#its all coming up jimbles
gilears · 9 months
endeavouring to reply to All my unreplied to comments on the o&t series (and, stretch goal, my d20 fics?) bc i am notoriously bad at replying to comments but i do love doing it and also would love to have everything cleared away before o&2 tomorrow.
anyway. wish me luck and sincere apologies for people that have commented on multiple chaps/fics and are about to have their inbox terrorized by ao3 user sulfuric. i love you okay bye
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vhaerath · 4 months
semi-organised thoughts on the new smiling friends episode
I guess this episode is kinda controversial in the general Internet sphere. I haven't really looked into the stuff that people like or dislike about it, but my friends and I had opinions on it because we watched it together and I figure I'll just get this out of the way in case the discourse becomes poisoned.
Let's start with the stuff I liked about this episode! I really love the general commitment to the bit of 'dramatic slow zoom on a character to let you know we're being SERIOUS and DRAMATIC' which is obviously ripped right off of Family Guy except Zach and Michael are taking the piss. It's always pretty funny when it comes up.
As usual, the character animation is always very expressive while being simple. I love the little snippet at the end where Charlie and Pim sort of elbow each other in a 'haha, you scamp, you got me' way. It's charming. This is what Smiling Friends always does well despite its commitment to terminal irony-poisoning; even if the character moments are meant to set up a joke, they do feel very genuine and provide a sense of pathos. Do you think Charlie and Pim ever explored each other's bodies?
Those are the two standout "likes" about this episode, sadly. I exhaled air at some of the one-off jokes, but it feels like this episode's humour was kind of weaksauce in that it couldn't decide to commit to sudden, shocking sincerity or really pile on the 'we're not taking this seriously and that's why you love it, fuck you'.
I guess the reason the humour feels like it can't commit is the nature of the subject. The writing of the episode is uncertain as to who it wants to condemn the most, and while the jokes are very on-the-nose (you can tell exactly who's a stand-in for who), they have just enough edge sanded off that it feels kind of feeble when they're made. Take, for example, President Jimble going to a press conference and inadvertently praising a bloodthirsty dictator slaughtering an entire ethnic group. This is obviously a dig at Joe Biden being Benjamin Netanyahu's strongest soldier, but the bloodthirsty dictator is a little cartoon character who looks like nobody in particular (or at least, he doesn't really look like Netanyahu to me). There's a brief cutaway to a bunch of little gnome people being brutally slaughtered by war machines, but the vague Bavarian aesthetic of these gnome people is distinctly the opposite of anything Palestinian, so much so I have a feeling it was deliberate.
To bring up Family Guy again, part of the reason some of Family Guy's old bits still hold up today is that they will tell you exactly who they're talking about, caricatures and all. They want you to know who they're mocking, no pussyfooting about it! I think Zach and Michael try to avoid this specificity in their writing because Family Guy jumped the shark a long time ago (and watching OneyPlays episodes where Zach features makes it pretty obvious he thinks so) and they're deliberately trying to shy away from "Family Guy"-ism. This is also why people like Smiling Friends, because it's not just another played-out adult cartoon.
Ironically I think some of this episode's humour was pretty Family Guy-ish, particularly the gross-out humour around the whole Jimble shitting his pants thing. My friend noted that while he doesn't mind the occasional bit of gross-out humour, seeing it live-action makes it feel a little grimier and more uncomfortable. You could argue it's the point, and maybe it is, but it personally wasn't my thing. YMMV!
I think because of the general wishy-washiness of the humour, the "CNN worm cabal", as my friends and I called it, comes off less like taking the piss and more like an actual anti-Semitic dogwhistle. Having the little worm cabal randomly show up and offer to indoctrinate Charlie is funny and almost feels a bit like Futurama, but having that immediately transition to "the worms control the media" made me raise my eyebrows.
The reason I think it's a piss-take that landed kinda awkwardly is because Lisa Tomar (the wife of Joshua Tomar, Known Jewish Guy and voice actor) is the director of the episode. I'm not sure if she's actually Jewish herself, but since Joshua Tomar has played older Glep saying "Christianity is actually real, and every other religion is wrong" as the other punchline of "Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back", I feel like the attitude expressed here is not serious.
Overall: ehhhhh? Not the strongest episode. I really fucking hate the "satire requires clarity of purpose" meme, but it feels like the jokes and the overall punchline of the episode did require a little more clarity to land correctly.
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kfcdoubledown · 2 years
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NYXI Wizard came in the mail today
>Gamecube shape
>good d-pad and excellent sticks
>almost fully-featured, has wireless and wake-up support
>back paddles, bindable to macros and individual buttons
>comes with its own plastic brick to attach to for a Pro Controller like the dog head for joycons
>very easily replaceable stick caps and has optional smooth or octagonal stick wells
>clicky shoulder buttons, no analog L/R (this isn’t a reasonable expectation for a Switch controller though)
>A button sits pretty shallow in the shell, not a problem but it’s not quite Gamecube
>the lighting on the A/B/X/Y buttons is dumb (can be turned off)
>the d-pad feels good but the d-pad button itself feels cheap
>Turbo functionality keeps it from being Smash tourney legal, if you care about that
>the more typical stick designs instead of Gamecube style rumbles my jimblies, especially when the Retroflag controller uses stick caps pretty close to OEM Gamecube
Overall I’m very pleased with this but the controller looks too busy because of all the shit they slapped onto it for additional functions, it ends up looking like that MadCatz controller parody from Billy & Mandy. I don’t really have any complaints that aren’t nitpicks and personal preferences. I could’ve done without turbo and I would have put the settings buttons on each joycon in a different spot, but I like that it affects the shape of a Wavebird controller.
8/10 and I’ll probably bump this up to a 9/10 after replacing the stick caps with OEM Gamecube ones, and see if I can’t replace the d-pad rocker with a better one and replace the face buttons with OEMs too.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
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His giggle was infectious.
His little brother leapt from rock to rock, darting to peer into every pool he encountered, several times exclaiming at his discoveries and nattering off some long Latin name that meant absolutely nothing to Virgil. How one mollusc differed from another was something for a biologist to decide, not an artist.
Of course, every now and again, a shell would be shoved in his face, and the colours would catch his eyes. Virgil would take the shell, listen to the babbling, and stare at the pinks and oranges, calculate what he could do with those colours and then surreptitiously slide the found object into his pocket.
His pocket was clinking as he walked over the rocks.
The crab that was shoved in his face was a whole different kettle of crustacean. “Hey, Gords, c’mon, I want to keep my nose attached to my face.”
“Virg, it’s only a common rock crab. And a little one at that.” The so called common bearer of claws waved them in anger at Virgil.
“Yeah, well, can you put it back where it belongs? It looks ticked off at your interruption of its day.”
His little brother crouched back down at the edge of a larger rock pool and returned the crab to its hidey-hole.
They were on holiday.
Well, technically on holiday. Dad was still working and had disappeared for the day, leaving Scott in charge. The terrible two had immediately taken advantage of that fact and proceeded to make everyone’s life hell.
Before his eighteen year old brother could blow a fuse, Virgil had intervened and offered to take ten year old Gordon down to the shore for some rock pooling. It was an activity Virgil could tolerate, even enjoy, and it separated the synergy of the two youngest.
The relief in Scott’s eyes had been worth it.
No doubt, either Scott or John would be having the pleasure of setting up Alan’s backyard rocket set at this very moment.
Hopefully Scott, otherwise John would be adapting the mechanics and the silly thing would actually reach orbit, never be seen again and the wailing from their youngest would last the rest of the weekend.
But shells, crabs and the occasional anemone was Virgil’s concern at the moment.
The coastline was some kind of limestone and consequently peppered with holes for the receding tide to leave trapped sea creatures behind.
A sudden yell of “Sand goby!” and Virgil was dragged over to see a tiny fish barely two inches long and the same colour as the sand it was sitting on staring up at the two of them.
“I saw them darting about, but this one is the first to stay still enough. Look at those eyes!”
Looked like a tiny lizard of the sea.
Gordon touched the surface of the water and the fish disappeared in a cloud of displaced sand.
“Look how fast they are!” A glance at his brother and he found him literally buzzing with excitement.
“When we get back to the house, you can look it up. Did you get a photo?”
Gordon grinned up at him, brandishing the camera in his hand. “Yep. Wait until I show, Scotty.”
Virgil snorted. Scott knew even less than Virgil about ocean fauna, but he would love to see Gordon so excited.
Scott was a sucker for happy brothers.
As Gordon scampered over to the next rock pool, Virgil had to admit he quite enjoyed seeing Gordon like this, too.
“Woah! Virg, come look at this!”
Rolling his eyes, Virgil straightened and followed obediently, stepping from outcrop to outcrop to crouch beside his almost vibrating brother.
Gordon was pointing at a rock.
“What am I looking at, Gordon. All I see is rock.”
“Watch this.” Gordon stuck a finger into the water and prodded the ‘rock’.
It lit up in bright blue rings.
Now, Virgil didn’t know much about sea life, but he did know about this particular life form.
He grabbed Gordon’s arm and Gordon himself and yanked him away from the rock pool. Unfortunately, that unbalanced the both of them and they promptly fell into the rock pool next door.
Considering what they had just encountered, Virgil was none too happy about this state of affairs and, spluttering, staggered to his feet, dragging his protesting little brother as far away from the offending puddle of water as he could.
“Virgil! What? Why? Lemme go!”
“Gordon, you know exactly what that is. Why the hell did you touch it?!”
“It won’t hurt me! And it is amazing. Lemme go! I’ve never seen one before and I want to look at it some more!”
“You are not going anywhere near it. In fact, we are getting off this beach right now!”
“Aww, Virg, c’mon! It won’t hurt us!”
“It’s a blue-ringed octopus Gordon! It bites you, you’re dead!”
“It’s not going to bite me!”
“It looked angry enough after you poked it. Why the hell did you poke it?”
“Uh, to see the rings? It’s amazing.”
“It’s a deadly octopus!”
“God, Virg, get over it. I know what I’m doing.”
“Yeah, well, I know what I’m doing and I’m taking you back to the house where you can explain to Scott exactly what you were doing.”
“Aww, Virgil, please. I thought you were the cool one. The one who understood.”
Virgil blinked. “What?”
And his brother sagged before him. “I thought you understood.”
“Understood what?”
“How much fun this is.”
A frown and Virgil’s heart slowed a little. Gordon’s head had dropped and he was looking at the ground. “Gordon?”
“You, Virgil. All the others just talk about planes and space and flying. You’re the only one who listens to me when I talk about this stuff.”
His frown deepened and he reached out a hand and placed it on his little brother’s shoulder.
“I’m always the odd one out. Everyone else wants to go to the military museums, not the natural history museums. You always stand up for me and come with me. I know you don’t like it as much as I do, but you help.”
Okay, so his little brother knew how to get into his heart and twist it. Of course, this was Gordon and the little rat had his ways, but the honesty on his face was plain and it got inside Virgil’s softy sixteen year old heart.
Virgil sighed. “Okay, I get it. You have a point.” Though he had to admit, Virgil had dragged Scott through a number of art museums in the past. The boredom on his brother’s face had been epic, but Scott had done it for him.
A sigh. “I’ll make you a deal. No prodding deadly wildlife. You take note and step out of harm’s way. For both your health and mine.” And the rest of the family’s.
Russet brown eyes caught the sun and literally bloomed in excitement. His brother’s innate bouncing resumed. “Deal!”
Virgil rolled his eyes and let his brother go. Gordon didn’t give him a chance to change his mind and darted off towards the nearest rock pool.
He stood there and watched his little brother dart from pool to pool and after a moment, before he could get too far away, resumed his unhurried stroll down the beach with him.
He did understand his little brother and he appreciated his fascination with all things sea and he would help him reach those places that he loved.
Latin bounced down the beach towards him and Virgil grinned.
Ten minutes later. “Ooh, look, Virg, it is just like a miniature box jellyfish!”
Virgil ran.
Jimbles, Bluebottles & Blue-ringed Octopuses :D
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hungline · 5 years
let’s take our time
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pairing: jihope  genre: smut, fluff, non au, rated e  warnings: explicit sexual content, anal sex, morning sex, porn with feelings  words: 1310 
summary: Hoseok's still sensitive from the night before but nothing would ever stop him from riding Jimin early in the morning 'cause this is what Hoseok craves, what he absolutely lives for. 
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Hoseok lowers himself gently, being cautious of his sensitive skin.
It wasn't more than a few hours ago that they'd been doing this exact same thing, but when it comes to Jimin, Hoseok can't help it. Jimin always feels the best when he's buried deep within Hoseok, arms wrapped tight around Hoseok's torso with his mouth marking any clear area of Hoseok's skin that he can find. This is what Hoseok craves, what he absolutely lives for.
Jimin grips his hips, grazing his teeth against Hoseok's collarbone as his fingers leave indents in Hoseok's skin. Hoseok whines quietly, biting his lip to keep his noises to himself as Jimin shushes him, rocking his own hips forward to meet Hoseok's.
Hoseok whimpers then, biting down on his lip hard enough to almost draw blood. He feels so full with Jimin deep within his ass, his cock having pressed against Hoseok's prostate almost immediately after Hoseok had seated himself on Jimin's lap. Jimin giggles the teeniest bit, pressing a kiss to Hoseok's throat, waiting for the elder to give the okay.
Jimin's back is cushioned by two pillows, but he can still feel the wood of his bed frame behind him. It isn't uncomfortable having Hoseok straddle his waist to attempt riding him because he knows that Hoseok must be having a hard time with this being their third round of sex within the last twenty-four hours. Hoseok has to be exhausted, if not sensitive beyond belief.
"Hyung," Jimin murmurs, his voice so low and quiet that Hoseok has to strain to hear it. "Are you okay, hyung?"
Hoseok smiles reassuringly and raises his hips, rolling back on Jimin's cock quickly to wordlessly show the younger that he can handle this. This is nothing. This is all that Hoseok wants right now. Jimin makes a choked sound, his fingers digging even deeper into Hoseok's skin.
"Minnie," Hoseok pants, pushing himself back slowly. "Jiminnie, please."
Jimin nods, not needing clarification about what Hoseok is asking of him. He holds the elder tighter in his embrace, his lips skimming across Hoseok's jaw as he fucks up into his hyung. Hoseok whimpers, feeling more sensitive than ever and clings to Jimin, his fingernails leaving red streaks in their path over Jimin's back. Jimin groans, his voice dropping an octave and Hoseok shivers, his skin screaming at him.
There's something about morning sex with Jimin that sets Hoseok's veins on fire. He's always sensitive from the night before, begging and pleading with Jimin to let him ride him. Jimin doesn't mind being a little rough when they have sex, but he'd never want to hurt Hoseok and he knows just how sensitive Hoseok can become. He's hesitant to give Hoseok what he wants, but he caves anyway, not being able to deny the elder anything. Hoseok rocks his hips slowly against Jimin, keening, and whining, doing his best to stay silent in the relative quiet of the dorms.
It's not like any of the others don't know that they're an item. They placed bets on who would confess first, Hoseok being the winner. So it's not like Hoseok and Jimin having sex would shock anybody, but Hoseok also doesn't want to be teased about the sounds he makes later. If Yoongi or Seokjin heard Hoseok right now, they would never let him live it down.
But he digresses. Jimin is fucking up into him nice and slow, grazing Hoseok's prostate with each thrust and Hoseok is panting heavily, his face buried in Jimin's throat.
They always take things slow in the morning, facing each other as Hoseok rides Jimin. This is their usual position for morning sex and yet neither of the two have grown bored with it. It's expected that when Jimin cants his hips forward and grasps Hoseok's dick in between them, Hoseok will gasp and bite his lip, pushing his hips back to meet Jimin a bit desperate and craving for more friction any place he can get it. Jimin rubs his thumb into Hoseok's slit, collecting the pre-come there in order to make the slide of his hand down Hoseok's shaft smoother and Hoseok has to fight back an embarrassing whine.
Hoseok grips his arms around Jimin's neck now, pressing kisses into Jimin's throat as he fucks himself back, the burning sensation of his sensitivity bleeding into blinding pleasure.
He can feel his orgasm coming now, readying itself for when it'll be released through Hoseok's entire body, leaving a fried wasteland in its path. Beads of sweat form on Jimin's brow, his hands still gripping Hoseok's waist.
Their pace is slow and even, almost hypnotizing and it takes Hoseok completely by surprise when his the beginning of his orgasm surges up within him.
He must still be too sensitive to last as long as he'd like, but it's okay because Jimin is coming right after him, unnervingly still as Hoseok's thighs shake and every nerve in his body jumps. Jimin gasps, eyes fluttering shut as his orgasm passes and he collapses against the headboard, grunting the tiniest bit when Hoseok continues to move.
Hoseok's orgasm is nearing its end and things are starting to feel fuzzy, but by God, nothing will stop him from riding Jimin's dick to the fullest.
When he can breathe normally again, Hoseok still continues to move, whining as Jimin's cock presses against his abused prostate. Jimin's movements are wobbly, but he manages to hold Hoseok to his chest and slide down the mattress until his back is no longer pressed against the headboard anymore. Hoseok hisses at the feeling, contemplating whether to let Jimin stay in him or raise his hips and let Jimin slip out.
He decides to stay put, pressing a kiss to Jimin's collarbone as the younger runs fingers through his hair. They lay like that for a while, Jimin humming a song that Hoseok can't make out but ultimately losing the battle to not fall asleep again.
At this moment, everything is soft and gentle. The world is moving outside, but in here, in their room, Hoseok and Jimin are lying on Jimin's bed just finished having sex and basking in one another's presence. The early morning sunlight filters through their curtain, slowly bringing light to their room. A dull strip of light lands across Jimin's face, accentuating his cheeks and eyes and Hoseok kisses him, nice and slow.
Jimin presses a kiss to the crown of Hoseok's head afterward, a hand running down the elder's back, fingertips trailing against his spine and Hoseok shivers.
Jimin is soft and gentle and Hoseok loves him.
"We can go for another round later if you're up for it, Jimbles," Hoseok says, his voice hoarse and thick with sleep.
Jimin laughs, shaking his hips the teeniest bit and giggling as Hoseok hisses when Jimin's dick grazes against his prostate for the nth time. "We should shower and eat first. Go about our days. Practice maybe. Your lust for dick is getting kind of out of hand, hyung."
Hoseok pouts. "My lust for your dick is nothing monumental. Don't exaggerate things, Jimin-ah."
"Yeah, okay, Mr. Let Me Ride You Even After Coming Three Times Last Night," Jimin scoffs, rolling his eyes as he slips out of Hoseok.
Hoseok grimaces at the feeling of come dripping out of his ass and down his thighs, but this is Jimin and Hoseok can deal with whatever as long as he has his little calico cat.
"So that's a yes then?" Hoseok grins, staring Jimin in the eye.
Jimin sighs and nods reluctantly. "Fine. But if you're still sensitive by tonight, we won't have sex for a week."
Hoseok gasps dramatically. "You know I could never last that long. You couldn't either."
"Three days then, and nothing less!" Jimin appeases.
"Love you, Jiminnie," Hoseok murmurs, kissing Jimin again.
"Love you more."
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ggukmiin · 6 years
Jikook au: their department plays secret santa, each writes down their name and the desired present on a piece of paper. Jm gets Jk (the shy new coworker who doesn’t talk much whom he finds adorable). His eyes sparkle embarrassed when he reads Jk’s wish: a date. He tries his best to prepare the perfect ‘date’ for Jk hoping he won’t be disappointed that Jm is his secret santa. Little does he know...Jk cheated so Jm would pick his name. How will the date go? What did Jm prepare...?
ok so i think this could go either one of two ways. either A, bc pjm is fricking amazing and awesome and the sweetest ever, he prepares the cutest and perfect little scavenger hunt around their work building; the last clue being a note in a cute little heart shaped box with a bow on it giving a location and lil message telling jungkook to meet him at ____  asap !! - Jimin ♡. jungkook meets him in this cozy little decorated cafe lit softy by candles and fairy lights. theres a single table and chairs in the middle of the cafe and cutest smiling mochi standing in front of it. he says “merry christmas cutie”, and waves him over to come sit down at the table with him. their date then goes swimmingly, them talking and laughing and getting to know each other while digging into delicious food served fresh by the owner Seokjin. a close friend of jimins (and the only way that this whole “i reserved an entire cafe and decorated it accordingly for a date uwu” thing could’ve happened. all in all they have tons of fun, jungkooks walks jimin home, and before they part for the night, they exchange numbers with definite intentions to do this whole date thing again…mayb multiple times? ;D who knows.
okay now B: lovely, cutie and perfectionist pjm plans and prepares a whole wack of things bc damnit! hes gonna give this cute boy the DATE OF HIS LIFE!!!!!! but ah, unfortunately for our poor mochi, one bad thing leads to another bad thing and suddenly everything is conveniently going wrong the morning of their date night. jimbles is stressed as heck and feels terrible bc he had so much planned!! everything was gonna be perfect!! :(. he ends up meeting jungkook that night totally deflated bc now hes sure jungoo is gonna be disappointed that jimin was his secret santa. and (almost in tears) when he frantically tries to explain to jungkook everything that went wrong and all the fun stuff he had planned and how its all ruined and that hes the worst choice for secret santa that jk couldve gotten ever and-
jungkook, also wide eyed and frantic is like “no, no, no!! Hyung, please don’t cry! Its okay i swear!! just spending time with you is the best christmas present i could ever receive. please dont be sad.” :(  nd ofc, thats the sweetest heckin thing anyone has ever said to jimin ever, so hes not too upset for long. they end up opting for some ice skating tg (you know jjk was doing the absolute most on that ice to impress/make jimin laugh), and ice cream after! it was simple, fun, and adorable. they held hands almost the entire time they were out and when they were eating ice cream, jimin did the whole “you’ve got something on your face kook-ah. here, ill get it.” he swiped his thumb across a spot on jk’s bottom lip, licking his thumb clean and giggling as he watched jungkook turn red as a tomato and squeak out a thanks. they both had loads of fun on their cute lil christmas date, and just like the last senario, jk would walk jm home and before the went their separate ways they’d exchange numbers and the rest is history! :)
Bonus: jungkook didnt have shit on his face lmao, jimin is just one sly little man who enjoys watching jungkook get so adorably flustered.
(anyways,,,, i hope this was a sufficient answer anon *sweats* im sorry i took so long to answer it!! also someone pls write this lmao)
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jeonpalette-archive · 7 years
Your domestic memes are so cute 😍 Can I request for VMin?
ANYWAY OMG I FINALLY GOT VMIN YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MAKES ME HAPPY (and scared because i feel like nothing’s ever good enough when it comes to vmin) OKAY so here it goes!
who cooks normally?:jimin. he cooks for them mostly because he doesn’t want taehyung to eat only ramyeon because that’s not healthy baby, i’m gonna make something for you. taehyung would always backhug him whenever he’s cooking. he’ll pester him (”jiminie what are you doing?” “how long will you cook?” “hey come cuddle with me instead”) until jimin gives in and oh my god!!! jimin something’s burning!!!!
how often do they fight?:“how long will you stay?” “as long as you need me to.” “even when we fight?” “especially then.”
as taehyung always say, fight with me jiminie, shout at me, show me that you care. refuse to let me go to sleep because you don’t want to just let it go. are you sick of this? are you sick of us? and jimin’s reply of, what? no way! i’d rather fight with you than have a good time with someone else.
it doesn’t matter how many times they fought or how inconsequentialthe problem is. for them, it’s just a matter of fight or flight. but frankly, escaping has never been their option.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:the thing about taehyung is that he’s a koala type of person. he likes clinging to people, exclusively to jimin. he likes to follow jimin around. in the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom. there’s no but’s. when you see tae attaching himself to jimin as if they’re one [they ARE one though, duh soulmates] it’s nothing extraordinary, just mundane. their friends say they’re like a package because if you get jimin to go, you get taehyung to go too. just how things are and always will be.
nicknames for each other?:taehyung come up with, honest to god, the weirdest nicknames to ever be in existence. chimbae, booboochimchim, chimchum, bubichim, jimbles, papi jimin, hunbun, poo-boo, toots. it’s a long list, jimin could go all day reciting them.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:they play games of who’s who. sometimes they go for rock paper and scissors if they’re lazy. other days they flip a coin and choose their side. and on days when they’re feeling extra, they would order smoothies and drink them simultaneously. the first one to get a brain freeze pays for dinner. taehyung likes these games because he always wins. (or maybe jimin just likes the way taehyung’s face glows brighter than the sun when he lets him win)
who steals the covers at night?:instead of stealing, taehyung believes that sharing is caring therefore he gives it all to jimin even when he’s going to freeze to death. but jimin said that having the bigger portion of blanket counts for nothing, as long as they share the same bed.
what would they get each other for gifts?:as the saying goes, presence is more important than presents.
on taehyung’s 18th birthday, he really wasn’t expecting anything. having to spent his day with the most important people in his life is enough. although he was unaware of the people who sent him a gift that day, he recognized one. a tiny box decorated with a smiling moon and colorful stars. he knew it was jimin, they were just talking about it the other day while they’re sitting at the park bench + the drawings said it all, he would always know jimin’s doodles anywhere. eager to know what’s inside, he opened it. it was a letter.
meet me tonight. 11:30. same bench.
it was already 11:26, so he hurriedly run to the park. he saw a shadow, unmistakably jimin’s, looking up to the sky. no wonder it’s bright, the moon showed its full face tonight. tae went up to jimin, who smiled at him with eyes that sparkled in the dark.
“hey” jimin whispered. ��hey” taehyung whispered back.
it was this serenity that is difficult to find with someone else but was very much present whenever he’s with jimin.
“happy birthday.” interlacing their fingers, taehyung wished that from now until forever, jimin will always be there to celebrate his day. and every day, regardless of how monotonous they are.
who remembers things?:tae forgets every significant event that happens to every one of his friends. but when it comes to jimin, he doesn’t missed anything in the slightest. because jimin is the supreme priority. the transcendence. the matchlessness. the preeminent.
who cusses more?:they had this game where taehyung has to pay jimin for every cuss word that comes out from his mouth and vice versa. they stopped though, because they were both too broke to continue. 
what would they do if the other one was hurt?:taehyung brought a passed out jimin to their bed because he was eating so little but was overworking himself. when jimin woke up, he saw that taehyung’s eyes were red. don’t ever do that again, jiminie! it hurts to see you hurt you know, jerk! jimin smiled to himself. he open his arms so wide and taehyung basically jumped into the space between them. right tae, for you, i won’t.
who kissed who first?:some imagine their first kiss to be romantic. it happens on the top of a ferris wheel with some fireworks show in the background. but jimin never did. all this time, he didn’t mind when or where, or if there’s explosions happening around them. because all this time, he just wanted one thing. he wanted it to be taehyung.
so when his first kiss happened with jungkook, let’s just say he was pretty much devastated. jungkook apologized but he couldn’t bring himself to stop sobbing. taehyung was there the whole time, not knowing the real reason why he’s crying yet comforting him all the same.
“tell me how to make it better jiminie.” maybe it was the distressed or maybe it was pure courage. maybe because he had nothing else to lose. either way, jimin confessed. the thing he should’ve done years ago. “you should’ve been my first kiss.” sniff sniff. 
“hey hey jimin, look at me.” he did. “i can still kiss you.”“but it’s not my first kiss anymore.”“it might not be. but it’ll be the first kiss that mattered.”
who made the first move?:taehyung cupped the world in his hands. (read: jimin) he closed the distance between them. before jimin can have a mental breakdown about what’s happening, taehyung’s lips reached his and all he could think about is FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS IS IT. THIS IS WHAT IT TAE’S LIPS FEELS LIKE.
when they let go each other to breathe, taehyung subtly pushed the strands of jimin’s hair from his face. “you know, if you want to kiss me, you could have just ask.” but even when he said that, tae felt like a complete hypocrite. considering the fact that he’d been wanting to kiss jimin ever since they were 14-year-olds. younger even.
who started the relationship?:nobody knew when they started dating because the way they treat each other never changed for as long as anyone has ever remembered. but of course, jimin did. jimin memorized every single detail the night taehyung proposed. 
it was a tuesday night. the weather was so bad, the rain wouldn’t stop dripping. despite that, it was cozy being wrapped up in taehyung’s arm. and then suddenly, taehyung hovered over him. 
“can i ask you something jiminie?” he was unsure. jimin could see the way anxiousness flooded over his face.“anything, tae.” he smiled. reassuringly. like saying, go on tae, i will listen.
he kissed jimin’s forehead. will. he kissed his cheek. you. a soft peck on the nose. be. before taehyung could even finish, jimin boosted himself up. almost bumping his forehead to tae’s chin. god, atleast that didn’t happen.
“YES YES YES OH MY GOD BABY YES” he tried to act composed but holy hell, taehyung is asking it now. taehyung taehyung taehyung.
“but I wasn’t finished yet…” his other half pouted. acting like he’s hurt from being interrupted.
“ok, uhm, do you want to finish it?” jimin said, still beaming radiantly.
“do you think i’d want to finish it now?” rolling his eyes, again. ugh jimin hated that. 
“hey, uh sorry. i’m sorry. it’s just, idk. i was so hap-” a peck. seriously? he was so nervous tae would take it all back.
“gotcha!” tae said playfully. wowowow this isn’t happening is it? is it??
…and the night went on like how fate made it to be. there’s a lot more to that story. a lot more to it than just being taehyung and jimin. a lot more than just being official. maybe it was a coincidence that led them to meet one another. or maybe it was kismet. regardless of what that something could be, it is for certain that they found each other’s kindred spirits. and whatever hardships may exist; jimin would find taehyung and taehyung would find jimin. unfailingly, forever.
i actually finished it last night but i am still not satisfied? it’s still not enough. idk : ( waaAAh vmin is so pure i’m crying : ( anyway, i typed a lot? this is definitely unbeta’d and will fix it soon because i have a ton of homework due tomsy and hey! thank you for asking! ❁ 
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pocket-jihope · 7 years
*whispers* scenario where pocket jihope discover a friendly snail °³° ily 💕
Thank you for the submission! This is also longer than expected lol.
Hoseok and Jimin were walking through their spacious backyard. The sun was shining brightly and the two tried to hide from the overpowering rays by ducking under any tall object they could while on their walk: chairs, trees, their dog’s rubber ball. Although it was sunny they still enjoyed themselves, hands swinging between them with their fingers locked. 
About twenty minutes into their stroll Jimin plopped down under an unusually large mushroom, back leaning against the stalk as he pulled his boyfriend down to rest beside him.
“It’s such a lovely day.” Jimin sighed and tipped his head back, basking in the coolness the shade provided. 
“Yup, it really is,” Hoseok agreed, fixing his shades on his face to peek over the top. “We should get some ice cream after this.” 
Jimin hummed before relaxing fully, another content sigh escaping his lips. “Wish we could get all our friends to hang out under mushrooms with us.”
“You know Tall Folk can’t fit under here, Jiminnie.”
“Yeah, I know… But, it would still be nice to have some company.”
They lapsed into silence, the only sound coming from the chirping of the spring birds and the buzzing of the bees.
Suddenly, they hear a new sound, one they don’t recognize.
“Wh-What’s that?” Hoseok whispered, his grip on Jimin’s hand nearly bruising. Jimin just rubbed his thumb over the back of his scared boyfriend’s hand. Jimin wasn’t afraid but he wasn’t going to make fun of Hoseok either for not trusting the unknown; they were Small Folk living in a Tall Folk’s world, after all.
Around the bend of the mushroom came the slow moving shape of a creature–insect? Fish? Mammal?–a weird smucky noise proceeding it. Hoseok held his breath, tugging on Jimin’s arm incessantly to get him away from the thing as it grew nearer; but Jimin resisted.
“Hyung, I wonder what it is?”
One of these days Jimin’s courage is going to get us both killed, Hoseok fretted. 
Intrigued, Jimin easily pulled a straining Hoseok up with him and toward the intruder. Surprised, Jimin halted when he came face-to-face with none other than a snail.
“See, hun? It’s just a snail.”
“What if it eats us!?” Hoseok gasped behind his hand, still trying to yank Jimin away before the real danger started.
“Aw, but its cute!” Jimin reached a hand out tentatively. The snail tilted its head to the side as if assessing the situation before bending its head and poking Jimin with one of its tentacles. It felt firm and smooth and made Jimin giggle as it traced the length of his neck and over his rounded cheeks.”I don’t think its gonna eat us, hyung. See? Its friendly!”
Huffing, Hoseok murmured under his breath, “Friendly, my ass. It just wants to butter you up before it butters you up.”
He didn’t know how Jimin heard him but he still expected the slap to the arm he received. 
“I think its a girl snail.”
Giving up, Hoseok approached the creature that was now slithering its way in a semi-circle around his boyfriend, tentacles running all over Jimin’s clothed body and leaving little traces of slime behind. “How do you know its a girl, Jimbles? You looked between its legs?”
Jimin just gave him an incredulous stare before choosing to ignore that last part. “…I just know. First Friend intuition. Besides, her name’s Snailie.”
“Says who?” he scoffed.
“Me, of course.” His glare challenged Hoseok. “And she’s our friend, as in mine and yours. So, come meet her and tell her how beautiful she is.”
Hesitantly (and with an eye roll) Hoseok patted the snail on its–her–head. “Um, you’re such a beauty. So… cute and, uh, smooth?” The snail shifted to touch Hoseok on the top of his head, similarly to the way he was patting her’s. Snailie let out a small gurgle.
“Aww, she likes you!” Jimin yelled happily. “Give her a kiss!”
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea, baby.” Hoseok had to physically force himself to relax his shoulders as the snail stroked over his back and down his arms, all four tentacles working together. He shivered. “I think that’s the number one way to get something, uh, rashy on your lips or something.”
“Huh…” Jimin shrugged and continued to coo over their new gorgeous friend, stroking over her polished pearlescent silver and purple shell as it glinted in the sun. “Maybe another day then. I guess your right, my First Friend intuition is telling me to hold off on kisses until at least the fourth playdate.”
Snailie scooped under the hem of Hoseok’s T-shirt, rubbing over his abs. He squealed and tugged it down, swearing he saw Snailie blush an adorable tint of pink before she moved back over to Jimin. “Whatever you say, Jiminnie. …And, welcome, Snailie.” 
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hoesuccin-blog · 8 years
BTS Equestrian!AU : V
orange!tae for the Rebellious Look™
ok so tae is Extra™ as we all know and what better way to show off than by driving ur horse with 30+ others over a very long brush track ?
tae is still very much a country boy
he lived on a farm w his grandma until he was 18 and he learned how to ride on her old farm horse
he ended up having a lot of free time as a kid so obviously what better way to pass the time on a farm than exploring on horseback?? there is No Better Way
he was a self-taught rider so even tho he might be a bit unorthodox hes actually really good ?
he spent a lot of time riding bareback because his gran was usually too busy to help him tack up so thats why his balance is the best out of them all
everyone is jealous even if they dont admit it, especially jimbles
anyway !! even after he moves away he buys an undeveloped lot at the edge of town w the money he saved up from his part-time work + builds a cottage on it
he turns the rest of it into paddocks tho
this boy even sanded down + fenced his own outdoor arena like what sorta witchcraft !!
and actually gets himself a full-time job at the riding school seokjin talks about ? who wouldve thought ?
he always volunteers to take out the little kids mainly because a) he loves kids and b) he loves shetland ponies!! so much!!!
hes so pure he must be protected At All Costs™
the only thing he would commit murder for is a shetland pony but tbh so would i so can i rly blame him
so with the money hes getting from the riding school he buys a new horse but obviously, being an only moderately wealthy guy, he cant just buy a pedigree horse??
seokjin + jimin have an argument for the entire week bcos they both offer tae a discount on buying one of their family's horses
but nah, tae doesnt wanna pick sides so he buys his horse from the spca
Caesar's Sitte is a 16.1hh chestnut KWPN gelding with pretty bad anxiety
hes in the spca for severe neglect and it takes weeks before caesar lets tae anywhere near him ? most of the time tae just sits under a tree in his paddock reading a book/observing him so caesar can get used to him
and the first time caesar comes to him he starts tearin up!! a grown man cryin over his own horse!!!
but hes rly skittish at first and eventually he starts warming up to tae ? who wouldnt tho that boy is Pure™
so after a while jimin invites the gang on a foxhunt with his family and tae figures its the perfect opportunity for caesar to be introduced to crowds (even tho its relatively small)
and b oY HOWDY does caesar take to foxhunts like a duck to water!!
like,,tae has a couple poles at home that he tried to jump him over but it just doesnt?? happen??
he doesnt like the bright colours but boy f uckign howdy this boy has a nice jump
so tae figures that instead of showjumping he can do The Extreme™
hes already had practise jumping all that shit at his nans farm so why not??
so he starts training caesar for steeplechase, endurance + all that good stuff
his first race obvs he doesnt place but the next few after that,,,h oo bo y,, ,
What A Legend Team™
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bandagekid · 7 years
[4/5/17, 9:19:10 PM] aub: but no time [4/5/17, 9:19:13 PM] aub: only time to sleep [4/5/17, 9:19:27 PM] aub: obssessed with sleeping [4/5/17, 9:19:35 PM] aub: just want to go to sleep all the time [4/5/17, 9:19:40 PM] aub: tired of being awake [4/5/17, 9:19:52 PM] aub: today i remembered the story of the fig tree in the bible [4/5/17, 9:20:02 PM] aub: and we had a partner discussion on the moral of the story [4/5/17, 9:20:07 PM] aub: u know it right [4/5/17, 9:20:21 PM] aub: basically jesus is hungry and he finds a fig tree and gets pissed off that it isnt bearing fruit [4/5/17, 9:20:24 PM] aub: so he curses it [4/5/17, 9:20:29 PM] aub: and the next day it withers [4/5/17, 9:20:33 PM] aub: so it’s basically like [4/5/17, 9:20:45 PM] Jimmy: Never heard [4/5/17, 9:20:50 PM] aub: if u don’t amount to anything or you don’t produce anything in life then you may as well be dead [4/5/17, 9:20:55 PM] aub: lmfao [4/5/17, 9:21:12 PM] aub: or you’re as good as dead basically [4/5/17, 9:21:23 PM] aub: no difference whether you’re dead or alive if u dont produce anything [4/5/17, 9:21:31 PM] aub: that’s literally the moral of the parable [4/5/17, 9:21:45 PM] aub: but jesus must have been really hangry [4/5/17, 9:21:53 PM] Jimmy: Right [4/5/17, 9:21:56 PM] Jimmy: lol [4/5/17, 9:21:57 PM] aub: how petty can u be to curse a tree [4/5/17, 9:22:15 PM] aub: then his disciples were like holy shit u cursed it and it died holy shit [4/5/17, 9:22:26 PM] Jimmy: do u think there's a gay gene [4/5/17, 9:22:30 PM] aub: the real moral of the story (positive) is that “YOU BETTER WORK" [4/5/17, 9:22:33 PM] aub: yeah there is [4/5/17, 9:22:35 PM] aub: proven [4/5/17, 9:22:39 PM] aub: like literally [4/5/17, 9:23:00 PM] Jimmy: Rihanna work [4/5/17, 9:23:09 PM] aub: gay physique, especially for males, is different than heterosexuals [4/5/17, 9:23:37 PM] aub: makes u more slender and a little more feminine and ur voice is a little higher [4/5/17, 9:23:48 PM] aub: it’s a different testosterone level [4/5/17, 9:23:56 PM] aub: and estrogen production [4/5/17, 9:24:00 PM] aub: it’s the reason why like [4/5/17, 9:24:04 PM] aub: my friend mitch [4/5/17, 9:24:07 PM] aub: his parents are straight [4/5/17, 9:24:15 PM] aub: but him and all three of his brothers are gay [4/5/17, 9:24:28 PM] aub: so they just literally produced gay children [4/5/17, 9:24:36 PM] aub: you’re predisposed to it based on your parents genetics [4/5/17, 9:24:39 PM] aub: u really are [4/5/17, 9:24:41 PM] aub: born gay [4/5/17, 9:25:06 PM] aub: and also people who are homophobic (men who are homophobic) have this gene where [4/5/17, 9:25:23 PM] aub: ok so basically no one is homophobic [4/5/17, 9:25:29 PM] aub: u aren’t supposed to be homophobic [4/5/17, 9:25:54 PM] aub: but short answer is [4/5/17, 9:26:15 PM] aub: the reason that homophobic men exist so vehemently and outwardly is because theyre predisposed to getting turned on by viewing gay pornography [4/5/17, 9:26:24 PM] aub: *scientifically [4/5/17, 9:26:48 PM] aub: so their values turn the attraction into fear and hatred of one’s self [4/5/17, 9:27:05 PM] aub: and then they uh [4/5/17, 9:27:07 PM] aub: whats the word [4/5/17, 9:27:09 PM] aub: hold on [4/5/17, 9:27:13 PM] aub: its a psychology defense mechanism [4/5/17, 9:27:27 PM] aub: oh [4/5/17, 9:27:29 PM] aub: projection [4/5/17, 9:27:32 PM] aub: there we go [4/5/17, 9:28:03 PM] aub: when u have like problems within urself and u project it out onto others and how u view the world as a result of inner conflict [4/5/17, 9:28:07 PM] aub: https://psychcentral.com/lib/15-common-defense-mechanisms/ [4/5/17, 9:32:45 PM] Jimmy: Interesting [4/5/17, 9:33:14 PM] aub: like [4/5/17, 9:33:24 PM] aub: like someone cheating on their s/o [4/5/17, 9:33:31 PM] aub: and then their s/o asks them if theyre cheating [4/5/17, 9:33:38 PM] aub: and they’re like no how could u say that [4/5/17, 9:33:41 PM] aub: are YOU cheating on me [4/5/17, 9:33:47 PM] aub: (projection) [4/5/17, 9:34:41 PM] aub: Image [4/5/17, 9:34:44 PM] aub: Image [4/5/17, 9:34:48 PM] aub: which is more me!! [4/5/17, 9:34:53 PM] Jimmy: Second [4/5/17, 9:34:56 PM] aub: my sister wants to buy me a passion planner [4/5/17, 9:35:01 PM] Jimmy: Is that even.a question [4/5/17, 9:35:04 PM] aub: oh really?? [4/5/17, 9:35:12 PM] aub: my friend said the first [4/5/17, 9:35:12 PM] aub: im torn between the two [4/5/17, 9:35:31 PM] aub: i reaaaally like the second one’s design [4/5/17, 9:35:47 PM] aub: it’s a little paler in person [4/5/17, 9:35:57 PM] aub: more of a tiffany blue than an electric one like that [4/5/17, 9:36:29 PM] aub: jimbles i just want to be a genuinely better person [4/5/17, 9:36:43 PM] aub: but i think the more i think about these goals the harder it is to achieve them [4/5/17, 9:37:15 PM] aub: i think things are less about motivation and more about discipline and i’m jst too fragile for all of it [4/5/17, 9:37:33 PM] aub: i finally realized [4/5/17, 9:37:33 PM] aub: or [4/5/17, 9:37:57 PM] aub: i saw something on tumblr and i felt relieved and validated [4/5/17, 9:38:03 PM] aub: that someone mntioned that [4/5/17, 9:38:34 PM] aub: online csa is real and it’s thing even if a lot of people don’t recognize it and it’s just as traumatizing as irl csa [4/5/17, 9:38:52 PM] aub: especially because mine is both [4/5/17, 9:39:17 PM] aub: it’s hard for me to label it as csa because i don’t want to admit it [4/5/17, 9:39:59 PM] aub: but ive become more in touch with trauma and ptsd and csa recovery coping blogs and [4/5/17, 9:40:13 PM] aub: i think for the same reason that i’ve come to identify with bpd is that [4/5/17, 9:40:48 PM] aub: the things and experiences and feelings that other people, others diagnosed with it/have definitely gone through it are the exact same things that i identify with [4/5/17, 9:40:55 PM] aub: the same thought patterns [4/5/17, 9:41:30 PM] aub: it feels good to know that i’m not the only one who thinks horrible things like this to myself [4/5/17, 9:42:03 PM] aub: like u know dont touch me im impure im dirty ill nevr be able to be clean again [4/5/17, 9:42:12 PM] aub: or bpd like [4/5/17, 9:43:02 PM] aub: ill cut you off before you do i hate you i love you i hate you i hate what you’ve done to me i love you please dont ever leave me ill kill myself without you [4/5/17, 9:43:09 PM] aub: it’s [4/5/17, 9:43:16 PM] aub: i feel so ashamed all the time [4/5/17, 9:44:15 PM] aub: i like to hope that im not just licking my wounds here and wallowing in the comfort of a safe community [4/5/17, 9:44:22 PM] aub: i like to think that this is part of the healing process [4/5/17, 9:44:40 PM] aub: but i wonder all the time if ill ever heal or if i’ll just stay damaged goods [4/5/17, 9:45:31 PM] aub: i wonder if anyone will want to touch me or be with me like this or if anyone could love me like this [4/5/17, 9:45:57 PM] aub: and the feeling impermanence and irrationalism [4/5/17, 9:46:42 PM] aub: as if i forget everyday that i’m loved and have to be reminded by large displays of affection or else i get paranoid, vindictive, hateful, withdrawn [4/5/17, 9:46:52 PM] aub: carrying all of these things all the time is hard [4/5/17, 9:47:03 PM] aub: i don’t even know where all of this is coming from [4/5/17, 9:47:08 PM] aub: maybe from some place deep inside me [4/5/17, 9:47:28 PM] aub: i really thought i couldn’t think anymore but i guess it’s still there [4/5/17, 9:51:23 PM] Jimmy: um [4/5/17, 9:51:33 PM] Jimmy: nepo [4/5/17, 9:51:46 PM] aub: sorry i [4/5/17, 9:51:52 PM] aub: i know it just comes tumbling out [4/5/17, 9:51:58 PM] Jimmy: tmblr [4/5/17, 9:52:00 PM] aub: stop [4/5/17, 9:52:06 PM] Jimmy: Tmblring out [4/5/17, 9:52:08 PM] aub: i was gonna say that [4/5/17, 9:52:13 PM] Jimmy: Tumblring out [4/5/17, 9:52:52 PM] Jimmy: r u okay my manz [4/5/17, 9:53:21 PM] Jimmy: it's no good to think those things [4/5/17, 9:53:29 PM] aub: i always think those things [4/5/17, 9:53:32 PM] aub: im just giving u examples [4/5/17, 9:53:36 PM] Jimmy: I know [4/5/17, 9:53:44 PM] Jimmy: what is bothering u [4/5/17, 9:54:01 PM] aub: is that a question or statement :0 [4/5/17, 9:54:16 PM] Jimmy: Both c: [4/5/17, 9:54:45 PM] aub: care // temporex [4/5/17, 9:54:56 PM] aub: “i must be talking to a wall” is my favorite line [4/5/17, 9:56:32 PM] aub: and uh [4/5/17, 9:56:48 PM] aub: idk man [4/5/17, 9:56:58 PM] aub: ive talked to u abt it before but [4/5/17, 9:57:24 PM] aub: it's hard to articulate [4/5/17, 9:59:13 PM] aub: Image [4/5/17, 9:59:16 PM] aub: im gonna do this [4/5/17, 9:59:19 PM] aub: but not on twittee [4/5/17, 10:00:00 PM] aub: my sex life is a lot of personal stuff out and grow up to be a one on one of the only thing that was my first time having sex was in a hotel room with my abuser in the summer of my fav flowers [4/5/17, 10:00:03 PM] aub: fuck [4/5/17, 10:00:23 PM] aub: ...... [4/5/17, 10:00:37 PM] aub: i need to sit down [4/5/17, 10:16:02 PM] aub: jimmy [4/5/17, 10:16:05 PM] aub: im in love with myself
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hungline · 5 years
familiar to me as the sun
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pairings: jihope, side vmon and jinkook  genre: fluff, angst, fantasy au, rated t  warnings: blood, minor character deaths  words: 3436 
summary: It has always just been Jimin and Hoseok, ever since the beginning.
⇢ part one of jihope bingo 2017 
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When Jimin wandered off into the surrounding woods near his home at age four, Hoseok and his father found the crying toddler struggling to disentangle himself from a bush.
He was a tiny thing, shorter than half of Hoseok’s own height, but he was loud and he was also noticeable. Hoseok watched as his father bent down to whisper something to the shrubbery and wasn’t surprised when Jimin was spat out of its depths soon afterward.
Jimin’s face was red and splotchy and there was snot dribbling from his nose, but Hoseok could only stare at the splatter of blood that covered the boy’s clothes and most of his face.
It wasn’t his own, Hoseok could tell that it wasn’t.
The scent of magic lingered with the tangy iron smell that shrouded Jimin and it revolted Hoseok because the familiar part of him screamed that magical blood was sacred, yet Jimin was covered in it.
Hoseok’s father wordlessly held his hand out for the blanket in Hoseok’s knapsack and Hoseok obediently handed it over. The fae swaddled Jimin up in it then pulled the sniveling toddler into his arms, being careful to not let any part of him touch the dried blood on Jimin’s neck and chin.
Hoseok scrunched his nose at the odor, but followed after his father when the fae began to walk off in the direction that Jimin had come running from. He could pick up the trail through his familiar sense of smell. The same sense of smell that made him want to gag with one whiff of the blood covering Jimin.
The fae would occasionally let his hand drift over the trunks of a nearby tree and adjust his path. Hoseok kept silent and merely walked alongside his father, being careful to not collide into any trees while he side-eyed the toddler in his father’s arms. The boy wasn’t crying anymore. Instead, he kept murmuring something that sounded an awful lot like “mommy.” Hoseok wanted to pat him on the head and tell him everything was fine and he would be back with his mother soon, but Jimin being covered in blood told him that wouldn’t be the right thing to say.
So Hoseok stayed quiet, talking with his eyes alone as the little boy in his father’s arms finally met his gaze. Hoseok felt his fingertips tingle and a low hum began to sing in his bloodーhis fae blood to be exact. A trail of flowers bloomed ahead of him as his underdeveloped fae magic came to life and Hoseok’s father stopped in his tracks as he looked down towards the children.
Hoseok’s hair was curling and uncurling, his face was turning pink, and if Hoseok’s father squinted just a little bit, he would have seen that the whites of Hoseok’s eyes were tinted a very light green. Jimin’s hand was clenched into the fae’s shirt, his eyes blown wide and his small mouth hanging open. Both of the boys were in shock and although Hoseok’s father knew what had just happened, he merely sighed and continued to follow Jimin’s earlier path, being careful to not tread on the flowers that his son had made.
Hoseok stood unblinking for a few moments before he lurched forward and skipped after his father, the tips of his ears a bit sore and his blood thrumming through his veins. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the dark-haired toddler in his father’s arms. He almost didn’t realize it when they stepped into a clearing where a damaged cottage stood.
But his nose picked up the scent of rotting flesh and spilled magical blood and Hoseok found himself retching into the grass. He heaved again, his stomach in pain and particularly empty until his father’s soothing hand was placed on his back. Hoseok felt the thrum of magic in his father’s touch and he embraced it. He allowed the magic to settle within his bones and calm his churning stomach until the nausea eventually drifted away. Hoseok looked up to murmur a small thank you to his father until he noticed that Jimin was being set down beside him.
“Hobi, look after the boy. I’m going to go inside. If I don’t come out in five minutes, or you hear anything suspicious, you take him and you run. Run as fast as you can and don’t look back, but do not leave him behind. Do you understand?” Hoseok’s father’s tone was urgent and rushed and Hoseok understood the gravity of his father’s orders.
He nodded his head. “Okay, appa. I won’t leave him.”
His father leaned forward to brush his lips across Hoseok’s forehead and Hoseok let his fingers rub at the tip of his father’s ear.
When Hoseok’s father drew away, Hoseok whispered, “For luck.”
The fae ruffled his hair and turned towards Jimin.
“I’m going inside to get your things. You’re going to come live with us now, okay?” The fae made sure to keep his voice low and smooth, so as to not startle the young child.
Jimin blinked up at him and nodded, too afraid to speak in case he cried again. Hoseok’s father handed Hoseok a rag and wet it using water from his canteen before he notched his head in Jimin’s direction. Hoseok merely nodded his head again and scooted closer towards the toddler beside him to start cleaning his face. The fae stood and sprinted towards the cottage, cautiously looking around before he ducked under the slanting doorway.
Hoseok tenderly dabbed at the dried blood on Jimin’s chin, tongue between his teeth in concentration. He didn’t see the way Jimin was looking at him, but he felt it all the same anyways.
“Are y-you a fae?”
Hoseok almost wanted to giggle. The boy’s voice was so soft and so high and it made a blush rise to his cheeks as he thought about whether the boy was actually as soft as his voice.
“No,” Hoseok replied because technically, he wasn’t. He was only half.
“But youー” Jimin struggled to find the right words.
Hoseok arched a brow up in question and felt his hand grip the younger boy’s chin so he could get all the blood off. “What? Do you mean the flowers?”
His blood was thrumming in his veins again and Hoseok was mildly surprised when more flowers began to bloom around the pair.
“Mm,” Jimin hummed, his bottom lip between his teeth and his tiny hands reaching for a few of the buds.
“I’m only half-fae. My mother is a familiar, but my dad,” Hoseok threw a thumb over his shoulder in what he hoped was the direction of the cottage, “He’s a fae.”
“Are you a fa-familiar then?” Hoseok thought it was cute how Jimin struggled over forming his words correctly.
“No. I’m both.”
Jimin hummed again as if that answered everything and left no room for further questions.
“What’s your name?”
Hoseok smiled. “Jung Hoseok. And you?”
Jimin’s answering smile was one of the cutest things Hoseok had ever seen. “Park Jimin.”
“Cute,” Hoseok cooed.
Jimin stuck his tongue out at Hoseok and wrinkled his nose when the elder drew his hand away from Jimin’s chin, the blood gone from his face, but the stench of magic still lingering.
Hoseok was on the verge of saying something else when his father came bursting out of the cottage. In his arms was a ratty blanket tied together to keep the things held in it from falling out. His father’s face was a bit green, but the look on his face made the hairs on the back of Hoseok’s neck stand on end.
He knew what his father had found in the cottage. The fae reeked of death and magical blood.
Jimin was pulled into the fae’s arms again and Hoseok found himself holding the tied blanket as they walked back into the forest, leaving the damaged cottage behind them. Jimin stared over the fae’s shoulders, his little face somber and his gaze glued to Hoseok’s. Hoseok made silly faces at him to try and get a laugh out of the toddler, but the most he got was a tiny amused, smile.
When the three made it home, Hoseok’s mother bathed, fed, and clothed Jimin as efficiently and smoothly as she could. No one said it, but everyone knew why Jimin had fled the cottage, covered in blood and crying for his mother. Hoseok said nothing as Jimin held on a little too tightly to the front of his mother’s shirt when she clutched him to her chest that night, rocking him to sleep.
Hoseok wasn’t surprised to find the toddler tangled up with him in the sheets of his own bed when he woke up the next morning. The scent of Jimin’s clean skin overpowered the lingering stench of blood from the day before and Hoseok allowed the younger to nestle himself into Hoseok’s arms, feeling warm all around.
They never left each other’s sides after that.
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  When Jimin began presenting at age eight, Hoseok didn't think anything of it.
Hoseok had always expected for Jimin to become a warlock. Jimin’s mother had been one and his father had probably been a familiar like Hoseok’s mother, so it was only natural that Jimin would present as a warlock too. Jimin may have been able to make flowers bloom at will, but Hoseok had been doing that ever since they first met. It was fine though, Jimin was only just developing and Hoseok, even as a child, understood what that would mean.
It would mean that Hoseok would, in fact, be serving Jimin as his familiar once they bound their magic together. Most people would think Hoseok as Jimin’s slave, because a warlock had complete control over their bound familiar, but Hoseok knew better. A bound familiar and their mage would be able to exchange levels of magic between one another. However, only familiars were able to drain their mage completely of magic, a mage wasn’t allowed that kind of power over their familiars.
Hoseok knew that he and Jimin would never use the magic binding against each other though. They were best friends and made for one another. Hoseok didn’t need to worry because Jimin was still just Hoseok’s Jimbles. The same dark-haired boy he shared a bed with during thunderstorms, ate every meal with, swapped clothes with and played catch with everyday from late morning to sundown. There were no differences in the way that Jimin treated him once he began presenting. He was still as bashful and as considerate as ever and he was still Hoseok’s best friend.
The only thing that changed was Jimin had to go to a “special school” for special people like him.
They played catch whenever Jimin wasn’t in class.
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  When Jimin turned ten, Hoseok’s ears began to grow in.
His mother was ecstatic about it. Hoseok, however, was not.
The other children in the village mocked him. They called him many names (freak, weirdo, half-breed), but Hoseok made sure to not let on how much their words hurt him. His father had told him that to show weakness in the face of the enemy was as close to surrendering as the actual act itself and Hoseok refused to surrender. Especially not to dirty-faced eleven-year-olds who never wore shoes when they went out. Hoseok didn’t think himself better than anybody, but he knew that he would never let what the village children say about him affect him. He still had Jimin anyways and that was enough.
Jimin teased him about his ears sometimes, but Hoseok didn't take offense, not like he would have had it been anyone else teasing him.
Because it was still just his Jiminnie. The sweet, giggly, and fun warlock-in-training who was his best friend. Hoseok would blush whenever Jimin would touch his ears and soon enough, the younger boy picked up a habit of playing with them, often claiming that he was only helping the elder out.
Hoseok knew Jimin was just using that as an excuse to see the blush on his face whenever the warlock touched him.
They kept to themselves whenever they went around the village on most days then.
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  When Jimin turned twelve, he asked Hoseok to give him his first kiss.
Hoseok, as the most amazing best friend he was, obliged. When they broke apart, Hoseok felt incredibly giddy and Jimin yelped when Hoseok turned into an ocelot.
Jimin rushed them home, with the feline clutched to his chest, and had to be calmed down by Hoseok’s mother when she talked them through the process of Hoseok changing back into his human form. Eventually, a tall, lanky, and brown-haired teenager was beside Jimin again and the young warlock threw himself into Hoseok’s arms, begging him to not do that again, without fair warning at least.
Hoseok’s familiar form had been revealed though and sometimes Jimin couldn’t help but describe some of the elder’s actions as cat-like. Hoseok would stick his tongue out at Jimin whenever he did and Jimin would laugh and ruffle Hoseok’s hair in response. Their play fighting would end with soft, clumsy kisses and smiles being pressed into each other’s skin.
The two never looked back.
They held hands whenever they went out.
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  When Jimin graduated from his “special school”, he was fourteen.
Hoseok urged him to continue on to a more advanced school where the young warlock could really harness and hone his skills. Jimin avoided talk about continuing his education, he wanted to spend more time with Hoseok before he made any decisions about his future.
Hoseok’s father made the decision for Jimin instead.
It was on his deathbed that the old fae pleaded with Jimin to further his education and really master his magic. Jimin stood with tears in his eyes before the only father that he’d ever known. Hoseok was crying silently beside him, he’d always been right beside Jimin though, and in the last few moments before Hoseok’s father took his final breaths, he blessed them both with the remainder of his fae magic.
Hoseok felt his ears finish setting and his hair curl and a low thrumming began to sound from deep within him, but the feeling of Jimin’s fingers curled tightly within his hand, helped him settle. Jimin was glowing, a light green aura surrounding his figure, and his eyes shown much brighter than before and Hoseok knew that he was in love.
“With my blessing, you must promise to hold each other dearly,” Hoseok’s father spoke, his voice low and raspy. “You both know as well as I do that you were made for one another.”
All either of the two boys could do was nod. They’d learned about the real meaning of their reactions to one another when they first met years ago. Jimin’s nature magic had called to Hoseok’s fae blood and awoken it. Hoseok’s fae blood, in turn, had helped Jimin’s nature magic blossom. Together, they were powerful and Hoseok felt that power like an undercurrent singing through his veins, his airways, his everything.
“Jimin-ah, I want you to do this old man proud and really master your magic. Shiyuk is an old friend of mine, and he would love to have you at his school. Jimin-ah, don’t let your talent whither. Hobi-ah will still be here when you get back,” Hoseok’s father advised, his breathing becoming more labored as he spoke.
“But you won’t.” Jimin’s voice was wobbly and frail, but the squeeze of Hoseok’s hand let him draw strength to continue. “I don’t want you to leave us.”
Hoseok nodded, unable to speak because he knew that if he did, he would only start wailing loud enough to wake up the entire village. Hoseok’s father smiled at them both and held his liver-spotted hands out for the boys to take. They eagerly slid their hands into his and brought themselves closer to the old fae.
“You have each other. You’ll always have each other and it’s peaceful knowing you’ll protect each other when I’m not here anymore. It makes it easier to accept my death.”
“We don’t want you to die,” Jimin mumbled, tears streaming down his face again as he looked at the old silver-haired fae who’d taught him so many things. “We love you.”
Jimin was beyond grateful for everything the fae had ever done for him. He could never repay the fae for all the things he’d done, but if furthering his education was his dying wish, then Jimin would do it. Even if it meant he’d get less time with Hoseok, he would do it.
Jimin would do anything to make his father proud.
Hoseok sniffled beside him and laid his palm flat on the old fae’s chest, speaking an incantation that Jimin learned later was a blessing to ensure that a dying fae’s spirit would remain free once it was released from its shell. The old fae smiled at the pair and took one last deep breath.
His eyes glazed over and Jimin almost didn’t have the heart in him to call Hoseok’s mother back into the room. Hoseok squeezed his hand and opened the door softly, using his eyes alone to convey to his mother what had happened.
They held each other tightly through the night.
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  When Jimin mastered his nature magic at age eighteen, he came back to Hoseok.
They kissed and clung to each other before they began making plans to find a coven for Jimin. Hoseok’s mother watched on and gave advice where she could, her fingers often running through one, if not both, of the men’s hair. She wasn’t as sad to see them off as she thought she might have been, but when she looked at the soft gazes exchanged between the two men, she couldn’t find it in herself to be upset about their leaving.
Hoseok’s fae cousin, Taehyung, offered them a nice hut in his realm of the forest.
Hoseok declined on their behalf.
Taehyung then suggested that they go and live with his boyfriend’s coven instead. Namjoon was an intelligent wizard and his coven was a mix of music and nature magic combined.
Hoseok gave him a maybe. Jimin sent him a definite yes.
They spent their last night in their childhood home tangled together in the sheets of Hoseok’s bed as they had on their first night spent together.
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  When Jimin turned nineteen, he found his coven.
Namjoon, Jeongguk, and Seokjin welcomed the two with open arms. Hoseok was ecstatic about having his own room and laughed when Jimin pouted at him. Hoseok gave him a noisy smooch on the lips and followed Seokjin up the stairs where his new bedroom awaited him.
Jimin followed Namjoon and Jeongguk into the greenhouse and watched in fascination as Seokjin and Jeongguk’s plants bloomed to meet him. Namjoon himself specialized in music magic and he worked with Jeongguk and Seokjin together sometimes to make natural remedies. Many people of the village came to them when they took ill.
They never charged for their services either. Jeongguk explained that it felt wrong to ask the villagers to pay to get better. Plus, Seokjin would kill Jeongguk if he found that his warlock had sold their plants. Seokjin was a familiar like Hoseok, but his form was that of a hawk. He liked plants and his heart was soft, and it was clear to Jimin that Jeongguk cared deeply about his familiar.
Jimin felt his heart swell. He could sense Hoseok entering the greenhouse behind him and almost laughed when he saw a few plants attach themselves to Jimin’s other half. Seokjin giggled and asked Jeongguk to help him put their plants away, but all Jimin could focus on were the sweet words that Hoseok was whispering to the plants in an attempt to free himself from them. Hoseok eventually gave up and waited for Namjoon to help him. When he was free, Jimin strode up to him, took his face in his hands and kissed him tenderly.
Seokjin said they were worse than Taehyung and Namjoon. Hoseok claimed they were the cutest couple hands down. Jimin laughed and agreed, laughing even harder when Jeongguk pouted and argued that he and Seokjin were cuter. Seokjin smiled down at his warlock and kissed his cheek, causing everyone to laugh at Jeongguk's flushed and embarrassed expression. Hoseok took Jimin's hand in his and leaned into the younger's side, nestling himself there as if he never wanted to be apart. Jimin felt that he could agree with that.
They were home, for once and for all.
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