#anyway yesterday took the cake for me fucking go ahead and lose the best friend you ever had 🤣
heavenknowsffs · 2 years
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
Mated : Funkytown.
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Pairings : Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader (mentioned), Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Word count : 2,793
Written for : @spnabobingo
Square : Fuck or die
Warning : Angst ahead! a/b/o dynamics, character death talked about, depression, sickness,  really bad heat, dying,  minor smut, claiming, guilt
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Part 3 of Mated.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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It had been weeks since Dean had died. Weeks of misery and mourning. Alone.
Sam had been around just to tell you, a quick “Dean’s dead.” before he disappeared while you broke down. You hadn’t heard from him since. You shut down, shut the whole world out while you mourned the loss of your mate.
And then your heat hit.
With no mate to get you through it, you tried to do it on your own, but you were still in mourning, and it was a bad one. You’d never had a heat so painful. Three weeks after your mate died, you were bedridden, weak, barely able to move. You couldn’t even make it to the shower, let alone the kitchen. Everything hurt, everything ached and burned, sweat pouring out of every pore. All you could do was cry. Cry and beg for relief that wasn’t coming.
When you hit seven days in, with no end in sight, you couldn’t do it anymore, could barely even stay awake. You needed it to stop, needed help. With a shaking hand, you reached for your phone on the nightstand next to your bed and weakly hit a number you hadn’t called in a long time.
It went to voicemail.
“P-please.. Sam. I-” you couldn’t stop the tears. “I’m scared… I can’t- I need suppressants, or.. I don’t- I’m scared, Sam. I’m so scared. I-” you swallowed and said the only thing you could think to say, something Dean had told you would always have him come running home. “Funkytown.” The phone fell from your hand, too weak to hold it anymore, and you curled into a ball and cried.
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When ringing the bell got him nowhere, he picked the lock far too easily. He was going to have to have a chat with you about that, about getting better locks. Sam pushed open the door and stepped inside. Before the door behind him even clicked shut, he knew something was wrong. Something was off. The house was dead silent, not a creak, like no one was home. He could still smell you, but it smelled… wrong.
He was running up the stairs, taking them two at a time, following the faint barely there smell to a thick bedroom door. He didn’t stop his stride, just opened the door and burst right in-
He froze when the smell hit him. It was you, but it was wrong, it was sick. The normally sweet smell of an omega in heat had turned sour. It was revolting. It smelt like death. If Sam hadn’t been used to the smells of corpses, burning or not from hunting, he’s sure he’d have lost his breakfast by now. “Jesus.” he mumbled, stepping closer to the bed you were curling up in. He could tell just by looking at you that you didn’t need suppressants, you needed a fucking doctor.
He scooped you up in his arms and you were nothing but dead weight, and yet, lighter than he expected, lighter than he’d remembered you being back in college when you’d drink too much and he’d piggy back you along the streets back to campus. You seemed to flinch at the feel of his skin on yours, but he could smell fresh slick and it smelt just as sickeningly wrong as the room. “Dean..” your voice was weak. His eyes shot down to your face, eyes fighting to open and losing.
“No, it’s me.” He answered as he carried you into the bathroom and lowered you into the tub before turning on the water.
Your eyes finally managed to open and you were looking at him, so he gave you a small smile. “Yeah. It’s me.”
“You- you came..” you breathed it out like a sigh of relief. “I didn’t think..” you voice trailed off, eyes falling closed again.
“I’ll always come when you need me.” he told you even though he wasn’t sure you heard him until you weakly nodded.
You could feel warm water starting to pool around you, feel it wash over you as Sam splashed it over your skin to wipe away at the sweat that caked your skin. It hurt to feel him touching you, he wasn’t your mate, each brush of his skin on yours caused a fresh wave of pain, but at the same time, he was an Alpha, and you were in heat so it also brought on an ache in your core and more slick. You couldn’t fight either, you just slipped back into darkness as wet warmth surrounded you.
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“When has she last eaten?”
You woke up hearing a man’s voice answering the question you had heard in a dream, and for a moment, hope filled you. But only for a moment. It wasn’t Dean, that wasn’t his voice, that wasn’t his scent. It was familiar, though. “I don’t know, she called me yesterday, left a voicemail crying, said she needed suppressants..”
“She needs her mate.” That was a voice you didn’t know, that was new. There was a stranger in your room. It took a bit of fighting, but you managed to get your eyes open to see someone leaning over you, poking and prodding, giving you a once over. The stethoscope around their neck was the dead giveaway. A doctor.
“He’s dead.” Sam answered from where he stood out of your line of sight.
“That explains it. First heat after the death?” Sam hummed. “It's always the worst. Some don’t survive it.” The doctor sighed and stood.
“What can you do for her?”
“Nothing.” The doctor looked towards your feet, his back going to you. “There’s nothing I can do, you asked for an Omega specifically. If you’d have asked for an Alpha-” Sam growled at that and the doctor ducked his head for a moment. “She needs her mate.”
“Like I said, he’s dead.”
“Then she needs a new one.” The room was quiet. “If you want her to live-”
“How long? How long does she have?”
You saw the doctor's shoulders shrug. “Honestly? I’d say if she doesn’t have a mate in about.. 24 hours, she’s not going to make it.” Sam cursed. “48 tops, and that’s really pushing it. Someone should have been called in sooner, she’s too far gone.”
“I would have if I had known.” Sam growled threateningly, and the doctor's hands went up.
“Look, getting her cleaned up and out of that room, that was good. But you need to get her to eat.”
“She can’t even fucking stay awake!”
“Exactly why she needs to eat. She’s got nothing in her system. Force her to, even if it’s just a soup broth. Don’t give her the choice.” Your eyes started to fall shut again, your lids too heavy to keep open. Thinking about it, if you had called Sam yesterday, it had to have been about 2 or 3 days since you’d been able to make it to your kitchen. That could not be helping things.
“You obviously don’t know her if you think she can be forced into anything.” Sam mumbled.
“Try. It’s that, or find someone to mate her and fast.”
Sam sighed. “She’d hate that even more.”
“Sadly, that’s all I’ve got for you.”
“Thanks anyways, doc.”
You heard movement, a zipper being closed and then “Good luck. I’ve got your number, I’ll call and check in tomorrow. Even though there’s not much I can do, I’d still-”
“Thanks, doc.”
Quiet followed the footsteps out of the room.
You shifted, and the pain brought you back to awake, curling in on yourself to try and relieve it. You weren’t sure how long had passed, days or hours, but judging by the sight of Sam when you opened your eyes, you’d say minutes. He was deep in thought, likely not having moved at all since the doctor left. His arms across his chest as he stared down at the floor, his ass settled on a dresser with his ankles crossed. He was nervously chewing on his bottom lip, something you can’t remember seeing him do before. Judging by the dark piece of furniture as well as the artwork on the wall behind him, you were in the spare bedroom.
“You’re really here.” Sam's head snaps up, eyes on you. “I thought I was dreaming it.. Am I really dying?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, closing your eyes again. “I need you to eat.”
You shook your head. “Not hungry.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
“I’m sorry for calling you.” you told him quietly.
“You can go, you probably have more important things to do..”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” he snapped, pushing off the dresser. “You fucking called me here, you said Funkytown knowing I’d come running. Now you want me to just leave? You’re dying.”
“You can’t save me, Sam. You can’t stop it.”
“You were scared. I came. I’m not leaving.”
“Would you just let me die in peace!?” you snapped, eyes opening to glare at him and he froze, the expression on his face changing.
“Why are you suddenly so eager to die?”
“Like I said, you can’t save me..” Sam watched you as you curled tighter into yourself with a whimper as another wave of pain hit, fresh slick  leaking from between your thighs. “And I’ll finally see him again.”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“It doesn’t fucking work like that!” Sam yelled, anger coming back as he stormed closer to the bed.
“Fuck your hope!” he snapped. “Okay? And fuck you for calling me in just to tell me to leave. Do you really think you’re the only one missing him? He’s my fucking brother! He’s my blood! He’s all I had left! Him and you.” You closed your eyes again as tears began to fall. “You think if it was that simple I wouldn’t have just fucking ended it? He made a fucking deal.”
“So I’ll make one too, I’ll-”
“You can’t even get out of fucking bed.” Sam spat. “How the hell are you going to make it to a crossroads?”
“I don’t know, okay! I don’t know! All I know is I can’t do this! I can’t live without him!”
“You didn’t even fucking try.”
“Just leave, Sam.”
“No. You know I won't, that's exactly why you called me. You’ve got other friends, other people to call, but you called me.”
“Because despite how you pretend I don’t exist, you were still my best friend.” Your eyes opened to look at him, meet his eyes and you hoped and prayed he could see all the pain you were carrying from losing Dean and him both. “I’m sorry I called you, okay. I’m sorry. Just let me go.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why!? I heard the doctor, Sam! I heard what it’ll take! 24 hours to find a new mate? You said it yourself I can’t even move!”
“I’m not going to leave you to suffer alone. I can make you comfortable, keep you company, I-”
“YOU’RE NOT STAYING TO WATCH ME DIE!” you screamed. “Not after you had to watch him die. I can’t do that to you. Please.”
Sam kneeled down next to your bed, bringing him closer, and he ran his fingers along tangled hair, just pushing it back, to sooth you more than anything else. “Then let me help you.”
“You can’t. I know you can’t.”
“I can.” Sam swallowed. “You won’t like it, but I can.” You shook your head, eyes squeezing shut at another wave of pain and slick. “You called me to help you. Let me help you.”
“Please stop- stop touching me. It hurts. It makes everything hurt.”
Sam leaned forward, his lips pressing to your sweaty forehead and you started to cry all over again. “I’m not leaving. Not without trying. I owe it to Dean.”
You shook your head as Sam got up, moving over you and settling between your thighs. “You’re not him.”  you cried before Sam’s lips pressed to yours, forcing a pained whine out of you. One of Sam’s forearms was pressed into the mattress, holding him up while his other hand worked at opening and freeing him from his jeans as his lips continued to move over your lips, jaw, and throat. “You’re not him.”
“Let me try.” the words whispered against your throat as you felt him move through your slick, tip of his cock sliding deliciously along your clit before he lined himself up. You never bothered with underwear while in heat, it was pointless and apparently Sam had figured the same when he re-dressed you after your bath.
He pushed forward, and you cried out, head going further into the pillows underneath it as your back arched off the bed. Your hands went to his shoulders, pushing, scratching, punching. You wanted to make him stop, it hurt so bad, he wasn't Dean, he wasn't your mate, but at the same time- he felt so fucking good buried deep inside you.
Sam gave slow and deliberate thrusts, and every thrust forward had you face twist in pain.  "Let me try." he asked once more against the side of your neck "I can't lose you, too. Let me try.". Your only response was your eyes closing and your fists no longer pummeling at him. I wasn't really much of an answer, but Sam understood.
It was common for a second mate to break the mark of the first with their own claim. But something in you couldn't let go, couldn't let it happen. When you felt Sam going for it, you stopped him. "Not there.. please.. anywhere but there. I-" you couldn't even begin to explain.  "Just… please.."
"Okay." He kissed your lips delicately, his own show of understanding before he tailed down to the other shoulder.
You relaxed a little against him, not fully though, every move he made still brought so much pain, but knowing Dean's mark would remain, that you would keep that reminder of him always, it was calming. Not many Alphas would grant that wish.
Suddenly, a scream ripped through you as his teeth sank deep into your skin. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you tried to pull him closer. Everything exploded, like you were suddenly alive again. The excruciating pain wasn't fully gone, but the pleasure-
Oh the pleasure. Sam's pace picked up, his thrust getting a little rougher and it felt so fucking good. As good as he felt hitting deep, the drag of him pulling back felt just as good and as your scream died down, a fresh gush of slick poured out as waves of an orgasm tore through you.
"There you are." Sam mumbled against the bite mark, taking a deep breath in. "There's the smell I love so much."
You tangled your fingers into his hair and pulled, bringing his face up to yours so you could look him in the eyes. They were beautiful. Not the bright green you had loved from Dean, but greens and browns in perfect harmony with each other. "Bring me back." You were begging, tears in your eyes as you looked into his. "I don't want to die."
"I know."
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You were staring up at the ceiling, Sam snoring gently next to you. Two rounds before the pain of your heat finally started to feel more normal. You had sighed with relief when his knot had swelled and locked him in you, but now, in the quiet of the room with the post sex haze faded away, relief wasn't what you felt.
What you felt was guilt. Like you were betraying something or someone. Dean. Dean was dead and you were finding pleasure in his brother and you felt so much guilt. And weakness. You were too weak to live without him, too weak to deny Sam. Weeks. Not months, not years, weeks, and you were mated to his brother.
"I'm sorry." You whispered into the darkness of the room. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough." You rolled onto your side, your back towards Sam as you started to tear up. You couldn't let him see you crying, couldn't let him see the guilt. You didn't want it eating at him as well.
But it was like he knew, like he just knew you needed comfort, because he rolled over, putting his chest to your back as he wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close.
You tried to let his warmth wash over you, tried to remember how bad you had wanted this year's ago. You had it now, you had Sam.
But even as Sam's mark burned hot on your skin, a part of you just really wanted Dean back.
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Tagging :  Dean - @akshi8278  @adoptdontshoppets   @evyiione @karikatz12481 @idksupernatural  @deandreamernp
Sam -  @evyiione  @hoboal87
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies
All tags - @sorenmarie87 @artemisthebadger @winchesterprincessbride @iflostreturntosteverogers @akfonkin @rebelminxy @foxyjwls007 @onethirstyunicorn @shaelyn102 @supernaturalenchanted  @kazkingdom   @babypink224221  @emoryhemsworth    @ilovefanfic86  @pie-with-hunters   @anaelsbrunette @lazinessisalliknow  @feelmyroarrrr  @letsdisneythings​   @cdwmtjb8​   @notyourtypicalrose​  @xostephanie​ @ilovedeanspie​ @defenderrosetyler​ @amandamdiehl​
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httpdabi · 6 years
Mom’s Boss
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Word Count: 9.2k
Caracters: Wonho x OC
Genre: Comedy, romance, smut
Warnings: 18+, public, age gap
I was never into older guys, or guys my horrible mother brought home. Until I saw her handsome boss... and suddenly, my mind was changed.
Growing up as a only child wasn’t a problem for me. It didn’t affect me the way it did a lot of people. I remember some girls nagging how they want a brother or a sister. In my case it wasn’t like that. Not like I didn’t want a little sibling, but that child would only suffer. He would live without parently love just like I did and honestly, I wouldn’t wish that even to my worse enemy.
My parents got divorced when I was only 6 years old. Usually parents fight for the child because they love him. Mine were fighting over me simply to win. Because of the pride I guess.
At that time I didn’t understand what was going on, but once I got older I started to think about how would it be if my father won on the court.
Now when I’m 21 years old things got different. I could go where ever I want, but I didn’t really have any normal possibility. My father got new wife and literally new family. His wife can’t stand me, she has an attack simply hearing my name.
Finding a job and living on my own was also impossible, since I’m still a student. You simply can’t find a job without any experience and even if you do it’s not well paid for living. Like you can’t find an apartment or anything.
That’s why I’m stuck with my mother.
Now, all I Want is to have my own space, to be left alone and of course my mother did as  I wanted, in fact, gladly. In other words, she just continued what she did before, ignored my existence.
Sometimes when my fathers wife goes somewhere he would visit me over and for a moment I feel a bit better. After his work we would to make pancakes together and talk about life. But even then, things weren’t as I wished they would be. He never suggested anything, he didn’t want to break his new family. He didn’t want to make his wife mad. The only thing he did and is still doing is sending me a bit money every month, so I could buy myself everything for uni or at least have some money for coffee and so.
I didn’t make any problems, wanting to hurt my mother wasn’t my intention. After all, was that even possible ? Whit what can I hurt her ? Anything I do doesn’t bother her at all.
 ,, Happy birthday!!’’ My best friend Jiso screamed, jumping on me and pushing the present she bought me, in my hands.It was too early and I honestly didn’t expect that she will give me a present immediately.
,,Open it!’’ she ordered and smiled at me cutely. I nodded my head sleepily and started opening the small packet. It was so well decorated, I felt sad that I had to ruin it.
When I opened it I found my favorite sweets, the book I was looking for a long time, my favorite movies and some marches from my favorite youtuber.
,, Thank you so much’’ I said and hugged her tightly. Maybe for some people that kind of present was cringe, but for me it was perfect. It showed how well she knows me.
,, Wanna go eat some cake after uni ?’’ I asked her, I knew that she will agree, that I didn’t even to ask actually. But you never know.
In the class some people remembered my birthday and some didn’t. I found it cute how my friends made a small prank on me, giving me presents when the lunch break was. But not normal presents. For example, Taehyung gave me toilet paper, Changkyun gave me a pack of noodles, Lisa gave me cheese, Ilhone gave me his picture. I found it nice that they made such a cute plan, I mean, they didn’t forget me. At the end they gave me two games I wanted to buy for my Play Station. Spyro and Crash Team Racing.
Seeing the confused faces of other students when they saw Tae giving me a toilet paper made my day. They were all like what the fuck. Even some professors were giving us that wtf look.
The whole time Jiso was planning something, what could we do, not giving me even a second to resist. If she wasn’t talking, she was writing something n notebook for me to read. So in short, random uni day.
,, First, we can go to starbucks and have a coffee and eat some cake. Then we can go eat some bbq and drink a bit’’ Jiso said placing her arm around my shoulder.
,, Or we can go drink a coffee and go drink tonight.’’ I suggested, having a sudden urge to party and get drunk. Even tho Jisoo and others made my day, I was still upset. Upset because my mother didn’t even bother to send me a message. But I was trying to stay positive, maybe she didn’t forget. Maybe she wanted to graduate me in person or maybe she even had a surprise for me.
,, Well, that can do too. We didn’t go out for a long time’’ she said like she was thinking out loud.
,, Wanna go party or go drink a cocktail ? ‘’ I asked as I took my wallet out of my bag before we got inside the Starbucks. As usual it was full. While I was buying us coffee and cake, Jiso was looking for a place to sit.
When everything was done, I took our food and looked for her. She found a nice and comfortable place to chill. It was in a corner, the perfect corner where you can choke on your cake without people staring at you.
,, I can’t wait to get drunk. I miss the taste of Sex on the beach’’ she said closing her eyes and imagining the fresh taste of the cocktail.
,, Yeah, we can go to peaches. I also miss that perfect banana cocktail. ‘’ I said feeling totally excited for the night ahead of us.
,, What will you wear tonight ?’’ She asked me with full mouth, plus adding some coffee in her mouth.
,, My black skirt and probably my leopard printed shirt, I bought it yesterday. It’s really nice, it shows my shoulders ‘’ I said trying to explain how it looks.
,, Can’t wait to see, it will definitely look amazing on you. You’ll get laid’’ she said with her usual derp face.
,, Well, I just wanna get drunk’’ I said as I winked at her, making her roll her eyes. That was definitely her new habit.
Anyway few days ago I decided to watch out and eat only healthy food, to lose some weight, and here I’m eating the nutella cake like there is no tomorrow. Yeah, which means, Mission impossible 6 just came out, it’s called me on a diet.
It was around 5 PM when we finally decided to go home. The whole day we were simply lazy together gossiping other people we know and judging people we don’t know.
I wasn’t so excited about facing my mother. I had some nice time with Jiso and thinking about dealing with her was running my mood already.
When I got home for a moment I thought how it would be better if she just got somewhere else and forgot that I even exist.
But hey,
When I got in the house, she did surprise me, only that wasn’t a surprise I was hoping for.
She was sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in her hand and on the arm chair, with a whiskey was sitting a man. He was tall, well built. His black hair was like a perfect contrast with his bright and clean skin.
They both looked at me totally confused. I understand why the man was confused, he didn’t know me, he probably didn’t even know I exist, God knows if she ever mentioned that she has a daughter. But why was she confused ?
,, Oh, hi dear! You are home’’ She said, standing up and placing the glass on the table. I looked at her even more confused and even pissed off. It was irritating, every time when she brings some man home she acts like we are happy family.
,, This is my boss’’ she added fast, while I was pouring some juice in my glass. I turned around and looked at them. It was a first time I could say that the man she brought home was actually really handsome.
I made my way toward the man and gave him my hand and honestly that move shocked her more then anything.
,, Hoseok’’ he said while shaking my hand. I said my name and nodded my head, giving him a sign that it’s nice to meet him. My mother was really shocked, I think she would be less shocked if I took a gun and shoot him. I never acted that way toward any of her mans. Well, being honest, I wanted to make a scene, but her boss is such a snack.
Her taste in man was always so horrible, but this time it was an excuse. Even tho she’s my mother, I wasn’t sure what was he doing with her.
After that, I just turned around and made my way toward my room. Being totally honest, if I had a boss like him, I would definitely never call sick.
I jumped on my bed, closing my eyes and taking few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down a little bit. Not wanting to listen to their conversation. I put my earphones in and closed my eyes on few minutes.
The fact that she really didn’t know its my birthday, mad me almost cry. I was breathing heavily, trying not to cry.
When I finally calmed down and when the right time arrived, I changed in the outfit I planned and started doing my makeup. I didn’t reay care about what they were talking about, but for a second they took my attention.
,, You got a really pretty daughter’’ I heard Hoseok saying, making me more curious. On my surprise my mother didn’t answer. She didn’t say anything, all she did was changing the topic.
In a short time my makeup was done and I was totally ready. So I took my bag and made my way out. They were sitting in the kitchen, once again, their eyes on me.
,, Where are you going?’’ My mother asked, giving me one of her most disgusted looks.
,,Out’’ I simply said and she nodded her head. Her behavior was very irritating, it made me look like I’m the bad one.
,, Come eat with us’’ she said, thinking I’ll just ignore her, as usual. But instead of ignoring her, I just took a plate and sat there with them.
For a moment she got lost, I felt she just adopted me and didn’t know how to start the conversation.
,, Don’t drink too much tonight’’ she said, trying to act like a caring mother.
,, Aha’’ I nodded my head, showing how I don’t give a flying fuck about her and her act.
,, I wish you would stop acting like this’’ she said acting like she was really hurt. At that very moment I understood why Leonardo Dicaprio didn’t win an Oscar for such a long time. My mother took them all. Such a great actor.
,, Just let me eat’’ I said almost rolling my eyes, while Hoseok was eating quietly, probably feeling extremely uncomfortable.
,, I’m your mother, you have to listen to me’’ she said placing  spoon on the table. If I didn’t plan to kill myself with alcohol, I wouldn’t deal with her at all, but I had to eat something, anything.
I just ignored her and started eating. I actually felt really uncomfortable because her handsome boss was there. Trying to keep my mouth shut, I just continued to eat. But she was pushing every button possible. When she said how I’m always like that, I wanted to slam the plate against her face.
Without a word, I just stood up, took my stuff and went out.
Taking one cigarette to calm myself down, I texted Jiso that I’m on my way and on my luck, she was already ready.
My mind was still surrounded with words my mother spat on me. All the crap she said, how she behaved. It was still pissing me off and I couldn’t wait to start drinking and forget about it.
Jiso was waiting for me in the center, staring at her phone, smiling and typing real fast. Probably some guy. She always had guys flying around her. I mean, she has a beautiful face and beautiful personality. If I was a man I would also try to get her.
She placed her phone in her bag an hugged me. She looked really incredible. As always. She can wear a trashcan and still look amazing.
,, Oh my god, look at Jooe. She always tries to look like Kylie Jenner or something’’ she said when she saw Jooe standing beside McDonald’s with some guy.
,, Kylie Jenner Walmart edition’’ I said laughing.
,, One dollar store’’ She added giggling. Jooe was always that kind of person trying to be good with everyone, but gossiping all the time. Or just simply and in short. She was fake.
Anyway, we didn’t waste any time. Cigarettes were already bought and the only thing we needed was alcohol.
Of course we didn’t go out alone. Taehyung, Changkyun, Ilhoon and Lisa also wanted to join us and being honest that really made me happy.
There was a time when we used to go out every weekend and we really had so much fun. Every time after going out we would go to someone’s place and order pizza and talk till we all fall asleep.
We met Lisa near the club and made our way in. It was a 2000th party so we were really excited. Like every fucking song hits you like a truck. SIMPLY LOVE IT.
We found the table we reserved and immediately ordered the drinks, starting with the banana cocktail I missed so much. The music was already amazing, as always. We really knew every fucking song, it was really awesome.
After some time, the guys arrived. They were much worse then us. They loved parties like this one.
Thanks to my friends, I forgot about my mother, I forgot about what happened earlier. We were having so much fun.
,, Let’s go smoke one’’ Jiso screamed and I just nodded my head and we both made our way to a smoking zone.
When we got out, the song Pump it started playing and being honest the song isn’t something special, but me and Jiso loved Fergies part, or whatever her name is. We used to listen the whole song only because of it.
We sat on the small couch and lit our cigarettes, singing her part loudly not giving shit if other people were looking at us weirdly.
,, Just let it go, let it go HERE WE GOO’’ we screamed before Jiso hit me with her elbow.
,, That guy over there is checking you out’’ Jiso said, giving me a sign which one. At first I couldn’t see which one, until he lifted his glass in the air and winked at me. It was no one other then my mother’s boss.
At first I looked like I saw something non-natural but then I jus smiled and waved at him.
,, The fuck, you know him?’’ Jiso asked in shock.
,,Well yes, no, I don’t know. We met today, actually, few hours ago’’ I said a little bit confused. What the hell is he doing here.
,, What am I missing ?’’ she asked excitedly .
,, He visited my mother, he’s her boss, or maybe her new lover’’ I said and the only thing I could think of was HOLY SHIT.
,,Hey’’ he was suddenly standing in front of us, and not only was Jiso shocked, I was too.
,, Hello’’ I said a little lost, that he even approached me.
,, So, here’s where you are hiding ?’’ he said with a small smile formed on his face.
,, She’s not hiding, she’s celebrating her birthday’’ Jiso said placing her arm over me and kissing my cheek. Hoseok was a little bit in shock, maybe because of what happened earlier.
,, Where are my manners, happy birthday ‘’ he said as he took my hand  in his. I could totally say that he was extremely curious, but too kind to ask about my mother and what happened earlier. But after all, I don’t know what she told him. Jiso was already getting bored and started giving me small signals that we should go back.
When we stood up, Hoseok asked if he can borrow me for a second and of course Jiso simply agreed and went back to ohers.
,, Come here’’ he said and placed his hand on my lower back, giving me a sign to follow him. We arrived to the table where his friends were. Of course they all looked good and elegant just like he did.
,, What do you want to drink?’’ he asked me. He was so close, I could literally feel his breath on my ear. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t jump on every man I see, or touches me or tells me something. I don’t jump on every man my mother brings home.
But if you want me to be totally honest, Hoseok was a man I would literally kill for.
I didn’t know him of course, but his appearance was literally killing me. After all, I can freely say that I never met someone handsome as him.
After few moment he ordered for everyone and we all cheered for my birthday.
It was still weird. I mean, if it was someone else who did it, it would be different, but it was my mothers boss, which I only met today.
What was even more weird to me was the fact when he introduced me to his friends, he didn’t say that I’m a daughter of one of his workers.
When the drink was finished I went back to my friends, where Jiso welcomed me excitedly. That girl was drunk as fuck.
,, WHO’S THAT???’’ Lisa screamed on my ear and of course Taehyung also wanted to know everything. He pushed Lisa to the side and placed his arm around me.
,, Wanna know if he likes you? Cause I’m expert in that matter’’ he said loudly pulling my head closer to him.
,, He does, he’s looking at you’’ Tae said drunkenly and giggled. He was always so silly when he gets drunk.
Every time a good song was playing we took a shot, which means every 3 minutes. But nobody can blame us, I mean with songs like Just dance, Umbrella, Say my name, Wannabe and Hit me baby one more time, you just had to kill your self.
,, I love this party’’ Changyun screamed and jumped on me and Juso . ,, And I love you guys’’ he added placing a kiss on our cheeks before drinking another shot.
I could feel that Hoseok was watching sometime  and drunk like that, I really loved it.
,, Do you mind if I sleep at Ilhoon’s place?’’ Jiso asked me, drunkenly, like I could forbid her. I always knew that there was something between them. Like, no one could suspect that they are probably fucking around, but those small looks and signs they were giving each other.
Well of course Jiso told me before, she’ll more likely die then hold that to herself. Even when she sneezes more then one time, I’m the first person to find out.
It was around 3:30 AM when I decided to go home. Lisa was the first one to leave and whne I said that I’m going, Jiso happily said that she’s going too. She probably didn’t want to leave me behind. Of course Taehyung also decided to leave, since he kinda got tired of all the Jumping.
Usually I would either go home with Jiso or Changkyun, since we are living in the same area. But Jiso had other plans and Changkyun wanted to stay longer with his other friends.
Tae wanted to walk me home, but I didn’t want to bother him, so I just told him that I’ll call a taxi. Drunk like that he forgot how hard it is to get a Taxi on nights like this, so he agreed.
It was getting pretty cold and I was literally begging God to finally send mi one.
Well, he did, but some dudes jumped in it, right in front of my nose.
I thought that I’ll fucking die, every time a taxi arrived someone stole it away from me. I really thought it’s the end, but at my surprise a car stopped right in front of me.
I expected the person to be some drunk fucktard, but it wasn’t. It was Hoseok.
,, Need a drive?’’ He asked as he opened the window. Maybe if he wasn’t alone or if it wasn’t so cold and I didn’t wait for so long, maybe then I would act out differently. But on top of all those reasons, I was drunk as fuck.
,, Hop in’’ he said. I was still thinking should I get in the car or not, but just as he said that, I got in the car immediately.
,, You know, it’s dangerous to stand in the dark all alone, especially at the place like this one. There are a lo of insane people around.
,, I was waiting for a taxi’’ I said lazily, enjoying the warmth in his car.
,, Oh, be happy I saw you. You could wait till tomorrow’’ he said concentrated on the road. Damn, the only thing I could clearly think of was how fucking handsome he is.
,, So, how was your day?’’  he asked, probably feeling uncomfortable from all the staring. But I really couldn’t stop looking . Let’s just say, I was drunk.
,, Thanks to m friends it was fine’’ I aid leaning my head on the window.
,, Did you get a lot of presents?’’ he asked me politely. I don’t even know how I managed to reply what they bought me, but after I replied I really passed out. I guess being finally in a warm place after standing outside for more then hour in that cold, it really made me pass out.
I can’t say that I didn’t remember anything after. In fact, I do.
I remember him taking me out of the car, so easily like I was a feather. Usually I’m not a person that is hard to wake up, a freaking fly can wake me up.
But since alcohol got me pretty much, I felt like I’m about to pass out, last time I was drunk like that was on Changkyun’s birthday. Taehyung made me drink more then usual and I remember when I got in bed, the whole fucking room was spinning. Well, that’s how I felt now.
Of ocurse, I had no thoughts in that moment. I was really like I was in coma, but man, he was really gentle. Later, I couldn’t believe that bulldozer like him could hold someone so gently. It was so nice that I literally fall asleep in his arms again.
Next thing I knew, I woke up in a unfamiliar room. In very first moment I was in shock, where the fuck I am and so. But then I recalled what happened-
I wasn’t in my clothes, I had an oversized t-shirt and shorts in which I could fit 3 times.
The blinds were down and my phone wasn’t around, so I wasn’t sure what time it is. Maybe I would brush it of and continue sleeping. I mean those sheets were like heaven, but I felt thirsty as fuck. Well as usual, after alcohol you can drink a whole river.
When I stood up, I realized that the shirt was in false way on me. I lazily turned it around and when I was about to make a step, I decided to take off that shorts. It was too big anyway. And the shirt covered my since it was oversized.
I wasn’t sure where to go, since the apartment was really big. But I saw a TV light coming from a room and decided to go there. It was a really big living room and well, I couldn’t concentrate on how the room really looks, because Hoseok was there. Shirtless.
,, Oh you are awake’’ he said surprised. Switching his position, sitting on the couch.
,, I felt thirsty’’ I said like a lost child. For real, the scene looked like in those movies, when a child asks their mother to tell them they just threw up. But in this case, I was just thirsty and Hoseok wasn’t my father. Even tho I would gladly call him daddy.
,, Here’’ he gave me the bottle , checking me out.
,, I’m sure you had a shorts’ he added confused.
,, Oh, did you do it?’’ I asked, If I wasn’t drunk as fuck I would probably feel mad, but in a situation like that, I could only feel thankful to him for taking care of me and mad on myself for letting something like this happen.
.. Yeah, but I tried not to look’’ he said protecting himself. Cute.
,, Yeah I noticed, the shirt was wrongly on me, Thank you’’ I said thankfully. ,, And I’m so sorry for causing so much trouble to you’’ I apologized.
,, No, it’s alright. It’s better that you fall asleep in my car, then in Taxi’’ he said shaking his head.
For a moment I had, but really had to check him out. He was only in his baggy shorts. I wish I could just jump on him at that moment, but yeah, whatever.
It was weird even to think that he’s my mother’s boss. And because of that it was really weird to see him shirtless like that.
,, I wasn’t sure if I should bring you home. But then I was sure your mom, wouldn’t be so happy to see you like that.’’ He said
,, More likely she wouldn’t be happy to see me with you’’ I corrected him.
,, By the way, I apologize for my behavior you had to see at the dinner’’ I added as I took a sip of the water.
,, No, it’s okay. It’s normal to have a family fight sometimes’’ he said, and smiled a bit.
God, I had to use all my fucking power not to even think about dirty stuff I wanted to do to him. How the fuck did my mother get him.
,, Well, if you are having a thing with my mother I have to tell you, that’s the only way we communicate’’ I said preparing the man for the future.
,, Wait, wait, wait, hold on’’ he cut my sentence, looking extremely confused, his hands in the air giving me a sign to stop talking.
,, Why the hell would I even have something with your mother ? Wait, just what ?’’ he was so confused, maybe more confused then I was.
,, Wait, so you don’t have a thing going on?’’ I asked him confused.
,, No, why would you say such a thing’’ he asked me shocked. So cute.
,, Sorry, usually she brings home guys she only has something with ‘’ I said defending myself.
,, Oh my god, no offense, but no’’ he said, shaking his head.
,, Well never mind, but she probably likes you’’ I thought out loud and at my surprise he just laughed it off.
After the small conversation, I just went back in the beautiful room, with those beautiful sheets, falling asleep the very moment I got in the bed.
In the morning, I woke up around 11 AM. It was the first time I slept so well in a while. Whit in a while, I mean fucking 10 years.
If I had a chance, I would stay in that bed forever.
When I realized that the time for me to change just arrived, I wanted to lie there on the floor and cry till I drown in my own tears.
I wanted to see if Hoseok is home, so I could thank him once more before I leave. He was in kitchen drinking coffee and doing something on the laptop.
,, The sleeping beauty woke up’’ he said smiling at me cutely.
,, Morning’’ I said as I bowed politely.
,, I wanted to thank you one more time. I know I can’t do much, but if you ever need help with anything, please contact me’’ I said and bowed one more time.
,, No need to thank me, it was nice to have someone over. But where are you going? You should at least have a breakfast here. I went to the bakery when you were asleep’’ he said.
Honesty I don’t understand people like him who can stay awake till God knows when and then wake up really early and do stuff.
,, How do you manage to wake up so early and do all this. How many batteries do you have’’ I said surprised. I will never be able to do something like this.
,, Well, you just get used to it’’ he said still smiling. Even if I really wanted to stay, I didn’t feel comfortable.
He didn’t really want to agree with me not having a breakfast, but at the end I had to accept his drive to home, at least.
At home I was really like insane, being honest he couldn’t get out of my mind. Even tho it wasn0t anything special. But since I rarely get any kind of affection from anyone. I’m not used to small things. Even if a guy opens a door for me, I’ll be like wow and think about it for a whole day, having some scenarios in my head.
But that only lasts for a day or even shorter sometimes, because at the end nothing really happens of course. Sometimes I wish I didn’t fall or mistake someone’s kindness for flirting or something.
Silly me.
But hey, I should be happy it doesn’t last long tho.
 Few next days I didn’t think about it so much anymore, I didn’t see him at all, so all my thoughts were gone. Of course, the fact that I would kill for him was still there, that shit didn’t change.
After a long ass uni week and sleepless nights writing everything up which literally destroyed me, weekend finally arrived. Well, I never studied or did my representation on time. I always did it in more hectic way, but hey, that’s just me after all.
Thanks God, the spring was finally coming. I couldn’t stand the winter anymore. Like, I always love it when it snows on Christmas, it’s just so magical. But when the Christmas is done, so should be the winter. In my opinion of course.
Since Jiso was out of the town this weekend, I felt sad that I didn’t have anyone to waste my time with. Not like I couldn’t call Lisa and others, but I already knew that they had other plans. Still, that didn’t stop me from going out a little, even if it meant only going to the nearest shop.
Since the weather was really pretty, I decided to wear my Buttoned Pleated pink skirt, well not that ugly to see pink, it was more like moody pastel pink I guess. My black Crew Neck sweater and a black beret.
I didn’t do much around my hair, since it was already straight, but I did put a little bit of makeup before I took everything I needed and left.
It was around 5 PM when I left home and of course my mother wasn’t around. Only God knows what she was doing or where she was. Thinking about how she can see Hoseok every day, or well, more then I can, made me really jealous.
Sick, right?
Since, the weather was really beautiful I decided to take a walk to the shop that wasn’t really near our apartment. I took one cigarette and played Ariana Grande’s new song Bad Idea. Even tho I’m pretty lazy person, I always loved to take a walk. I always wished to have a dog that could accompany me, but yeah, that couldn’t happen.
In the shop, I always get carried away and buy more stuff then I should. Not like they are so expensive, it’s more about that I have to carry them home on my own. Plus every time I see Tulips in store, I have to buy them too. Because, why not, I love them.
But of course, I had trouble carrying it back home and of course the bus was driving ever 30 minutes because it’s weekend, and of course I had to choose the store that wasn’t close at all. Because I’m simply stupid and don’t think at all.
,, Heyy, get in’’ I heard familiar voice. Turning my head around I saw Hoseok in his fancy car. Hahh, so casual, like a hero in a movie. ,, Oh wait, let me help you’’ he said and parked the car on the sidewalk for a second. He took the bags from me and placed them on the backseats.
Of course, once again I could refuse his drive and all, but well, why should I ?
,, How have you been? ‘’ He asked me. He was wearing a black suit and white button up shirt, looking really amazing.
,, I’ve been good, but the uni was a little annoying this week. What about you?’’ I asked politely, trying to avoid looking at him as much as possible.
,, Same, there is always something to work on. How’s your mother ?’’ he asked, looking on the road.
,, I don’t know really’’ I said, hoping that this topic will die.
,, Oh, okay. Well, what are you doing today ? Any plans ?’’ Hoseok asked me, looking at me for a second.
,, Not really, I’ll probably just watch Netflix all day honestly’’ I said playing with the yellow tulips in my hands.
,, Well, if you want you can join me on dinner ? ‘’ he asked, showing no emotions at all.
,, Sure, why not’’ I said looking at him. His yaw line had my attention, so beautiful.
,, But, there will be some of my friends and workers, probably with their girlfriends.’’ Hoseok said, moving his hand nervously around the steering wheel.
,, Well, I don’t really want to interrupt then, it would be weird I guess’’ I said, feeling a little bit disappointed.
,, Oh no, noo. You would actually do me a favor then. My friends made a small bet, how I can’t find and bring a girl for such a short time. You remember them maybe’’ he said, giving me small looks.
,, That’s a little bit weird. But I did tell you to contact me if you need anything, so ‘’ I said thinking about how well he took care of me last week. ,, Do I look alright tho ? ‘’ I added fast, fixing my skirt.
,, Oh, you look incredible, don’t worry’’ he said and smiled a little bit.
On the ride to the restaurant, we were talking about lots of stuff and even about my mother and our relationship. And at my surprise, Hoseok was really on my side, he didn’t support my mother’s behavior at all. He was a weird person. Like, very communicative, but the way he talked, it made me feel like I was overpowered.
When we arrived, Hoseok parked his car, while I was impressed with the whole place.
,, So beautiful’’ I said, still in my own world.
,, Yeah, you have to appreciate the nature, soon it will be the mall’’ he said, making me giggle a little bit.
,, Anyway, what do I have to do ? I probably shouldn’t be too loud or annoying’’  I said casually. Well, I was pretty loud in the car, describing everything and yeah. Hoseok stopped for a second, while a smile was formed on his face.
,, Well, just follow my lead and just be a good girl’’ he said still smiling. Damn, if he said to me to jump from the tallest building, I would do it without thinking twice.
Good girl,
If he only knew what was going thru my head at that moment.. oh
,, What do you exactly mean ? ‘’ I asked him confused.
,, For example, don’t look at other guys, have manners and so’’ he said and smiled again. It took me a good minute to think normal again and give him a proper answer.
,, I can do that’’ I said, realizing that I sounded like a scared kid.
When we went in, I really felt like a child who just got in Disneyland. The restaurant looked amazing, I felt like Queen Elisabeth will walk in any second. It was definitely not my level.
,, I’m not sure about this’’ I said, a little bit scared. I don’t know how many friends or worker were there, but they were probably just as rich and yeah just as him. That’s not where I’m supposed to be.
,, Don’t worry. Just be good and I’ll reward you’’ he said, placing his hand on my lower back and giving me a sign to follow him. Pretty weird how his words had such an effect on me. Every time he said something, I found myself listening to him. Not sure if he had his way around people, I mean he definitely knew a lot, he’s company is one of the biggest companies in the city. Or, I was simply under his spell.
We were the last one to arrive and honestly, I really felt uncomfortable. I felt like they were about to eat me alive there. Hoseok probably noticed, so he introduced me to everyone. He pulled one chair out for me to sit and he sat beside me.
Being honest, I felt really bored.  All of them were probably older then me. After all, they already knew each other, so I was an outsiter. But what really surprised me, they didn’t look so formal as Hoseok did. At least not all of them.
Hoseok ordered some expensive steak with I don’t even know what, while I decided to order just some pasta. I felt uncomfortable even looking at those prices. Horrible.
,, Wanna drink some wine ?’’ He asked me and of course, when did I ever say no to wine ? Well, and I was kinda curious how does an expensive wine even tastes like, probably like money.
After some time, some girls or wifes of those people started talking with me. I was thankful they didn’t ask me what my job is or anything like that, but I’m sure they didn’t really dare to ask. They were simply polite and talking about random stuff.
,, Do you feel comfortable now ? ‘’ Hoseok asked me. He was really close, I could feel his breath. I nodded my head and smiled at him. All he did was smile at me and then took his glass of wine, giving me a sign for a toast.
The wine was really good, I was actually correct. It indeed tasted like money.
Since I didn’t want to embarrass him, I was eating really slowly and with few breaks. Well, I was looking how others are eating, I tried to copy them of course.
But, as I took one bite, I was literally a second away from choking. Not because I didn’t know how to eat, or because it was too hot or anything. It was because Hoseok’s hand was all of sudden on my lap.
I wasn’t sure what was going on. Maybe he did it accidentally if that was even possible. If we weren’t in a public place, I would pretty much like it, his hand on my lap, perfect. But I didn’t even know how to react.
At first, he didn’t move his hand at all. He was simply talking with his friends or what ever, but his hand remained on my lap. At some point, he started moving his hand up and down, literally rubbing my thigh gently. I didn’t know what to do at all, I was afraid that I could react wrongly.
,, Is there something wrong ?’’ Hoseok asked me. I just looked down where his hand was, but all his did was smirk a little.
,, Just be good’’ he whispered, moving his finger in circles.
He didn’t even give me a chance to react and his hand was already doing something else, squeezing my thigh. I tried to keep calm as possible.  At that point I couldn’t even talk with anyone. All I did was kept quiet and played with my food. Until I felt his hand really near my private parts. Slowly playing around.
I only hoped that no one noticed. But after all, I was covered with the tablecloth and the decoration. So his hand was really covered. Well, he wasn’t that crazy to do anything like that knowing anyone can see. He has a reputation to keep.
When his hand found it’s way under my skirt, I almost gasped. He didn’t waste any time, he started rubbing my clothed clit, while he calmly talked with his friends about the work.
I couldn’t believe that I actually didn’t try anything to stop him. But, well I did say clearly that I would kill for him. That wasn’t a joke.
,, You are already wet’’ he whispered, but of course, he didn’t get an answer from me.
,, Spread your legs a little ‘’ he ordered, but did it on his own, not willing to wait at all. He continued to talk as he waved his hand under my underwear and pressed a finger right over my clit, trailing it up.
,, Are you alright ?’’ the woman asked me and honestly at that moment I totally forgot her name, well fuck it, it was the last thing I could think about. The best I could return was a smile and a small nod.
Eating and chat continued as per usual. But meanwhile his finger rubbed up and down my clit. One of Hoseok’s fingers slowly pushed into me and I had to pretend to be blowing my nose so that they didn’t see the look on my fucking face.
Well, not giving a flying fuck Hoseok simply pushed another finger, slowly moving them in and out of me, literally hitting my g-spot. His moves were sharp and fast, and I was surprised that no one actually noticed. Or at least I thought so. I didn’t know where to look or what to do, all I wanted to do is fucking cum and honestly I was really close.
But suddenly, he stopped and all I felt was emptiness down there.
Hoseok at my surprise apologized, saying everyone that I’m not feeling well and that we are leaving. His hand was once again on my lower back, but I didn’t mind that. I liked it how simply one touch can be as a sign how he’s in lead.
He didn’t say a word at all, all he did was opened the door for me and going around to the drivers seat. Without any word he just turned on the car and drove away.
I didn’t know what was going on, well, just few minutes ago he was fingering the fuck out of me under a table, in a fucking public place and then another minute he’s all quiet acting as nothing happened.
It was extremely weird and it was fucking driving me crazy. Not knowing what was in his head was making me go insane.
When we arrived, he parked his car in front of the house. He turned it off and turned his face to me. I wasn’t sure what did he want, what’s going on. But all this silence was pretty much uncomfortable, even more then that whole dinner.
,, I guess this is it’’ I said as I nodded my head. He didn’t reply, he also nodded his head as he leaned it on his hand.
,, Well, anyway, thank you for treating me. It was really tasty’’ I said and not waiting for his reply I just got out of his car and made my way to the house door. And just as I was about to unlock the door, I felt a hand grabbing my arm and pushing me back.
I couldn’t really choose or protest, his hold was way too strong and just in second we were standing in front of his car. Again.
And again no words, but he did look pretty upset.
Then suddenly, his hands were on my cheeks and he pulled me closer and kissed me. I didn’t know if I expected something like this to happen or not. But after all, I did kiss him back.
Hoseok opened the back door without breaking the kiss. He pushed with one hand the stuff I bought and I totally forgot about, and then he pushed me inside and hovered over me.
,, Is this all about the bet ?’’ I asked breathless.
,, Which bet? There is no bet, I just wanted to show you around me. My property.’’ He said, his eyes being a shade darker then usual. Or I just imagined it.
I didn’t reply, all I could do is kiss him and place my hand around his neck. He was all over me, kissing me back, then kissing my neck, pulling my shirt and my skirt up.
,, God, I can’t wait to have you’’ he said, leaving sloppy kisses over my neck. ,, But let us finish what we started’’ he said as he pulled my skirt totally up and pulled my panties to the side, pushing two fingers inside me immediately.
He didn’t do any vanilla shit, he was fingering me like there was no tomorrow and this time I didn’t have to hold back at all. I was a freaking moaning mess and I didn’t give a shit if my whole neighborhood will hear me.
He didn’t have to rub my clit or anything because I was already all wet. He started curving his fingers making me moan even louder. I guess he liked me loud now, since he added the third finger and started to fingerfuck me in a incredible speed.
Very short after I came all over his fingers, which made him pull them out as I laid there in his car panting heavily.
,, My turn’’ I said and before I could even try to get up, he held me down not allowing me to move.
,, No babe, thinking about your lips around my cock is driving me crazy. But I want to fuck you first. I’ve been waiting for this since I first saw you’’ he said as he placed a kiss on my lips.
,, Let’s go inside’’ he said as he opened the door of his car. I was actually really confused.
,, But my mother is home’’ I protested, knowing 1000% that she’s home, Probably asleep. After all I never brought anyone home. And the first person shouldn’t really be her boss, she definitely had crush on .
Or maybe,
Well, she wasn’t really a nice mother
In fact she was far from it.
,, So what ? That’s even more excited’’ he said pushing me out of the car and kissing me all the time.
Oh fuck it.
We just made our way inside. Even while walking, Hoseok couldn’t stop kissing me. The very first moment we got inside, Hoseok pushed me against the door and pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and I could feel Hoseok’s hard on clearly.
,, I will fucking ruin you’’ He whispered, grabbing my ass and squeezing it hard.  He obviously remembered where my room is, since he didn’t have to ask me for the directions.
When he opened the door, he immediately pushed my shirt over my head and tossed somewhere in my room. I didn’t like unfairness so I had to take off his shirt. It took me a bit longer, since it was button up shirt, but still I did give my best. I couldn’t wait to see those abs again.
Even tho I was trying to take of his clothes nicely, he didn’t. he simply ripped my skirt, leaving me only in my underwear.
,, Hey, that was my favorite skirt’’ I said, pulling his pants down, together with his boxers and holy crap, the first thing that got thru my mind was if this will even fit ????
,, I will buy you a new one, I’ll buy you anything you want ahh-‘’ Hoseok said, but I cut him of, giving him one big lick. He grabbed my head and without any word he started fucking my face and since I didn’t have so much experience, I started choking on his dick, saliva dripping down my chest.
That didn’t last long tho, since he pulled me up and pushed me on my bed. I closed my eyes, picturing how amazing it’s going to feel to be filled up with his large member.  As he got over me, he started pumping up and down and rubbing his dick over my clit. He pulled me once again up and placed me on his lap, offering me to ride him.
He didn’t have to say anything else, I just positioned my self, his hands on my hips and he slowly started sinking me down onto his dick. It was a feeling I will never fucking forget.
First few seconds, both of us had to get used to it. He leaned his head back on the wall as he breathed heavily. Since I couldn’t wait any longer, placed my hands on his wide shoulders and slowly started moving up and down. I shifted my hips around in circular motions while he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
Now even the fact that he was my mother’s boss didn’t bother me. And the fact that she probably fall asleep thinking about him didn’t bother me either. If I was all the time on my own, then I had to choose and do what I want.
Since my thoughts made me mad, I started moving my hips even faster and of course Hoseok accepted that well. Hoseok was meeting my thrusts. Every time I was about to slide down he would move his hips up, hitting me hard and when he started to hit my g-spot I fucking lost it. I couldn’t help it, I had to moan, but then he did shut me up, pressing his lips against mine.
I closed my eyes, not being able even to move myself. But he gladly did the whole job.  Thinking about how we will probably do this more oft also drove me insane. There was some sick thrill of a sexual rendezvous where we could get caught.
,, Oh God, Hoseok.. Fuck.. ‘’ I squeezed my eyes shut tight and he pulled me closer to him so that his lips could attach to my nipple, sucking it lightly.
My back was already arching off, gripping on his arms, shoulders, anything. I couldn’t hold it anymore as I let myself go as I came all over his dick.
He didn’t stop tho, he helped me with my orgasm and honestly. I never had a longer one, it was so damn good. I wished it lasted forever.
But even tho I had my orgasm, Hoseok was far away from his. He turned me around and entered me once again, but this time more aggressively.
He placed his one hand around my throat and started fucking me without any mercy. Not like I needed it. It felt so good.
My muscles gripped his cock tightly as he pushed himself into me deeper and harder.  I placed my hand over his one, giving him a small sign that I need air. Of course he immediately left my throat and his hands were on the edges of my bed now.
His moves were so fast and rough that I had to bite his shoulder to keep myself quiet. He kept driving his cock in and out of my pussy, hitting my G-spot once again. Never in my life happened  to me, that miracle to cum twice. But here he was, making it all true.
,, Ahh fuck’’ I cried. I nibbled against his neck, smelling his scent, wanting him all over me. Kissing his neck I closed my eyes and tried not to be loud. But I’m sure that we were already too loud. He was fucking me so hard that the bed was literally about to break.  
I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his beck, probably leaving some marks, I could feel his precum dripping  in my hole.  My walls clenched on his cock tightly again and my muscles tried in vain to hold on to the pounding shaft . I could feel his cock tightened up and contracted hard, sending the vibration in my wet hole. After few deep and hard moves, both of us came hard.
Hoseok collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily as his dick was still twitching inside me. He took it out and lied down beside me breathing in my neck.
,, Are you on pills ? ‘’ Hoseok asked me quietly. I looked at him and just slowly shook my head.
,, I’ll get you the best one. From tomorrow you’ll use them.’’ He said and kissed me, pulling me closer to him.
He stood up and wore his boxers. I tried to stand up but the pain between my legs didn’t allow me. So Hoseok had to find me my oversized White shirt and my penties.
Then at my surprise he just got back in the bed and covered us both with my covers.
,, Are you staying ?’’ I asked him confused
,, Yes, is there a problem ?’’ he asked, pulling me closer to him.
,, Well, my mom ? ‘’ I said still confused.
,, Oh don’t worry about that, your mom is the last thing you should worry about’’ he said, covering my back better.
And with his words, I did feel better immediately. After that, all that mattered to me was the comfort of the covers and his strong arms around me.
hope you enjoyed it
Sorry for all the mistakes and typos, I’ll correct them sometimes in future haha
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