#anyway. whos excited to get fucked UPP tomorrow
gilears · 9 months
endeavouring to reply to All my unreplied to comments on the o&t series (and, stretch goal, my d20 fics?) bc i am notoriously bad at replying to comments but i do love doing it and also would love to have everything cleared away before o&2 tomorrow.
anyway. wish me luck and sincere apologies for people that have commented on multiple chaps/fics and are about to have their inbox terrorized by ao3 user sulfuric. i love you okay bye
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infamousbryan · 7 years
NY: DAY 3. Melon Ciroc
So tell me why today my ass woke up at 2pm. I straight slept through like 5 alarms, but it was much needed though because I probably won’t be able to sleep in like that for a long while. Tomorrow I start my first shift at Sally Roots which is super cool, but prior to that I’m about to finally link up with Dana and meet my future Master in hair Chi. Super excited to check out Bianchi Salon. One of the things on my mind is how the fuck am I going to finesse and execute this entire transit from point A to point B. Ended up staying at my cousin’s friends house trying to hunt down a package I sent for Cali. FUCK. Never lose the tracking number to your postal shit. It’s not worth it haha. Deadass stayed out there in the cold in my fucking shorts freezing my ass off, and still didn’t retrieve it. Hopefully we get the package though it’s worth so much money T_T. Anyways while I was walking around I ended up charging my phone from my new friend Sammy who’s this super chill old Puerto Rican guy. Such a nice and warm soul. Ended up giving up and heading back to my apartment when I linked up with Von.  Me and von even went back to Matt’s house and still no dice. But this sweet ass homie was maad funny. Walked to Soulection, at this bar Black Flamingo and had an amzing night of chilliing and dancing, but it was hot as shit. Met another one of my cousins friends M and he was a cool bboy. Stayed at the club and met this asian dude from Tibet who inspired me even more so today on this quest to create myself and follow my artistry. This dude is a handbag designer, married with his man and is just goals af. Long story short ended up the night llistening to good music, cracking jokes and hearing stories of all their adventures. Von told this funny ass story that took fucking forever to finish, he was soooo heated too over this Melon Ciroc night, and it just had me rolling hahaha why tf yall be drinking Vodka anyways dog.. Fucking upp. But anyways wish me luck tomorrow guys.First day of work,  First day of jumping into this industry.
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