#season 5 theory
lazilybeinglassie · 1 month
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So I have a theory . . .
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Mike is a tool // theory
@booksandpaperss convinced me that Vecna purposefully started his plan only when Mike was out of town. But it’s not because Mike is a threat! It’s because Mike is a tool! The thing that matters isn’t that Mike left Hawkins. The things that matters is that Mike went to California!!!!
“When blue meets yellow in the west” -> the code doesn’t emphasize Mike leaving Hawkins, it emphasizes Mike visiting Will in California!!!! Vecna wants to reach Will but he can’t because Will is too far away! So he starts his attacks shortly before Mike leaves for California because he knew when they’d find out about the killings, Mike and Will would want to go back to Hawkins to help their friends!! Mike would take Will with him on his way back to Hawkins!! It was never about Mike leaving Hawkins!! It was about Mike bringing Will back!!
Vecna has his trance-mind-search-thing where he looks for people just like Professor X when he uses Cerebro in the X-Men! He can’t reach Will with it but he can reach Mike!! So he knew Mike would leave for California for spring break! And he knows what Mike feels for Will! And he also knows what Will feels for Mike because Will has been in love with him since way before he moved away!!! When Vecna was still able to reach him!
Vecna knows how important Mike is so he purposefully doesn’t kill him…….because you should never kill your hostages!!
Vecna knows that when he holds Mike hostage {in s5}, he can blackmail Will and it will work! Will will offer to hand himself in under the condition that Vecna lets Mike go!! And that is what Vecna wants!! He wants Will to join him! And he uses Mike as a tool to get what he wants!
Mike is the key to getting Will to join Vecna…..
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anshika2006 · 1 year
So I have a stranger things s5 theory what if after vecna is dead or defeated the time goes to in future and the year is 2020 or something like that and all the party members are telling this story to their kids.
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nances · 2 years
In season 2, Joyce pleads "No more secrets". But what if there's more to his 'now-memories' than just the map of Lover's Lake? We never got a clearer picture of what he was seeing/feeling and of course it makes sense for him to not reveal any of 001's secrets seeing as he was possessed by the mind flayer.
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I think superspy Will is indeed making a comeback (and so is S2 byler dynamic, hopefully) I think he, somewhere in his subconscious, knows more than is shown on screen, but he's either not aware of it or he's repressed some of the events that occurred in season 2 (an understandable trauma response.) Will encountering vecna next season might actually get them to gain an advantage; what if, when coming into contact with 001's mind, all of these 'now-memories' reawaken? What if this is indeed a HP-type scenario, where upon attempting to cause harm to an innocent child, the evil imposes a surprising advantage upon them, which said child is able to use against them?
I can picture Will having intel on Henry's past if his memories were indeed transferred to him through contact with the mind flayer and him and El working together to defeat Henry in season 5. Perhaps El is able to probe Will's mind, and that's how we learn about the mythos of the upside down in more depth? Bc ngl im tired of the "villain spills evil master plan" trope being used as exposition lmfao
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vrgie · 2 years
A common theory amongst us byler’s is that the reason why Mike called Eleven for nearly a year is because of survivors guilt and he didn’t want to accept that someone he cared for died in the means of saving him.
I think it’s different though. I believe he called her for nearly a year, simply because he literally saw her after the scene in his school. When he was getting interrogated in his house. He saw her visibly alive. And so did the government which is why they went out to look for her in the woods. I believe Mike called Eleven for nearly a year because he knew she was alive due to him seeing her that day.
Adding onto my point, the fact that we were giving a scene at the end of season 1 with Mike witnessing El alive after everything but we never got a scene where he goes out to look for her speaks a lot about what he felt towards her. If he truly believed he loved her the first moment he saw her, wouldn’t he go out and look for her just like how he did for Will?
If anything, he should’ve been more set on finding Eleven then he was with Will because he literally saw her alive and well giving him solid hope in comparison to Eleven just stating she knew where Will was in Season 1.
The contrast between these 2 situations speaks volumes about Mike’s true feelings towards Eleven , debunking his empty love confession is volume 2. He simply can’t have known he loved her from the moment he saw her when that’s how he acted
. And Eleven knows this.
Actions speaks louder then words Michael Wheeler!
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local-hyena-reblogs · 2 years
Little theory of mine guys
As you know, the Freddie episode just wrecked everyone's mind. We hate Nandor more or less, we hope Marwa turns back into Marwa, we are very sad about Guillermo... but also Nadja and Laszlo. As someone said, they all loose something deeply important to them : Guillermo lost his first real boyfriend, Laszlo lost his child, Baby Colin lost his childhood, Nadja lost her club and Nandor lost Guillermo's trust. Guys, the situation is very bad, very critical for all the characters. And holestly, I don't think that What We Do In The Shadows is the kind of show that has a bad ending. It cannot end well at this point, not in one episode. There will be a 5th season. All I was hoping for in season 4 was nandermo becoming canon, but now I don't want it to be, not like this, not in this context.
So here's what I think will happen next : Guillermo will leave. He'll give up on his dream of becoming a vampire (dream that, let's face it, would never have become real anyway), tell Nandor what he felt for all these years, and here I am talking about how he was treated like shit, and then leave the vampires to live with his family, or even on the street, or even maybe somewhere else ! Nandor will become completly heart-broken. Maybe he'll even try super slumber again ?
For Nadja, Laszlo and Colin, thing will not go well either. Colin, hitting his puberty (and emo phase) will become less respectful towards Laszlo. Their relationship will perish eventually. Laszlo will be heartbroken, because he feels like he lost what he was trying to build, what he wanted to have : a son. A fatherhood. (Now, I don't know if vampires can be pregnant. Maybe Nadja doesn't want kids ?).
Nadja, on the other hand, is already heartbroken : her night club is falling apart without Baby Colin.
So that's it. That's how the season ends. Now, how about that possible season 5 ?
As someone else said, in the Freddie episode, Nandor fucked up pretty bad, as he often does. But this time, he realises it, wich is a first for him. That's what the episode was about. So maybe, season 5 will (partially) be about Nandor's redemption. About Nandor realising he has been acting like a fool, childish sometimes, dumb as fuck most of the time. And maybe, just maybe, he will try to fix things. Maybe he will run after Guillermo. Maybe he will finally turn him into a vampire. Maybe he'll do something about Marwa/Freddie. Maybe he will help Nadja and Laszlo, maybe he'll take care of Baby Colin. I don't know. We don't know. But I hope things will get better.
anyway, that was just something I was thinking about recently. Have fun with the last episode, we'll see how it ends.👋👋
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originalbastard · 2 years
Lumax and Byler parallels in season five theory.
So it looks like Will I’d definitely getting vecna’d very soon after he they arrive in Cali. And if there is one thing we can establish from season 1 and 2 and many scenes from 3 and 4 is that if Will is in danger, Mike’s entire focus is on him.
Mike already knows Will is feeling him and we see in the final scene, Mike seems to be sticking close to Will.
When the bar bleeds start. Mike would be the first to notice and wipe the blood off his face, maybe lingering touch.
As the symptoms get worse or possession occurs, Mike would only be more and more focused on Will.
Eventually likely leading to a scene much like the final scene with Max and Lucas. Where Will is in headphones and Mike right beside him.
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absolutechaosebrain · 2 years
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Trying to talk season 5 theory’s with my mother is not very satisfying….
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Woe to the man, the dark-eyed sailor
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Ship’s adrift, and the sea’s his jailor
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Drag him down,
Down, down, down
Down in the wicked depths below
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paracosmicat · 1 year
Gabriel didn’t just threaten to kill Felix, he actually attempted it.
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With what we know now, putting the akuma in his ring was a death sentence.
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If Felix hadn’t rejected the akuma then not only would Ladybug and Chat Noir have to break the ring but when they did they would have found both a feather and the akuma and WHO WANTS TO BET THEY WOULD HAVE HAD THE KNOWLEDGE TO NOT PURIFY BOTH.
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Poor kid had to fight for his life, literally. We know how hard it is to reject the akumas but he didn’t have a choice, did he?
Also, consider this both proof that Gabriel was aware of this fact AND proof that Gabriel is just so so stupid..so stupid.
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"The baker girl".
This is how people like Chloé or Gabriel have been referring to Marinette in a mean and mocking way throughout the seasons, as if this was something she should be ashamed of.
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The fact that her Lucky Charm turned out to be a baker's peel and she used it to beat the crap out of Monarch is so symbolic and powerful.
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lazilybeinglassie · 5 months
Monkie Kid Theory! Watch this age terribly!
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Look, as the days tick by, I'm more and more convinced this could happen in the future. Not sure if it will be season 5, but that doesn't mean future seasons won't count.
I should emphasize this is gonna be 99% wrong and mostly just me thirsting for angst. But the way I see it, thematically and arc wise, it would make the most sense.
Wukong has literally ran from death his whole life, fearing it. For it to be his final conflict after settling the score with Macaque, it would be pretty cool to see it all come full circle as he faces the end of his life, knowing this was inevitable. Even more so, this could be a chance to do a proper handing over the torch moment for MK, letting him know he's finally ready to be the Monkie Kid and forge a new journey.
Plus imagine the after effects of Macaque, who has to keep on living with what was left behind. Maybe even give him this moment where he has to deal with the fact that he didn't handle their issues well, and reflect on who is gonna be now that he doesn't have anyone to seek revenge on. Come on, I know full well Macaque didn't move on, season 4 didn't convince me of anything.
Yes, I know, he is immortal. But since when have the writers not played fast and loose with plot elements. Ala Samadhi Fire, season 3 with Lady Bone Demon and Wukong's powers. So I would not be surprised if they found a way to make a loop hole at some point.
Do I think I'm right? No. Do I feel like there is a chance? A sliver of one. And I'm willing to let the internet roast me for my opinion cause I wanna make a gamble and have fun with a crazy theory like this!
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violetjedisylveon · 1 month
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That's where I think Erlang has been through all this, he's patching things up with his nephew Liu Chenxiang and missed his uncle dying, how convenient for Li Jing.
@pillowdrawz drew the last meme, it's very good
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freefalasteen · 2 years
El has closed gates before but the new one is so big they are going to need a lot of help. I think El and Hop are going to go on a trip to find Kali and a bunch of other superpowered people if they can, while the rest work on a way to kill 001 so the problem doesnt happen again.
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strollthroughstars29 · 11 months
The awakening movie was so impactful, but its strongest aspects were its subtleties.
The way it starts with Master Fu saying that together Ladybug and Chat Noir possess something stronger than death and in the end Gabriel says the only thing that is, is love.
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How the movie uses symbolism to highlight Marinette's connection to Plagg and with extension Adrien AT EVERY STEP. From Alya calling her a catastrophe magnet to her hearing a cat before entering the alleyway where she first meets Tikki to EVEN REVEALING HER IDENTITY TO ADRIEN BY WEARING A BLACK MASK!
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How Marinette uses a book with a black cat cover to hide herself from Adrien but at the same time reveals a glimpse of his future to him!
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The one thing that truly broke my heart was when Chat asks Ladybug to "give it time to grow" as if he has always expected love to gradually arise and never to be loved instantly. Like he looked at his father, every day, hoping that if he keeps being dutyful, keeps listening and obeying, his father will grow to love him.
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dandelion-roots · 6 months
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[ID: a digital redraw of the scene where chuuya shoots dazai in the shoulder. on the top of the drawing is chuuya holding a guy to dazai's head in the red and grey hallways of the prison. on the bottom of the drawing is dazai's pained face. the gunshot is shown stylistically as hectic lines behind his bloody shoulder. over the image is half a quote from goncharov that reads 'if we really were in love you wouldn't have missed.' the signature says dandelion-roots. end ID]
This quote from Goncharov (1973) in relation to soukoku has been haunting me from before I even got to that scene in the anime (the full thing is: Katya- Of course we're in love, that's why I tried to shoot you/ Goncharov- If we really were in love you wouldn't have missed). Violence as a tool for communicating emotions, especially love and hatred, especially love and hatred makes me go feral- how could I not think of the iconic quote that says that katya's miss was a sign of a lack of love/a fake love when chuuya didn't miss? Just... losing it over here.
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