#anyway to the 4 active followers of this blog - sorry lol
deecnuts · 2 months
The URL on this blog was changed without the creator/owner's permission, just wanted to give everyone a heads up in case you see @dc post anything - the URL was taken off this blog and put onto a password protected blog. I (the owner/creator) have reached out to the only 2 people with the power to change the URL who could have done it, and because I don't want to assume anyone's bad intentions, I'm not going to publicly name them - but just a heads up in case that URL becomes active in the future, it was wiped from this blog. Despite this blog being not as updated as it could have been, I don't think it's right that the URL was changed and moved onto another blog.
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junk-culture · 26 days
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. 5️⃣❗
now wtf is the 5 times table doing in my inbox... ! teehee... this is a lot of questions and my answers are lengthy so under the readmore they go:
5. Favourite band: HMMM this shouldnt be a difficult question but i feel like im always indecisive/struggle to identify an Absolute Favourite Above All Others...... i think i have to say depeche mode because i like them enough to have paid £[redacted] to go see them...they are definitely one of my big faves anyway........ i will add bastille as an honorary favourite simply because they are the band i have liked for the longest... i started listening to them as a miserable 14/15 year old so you know. that kind of band is eternal and forever even if i don't quite like all of their latest stuff/don't listen to them absolutely all the time etc. actually the jam are maybe tied with bastille for that sort of formative band so let's say them too. sorry i can literally never give one single answer LOL 10. Favourite model: uhm unfortunately i dont really have one im not really into following fashion or models....idk....but recently i started watching the x-men movies (cringe) and i kind of got the hots for halle berry a bit so ill say her. ik shes an actor but she started off as a model so it counts. honorable mention also to the sony d-e350 in gold . a very very sexy model (of cd player) :
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15. Lucky Number: It seems there's a typo in the questions post because they've put 14 twice instead of 15....I don't really have a lucky number although I sometimes see people with aesthetic blogs posting about angel numbers or whatever and im like i could get into that........ i guess any number can be lucky if it appears in a certain moment or is recurring... since 14 appears twice in the question post ill say 14. and its a pretty good number anyway
20. 5 things you love: ONLY FIVE? BUT I LOVE SO MANY THINGS ABOUT OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD...! well to name a few: 1. mai friends (physical and virtual) ^_^ 2. BRIGHT GREEN GRASS IN THE SUNLIGHT 3. art. drawing. its my essential activity i have to do it its awesome plus so important in the world for everyone 4. when you're travelling home on the train from a pleasant day out somewhere and it's really sunny and you have a window seat and the music you are listening to is just right for that moment and its just so the beautiful world. you know? 5. shagging ur mum LOL !
25. Favourite blogs: UMM im sorry im kind of too lazy right now to like tag people plus i feel a bit shy doing that anyway but basically all of my mutuals etc...... <3 and the smug jug blog also 30. Someone you miss: hm...i don't know if there's any one person i Strongly miss but there are a few i vaguely to moderately miss. idk. such as: - my mother occasionally - not my irl best friend as such because shes still here lol but moreso i miss hanging out regularly like we did when we were teenagers? like now we're both adults and in different cities and she works full time and im either working or studying and she has a boyfriend anyway its like we dont hang out that often... many such cases obviously but i miss the time of seeing each other every single day at college and walking home together...and especially because id love to do that all over again Now when im like. a lot happier/more functional/more "normal" than i was when i was 16/17 lol. but its the way of the world what can we do - i guess i sort of miss an internet friend who disappeared .... it wasn't exactly unexpected because we always were aware of the possibility and i know its simply how such things go but i wonder how they're doing sometimes...plus we exchanged physical mail and gifts so now its like i just have these objects in my home that are from a person who i no longer talk to lol....
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clatoera · 1 year
Hi! I just saw your reply from the anon asking about your thg story! I'm not usually one to send asks or even post on tumblr (never was tbh), but this just hit so close I felt the need to say, me too! That's why I followed you initially, I just gasped at your bio and thought "there's more people like me on here!" and pressed follow!
I too was that insufferable 14 year old. I could not get away with wearing any form of braided hairstyle without being teased that I was trying to be Katniss (I probably was half the time haha). My friends, family, school teachers, everyone knew I was obsessed with the Hunger Games.
It fizzled out gradually for me too. I think it was just the natural progression with the films coming to an end etc etc. It never left though, obviously.
I re read the books before reading the prequel. I'm so with you on these books being a whole different experience now that we're closer to Finnick's age than Katniss and Peeta's. 16 seemed so so old to me, so imagine what i thought of characters like Finnick and Johanna. I can't even comprehend having gone through something like they did at my age now, let alone at 16.
I think back then, the main draw for me was definitely Katniss and Peeta's relationship. It still is one of my favourite things about the books, but after rereading them and the prequel, I agree that there is so much we missed, just by simply being too young to fully comprehend it. I find that I now have a larger interest in the political scope of everything and just the world in general (like...how tf did they rebuild the whole country after mockingay? need to discuss!!)
anyway, sorry for the long "ask". i'm so excited to see another tumblr returner on here! i've been coming back every so often to get content for other things i love, and have only recently taken the plunge and become a little more active.
I suppose there is a sense of shame a lot of us were made to feel about liking the things we like and coming on the internet to form passionate communities around it. I feel the same, it very much is a service to my teen self to come on here and find joy in rediscovering the things I love as well as using this site to explore my new interests. A reclamation, I suppose. I'm a bit more confident now. Back then, I would never, ever have sent asks or made my own posts. I think my 14 year old self is very happy for me, for this little
hope you're having a good day/night, whatever time, where ever you are in the world! :)
Hi hello! I read this as soon as it came in this morning, and wanted to respond, but wanted to be sure to give it the enthusiastic and lengthy response it deserved, that my brain could not formulate at 4 am when I read it.
I am so glad others feel the same. I remember in the early days, I was on Tumblr ( my main blog has existed since 2012 lol), but not active in fandom spaces. I was a fanfic writer. And on Facebook I was REALLY active in fandom and was literally participating in like..Hunger Games RP in Facebook comments. Wild. I was so into it.
Whats really settled with me, as a 25 year old woman, is like..the way mentors had to feel. My baby brother is 17 years old. He is a baby to me. He is just a child to me. I cannot imagine being Johanna or Finnick or Annie, mentoring at my age (or younger, actually), to kids my brothers age. Teenagers feel like Kids and I feel such an immense sisterly, guiding, mentor-ly role to them. Even college kids, I've been a mentor for pre-medicine students in my sorority for years, and those 18 year olds vs me, at 25? massive difference. I cannot imagine watching someone my little brother's age fight to the death. I cannot imagine someone my baby cousin's age, who is 12, fighting someone my brother's age. I cannot imagine watching someone my brother's age lead a war, lead a rebellion, and go through the things Katniss does. I can only imagine the horrors the past Victors learned to feel, and the emotions attached to their tributes every year.
more things that I am horrified by?
Katniss and Peeta. 16 years old. About to be MARRIED in the Capitol.
Gale, 18, working in the mines.
Again, Katniss and Peeta, with the (albeit fake) baby. 17 with a child? I remember being 16 years old, my best friend in the world had a baby. I was there. I remember watching her become a mother far too young, and I have watched ever since the way she has struggled and what it did to her mental health. Two 16/17 year old kids, having a baby, is a horror that should be addressed beyond what I at 16 thought it was. I was so team yes let there be a baby! as a child. But now? Now I see the horror of that. I Have delivered the babies of girls that age. I have held their hands as they are alone in the world. I'm going into a field specifically to help girls and women, in this position especially.
I think to that letter Plutarch wrote Katniss, where he literally says he would put her all through it again for the same outcome.
The youth of these tributes is haunting. If there were capitol doctors around they would be pediatricians. Let that sink in. The things these Victors would need is a pediatrician (also a psychiatrist and a surgeon probably).
Please message me (anyone can actually to talk about this) to talk about these things. The hidden horrors that are missed at 15, that stare you in the face as you reexamine as an adult. I'd love to talk about it in depth. I'd love to talk about how it has shaped me.
But seriously HMU because I want to talk about that most mockingjay rebuilding :)
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howelljenkins · 1 year
well if you really want to know how people perceive you ill be overly detailed and annoying. im 17 so idk if that impacts anything lol. i found your blog in the beginnings of covid in 2020 and ur like one of the 4 blogs i regularly check as im not really a tumblrina. at first i followed you for your analyses of percy jackson as well as commentary as this was the time when rick riordan published those whack ass blog posts. youve greatly influenced my critical thinking process since, not to give you all the credit, but i used to be so robotic and basic in analyzing things whether it be media or situations. you know how most high school english classes suck because people will tie everything back to muh society but fail to dive into specifics in a tailored and nuanced way? yeah. i appreciate how you tie in the whole of things when discussing, for example, a book or movie, rather than just going with the common interpretation. you also just think differently, i dont know how to describe it without sounding like beyonce lmao but i think its really evident especially in your college essays that youve posted on here that youre just on a different plane than the rest of us plebians lmao. in a good way. i think that you really do embrace kindness, and instead of falsely saying you have only love in your heart, you acknowledge that theres more than a black and white love and hate within people, and that it requires active work to be kind to others. i think thats pretty rare within the vast majority of optimists. or maybe im just a pessimist. besides all of that, youre genuinely gorgeous and hilarious to the point of it being contagious, and your sense of humor is infectious. finally i have to say your poetry completely shattered me and rebuilt me. and im saying this as someone whos decently well read and subscribes to the poem in your inbox a day thing lmao. i remember your poems so clearly. about being a horror, your grandfather, homes and chests, a rose by any other name, your mother, etc etc. you have a fucking gift to the point where it confuses me that i just happened to find you off of scrolling through the pjo tag. anyways sorry for the painfully long ask, but i genuinely love reading your thoughts every few days on here. you need to flaunt the yale trap card more often btw
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cinnamonghost · 2 years
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my god. happy two year anniversery for my first invader zim reblog. i am deeply sorry for my mutuals seeing my iz posts u___u (NOT!!!!!)  ꉂ ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗) 
AND... thank you for 100 followers?????? imagine me giving you little candy bags as a belated happy halloween party treat.
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(i am. hoping someone unfollows me , that would be very funny to me  i think) 
silly how this blog was literally for me to just. look at south park fanart and see what my friends are up to (hiiii whippy !!! ) Werid knowing that theres a small handful of you still follow me for 4 years plus. I. am So. sorry. Me hitting the post limit on invader zim spam that one time is like. oh god i am so so sorry for your dashboard. ANYWAY! I met some really cool and nice people here! I will not. Name you .(out of me being embarrassed)  But you guys are way too cool. and i love seeing you pop up in my activity.!! :D 
rambling to myself.....
IDK ... if i want to stay archiving IZ posts i still really enjoy finding invader zim art but its so time consuming =____=
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(nearly all of these is invader zim art!) 
I actually finished tagging like. A few months ago but while tagging i had an epiphany! I’ve seen this south park archive blog have a tag for the date when that specific art was made! Like! I should do that! That would be cool! And Also! I should really be properly tagging art. like if it was a swap AU i should tag it as a swap AU! if it was a irken!dib AU i should tag it like that! And if it was a comic! I should tag it as a comic! BUT idk if thats really a good idea...  that would be extra extra time consuming considering me having to go back to my whole invader zim tag and also update them all (if the post was deleted, changed url etc....) its alot! but a part of me feels determined to do so! (in a way) but.............  =_________= if i end up actually doing that i feel like I should just make up a new blog just for specifically archiving IZ art but also ...No! this is MY blog so i get to do whatever I want! very conflicting but oh well if I make up my mind on whatever i want I will just.. do it i guess lol 
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Hi!! I'm the fellow anti-Luke/Lorelai anon who asked about Gilmore Girls and loved reading your answers so much! To answer your question, I ship Rory/Logan so hard that I started a blog about them...but no one followed it, lol, since our ship is so unpopular. I may try again! Logan is not the kind of character I normally like and not someone I'd click with in real life, but I love his warmth, cleverness and energy and how he brought joy and adventure to Rory's life while she stabilized him and inspired him to become more mature and responsible. They're so compatible, they connect on every level, they communicate fairly well in general and very well by GG's low standards, and they're genuinely happy around each other. Like others have said they understand and accept each other as they are but encourage each other to be better too. Basically, they're everything LL aren't and it amazes me that fandom worships LL and hates Rogan! I did semi-ship Jess/Rory for one episode---the one where he comes back in season 6 - but overall I feel like Jess loved the girl she was, not the woman she became, and Rory chose Logan and even Dean over Jess again and again. She was basically done with him after their terrible S3 relationship, so I'd never believe their feelings were balanced and mutual. Plus, Rory needs a lighthearted extrovert like Logan to balance her out in my opinion. My UO here is that the revival was terrible but no worse than season 6, and despite the disgustingly casual attitude the show has towards cheating, the revival actually convinced me more than ever that Rory and Logan are each other's soulmate, still connected, still always there for each other, still loving each other no matter what. Rory hadn't even kept in touch with Jess, viewing him just as Luke's nephew by now, and I literally LOL when I see literati stans try to convince themselves that the revival was supposed to convey that Jess/Rory will be endgame! And Jess isn't Luke in good ways and otherwise----he isn't going to stay in Stars Hollow for decades while Rory raises another man's child and tries to make up her mind about whether to date him. Anyway, Rogan scenes are pretty much the only GG scenes I can see myself rewatching at this point---along with a couple of Paris's rants ;) Thank you again for reading!!
Hi! You're welcome to rant!
I agree with you on Rogan and I'm happy you are a Rogan shipper as well! How did you find my blog? Through Rogan, anti JavaJunkie, or Friends posts? I've written much on Rogan, Literati, JavaJunkie, etc..
Regarding AYITL, I also didn't think it was much worse than some GG episodes. And I loved how it showed that Rory and Logan were pretty much made for each other. Logan's goodbye to Rory was literally one of their best scenes ever. I think it's worth watching for them alone. I think I also liked Paris? But her storyline was weird. And was Lane even in it? I know she was, but not much, right? Emily was a mixed bag for me. Honestly, the cheating was so inconsequential that I didn't even care.
I'm sorry the Rogan sideblog didn't go well! It's hard to create blogs. It doesn't even matter how big the fandom is. Are you a gifmaker? It's hard when you're not, like me, haha. I have 4 blogs. The HP one isn't active, but the BTS one is, and BTS are huge yet I don't have many followers because I mostly just rant and reblog things. I have a blog dedicated to a Merlin ship now, that, like Rogan, is not very popular, so I get how you feel! You can always try again, if it makes you happy. Followers don't matter that much, just engagement.
Thanks for the ask!
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tropical-kabuki · 1 year
30 questions tag
No one tagged me because I'm not really active in here, but this popped up on my "for you" page and I thought I would do it because why not
1. name/nickname: Kira. That's a nickname, I keep changing my mind on whether to share my real name around here or not
2. star sign: Virgo. And then it's Virgo Rising, Taurus Moon, Venus in Leo and I forgot about the rest (I'm not particularly into astrology, but after doing so many of those "pick an image according to your sign" things on twitter I've ended memorizing some stuff lol)
3. height: 164cm
4. birthday: September 7th
5. favorite band: Nowadays it's a split between Ghost and Poets of the Fall. I'm also listening to Voyager and Lord of the Lost a lot since Eurovision (yes, I'm an eurofan of sorts)
6. time: 4:50pm
7. favorite solo artist: ... I can't really think of any at the moment? I usually listen to bands more than solo artists, but I suppose either David Bowie or Freddie Mercury are always a very sensible choice (and very true because I love them both)
8. song stuck in your head: Buddy Holly's ‘Everyday’. Blame Good Omens for that #is it July 28th yet
9. last movie you watched: I rewatched 'Murder by Death' for the first time in many years. There's a few actors I love in that movie but... it hasn't aged too well imho.
10. free space!: Watch BBC Ghosts if you haven't yet! The last season comes out later this year, it's a wonderful show (truly funny and wholesome) and the fandom is *lovely*. That's it, that's what I'm using the free space for, you'll thank me later.
11. last show: I'm currently jumping between several (very different) shows, but the last episode I watched was 'The Thick of It' 3x01
12. when i created this blog: February 2023. I have been on Tumblr before, but for several reasons I decided to start over
13. what i post: I mostly reblog stuff about my favourite actors and fandoms... I should make a list I guess, in the meantime feel free to check my archive page to get an idea of what I like :)
14. last thing i googled: I searched about known side effects for some medication I've started with recently, because I'm feeling much more tired and sleepy than usual. Doesn't seem like it's related to the meds though.
15. other blogs: not really, no. I've thought about starting side blogs for some stuff, but I would only neglect them because I don't really have the time. I'm neglecting this one enough as it is.
16. do i get asks?: not very often and I'm terrible at replying in a timely manner anyway :') really sorry about that
17. why i chose my url?: When I watched the first season of The White Lotus I fell in love with Armond (Murray Bartlett's character) and the [SPOILER] tragic trainwreck of sorts that he goes throughout the season [END OF SPOILER]. The whole introductory scene to Armond and The White Lotus resort has him telling Lani, a new trainee, that the White Lotus experience is nothing more than “tropical Kabuki,” with the staff serving as “pleasant interchangeable players”. I thought it was brilliant and so funny and for some reason my immediate thought was that it would make for a great social media username. So that's exactly what I used it for a few days later, when I was picking a url for this blog. I've ended up using it in a couple other places, too.
18. following: 66 blogs at the moment, mostly people that I share interests with or blogs about my favourite celebs/fandoms.
19. followers: 16. I'm not very active in here so I'm thankful for every person that follows me despite of that.
20. average hours of sleep: 6-7 if I can. During the Summer months that number is significantly lower tho :')
21. lucky number: I don't know if I have one... I like 7, 9, 6 and 13.
22. instruments: I sort of can play drums and keyboard, but I'm self taught (I've learned mostly by ear) and a bit clumsy. I own a bass guitar but I've barely touched it, I hope I can make time for it soon because it's the instrument I've always wanted to learn (yeah, I know; bad mental health era and so on, it will get better)
23. what am I wearing?: tank top and underwear because it's too bloody hot to wear anything else, tyvm.
24. dream job: there's several, but poster illustrator/designer is the first one that always comes to mind.
25. favorite food: almost any chicken dish, I think.
26. tea or coffee: both! It depends on the occasion
27. nationality: Spanish
28. favourite song: I can't pick just one, so I'll give you a classic choice from my 'On repeat' spotify list: https://open.spotify.com/track/2Y7ndoyiIm0IaFJa13gV3H?si=ded0711cd472473e
29. last book i read: I'm currently reading 'Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War I'
30. top three fictional universes i would like to live in: this question is way more complicated than it would seem at first glance, so let me just settle for: Middle Earth, the Shire in particular, during a peaceful time.
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superchocovian · 2 years
Me on Tumblr...Tag game
I saw this done by @clarkgriffon and I like to avoid things that I should actually be doing. I also found a tag from a while back from @jlsadphoenix that completely got lost (so sorry about that!!) so here I go!
1. Why did you choose your url?
So when I first made my account on Fanfiction.net, I was just getting into Doctor Who and I thought it’d be cute to include my favorite sweet, so I became Chocovian (still there as that on Fanfiction and AO3, but it’s a long story). Anyways, when I joined Tumblr, I wanted to keep things consistent so I kept that but I was also on a bit of a Marvel binge when I was joining, so I thought, ooh superheroes! which combined with what I had initially became superchocovian.
2. Any side blogs?
Nah. I’ve thought about it, but everything is just dumped into this one blog and I do my best to tag everything so at least it’s semi-organized.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I first made the account the summer before I started college, I think, so back in 2015? I wasn’t very consistent with it until a few years later when I downloaded the app on my phone and figured out how to work things.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No tag for the queue, though I do use it for mostly everything that is posted on my blog for the past few years. Anything else that I see on my dash ends up in my queue until I can organize it with my tags and all. It’s why I have wayyy too many posts in my drafts but now that school is over and once I get a job, I’ll have a better time at actually reblogging things when I see them instead of saving for later.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
A lot of the fanfic authors that I was reading for The Hunger Games kept mentioning Tumblr for sneak peeks and updates about their posts and I’m like “yes please” and I caved and made my Tumblr.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I was really happy that Emma and Killian from Once Upon a Time got their happy ending/beginning with their baby and I wanted to memorialize it. I should get around to updating it cause I’ve had it since the finale of the show.
7. Why did you choose your header?
All of the backgrounds that I have on my phone and laptop are of something nature/space wise so this fit right in.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I reblog mostly everything, so I have no idea. I did make a few gifsets last summer for one of the Once events so they got a handful of notes. Probably one of those.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Not many? I don’t know how to check that or all, but I wouldn’t assume too many. I’m kinda stuck in a little bubble here and don’t interact with as many people as I would like to.
10. How many followers do you have?
Like 200 something? I had more before they did something to all the pornbots, so I’m pretty sure all of these are like actual followers, lol.
11. How many people do you follow?
I think like 100 ish?
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
Nah, I try to keep my thoughts off here. Just want to keep this a happy place for me.
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
Way too much. More than I should.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
No. Thankfully. Again, I’m not as “active” with other people so I don’t really get involved with fights and stuff.
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I think that people shouldn’t try to force me to do things I don’t want to. I definitely think that people should reblog content that has been created (not steal by reposting) but the opinion stuff that needs to be reblogged or something will happen? Yeah, no thanks.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! I’ve been very bad at responding to them on time because of my timings with school, but they are great!
17. Do you like ask games?
Yes! I don’t get many asks when I do reblog the ask games, but I think that they are fun, for sure!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Though I’m not too sure what a mutual is defined as, the ones that I follow are pretty famous in the fandom, so probably fairly famous for the fandom side of Tumblr?
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not sure if they qualify as crushes, but I do love all the Tumblr friends that I’ve made!
20. No-pressure tags: Anyone who sees this is welcome to participate! I’m going to tag the first few people off my dash- @kmomof4, @djlbg, @sherlollyandspoilers, @scientificapricot, @onceratheart18, @elizabeethan, @antoniosbanderas, @swansandslayers, @ravenclawpride16 @lostintheskyfaraway, and @book-and-music-lover.
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margaetyrell · 2 years
Bestie, I'm so sorry for you and I can't even imagine how you might be feeling right now, I enjoyed your blog so much and your edits were *👨‍🍳😘* but I'm so sad that you lost your blog :((
I was so sad when I woke up and came to know that your account was deactivated.
I don't know how it works but can't tumblr support do anything about it?
Sending you love 💕💕💕
TYSM for reaching out especially now, luv <3 yeah i contacted staff but they pretty much said there’s nothing else to do when you delete something… like you are just able to delete 8 years of your life (well actually 4 being active) by just pressing a button and no backups exist anywhere. it sucks, truly. but oh well… i really cannot complain and this shouldn’t affect me this much, as it is just a stupid blog, i keep telling myself. besides who cares, i’m clearly seeing no one even remembered me by now lols so i guess it was time for me to start all over with 30 followers and a 'new life' if i really planned to stay in this site. but the thing is, i had a home here even if i was no one, i spent lot of time and joy saving things since 2013, that’s a huge amount of stuff and time wasted. so anyways idk, i’m still thinking about starting again and maybe just logging in to rb some stuff, but keep myself away from it long enough, or to give up and forget completely about it. meanwhile, i’ll be around trying to take back my edits etc and playing ftpanon game bc i really don’t want to give up bc of this shite
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tamibae · 3 years
Hey! Sorry for disturbing you but can I know a little more about the events you're gonna hold in December?
Since I follow you and you're one of the moderators then I thought it'll be good if I talk to you first. I hope you don't mind.
Hey anon! You're not disturbing me at all tbh. I was gonna make a post anyways so it was a good timing lol.
Event Info :
The event is going to be held in December, we haven't fixed the dates yet but we'll update about that asap. But if I'm gonna guess then it'll probably start around 5th or 6th. I'm not sure tho!!
The event will be for an entire week with 7 different prompts related to Lucy's character. We're gonna track the tag #heartfiliatime 🥰❤
I'm sorry but no ship based posts/fanarts will be reblogged. We're doing something different this time so written posts are welcomed.
You can participate with character analysis/appreciation posts, meta posts, feminism, magic abilities explanation, Lucy's relationship with celestial world and spirits, headcanons, set of unpopular opinions regarding her, ideas for future abilities and all. Fanfics focusing on Lucy's life are also welcomed!!
Actually I was in a bit pressure 'cause of my studies but this blog and a few events were planned long ago so I had to study and also work with this at the same time.
Tbh I had plans to disappear for at least 4 weeks to be precise but lol thanks to my tumblr addiction and our suddens plan to start up the long awaited event blog I couldn't spend a day without opening this app🤡
@lady-neptune 's exams aren't finished yet so she's a lot busier than me. But she still gave her fare share of time. Tysm lovely🥺❤❤
@mypreciousrex @dumpkin-chan deserve the most appreciation for spending more than enough time on this💯
And thanks to our new moderator @aashi-heartfilia for showing interest in our events. We love you!
I hope as a fellow Lucy stan that you'll gladly participate in this, our queen deserves more love😩❤
And now that I'm done with my part of work for the blog for now, I might not be active for 2-3 weeks to be precise. So I won't be able to answer mod asks here...
But no worries, the other mods are right here! You can send them any asks related to our blog and events. And I'll be back soon😉
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< mutuals >
aka, my favorite people on this godforsaken hellsite
in no particular order, just how i saw you guys on my followers page anyway this is my excuse to geek out about yall cause <3
@tama-jam been putting up with my bs for 9 years now love her. talented artist and writer and musician and I could literally talk about you for hours but I'm not gonna so I don't write a 12 paragraph essay
@topazastral we really don't talk much? ur super super cool tho I'm just bad at talking to people lol
@radioactive-gold been dealing w my shit for 2+ years and love em for it. keep talking about ur gay exy boys forever please
@decora-peaches one of my first kick ass followers on my writing blog and I still appreciate you to this day <33333
@asleep-on-the-moon !!! you!!!! ur so funny and for what. we need to talk more
@domestic-void literally an angel I still reread that lev fic bc that's how I met you you're so sweet <3
@atomicfanboy platonic bf #1 I love you
@shirari we r stressed about school and vibing. i need to figure out how tf to write for shirabu so I can write fic specifically catered towards you. also you're such a talented artist??
@mysterystarz wife #2 (only #2 bc inez was first I'm sorry). can and will fight akaashi for your heart
@shoyotime wife #1 and I remember following u and talking to you when I was a measely little blogger at 100 followers or less and u had just hit 400 and now ur like super famous I'm so proud of you babe
@ellesmain TUMBLR BIG SISTER NUMBER ONE BEST SISTER RIGHT HERE also one of my top fav writers on here your stuff is so good teach me your secrets. also ur so pretty ugh
@agonyaster my favorite fuckin little sibling ever I'm so platonically in love w you. thank u for the albedo luck you can have all of my itto luck.
@possiblypoe gay ass /j. anyway thanks for letting me geek out about my characters and thanks for being gay for them and plz keep talking about tokyo rev and jjk forever
@haikyuuublog we do not talk v much however!!! ur very cool and funny <3 /p
@0ltremareart CAN U CALL MY STARSTRUCK OMFG gonna expose myself here but I didn't realize we were mutuals and the first time I talked to you I was so nervous and then. and then I realized like 4 minutes after I sent an ask that we were mutuals . hihc apparently you think I'm cool enough to follow so I shouldn't have been embarrassed. so then I just screamed into a pillow for 2 hours bc I was embarrassed <//3 anyway matchablossom rights
@k-kazvha WE WILL GET ALBEDO ITS GONNA HAPPEN WE WILL GET THE BOY also when I finish this dumb world quest I cant do we should play genshin together
@i-li we have not talked in a while but you are very chill!! i haven't seen you online a lot I dunno if that's me or my dash being dumb and not letting me see ur posts
@criso ANGEL ARTIST OMFG we met and had nothing in common and now I gay panic to you 24/7 and geek out about sk8 and yuri on ice and its wonderful <3
@atsuvu you give such strong friend vibes like. just that really cool chill friend that everyone loves I hope u know that
@kitacharm we need to talk more I feel like I only talk to you through nova but that's alright. one day when I start being able to talk to people I will yell about random things in ur inbox
@animated-moon tendou supremacy. also ur like super sweet and give me big sibling vibes. but like the slight crackhead energy older sibling vibes
@kodzukoi another one that gives me older sibling vibes I feel like people are just gonna start adopting me at this point
@merucry tumblr dad officially ily and I still look at that fairy thing u drew me in that one day
@rudolphsboyfriend LITERALLY TALENTED. INCREDIBLE. LOML /p HOW DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO god the gender envy I get from you /hj
@kade-is-gay PRONOUN BUDS <3 what can I say about u ur so awesome
@chuupetarou platonic fiance and fellow cherry simp I cannot wait to get to know u better. lets be gay and piss off the conservatives together <3
@rqkuya YOUUUUUUUi cant wait till the day I pass you in ar rankings which is never gonna happen but that's okay ur awesome ily. rosaven supremacy
@coastalmangoes I don't think we've ever interacted personally but ur really funny and rb good stuff
@official-lucifers-child starstruck part 2 you're SO COOL I didn't think you were still following me tbh anyway hi!! you also give strong older sibling energy although I don't. i don't think you're that much older than me but that's alright lol /pos
who knew I had this many mutuals wow
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oraclekleo · 10 months
🌻 hi for your ask game a little bit about me is my pronouns are she/her and my big 3 is Scorpio sun Aries moon and Aquarius rising and I’m an estp! I hope that’s enough info bc idk what else to put💀 lmao anyways my impression of your blog is you seem really mature and sweet and quite informative with your blog if that makes sense? And you always get stuff and have a really easy going vibe and also your up to do interesting readings so yeah I hope I get that Yeonjun compatibility reading 🤞🏼 have a great day!!
“lmao anyways my impression of your blog is you seem really mature and sweet and quite informative with your blog if that makes sense? And you always get stuff and have a really easy going vibe and also your up to do interesting readings”
Aww thank you! Yes, it makes perfect sense. As a child I used to read many encyclopaedias and the style stuck with me so sometimes I do have very informative texts to share. I’m also always open to suggestions regarding readings. I’m aware there’s plenty of reading I haven’t done yet but I’m open to try. Preferably those that are not so common, as you can find the FS readings everywhere but it’s not so often for other types to be found. So if there’s something rare you would like to see more often, feel free to suggest it. 
Anyway! Let’s dive into your reading!
18+ content ahead!
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Thescorpiourge + Yeonjun (TXT) Compatibility Reading
Cards: III The Empress, 4 of Wands, 5 of Pentacles (Tarot in Wonderland), 7 of Cups, VII The Chariot, IV The Emperor (Tarot of Casanova), 36. The Hero (Oracle of the Roses), 34. North Node (Starcodes Astro Oracle)
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The occurrence of both the Empress and the Emperor card in your reading are a clear sign that your relationship with Yeonjun would be a well balanced one where both of you respect and admire the other. You might actually hit a certain opposition in the beginning of the relationship where others try to discourage (or pull you away) from dating, inventing possibly unreasonable scenarios. On the other hand you and Yeonjun would probably know those people have small minds and you would see a better future ahead, even if it is an uncertain one. There’s an aspect of heroic quest in your reading as well as a suggestion of success in the end of the thorny path.
As for your love life, it’s more indicated in terms of purity and sweetness. There are no set limits for your passion but you might both decide to enjoy the sweet courting and dating phase as it’s something you derive pleasure from. Escape is even suggested and I can see you fleeing away to get married secretly. Lol. Sorry but that’s exactly what the cards show me - the maybe old fashioned but still romantic escape from strict parents and unsupportive friends and a secret wedding in private.
Thank you for reading!
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earlgreytea68 · 3 years
Tagged by @carbonbased000 and @pyrchance
1. why did you choose your url?
Many years ago, EarlGreyTea was the name I chose for the late, great Television Without Pity. I didn’t want something fandom-specific, so I chose the name of my favorite tea. I only found it later that it’s a Star Trek reference, oops. EarlGreyTea was already taken on LJ, so I added the 68, which is my birthday, and I’ve kept the name on every platform ever since.
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I actually have several, but I don’t really use any of them, except the armes4eva blog, which I sometimes post interior design and Sebastian Stan things to lol
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
oh, goodness, I think 2012. Yes, I just checked, 2012.
4. do you have a queue tag?
No, I can’t be bothered lol. The only time I use the queue is when I do my year-end round-up (which didn’t happen this year because I was too depressed alas).
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Right after “The Reichenbach Fall” aired, I started writing “Sherlock” fic. But I was having a hard time finding active Sherlock communities on LJ. When I asked about it on Twitter, many people were like, “Oh, you’ve got to go to Tumblr, that’s where fandom is now.” And so that’s what I did!
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
That’s my icon! I’ve had it for years. I wonder if I can even remember how long. It’s a picture I took of a teapot and teacup I was served at breakfast outside by the pool at a fancy hotel in Las Vegas. I haven’t been to Las Vegas in a long time, let me see, it must have been...11 or 12 years ago.
7. why did you choose your header?
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass is basically my favorite book (I count them as one). The older I get, the more relevant I find those books to what adulthood turned out to be like. So, anyway, it’s a quote from “Looking-Glass,” it’s what the Red Queen tells Alice, and I say it *all the time.*
8. how many mutuals do you have?
I do not even know how to figure that out, I fail Tumblr lol
9. how many followers do you have?
10. how many people do you follow?
Why don’t I see this information??? In the beginning, I tried to follow back everybody who followed me, and that was how I learned that at the time there was a limit to how many people you can follow. So I stopped following back at that point (this was years ago). Then I realized I could follow people again because I guess people had deleted their Tumblrs or whatever, so I’ve tried to start following people back again, but I’m kind of sporadic about it. Anyway, all this is to say that I probably follow a lot of people.
11. have you ever made a shitpost?
I suppose I will let all of you be the judge of that!
12. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I mostly just glance at it for twenty minutes or so a night. Sometimes I might scroll on mobile during the day, and it’s actually my favorite social media platform to just scroll endlessly through if I’m feeling anxious and need to calm down. But if I’m having a normal stress-level day, I just kind of glance it over a little to see what’s going on in fandom-world.
13. did you ever fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I don’t think so.
14. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don’t do any of the chain-mail-ish ones. However, I am superstitious enough that I always reblog the good luck ones. They have never actually had an effect that I can see but why tempt fate! I’m not going to turn down luck!
15. do you like tag games?
Love them.
16. do you like ask games?
Love these, too.
17. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
“Tumblr famous” seems like it should be an oxymoron lol
18. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m sure they’re all awesome, but sorry, I’ve got no notes to pass “Do you like me? circle y or n!” 
Tagging whoever feels like doing this! And I guess I’ll also tag @godless-lunatic @thisisnotjuli @thumbllebee @unicornshatetacos @jinxwild19
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lgbtfilmculture · 3 years
hello sorry this has been so inactive in recent years lol!
heres a bit of an explanation :)
covid sent me into a tailspin and then i started college and its been wild. for those of you who have been following for a while, i am now on my 5th tattoo and have neon pink hair at the moment
this is a side blog and i usually make them and kinda move completely to a new one, like i have not been active on my original main tumblr blog in almost 4 years.
this one was a lot of fun though and it was the most popular one so i guess thats a win for the gays!
i will still occasionally reblog and maybe post, sorry! i sometimes reblog the content from my new side blogs if its gay
anyways thats it 😙 as a treat here is my lgbt songs playlist
every gay song i can find (18+)
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yanbub · 3 years
multiple announcements coming through !
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okok first of all, im back 😋. as in ill be fully active again like usual xdxd.
i know i didn't seem like i was on a semi-hiatus but shhh i had to take care of things and i had to fix my mental stability too.
i'm really sorry that i didn't reply to my inbox while i was gone !! i was very unmotivated to reply during the whole break even tho i rbed some ask games LOL. ill reply to them later so your wait won't be that long anymore !
thank you all 4 ur patience and efforts 💞
pls read the other announcements utc! its all important and i just cut it so that it wont clog up other's dashboards.
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second of all, the blog will go a heavy revamp session! please don't mind the spam posting, it'll just be me organizing my blog all over again.
the revamp will include the following:
a new tagging system
(finally) an official post for my blog rules, writing rules, etc. i know i have a carrd for that but im tired of editing it every now and then
a clean up! ill be deleting some old posts such as my shitposts and some other miscellaneous things i want out of this blog. and sadly, this includes the requests that was left in my inbox. sorry that you didn't get your request done ^^'
i think thats p much it? again dont mind the spam posting you'll see when this is in progress!
asks will be answered AFTER this revamp session is done.
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third, a new character for the character list! thoma is added now. as for gorou, well, that's still dependable since i haven't grasped his personality yet with the little interaction we got from the archon quests. ill try writing for him but only on specific and self indulgent ideas.
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not that important but new theme hehe. ive had this theme on pc for a while now but i wanted to change it on mobile once im back from the break. anyways stan remi ayasaki for clear skin yalls
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to explain further about me deleting requests in my inbox, as you saw during my break i only posted self indulgent content.
i don't really wanna open requests for a while since i have so many self indulgent ideas that i wanna focus on. the ideas that you sent in were honestly great but im sorry that i won't be able to write it :((
though there might be times that i won't be writing because deadass i post content almost everyday, i need a break too 🧍‍♀️.
HOWEVER! if you're willing to send in some brainrot at my inbox, ill be more than glad to whip up a small blurb/ficlet for you! or maybe ill add more onto that brainrot, who knows really.
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anyways if you reached this part of the post, congrats! you're probs the only one who bothered to read all the important announcements.
ill be off to revamp the blog now and istg ill finally answer asks after that 😭 i missed interacting w yall but i swear my motivation said no <//3
bye bye now, ty for reading <33
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nikatyler · 3 years
random questions game
Tagged by @kbeesims. Thank you very much! I’m taking a break from studying rn, so let’s do this.
1. why did you choose your url?
Nika is actually one of the first things I’ve ever called myself as a kid and last year I decided to sort of “reclaim” this old nickname and start using it again in online places and I’m surprised by how right it feels.
As for Tyler, well. I think it’s obvious. In my head he’s the main character of this blog, the mascot, if you will. And also, and this is a bit embarrassing, but about a month or two ago I saw this post that was like “changing names shouldn’t be such a big deal, we expect trans people to do it if they’re uncomfortable with their birth name, but we should normalize EVERYONE changing their names if they’re not okay with it” (or something along these lines). And well, I like my name, but I thought, what if I didn’t like it, what would I pick instead. Immediately, this one popped up in my head. Yeah. I mean it makes sense to me, but it feels so dumb at the same time. So yeah. I guess if you called me Tyler, I would respond to it. I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that I would respond to it, but hey. It’s weird but it would work.
2. any sideblogs? name them and why you have them.
The only one that is still active is my cc finds blog @simmeronnie-cc (yes I need to rename it too, we’ll do that). I don’t really post on my sort-of-studyblr-but-more-like-a-rantblr sideblog or my simspiration blog anymore. Among other things, I rant on twitter again (@/nikatyler22 if anyone’s interested), and I need to bring back the simspo tag on this blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Almost five years. I refuse to believe that.
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do. Well, I schedule my posts manually, I don’t queue them (because earlier this year I noticed it would eat at least one post a day, so I stopped using it), but still. I don’t know what I’d do without this function haha
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
There was this blog that did this really cool comic with very pretty characters. That’s what convinced me lol, even though my content has never been like theirs.
6. why did you choose your icon?
Because Tyler lol
7. why did you choose your header?
Because Tyler and Sharon and I want to have what they have dAMMIT
But I might change the picture for the one I posted yesterday, you know, the awkward one
8. whats your post with the most notes?
That would be the pride paints post I believe!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know, but a lot I think? At least in the simple sense of “I follow you and you follow me.” I never counted it. I’m not sure how many people would actually consider me their mutual or online friend or something like that. I hope someone would haha
10. how many followers do you have?
Over 2 000. What the heck. I mean, not many people are actually active and I think most of them don’t even lurk, but it’s still a pretty cool number
11. how many people do you follow?
I checked and it’s 183. I can’t realistically keep up with all of them but at the same time I’d feel bad for unfollowing any of them
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
My entire blog is a big shitpost tbh, and I wouldn’t have it any other way ✌✨
13. how often do you use tumblr a day?
I usually keep the tab open all day and just check it from time to time. I’m not counting
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Oooooh boy
Yes. I was dumb, okay? Very dumb.
15.  how do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
Those scared me when I was younger, I remember I couldn’t sleep when I was like 8 and saw one of those “repost this or you’ll die in 7 days” pictures. Now I’m okay with them, I just scroll past. Usually. Sometimes I still get nervous. Don’t post them, guys. You can really hurt people with anxiety and similar issues.
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
One that immediately comes to my mind is @berrysweetboutique. I can’t believe such a big simblr is following me and seeing my daily pixel clownery on their dash :D
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I don’t, but back in the day, I used to sort of put some simblrs on pedestals and then act in a way that I thought they would like, if that makes sense, and I was really insecure about what they would think, and if we started talking I was so worried I’d say or do something wrong and it was all in all not a great experience. I know it’s not a crush in the romantic sense, but it reminds me of how sometimes you’d go and try to impress a crush and change yourself so that they like you too. I guess they were sort of crushes in the sense of “oh wow this person is so amazing and perfect, I’m so little next to them, they could probably never love me the same way I love them”. Anyway, once you let go of that mentality and just start doing whatever, without trying to impress anyone...oh that freedom is sweet.
Sorry, went off topic here 😅
20. tags?
I’m just gonna tag whoever wants to do this, go make another cup of coffee and go back to my 19th century poetry 😄
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