautiful in their own way. I think I should rather whatever infrastructure is behind this to start giving to the poor instead. I obviously won't be giving up any of them, but when I move, they'll just be stolen off my doorstep anyway." The teacup was bright red and made of some kind of translucent ceramic or crystal, painted with gold filigree in abstract vines and flowers that reminded him of certain decorative motifs he had also seen in the fairytale books his aunt had read him and his sister about Ivalice.
Varis had also loved the tale of the Vagrant, and had probably been read to from a much fancier copy of the tale in the palace. Kiryll shook his head to keep himself from dissociating in front of Grizabella, though.
"So, if you want fings to be donated to the poor, I can arrange it. Mostly what I end up getting are instructions and money to purchase fings, 'cept in cases like this one where it's an import."
"I would be much happier if we could use that to make sure the orphanage is well stocked with donated goods in a sustainable way. That's what I tend to try to do with all of my feelings about him. Try to turn it around and cleanse it until its good intent is actually usable."
"Kiryll, I know the Empire was bad and he was bad, too, but. You don't 'ave to spend all of your time trying to fix or clean fings or transform them until they seem acceptable. It's clear that he really seemed to 'ave feelings for you, tyrant or no, paragon to 'is own people, but unable to stop thinking about you." She stopped, realizing she had probably said too much. If she had just played it cool, it would have escaped Kiryll's notice.
"And how do you know that, Griz?"
"I ain't ever met 'im meself, but wiv working with the other couriers, they 'ad the complaint."
Kiryll let himself smirk. "Loyal Imperial spies sworn to secrecy, leaking the scandal wasn't worth the price they knew they'd pay, perhaps."
"Ain't no stakes in it now, so I dunno what's what anymore, but I took a part in it because you stopped smilin', and I couldn't fink of any other way to do it than remain giving you the gifts he intended to send you. There’s a bit of a backlog, wiv local provisioning requests interwoven. A lot of thought went into this."
Kiryll scratched his head nervously. "Of course there is..."
"Would you like to get biscuits? I don't know if I should just leave you 'ere alone after all this."
Kiryll nodded. During the last string of adventuring with the Scions, he had learned how important a measure of rest was. "There are several places still open at this hour. I can treat us. I'm good for it."
"I know you are! 'At's why I keep you around!"
Kiryll placed the teacup on his counter, grabbed a coat and locked his door.
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skimblyshanks · 2 years
@thunderwhenhepurrs made a post about CATS makeup and favorite trends so I wanted to do the same. I'm making the decision to skirt around the iconic Dawson/London tradition looks for the most part, mainly bc a lot of my opinions on those are influenced by the specific actors (aka: Skimble would just be Marat and Hayden bc I am in love with them fjrjgdj. Kevin Alvey too)
Anyway yeah gonna post makeup looks I love.
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Demeter and Skimble are both characters where I just. Adore the US and Australaisa pre revival designs. So much. They're v different vibes but both just pull me in.
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Munk is where the exceptions abt London Productions start coming in 😂 I can't help it. As much as I vocally dislike Mulket!strap, the 90s was a goddamn era for Munk across productions. Also a bonus from US Tour V
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Macavity! I'm a simple skimbly. I don't have much to say. This is v much skirting London and technically has a UK tour picture but shhh. I like me subtle fang carving from the makeup, and I really like the designs that have weird little visible asymmetrical color split on his forehead.
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As I've mentioned in a past post, Grizabella as a younger character is not a creation of the 2010s. Indeed, Griz as explicitly old seems to be from London in the late 90s, meaning other productions didn't necessarily follow that. What I think distinctions classic "young" grizabellas from current ones, tho, is that...she isn't sexy young? She's still come on hard times, her glamor has still faded; whether she's read by the audience as old or young doesn't come primarily from the makeup and costume, bc what those communicate more than her sexiness are her status as a pariah. Sidenote, I think Hamburg might be my absolute favorite of Classic grizzes, bc look at those wigs!!! Permy/frizzy hair and a clear cat ear shape???? On MY Grizabella????
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Misto is...misto. obviously there's a beautiful simplicity in iconic look, it's iconic for a reason, I just. Also really like ones that play with it. Whether that be by giving him a perma-cockee eyebrow like the US tradition, playing with use of skin tone, or by bringing in black stripes. Special shoutout to the US Revival for not looking at black actors and saying "well you have two choices. Flat white all across your face, or ashiness." It's kind of bare minimum but like fjdjfjdej. Misto is Misto :)
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Classic US Tumble my Beloved...
That is all there is to say on that
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It seems like Tour V Jenny managed to just. Become her own flame point liking motherfucker and I adore her like. No other iteration really matches her and I love her so so so much
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Cori and tanto are by and large a package deal per their whole like. Conceit, ig. Also I've been making the conscious choice to not use shiki just because that's a whole other can of worms abt my love fjdjgndn but I can't leave out shiki tumblr in this bc he's just. So. PRETTY. But yeah. Cori and Tanto are always characters whose London designs I've always kinda. Not preferred. I like the vibes on other designs, yanno.
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Michelle Carter, 2021 US tour Jennyanydots:
"So I'm here with Kelliann [DeCarlo], who just made her Grizabella duet last night and it was fabulous. And I wanna say this with her, because she actually doesn't know, but: Tayler Harris (who usually plays Grizabella) and I have a story that Griz and Jennyanydots used to have a duet. Like, it was a big tap duet: like Chicago, Velma and Roxy style duet. And that she obviously fell into some bad things and she's not in the duet anymore, and that's part of the reason why I'm so pissed off with her all the time."
Which makes it even cuter that, when Michelle returned to the stage after an absence of more than a week, Tayler and Indalecio (Deuteronomy) did some tapping with her to welcome her back!
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(Filmed by @selnost - please do not repost these gifs without his permission.)
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Anyway, Jennybella rights!
Compare Chelsea Nicole Mitchell (Bombalurina)'s more general comments about Grizabella's backstory.
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*+ The Cats The Musical Circus AU*+
This AU was created by myself and @itssmokeytopaznottan
ANYWAYS! The Circus AU is a Human AU that takes place in the 1910s in London (well, they tour Britain, because they are a traveling circus, but it starts in London) Skimbleshanks, Asparagus Sr., and Old deuteronomy originally began The Jellicle circus in the 1880s. After about ten years, Old Deut and Asparagus retired from the circus, leaving Skimble as the last founder there. The circus was then a family business, many of the children of the founders now worked in the circus. HERE’S A LIST OF THE ROLES AND ACTS EVERYONE HAS:   
~Skimbleshanks: A founder, and a Clown. something about clown skimble makes me happy. he is the father of Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, and Etcetera. 
~Jennyanydots: A singer and tapdancer, and the mother of Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, and Etcetera. 
~Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer: The both of them are Lion/Tiger Tamers, and Trickriders on horseback. Mungojerrie is a Trans man, but that was not allowed back then so he doesnt tell anyone that. 
~Etcetera: an acrobat/trapeze artist, even though she is like- 10.
~Old Deuteronomy: One of the founders, the original, now retired ringmaster. He is the father to Munkustrap, Tugger, and Macavity. 
~Munkustrap: The current ringmaster, and adoptive father to Jemima.
~Tugger: a Strongman, Aka a Professional Showoff. his main job, though, is the keep Munk on his toes. 
~Macavity: He ran away from the circus as a teen, due to the heated relationship he had with his father. he is now a powerful Gangster, and his now goal is to kill his father and destroy the circus the caused his miserable childhood. 
~Demeter: has a cabaret sideshow act, think like Chicago. She is Jemima’s mother.
Bombalurina: a strongwoman, she and Tugger have an act together. (Note: bomba, Munkustrap, and Demeter have a poly relationship at some point in this au)
~Jemima: she is too young to have an act yet, but she is adorable, and the whole cast loves her. 
~Alonzo: An acrobat, and the oldest of the monochromatic siblings. I also really ship him with Mungo, so, that’s what im gonna talk about most. enjoy. 
~Mistoffelees: The middle child. He is a magician, obviously. He does actually have powers though, and he is still learning how to use them. 
~Victoria: she is the youngest of the monochromatic siblings. she is a dancer, and she has been progressively loosing her hearing since she was a child, and she now mostly uses sign language to communicate. but she can still speak occasionally, and she can read lips. 
~Tantomile and coricopat: Both of them are Fortune teller/psychics. 
~Carbucketty: An acrobat.
~Tumblebrutus: an acrobat. 
~Plato: acrobat.
~Electra: acrobat. 
~Cassandra: Aerialist
Exotica: Aerialist
~Bustopher Jones: he is a rich patron of the circus who provides the funding. (this idea given to my friend on Insta)  
Im still trying to figure out roles for: Grizabella, Jellylorum, Asparagus Jr., and the rumpus cat. If you have any ideas for them, please let me know!
Okay! that’s all for the roles, but I am gonna keep posting random details about this au when they come to me- and i hope you enjoyed! 
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Headcanons: The Ages of Cats
After giving it some thought, I arranged the Cats in the 1998 Film from what I see as youngest to oldest. I’ll give their ages as “like a human at around X years old”, though I’ve tried to calculate it in years a cat might’ve actually lived as well.
I mostly wanted to write this to demonstrate how Cats shows every stage of life as a sort of theme:
Jemima: 12-13
I consider the Jellicle Ball to be a sort of PG-13 event that very young kittens usually don’t attend. They’d have difficulty staying up all night for it, even if they slept during the day. Even adult cats in their prime sleep a lot and kittens need even more sleep than adults do.
So, Jemima is just barely at the minimum age to attend. She’s not as far along in puberty as the other kittens, though she has the same crush on Tugger that the other girls do. It’s not quite as sexual, more about how cool he is.
Jemima contrasts with Grizabella by being the very youngest, a child with a full life ahead of her. She’s at the beginning of the cycle that Grizabella’s at the end of.
Etcetera, Pouncival, and Victoria: 16
These three all come from the same litter. They all have a bit more of a connection to Jellylorum than the other kittens do, so they’re her litter. They’re maturity varies, but they’re all hormonal teenagers, while also sometimes still acting like children. They’re also close enough to Jemima in age that she can fit in as one of their group.
Electra and Tumblebrutus: 17
I don’t know if they’re the same litter or not, but they’re a step ahead of the others. Electra and Etcetera are often seen together, as are Tumblebrutus and Pouncival, so they can be compared. In the female pair, Electra is quieter and more behaved than Etcetera, who is often a bit out of control. In the male pair, Tumblebrutus can talk Pouncival into doing stupid things (most of which involve bullying Grizabella). Electra and Tumblebrutus are still very much kittens, but they feel slightly older than some of the others.
Plato: 18
Out of all the kittens, he’s the only one whose kitten status is up for debate. I basically see him as being like a high school senior who’s already turned 18 while his classmates are still 17. Victoria is the junior whom he invited to the senior prom. They’re still both kids, but there’s a slight difference.
Mistoffelees, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, George: Late teens or early 20s.
These four are all old enough to be considered adults, but they act like kittens half the time anyway. Your average college undergrad is only slightly more mature than your average high school senior. George isn’t very prominent, so I can’t say much about him, but, Mistoffelees is the sort of Barely Adult who really wants to prove that he’s an Adult™, while Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer weren’t ready to grow up when it happened and would rather just be kids.
Alonzo, Cassandra, Coricopat, Tantomile, Tugger: Mid to late 20s.
These five are a bit more established as adults, but they seem a little less mature than some of the other adults. Alonzo basically acts as Munkustrap’s apprentice, still looking for someone older to take the lead. Cassandra, as his love interest, I would assume to be his age. She is kind of immature in the way she treats Grizabella. Coricopat and Tantomile, despite their wise mystic status, when they’re doing anything other than being psychic, they’re a bit silly. Coricopat is on the same level as Mungojerrie when it comes to girls. When Munkustrap is hurt while fighting Macavity, Tantomile is the only adult nearby and she freezes up. Also, during Macavity’s number, she reacts to some of what’s said as if she doesn’t know who Macavity is.
As for Tugger, he’s an adult who’s still young enough to be the Obnoxious Little Brother of the tribe, but he demonstrates maturity when it’s needed. He knows How to Adult; he just usually doesn’t bother.
Bombalurina, Demeter, Macavity, Munkustrap: 30s
They’re just adults, neither young nor old. Bombalurina is a bit immature, enough to fit in with Tugger, but I hc her as Demeter’s sister, who’s closer in age to Munkustrap. She also knows more of what’s going on with Grizabella and Macavity than the five mentioned above.
We don’t see much of Macavity, so he’s hard to place, but I also try to put him at Demeter’s age. Munkustrap and Macavity are good and evil twins, basically.
These four are the youngest cats that might possibly have children.
Bustopher Jones and Jennyanydots: 40s
These two are mature cats, clearly on the older side of the cast, but Bustopher is, at least by his own standards, still in his prime and Jenny is very busy and active. They’re old enough that their age is starting to show a bit, and Bustopher’s obesity might shorten his lifespan, but it also might not.
Asparagus Jr. and Jellylorum: 50s
They seem more obviously middle-aged. Jelly’s most recent litter of kittens, which probably wasn’t her first, will probably be her last, though cats don’t have menopause, so who knows.
Honestly, I can’t figure out much about Asparagus, but he seems to be Jelly’s age.
Perhaps the casting of the 98 film is what makes me see Jellylorum as a bit older. I don’t know. But, she carries authority, enough to seem to be involved in Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy’s conference to make the Jellicle Choice! She’s also reached the age where parents and adults that were adults when she was a child are beginning to get old and die off. She spends a lot of time with Gus, knowing that there isn’t much time left.
Skimbleshanks: Early to Mid 60s.
You might be wondering why I made him older than the other mature cats. Well, there’s something I noticed about Skimble that I haven’t seen anyone else point out: He’s retired.
The lyrics to his song are all in the past tense, talking about not just individual incidents, but the general routine of the train as being something of the past. He speaks of the railway in the same way that Gus speaks of the theatre, just with more energy. He’s young enough to still have that energy, but he’s not working anymore. He might’ve retired so he could spend more time with his family. The middle-aged cats, too old for physical labor but too young to be considered old, are the ones who raise the children. Perhaps that’s how Jellicle society works. “Working” cats who retire become homemakers and look after the kittens and seniors.
Grizabella: Late 60s or Early 70s.
Grizabella is old enough to be considered old, but she’s closer in age to Skimble than to Gus. She’s in worse physical conditions than Gus, because Gus is well taken care of and Grizabella has been living alone on the streets. She’s old enough to have lived a long life, but she’s also been prematurely aged by circumstance. Because of her health, she gets bumped ahead of Gus on the list for the Heaviside Layer.
Gus: 80s or 90s
Gus is old enough that he needs to be taken care of and shows signs of dementia. He’s had the chance to live a long, happy life, though. Hopefully, he’ll make it one more year to be the next Jellicle Choice.
Old Deuteronomy: So ancient that no one would dare to guess
He basically transcends the laws of age.
So, in conclusion, the cast shows us childhood, puberty, coming of age, taking on more responsibilities as an adult, aging, retirement, old age, and eventually death and rebirth.
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
Have yourself a merry little Christmas...
The cast of Cats in London, either 1987 or 1989. Cast below the cut.
I’ve seen this dated 1987, and some of the cast seem more like 1987 than 1989; but then, it’s also part of this compilation, which is dated 1989. Neither of these is conclusive, though, since it’s possible that some of the earlier cast returned for a special event, or, on the other hand, that it was filmed earlier then included in that collection anyway.
So far, this is the cast list as I can guess it:
Bill Bailey: Adrian Edmeades Bomba: Jacqui Harman Bustopher: Christopher Molloy Carbuckety: Japheth Myers Coricopat: Hilton Jones Demeter: Aeva May Deuteronomy: Michael Sanderson Electra: Jackie Crawford Etcetera: Marsha Bland George: Steven Wayne Greycat/NBQ: Diane Manou Grizabella: Sharon Benson Jellylorum: Ann Woodfield Jemima: Ruthie Henshall Jennyanydots: Judith Street Mungojerrie: Scott Sherrin Munkustrap: Sandy Strallen Rumpelteazer: Anna Jane Casey Rum Tum Tugger: Richard Lloyd-King Skimbleshanks: Adam Matalon Tabbygirl: Cathy Cordez Tantomile: Amanda Courtney-Davies Victoria: Cherida Langford
Swings present: Greycat/NBQ (kitten, like a silvery version of Exotica), Tabbygirl (queen, gloves instead of armwarmers, lying behind Deme and Bomba in the hammock)
Missing: Mistoffelees, Admetus/Macavity, Gus (obviously, since Bustopher is there), Victor
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Was gus sad that he wasn't chosen? how was he after jellicle ball? what did jellylorum do about it?
Well, that's a bit of a complicated answer because it depends on how far gone you read Gus as a character (Also this might get very sad so just forewarning).
If he's in the later stages of dementia/Alzheimer's (which he was arguably meant to be in the 1998 film), then there was a good chance that he didn't even realize why he was in the Junkyard in the first place, nor remember anything about the "Jellicle Choice" or the Heaviside Layer. The chances of him being sad at having not been chosen were either non-existent or very short lived (when he was told about it, before his short term memory reset). According to Jacob Brent, it's apparent that Gus didn't even recognize any of the other cats aside from Jellylorum, and while he remembered parts of his life in great detail, it took him a while to get there, and he had a breakdown at the end because it was genuinely too much for him to process. Ergo, I don't think that version of Gus the Theatre Cat really had the capacity to fully comprehend a sadness at having not been chosen, you know? If anything, after the Jellicle Ball he was much the same as he was before it, foggy headed and quiet - maybe a little melancholy after having cried. Perhaps he was a little agitated because Jellylorum seemed very agitated afterwards, though he didn't know why (nor did he fully understand when she explained it to him). It didn't affect him to his understanding so much as it may have affected those around him who cared about him.
If you prefer to read Gus as still relatively mentally well, but very obviously physically deteriorating, then I personally like to go with Christopher Gurr's theory that Gus didn't want to be chosen at all. Heck, you can even apply that to the previous Gus that before he started deteriorating, he had expressed displeasure of potentially being chosen, despite the high honour. Everything Gus lived for at that point was gone or changed - he was a ghost of the past living in a future that he didn't feel he fit in anymore. He wanted, as it goes, to slip quietly into the night and not be a bother to anyone anymore (I definitely think Gus struggled with those feelings). He did not mourn over Grizabella having been chosen over him - how could he when she was suffering, too? - he breathed a sigh of relief.
And, because of course we have to throw the angst in there, I think again in true Christopher Gurr fashion, that Gus died shortly after the ball, quietly and uneventfully after his final bows, just as he had wanted. Jellylorum noticed how he was even more quiet than usual, that he held her arm just a little tighter on their way back, made the usual polite, off-handed comment that cats do - that he was sorry she hadn't been chosen - it was such a lovely song she'd sung. And Jelly just...has a feeling in her gut not to leave him alone that night, tells him she loves him before he goes to sleep, and he smiles and echoes the statement sincerely - his eyes so strangely clear and brighter than they'd ever been before.
Gus had had his final applause, he didn't need the fanfare afterwards. And in a way it was difficult to be wholly sad, because in the end he was a good cat, had a good life, and now his suffering was over. Perhaps he will not be reborn (not any time soon, anyway), but he will live on in the stories the Tribe will tell of his escapades, and I think Gus would want to be remembered as the colourful and bold personality he was, rather than have to re-navigate a new life with perhaps no memory of his previous one (wasn't that already what he had to struggle with as is?). He ended his life as he'd began it - completely uneventful - and what better poetic justice for a theatrical cat than that?
I think Jellylorum...understood, but was ultimately very sad about it. That was the last chance they really had (if you think that a cat is only reborn if chosen - or immediately reborn anyway. I like to think that cats who pass away outside of the Jellicle Ball have their souls put in a "queue" of sorts, where they can still be reborn, but it could be years or decades before they're seen again) for Gus to have been honoured - I don't even think that was the first Ball she'd offered him as the Choice, it was just the final one (and the one that he argued the least at). I think Jelly knew that this was it, there were no encores. She *understood* that Gus had not wanted to be chosen, but had a very hard time letting go. To her, Gus deserved so much more than the quiet he so wanted, but sometimes she felt as though she were the only cat to think so.
On top of that, I honestly think that Deuteronomy had a little selfish part of him that didn't *want* to choose Gus to ascend Heaviside. Not because he didn't think he deserved it; not because he wasn't suffering (because he very obviously was), but because Gus was one of the last of Deuteronomy's friends who was still alive. And saying goodbye like that, when you know you *made the choice* to make that goodbye necessary, well...
Even if Gus wasn't really Gus anymore, he still knew that he didn't want to be chosen. Every year they would watch the sky, and Gus would make an off-handed remark that yet again they were left on their own, that the faces each year get less familiar, give his thanks at not having been sent up, or some padded nothings that one says to an old friend as you both begin to realize your lives are slowly dwindling to an end.
That year though, Gus had turned to him and told him goodbye, that he'd had a lovely time, before he followed after Jellylorum in the wee hours of the morning.
And that, as they say, was that.
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Highlights of these photos (and of the show, obviously, because it feels like i’m watching the show when looking through all the pictures!)
the moon?? is a cog?? i’m already in love with the set design
i adore the way the main clock lights up someone’s silhouette when the entire stage is dark
amunet... pretty... 10/10 would absolutely let her step on me
skimble looks very responsible, 10/10 would hug
munkustrap... precious boy... this is his first time being in charge of the. Jellicle Ball and you’re doing amazing sweetie
jenny is v pretty, i would like her dress, the queens look like they’d all compliment me in the bathroom during a party, THE BEETLE WINGS ARE SO PRETTY, her second costume made me gasp, i’m in love with her
tugger is the epitome of Big Brother Must Mess With Baby Brother and i love him, he looks very fluffy
everyone else is in warm tones and grizabella’s in a cooler-toned purple setting her apart no one touch me T_T
i’d like to have tea with bustopher
mungojerrie and rumpleteazer are wonderfully chaotic, jerrie’s beard is wonderful, true icons
the lighting?? is gorgeous??
old deut and dem in the background at the end of the jellicle ball 🥺
hi griz is v pretty i’m panicking in bisexual atm be back soon
why is deut so attractive
pls the toms are such dORKS
also i haven’t pointed out bill bailey and carbucketty and that’s an absolute CRIME on my part they have the pretty ginger wigs with bangs
ma’am... miss bomba my heart... you have it...
also!!! mistoffelees is part of “macavity”!! i can’t be 100% but i think mistoffelees’ actor is female? someone please correct me if i’m wrong!
cori and jerrie being the backup 😤
tugger... he’s so very very soft
oh i haven’t mentioned it but jemima is precious and the shot of tugger holding her hand gives me big Protective Uncle/Big Brother vibes
the way the clock opens??? it’s so gorgeous?? this set is going to be in my brain forever
okay so quaxo remains as his own separate character throughout the show!! that means that now i have a hc for quaxo and misto
anyway i’m sobbing over this show ✌️
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jelliclekay · 2 years
Cats 4/14/2022 in Roanoke, Virginia: My Thoughts and Review!
So, Roanoke itself is about 5.5 hour drive from me. It's a big longer than I'm comfortable driving, especially since I am unable to stay overnight in a hotel in the area due to work stuff. However, with it being so close to my birthday AND knowing this would be my last chance to see the current cast live, I decided to make the drive out.
I had two friends agree to go, one being my best friend who knows nothing about Cats but likes musicals, and another friend who not only loves Cats, but is literally named after Victoria the White Cat. I'll add their reviews at the end!
Act 1
Right away, the second Nick appeared on stage, someone in the audience shouted "FUCK YEAH MUNKUSTRAP" I knew at this moment I was in for a good time.
During Jellicle Songs, my best friend leaned over to me and went "Am I supposed to know what Jellicle means?" I know it isn't part of the show but it made me laugh anyways
The Naming of Cats is much better live. It's one of my least favorite songs/moments in 98, but seeing it live is such a different experience.
Hyla was amazing during the White Cat Solo! When I went to see the show in January, I saw a lot of swings and Gracie was on as Victoria at that one. She was great, but it was such a joy to see the primary cast.
The Rum Tum Tugger is always fun. Obviously, I'm bias here but the energy Zach puts out in his Tugger performances is next level. He got the entire audience roaring. Also, every time he interacted with Misto and Bombalurina I was living!
Lauren during Grizabella almost made me cry. You can tell her portrayal of Demeter is a Demeter who still cares so much for Griz, and seeing her reach out to her and then force herself away from her just made my heart hurt.
Bustopher Jones. My best friend leaned over to me and went "big chungus cat." That's all.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer! I saw Allison and she was incredible. Her Rumpleteazers were so cheeky, and her and Max have great chemistry! Also the double cartwheel is back! The audience cheered super loud as they did it too.
Old Deuteronomy. I saw Nick Munk, and he really reminds me of Gruberstrap. He plays Munk a bit more seriously than Devon did, and him and Zach sound phenomenal together.
The Jellicle Ball! It's always so good. Tugger and Bombalurina danced a lot during it, which of course made me really happy. Also seeing Grizabella in the back attempting to dance along with them but being unable to hurt a lot.
Act 2
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer showed up late for the Moments of Happiness and got a stern look from Old Deut
Brianna Kim's Sillabub voice is honestly adorable. She embodies such a childlike wonder in her singing and I loved it (and so did my best friend, she complimented Sillabub so much after the show)
Gus! Okay, here's the part I really wanted to talk about. The other performance I went too, the audience was silent all through Gus. This audience, however? Wow. Every little gag and joke Jelly and Gus did had the audience laughing. And the Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles was phenomenal. You could tell John could feel the energy of the audience, and he went all out during Pekes and the Pollicles. It was an absolute riot and I'm so glad I got to see Gus and Jelly get the applause they deserve.
Skimbleshanks! So happy I got to see Chris' Skimble. He radiates JOY.
Macavity. GOD, do Lauren and Chelsea sound incredible together. Chelsea's Bombalurina kills me, her voice is so smoky and deep and also she's hot. Lauren also is obviously inspired by Aeva May in her Demeter portrayal, which I love because Aeva May's Demeter is the blueprint.
Mr. Mistoffelees! What else can I add that hasn't been said- Paul and Zach kill it everytime. Paul clearly loves being in Cats and being Mr. Mistoffelees and you can see it in his dancing and facial expressions how happy he is.
Memory. Probably a moment I will never forget. Taylor Harris' singing is amazing, and right before she belted the climax, me and my friend who knows Cats just held on to each other and sobbed.
The Ad-Dressing of Cats is one of my favorite songs in the world, and they all sounded amazing and I have to give shout out to the booth singers because I know we have them to thank for making the final of the musical as magical as it is!
My best friend who knew nothing about Cats came out of it really liking it! She said it isn't in her top musicals, but she had a deep appreciation for the work the cast puts into their singing and dancing. Also hrt favorite cats are Sillabub and Skimbleshanks.
That's all I have! Sorry for the ramblings- I had some issues with the way the orchestra rushed certain parts, but my criticisms are so miniscule. The show was phenomenal and I'm so glad I got to see this cast live one more time!
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themoonlitjunkyard · 4 years
Headcanon Masterlist
Yeah, I’ve been thinking recently of my various headcanons for the characters, and I thought it’d be nice to compile them; just as much for my own references as for anyone who’s curious. ^.^ It’ll probably be periodically updated with things I’ve missed, and some of the background relationships may change.  But here we go for what I have now anyway. xP I’ve been referring to the character portraits I made way back when for all the ones listed.
Cats who actually live in the junkyard and special tribe titles
Munkustrap (Guardian and de-facto leader; His human is the yard’s day watchman, though he spends time at his home too, so he’s half-and-half)
Demeter (Honorary Protector)
Bombalurina (Head Queen/Protector)
Coricopat and Tantomile (Protectors/Mystics)
Asparagus Jr. (Most of his time is spent there anyway; he tends to be the go-between if messages need to be sent to Jellylorum and Gus)
Alonzo (Second-in-command Protector)
Plato (Protector-in-training)
Jemima (Mystic-in-training via the twins)
Cats who have human homes, but live close enough to visit
Jennyanydots (Head Queen)
Rum Tum Tugger
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Mistofelees (Honorary Protector/Mystic-in-training via the twins)
Jellylorum (Head Queen)
Cats who live far away or visit on special or rare occasions
Old Deuteronomy (Official and spiritual leader; visits on the Jellicle Ball of course--but only when someone needs to go to the Heaviside Layer--and will often visit just because.  He’ll even appear randomly to cats who have a connection to the Jellicles or just might need him somehow)
Gus (He actually lives with Jellylorum in the theater, but he’s very old and too tired to visit the yard as often)
Bustopher Jones (On special occasions or if invited, mostly)
Skimbleshanks (Visits every time the train is back in London)
Outcast Cats
Grizabella (Now re-accepted and waiting to be reborn, former Head Queen)
Familial/Friendly Relationships
Munkustrap and Tugger are blood brothers, sons of Old Deuteronomy; Alonzo is Munkustrap’s best friend and honorary brother, and Mistofelees is the same for Tugger.  Alonzo tends to watch the other kittens along with the Head Queens if Munkustrap is busy.
Macavity is Grizabella’s son by Deuteronomy (though nobody in the tribe but Deut knows of this connection at present).  Munkustrap and Tugger are her blood nephews, adopted along with a few other abandoned kittens by her at the time.  When Grizabella left, Jennyanydots took over their care.
Demeter’s best friend and adopted sister is Bombalurina.  Jemima is (secretly at present) Demeter’s daughter by Macavity.  Plato is (also secretly at present) Bombalurina’s son by Macavity.
Coricopat and Tantomile are blood siblings; Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer present as siblings, but aren’t related (their humans got them together as a hopeful breeding pair of Toyger cats).
Asparagus Jr. is Jellylorum’s son and Gus’s grandson; Jellylorum is Gus’s daughter.  Jellylorum’s last kitten is Etcetera, and Jennyanydots’ is Electra (by Bustopher); they were raised together.  They adopted Pouncival and Tumblebrutus (who are brothers and were abandoned) as their own later.
Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots are blood siblings.  Both are the tribe’s mother/aunt and uncle figures along with Jellylorum.  Bustopher is an uncle figure to Mistofelees and Victoria, who live next door to each other and grew up together.
Cassandra and Exotica aren’t related, but live together.  The former has recently taken on an older sister sort of role to the latter, who is a little shyer and less outgoing.
George isn’t related to anybody (as far as we know), he wandered in not long before the Jellicle Ball looking for friends, and he’s been welcomed with open arms, as with everyone.
Romantical Things
Munkustrap and Demeter are mates (Quite obviously :3), and are exclusively with each other.  That makes them kinda the odd ones out of the tribe, as cats don’t often have mates for life.
Plato is heavily smitten with Victoria (mutually), though also understands that she likes Mistofelees as well (Plato’s only just discovering that he’s bisexual, so he doesn’t mind in that he finds Misto kinda cute too x3).  Mistofelees also likes Victoria and has always been friends with Plato, so he doesn’t get jealous either.
Cassandra and Alonzo are a couple, and though not exclusively, they are each other’s favorites.
Jennyanydots is smitten with Bustopher, and they seem to have little flings from time to time.
Tugger flirts with anyone he feels like (even toms if he knows they’ll get flustered); more commonly seen with Bombalurina and sometimes Cassandra.
Bombalurina is similar to Tugger, but flipped. x3 More commonly seen with Tugger and Alonzo.
George has a love-from-afar crush on Exotica, and is mustering up the will to talk to her (since these two are most often in stuck in the background, it struck me as cute that they’d bond over being the wallflowers of the tribe x3).
The kittens are all young and only just thinking about who they might like.  Jemima has always liked Tumblebrutus, but also finds Mistofelees cute (as does Electra).  Quite obviously, all the girls have puppy (kitten?)-love crushes on Tugger (except Jemima, who figured out a while ago that he might be her blood uncle), and the young toms all have the same kinda crush on Bombalurina.
Cats With Known Alternate Names
Old Deuteronomy -- Probably has WAAAAY too many to list here
Munkustrap -- Peter (given by the Guardsman)
Rum Tum Tugger -- Fluffkin (given by his elderly human)
Quaxo -- Mister Mistofelees (”Mister” was given by the young nephew of Bustopher’s owner, and “Mistofelees” was Quaxo’s own addition)
Bombalurina -- Sekhmet (given by her and Demeter’s old owners), Scarlet (given by the Guardsman), Athena (given by the flower shop owner; probably has a few more nicknames from a few more humans)
Plato (given by the Guardsman) -- Malterideas
Pouncival (given by the Guardsman’s daughter) -- Carbucketty
Tumblebrutus -- Bill Bailey (given by his humans)
Jemima (given by the Guardsman) -- Sillabub
Griddlebone (theater name, probably a variant of her true name) -- Madame Alexandra le Chateu (given by her humans)
More alternate names will come when I think of them (or when they’re revealed in a story/comic!)
Aaaand...I think I’ve covered everybody.  :3 These are only my headcanons, they don’t have to apply to everybody’s tastes, I just thought it’d be fun to compile and share what I have in my head. ^.^
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petersasteria · 4 years
Problems As The Youngest - Tom Holland
Pairing: Tom x Holland!Reader
Requested? Yes! By anon x
Hamilrequest #9
“Take a break and get away.”
Tumblr media
You are the youngest and the only daughter of the Hollands. Everyone treated you like a princess and your brothers are very protective of you. You are two years younger than Paddy and just like the rest of your family, you’re already exposed in the public due to your eldest brother’s fame.
You loved Tom, but sometimes you hated his job. It was so demanding and he never spends time at home and he’s always gone to go to some country and when he’s back, he leaves again. When he’s home, he doesn’t even visit you because he’s going out and partying with his friends and Harry and Sam would occasionally join in. They would also play golf and this time Paddy would come along and they never invited you. In short, you barely see him and you felt extremely excluded from sibling activities.
You tried getting his attention, because you wanted to be close with your brother. But it’s difficult if he’s the one not cooperating. You did everything just to be close to him. In fact, not just him. You did everything to be close to your brothers. As in, everything.
To be closer with Tom, you did ballet and gymnastics just like him when he was younger. You also went to acting school.
To be closer with Sam, you took up cooking lessons and you watched videos on YouTube about it. You even took up piano lessons in hopes that you and Sam would play together.
To be closer with Harry, you asked Nikki all about photography and the do’s and don’t’s of it.
To be closer with Paddy, you tried to understand all the games he was playing with the help of your male friends from school. You even took up football lessons.
Because of all those things happening at the same time, you were drained. But you were desperate. All your brothers didn’t have time for you anymore. You understand that they have their own lives, but would sparing, at least an hour of their day to be with you, hurt?
It’s no secret that the Holland family are very talented. You were definitely not an exception. You had a natural talent for singing and song-writing. Because of this, you would write all your woes and sing it out. Nikki said you’d be a singer someday and Dom said your gift was too amazing to be kept hidden.
But you kept it hidden anyway. You didn’t want anyone to know about your talent, because you were too shy about it. After all, you were just 13.
You were home alone, because Paddy went out with his friends, Sam had a date, and your parents went out as well. Paddy was supposed to watch you, but as soon as your parents left, he told you he was leaving.
You sat in front of the piano and practiced ‘Memory’ from CATS. You were going to audition for the school production of it and you really wanted ANY singing part. You could be Mr. Mistoffelees and you wouldn’t care. Singing really was your passion.
You took a deep breath and played the intro of the song and then you sang along with it. You were so distracted by playing the piano and singing that you didn’t hear your parents, Tom, Harry, and Harrison come in. They stopped and stayed quiet when they saw you and they were in awe.
“Burnt-out ends of smoky days. The stale, cold smell of morning. The street lamp dies another night is over. Another day is dawning.” you sang passionately with tears streaming down on your face. Despite the tears, you didn’t have a shaky voice. You were really like a professional.
“She’s really good.” Harry whispered with a small smile on his face.
“That’s our sister.” Tom said quietly.
“Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise. I must think of a new life and I mustn’t give in. When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too and a new day will begin.” you played the instrumental perfectly and held back a sob. 
“I’m kinda tearing up too. I don’t know why.” Harrison muttered under his breath.
“Like a flower, as the dawn is breaking, the memory is fading.” you sang deeply before taking a deep breath to sing the highest note. “Touch me, it’s so easy to leave me all alone with the memory of my days in the sun. If you touch me, you’ll understand what happiness is...”
You looked up in slight shock to see your parents, Tom, Harry, and Harrison. ‘How long have they been here?’ you thought to yourself. The show must go on, so you continued playing, “Look, a new day has begun.”
You ended the song and wiped your tears away as they applauded. 
“Y/N, we didn’t know you could sing.” Tom said, obviously amused that his youngest sibling had such a beautiful talent that she so selfishly kept hidden.
“That’s because I didn’t share it to people.” you mumbled and stood up from your seat before walking to the kitchen.
“But why? You sounded amazing!” Harry exclaimed as he followed you.
“She’s just shy.” Nikki defended. You shrugged and helped her set the table for late lunch.
“You were really good, Y/N.” Harrison smiled sweetly. “But why were you singing such an emotional song if you don’t mind me asking?”
You gave him a tight-lipped smiled and muttered something under your breath. Harrison looked at your brothers and then back at you and said, “Could you repeat that please?”
You looked at your parents and Dom nodded, “Tell them, love. It’ll be fine.”
“Tell us what?” Tom asked.
“I’m auditioning for my acting school’s production of CATS.” you said like it was nothing. After all, what’s the point in telling them if they wouldn’t be there?
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Harry asked.
“Acting school?! Since when did you go to acting school?” Tom questioned.
“I figured there’d be no point in telling you.” you shrugged and sat down and grabbed a cookie from the cookie jar.
“Why would there be no point in telling?” Tom frowned. “We’re your brothers. Don’t you want us there when you get the part?”
“Well you don’t have time for me, now do you?” you retorted. “You’re not here all the time and when you are, you’re with your friends. But that’s okay. I stopped caring.”
Getting the role of Grizabella and months of rehearsing later, it was now the night of the show. You brothers promised they wouldn’t miss it and you had a glimmer of hope that maybe your relationship with them would change.
'Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats’ just started and alas, your brothers were a no show. Nikki and Dom were extremely disappointed that none of the Holland boys appeared even though they promised.
“Harry, how’s the show?” Sam asked through the phone. “I can’t make it tonight. My shift is until midnight and this is my only break.”
“Show? What show?” Harry said in confusion as he looked at Tom before putting Sam on speaker.
“Are you joking??” Sam shrieked. “You and Tom aren’t at Y/N’s school production of CATS??”
“Shit. That was tonight?!” Tom panicked. 
“Yes! Wait. Where are-” Sam cut himself off and his eyes widen. “Hold on. Are you at a fucking club?!”
“Hey, cut me some slack. I was tired today and this is my stress reliever.” Tom rolled his eyes.
“Are you both out of your goddamn minds?! How is clubbing more important than our sister’s school performance?” Sam angrily said.
“Well, you’re not there either. You’re not getting out of this scott-free.” Harry rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, but I have a valid reason. What’s yours?” Sam challenged.
Harry and Tom went silent in shame.
“Mhm. That’s what I thought.” Sam sighed. “Well, at least Paddy’s there.”
As if on cue, Tom takes out his phone from his pocket as he felt it vibrate. Tom looked at the text from Paddy and shook his head, “Nope.”
“What d’you mean ‘nope’?” Sam asked frantically. “Paddy’s not there at the show?!”
“Nope.” Tom repeated.
“What the fuck?! Why?” Harry looked at Tom.
“He said he didn’t pay attention to the time and he’s stuck at his friend’s house. He also said that he wasn’t dressed for the occasion, because the venue was at a theater and not the school’s auditorium.” Tom said as he read the text and bit his lip.
“We’re fucking dead.” Harry said bluntly.
“Yes we are.” Sam agreed.
“It was nice knowing you, boys.” Tom sighed.
“There’s our girl!” Dom smiled as you ran to his arms and hugged him. He kissed the top of your head before you pulled away to hug Nikki.
“I’m so proud of you, sweetheart!” Nikki grinned. You pulled away and looked behind them. Nikki and Dom looked at each other sadly. You looked at them and forced a smile, “They didn’t make it, did they?”
They shook their heads. You pursed your lips and nodded, “Okay.”
“Let’s go out and cele-”
“No, thanks. I just want to rest, please.” you said sadly. 
Dom nodded, “Let’s go home, then. We’ll just celebrate tomorrow.”
You gave him a small smile and nodded, “Yeah, let’s celebrate tomorrow.”
“Hey, you’re home!” Tom cheered as he saw you. You rolled your eyes and walked passed him.
“There’s the star of the show!” Harry grinned.
“How was it?” Paddy asked.
“I’m too tired for this. Just go.” you said bitterly and walked upstairs.
Tom looked at you and called out, “Go change your clothes and come back down! We need to celebrate!”
“Go home, Tom!” you shouted over your shoulder before running to your room and slamming the door loudly, everyone thought they felt the house shake.
“Why didn’t you show up?” Nikki asked with her arms crossed. “And where’s Sam?”
“Harry and I forgot.” Tom frowned.
“Sam’s shift doesn’t end until midnight.” Harry said.
“I was stuck at my friend’s house and I wasn’t even dressed for the occasion.” Paddy explained.
“You better make it up to her.” Dom said sternly. “She’s your sister for fuck’s sake. She tried everything to be closer to all of you and you give her nothing in return!”
“She took up classes for everything you’re all interested in so that she has something to talk about with you. But what did you do? You pushed her away.” Nikki shook her head. “Talk to your sister. Now.”
The three Holland boys walked upstairs and went to your room. They knocked, but you rolled your eyes and stayed on your spot in the middle of your big room. You were rehearsing the steps for your ballet recital next week and you also did it to de-stress.
Tom opened the door and walked in with Harry and Paddy behind him. You didn’t pay attention to them and you just looked at yourself in the mirror.
“We’re sorry.” they all said simultaneously.
“We have no decent excuse and-” Tom said but you cut him off.
“I know. I heard the conversation downstairs. I only accept Sam’s excuse, by the way.” you huffed as you tried to get the steps right.
“We want to make it up to you.” Harry offered.
You scoffed, “Really, now?”
“Yeah.” Paddy nodded. You pursed your lips and turned to face them, “And how will you do that?”
“Well, mum said you took up classes for everything we’re interested in.” Paddy mentioned.
“Yeah, so?” you crossed your arms.
“Maybe we could hang out by that!” Tom smiled. “We could do ballet together.”
“We could do photography together.” Harry said.
“We could play football together.” Paddy added.
“Yeah so, what do you say? It’s our only way to make up for everything.” Tom frowned.
You thought about it for a while and your brothers were nervous. You finally sighed and nodded, “Fine. You’re lucky I love all of you.”
The three boys grinned and pulled you in for a group hug.
Sam walked in your room and grinned, “A group hug without me? I feel betrayed!” You all cheered as he joined in the hug.
“I made a little something for Y/N downstairs. So, last one there is a rotten egg!” Sam shouted before running downstairs followed by you.
* * * *
𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​​​​ @peachmaybnx​​​ @superheroesaremytea​​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟
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skimblyshanks · 3 years
Ok so @thunderwhenhepurrs asked me to explain Macavigus and seeing as it's a house I built myself on solely headcanons this is only fair 😂
But this is me so it's a very long story
It's built on 3 main things, 2.75/3 of which being pure personal interpretation
1. Macavity is Old. but also not. but. ok, so aliudshf. One of my headcanons since I got into the show in 2016 was that Macavity is in the same Age Group as Gus, Old!Griz, and Deut (My thoughts and age hcs for Grizabella fluctuate wildly nowadays).
2. Macavity is the true identity of Rumpus Cat. I made A Whole Series of posts breaking this down. Certain backstory specifics have changed but the general outline is still something i adhere to.
3. Rumpus Cat was Always Gus' Show First. Based, of course, on the US revival+UK-International Tour, where he plays the Rumpus Cat. The show is always, of course, somewhat associated with Old D, since pre-2016 stagings were directed toward him in-universe and led by Munkustrap, all during Act I, but when Gus and Deut are usually understood as very close...
So. aksudhf.
I tend to hc, When Gus, Deut, Macavity, and sometimes Griz were all in their younger days, that Gus and Macavity were a Thing. And like. Macavity wasn't a great dude but like. Most of the messy stuff happened behind the Rumpus Cat persona. basically OG Jekyll-and-Hyde style, letting out repressed urges under another name, this time just also under the guise of a vigilante. (There's nothing explicitly heroic abt Rumpus Cat in the lines themselves, it's all in the staging and the cats relating to cats)
BUT, and here's where things get REALLY Pepe Silvia. And also just go full in on Magic Macavity. So like I mention in my previous 3-post series, I think Macavity is. Literally undead asufhlasdiu. He's old, he's smelly, he's losing his fur, he's emaciated. How does he maintain an appeal? Well, we do know he's literally hypnotic, and along with that all the cats give off enough fae vibes that like. Glamour. BUT ALSO the force that's keeping him alive draws on resentment and hate so he just becomes a more vile little goblin every day.
So Anyway. Back long enough that Deut was young. And Macavity gets fatally wounded while out Rumpus-ing. And Gus is devastated, obviously, but like. you don't stop living. So he moved on. WHAT HE DIDN'T KNOW was that The Power Of Hate had revived Macavity bc he "died" under the Jellicle Moon, Unchosen, full of Betrayal and hate, and also a living vessel of intense magic that still cannot be truly matched bc Misto, Jemibub, Psychic Twins, etc., all have either different types of magic, or different levels of manifestation and i'm getting sidetracked asudiyh. Anyway he died but came back but at this point, no one knows that. And Gus is moving on with his life and finds new love and somewhere in there we get an Asparagus Jr and a Skimble! And Macavity is in the shadows watching like
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I introduce 2 more ideas here.
1.Rumpus Cat's being Gus' Show means, not only did he take on the role but he also effectively wrote the show. It's a memorial piece. He and Deut would have the cat equivalent of parlour readings a lot to get through the first year or so they presumed Mac was dead.
2. Even into the present, Macavity is an Urban Legend. No firm basis for this just the vibe i picked up coming back to the show 2019-2020.
So. Eventually Mac's gotta stop laying low. And would you look at that Gus' replacement goldfish just died how sad. So he starts popping up like. Right after she's put to rest and Gus is like "???? You died????" and Macavity, who is so jealous and bitter but putting on his best charm is all "!!! I got better!!!!" And Gus is very sad and he JUST lost his second love and also he has small children he will not turn this down ok he is not ruining this for himself. And Macavity gets this seed planeted as he like. barely exists around the kids that. tiny minds are malleable. And he starts triangulating them a bit to see if he can pull it off and Gus kinda notices so he's like "hey stop it." and Mac's like "ok -crosses fingers behind his back-" And. Keeps doing it obviously just encourages them not to physically go at each other aliudhflisadf. It ends up endangering one of them (probably skimble bc he's the smaller/younger one aliusdhf) through negligence bc dad wasn't home and he and his brother were perpetually mad at each other now. Probably wasn't anything super duper serious but. still rattling for Gus, Jr, and Skimble; still v easily avoidable; and are we sure Macavity had no hand in it?...
And at that point Gus is like "get the fuck away from me and my kids you demon" and--he does, And he goes to build his own evil cat crime kingdom. But key notes, you know, is that he could indeed manipulate kids. Tugger, Platometus, Bomba, and Demeter, along with Jerrie and Teazer, were all born after his reach was established like they grew up in his territory. But those are all their own stories and what's important to this one is that Eventually he sees Tugger and is like "hm. this child is malnourished and still stocky. I like the potential here." and """offers""" to take him on as protege. But Tugger is harder to break than skimble and jr were, or maybe Mac just wasn't good with someone who pushed back, especially if he had no grudge with them or their father. Either way; Tugger likes practicing fighting and brawling and stuff, but the kids got such a stupid little moral core. Buzzkill. So eventually Mac is like. Done with him. But he's not letting him go back home, oh no. He wants leverage against Demeter and he can't have that if she knows where her brother is.
-Oh yeah somewhere in here, too, is the Ball where he kills Victor in front of little Munk. And Gus. Was p certain Munk wasn't making things up from his emotions when he described his brother's killer.-
So he brings him to Gus. And Gus is like "how tf are you still alive not only did i watch you die but like. you looked like death the last time i saw you and my sons were tiny now they're grown and you barely look worse." and Mac is like "yeah funny that here have a preteen." And then nopes out again maybe or maybe not after a night together once more. And Gus is like "I'm not Deut having all these babies I don't want to deal with this kid 24/7 so Tugger basically spends his time between Gus and the Deutfam.
And after all of this Gus looks at the old play he wrote and is like. "I can't believe I ever mourned you" and it ends up hidden away for a while until eventually like. older teen-young adult Munk is sniffing around and he finds it and he is a theatre kid and Uncle Gus how come you never showed me this one before oh my god can I adapt it no no no need to thank me I promise I'll do it justice" before Gus can be like "so Munk I think we should have a talk about The Rumpus Cat and some puzzle pieces your old man does not have like at all like I really think you don't want to do this."
Which is why, along with offstage reality reasons of course, he isn't there for Act I versions of it. In the US Revival it is explicitly suggested by Deut. And Deut, if he's put together all the pieces, hasn't shown it. And Gus is like. My bro wants to see the show, I'll do it and I'll do it for him and myself. Fuck Macavity man anyone can be Rumpus Cat now. and surprise surprise Deut and Munk actually set the whole thing up as a surprise for Gus bc again. They don't have the pieces, they don't know RC=Mac. Not until later that night aslduhfsldf
Because when Macavity gets scared off and electrocutes himself/disappears like. He's still out there. He just did a batman villain escape and they're always back at it by the next week. So after that there's 2 main ways I see them.
One, Serious: Perhaps redemption arc? Very very gradual, longer than it sounds writing it down, but Gus has no real other reason to hang on from his own perspective, and Macavity just looks so fucking pathetic. So he starts hiding out in the theatre and slowly just. cooling his ember of hatred. But that ember is what's keeping him alive. They die together 🥺😌
Two, Joking. this part of worthikid's Palpatine video
and they just have this kind of dynamic bc Gus has to wait in a really long queue to get reincarnated once he dies bc he doesn't die The Choice so he's bumming around and Macavity can see him bc Undead, but also Macavity just. Spites the world by living. Will he ever die? Who fuckin knows man, but he's a lot less dangerous after getting his ass handed to him by a whole group of cats at once. Kids cartoon show villain.
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