#anyways i feel like the quality of this one decreased but im posting it anyways because what ELSE am i gonna do with it
kaseyskat · 3 years
i started this a couple days ago after being struck with the world's worst migraine and decided spontaneously to finish it as a way of Procrastinating on other fics so anyways take this projection fic <3
while sasha’s headaches are predictable - she can usually feel them coming from a mile away - marcy’s are sporadic and intense, and it’s not very frequently that they’re both knocked out with one at the same time.
not frequently is not never, though, so when sasha wakes from a bad dream to find marcy snuggled into her side and a throbbing pain in her temples, she knows today is going to be a bad day.
anne must already be awake, sasha thinks, as she lifts the blankets to her face, pressing them against her eyes. the pressure relieves some of the pain, but not all of it, and she really should drag herself out of bed to get painkillers- except marcy has all but wrapped herself around sasha like the world’s clingliest octopus. her breathing is pained and she releases little whimpers and whines as she sleeps, and sasha absent-mindedly runs hands through her hair, careful not to disturb her.
the door opens and closes, and then anne is peering at them. between the darkness of the room and the way her sight blurs, sasha can hardly make her out, but there’s only one other person living with them.
“migraine?” anne asks quietly, her voice a mere whisper. “should i bring you the usual?”
“marcy too,” sasha whispers back. “she doesn’t usually cling to me this much.”
anne, sasha knows, enjoys these types of mornings more than she’d like to admit. of course she’s upset that her partners are in pain, but she loves taking care of them, proving her love for them over and over again through every sleepless night and agonizing day. she only lingers to press the lightest of kisses against sasha’s forehead, give marcy’s hair a little ruffle, and then she leaves again.
marcy makes another whimpering sound, and sasha closes her eyes against the throbbing in her temples. she, on the other hand, hates these mornings more than anything. it’s not that she doesn’t love it when her beloveds take care of her, but she doesn’t like the feeling of being useless any more than she did when she was younger. coupled with the way the headaches leave her cooped up in bed unable to do anything… no, she doesn’t like this, and she makes that frustration known with the way she shifts restlessly in bed, digging one hand into her eye while the other continues to pet marcy’s hair.
“...sashy?” marcy croaks, her voice raspy. she’s awake then, sasha realizes. “you ‘kay?”
“just peachy,” sasha whispers, though the way her voice shakes and the way she winces at even the sound of her own voice betrays the true pain she’s in. “what ‘bout you, marsh? you okay?”
marcy makes a bleary sound in the back of her throat, and she curls further into sasha’s chest. “no,” she admits, startlingly sincere. “my everything hurts.”
“i’ll tell your everything to shove off, will that help?” sasha tries to joke, but it falls flat when she winces again. “fuck. ow.”
“you should-” marcy cuts herself off, and she makes a frustrated noise as her voice fails her. “-you, you should take it easy, kay? is anne…?”
“she’s coming back in a bit,” sasha nods, and she shivers when marcy reaches upwards to gently caress her cheek. the action obviously hurts her, though, so after allowing it for a few seconds, sasha bats her hand away.
sure enough, anne slips back into the room a few minutes later. she sits on the edge of the bed, staring down at them with a fond look even as she gently nudges both sasha and marcy into a seated position. only sasha obeys her- marcy looks like she’d rather die than move her body out of a flat position, so she stays firmly rooted to sasha’s lap, laying on her stomach sprawled across sasha’s lower torso and legs as sasha sits upright enough to take the glass of water anne’s offered her.
“what’s the scale?” anne asks, as she hands sasha painkillers. she has a couple of other things in her lap, but sasha can’t make them out with how blurry her eyesight has become.
“four,” sasha answers with a wince. “i can manage it, it’s not that bad yet.”
anne nods very seriously, before she worriedly looks down at marcy. “what about you, marbles?”
marcy lifts herself up on shaky arms before she groans and flops back into sasha's lap. "six, but only if i move around a lot," she says, sniffling. "anna-banana, can I have the bye bye pain stuff?"
"only if you sit up- i don't want you to choke," anne chides, and she carefully drapes a heat pad over sasha's face. sasha makes a muffled noise of surprise, but she reaches up to readjust the pad, sighing in relief.
marcy whimpers, but she drags herself upright. there's a haunted look in her eyes, and she clutches at her chest with a grimace. "okay, o-okay, i'm up, annie-"
anne hands her a glass of water and her own prescribed painkillers, and marcy takes them dutifully. sasha watches her through half-lidded eyes, fighting through the pain to do so- it hurts behind her eyes so badly she can hardly keep them open, but she refuses to give in.
as soon as marcy's finished her water, she's flopping back down into sasha's lap, a sickly dazed look in her eyes. anne carefully places a cold pack on her back, and then pulls the covers up over them both.
“text me when you’re feeling okay enough for food, okay?” she says, so quietly, and she’s brushing over marcy’s hair again. she still looks so worried, but sasha gives her a big thumbs up, and she finally stands, leaving them in peace.
well, relative peace. sasha’s head still hurts, and marcy’s still making little pained noises in the back of her throat even as she seemingly falls into a restless sleep, and it’s going to be a long day.
she doesn’t know how much time has passed in darkness and complete silence, but eventually, the pain ebbs away. there’s a dull pressure in sasha’s head, but it’s not overbearing and she’s able to peel away the now-cool heat pack from her forehead, groaning in exhaustion and frustration. she has a hand threaded through marcy’s hair again, and she gently scratches at her partner’s scalp.
her headaches, after all, go away easily most of the time. marcy’s pain tends to last much longer, stretching for the waking hours even with the use of painkillers.
“hey, marshmallow,” sasha whispers, and the sound of her own voice isn’t grating to her ears anymore, which is a plus. “how are you feeling?”
there’s silence for a few moments, and sasha very nearly assumes that her beloved is asleep– except that marcy shifts a bit, curls her arms a little bit tighter from where they’re now tucked around sasha’s middle, and she buries her nose a bit further into sasha’s chest. “...still hurts,” she admits, her voice nearly breaking on each syllable, “too much to sleep. i’m bored.”
“my headache’s all but gone,” sasha says, raising her voice a little to test that. sure enough, she doesn’t feel the ache as heavy, and she can keep her eyes open for longer without throbbing pain behind them. “wanna turn the tv on? i can text anne for food, it might help.”
“okay,” marcy whispers, and her voice dips into a whine. “but i gotta get up and do homework soon.”
“you do your work so quickly, it won’t hurt to take a day off for once and just relax, marce,” sasha says, and she carefully readjusts them so she can reach for the tv remote. marcy snuggled into her side is a bliss, and once the remote is in her grasp, she settles back down, loosely wrapping an arm around her. “now, what should we watch?”
“something silly,” marcy mumbles, “and animated.”
“wow, so descriptive,” sasha teases, and yet she scrolls through netflix anyways, settling on some animated movie she’s sure they’ve both seen at least five times now. neither one of them are really watching it, but it captures marcy’s attention enough so that she’s not super bored anymore, and as the last of the pain ebbs away, sasha’s breathing much easier now.
she doesn’t text anne, but anne must hear the sounds of the tv, because she’s peeking her head in after a little while, her hair tied back in a messy bun and eyes wide with concern. “feeling better?” she asks amusedly, glancing between sasha and the tv.
“my head doesn’t hurt so bad anymore,” sasha explains, “and marcy’s bored. care to join us, sugar cube?”
anne huffs, but she’s slipping inside the bedroom anyways, hesitantly taking a seat in the bed next to sasha. marcy immediately reaches one arm out to her - despite the way her face screws up in pain at the motion - and anne takes it, bringing it up to her cheek in an intimately sweet gesture.
“how’s my darling marmalade doing?” anne asks, nuzzling marcy’s hand still. it’s enough to make marcy giggle a little, and sasha would be jealous if she weren’t so happy seeing marcy perk up finally.
“better now that you’re both here,” marcy answers, shyly, and she yawns, her hand flopping bonelessly out of anne’s grip. “i’ll-i’ll be okay. you know me.”
“that’s our princess,” sasha nods, and she curls her own arm around marcy almost protectively, “always bouncing back. get some rest, sweetheart- anne and i will still be here later.”
anne is giving sasha the most incredulous of looks - probably due to sasha’s own migraine and suffering - but sasha ignores her to comb through marcy’s hair, guiding her back into a more restful slumber. the movie they’ve put on is now rendered pointless, but as anne sighs and scoots closer so that she can cuddle with them both, sasha figures it might not be so bad to have something to watch while she’s stuck in bed.
“you sure you’re okay?” anne asks, quietly.
“i’m good, promise- the pain’s pretty much gone now,” sasha smiles, and she nudges anne very carefully. “what- you worried about me?”
“always,” anne murmurs, and it’s painfully sincere, enough to have sasha’s chest ache. she swallows past it, and extends her free hand outwards to curl around anne, tucking her into her side.
“we’ll be okay,” sasha promises, and she means it. “we always will.”
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locallixie · 2 years
hi love. you don’t have to answer this ask publicly or anything, and i’m not trying to cause harm or upset you, but you write like you’re on a time limit. because of it, little things that could’ve been caught and fixed fall through, and while t doesn’t actively impact your writing, it’s something that (this is gonna sound so rude and im sorry) improved on.
i’m just trying to send advice as a writer as well as a reader, yeah? again, i don’t mean to offended you or hurt your feelings in anyway. your ideas are great! they really, really are. i’m literally reading one of your seonghwa pieces rn.
Thank you, finally someone point me out on that. I know that I've been posting more frequent, and many of my work have been decreasing in quality. Yes, I am very overloaded at the moment so I might have to delay requests and projects, and post in a more comfortable pace.
I've been treating myself badly, therefore impacting my writing. I keep setting deadlines that I know I can't meet. I'll be posting less frequent and actually take my time to create something that I and hopefully my readers enjoy. Thank you again xx
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setsfiretohistory · 5 years
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gif making process
thank you so so much to the lovely and talented @pridesobright and @supportivehusbands for tagging me :’) reading about your processes was so interesting!!
LEFT: cropped, resized (height 300px; width 540px), unedited, unsharpened, frame delay set to 0.05
RIGHT: cropped, resized (height 300px; width 540px), edited, sharpened, frame delay set to 0.05
ideally, 1080p is what i’d use for everything, but sometimes you just have to settle for what you can get (and if you’re cursed…………. you have to battle with less than 480p……….. im looking at you, miss ‘now kiss me you fool’ footage). for this post, i made gifs from ten separate videos to illustrate how even though your source materials are wildly different from each other, the resulting gifs can still be stylistically similar. this is why it’s so upsetting to see people steal gifs like it’s nothing. we put so much thought and care and time into our posts and i can’t even put into words how discouraging it is to see people act like crediting gif makers is a hardship.
i have a note filled with ideas for lyric sets, parallels, etc etc that i work from, but sometimes i’ll just sit down and pick a random video and play around with whatever idea i have in the moment. (that’s how this set came to be!)
after i’ve imported the footage to photoshop (i use cc 2019, although i first started out using cs5 and it’ll always have a soft spot in my heart), removed any redundant frames, and cropped it, i’ll resize it (to 540px more often than not), and set the frame delay to 0.05. when all that’s done, i can colour.
i colour every gifset from scratch — i’ve never had much success with using the same psd on other gifs. it totally works for gifs from the same source, but when you’re using like six different videos for the one gifset, you have to take much more care in making them all correspond to the aesthetic you’re planning for the post. i tend to choose a dominant theme or colour to work from, like blue, green, magenta, pastels, rainbow, etc.
i usually begin with curves and levels until im happy with the brightness. then i’ll move on to either selective colour or colour balance or vibrance, depending on the original colours of the footage. i almost always skew my gifs towards blues and cyans and magentas rather than yellows and greens (i lean more towards coolness or neutrals rather than warmth). and im just really fond of blue, which is apparent if you’ve ever seen anything i’ve made lmao especially if louis’ eyes are involved. this is definitely where i spend the most time messing around with different settings (like increasing cyans and blues and blacks in general / increasing cyans in whites if i want the sky to look more blue / decreasing the blacks in whites for contrast / decreasing the cyans in reds to make them really red / decreasing the yellows across the board, but most definitely in blues and cyans / decreasing magentas in greens if i want Very Bright greens). sometimes i lose my mind a little and i end up with like twelve selective colour layers and im like This Is Fine . skdjfskjf anyways, when everything looks as vibrant and colourful as i want it, i’ll go back to curves or levels or add a contrast layer to make everything look stronger. i also might go back to selective colour or vibrance with incremental changes at the end, just as a final touch. [tl;dr: curves > levels > colour balance > vibrance > selective colour > contrast > go back for any little amendments] for black and white gifs, i’ll start with a gradient map and then continue with curves, levels, etc. after all that’s done, i’ll convert to video timeline > select all layers > filter for smart objects > either sharpen with this action or use these smart sharpen settings > add text if the post calls for it (if it’s a concept/lyric gifset, i like to play around with the settings — although century gothic is my favourite font for this — and if it’s a captioned gifset my standard is arial bold italic / drop shadow to 140 degrees / grey stroke / adjust font pt according to the size of the gif) > export > save for web. et voilà!! one gif down, probably nine to go sdkfksjdfhsjdf
the double edged sword of making gifs for one direction fandom is the sheer volume of footage available to you: on the one hand, you have a whole decade’s worth of moments to gif (and that’s incredible!!!), and on the other, it’s so difficult and time consuming to colour all of these separate moments in a cohesive way that hopefully expresses your own unique creative style. so sometimes it’s frankly impossible to make certain things look the way you want them to. maybe you can’t find high quality footage (the absolute BANES of my existence are the rtl footage where they reacted to themselves playing football at boston common and the louis is loud……loud……….and……..loud footage where you can see harry’s face close up. it’s a TRAVESTY that they don’t exist in 1080p and i WILL scream it from the rooftops), or the moments you want to gif simply refuse to look good next to each other because they’re so wildly dissimilar in hue that no matter what you do, they look strange and disjointed when juxtaposed (in those moments i do tend to either give up or choose to make them black and white). but honestly? the obstacles i’ve come across while making gifs for this fandom have been amazing learning opportunities for me. i’ve grown into and experimented with my style way more than i ever did anywhere else, and i continue to feel inspired by this fandom every day, so thank you to every single creator for your ingenuity and hard work!! 💖💖💖💖
i think y’all have been tagged or done this already, so im just going to tag everyone i admire to say you’re legends and i love your content very much a lot!! @caparius @sunflowrsix @jimmytfallon @stylex @tmlnsn @cuddlerlouis @2tiedships2 @moonshinelouis @ltpolari @itsastorm @finelinee @ltwalls2020 @half-lightl @fallenwalls @tomlinsun @louisbravado @tattooedlovers@lordtomlinson @livehabit @halosboat @thepeacering @alinok
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queenharumiura · 4 years
|・ω・`) sixthscorpse
Send me |・ω・`) + a URL and I’ll talk about this blog! ||Accepting||
Alrighties then, I think, we first met like roughly 6-8 months ago. It was around the time when I decided to actually open the blog for interactions. I did make the blog on a spur of the moment thing, but then I decided to reread the manga before actually starting. 
It... it took a while;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Essentially... there are certain arcs in the series that irk me and thus it takes me a while to get through it. Especially the final arc. That probably took me the longest because I just---- my heart wasn’t in it, y’all. Just knowing that Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Ryohei will have such a small window of screentime-- just... //fist clench. 
By that time, you knew me as ‘An-chan’. I don’t think you followed me on Haru until AFTER the alternate mun name reveal. I’m pretty sure when we met, Cady and Pocky were around. I do remember that you did disappear for a while after that. 
Will admit that I did my usual panicky: Ah, did I mess up. Did I make people mad? Ahhhhhhh... I probably did. Wonder what I did. 
Skip forward months later and it was like oh-- suddenly a lot of KHR blogs are back. What happened? You came back and talked to me and I was like ‘okay--- so--- maybe I didn’t do something wrong... //squint squints’. [Paranoia decrease by 25%]
So I do recall we did send a few memes to and fro, which was fun. Uhhhh--- you followed me on Haru... and you followed me with other blogs---
-- and then you confused me that one time with Giotto, which now gave me a new random habit(?). There wasn’t a rules page that I could find so I sent a message like where is your rules page and it was basically like, don’t worry about it. 
“You know who I am.” 
You in discord: It’s me. 
I cannot forgib this transgression of tomfoolery (i’m jk). Anyways, from thereafter, any time I find a blog that suddenly follows me and I can’t find their rules page easily-- “Is this Rikku”. 
#tru story. 
Idk, it makes me happy that when you make new blogs you’ll follow me with said blogs. Like omgosh, i’m valued enough to be followed with multiple blogs. The fact that you were willing to follow and interact with Haru was very !!!!!!!! to me. Pretty sure I talked to you about it via discord before, but I have a lot of emotional baggage when it comes to the KHR fandom. I don’t have high expectations for the fandom and honestly don’t expect many blogs to interact or pay attention to Haru. 
So it’s always a pleasant surprise to be proven wrong. We’ve talked a number of times on discord and we do have some similar points of views on things.
I don’t want to call them arguments, since they weren’t really arguments? We did have a few moments of tension though. Primarily just emotionally charged things caused by misunderstandings or just words being confused. 
After that, there was a period of silence for a while, and I was a lil nervous. I also just had a lot going on with life in general so there was a time when I was really everywhere in regards to my schedule. So, I hope you don’t think I was avoiding you during that time. I was just-- everywhere. 
Anyways, I think after a while, we kinda started talking more again. Primarily through dash or im. 
I’ll say this for just in case it is a worry: I’m not angry, nor do I hate you. I know that you didn’t mean to hurt me and I moved past that. So hopefully, if this is a worry, will help you know that I’m over it, and you can approach me more if you want. I do remember saying it before, but I am sorry. 
I can be sensitive at times, and I take things very literally. So I take words very seriously, so when they are written in a certain way, I’ll interpret it a certain way. So sometimes, I may end up misunderstanding what you meant to say because of it. I am aware that you have trouble conveying your thoughts, and so I try really hard to understand, but sometimes I can’t-- and so I ask. 
I honestly feel so bad any time I have to do that, because it’s not your fault. I just am dumb, and can’t understand. I try not to ask too much because I worry that I’ll hurt your feelings, or make you feel inadequate, which you aren’t. 
I say this sincerely, but I truly do value you as a friend. Whenever you can, you have sent in memes, or you’ve replied/liked my ooc posts. It goes to show that even if we left off on a rough/sad patch, you still care. It’s the little things like that, that show that you care. 
You have moments of feeling down (from what I see in your ooc posts) and because of that, I want to take this moment: 
You are a very well-intentioned person. Maybe sometimes it may not come out the correct way, but the good intention doesn’t disappear. It can be scary to continue to try, and it may seem hopeless, but I can promise you that it isn’t. 
You are very caring towards others, and you’re open-minded. Open to try out things, and to have fun. You enjoy to make jokes and have fun with others. It’s easy to see that you care a lot for other people, and that’s a GOOD thing. Sometimes, it seems that you care for other people more than yourself. I say that, because I can be the same way. If the option was between me being happy and making another person happy, I’d choose to make the other person happy. 
I get the feel that you and I may share that quality in ourselves. It’s always nice to see how generally caring you are towards those that you like-- ie your friends. You are mindful of other people and their feelings, and you do your best to keep people around you happy. Even if it may hurt you in the process. That’s how it looks to me, and I can relate to that to a degree, which is why I say this. 
You deserve to be happy too, and you should remember that you too are a good person. Your worth is not determined by the times you’ve hurt people by accident. A worth is determined by what you do with that. I know people who KNOW that they normally hurt people because of misunderstandings. They actively choose not to do something about it. 
You don’t do that. You do try to fix things, or from what I’ve seen in some ooc posts, you try to hold back because you’re worried you’ll hurt someone again. Ultimately though, I do believe you’ll ask about it because you do worry about people a lot. I think, that is the quality that should be focused on. 
Now, I don’t say this just to be like ‘I’m trying to cheer you up.’ No, these sorts of memes are a time for me to be honest and talk about myself. 
I’m a very insecure kind of person and I’m very lonely, even if it may not seem that way. I can come off as detached, because I’m just wary of being hurt again. I’m just tired. Still, it’s been comforting to know that there is a person who still cares. 
Even if they are a bit scared, they still care. Perhaps you may not realize how much that can mean to a person, but it means so much to me. To know that occasionally if i’m upset, or even if i’m not, you do still look at my ooc posts and will interact with it (reply/like). If we talk via im at random, you do ask about how me or my family is doing, because you’re concerned. 
You remember i’ve been concerned about it, so you worry. It’s not a very common thing to find someone who actively worries and cares for other people. It’s normal for people to care in the moment, but not a lot of people (from personal experience) continue to care outside of that moment. Like, even if we hadn’t talked for a while, you still cared enough to worry about me. It’s clear with the way you asked me ‘are you okay?’. 
I didn’t post an ooc post saying that I was upset, so I was confused initially, but you did say you were worried bc the last we talked, I was worried about my family. That’s telling to how much you care for other people. I hope you don’t feel ashamed or anything about that quality of yours. It’s a good one. 
I tend to worry a lot for other people to, but I’m very worried about boundaries and over-stepping, so I don’t often brave asking outright if people are okay. It does take bravery to do such a thing. 
Pretty much, I just want to say thank you for being a friend, and for caring. It really means a lot to me. It helps me remember that there are people who care about me, for some reason. Even though I personally don’t think that I’m worth much, or that I personally do not believe i’m a good person (bc quite frankly, i’m not), but it’s so comforting to know that someone cares. 
Will openly admit that I cried a bit while writing this lol. Just hope that this helps somehow. Sorry, and thanks. 
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broodsys · 7 years
ik i said i wasnt gonna post it if i couldnt put it under a cut but im...... disproportionately proud of this essay lmao. we still imagine we’re gonna end up pursuing smth like being an essayist/article writer down the line cuz our voice is so our weapon, so it was nice to kinda use this to get a feel for what that process might look like
anyway, no pressure to read, but it’s abt dead zones & we found the content overall p interesting. death of marine life is discussed, and the random Personal Impact paragraph was an assignment requirement
Lake Toba is located in North Sumatra, Indonesia, and is the largest volcanic lake in the world(1). Yet its remarkable ecological history has not spared it from modern pollution, and as recently as 2016 the dead zone within the lake, described by photographer and essayist Binsar Bakkara as "meaning it has excessive nutrients [...] with low oxygen levels,"(2) led to a sudden, massive death of the aquatic animal life in the lake, the fish farmers waking to find their nets full of dead tilapia and carp. The waters of Lake Toba were teeming with aquatic plants - plants such as water hyacinth, milfoil, and algae - whose growth depleted the water of its oxygen, asphyxiating the fish overnight, and leading to 15,000 tons (or 30,000,000 pounds) of dead fish who locals had to remove over the course of days(1). Devastating both environmentally and culturally, the massive loss of fish and the high levels of pollutants have rendered the lake unreliable as both a water source and a source of income for the fish farmers.
Limited oxygen in a body of water is referred to as hypoxia(8), with anoxia being the total loss of oxygen, and both states do occur naturally, including with seasonal variance as increased light allows the algae to thrive, and areas of hypoxia or anoxia are referred to as the "dead zones" that Bakkara described. Despite their natural occurrence  the rising global levels of hypoxia and anoxia are being connected with human activities, such as "agriculture, [...] land transformation, groundwater drainage, urban stormwater runoff, sewage treatment, or atmospheric emissions through fossil fuel burning and volatilization of agricultural waste"(3) Among these pollutants are fertilizers or other nitrogen-rich substances, which lead to the expansive growth of aquatic plants that - as in Lake Toba - lead to massive, sudden loss of the aquatic animal life. The oxygen that aquatic life needs to survive is not the oxygen that is bonded with water to form H2O, but rather gaseous, water-soluble oxygen which form DO, or dissolved oxygen. Yet this dissolved oxygen is still subject to the surrounding waters saturation; decomposing organic matter contributes to the nutritional and chemical saturation, which necessitates a displacement of the dissolved oxygen. But all plants and animals require oxygen to breathe, even aquatic plants and animals, and if they cannot escape these areas of nutritional-saturation and oxygen-depletion, they end up asphyxiating as in the case of Lake Toba.(7) The nutrients and chemicals from both the fish's waste and the fish food decomposition would each have contributed to the saturation of the water content and the dispersal of the dissolved oxygen.
The National Academy of Sciences' Council for Agricultural Science and Technology issued a report in 1999 that said that hypoxic zones "are now one of the most widespread, accelerating, human-induced deleterious impacts in the world's marine environments."(3) The exact cause of Lake Toba's dead zones and the overnight death of so many fish is still contested; residents blame companies for run-off and for uneaten fish food pellets, which were used to feed their floating fish cages.(5) One floating cage fishery, PT Aquafarm Nusantara, "acknowledged the food pellets they scattered in a number of keramba [floating net cages] in Lake Toba had caused a decrease in water quality, but not significantly."(5) Professor Krismono was cited in Ayat S. Karokaro's article as saying the floating net "cages should only have 3,000-5,000 fish, but these cages had 10,000 fish,"(6) drawing attention to how overfishing could combine with overfeeding to fuel a hypoxic environment. Dead zones have seen some improvement, however, with concentrated efforts stopping the ongoing hypoxic processes. Certain localities have even seen improvements in non-algal aquatic life following these efforts. The 1987 campaign to clean the Chesapeake Bay, for instance, has seen improvements in biodiversity in the bay's contributing rivers.(3)
This subject is important to me as a fish-keeper, as problems with excess nitrate and nitrite production from uncleaned fish waste (or uneaten fish food!) can lead to something that, within the hobby, is called "toxic tank syndrome." This is when nitrate, nitrite, and eventually ammonia levels all reach toxic levels and is the source of the fish often seen gasping for air at the surface a few days or hours before dying. Obviously, the situation in Lake Toba was much more extreme and with much farther-reaching consequences than the loss of a pet fish, but the basic elements of it were familiar to me as warning signs of possible issues with my tanks. Despite that familiarity, the issues of a hypoxic or anoxic zone are much more difficult to solve and require a much more concerted and deliberate effort than, again, anything I will experience as a hobbyist.
Lake Toba's dead zone's overnight depletion of remaining dissolved oxygen, whether caused by industrial runoff, sewage, fish food, fish waste, overfishing, or a combination of the above factors, had significant financial and cultural impacts in 2016, but will likely have future complications for the residents, even if a complete overhaul of the contributing factors was implemented immediately. As demonstrated by the Chesapeake Bay efforts, halting the progress of hypoxia into anoxia is a difficult and time-consuming feat in and of itself, but restoring these dead zones to become oxygenated environments that are capable of supporting a diverse ecosystem is even more challenging. Yet restoration of these areas is important to the survival of any group of people who are dependent on their water, and globally the restoration of these dead zones - including many coastal areas - will undoubtedly have significant effects on global marine biodiversity.
1 = LakeNet - Lakes, www.worldlakes.org/lakedetails.asp?lakeid=8367. 2 = “How Pollution is Devastating an Indonesian Lake.” Yale E360, e360.yale.edu/features/how-pollution-is-devastating-an-indonesian-lake. 3 =  Joyce, S. "The Dead Zones: Oxygen-Starved Coastal Waters." Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 108, no. 3, Mar. 2000, pp. A120-A125. EBSCOhost 4 = Web.archive.org. (2017). Water on the Web | Understanding | Water Quality | Parameters, https://web.archive.org/web/20121213101908/http://www.waterontheweb.org/under/waterquality/oxygen.html 5 = Gunawan, Apriadi (2015, May) The Jakarta Posthttp://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/05/22/jokowi-asked-handle-pollution-lake-toba.html 6 = Jacobson, P. (2017). Millions of fish die suddenly in Indonesia's giant Lake Toba. Conservation News, https://news.mongabay.com/2016/05/millions-fish-die-suddenly-indonesias-giant-lake-toba/ 7 = Lenntech.com. (2017). Oxygen (O) and water, https://www.lenntech.com/periodic/water/oxygen/oxygen-and-water.htm 8 = Eopugetsound.org. (2017). Section 4. Dissolved Oxygen (Hypoxia) | Encyclopedia of Puget Sound, https://www.eopugetsound.org/science-review/section-4-dissolved-oxygen-hypoxia
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oh look another ad
(note: apologies if this ad posts twice! there was an error when i submitted this thing) yo what the h*ck is up? you can all call me nobody, or any other Quirky and Fun(tm) nicknames you come up with. anyways, some quick things abt me so that you can get an idea of what i'm about before committing urself to reading this big ol ad. +female +18 +pacific time zone, active from 6 am to 12am usually +lazy lit (as in my ooc chatter is pretty relaxed but i can crank out good quality 150-500 word replies. intros can hit 1000+ words if i'm in the Zone. samples can be provided on request) +currently looking for m/m roleplays, but willing to double and play m/f and f/f +main genres are horror, dystopian, low fantasy, urban fantasy, cosmic horror/lovecraftian horror, romance, and maybe slice of life if u got a nice plot +kink-friendly, for the most part. only limits are the typical ones. being the Nasty that i am, i compiled a nice lil list of all my likes and dislikes here: https://www.f-list.net/c/gross%20ass%20kink%20list Fav list is the "i'll give you my firstborn child if you'll do this with me" list, yes is the "good shit 👀👌" list, maybe is the "don't rlly care about, but willing to try this!/in some cases this is Good" list, and anything on the no list is a hard limit. +ooc chatter friendly! we don't have to become Super Best Friends, but communication is always good! +would prefer to play a sub. i'm super sorry abt this because i know most people also wanna play subs but. every single roleplay i've done in the past has wanted me to go dom and i've done it. it gets tiring after awhile. sometimes it's nice to get the chance to play a twink for once. that being said i'll dom if you're willing to double. +ditch friendly! although i'd prefer notice, idk if you decide things aren't working out and decide to jump ship anyways, if you're still interested i'll be glad to describe what i'm looking for with more detail! right now what i'm really craving is some nice, dark romance, possibly between some kinda yandere and the poor object of his/her/their/ect. affections. yandere is possibly some sort of serial killer, and leaves bloody confession notes for their crush at each crime scene. i'm also really into the idea of equally horrible people falling in love with eachother and doing horrible things to both eachother and others. possibly two different rival serial killers with a nice love/hate relationship? really there aren't any details i'm super focused on, what i'm really craving right now is just something Edgy n Dark. i'm totally down for talking about different plot ideas or expanding on the ones above! however, if you're the type who likes their partners to have a slightly more coherent plot than just a few loose ideas, have i got the thing for u! all details in the plots below are totally up for discussion and change! the stars indicate how much i'm craving a particular plot. the bolded roles are the ones i have an idea for/an interest in playing! ι ωαит тσ fυ¢кιиg тєαя уσυ αραят *** (Serial killer x Civilian) Character A is the textbook definition of predictable and boring, or so it seems. They're a pre-med student, having few friends and living life on a tight schedule. Class, study, work, sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. Not the type you'd give a second glance. Unknown to most, however, is Character A's rather... dark hobbies. Having purchased a small fixer-upper on the very edge of town, they've used a small loan of their wealthy parents' money in order to repurpose the decrepit house into something far more sinister. Much like it's owner, the house appears ordinary and even quaint on the outside. But peeling away this innocuous facade, one exposes a dark secret. A soundproofed basement, filled with various and vile instruments of torture and with blood permanently stained into the concrete floor. It's Character A's sanctuary, where they retreat to vent their desires on whatever poor souls they've managed to trap. They're careful in the selection of their victims, of course. They've done their research, they know what precautions to take to avoid suspicion. Lately, the town that Character A lives in has seen a decrease in the homeless population. People that no one notices missing, the kind that can disappear without anyone really caring. Character A is, of course, responsible for this. Enter Character B. Their backstory and position in society is totally up to you. Maybe they're a fellow student, or maybe one of the few police officers who've noticed the disturbing disappearances of most of the city's homeless? Or, maybe they're some vagrant, lacking any true home and finding themselves wandering from city to city. Regardless, they happen to catch Character A's interest. And soon, they become an unwilling object of their obsession. Character A has never experienced anything close to romanic or sexual attraction before, and so they deal with these alien emotions the only way they know how to. No matter what, they resolve to make Character B totally and utterly theirs. Even if they have to kill Character B's family and friends in order to do so. тнє нσяяσя σf συя ℓσνє *** (Eldritch Abomination/God x Human) Character A is a creature made from nightmare and chaos, a primordial and ancient being that resides in the darkest, most ancient reaches of the universe. And now, for the first time in their infinite existence, they've become bored. Having exhausted all other forms of entertainment, they decide to don a human guise, spending to them what seems like a brief time on Earth. They live a few lifetimes, kill a few kings, and topple a nation or two, before deciding to take on yet another identity in the modern era. This is when they find themselves drawn to Character B, a human (everything besides species is up to you tbh). Perhaps it's because they've spent too much time living as a mortal, but for whatever reason Character A finds themselves experiencing an undeniable attraction. They soon find themselves slipping deeper and deeper into this lust, becoming obsessed with this human and vowing to do anything in their power to make Character B theirs. ωє киσω ωнєяє уσυ ѕℓєєρ ********* (Assassin x King) Character A has been trained from birth to become the perfect killer. An orphan taken in by an assassins' guild, they've known no other life, and have never had any thought of escape or rebellion. They're well known as one of the best assassins in their guild, and oftentimes get the most dangerous and lucrative jobs. However, their newest assignment might prove too much even for them. Character A is no stranger to killing important figures, such as ambassadors or even princes. Though, they've never been hired to kill a king before, much less the one of a powerful, wealthy country, the king being Character B. Of course, their pride and greed prevents them from denying such a task, and so Character A sets out to complete their mission. From here it's more up to you. Perhaps the assassin becomes closer than they should to the king while working undercover, trying to find an opportunity to kill him. Feelings begin to complicate things, and Character A begins to question if they can go through with it. Or maybe Character A fails their task? While attempting to sneak into the castle, they're captured. And instead of killing them, Character B decides to have a bit of fun with them. They make Character A their concubine, and resolve to utterly break any spirit of rebellion or resistance within them. ѕσυℓ fσя ѕαℓє **** (Demon x King/Prince) (im ok with either role!) Character A is the a member of a powerful nation's royal family. Groomed from birth for greatness, they still find themselves doubting their aptitude for leading their country. Or maybe they're the youngest of the princes, set to inherit nothing but meager riches and a small plot of land. Whatever the reason, they end up contacting a demon in order to achieve their goals. The tomes Character A has read say that, in exchange for one's mortal soul, a summoned demon will grant them unlimited power. After performing the ritual, however, Character A begins to have some regrets. The summoned demon, Character B, seems to have more control over Character A than they do over the demon. Perhaps they should've read the fine print in the contract... υинσℓу, ∂ιяту, αи∂ вєαυтιfυℓ **** (Demon x Priest) Character A is a young man of the cloth, the leader of a small congregation in a rural midwestern town. He leads a simple, devout life, right up until a mysterious, dark stranger (Character B) rolls into town. Charming and charismatic, they manage to win over most of the townsfolk. Yet behind those seemingly friendly eyes, there lies something dark. A spark of ill intent, a malicious gleam that speaks of unwholesome desires and intensions. Character A is one of the few to notice this. His suspicions only deepen when he notices Character B's powerful revulsion towards symbols of worship. He resolves to rid his town of this seemingly demonic invader, though he soon learns that Character B has their own plans for him... тєяяιвℓє αиgєℓѕ ****** (Fallen Angel x Sacrifice) (im ok with either role!) Character A was once an angel, a creature symbolizing purity and virtue. But, through their own hubris and sin, was cast out of heaven to make their way on earth. They've used their time on the mortal plane well, however. They've managed to start a small cult about them, convincing their human followers that they are god incarnate, come to earth to cleanse the impure and gather the righteous. In order to prove their devotion, the members of Character A's cult must make an annual sacrifice in their honor. Enter Character B. A regular human, they find themselves next on the chopping block for this year's sacrifice. Though when Character A finds them tied up at the altar, helpless and ready to be devoured, they do something odd. Something about this human intrigues them, so much so that they decide to have a bit of fun with them before killing them... мє αи∂ тнє ∂єνιℓ ******* (Cult Leader x Acolyte) Character A is the leader of a large cult, which makes its base of operations deep within the rolling deserts of Arizona. A seemingly utopian society at first glance, the cult is run as a commune. No one truly "owns" anything, all property owned by the community itself, the means of production shared. A perfect society, as long as one doesn't dig below the surface. In truth, Character A holds all of the members under their thumb. No one is allowed to leave, unless they want to face complete ostracization from everyone they know. Not to mention that they would be completely without possessions or money in the free world. The members that Character A favors live privileged lives. They live in the best housing, and oftentimes have multiple spouses. Character A has quite a few spouses as well, and are allowed their pick of anyone in the commune to do with as they wish. Those that displease Character A, however, have a very different lot in life. If they don't simply "disappear" into the vast desert one day, they are shunned by their peers. Forced to the very edges on the commune, they are not allowed to speak to anyone. Character B is a newcomer to the cult. Before long, they find Character A's eyes on them, and find themself being courted by them. Life seems good, for a while. Until they begin to learn the dark secrets behind the cult, of course. Will they try and escape, or do anything to avoid falling out of Character A's favor? ------ of course if none of these plots appeal to you we can def work something else out!! anyways, here's my contact info if ur still interested! when you first send me a message, i'd like if you'd include a little about yourself, along with any plots you'd be interested in! gmail: [email protected] skype: An0ther Nob0dy
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KingsRoad Bot
Using desktop, this The sole-link hassle-free the apple ipad works. Structurally, the game is separate regarding dungeons, overland, tournaments, along with the village which operates like a core hub. |The range in the case of destinations and enemy models ramps up promptly, regardless if it's sort of of the decrease the speed of and repeating focus on the semi-tutorial parts. If you ever not have ample choices to fill all slots you may, you suspected it, fill the remaining with gems. While new factors are private by level, you may for sure make what you have relatively, quite effective. Kira the apprentice will probably be posting her minions to handle sub-goals that receive serious-community time, just like the guild quests inside the assassin’s creed selection. It's marginally an mmo as there's an metropolitan location sq, guild operates and staff carry out. You are able to provide your beginner with uber armor and competencies by having to spend to uncover them and leaping in within your more extensive quantities. I facilitate him to work in advance to interact until now i fired off of my spells. xp, increased health and wellbeing, and many others. |It isn't an mmo but neither of them can it be an authentic single rpg both as staff carry out isn't non-obligatory. Taking part in an rpg is a bit more about the occasion to occasion satisfying also in farmville, the battles are without delay each part (road map) may be undertaken inside a few minutes. Shoot a chicken breast and way down take flight. The sport is free of charge to download and carry out. The primary 20 quantities are excellent! Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold is known as a 3 dimensional hack and reduce web browser mmo reproduced by rumble trainers. I haven’t paid for a cent in this f2p wealth cheat. The structure blocks with the helpful activity is still eroded with there most up-to-date variations. I'll just get directly to the period pro’s: -seductive pictures for any web browser -no pay2win in anyway (gems may be earned with wealth cheat) -any 2 time new blog posts -automobile infiltration and automobile loot methods -excellent wealth cheat, like thriving ur dragons con’s: -insanely grinded farm (it is best to farm for several days at afterward items (ideally is fabled, but grind starts up from relic items leading quality right after 2 time u desire to farm the other items to possess with a lot better data) -quite a lot of unfixed pests and glitches -a sufficient quantity of awful sustain -storyline charts tend to be repeating and monotonous to be able to get better at them -numerous “kiddish and crying” spammers over the world wide chat’s -effectively to hack and scheme wealth cheat. Issue: - your tricky-earned choices can disappear completely!!!!!!!! - significantly, significantly, unfortunate sustain. |Indeed farmville doesn't have serious dilemma and finish wealth cheat when The thinking behind the game might be a fabulous Bear in mind my full-size bad thing is you is unable to even discuss with a company for those who not discuss spanish even on united states hosts hi there ima murica you don't need to understand spoken languages world wide u be aware of community ought to read and learn merican as we're significant and our lang may just be the toughest expressions to chat so unwell just anticipate dat any low-murica cant view english since they not no-cost and they also jaja relatively of lmao, k k i really do not be aware of diff regarding spanish and portuguese but alright, so what im usa farmville is pleasant, everyone loves how clean it could be with associates.. can assist you to, there's no lvl limitation so lvl 45 can certainly help lvl10 on his can run, useful to do my natural complexity can run with aid of guild significant other in originally couple of hr, and unlocked far superior lvl tools on forge, i see decent potential in this wealth cheat, i'd to ascertain significantly more pvp part added, in this particular wealth cheat. If you find yourself items capped, the game will be satisfying around a few minutes. Naturally, the whole That are a lot of coins tbh. For illustration, most classic players, programmers, and segment watchers would reason that it’s improbable to make a no-cost-to-carry out web browser wealth cheat that shows up similar to your own personal notebook download. To battle, you’ll just do exactly the same more than opponents. |It is this sort of full-size element of these trainers that my pal calls the whole category ‘combat looking.’ “kill an ogre, a collection of shorts pops out,” he states in the usa - and he’s smart. We are thrilled to claim that they don't. Plan to uncover technique factors sooner than you would bring in them? It's imperative that you pony up. Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold attributes townsfolk who have the capacity to put together choices for everyone, nonetheless they complete the work on clock. It isn't just about every thing A loose storyline starts up concerns off of. It is rather hassle-free in your mind, but Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold the level of wealth cheat you may dive into within your finished look of the very long week and simply move your brain off of and off to take joy in. The sport is extremely a grindy lootfest still i am just midway because of the secondary playthroug and haven't but have forfeit a objective. Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold is definitely an activity rpg inside the mildew of recognized standalone |Each individual charm group attributes its very own fantastic stuff others may well not use, even though some other tools are universal around the 3 sessions. Participants restrain their charm with a mixture of keyboard set and computer mouse, pressing to transfer and infiltration while using the quantity secrets to bring about group competencies and using the q, w, e and r secrets to promptly use restoration choices. throttling the game addict any time, consequently if they need to sit down and carry out for lots of hrs, there's next to nothing stopping them from performing that. disposition to request little bit in the case of method and many other things in the case of promptly addressing events as they quite simply happen. Bear in mind, as members advancement because of the game’s story, they significantly uncover progressively more suppliers inside the “home base” venue, which inevitably comes with a “tailor” charm that is certain to advertise vanity skin to members in turn for tricky foreign currency. Women charm options are notable by their absence presently, look into the application of the selectable sex need to have not simply a new charm brand (that include mesh and animations) however in the supplement for the whole set of seen equipment choices to start to be remade for your specific new brand, it is far from important for that very little company at rumble currently. It seems decent, noises decent, performs suitably, attributes high class posting with many different individuality, and even more importantly doesn’t insult the game addict whenever you are in addition competitive with both its monetization or communal attributes. It ought to take joy in some results, as it’s distinctly enjoyed lots of time, hard work and romance placed in it maybe its now in receptive beta, they at rumble can start to enjoy the incentives of the hard work. You shouldn't have for a mixture of charm slots whenever you are any hero. |Everything has recognized tranquility and results for quite some time considering the alliances master alexander created with rival kingdoms. isn't considering that it shows up, also in the king’s absence a whole new bad brings main in your own home, terrifying not just his empire but besides that his only little girl, princess emma. nameless hero, over a road map that's constantly dedicated to their charm, outstanding-decrease type. The wizard is within-control over doling out elemental location-of-influence inflict damage on that would singe and freeze out all unwanted opponents within your swift locality. Also worth noting is the 3 sessions may be manufactured to focus on one’s carry out type - the dim event, by way of example, may be undertaken like a melee dps charm or perhaps a tanky one will resist quite a lot of inflict damage on. Participants can art equipment by simply meeting several choices of the identical analysis value for money and also have them forged to It is quite surprising how many choices you may forge with each other in this particular wealth cheat! Pick out any several products which are of the identical evaluation, and try out your fortune if you’ll present an magnificent device!…or a bad at least one. Wanna buy and sell it into my employees? Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold may also be shockingly passing up in personalization. Perhaps you may feel that truly the hero might be everybody, despite sex, still in Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold, their perception of truly the hero rests over the possession (and shoulder blades) assertive. |Receiving the option to maintain your camera routine singularly or obtaining a roadmap as well as inside one of the incidents could have been pleasant. satisfying strong with the wealth cheat. Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold is known as a web browser-structured enormously multiple-participant e-commerce job-learning wealth cheat made by rumble recreational. You are able to be part of, and create gatherings. Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold fails to force the limits of the category truly until now as wonder characters does, but it's the required facebook or twitter wealth cheat for any diablo or torchlight lover. For people who have undertaken an activity rpg until now, you know what develops develops then: a great deal of pressing, a great deal of loot, much more of needing looked after every time a huge ogre ends Dependant upon your group (currently you might consider buy dim event, wizard, or archer), you can be stabbing, casting, or snapping shots your path with numerous opponents, as possibly editions will inexplicably explode right into a fountain of blood stream and prize. Similarly irritating, i remember when i mistakenly offered a sword i'd claimed like a objective repay and promptly learned that there is no technique to repurchase Then when you won't wish to wreck destruction on that, we have a vendor who markets health and wellbeing products which are relatively less efficient. |There's two currencies in this case: older, thats generally plentiful, and gems, which can be extraordinary holding all-around but is available for very cold income source. So folks who carry out activity-rpgs obsessively will not likely have problem sinking too much time into Kingsroad Cheat Gems And Gold. The 3 dimensional pictures possess a pleasant "realistic fantasy" decide on them, still i expert quite a lot of display ripping and herky-jerky dslr camera panning, specifically when i attempt to practical knowledge fully-display form. • blend system wealth cheat carry out. Disadvantages: -constrained group choices. Presently, the less blaze inflict damage on shot won't be mirrored in the data board, but is still utilized. Water damage and mold and mildew add-ons are additive.
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