#anyways i try to leave the actual drama on twt
anders-hawke · 2 years
yk i didn’t wanna pick a side between the greens and the blacks bc that defeats the purpose of examining the conflict of the dance of dragons and its outcome but i got back into twt bc i have asoiaf friends on there and people that were self-proclaimed “team black” were queerphobic grooming apologists and it’s like 🧍‍♀️ enjoy your pedophilia-rooted relationship but don’t deny its very nature. that’s like shipping 101: stay true to the characters.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
back to the genesis topic, i hate people, why tf do the paparazzi assume it’s a good idea to bombard her if there’s the slightest chance the “rumor” could be true? i know they’re fictional characters, but the problem is that this can happen irl, anyway, thank the heavens for mingi stepping up, but a part of me wanted for mingi to see yn leave w yunho, or the paparazzi as well, so there would be drama, even rumors, about her dating yh as well💀 but then that one twt acc would call her a h03, and interesting theory that im ps isn’t real, but still, let me have my fun, i want to say hj runs that twt account💀 like he could very much so be hiding behind that account and hating on their relationship bc he lost her💀 well, assuming the “hj is the ex fiance” theory is right😂
g0rl paparazzis are the worst. the only good paparazzi i know is lady gaga's song
gns!mingi is a lil dumdum with so much to learn but hey he's taking a step forward and is actually trying to do something despite thinking that he no longer had any chance with (y/n) to be in bean's life so kudos for him on that
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flyingcookierambles · 8 months
So in case graduations happen again soon, I looked up PLs on the niji sub which has gone basically rogue and is actively discussing PL. I followed RZ's PL, which I was like. Holy hell, 1 million subs. All the comments joking about RZ being his side hustle or a side quest and RZ was a big animation storytime youtube joke make sense now. Brooooo what are you doing in niji.
EA's PL was surprising. I didn't follow her previously, but I was more active in the vocaloid fandom and the vocaloid song English fan dub circles when I was younger. I watched some of EA/Shannon's videos and in hee comments are other singers I know and follow like JubyPhonic and rachie! From like 5 years ago! Crazy. I want to try to rewatch some old YouTube utaite chorus collab projects and see if I spot Shannon. It's so weird to think they I may have seen her years ago become she became a vtuber/ EA and didn't even realize.
For FO, I actually know and still follow his personal danmei reviewing twitter which he has since privated and his still public old vtuber PL. my friend who is more into danmei and manhua that me actually recommended his older twt and youtube channel to me. Then like 2 months later he privated his stuff and left and then FO debuted lol. My friend who knew him longer immediately recognized his voice in his debuted stream lol.
Edit 2/13 - that public explanation steam on EP's yt....oof. wtf. That only made things worse guys. These are the worst lawyers with the worst advice I swear wtf is even going on anymore....??
I think im following PG's past life acc on twitter and I don't even know why. I'm not subscribed to her old YouTube account where she did utaite type music. I'm just baffled. I just say that her old twitter is locked but I'm somehow following her and I can't even remember why. Lol.
Anyways saw some funny posts on a certain fruit farm website about SB falling his death a second time to get out of this situation. And I'm just like. A second time???
Turns out he is/was a legendary tf2 player Pyro main. It sounds like he had a video game addiction or something that was really ruining his life and/or he got burnout playing tf2. So he decided to fake his death so he could return to school or something. Like. OK, congrats on the therapy and college completion or whatever, but like you couldn't just have a normal hiatus post????? he like vaguely mentioned in his final stream that he had a terminal illness and then just stopped streaming for 5 years, so everyone thought he died. Like, on one hand, I and many other commentators seem to think it's a bit funny and totally ridiculous. I guess that only learning that this is a hoax years after and also not being tf2 fans/his fans helps make this like a weird prank to outsiders. On the other hand, faking a terminal illness and your death is really stupid and insensitive to people who actually have those issues. Plus to his old fans who knew him for many years who respected and trusted him, that's gotta hurt bad. Like. Bro what. SB unprivated his old YouTube videos though, I'm curious to see the highlight reel of supposedly the world's best tf2 player, even tho as a person who doesn't play fps or moba or tf2, I don't really understand how much skill it takes to do his playstyle, so I might not appreciate it as much as it is.
Anyways kusosanji has shit pr and lawyer team, but their talent scouts/audition people knew how to pick them very well. Like one of the top apex players and tf2 players, multiple musicians and comedians, etc. All these extremely talented peoples' past present and future careers being totally ruined by a company that doesn't care about them and their wellbeing at all. Even if they tried to leave via terminations (shout out to SY liking a company critical comment and then outting "returning soon" message on her pl youtube) and return to their past life, people have lost trust in them due to kusosanji (or due to already existing past life drama like above with SB). If they tried to make a new indie vtuber account they would be starting from 0 and even then if people match up their voices or life story details from some off hand comment during a zatsu, it'll be over for them again, back to 0 and having to reincarnate. Just a waste of potential, it's sad for all livers involved. Incredibly cowardly to have the public facing employees who have the mpst to lose take the worst of the harassment while the neglectful and abusive managers and rich ceo and investors can stay safe and anonymous and in a totally different country. I hope no poor indie vtuber decides to audition for any new en waves, which I doubt they'll even do anymore going forward. Being forced into a black company sounds awful. Comments online theorize that at this point, the investors and so management are seeing this workplace culture clash and deciding to deliberately sabotage the remaining EN branch so they have an excuse to merge it to the main branch and gradually dissolve/graduate/fire everyone like for the OG EN (india) KR and ID.
Edit edit: yeah.....even if the whole rrat / great unifying rat king theory from 4chan is true, that still really only means that like 5 people of a clique are bullies, plus mayyybeee AA?? But like really, other than those 6 people, like there's still the 25 other people (who as far as we know) are not bullies or even involved in this, that really were just trying to grow their career and make friends in a new place. They couldn't have known about the massive apocashitstorm pr disaster that was coming up. I feel so bad for the new kids Krisis and TTT too...like.. holy crap they JUST got there....
*insert meme that Vivi is the unluckiest new member*
Just because the management is bad and maybe 6 people are guilty of bullying, all 25 other innocent incredibly talented people are being dragged into this. It's just awful.... :(
I want so support them, they're unlucky innocent bystanders in this I think, but not as they are right now. Still not exactly normal vtuber etiquette, but this whole situation is totally abnormal, but I'll just find their pl youtube or twitch accounts and follow them there, patiently awaiting if/when they return to those accounts. People on reddit are all saying like "I hope my oshi graduates/gets fired" and that might literally be a better ending for them right now. So weird.....
Edit edit edit: oof yeah. Again, as an outsider to SB's pl and the tf2 moba fps genre community, plus 7 years have passed, I have some forgiveness towards him for the fake death thing that i can understand his older OG fans may not have. Still, it sounds like he talked about his past in a zatsu. He legit had a video game addiction and ended up homeless and jobless. I can understand toa degree why he had to make his hiatus/break from tf2 and video games in general so final so that he would not be tempted to play it again. Still, just an extreme decision to fake an illness and death instead of just admitting you want to go to college and not be living in japanese net cafes and the streets.
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peaches-writes · 4 years
how to appease your asian aunties ch. 1 - christmas
description: in the immortal words of wine aunts and aunts you’re not even related to but forced to call your aunt at gatherings, ‘do you have a boyfriend?’ member: jisung / han genre: fluff, fake dating au, implied rich kids au, eventual childhood / best friends to lovers au, college au, implied fem reader (but i still used they/them pronouns) word count: 7.5k chapter warning: food, drinking, explicit language, one comment about weight note: insp by a twt meme + this is my first attempt at making a story with parents having a bigger role in them omg
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ch. 2 // ch. 3 // series masterlist
Though you’re a semester away from graduating college, with your own circles of friends, clubmates, and close classmates, you still can’t understand why your mom and her sorority batchmates feel the need to have reunion parties every single year. Maybe it’s the product of growing connectivity in this modern age or just simply your wide age gap preventing you from having the same nostalgic feelings attending these dinners; nevertheless, ever since your mom started bringing you to these parties to socialize with her friends’ children when you were four, you've always personally found it a bit troublesome. 
They see each other at mall sales, weekend brunches, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries all the time—a lot of them even work closely with each other. For as long as you can remember, you can’t help but endlessly wonder in this time of year: will they ever get tired of each other?
As you adjust your coat over your semi-formal attire for this year’s dinner party, you sigh in front of the full-length mirror by your house’s front doors and mentally conclude that they probably never will. This is your 19th reunion dinner now and even from meters away in the kitchen, you can hear your mom fuss to your dad and the helpers either worriedly about the desserts that everyone in the house (and your nearest restaurant branch) was forced to bake two nights ago; or excitedly about seeing her college best friend, Mrs. Hwang, even if they literally just dragged their respective families to the monthly brunch last weekend—like she always does minutes before you leave. She always sounds like a crazed woman but you know deep inside that she’s excited to see her friends again and reminisce about the same old college memories you’ve even memorized by heart now.
It’s cute and all, maybe you’ll even end up the same in a decade or so but you swear at present on the dinner menu tonight that the more you spend your first day of Christmas break attending these dinners, the more you’ll slowly lose your mind over this unofficial holiday tradition: from your mom’s dramatic ramblings at the start of the night to the prospect of spending the rest of the evening laughing off your unofficial aunts and godmothers’ unnecessary backhanded comments and trying not to get caught in the trouble the younger children make.
It really just isn’t exactly your type of scene. It’s like family Christmas parties but with more passive-aggressive internalized drama since you’re not related to any of the guests by blood.
“Y/N, dear, come along now, we’re running late!” Your mom scolds you as she approaches your direction to the double doors, carrying cupcake caddies and cake boxes with your dad and your six house helpers. She’s wearing the dress you helped pick out last month, you observe, which is another tradition of hers. Rich people and not wanting to be seen wearing the same clothes twice, you guess. “Oh dear, I need to fix my hair in the car!”
You take one last look at yourself in the mirror before sprinting to the doors and helping your dad open them. You also take a couple of boxes from one of the helpers as you all pile outside, letting everyone pass through before closing the doors behind you. 
The nine of you then head to your dad’s Ford you parked outside the house gates earlier this afternoon, loading the everything in the back of the car without much difficulty before parting ways with the helpers for tonight with the same house instructions from your mom to not wait up for the three of you.
“Bye!” Your mom waves at your helpers through the rolled down windows on the front passenger seat as your dad begins to drive away from the house. 
Once your house begins growing smaller in the distance behind you, only then does your mom attend to her hair while your dad closes all the windows and locks the doors.
You, on the other hand, lean back in your own seat, taking out your phone to pass the ten minutes travel time to one of your godmothers, Mrs. Kim’s house in the adjacent subdivision.
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“Y/M/N! Y/F/N! Welcome!” Mrs. Kim greets you at her house gates with her own mini army of house helpers, kindly helping you and your parents unload your party contributions and transfer them inside her recently renovated kitchen. “Oh, Y/N! Look at you, you look so beautiful tonight!”
You smile politely through the wave of compliments and ‘oh you gained a bit of weight’ comments that follow as you try your best to not to trip over the slippery marble steps leading to the house. Contrary to what your mom has been worrying about earlier at home, you eventually discover that you’re fairly early to the party for the 19th year in a row with only half of the families already in attendance to greet you when you entered the house.
“Y/N, all the teenagers are upstairs on the second floor, by the way.” Mrs. Kim informs you once your cupcakes have been neatly organized in the caddies at the very end of the buffet table, making you cringe internally at her preferred term for you and the other older kids in the house. “Dinner is at 7:30.”
“Thank you, auntie.” You smile one last time at her before excusing yourself to go upstairs, sighing internally in relief that her son, Seungmin, has smartly gathered everyone upstairs for the third year in a row to avoid the aunts and uncles for as much as possible.
You’re not completely fond of the parties, sure, but you can’t deny that there are little parts that have unconsciously grown on you—like your unlikely band of childhood friends and your shared hatred for this particular party.
Climbing up the slippery staircase as fast as you can with a death grip on the railings, you reach the second floor in no time to be greeted by six out of the eight people you’ve sort of grown up with in these parties occupying the common area: Felix and Hyunjin having a Wii dance battle in front of the television, Seungmin and Minho having a violent game of UNO on the coffee table, and Ryujin and Yeji scrolling through their phones on the sofa before abandoning them to approach you at noticing your presence by the staircase.
“Y/N!” Ryujin calls you in as she reaches you first for a brief hug and a short exchange of compliments on each other’s outfits, as if you didn’t just meet at one of your shared class’ Christmas parties yesterday. Though all of you attend the same university, you see Ryujin the most since you’re in the same college, just in different departments. “So nice to see you again!”
“Yeah, yeah, hello to you too again.” You chuckle, more genuinely now in the company of party guests you’re actually comfortable with, before waving hello at Yeji who trails behind. 
Yeji then naturally hugs you next, pulling you a few steps away from the staircase so the two of you don’t topple over when she leans her weight on you. “Y/N, took you long enough!” She says next to your ear. “Hyunjin and I were starting to make bets if the aunties suddenly trapped you downstairs like Chan and Miyoung.”
You hug her back with equal force, a little more than you did with Ryujin, pulling away after to playfully slap her arm for the teasing comment. “I’d sell my arm first before I let that happen.” You retort as the two of you laugh. “I just helped set up desserts—mom made us do an extra two boxes of brownies and cookies this year so you better get a lot later!” 
“Of course, but only if you eat a lot of the spaghetti my mom made!” She reminds, kindly fixing your hair for you. “I missed you! You look so pretty tonight!”
Behind the two girls, the boys also greet you in scattered casual ‘hi’s and ‘hello’s before going back to their own activities. You greet them back as they acknowledge you (and even reciprocate Felix’s long-distance high five mid-dance), crossing off everyone’s names in your mental attendance list as your gaze wanders around the room.
Since Chan is busy being a grown-up and showing off his fiance downstairs, you conclude that only one person is missing among your eight friends.
“Ya, Han Jisung!” As if on cue, the missing eighth person in your list emerges from the staircase behind you as Minho calls his name. “Welcome back!” 
Jisung greets everyone back in their second wave of scattered greetings as he walks to Minho and Seungmin’s direction, purposely acknowledging you last by suddenly turning around and walking backwards to send a wave and wink your way. He almost trips over the long ruffles of the big accent carpet as he does this, making you, Yeji, and Ryujin laugh as the only witnesses.
“Oh my God.” You place a hand to your forehead in secondhand embarrassment, stifling your laughs as your best friend regains his balance and looks behind him in case anyone else saw (which, unfortunately for you, they didn’t). You can’t believe that despite missing last year’s party because of his study abroad program’s strict schedule, he still manages to do his ritual clumsy carpet accident somehow. “This dumbass, I swear.”
In front of you, Jisung only laughs it off as well. “You didn’t see that!” He adjusts his coat with one hand and scratches the nape of his neck with the other in between laughs, walking forward to you properly after with his arms extended for a hug. “Stop laughing and come here, ugly. I missed you.” 
You feign a scowl but hug him back anyway, Yeji and Ryujin slyly stepping away with knowing smiles that only you can see with Jisung’s eyes turned away. You stick your tongue out at the two girls as they abandon you and walk back to the sofa before slapping Jisung’s back harshly for the familiar insult. “Speak for yourself, you ugly. I missed you too.” You reply to his latter comment with an amused chuckle of your own. “How are you?”
“Better now that I’m seeing you in person again.” He pulls away after with his signature flirty smirk, visibly eyeing you up and down now while his hands are still on your upper arms. Though he knows such gesture irks you, especially when it comes to the aunts and uncles downstairs, Jisung is the only one among your friends confident enough to tease you this way. Knowing each other a bit longer than everyone else has its perks, he’s come to realize over the years. “Look at you, all dressed up tonight. For me?” 
“Of course I’m all dressed up tonight, it’s Chan’s engagement announcement later.” You retort, swatting his hand away to adjust your now wrinkled clothes. “You’ve known me for twenty years, already; I think it’s time to stop assuming I’ll ever dress up for you now.” 
He only shakes his head, his teasing and lighthearted mood unwavering in front of you. “Nah, I really think you dressed up for me tonight.” He insists jokingly, a hand lingering over the fabric of your coat. “If I get welcome back parties like this from you in the end, should I just do more one-year study abroad programs?” 
“And leave me to fend off the aunties every other year? I don’t think so.” You’re quick to turn down, walking pass him to rejoin your group now. Jisung naturally follows along like a lost puppy, suddenly changing his mind on joining Minho and Seungmin to follow you around now that you’ve started conversation. “You owe me for leaving me to take all the ‘I can set you up on a blind date with my godchild’ and ‘are you dating anyone’ comments last year.”
The two of you sit next to Ryujin and Yeji who, without even looking up from their phones, quickly scoot away to the other end of the big sofa which makes you send pleading looks their way while Jisung laughs and gains enough confidence to sling an arm on the sofa behind your shoulders.
Another annoying thing from this yearly reunion party is how it’s an unspoken rule in your group to leave you and Jisung alone whenever you’re engaging in your usual banter. You and Jisung are the enemies type of best friend, for God’s sake. You don’t understand how everyone (yes, even Seungmin) thinks the two of you are being cute. 
“I keep telling you, you wouldn’t get all those comments if you just tell them you’re dating someone, dummy.” Jisung returns to your conversation once you’re settled, purposely placing a suggestive emphasis on the pet name. “That’s just the most natural thing to do in front of the aunties.” 
“And who would I show them if they ask who?”
“Try me.” Jisung answers smugly, earning him an eye roll from you.
“As if.” You deadpan, leaning to his arm anyway as you take out your phone and connect to the wifi. “Given your new fuckboy look to the aunties, I’m pretty sure they’ll see past that kind of bullshit, especially Yeji and Hyunjin’s mom and Minho’s mom. They’d be more convinced if I tell them I’m dating Seungmin instead and he’s already in a relationship.”
You don’t even have to look to your side to see Jisung pouting as he whines in complaint, his free hand going up to your side to shake your arm. “That hurts.” He dramatically points to his chest when you show the slightest hint of turning his way. “And having Bumble on your phone isn’t being a fuckboy, I don’t even use it to get dates.” 
“That’s not what the aunties think.” You point out, knowing just how much your aunts and uncles easily misunderstand concepts from your generation like social and dating apps. “I’m telling you, I prefer you swaying the conversation for me over you pretending to be my boyfriend.”
Jisung is quiet for a moment and you’re convinced that he’s decided on ending the conversation at this point until he suddenly twists his body towards you and challenges, "Do you wanna bet? Test out that theory?” He smirks again. “It’d really spice up this party, besides Chan’s announcement, of course.”
Only then do you look up at him since you sat down, deadpanning, “No.” 
“Come on, it’d be really interesting!” He taps you on your shoulders with a laugh, a combination of habits he always does whenever he’s trying to involve you in his usual trouble-making antics. “My mom will finally get off my back for always nagging me as a ‘fuckboy’ and our mom’s sorority friends will finally get off yours for not dating.” 
“You’re crazy.” You comment, crossing your arms in front of him. “I think I’ll just re-download Bumble too and bring someone to the party next year.” 
“You’re really taking too much jabs at my heart right now,” He sighs with a contrasting smirk. “and we’re not even past dinner yet.” 
“Because you deserve it,” You chuckle back at him, pretending to punch him on his stomach which he reacts to dramatically. “I’ve always known you’re a dumbass but that’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard from you.” 
Stubborn, he shakes his head in disagreement as you speak. “Nah, nah, we’ll see about that.”
And as if on cue, Mrs. Kim emerges from the staircase and announces that dinner is ready, luring everyone out of the second floor before you can even ask Jisung what he means with his words. 
“Ya, Han Jisung!” You call for him when he sprints to Seungmin’s side when the latter begins leading everyone downstairs. 
You try catching up to him but the staircase becomes too narrow for you to squeeze past everyone, forcing you to walk with Minho and Ryujin at the back of the group. With this, Jisung then takes this as an opportunity to look up at you from the turn on the staircase and send you another wink, a more confident one this time since he doesn’t trip after. 
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Your ‘age group,’ as the aunts differentiate you from the younger children, hogs the extensive buffet and steals the best table in the backyard, near the karaoke machine so you can stop the uncles from singing too much of ‘My Way’ once they get drunk later on and as far away from the children’s table as possible so you don’t have to be obligated to take care of them later on. Chan, the eldest among you now, joins your table with his fiance, Miyoung, after they’ve officially declared their engagement before the buffet opened, happily handing out their save the date cards for their May wedding.
“Just remember, Miyoung, that you can literally get all your wedding needs from us, okay?” Yeji comments amidst all the talk about the wedding, gesturing to everyone as you eat and drink champagne. “Like Y/N and Seungmin for catering, Ryujin for the attires, Felix for your honeymoon trip, me and Hyunjin for the flowers and documentation, and Jisung can dress up as a clown for your reception.” 
“Ya!” Jisung protests to your left, cheeks full of steak and spaghetti that makes the whole table erupt in laughter. “Chan’s and Minho’s studios can arrange the music and the decor; my mom will probably argue with Miyoung’s mom for the locations and hotels.” 
“I can just tell my dad to hire you as a clown, though.” Minho shrugs nonchalantly, further fueling your laughter. To your right, you can even see Miyoung giggling through her glass of champagne, having given up on stifling her laughs. “It’d make good entertainment.” 
Jisung then leans over to you to turn to Miyoung on your other side with a pout and a pleading look to her and Chan. “You two are just letting them drag me like this?” He whines dramatically before turning to you. “Y/N, back me up here.”
“No!” You press a finger up to his forehead and playfully push him back on his seat. “It’s a great idea, what are you talking about?” You tease as you do so, much to more whines from him. “There’s like five months before the wedding, think about it.”
Next to you, Miyoung forces herself to stop laughing, teasingly asking Chan, “Babe, what do you think? Should we just demote Jisung from groomsman to clown?” 
“I’d very much prefer being a groomsman, please.” Jisung asks over Chan, leaning over the table. “I can’t compete with Changbin for best man but as long as I’m not dressing up as a clown I’m good!” 
“Hey, how come Jisung’s a groomsman?” Seungmin complains from across you, frowning cutely at the couple. “Miyoung, I’m your cousin! I introduced you and Chan in university!” 
“You’re a groomsman too, Minnie, don’t worry.” Miyoung reassures with a warm smile before elbowing her fiance. “As long as you can get your parents to cater with Y/N’s family.” 
The offer makes Seungmin’s ear perk up in interest. “Okay, call!” 
“Can we all be in the wedding party at this point? I’m seriously pushing it now, I want to dress up really cute!” Yeji, who sits on Chan’s other side, pleads. 
“Me too! I second that!” Felix backs her up immediately, the two now leaning over the table expectantly in Chan’s direction. “Though I’m not so keen on designing things.”
“Ah, but we have to make more room for actual relatives.” The groom-to-be in question laughs sheepishly. “Though, knowing our parents, I’ll try to squeeze everyone in somewhere in the program. Just let us iron out everyone’s contributions first.” 
“Yeji, I’ll take note of your suggestion, though.” Miyoung points at the younger girl with an appreciative grin. “I’ll message the groupchat once Chan and I meet up again with the planner.” 
Meanwhile, Chan’s last comment gives you and Minho an idea and the two of you suggest in chorus, “Get Seungmin to sing!” 
“Jinx!” You and Minho exchange winks and long distance-high fives from Jisung’s two sides after while Chan and Miyoung ask Seungmin about said idea, making Jisung pout at you. 
The general table conversation then naturally flows to other matters, mostly about the famous names you might be expecting at the wedding, but Jisung doesn’t participate much anymore, turning to you instead and asking, “Ya, are you cheating on me with Minho now? You sacrifice me as entertainment then back Minho up but not me!” He rambles in between mouthfuls of food, making you and even Minho chuckle in amusement despite the latter being in another conversation with Ryujin and Seungmin. “I just left for one year and you’re already doing this to me!” 
“What are you on about again, dumbass?” You roll your eyes with a scoff, stealing a piece of steak from his plate for the third time this dinner. “Finish your food, everyone’s done and you’re so slow!” 
Jisung then belatedly swats your chopsticks away, “I’m almost done, dumbass, stop mooching off my plate!” 
"Then hurry up, you still have to accompany me to the dessert table.” You point out, referring to your least favorite part of this reunion parties: getting attacked by invasive questions on your return trip to the buffet table. “Remember, you owe me. I’m not going in there alone again.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He replies on his last two bites of food, eating one then handing the other one to you. “Have the other one, then.” 
He pokes your lips with the last piece of steak and you instinctively lean your head away, catching the food with your own chopsticks instead. “Thanks.” You bring the food to your mouth before carefully patting the oil he ended up smearing on your lips with your table napkin. 
Across the table and out of your earshot, Yeji elbows Hyunjin and points to the two of you. “They’re at it again.” 
Without you or Jisung looking, Hyunjin looks at the two of you in feign disgust. “I know, every damn year.” 
On Hyunjin’s other side, Seungmin nods frustratingly in agreement which makes Yeji laugh. “We shouldn’t have taken last year for granted, 'no?” He sighs. “Last year was so peaceful without them together.”
“Agreed.” The Hwang cousins agree in chorus before listening to the table’s general conversation again.
Meanwhile, Jisung finally finishes his food and excuses the two of you from the table to get dessert. Miyoung waves at you politely and Felix playfully orders that you two get him cupcakes but the rest only acknowledge you with simple nods as they’re completely engrossed in betting on whose dad will be singing My Way on the karaoke machine first (everyone’s in the middle of betting on Mr. Bang). With that, you and your best friend then take your leave, going back inside the house and making a beeline to the kitchen.
Unfortunately for you, you catch your mom, Mrs. Han, and Mrs. Hwang gossiping by the punch bowls once you reach the kitchen’s open doorway—literally the worst combination of sorority aunts to be bombarded with invasive questions.
“Shit.” You mutter under your breath loud enough for only Jisung to hear, the two of you still out of the three women’s sights. Looking up at Jisung with pleading eyes, you ask, “Should we just go back later?” 
Quickly seeing this as an opportunity to get back at you, Jisung only smiles evilly and links his hands with yours, dragging a hesitant you inside the kitchen and towards the direction of the dessert table. “No, let’s get dessert now, baby.” He dismisses your silent pleas teasingly, making sure his voice is loud enough to get your worst nightmare of trio’s attentions. “Felix also asked us to get cupcakes too, remember?”
And like vultures, the three women immediately turn to you and Jisung as you head in their line of vision, three different shades of questioning looks on their faces. You especially catch your mom’s face, a mixture of surprise, amusement, and genuine curiosity for some reason, which sets all the gears in your head into panic mode while Jisung only gains more confidence from this. 
You swear at that moment on Jisung’s sort of untied shoelaces that you just want Mrs. Kim’s new kitchen floor tiles to swallow you up right there and then.
“Hey, mom!” Jisung greets his own mom with a wave, coming off as sweet to her but mocking to you. He then bows politely to your mom and Mrs. Hwang and you’re forced to follow along for the sake of courtesy. “Mrs. Y/L/N, Mrs. Hwang.” 
The three women look at each other curiously, as if in a silent debate on what they’ve just heard, while Jisung pretends to be unfazed, passing you a dessert plate and examining tonight’s dessert options. 
“Jisung, I swear to God,” You hiss at him as you take a slice of chocolate cake for him. “I’m going to kill you after this party.” 
He leans close to your ear while gathering cupcakes on a separate dessert plate, whispering, “I think it’s too late for that, though.” before your mom, Mrs. Han, and Mrs. Hwang suddenly appear in front of the two of you on the other side of the buffet table with sickeningly sweet smiles, and a million questions. 
You especially fear Jisung’s mom. Mrs. Han and your mom often go to the mall together, especially when there’s an ongoing sale, and you’ve been forced to carry all their shopping bags over the years because Jisung and his older brother usually bail on you. Though she’s very sweet, you’ve always known her to be very picky on some things and it just makes you think that she’s picky on who Jisung dates too. 
“Mom,” You call for your mom with wide eyes. “Do you need anything?” 
But she waves her hand dismissively with a reassuring smile at your question. “Oh, nothing, Y/N dear,” She answers, eyes darting almost threateningly between you and Jisung. It makes your hand shaky as you now complete your tower of dessert plates. “your aunties and I were just talking and we didn’t mean to but we saw you and Jisung so we just got curious and thought we’d ask how the two of you are.” 
“Oh, just ask them already!” Mrs. Hwang exclaims excitedly, slapping your mom’s arm like a school girl. “If you won’t, I will.”
But Mrs. Han is already leaning over the table with a knowing smile, straightforwardly asking, “Are you two kids dating?” which immediately makes your mom and Mrs. Hwang erupt into fits of giggles. “Come on, the aunties want to know!” 
“Oh, um—” You stammer out before Jisung beats you to it. 
For the second time tonight, you feel Jisung’s arm on your shoulder as he speaks over you confidently, “Y-Yeah, we’ve been for a while now!” He then places his dessert plate back on the table and boyishly rubs the nape of his neck which only elicits swooning reactions from the three women, a complete contrast from your expectations a while back. “Just some time before my program ended so it’s been a bit long-distance for the most part.” 
“Oh? But how?” Mrs. Hwang asks curiously. “I didn’t hear of you going to Malaysia this year, Y/N, and Jisung, your mom told me you didn’t have time to go home!”
“You could’ve just told me, Sungie! Then, I would’ve had you sent home earlier if you wanted to see Y/N!” Mrs. Han adds as well, clasping her hands in satisfaction. “I knew this was coming! You two have always been so cute together!” 
Your mom agrees, “Luckily, I refused Mrs. Park’s offer to set Y/N up with another one of her nephews a while back. Had I known you two were dating, I wouldn’t have talked to her tonight at all!”
You open your mouth to try and speak but Jisung beats you to it again. “We’ve been in touch: message, calls, and video calls, you know.” He half-shrugs casually, as if he’s been rehearsing the line for a while now. “It’s our first time meeting since we started seeing each other so telling you guys just kind of flew past us.” 
You groan internally but you also can’t help but sigh in relief at the prospect that you avoided getting set up by Mrs. Park again because of Jisung. Though this doesn’t completely erase your annoyance over him for putting you in this situation, you still owe him a ‘thank you’ after somehow.
So, you conclude that you should just follow along. It’s fake dating your best friend over another pointless blind date at this point now, after all. “You’re okay with this, right?” You decide to ask in a follow-up, pretending to not know that they’ll agree anyway. Next to you, Jisung’s eyes visibly widen and, seeing it from the corner of your eyes, you quickly elbow him in response before giving your most innocent look to your mom. “I mean, Jisung won’t be studying abroad now and we’re graduating, anyway, so it’s cool, right?”
Judging by their softened reactions, you feel like you could challenge Hyunjin to acting now. 
“Of course we’re okay with it!” Your mom answers first, Mrs. Han nodding along happily. “I’m glad that it’s someone I know at least and I’m sure your dad wouldn’t mind.” 
You hear Jisung gulp nervously at the last comment. If you’re afraid of his mom, he’s afraid of your dad because of the one time he helped you practice for your driver’s license and the two of you almost ended up crashing the Ford on your subdivision’s club house. You allow yourself to relax and laugh at this, making him tighten his grip on your shoulder. 
“Me too, sis.” Mrs. Han agrees, gesturing over to her son. “My Jisung here’s been going on dates with strangers online before this so I’m glad he’s finally stopped and settled for your kid! Modern love, huh?” 
“Oh my God, mom!” Jisung whines, his free hand coming up to his face in embarrassment. “I’ve told you before, I use them to meet friends! Not in front of Mrs. Y/L/N and Y/N please!” 
“Ay, it’s the same thing!” His mom insists to him before turning to Mrs. Hwang and your mom. “Social apps, dating apps, they’re all the same. Why do you even use them if you’re just going to fall in love with the person right in front of you? I taught you better than that, Sungie.” 
“Mom!” Jisung hisses, cheeks tinted pink. “This is so embarrassing!” 
You snicker next to him, catching his attention. “Your mom’s right, you know. Tsk, dating people from miles away and you just end up confessing to me on FaceTime.” 
He scowls at you in a way that scolds you for suddenly turning this situation in your favor. You only smile triumphantly at him which the three aunties take as a really sweet moment. 
“Aw, look at them! So cute!” Mrs. Hwang gushes before turning to her two best friends. “Should we just leave them alone now? We’re intruding!” 
“Right! It’s especially embarrassing since we’re both here, Mrs. Han.” Your mom agrees, leading the three out now. She then turns to you and Jisung, “I guess we’ll be off now, then? Don’t want to intrude to you two lovebirds anymore!” 
You smile up to your mom, making sure Jisung does too. “It’s fine, mom, we’re going back to our table now too, anyway.”
But Mrs. Han waves her hand dismissively at you. “No, no, we’ll run along now first! See you later, okay?” 
You and Jisung bid your moms and Mrs. Hwang goodbye, overhearing your mom bragging that she’ll share this new information to Mrs. Park while Mrs. Han and Mrs. Hwang agree before the three completely exited the kitchen. 
Once they’re out of earshot, you sigh in relief and elbow Jisung harshly who responds by dramatically taking a step back and massaging his side. “Ow!” He winces, careful not to hit the dessert table. “What was that for?” 
“I told you to drop the fake dating thing a while back.” You protest, threatening to hit him with your plate of chocolate slices. “Now I have to have you at home more often. I’ve already had enough of you at campus, here, and when your mom visits at home.”
“Ya, but you played along!” 
“That’s because I was put on the spot! And they did mention another blind date from Mrs. Park’s army of nephews.” You explain. “It was between you and another blind date.”
“At least I got you out of another potential blind date, right?” He points out defensively, proceeding to put your hand with the chocolate slices down on the table with caution. “And more effectively now than before, too! So why’d you hit me?”
“Yeah, I know but still, that doesn’t cancel out how you got me out of that.” You frown in disappointment, taking both of your dessert plates now. When he holds his hand up defensively, as if expecting you to throw them to his face, you only roll your eyes and walk past him to the direction of the second kitchen exit. “Now, I have to fake date you for real either until Mrs. Park lays off the blind dates or until I actually date someone.” 
Jisung immediately follows you suit, genuinely rubbing the nape of his neck in a bashful way now. “We don’t have to, maybe they’ll forget about it.” But when you give him a pointed look, as if suggesting that what he just said seems unlikely, he ends up suggesting, “Okay, fine, should we break up after Chan’s wedding, then?”
He then glances over at you to see you contemplating and calming yourself down so he instinctively insists on carrying the dessert plates for you, walking a little bit ahead as well and opening the screen door leading back to the backyard. 
When you’ve made yourself calm down and think more rationally, you firstly point out, “That’s too far away and wouldn’t that be too scandalous? It’s a big event so it could become gossip.” 
Passing the entire length of the backyard now, you receive a few congratulations and questions confirming your relationship from some of your mom’s sorority friends and their husbands, forcing Jisung to hold his thought until you’re not being swarmed again. 
“But if we do it before, it’d be too suspicious since we’d only be dating for less than 6 months.” He counters once the adults have left you alone, glancing ahead and seeing your entire table looking at you with quirked up eyebrows and comically intimidating looks. “Remember when my older brother did that as a joke to the aunties and got caught because they only did it for 3 weeks? They smell fear and deceit, Y/N.”
You sigh in defeat, “Let’s just figure it out later.” With that, you reach your table, setting your plates down and asking, “What did we miss?”
Judging by the way they eye you, your mom has probably told Mrs. Kim who’s gone table to table. 
“It’s fake, isn’t it?” Ryujin speaks up once you’ve settled back in your seat, making the table break character and laugh. “It can’t be a coincidence since you two were just talking about that a while ago inside!” 
“Please be fake.” Seungmin adds, gesturing to you and Jisung. “It’d be more annoying for all of us next year if it’s true.” 
You and Jisung, having the same thought and trust for your friends, nod simultaneously at Ryujin’s question, eventually joining in on the laughter. 
“Oh my God, I can’t believe you’d actually try that!” Ryujin cackles, a clear giveaway that she and Yeji were eavesdropping on you and Jisung a while back to a degree.
“To be clear, though, it’s his fault!” You add in between laughs for clarification, pointing to Jisung with your dessert spoon. “He started it!” 
“And they were about to get set up on a blind date by Mrs. Park again.” Jisung gestures to you back, completing the thought. “I was being a good Samaritan.”
“Ooh, and what did they say?” Felix asks curiously, one elbow propped up on the table as he listens intently. 
Jisung groans in exasperation as he eats his chocolate cake. “We bumped into my mom, Y/N’s mom, and Mrs. Hwang so you can imagine how they reacted.” 
“I can imagine, especially our mom.” Hyunjin sighs with his hands carding through his hair in secondhand embarrassment. 
“At least now we know where you inherited certain qualities from.” Chan teases, making the younger boy exclaim ‘ya!’ at him. 
“This is good, though isn’t it?” Yeji asks curiously over her iced tea. “I mean, Mrs. Park’s wouldn’t set you up on blind dates now.”
“Yeah, but that leaves me as Ms. Park’s only target!” Ryujin moans in frustration. “You know Mrs. Park doesn’t get convinced with dating people online!” 
You shake your head at Ryujin’s complaint. “Yeji can fake date you, though.” You point out, much to the girl’s annoyance. “Or ask out that girl from our lab.”
“So, does this mean we’re getting a dramatic break-up at Chan and Miyoung’s wedding?” Hyunjin interjects, having moved from playing with his now long hair to his glass of champagne. “Because if so, then you better tell us now so we won’t get too drunk at the reception until it happens!”
“I honestly want to see that happen too.” Seungmin agrees, the two high-fiving at the thought.
“That’d be interesting, breaking up at weddings.” Minho chuckles along now too. “People usually propose or hook-up so this is new.” 
“Hey, no stealing my spotlight on my wedding!” Miyoung complains playfully to you and Jisung this time. “We’re all supposed to have a good time there!”
Chan nods in agreement. “If you break up at our wedding, you’re getting kicked out.” 
So you shake your head reassuringly in between eating cupcakes. “We aren’t planning to.” 
“You’re going to date for real?” Felix asks teasingly, earning him a glare form you.
“Gross, no.” You and Jisung turn down the thought in chorus.
“Jinx.” Jisung adds, stealing a spoonful of cake from your plate.
“So when are you breaking up?” Chan asks, leading the whole round table to look back to you. 
“Whenever, I guess.” You shrug casually, belatedly swatting Jisung’s hand from your plate this time. “Until Mrs. Park gets off my back and Jisung actually stops fucking around on Bumble.” 
“I don’t fuck around on Bumble!” Jisung complains over a mouthful of chocolate cake.
“Well, that’s going to take a long time.” Chan dismisses. “At least let us all know so we can schedule faking a whole drama in this group.” 
“Anyway, it’ll die down soon, surely.” Jisung assures with a half-shrug. “Also, our parents only meet up constantly during this reunion party. If anything, we just have to fake date in front of our moms since they meet up more often.” 
“And Mrs. Hwang.” You point to Hyunjin and Yeji. “Since we all go to brunch once a month.” 
At the mention of the monthly brunch, Yeji’s eyes widen. “Does that mean Jisung has to be at our monthly brunch?!” 
“Oh, ew!” Hyunjin adds in disgust. “I’ve had enough seeing you at campus already!” 
“Why does everyone keep saying that?!” Jisung exclaims back in complain. “I doubt I’d get invited to that, we’re supposed to be dating not getting married!” 
Jisung turns to you expectantly, sighing in relief when you say, “That seems unlikely, it’s my mom and Mrs. Hwang’s thing, anyway. It’s not the Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner brunch.” 
“It better be!” Hyunjin says with crossed arms. “Hopefully our moms don’t get that kind of idea.”
You quietly agree. Having Jisung on your monthly brunch with the Hwangs would just cause so much trouble and cement him in your mom’s good graces—but as your boyfriend, this time.
That’s probably not good. 
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The party officially ends some time around 3 AM, when most of the parents with elementary school children have gone home hours earlier and, besides the Kims, it’s just your family, the Hwangs, the Hans, Chan, and Miyoung left at the front gates, bidding each other goodnight.  
“Thank you for having us again, Mrs. Kim.” You bid Seungmin’s family last since they’re the hosts, bowing politely to Seungmin’s parents before giving Seungmin a high-five. 
“See you after break.” Seungmin greets you after your high-five. “Have fun in Japan.” 
“And you enjoy your trip to New York.” You reply with an enthusiastic smile. “I do hope your mom reconsiders staying longer so you can spend the New Year there.” 
He nods with a sigh, “Yeah, I know. Still, I’ll try my best to convince her.” 
Your mom then approaches the two of you, bidding Seungmin and his parents goodnight before taking you away by the arm then turning you towards the direction of Jisung and his family. “Goodnight, Seungmin, Mr. and Mrs. Kim!” She smiles warmly to them before turning to you. “Y/N, aren’t you going to say goodnight to Jisung?” 
“I already did.” 
“Ah, but go to him anyway! Your dad still has to start the car.” 
You groan internally. After a whole night of drinking, singing, and gossiping with her friends, you’d think that she would’ve forgotten about earlier. 
Yet you oblige anyway, excusing yourself from your parents and approaching Jisung whose parents are busy having last-minute small talk with Chan and Miyoung, probably endorsing their chain of hotels as early as now for the wedding. 
“Hey, ugly.” You greet him casually as you approach, both your parents out of earshot so the old nickname naturally comes out. At this, Jisung immediately turns from scrolling through his phone to looking up at you with wide eyes. “My mom didn’t see us say goodnight a while ago so I’m here.” 
“Oh,” He muses, eyes flitting to your mom behind you once. When he sees her glancing expectantly, he turns to you and suggests, “Should we hug?” 
“Yeah, I guess.” You sigh, going straight into his extended arms. “‘Night.” 
“’Night, baby.” Jisung hums gently, too sleepy now to throw more witty comebacks besides the cheesy pet name that originally got you in trouble tonight. “See you after the break.” 
“No, see you on our moms’ next shopping spree.” You correct firmly, pulling away from his warmth before you could accidentally fall asleep on him. “Since we’re ‘dating’ now, you’re morally obligated to attend shopping bag duty now, too.” 
This makes Jisung sigh in defeat, “Fine, fair enough. See you on our moms’ next shopping spree, then.” He pauses for a moment then asks, “The day after New Year, right?”  
“Yeah.” You confirm with a nod when you catch him pouting, “You started this so don’t pout now.” 
“I know, I’m regretting it now.” He rolls his eyes with a scoff, only making you chuckle. “I suppose it’s different when we hang out as friends and when our moms think we’re dating.”
You continue laughing anyway until a thought crosses your mind and softens your gaze up at Jisung. “Anyway, thanks for saving me from another date—I almost forgot. The means is still annoying but I have to appreciate it somehow, right?” 
This time, it’s him chuckling, “Now you appreciate my efforts. See, I told you, something good comes up with this.” 
“Whatever.” You dismiss before you hear your mom calling for you as your dad pulls up in front of the Kim’s gates. “Okay, that’s me. Bye, ugly!” 
“Hm, bye!” With a final wave, Jisung then sees you off before joining his parents who he didn’t even realize have already gone to their car. 
Seating himself at the backseat of his mom’s car a moment later, Jisung accidentally glances over to his mom from the rear view mirror only to see her wiggling her eyebrows at him. 
“So,” Mrs. Han says. “you and Y/N.”
“Yeah?” Jisung response with a questioning tone. “Me and Y/N, what about it?” 
Mrs. Han only shrugs from the driver’s seat as she now drives away from the Kim’s house. “Nothing, you’re just both really cute.” She comments casually with a proud smile. “I like it. Though it is too bad we can’t invite them to dinner since they’re going to Japan for Christmas this year.” 
“How about next year?” Jisung’s dad suggests. “We can go on one of our hotels abroad.” 
“Ah, but—” Jisung stammers, only to be interrupted by his dad again.     
“Or, honey, when you and Mrs. Y/L/N go to the mall again.” Mr. Han quickly quips in to Mrs. Han before turning to their son in the back seat. “I expect you’d stop bailing on your mom when she goes to the mall now since Y/N’s always at these shopping trips.” 
At this, Jisung shakes his head, “I won’t. I’m ‘morally obligated’ now, apparently.”
“That’s good.” Mr. Han says, turning back to the road ahead and relaxing into the front passenger seat. “You better.”
Jisung sleepily props his elbow up by the window and sighs, letting his parents enjoy this new prospect of him seriously dating someone now. “Yup.” He ends the conversation, closing his eyes and getting a few minutes of sleep before arriving back home. 
Suddenly, this is probably not a good idea—lying to his already hyped parents. 
ch. 2 // ch. 3 // series masterlist
tag: @t-toodumbtocare​ @sandaigdigan-reads​ @pwarkhans​ @ruellelix @malai-barfi @mahalau​ @milkywayfelix @qweens-stuff​
189 notes · View notes
kookmin1913 · 4 years
I want to say sorry for this, but I need to speak. I love the jikook community here, I like that we are safe at least here, I had to close my twt account for a bit because what is happening is awful. Shippers, solo akgaes, the amount of people hating on jimin and jikookers is growing more than ever. I know that you all say here that it’s only a small part of fandom,but it’s the part that is louder, 1
no one checks tumblr or other sns. Medias, big accounts and bts themselves are there, these people have power. This growing bullism frightens me like hell, so much that today I thought that it will be better for bts to go away for a bit, many will probably go away from the fandom and maybe it will be peaceful, or who knows just for once they could do the fanservice these people want, let them party and leave everyone alone. 2
I opened an account in the hope to find people alike, people who love bts for the music, I found none of this, jimin is my bias yes, but I love everyone but it seems like you can’t love jm and jikook and also love tae, nope people will attack you. What makes me angry in particular is that they are cancelling us, because in their minds we hate tae, when they do not do the same thing with people who really defame him on daily basis. I’m starting to think they all are shippers and 3
really don’t give a damn about him…I’m tired really, so tired. They do not deserve this. They always spread love and positivity, just to have hate and toxicity… 4
Hi anon...I completely understand your frustration and weariness. I saw all of the drama from twitter yesterday. I don’t understand this cancel culture mentality. Look at the evidence for yourself, before jumping on a train of accusing people of being toxic. I believe Jikookers are unfortunately being targeted, because they have called out Taekook Lives on her lies, manipulation and mistranslations, which have been proven time and time again, so Taekookers are mad and going after any Jikook account they feel they can mess with.
Do I think all Taekookers are toxic accounts? No I’ve come across some that are actually quite reasonable. Do I believe all Jikook accounts are angels? No I’ve seen some that can be problematic.
Taekookers always assume because Jikookers don’t think Tae and JK are in a relationship that we are ALL somehow Tae antis, which is just stupid in my opinion. I as I believe many other Jikook blogs do, love all the boys as individuals first and foremost. We love them as a group and then we love Jikook as the couple we belive them to be. I nor most Jikookers I’ve seen hate on Tae. There’s not reason for us to do so. We know that all the boys are close, so why would we need to hate on him, just because we believe that JK and JM are in a relationship? It makes no sense.
Now it is unfortunately different on the other side with with a lot of Taekookers. They do hate on JM because of his close relationship with JK. It’s just crazy to me. You don’t have to believe they are in a relationship, but you also don’t have to paint JM as some gay cover for the real gay relationship, which is the stupidest things I’ve ever heard in my life. You don’t have to paint JK as some evil mastermind always trying to make Tae jealous using JM, or Tae this person who is always sad, because JK is hanging with JM. Like what type of relationships have these people seen in their lifetime to believe that these are great relationships?
Anyway, I’m getting off topic and this is getting long. All I can really say anon is, just continue to enjoy the boys and what they mean personally to you. Enjoy the music, love Jikook, take in all the content we receive with joy. When it gets to be too much, just take a break from social media. Walk away from it and recharge your batteries. Do a hobby, read a book, be with family. I do this often for my own sanity, to not let the toxicity of what this fandom can unfortunately bring sometimes.
Thanks anon! 💜
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lesbiancarat · 4 years
Book anon here to say today is a happy day because it is dk and vernon day ^0^ the fact they share bdays makes my heart so big like djakdnaks that's the best thing really! (I say this as I don't like celebrating my own birthday lol but that shiz makes me soft) like how can it not get better than sharing a birthday with your fellow bandmate who is also your buddy :'))
Back on topic, I am happy that in the fandoms I'm in, update blogs or accounts are well loved so no drama there but I agree on cc peeps, my gosh the decline of them is obvious for the past 2 years =/ I remember 2018 the carat fandom here was HUGE with creators and lots of notes but now...its hard to see more than 200 for some and while numbers don't matter because you should ALWAYS be doing this for fun, its so shocking to see the interaction go so low and its more likes. I do have a theory as to why this is the case and it might be due to nowadays, people on Tumblr find reblogging alot to be "too much" akaspamming. I would know because some told me I do this and I'm like ??? I am simply reblogging content I like and if it means hitting the rbelog limit so be it djajdjw. Legit idk why its seen as bad nowadays when everyone used to reblog alot and no one complained so maybe this could be why? Again a theory but it would make sense and its a shame if this is the case :c I admit I like stuff because I sometimes do reblog it for a color theme but mostly I hit the reblog limit so I want to reblog it later xD
But let's not get into people that take others work as their own -.- now I get giving credit for say icons (I do this for icons and headers I use because its the least I can do. I would link it but idk how to do it on Tumblr lol) but taking someone's say gif and just posting it on twitter to share is like ??? You do know there is a share button that SHARES THE ORIGINAL LINK BACK RIGHT? Smh i can't with people. That's why I try to make sure for icons at least I know its not a repost and try to stay away from pintrest as best as I can (also svt on pintrest? Are they making moodboards or smth? I leave Tumblr for a bit and this is what I come back to lol)
Oof I wrote too much again sjamdna I'm living up to my emoji huh? XD but yes my tooth is better! It hurt again last night but today we are good!
I'm late answering this but yeah the fact that dk and vernon share a Birthday is super sweet! it's fun that they get to do their birthday live together as well ^^
but yeah i joined carat tumblr around late 2017/early 2018 (i made this side blog during oh my era but I'd been reblogging svt stuff on main before then) and I'm p sure most if not all the cc's i originally followed are inactive now :( obviously like you said content creators should make content for fun and bc they want to and not for the notes, but it's understandably disheartening when less people are interacting with it and even the people who do still see your content are (at least seemingly) less enthusiastic about it (ie liking but not reblogging it, less ppl writing things in the tags or replies, etc.)
but that's so wild to me? I've never heard anyone say someone is reblogging too many things like... how do you expect to see posts if people don't reblog stuff?? id welcome that extra content on my dash dhfjfh. i guess you can go in specific tags but like. idk reblogging is the main function of tumblr i don't know why there are people sort of against it/not as willing to use it (i mean... i suspect at least one factor is other social media platforms relying more on algorithms and likes to show people new content and ppl are just more used to that maybe?)
i feel like to some extent people feel entitled to have every or any gif or fanart or fan content on their platform of choice, but like if an artist posts something on tumblr but not on twt or instagram it doesn't HAVE to be on twt or insta. people can make a tumblr (or whatever platform) account if that's the only place a creator is active and they really want to see their content. and if people want to share something cool to another platform it is not hard to just post a link to the original post and tell people to check it out. like i do that every once in a while if there's a translation that doesn't allow reposts, but i still want ppl to know that trans exists if they wouldn't normally. and yeah!! you're gonna get less engagement that way!! but that's when you need to question whether your intention is really to share something cool w people who wouldn't normally see it or if you just want clout from this cool thing for yourself
and obviously not everyone who reposts things wo credit or permission has such innocent intentions as "i want to share this cool thing" but i think in a lot of cases it is something similar to that where ppl see something and they want to use it or share it for whatever reason and they just forget that it's something an actual person took the time to create and chose to share it. fan creations, unless otherwise specified, are not like memes in that they're intended to be shared and edited and copied to hell and back
but yeah pinterest is the worst in terms of reposts. like very little if any of the content on there (at least that's fandom related) is original content. the vast majority is reposts from other platforms without credit. a few weeks ago i saw someone on twt post like an old SVT photo or something and someone asked where it was from and they were like 'idk i saw it on pinterest' and when i tell u my blood boiled dhfkfj like!! ok!! so you're reposting a repost and u have no idea what the original source is... great
but yeah i have no idea what SVT is gonna do with pinterest... guessing it's just gonna be pledis posting official/behind photos that they also post on twt anyway. it really looks like it's something bh made them create given other bhl artists also have pinterests they're all following each other. also pledis didn't even officially announce the new account opening anywhere as far as I've seen so like. i think they really don't care dhfkfj
i really don't know what bh thinks they're gonna gain though like. ik there are active fandom pinterest users but i think most of them also have other social media like twt or insta. like they're not cracking open a huge new market, and LITERALLY NO ONE expects any musician or celeb to have an official Pinterest so. it's just so unnecessary dhfkgj
I'm glad your tooth is feeling better!!!
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tubb0 · 4 years
stream liveblog: tommyinnit 8/22
I woke up literally a minute before he started so thats cool
he’s in a mood
he says he’s going to spend more time editing his videos (and upload less)
he also says his plan is two smp videos and then ‘something cool. something you might recognize’ 👀
oh so someone is building a tesck to compete with walmart. good.
theres a nether protal in tommys tower. he is not pleased
I just woke up idk whos been doing stuff but they’ve been quite busy
tommy is upset that tubbo was streaming with someone who ‘stole his brand’ (wearing a red t-shirt)
chat says his name is also tom
now hes in call with tubbo, yelling
‘you’re not just gonna go speak to this guy with more red in his shirt than me’
oh he hung up on tubbo
shippers will have a fierld day with this one (I desperately hope they don’t exist since these are children but yknow I’m sure they do)
you can see the corner of tommys bed when he fullscreens his facecam. he doesn’t have sheets or a mattress cover on his bed. do what you will with this (unless its weird then please dont)
tubbo_ has joined the game
tommy says he will ghost tubbo
also hey its fine to have a crush on tommy if you’re around his age but you dont have be weird and pushy about it
tubbo is doing the sad walk and tommy shot him
tommy: best friendship ended with tubbo. jack manifold is my new best friend
tubbo_ has left the game
chat is babying tubbo again :/
tubbo_ has joined the game
<tubbo_> sorry
tubbo_ has left the game
‘I always knew this day would come. thats why I was always mean to tubbo. I knew he would rob me.’
tubbo_ has joined the game
he left again... his spaghetti is ready
tommy is thinking of ways to but tubbo to work in order for them to earn back his friendship
wait did ponk steak tommys horse? I thought bbh did
anyways retrieve horsechamp
chat says niki lost ylyl because of tommy
wilbur was not pleased that she finds him funny (joking of course)
anyway niki is so pretty
it has just clicked for tommy that the horse is in fact his horse
oh hes on the run
tubbo has returned from eating his poggers spaghetti
tommy is stuck in a hole
tubbo: you know the pope? anyway heres my bee box!
tubbo keeps talking about the pope
tubbo has decided he doesn’t need tommys friendship and left the game
tommy says hes ‘like dream. his only friends are the numbers.’
he called tubbo and theyre both yelling now
tubbo claims to want more mature friends than tommy
tommy is accusing tubbo of being on drugs
the pope returns
‘this is like a divorce’ ‘yeah except I dont care’
they spent a second questioning catholicism
tubbo please why do you keep talking about the pope
tubbo brought up death and tommy shut that down real quick
tubbo out here with definitions
dream has joined the game
dream is only kind to tubbo and yet wont follow them back on twt
there something so endearing about hearing someone moving further from the mic when they laugh
chat is talking about the vlog gun so tommys watching wilburs stream
tommy: *upset about wilbur trying to break the vlog gun* tubbo: does this mean we can be together for mmc??
tommy hit tubbo of his balcony and now tubbo is regretting coming back online
tommy just murdered dream by hitting him with a minecart
ah fuck chat lost it and my streams starting to lag
skeppy is threatening to burn the doscs to avenge dreams death
tommy to tubbo: our friendship really hold this server together
did he lie?? absolutely not
deals are being made
well not really. tommy is trying to get a disc in exchange for dreams stuff
some pvp may occur
stream title has been changed to ‘war’ things are getting serious
tubbos wifi is failing us
oh the boys are fighting
a few thing happened in so little time but to summarize the way that tommy and tubbo trust eachother and silently cooperate is very cool. I aspire for this friendship.
for some reason its always so weird to me when I hear just dream talking to tommy and tubbo
I think its because drram is so stubborn and assertive but tommy does not care or put up with it so no matter what dream always seems to have the lowerhand which doesn’t happen often
I’m confused why is chat making such a big deal about wilbur ending his stream
ah a confrence with president soot
the other day everyone was afraid the server was dying but this seems like the start of another war
wilbursoot has joined the game
do you ever get so caught up in the drama of these stream and then it hits you that these are just a bunch of losers playing minecraft
wilbur... to be fair tommy didnt mean to kill dream... he warned him too
wilbur whispered to tommy to run while he was negotiating with dream and I think he told tubbo to kill dream but tubbo might also just be doing that for fun idk
dreams bringing up server rules... do it. ban tommy. your server will die immediately.
wilbur has scolded tommy and now tommy is ignoring him to plot with tubbo
I like the dynamic between tommy, tubbo and sapnap very much
sapnap has joined the game
oh my god I have to pee
lmao dream said tommy scams him often and tommy went 😬
‘everyone will call you bream for bitch dream’
tommy gave him his stuff
oh but some was never picked up
yikes dream is actually mad
damn tommy and skeppy are really going at it
chat says skeppy had the sword that dreams mad about uh oh
hehe tommy is very funny
tubbo is bargaining for tommy since dream killed him and is threatening his cow
if chat is right and skeppy actually has the sword hes pretty good at kying because I believe him but also I don’t know him well so
tommy is telling tubbo to kill skeppy now
aw skeppys stream sniping thats no fun
but anyway was that not the sword dream was looking for that tommy just showed in the chest????
so is sapnap on their side now? I think I missed something
no chat seems just as confused as me so
sapnap about betraying dream: it just seemed interesting idk
I think hes lying
chat has a point... I cant tell if tommy doesn’t realize or doesnt care that dream is watching his stream
wait that was cool
dream pearled away from sapnap but tommy saw the pearl and waited there so he could attack
ok but anyway while theyre chasing eachother around how did the minecart kill dream?? I’m pretty sure it does no damage and if I’m wrong dream was still in enchanted netherite and I doubt he was running around on like half a heart... unless he just did a /kill on himself for the drama??
tubbo broke all the ender chests and put them inside one... hes so smart
oh ok so tommy doesn’t care if dream is watching
fuck a bug flew in my eye
ponk and skeppy just reading the deaths in chat and making small comments lol
tubbo what
sapnap please
I’m very glad dream isnt in vc anymore because I bet he’s very upset and he gets scary sometimes
dont get me wrong I love him but yknow
oh no sapnap dont :(
tommy is getting so nervous about tubbos wifi going out because then itll be him against everyone else online lmao
tubbo: our relationship cannot be toxic because I am not in love with you :))
no tubbo not the pope again
tubbo please my head hurts
woah tubbo just killed tubbo while dream started killing him
oh he logged out and now dream is killing tommy
at this point dream is purposely not communicating with tommy and I’m getting nervous
oh hes back
go tubbo go
yknow what a man can do with 55 sticks?
tubbo accidentally locked himself in jail lmao
tommy is calling dream clay
he does not care
dream logged out (unrelated to above statements)
woah wait what tubbo is leading tommy somewhere secret that he cant even show on stream
tubbo you genius what do you have planned
tommy is playing his vlog to entertain stream while tubbo directs him to the secret
wtf tubbo
also they said sounds have to be off so I think the location might be in the nether or something because sounds will apparently give it away
dying is the only way they can leave??? but it cant be the end though right?
cuz like the achievements would show up
I don’t want to be too much of a snitch in case any of them actually are lurking on here but anyways tubbo is very epic
both tubbo and tommys mothers are teachers?
but they have a point dont skip your classes to watch someone play minecraft!
tubbo is such a good friend
they also say their in a tournament on the 31st so look forward to it
tommy is really throwing shade at shippers this stream. good for him.
oh and lowkey dnf shade too haha
ha tubbo almost leaked one of tommys video ideas
tubbo just wants to play fall guys
tommy is too self aware
but also he has a point. chat always sides with tubbo because they baby him
its kinda weird ngl
ahh my wifis going out :(
they’re watching the sunrise on tommys balcony while listening to blocks
oop tommy ended the stream because chat was being weird
gg tommy
anyway good stream go check it out if you havent already because I left some stuff out either because I type too slow or didn’t want to leak secrets :))
0 notes
sandroila · 5 years
Hey Sondroila, can I share this real quick? I think a big reason why (some) analysis acc’s never rest is because they’re so used to questioning EVERYTHING at this point. Like, it’s okay for things like the Osaka Vlive, because there are so many things in that vid that are questionable and highly suspicious. Some stuff in there is just blatantly obvious even. It’s also just fun speculation and a fun exercise to be honest. Same goes for analysing music videos. (1/9)
But, they’re really going way too far. Because they they always question everything, they think absolutely everything related to BTS has some deeper layer or meaning. There’s always some underlying problems or issues (did I mention it’s always negative questioning for some reason). They don’t ever take things for face value. Take Tae’s song for example. Instead of just enjoying the song or actually listening to Tae saying how happy he is with the response and result, they have to say stuff (2/9)
like: “Why isn’t it uploaded to ibighits channel. Why is the song in English, is bighit forcing him?”. Also, don’t get me started on people complaining about how it’s only Jimin who promotes songs, and how the other members apparently don’t give a shit about him because they didn’t ‘tweet’ anything when Promise was released (because according to them, real life support doesn’t exist, it should always be public support only). (3/9)
They really take pride in being negative don’t they. They take stuff and put an even more horrible spin on it, because they can’t help to always negatively question everything that bangtan says or does. I sometimes question why they don’t just leave the fandom, but they have this deep inner mission of protecting the boys. They do have a funny way of showing it (like telling Jimin to leave because BTS hates him, or telling Namjoon to not give Jungkook pointers). I would also like to mention (4/9)
that they do have a pre-existing narrative in which their theories exist (I’m talking, of course, but she who must not be named, her followers and disciples (lol)), one of which is that BTS are nothing but colleagues to each other and not friends. (5/9)
Recently, I saw a post about how Jungkook being dissatisfied with a performance wasn’t normal. First of all, just because the audience doesn’t see (or hear) the ‘mistake’, doesn’t mean the artist doesn’t. It’s like when you mess up a presentation. Mostly, the audience will not know you’ve forgotten a part of your text. But the presenter can still feel frustrated because he/she missed a part (especially if he/she rehearsed it frequently). Secondly, in my personal experience, I’ve never met (6/9)
anyone (especially if they’re passionate) who right away after a personally dissatisfying performance will go: “Oh well, at least I did my best”. That usually takes at least a few hours or day to sink in. If you rehearsed for some kind of examination, and you expected a 9 but you receive a 6, you’re not going to right away say that you did your best, are you? What I’m getting at is that Jungkook reacted perfectly normal, (7/9)
and that analysists are blowing this WAY out of proportion (did I mention that JK himself said that he doesn’t hold on to stress and in his Vlive in Germany he literally told us he was finding a positive way to deal with his foot injury by focusing on other perfecting aspects of his performance and that he said he matured a lot? But of course, these blogs on twt don’t believe him do they?) (8/9)
I’m sorry for my dissertation on this, bit I just needed to let this out. It’s frustrating but I have to find peace with the fact that they’re always gonna be around. Anyway, I really love your account and I think you’re great💜 (I also love you @chaotic-jikook, @jiminkoo, @blarhiv and @bulletfrootboyzz.) (9/9)
First of all, sorry for taking so long to answer. I had to take a few days off, since a lot is happening in my life again, and through that my mental health was suffering a bit.
Anways. I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. And I mean it. Nowadays people are just looking for the tiniest “clue” that could indicate something is wrong, or they are mistreated, or their relationships in the group are breaking. Or literally ANYTHING.
I think analyzing their reasoning, way of thoughts, acting, words, even clothes, just everything, is bullshit. None of us are in any position to do that. We never talked to them, we never saw how they act off cam, we never saw them act when no one was around, we can’t look into their brains. But way too many people act like they do know ALL of that.
Most of them act like they have a degree in psychology and have years and years of experience. And even if they had that, you need to talk to them to understand them. Not one psychologist could analyze such deep thought processes and feelings, by just watching videos of them. Especially considering that all those videos are of them “at work”.
But those people think they could.
Hobby psychologists, with a hint of conspiracy theorist. Who project their mindset onto them. Like Jimin is hated by Jk (because they dislike one of them), that BH is sent by the devil (because they dont understand how the industry works and need a scape-goat for everything), that Jk has depressions and is even cutting himself (because he can’t be THAT happy and flawless).
Some of them also just want drama, cause happy friendships/brotherhood and happy people, are boring. 
All of that are reasons why I hate analysis nowadays, no matter what kind of analysis. 
Before it was on a normal level, but now.... Everything is evil, everything is bad, everything has some dark deep meaning, there is nothing good on this planet, everyone hates another, all of them have depressions, all of them have something against the others, all of them are used by another and by bh.
I hate it.
Not that the world is already depressing enough, but those people dare and try to destroy the only light for many many people, with their disgusting thoughts. They need to corrupt everything.
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puppy-phum · 3 years
check-in tag
i was tagged by @wuxien ♥ thank you for thinking of me ^^ it was so nice to read yours and your love for wwx made me smile a lot~
1. Why did you choose your url?
ok so i have explained the origin of my url a couple of times but! let’s hear it again! so while i was in high school, i was obsessed with j.r. ward’s black dagger brotherhood series and brother vishous was my favorite out of all the vampires of the brotherhood. the royalty theme also stuck with me and i liked “viscount” a lot. i made this nickname for one of my random nintendo ds games originally and then it followed me around lol (my original url on tumblr was in finnish. i have tried to leave that one behind haha)
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
nope. tho i sometimes consider making one? but i feel like that would put too much pressure on me so i just gather everything here like the trash collector i am
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
i made my account in 2013 so a while
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no. i just post stuff whenever i am around :’D i keep thinking about making one and actually using my queue but,,, i am lazy. also this blog is a mess
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
in 2013 i was living and breathing manga/anime. tumblr was a place for all the nice fanart and edits and i just went around looking at those. i can’t remember when i actually started posting anything for this blog bc for a while i just lurked here looking at things but it happened. then i slowly started expanding from there as i moved on from anime to different tv series and movies and kpop and now dramas 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
current one (and the previous one too) is bc this man lives in my brain rent free. it’s closing in on one year since i started watching reboot and i still cannot move on from liu sang and how much i love his character and the whole world of dmbj. this fandom really is a pit and i am shoveling dirt to get deeper each day 
7. Why did you choose your header?
this too applies to the previous one bc i associate liu sang with forests, especially foggy ones. i looooove the aesthetic of foggy hills and this feeling of mystery but also freedom it gives me. tho i’ve been thinking about making a new layout again bc the current green color reminds me of that foam we use for plastic flowers to stick them up in their pots lol 
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
my wangxian edit with lines from richard siken’s poem you are jeff  x it currently has almost 1.5k notes and i still have zero idea why it’s this edit specifically. i think i’ve made better ones but i am fond and very thankful of the love
9. How many mutuals do you have?
so many these days ;; i am so happy with all of you! everybody is so amazing and sweet and loving ♥
10. How many followers do you have?
way past 800 now and that’s nuts 
11. How many people do you follow?
i just unfollowed a bunch of inactive blogs and try to find new ones to follow instead (if you have any recs pls do tell?) :’D but currently it’s somewhere around 260 i think
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
uuuhhhh what is considered a shit post exactly
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
too often. i feel like am around all the time lol. i switch between tumblr and twt usually but tumblr has been my fave social media ever since i properly started using it. tho when i first got into kpop in 2017-2018 i was very inactive here and almost deleted my account but am happy i didn’t bc the untamed dragged me back here again :’D
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
nope, i don’t do drama. also am just chilling around, idk who would bother to fight me hhhhh and for what even???
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if it’s for a cause then yeah, sure. tho am bad at reblogging anyway so,,, consider me just a moron 
16. Do you like tag games?
yes i adore them ;; i remember being so jealous at times when i was just chilling alone on tumblr, rolling around in my own corner, when i saw ppl doing tag games and never had any mutuals to do those with. and now i have a ton! of amazing ppl!! tagging me into things!!! it’s so much fun ♥
17. Do you like ask games?
sometimes? i don’t think am someone who really receives any asks but there are some amazing ppl who humor me every time ♥ also me and @i-am-just-a-kiddo sometimes play these “ask games” by ourselves on google docs :’D we just copy the whole list of questions and answer those and talk about our answers. we’ve done some writer questions especially bc we like to talk about writing and our projects and difficulties. 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
there are a couple of ppl on our network especially who intimidate me a bit bc of this O.O also some of our dmbj crew haha (especially looking at you sierra @jockvillagersonly ♥)
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
hmm several. tho i easily develop all these friend crushes on ppl. odds are am in love with everybody at least a little bit! but what is friendship on tumblr dot com if you are not confessing your undying love to your mutual at least once a meme post
20. tags?
ah sure! am going to tag: @susuwatari-kompeito @jazthespazz @manhasetardis @jaecomments @humanlighthouse @cross-d-a @xiejie-liubo @foxofninetales @a-force-dyad-in-space @englishbunnyrocks and @justpostsyeet ♥ also the two ppl already mentioned among my answer can consider doing this if they want 👀 no pressure tho! have a nice day everyone ^^
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