#anyway you may know one of my old death note buddies if you like shadow & bone she's a great writer and her rarepair fic blew up
gideonisms · 8 months
I can't get my old buddies from the death note fandom into tlt. guess hot topic goth vibes just isn't enough of a connection but if they wrote tlt fic it would HIT
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 270: Harry Potter Rules
Previously on BnHA: Present Mic punched Ujiko in the face! It was awesome. I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of it. Meanwhile Endeavor saved Mirko’s life by setting her on fire (reason #15 why I will never become a superhero), and Aizawa did some sexy Spider-Man poses for our viewing pleasure while fighting the rest of these Noumus which are still annoyingly refusing to die. Anyway but back to Present Mic, the undisputed MVP of this chapter. Because you see, in addition to the punching, he also used his Loud Voice attack (literally the actual attack name; Horikoshi will steal all of my jokes and leave me with nothing) to smash open Tomura’s Noumutank! Which I really thought was going to immediately lead to Everyone Dying, but apparently I was wrong! Anyways so yeah, right now Tomura’s just lying down all heart-stopped and not-breathing. Which seems very anticlimactic, BUT I JUST HAVE THE CRAZIEST FEELING that maybe, just maybe, the super powerful villain lad who just spent the last three arcs slowly upgrading his bad self just in time to wage war on the world as the story reaches its climax, might not actually be dead though.
Today on BnHA: DON’T MIND THAT OMINOUS ORGAN MUSIC PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND, IT’S NOTHING, IGNORE IT. Ahem. So first of all, as some of the bolder among us dared to speculate, Tomura is not, in fact, dead. He’s still very much kicking it with his nipple-less pecs and truffula tree hair, putzing around in his mental landscape filled with crumbled buildings and disembodied Theatrical Gesture Hands. For some reason he doesn’t have shoes or a shirt in his mental landscape, which was a very interesting choice on Horikoshi’s part, but we will speak no more of it. Anyway so to sum things up, Tomura’s family is all “TENKO WE LOVE YOU” and he’s all “oh hey” and then AFO fucking appears and he’s all “COME HERE MY BOY” which is exactly as creepy as you would expect, and for some fucking reason TOMURA ACTUALLY DOES COME HERE. And lol it turns out Ujiko gave him AFO. Like the quirk. Yes, that quirk. So long story short, Tomura is about to be possessed by AFO’s evil soul or some shit, and to put the cherry on top, fucking Deku out of fucking nowhere, MILES AWAY, is all “HE’S COMING.” Because of course he can sense it, because AFOFA IS REAL, AND FUCK ME THIS IS ALL HAPPENING TOO FAST, FUCK.
I know this chapter has been out since like 1pm, but I’m not getting to read it until 5 hours later because for once in my life I was trying to be responsible and actually get some work done on a Friday. I thought this might lead to less oh-god-I-still-have-to-get-that-done anxiety hovering over my weekend, but instead it just led to oh-god-I-have-to-get-the-chapter-recap-done anxiety hovering over my now! anyways so this might be a bit rushed lol
(ETA: yeah turns out this wasn’t exactly the kind of chapter you could just read quickly and get on with your life lmao. so, then!)
what a nice panel of Present Mic taking out the trash
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you heard ‘em fellas. the doctor is secured. good job everyone we did it, manga over, congratulations. now to cut away to a two-page spread of Dark Shadow comically smothering Dabi’s flames with a giant stock pot lid, and that’ll be that! what a wonderful, extremely short and strangely underwhelming arc in which we haven’t even seen the actual main characters do anything yet. but I guess we don’t need them since the main bad guy is lying dead on the floor! everything is just so fucking dead and secured!! do you think if I keep repeating it enough Horikoshi will finally be like “okay geez I get it” and reveal his hand already
Mic is now ordering Ujiko to power down the Noumu, which again, I’m sure he will definitely do without a fuss since after all the good guys have clearly won the day
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rip X-Less. gonna just take a moment here to imprint your beautiful face onto my memory before it turns into a pile of ash. your face, I mean. not my memory. well my memory more or less already is a pile of ash but that’s neither here nor there ANYWAYS
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what are these little sound effects. I think that’s supposed to be a buzzing noise?? anyways whatever it is PLEASE STOP IT, I AM NOT HAVING A NICE TIME SO STOP
ffff Horikoshi sure has done an excellent job of setting the mood in such a way that all of these panels of X-Less doing incredibly mild things are sending my stress levels through the roof. like is anyone else reading his lines more or less like “WELP, TIME FOR ME TO DIE, ANY SECOND NOW, WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS, THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING, HERE IT COMES”
(ETA: when is this poor sweet innocent man going to fucking die already.)
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I have the clearest mental image of Horikoshi standing by with a walkie talkie in one hand and one of those remote bomb detonation clicky switch thingies in the other, patiently waiting to receive the go-ahead once all of the important characters have gotten to safety
anyway so now Ujiko is talking again
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no fear everyone this is just the beginning of his verbal noumu deactivation sequence. nothing to worry about. everything is fine
yes for some reason his code phrase to put all the noumus back to sleep involves going into rambling detail about his work researching quirk singularities and shit. it’s fine. it’s not a big deal. code phrases are just like that sometimes all right
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just ignore the increasingly panicked look in Mic’s eye as he slowly realizes he was way too fucking keen to just leave the “dead” Tomura back there with his laser-eyed hero buddy. anyway so let’s continue learning all about the Quirk Illuminati or whatever the fuck
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okay so... he faked his own death? 70 years ago, at age 50 or thereabouts? I mean, that’s interesting and all I guess. not saying I wouldn’t be thrilled to spend the rest of this chapter learning all about Ujiko’s boring evil life. I don’t need to say it because it’s implied on account of Ujiko sucks and is the worst. so yeah can we get a move on though
oh shit?!?
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also, comparing AFO’s smile to a buddha’s really sent an actual shudder of disgust down my spine for some reason lmao. I personally would have steered that comparison in a different area, maybe less to buddhas and more to Norman Bates from Psycho, but to each their own
oh shit wait up
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okay but this is actually a pretty big revelation though, isn’t it? because it’s been hinted for a while now that AFO and Ujiko had some method of duplicating quirks (the fact that all the Noumu share the same regeneration quirk was the biggest clue, but there was also John-chan’s quirk, as well as Hood’s Muscular-esque quirk), but as far as I can recall, this is the first time we’ve had it confirmed. though to be fair I wasn’t joking when I said my memory really has been shit lately sob
anyway so for real though, can you really call it a BnHA chapter if you’re not spending a good chunk of it being hopelessly confused over the ownership of some ambiguous thought bubbles. WHO IS THIS. I do seriously feel like it’s Tomura, because he’s the wrathful one, but another hallmark of a typical BnHA chapter is me constantly questioning everything I know as I muddle my way through
(ETA: yeah I’m pretty sure it was him. still impressive how vague it is though! it could also potentially be Ujiko, Mic, or even Deku. hopefully Caleb’s translation on Sunday can shed some more light on this. though he wasn’t really helpful last time this happened lol.)
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didn’t... you just... say that “preservation” was your quirk?? what do you mean that you wanted it?? CAN YOU JUST FINISH YOUR SENTENCES LIKE A NORMAL PERSON
anyway so here’s a summary of this chapter thus far
present mic: okay goodbye forever x-less
x-less: what a strange thing to say! :) also is it just me or is this machine fucking staring at me
present mic: turn the noumu off please
ujiko: seventy years ago... society... singularity... he’d be 120 years old now...
ujiko: all for one has the smile of an angel...
ujiko: my quirk... preservation... the truth is... my quirk... preservation... the truth is... my quirk...
all caught up?? grand. also btw is anyone else super disturbed by the fact that Ujiko recognizes Mic as being “Kurogiri’s friend”, like holy shit though? how would he know that. I can’t think of any implications of this that aren’t super disturbing tbh
anyways back to -- LOL WHAT THE
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Horikoshi Kouhei: [furiously scribbling notes to himself at 3am] BUT WHAT IF THE FOLDING CITY FROM “INCEPTION” HAD MORE GIANT HANDS
jesus christ. is this like some mental representation of what shit is currently like in Tomura’s mind? lots of crumbly destruction and traffic lights and the house his father built (isn’t it? I feel like it looks familiar), and SO MANY HANDS, HE JUST LOVES HIS HANDS
anyway so at this point it’s a coin toss whether or not anything in this fucking chapter is ever going to make any kind of fucking sense! but here I am voluntarily along for the ride while Gene Wilder sings that creepy boat song right in my ear!
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(ETA: that Tomura in the top left may be my new favorite panel. look at him. all he is is a nose and chin and ~*~HAIR~*~.)
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ffff why is he so pretty all the time lately
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you are very handsome with your billowy hair and ken doll abs, you. sure are having a lot of trippy visions for a dead guy too there
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WHO SAID YOU WERE ALLOWED -- DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST -- ffffffffff I need to be alone with my thoughts for a few minutes fuck
okay well. but since it is getting late I guess we’ll just pack these feelings up real quick and put them inside a box and neatly label it “feelings I have about Tomura having a vision of his mom and immediately turning back into his innocent little boy self in said vision as soon as he sees her.” not too sure about the contents of this box yet but I will have to explore them thoroughly at a later date
oh hey it’s this asshole
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“THAT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO, DAD.” jesus Kotaro. get over it
and also guess what, if you go and get Tomura all riled up so he wakes up grumpy and disintegrates the first hapless guy he sees, I will hold you solely responsible for that poor man’s death. I’m just warning you now
oh my
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I remember this conversation going a bit differently the last time, but hey
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holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit
holy shit. fuck
...okay so
is this implying that AFO has been Noumufied? but that doesn’t make any sense, does it? he already had multiple quirks. what other advantages could there be to him becoming a Noumu. well whatever I’m just typing out all of my thoughts real fast for the time being and I’ll try to make sense of them later
or is it because he sees Kurogiri as a father figure? and AFO also?
or is he using Kurogiri’s quirk????? IS HE SOMEHOW WARPING INTO TOMURA’S DREAMS
because that third one, to me, is what this panel most looks like? Tomura says he looks like Kuro, but he doesn’t though. Kuro has a very distinctive face which this is very much lacking. instead it looks to me much more like one of Kurogiri’s portals, with AFO’s buddhaesque smile sticking out. so yeah. I got nothin’. except, again, fuck
(ETA: yeah I obviously have more thoughts about this now, but we’ll get to those in a bit.)
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-- !!!!!!!!!!LKJLK!JLKJ
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oh shit oh shit oh shit 
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except that I have the most incredible, chilling, disturbing, electrifying feeling that my mental soundtrack is about to start blaring AFO’s theme from the anime on full blast...!
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holy shit holy shit holy shit. wow
okay so. I don’t really have any sort of neat and tidy way to wrap up this hot mess of a recap lol. so, just... have a whole mess of all of my stupid whirling thoughts
those first four pages really did nothing to brace me at all lol
okay, so. here’s my understanding of all this, I guess. basically we’re going full Harry Potter rules here. AFO horcruxed his quirk, and from the looks of it, a piece of his soul (perhaps even the main piece) along with it. he then passed it on to Ujiko to implant into Tomura
horcrux!AFO then wakes up, and takes over Tomura. so then my understanding is that he’s going to be possessed by him. and I also got the impression that he’s fully aware of that, but just doesn’t care at this point. he knew his family was trying to warn him, but he didn’t care. and that look in his eyes when he disintegrated them just seemed so fucking resigned to me, though. jesus
but now the more interesting thing! so we can liken Tomura to the resurrected Voldemort from book 5 and onward, reborn after transferring his power into a new vessel. which would go a long way toward explaining how AFO was able to sense what was happening from all the way in Tartarus; because if we liken it to Voldemort and his horcruxes, it would mean that he still has a connection to them (similar to the connection between Voldemort’s mind and Harry’s)
but so now comes the really interesting thing -- what does this then imply about the connection between AFO and Deku? because you’ll recall that AFO alluded to a similar mental connection back when Deku first activated SIXQUIRKS. and now we have Deku somehow being magically aware of AFO’s sudden resurgent presence in this chapter. but why?? if the reason AFO and Tomura share a psychic link is because of a shared quirk, why would Deku also be experiencing the same link? the answer is, he wouldn’t -- unless he, too, had the same shared quirk
in other words, I think All for One for All is fucking confirmed you guys. I can’t think of any explanation for this other than that OFA is also a horcrux quirk. a little piece of AFO broken off and embedded in his brother, and then passed along through the generations. and now residing within Deku
anyway. so that’s a hell of a lot to ponder lol. I guess we can at least be grateful for the fact that we’re not waiting two weeks for chapter 271 like Hori originally planned. can you fucking imagine. what a fucking asshole lol
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 38
Last time: Ed was super composed when talking to his crush, Granny Armstrong was here and gone before I knew it, and Selim stayed out past his bedtime. Onwards!
Riza gets back to her apartment, so shaken up over the Pride reveal that she starts at seeing eyes in the shadows, when it’s just her dog (does it have a name?). Yeesh, she has had a day, hasn’t she? The phone ringing suddenly doesn’t help her nerves, nor does Roy being cheesy and trying to pass off his mountain of flowers to her. Ocne he hears her little huff of stress he does a complete 180 and asks what’s wrong, but since we can’t know if Pride is listening she claims that she’s fine. Roy’s left standing in the phonebooth, glaring down at the silent headset in his hand. Huh, didn’t realize that Sideburns was still having to tag along with Kimblee, thought he’d stay at Briggs. Anyways, Kimblee and the Blondes have wound up at an abandoned mining town. Time to make like a cliched horror movie and split up! Two of Kimblee’s mooks are assigned to follow the Elrics. Episode 38 - “Conflict at Baschool” Now how to ditch the Mooks and the dozen other soldiers with them?
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Eh. If it works, it works. They run off from the common soldiers but the Mooks are hot on their heels. Wait never mind they’re chasing them into the building too, they turn the wait what? Where did they… oh yeah, Ed’s an Earthbender. Ha! Nice job pulling up a wall that muffles Al’s heavy footsteps! Uuuunfortunately, while they’re on their own to search Baschool now, in the words of Ed “this place is too damn big”. How on earth are they supposed to find Scar and May in all of this? [Ed]: “If would make things a hell of a lot easier if Scar and that girl just came to us…” [May]: “Alphonse!” Well that was easy. Aw, she still has her huge crush on Al, he’s not helping with his talk about how they were trying to find her and he really needed to see her. Yup, she (and Shao May) are so deep in Crush Mode she can’t even hear him ask for Alkahestry lessons. Ed snaps her out of it by demanding lessons, she tries to let him down gently- wait, “let me out"? Uh oh. [Angry!May]: “Excuse me?! Who is this woman, Al? How could you do this to me?” Aw, sorry May. Don’t worry, you’ll find a guy some day. Hey, Marcoh! Hey… Yoki? Wait, has Ed actually ever met Yoki before now? Yoki sure seems to think they did… Ok, apparently this was a manga story, we’re getting a silent movie but the dialouge is in Japanese so I’ve got no idea what anyone’s saying. Apparently Yoki used to be mayor of a mining town, then Ed came in with a bunch of gold bars and… bought the title to the town? Now hold up, am I understanding that Ed Transmuted a bunch of coal to gold in order to trick Yoki into giving up the title, and then passing it on to the miners who then kicked Yoki out of town? How? Is there such a thing as temporary Transmutation? I thought the effects were always permanent? So after he got kicked out, Yoki went on to try and restore his fortunes through various trades (he failed in each one), “investing his savings” (the casino took the shirt off his back), and straight up trying to steal (from two GIANT women who could honestly give The Mighty Armstrong a run for his money in the muscles department, yikes), which led to him running into a young girl at a piano who… wait… OH MY LETO DID YOU REALLY TRY TO STEAL FROM THE ARMSTRONG MANOR?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!
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After he somehow survived an Armstrong-propelled piano to the face, he ended up in the Ishvalan compound, where he would do the second-stupidest thing in his life trying to take Scar for a bounty, and he’s finally ended up here. So we’ve got a room where Yoki is ranting about his “epic vengeance”, Winry and Al are trying to calm down a heartbroken May, Ed’s still pushing for Alkahestry lessons, and Marcoh is probably wondering if he wasn’t better off with the Goths. So where’s Scar? Kimblee’s getting the news that Winry’s escaped her own minders, Sideburns volunteers to go look for her and takes command of two troops, brushing off Kimblee’s words. The Crimson Alchemist is left standing there, scowling after a proper leader. Eh, you got some good Manipulator points from last episode, but you’ve still got to make up for your pitiful train battle. Scar’s going through some cans and bottles for food when two of Kimblee’s Mooks show up and demand his surrender. What, you punks think you can take on The Killer of Alchemists? Oh! Apparently they’re chimeras, part boar and part toad respectively. Time to kick some monster butt, Scar! Mid-ep pictures of Yoki and the Chimeras (Zampano and Jerso). Yeah, I’m just gonna call you Boar and Toad. The Blondes and the Brunettes are sitting in a circle now, Ed explaining that he found out what Philosopher’s Stones are made of, and their new angle of researching Alkahestry. And what do you know, Marcoh’s got a book by someone who worked to combine the Transmutation disciplines. Ed’s not too happy to hear that they need Scar to break the code (what, you guys didn’t work on that between the cabin and this mining town?). Ah well, where is the Ishvalan, anyway? *boom* There he is! Ed and Al order the others to stay put and head his way. Toad is surprisingly fast for his bulk, dodging Scar’s HoDs and kicks while Boar launches spikes from his back. Also, Toad can spit goop. One drawback to Scar’s style, it’s entirely melee. The chimeras plan to just stick to ranged attacks to wear him down. Scar tries to run off to the side, but a spike cuts his arm and goop glues his hand to the ground. Oh no, if only there was someone on the way who could save him…
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Da dada dah! Ed and Al are here to save the day! Al picks up on them being Kimblee’s goons from Central. Now, how to- “AAAAH! TALKING MONSTERS!” Hahahaha! Oh, that is priceless! Pretend to freak out over the inhuman beasts in the room that are “pretending to be your friends”, so you’ve got an excuse if they report back to Central. Toad tries to slime them but notes that Ed is faster than Scar… and grinning like a loon? Oh yeah, this is his first time fighting with his new automail, it’s lighter than the old set so he moves faster! Hits lighter though, Toad’s back up and spitting actual spit. Thanks for telling us what it is, now Ed can break it down to water and freeze your back! And throw his brother into the Toad? Oh, ouch! Metal Armor + Frozen Flesh = Bad Times. Whoop, Boar’s back up, yelling that he and Ed are on the same side. Oh yeah? Prove it! If you’re human then transform back and ahahaha! [Ed]: “Thanks for the opportunity, sucker!” Alright, one Chimera down, knock out the Toad and LETO! What the hell Al, did you just snap his neck?! Jeebus! Scar’s freed himself from the goop, good. Now we can all head back to the others and what. Ed, no. You were literally just told that you need him to decipher the journal and you’re both working against Central now, just tell him what you’ve learned and WHY. NO. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT. STOP IT. You want him to pay for what he’s done? Then get his help deciphering the journal, fix your bodies, then you can have a great big revenge brawl. Ok fine, whatever. Ed and Al charge him, you might wanna look out for the HoD or protect your arm… oh yeah, the new arm is an alloy, not steel. Just like when Ed tried disarming Buccy, Scar’s failure just means Ed’s close enough to kick him. But like his file says, when Scar’s in trouble he tends to wreck the ground, he bursts through the rubble to strike Ed- [Winry]: “Don’t hurt them!” Winry?! Ok while I appreciate the character development and the chance to confront your parents’ killer, did you leave the Brunettes? Scar’s distracted by her arrival, giving Ed and Al the chance to knock him down and secure his arm. Before she can talk to Scar though, Sideburns shows up. Hopefully Kimblee’s not too close behind. Sideburns orders “the ungodly experiments by our superiors” tied to a column (so they’re still alive?), approaches Scar wait what no don’t shoot him! We need him to break the code! Ed, Al, stop him! Winry? Hoo boy. Winry’s confronting Scar. [Winry]: “Why? Why did you kill my mother and father?” [Scar]: “...there’s nothing I can say that won’t sound like an excuse. And nothing can change the fact that I am responsible for their deaths. Wait, boom?! What? No! Ok ok, calm down, maybe this is another Ross Deception. Trick Kimblee into thinking that Scar is dead? Sparks and a flame show Buccy underground, still with the Tunnel Rescue Team and saying… uh oh. They’re over the 24 hours, and Armstrong the Great said they’d cover the entrance with concrete after that. Come on, don’t leave these guys stuck! They aren’t Alchemists, they’ll have to go back through the Pride-infested tunnel and find another way out! Well, Buccy tries knocking on the door anyways. Silence. Crap. Alright, back down- hey, it opened! It’s Tank Grandpa! Did you really defy Armstrong The Great’s orders? Nice knowing you, buddy. What do you mean, it hasn’t been 24 hours? I doubt that Buccy went on that mission with an improperly timed watch… unless he was given one, to ensure he got back on time? [Tank Grandpa]: *points to shattered pocketwatch* “It’s a nice watch, isn’t it? General Armstrong gave it to me whenever you guys left.” HA! Best General in the show by far. Sorry Grumman, you’ll have to settle for second. Armstrong the Great is hanging out on top of the fort when Buccy gives his report on two survivors. Apparently she’s outside to look at the mountains, admiring the simplicity of their black and white in the winter. Buccy must be feeling really damn confident right now because he argues that it’s not true, if she just looks up she can see the blue sky. [Buccy]: “There’s nothing that’s entirely black and white.” *MASSIVE SHIT-EATING GRIN* “And thanks for showing your soldiers a little mercy! It means a lot, sir.” [Armstrong the Great]: *smiles* “That’s nice, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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New Ship confirmed! Incoming convoy! Are Kimblee and the others coming back? Did they forget to pack lunch? Oh crap. Central’s already sent some forces to find out what happened to Raven. Explosions! Back in Baschool, Kimblee’s finally shown up to the building where everyone was fighting, sees Ed rush out through the smoke. [Ed]: “You bastard! This is all your fault Kimblee, you were supposed to be watching Winry!” Wait what? NO. Argh that’s Winry being carried by Scar no no how did he escape did May break him out why can none of these idiots just talk to each other?! Argh! Wait, hold on. There’s a bandage on his cut arm… Ha! Elaborate Ross Deception, go!
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wahbegan · 4 years
Oh Wait Now I Can Do a Proper Candyman Trailer Breakdown
I can analyze everything in the first trailer much better now, I think with the supplementary material provided by the puppet show and the other TV spot oh right i guess i should put this under a cut like I do cause i just know it’s gonna get long as balls all right
Opens with yeah recap of Candyman legend nothing really to see here
Not much in the bathroom scene either apart from it first introduces this Candyman’s shtick of only being visible in mirrors and shadows which is really neat...oh yeah also no the one Asian girl def chickens out after the 4th Candyman repetition so he literally only kills the white girls which i find personally hilarious. Speaking of hilarious....the girl with the buzz cut? Her character’s name is Boof. Ah, to be young again...anyway
There’s a lot of like...ochre and seafoam in this trailer, have you noticed? Like the bathroom, Candyman’s pants and coat idk i doubt it’s thematic it’s probably just an aesthetic choice but it’s interesting colors for a horror movie
“I feel really connected to this neighborhood” yeah as i mean everyone knows by now but Anthony was kidnapped by Candyman as a baby so it’s hard to tell how much of his fascination with the dark history of prettied-up Cabrini Green is just pretentious artsiness and how much is Candyman’s influence
Okay so the local ominous old kook here says something I find very fascinating when he tells him where he lives. Anthony said I just moved in around the corner, and OOK says “The old candy factory...” not next to the old candy factory or anything, just “the old candy factory”
Now we know from the puppet trailer that there’s a new character they’re introducing who is a black worker at a candy factory with a hook, but y’know like a real person hook that actual amputees get, maybe cause of a factory accident, i do not know, who was good natured and gave free candy to kids on his way home because y’know he works at a candy factory and some white cops saw, assumed he was a paedophile, chased him down to the bottom of the stairwell of presumably the building he lived in, and beat him to death
This character actually seems p important, in the new TV spot there’s a shot of a guy in a trenchcoat and seafoam pants in front of a building i THINK MIGHT be him, and a shot of some cops descending a stairwell, so I think we’re actually gonna see what happened to him, and I think he is going to be introduced as y’know a competing story to Daniel Robitaille’s, he’s MY BEST GUESS going to serve the function in the plot of revealing to the audience the idea presented in the puppet show trailer, that Candyman is more of an abstract entity or a floating moniker, it’s not necessarily bound by the identity of Daniel Robitaille
Anyway, i’m pretty sure by OOK’s comment here that the condos Anthony and Brianna live in are literally built on top of where the candy factory where that guy worked used to stand
Oh yeah just neat little shot of the graffiti of Candyman more as Clive Barker designed him fun reference
Bee stinging Anthony, more on that later, also notice he’s not just a painter, he’s a photographer as well because that becomes important
Oh yeah “he’s the monster that’s part of this neighborhood” is in all probability part of the same speech from the TV spot “Candyman ain’t a HE, he’s the whole damn hive. He’s the way we deal with the fact that these things happened. That they’re still happening.” Candyman I’m prob gonna make a whole post about this but his transformation from urban legend used to cope with random violence and urban decay in Clive Barker’s story to urban legend used to cope with racial violence seems complete in this movie, and I believe thematically the idea is the gentrified Cabrini and Anthony are under the delusion that this is a monster, a story of the past, and Candyman appears to...disabuse them of that notion. With a big fuck-off hook
We know from the TV spot the all-black portrait he’s working on in his apartment is Daniel Robitaille, and a damn good likeness of Tony Todd can I just say who the hell did these paintings they’re amazing anyway the one we see at the gallery of the man with the swollen face is I think the candy factory worker who was beaten to death. That guy i think is also the one who introduces the concept of the seafoam pants and ochre coat btw to Candyman’s wardrobe. Cause of that, he might be how Candyman appears when he kills the High School girls i do not know but that’s interesting, ain’t it? Candyman appearing in different ways to different people depending on the story they’ve heard
Oh the mirror opening to the space behind it must be a reference to the hole through Candyman’s mouth graffiti in the og i just got that that’s pretty sweet cool exhibition
When bearded guy in that god-awful Overlook Hotel carpet-looking button up shirt is saying Candyman, that movie that’s being projected in the background...I’m not sure which, but based on what little more we saw of it in the TV spot, pretty sure that’s footage of the lead-up to/possibly the actual act of the arrest or murder of one of Anthony’s Candyman subjects which is ahh....dark. I mean hell, he’s black, if anyone can do it he can but that feels a little tasteless Tony buddy
Anne-Marie is still obvs shaken up about Candyman, based on their two brief interactions in this trailer I’m assuming...well, cause he was a baby when it happened, he wouldn’t remember, i’m assuming she never told him about what happened to him and this is the first he’s hearing of it.
Candyman agrees with me that the movie was tasteless
Related to that Candyman becoming a monster of racial violence rather than urban blight thing, unlike the original movie, almost ALL of his victims in this are white, which is i mean yeah more on brand considering his origin story(ies)
Candyman appearing in the mirror and Anthony’s hand rotting from the bee sting yeah may as well talk about it here, it becomes obvious at several points through the trailer that the Candyman entity if you want to call it that is taking hold of Anthony
For a split second when he throws the glass, I think you can see his James Byrd, Jr. portrait in the background (with the exposed skull)
Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what’s happening to him as he paints but it SEEMS like he’s somehow experiencing the pain of his subjects
When he’s in his painting clothes covered in black paint seems to be mid-late in the movie when he’s kinda losing his shit yeah we see later the hook come out of a sleeve in the coat he’s wearing when he gets his hand sawed off (more on that in a sec) and the paint-splattered jeans so i’m pretty sure the painting clothes with the old fur-lined coat over it is gonna be HIS Candyman Transformation Chic
“He had a purpose for you, to be another one of his terrible stories.” This is completely shooting in the dark and it came to me late at night as I was falling asleep so I have no idea how stupid or crazy it may or may not sound, BUT if we accept Candyman as a recurring entity and his “terrible stories” as victims of racially motivated hate crimes, okay, hear me out. Remember how in the OG Candyman just kept framing Helen for everything? I wonder if Anthony’s story via Candyman was supposed to be “white woman harrassing Cabrini Green residents chops up woman’s dog, steals her baby, and puts him in a bonfire to be burned alive.” Like Anthony was supposed to be a what’s the word they use in the puppet trailer’s blurb “unwilling martyr”, a black baby boy burned alive by a white woman to keep the faith of his congregation going
I feel like that might be the old candy factory worker sawing Anthony’s hand off, anyway yeah he’s in a very Candyman coat, his hand infected presumably via bee sting is being sawed off, what I really love is that you can see that not only is his right hand getting amputated, he’s been blinded in his right eye. Now remember in Candyman’s original story, Daniel Robitaille had his hand sawed off not just so he could replace it with a sick-ass hook, but because that was his painting hand, that was the source of his talent and pride and wealth. Anthony, like I said, is a painter and a photographer. So Candyman takes his hand and his eye i just love that lil detail
I think that woman in the burned church with SWEETS TO THE SWEET on the wall might be Helen, who we know is in the movie and probably has a conversation with Brianna for plot purposes cause there’s a reaction shot of Brianna in the same church saying “this isn’t real”
Yeah that is absolutely definitely 100% Anthony killing that guy in the alley so yeah i guess there’s no question Candyman gets his ass but i feel like there’s more to it because well y’know they’re very open about it in the trailer number one in a way they’re usually not about the struggle the movie revolves around and as evidenced by him killing people the movie still clearly keeps going after he becomes Candyman so ???? i wonder what’s going on
There’s a brief shot of a little girl watching what looks like her dad jump out the window, I assume that’s Brianna seeing as how y’know a kid is credited as young Brianna and i think there was a character blurb mentioning her having a troubled past, so i feel like her dad’s suicide is obliquely related to Candyman in some way. It is worth noting he seems to jump out of some kind of painting studio
This little kid finding a corpse covered in blood and bees in the bathroom is, first of all, that’s only black person we see killed by Candyman, but also it just seems so disconnected from the rest of the plot and i can’t figure it out at all that I feel like this scene must be either a cold open or a stinger at the very end
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choiceslife · 6 years
When Worlds Collide: Part Three (Limited Series)
Disclaimer: Based upon characters in Choices - Endless Summer, It Lives in the Woods, The Royal Romance, #LoveHacks, Home for the Holidays, and The Elementalists series. All characters presented are the property of Pixelberry Studios. I claim no ownership. This story is purely the work of the poster as fanfiction.
Overall Series Rating: 18+
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Content, Sexual Discussions. Future chapters may contain SMUT and Gratuitous Sexual Descriptions
Overall Series Summary: The sisters are together again and Ava Cunningham believes only they can help her.
Author’s Note: This Limited Series is a companion/sequel to Divided By Circumstance. I suggest you at least read that series in order to understand this one. As with most of my stories, this is a crossover and is part of my interconnected Chromatic AU. My MC’s are as follows: Carrissa Monroe (TRR), Abby Bennett (#LH), Scarlett Joy (HFTH), Taylor Reed (ES), and Donovan Bailey (TE). Previous Chapters can be found in my Master List located in my header.
Tag List: @cinnamonroll-duffy @darley1101 @brightpinkpeppercorn @debramcg1106 @regrettingnathan @katurrade @teamtomsato @luxurylives @akrenich @riseandshinelittleblossom @ladynonsense @kinkykingliam @jlouise88 @wescott-imogen @eileendannie @littlecrookedheart @i-choose-liam @tmarie82 @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @europeanguy @walkerismychoice @pixieferry @sstee1 @endlessly-searching-for-you 
Penderghast University
“We have to do something now,” Beckett pleaded with the others. “The Learned One, while indeed smart for not being naturally born of magick, doesn’t know the potential consequences of her actions. If she convinces The Sisters to use their power, the floodgates of villainous and sinister beings could be upon them all in minutes.”
“Beckett’s right,” Shreya nodded. “We must get to them once they are all out of the main public space.”
“Stop disagreeing... Wait what? I’m right? First Griffin and now you?” Beckett looked confused. He wasn’t used to any of Donovan’s friends agreeing with him. “Are you both under some sort of enchantment?”
Donovan clasped a firm hand onto Beckett’s shoulder. “Relax buddy. When you’re right, you’re right. Griffin and Shreya are nothing if not honest.” He felt the tension release in Beckett’s shoulder and watched as his sour expression dissipated. “So, how do you think we should handle this?”
“Leave that to me,” Griffin replied before Beckett could answer, stepping through the mirror portal without warning.
The others stood dumbfounded for a moment, but quickly followed Griffin through, not sure of what to expect.
“Oh I guess we’re doing that,” Zeph commented before following his friends through the mirror.
New York City, New York - Manhattan
Carissa never experienced the swanky VIP rooms of New York nightclubs when she lived in the city. She never imagined that it would take her becoming Queen of a small kingdom to gain her access to one, nor did she expect her first time would be shared with two new siblings and a group of college-aged kids. However, her life was anything close to normal these days. Which made the pronouncement she just heard even more shocking. “You wanna tell me that again?”
“You’re a witch, Queen Carissa,” Ava said rather flatly. Typically, she would have eased into a truth bomb like that, but she sensed that the Queen was the type who preferred a direct approach. “And so are your two new sisters. And I don’t mean witch as a play on bitch. I’m talking legit spells and powers witch.”
“I don’t know what’s in these drinks at this place, but damn. Witches?” Abby said with a laugh. She had heard some far-fetched stories interviewing subjects before, but none as outlandish as being a witch. There was one interview subject that did come close though. He swore on his life that Raines Corporation CEO, Adrian Raines, was immortal. Abby didn’t believe him, but she looked into the story anyway. It was an excuse for her to meet the fetching billionaire. She managed to interview Adrian and, as she suspected, nothing ever panned out with the man’s claims. Abby managed to score few dates with Adrian, however, before moving to San Francisco. But being a witch? She very much doubted it. “Why couldn’t you find me in college? I would’ve put a curse on Amy to stop being a thunder...cat. Thundercat. You know what I’m saying.”
“I agree,” Scarlett added, highly doubtful of Ava’s sanity. “Three sisters. All witches. I’ve seen that show. It’s called Charmed. Is there a slayer named Buffy, a pair of hot brothers that roam the country hunting demons, and a group of attractive werewolves residing in Beacon Hills too?”
Ava opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, a voice from the shadows replied. Everyone spooked for a split second, before their attention turned towards the sound. Mara immediately drew her weapon and trained it in the general area of where the voice was emanating.
“All of that is indeed true,” the deep male voice said. His form was still obscured in darkness. “Buffy is a real person who secured a dimensional passageway in Sunnydale. The Winchester brothers are quite the skilled demon hunters, although the show takes some liberties with the number of times the two have averted the apocalypse. And Scott McCall is quite a dashing looking werewolf. Although, if you ask me, Deputy Jordan Parrish is the sexiest being in Beacon Hills.”
“Show yourself,” Mara demanded, her weapon ready for use should the situation escalate.
“The Queen should consider a new security detail,” Jake chuckled in a whisper as he lightly elbowed Dan in the ribs. “Everyone keeps getting the drop on Agent Scully over here.”
The figure slowly emerged from the shadows, followed by four others on his heel. “What better way to operate in the world undetected than to have pop culture depicting you as fiction?”
As his face came into view, Ava’s mouth hung agape, unable to believe her eyes. “Griffin?” she questioned curiously. “Is that really you?” Ava ran over and wrapped her arms around the broad shouldered teen who equaled her in height. “I haven’t seen you in forever. Damn you’ve grown!” She clamped her hands on both of Griffin’s muscular shoulders in complete awe of his size.
“Ma’am you know him?” Mara questioned, her weapon still drawn.
“Yes. He’s my cousin.”
Ava excused herself and Griffin from the group, finding a secluded corner while Mara holstered her weapon. “What are you doing in New York? Did you see me in the club? How the hell did you and your friends get in here? Does your mom know...” Ava cut herself off before pulling her cousin back into a second hug. It had been about a decade since she last saw the kid. Back then, he was an 8-year-old pain in the ass and she was a moody pre-teen still dealing with the trauma of her friend’s death. But time and friendship have helped to Ava cope, which allowed her to appreciate Griffin’s sudden appearance. “How are you?”
His megawatt smile could put even the most harden person at ease and Griffin flashed it proudly helping his cousin relax. “I’m here to help you Ava. My friends and I know why you’ve sought out The Sisters. You have to know there is danger involved with telling them.”
“Danger? What kind of danger?”
“Without getting into too much detail, I know that you’re a witch and able to conjure magic. You’re actually known as The Learned One in our realm.”
“Seriously? I’m famous?” Ava beamed with pride before the rest of Griffin’s comment sank into her mind. “Wait. Your realm?”
Griffin nodded. “Not you per se, but magical people are aware that there is a non-magical human with strong, learned powers developing. My friends and I are students at a magical university that helps us hone our naturally attuned abilities. It exists in a realm parallel to this one. Because of some of our research in trying to solve something else, I was able to sense your situation and danger. There are forces in my realm trying to seek out power tied to my friend Donovan.” Griffin motioned to the tall, blond guy that looked like he stepped off the pages of an Abercrombie ad.
“He’s cute. Just a friend?”
“Maybe something more. He’s close with Beckett too though. The guy in the blue blazer. So I dunno what will happen.” Griffin realized the conversation veered off track and he playfully tapped Ava on the arm for talking about his love life. “Anyway, I have a feeling that the power The Sister’s possess may be similar in nature to Donovan’s, only their power is tenfold.”
Worry and panic appeared in Ava’s eyes. “So you’re saying if I help them find their power in order to aid Taylor’s return to Earth, I’d be endangering the whole world?”
“It’s a possibility. You need to be prepared for the worst. Shreya, Zeph, and Beckett helped me prep a few things to assist with your mission.” Griffin pulled a talisman and two vials of potion from his pocket and passed it to his cousin. “The talisman will help obscure your location whenever you perform the ritual. The vile of red liquid will help bind The Sister’s power once more when you use it in conjunction with the incantation I know you have memorized. And finally, the blue liquid will help erase the memories related to the discussion of The Sister’s abilities and will replace them with a false memory of your creation. It will help to keep you all safe. If nobody remembers The Sister’s powers exist, then nobody can accidentally expose them to the world.”
“And what about you and your friends? You all know now.”
“I enchanted the portal we came through with the same power as the potion and already chose a memory of us dancing the night away in a New York nightclub. Once we return to our realm, we’ll have no recollection of ever being here with you.”
“Damn. Ava’s been holding out on the fact that she has a super-hot cousin,” Cade whispered to Lucas. “And his friends look good too.” He kept his voice low so Ava wouldn’t hear him, but it wasn’t low enough to avoid Stacy’s attention.
“You’re dating my brother,” Stacy barked before smacking Cade with a moderately hard backhand to the chest. “If he heard you...”
“I’m pretty sure he’d have the same thoughts,” Cade interrupted with a smile as he gently massaged the spot on his chest where she had hit him trying to alleviate the sting.
After meeting Griffin’s friends, Ava escorted her cousin and his group over towards the others in the room. She still had a ton of questions she wanted to ask him. How did he discover he was magically born? What was he talking about with Buffy being real? When was the last time he went to visit Grandma Mabel? But first, she just needed to introduce him to the group. “Your Majesty. I apologize for the interruption. This is my cousin. Griffin Langley. And these are his friends.”
As Griffin nodded to everyone assembled and introduced his friends, Jake sat back in one of the VIP room’s plush chairs. He had questions for Ava and was sure he wasn’t the only one. But he’d let Hermione have this moment of happiness with her long lost cousin.
“You’re over here contemplating nicknames aren’t you?” Dan asked as he pulled up a seat beside the pilot.
Jake smiled. The kid knew him too well, even though it’s only been a few days. “Guy Candy, Sabrina, Prep School, Golden Boy, and Zephyr.”
“Wait. That Zephyr guy gets to keep his name? And Sabrina? Like the teenage witch? You think Griffin and his friends are...”
“Yup. I do. And Zephyr is a cool fucking name,” Jake replied. He and Dan shared a laughed between themselves before they noticed Griffin about to address Queen Carissa.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Your Majesty. I wish it were under different circumstances of course,” Griffin said flashing his great big smile.
The Queen nodded her head. “Agreed Mr. Langley. Question though. How did you get in here? The door is locked and there is an armed member of The King’s Guard stationed outside.”
“Maybe they stuffed Eagle Eye into a closet like we did,” Jake snickered under his breath to Dan, who was barely able to contain an outburst.
“About that,” Griffin answered before doing a series of hand gestures causing the nearby plants and soil to twirl around in the air. They danced into a weave of intricate patterns, zipping back and forth across the room. It was extremely simple, and well below Griffin’s skill level, but still an impressive display of magic for those in the VIP Room to see. “Locked doors really aren’t a problem for us.” Apathy was all that met Griffin’s effort in return. “Really? That usually gets some kind of reaction.”
“We fought off a bunch of moss creatures in high school, so...” Lucas shrugged.
“Fought a giant crab and a three-headed sea monster in La Huerta,” Jake added.
“Well we’re impressed,” Abby remarked motioning to herself and two sisters. “The most magical experience I’ve had is my friend Brooke’s Sphere of Prettiness.” Abby immediately regretted doubting Ava earlier. “Sorry I didn’t believe you before,” she said to the tall woman standing beside Griffin.
Ava nodded her understanding to Abby. She got it. Skepticism was to be expected. Ava was still honing her craft and, if she could, she would have done some kind of demonstration to prove magic existed.
“Right. Great. Okay then. So magic and monsters exist and my sisters and I are powerful witches,” Carissa began trying to refocus the group’s conversation. “And our mother fits into all of this somewhere. So let’s start there.” Carissa sat down between Abby and Scarlett on one of the many large sofa’s the VIP Room had to offer as the others pulled up seats throughout the private area. Only Mara and Jake remained standing. Neither one wanted to be caught off guard a second time.
Ava cleared her throat once everyone had settled and she had command of the room. “Right. Okay Your Majesty. Scarlett. Abby.” Ava nodded with each name she spoke. As much as she had prepared for this conversation, she never expected to have an audience quite so large. Ava had expected that the Queen would ask to speak with her privately to discuss the matter. But regardless of the number of people present, it didn’t change the facts as Ava knew them to be. “Everything I know begins when your mother paid a visit to Cora Pritchard.”
(To Be Continued)
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Pour Me Another
In which Jade visits Dirk at the bar and they drink while sharing feelings. Also a brief meeting of Arquius. @sangriaprince​ @aihorse100seinamanor​
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
> You need a drink. Or five. This week's been trying and while talking to PI when he came to your shop helped, it still was painful. You... haven't even gotten to see her yet. Droog is still with her body; you can't blame him, not one bit. You admittedly don't know if you want to see her corpse.  > So thus, you need those drinks. And maybe a friend too. Hence you going to the Angel's bar closer to the end of his shift. You dress a little more modestly, hair still pinned up, but you keep on your glasses tonight. If you pass out drunk you don't want contacts in again. 
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> It's a little tough having to run this singlehandedly now, especially when you've got a shot leg. Regardless, you shuffle through and sigh.  > When you see Jade walk in through the entrance, you can't help but smile. You walk over to the counter after whipping up a Manhattan -- just like how you and she first met -- and you place it in front of her.  ".. hey..."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
> You smile back, taking the drink with a wink. Man he knows you so well at this point huh?~  "Hey yourself. Hope you don't mind be coming by. Felt like seeing a friend tonight."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Shake your head, and shrug, leaning against the counter to let off the weight off your leg. "Nah, of course not. Why'd I turn down a visit from Jade?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
"Heh, Flatterer~" > You take a sip from your drink; still the best Manhattan around. "It's just... been a long week for me. You?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Shrug again, running a hand through your hair. "I getcha. I may not know what's up with your side of the city, but it's been a week for me too."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
"Oh? Well now I'm curious~" > You grin as you study him. He... looks tired actually. Poor guy; was he working more than he should? "Anything you'd be willing to tell a friend about?~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Sift through the information you can tell her without giving too much. > Smile a little, putting away a few glasses that were left on the counter. "Well, I had to force myself to take a leave to attend to some business. I do robotics as a hobby, you know. Had to make something for an old close friend."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
"Ooh robotics huh?" > That sounds really neat, if illegal. Not that you care! You keep your vice low, just in case. "Were you successful? It's not easy finding certain pieces yknow?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Nod. "It was easy when you know someone with the knack for technology.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> That made sense. "That's good! How'd your friend take to your finished project?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"Not that well. It's temporary anyway, so when I can again, I'll work on it again." > Clear your throat as you mix up a single drink -- your hours are almost over anyway, you can have one for yourself. "And then other things happened and said buddy is taking care of me. Helping me out with things that don't concern the bar."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You frown a little as you drink a little more from your glass. "Hmm, well I hope your friend didn't rag on you too much; you need a real good dealer for the good materials these days." > Wait taking care of him is that why he leaning who tried harming your friend? "Hope you aren't too hurt then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"It wasn't the material really, it was more of the model itself. But he's telling me not to focus on it yet, so there's that." > Chuckle and nod. "Nothing too bad. It was just a bit of a stab to the knee, but it'll heal."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Eh?! Dirk a stab to a knee can be pretty bad!" > You would know; you've stabbed many people this way. " You sure you should be walking around tonight??"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You nod again, taking a sip of your tequila. "Yes, I'm fine. I had a day's rest and I'm alright. Nothing too much."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You pull a face at him but don't press. You are far too familiar with the Strider Stubbornness after all " Well then, anything else of note happened?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"..." > Clear your throat again and shrug. "... I think I found my bro."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Blink. Blink again. "Wait but--" > Lowers voice again "I thought you said he died??? Is he this world's version ooor...???"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"I know what I said." > Push shades up and pinch the bridge of your nose. "I know what I said... What I still don't know is that if he's actually my bro, or some other guy from another universe. I just... It sucks, Jade. To think I was such an idiot and wanted to approach him immediately?" > Cover your eyes. "God. Made the guy uncomfortable as fuck -- he's more open to Sock now, for Christ's sake, so much for being a great bro."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Swirl your glass before downing the rest and reaching for his hand. "Dirk you're not an idiot. Not by a long shot. You're human; of course when you see someone that have been your Bro  you'd war to meet him!" "So you made him uncomfortable; that was an accident! I don't know what you said but may be just give it time. Okay?
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> When she takes your hand you lower the one over your eyes and you look at her tiredly, gaze flickering from her to your hands before you sigh.   > You nod lightly. "Yeah... Yeah, I'll give it time. Thanks."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You give him a soft smile; though one that slowly fades from your face. "Besides, at least you still have a chance to speak with him, even if you have to wait..." > Now it's your turn to bow your head. "I.... don't.  Not anymore."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You know. But she doesn't know that. > So instead, you lean a little closer, sympathy on your face as you frown a little. "... What do you mean?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You can't give all the details. Besides it still hurts to talk about it. > But isn't that why you're here? "My friend... she passed away recently."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Hearing it from someone who wasn't responsible for the death was... An experience, to say the least. > You frown a little bit more, looking around only to find the bar almost empty, so you limp your way to the back, grabbing a bottle of sipping whiskey and two glasses with ice before you move to go around, gritting your teeth everytime your leg feels the weight, and you sit beside her, pouring whiskey for the both of you. "... Do you want to talk about it?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> It was an experience wasn't it? And strangely enough, it's similar to how you felt when your Grandpa died. > You note his leg and feel that Dirk was downplaying his injury, but you take the whiskey with a murmured thanks. "...she was my friend. A very close one. We were supposed to meet up on New Years Eve, but she was late. That wasn't like her, not without telling." "...later I got a text from her dad that she was d-dead." > You knock back the whiskey, pretending the burn is why your eyes get teary
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You sip your drink, carding a hand through your hair as you lower your shades and sigh. > You want to smoke. > But you move your free hand to rest on Jade's shoulder over her back and you give it a squeeze. "... can I ask if this was related to the fire?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Fire? Ah, yeah, that was in the papers wasn't it? Aradia's name nor her murder was but there was all sorts of speculations. "Kinda... she wasn't burned... actually I'm not even sure how she died, other than she was killed." > You lean into Dirk as you clutch your glass "She was a good person; it shouldn't have been her time..."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You know too much and when Jade leans into you, you just pull her close, tucking her head beneath your chin. "... I know how that feels." > You close your eyes. "... and I'm so sorry."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You're not able to say much, not with your throat constricting and tears threatening to spill once more. > Instead you just wrap your arms around him and hug trying to show your appreciation all the same
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> ... > You lower your glass and you wrap your now free arm around her, rubbing her back and burying your face into her hair. > This was the least you could do.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You probably stay like that for a few minutes before reluctantly pulling away. "Heh, sorry; didn't mean to cry on you." > You've been doing that too much. You gotta stop that...
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You let her pull away if she wants, but the arm closer to her stays on her shoulder. > You shake your head and you give her a small smile. "We all need to let it out sometimes. It's better if you do, instead of bottling it up, you know."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You don't mind the arm there; it's genuinely comforting "I suppose so... though then you should probably take your advice too.: > You gently prod his chest with a finger "I feel like finding your Brother is more of a bigger deal than you let on Dirk."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> The prod makes you chuckle and you shake your head. "I don't know." > You shrug and let out a heavy sigh. "I'll let it do it's own thing for now. Approach him when it's under better circumstances."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"That sounds safe. Besides maybe observing from a distance will help you figure out exactly who he is." > Information is always vital in situations like this "Though I gotta admit, the city is starting to get real crowded with all you Striders~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> That draws another chuckle from you. "It sure is, huh? All seven of us... wow."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Seven?" > Wait did you miscount? Dirk, Dave, Sock, Sock's brother, the Hal guy, now Dirk's brother... maybe Cal? But you don't know if he knows Cal so...? "Who's Strider Number Seven then?~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"There's me, Dave, Sock, the other Dirk, his Hal, me, my Hal -- of which I call Arq -- and then maybe my bro." > Shrug.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Oh! I didn't know you had a Hal of your own." > puts two n two together "Wait is this Arq the friend you were helping then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Nod. "He's the one."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Sooo does that mean you were building a robotic body for him?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"... cool." > giggles suddenly! "What's he like your Hal??"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"Well, for one thing, he isn't Hal anymore. Due to consuming some data, I've asked him if he wanted to be known by another name. So I call him Arquius now." > Card a hand through your hair. "He's AI I developed way back when."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Arquius is a unique name~" > Kinda sounds like Equius. What an odd coincidence! "Oh! Then did he come with you when you.... first arrived here?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Shake your head. "No, he came after. He... he came for me."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Oh shit "Dirk, does that mean there's a way back... to the other place?" > Hey there's still one or two bodies around
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Chew on the inside of your cheek. "It looks like it. But he's .. he's been having trouble with his plans.."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Oh..." > You feel... odd about this. You would be happy for him to go home, but you feel you'd miss him terribly "Well.... what sort of trouble?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"It's not really trouble? More of like... things stopping him from doing his plans with the danger of him being reprogrammed." > Take a loooooong sip and sigh as you put the glass down.  "And I'm scared to lose him that way."(edited)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Being reprogrammed? Oh no that doesn't sound great at all "I'm sorry Dirk... maybe... you can save some of the way he is? Just in case?" > You don't know if that is morally wrong?? Wow you need more of that whiskey
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"He told me he already had it backed up, so I trust him." > Pour yourself and her another glass of that whiskey. "I just... don't think I'll be able to handle that."(edited)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Honestly I don't think I would either." > Leans against him as you take a sip "Is there no chance to protect him form that?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You chuckle dryly. "If there was a chance or a way, I would have done everything."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> That's a good point. You fucking idiot. "I'm sorry Dirk, I really hope your friend will be safe."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> But maybe you haven't done everything. > Though you don't know how to make him seem loyal to the Felt without pissing him off to the next planet. > ... You wish it never came to this. > You lower your head. "I hope so, too."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Oh, you made him sad didn't you? > ...gently hugs him again because hugs are good; and you give the best hugs "Hey, whatever happens, you can get through it. You survived a lot so far Dirk. I doubt it's been easy but if you can handle that, you can handle this too."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You return the hug, giving her a gentle squeeze before you sigh. "... thanks Jade."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"No problem." > You give him another smile as you let go before downing your glass "...think you're off shift now?~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You look at your wrist watch and chuckle. > Nod. "Yeah. I'm off now."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Awesome." > Stands to stretch a bit "Wanna go to another bar then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You shake your head. "I'd rather not tonight. Not with this leg."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Oh right that leg! Hmm... "How about I help you back to your apartment then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"I can handle." > Shrug and get up, moving to bring the glasses to the back again. "You go on ahead."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Dirk you dumbass." > Gives him such a Look "You're not going to get home at a reasonable time without help."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You roll your eyes and shake your head. "Alright, alright. Geez."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Helps him up all the same > You are unapologetic. Nope! Not one bit. "Time to go home Strider~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Chuckle as you set away the glasses. > Lean a little against her. "I hear ya Harley."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Giggles and helps him out of the bar > Hey, maybe you'll get a glimpse of this Arq guy~
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You make your way to the apartment and you unlock the door. "Well, we're here."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Hums a little as he opens the door "You sure you're gonna be okay? You better rest your leg."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
> You are somewhere. You are places. > You are Arq, you watch.
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You nod, giving her a small smile. "I will. Thanks again."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Gives him a bright smile! "It's no problem; happy to help a friend~" > Smile turns a little more softer "Chin up okay? If you do, I will too."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You nod and you give her one last hug. "Yeah. We can do this."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Accepts the hug!!! "We can!~" > Presses a smooch to his cheek before letting go "Have a good night Dirk."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> >:O > Return the smooch. > Pull away as well. "See ya."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"That is adorable. Is that your girlfriend, bro?" > Eyes glow in the dark. SMILE.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Jumps slightly, nearly pulling out a knife "Uh... Dirk...? Is that Arquius or....?" > Look if you gotta stab someone--!
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You roll your eyes. "Yes, it's Arquius." > Turn to look inside. "And no, she's not my girlfriend, Arq."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
>Tilt your head, eyes still glowing red in the dark, you haven't moved besides that. "Then who is she?" >That's a false statement, you know her name. At least you have seen her online, well not her, but Equius has which makes it easy crunchy info for you.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"I'm Jade! Though you probably knew that already?" > If he's an AI it's probably bound to happen right? At least, you assume he knows the basic stuff "Nice to meet you!"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Sigh softly. "She's a good friend."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"You are quite smart, that is excellent. I STRONGLY support this friendship." > finally step out of the dark to a more visible and comfortable spot for all parties.  "Nice to meet you too." >Offer handshake.(edited)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Gives a pleasant smile! A friend of Dirk's is a friend of yours! "Thank you! I try~" > Ooh he looks neat! Shakes the offered hand!!
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Smile a little. "Good to know you like her too."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"Of course, I would. I don't see why not." > You like the strong handshake! "Fricking fantastic. Thanks for keeping him safe out there"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Handshakes are hugs for your hands! And you do give good hugs~ "I try my best to!~ I hope you're able to make sure Dirk rests his leg though."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Chuckle awkwardly. > Well it's not like Arq didn't already know about the leg.
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"Oh I will, I will command him to rest and dunk him to bed, and call him a noob if he doesn't"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> BI
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Giggles!!! "That sounds very effective! I leave Dirk in your capable hands then~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> BI
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"Thank you, do keep taking care of him from the dangers of the wild, he  might break if you look at him for too long tho"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Pinch the bridge of your nose. "Alright that's enough. Time for Jade to go home."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> GIGGLES MORE!  > Sorry Dirk he makes a good point~ "I promise to do my best Sir~" "Aw alright fiiine~"
January 8, 2019
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/08/2019
"Bro, you sure know how to be a party pooper. Anyway this was a pleasure Jade. I'll see you eventually."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/08/2019
> >B/
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/08/2019
"Pleasures all mine Sir!~ Hope to see you soon then." > A wink n a smile Dirk's way "Sweet dreams Strider~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/08/2019
> Smile in her direction. "See you around, Harley."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/08/2019
> Wave goodbye!
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the100theory · 6 years
The Echo, Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia of It All....
Okay, I have a theory just based off of the end of the first episode. The first episode seemed to spend a lot of time giving us parallels/callbacks to the past seasons:
Clarke swimming in the lake in a very Octavia style way from the series premiere aka 1x01 “Pilot” (also, when did she have time to learn to swim?)
Jasper’s Goggles (1x01), Maya’s iPod, and Monty’s Letter (4x01)
Lexa’s throne...if you missed this, it’s what collapsed the temple when Clarke pulled her walking stick out.
Diyoza, our new evil female badass, saying “We’re not alone.” (1x01 after Jasper got hit with the spear)
Bellamy and Echo with “Wouldn’t it be easier to step outside?” (4x13)
Octavia and Madi both being the girl from under the floor. Octavia hiding from being known since there was a one child rule. Madi hiding from the Flamekeepers so they wouldn’t find out she’s a nightblood.
Clarke driving to the music in a Raven Reyes styled manner (3x01)
The bodies were resting just like the ones from Mt Weather (2x16)
Clarke using the map skills her father taught her (1x01)
Clarke saying “I used to think that life was about more than just surviving...” (2x14) “but I’m not sure anymore. Animals don’t feel guilty when they kill. They just do it. They kill, or they get killed. I tell myself that every life I took was for a reason, but the truth is, the other side had reasons, too. The grounders, the mountain men, even ALIE—their reasons to want us dead were the same as ours. It was us or them, kill or be killed. Simple as that.” Almost similar to Bellamy’s line from season 1 to Charlotte (1x03), “You can’t afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death.”
Echo referring to her banishment (4x10) and how she almost killed Octavia (4x04 and 4x05)
This season started off as sort of a love letter to seasons past. It’s a soft reboot, and I can safely say that I am absolutely in love with it. It feels as if the show has completely started over, but at the same time it still feels like the same show.
My biggest theory refers to Octavia making the promise of Echo’s banishment. From the small glimpse we got of her, I am dead set that Octavia is going to take on an almost villain role. She’s sort of been spiraling down this path since 3x09 when Lincoln was murdered by Pike. My thoughts go back to when Octavia says, to Bellamy, after he discovered she was alive, “Octavia is dead. She died when you killed Lincoln.” We all know that Bellamy had nothing to do with Lincoln’s death, but since he had been an ally of Pike’s for a good portion of season three, it’s easy for the viewer to see how Octavia could have seen it that way. Octavia’s behavior from 3x09 through the small snippet we got in 5x01 is a downhill swoop. I personally thought she was going in a good direction around the time of the conclave in 4x10 through 4x13 since she seemed to have forgiven Bellamy by saying “I love you, big brother.”
Octavia seems to have had a hard time in the bunker. You know, since they have Fight Club™️. I do think that this is going to be a callback to the Culling from season 1, 1x05, since there are nearly 1,200 people down there and that amount of people was to be sustained in a five year time span (hint: they’ve been down there 1 year and 7 days longer than they should have). So, to deal with this, there’s rumors of Octavia having to take serious action. We know that Fight Club™️ is a bloodbath, and I presume our former Chancellor Jaha has been one of the victims as Isaiah Washington is leaving the show (I think he’s only in a handful of episodes). There is also rumor that to deal with population reduction, and the food shortage, Octavia and the bunker have become cannibals. It makes sense, and this season has already proved that the human race will do anything they can to survive...like eating dead bugs off the grill of your rover.
So, how does Echo factor into this? Well, she said it herself, “I was banished.” She was, and Octavia is unlikely to forget this detail. She despised Echo, and I’m sure she’ll hate her even more to know that she is alive (and sleeping with her brother....). Bellamy seems to be super chilled this season and just says “Octavia is the least of our worries.” Oh boy, do I have news for you, buddy. I think Octavia is going to be a huge threat to Echo, and honestly, I do think Echo will die this season, around the 5x10 marker just as our Azgedan King did in 4x10. We need Echo in the plot for tension, and she’s going to create a lot of it. She’s important to the Bellamy and Octavia storyline. They’ve been together for potentially three years (she said it took him three years to forgive her) and she probably helped him grieve for Clarke (romantic or not). However, her death I think will be a huge parallel to Lincoln. Octavia blamed Bellamy for Lincoln’s death and this left them on a huge out for almost two seasons. Bellamy clearly believes he’s in love with Echo, and if Octavia kills her. There’s no going back for those two. He thinks he still knows his sister, and six years is a lot of time. These are important years for a young adult. Octavia was still 17 when he went back with SpaceKru. Ages 17-25 are such important years for a human being, and it’s where we really learn who we are. I don’t think 23 year old Octavia will be changing any time in the future. The Octavia we will meet in “Red Queen” will be someone we might not love anymore. Echo’s potential death would make Bellamy hate his sister for the first time in his life, and cling onto something that isn’t his sister. His friends, as he’s already said, are his family. Clarke is now excluded, but I’m almost positive that they’ll fall back into old routines. So I see a huge role reversal between Bellamy and Octavia in the face of a loved one. Death motivated Octavia...I wonder what it will do for Bellamy post Praimfaya (we all know him after Gina...)
I also think Echo’s extremely important to the Bellamy and Clarke arc, hence why I think her death will happen later in the season. Bellamy has clearly been Clarke’s crutch for the last 2,199 Days. In the days post Praimfaya, she spent her solitary time talking into the radio praying he hears her. I’ve had people suggest that the messages aren’t just to Bellamy, but to me, it’s pretty obvious. Especially the one scene after she found the berries in Shadow Valley, “It’s been 58 Days. By now Monty should have the algae farm producing. How bad does it suck (no offense Monty).” Her messages all seem to be tailored to Bellamy, and she seems to miss him the most. We see her saying in the ruins of Arkadia, “What’s the point if all there is, is pain and suffering? Real cheerful, Clarke. I’m sorry. Ignore me, okay? I haven’t had water in two days....In case this is the last time I get to do this...please don’t feel bad about leaving me here. You did what you had to do. I’m proud of you.” This statement just screams that she is talking to Bellamy, and you can really tell she misses their conversations. She misses the comfort he gave her, and perhaps that’s why she radios him and not anyone else. This also makes me think that Echo and Bellamy is some tension between Bellamy and Clarke. They’ve had six years to think about those eight months on the ground. They haven’t said anything, but maybe feelings were realized? In the opening SpaceKru scene, we get Bellamy staring at Earth with an almost reminiscent look in his eye. He’s probably thinking about Clarke, just as he had when watching the scorching Earth in the season 4 finale. They’re clearly on each other’s minds a lot, Clarke says “God, this would be so much easier if I knew you were alive. If I knew I was gonna see you again.” And Bellamy seems to bring Clarke’s death into a lot of things, and like Clarke, he has also kept track of the time passed. So much so that every time it’s mentioned, he gets extra chores....he chooses Murphy.
Echo is very much the teetering point this season. She is going to be important to both of Bellamy’s story lines. She even asks what will they be once they get back to Earth. I think this is both to Octavia and, unknowingly at the time, Clarke. Once SpaceKru knows Clarke is alive, I’m fairly certain Echo will know she doesn’t stand a chance. We’ve had a lot of references of people noting their relationship. We don’t know what how Bellamy grieved, or what was said about Clarke during those six years, but we do know this:
Murphy knows Bellamy would do anything to save Clarke. He even said to him in 3x15, “You’re not the only one here trying to save someone you care about.” Octavia wasn’t in immediate danger, but Clarke was. This was after Bellamy said, “Clarke’s in trouble” and Murphy replied, “Clarke’s always in trouble.”
Jaha points out in 4x03 that “[Bellamy] keeps [Clarke] centered” to which Bellamy replied “[Jaha] got it backwards.”
Roan definitely knew, but never said anything
Abby asked Bellamy and Clarke to protect each other...she also knew (4x12)
Raven, As ALIE, said to Bellamy “Too bad you were never that devoted to Gina” (3x11).
Monty knew. He was there for two different instances. Bellamy saying in 3x02: “I CANT LOSE CLARKE....we can’t lose her.” And Bellamy saying in 4x13: “I left her behind. I left her behind, and we all die anyway.” Both those lines just break my heart.
I really think they’re using Echo as a catalyst this season. Her presence will change things, and I think she may even give us Bellarke. We didn’t see Bellamy and Echo become a thing, nor did we see them truly interact until the end of 5x01. Therefore, we don’t have any real attachment to them as we do with Bellamy and Clarke. Jason Rothenberg, the show runner, even said that this is Bellamy and Clarke’s story. So, when Bellamy says “nothing is gonna change on the ground,” we know that shit is about to go down. Long story short: “It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!”
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Memories Of Mom & Dad Playing Video Games
So no game culture wrap up this week, due to aforementioned on-going health related complications. Nothing serious, though it’s been enough for me to not only miss the majority of Death By Audio Arcade’s latest shindig, Deathmatch By Audio IX (perhaps some of you might recall my mention of XIII), but I also have to sit out on DBAA’s upcoming appearance at the Smithsonian this weekend. And that sucks.
At the very least, I’m able to catch a screening of the one film that truly encapsulates the New York City experience, that being the criminally underrated Bill Murray vehicle Quick Change, with the girlfriend. I should also be able to post something this Sunday, which is somewhat of a special day for Attract Mode, but more on that later.
In the meanwhile, wanted to share something that caught my eye on Reddit, the image above obviously. Not surprisingly, what results are various folks sharing their own fond memories, of mom or dad playing video games. Here are the stand outs…
“In 1989 my parents got divorced. I was 6. My dad went to go stay with a friend who had a kid my age, and we went there on nights we visited him.
One night I was sleeping in my friends room, my dad woke me in the middle of the night and brought me downstairs.
He and his buddy had been stuck on World 2-1 in Super Mario Bros for an hour, and had eventually got so frustrated that waking the kids seemed like the appropriate course of action
I cleared the level for him and went back to bed.”
“I was about 6 or 7, my step-dad had rented SMB2 for me. He eventually pried me away and sent us to bed that evening. When I woke up the next day, I found my 4yr old sister playing, and she was in a level I'd never seen before. Next thing I know, she was battling Wart. I knew this thanks to Nintendo Power. I watched in complete amazement as she battled him, but then I realized her movements weren't quite syncing up with what I was seeing on screen.
That's when I realized I'd been had. My step dad had stayed up until 5am beating the game and recording it on VHS - then set my sister up for the ultimate prank. He really had me going for awhile.
Another time he found a clipart collection of popular commercial logos and started sending out letters on official looking letterhead. He sent his cousin one from Coors about getting to attend the SuperBowl, and sent me one from Nintendo saying I'd been selected to beta test their upcoming 32-bit system. It had a secret code I was supposed to use when I called the number on the paper. I ended up calling a vitamin company and repeating my passphrase to one very confused customer service rep.”
“I remember my mother waking me on a school night at 2am to watch her kill Chaos in FF. That was pretty cool.”
“Dad bought a Gameboy in the early 90s for my brother and I to keep us quiet on road trips (it didn't work cos he only bought one...) And my mom got hooked on Tetris. Most of the accessories we got were bought by mom. Battery pack..a bigger battery pack. The light. The magnifier. All of it so she could keep playing Tetris.
Little while later we got Dr Mario for NES and mom got hooked on that too. I still remember the last time my mom ever played a video game. It was 7am on a Wednesday morning. I walked into the den and there she was sitting on the floor, playing Dr Mario.
‘Mom where's breakfast’
‘What're you doing up? What time is it!? Oh my god!’
She'd played Dr Mario for the entire night. She called in sick to work so she could sleep, and traded the game in for credit at a local game store the next day. Never touched Tetris again either.”
“I remember one of the first games I got for N64 was Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire. Sometimes when I'd get stuck on a level I'd ask my dad to beat it for me. I don't think he really liked video games or anything - I'm sure he'd much rather have played catch or something outside - but he'd play for hours to beat those levels for me because he wanted to spend time with me and my brothers, and that's what we wanted to do. It's one of the fondest memories I have of him. Anyway, at some point I asked him to beat the sewer level for me, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take down that tentacle boss. Then one day I managed to do it for myself. After that I knew what I had to do. I killed him and took his place as ruler of the family. Old man shouldn't have shown weakness.”
Now, this isn’t the first time that such imagery has been shared in such a forum, far from it. And still to this day, my absolute favorite example (as evidenced by the fact that I’ve written about it multiple times, for multiple places, so it’s finally Attract Mode’s turn) remains the time some dude came home to discover his mom drunk and playing Link To The Past, around 2 in the morning. Which he also had to take a picture of and share on the internet. Naturally…
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And here we have my favorite responses from that, the ones that are not quite so vulgar…
“I’m just going to say it, I’d bang your mom.”
“I played A Link to the Past with my mom when I was a kid. I used to come home from school and she would tell me about all the progress she made while I was gone. >:c”
“Sweet CRT man.”
“my mom was playing Ducktales when I was conceived.”
“Dude, clean your house.”
“Marry her”
“Seriously, Plasma and LCD prices are so cheap now. Buy a new tv, there is no excuse. A buddy and his wife had that exact tv until may this year. I got so sick of watching hockey on it at their place I went to best buy and dropped 800 on a new 50 inch plasma for them just so we could have a proper hockey party. Really people the 90′s are over it’s time to ditch the crt.”
Oh, so back to the original subject, that being folks sharing stories about a parent playing a Game Boy… I’ve got one of my own.
It was Christmas time, 1996. Up till that point, I was a freshman in art school, in New York City, my first significant chunk of time away from home. But instead of flying back to Washington State, to spend the holidays with my parents, I instead went down south to Louisiana. You see, there was this girl from high school that I was friends with, and we were just friends… until I began to develop feelings during our long phone conversations, which sprung from both of us being homesick in college (she was attending some major school in the midwest).
So the plan was for me to spend time with her, at her parents, who had just relocated down south (since it was a military household, they were reassigned). I came up with a bullshit cover story to my dad, about how I got a gig on a Rugrats motion picture, hence why I was staying put in NYC (it’s worth noting that my first legit job in school was being a telephone psychic and I accidentally predicted The Rugrats Movie years before it actually happened, yes sayin’). I had assumed that my holidays would be spent a close friend from back home, who wasn’t my girlfriend, but would become one.
Well, that didn’t quite happen. I would discover in the most awkward way possible that she didn’t feel that way about me, and early on into my two week stay. So to pass the time, I ended up just playing Game Boy… as in, I played with her dad’s Game Boy. And quite a bit. Tetris was the game, which her dad was obsessed with it. Him and I would pass it back and forth, to top each other’s high scores. The old man basically felt sorry for me;  he knew why I was there, i.e. to have sex with his daughter, but because I was so clearly crestfallen from being rejected, he tried his best to keep me distracted.
Though it’s a safe bet that he would have figured out other ways to keep me occupied if his daughter was indeed into me. Though in the end, I’m happy to say that my Game Boy Tetris skills are so good that it’s enough to beat a legit 4 star general in the United States Army.
Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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loopy777 · 8 years
Smoke and Shadow out of all AtLA comics received the most negative reaction. You said "Gene Yang has some good ideas but fails at the basic storytelling level in his AtLA comics." How do you think Smoke and Shadow plot would handle better if you were to re-write the comic?
Huh. I’ve never really considered this type of thing. I don’t think I’ve ever had the urge to rewrite a story I didn’t like; I just want it to go away and be replaced by someone else’s creative vision. More often, I’ll go into Editor Mode for stories I like but still see as flawed. For example, with ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ I’d take my red pen and cross out everything to do directly with Starkiller Base as a super-weapon, and tell the writers to replace it with something actually related to the search for Luke. They could keep the scenes built around the confrontations with Kylo Ren, and they could even still be set in the First Order’s base, but my red pen would be all over all the “We have to destroy Bigger Death Star!” stuff.
For ‘Smoke & Shadow,’ I can’t take the same approach because I don’t think there’s anything of value in the foundation to build on. About the only thing I actually like is the scene where Mai and Ty Lee meet again, and Mai does that fake over-the-top flirting with Whatever His Name Was to seduce him for terrorist-info while Ty Lee makes hilarious faces in the background. So my Editorial advice to Gene Yang would probably be, “Scrap it all and do a Buddy Comedy Spy Thriller with Mai and Ty Lee.” Written in red pen.
But I guess I could offer my own spin on each of the major plot elements, and see if that comes out to a story in the end...
Let’s start with the elephant in the room: Maiko
It’s been four years since there were any major plot advances for Maiko. My own urge is to just get the kids back together and stop dragging this out. If the plot thread had been followed immediately after the breakup, then I’d be more inclined to continue stringing it along to an epic conclusion, but this has just been ridiculous. So I’d get them back together, and to do that I’d need Zuko to have a mini-arc where he Gets Over Himself and stops only remembering that Mai exists when he can see her.
I’d start with a scene of Zuko pining for her while she’s not there. They’d meet up again at some point, and he would beg for her back again, but she’d refuse because she doesn’t know if he’ll actually communicate this time. To solve that, Zuko will need to achieve some kind of self-awareness of this problem, and figure out why he does this. Perhaps it could be because he still fears rejection from the people he loves, so he hides what he perceives as his own failures and the fallout? I think the cartoon left enough wiggle room for this to still be a problem for him without undermining any of his original arc. The solution is for Zuko to realize that this behavior is making him lose people anyway, so he finds the impetuous to start working on the problem. Mai observes this, sees that he has a new understanding of himself and the situation, and goes back to him. It’s a bit open-ended if Zuko will successfully change his behavior enough to keep Mai with him (Spoiler: Izumi), but they’re officially trying again by the end of the comic.
Okay, that’s good enough. A little trite, perhaps, but I think the end has enough nuance to get it to sail, and my main priority is being DONE with this plot. So, with that foundation (Zuko learns that fear of losing people is feeding behavior that drives said people away), we can build an action-adventure thriller to reflect that.
So, the story is about Zuko doing the same thing with the Fire Nation people. It’s established that his compromise about the former colonies isn’t 100% supported by his people. (Author’s Note: Research which classes/professions would be most burdened by this.) So Zuko’s latest policies and actions are about trying to please these people, but for every extreme action he takes (maybe honoring a grave of war criminal soldiers?) he finds opposition springing up elsewhere. It’s frustrating him, and the people perceive him as a weak, scattered ruler.
All right, so that’s Zuko’s trouble. Let’s do something similar with Ursa’s old subplot: she gave up her old identity for Zuko and Azula, and as a result Kiyi loathes and is terrified of her. Ursa’s reaction is characterized similarly to Zuko; she’s trying to hard to get Kiyi back, offering bribes and trying to force her presence on Kiyi without realizing that she’s pushing her daughter further away with the heavy-handedness. Kiyi’s perspective is that her mother has been replaced by someone (something?) else, and Ursa’s desperate behavior and simultaneous embracing of the lifestyle of being the Fire Lord’s mother isn’t helping. I’m thinking that in the end, Ursa either needs to step back from Zuko at least temporarily and try to fit back into the life and mother-role that Kiyi knew, or else she needs let Kiyi go and wait to see if her daughter ever wants her back.
And of course into this mess Azula and Ukano (Mai’s Father) are causing trouble. Here’s where the story really becomes a Thriller. I’m guessing we should also try to keep this a mystery, similar to what ‘Smoke & Shadow’ was. Because I’m a tricksy little hobbitses, I’m going to use readers’ expectations against them. Instead of showing ghosts and then going all Scooby-Doo with the revelation that they’re actually PEOPLE IN MASKS (DUN DUN DUN), I’m going to put Azula front and center in the story and on the covers and the solicitations. She’s back, and she’s coming to Zuko with a plan to help him win over the extreme holdouts while keeping the love of the moderates. Azula will become his secret delegate, doing a Nixon Goes To China deal where she goes to the extremists’ leaders and gets them on Zuko’s side.
The twist is that Azula is being completely honest. The story would portray her as dark enough - perhaps through violence, keeping secrets from Zuko, antagonizing Ursa and Kiyi, getting into a brawl with Mai and Ty Lee at some point, etc - that the audience would expect a betrayal, but it never happens. Azula really is trying to find a place in the new world by exploiting her past and Zuko’s trusting nature, but by trying to play too hard and too fast, she loses what she really wants.
Oh, hey, there’s the theme I established with Zuko and Ursa! Score! This is almost like I planned it.
(You think I’m joking. This is seriously how I plot my fanfics, complete with discovering parallels and connections after I only already typed them.)
Anyway, into that comes Ukano with his rebels, who are the REAL threat. Those punks who went down to Mai in her FCBD one-shot were actually just the local chapter of a big movement. They’re the real threat, agitating things all this time, trying to thwart Azula (while making it look like she’s betraying Zuko). After they’re discovered, they launch a big thing against Zuko, action and adventure is had, Zuko and Mai fight together at a crucial moment, Aang arrives as reinforcements when things are most desperate, Azula does something horrible that makes Zuko forsake her (for now), and the good guys win. (Author’s Note: research how to script comic books so that I can put more detail into this.) On to the final act!
Zuko sets forward knowing that he can’t please everyone, and resolves to have a more open leadership policy than any other Fire Lord in history. He’ll communicate his plans and policies and the reasons behind them, and he’ll meet with various representatives to hear what his people think and what their situations are. (That should also help with the stuff from The Promise, where he had no idea what was going on and his people petitioned him by sending assassins to his bedroom.) Similarly, he and Mai start a new romance based on honesty and mutual respect. I went over how Ursa ends up. For now, I’m leaning towards Zuko losing her as she devotes herself to really meeting Kiyi’s needs. However, there’s a bright spot, in that Kiyi promises to write him letters. Or something. I dunno.
Azula flees. She doesn’t want to be a hunted criminal, she wants a place in this new world, but she hasn’t figured out yet how to become a person who can live in this world. She knows the principles without understanding them. She disappears again, either to come back in a future storyline or get her own graphic novel illustrated by Livio Ramondelli.
Okay, there we go. I guess that’s how I’d rewrite it. My working title is “Let it go, Indiana.” I’ll let my editor come up with something more marketable based on the finished script.
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silence-burns · 8 years
WRONG //part3
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Word count: 1884
Summary: Reader helps the team catch the unsub.
A/N: The epilogue will be posted on Friday. Thank you so much for enjoying this mini-series so much :)
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The silence that fell after your words was deafening. You could hear your own blood pumping through your veins, rushing with adrenaline. You could be wrong, but it didn’t seem possible. Anybody could make a mistake, but sometimes being right was far worse.
“What… What do you mean?” Prentiss stuttered, shocked by the drastic change in your attitude.
You looked at her, at first not realising that she was serious, but then you remembered where you have been. It was not the desert. There was no sand, no blood. At least not yet. You cleared your throat.
“Jon was… Jon is a monster,” You said with utter certainty. “You need more men, more patrols on the streets, you need to search through every valley, every corner…”
“Wait a minute, slow down,” The woman stopped you, sitting you down on a chair Spencer brought up with a deep frown on his face.
You took a deep breath, rubbing your face. The visions flashing behind your eyes were all too vivid to forget them once they got out.
“You may talk to us, we need every piece of information,” Spencer assured you softly, sitting on the  chair next to you.
You nodded.  
“There was… There was this one mission, back in Iraq,” You managed to say with your head still down. “I was injured, so I stayed in the camp. They had sent an usual team, nine members, to the city. There was an informant that was supposed to tell us something important, but we lost the communication via radio, so they sent them. I knew all of them, I have known about their families, I have known the names of their kids. And they never came back – all except of one.”
“And that was Jon,” Prentiss guessed.
You snorted madly, pure hatred blazing in your eyes.
“There was an attack and that part is true. At that time I was sitting in the office, tuning the broken radio and I caught their frequency. I’d heard their commands, the gunshots, I could recall their positions. Do you know what I’d heard after all of that ended?” You raised your head, looking them straight in the eyes. “’Jon, where is the team?’”
“I don’t think I understand…” Spencer frowned, a dreadful suspicion growing in his head.
“He killed them,” You almost growled. “Five of them have been killed by the opposite formation and the rest by Jon. And you know what the tops did? They gave him a fucking medal of bravery, because no one believed my words. Great soldier, very skilled, the best one we had – I’d heard that for weeks and I almost vomited every time I heard his name. At least he got discarded few years later.”
“That was the reason you left the army?” Spencer guessed, recalling a very laconic note in your files.
“One of them,” You confirmed, coming back to reality.  
“So what do we do now?” Prentiss asked, and you were grateful for changing the subject. You didn’t want to talk about your personal life. “Do you know where we can find him?”
“No, but I can ask my buddies. Maybe they have seen him somewhere. For now, I can give you a rough description if you need it,” You shrugged, trying to hide a shiver that ran through you.
“That’s a good idea, I’ll inform the team,” Prentiss rushed from the room, leaving you and Spencer alone.
“I need my phone,” You stated. He looked at you without understanding. “You took it away.”
“Oh, right,” He stood up quickly, a small blush reddening his cheeks as he went to the lockers with files and evidence as you supposed. He searched in the big boxes stuffed with things, trying to hide his face from you.
“What are you going to do when you find Jon?” You asked when he handed you your phone. You unpacked it from the foil. “I was serious when I said you need more men. If he gets wind of a trap, it will end bloody.”
“We’re still not sure if he’s our unsub,” Spencer objected but there was no assurance in his voice.
“But you should still be prepared.”
“They will be.”
You shook your head, giving up the conversation. You searched the old contacts, starting to call everyone you have known from the army. There weren’t many numbers.
Faking a good mood and small-talking drained you from all the energy quicker than you ever expected. False smiles seemed to carve on your face. You wanted to scrub them off, but you still had to do your work.  
Spencer tried to give you as much space as he could without exiting the room, which he couldn’t do because you were still not clear from suspicions and he was instructed to keep an eye on you. Talking with old ‘friends’ made you visibly uncomfortable and he felt sorry that you had to do it. From the look on your face he had seen that the first conversations didn’t go well. The frustration was a natural reaction given your position, but it didn’t stop you from still trying to reach at least a few more people, pulling all the strings you have had on them. Spencer admired your engagement and stubbornness.  
After two more coffees and half an hour of coping with people’s moods, you suddenly found someone valuable. You gestured to Spencer vigorously, turning up the volume on your phone to let him hear too.
“So when did you see him last time?” You asked casually, not letting your emotions show in your voice even though the excitement was overwhelming.  
“Geez, I don’t know, somewhere near the river I guess…,” The man said lazily, laughing at something in the background.
“I have to give him back the money, Charles,” You pushed. “He said he needed it but then his phone died, I guess. Come on, Charles, you need to help me. You know how he is when he’s mad.”
“Yeah, right… I’m not saying anything, but you should probably check the Marty’s bar at the river. Jon was freaking out lately so better hurry up if you don’t want to piss him off more…”
You didn’t let him finish, disconnecting with a satisfied huff. You looked at Spencer with happiness in your eyes, still not believing you finally got any information. Spencer was already dialing a number, waiting for a response.
“You need to have as many men as you can get,” You mouthed to him. “Jon is crazy.”
He nodded, speaking to his teammates.  
“Yes, yes we are,” He said to someone. “I can get there in less than thirty, wait there.”
Spencer stood up, moving to the door and you shadowed him. He stopped, not letting you go.  
“You can’t,” he said apologetically. “You aren’t an officer, you cannot enter that place…”
“I know Jon and he knows me,” You replied stubbornly. “He is armed and wants to go down with as many men as he can possibly get. If I can get to him before he realizes the police are there, I may stop the massacre.”
“We still don’t know if he even is there, please, just stay…”
“It will be too late!” You shouted suddenly, shocking both of you. “I couldn’t help my men in Iraq back then and now you’re telling me to repeat the same thing? I won’t. You may put me in custody, you may lock me up, but I will get away anyway. Time’s running out, Spence. Are you ready to have those people’s lives on your shoulders?”
He opened his mouth to say something, but the words were all wrong and bereft of certainty. He could lie that everything was under control and that the FBI and local police department was going to do just fine, but at the same time he was fully aware of how rough this particular job was. They couldn’t find the right man for over a week and that resulted in five deaths. How many more were there going to be? How many more could they risk without suffering from scorching stings of remorse?
He looked down, not being able to look you in the eyes. You were free of any doubts and ready to sacrifice your safety. You were glowing in the thick darkness surrounding you.  
“You need to wear a bulletproof vest,” He said finally, making his way out. You followed him, a wide smile appearing on your lips. “And remember, I’m not authorized to make this kind of decision, so agent Hotchner may still forbid you to do this.”
“Then I will let you do this your way, knowing that I did everything I could,” You replied without thinking. Spencer didn’t answer, hoping for it to happen.
The bar was almost empty; lazy tunes were playing in the background. The thick cloud of cigarettes’ smoke was irritating your nose, but you were afraid of sneezing. Something was electrifying the atmosphere; it was raising the hair on your neck and arms and making your heart skip a beat every few steps. Dryness in your throat felt like razors. You saw him.
After leaving the army, Jon staled visibly, becoming a completely different person than merely years ago. The moment your vision met, you knew he was the killer. His cold eyes glued to yours.
“I didn’t think I would ever meet you again,” He said casually, pushing his half-drunk beer away.
“I suppose fate is full of unexpected events,” You forced yourself to keep moving towards him even though every fibre in your body was yelling for you to stop. It could work. Jon didn’t consider you a threat, you could see it in his slow, sloppy movements.
“Not all of them are unexpected.” Jon raised an eyebrow in the same manner he used to years ago.
In the corner of your eye you saw a movement that was not supposed to happen. Your impulse was faster than your thinking. You jumped forward, just at the moment Jon pushed his hand under his coat.  
You gripped a cold, freezing metal when you felt two small strikes on your stomach, but you didn’t hear anything for a while when everything slowed down. You noticed the boiling anger on Jon’s face and many people rushing through the door behind his back, but you didn’t hear any screams nor shots, pushing yourself into Jon’s firm body, not letting him pull a grenade with his second hand.  
The world became cold and dark when many bodies pulled you away, almost covering Jon completely. Someone appeared in your sight, but you didn’t recognize him. The silence was making you drift away from annoying coldness and lights hurting your eyes.  
Feeling fulfilled, you let yourself collapse into the soft nothingness.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Shadow of the Comet – Flight of Icarus
By limbeck
Things have progressed more smoothly in this session, with a bit of excitement and a lot more exposition. I finished the previous one after getting a quest from Mr UNDERHOUSE to get a diary from the Mayor’s safe and with Miss PICOTT vehemently refusing to give me her Bible. I need the Bible to find the aforementioned safe’s combination.
No amount of talk seems to change Miss PICOTT’s mind, so I leave her and do some more walking around. My wanderings bring me to MYER’s shop again. He obviously does not mention WILBUR or keys casually left on counters, but he gets to what he knows best: business. He tells me he received a lot of nice new goodies overnight, such as a cheap locket, an even cheaper brooch and more photosensitive plates. I buy the lot, because I still have access to Mr GRIFFITH’s funds. I feel quite satisfied with my purchase, but as soon as I get out of the store, the pin falls off the brooch.
I have been scammed!
I go immediately inside to ask for a refund, but MYER just acts as if everything is in order. I decide to roll with the punches and see the positives. The pin I now have in my inventory may still be used to pick a lock. Not the one in the cemetery though.
I pay a visit to CURTIS’s shack, but he is not in. I wonder if he is dead, like poor JUGG. In the tavern, ZEKE again offers me some of his water for beer and mocks me when I don’t buy one.
Sorry, I just spent $3 on a broken brooch and a fake silver locket.
I then go to the pharmacy and order three more pills, just to be on the safe side. I have money and I want to be alive to spend them. Dr COBBLE was seen leaving the pharmacy but I could not interact with him. It is nice that the NPCs seem to follow their own schedule. It is not critical to gameplay, but it is a nice touch. They are simple actions, but most of them are realistic and help with the immersion and the feeling that you are indeed in a living town.
Further down, I come across BISHOP outside of the Archives. I approach him and try to talk to him about TYLER, but he gets scared and says he indeed has something to tell me, but at a place and time to be determined later. With that, he leaves.
Finally I am back in front of the post office and in the company of Miss PICOTT. I try to give her the brooch, but she is offended that I try to “buy her respect” with worthless shiny baubles. I double my bet, offering her the $2 locket instead of the $1 brooch and she happily accepts and trades me her Bible for it.
Just before I propose to Miss PICOTT
Reading the Bible, I get three options:
Austin, errr John 3:16 from Saint PAUL’s epistles
Peter doing something in front of some 120 people from the Acts of Apostles
The Number of the Beast from the Apocalypse
Well, we needed a number that symbolises evil to open the Mayor’s safe. I am pretty sure that the Number of the Beast fits that role perfectly. But we first need to get to the safe. The Mayor is rarely at his office, which is good, but access to it is forbidden by his very diligent and busy clerk. So, I go to the Town Hall ready for a confrontation with a clerk.
He seems to have called in reinforcements
I arrive just in time the annual town hall clerk conference or it’s just lunch break. When I try to talk to anybody, I find out that I am facing a dialogue puzzle. It takes me a few tries to get it right:
I first tell that I need to go to the Mayor’s office (yes, in his absence)
Then I try to bluff my way in and tell him that the Mayor himself invited me to admire Illsmouth from his window. The clerk, Mr SWING, swallows it hook, line and sinker and concludes that I am the photographer.
I correct him that I am a reporter and I am free to walk upstairs.
I walk in the Mayor’s office. There’s nothing interesting in it apart from the safe, hidden behind a painting.
Not that hard to spot if you want my opinion
I open it and get to the task of opening it. I am presented with three slots with very slowly sliding numbers. I put 666 and hope for a satisfying click, but I am disappointed. Apparently the Number of the Beast itself is not evil enough. I try a couple more times and I get arrested.
I try again after reloading. I suppose I am given three tries to get it right (or infinite with reloading). I must note that the Bible is not working any more, so I should have noted down what I read.
A screenshot would also work I suppose
After a bit of thought, I put the page number in the Bible, where the number of the Beast is mentioned. So, either all Bibles have the exact same layout or there is just the one Bible in town and they pass it around. Either way, it doesn’t really make much sense as a solution, but I only had a few options, so I will not complain much.
When I open the safe, I find a diary and a cigar case. I take both. But now that I have the diary, I find that I cannot give it to UNDERHOUSE or use it. UNDERHOUSE in particular congratulates me for taking it and then tells me to put it back where I found it.
Was this some kind of initiation challenge?
I am seriously confused this time, so I walk around the town again. The fact that all NPCs are still where I left them indicates that the scene I am playing in has not yet changed. I have noticed that once I reach a milestone, all NPCs just move to different locations. Walking around this time just gives me the same dialogues.
I do come across CURTIS and GREENWOOD (the blind man) walking out of the latter one’s house and into the forest. I follow them, but I lose them as soon as I enter the forest. Are they buddies from old out for a walk?
While in the forest, I decide to try and use the cigar case. Nothing happened there. I focus on the ‘there’, because as soon as I return to the village, PARKER takes initiative and unscrews the case. Inside it is a deposit note. I head to the post office, but I cannot use it. I return to the Mayor’s office and now I can read the notice! It is about a parcel delivery under WILBUR’s name. Reading of the notice IN the Mayor’s office make me think that I can only read the diary in there. I am correct. I sit on his desk and receive the first batch of exposition for the day.
I am not that interested in you, JONAS. Feel my indifference
The diary belonged to JONAS HAMBLETON, father of WILBUR and CURTIS. JONAS made his fortune at sea and signed an unholy pact with NARACKAMUS and an ancient god of the sea, named Dagon, in exchange for immortality. He sacrificed or offered (it’s not clear) his wife to that foul being and in return, he got his two sons. JONAS claims that some plans of theirs were foiled by BOLESKINE, but he also says that time means nothing to him and the stars will be right again. WILBUR has the gift of “begging to the stones”, whatever that may mean. JONAS’s burial place is where earth, sky and water come together. Could that be a beach or something? Finally, he speaks about some families (four in number) and the same number of statuettes, which he guards in his crypt. According to my journal, I need to find these 4 statuettes and wait for the comet to pass to stop those 4 families. I must say that the narrative during the cutscene could use some improvement. It was too dry and not up to Lovecraftian standards. Anyway, it seems as if JONAS is still alive.
Thanks for the hint JONAS
After reading the diary, I put it back in the safe and walk to the post office, a bit shaken I must admit. Miss PICOTT and CYNTHIA are gone from the front of the post office, which signals that something has changed in the game. I’ve reached a new milestone.
Walking to Ms WEBSTER at the post office counter, I give the notice for WILBUR’s package and she hands me the package without many questions. Now, I would find that very funny if I had not had some horrible experiences with the post service here in Ireland recently. Anyway, I wonder why the Mayor would keep WILBUR’s delivery notice in his safe.
The parcel contains a frock, like the one that WILBUR wears. He only buys his ritual cloaks in Boston I am told. Later, I meet Mr COLDSTONE, who offers me a drink at his house. I hadn’t saved for a while, so I decline, but I am sure this would be another death scene. One of my responses could have been that I was going to the Lighthouse. Why would I go there? Is it where JONAS’s tomb lies? Maybe I’ll take the not so subtle hint and go there. At least I have the proper disguise for it.
But closed minds prevent me from putting it on
Before I visit the lighthouse though, I decide to go to the cemetery, in case the tomb is there. On my way I meet Mr BISHOP, who offers me his help, as he believes I have come to lift the curse that haunts Illsmouth. I also learn that the HAMBLETONS are out for me. I still cannot get in the cemetery, so I head to the lighthouse.
Whenever I try to put the frock on in the open, I am interrupted by the locals (in one case CYNTHIA, who threatens to call the police). For me this is a nicely executed comic relief in the game. I go to my room, but still cannot change there. Sometimes you just can’t get rid of a bomb.
After failing to set myself free of the conformism that clothes bring, in various locations, I succeed to change behind the well and only behind the well.
Modesty for the fourth wall
I then go to the gate for the lighthouse, which is guarded by the two gorillas. I grunt at them when given the option and they let me pass. I suppose being more articulate would give away that I am not WILBUR.
At the base of the lighthouse, I take the frock off and try to find a way in. With the door locked, there is only one way in and that is through the window, by using the rope ladder I had picked up very early from outside CURTIS’s place.
Have I mentioned already how deep in the uncanny valley these cutscenes lie?
I run to the top of the lighthouse, where I realise that the two goons were not fooled for long by my disguise and are after me. I lock the door to the balcony, but something tells me that I am again in a time-constrained puzzle. Fortunately I only have a limited number of objects to use and interact with. A sundial has a mechanism which opens and reveals a set of wings. There is also a lamp that has a candle in it.
If I try to use the wings, I fly off the balcony and crash to death like a proper idiot. Fortunately I happen to recall the myth about the flight of Icarus, who flew too high and the sun melted the wax that held his wings together. Now, if only I had a source of wax… I take the candle and place it on the ground. I try using the wings again, thinking that I would use them on the candle, but the candle is not lit and I get a Wile. E. Coyote death again.
Third time is the charm and this time I first use my magnifying glass to light the candle and use the melted wax from it to strengthen the wings. I can then use the wings to fly safely away and land in the middle of the gypsy camp in the forest.
The lighthouse is far to the right, but I seemed to fly in from the south.
It was satisfactory to solve this puzzle, simple as it was. I like it when I can use an item multiple times during a game. In this case, it was the magnifying glass. I don’t expect a sonic screwdriver or a passe partout, but I see no reason to discard potentially useful items after using them only once in a puzzle.
On the other hand, the whole lighthouse sequence didn’t really make sense. I learned nothing out of it and it only progressed the plot in a ridiculous manner. Who keeps a set of wings on top of a lighthouse? Why couldn’t I just find the gypsies just by wandering through the forest? Why did I want to go to the lighthouse in the first place?
Back to the gypsy camp, I speak to the fortune teller, who is the only person or thing I can interact with, and I am treated to my second exposition sequence of the session. This one features Lord BOLESKINE himself, who tells me that I have to repeat what he did 76 years ago and stop the cult of the Ancient Ones (and get mad in the process I suspect). All the exposition is given in a nicely stylised scene in ochre tones. I liked this one better than JONAS’s diary.
It can also be used as a puzzle screen for Gobliins 2.
Lord BOLESKINE tells me that Illsmouth was built where an ancient temple used to stand. A temple, in which horrific sacrifices to the Ancient Ones were performed by a sorcerer. When the comet passes in two days, I will have to stop their unholy plan to bring those extradimensional horrors back to Earth. What I must do is go to where JONAS HAMBLETON is buried, which I assume must be in the cemetery.
It is night again when I get out of the forest and head to the cemetary. Outside of the pharmacy I meet Mr BISHOP again, who tells me that Dr COBBLE has proclaimed JUGG’s death a suicide, but he does not believe it. I don’t believe it either. BISHOP seems as if he wants to run away, but he also mentions a cemetery key. I ask him for it and he gladly lends it to me. I’ll next go to the graveyard, but I want to have a quick walk around first, because the scene has again changed and I need to be sure I have not missed something.
I feel vindicated. In front of MYER’s shop there is some rotten fish in the bin. I pick it up to cover my own smell of fear.
I use BISHOP’s key and I enter the cemetery, which I must say is very nicely drawn.I see a light at the keeper’s house, but I’d rather ignore it for now. Wandering around, I pick up a bar and a piece of rope. I also notice some named tombs: PRATT, ELIZABETH SULLIVAN, BELLA BLASKO, but I cannot see any use for them. So, I ignore them and go in the crypt, which has even nicer artwork.
Artwork from cemetery and crypt. I like the use of colours
The gate to get deeper is barred, but nothing that a good iron bar cannot open. Of course I drop to my death again, because I forgot to tie the rope and use it to climb down. Once I do so, I arrive at the beginning of what I remember was a horrible maze.
I will stop the session here with the realisation that I never went to pick those three pills from the pharmacy. I hope I will not come to regret it. I expect a full showdown in the next session, which will result in insanity or, if I am lucky, in my death.
Session time: 1:40 Total time: 7:40
Sanity lost: 5 from the double exposition Total sanity lost: 17 (I need more candles. Leave no shadow alive. I can still hear that violin from under the bed.)
Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There’s a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. Please…try not to spoil any part of the game for me…unless I really obviously need the help…or I specifically request assistance. In this instance, I’ve not made any requests for assistance. Thanks!
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/shadow-of-the-comet-flight-of-icarus/
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