#anyway yeah im blocked but we used to be extremely close friends like we spoke nearly everyday
doppoorochisimp · 2 years
Che, speaking of drama, is Thing still around in the fandom? If they are i can only warn y'all to beware that black little lizard they are something else entirely
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neopuff · 6 years
I wanna know what happened to your boss who stole your identity... if you feel like sharing you should make posts about it
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i cant believe i woke up to over 20,000 notes on that fweiougbwe;goew OK HERE im gonna do this like a reddit relationships thread:
players are: B (boss/thief 27F), C1 (coworker 59F), C2 (coworker 40sF), and me (24F). not a lot.
i worked with B and C1 at Claire’s for well over a year. they knew i had money and yeah i’d let them borrow money to help pay their rent/car payments/etc and C1 always paid me back within a month but B always was like “ill pay you back soon” which was like ok its fine dont stress just…we have an ongoing relationship so i foolishly doubted she was going to steal from me right in front of my face lol
then B quits Claire’s and starts working at Express, promises me a great job at Express to the point where i’ve applied and filled out paperwork (yknow with my drivers license and my SSN) but that job never happened cuz B quit working there. (this is when B opened her first credit card using my information, for Express! which is a crazy expensive clothing store.)
B gets a job at Sally Beauty and tells me i should come work there (this is in july). well, i’m in grad school and i wasn’t going to work for the month of August cuz of friends coming to visit but i was like sure ill work extremely part-time at a store for hair and makeup since i know literally nothing about hair and makeup. C1 was also asked to come work there since the Claire’s we all used to work at was shut down (bankruptcy lol)
things are going fine for a while, C2 is working at Sally’s now too (she’s B’s aunt and they live together.) in September my parents bought a new house 5 and a half hours away and they ask me to house-sit until they move in, so obviously im gonna do that, so i give my two weeks (i gave more like a month but w/e) and on the day before i leave B calls me and says the reason i havent been getting paid by direct deposit is because they never got my drivers license photo. i say thats weird, did they lose it? and she says they mustve so i send her a pic of my license. cuz obviously i wont be in town to pick up my check so i need direct deposit.
ok so fast forward to this monday, C1 calls me and it starts off normal like “hi how are you howve you been” and then shes suddenly like “i have something important to tell you.” and she says C2 saw mail at her and B’s house with my name on it! C2 was complaining about it at work and C1 was like “wtf?” and thought that was suspicious and told me about it. shes like “make a creditkarma account and you can see any credit cards under your SSN”
i go to make a creditkarma account and weirdly enough theres already one under my SSN! and the email is literally [B’s last name][B’s first name]@outlook.com. she wasnt even being subtle or smart. she really thought i’d just never look or wouldnt care???? i dont KNOW.
so obviously i call all the credit report places and im like freeze everything and put fraud alerts on everything!! and i blocked B’s phone number and i blocked her on facebook cuz even if she had an explanation i genuinely wouldnt care at this point
i went to another credit report site for the details and B not only took out a $5000 loan (she bought a new car recently so probably for that), but she opened 7 other credit cards and applied for 25 others. she started this the DAY i left! theyre mostly credit cards for banks but theres the express card, a target card, a disney card????????? also B put her actual phone number and address into the system so theres no doubt that its her.
and then C1 calls me again to tell me that B quit her job at Sally Beauty less than an hour ago and im wondering if she knew i knew or coincidence? since B steals from companies she usually only works at each one for a few months each
so ok, tuesday morning i call the police and then i have to call every single bank and credit union to cancel these stupid fucking cards. i was on the phone for 6 hours (wouldve been longer but i had my online class) just repeating the same info over and over again. and then the police call me back like “so we just spoke to B, she played dumb for a bit but then confessed to everything” and that was a HUGE relief except that i still have 12 more card applications to cancel. cop said “she didnt really have an explanation other than she’d fallen on hard times” and i just…….dont care especially when she quits every job shes store manager of after less than a year. and yea she has two kids and a bum husband and a supportive close family
and it’s now wednesday afternoon cuz i slept thru the morning but i have to call all these other places AND i’m gonna have to drive 5 and a half hours back to my hometown for court sometime in the next two weeks. plus i have to fill out like 30 affidavits for all these banks and credit unions and give them the police report so they know im not lying
also my credit score has gone down significantly because of that Express card she got in March (she’d been doing minimum payments allowed so i wouldnt get notified despite racking up $475 at this one ugly store)
in less than a month she opened $20,000 worth of credit and spent $8400 of it. and since she just QUIT her job i can assume she wasnt planning on paying off any of that debt lol
anyway that’s where i’m at now, i dont know if shes going to jail or what. she sure as hell cant pay any fines. PLUS she already owed me $450 and i was gonna cut her some slack on it but now i want my $450 back lmao
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akalegos · 5 years
Could you tell us a little about your characters?
Y E S !
but due to me having at least over a thousand characters I’ll just give a quick summary of the 25 I manage to dig up over 3 sketchbooks.
Y’all can pick and choose which of them interest yall or who you wanna hear more about!
Also because I’m extra, I made sketch icons for the 25 characters, info under the cut
I’ll talk a bit more about my actual Original Characters first, starting with
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Aiko! Otherwise known as Echo
- A marked individual in a steampunk world that gets mixed with magic, because I like both of those things
- Echo runs an underground lab that does helps the underground world with replacing body parts, illegal surgeries etc etc
- Even though she marked, which puts a bounty on her head already, she is well respected by the community for not cheating for your money, stealing your cash, or shanking/killing you mid-surgery
- however, Echo does long for adventure and sometimes do get bored in the lab
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oh yeah,, Echo like stealing eyeballs, so if you’re low on cash and wouldn’t mind losing an eye, you know who to call!!
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Here’s Echo’s boring, undeveloped sidekick!! I don’t like her and I don’t know how to make her better. Yes, she doesn’t have a name.
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here’s my god playboy that left “heaven” due to having an early mid-life crisis, I call him God boi cause;
- He goes by many names! 
tbh, he’s probably the closest character I have to being genderfluid/-neutral? I’m not sure,,
- The god has many powers, from lightning to shapeshifting
- The shapeshifting part allows him to change every part of himself, allowing him to change depending on his situation.
- God boyo, or originally Aristide, is obsessed with the idea of perfection. A god should be perfect, if a god is out of line, he is no god. 
- Same goes for him, which means whenever something is wrong with him, it affects him, extremely
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However, leaving the land of gods to live among humans aren’t all perks
- Aris isn’t immune to diseases or injuries. In fact, he actually fell down and died on impact when he came to earth, being reborn into another child immediately.
- He doesn’t gain his memories back automatically tho!! He has to have a major shock to the brain in order for him to remember his previous lives
- Sometimes the shock isn’t enough either, when you have a thousand over lives, you won’t remember every single one of them. So forgotten lovers coming back to haunt because your brain hates you? That’s everyday for him!
i just,, i like playing with the concepts of god,,
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Up next we got Ayeka Himura! A japanese student going to a neighborhood, but still a pretty good, school living close to poverty due to her father’s constant spending habits and obsession with art supplies. With the household lacking a mother due to wacky shenanigans, Ayeka takes care of her two younger siblings and the house, all while maintaining a very well-paid job and slowly loosing interest in actually studying for a good, honest job.
also she likes birds!!
Yes her design is heavily “based” off Toga but I love her current design too much to change it, h e l p
So like,, I suck at chinese and I made ocs that exclusively spoke in chinese to help with that but I’m still stuck at 40~marks
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I forgot his scar but remembered his earring i hate myself
my og chinese kiddo! he was was first to come and I love his design ever since
he radiates fuck you energy except the girl below. He’s neighbors with her and they acknowledge each other existence ever since. he has a dumb cliche crush on her and is a bit protective of her because nothing says having issues than latching onto someone that makes you happy
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Only this girl got named!! even tho she was the second character.
Li Shen, yes she doesnt have a surname, is apparently main ho now, according to my old oc chart of my “main” ocs
She’s the group’s resident sweetheart and really does not want you to do stupid shit, stop doing stupid shit. She tutors my son up there ^^ even though he’s actually smart and just refuses to do his work properly. But she still deeply cares for him.
As well as the girl below shdifhd
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the last girl of the ching chong trio and the reason I had to switch up my son’s design is this girly over here! Her design was too business-y and formal so I enrolled all of them into college. A rich girl who doesn’t know how to deal with her g a y thoughts. Tried sending Li Shen some flowers once. She didn’t realize attaching her name would be a good idea and son got a good laugh.
i like paranormal stuff so they apparently look into that shit in their spare time. They’re all actually really fun characters to do prompts with I swear!! send some in and I’ll write them
I had a previous concept for son and Li Shen before last girl came and if yall want me to talk about it,,, i found my sketchbook with the old ideas,,
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Elora herself used to be a fan character but I pulled her out and wow\
cant fucking believe she used to be straight for Vylad
shes the outgoing, fun adventure type! bit of mommy issues here and there tho,, I don’t want to say too much since I have an entire for her +
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her now upgraded bro, Vincent
i really like the name vincent,,
also now he has mommy issues
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Ead, the knight who used to have armor
I hate drawing armor 
he also have issues
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she doesnt have that much issues tho
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basically I made elora and her bro have mommy issues, I’m sorry in advance if that spoils anything
I, sometimes, post about these 4 over on @eloradiesismydocsname​ and its a gay ol’ time
not that gay tho because uhh,, medieval times,, but I need prompts for a modern au of them and I am happy to talk about their personalities and even go semi in-depth for any of them!!
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here we have ghoster.png,, which is her file name cause I didn’t name her,,
A horror enthusiast + film student that goes to a supposedly haunted shack to film her upcoming project with the boys. wacky shenanigans occur and the boys left leaving ghoster here to starve and eventually fall to her death. But because it’s my oc i get to bring her back from the dead, now hungry as ever and will fucking eat you, its not a kink thing, shes just that hungry and angry
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tax fraud.png
a robo girl that i created during social studies cause they were talking about taxes and i just went, “what if,, a robo runs on taxes,,, and like,, she haunts you down for not paying your taxes,,” thus she was born! I don’t know what to name her but she is set in the future so-
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Time to go future-apocalypse style because I love that setting too and was upset that I didn’t have any ocs in that style. So I created Alex A. ! A cybrog filled with memories of the previous generations as a sad attempt to preserve human life.
He’s accompanied by his sister/cousin idr i didn’t draw an icon for her, didnt like her design. they go on a hunt for food and to return with nothing. She gets to meet this other dude who has a plant arm im pretty sure i based him off someone’s elses oc but i cant remember. The 3 are forgotten. Kinda want to bring them back tho.
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Neon! A character set in the future utopia of lazy people, where gamers rise up. its the best I can describe her story without getting too deep. She the new hacker on the block, joining the underground gang of elite hackers. She’s another one of those wacky characters that just has fun. I mean, when you know your way around codes and the world you live in is full of it, would you not take advantage of that?
as for fan characters,, uhh,, i have em
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Alexzandra Zara oh my god i forgot to draw her necklace and shirt
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anyways,, Alexzandra is one of the more older ocs I have that didnt get a big revamp. Only an au I develop to the point I forgot the actual shows and the original cast are a little different from the source haha what? She’s the emotionally unstable german war veteran, yes the wife thing isn’t mutual, and haha shes only 27~. I cling onto her so much?? She’s hits a lot of “edgy” points but I still love her cause idk,, the story I made for her is something I hold dear cause Alexzandra was one of my first ACTUALLY DEVELOPED CHARACTER. Is it wrong to say I hold her really close to my heart? Is that weird? probably a little cringy sorry haha. I probably project a little into her which might have strengthened my love for her ack. Her story delves more into the depression very unstable needs to talk to someone side and i get scared talking about my wife’s story online so uhh, idk ask me specific questions about her, I’ll be more inclined to talk.
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Dr Watts! The spoiled ass dick that stole dst Wilson’s house and yes this is a dst oc, yes im slightly sorry.
He’s just fun?? almost ran a blog with him and a friend’s oc. He’s your typical uptight old science gramps that took advantage of the fact that no one knows his real name that he calls himself a doc. He’s not. I put everything about him up to a 9-10? He’s one of those wacky characters and I love him for it! His story is really wonky tho so might need help solidifying that part 
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and from the angry old man to my sweet man that will adopt you even if you’re noisy or call him ginger. Pilot here is a TF2 OC I made to interact with other tf2 OCs cause some of them are fun and i wanna join in :((
He’s the Canadian stereotype, and yes, he adopted scout, that was one of my character notes. 
Like the actual cast of tf2, there’s barely any real story to him. I only gave him a vague I don’t know my past but hey, i fly really really well. He participated in war unlike certain men but he’s still really nice and will only kill you if you hurt his family. Which he doesn’t know so he just considers the cast his family. He keeps mentioning a wife though, pretty sure he doesn’t have one but you do what makes you happy son.
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Ai! an oc I HEAVILY revamped oh my god i hate her old vers. So if yall remember my random shouting of missing my og son, Aru. Here’s his bff. cause he barely has any actual friends that give a shit. And I just cant have that. but here’s your yandere revamped into a last minute addition. I actually feel like I did Ai a lot of justice. I don’t want to delve too deep cause I will start making charts. I’ll do that in a separate post if yall are keen
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Isamu Aena! a mp100 oc I made by accident cause idk,, I was thinking about lolita fashion and all of a sudden, the actual oc I was going to make turned into a mob psycho oc. She’s one of my few ocs where her sexuality matters (she’s gay yeah) cause it plays a role in her storyline. She went from being “manipulated”/used to Mob’s wingwomen. She spots out things that can help him in the romantic department cause she’s into romance. A student of the school Mob infiltrated and a fantastic tailor, not to mention a pretty decent pyschic. wait where do models get their lolita stuff from,,
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im gonna ignore that and move onto Lillian Yi! Who, i swear i did not meant for it, is very close to lloyd. I mean,, none of the ninjas were with him after s3, who you think he’d meet. Lillian is a survivor from the Great Devourour and yes I’m still pissed LEGO stole my backstory for Lillian to use for Harumi. FUCK YOU LEGO, i still love both of em tho,, The event did leave a big scar and it made Lillian job jumping for a bit, ending at Chen’s Noodles in S6~, where ya know,, stuff got better. She was a medalist for gymnastics and continue the activity, even after her parents’ death, to please others. She was already lost at the time so staying in the sport would help, right? Needless to say, after being rejected at a cop academy for youths, or something similar, she gave up for a while but got back into the idea of saving people by using her skills she already had. It helped with the weight and feelings and meeting the green ninja was a very big bonus. Also Lloyd dubbed her the “mysterious stranger” when she refused to speak in fear of her identity, slight shame, and maybe a bit of being star struck. It helped Lloyd too in a sense where he had something to distract him from Zane’s passing.
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 Their relationship was eventually formed, strong and almost unbreakable, except for harumi but uhh thats a different story. Throughout the seasons, they stayed close and lloyd was always comforted by Lillian went times get ruff.
Also Lillian is my most light-hearted characters and I think that says a lot
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Then there’s Nite “I don’t want to be your dad”. A character that is supposed to be in the ninjago world but barely interacts with the main story and only stays in his self contained plot. He was supposed to get a bf but uhhh idk. He’s the master of shifting and streams that online, taking out small crimes, and is actually really shy and doesn’t like interacting with people.
also haha fortnite
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Nora Akino, the sin of despair! its an ad thing, I think. She speaks only in a foreign language that only Odin understands and is either big gay for Ava or Maggi, she can’t pick. And yes she did drink the vial, when TITAN attacks your planet and you accidentally die, how else can you meet your family again? also my grandpa walked in and said she looks like royalty. cool-
she wouldn’t leave my hand for like,, 3 days or something
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Petri, a fellow troublemaker at camp campbell’s music camp. She managed to pick the camp because apparently a parent who doesn’t acknowledge your hard work don’t read the fine print! Please let David adopt her,,
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LASTLY! Yukimaru Atsuko, hero name; Gummie. She goes by Yuki and is a big dick. She’s a studious student but gets more thrills on the actual battlefield. Living with her uptight grandma and her big bottom energy bro, she has the dom energy thing going. and apparently folks on G+, or the people who comment about her, thinks she’s really pretty, which was oddly a thing back before UA. She’s the dick you can like, not like Bakugou but she will definitely want to fight Bakugou. 
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A gum-related quirk is not full of perks when its only your hands. I’d dive more into her like her insecurities and stuff but I’ve been here for probably 3hrs. Sorry anon.
Also I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this all the way through.
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The Time I Almost Decapitated Someone While Trying To Surf
Brace for a whole lot of pain and stupidity. It starts off a little slow but stick around for the AHHHHHHH As some of you may know, i am an intense klutz. As in I-Will-Trip-Over-Absolutely-Nothing-And-Probs-Knock-Over-The-Crown-Jewels kind of klutz. A Would-Trip-And-Fall-Off-A-Cliff kind of klutz I really need to drive this point home ok this is v important to this story So this is back in Peru (yes the same trip the chicken chased me off a cliff). Work is over for the day, the sun is starting to set, and all 40 of us Canadians are headed to the beach for our very first surf lessons So we show up and our instructors hurl wetsuits at us. I do mean hurl like mine wrapped around my face like a squid i nearly died before i even hit the water smh We get separated into groups of five and head off with our instructors. All the other groups had these young Peruvian guys and girls, all smiles and gentle teachers My instructor was a cranky 80 year old who never spoke and stared at us until we figured out what we were supposed to do Before we even get to go near the beach we start learning the technique on land. We lay down on these fake boards and pretend paddle and pretend stand, all in complete silence because who needs words right Im at the point of assuming our instructor doesnt speak english, which is totes cool cause we’re getting the message anyways. We’d spent three days working around the language barrier, now was no different. Moving on Our instructor finally deems us worthy of hitting the water so we all gleefully make our way to the beach. We were all sunshine and laughter, expecting the warm sand between our toes Not happening The beach is not soft like we had thought. It was rocks. Thousands of rocks and pebbles that sent us skittering as we descended the steep incline to the water First off: No one told me how freaking exhausting this crap is All those movies of people surfing like haha look at me this is so easy and majestic be one with the waves dude were straight up liars ok i was panting and heaving like a 90 year old race horse by the time i made it out far enough to catch a wave Cue twenty frustrating minutes of trying and failing to paddle fast enough to stay on a wave I thought i looked like Dash Incredible, majesticly spearing across the water from a horde of bad guys, my arms windmilling at break neck speeds Yeah no I was more of a drowning sloth if im completely honest Id make it maybe two feet by the time one wave passed and the next was already approaching Here’s where my surfing attempt took an unexpected turn Water splashed behind me and i didnt bother turning around. Probably one of my classmates heading for a better wave area “Need some help?” The voice was definitely not my classmates My instructor sat casually on his board behind me I was so shocked to hear him speak that i just nodded dumbly, not aware of what i was agreeing to. He hops off his board and bobs in the water for a second. He casually puts on hand on the back of my board like he was keeping me from floating away Behind him a wave approaches. I lay back down and get ready to paddle. I figured maybe he’ll tell me when to start paddling so i can actually catch this one but the wave is getting closer and closer and there was still no word from him.  I was long past when I started paddling before I hear this soft intake of breath and then, “BRACE!!!” I obey blindly and grip my board in terror wondering if there was a shark lurking beneath me Instead my 80 year old instructor absolutely freaking catapults me forwards i swear that man could launch Niel Armstrong into orbit single handedly NASA who??
Im rocketing along along, too stunned to move Im on a wave!! Im on a… wave????? I scramble to my feet thinking somebody better be seeing this cuz i will not be doing this again By some miracle i manage to stand ok i do not have great balance on land so sticking me on a board in the middle of the ocean was in no ones best interest So im whizzing along feeling like im flying and just generally trying not to face plant on my board or topple into the sea ok i just got up here no way i can manage it a second time Something about the water ahead of me doesnt look right The sun is glaring off the water just enough to block whatever that thing is. Im squinting, praying im not about to hit a rock It was so much worse It was a man He was casually chillin on his board, a set of headphones in his ears, looking to the world like he was asleep Im heading straight for this guy at top speed and as i get closer i realize two very important things I dont know how to stop … … Or turn I think of the wicked looking fins on the bottom of my board I remember mildly thinking this is gonna hurt before reality truly set in I very well might kill this man if i dont figure something out fast I start screaming and flailing with as much strength as i can muster “MOVE MOVE!!!! UNLESS YOU WANNA BE FILLET LIKE A FISH YOU GOT MOVE I CANT STOOOOOP” He casually lifts out one ear bud and looks at me with a barely audible “que?” “YOU GON DIE MOVE!!!!” Clearly he didn’t understand english, but flailing and screaming is pretty universal He leisurely lays back and paddles forewards, moving him ever so slightly out of the danger zone My board hits his as i pass so close i could have flicked his nose My board launches off his and by some miracle i manage to not only stay on it, but stay standing I twist and stare back at the man I definitely did not kill as he casually lays back down on his board Good. That would have been troublesome to explain to immigration officers on my way home I face the beach again and prepare to enjoy my calm landing and– I am less than five feet from shore going full speed SHIT I do what any sane person would do I jump ship
That was the biggest mistake of my life 
See just as i jumped for dear life the wave hit its crest and i landed right in the middle of it 
Suddenly i was a soggy pair of Canadian socks in the worlds worst dryer 
On a very important side note, i am attached to the board by a long thin cable that is velcroed around my ankle, meant to keep the board from drifting and keep me safe 
That cord is the bane of my existence 
In my Horror Dryer Extreme experience the cord had managed to wrap from my ankle all the way up to my thigh, digging cruelly into my skin even through the wet suit 
I slam into shore like a beached whale 
Remember kids: shore is not my friend shore is OW 
I slam into the rocks and lay there dazed for a moment, gasping for air. No way im going back out there ill just let the water wash over me im done surfing im done with the ocean 
But the ocean wasnt done with me 
Suddenly im getting dragged by the leg down the beach. I sit up, ignoring the stones slowly filling my pants. 
My board had gotten stuck in the out take and was dragging me out to sea once again 
I go through another round of Angry Dryer Mama Ocean and get slammed mercilessly back into shore, this time hitting my face so hard i split the skin above my eye. I still have a scar hidden above my eyebrow from this 
At this point i am done 
I try to stand and grab my board but the cord was still wrapped around my leg 
Our teams guide who just so happened to be a surfer comes running over to see if im ok. “hey! Get up! Another wave is coming!” 
I try to shout back “i cant, im stuck!” But that’s not what comes out of my dizzy mouth 
Instead i lift my leg in the air like a dog and scream “I cant! It’s winding!” 
My guide took this as “I cant! Im drowning!” 
He runs over looking like a stern third grade teacher “you’re fine just get up!” 
“You think im not trying??” 
Another wave slams into me from behind and im washed out and washed back in. Lil me cant catch a break 
Somewhere in the time id been brutally slammed back to shore my guide vanished. Fine then
 I quickly unwrap my leg and scramble to my feet 
Screw this, screw the board, im leaving!! 
I start sprinting for my life up the hill to safety 
My leg is yanked out from beneath me and i face plant hard 
I didnt take off the velcro strap 
Washed out 
And washed back in 
I rip the velcro from my ankle the second i hit shore 
My guide appears out of nowhere and grabs my board and starts shouting at me to run 
I ask no questions as I scramble up the side 
Now, my guide, carrying two 50lbs surf boards makes it to the top of the hill just fine 
Not me 
A wave sucker punches me and drags me out again 
Washed out. Washed in. 
At this point im just accepting my fate to be forever bound by the sea im like the opposite of a selkie except the sea has my foot and i cant stay on the freaking land free me from my curse 
Eventually i make it up to the top and collapse like sweet releif i am free of this hell 
My guide sets my board down and looks at me. “Rekina. Stay here, the others are having a hard time too. Dont do anything stupid” trust me pal im going no where this is my home now tell my mother i love her 
(Honestly Never tell me not to do something stupid. It’s a sure fire way to make sure i do the absolute dumbest thing possible) 
I shoot him a weak thumbs up as he takes off down the beach, cackling at the poor idiot Canadians floundering in the surf. 
Youd think my Adventure was over 
Not a chance pal 
I sit up and notice one of my classmates in the same predicament i was in 
There wasnt even another option for my next choice 
I stagger back down the hill and help him up. I grab his board and all but shove him back up the hill and somehow we both made it up safe and sound 
Until we see our teacher not moving on the beach below us, her body getting battered and tossed around by the waves 
Our guide is nearly a kilometer away down the beach, too far for us to call for help 
I look at my classmate and he’s shaking his head like i am not going down there again are you crazy
I pop to my feet and race down the hill i am not letting my teacher die on my watch ok im not that kind of person fight me 
My classmate groans and follows behind 
I grab the teacher who was thankfully just stunned and unhurt and help her to her feet. My classmate grabs her board and they both start staggering up the incline far too slowly. I stay behind them to make sure they dont fall and hit the surf again. Happily they made it up just fine 
Not my ass 
Im slammed face first into the ground courtesy of a massive wave that just loves me too much 
The ocean gave me a friendly love tap as it dragged me down the hill and slammed me against it one more time for good measure 
I finally make it back to the top and swear to never surf again in my life (but let’s be real even near drowning cant stop me from trying again)
All in all a pretty successful first attempt
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you-arevalid · 7 years
hi hi hi!!! could i get a pronoun validation for tetsurou with ne/nyr, they/them, its/its, ast/aster, azu/azur and glit/glitter pronouns seperately? B3 im trying to figure out what i prefer! could the theme maybe be coming out to my volleyball team as agender? i'm a middle blocker and the captain, so coming out to my team is pretty important to me! i dont mind masculine terms like boy/man/dude/bro (everyone on my team calls me bro) but i /prefer/ gender neutral ones. thank you in advance! B3c
The powerful crack of the volleyball against smooth wood floor echoed around the gym.
Tetsurou landed back on the ground a second after the ball did, wearing their familiar shit-eating grin. They clenched their palms, both pink with a satisfying sting from yet another perfect shutout block.
A chorus of unhappy groans could be heard from the other side of the net, while Tetsurou’s own team cheered and taunted their opponents.
Tetsurou’s vice captain and close friend walked up and playfully slapped them on the back. “Nice one, Captain. What is that now- five shutouts in a row?” The vc grinned. “However, you might want to start easing up. Our poor first years are going to lose all their confidence never being able to spike past you.”
Tetsurou raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? You want me to go easy on the other team?” They dramatically threw a hand over their heart. “I never thought I would see the day when I was betrayed by my own vice captain. This may only be a practice match against our own teammates but how will they ever learn to win if they aren’t forced to give their all against a volleyball master such as I?” Tetsurou sniffled as if broken-hearted, all the while trying to not break into a grin. “ No, no, I’m afraid this won’t do. I’m just going to have to find a new vice captain!”
“Hey!” Tetsurou’s friend punched them in the arm and Tetsurou cracked up at the sight of their scowl.
“If you don’t mind,” one of the second years on the other side of the net drawled, “Could we resume practice now? I can’t possibly fathom how in the world you two were put in positions of responsibility.” The whole team started laughing now, and Tetsurou grinned at the good-natured ribbing.
“All right,” they called, “ I see how it is. But be prepared to lose epically. There’s no way I’m going easy on you now!”
The gym once again filled with the familiar song of sneakers squeaking on polished floor and palms smacking against the worn leather of the ball.
Tetsurou geared up to play like the rest of the team, but their mind wandered to the exchange that had just occurred and the effortless, comforting camaraderie it had shown. Tetsurou had been thinking quite a lot recently about what their team meant to them. Tetsurou loved volleyball and the people that they played it with. The team was like family. They were all ridiculously close friends that practiced together and joked together, had each other’s backs and always looked out for each other. But Tetsurou wondered… would the team still treat Tetsurou the same if they all knew? If Tetsurou ever just worked up the courage to tell everyone who they really were- what they truly were. Unfortunately, Tetsurou had a pretty good idea already of what would happen if that day ever came. They had played the scenario through a billion times in their head, and each time all they were left with was disgusted glares and mocking laughter. Tetsurou couldn’t bring themself to do it. Hiding who they were hurt, but facing the idea of losing the people most important to them was so much worse. Tetsurou grimaced at the mental image and dragged their attention back to the game just in time to hear a panicked- “Look out!”- and see the ball hurtling towards their face.
When Tetsurou blinked their eyes open, the first thing they saw was a ring of concerned faces hovering around them. Tetsurou grunted, bringing a hand up to prod gingerly at their head.
“Tetsurou?” The vice captain’s head popped into view right above their own, voice laced with worry.
Tetsurou sat up cautiously. Though they were originally a bit dizzy, the world seemed to center itself once more and the throbbing pain on the side of their head slowly abated. “I’m good. Did I pass out?”
The vice captain shook their head. “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. That spike hit you right in the head and took you down pretty hard. We all rushed over here and you opened your eyes a second after that.”
A hand fell gently on Tetsurou’s shoulder and they turned to see their coach crouching beside them. “How are you feeling? Any nausea? Pain? You’ve seen enough sport-related injuries to know what I’m looking for here.”
Tetsurou shook their head. “Really, I feel fine. I’ve gotten a lot worse on the court before. I know how important it is to look after these things. If I don’t feel well, I’ll get it checked out.”
The coach gave them a searching glance for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied, and walking back to the assistant manager at the side of the court.
Tetsurou looked back at their teammates and spotted a gangly first year that was hovering nervously, nearly on the brink of tears.
“Was that your ball?”
The poor spiker looked like someone had just called them out on running over a puppy. They gave a small jerky nod, somewhere between terrified and miserable.
Tetsurou just grinned and made sure to look them in the eye as they said, “Nice kill. With spikes like that, we just might make it to nationals.”
The first year’s face immediately transformed into one of surprise and wonder.
Everyone’s attention was transferred quickly yet again as the vice captain clapped their hands and said, “Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We were close to the end of the match anyways, so why don’t we all call it for today. First years, pack up the equipment, everyone else can head over to start changing. Remember we have practice this weekend!”
As the other members of Tetsurou’s team slowly began to file away to fulfill their various duties, their vice captain turned back to them. They offered a hand up and Tetsurou took it, righting themself then walking together at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.
“What’s been up with you lately, bro?”
Tetsurou cringed a bit internally at the masculine name. They knew it was a term of endearment, but they still far preferred to be addressed neutrally.
Tetsurou realized with a start that their friend had still been talking to them and they had missed most of it.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You’ve been super zoned out and preoccupied. It’s not really great to worry that much about things in general, but you saw what happened on the court. You know it can be dangerous when you’re not paying attention.” Concern shone in their friend’s eyes.
By now the two had arrived in the dressing rooms so Tetsurou took the opportunity to turn away and hide their face under the pretense of changing shirts.
“I…it’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”
“You’re not though, and that’s a problem.” Their friend had now stepped around so they were face to face once more. “I know you. How long have we been friends? I know that you’ve been stressing hardcore about something and that it’s really been affecting you, even if you try not to show it.”
By now the confrontation had begun to attract the attention of the other teammates gathered in the small changing room. Tetsurou found it hard to meet their eyes as they grabbed their bag and closed the locker. Everyone was waiting to see what their captain would do, waiting to support Tetsurou, but Tetsurou wasn’t so sure that support would last through the revelation of their actual worry. They were so scared. Revealing something like this was such a risk. But then, a niggling doubt proposed, maybe Tetsurou wasn’t giving their teammates the credit they deserved? This team had spent so much time together. They were all so extremely close. Tetsurou thought back to the moment they had looked up from the floor to see everyone’s faces full of concern and care. Would all of that really disappear so easily?
The entire locker room seemed to have gone quiet as each player devoted their attention to Tetsurou’s look of agonized indecision. Finally, the vice captain reached out to rest a hand on their shoulder. “We’re here for you, man.”
“Not.” Tetsurou choked out.
Tetsurou raised their eyes to look directly at their team. “I’m not a man.”
The declaration was met with surprised faces all around and Tetsurou’s heart seemed to stop as they waited for the inevitable wall of hatred to finally fall and crush them. However, as their teammate’s faces changed it wasn’t into looks of disgust but instead curiosity, support, and even some understanding.
The grip on Tetsurou’s shoulder tightened supportively and they looked over to see that their friend was still beside them. Shocked, maybe, but definitely not getting ready to punch them either.
“Umm, ok. Ok, yeah.” their friend nodded their head to themself and seemed to regain surety as they talked. “Uh, what are you then?”
Tetsurou took a shuddering breath, never before quite believing they could make it this far. In a quiet, shaky voice they explained, “I’m agender. It uh, it’s basically like I don’t really have a gender. I’m not a guy or a girl or anything else like that. Does…does that make sense?”
Some of Tetsurou’s team still looked a little confused, but others were starting to slowly nod, as if they were processing the idea.
One of the team’s wing spikers spoke up. “I’ll admit that I’ve never really heard of something like this before, and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m definitely willing to try and learn.” Many of the team nodded in agreement.
Another added sympathetically, “Wow. That’s pretty big. You must have been super nervous to share that. Thanks for trusting us.”
“I was really scared,” Tetsurou agreed. “I didn’t know how you guys would react, and so many people are really horrible or even violent about this kind of thing. I- I’m glad I did though. It feels really good being able to tell all my friends about who I really am instead of bottling it up.”
The room filled with a chorus of support.
“Of course we’re here for you! We’re a team!”
“We would never act like those judgy assholes!”
“Hey, If anyone gives you shit I’ll take them down myself! I mean, not that you probably couldn’t take them on your own anyways.”
One of Tetsurou’s closest friends from the team walked up and gave them a short hug, looking slightly embarrassed at the display of affection, but determined nonetheless. “You may not be our bro anymore, but you’re definitely still our sibling.”
The team once again nodded together and threw out more words of encouragement.
“Umm…” Tetsurou looked up to see the timid first year from before had their hand raised. “My sister’s actually trans. I mean, I know it’s not exactly the same thing, since she’s a girl and you’re not a gender at all, but it does mean that I kinda know some things about this. Is there any specific pronouns you want us to use for you?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet, to be honest. I’m still kind of figuring that stuff out.”
“Well,” the vice captain started, finally removing their hand from Tetsurou’s shoulder, “We’ll be here for you the whole time. Just feel free to talk to us instead of bottling it all up again, alright? We want to learn more and support you.”
Tetsurou smiled, feeling the last of their worries drift away. Of course their team was there for them. They had no reason to be worried this whole time. As the team finally resumed dressing and collecting their things, Tetsurou slung their bag over their shoulder and felt the warm glow of assurance deep in their chest. They were loved and valid, and their friends had just shown them how much that was true. They knew that whatever came, they would have the support of many wonderful people right behind them, helping them laugh and grow the whole way; and for now, that was all they needed.
WHew! Alright there’s a lot of different pronoun sets here so I placed all the other ones under the cut so no one had to deal with a mile long post on their dash.
(Also holy shit I have no idea how this turned into literally 2,000 words long for each individual set. It seems like every time I tried to sit down and write this validation my computer did its damndest to delete the whole thing and I guess in my writer’s rage I just powered through a whole lot more than usual without noticing.)
The powerful crack of the volleyball against smooth wood floor echoed around the gym.
Tetsurou landed back on the ground a second after the ball did, wearing its familiar shit-eating grin. It clenched its palms, both pink with a satisfying sting from yet another perfect shutout block.
A chorus of unhappy groans could be heard from the other side of the net, while Tetsurou’s own team cheered and taunted their opponents.
Tetsurou’s vice captain and close friend walked up and playfully slapped it on the back. “Nice one, Captain. What is that now- five shutouts in a row?” The vc grinned. “However, you might want to start easing up. Our poor first years are going to lose all their confidence never being able to spike past you.”
Tetsurou raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? You want me to go easy on the other team?” It dramatically threw a hand over its heart. “I never thought I would see the day when I was betrayed by my own vice captain. This may only be a practice match against our own teammates but how will they ever learn to win if they aren’t forced to give their all against a volleyball master such as I?” Tetsurou sniffled as if broken-hearted, all the while trying to not break into a grin. “ No, no, I’m afraid this won’t do. I’m just going to have to find a new vice captain!”
“Hey!” Tetsurou’s friend punched it in the arm and Tetsurou cracked up at the sight of their scowl.
“If you don’t mind,” one of the second years on the other side of the net drawled, “Could we resume practice now? I can’t possibly fathom how in the world you two were put in positions of responsibility.” The whole team started laughing now, and Tetsurou grinned at the good-natured ribbing.
“All right,” it called, “ I see how it is. But be prepared to lose epically. There’s no way I’m going easy on you now!”
The gym once again filled with the familiar song of sneakers squeaking on polished floor and palms smacking against the worn leather of the ball.
Tetsurou geared up to play like the rest of the team, but its mind wandered to the exchange that had just occurred and the effortless, comforting camaraderie it had shown. Tetsurou had been thinking quite a lot recently about what its team meant to it. Tetsurou loved volleyball and the people that it played the game with. The team was like family. They were all ridiculously close friends that practiced together and joked together, had each other’s backs and always looked out for each other. But Tetsurou wondered… would the team still treat Tetsurou the same if they all knew? If Tetsurou ever just worked up the courage to tell everyone who it really was- what it truly was. Unfortunately, Tetsurou had a pretty good idea already of what would happen if that day ever came. It had played the scenario through a billion times in its head, and each time all it was left with was disgusted glares and mocking laughter. Tetsurou couldn’t bring itself to do it. Hiding who it was hurt, but facing the idea of losing the people most important to it was so much worse. Tetsurou grimaced at the mental image and dragged its attention back to the game just in time to hear a panicked- “Look out!”- and see the ball hurtling towards its face.
When Tetsurou blinked its eyes open, the first thing it saw was a ring of concerned faces hovering around it. Tetsurou grunted, bringing a hand up to prod gingerly at its head.
“Tetsurou?” The vice captain’s head popped into view right above its own, voice laced with worry.
Tetsurou sat up cautiously. Though it was originally a bit dizzy, the world seemed to balance out once more and the throbbing pain on the side of its head slowly abated. “I’m good. Did I pass out?”
The vice captain shook its head. “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. That spike hit you right in the head and took you down pretty hard. We all rushed over here and you opened your eyes a second after that.”
A hand fell gently on Tetsurou’s shoulder and it turned to see their coach crouching beside it. “How are you feeling? Any nausea? Pain? You’ve seen enough sport-related injuries to know what I’m looking for here.”
Tetsurou shook its head. “Really, I feel fine. I’ve gotten a lot worse on the court before. I know how important it is to look after these things. If I don’t feel well, I’ll get it checked out.”
The coach gave it a searching glance for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied, and walking back to the assistant manager at the side of the court.
Tetsurou looked back at its teammates and spotted a gangly first year that was hovering nervously, nearly on the brink of tears.
“Was that your ball?”
The poor spiker looked like someone had just called them out on running over a puppy. They gave a small jerky nod, somewhere between terrified and miserable.
Tetsurou just grinned and made sure to look them in the eye as it said, “Nice kill. With spikes like that, we just might make it to nationals.”
The first year’s face immediately transformed into one of surprise and wonder.
Everyone’s attention was transferred quickly yet again as the vice captain clapped their hands and said, “Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We were close to the end of the match anyways, so why don’t we all call it for today. First years, pack up the equipment, everyone else can head over to start changing. Remember we have practice this weekend!”
As the other members of Tetsurou’s team slowly began to file away to fulfill their various duties, its vice captain turned back to it. They offered a hand up and Tetsurou took it, righting itself then walking together at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.
“What’s been up with you lately, bro?”
Tetsurou cringed a bit internally at the masculine name. It knew that was a term of endearment, but it still far preferred to be addressed neutrally.
Tetsurou realized with a start that its friend had still been talking to it and it had missed most of the conversation.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You’ve been super zoned out and preoccupied. It’s not really great to worry that much about things in general, but you saw what happened on the court. You know it can be dangerous when you’re not paying attention.” Concern shone in the friend’s eyes.
By now the two had arrived in the dressing rooms so Tetsurou took the opportunity to turn away and hide its face under the pretense of changing shirts.
“I…it’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”
“You’re not though, and that’s a problem.” Its friend had now stepped around so they were face to face once more. “I know you. How long have we been friends? I know that you’ve been stressing hardcore about something and that it’s really been affecting you, even if you try not to show it.”
By now the confrontation had begun to attract the attention of the other teammates gathered in the small changing room. Tetsurou found it hard to meet their eyes as it grabbed its bag and closed the locker. Everyone was waiting to see what their captain would do, waiting to support Tetsurou, but Tetsurou wasn’t so sure that support would last through the revelation of its actual worry. It was so scared. Revealing something like this was such a risk. But then, a niggling doubt proposed, maybe Tetsurou wasn’t giving its teammates the credit they deserved? This team had spent so much time together. They were all so extremely close. Tetsurou thought back to the moment it had looked up from the floor to see everyone’s faces full of concern and care. Would all of that really disappear so easily?
The entire locker room seemed to have gone quiet as each player devoted their attention to Tetsurou’s look of agonized indecision. Finally, the vice captain reached out to rest a hand on their shoulder. “We’re here for you, man.”
“Not.” Tetsurou choked out.
Tetsurou raised its eyes to look directly at its team. “I’m not a man.”
The declaration was met with surprised faces all around and Tetsurou’s heart seemed to stop as it waited for the inevitable wall of hatred to finally fall and crush it. However, as its teammate’s faces changed it wasn’t into looks of disgust but instead curiosity, support, and even some understanding.
The grip on Tetsurou’s shoulder tightened supportively and it looked over to see that its friend was still beside it. Shocked, maybe, but definitely not getting ready to punch them either.
“Umm, ok. Ok, yeah.” their friend nodded their head to themself and seemed to regain surety as they talked. “Uh, what are you then?”
Tetsurou took a shuddering breath, never before quite believing it could make it this far. In a quiet, shaky voice it explained, “I’m agender. It uh, it’s basically like I don’t really have a gender. I’m not a guy or a girl or anything else like that. Does…does that make sense?”
Some of Tetsurou’s team still looked a little confused, but others were starting to slowly nod, as if they were processing the idea.
One of the team’s wing spikers spoke up. “I’ll admit that I’ve never really heard of something like this before, and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m definitely willing to try and learn.” Many of the team nodded in agreement.
Another added sympathetically, “Wow. That’s pretty big. You must have been super nervous to share that. Thanks for trusting us.”
“I was really scared,” Tetsurou agreed. “I didn’t know how you guys would react, and so many people are really horrible or even violent about this kind of thing. I- I’m glad I did though. It feels really good being able to tell all my friends about who I really am instead of bottling it up.”
The room filled with a chorus of support.
“Of course we’re here for you! We’re a team!”
“We would never act like those judgy assholes!”
“Hey, If anyone gives you shit I’ll take them down myself! I mean, not that you probably couldn’t take them on your own anyways.”
One of Tetsurou’s closest friends from the team walked up and gave it a short hug, looking slightly embarrassed at the display of affection, but determined nonetheless. “You may not be our bro anymore, but you’re definitely still our sibling.”
The team once again nodded together and threw out more words of encouragement.
“Umm…” Tetsurou looked up to see the timid first year from before had their hand raised. “My sister’s actually trans. I mean, I know it’s not exactly the same thing, since she’s a girl and you’re not a gender at all, but it does mean that I kinda know some things about this. Is there any specific pronouns you want us to use for you?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet, to be honest. I’m still kind of figuring that stuff out.”
“Well,” the vice captain started, finally removing their hand from Tetsurou’s shoulder, “We’ll be here for you the whole time. Just feel free to talk to us instead of bottling it all up again, alright? We want to learn more and support you.”
Tetsurou smiled, feeling the last of its worries drift away. Of course its team was there for them. It had no reason to be worried this whole time. As the team finally resumed dressing and collecting their things, Tetsurou slung its bag over its shoulder and felt the warm glow of assurance deep in its chest. It was loved and valid, and its friends had just shown it how much that was true. It knew that whatever came, it would have the support of many wonderful people right behind it, helping it laugh and grow the whole way; and for now, that was all it needed.
The powerful crack of the volleyball against smooth wood floor echoed around the gym.
Tetsurou landed back on the ground a second after the ball did, wearing nyr familiar shit-eating grin. Ne clenched nyr palms, both pink with a satisfying sting from yet another perfect shutout block.
A chorus of unhappy groans could be heard from the other side of the net, while Tetsurou’s own team cheered and taunted their opponents.
Tetsurou’s vice captain and close friend walked up and playfully slapped nem on the back. “Nice one, Captain. What is that now- five shutouts in a row?” The vc grinned. “However, you might want to start easing up. Our poor first years are going to lose all their confidence never being able to spike past you.”
Tetsurou raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? You want me to go easy on the other team?” Ne dramatically threw a hand over nyr heart. “I never thought I would see the day when I was betrayed by my own vice captain. This may only be a practice match against our own teammates but how will they ever learn to win if they aren’t forced to give their all against a volleyball master such as I?” Tetsurou sniffled as if broken-hearted, all the while trying to not break into a grin. “ No, no, I’m afraid this won’t do. I’m just going to have to find a new vice captain!”
“Hey!” Tetsurou’s friend punched nem in the arm and Tetsurou cracked up at the sight of their scowl.
“If you don’t mind,” one of the second years on the other side of the net drawled, “Could we resume practice now? I can’t possibly fathom how in the world you two were put in positions of responsibility.” The whole team started laughing now, and Tetsurou grinned at the good-natured ribbing.
“All right,” ne called, “ I see how it is. But be prepared to lose epically. There’s no way I’m going easy on you now!”
The gym once again filled with the familiar song of sneakers squeaking on polished floor and palms smacking against the worn leather of the ball.
Tetsurou geared up to play like the rest of the team, but nyr mind wandered to the exchange that had just occurred and the effortless, comforting camaraderie it had shown. Tetsurou had been thinking quite a lot recently about what nyr team meant to nem. Tetsurou loved volleyball and the people that ne played it with. The team was like family. They were all ridiculously close friends that practiced together and joked together, had each other’s backs and always looked out for each other. But Tetsurou wondered… would the team still treat Tetsurou the same if they all knew? If Tetsurou ever just worked up the courage to tell everyone who ne really were- what ne truly were. Unfortunately, Tetsurou had a pretty good idea already of what would happen if that day ever came. ne had played the scenario through a billion times in nyr head, and each time all ne were left with was disgusted glares and mocking laughter. Tetsurou couldn’t bring nemself to do it. Hiding who ne were hurt, but facing the idea of losing the people most important to nem was so much worse. Tetsurou grimaced at the mental image and dragged nyr attention back to the game just in time to hear a panicked- “Look out!”- and see the ball hurtling towards nyr face.
When Tetsurou blinked nyr eyes open, the first thing ne saw was a ring of concerned faces hovering around nem. Tetsurou grunted, bringing a hand up to prod gingerly at nyr head.
“Tetsurou?” The vice captain’s head popped into view right above nyr own, voice laced with worry.
Tetsurou sat up cautiously. Though ne were originally a bit dizzy, the world seemed to center itself once more and the throbbing pain on the side of nyr head slowly abated. “I’m good. Did I pass out?”
The vice captain shook their head. “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. That spike hit you right in the head and took you down pretty hard. We all rushed over here and you opened your eyes a second after that.”
A hand fell gently on Tetsurou’s shoulder and ne turned to see nyr coach crouching beside nem. “How are you feeling? Any nausea? Pain? You’ve seen enough sport-related injuries to know what I’m looking for here.”
Tetsurou shook nyr head. “Really, I feel fine. I’ve gotten a lot worse on the court before. I know how important it is to look after these things. If I don’t feel well, I’ll get it checked out.”
The coach gave nem a searching glance for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied, and walking back to the assistant manager at the side of the court.
Tetsurou looked back at nyr teammates and spotted a gangly first year that was hovering nervously, nearly on the brink of tears.
“Was that your ball?”
The poor spiker looked like someone had just called them out on running over a puppy. They gave a small jerky nod, somewhere between terrified and miserable.
Tetsurou just grinned and made sure to look them in the eye as ne said, “Nice kill. With spikes like that, we just might make it to nationals.”
The first year’s face immediately transformed into one of surprise and wonder.
Everyone’s attention was transferred quickly yet again as the vice captain clapped their hands and said, “Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We were close to the end of the match anyways, so why don’t we all call it for today. First years, pack up the equipment, everyone else can head over to start changing. Remember we have practice this weekend!”
As the other members of Tetsurou’s team slowly began to file away to fulfill their various duties, their vice captain turned back to nem. They offered a hand up and Tetsurou took it, righting nemself then walking together at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.
“What’s been up with you lately, bro?”
Tetsurou cringed a bit internally at the masculine name. Ne knew it was a term of endearment, but ne still far preferred to be addressed neutrally.
Tetsurou realized with a start that nyr friend had still been talking to nem and ne had missed most of it.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You’ve been super zoned out and preoccupied. It’s not really great to worry that much about things in general, but you saw what happened on the court. You know it can be dangerous when you’re not paying attention.” Concern shone in nyr friend’s eyes.
By now the two had arrived in the dressing rooms so Tetsurou took the opportunity to turn away and hide nyr face under the pretense of changing shirts.
“I…it’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”
“You’re not though, and that’s a problem.” Nyr friend had now stepped around so they were face to face once more. “I know you. How long have we been friends? I know that you’ve been stressing hardcore about something and that it’s really been affecting you, even if you try not to show it.”
By now the confrontation had begun to attract the attention of the other teammates gathered in the small changing room. Tetsurou found it hard to meet their eyes as ne grabbed nyr bag and closed the locker. Everyone was waiting to see what their captain would do, waiting to support Tetsurou, but Tetsurou wasn’t so sure that support would last through the revelation of nyr actual worry. Ne were so scared. Revealing something like this was such a risk. But then, a niggling doubt proposed, maybe Tetsurou wasn’t giving nyr teammates the credit they deserved? This team had spent so much time together. They were all so extremely close. Tetsurou thought back to the moment ne had looked up from the floor to see everyone’s faces full of concern and care. Would all of that really disappear so easily?
The entire locker room seemed to have gone quiet as each player devoted nyr attention to Tetsurou’s look of agonized indecision. Finally, the vice captain reached out to rest a hand on nyr shoulder. “We’re here for you, man.”
“Not.” Tetsurou choked out.
Tetsurou raised their eyes to look directly at their team. “I’m not a man.”
The declaration was met with surprised faces all around and Tetsurou’s heart seemed to stop as ne waited for the inevitable wall of hatred to finally fall and crush them. However, as nyr teammate’s faces changed it wasn’t into looks of disgust but instead curiosity, support, and even some understanding.
The grip on Tetsurou’s shoulder tightened supportively and ne looked over to see that nyr friend was still beside them. Shocked, maybe, but definitely not getting ready to punch them either.
“Umm, ok. Ok, yeah.” nyr friend nodded their head to themself and seemed to regain surety as they talked. “Uh, what are you then?”
Tetsurou took a shuddering breath, never before quite believing ne could make it this far. In a quiet, shaky voice ne explained, “I’m agender. It uh, it’s basically like I don’t really have a gender. I’m not a guy or a girl or anything else like that. Does…does that make sense?”
Some of Tetsurou’s team still looked a little confused, but others were starting to slowly nod, as if they were processing the idea.
One of the team’s wing spikers spoke up. “I’ll admit that I’ve never really heard of something like this before, and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m definitely willing to try and learn.” Many of the team nodded in agreement.
Another added sympathetically, “Wow. That’s pretty big. You must have been super nervous to share that. Thanks for trusting us.”
“I was really scared,” Tetsurou agreed. “I didn’t know how you guys would react, and so many people are really horrible or even violent about this kind of thing. I- I’m glad I did though. It feels really good being able to tell all my friends about who I really am instead of bottling it up.”
The room filled with a chorus of support.
“Of course we’re here for you! We’re a team!”
“We would never act like those judgy assholes!”
“Hey, If anyone gives you shit I’ll take them down myself! I mean, not that you probably couldn’t take them on your own anyways.”
One of Tetsurou’s closest friends from the team walked up and gave nem a short hug, looking slightly embarrassed at the display of affection, but determined nonetheless. “You may not be our bro anymore, but you’re definitely still our sibling.”
The team once again nodded together and threw out more words of encouragement.
“Umm…” Tetsurou looked up to see the timid first year from before had their hand raised. “My sister’s actually trans. I mean, I know it’s not exactly the same thing, since she’s a girl and you’re not a gender at all, but it does mean that I kinda know some things about this. Is there any specific pronouns you want us to use for you?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet, to be honest. I’m still kind of figuring that stuff out.”
“Well,” the vice captain started, finally removing their hand from Tetsurou’s shoulder, “We’ll be here for you the whole time. Just feel free to talk to us instead of bottling it all up again, alright? We want to learn more and support you.”
Tetsurou smiled, feeling the last of nyr worries drift away. Of course nyr team was there for nem. Ne had no reason to be worried this whole time. As the team finally resumed dressing and collecting their things, Tetsurou slung nyr bag over nyr shoulder and felt the warm glow of assurance deep in nyr chest. Ne were loved and valid, and nyr friends had just shown nem how much that was true. Ne knew that whatever came, ne would have the support of many wonderful people right behind nem, helping nem laugh and grow the whole way; and for now, that was all ne needed.
The powerful crack of the volleyball against smooth wood floor echoed around the gym.
Tetsurou landed back on the ground a second after the ball did, wearing asters familiar shit-eating grin. Ast clenched asters palms, both pink with a satisfying sting from yet another perfect shutout block.
A chorus of unhappy groans could be heard from the other side of the net, while Tetsurou’s own team cheered and taunted their opponents.
Tetsurou’s vice captain and close friend walked up and playfully slapped ast on the back. “Nice one, Captain. What is that now- five shutouts in a row?” The vc grinned. “However, you might want to start easing up. Our poor first years are going to lose all their confidence never being able to spike past you.”
Tetsurou raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? You want me to go easy on the other team?” Ast dramatically threw a hand over asters heart. “I never thought I would see the day when I was betrayed by my own vice captain. This may only be a practice match against our own teammates but how will they ever learn to win if they aren’t forced to give their all against a volleyball master such as I?” Tetsurou sniffled as if broken-hearted, all the while trying to not break into a grin. “ No, no, I’m afraid this won’t do. I’m just going to have to find a new vice captain!”
“Hey!” Tetsurou’s friend punched aster in the arm and Tetsurou cracked up at the sight of their scowl.
“If you don’t mind,” one of the second years on the other side of the net drawled, “Could we resume practice now? I can’t possibly fathom how in the world you two were put in positions of responsibility.” The whole team started laughing now, and Tetsurou grinned at the good-natured ribbing.
“All right,” ast called, “ I see how it is. But be prepared to lose epically. There’s no way I’m going easy on you now!”
The gym once again filled with the familiar song of sneakers squeaking on polished floor and palms smacking against the worn leather of the ball.
Tetsurou geared up to play like the rest of the team, but asters mind wandered to the exchange that had just occurred and the effortless, comforting camaraderie it had shown. Tetsurou had been thinking quite a lot recently about what asters team meant to aster. Tetsurou loved volleyball and the people that ast played it with. The team was like family. They were all ridiculously close friends that practiced together and joked together, had each other’s backs and always looked out for each other. But Tetsurou wondered… would the team still treat Tetsurou the same if they all knew? If Tetsurou ever just worked up the courage to tell everyone who ast really was- what ast truly was. Unfortunately, Tetsurou had a pretty good idea already of what would happen if that day ever came. Ast had played the scenario through a billion times in asters head, and each time all ast was left with was disgusted glares and mocking laughter. Tetsurou couldn’t bring asterself to do it. Hiding who ast was hurt, but facing the idea of losing the people most important to aster was so much worse. Tetsurou grimaced at the mental image and dragged asters attention back to the game just in time to hear a panicked- “Look out!”- and see the ball hurtling towards asters face.
When Tetsurou blinked asters eyes open, the first thing ast saw was a ring of concerned faces hovering around aster. Tetsurou grunted, bringing a hand up to prod gingerly at asters head.
“Tetsurou?” The vice captain’s head popped into view right above asters own, voice laced with worry.
Tetsurou sat up cautiously. Though ast was originally a bit dizzy, the world seemed to center itself once more and the throbbing pain on the side of asters head slowly abated. “I’m good. Did I pass out?”
The vice captain shook their head. “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. That spike hit you right in the head and took you down pretty hard. We all rushed over here and you opened your eyes a second after that.”
A hand fell gently on Tetsurou’s shoulder and ast turned to see asters coach crouching beside aster. “How are you feeling? Any nausea? Pain? You’ve seen enough sport-related injuries to know what I’m looking for here.”
Tetsurou shook asters head. “Really, I feel fine. I’ve gotten a lot worse on the court before. I know how important it is to look after these things. If I don’t feel well, I’ll get it checked out.”
The coach gave aster a searching glance for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied, and walking back to the assistant manager at the side of the court.
Tetsurou looked back at asters teammates and spotted a gangly first year that was hovering nervously, nearly on the brink of tears.
“Was that your ball?”
The poor spiker looked like someone had just called them out on running over a puppy. They gave a small jerky nod, somewhere between terrified and miserable.
Tetsurou just grinned and made sure to look them in the eye as ast said, “Nice kill. With spikes like that, we just might make it to nationals.”
The first year’s face immediately transformed into one of surprise and wonder.
Everyone’s attention was transferred quickly yet again as the vice captain clapped their hands and said, “Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We were close to the end of the match anyways, so why don’t we all call it for today. First years, pack up the equipment, everyone else can head over to start changing. Remember we have practice this weekend!”
As the other members of Tetsurou’s team slowly began to file away to fulfill their various duties, their vice captain turned back to aster. They offered a hand up and Tetsurou took it, righting asterself then walking together at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.
“What’s been up with you lately, bro?”
Tetsurou cringed a bit internally at the masculine name. Ast knew it was a term of endearment, but ast still far preferred to be addressed neutrally.
Tetsurou realized with a start that asters friend had still been talking to aster and ast had missed most of it.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You’ve been super zoned out and preoccupied. It’s not really great to worry that much about things in general, but you saw what happened on the court. You know it can be dangerous when you’re not paying attention.” Concern shone in asters friend’s eyes.
By now the two had arrived in the dressing rooms so Tetsurou took the opportunity to turn away and hide asters face under the pretense of changing shirts.
“I…it’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”
“You’re not though, and that’s a problem.” Asters friend had now stepped around so they were face to face once more. “I know you. How long have we been friends? I know that you’ve been stressing hardcore about something and that it’s really been affecting you, even if you try not to show it.”
By now the confrontation had begun to attract the attention of the other teammates gathered in the small changing room. Tetsurou found it hard to meet their eyes as ast grabbed asters bag and closed the locker. Everyone was waiting to see what their captain would do, waiting to support Tetsurou, but Tetsurou wasn’t so sure that support would last through the revelation of asters actual worry. Ast was so scared. Revealing something like this was such a risk. But then, a niggling doubt proposed, maybe Tetsurou wasn’t giving asters teammates the credit they deserved? This team had spent so much time together. They were all so extremely close. Tetsurou thought back to the moment ast had looked up from the floor to see everyone’s faces full of concern and care. Would all of that really disappear so easily?
The entire locker room seemed to have gone quiet as each player devoted their attention to Tetsurou’s look of agonized indecision. Finally, the vice captain reached out to rest a hand on asters shoulder. “We’re here for you, man.”
“Not.” Tetsurou choked out.
Tetsurou raised asters eyes to look directly at asters team. “I’m not a man.”
The declaration was met with surprised faces all around and Tetsurou’s heart seemed to stop as ast waited for the inevitable wall of hatred to finally fall and crush aster. However, as asters teammate’s faces changed it wasn’t into looks of disgust but instead curiosity, support, and even some understanding.
The grip on Tetsurou’s shoulder tightened supportively and ast looked over to see that asters friend was still beside aster. Shocked, maybe, but definitely not getting ready to punch aster either.
“Umm, ok. Ok, yeah.” asters friend nodded their head to themself and seemed to regain surety as they talked. “Uh, what are you then?”
Tetsurou took a shuddering breath, never before quite believing ast could make it this far. In a quiet, shaky voice ast explained, “I’m agender. It uh, it’s basically like I don’t really have a gender. I’m not a guy or a girl or anything else like that. Does…does that make sense?”
Some of Tetsurou’s team still looked a little confused, but others were starting to slowly nod, as if they were processing the idea.
One of the team’s wing spikers spoke up. “I’ll admit that I’ve never really heard of something like this before, and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m definitely willing to try and learn.” Many of the team nodded in agreement.
Another added sympathetically, “Wow. That’s pretty big. You must have been super nervous to share that. Thanks for trusting us.”
“I was really scared,” Tetsurou agreed. “I didn’t know how you guys would react, and so many people are really horrible or even violent about this kind of thing. I- I’m glad I did though. It feels really good being able to tell all my friends about who I really am instead of bottling it up.”
The room filled with a chorus of support.
“Of course we’re here for you! We’re a team!”
“We would never act like those judgy assholes!”
“Hey, If anyone gives you shit I’ll take them down myself! I mean, not that you probably couldn’t take them on your own anyways.”
One of Tetsurou’s closest friends from the team walked up and gave aster a short hug, looking slightly embarrassed at the display of affection, but determined nonetheless. “You may not be our bro anymore, but you’re definitely still our sibling.”
The team once again nodded together and threw out more words of encouragement.
“Umm…” Tetsurou looked up to see the timid first year from before had their hand raised. “My sister’s actually trans. I mean, I know it’s not exactly the same thing, since she’s a girl and you’re not a gender at all, but it does mean that I kinda know some things about this. Is there any specific pronouns you want us to use for you?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet, to be honest. I’m still kind of figuring that stuff out.”
“Well,” the vice captain started, finally removing their hand from Tetsurou’s shoulder, “We’ll be here for you the whole time. Just feel free to talk to us instead of bottling it all up again, alright? We want to learn more and support you.”
Tetsurou smiled, feeling the last of asters worries drift away. Of course asters team was there for aster. Ast had no reason to be worried this whole time. As the team finally resumed dressing and collecting their things, Tetsurou slung asters bag over asters shoulder and felt the warm glow of assurance deep in asters chest. Ast was loved and valid, and asters friends had just shown aster how much that was true. Ast knew that whatever came, ast would have the support of many wonderful people right behind aster, helping aster laugh and grow the whole way; and for now, that was all ast needed.
The powerful crack of the volleyball against smooth wood floor echoed around the gym.
Tetsurou landed back on the ground a second after the ball did, wearing azurs familiar shit-eating grin. Azu clenched azurs palms, both pink with a satisfying sting from yet another perfect shutout block.
A chorus of unhappy groans could be heard from the other side of the net, while Tetsurou’s own team cheered and taunted their opponents.
Tetsurou’s vice captain and close friend walked up and playfully slapped azu on the back. “Nice one, Captain. What is that now- five shutouts in a row?” The vc grinned. “However, you might want to start easing up. Our poor first years are going to lose all their confidence never being able to spike past you.”
Tetsurou raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? You want me to go easy on the other team?” Azu dramatically threw a hand over azurs heart. “I never thought I would see the day when I was betrayed by my own vice captain. This may only be a practice match against our own teammates but how will they ever learn to win if they aren’t forced to give their all against a volleyball master such as I?” Tetsurou sniffled as if broken-hearted, all the while trying to not break into a grin. “ No, no, I’m afraid this won’t do. I’m just going to have to find a new vice captain!”
“Hey!” Tetsurou’s friend punched azur in the arm and Tetsurou cracked up at the sight of their scowl.
“If you don’t mind,” one of the second years on the other side of the net drawled, “Could we resume practice now? I can’t possibly fathom how in the world you two were put in positions of responsibility.” The whole team started laughing now, and Tetsurou grinned at the good-natured ribbing.
“All right,” azu called, “ I see how it is. But be prepared to lose epically. There’s no way I’m going easy on you now!”
The gym once again filled with the familiar song of sneakers squeaking on polished floor and palms smacking against the worn leather of the ball.
Tetsurou geared up to play like the rest of the team, but azurs mind wandered to the exchange that had just occurred and the effortless, comforting camaraderie it had shown. Tetsurou had been thinking quite a lot recently about what azurs team meant to azur. Tetsurou loved volleyball and the people that azu played it with. The team was like family. They were all ridiculously close friends that practiced together and joked together, had each other’s backs and always looked out for each other. But Tetsurou wondered… would the team still treat Tetsurou the same if they all knew? If Tetsurou ever just worked up the courage to tell everyone who azu really was- what azu truly was. Unfortunately, Tetsurou had a pretty good idea already of what would happen if that day ever came. Azu had played the scenario through a billion times in azurs head, and each time all azu was left with was disgusted glares and mocking laughter. Tetsurou couldn’t bring azurself to do it. Hiding who azu was hurt, but facing the idea of losing the people most important to azur was so much worse. Tetsurou grimaced at the mental image and dragged azurs attention back to the game just in time to hear a panicked- “Look out!”- and see the ball hurtling towards azurs face.
When Tetsurou blinked azurs eyes open, the first thing azu saw was a ring of concerned faces hovering around azur. Tetsurou grunted, bringing a hand up to prod gingerly at azurs head.
“Tetsurou?” The vice captain’s head popped into view right above azurs own, voice laced with worry.
Tetsurou sat up cautiously. Though azu was originally a bit dizzy, the world seemed to center itself once more and the throbbing pain on the side of azurs head slowly abated. “I’m good. Did I pass out?”
The vice captain shook their head. “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. That spike hit you right in the head and took you down pretty hard. We all rushed over here and you opened your eyes a second after that.”
A hand fell gently on Tetsurou’s shoulder and azu turned to see azurs coach crouching beside azur. “How are you feeling? Any nausea? Pain? You’ve seen enough sport-related injuries to know what I’m looking for here.”
Tetsurou shook azurs head. “Really, I feel fine. I’ve gotten a lot worse on the court before. I know how important it is to look after these things. If I don’t feel well, I’ll get it checked out.”
The coach gave azur a searching glance for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied, and walking back to the assistant manager at the side of the court.
Tetsurou looked back at azurs teammates and spotted a gangly first year that was hovering nervously, nearly on the brink of tears.
“Was that your ball?”
The poor spiker looked like someone had just called them out on running over a puppy. They gave a small jerky nod, somewhere between terrified and miserable.
Tetsurou just grinned and made sure to look them in the eye as azu said, “Nice kill. With spikes like that, we just might make it to nationals.”
The first year’s face immediately transformed into one of surprise and wonder.
Everyone’s attention was transferred quickly yet again as the vice captain clapped their hands and said, “Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We were close to the end of the match anyways, so why don’t we all call it for today. First years, pack up the equipment, everyone else can head over to start changing. Remember we have practice this weekend!”
As the other members of Tetsurou’s team slowly began to file away to fulfill their various duties, their vice captain turned back to azur. They offered a hand up and Tetsurou took it, righting azurself then walking together at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.
“What’s been up with you lately, bro?”
Tetsurou cringed a bit internally at the masculine name. Azu knew it was a term of endearment, but azu still far preferred to be addressed neutrally.
Tetsurou realized with a start that azurs friend had still been talking to azur and azu had missed most of it.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You’ve been super zoned out and preoccupied. It’s not really great to worry that much about things in general, but you saw what happened on the court. You know it can be dangerous when you’re not paying attention.” Concern shone in azurs friend’s eyes.
By now the two had arrived in the dressing rooms so Tetsurou took the opportunity to turn away and hide azurs face under the pretense of changing shirts.
“I…it’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”
“You’re not though, and that’s a problem.” Azurs friend had now stepped around so they were face to face once more. “I know you. How long have we been friends? I know that you’ve been stressing hardcore about something and that it’s really been affecting you, even if you try not to show it.”
By now the confrontation had begun to attract the attention of the other teammates gathered in the small changing room. Tetsurou found it hard to meet their eyes as azu grabbed azurs bag and closed the locker. Everyone was waiting to see what their captain would do, waiting to support Tetsurou, but Tetsurou wasn’t so sure that support would last through the revelation of azurs actual worry. Azu was so scared. Revealing something like this was such a risk. But then, a niggling doubt proposed, maybe Tetsurou wasn’t giving azurs teammates the credit they deserved? This team had spent so much time together. They were all so extremely close. Tetsurou thought back to the moment azu had looked up from the floor to see everyone’s faces full of concern and care. Would all of that really disappear so easily?
The entire locker room seemed to have gone quiet as each player devoted their attention to Tetsurou’s look of agonized indecision. Finally, the vice captain reached out to rest a hand on azurs shoulder. “We’re here for you, man.”
“Not.” Tetsurou choked out.
Tetsurou raised azurs eyes to look directly at azurs team. “I’m not a man.”
The declaration was met with surprised faces all around and Tetsurou’s heart seemed to stop as azu waited for the inevitable wall of hatred to finally fall and crush azur. However, as azurs teammate’s faces changed it wasn’t into looks of disgust but instead curiosity, support, and even some understanding.
The grip on Tetsurou’s shoulder tightened supportively and azu looked over to see that azurs friend was still beside azur. Shocked, maybe, but definitely not getting ready to punch azur either.
“Umm, ok. Ok, yeah.” azurs friend nodded their head to themself and seemed to regain surety as they talked. “Uh, what are you then?”
Tetsurou took a shuddering breath, never before quite believing azu could make it this far. In a quiet, shaky voice azu explained, “I’m agender. It uh, it’s basically like I don’t really have a gender. I’m not a guy or a girl or anything else like that. Does…does that make sense?”
Some of Tetsurou’s team still looked a little confused, but others were starting to slowly nod, as if they were processing the idea.
One of the team’s wing spikers spoke up. “I’ll admit that I’ve never really heard of something like this before, and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m definitely willing to try and learn.” Many of the team nodded in agreement.
Another added sympathetically, “Wow. That’s pretty big. You must have been super nervous to share that. Thanks for trusting us.”
“I was really scared,” Tetsurou agreed. “I didn’t know how you guys would react, and so many people are really horrible or even violent about this kind of thing. I- I’m glad I did though. It feels really good being able to tell all my friends about who I really am instead of bottling it up.”
The room filled with a chorus of support.
“Of course we’re here for you! We’re a team!”
“We would never act like those judgy assholes!”
“Hey, If anyone gives you shit I’ll take them down myself! I mean, not that you probably couldn’t take them on your own anyways.”
One of Tetsurou’s closest friends from the team walked up and gave azur a short hug, looking slightly embarrassed at the display of affection, but determined nonetheless. “You may not be our bro anymore, but you’re definitely still our sibling.”
The team once again nodded together and threw out more words of encouragement.
“Umm…” Tetsurou looked up to see the timid first year from before had their hand raised. “My sister’s actually trans. I mean, I know it’s not exactly the same thing, since she’s a girl and you’re not a gender at all, but it does mean that I kinda know some things about this. Is there any specific pronouns you want us to use for you?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet, to be honest. I’m still kind of figuring that stuff out.”
“Well,” the vice captain started, finally removing their hand from Tetsurou’s shoulder, “We’ll be here for you the whole time. Just feel free to talk to us instead of bottling it all up again, alright? We want to learn more and support you.”
Tetsurou smiled, feeling the last of azurs worries drift away. Of course azurs team was there for azur. Azu had no reason to be worried this whole time. As the team finally resumed dressing and collecting their things, Tetsurou slung azurs bag over azurs shoulder and felt the warm glow of assurance deep in azurs chest. Azu was loved and valid, and azurs friends had just shown azur how much that was true. Azu knew that whatever came, azu would have the support of many wonderful people right behind azur, helping azur laugh and grow the whole way; and for now, that was all azu needed.
The powerful crack of the volleyball against smooth wood floor echoed around the gym.
Tetsurou landed back on the ground a second after the ball did, wearing glitters familiar shit-eating grin. Glit clenched glitters palms, both pink with a satisfying sting from yet another perfect shutout block.
A chorus of unhappy groans could be heard from the other side of the net, while Tetsurou’s own team cheered and taunted their opponents.
Tetsurou’s vice captain and close friend walked up and playfully slapped glit on the back. “Nice one, Captain. What is that now- five shutouts in a row?” The vc grinned. “However, you might want to start easing up. Our poor first years are going to lose all their confidence never being able to spike past you.”
Tetsurou raised an eyebrow. “What’s this? You want me to go easy on the other team?” Glit dramatically threw a hand over glitters heart. “I never thought I would see the day when I was betrayed by my own vice captain. This may only be a practice match against our own teammates but how will they ever learn to win if they aren’t forced to give their all against a volleyball master such as I?” Tetsurou sniffled as if broken-hearted, all the while trying to not break into a grin. “ No, no, I’m afraid this won’t do. I’m just going to have to find a new vice captain!”
“Hey!” Tetsurou’s friend punched glitter in the arm and Tetsurou cracked up at the sight of their scowl.
“If you don’t mind,” one of the second years on the other side of the net drawled, “Could we resume practice now? I can’t possibly fathom how in the world you two were put in positions of responsibility.” The whole team started laughing now, and Tetsurou grinned at the good-natured ribbing.
“All right,” glit called, “ I see how it is. But be prepared to lose epically. There’s no way I’m going easy on you now!”
The gym once again filled with the familiar song of sneakers squeaking on polished floor and palms smacking against the worn leather of the ball.
Tetsurou geared up to play like the rest of the team, but glitters mind wandered to the exchange that had just occurred and the effortless, comforting camaraderie it had shown. Tetsurou had been thinking quite a lot recently about what glitters team meant to glitter. Tetsurou loved volleyball and the people that glit played it with. The team was like family. They were all ridiculously close friends that practiced together and joked together, had each other’s backs and always looked out for each other. But Tetsurou wondered… would the team still treat Tetsurou the same if they all knew? If Tetsurou ever just worked up the courage to tell everyone who glit really was- what glit truly was. Unfortunately, Tetsurou had a pretty good idea already of what would happen if that day ever came. Azu had played the scenario through a billion times in glitters head, and each time all glit was left with was disgusted glares and mocking laughter. Tetsurou couldn’t bring glitterself to do it. Hiding who glit was hurt, but facing the idea of losing the people most important to glitter was so much worse. Tetsurou grimaced at the mental image and dragged glitters attention back to the game just in time to hear a panicked- “Look out!”- and see the ball hurtling towards glitters face.
When Tetsurou blinked glitters eyes open, the first thing glit saw was a ring of concerned faces hovering around glitter. Tetsurou grunted, bringing a hand up to prod gingerly at glitters head.
“Tetsurou?” The vice captain’s head popped into view right above glitters own, voice laced with worry.
Tetsurou sat up cautiously. Though glit was originally a bit dizzy, the world seemed to center itself once more and the throbbing pain on the side of glitters head slowly abated. “I’m good. Did I pass out?”
The vice captain shook their head. “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. That spike hit you right in the head and took you down pretty hard. We all rushed over here and you opened your eyes a second after that.”
A hand fell gently on Tetsurou’s shoulder and glit turned to see glitters coach crouching beside glitter. “How are you feeling? Any nausea? Pain? You’ve seen enough sport-related injuries to know what I’m looking for here.”
Tetsurou shook glitters head. “Really, I feel fine. I’ve gotten a lot worse on the court before. I know how important it is to look after these things. If I don’t feel well, I’ll get it checked out.”
The coach gave glitter a searching glance for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied, and walking back to the assistant manager at the side of the court.
Tetsurou looked back at glitters teammates and spotted a gangly first year that was hovering nervously, nearly on the brink of tears.
“Was that your ball?”
The poor spiker looked like someone had just called them out on running over a puppy. They gave a small jerky nod, somewhere between terrified and miserable.
Tetsurou just grinned and made sure to look them in the eye as glit said, “Nice kill. With spikes like that, we just might make it to nationals.”
The first year’s face immediately transformed into one of surprise and wonder.
Everyone’s attention was transferred quickly yet again as the vice captain clapped their hands and said, “Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We were close to the end of the match anyways, so why don’t we all call it for today. First years, pack up the equipment, everyone else can head over to start changing. Remember we have practice this weekend!”
As the other members of Tetsurou’s team slowly began to file away to fulfill their various duties, their vice captain turned back to glitter. They offered a hand up and Tetsurou took it, righting glitterself then walking together at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.
“What’s been up with you lately, bro?”
Tetsurou cringed a bit internally at the masculine name. Glit knew it was a term of endearment, but glit still far preferred to be addressed neutrally.
Tetsurou realized with a start that glitters friend had still been talking to glitter and glit had missed most of it.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You’ve been super zoned out and preoccupied. It’s not really great to worry that much about things in general, but you saw what happened on the court. You know it can be dangerous when you’re not paying attention.” Concern shone in glitters friend’s eyes.
By now the two had arrived in the dressing rooms so Tetsurou took the opportunity to turn away and hide glitters face under the pretense of changing shirts.
“I…it’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”
“You’re not though, and that’s a problem.” Glitters friend had now stepped around so they were face to face once more. “I know you. How long have we been friends? I know that you’ve been stressing hardcore about something and that it’s really been affecting you, even if you try not to show it.”
By now the confrontation had begun to attract the attention of the other teammates gathered in the small changing room. Tetsurou found it hard to meet their eyes as glit grabbed glitters bag and closed the locker. Everyone was waiting to see what their captain would do, waiting to support Tetsurou, but Tetsurou wasn’t so sure that support would last through the revelation of glitters actual worry. Glit was so scared. Revealing something like this was such a risk. But then, a niggling doubt proposed, maybe Tetsurou wasn’t giving glitters teammates the credit they deserved? This team had spent so much time together. They were all so extremely close. Tetsurou thought back to the moment glit had looked up from the floor to see everyone’s faces full of concern and care. Would all of that really disappear so easily?
The entire locker room seemed to have gone quiet as each player devoted their attention to Tetsurou’s look of agonized indecision. Finally, the vice captain reached out to rest a hand on glitters shoulder. “We’re here for you, man.”
“Not.” Tetsurou choked out.
Tetsurou raised glitters eyes to look directly at glitters team. “I’m not a man.”
The declaration was met with surprised faces all around and Tetsurou’s heart seemed to stop as glit waited for the inevitable wall of hatred to finally fall and crush glitter. However, as glitters teammate’s faces changed it wasn’t into looks of disgust but instead curiosity, support, and even some understanding.
The grip on Tetsurou’s shoulder tightened supportively and glit looked over to see that glitters friend was still beside glitter. Shocked, maybe, but definitely not getting ready to punch glitter either.
“Umm, ok. Ok, yeah.” glitters friend nodded their head to themself and seemed to regain surety as they talked. “Uh, what are you then?”
Tetsurou took a shuddering breath, never before quite believing glit could make it this far. In a quiet, shaky voice glit explained, “I’m agender. It uh, it’s basically like I don’t really have a gender. I’m not a guy or a girl or anything else like that. Does…does that make sense?”
Some of Tetsurou’s team still looked a little confused, but others were starting to slowly nod, as if they were processing the idea.
One of the team’s wing spikers spoke up. “I’ll admit that I’ve never really heard of something like this before, and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m definitely willing to try and learn.” Many of the team nodded in agreement.
Another added sympathetically, “Wow. That’s pretty big. You must have been super nervous to share that. Thanks for trusting us.”
“I was really scared,” Tetsurou agreed. “I didn’t know how you guys would react, and so many people are really horrible or even violent about this kind of thing. I- I’m glad I did though. It feels really good being able to tell all my friends about who I really am instead of bottling it up.”
The room filled with a chorus of support.
“Of course we’re here for you! We’re a team!”
“We would never act like those judgy assholes!”
“Hey, If anyone gives you shit I’ll take them down myself! I mean, not that you probably couldn’t take them on your own anyways.”
One of Tetsurou’s closest friends from the team walked up and gave glitter a short hug, looking slightly embarrassed at the display of affection, but determined nonetheless. “You may not be our bro anymore, but you’re definitely still our sibling.”
The team once again nodded together and threw out more words of encouragement.
“Umm…” Tetsurou looked up to see the timid first year from before had their hand raised. “My sister’s actually trans. I mean, I know it’s not exactly the same thing, since she’s a girl and you’re not a gender at all, but it does mean that I kinda know some things about this. Is there any specific pronouns you want us to use for you?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet, to be honest. I’m still kind of figuring that stuff out.”
“Well,” the vice captain started, finally removing their hand from Tetsurou’s shoulder, “We’ll be here for you the whole time. Just feel free to talk to us instead of bottling it all up again, alright? We want to learn more and support you.”
Tetsurou smiled, feeling the last of glitters worries drift away. Of course glitters team was there for glitter. Glit had no reason to be worried this whole time. As the team finally resumed dressing and collecting their things, Tetsurou slung glitters bag over glitters shoulder and felt the warm glow of assurance deep in glitters chest. Glit was loved and valid, and glitters friends had just shown glitter how much that was true. Glit knew that whatever came, glit would have the support of many wonderful people right behind glitter, helping glitter laugh and grow the whole way; and for now, that was all glit needed.
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astoryfrom2016 · 8 years
Ragini’s Side of The Story
So the reason why I’ve created this blog is so you know my side of whatever has been told to you,  which to be honest, i’m not even sure.  I just know that it feels like an injustice that I have to keep this quiet and you are the only person I care about knowing the truth for what it is. 
If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t even feel the need to explain myself but I’ve known you since I was 16, and despite that we may not talk every day or see each other all the time, you’ve still been one of my close friends and I’ve always looked up to you like an older sister.
I’m sorry I didn’t tell you for so many months what was going on or what had happened.  One reason I didn't was because you are his older sister, and I never want to paint Sharan in any sort of negative light because he isn’t a bad person.  We both got into an extremely messy situation. Right now, I feel pretty discarded, like my feelings don’t count.  That I need to be quiet and not step outside the box that he has created for me.  
It’s always been really frustrating to know how your family looked at me,  it always seemed as if I was the one chasing him, that in all these years that I was just the girl who was always after him when in reality,  it takes two to tango. He held onto to me as much (and sometimes more than) I held onto him.
I guess one of the good things about this blog is that I can also properly recount what had happened because it is such a blur honestly.  I spent most of last year battling with remaining in the shadows of his life, wanting to be chosen by him, but he didn’t, just as I knew (deep inside) he wouldn’t. 
in order to tell this story properly, i’m going to use some screenshots from my conversations of him because right now,  I look like the liar, and I promise everything Im going to say is the truth and if there are any doubts you can ask me or him about it.  I understand from his point of view, the use of screenshots is going to be a massive MASSIVE breach of privacy. And no matter what I’ll always look like an asshole too but some of the things he has said to me, I feel crazy saying that he said that without using real hard evidence.  A lot of these screenshots are used to illustrate the nature of our relationship and the extent to which he was saying things to me.
So i might just start from the beginning:
May, June, July 2016
So,  I started talking to him around this period while I was in a comfortable and easy relationship with Zain.  I messaged him on facebook saying Hi, and we simply just became friends again. At first Sharan was kinda cold towards me because of our past arguments but then he let me in and we became very close friends again.  I felt as if I couldn’t commit to Zain long-term unless I figured out my feelings for Sharan (which was a very stupid idea).
We talked quite frequently and hung out here and there.  I knew he was in a new relationship and sometimes I gave him advice + tips.  But during that whole time I would never tell Zain when I was with him and I knew Sharan wouldn’t tell his girlfriend where he was either.  
During this period both of us would make fun of each other’s partners.  It was a little obvious why we did that but we sort of both continued to make jokes about each other’s significant other and call it being protective of the other person. 
In late July after his birthday, I called in sick from work one day and Sharan had the flu so he came over and we spent the day together just cooking, watching shows, he napped while I studied, and then because my friend was DJing in the city, I asked him if he would like to tag along and we went out to dinner and Sharan got a little drunk.
On the way home we found ourselves holding hands and talking about the time we hooked up.  I asked him who he liked more me or his girlfriend and he said me, and asked me the same and I said I liked him more too, and I could kinda tell where the whole situation was going because he kissed me on the neck so I was like ok I’m going to drop you home now, but as he was leaving we ended up sharing a kiss that yeah went on for awhile.
We decided that it would be best if we didn’t see each other anymore but because he had the flu, I ended up getting really sick and he came over again to check up on me and we started talking again a little, went for breakfast later that week and ended up hooking up again.  His girlfriend came home from Europe the next day and we tried to cut contact.
August 2016
In August the we were in and out of contact, which basically means we would block/unblock each other on whatsapp/facebook when we would miss each other and it became a cycle.  But we spent a lot of August talking as I had surgery.   My feelings for Sharan started to affect my relationship with Zain so I ended things with him after surgery,  Zain knew the break up was coming for other reasons and after awhile, he realised the role Sharan played in our break up (thanks to drunk rhea again ==).
Sharan and I started getting really emotional or intense with our conversations. Like we would talk about the future (marriage) and he just said a lot of things that would indicate that he had strong feelings too.   We ended up going on a date (I didn’t actually know this was a date till he told me) to Savanas the day after I got my cast off and afterwards things got a little intimate again &  but he stopped it and then told me how he couldn’t do this right now and that the situation was only temporary and that he would be back soon eventually. 
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September 2016
During this month we also were in and out of touch again, I started to see a guy named Nitin that I was friends with for awhile casually (who knew my situation with Sharan) as I didn’t want to wait for Sharan, like he said he didn’t expect me to as I had my own life and he was in a romantic relationship with someone else, whereas I wasn’t anybody’s girlfriend.  My relationship with Nitin was purely casual and only got romantic towards the end (before it ended)
It was after Spot passed away, that I started to feel like the ‘Other Woman’ as I really tried to be there for him but he was always with his girlfriend and would want to see me too, and that made me pretty upset because best of both worlds.   He used to always just say he couldn’t just break up with her because he’s best friend’s with her brother/cousin and because your family was involved. 
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October 2016
During this month,  I think the hurt started to surface and I started to really feel like the other chick, even though he was still saying very loving things.  He made it clear again that the situation was temporary and that he was trying to get out of it. 
At one point (imaged below) he asked me if we could stop talking via whatsapp as our messages were too intense and he was obviously getting afraid someone would see them.  This made me very very hurt.
The day before my birthday he came over my house and we were watching tv and his girlfriend started to message him saying goodnight with love hearts and calling him ‘bubba’ and at that point I realised, fuck she loves him too.  I did ask him, but he asked me why it matters anyway. 
For my birthday he came out for dinner with Susie & William, and he even told William that he didn’t see a future with his girlfriend and that it just wasn’t the right time for us.   After my birthday night, because Susie told him to really step back and see what he was doing, he decided it would be best if we weren’t in [active] communication so he said his temporary goodbye.
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November 2016
We didn’t really talk this month at all,  I was pretty upset at him over being left behind because I could see he wasn’t making any active decisions to get out of his relationship despite saying a few months earlier that he would be out by the end of the year.    He sent me anonymous messages on my blog during this period.  The boy I was seeing and I got closer too actually,  but I never allowed myself to get too close as I was in this situation with Sharan.
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December 2016
As you know, my mum got really sick in early December and we started to speak again, but then it started to become clear to me that he was not going to be getting out of his relationship anytime soon despite saying that he was. He asked me for money a few times in the months prior to december, but for some reason it was only when he asked me in December for money to buy him shoes (which he said he would pay me back for but still) that I realised, how unreal whole situation was.  I told him I wanted to move on and he didn’t really say I also ended things with Nitin while my mum was sick as I didn’t want to be with him either, he was just too aware of what was happening with me and Sharan for it to even work out.
I told Sharan that I deserved to be treated properly right now and not eventually, and that if he really loved me, it wouldn’t be ‘you know my position Ragini’ he would’ve taken active steps to ensure I knew and felt like he loved me, which I didnt. These were all only words.
 I told him I needed end things with him and never got a response.  And by this  point it really felt like I meant nothing to him and everything he said didn’t mean anything either. 
I know that it seems like I assumed he didn’t care, but like if you cant walk the walk then don’t talk the talk.  Actions speak louder than words.  These aren’t just cliched quotes everyone knows about, they are important for a reason. 
The lie you were probably told:
When I spoke to Sharan earlier this week, he said that his girlfriend said that I told her on Christmas eve (presumably to her face) that he was cheating on her with me when I saw her at an event I was at.
The real story is, whilst I was intoxicated in the same bathroom as her,  as I washed my hands I sang quite passively and soulfully “Girrrrrl your boyfriend is cheaating on you, cheating on youu, cheating on you.... Girrrrl open your eyes he’s cheating on you cheating on you” not looking at her or anyone but I was actually looking at my friends smiling (I was drunk and was quite angry at the whole thing) This was hugely disrespectful, and if I could apologise to her for it, I would. Only because she is a woman like me and I have no idea what she could be going through right now.  Also, I knowingly left a lot of room for Sharan to deny it, which he definitely did.  I knew he was going to say something like ‘SHE CRAY’, My older brother calls it ‘Anger Misplaced’ which it definitely was. 
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Sooo, where to from here?
You know the more I think about it,  I realised how much you would’ve understood this situation, not because you know me and Sharan on a very personal level, but because you have been through something similar.  & honestly, now that I understand,  I’m sorry if I wasn’t there as much as I could’ve been during that period. 
I’ve started talking to a professional about him, well, I had been seeing a psychologist for a few months during because of surgery, which she knew what was going on with him and she would always try to get me to see what was actually going on but I was too invested at that point to objectively look at what was going on.   I only wanted to talk to her about it till I was 150% ready to make the decision to walk away for life, which I am now.  I saw what I needed to, and it really wasn’t what I wanted.  No matter how beautiful the fantasy was, it was never going to be reality. 
There is no hate, none at all towards him.  I feel really bad for him too,  he didn’t mean for all this to happen. I have a lifetime of memories with him for which I will always be grateful,  But I’m looking to move forward with my life and away from all this.  It’s going to be a long process of healing as there is a lot of things I need to face and accept.  
I understand if we can no longer be friends after this, and eventually I will accept that, but I hope you now see things from both perspectives and the whole story makes a lot more sense to you now.  It was always important to me that you knew the truth eventually.  I just hoped it would be in a more positive way and not via this blog. 
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