#anyway yeah she said gwen and owen were so hot together so true.
masterbaiting · 1 year
this straight girl i know is watching torchwood for the first time and im having the time of my life listening to her opinions on it. straight women are so consistently flabbergasted by 1x04 cyberwoman ive seen it before
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
Chap 8 Up the creek
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island... The competitors were forced to conquer their deepest, darkest fears. Not all of them succeeded, but others surprised the group and faced their fears head-on. In a shocking twist, Tyler let the Bass down when he was too chicken to face the chicken. Get it? [laughs] And it was "Buh-Bye, Tyler." Once again, the Bass find themselves behind. Can they pull this one out of the water? Find out today on Total. Drama. Island!
Iris an the Others listed to Chris explain the challenge.
Chris: Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake... [spookily] to Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle.
"Wait you mean one of the most flocked to paranormal hot spots. That Boney Island!" Iris said alarmed Chris laughed "I take it you don't mess with that?" He asked looking at his daughter. "Why else would I carry sage and sault. They can do anything to you." She said quivering. "Are you sure it was blood you were afraid of?" He asked skeptically. Iris nods at him.
"Look you cant physically do anything to a spirit. But if provoked or even on a wim, they can seriously mess you up. That said please don't let there be a dip shit on this team. Oh wait Lindsay and Beth both dipshits."
(Confessional end)
Geoff: We've gotta pour what?
Chris: "Portage." [fly buzzes] Dude, walk with your canoe.
Geoff: Oh.
Chris: When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility! Move, campers, move! Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, [spooky voice] you'll be cursed forever!
Iris looked at her whole team. "None of you do anything to piss off the Island. So many people have died at that place." Leshawna "White girl more superstitious than my granma. Take a chill pill we will be fine." She said patting Iris on the back.
Owen: Yeah, haha! A cursed island! Whoo!
Chris: Now, get in your canoes and let's have some fun!
Owen: Yes!
[toilet flushes]
Beth[coming out of the bathroom]: What'd I miss?
Chris: Canoes.
Everyone got in the canoes and made our way to the island. Leshawna was watching me. "Hey so how are you and Duncan doing?" She asked trying to get my mind off of things. "He wants Courtney. Thats ok did think we would get together anyway. " I said feeling my heart brake with every word. "Girl let it go he will see what a prize he lost. Far as I'm concerned you are one of the sweethearts on the island. If you ask me the best way to heal a broken heart is revenge." She said not knowing what she just suggested.
When we get on the Island and start walking. I look over to my right and there they were giant  Beavers.
We all started to run being chased by these over grown carpets.
Chris: [confessional] A remnant of the Pleistocene Era, the woolly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to Boney Island. Oh yeah, and they're meat eaters.
(Confessional Off)
After losing the overgrown carpets and dodging the diving birds trent gets caught in quick sand.
(Confessionals )
Ok maybe the spirits are not behind the killings in this place. The Island is still a death trap though honestly this is a place Antonio would love.
Trent: Right. How am I supposed to know what quicksand looks like? It looks just like sand.
Chris [laughs]: Can you believe they fell for that?! Haha, I set it up, but I didn't think anyone would walk into it! Haha, that's just great! [laughs]
(Confessionals Off)
After getting trent out of the sand pit we make it to the beach. The bass got their fire going. What a shocker with someone who carries a lighter.  "Beth stand here look up at the sun and smile." The sunlight reflects off her  braces strategically placing a magnifying glass the fire was started. Izzy made a bomb out of tree sap and other things. This giving us the edge. We stayed to head back, when Izzy gave the bass advice on how to get to shore. "They are the enemy dip shit don't help them." I said Glaring at Courtney and Duncan.
(Duncan Confessionals)
I think she is gunning for me and Courtney. Whatever bring it on small town girl.
(End Confessionals)
We were almost there when DJ swam past us taking victory for the Bass. Leshawna: You cost us the game! You are dead!
Izzy: Right. Okay, you are so lucky that my license to kill is currently expired.
At the Elimination Cerimony.
[dramatic music]
[wolf howls]
Chris: And now, the always anxiety-inducing marshmallow ceremony. When I call your name, come and get a marshmallow. Beth. Trent. Gwen. Cody. Owen. Heather. Leshawna. One last marshmallow. The person who doesn't get this marshmallow will walk off the Dock of Shame and take a ride on the Boat of Losers. Who's it gonna be?
[helicopter blades whir]
RCMP Guard: Izzy! We know you are down there! You are under arrest!
Leshawna: You mean all that trash you were talking was true?
Izzy: No. Just the RCMP part. See ya! You'll never get me alive!!! [laughs maniacally]
Chris: Well. That wraps that up. Night everyone.
I stayed by the fire Leshawna's words in my mind. "Yes revenge sounds good to me." I said with an evil smirk.
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