#anyways i hope y'all have a great start to the year!!! <333
boxwinebaddie · 1 month
Miss Ninaa!! When are you free for the summer???
hello, sweetling! and good morning, good afternoon or good night wherever it is that you are. <3 regardless of the time of day, please just know that the world around you is brighter bc you're in it. c':
so i just want to start out by saying that i know i say this a lot...but i cannot tell you what it means to me that you guys care enough about me to be curious about the trajectory of my offline life.
...like, i really just have the sweetest anons in the world, huh? ;-;
i feel unbelievably blessed and count my lucky stars everyday because of each and everyone of you. thank you for being your lovely, lovely selves and caring not only about me as a person but my silly and strange au styles from hell.
speaking of, i am aware that it does not seem like it because of how sporadically i post ncu related content ( if at all ) but i am trying to work on some stuff...as you know well by now, i like to really take my time putting out my work because the quality of the content that you read is paramount to me. you are all far too near and dear to my heart to receive lame, rushed, unclear boof ass content from me.
like...i simply will not do it. thank you for your paitence.
( i will say that i am specifically working on an ask about the greenhouse kiss which AAAAAA giggling, twirling my hair and kicking my feet, like it is SOOOOO satisfying, holy shit! it's also very, very important to the plot which is why i have been taking my time on it. i do hope to put it out today but i am trying not to make promises that i can't keep, get your hopes and dreams up just to dash them and most unfortunately, i do not have a great track record in that regard. i know it's kind of a bummer...but i like to be honest w/ y'all. )
without further ado, here's a little glimpse into my life. xx
again, thank you for asking...that is very cute of you. c': <333
( this is lengthy and lowkey irrelevant. you can absolutely skip this but i think that i am pretty informative in here, so it might be useful? idk. )
so actually, my summer is pretty busy and jam-packed for the most part! or, the first two months are, at least. because i decided to take on summer camp here at the school i work on! camp counsellor nina!
i decided to nab a summer camp supervising position for a couple of reasons. like, obviously, teaching does not pay that much, so really, i need to make all the money i can while i can. don't worry about me tho, guys. bc actually am doing extremely well for myself. <333
( i am a very lucky person, haha -- god nerfed me by being mentally ill, but did make me pretty and personable...which gets me far in life. on the topic of mental illness [ of which i am very ] today i should fare quite well bc other than having a mild headache and being lowkey naseous because my mood stabilizer has that side effect for me...it is worth it when i rem(ember) to take it because it makes me very calm and level, so i am better at responding to my asks/doing my tasks. )
another reason is it keeps me busy...when i am not constantly busy, i get very depressed and fall into gnarly sprials. my job has a lot of downtime and when i am not running around like crazy because a bunch of teachers are out, i'm bored as fuck and i get lazy or restless.
very lame...this summer, i will be looking for a different job ( fml, if you are my boss, don't read this ) and i am a bad procrastinator so i missed the deadline for a fuck ton of teaching positions, but hopefully i can find something in the realm of associate or assistant teaching because....lmao, point and laugh but i am still a little too nervous to teach a whole class by myself. if kids get disadvantaged academically because i am too incompetent at teaching, i will die.
but yeah...if i am still babysitting fourteen year olds after this ( they did grow on me, but it's really not my speed ) please also point and laugh because i would rather go back to retail...yes, i am desperate.
on the subject of teaching kids that are in my wheelhouse and doing stuff my speed, summer camp is actually all k-5 so i will FINALLY being doing a majority of my teaching in the age group that i have my literal credential in. YAY! it's going to be hot as shit where i am over the summer, probably also tiring as shit ( have you seen how little kids act in the summer? ) but i am so fkn exCITED to work with the littles HEEEEELLL YES, BROTHER! uncle nina will be Vibing! <333
so for the first four weeks i am doing general camp stuff, getting a feel for stuff and wokring with all the grade levels...but the LAST two weeks, i get to specifically associate teach in the kindergarten classroom and AAAAAAAA!!!!! I FKN LOVE THE KINDERS!!!!! i visit them every other day because, again, i am bored as shit and they need help over there so i usually hang out with them in PE and play hula hoop tag with them...rn they are learning how to jump rope. soooo stinking cute, oh my god.
-- BUT YES I AM SOOOOO FREAKING STOKED YOU GUYS LIKE I WAS MADE FOR THIS BROTHER. i am gonna wear so many crazy outfits and do such weird makeup pray it doesn't melt off my face.
also, during camp, they go on little field trips and things, hopefully swimming, ( uncle nina is mermaid nina ) and feed you the same stuff as the campers so i get to eat like a nasty frat boy and have pizza and pasta and stuff, which, let me tell you, i am genuinely stoked because they cater a free lunch for the faculty here everyday and it's supposed to be all fancy and shit...but there is a reason it's free because it is SOOOO mid. like it really is kind of ass. i don't know how they do that.
but, sigh, camp is only six weeks so i have to fill my time with other stuff ( also i guess that means in six weeks from when school is done on june...14th, i think? i am free? ) i hope to use that time to structure the fuck out of my life, planf or the future because i am hella bad at it and i hope to do a lot of writing! kind of a pipe dream at this point becaue all my stuff has been *british tolkien vc* actual shite and i can't finish anything...but maybe when i feel better, writing will come easier? when i am less busy and stressed? i hope so. and i hope you guys are still around if i am here but i Completely understand if you are not! it's been a long, bumpy ride. you did your dues and you are free to step off at any time. again, i do not blame you. i am annoying.
BUT YEAH! that's my summer for you! summer camp, hanging out with my cat ( her name is lily, she is very beautiful, very kind, very fluffy and dumb as rocks but she is my babygirl ), getting lots of sushi, going to the thrift store, doing self care stuff, doing less self harm in various odd forms specifically in the form of self sabotage, getting my life together and organized, finding a new job, bettering myself and the world, being kind, entertaining all of you and hopefully writing again! yay! i'll update you as much as i can.
and please, please, pleeeease update me on your lives! i know i don't always respond, but i read everything. my friend who won FIRST PLACE for her raven sculpture, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BABY. my friends who unfortunately went through breakups, i am so sorry, please know it is their loss, you are stronger for it and i hope you heal, but if ravesey can...you can baby. also proud of my various friends going to college and my friends that are not! my friends toiling through their lame jobs and my friends who are dipping their toes in the world of creativity through writing, drawing expressing yourself! i love, love, LOVE you! thank you for sharing your lives with me.
( speaking of friends, i am specifically hoping to spend my summer bonding with my rant girlies and we made a little group chat and we are being so funny and chaotic and unhinged. i love them all so bad. )
BUT YEAH! thank you for asking my love! look out for some important in character asks, hopefully some finished or more distinguished writing and know that if i am not responding or posting, it is not because i lost interest...as you can see, i am very busy, especially as the school year approaches an end, my summer is a little busy, i fall into ugly manic/depressive cycles and am working on taking care of myself...offline. thank you for understanding.
and thank you for being here! you are troopers, forreal! you are angels and saints for putting up for me and enduring me never posting or posting really chaotic weird stuff. i love you. thanks for caring. <3
i love you and i hope you heal,
uncle nina, future ceo of glamour girl summer camp <3
P.S. i am specifically working on developing and post more about my other aus because i want to give you some variety and challenge myself to do stuff out of my comfort zone! so if you are excited at all about the tsot/tfbw nina stuff, please make some NOOOOISE! lol and if you are not i totally get it, but if you could give me gentility and grace, i would appreciate it because i'm insecure abt it. MWAH!
#hi baby!#thank you SO much for asking you are so stinking cute for this like omg i am blushing thank you so much#i am working on answering some asks but its slow goings but i am emotionally stable nina today so hell yeah brother#i love the greenhouse kiss ask but it requires a lot of context moving parts and me explaining stuff thoroughly#thank you for being paitent i hope its worth it#i also don't know how much people care about my dead ass fanfic or any of my stuff but thanks for fighting the good fight#anyways! camp counsellor nina!#i get to work with the k-5 kids i am so stoked its gonna be loud and very hot outside but fun and enriching#very stoked to do something entertaining#when i tell you i am BORED it fucking sucks like this job is so ass and rn my school is kinda going through messy drama#so it's not pleasant to be here i am not having fun#BUT I WILL! and i have a lot of fun answering my asks hell ya#wokring on getting another job holy shit please pray for me#but yah! trying to be a better me and come back into myself and write more comfortably you guys are helping me#thank you for respecting my time and need for space#i am pretty introverted inspite of my little god complex big scary writer routine and i get overwhelmed by attention#i never quite know what to say but i'm trying#write to me anytime i love you#also i had a friend send me an ask and ask me if their question is odd -- it's not sweetheart i just don't have an answer yet#i haven't shdslkhdld thought about it hard enough but i will get back to you haha y'all are unhinged and kind and so cute#ily ily ILY
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Hmm I mean I think there needs to be balance
Uh oh :o
Okay phew
But it doesn't really matter which xD
LOL because it's more satisfying xD okay fair
SLFJDHKGJS are girls more satisfying xD (I'm sure it's a different factor)
AYY yeah :DD she's picking a girl :')))
Slayyy 🥰🥰🥰❤️
I'm happy for you Morgan :))
Oooh okay it's going okay :DD
AYY they took it out!!
But there's still a lot of work left to do I imagine
Okay okayyy
Uh oh 😬😬😬
XDD Lim just be like that
PHEW we're good :DDD
Oh no
Oh no she's dead isn't she D':
Yeah 😭😭😭😭 noooo 😭😭😭💔💔
I really hope Eden still gets the support she needs :'(((
That's so sad 😭💔 y'all I can't :'((
I don't deserve this xdd
OHH Nooo 😭😬😬
YES. Then fight for him
YES c'monnn please 😬😬
Phew :'DDD
We did it y'all :')
We did it <333
I'm so proud of them 🥰🥰🥰❤️
AWWW :'DD 🥰🥰🥰😭
The hug :')))
That was beautiful <33
And y'all all feel great :')
Aww :'((
Nah Morgan you're gonna stay aren't you :')
The decision text?
Are you gonna cancel :OO because like adopting her maybe?
Okay phew just rescheduling xD
Not that I don't want Eden to have a home I just think it would be a LOT to go through to cancel xD
But still :'DDD
That's so sweet :'))
Rescheduling to stay with her?
Yeah :')))
Lovely 😭😭😭❤️❤️
Awww :'DDD <333
That was amazing <33
Nahh I bet he's gonna refuse it to spend time with family :'))
Ooh looking promising for that since it's going to him
YEP :'DDD 🥰🥰
Aww that's so sweet :'DD ❤️🥰 I love that :) <3
Lol and Park gets it, everybody's happy :) xD
Aww <33
Ope the results :o
(these last few bits might be out of order but from here on out I'm sure xD)
I bet they're good but I'm still scared :'((
Also Shaun just waiting there xD
C'mon c'mon c'monnn DD:
One of the only times Shaun has been happy to be wrong XD :'DD
Why is backstreet boys playing XD
I was just saying I wanted that XDD
SLAYYY good for y'all lol
Go off guys xD
Oop yeah 👀 he admits to being jealous
Aww yeah :')) she does deserve that
But idk I still think y'all will be a thing
LOL them making him come up XD
Awww themmm 🥰🥰🥰❤️
Kalu's starting to fit in :'DD
SLFKGJDHJGS I love these idiots so much <333 ❤️❤️
Lol those are your three favorite men up there girl XDD 🥰🥰
OOP a shot of them together 👀👀
And the love triangle fully commences XD
Reminds me of in Fuller House when the two main love interests became besties lol
Dang I haven't watched that in years xD I think more recently I started rewatching it since do never finished but didn't finish he rewatch either lol - I mean years since I first watched it xD anyway
Anyway 😳😳👀 drama ahead
Awww the nursery :'DD
AWW it's so cute :'DDD 😭🥰🥰🥰🥰
Yayy :))))
Ope screws
Y'all better hope it's stable lol
Hmm Shaun is this baby anxiety?
Ah nope it's Glassman ain't it xD
Sir xD
My boy I think you're reading into this a bit
I swear if he says dementia
Okay good he didn't specify
Let the man live XD
It could just be him getting old too!! Or literally nothing XD
I'm sure it'll be something though because this is tgd xd
Y'all better not do this to me 😭
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arlenianchronicles · 2 years
Happy New Year! Just want to wish you a great year and let you know how much I love your Silmarillion art. Your eldritch designs are awesome, and I loved the comic you drew about Elros, Maglor, and Maedhros! Maglor's perspective on Elros was so compelling. Wishing you lots of happiness and creativity this year!
Ahh Happy New Year!! 💞💞💞 Thank you so much for the well-wishes!! I wish y'all a wonderful year too, with all the good vibes and things!
And, as always, I'm happy to hear that you like my art! That comic really took me a while to finish, but it was worth it, and I'm super glad that y'all enjoyed it! Thank you again!! 💞💞💞
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vetrubius · 3 years
Pairings: BokutoxY/N (platonical), Surprise characterxY/N
A/N: Hey y'all. I'm not doing great per se. College is really stressing me out. And I really wanna write. But I'm not really getting time. Anyway, here's a piece I wrote a few months ago but had to clean it a little. Enjoy<333 Warnings: A LOT of ANGST, Suicide Attempts, Manipulation, Light fluff, Minors DNI
W.C: 1,329
You know you really missed him. Because the second you turned to the other side in the morning, the bed was empty. His now faded scent stayed on. Of course you’d been wanting to see him again. How could you even forget the way he made you feel? The happy aura, the comforting arms, the occasional breakfast in bed on weekends.
You fight a tear from your side. Why’d you have to go ahead and mess it up? What was the reason? A whole year, wasted.
Your thoughts were disturbed by the door bell ringing profusely. You hoped it was him. You’d hoped he’d come back to forgive you, to be the bigger person. You open the door slightly to have eye contact with Bokuto. You knew he’d rushed all the way from his practice for you. You really needed someone right now. And you didn’t know who to call other than him.
“I know you were at practice,” you said after opening the door and letting him in “I’m really sorry. I just wanted someone to be with” you said, looking at the floor in shame.
“Hey, it’s okay. We got off early today. So, I didn’t miss practice.” He said, softly taking off his jacket and throwing his bag on the couch. Observing your tear stained face Bokuto did not waste a second in engulfing your small frame into his arms.
“I know he meant a lot. But you should stop. You know he won’t come back.” He whispered while stroking your hair and planting soft kisses across your scalp.
Bokuto and you had been best friends forever. Which made it easier for you to share things with him. It was as if you both knew everything about each other. Exactly how each other felt. But you also knew you two would never work it out. It would never happen.
He would be in another city and you couldn’t be with someone who could not devote every single minute to you.
Your separation anxiety always becomes worse in long distance. That is exactly what had happened, didn’t it? Instead of going to him, you’d chosen someone else’s company. You’d cheated on him with someone else. You never knew you were capable of it.
You’d ruined a lot of friendships this way. Only for you to block your past relationships. Cutting them off without any hesitation. Which only lead to your small friend circle and a lot of self destructive tendencies.
“Bo...why am I this way? I don’t want to be this way. I want to get better. I want to be normal. I don’t want to be dependent on people. Please. Take care of me. I want to get better,” a burst of tears flooded your face, all being absorbed by Bokuto’s jersey.
“I don’t want to feel this pain anymore.”
Bokuto responded to this by swooping your shivering body off the floor. The walk from the foyer to the bedroom seemed long with the words you kept murmuring. Talking so negatively about yourself, it broke Bokuto’s heart.
“It’s alright, I got you,” He said, opening the door of your bathroom “you’ll be good, I know you’ll be. You’ve always been this strong.” He kept your cold, murmuring body in the bathtub and started filling it with warm water.
He held your hand. You saw his face. His grey hair, drooping. His face filled with stubble. His eyes surrounded by the dark circles clearly visible from the sleepless nights. It had been so long since you’d seen him you’d forgotten his rough, calloused hands in yours. His lips silently moving in a prayer.
You couldn’t blame him. He had too much on his brain, his schedule, his practice. His girlfriend blamed him for things he wasn’t responsible for. There was too much going on in both of your lives to have time for each other but you were eternally grateful for this moment.
Your thought process was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Your body refused to move. “Ko.. could you get the door, please?” you said with your croaky voice.
“Yes, just close your eyes” Bokuto said while getting up, turning the tap off and going out of the bathroom. What if you could end everything right now?
What if you just drowned yourself and got over with it. It’s not like your life wasn’t worth living anyway. You’d never done anything special since childhood. You’d never been loved. Just cast aside.
“Maybe I should slip in the water. Nobody would ever know.”
-- --- --- ---- ---
“Y/N, WAKE THE FUCK UP, I’M NOT GONNA LOSE YOU LIKE THIS.” Bo said with tears in his eyes. How could he be so stupid leaving you alone in a tub full of water. “WAKE UP WAKE UP PLEASE JUST WAK-”
“Give her to me, get the heater and blankets, I’ll carry her over to the bed. Get the hairdryer while you’re at it” he said.
“It wasn’t my fault Bokuto. Refrain yourself. One of us needs to be calm. Get the things quickly” He said as he picked your unconscious body up from the water and kept it on the bathroom floor and petted you dry.
“You know what she’s done, Bokuto. You think it hasn’t affected me? I’m ready to do everything for her. There is no forgiveness. There is just something I wanna talk to her about. This is just psychological manipulation she’s doing to get you too. You know she doesn’t care. You know ho-”
“Get out. Leave her on the bed.” the pain in his voice was audible.
“I know.”
Bokuto looked at him in confusion and watery eyes. “What?”
“I know you’re in love with her. I know she cheated on me with you. Don’t you understand how hard it is for me to be here with you? Don’t you know, Bo?” he sighed “I know you cheated on your girlfriend too. I don’t know what to do. I love her. But this here, looking at her this way, with you? I don’t think you’re supposed to be here.” he said, briefly stopping to rub your body rigorously for heat and looking at Bokuto.
“I better leave. Take care, Y/N. You got what you wanted.”
“Hi, angel. I’m back. Just like you wanted.” Kageyma said as he locked on your eyes and held your cold hands in his warm ones.
“Where’s Bokuto?” you asked him looking around the bedroom. He was sitting on the study chair, looking at you.
The fresh sheets were laid. The dirty laundry bunch you’d thrown in the corner had been put in the laundry. The curtains were pulled apart to get the sunlight in the room. The fresh set of clothes that you were wearing kept you warm. The warmth had finally woken you up.
“He won’t be bothering you for a while. He took his decision.” The black haired boy said as he looked up with a shit eating grin, holding a cup of hot liquid.
“Anyway, I know it was him,” he said while swirling around in the chair. “So I fucked his girlfriend. She told me to not tell you but she’s breaking up with him.”
A look of horror struck your face. “Why would you do that?”
“It’s simple, baby. He’s permanently leaving the country and I’m gonna move in with his girlfriend. You’ll be left alone again. And that’s a better revenge than I originally planned.”
He said as he got up from his chair, kept the tea on your night stand and stood near the door frame.
“Enjoy your loneliness. I really let you live so you could feel this pain. See you later, babe” he said as he broke the last eye contact you’d ever have with him.
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justgleekout · 4 years
Fic: Grease Monkey
Summary: Blaine goes to visit Kurt at 'Hummel Tires And Lube' but he is not prepared for the sight that awaits him.
Rating: T
Words: 1796
Read on: Ao3 and FF.net
Notes: I had this idea in my head for YEARS. Then I saw a post about this premise on tumblr and I thought “fuck it! This is my moment!” So I wrote it down. Please enjoy some thirsty Blaine ;)
I wanna thank my dearest beta @esperantoauthor​​ (Esperanto on Ao3) for not only correcting my mistakes but also being super supportive and kind and actually teaching me shit! <333
I also kinda made art for this fic so y'all understand my vision. I hope you enjoy it!
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The doorbell rang at the Hudson-Hummel household. Blaine was standing at the front door smiling in anticipation, bowtie in place and curls neatly trapped in gel. He and Kurt were going to breadsticks tonight to celebrate their one month anniversary. All right, not the fanciest place for a date, Blaine would admit, but they wouldn’t be able to afford much better anyways. And besides, Lima didn’t really have much more to offer. 
Blaine was a bit early, so when Carole opened the door instead of his boyfriend, he wasn’t too surprised.
“Hi Carole. Is Kurt ready yet? We, eh, have a date. I’m a little early, but I thought-“ he looked inside past Carole’s shoulder to see if Kurt might be coming down the stairs already. 
“Oh, I’m sorry honey, Kurt’s still at the garage. He promised Burt to help out for a bit. I guess they’re running a little late. Why don’t you meet him there? I’m sure he’d be happy to see you,” Carole offered with a smile.
“Oh, eh, sure. I suppose I could do that,” Blaine said, with somewhat forced optimism. The idea didn’t sound as good to him as it seemed to sound to Carole. The last time Blaine had gone over to ‘Hummel Tires and Lube’ he had convinced Burt to give his son “the sex talk,” merely a week before becoming said son’s boyfriend. He and Burt were on good terms and Blaine always felt welcome in his house, but he would rather not relive the awkwardness of that moment, especially now that he had so much to lose. “Thank you Carole, have a nice evening,” he said with a small smile. 
“Kurt?” Blaine called out when he walked through the open garage door into the workshop. He felt awkward and out of place in the big space filled with cars, machines, and tools. He had dressed up nicely for his and Kurt’s date so he didn’t dare to touch anything in fear of getting dirty. He just stood there awkwardly shuffling from side to side, trying to catch a glimpse of Kurt. A moment had passed but there was no sign of Kurt or his father. I shouldn’t have come, Blaine thought. Kurt would want to go home to change first, before going on their date, surely. So Blaine was mostly there just to say an awkward hello and meet Kurt again a little later at his house, where they were supposed to meet up in the first place. He even felt a little relieved when no one answered. He started to walk away towards the exit to just wait in his car for Kurt to come home, but right when he reached the garage door he heard his name. 
“Blaine?” Kurt appeared from behind a car. “I thought we were supposed to meet at 6? Did I get the time wrong?” He looked over his shoulder at a clock hanging on the wall behind him. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.” His voice was soft and sincere.
“Oh no don’t worry about it, I was a little early so I-“ Blaine turned around to face his boyfriend and his eyes grew big when he saw Kurt. He didn’t know what he expected, but he certainly wasn’t prepared for this. 
Kurt was standing next to a shelving unit, leaning against it. He was wearing stained blue coveralls only halfway up with the sleeves tied around his waist to keep them from sagging down. He wore a tight fitting white t-shirt with the short sleeves rolled up to his shoulders. The muscles in his arms flexed as he cleaned his hands and forearms with a small towel. His hair was messy and coming out of its usual hold of hairspray. And to top it off Blaine noticed a few smudges of dark grease on Kurt’s usually porcelain smooth face. 
Blaine’s jaw dropped at the sight of him. He had never seen Kurt in any other state than perfectly put together. Not a hair out of place. Bowties, button-ups, skinny jeans, the works. He loved Kurt’s fashion sense. Of course he did. Kurt expressed himself through his clothes, so saying he did not like the way he dressed would just be another way of saying he didn’t like Kurt and that was too insane to even think about. Because boy did he like Kurt.
But there was something about this look, Kurt’s soft voice, his smooth skin and the elegant way he moved in contrast with the harsh environment of the shop, the dirt, and smell of motor oil, that made Blaine feel funny in his chest (and maybe in some other places too but he tried not to think about that right now!). Blaine felt like Kurt should look out of place here. But the opposite was true. Kurt looked downright at home in the shop and also like something straight out of Blaine’s fantasies. Kurt looked so.. traditionally masculine? Hot. He looked hot.
“Blaine?” Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow when Blaine didn’t finish his sentence and just stared at him. “Are you alright?” 
“I- Yeah I eh... I’m- I...” Blaine stammered. “Hi,” he finally managed to get out. 
Kurt chuckled a bit, put the towel down on a shelf and walked towards Blaine. “What is it?” 
“I- It’s just.. you look-“ 
“Ugh, I know. I look gross. I promise I’ll change before our date. I didn’t mean for you to see me like this.” He gestured at his appearance.
“No!” Blaine practically yelled. 
Kurt looked very confused. “No?”
“I mean, no, you look good! You look great actually,” Blaine said and could feel heat rising in his cheeks. 
“Really..?” Kurt said in a judging tone. “Blaine. I am a mess...” 
“A fucking hot mess if you ask me” Blaine muttered with a seductive grin. 
Kurt snorted but his cheeks turned slightly pink at the flirty compliment “You like this?” He asked. 
“Eh, YES! God, look at you! You look like you’ve just come from a photoshoot for a car commercial.”
“You are unbelievable,” Kurt said, rolling his eyes fondly. “Everyday I try to put the most amazing outfits together and the one time you see me when I look positively disgusting, you can’t take your eyes off me.” 
“Kurt, you know I love the way you dress. But this? Now? God you look hot. You look so strong and rugged and sexy and...” Blaine was eying Kurt up and down while tracing his hands over Kurt’s arms. “Please, kiss me.”
“But you will get all greasy if I kiss you now,” Kurt quipped, but he put his arms loosely on Blaine’s shoulders anyways. Blaine noticed they weren’t completely grease free yet but he found he didn’t actually care about getting dirty anymore. 
“Grease me up baby,” Blaine said with a big smile on his face, putting his hands on Kurt’s waist. Through the thin fabric of his shirt, Blaine could feel the warmth of Kurt’s skin. 
Kurt chuckled a little in disbelief before leaning in, kissing Blaine softly. But, the second their lips touched a low moan emerged from Blaine’s throat. Blaine’s grip tightened on Kurt’s shirt pulling him closer.
“Oh wow, you really do like this, huh?” Kurt said breaking them apart. 
Blaine hummed appreciatively, chasing Kurt’s lips “Wasn’t that obvious?” he breathed, clutching Kurt’s shirt. “So sexy.”
Kurt looked at him questioningly at first, but when he looked into Blaine’s eyes he saw nothing but want. A dark twinkle appeared in Kurt’s eyes and he grabbed Blaine, pulling him towards a nearby car. Blaine was more than happy to be led and followed Kurt eagerly. Kurt pressed Blaine against the car. Once trapped between the car and Kurt, Blaine pressed his mouth back on Kurt’s. Pulling him as close as he could. Kurt’s weight was pressing down on him from head to toe. And Blaine couldn’t help noticing that their hips were pressed together as well. 
Kurt put his hand against Blaine’s cheek and had the other pressed against his chest. He started to move against Blaine just a little. But it was enough to shoot fire through Blaine’s entire body. His hands moved over Kurt’s sides and back pulling on his shirt. God this feels good!
“No making out in the shop!” A loud voice pierced the silence in the garage. 
Kurt quickly pushed himself away from Blaine. Frantically trying to straighten his t-shirt. “Dad!” He shouted indignantly. 
“Rules are rules, kiddo. If Finn’s not allowed to make out here, neither are you.” Burt said before turning to a very disheveled looking Blaine “Evening, Blaine,” he said with a smirk.
“Mr Hummel- Burt! Hello! I am so sorry, sir! I- we didn’t-“ 
Burt started laughing heartily. “Don’t worry about it kid.”
Blaine turned scarlet and gave Burt a small, but grateful smile.
“I came to tell you, you were free to go, Kurt. But it looks like you took that liberty yourself,” Burt teased.
“Right.. thanks dad. I think Blaine and I are gonna go then.” 
“Thanks for the help today, Kurt. You’re very valuable to have around at the shop.” 
The smile on Kurt’s face grew. “You’re welcome. Happy to help,” he said to his dad before he turned back to Blaine. “Come on, let's go to my place; I need to change. As much as you might like this look, I am NOT going out to dinner in coveralls, covered in grease!” He winked at Blaine, took his hand, and pulled him to Blaine’s car. 
Blaine ducked his head laughing to himself a little. “Of course.”
Once inside Blaine’s car, Blaine felt Kurt looking at him.
“Should we talk about what happened in there?”
“I don’t know? What would you wanna talk about?”
“You having a grease monkey fetish and me grinding up on you in my dad’s shop, maybe?” 
Laughing out loud for a second Blaine cleared his throat and responded, “Ehm, I guess I just like it when you take control like that. Especially when you look like,” he gestured at Kurt’s outfit, “that. Honestly, Kurt, you look like you came from a fucking porno magazine.”
Kurt lifted his chin up a little, his cheeks turning pink again. “Hmm, good to know. I suppose I liked it too. Feels nice to be wanted like that. I guess I never really had that before. Nor did I expect anyone to ever feel like that about me.” He smiled softly at Blaine. “You don’t look half bad yourself by the way. I didn’t really have a chance to tell you yet.” 
“Thank you,” Blaine answered with a returned smile. “Let's go then, shall we?” 
“Please. I wanna get out of these clothes!” 
They looked at each other and burst out laughing.
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couldbebluer-blog · 7 years
AYCSTB Excerpt
Hi all! I know that I’m possibly the world’s slowest fic updater, but I wanted to post an excerpt to make sure you all know that I’m working very hard (yet slowly) on the new chapter! This particular sneak peek is a little angsty but I Promise it won't last<333 I hope y'all enjoy!
Tuesday, 22:20
“Eskild? Can I come in?”
He hears some shuffling behind the door, before it cracks open slowly. Eskild’s hair is sleep rumpled, and he squints at Isak, not unkindly.
“What’s going on, princess?” he asks groggily, and Isak’s chest tightens at the word. He pushes Even’s voice out of his head and musters a tight smile that is more like a grimace.
“Can I come in? I could use some guru advising,” he says, scratching the back of his head. “It’s okay if you wanna sleep or anything, it can wait until tomorrow.”
“No, it’s fine Issy, really,” Eskild says. He steps back from the door and allows Isak to shuffle inside before closing the door gently.
Isak stands there for a moment while Eskild crawls back onto his bed, the lamp on his bedside table a soft yellow light. Eskild pats the spot next to him, cooing at him.
“Come here, baby Jesus,” he says knowingly, and Isak goes, crawling on the bed and lying on his stomach next to Eskild. Eskild shifts and smoothes Isak’s hair away from his face, and Isak relaxes into it. As much as Eskild jokes about being Isak’s adopted father and guru, he’s the closest thing Isak has to a paternal figure. His mother was wrapped up in her mind the majority of his life, which he doesn’t blame her for anymore, but was still true. His real father was too absent too often to contribute any parental guidance and love to Isak’s life as he grew older. He’s learned not to be too bitter, to not linger on the sourness that came with remembering the last years spent in his childhood home; he tries to think fondly of the time where his mother was present, and his father was still in love with his family, and the way Isak would walk between them, one hand in each of his parents’, and how he would scream in delight when they would swing him in the air.
Eskild was there for him at the point where he needed someone most. His mother had retreated into her mind, and his father decided he could no longer deal with the burden of his imperfect family. Eskild took him under his wing, offered him a place to stay when his home life got to be too much. Eskild taught him how to accept himself, guided him through the shitshow of coming out of the closet, and firmly told him what was and wasn’t acceptable to say about others. He parented Isak, taught Isak more about life, nurtured Isak into who he was today more than his biological parents ever did. Isak can’t ever forget that.
“What’s going on?” Eskild prompts, looking down at Isak.
Isak sighed, shifting so his arms were folded underneath his head. “I don’t know. You know how I went on that date- well, how I hung out with Even before class on Sunday?” he waits for Eskild to nod before continuing. “Well, it was going great, like really well, until we left the cafe.”
“What happened? Did he do something?” Eskild asks, and Isak can hear the frisson of anger in his sleepy question. Eskild sits up a little straighter in bed, more alert. Isak is quick to assuage his concern, though.
“No, no, he didn’t do anything bad. It was this asshole, Erik,” Isak says, sighing and pressing two fingers hard to his brow.
“He’s in my year, you probably don’t know him,” Isak tells him. “But he’s been giving me shit about this naked modelling stint, which is annoying but something I can deal with.”
“You shouldn’t have to,” Eskild argues. “He doesn’t have a right to be a dick to you over that.”
Isak shrugs noncommittally. “It’s really no big deal. But yeah, after Even and I left Tryvge, I left my sweater on the chair, so I guess Erik recognized it as mine and ran out to give it to me.”
Eskild hum, waiting for Isak continue. Isak appreciates him for not interrupting as he so usually does.
“But when he came up to us, he started saying gross things about me,” Isak grimaces at the memory, cheeks hot with shame. “He was saying shit about how since I model naked he wasn’t surprised I leave my clothes around, and how Even must have been on a date with me because he thought I would put out because I let people see me naked. And, like, how he should be careful because I might be sleeping around with the other art students, or something.”
“Fuck, Issy, I’m so sorry,” Eskild murmurs soothingly, pushing his fingers through Isak’s hair methodically. “What happened after that?”
“Even told him that Erik had no clue what he was talking about, and then we both left. But he was really distant after, and has been for the past couple of days. And I just,” Isak breathes out shakily. “I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“Baby,” Eskild says, “You didn’t do anything wrong. Erik was a fucking asshole to you, and maybe Even just feels bad for being part of the reason Erik continued to pick on you, since Erik was making those comments about you being easy.” Eskild spits out Erik’s name like it’s a slur.
“I don’t know,” Isak pushes the heels of his palms into his eyes. “Maybe he just doesn’t want me anymore because of what Erik said. Maybe he thinks I’m easy.” Isak’s mouth tastes sour after he says it.
“If he’s the good guy you’ve been saying he is, I’m sure that isn’t the case, okay?” Eskild shakes Isak’s shoulder a little with conviction. “And if he is, then he’s not worth your time. I’ll go find you a nice journalism major instead.” When Isak laughs at that, Eskild smiles. “Art boys can be drama anyways, I would know.”
Isak raises an eyebrow at Eskild half heartedly, but lays his head down on Eskild’s shoulder.
“Oof, you have such a heavy head,” Eskild complains. “I can’t have you bruise my porcelain shoulder. I show this shoulder off a lot, you know.”
“I bet,” Isak scoffs, but scoots down the bed a little. He drops his head heavily back on Eskild, this time on his stomach. He laughs when Eskild wheezes behind him.
“Do you want me to puke on you? Jesus,” Eskild coughs, pinching Isak’s ear hard. “These cute curls do a good job of hiding your big head.” “Don’t be mean to me, I’m going through a boy crisis,” Isak grumbles into his stomach. He hears a sympathetic noise from Eskild.
“It’s okay baby gay,” Eskild sighs. “Everything will work out fine.”
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