#anyways I love feminist just don't take it too far where you hate the other gender
celaestis1 · 11 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Thank you for the tag @three-drink-amy @inexplicablymine @myheartalivewrites and @cha-melodius
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
27, which seems somewhat meagre compared to many others!
2. What’s your AO3 total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RWRB and Star Wars
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
RWRB Screw Your Courage to the Sticking Place (and forget macbeth is a fucking tragedy)
Star Wars Smoking Hot
Star Wars Stars and Oceans
RWRB Blooming Lovely
Star Wars The Set-Up
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I never delete comments from my inbox as it always perks up my self-esteem if I'm flagging. So often though I literally don't have words to reply so it's just 'thank you for reading and commenting!' or ❤❤❤
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Stars and Oceans. Classic post-Order 66 Star Wars featuring a Codywan (fem!Obi) storyline so it's ... pretty bleak. BUT it is also part 1, so part 2 is much less angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Blooming Lovely. Link below.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No? I've had one where someone commented ''I wish you hadn't done xyz" which threw me a bit bc ... dude. The back button's right there.
Oh, tell a lie, I once had someone tell me my female OC was too much of a feminist and they didn't like that. It didn't feel particularly insulting though.
9. Do you write smut, if so what kind?
I love writing smut, and I feel like I have improved so much in recent years. I like most kinds, but not hate-sex or cheating. Don't like reading it and don't think I could write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Hmm, yes and no. I like taking characters out of one universe and transplanting them into another. I have two of these on the go at the moment; a Firstprince Discovery of Witches AU and a Codywan His Dark Materials. But I don't cross the characters over, so Henry and Alex won't be running into Matthew and Diana.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once, had a fic cross-posted without my permission and I wasn't happy. Thankfully it was taken down immediately once I contacted the person who'd done it. I think they thought they were being nice?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@inexplicablymine baby, current WIP, Firstprince, and y'all are NOT ready.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I have regular obsessions with ships! I love, and always will, Firstprince and Codywan. But I'm currently eyeball deep in a Buddie rabbit-hole and absolutely head-over-heels for some Wheel of Time ships too so I don't know if I could ever choose one favourite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably one of my Star Wars ones - there's a Sithywan fic that I have the bare bones of a plot for but so far it feels flimsy to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and inner monologues of characters. I like to think I'm good at landing characterisations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ad-libbing or ad-hoc writing I struggle with but also conversely plotting? I can have these amazing ideas that usually start with dialogue between two characters and then can't always follow through in creating a narrative around that scene.
Also sometimes I think I rely on a Deus Ex Machina too often.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'll normally try to just add in the odd word if canon, 'mijo', etc. I try to avoid long sentences unless it's a fictional language anyway (Mando'a) or it can't be avoided. Then I very guiltily use Google translate. For slang I do try and research multiple sources rather than Google though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Justice League, the DC Animated version which was a very good cartoon actually.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
It probably has to be Blooming Lovely. It's not often I write something totally joyful and angst-free so it felt like an achievement!
tagging @tintagel-or-cockleshells @dumbpeachjuice @cricketnationrise @happiness-of-the-pursuit
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tobi-nurse · 3 years
Im sorry if I offended you :(
I just wanted a feminist with big mommy milkers to degrade me/j
: (
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Another Second Chance 17- Everything Changes
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: Y/n and Danneel talk which forces Y/n to share a bit of truth with Nova.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2934
Story Warnings: past cheating, Nova is not nice to Danneel, Nova is a very protective daughter
Danneel looks a little shocked. Not like she’s shocked to see me, but maybe that she’s shocked that I didn’t run away and hide. She shakes herself out of it and smiles back at me. “Hey, sweetie. I guess we had to run into each other eventually, didn’t we?”
I nod and look back toward the dressing rooms. “Yeah. Austin’s big, but not that big.” I feel a bit uncomfortable as I gesture at the dresses. “I’m getting Nova some nice stuff for the Out Youth Gala.”
“Oh, yeah.” She nods and fiddles with her purse strap. Seems she’s just as uncomfortable. “Jensen mentioned he was taking her. I told him I’d stay home for this one.”
"You don't have to sit it out. You could still-"
"It'd be pretty tense. Jensen and I haven't been able to be around each other for more than a few minutes at a time in...well, in years.” Well, that’s a confirmation of Jensen’s words that I never thought I’d get. “Besides...a young bi girl, she deserves to rub elbows with those people. I’ve already met most of them.”
“Thanks for...giving it up this year.” I want to rub the back of my neck. I want to hug myself. I want to tug on my hair a bit. I’m tense and I don’t like feeling like this. I don’t, though. I keep my smile and I stay polite. I learned this a long time ago.
“Of course, sweetie.” God, that makes me cringe.
“Can you…” How do I say this without sounding rude? “Not call me that?”
She nods, understanding immediately. “Sorry. Default. I…” She runs her fingers through her hair and lets out a soft scoff. “I’m not really good at this. I should have just walked back out when I saw you.”
“No, no, that’s…” I sigh. “This is awkward. For both of us. Last time we talked, I was so angry and sad and-”
“And now you’ve got Jensen back and everything is coming up for you.”
That hits a little bitter.
“Danneel...I…” I scoff and shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest.  “The fact that I’m with Jensen again has nothing to do with the upward mobility of my existence...and, you know, I’m sorry that you and Jay didn’t work out, but I stepped out after you got caught together. You had five years to get him back and make things work.”
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." She shakes her head. "No, well, I guess a little. I just always thought one day he'd stop pining over you and come home." Guess she's still in love. Jensen just isn't a man who's easy to get over, is he? "Guess that was wishful thinking."
"I tried, Dee. I told him...I told you. I stepped back at every opportunity so that I wouldn't ever be in the way of your love."
"I know. From the very beginning, you tried to stay out of the way but we didn't really want that."
I roll my eyes. "You both wanted to have your cake and eat it but that's not how the world works." Not my world, anyway. "That Happy Family Fantasy? I talked myself into that. I tried to be what would have made you and Jensen happiest, but I couldn't do it. Trying hurt me. That single night that ruined everything…and when I realized that it wouldn't ever work with me and him and you, I stepped away, just like I stepped away when I realized my involvement with him was harming your marriage. I did everything I could to make sure you didn't lose him and-"
"What do you think of this one, Mum?" Nova's voice stops me and I turn toward the dressing room. She looks gorgeous...and angry. "What's she doing here?"
"It's a free country, Nova. She can shop where she likes." I clear my throat, try to get the bitterness out of my voice. "Genevieve is the one who introduced me to this shop. I assume that she-"
"I expected Gen to have better taste in friends."
"Not the time for the attitude," I snap at her.
"I don't have an attitude." She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Yes, you do and you need to stop."
"I just don't understand why you're standing there, talking to the woman who ruined your relationship with Jensen last time. You can't just-"
"It's more complicated than all that, sweetie." Don't talk, Danneel. She's already about to go into fight mode.
"It's not," Nova practically growls. "It's not complicated. He was dating my mother and you were caught shoving your tongue down his throat. That's crappy but it's not complicated!"
"Nova. Stop!" Mom Voice better work. I don’t want anything to show up on TMZ about a fight between my daughter and Danneel in the middle of a damn dress shop.
"No!" She did not just stomp her foot and-  "What, you think that just because you let Jensen fuck around with her while you were married to him that she has to be okay with him fucking around with you?"
My eyes go wide as she leans forward, trying to intimidate Dee. My heart starts pounding and I step between them, look up into my daughter's eyes. "Go get your clothes back on. Right fucking now."
"But, Mum!"
"I don't know who you think you are right now, little girl, but I am your mother and you're going to listen. Go. Get. Changed."
She stomps as she heads back to the dressing room. My heart is still going a mile a minute as I turn back to Danneel. "I'm...sorry about her. She...thinks she knows things and she...does know some things and she's protective and…" I scratch at my brow. "She doesn't want to see me break again."
"None of us do, swee-...Y/n. She's not wrong to be upset at me. Jensen's still upset at me about it."
I shake my head. "No, he's not. Did he never explain to you…" He really doesn't talk to her anymore. "It's not that he's mad at you, Danneel. He couldn’t come back because he had to change. He had to stop being the man that would ruin his life over selfish desires. You were...you were a constant reminder of what that old man had done. He couldn’t come back...not on his own, anyway." I don't know why that last thought escapes but it does.
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"Did you try to get him back?" I don't know why I'm asking this. Why do I care? "You asked me five years ago if Jensen wasn't worth fighting for. Did you fight for him? Or did you just sit at home, hoping he'd crawl back to you eventually? Did you fight?"
Because if she fought, if she tried, and he didn’t come back, that means he's really done with her. He really became a different man and he doesn't need or want her. He became a different man who just wants me.
"Are we leaving?" Nova asks as she hooks the hangers on the closest rack and approaches with her arms still crossed over her chest.
"Yeah. Grab the blue dress you tried on, take it to the register." She rolls her eyes and grabs the dress, walking toward the till.
"It was nice talking to you, Danneel." I start walking away to go pay for No's dress, but Danneel's voice stops me.
"I did fight. I tried. He wouldn't hear it." I look at her over my shoulder. "He was too caught up in the liquor and the loss." She tucks her hair behind her ear and gives a sad smile. "I fought for him. I lost him anyway."
I hate to acknowledge the elation I'm feeling, but it's there. He’s really mine. He's really mine and I won’t have to worry about her stealing his heart.
"I'm sorry, Danneel." It's all I can think to say. I know that losing Jensen couldn't have been easy. I walked away and it wasn't easy to lose him.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I never should have-"
"Things were complicated. They're less complicated now."
She nods. "For you."
Shit, I can't feel guilty about this. "Yes. Things are less complicated for me. I hope things get better for you." I head for the register and I pay for Nova's dress. Danneel is gone from the shop by the time we turn around to leave.
"Mum, I'm sorry, I-" Nova starts as we walk toward the car.
"Shut up."
She scoffs angrily. "That’s so rude!"
"Get in the car," I demand, tossing her dress in the back.
"Mum! I said I was-"
"And I said 'Shut up'." I drop into the driver's seat and wait for her to get in and shut her door. "First off, how fucking dare you say any words out of my mouth are rude with the way you spoke to Danneel in there? How dare you try to lecture your mother on how to speak to you when you obviously don't know how to speak to a woman who you probably don’t remember meeting and who did absolutely nothing to harm you.”
She opens her mouth to argue, but I keep talking. “I am fucking mortified that you would talk to her like that. You don’t know her. You met her once when we brought your little brother home from Vegas and you have no right to talk to her like that. She might not deserve your fucking respect, but I am not raising a disrespectful little brat. You can have your opinions and you can even voice them but you have no right to make her feel like shit about something that she’s been hammered about and called a homewrecker about for five fucking years. You wanna be a feminist, you wanna lift women up? You don’t fucking attack them for a mistake she made in the past. She fucked up and hurt me but you don’t even know the extent of it, because you are my daughter. You are not my manager, my bodyguard, or my fucking knight in armor, Nova. You are my daughter and I love you for trying to protect me, but I had that interaction handled and I didn’t need you flying off the handle at her. You weren’t even that bad with Jensen and he did worse than she did!”
She’s got tears in her eyes...and I feel bad for hurting her feelings, but...I’m right. She went too far.
“And while this is not something I ever thought I’d be talking to you about, you seem to think you know something about something so I’ll tell you that it doesn’t matter that Danneel and Jensen had an open marriage because that wasn’t what muddled everything up at the end and made them so bold as to be fucking around with each other while I was in Vancouver.”
“What? You--did something...happen before that?”
Again, not a conversation I thought I would be having with her...definitely not a conversation I’m going to have with her when she’s in trouble. “Doesn’t matter right now. What matters right now is that you’re fuckin’ grounded until the Gala. No electronics.”
“What?!” she exclaims indignantly.
“Yeah and if you don’t take your punishment gracefully, I’ll extend it past the Gala, too. You’ll get one night and then you’ll be grounded again. You want that?”
“No,” she grumbles. Me either, No. I hate being the bad guy...but I’ve always been better at it than Nate.
"When we get home, I want you to gather up your laptop, game consoles, and the cable box for your TV and put them in the garage. You can read a few books for entertainment."
"Okay." She sounds so dejected but...it’s what I have to do to get the point across.
“I’ll talk to Dee,” Jensen volunteers. “I’m sure she’s not-”
I shake my head. “I just can’t believe Nova went so vicious...and I think I’m going to have to tell her what happened back then.”
“You don’t have to. She doesn’t have to know.”
“She doesn’t have to know. But...she knows enough to be judgmental and-” What if she judges me afterward? What if she judges me for pressuring myself? What if she decides that I was in the wrong? What if she thinks it wasn’t cheating because we had a three-way, even though they both knew I didn’t want them together without me? “It’s better if I’m honest with her. If she decides to hold the threesome against me, then that’s...well, that’s her prerogative, but I think it’s better for everyone if she knows the truth.”
“You want me there?” he offers and I bite my bottom lip. I’d love to have the support, but…
“No. I think it’d be a better conversation for just me and her. She’s still kinda defensive around you.”
“Okay. Let me know how it goes, okay?”
“Yeah, I will. Tell Dee I’m sorry.”
“I will. I love you, Baby Girl.”
“Love you, too, Jay.”
I hang up the phone and head for the kitchen. I make a cup of coffee and sit at the table to drink it. I start running through ways this conversation can go, pieces of dialogue in a story. The conversations never really go like they do in my head. But I rehearse them anyway.
I finish my coffee and head up the stairs to her room. I knock. She groans and calls me to come in. I walk in and sit on the edge of her bed. She’s slouching in the bean bag chair in the corner, a book in her grasp. “When I got together with Jensen the first time, he was still married. I know you know that.” I look up at her ceiling. “Danneel agreed to an open marriage...but Jensen fucked it up. He fell in love with me. So, I left. I started dating Tom.” She makes a disgusted sound, but I keep talking. “You know this. Whatever post or article you read, you know this, but you don’t know that I started hanging with Danneel after Tom tried to rape me. We got drunk and I kissed her.”
Nova’s eyes go wide. “I was shocked when I did it, too...and I immediately told Jay. I felt so guilty and confused and...as soon as I told him, he decided that I needed to sleep with her.” I lick my lips. “He was a bit selfish back then. Pretty much very selfish back then...and he wanted both of us again. He admitted to it...that he pushed for me and her to sleep together. I couldn’t...but he really wanted it, us together...so Danneel and I came up with an idea...all three of us together.”
“You slept with both of them?” she asked, her voice a bit squeaky and very judgemental.
“Just once. I woke up the morning after and I couldn’t...I couldn’t deal. I felt dirty. I’d pressured myself into doing something just for Jay and Dee and it was bad. It was bad for me. Dr. McCauliffe told me that I should tell them how it made me feel, but I couldn’t. Disappointing them was something I couldn't do. I probably would have convinced myself to do it again eventually...and it would have broken me even further. I would have let it happen because I didn’t care about my mental health. I cared about them."
I'm afraid to look at her. Is she judging me? Is she disgusted?
"They both knew I didn’t want them touching each other. Not without me. But they both knew that I was unlikely to let it happen again...that I was having trouble with the first time and it was going to be an issue to do it again. That's why they...did what they did. They didn't think they'd get caught. They didn't think it would destroy me if they did."
"That’s worse!" she exclaims and I look over at her. She looks livid. "They knew you were falling apart!"
I rub at the back of my neck and nod. "Yeah, but they really wanted-"
"What you wanted didn’t matter? What you deserved? I can't believe them!"
"There’s a reason I had to end it all, why I had to get five years of distance. There's a reason why Jensen had to become a whole new man." I lick my lips and sigh. "They both betrayed me, Nova. They hurt me and it's taken five years to get us all okay and that's why I can't abide the way you talked to Danneel, because she lost everything too. She was selfish and horrible and she lost everything over it. She doesn't need a teenage girl giving her all this attitude over it."
She looks away and scratches at the back of her hand. "She deserved it."
"You don't get to make that determination." I lean forward and take her hand in mine. "I know that my mental break and breakup hurt you, No, but I'm the one they betrayed. I'm the one they broke...and I've decided to forgive."
"But nothing. They've changed. I've changed. Things are better. Do you understand?"
She looks down and sighs. "I understand."
I pat her hand and stand. "You're still in trouble. But I love you, Nova."
"I love you, too."
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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maschotch · 3 years
You make suchhhhh a good point about jj's red flag "girl boss" moments. I think that the writers do a shit job with female empowerment at times, especially with her. Most of the girl boss moments I like are with Emily or Penelope, where they're being super smart or charming or good at their jobs (or Emily kicking the shit out of someone) lmfaooo. Minimal loss is a great example for me of Emily being a strong and feminine character. She's soooo badass in that episode and i love it <3 But a lot of times they completely miss the mark on strong female actions, particularly with emily and jj. A lot of times I think they rely on sexualizing them to catch or interview an unsub, which is fine until it becomes some of the only representation we get. I can think of sooooo many for Emily in particular where her big moment is just turning on the "feminine charm" to flirt with or arouse the unsub. There's the swinger episode, the episode with the fox, but the ones that stick out are 52 pickup and the Doyle arch ofc. Like it happens sooooo much it gets a little weird after a while. Then there's the flip side, where they have a girl yell at a male unsub who's? Already cuffed? With Elle she has that scene where she yells at the man who's house she's searching ("what's the matter scotty? Scared of a woman who's not afraid of you?") Or Emily pinning down that unsub in season 5 and telling him to "just relax" when he's getting r*pped in prison. It just. Doesn't seem empowering to yell at an unsub who's already in cuffs lol. And JJ. JJ is just a whole different breed because her girl boss is either being a mother or just being an ass to unsubs or just the male members of the team. She just straight up hates men at times which is funny until it just goes too far to people who don't deserve it. Being a jerk ≠ being a feminist
yeah the writers do Not do well writing women lmao and you can always tell when they’re trying to make it ~a moment. like emily in limelight “if she were a man you’d say she had balls” or that elle quote you mentioned or any other odd lines of dialogue that dont quite fit. they do their best when it seems like they’re not even trying: emily sacrificing herself for reid in minimal loss, penelope being just as if not smarter than reid and not shy admitting it.. those are good moments.
tbh the emily stuff.. like her flirting w unsubs.. thats just kinda what she’s good at? yeah it’s definitely repetitive and maybe even overdone (i can never get rnough of those moments ahfhkshd shes just so hotkdhskdjksjd) but its in line with her character and her specialties. manipulation is her forte and flirting is a good way to do that smoothly. it automatically lowers someones guard as they anticipate whatever possibilities are suggested and more willing to be open and susceptible to her casual questioning. it’s less suspicious. and honestly i do think there’s something to be said ab an attractive woman using the creepily lustful gaze that she’d be subjected to anyway and using it to her benefit
not gonna even attempting to say the prison r*pe comment was appropriate. however… i think that was less of a failed attempt at a girlboss moment and more about emily (and extension the team) taking out frustrations from the previous episode. they’re still grieving and hotch’s emotional state is kinda up in the air rn. his turmoil throws the others off balance too. emily snapping and crossing the line with an unsub is an example of that: a manifestation of all the pent up rage she has for what their leader went through. it also does come back around to the suggestion that hotch was sexually assaulted by foyet in his apartment
the point is that all the women on the show act like that at least once, thanks to the completely fucking idiocy of the writers. what makes it different with jj, at least in my opinion, is that she does that shit way more than anyone else. her very aggressively gendered comments combined with her “sassy snarky” personality where she makes fun of people and rolls her eyes all the time just makes her seem.. mean. and tbh we all go through a “man-hating lesbian” phase but it should quickly balance out to a more broad perspective of gender roles in society. continuing to bash men just for existing and lumping them all as one idiotic mass is just terfy. its not breaking down any barriers: its upholding the traditional binary, just degrading one instead of the typical other. feminism is not an excuse for transphobia. the way to end misogyny isnt through misandry, but i dont think jj HAS an appropriate perspective. shes still very (willfully) ignorant about a lot of this stuff if only bc of her refusal to listen
anyway anyway anyway long story short YEAH. theres an acceptable threshold to account for the show’s inevitable stupidity, but jj pushes way past that. its not just a line or two, its her whole fucking personality. it makes her very hard to like when she’s so fucking hateful
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sirensorisons · 3 years
ok as your resident english major i finally got around to watching the daisy ridley ophelia movie and i have thoughts. im on mobile so no read more, sorry! spoilers ahead
the premise of the movie was obviously a big draw. like wake up babes new feminist take on hamlet just dropped. but one of my biggest complaints was that i felt they didn't push it far enough? like i could totally see what they were going for but it felt like all the #girlboss moments were given to other women. that was kind of disappointing given that this is supposed to be ophelia's story. like yes please uplift other women in the film but...
it felt like the writers or director were torn on whether to focus on ophelia or gertrude. i think they did quite a bit of work offering a more nuanced take on gertrude, but ophelia was kind of. frustrating. like, ok, the one major change they made to the play (besides ophelia being alive) was gertrude killing claudius. super fucking loved that.
but a couple minutes before, i had been wishing they would let ophelia barge into the room and either A) stop the fight between hamlet and laertes by showing them both she was alive, or B) stop it by pretending to be a ghost like she almost did with gertrude.
ophelia's ending was such a letdown. i like the intention behind her telling this story to her daughter someday, and breaking toxic cycles by getting out of it. but she had no impact on the events of hamlet's story, which was irritating. like i wouldn't want hamlet to run away with her or have the evil claudius vanquished and everyone else lives happily ever after bc that's not the point. it's a tragedy.
the hopeful twist they put on it for ophelia was interesting, and i don't totally hate it, but it's just kind of baffling. like her father dies and she doesn't get to express much genuine grief over it, just scheming from there on out to save hamlet, and she doesn't seem to spare a single thought for her brother in all of this. like i said, she could've stopped their whole feud by revealing herself or pretending to be a ghost. or at least show her on the brink of doing that, but she's unable to do so before the norwegian forces charge in.
also, i didn't care for the gertrude twin plotline. shakespeare loves his long-lost twins (comedy of errors, twelfth night) so it's not entirely out of place, but it felt unnecessary. a little too convenient as a device to introduce the different poisons and bring the norwegians to the castle. plus, this version of getrude seems to genuinely love her son enough that watching him die would drive her to kill claudius, without the added motive of him fucking over her sister.
i like how hamlet and horatio first coming upon ophelia while she's in the water turned the whole fish/fishmonger thing into even more of an inside joke. it was cute. also, the tension introduced by comparing it to the myth of diana and the hunter was interesting
i felt like, starting from that scene with the diana myth when gertrude gets upset that hamlet insulted her likeness, there was an intriguing rivalry brewing between getrude and ophelia for hamlet's affections, as his mother and wife, respectively. all the "hamlet oedipus complex" truthers make me roll my eyes, but there's gotta be some sort of reverse of that where it's the mother who has a toxic obsession with her son. you definitely see it happen often enough irl with self-proclaimed "boy moms". anyway, it seemed like that rivalry was a major dropped thread. would've been interesting to see that pursued further
idk shit about medieval clothing or costuming in general but i thought the costuming in this was gorgeous. the hairstyles, the dresses, the cloaks. the way ophelia always stood out in the frame so our eyes would be naturally drawn to her
the setup and payoff for horatio's illegal bodysnatching was also quite good but im biased bc i love horatio and him and ophelia being bros
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
@animecat33​ tagged me for this
Rules: Name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, then tag 10 people.
I enjoyed this but... At first I thought, do I even have 10 I consider favs? And then I ended up with a list of, like, 25, and couldn’t pick 10 so I chose more or less at random. And I admit I cheated seeing as some kind of fit in the same fandom in some way.
It’s just too hard picking favorites. 
Undercut, cause it’s gonna be a loooong post.
1. Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
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My tattoo probably makes this one obvious. 
I love Morticia so much, not only do I love her aesthetic, I just love her personality and attitude, not to mention her marriage is ‘goals’ and as a mother and matriarch she’s incredibly supportive and loving despite the unorthodox life the Addams’ live. I love a character that can be a mother without having it define her completely.
2. Catwoman/Selina Kyle (DC)
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Selina was one of my OG crushes back before I even understood what I crush was or that being queer was even a thing (looking at you, Michelle Pfiffer).
I love her style and strength and personality (when she's well written), her grey morals and competence, and cats are just my thing, ok? Plus bisexual icon.
Have you noticed I have a thing for a dark women with grey morals?
3. Raven/Rachel Roth (Teen Titans/DC)
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I kinda share a name with Raven but that's not why I like her. I've always loved the emotional complexity of this character, her incredible power (and how it's also her weakness), and style as well. I'm not too thrilled about some more recent incarnations of her but she'll always be an OG fav.
4. Nightwing/Dick Grayson (DC)
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Yeah, yeah, DC again, look the other way, please (they have individual comics anyway).
I couldn't leave out my darling Dickie. I grew up with this dude and I love his backstory and relationship with his family. He's a beautiful ray of sunshine with a dark streak, a competent leader without being a broody bossy jerk like some and he's very well rounded and consistent in his characterization (plus that design is top notch). I know the Romani thing was a ret-con on something just vaguely implied in the past but honestly it was a good one and some much needed rep despite the constant whitewashing (though not as bad as others in his family).
Also, he drinks his 'respect woman juice', he's flawed without being edgy, and has been queer-coded and female-troped for decades which makes him much more likeable as a male character. He actually became an LGBT icon despite the cowards at DC constantly trying to shove heteronormativity into his storyline.
5. Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steve Universe)
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Is she problematic? Yes and that's part of the appeal.
I already loved Rose when she was this sweet, compassionate and wise old soul, this rebel and leader and mother with many secrets.
I guessed really early on that she was PD so that part didn't surprise me but when the backstory of her as PD finally appeared to give us so more in-depth knowledge I was surprised by the amount of hate the character got. To me, her flaws, pain, mistakes and growth were part of the allure.
Also, gorgeous and much needed plus-size rep. I loved cosplaying her more than anything.
6. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
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Did I like her style or design? Nope, I much prefer her mother's but Leia is an immensely competent, wise, strong female character that takes no bullshit from the male-dominated plot around her, she deserved so much better. Honestly, she deserved her own goddamn movie.
Carrie Fisher was a feminist icon and an advocate for mental illness visibility. She's was also fucking hilarious. All this translated into Leia's character very well and she deserved so much better from society than being sexualized in a metal bikini and remembered that way forever.
7. Hela (Thor Ragnarok/Marvel)
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I already loved Hela's character in the comics (except the arc where she sexually abuses Thor, that was shitty edgelord writing and I refuse to acknowledge it's existence) but Ragnarok gave her a whole new meaning.
Firstly, my God is she hot! Just.... Umpf! Step on me, queen.
Secondly, she's dark and evil but she has a goddamn point (people are hypocrites). And in the comics she's not even evil, she's neutral and only a villain because she opposes Thor on a personal level. She's also incredibly competent at what she does and if that isn't a turn-on idk what is.
8. Korra (Legend of Korra)
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Korra will always be bae. There's a reason my behemoth of a fic revolved around her.
Not only is she incredibly well-rounded and fun, she's also very competent, has a fascinating backstory and is immensely powerful, plus she grows beautifully through her show. Not to mention she's GORGEOUS.
POC and LGBT rep, plus she showcased one of the most incredible arcs on disability and recovery that I've ever seen in a family show.
9. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
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You can pry Wanda from my cold dead hands.
I'm not even the biggest fan of her movie version, I'm all about comic Wanda.
POC rep and an incredibly visceral portrayal of mental illness and trauma. And she's beautiful beyond reason, morally grey, and powerful as hell.
Most of all what I like about Wanda is how loyal and family-oriented she is without letting it diminish her as an individual or as a powerhouse character, so many female characters loose all agency and individuality when they have kids, they get delegated to role of mother and lose their heroics or become extensions of their husbands and children, Wanda was nothing like that. Her relationship with her brother is fascinating too (let's pretend the incesty vibes in certain alt universes don't exist).
I only hate that she and Pietro always get the short stick in adaptations and their origins keep getting needlessly retconned (Magneto's kids with his Romani wife, raised by someone else- that's it, stop trying to change it and then change it back over and over). That and how she's not allowed to have her well deserved relationship with her babies because of stupid old-fashioned comic rules that led to a needlessly convuloted and far-fetch story arc (the erasure, reencarnation and hyper-aging of her sons).
10. Jessica Rabbit (WFRR)
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For most people, Jessica's appeal is "she's hot" and yes, this "pinup femme fatale" look really does things to me, I won't lie about that, but that's not why she's my favorite.
Jessica is fav because she's loyal and loving to her goofy husband, she completely turns the femme fatale trope upside down for love and doesn't give a damn about looks, she uses her appearance as a weapon and she's confident but she's clearly not vain ("I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" and "He makes me laugh"). She's also hilarious in her own deadpan way.
Other worthy mentions to this list are:
Wednesday Addams
Mystique (Marvel)
Shuri (Marvel)
Maleficent (Disney)
Vanya Hargreeves (TUA)
Blind Mag (Repo!)
Venom (Marvel)
Lust (FMA)
Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy)
Alice Lidell (Alice Madness)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
The Kagamine twins (vocaloid)
Amon (LoK)
Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
Loki (Marvel comics)
Liadan (Sevenwaters)
Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Jericho (Titans/DC)
Sadako Yamamura (from the Ring BOOKS)
Susan Sto-Helit (Discworld)
I tag... @dymosara @abnaxus @polyx @bluetalesoftheheart @adka2333 @shinladyanarki @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus @frank-a-lank @fluffynexu @teddy-fluffnhugs
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daikenkki · 4 years
MrDonald09: Since Series 22, what new change has annoyed you the MOST??
tttedrawings: Fantasy sequences and the intro/life lessons outro, they just make the episodes shorter, and most of the time aren't really needed at all.
MrDonald09: Ah yes unfortunately you can only have 4 options on Twitter polls, I’m sure the list would be huge if you could have more.
MasonDey1: To me the whole concept of the Steam Team is just pointless.
MrDonald09: Yeah it limits the characters that are used most of the time.
PSideplates: I voted for bouncing since it's closest to the general "kids show" tone that BWBA takes on. It really is like watching a show you put on for your 3 year old so you can leave the room in peace. It hurts to watch. If we were getting the Brenner era where the engines bounced, had ugly details, went worldwide, and got Nia and Rebecca, I'd be miffed but accept it. But BWBA just claims to be TTTE and acts like a generic preschool show. And I don't wanna be in a position where I'm an adult watching a preschool show.
MrDonald09: Agreed. I feel proud to be a fan when I watch classic era and Brenner era, but if it was like BWBA throughout the whole show I can tell you I would not be supporting it now.
TCKRangeltoon: I blame Chuggington.
PSideplates: I don't. Chuggington ended before they came up with BWBA. If anything, Chuggington made the market for train toys/shows competitive which forced HiT to make good Thomas products, well toys anyway.
ronniethe14xx: Honestly, disagree with the point it's the most general kids show tone. Travelling seems to be the new hip and cool thing to do in kids shows, I'd argue that makes it slightly worse then the bouncing because it's clear Thomas only jumped on that trend to be "hip".
JovanniChavez11: Faster pace and Thomas losing his identity. I don’t mind Thomas going on a trip but that wasn’t the way to handle it.
MrDonald09: Yes. IMO it should have stopped after the BWBA special, I think it should have only been a special.
Bostonthomasfan: Don’t really mind the bouncing but it can be over done at times. For around the world? I wish there were more episodes on Sodor and less around the world. Like 18-8 would be good.
MikeArc31375512: The bouncing. Loathe it with a passion.
ThomasTVNostal1: The thing I hate is constant arguing over opinions.Some people have been told to fuck themselves for disliking an episode of BWBA that the majority of the fandom likes and vice versa. This is unacceptable. As a fandom, we're a team and we help each other out.
ChillerB3: The forced feminism with Nia, Rebecca and the newer Steam Team really rubbed me the wrong way, more than hyper bouncing and worldwide shit did.
MrDonald09: Same, especially how the majority of the audience really doesn’t care about that, having more females, great! but don’t mess with many people’s childhood to make SJWs and toxic feminists happy cuz I guarantee you the people who wanted this change probably don’t even like the show.
ryanburges4472: I didn't read properly and the real thing since Series 22 that has annoyed me the most is the bouncing. I've been more bothered about the steam team without Henry (Just Henry). I'm happy with Edward sleeping at Wellsworth.
MrDonald09: Yeah, I completely agree honestly i’m not mad that Edward isn’t in the Steam Team anymore. It's Henry that annoys me the most.
ryanburges4472: I know! Gordon and James sleeping at Tidmouth without Henry. Edward is best at Wellsworth because he has a branch line which stars from Wellsworth.
CoolCar161: Henry and Edward stopped appearing as much anyway. They haven’t been good characters since series 4, even in the Brenner era they had little to no appearances due to writer's block. Rivets is a nice little detail that makes them seem more real, Thomas always wanted to see the world and the bouncing is hardly that bad.
TheBlueE21: Thomas' world tour. It's so inconsistent. Doesn't tie into the movie that hyped it up, never explains why or for how long Thomas is in each country, 1 ep he's in China, then Brazil etc then Sodor eps act as though he never left due to always being there. Plus most sets aren't great.
halfbakedhex8: For the record, I voted the 'rivets' option because the inclusion of the new detailing runs so counter to what the show is now, that trying to inflict reality onto the now-very-unreal engines feels very confused as to what the show is trying to achieve.
BluebellThEngin: The "bouncing" doesn't bother me much at first, but as time went on, it starts to get a little out of control and it kinda bugs me. I don't have a problem with the added details like the rivets, but they do look a little too big. Shrink them in size and they'll be okay. I'm mixed on Thomas travelling around the world if I'm being honest. The new Steam Team is what bugs me the most out of all of these options. I never liked it to begin with (minus my child self). It makes the other characters look useless. What I love about the Classic Series is we got lots of stories about almost each and every single one of them it makes the series interesting. But with the Steam Team, not only does it focus on the main characters so much, but it also brings them out of character. Especially if it's for the sake of the plots.
fan_ttte: The New Steam Team with Nia and Rebecca is what I don’t like most. I don’t mind the bouncing or rivets, Thomas going worldwide is okay. I don't know, I just feel like it would’ve been better if Nia and Rebecca did join, but also keep the others, for some interesting interactions and episodes.
islandofodor: If Thomas hadn’t gone worldwide, we’d probably still be in the Brenner era. Granted, it’d still be a slight step down but the international episodes barely take advantage of the different setting and opt to use generic plotlines that we’ve already seen on Sodor.
thesaddletank18: Bouncing, rivets and worldwide idea are bad but the new Steam Team is just....why was this done to the show?
Jacob34335638: I liked the new details, I’m mixed on the New Steam Team, and Thomas travelling the world. But the bouncing is what pisses me off the most, it literally makes the show look like Chuggington. The bouncing was at it’s worst in Journey Beyond Sodor and Thomas’ Magical Birthday Wishes.
TWR_Douglas_10: ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!
DFox1203: Is everything an option?
TheWinnerGuyCJP: Voted worldwide cuz it makes Thomas completely out of character.
SoupyGunzilla: I think a lot of the stories suffer from the shorter time. A lot of them could be better if they had more time.
kofi_milky: The bouncing, more sing alongs, replacing Edward and Henry with Nia and Rebecca. Even Thomas going worldwide. When the Rev. W. Awdry said "Here is your friend Thomas the Tank Engine. He wanted to come out of his station yard and see the world", the world that's he meant is Sodor.
sodordaily: Choosing New Steam Team because I miss the old SO MUCH!
peter_sam_no4: I think for me the bouncing as it’s so unrealistic . A 1 ton lump of metal can not swing all over the place like it has no weight.
Growlithemaste1: I hate the bouncing the most, but the rest are all useless too.
sixteen_dnw: Worst is the New Steam Team, then worldwide, then rivets, and then bouncing. TBH it doesn’t bother me too much.
BearsFlush: It annoys me that Thomas travels the world, as they remove chapters that might be focus on Sodor, and the locations and some engines are not represented correctly on the railroad.
VacentTest: I’m fine with the New Steam Team changing Edward and Henry out for Nia and Rebecca, I’ve always supported it in the beginning because increased feminism is good. Thomas going worldwide, that didn’t annoy me cause I was interested in that, the rivets is minor and nothing to worry about. But the bouncing, annoyed me the most at first but I’m used to it.
SnatchyBoi: The bouncing and the New Steam Team.
GWREngine: The New Steam Team is the most annoying change. It feels like Mattel doesn't care how special Edward, Henry, and Toby are. Plus we don't need to have more than 1 female main character. Emily being the only girl used to make her special. With Nia and Rebecca around, she isn't special anymore.
TurnTable2002: Chris Renshaw's music really annoys me.
MichaelfromNZ1: Bouncing, worldwide and New Steam Team. They represent how far Thomas has fallen since Mattel fully took over.
ArmchairRailway: New Steam Team.
TI4MGP: This is probably the hardest time I’ve had deciding on one of your polls lol. I went with the Steam Team though, but bouncing comes in a REALLY REALLY close second. The other two are less but equal with each other.
jack_bench: TBH, I'm fine with all of them? But I chose bouncing because the rivets are neat, world-tour - while it makes no sense - has a valuable goal (and is kinda fun), and the Steam Team really needed more female representation which we got with two positive role models in Nia and Rebecca. Bouncing is unnecessary, but not horrendous.
Holycro1Michael: Everything!
JosefSnowBall: Rivets was something I actually liked seeing on some engines. Bouncing is something I’m OK with, it’s kind of grown on me. New Steam Team sucks because it gets rid of the 2 best engines, Edward and Henry, and Thomas worldwide sounded like a bad idea to begin with.
TheThomasFan: Probably Thomas going worldwide . The animation is shit and it’s all just recoloured.
TheUnluckyTug: The new Steam Team. I think I'd be a little more accepting of BWBA if Edward and Henry weren't so transparently and obviously thrown to the side and treated as if they don't exist. It was like the biggest "fuck you" to fans ever.
MrDonald09: Yeah, not to mention Nia and Rebecca have such generic personalities they can barely hold a unique episode nowadays. I can understand Edward staying at Wellsworth but they did Henry DIRTY by slapping him at Vicarstown so he can focus on his Mainland duties yet not do any episode focused on this new job.
SteamEn83954980: Ok so ignoring Emily, it was a perfect 1-7 number of characters and now it's just 1, 18, 22, 4, 5, 6 and 12. Like I know it's minor but that fact gets under my skin.
DBlue02: I voted for the bouncing, but yeah, I kinda have to agree with Simon Martin’s opinion on the Steam Team concept, it’s long since overstayed its welcome. I’d prefer a nice balance of the main and side characters getting their share of the spotlight, like in the classic seasons.
TFan512: What if Edward, Henry, Nia and Rebecca were all part of the main cast.
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sagittariuswritings · 3 years
Gal Gadot: IDF z#onist“Don’t watch Wonder Woman guyzzz! She supports military brutality and antiPalestine! Fuck her and her brand!”Simu Liu: Homophobic MRA male supremist, anti-BLM“Omg I love daddy Shang Chi! Pls support this guys! Such acting, such talent, KEENNG!”Why treat women’s mistakes different from men and women must have their history and issues accessed to go with their talent? Literally what the r/marriedredpill men say on women being submissive+anti feminist by nature is true.
for one, why are you anonymous? typically people only go anonymous when they're shy or just straight up dicks. where did i ever say that i supported any of the actors in the movie? i said that it was a good movie, i didn't say a single thing about the actors. no, i didn't know this going into the movie, but i'm human, i don't know everything about everyone/everything. instead of attacking people for liking something, maybe say something like "hey just a heads up, there's something problematic with that, here's what it is, just in case you didn't know :)" rather than just throwing punches first without question. i don't like gal gadot, nor have i seen the wonder woman movies, and that's simply because i prefer marvel over dc, then you add the fact that gal gadot is extremely problematic. i watch the mandalorian, but am i egging on gina carano's career?
not to mention, there is such thing as liking the character vs hating the actor, or hating the character vs liking the actor. take cersei from game of thrones and her actress lena headey. horrible person, cersei is, but lena is a lovely person (as far as i know).
but anyways, i'm not saying i disagree with you. in fact, i whole heartedly agree that there is a lot of controversy when female actors are problematic vs when male actors are problematic. how is there to be change there though if you just anonymously slither into people's ask box. why not work together with people to say "hey, this isn't right, and y'all need to start realizing it."
in the end, there are so many horrible people out there, and sometimes in occasions like this that - you may be surprised - happen on accident, and people don't mean to do something. there's also cases where people put words into others' mouths.
and again, i never once said anything about the actors or loving them. also, i never came close to calling anyone daddy, so there's that too.
i hope you have a nice day, anon :)
0 notes
Grace & Janis
Grace: Not to cause drama but your man can't stay away 😂💓 insisted on giving me the caravan keys himself this morning babes Janis: 'Cos he's not my man, go hog wild Grace: OH HUNNY NO 😭 WHAT HAPPENED? OMG DID HE GO TOO FAR WITH THE PRETTY WOMAN SITU Janis: No, sadly I'm not 3 grand better off for it, Grace. Janis: Just run its course, I'm over it. Grace: I can't believe he'd use you like that! 🐖 After you took him on hols too OUTRAGEOUS 😧 Grace: You'll be okay though babe you are better off if he's gonna be like that Grace: OMG ITS THE CURSE OF SKERRIES! REMEMBER ME AND TY Janis: Maybe I used him? Ever think of that Janis: Nah, I don't...which one was that Grace: That's right gurl ♀ take control of the narrative Grace: You dumped him, consider it announced 💋 Grace: He had that well buff neck tat, remember? Janis: Its the truth. Nothing happened anyway, not proper. Janis: I'd rather keep it to myself but if you must, cheers Janis: Ahh, borstal boy Grace: 🙊 Gotcha 😇 Grace: Is that in 11? He was from there Grace: Anyway you should come on my juice cleanse Janis: No Grace, lol never mind, don't worry about it Janis: How am I gonna work out with nothing but a belly full of juice? I need protein Janis: but I wouldn't hate the vitamins and electrolytes, sometimes Grace: Oh Jan-Jan EVERYONE else manages it 🙄 but you are going through a break up 😢 just don't eat your feelings too hard. Asia's still trying to lose lbs 2 boys later 🙈 Grace: Yayyy! Come to town with me. It's lush there. 😜 drinks aren't bad either lol Janis: That's because you all only do half an hour of light cardio at best Janis: No I'm not, and there are no feelings to eat, I'll be in better shape now he's gone, more time to hit the gym, no more cafe shit Janis: Asia just wants an excuse to get fat, in or out of a relationship Janis: Not today, I'm busy but tomorrow lunch maybe Janis: I cba to be at school for any more time than is required Janis: might throw a sickie Grace: Rude! I know you're hurting but there's no need to come for me and my gym routine Grace: You don't have to pretend with me, babes 🤗 Grace: Unfair, Jan! She's been to WW and everything! It's so sad. Such a struggle Grace: YES! I'll phone in too. We can have a duvet day together. SISTER TIME SICKIE Grace: 💕 You'll feel better in no time Janis: I truly ain't. Janis: And if you don't want me to come for it, try harder, same goes for Asia. Janis: If she actually wanted it, she could, simple as. Janis: Nah, you have to spread my side of the story, don't you? Need you on the frontlines Janis: Plus, I'm going nan and grandad's, not home Grace: EXCUSE YOU BITCH I WAS AT THE GYM FOR 3 HOURS LAST NIGHT Grace: Okay yeah good point, can't let him chat shit about you after everything ugh Janis: Taking selfies? Lol, alright, alright, well done you Janis: I'm sure he won't.. Janis: It'll be everyone else Janis: Don't try and 'come' for him, Grace, that would be so embarrassing. Just set other people right, that's what I mean, right? Grace: thnx 😘 Grace: Boys can't even help themselves Grace: Oh Jan I'm not gonna fight him!! 😂 Don't worry I got this Janis: Yeah but just don't even chat to him Janis: I know YOU can't help yourself Janis: but I don't need it, Grace Grace: 🤐 Going to him for goss? Please. I'd never. Grace: He'd only lie anyway Grace: I can't 🤞 to hold the girls back tho Janis: For God's sake, its none of their business Janis: This is what I mean, everyone getting involved, can't people just leave it Grace: Bailey did lock lips with him first, babe Grace: You can't blame her for feeling wronged Janis: Yeah I can, when she practically grabs up on boys like Trump Janis: Its not on Janis: If she wants to try again, she can, she don't need to drag my name into her piss-poor attempt at chat Grace: Your ex WOULD say it went down like that 🙄 Grace: He's so gross! I shouldn't have let you near him 😧 Janis: It isn't just him Janis: she's getting herself a worse rep than she already had Grace: OMG JANIS STOP SLUT SHAMING MY FRIEND Grace: I can't believe my twin is such a bad feminist Janis: I can't believe you're siding with the abuser, and not believing a victim Janis: If you wanna chat that bullshit Janis: so leave it out Grace: You shouldn't throw words like that around. It's no joke Janis: It isn't. Janis: Let JGG know before she gets in trouble Grace: YOU STILL LOVE HIM, DON'T YOU? 😭 SO SAD Grace: I get you siding with your boy now Grace: poor Jan-Jan. I'll get him back for you don't worry Janis: No, it wasn't that deep, it was only a few months, get real Janis: Never did Janis: I don't want him back, focus on getting him for yourself, like you always wanted Grace: Oh honey...whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie Grace: I hate hearing you like this Grace: He really did a number on you 😢 Grace: We'll say no more about him Janis: I'm not you, Grace. I don't have to pretend it was love in the moment, or after, just to make myself fell better and to let the world know I'm not a skank. Janis: Good, stop talking, you've got no idea. Grace: DON'T TAKE YOUR MOOD OUT ON ME I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP Janis: Well you're not so stop trying, thanks Grace: Well now I know what to get you for christmas ffs! Grace: You need therapy, girl Grace: No-one else can talk to you when you're like this Janis: I hope you've not pulled me in secret santa, 'cos you're almost as bad at gifting as 'helping' Janis: you can't either, you just like the sound of your own voice Janis: and i'm the fucked up one, lol Grace: Mum and dad will send you, you know, they're always chatting about it Grace: see how edgy you are then Janis: good luck, i'm capable of keeping my mouth shit for more than five minutes Janis: no wonder all your boyfriends use yours then bounce, who could bare you Janis: if we weren't related to you, none of us would Grace: Maybe that's your problem, babe. Jimmy obvs wasn't feeling the strong silent type Grace: At least I've had boyfriends you've done it once and think you're an expert Grace: No wonder he got fed up Janis: Yeah, he's really after a girl just like you, that's why he does everything possible to avoid you Janis: You're the clueless one, Cher lol Grace: It's hilarious to me that you think I was ever interested in your fuckboy barista Grace: Both lads he works with are well fitter for a start Grace: I was happy for you, doesn't mean I'd be happy to go there Janis: You're so blatant the old dears having their pot of tea went to fucking pray for you after Janis: The idea you think you're slick enough that he didn't notice, I didn't notice, that the whole fucking town isn't aware who you want to ride next, is what's hilarious Janis: Sort yourself out, its embarrassing Grace: Nothing could be as embarrassing as having you for a sister 😂 Grace: Go cry to nan babes I'm over it Janis: The feeling's more than mutual, GracieGuru Janis: No one crying but you, as per Grace: As if I'd waste the mascara. Get a life Janis: I've got one, and it isn't yours to share; a fact you haven't been able to stand since you fell out of mum with me Grace: 😂 WHERE? You've got no friends, no lad and you hang out with our grandparents most nights Grace: so much to envy Janis: and yet, I'd sooner that than yours Janis: and that's what's really sad Janis: poor wittle gracie poo Grace: Next time you go running just keep going like Grace: Nobody'll mind here Janis: Yeah, 'cos they all love you Janis: You don't fit in Janis: Changeling baby, nowhere else to go Janis: Mum always liked taking in strays Grace: Must've been why she kept you Janis: Burn Grace: If you fit in so well why are you never here Grace: Too busy thinking you're above me to bother with the rest. That's sad Janis: Cos I can't fucking stand you, Grace Janis: and if I'm anywhere within a mile radius of you, I'm liable to kill you Janis: and you aren't worth the prison time Grace: Wow I'm so intimidated Janis: You aren't meant to be Janis: No one here but you needs to front Janis: Its the truth, you make my life hell Grace: Chats the girl who does nothing but Grace: You only went out with the barista because you THOUGHT I was interested Grace: Such a loser move Grace: Don't expect me to feel bad for you Janis: Jokes on you because I didn't go out with him Janis: He wanted you and your marauding band of molesters to get the hint and leave him and the others alone Janis: and you just made yourself look more and more idiotic every time, just been laughing about you behind your back this whole time Janis: It was a laugh Janis: So, do you get it now, hun? I'm not devvo, I'm just bored of making a fool out of you when you're happy to do it by yourself every day of your life Grace: Like I'd believe that. He dumped you because you're so crap you can't even make a candlelit bath sexy, cope with it Janis: Believe what you want, sweetheart, I'm not the one that's full of shit Grace: Yeah you are Janis: Oh honey...whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie Grace: @yourself next time babes Janis: you already did Janis: i bow to your infinite wisdom Janis: you should write a blog, oh wait- you already do and no one fucking reads it, 'cos you're a basic bitch giving children life advice like you have any idea what you're doing Grace: And you do? 😂 Faking a relationship for MONTHS to mess with me when all I've been is supportive about you getting a lad in the first place Grace: Such a good one of yours Janis: Yeah, this is hilarious Janis: like you ain't reacting exactly how I hoped you would, you pathetic bitch Janis: I knew it was fake, you need to catch yourself on Janis: fake friends, fake fun, fake boyfriends, fake happiness Janis: its honestly sad, you need therapy Grace: Yeah I need to catch myself on to how pathetic you are for literally living a cliche so bad it wouldn't air on CW Grace: To think I thought you were actually sorting yourself out. That's sad Janis: and yet, you and your gal pals lap up every episode Janis: just like you did here, so predictable i could set a watch to you Janis: what, to be like you? you're so sorted? Janis: no one wants to be like you grace, no one would ever want that Janis: you can joke and hashtag about goals, but if having to see you is anything like having to be you Janis: i'd sooner join edie Grace: That's a sick thing to say. Don't bring her into your bullshit, Janis Janis: MY bullshit? Janis: This ain't nothing but you, as per Janis: You're like fucking black mould, spreading everywhere, ruining everything, suffocating us all Janis: and I can talk about her all I fucking want, fuck you Janis: just cos you wanna pretend she didn't exist Grace: No I don't I just don't think it's fair that you use her death to play the victim with me now Grace: To say you'd rather die than deal with your bs is gross Janis: Yeah its only okay when you do it Janis: woe is you Janis: suicide is so gross ew Janis: what a problematic cunt you are Grace: You using it to guilt me is Grace: If you want to kill yourself don't put that on me Grace: You gonna leave me tapes? Fuck off Janis: Why not? Janis: Someone's at fault Janis: we all know who's fault it was Edie died Janis: its no secret Grace: And I'm at fault for your EVERY issue, sure Jan Grace: Don't take any responsibility at all Janis: Did I say that? Janis: You're a cunt, own it Janis: Don't pretend you care, 'cos I didn't ask you to and it does fuck all for me or you Janis: I'm not interested in being your sister, never mind anything beyond a familial tie so drop dead, sincerely Grace: I do care, bitch. How dare you. Grace: Yeah like death fixes anything. I'd still be your sister. Cope with it Janis: At least you'd be my dead sister, that's easier Grace: Yeah because you handle it all so well Janis: Better than I handle having to be anywhere near you Janis: Don't you get it yet? I hate you Grace: Then don't be. Run away to Grandad's. Nobody is bothered I already told you Janis: You are, you delusional cunt! Janis: You always try to talk to me, you won't leave me the fuck alone Janis: who started this conversation Janis: I do everything that's humanly possible to avoid you and you still won't sto
0 notes
omglr · 5 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger.
You both like feminism.
You: hi
Stranger: m
Stranger: hi
You: F
Stranger: age
You: 34
Stranger: what do you think of men
You: meh
Stranger: what do you think of women
You: yeah!
Stranger: is this what feminism is about?
You: no i'm just a lesbian
Stranger: hahaha you know our conversation up until now can be a great meme
Stranger: with 'lesbian' as the perfect punchline
You: well, we do like fisting
Stranger: why are lesbian lol, why dont u switch to me haha
Stranger: are u*
Stranger: men*
You: idk, thats how it worked out
You: women are attractive to me
Stranger: Is it you being a lesbian a display of resistance against patriarchy?
You: its a perk
You: but i'm not a "political lesbian"
Stranger: what kind are u
You: a lesbian,
You: also, fairly political,
You: but in the 70s there were a variety of 2nd wave feminists who swore off men even though they were straight and became "political lesbians" even though they weren't atttracted to women
Stranger: you mean turning lesbian as a resistance to patriarchy was really a thing?
You: yeah
Stranger: damn. Did it work?
You: eh... idk
You: its similar to MGTOW
You: but with gay lady sex
You: and forrest communes
You: it was a whole movement
Stranger: tell me this. when you talk to men. what emotion do you internally go through? Do you feel prejudice against him? Or Is it something like 'I gotta be on guard I dont know whether this person is rapist', or '
You: eh, yeah, i sometimes worry about violence or rape from dudes, but i can get along with a lot of guys fine,
Stranger: the ones you get along with, do you interactions with them any different than with other women? or do you have certain coldness towards because you know this is the gender that oppressed you all history?
Stranger: are interactions*
Stranger: towards them*
You: eh, not really, i can be friendly and affectionate with guys i like, i generally want to like people
You: but like, i don't hang out with rich dudes or loud jock dudes
You: and yeah, i'm way more upset at the rich for their oppression than men at this point
Stranger: how is the rich oppressing u more than men
You: capitalism man
You: i live in an oligarchy
You: rich people can do what ever they want and shape society to benefit them
You: we are probably all gonna suffer greatly due to climate change cause the people who are making money off of how the system works now, don't want to give up their power or change anything
You: so its butts
Stranger: you can't change this tho. better be mad about things that can be changed
You: nah, i'm gonna be mad about shit that is effecting me and my loved ones, its healthy to be aware of what the cause is
You: and direct my anger to the cause, other wise i'm gonna misdirect it towards my friends
You: plus, its not hopeless, we can stand up to rich
You: folks
You: we have numbers, and most their money is digital / artificial
You: anyway, that's basically what feminism is for me
You: its a useful tool for class analysis
You: and a guidance for justice
Stranger: feminism isnt related to class
Stranger: as far as i know
You: c'mon bud
You: have you heard of intersectionality?
Stranger: I stopped paying attention to terms now
You: well it came in big during 3rd wave feminism in the 90s
You: when feminism was trying to refocus to cover more understandings of oppression than like white lady feels
You: thinking about the intersections of sexism, racism and classism,
You: as well as ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and so on
Stranger: did that start in the 90s?
You: i'm sure convos were happening earlier too
You: roughly late 80s early 90s is where i would put 3rd wave
Stranger: I don't know, but I think current one now has refocused purely on lady issues again. atleast that's the kind that stays in the spotlight
You: well, i think that's mostly the click bait phenomenon
Stranger: look at twitter
You: like shit that is sorta outrageous sounding gets a lot more attention
You: like, "manspreading"
You: like, men taking up space in general is an issue, but the politics of crossing your legs on a bus gets clicks on both sides of the issue and is talked about way more than the complex economic trickery that rich people can do to avoid paying taxes
You: and one is kinda more important than the other
Stranger: how're the women around you? are they like the manspreading feminists or they're more like you?
You: eh, idk, a bit of both
You: like i get bored and can use shit i've learned about feminism to analyze situations and can come up with hot takes that are at least 50% stupid cause society is atleast 50% stupid and ridiculous,
You: so idk, if my shitposting tweets ever went viral or got shared on mra forums maybe i would be the postergirl for how ridiculous and pointless feminism is too
You: sorry, i am just ranting now
Stranger: it's alright. so you're part of the man hating culture of twitter too huh? :p
You: sure
Stranger: do you feel when u do that?
Stranger: feel good*
You: nah, i mean i try not to get into shit on twitter
You: i kinda use twitter to get out my energy that might be put towards flame wars
You: its not a good feeling to get involved in
Stranger: ok, do you atleast get the psychology of them that do these? Why do they do it? Is it the loneliness or something?
You: oh, yeah idon't know.
You: probably boredom, or for building social capital
You: for the lolz of ammusing their friends/followers
You: but some folks are crazy dedicated to twitter fights and ideological warfare
You: like terfs or gamergaters or fandoms
Stranger: I mean how do they have meaningful relationships in real life after all the flame wars. Aren't their relationships affected?
You: i am not sure
You: i mean, i stopped getting into fights on facebook over concerns for a larger community
You: but my personal relationships aren't really effected
You: cause i'm super smart and my loved ones agree with me
You: lol, that's a joke
Stranger: where are you from
You: canada
You: you?
Stranger: I see. Canada is a very pro-women
Stranger: uk
You: it tries
You: what time is it there?
Stranger: I see countless answers on quora of men complaining that men are becoming second citizens to women now. is it true?
Stranger: 6 am
You: its 1:17am where i am
You: i think that's some kinda weird bias
You: like, where if women talk 30% of the time, men come away with the impression that women were talking much more than 50% of the time
You: idk if that's true, but that was a study that was popular on social media a few years back
Stranger: it's not about talking, i see them mostly talking about rights, and in general specialised treatment of women.
You: anyhoo, i'm getting real sleepy
You: yeah, idk,
You: i am gonna head out, nice chatting with you
Stranger: sure, it was nice talking to you!
You: :) take care
You have disconnected.
0 notes