#anyways I love his characterization in rottmnt
wormspoodle · 2 years
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drew more a’ ma fav
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desceros · 1 month
Hi, you probably don't remember me, but I'm the 🪻 anon that sent asks once or twice. Still very much a nervous fan! Your work and the way you write about your experiences and feelings still positively stun me every time I read your posts.
I've been thinking about writing for the tmnt and rottmnt universes for a while now, but I'm still very uncertain about my own interpretation of these characters. If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to know how you do it??
Your work has such fluidity and... sense?? I don't really quite know how to put it into words, but it inspires me very much! Anyway, I guess I'm asking for writing tips?? I know each interpretation is unique and our own, but I can't help but adore yours! I hope you're having a good day/night, Ms. Desceros!
Ps: English is not my first language, so sorry if my rambling aren't really coherent. (〒 u 〒⁠)
– 🪻
i do very much remember! and i'm so sorry i had this sitting in my inbox for forever and a day lmfaoooo i didn't want to rush the answer and instead give it proper thought/answer for you! :D
so it sounds like you're asking two different things here, which is 1) how do i establish strong characters, and 2) how do i construct flow in a fic.
for characters, it starts pretty simply with just consuming a lot of the character. for example, with the turtles, i've watched rise and bayverse both a lot. like, a lot a lot. enough that i can hear their voices in my head when i'm writing, because i've heard them so much.
specifically, i've watched it not just casually, but also with the ears of a writer. what words do each of the turtles use? how do they phrase things? when one of them gets annoyed, how does he communicate it? when they're scared, what do they say? how do they move their bodies? what do they do in the background of scenes where they aren't the focus?
once you feel like you kind of know the answers to those questions, the next step is just to write! i probably have about... hm... 30-50k of fic in my icloud that i wrote before i started posting things. the purpose of it was just to figure out how i liked the turtles to sound. because i write them as older adults, they sound just a little different than they do in the show. i inject my headcanons into their voices. these things change how they act, and i fiddled with it until i was happy with it. knowing i wasn't going to publish these made it really easy for me to get creative and push things, until i found the boundaries that i like and that feel good for me.
so good flow is something that really comes with a lot of experience writing. it's one of those things you... pick up as you write a lot, so this part is going to be a bit more. hm. disconnected. nuanced. how you like things paced, how things feel good under your fingers; these are things you'll get better at as you go on. that said, it's something i've very consciously worked on myself, so i do have a few tips for you that'll hopefully speed up that process for you!
my biggest tip is to READ. find authors (fiction and fanfiction!) you like, and READ them. but again, we're not doing it recreationally, we're doing it as a writer.
read your favorite authors and think. think about the things they include and what they don't. what information do they convey in great detail? what information do they convey in exposition? what information do they leave for you to garner on your own? why do you like how they include things? why do you like what they don't? do you miss certain things? do you wish they wouldn't bother with others?
for example, i really love brining in the emotions of a scene. how something makes a character feel. basking in that is something i really love reading, so i have a lot of it in my writing. and i enjoy doing it without Telling you how someone feels. i don't say "donnie is sad." i tell you how his shoulders slump. how he gazes off to the side with a listless expression. how his eyes cloud over with uncertainty. these are things i've enjoyed reading, and so i've incorporated into my writing. i will slow down the flow of my fic, putting a bit of rubato on these moments, because i like how it feels.
i personally enjoy things to be very fluid, connecting from one scene to the next with as little a break as possible. think of french vs english. french is very fluid, english is very percussive. they're both languages, both good, they just sound different to the ear. part of constructing that, for me, means i write from beginning to end without skipping around. it's a style that has its pros and cons, but it allows me to have a single thread, unbroken, though the entire work.
ultimately, your writing is a stained glass of everything you love. the words you think are pretty, the turns of phrase that catch your eye, the verbs that bring action to life. this is the foundation of what people will call your "voice," and a large part of that is your flow, or pacing. i can't really... tell you how to create your stained glass. but this is how you can create your own, and make it something you find beautiful.
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heckitall · 20 days
I don’t know if you talked about it but what’s your opinion on Raph both iterations
Ayo o/
by both iterations, im assuming you meant ROTTMNT Raph and 2k3 Raph? Because i have many thoughts on all Raphie boys, but those seem the most obvious in this context/most different.
lucky for you, im coming off the heels of my essay which was the history of media (comics mostly) and how economical, political, and expectations of each era drove narratives and characterizations. TMNT you can see it pretty obviously by looking at its history - Batman, too, is another good series with a long running and multiple changes.
basically, i love all Raphs. i think all of them are wholly a product of their time, and i love them even more for that. with 03 Raph and the early 2000s in general, we still see the angry, gruff "bad boy" rebellion characterization that came from the 90s still being utilized. the difference now though is audiences were getting bored with an unchanging character, so a lot of these bad boys got redemption arcs.
in the 03 series, we see it a lot with Raph and Leo more so than the B team kids, but Raph's is always handled very... I would say, almost subtly? compared to Leo's character arc. Usually Raph's anger issues push a plot forward, introduce new characters, or force Raph to change (in good or bad ways).
even tho the core of Raph never changes, his attitude in the show grows and matures with the series. i love those types of characters, probably because the early 2000s is when i was really getting into media as a whole.
ROTTMNT Raph is completely different in a lot of ways. he's introduced as having anger issues in the past, but has gotten past them (mostly). i think as far as archetypes go, he's still played as that guy with the grumpy pants on, but altered in that maybe he was forced to grow up more quickly than 2k3 Raph was. that responsibility tempered his anger early on. which makes sense narratively for the ROTTMNT as a series, but also makes sense as a character because of the time it was made for.
real late 2010s media recognizes that the angry, rebellious character has been played to death. a lot of them are done very well (Zuko comes to mind instantly), and others not so much... (i would argue Loki, but that's a whole other can of worms). and i believe as a society, people are tired of that one angry person that disrupts a cohesive team - there's nothing new or interesting about that. but a character who has had to change his entire life to take care of his baby brothers because their dad has severe PTSD? uh, yeah, of course we want to see that. in the early 2000s we didn't even know what ptsd was when not attributed to combat.
So in-charge, post angry raph is still hugely popular and a hit because it feels more real to us who are living in the time he was made for. if he was introduced in 2003? he'd be boring and flat. same with 2k3 Raph in ROTTMNT. he'd be boneheaded and dumb.
long story short, i love my raphie boys but i am so glad the angry rebellion boys are finally taking a backseat. gimme nuanced characterizations, writers!
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darkscaleswriter · 1 month
⭐️⭐️ *Tosses stars at you for the ask game*
(ask for a director’s cut on any of my fics!)
!!! thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble :D
SO for Write Our Names in the Wet Concrete, which I just updated a couple days ago so it's still very much on the mind, I have many many feelings about casey junior (as I'm sure anyone can tell lol I'm not subtle). specifically, I have many feelings about his relationship with his mom, bad future!cassandra jones.
I know there was some stuff from the rottmnt crew on the former bird site or something (?) about how cassandra died when casey was pretty young and he was mostly raised by future leo, but I personally do not subscribe to that. not for his backstory in wonitwc, at least. as much as i love dad leo, it's important to me that he's just as much a jones as he is a hamato, especially given that he uses the jones last name.
anyway, many thoughts about the wonitwc iteration of bad future!cassandra jones under the cut, bc i uh. definitely rambled haha ^.^
(also, important note: a lot of my characterization and backstory for cassandra is probably inspired - both consciously and not - by the mean teen fighting machines fic series by @radishhqueen, which is an absolutely incredible character exploration series for april and cassandra that made me fall in love with cassandra jones as a character. please go read it if you have a chance, it's SO good!!!)
so in wonitwc, after cassandra found casey as a baby and decided to raise him, she fully committed. it definitely wasn't an easy decision to take a step back from field work, but a baby is a 24/7 job, and the shift to handling the more organizational/admin side of the growing resistance (as mentioned in chapter 10) helped her feel less like she was costing the group by making others fight in her place. she never regretted that decision, but I think there were a few times she came close. maybe when a mission party would come back having lost someone because they didn't have enough eyes, maybe when a scout never returned after running into a trap that she knew she could've spotted.
as a parent, i think that cassandra was, honestly, not too different from what we see of her in the show lol. a bit more even-keeled with age, but still wholeheartedly committed to everything she put her mind to and not shy about it, which is why i find it extremely funny that casey somehow turned out a Good Kid (TM) who listens to authority (mostly) and respects his elders (unless theyre wrong). he's definitely got moments when his temper breaks, like when he yells at teen leo in the movie, but on the whole, his brand of feral is less… loud, i guess. not sure that's the best way to describe it but it's all my brain is coming up with right now haha.
part of casey's comparatively calmer personality can probably be attributed to the turtles and april, who also played large parts in raising him, but it's not like they're chill either. the final movie opening didn't get to really show this, but in the storyboards for a previous version of the movie's opening, it's shown that future leo has still retained a lot of teen leo's goofiness, though it's hard to say how much of that is performative. at any rate, i interpreted that as showing that the turtles were still themselves in the bad future, at least in some small part.
speaking of the turtles!! my general headcanon is that they and april informally adopt cassandra as family at some point in the future, and joke that she's a distant cousin since the hamato clan started as an offshoot of the foot clan. they get very emotional when cassandra decides to include "hamato" as part of casey junior's full name, which is a real whiplash moment from their reactions when she told them she was going to name him directly after herself lmao. anyway, casey junior grows up knowing that he's a part of the hamato clan, in name and spirit if not by blood.
cassandra was definitely grateful for the help raising casey junior, too. i don't think she ever really considered herself a single parent - raising casey was very much a team effort, even if she was his primary caregiver. cassandra is the only person that casey ever used a parental title for, though. i think she first started teaching casey to address the others by their titles out of ingrained tradition (foot clan was traditional in an oddly random assortment of ways lol) but then let him keep doing it bc it was funny. this does not help casey's Good Kid (TM) image haha.
cassandra's feelings on becoming a hamato, meanwhile, are initially mixed. on one hand, nothing brings people together like an external threat that's in the process of ending the world, so she's bonded a lot with the remaining members of the hamato clan in the apocalypse. on the other hand, she was still in the midst of finding herself after leaving the foot clan when the apocalypse hit, and the invasion triggered by her former cult definitely did not help with that. especially not when she had to put down the krang-infected foot brute and foot lieutenant. i debated taking that out, since it got darker than i expected, but it felt fitting for the tone of the chapter, so. sorry, cassandra :P
i think that cassandra's relationship with her sensei's was very much a "it didn't change anything, but it matters that the love was there" situation. they did terrible things, but they were her only family for a long time, and they cared about her. i don't think she ever fully reconciled with that. there's a reason she never really talked about them to casey junior, besides the fact that reminding people in the apocalypse that she was a former member of the clan that started said apocalypse by summoning the krang would've been a terrible idea.
but. there were times, especially when casey was little, that cassandra would catch herself wishing she could show him off to her senseis. the brute would let casey ride around on his shoulders while the lieutenant would teach him how to fold perfect origami. in another world, maybe those would've been casey junior's eccentric grandpas, visiting on alternate weekends to spoil him. fighting splinter for the position of "favorite grandparent," lol.
maybe something like that could happen far in the future of wonitwc, depending on how things go. we'll see!
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alpinefrsh · 7 months
God, I cannot stop thinking about the way you wrote Mikey’s pov. Because of the unfortunate cancellation of the show, a lot of character focused episodes were cut, and a lot of them were Mikey’s episodes. Because of that, its left the characters feeling less defined than they should/could have been. That being said, out of all the Mikey povs I’ve read, the majority of them are pretty spot on and believable, because they contain these little headconon-filled-holes to make up for lack of situational information, and it works really well. I understand you’re kinda writing as canon compliant as possible, and when you think about all the holes in Mikey’s character (again, because of the lack of Mikey-centered episodes) it seems extremely daunting to try to write characters as close to canon as possible with a character who’s sort of unfinished(?) in a way.
Taking all that into consideration, the way YOU wrote him, is just so… different to me. I almost want to say weird, but it’s really not, he’s still believable and incredibly on point! He’s still amazing and very well written, It’s just different from what I’ve read of him before, and its really cool!
Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts! Hope I wasn’t overthinking this or something and I’ve just been rambling (though it wouldn’t be a first). Honestly don’t even know if this word spew was coherent, it’s midnight and I just finished an essay I have to turn in tomorrow. I am so tired 😮‍💨
Amazing fic and I can’t wait for the next one! Mikey was absolutely lovely! <3
Yeah, Mikey's definitely the hardest for me to write, both because of the episodes centered around him having to be cut for time, and because he's deffo the turtle I relate to the least (which makes the fact that I wrote over 18k words from his perspective a very interesting decision on my part LMAO).
I haven't actually read a whole lot of rottmnt fics, so I don't really know how people usually characterize him. I just knew that I wanted to stick to his canon portrayal as closely as possible (as you mentioned), and avoid falling into the trap of turning him into some kind of family therapist role. Because while he does have a good amount of emotional intelligence in addition to being a generally empathetic person, he's still a silly and impulsive teenager who happens to be the youngest of four (five including April).
I'm glad you liked how I wrote him :D
Thank you for the message, I enjoyed reading it! Hope your essay pops off in the grading department, king
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taizi · 2 years
I dunno if you’re still doing requests, so feel free to pass! But I started reading your whole page and I’m a little bit in love with your characterization of 2k12 Leo, and I was wondering if you might write something about his dynamic with April? to be clear I do not mean shipping! I just think they’re interesting friends and it’s hard to find fics that do her justice without mary sue-ing her, and I liked seeing them interact in the show. Anyway have a good day!
this is set in 2012—but the turtles are all different ages, like they are in rottmnt, because i love it <3
The lair is silent when April lets herself in. The TV in the den is on, down low, but Casey is the only one in there and he’s not even watching it. He’s sitting on the outer lip of the pit, his feet in one of the seats, knee bouncing anxiously. 
“Hey,” she calls over, unnecessarily. She thinks she’s had his attention since before she hopped the turnstiles. Running with a ninja clan has done wonders for Casey’s sense of awareness, and April’s, too. Still, she waits for him to look at her before she lifts the bags in her hands and says, “I got the food. Can you get the guys?”
“You think they’re really gonna eat?” Casey asks. There are shadows under his eyes. 
“They will when I accidentally let them see the receipt,” April says, lifting her chin and refusing to feel guilty about the underhanded play. “Five Guys isn’t cheap. They owe it to me.”
Casey blinks, and then a smile creeps across his face. It looks like it doesn’t know what it’s doing there. “Nice. Divide and conquer? It’ll take me like three business days to extract Don from the lab, but Raph’ll be easy if I lie and tell him we’re going topside to beat down some Dragons.”
“Deal,” April says, bumping elbows with him as they pass each other. 
The kitchen is dark, and there’s a thin layer of dust over the counter and the appliances. It feels wrong to disturb the room, almost like she’s upsetting a shrine—but she squashes that thought down hard and punts it out of her head for good measure. It’s not a memorial to anybody. It’s just a room they’re not really using right now. 
He would want them to eat, April tells herself. The thought lends her courage, because she knows it’s the truth. So she sets the bags down, takes a deep breath, and moves down the hall to collect Leonardo. 
She can hear the steady beeping of the EKG machine before she pushes open the bedroom door. Leo’s cool blue eyes meet hers from his vigil at the side of the bed, and he manages to scrape together a smile for her. 
“Hi,” he says at length. 
“Hi, Bossman,” she replies warmly, stepping inside. 
They moved Mikey into his room so that he’d be more comfortable. Donnie spent a full day getting the equipment set up just right—a blank, mechanic way about him as he arranged the pillows and stuffed toys and blankets until he was satisfied. 
It went unsaid that Mikey might be sleeping for a long while. He hit his head hard during that fight a week ago. He woke up once, very briefly, on the way home, but he wasn’t lucid enough to answer any of his siblings’ frantic questions. His muddy blue eyes skated across their faces, lingering as long as they could, and then closed again. 
His brain activity is strong, his vitals are stable, he just isn’t waking up. 
And poor Leo takes every instance of his brothers’ hurt so personally, but there’s something especially brutal about it when it’s Mikey. The baby. Fourteen years old, next to Leo’s crowning eighteen. Of course it’s hard. Raph and Donnie are miserable, too. 
But the weight of Leo’s imagined failures press him down and down and down until April can’t remember what he looks like with his head held high. He really hates himself for it, every time. 
He’s the leader. He’s the oldest. It’s his responsibility to look after the rest of them, and when he can’t—when he fails—it takes a little more from him each time. It chips away at that shining boy he used to be. April is worried, constantly, of what will happen when there’s no more for him to give.
She sits down next to him and puts her head on his shoulder. She hears his breathing hitch, but otherwise he doesn’t react. At times like these, she misses Splinter so badly it’s a real, physical ache in her chest. His kindness and wisdom is so sorely needed. His children hadn’t had a chance to outgrow him before he was ripped away—not even his eldest. 
“Dinnertime,” April says, her voice a gentle, unyielding thing in the warmly-lit room. 
“I’m not hungry,” Leo replies by rote. “Thank you, though.”
“I wasn’t asking, kiddo,” April says. This draws him up short. He turns to look at her so quickly that he dislodges her head from his shoulder. She doesn’t take it back, though; if anything, she digs her heels in. 
She’s picking up a heavy mantle, but she can’t bear the thought of leaving it for someone else to find. Or worse, the thought of no one else coming along, and Leo continuing on the way he always has—carrying it alone. 
She thought about it on the way over. She should’ve made this official much sooner.
“I’m not a kid,” Leo says slowly, more bewildered than anything. 
“You’ll always be a kid to me.” April folds her arms in all her nineteen-year-old glory, officially the oldest teenager in the room. “And as your big sister, it’s my job to bully you into that kitchen and feed you an overpriced burger. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Here’s a spoiler—the hard way is getting your big brother involved. And Casey’s version of asking politely is dragging you the whole way kicking and screaming. So what’ll it be?”
Leo’s eyes are wide and moonlike. He has no idea how to make sense of what he’s hearing. He’s never once been little-brothered by anybody. He hasn’t been the one taken care of since Splinter died. 
He doesn’t seem to hate the idea. 
But his eyes stray back to the bed like an act of gravity. “I don’t want to leave him,” Leo says quietly. “What if he wakes up by himself?”
“He won’t, dummy. ‘Cause I’ll be here,” April tells him. Of course she’ll be here. This is where her family lives. 
And the whole family is home when Mikey finally wakes up a few days later. Raph’s hoarse voice shouts down the hall, and the rest of them sprint with ninja-grade intensity all the way to Mikey’s room, jostling each other at the door. Mikey looks groggy and disgruntled, and stretches his limbs out like he’s waking up from a halfway decent nap, but he smiles automatically when he sees his siblings. And just like that, the sun comes out. 
Leo plants himself on the edge of the bed, and it would clearly take an act of god to move him. Donnie visibly resigns himself to working around him. That frightening, icy look in Donnie’s eyes has finally thawed back into that familiar blend of wicked cleverness and shy sweetness that his family so adores, and he keeps glancing up from the machines to catch Mikey’s eye like they’re telling a whole host of inside jokes in a secret, silent language. Raph and Casey are talking over each other, trying to catch Mikey up on everything he’s missed, more animated now than they’ve been in the last two weeks combined.
Mikey is still tired and not very talkative, but he soaks in all the attention like a little plant soaking up the sun. When April is able to muscle her way in, he beams up at her, and leans in to the kiss she plants on his forehead.
“Hey sis,” he croaks. He’s often a step ahead of the rest of them, but only those times when they least expect it. April has no idea what she’d do without him. “Thanks for keeping an eye on these jokers.”
“Of course, baby,” she says. She looks at Leo and adds, “That’s my job.”
Leo shakes his head, but he’s smiling. He’s holding his head a little bit higher than before. April will take it.
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oshawottarchive · 11 months
Hi I’m gonna be posting ninja turtles sketches later today
I finished the rottmnt movie and i am feeling lots of things right now /pos
Anyway, some thoughts on the characters:
I love Leonardo more then i originally did. I do usually like big brother Leo, but middle child Leo is amazing and my favorite.
Raphael is really good, I also love him more then i originally did. Big brother Raph is best Raph.
Michelangelo!! The little guy. Very fun and cute, love him very much. He is baby to me, but he will also kick your butt. Don’t underestimate him.
Donatello, my long time favorite. Rottmnt has only secured his place at the top, and i love the attention he gets in the movie.
All in all, love rottmnt, and the movie is spectacular. The characterizations of the turtles are much better then in 2012 tmnt, in my opinion (don’t get me wrong, 2012 tmnt is good, too).
12/10, will watch again.
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orangezinnia · 2 years
sooooo...should i watch rottmnt?
short answer? YES
long answer? yyyeeeEEESSSS.
(that is a rottmnt joke. episode 31 minute 3:55)
i don't know how many episodes there are (and i don't want to know! it was cancelled after 2 Seasons and i'm savouring every bit i can), but at a pace of 5 to 10 minutes of episode a day, it's lasted me 2 months, and S1 ain't even done!
and now, for the Actual long answer, a.k.a. my shamelessly gushing rundown of what makes me run crying back to rise every time i check out other turtle media! (/j. mostly)
first off, to crush a Hoover Dam of turtle show lore like a beer can, Raphael's characterization in his various incarnations is often... lacking. and when i was a kid i used to turn off the TV 'cause he annoyed me. but now! he's my favorite guy!
love how they changed his theme of "being impulsive and hotheaded makes you mean" to (riffing a bit here) "makes it easier to visibly care abt ppl, and for others to listen to you, but everything falls short after that". which is why he's bad at plans, and any strong fear for his bros can come out pretty explosively!
'Plans?' i hear you say, 'why is THAT his team contribution?' because, well, a basic turtle-show-lore scope tells you that Leonardo is the leader, right? blue bandana, duel swords, yada yada cultural phenomenon. but NOPE not in rise! actually i think it's the only incarnation where this is the case? and it was a brilliant bit of planning ;> theres a netflix movie that released August 5th this year btw ;>
but my absolute uncontested fav fav fav divergence is THEYRE ALL DIFFERENT SPECIES OF TURTLE! and it goes SO HARD for the quirks of their xenobiology to be giving in so handily to their visible aptitudes!!
Donatello's mechanical 'battle shell' is worn constantly to make up for his lil' spiny softieshell back- Michelangelo can do this Box Turtle thing where he pops all his limbs into his shell, and it seems only fitting against his youngest status (13, 14 don 14.1 leo, 15 raph), his overemotionality, and general 'razzmatazz'- Raph's alligator snapping turtle build (spiked shell! big boy!) making him an absolute tank AND a bulldozer, and leo
plus! the resultant designs creates an immediate and pleasing distinction between them for viewers, which was one of the things i historically (read: as a 10 yr old) disliked about 2012-2017 TMNT. the animation, by the way? Cool As Shit! i willingly watch the rise intro before each ep, sometimes slowing its speed just to absorb it better. practically every time i do, there's something i never noticed!
the style of Battle scenes in particular has left me feeling winded with just how creatively the animators can manipulate the medium. (i've seen fight storyboards from the movie, and they mericlessly squish me like a bug, so hell knows what'll happen when i see the full thing...) and about the villains, i haven't been disinterested by a single one yet! they're endearingly gimmicky but eccentric, and bombastic but p enjoyable
alsooo feel free to imagine donnie with autism, bc iirc he was confirmed by a head writer to be autistic coded! hyperlink unrelated
also unrelated, don't watch rottmnt compilations yet no matter how bad youtube recommendations want you to!! anything that's 'for 3 minutes straight' worthy will always make you laugh much harder when you come across them naturally. and then you'll be disappointed you spoiled yourself. im not speaking from experience at all no what haha [surreptious sniffle, whine]
ANYWAY thanks for the ask, im once a nerd always a nerd
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blue-lamento · 5 years
Sorry for the long wait, everyone! I had to ask my friend for a help with translation (/she actually helped me with everything ♥/).
Let the salt pour!
@vicholas, here we go again. I’m saying one thing, while you switch the topic and try to portray my opinion being as silly as the ‘He is not the leader anymore and I don’t like it!!!’ phrase.  But I wasn’t talking about that. Do I really have to write a huge essay on why Ant’s opinion is problematic? I mean, I even highlighted the quote I had issues with and you still don’t get it. Ant specifically said that Leo’s fans love him only because he IS the leader and nothing more. It’s wrong and stupid. It’s as if Donnie’s fans love him because he is genius, Mikey’s fans love him because he is funny and Raph’s fans love him because he is a hothead. Of course, there are people with this sort of view, but it’s not exactly Leo’s or any other character’s fault and I’m sure if you go around and ask people why they love a certain character they will definitely describe more than one trait for you.
Oh, and one more thing: rotTMNT does make me cry… from laughing at their low ratings and let’s not forget about how their toys are badly sold, because that’s a whole comedy tour.
Nothing personal.
 @ankle-beez, ‘many old fans’ and who would that be exactly? You mean those old fans who help keep the show’s rating as low as it was during the airing of the fifth season of 2012 TMNT? Do you really think that the people of tumblr and twitter represent the fanbase as a whole? Spoiler: not really.
‘Not making Leo the leader this time is one of the best changes rise made’? Yeah, right, only because you didn’t like the old versions of Leo lmao. But you know, if I was one of those fans of the new show, whose reply to any criticism and ‘I don’t really like this and that’ would be ‘FUCK YOU YOU’RE JUST A HATER’, I would say something silly too.
‘Wait nvm you like tcest your opinion sucks even more now’ – yet you decided to write the post anyway. As if you didn’t know what else to say, so you decided to simply insult me. Not really clever, but childish for sure. Good job lmao.
If only you have noticed the theme of my blog before writing to me, riiiight?
And again, you, like vicholas, have changed the topic, so thank u next.
 @cretinodemilus, I’m sorry, but you didn’t get my point. Please stop telling me to ‘give it a chance’. Why did you assume I didn’t? Is it because I don’t like the show? Yes, I don’t like it and, as you said, it IS my right. I have watched tmnt2012 two times because I wanted understand for what exact reasons I disliked it.
Sadly, it’s okay to criticize old versions of Leo, but once we open our mouths about rotTMNT Leo we have a lynch party.
I hope that after reading my replies you will finally understand my point.
 @madigeezie, oh, I’m sorry, I don’t have any legal documents stating that my opinion is ‘invalid’, maybe you could find them for me, because I really need that guidance. Thank you.
 @bluetheanxiousdork, oh you know, it’s just that SOME people love Leo not only because he’s the leader. Pure and simple.
  @thekrabbykrust , go ahead and trash me as much as you want. I won’t be the second zamii ;)
 @kc-anathema, THANK YOU. You are the only person who understood the problem of the statement and didn’t start the ‘rotTMNT is great you are just a hater give it a chance pls’ nonsense.
BTW that paragraph about Raph is really good. I have seen similar opinions here, but since it’s dangerous to criticize rotTMNT here, the discussion usually didn’t go as far as it could. And while I strongly think that making Raph the leader was done simply for the sake of attention, it’s going to be really sad watching him lose his characterization just so it could be given to Leo.
And if you think about it, seeing how quickly the creators of rotTMNT said ‘don’t worry guys! Raph won’t lead for too long! Leo is going to take the lead!’ after the backlash makes me think that they… didn’t respect their own ideas or something? And on top of that this whole ‘Leo is going to be the leader later’ looks really insincere, because they were clearly forced to do it. It might sound weird, I won’t deny it, but that’s just how I feel.
@cesarin , yeah… no. Ant said what he said. Period.
They have said it before, so stop acting as if they meant something else.
"...out of the window is not OK." – nah, it’s fine. I wasn’t talking about the show itself, yet its fans thought that I did? Can’t relate. I have a full right to throw them out of the window, because they don’t even understand what I am talking about.
 @j-penny, oh wow. He is the least explored character? Wow. I thought that ankle-beez’s reply was funny, but yours is hysterical.
I would love to prove you wrong just by analyzing 2003 cartoon… actually, this is exactly what I’m going to do. Don’t worry, I will make sure you won’t miss it.
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