#anyway. new icon may or may not change. we'll see.
summeridols · 5 months
How to make icons like these:
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Flags: Idol system, Bubblegender, Musicstar
Warning: This tutorial relies on the idea that you have some understanding of how to use photoediting software like photoshop, however if something that doesn't make sense then feel free to ask and I will explain it as best as I can.
All the icons we made for this can be found here! Thank you for reading, please consider reblogging this post and the icons because this took forever to write up and the icons take a LONG time to make.
In this tutorial I will make DID/OSDD Aoi Miyake icons.
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Anyway let's get into it!
Step one, choose what you're going to make (and gathering resources)
This may seem obvious, but going in with a plan makes these so much easier.
In this stage we consider three things:
The flag and/or colors we want to use in the icon, this is important as it can affect the images used or even the character depending on how similar their colors are
Character and the general colors associated with them, this is important as it can makes the filtering stage easier (or harder) and can make an icon look 'wrong' or 'right' sadly
The border of the icon and how that will affect the icon itself, sometimes they're easy to work with, others not so much. Our method differs from a lot of other peoples so we take more time with them than most others
In this case I will be making DID icons of Aoi Miyake from D4DJ, however due to how most of her cards have a blue tint I will be using the plural peafowl flag by m0dem0n than the original DID flag- This is to save time and make th icons look more harmonious.
We will also be using this mask by i'mjustchillinghere as the icon base
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Step two, coloring the middle image (optional step)
This is a lot of guess work and everyone has a different process for this. Essentially we're going to make a PSD that makes the image look better with the colors of the flag.
As shown above we have the flag and the character image, but they don't match completely. The rose and other blue accents are too saturated compared to the flag and the black is too black and the wrong blue hue, the eye could also be a bit greener and saturated imo.
What I like to do is open the image with the flag behind or infront, so I can see the colors I'm working with.
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Then I open the hue editor layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue and Saturation). It's very important to clip the hue layer to the image so it doesn't start messing with the colors of the flag (we've had this happen many times before it's very awkward trying to match a color that keeps changing) to clip right click 'Clipping Mask'.
Your screen should then look like this:
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Okay so if you need to adjust the screen to get the icon in the center so you can see everything do this now.
Next where the box with the hue options says master, click it.
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These are all the color options you can change, in this we'll mostly be using, yellow, green and blue. For other projects blue and cyan sometimes get 'mixed up' and can control both shades so be careful with that.
Other color settings we personally use are: Vibrance and Selective Color (both are located under the Layer option), but in this case I'm happy to just use Hue and Vibrance.
This is what the icons look like:
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No color editing | Just Hue and Saturation | Hue and Saturation + Vibrance
Now your middle icon is ready turn off the background layer and save the image as a transparent png!
Step three, preparing the mask for use
So the mask is the base of your icon, however if you clip all aspects of your icon to the mask it looks like this and you can't see the flag.
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So what you need to do is layer the mask. This will vary in difficulty, it can depend on how far apart the pieces of the mask are and how they interlink. You could erase the border parts but that takes a lot of time.
This icon is simple because to me there's three clear sections, the middle part, the border and the rose. What you need to do is copy the layer three times and get the wand- I would reccomend having the wand strengh over 100 or else black lines may remain, but this will depend on how close the black parts are.
Hide the top two layers and work from the bottom up. Select all the areas you want to delete, in this case I can only delete the rose (the border is too close to the middle part and would delete that as well) and then hit delete.
In this case, I will just erase the border by hand, and then BOOM, you have a base!
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Hide this layer and move to the next, for this one I'm removing the middle and the rose.
For the next layer you can select what's in the layer below and delete it without it impacting the border, which makes the icon process easier, however in this case I'm going to give out the border layers for you here!
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Step four, using the mask
NOW you can clip the flag to the layers! We always clip it to the base and border layer.
As for the rose... We make a seperate layer and clip it to those rose. Then (using the eye dropper tool) pick colors from the flag to use to color it in! As shown:
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Next step is to add the image you colored!
Go to File > Open and Place and then choose the PNG from your gallery and place it in the icon. Once it's there fiddle around with it until you get the image you want and then BOOM!
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Now you have a singlar icon!
Feel free to repeat this as many times as you want and make as many icons as you want.
All the icons we made for this can be found here! Thank you for reading, once again please consider reblogging this post and the icons because this took forever to write up and the icons take a LONG time to make.
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The State Bird Initiative: Georgia (#4) - Results
The time has come for results...about a day late than I'd planned! Why? Let's just say that the next poll is causing me...difficulties. We'll get to that, don't worry, BUT FOR NOW! Let's talk Georgia, and the State Bird as decided by a pretty decent chunk of votes! OK, Tumblr, what'd you think should be the State Bird of the Peach State?
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The fourth state, and the second incumbent winner!
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SBI Elected State Bird of Georgia: Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
Well, I said this was gonna be a difficult bird to dethrone, and I was right! By all intents and purposes, there's nothing wrong with the Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) that would make it a bad candidate for the state bird of Georgia! There's also a common statement about the Brown Thrasher's significance to Georgia as a bird of many songs! As a songbird and a mimid in particular, thrashers are known for their repetoire of songs. And for a state that produced famous musicians like Ray Charles, Gladys Knight, Otis Redding, Alan Jackson, Little Richard, OutKast, TLC, Zac Brown Band, and The B-52s...yeah, that's a fair association. Plus, you'll notice...there's an extra significance to the state bird being the Brown Thrasher, just based on the musical connection.
So, yeah, this is a pretty solid choice for State Bird of Georgia, based on this alone. And sure, the species barely breeds in Georgia, and it's not incredibly common there...but it can be seen. And seeing it is still a way to get people into looking out for their state bird. I think it works well! And, while we're at it...that's not the only State Bird to maintain its position.
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SBI Incumbent State Game Bird of Georgia: Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)
Also retaining the position of State Game Bird is Robert White, AKA the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)! Now, here's the deal with the quail here. This is not the only state that may have this as a State Game Bird, and we'll have to have a reckoning for that position when the time comes. For that matter, we may also have a separate election for this species down the line. But, for now, we'll let the bobwhite keep this title, and move on to other candidates for the personal choices of the SBI (as determined by the votes, and other potential valuable individuals for the position).
With that said, check out the birds after the jump for the SBI's personal choices, and for the rest of you who'd rather not, see you next time in Connecticut! Which is a state that's caused me a lot of irritation, surprisingly! We'll, uh, we'll get there.
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State Raptor of Georgia (SBI): Red-Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)
Starting with the Raptor, since the State Bird and State Game Bird are Tumblr and SBI-endorsed. I pretty thoroughly explained my reasoning for this one in the original post, and it hasn't changed. Georgia gets a raptor, Atlanta gets its Hawk. It works! Now, granted, other states could claim the species for their Raptor, but those states should probably get another species that would hit better. So, Georgia gets the Red-shouldered!
Also, funny story: I was once trapped in a tiny room in a raptor rehabilitation center with one of these guys, armed only with a net and fear. It'd just been rescued after a vehicle strike which it miraculously survived, and it was VERY angry and still capable of flight, with the bird equivalent of a concussion. This meant that, at any moment in the 5-10 minutes we had together, it could've launched out of its corner towards MY corner of the room, and accidentally slammed into my face feet-first. It was angry, and I was 15. Fun day. Anyway, uh...next entry!
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SBI's Big Fifty - New Jersey: Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla)
Not gonna lie, I really wanted this to be the State Bird of Georgia. I mean, it's dependent on its population in the state for breeding, it's iconic in appearance and sound, with both being cute-as-shit. It'd be fairly easy to locate for anybody with the drive to do so, including kids that would probably love it. It's representative of a major habitat in the state and region, and one that's in serious danger, and it's even considered a major conservation focus. But...it's not as iconic in Georgia as the Brown Thrasher. It's a losing battle, despite how cute it is. I actually think that, if on the ballot this November, it would have a chance at winning with the broader public if its picture were allowed on the ballot. But...yeah, not a chance against the known incumbent, as seen in the Tumblr poll.
So, instead, it's making it into the Big Fifty for Georgia. Now, this is probably a little cheap for the list as a whole, since it's not exclusive to the state, and probably isn't a major birding highlight for anybody in particular. However, it's definitely a Georgia bird, is a solid Life Lister for anybody not form the state (like myself), and prompts birders and those seeking the Big Fifty to visit the forests on conservation concern where they're found. And so, the Brown-headed Nuthatch is the Big Fifty pick for Georgia! Also, to be clear, it got second place in the poll, so this is the prize! And the third place is tied between the Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) a bird with major representation in other states (meaning it's not the best choice for Georgia), and...
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State Conservation Focus of Georgia (SBI): Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Remember the Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) from the Pennsylvania poll, especially the Results section? There, I mentioned the role of the woodpecker as a keystone species? Yeah, that, but WAY MORE for the Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus), which makes the cavities that the Pileated Woodpecker lives in much of the time! I mean, that alone is a pretty good reason to use this species as a conservation focus. What's more, Birds Georgia already uses it as a mascot for this reason, and it's currently in great need of conservation in the state. Sure, it doesn't breed a whole lot there, but it's still a prominent target for conservation, as are the pine forests it tends to live in.
And with that, we've finished up the round for Georgia! Time to move onto the next state...which has been...a lot of trouble. Moreso than anticipated, if I'm honest with you. You'll see once we get there, though. So, see you in Connecticut!
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See you next time, and happy birding!
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booasaur · 2 years
You have me more than intrigued me. Do you know if anyone is posting Della Street scenes from Perry Mason? I gave up on HBO awhile ago but I may have to reup if this one proves engrossing enough. How procedural is the show on the whole? I love a good period mystery.
I couldn't find any scenes, of Della herself or of the ship(s). It's especially hard to find stuff about just the HBO series when the original was so iconic.
The show as a whole is....the first season started off as the most stereotypical cliched version of modern reboots as you could find, a dark, grim slow origin story where the thing the character is known for only happens near the end.
I'm not sure how much you know about the original series, well, we'll put aside the books, but the actual first show started airing all the way back in the '50s and it was really popular, and Della Street was a badass even then The show ended a few years later but was so popular, the same actors came back for a series of TV movies that basically acted liked more episodes, all the way from 1985 to 1995. So I guess the modern era isn't the only one doing these reboots. :P
But anyway, the original show was more of a classic procedural, each ep would have Perry, a defense lawyer, defending a client and figuring out a way to prove their innocence and get them off. The new HBO series has had one case a season so far, and there's no real guarantee that Perry'll be able to successfully defend their case, the tone is more cynical.
It is a pure mystery per season, though, as much as it may look like it's more a character introspection. It's a lot more realistic in terms of racism, sexism, and of course, with the changing of Della to a lesbian, homophobia. Perry himself is suffering PTSD after the war, he starts off as a private investigator so we see how it comes to happen that he becomes a lawyer.
Della's too main a character to do all her individual scenes, but I'd actually uploaded some of these short scenes for my friend (who then went back to watch the whole show herself) but maybe this will give you a good idea of what the show's about:
Season 1
1x01 - Della's first appearance: https://streamable.com/idap23
1x03 - This is when I first started to really like Della: https://streamable.com/pys6gf
1x03 - Again, being so awesome, I literally made a clip of this back when this first aired and made my friend watch, who forgot about the show again till this season: https://streamable.com/ezhcsu
1x04 - The first time we find out Della's into women, with her gf Hazel: https://streamable.com/uvzwpx
1x05 - Another sweet scene with Hazel: https://streamable.com/qi83ft
1x07 - Della with her friend Hamilton: https://streamable.com/dm6ezq
I didn't do every scene where Hazel was mentioned or appeared, though there's not much more.
And now in season 2:
2x01 - Della first sees Anita: https://streamable.com/yyttvi
2x01 - An extension of the scene above: https://streamable.com/lli2b1
2x01 - Della gives Anita a call: https://streamable.com/6b2enu
2x02 - Anita takes Della to a boxing match: https://streamable.com/7jm5mt
These last clips are the ones I used to make gifs from so they're not necessarily the full scenes. There are also obviously so many more scenes of Della in all, so if this does pique your interest, I'd go ahead and just watch the whole show, at least from season 2 onward. It's gotta be available to watch in places you don't have to pay. >_>
2x03 - Anita visits Della at the office: https://streamable.com/rl6870
2x04 - Della's still upset about their previous client's suicide, she meets up wiith Anita and they go on a trip: https://streamable.com/siiaw4
2x04 - Della waking up https://streamable.com/vws9kw
2x05 - Anita and Della's scenes this ep https://streamable.com/brv422
2x06 - A bit of Anita and a lot more Della individually, just figured it'd add more depth:
- Part 1: https://streamable.com/nur5ht
- Part 2: https://streamable.com/4h6m7p
2x07 - No Anita this week, but we did get a scene with Ham https://streamable.com/2x3xvv
2x08 - Not much Anita this week either, but a lot of good scenes of Della
- Part 1: https://streamable.com/csgm23
- Part 2: https://streamable.com/tu8h33
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valcuda · 1 month
Bad news, I haven't been in an artistic mood lately, so I got nothing done, which I'm kinda upset about, cause I had something planned for Hug a Tiny day.
Now then, I've been working on Valucuda quite a bit lately, and now that I'm saying that aloud, it sounds stupid. So, context time! I once called myself "TheModHead", before changing it to Valcuda because I had created a character named TheModHead, who I scrapped the week after changing it. One day, a friend referred to the pumpkin in my icon as Valcuda, so I gave him the name Valcuda! For sanity's sake, I've very recently changed his name to "Valucuda" (Val-ook-ku-da) just so it's possible to refer to him more easily.
Anyway, Valucuda is far more fleshed out now, which is nice. His backstory has been improved, and he has better story motivations than just "The Goddess Aulna told me to do this". Scella has unfortunately fallen behind a bit, and I desperately need to get some more foundational story pieces in place, since I'm currently still debating Scella's origins, broadly how the magic system works, and what the overall effect of the main conflict is on the world and how that effects the semi-broad parts of the story. I'm definitely making progress though! Which is nice, since it's not even the main story I'm working on.
I've also been working on Elizabeth's story. Last I talked about it, I think I was talking about how I might have to swap POVs mid story from Liz and Sophia, to Quin and Rossel, which I didn't want to do. However, I've now found a solution to that, which made the story better! Currently working on some loose scenes for that part of the story. (Basically just test scenes which may or may not make it into the story. Even if they do, I typically rewrite them anyway)
Anyway, that's all for now. I've gotten into a writing mood again lately, though I'm not sure if I'll stay in it or not, I guess we'll see.
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ajcgames · 5 months
Ahead of what I'm hoping to be a good weekend of progress on the project comes a significant development on one of the main balancing points of the game - power! I spent a good few evenings working on this, so I'm happy to unveil my progress on this finally.
All things powerful
There's a few things going on here that are worth talking a little about.
The game now features a fully-implemented power management sytem. All placed structures, with the exception of belts, now need power to run. To simplify things, there's no differentiation between machines that are on/off, running or otherwise not engaged. If a machine is present, it draws a set amount of power.
Run out of power, and everything shuts down until you fix it!
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Icons appear over the top of machines that draw power when they have insufficient supply. It should be pretty clear when something's gone wrong!
The balancing act is fairly straightforward. Generate more power than you use - which is supported through a helpful new popup that details lots of information about what's going on in your factory.
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You can get an overview of your factory's power usage in the power information popup.
It shows all of the machine types you've placed, how much power they're cumulatively drawing, and the same for machines that generate power. Currently, there's only a single type - the Small Generator - but you can probably expect others to follow suit for later in the game.
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A small generator, doing exactly what it says on the tin.
So what's the deal with adding power to the game? Power serves two purposes for game-play. One is to add an additional level of management to the process of laying out a factory - you can't just plop machines down with careless abandon anymore. And the other is that it allows me to gate-off some of the more advanced parts of the game behind either some extremely power-hungry machines, or those that require some form of exotic power generation. I personally prefer the latter, but we'll see how it pans out.
As for other developments, you may notice I've changed the look of the selection mode. I decided to get rid of my slightly off-center selection rectangles and do proper 'grown up' game development outlines instead. I said 'development', but in reality it was just using a free asset to achieve the desired effect. I'm not great with shaders in all honesty, so it was better to lean on this as an already-solved problem and focus my efforts elsewhere.
With the power side of things all settled now I can concentrate on my plan for the weekend. I'm going to put a list later on of the things I want to accomplish, hopefully encouraging me to make the requisite progress!
Anyway, that's all for now, hopefully I'll catch you a bit later on in the next one where I can talk about what's next for the game 😁
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lizardthelizard · 2 years
hadn’t changed my icon for 4 years so like..... rip august <3
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I think you may have talked about this before, but I was wondering what your ideal living situations for the LOV trio will be after the series ends? Touya will go and stay with his family I guess, but what about Shigaraki and Toga? Will they live with All Might or Aizawa or someone to get their footing back in the world? With mandatory hangouts with the kids and at the Todoroki residence of course (for some reason I've had the image in my head of Shigaraki on a bike with Toga behind him, and he just keeps ringing the bike bell over and over outside of Touya's window like hop on loser, we're going shopping...)
I have talked about it before but I always try to sugarcoat what I think will happen so people don't jump down my throat.
But, I'm beyond that now and I don't care. Plus my predictions really haven't changed since like...early 2021.
Let me start with saying that, yes there is always the possibility of the hospital ending, where the LOV get institutionalized to "heal", but I personally have a lot of issues with that and hope it doesn't go that way. And, for the reason I don't see it going that way, is that the readers (us) and the kids won't get to see the immediate payoff of their decision to save. It feels a bit too close to "oh try to keep it realistic!" Fuck realistic. Let them heal with the power of newfound friendship with the hero kids and family (for Touya). Jeez.
Touya I think will go home. Plain and simple. I think he'll be with his siblings and his mom in the new house Endeavor built for them.
I think Toga will end up at UA. I think there is more than enough existing content to lead up to this. Of course it could easily not, but again, these are my predictions.
Toga being the only villain who is high school age is an indicator. Toga being obsessed with the UA kids is another big indicator. Even after having found healthy bonds with the LOV members, she continues to reach out and try to get close to Ochacko, Deku, and Tsu. It's relevant enough to her character for the author to go out of his way to point it out in a volume extra, because he couldn't clarify it in the panels—
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—and then there is extreme unlikelihood that she and her family will want anything to do with each other ever again. There’s also the fact that this drawing now exists, as if to say “hey, what if? 🤔”
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I expect Toga to be integrated into the Deku friend group too. Like this is a canon friend group I 100% can and do see happening:
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The jump festa drawing basically showed me my vision without me even asking 😂. So I think there is a lot of precedent set for her to end up at UA, under Aizawa's watch* (expanded on below).
Shigaraki I think will be another Eri situation. Aizawa gives him a place to stay and slowly heal at his own pace at UA, but also contribute to and participate in life things. I think this is the most ideal and also likely, because in this scenario he's around Midoriya and Bakugo. Given Midoriya's track record of keeping relationships with the people he reaches out to and saves (Bakugo, Shouto, Kouta, Eri), I don't think Shigaraki will be an exception to this. And I expect having Midoriya around is gonna be an integral part of his healing journey anyway. I always expected that from the get go, and that hasn't changed. I expect him, Bakugo, and Midoriya to have a life long friendship also. I think we'll see that it happens.
Also, another small little detail I find kinda funny, Shigaraki is also kinda fixated on UA? Lol, he watched the sports festival, which is fine, but what's funny to me is that during the Re-Destro fight he went out of his way to quote their fucking motto 😂:
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Literally why quote a high school that you never attended, your most hated icon/idol/symbol teaches at, and that your nemesis attends. If not to just, live for it in the moment LOL. Like....just more little hints that he wants to be a part of the bigger, acceptable part of society. It's just funny.
**Okay, following up on Aizawa. Sigh. We're still waiting for the manga to touch on this. But this whole speech here is just so on the nose:
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"You have to fight" is exactly something that needs to be said to the LOV between the being saved, and the ending the war. They need to be told what Aoyama here is being told, before everything concludes.
Then this:
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It's exactly something that needs to be said to the LOV at the end, after all is said and done. It's the perfect speech they need to hear, right before they start their lives again and head into the scary unknown, in their new environment, with new people, new circumstances. It's just....too perfect.
The fact that it was Aizawa who was the one to say it, to Aoyama who is feeling loads and loads of regret, and feeling irredeemable and hopeless, and the fact that Aizawa briefly thought of Kurogiri during this speech, all of this is what leads me to expect Aizawa to play this type of role at the end.
And then, a less credible reason but still worth noting imo--Aizawa's clear, obvious, blatant inspiration character from Naruto:
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--played this role EXACTLY. Played the "you're pardoned, but don't fuck it up" role. He's the one who gave the "Normally you'd be punished, but the only reason we're all alive is because of you, so you get another chance" speech. So like...I expect nothing differently from Aizawa lolol.
For the LOV in general, I absolutely expect everyone to keep in contact with each other. I've said it over and over and over and ov--
I've said it a million times but I expect an FMA-esque ending where we see that everyone got their own happy ending, but also stayed in each other's lives.
Anyway those are my predictions and what I hope for. I'm gonna save this post so that I can come back to it later and see how accurate or off it turns out to be lol.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 3 years
Heyyyy a new bad buddy enjoyer here! I hope that you're doing good and I live for your posts here like VERY. So I've been wondering if you were about to do an analysis of ep 11. Specially the kiss tease that we got, do you think we'll actually get a kiss or will it get interrupted?
If so, will it be a ketchup kiss scene or a rooftop one?👀
Hi new bad buddy enjoyer! Welcome to the angst and thank you for you appreciation! 🙏🏽
An analysis of ep 11...specifically the kiss... Well, I wasn't planning on doing it BUT since you asked, it made me think and then I went to look at all the previews so far to see if there's any way we can predict what may or may not happen (Ha!).
So the previews for episodes 2-6 all end with a snippet of the scene at the end of the episode:
2 = the tickle in the new dorm room
3 = the guitar in the corridor
4 = the sleepover in Pran's room
5 = the iconic rooftop scene
6 = the deal made by the boat.
BUT episodes 7-10 do not do this...at all:
7 = only shows the rooftop scene from the fourth part (it ends on the tease of a kiss)
8 = doesn't have any snippets of the fourth part of the episode (it ends on the car wash scene)
9 = only shows the café scene from the fourth part (it ends on the rugby fight)
10 = doesn't have any snippets of the fourth part of the episode (it ends with Pat and Pran getting caught in the supermarket)
So, if the preview of episode 11 is following the pattern of episodes 7-10 then a) we're probably only being shown snippets of scenes from parts 1-3 of the episode; b) the tease of a kiss at the end of the preview is not going to be the end of the episode; and potentially c) the tease of a kiss may just be that - a tease.
Now, the show has subverted a lot of things, so it could also subvert this - as in, we assume we're not actually going to get a kiss because so many times when a kiss is hinted at it never happens (like in ep 7) so actually this tease of a kiss in ep 11 WILL actually be a kiss...and a genuine serious one.
However, it might not. To be honest, the way it's filmed it looks like one of them is going to pull away or make a joke or something (maybe Pat), but we also know that they have used different takes in the previews than the real ones, so even that can change things.
This is getting long, so I'll try to wrap it up.
My opinion? There is SO MUCH that will happen in episode 11 that we have not gotten in the preview - this is how it has been for every preview - and I think these other things will be peppered between some of the beach scenes in the preview - including the kiss tease...which I think will just be a tease...BUT Pat and Pran have been giving small kisses here and there, so there might be a kiss scene anyway in the episode even if it's not this one - especially if people's theories are correct in that Pat and Pran will have deeper conversations which might lead to their first time (if they haven't already *ahem* done it). But I think this will all happen within the first two or three parts and part 4 will be something we have no idea about yet...which could be good or could be scary. 😬
Does that help? 😂🤪
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renjunthings · 4 years
the notebook. seven.
previous. seven. next.
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you let out a sigh, slouching back in your seat as you noticed the two you were spying on wasn't even talking, just a small talk then they focused on their work.
jaemin had ordered his usual iced americano with three shots of espresso and your okinawa milktea with 25% sugar level. the two of you were in a booth not far behind miyeon and her partner. it was a good thing miyeon had her back to yours so she wouldn't see the antics you were on to.
"what are you really gaining from this, y/n," jaemin asked from your right side. he had also slouched back to the chair, straw between his teeth, his cup in hand close to his mouth.
you turn to him and gave him a lazy stare and looked away, "drama, a spark, anything. it's so boring already especially when you have no one to pine over."
jaemin went silent at what you said but it goes unnoticed to you. his gaze was now focused on the wood table top, suddenly intrigued by it.
"well, at least the only thing exciting about my life is when i took the notebook. at least there's that for a flare in my life, right?" you let out an empty laugh and shook your head.
things have been mundane ever since you started college and you were tired from the old drama you wish you could get over. how can you move on when the person involved is close to you? it was an unresolved problem that neither of you speak about anymore, not at what happened in high school. things at present are getting a bit the same to the point you couldn't even pinpoint which day is which already.
an hour has passed and nothing has changed from miyeon and the guy he's with. you feel like rotting in your seat, sipping on an empty milktea.
"do you have class later?" jaemin breaks the silence.
you turn to him and furrow your eyebrows, "not until 2pm or something, why?"
"i was hoping we could eat lunch at this diner i saw-"
"oh, my god, jaemin!" you look at him with wide eyes, "you are so smart."
"i am," says jaemin but it came out like a question, puzzled at your response.
"we could invite them for lunch!" you exclaim, face brightening at the idea.
"wait, no, y/n, i was thinking-"
"jaems," you grab his face and pull it closer to you to catch his attention, "don't you think it's time to meet other people?"
the sudden realization that you were so close to each other made you freeze, heart beats picking up pace as your hands start to sweat. you let go instantly, turning away as you run your fingers through your hair. clearing your throat, you tried to ignore how erratic you're feeling.
"i'll pay for our lunch, so—uh, where's the diner?"
jaemin regained himself quicker than you, "i'll drive us there, you should call miyeon to let her know."
you gave a small "okay," as the tension in the air hasn't died down. grabbing your phone, you fingers tapped on the dial icon and clicked on miyeon's caller i.d.
you see miyeon picking up the call, not before she said something to the guy who just nodded his head with a small smile.
"i know you're behind us," says miyeon right away upon accepting the call.
"what? no," you looked at jaemin and he responded with his eyebrows raising.
"stop lying please, renjun saw you staring."
you laugh just as miyeon turns around and gives you the middle finger. in return, you give a flying kiss.
"oh, shut up, you would do the same if i were in your place."
miyeon let out a snort, "yeah, like i'd spy you. you're always with jaemin, in school or not."
you can't help but blush at what she said, but you easily shrug it off, "whatever, i was calling you if you want to join us for lunch. i'm paying and jaemin's driving."
"sure, but just wait 'cause we aren't done yet, 15 minutes more."
"yeah, no. we're going over there," you ended it before miyeon could respond.
you turn to jaemin, who was staring through the window, deep in his thoughts until you break it, "c'mon, jaem."
standing up, you dust off nonexistent dirt off your lap and butt. jaemin handed you your bag and stood up as well. you were about to walk away but then he pulled your arm, making you turn to him.
"hold on, there's something on your lip."
one of jaemin's hand holds the side of your neck while the other wiping off the dried milktea on your lip. the distance between you two is short, his facial features clear to your eyes, knocking the air out of your lungs. your heart doesn't fail to pick up pace and your body tense at his touch and the closeness of your faces. jaemin still has his effect on you despite being together everyday and it doesn't help at the fact he wore a leather jacket today, making him extra handsome.
jaemin notices your stiff body and lets go of you instantly. you wonder why today's so awkward and tense, why you suddenly feel these things you felt before. you shook your head internally, it must've been the milktea, it may have caused your heart to palpitate.
you turn on your heel and walked towards miyeon's booth, not bothering to know if jaemin followed you.
"hey," you greet with a smile, upon nearing their booth.
you feel jaemin's arm around your shoulder, an act usual to you but it hits different today. you try to act as if it weren't affecting you but it worsened when he spoke, feeling his breath wafting to your neck.
"we'll sit with you guys."
jaemin removes his arm and goes to sit next to the guy, renjun you remember with a wide smile.
"i told you to wait, y/n," you hear miyeon groan, her face flushed, embarrassed by her friends. you say beside miyeon, grabbing her drink and taking a sip despite her protests.
"no, it's okay. we're almost done anyways," renjun grinned at miyeon reassuringly, "then you guys can go."
your eyes meet with jaemin who sat across you. there was a silent conversation between the two of you about who's gonna tell, you see no sign of jaemin making a decision so you hesitantly look at renjun.
"actually, we're thinking of inviting you with us," you smile sheepishly.
renjun looks up from his notebook, eyes wide innocently, "me?"
"yeah, my treat. i'm tired of being always with these two, anyways. it's nice to meet new people," you explain jokingly, you hear a snort and a scoff from miyeon and jaemin to which you choose to ignore.
renjun glances at miyeon for affirmation and then looks back at you, "uh, yeah, sure."
"cool then!" you exclaim, clasping your hands together.
today is gonna be eventful for you, but you didn't know that. yet.
a/n: tbh idk where i'm going but let's hope it's good :D also jaemin👀 he plays a major part in the story ;) tell me what you think of this chapter!!!
previous. seven. next.
[in which y/n kept college!hyuck's notebook when he carelessly left it in the study area, things start to revolve around the two like different ends of magnets pulling each other.]
taglist: @ncityy04 @lochnessmaster @ncitydreamies @tzuqui @camomileteasposts @gayjoorene @injunsdimple @moloprint @neohaz @fairy-xiaojun @sweethyunjin17 @jisungievibes @lovelymultiwrites @kimlolita
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