#anyway. enjoy the bug man in polish flavor!
jerrythebug · 25 days
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It's speak your language day and I only found out super late so have some Polish Beetles!
More details under the cut
Ted Kord the Blue Beetle is Polish in Poland AU, how about that? I got excited thinking about it a couple days ago and did two fast doodles.
For once, he wouldn't be grocery shopping at Żabka store, as much as I personally like it, because żabka means froggy and frogs are bug's natural enemies. No, Ted would be shopping at Biedronka store instead for obvious bug reasons (biedronka means ladybug). For this headcanon I drew him in a Biedronka t-shirt cause their logo is super cute! I myself own such t-shirt.
Smoking is pretty European in general and thankfully that's changing - it's a slow change, but it's happening. More people vape nowadays which is just as bad, but I digress. However, good old smoking can look cool on drawings and it is a stereotypical activity to accompany the Slav Squat, as pictured above, so Polish Ted would be a smoker. He's trying to quit and doesn't smoke as much as he used to, but still you can find him squatting by the commie blocks smoking or drinking some off brand energy drinks.
For the squatting pic I also gave him an ugly gray vest which is something polish dads wear for their fishing trips. It's known for its numerous pockets, I think Ted would like having a lot of pockets for his various gadgets. Also I exchanged his cowl for this cool hat thing he had in Justice Riders, just because I think it looks cool and fits the vibes, no other reasons. That's the reasoning behind fingerless gloves as well - I love them and I think they look cool.
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nellynee · 2 years
Trollstopia Blindblogging: episode 5a - Manager Poppy
 I actually lost the first half of this (Poppy had trapped Val with taffy) so while I’m going to redo the important bits I’ll be missing quite a bit of the mid blogging speculations WHEEEE
Ok there was actually a moment at the end that really, really impressed me. And Val has yet to bore me, she’s a delight at every turn. 4/5 with a recommend to definitely watch. I can’t quite give it a 5/5 I’m saving that for rare special episodes should I find them. But it’s a very high 4
(The theme song is really growing on me. started looping it on youtube that's part 1 of my crazy)
Making note now too that instead of digging into what they enjoy, we seem to be back at rock and I wonder if they are just gonna rotate the tribes?
“I can’t tell if you’re upset or if this is just your regular face” Now I’m wondering if Val has resting Bitch Face or if it’s just a Poppy thing
Given my fast and loose percolations for the last year on Troll Genders and cultural nuances lets just say I’m very interested in the Band Manager Job
That is a totally probable amount of scenery puncturing for that hair btw. Ever try to get hair spikes that long? They are more product than hair by mass at that point. Pure cement.
Trollstopia just pulled a Yzma on that poor Troll
(I fully approve of Demo BTW can not wait to see more)
Demo, being facetious: “Glitter and Cupcake goodtime jamboree” Poppy, completely serious: “Yes that is something we do go on”
Given how I’ve been headcanoning that acids as a flavor profile originates in the Ocean with the Techno Trolls but is occasionally enjoyed in costal Rock communities as a natural byproduct of purifying ocean water to be consumed as a loose analogy for salt.... In my head Val’s “Extreme Sour Blaster Puckerball” is either a regional treat she couldn’t indulge in much back home or a nostalgic flavor and this is what I mean by this show passively reinforcing my headcanons.
Val’s face sinking when she sees the serious squad (Poppy) just gives credence to my “Poppy just does that to her and she doesn't have resting bitch face” theory
That’s POPSQUEAK NUMBER 2. Three is a trend!
Ok Val super excitedly singing an emphasis on what she wants to do is so freaking cute I love it. It doesn’t hurt that her voice actor is amazing
“The risks are as high, as they are pointless! YEEEEEAH!”
rewatched that whole sequence close to 10 times
I swear to God if “edge” is another acronym...
Ok I don’t know who the other Troll is but that is PRIDE AND PREDGUDICE!SMIDGE I am all here for her. a reference to one of my favorite TBGO episodes
Also this song is kind of a bop
The hulu subtitles don’t match the lyrics. poppy definitely sings “get up and go” and they definitely say “Get out of control”
why the heck does skiing with a Funk ship have the same vibes as that video of the Amish man skiing behind his buggy on a highway?
“I’m finding my edge yeeeeeah! WE’VEBENOVERTHIS!” (drums) yup that’s legit funny as hell
I had a pretty long rant regarding the issue which was kind of undone by the Stunt Bug but I want to mention anyways that I really appreciated the organic, almost symbiotic technology all the Troll tribes had (excluding Funk) and how I didn’t and still don’t like how technical the TV show gets sometimes. In particular of the Dune Huggy, given that overcomplicated turn style, it’s probably R&B tech, and I really appreciate the Stunt Bug.
How much you wanna bet “Finding her edge” was a legit issue that Val needed to do and Poppy is gonna get yelled at by Demo?
That’s some sharp ass hair. I bet it’s like, 70% actual crafting glue
polish my own glitter
Ok wait
Did they just go through a Harmony special style wormhole????
I call shenanigans. I hate the TV versions of wormholes. It was obviously a play on words for the being eaten by that specific kind of worm phenomenon you don’t get to have both!
Ok that effect when Val is contemplating and concludes she feels edgy? That little black and red rock skull and crossbones into a stylized Val’s face during a lightning strike? That was legit really, really cool. I was starting to worry this production would be missing some of the harder hitting moments we got in TBGO but this was legit super cool
oh my god it actually turned into birds and carried DJ Suki off what the fuck. the birds had little mohawks
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
Corporate || Dylan O’Brien AU {Part Two}
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Words: 1864
Warnings: cuteness maybe?
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien x Reader
Series Masterlist
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry that I was late posting this! I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks to @lovelydob for proofreading this for me! 
It's been two weeks since I had ran into that guy in front of the elevator. Two weeks since I had my heart race in a couple years… in a good way. Mal has been teasing me nonstop about this mystery guy, although she doesn't know who he is because I don't even know who the guy is myself.
Malissa, Cat, and I were having a girls night with wine while watching different movies on Netflix, although we were talking the entire time. I swished my wine around, gazing into the white liquid as my thoughts were in a different place.
“Y/N?” Cat asked and I looked up at the two girls who were currently looking at me.
“Huh? What?” I asked, glancing between the two girls in front of me.
“You alright? You really haven't been yourself lately.” Mal mentioned and I nodded my head, muttering that I was fine, glancing back at the movie on the tv.
Mal and Cat looked at each other and Mal’s eyes had widened, a grin on her lips. “It's that guy isn't it!?” I had hid my face, shaking my head no. “Oh my god. It totally is. God, I wish I knew who it was.” She muttered, taking a sip of her red wine.
“It doesn't matter. I'll never see him again anyway and I don't think I'm ready to date quite yet.” I mentioned, trying to push the subject along so we can stop talking about it.
“Wait, wait. You met someone?” Cat asked, looking confused and I groaned, leaning my head against the back of my couch.
“No-” I started, but Mal cut me off.
“She did. She ran into someone when she stepped off the elevator a couples weeks ago before we went to go have lunch, and I've been trying to figure it out.” She told Cat. Cat wiggled her eyebrows at me, laughing before taking a hefty sip of her wine.
“Get ‘im girl!” Cat grinned and I shook my head, subconsciously rubbing my wrists after I finished my glass of wine.
I'm not ready.
A couple days after our girls night, Mal and Cat are still bugging me about this guy. I mean, I get where they're coming from, they want me to be happy. But, I just don't think I'm ready for that yet, plus, I don't even know who this guy is or if he'd even wanna see me in that way.
My boss, Maddie, gave me the day off and I thought it'd be the perfect day to grab a cup of hot chocolate and head towards Central Park. It was a relatively chillier day, which are my favorites, so why not spend it out and about instead of being cooped up in my apartment.
I stuffed my hands into my hoodie as I walked into Starbucks, getting in the semi small line of people. Once it was finally my turn in line, I ordered a venti mint not chocolate. I provided them with my name as they wrote it down on the cardboard cup, paying the lady running the cash register.
I played on my phone as I waited for my beverage, listening closely for my name leaving the barista’s lips.
“Y/N!” She called out and my head peeked up, waltzing over to her, giving her a small smile as I took the drink. I quietly thanked her, taking a small sip as the minty flavor ran along my tastebuds.
As I was heading out the door, glancing down at the text from Mal, I had bumped into someone, my cup crushing against both our bodies. I gasped, feeling the hot liquid hit my skin as they did the same. I noticed the hot chocolate beginning to stain an expensive looking suit and I began to panic.
“I'm so sorry. Are you okay?” I asked, glancing up at the person and let out a small gasp. Honey brown eyes. I swallowed thickly, my cheeks heating up as he looked down at me.
“Oh, it's okay. This was like my least favorite suit anyway.” He chuckled deeply and my heartbeat sped up. What a beautiful laugh. “Are you okay?” The man asked me, a sincere look in his eyes as I nodded my head slowly.
“Y-Yeah, um, I think so. I-I'd offer to buy you a new suit, but that looks really expensive and with my salary I couldn't afford it.” I tried to joke, feeling a bit uncomfortable as I clear my throat. “Let me buy you your coffee?” I asked, hoping he'll accept my offer.
“Please, don't worry about the suit, but I'll definitely take a coffee.” He grinned, walking up to the register as she gave him heart eyes. He really does attract the ladies…
“How can I help you… sir?” She said the last word seductively and I rolled my eyes, walking up to him.
“I'll get venti black, two sugars, no cream.” The man told her, not giving in to her seductions as he glanced down at me. I tried not to blush as the cashier cleared her throat and I snapped my head towards her.
“That's it.” I mumbled, handing her a ten dollar bill. The girl asked for the man’s name and he told her it was Dylan. She nodded her head, writing it on the cup before handing it off to one of the other barista’s. She gave me my change and I quietly thanked her, walking towards the booth that's near the window.
“Do you… do you remember me?” Dylan asked and I nodded my head, picking at my fingers as he sat down across from me.
“Yeah, you're the guy from the elevator.” I murmured, pulling out my phone, seeing a text from Mal. “Your name’s Dylan, right?” I asked, glancing up at him as his eyes were on the screen of my phone.
“Yeah, Dylan O’Brien.” He smiled reaching his hand out. “What's your name?” Dylan asked and I looked at his large hand, debating on if I should shake it or not.
“I'm Y/N L/N.” I half smiled, surprised I've lasted this long talking to another man. I gave his hand a small shake, letting go almost immediately afterwards. “I'm really sorry about your suit.” I mentioned again, looking down at the stain on his grey petticoat.
“I told you it was alright.” He smiled, hearing his name being called as he excused himself for a moment. Oh good. Maybe he'll leave. I thought to myself, trying to stop my hands from shaking as he walked back over, sitting in his previous spot. “I was wondering, when I bumped into you, you were wearing scrubs. What do you do?” Dylan asked, taking a sip of his coffee, his eyes boring into mine. God damn it.
I sighed, looking around the cafe before glancing back to him. “I’m a veterinary acupuncturist.” I told him and his eyes widened.
“Holy shit, really?” I nodded my head in answer, keeping my hands in my lap, getting more nervous by the second. “That’s really cool!” Dylan smiled.
“Yeah, it’s a pretty great job. I love it because I get to help out the animals that are in pain or just need to relax a bit.” I grinned, feeling my heart pound against my ribcage.
“So, what are you like?” He asked another question and I’ve had enough. I need to get out before I end up having a panic attack.
“I-I’m sorry. I have to go.” I muttered, gathering my things quickly, bolting for the door. As I was walking down the street I could hear him yelling behind me, but I couldn’t make out the things he was saying.
Dylan sighed as he watched you walk away. He had yelled out if he could grab your number, but with all the commotion in the NYC streets, you couldn’t hear him. “Dammit.” Dylan muttered, walking back towards his office. He walked into his office, setting his briefcase on the floor next to his desk, sitting down in his chair as he became quite angry with himself. He lets out a small yell, swatting his pencil holder off his desk, hitting the red wall to his left.
Mal had witnessed his anger and furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. “Everything okay?” She asked, snapping Dylan out of his thoughts as he looked up at her, noticing her standing in front of his desk.
“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He muttered, leaning on his elbow as his fingers was playing with the scruff on his face.
“Because you just threw a pencil holder across the room?” Mal questioned, pointing at the scattered pencils and pens on the floor. “Did they get your coffee wrong?”
“What? No.” Dylan told her, looking down at the stain on his petticoat, sighing. “Did I tell you that I had ran into a woman a couple weeks ago?” He asked Mal and she shook her head.
“No, you met someone?” Dylan nodded, thinking about you as they talk. “That’s great Dyl!” Mal grinned, sitting down in the chair in front of him, a semi-large wooden desk in between the two.
“I guess. So, when we had run into each other, I didn’t get her name cause I was running late for that meeting. But, I ran into her again today at Starbucks and she poured her drink on me,” he mentioned, leaning back, showing her the stain. “She offered to buy me a coffee and I gladly took it, especially from a gorgeous girl like herself and we had talked a bit, but once I asked what she was like, she bolted.”
Mal frowned, hating seeing Dylan in such defeat as she could tell that he was truly intrigued by this woman. Mal’s gears were turning in her brain, thinking back to what you had told her. “Did she tell you her name?” She asked and Dylan glanced at her, nodding his head.
“Yeah, she said her name was Y/N.” Dylan told her and her face lit up, grinning mischievously as she nodded her head. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked her, a little scared of what she’s planning. Mal had shrugged, getting out of the chair, heading back towards her little cubby.
After a long grueling day at work, thoughts filled of you as Dylan walked into his apartment, laying down on his couch. He rubbed his face a few times before groaning. “I hope I run into you again.” He muttered, his fingers running through his hair, sighing loudly.
I sat at my island, chipping my fingernail polish as Dylan stayed in my thoughts. I stared at nothing, the memories of us in the coffee shop playing through my mind. Why can’t I be normal and just let him get to know me. When is this not going to affect me anymore? I sighed, pulling my hair a bit.
“Why can’t I get you out of my head?” I muttered to myself, pushing myself off the stool, dragging my feet to my bedroom, laying down on my bed, face buried in my pillow.
Let me know what you thought!
Tagging: @anonimereader06 @lovelydob @c-hry-sa-lism @susybird @jademorris @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @kell5sos @parislight @kalista-rankins @irosietorres
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nancypullen · 5 years
Garden of Eatin’
Y’all....I can’t eat these tomatoes fast enough.  I didn’t plant enough to start stewing and freezing, but there are too dang many for one girl to eat. I brought these in when I went out to harvest basil and rosemary.
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  The mister isn’t a fan of just slicing and eating, which is my favorite way to enjoy a tomato, but one can only make so many tomato dishes, taco salads,etc before you get sick of it.   He ran down to see his mother over the weekend and I loaded him up with tomatoes for her. Just sharin’ the love. Anyway, before I take a break to make a tomato sandwich, stuff a tomato with tuna salad, or bake a tomato frittata let’s talk about those herbs.  The basil had turned into a shrub and the rosemary was as determined.  I hacked down a bunch and brought it in to wash and store.
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The rosemary I’ll dry, the basil has been turned into PESTO!  I love a good pesto.  Lucky for me it also freezes well so I’ll be able to pull out the fresh taste of summer on a dreary winter day. It’s so stinkin’ easy to make.  I made small batches because it was easier for me to handle in my space, and when the last bit was scraped out of the food processor I was dreaming of linguine and shrimp with pesto which is exactly what I plan to make tonight.
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It didn’t take any time at all - just toasted some pine nuts...
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Zested a lemon and minced some garlic...
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Grated a little parmesan, then threw everything in to grind up while drizzling in olive oil.  That’s it.
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Mmmm, smells delicious!
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I’ve also got a bumper crop of parsley growing in the flower bed by the front steps.  I grabbed a handful last week and made Chicken Francaise, so good! It’s a simple dish that packs big flavor - just chicken stock, white wine, garlic, lemon, and parsley.  The chicken is pounded thinnish, floured and egged and sauteed. The pan is deglazed with the liquids which thicken into a scrumptious sauce. The secret is a chunk of butter rolled in flour that is tossed in while it bubbles.  My thighs ate that up. I mean, it’s not like you’re drinking a cup of the sauce. I served this with wild rice and a side salad (gotta use those tomatoes) and the mister gave it two thumbs up.
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So lately I’m just pulling stuff out of the yard and putting it on the table.  Wish I’d planted corn. I probably shouldn’t say anything because I’ll jinx it, but I have pumpkin plants up!  Anything could happen - squash bugs, squirrels, a drought.  But right now those itty bitty green plants are providing daydreams of autumn and I’m pinning all of my hopes on them. They have given me joy in the middle of the summer doldrums. No pressure, little guys.  Mickey flew off to California this morning and I’m knocking around the house debating whether to be responsible and do some chores or binge murder shows.  I suppose I could fold laundry while watching murder.  I love a good compromise. I did get in a bit of gardening this morning so that counts.  By gardening I mean I pulled three weeds and then followed butterflies and bees around.   I snapped these photos...
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before taking a break to pet some bees.  I love rubbing their fuzzy backs and they seem to like it too.  Mickey teases me because we have a Scale of Stupidity that we use which includes things like Tiger Petters, Shark Kissers, Bear Huggers - you’ve seen the news stories, man tries to kiss shark and is shocked when it doesn’t go well, that sort of thing.  Personally I don’t think bee petting belongs on that scale.  So I sent him this text (and then charged my phone).
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And he responded perfectly. He acknowledged my relationship with the bees and then complimented my nail polish.  Ladies, do I have the best husband or what?  Gentlemen, take note - accept our quirks and pay us a compliment now and then, it’s really that simple. Bonus points if you can admire our quirks. I sure love every weird little thing about him. On that note I think I’ll go eat something from the yard and fondle an insect.  Situation normal here at the Pullen spread. Love ya’! XOXO
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