#anyway. noisette content please
s0ckh3adstudios · 2 years
if Noisette doesn't get more content in future updates/DLC I'm going to MAKE IT MYSELF.
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Tea Amo
Summary: Noisette visits your teashop and brings "the stuff". She also calls you out on your crush.
Contents: Noisette brings the goods (not drugs),Questionable dishes, your teashop has a stash of contraband, Noisette being called Hazel when you're serious, calling you out on your crush, you get flustered, gratuitous throwing of fruit.
Another quiet day. The only sounds being the gentle rumbling of machines and your pen scratching against a piece of paper.
The bell chimed, loud and airy as the door opened. You don't know why you decided to hang a bell there. It was obvious whenever you had a customer or...visitors.
You glance up from the notepad you were doodling in as the bell tinkled again as the door shut. A familiar flash of pink bounds up to you excitedly.
"Hi Y/N!"
You tilted your head to the side, smiling warmly. "Hey Noisette"!
As she approaches the counter you can't help but notice her toting a dark bag by her side. You arch an eyebrow. What she has in it, it was heavy.
She hops onto one of seats in front of you. A thud is heard as the bag drops to her side.
"How've you been? And how's Theo?"
You both chat for a bit, catching up on anything and everything. She'd share about her boyfriends antics, some of which involved annoying Peppino. Of which you would ask her to ask Theo to dial it back some. You'd share with her your newest tea blend or where you went this week.
Noisette had become a good friend of yours through the years. You both could talk for hours and not get tired of it. Which was fine with you since your cafe was empty anyways.
A comfortable silence had settled between the two of you until Noisette sat up a bit straighter. Her eyes scanning each corner of room to look for unseen strangers.
She pauses as her gaze meets yours once again. Her eyes narrow up at you in a silent question. You stare back for a moment before drawing in a deep breath. You nod. On cue Noisette heaves the bag up and onto the counter.
"I brought the goods" she says in a low voice. You watch carefully as she slides the cloth bag towards you.
You meet her gesture halfway, pulling it across the counter. Damn it is heavy. You think, settling it onto your lap.
"Flip the sign to 'Closed'. Noisette nods and slides out of the chair.
You purse your lips in thought. "Hey can you take that bell off the door too"?
* *
"Dude...that's disgusting." You cringed. There's no way Noisette seriously makes this shit right? It's a "haha" ongoing joke...right?
"Aw come on Y/N, it'd be cute. And pink! It'd fit my cafe perfectly"!
"Pepto Pesto." You deadpan. "Hazel, please do not ever make that. I'd rather eat the peppermint ramen again".
"Aww! You like it that much?!"
You roll your eyes, grumbling under your breath. At least she never made you try the "peanut butter spaghetti" you had heard about how gross that was.
Instead you turn your attention back to stirring the batter in the bowl. A substantial part of the kitchen had been coated with sugar, flour, batter, cherries, cream, and other various baking ingredients.
"The goods" had been boxes, jars, and cans of everything you'd need to make your Flourless Chocolate Cake, Cherry Danishes, and Coconut Cream Pie. Well, everything you didn't have on hand anyways. You had invited Noisette to bake with you if she stopped by the store to pick up what you needed.
Aside from the fact you enjoyed baking, you wanted to test out serving pastries in the shop. If it earned you a few more customers you'd try baking more sweets. If it was a flop...hey at least you have a bunch of snacks.
You grabbed your oven mitts as the alarm sounded. Heat washed over you as you opened the oven along with the distinct aroma of chocolate. You grab the pan to pull it out, gently setting it on top of the stove.
Alright. Now all that's left is to finish off making those danishes.
"What?" You click the off button and turn to face the woman.
"Why do you have coffee?"
Oh no.
"W-What do you mean?" Noisette cheerily shoves the box in your face. Yup. There it is. Your imported instant coffee. Busted. The tea police are already on their way. You're going to be incarcerated with no possibility of parole. For life.
You hang your head and give a defeated sigh.
"Y/N! COFFEE... IN A TEA SHOP?! BLASPHEMY!" she gasps in mock horror before falling into a laughing fit.
You snatch the "contraband" from Noisette, unable to hide your grin from her antics. "I don't always drink tea. And if some people ask for it I'm happy to share my "stash".
Well. One person.
"You mean Peppino"? she chirped.
You forgot that she knew he stopped by here, and frequently too. Sometimes he'd have what ever tea you'd recommend, though you mentioned you could just make him coffee if he'd prefer. That's when you had decided to just keep a few extra boxes on hand.
"Well, yeah." You shrug, making your way over to the cabinet to put the coffee back. You jump as Noisette pops up beside you, a smirk plastered on her face.
"Soooo...when are you going to confess"? Your heart fluttered instantly and your legs started to feel heavy.
"Confess...what"? You stare down at Noisette, a knot forming in your stomach in anticipation. Please don't say it.
"That you liiiike him." she croons.
"Whaddya mean?" You chuckle nervously and put on your best pokerface. It wasn't a good one. Please stop talking. Please stop talking. Please...Who turned the heat up? You can feel tiny beads of sweat forming.
"We just sometimes stop by each others shop, it's not like it's out of the way. We're friends." You emphasize the friends part. "Just like how we visit each other".
She flashed you an incredulous look "You go over to his pizzeria and he stops by here, sure. But you guys do this at least three times a week. And you both of you are in complete opposite directions. That doesn't sound like a 'on the way' visit".
You hate that Noisette is more observant than she acts. Actually, you hate this conversation too. Instead you opt to return to your batter to finish the danishes. You hurry back to the other counter to finish this suddenly very important task.
Of course you liked Peppino.
Peppino would stop by some mornings before work for tea (or coffee) and you both would converse for an hour, sometimes less if it was a busy day. You never charged him for his order either, despite his protests. All you would do is wave him off saying his company was payment enough.
Other times he would stop by midday, leaving Gustavo to run the pizzeria for a bit. You enjoyed listening to him. Be it about his day or week, complaining, movies or shows he'd mention, anything. You just enjoyed being around him.
You would stop by his pizzeria as well. By now your order had been memorized; ham and pepperoni. You'd sit at the counter and Peppino would refuse to take your money any time you ordered. Since you never charged him, he'd just wave you off with your own words, "Your company can be the payment". Though when he wasn't looking, you'd drop cash into the tip jar.
"You like him". Noisette prodded your side, snapping you out of your thoughts. You stare down at the mixture. Your mouth clamped shut.
"Is like not the right word?" she rambled on, "Is it maybe that you love h-"
"STOP!" you screech. Heat rose to your face. It felt as if you had opened the oven and dipped yourself in it. There was a eerie silence as you both came face to face. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears. An impish grin splayed across Noisette's face as she sucked in a deep breath.
"NO!" You grab a cherry and chuck it at her. Miss. You grab another and aim. The fruit splats against the wall, red trail oozing to the floor. This is going to be a pain in the ass to clean up later.
"Y/N and Peppino sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-" she was cut off as a fruit bounced off her nose.
"YOU ARE SO CHILDISH!" You snap, throwing multiple cherries now. Another collides with her neck. The rest explode on the other wall. Noisette cackles dementedly as she flies out of the kitchen.
"HAZEL! COME HERE NOW!" you bolt after her. She was so dead.
The door bursts open. You screech to a halt, eyes wide. You swear your heart stopped too.
What ever you were going to say had died in your throat. The only thing you could do was stare at Peppino blankly while your mind stumbled over itself. How long had he been here? Why didn't you hear him come in? Why was-
"Hiya Peppino! What brings you here this late?" Noisette smiles brightly. You shoot her a warning glare.
"OH WOW LOOK AT THE TIME! I GOTTA GET HOME TO NOISY!" Noisette yells, pointing to the clock. She hurries to the door before spinning around one last time, "HAVE A GOOD NIGHT GUYS"!
You flinch as the door slams shut.
Trapped. You had no where to go. If you bolted now that would look bad. Also Peppino deserved some kind of explanation. If he heard everything you think he did. Which meant you'd need to...
"Uh...h-hey." You manage to get out, swallowing the lump in your throat. "D-do you...coffee"? you ask awkwardly. It was taking everything in you to try and steady your breathing.
Peppino met your gaze, though he didn't reply. At least not at first. It must be your eyes messing with you, or the lighting, you swear he had a tint of pink to his cheeks.
"I'll-a have coffee".
You close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. Slowly you let it out. Your eyes flick back up to his. Now or never.
"I like you, ok? We've known eachotherforawhileforlikeyearssomaybeactuallyIminlovewithyou." you blurt out, half of it being a jumbled mess.
"Y/N..." he trails off.
Great. He either is too stunned to reply...or he didn't understand any of that. Let's hope it's the latter.
You sigh "Peppino, I've known you for years and I...I love you."
It takes a moment for you to process what was being handed to you. You stare at the object, realizing it was a bouquet of roses. You take them and stare back at Peppino.
"Ti amo anch’io. I love you too, Y/N."
You gently set the roses on the counter and step around to be on the same side as him. With no other warning you lunge at Peppino, he gasps in surprise. You wrap your arms around his waist and pull him close to you. He smelled clean, as if he had just gotten a shower before coming here. You bury your head into his neck. He wraps his arms around you in response, holding you tightly.
You don't know how long you'd stay like this but you would cherish every second.
You distinctly hear a feminine voice yelling "Yes! Hahaha! Yes! And if you had bothered to look, you would've seen Noisette with her face pressed up against the cafe window.
Originally this was supposed to end at Noisette rushing out the door but honestly...who likes cliffhangers? Not me! Lol.
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scaly-summit-au · 1 year
General Information
Wanna read from the beginning? Click the link below!
Behold, my love letter to both webcomics in general, and Pizza Tower: it’s Scaly Summit! If you missed it in the description above, this story contains big ol’ spoilers for Pizza Tower, from certain bosses to references to the true ending. I highly recommend playing the game first if you haven’t already, or watching videos of it first. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my goofy little story. Now without further ado, it’s pizza time!
...That was *cheesy* as heck. - Drako
What do you do when a bad guy teams up with a different bad guy from another dimension? Follow the adventures of Peppino (and the bosses) as they try to get back home, and Drakor as he travels through an altered tower to rescue his friends.
Content Warnings
While entirely SFW and usually pretty chill, this story contains scenes of meltdowns/panic attacks, violence, mild language, needles (which will be hidden under a cut), body horror, and maybe some misc. ones which will be mentioned in their respective posts. If any of these make you uncomfortable, please skip/block posts with their appropriate tags (the most common ones are #cw meltdown, #cw violence, #cw needles, and #cw body horror)
Character List
[Not OCs]
Peppino Spaghetti (no reference yet)
Gustavo and Brick (no references yet)
Pepperman (no reference yet)
Vigilante (no reference yet)
Theodore Noise (no reference yet)
Noisette (no reference)
Fake Peppino (no reference yet)
Pizzahead (no reference yet)
Drakor (no reference yet)
William (Will) (no reference yet)
Vincent (no reference yet)
Kiera (no reference yet)
Frac (no reference yet)
Scraphead (no reference yet)
Ocard (no reference yet)
Hunter (no reference yet)
Seeker (no reference yet)
Misc. Characters (no references yet)
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