#anyways i'm getting him chocolate anyways bc i'm the sweetest
magnus-sm-writes · 8 months
Oh also for anyone interested in Midwestern Culture (TM): today is a stupid holiday called Sweetest Day, which is just Valentines Day II: The Revenge. Just another Midwestern Quirk that drives my husband nuts
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sadesluvr · 16 days
Platonic! Lemon + Tangerine Headcanons (GN!)
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aka the babygirlification of two assassins (i literally birthed them it’s true)
You come across the twins as a civilian - in this case you work at a coffee shop. When they walk up to the counter you’re a little shocked, not because of anything they’ve done but the fact that one of them is bleeding. 
“Woah, are you alright?” You say, gesturing to the dark-skinned man’s shirt.
“What? Oh, I’m fine. I don’t bleed.”
It’s in your better judgment not to question it. The man next to him - classically dressed and spouting a moustache - sighs before smiling at you and ordering: one black coffee, and a hot chocolate with a chocolate chip cookie to be precise.
From behind the counter you can hear the moustached man mention something about his friend ‘eating all that sugar’, whilst he brushes it off, going on about ‘rewards’ before somehow talking about Thomas the Tank Engine?
The man isn’t even halfway done with his drink when you can see his eyes brighten, snapping his fingers with every sip.
“Ah, mate…You’ve gotta try this, init? That barista makes it proper - good layer of milk and cream, the right temperature for sipping…None of that hot water shit they used to give us in school!”
You smile to yourself, and once he’s done he comes up and thanks you personally, leaving a generous tip :)
The rest is history:
Lemon is the type of guy to come back to something when he enjoys it. When the Twins are in town, he’s definitely coming to your store, and you’re the only one who can make his hot chocolate. No exceptions.
From there you actually learn their names - Lemon and Tangerine. Tan is cordial enough, but you definitely click with Lemon the most
They ask you about your day, if you’ve been busy, all of that. It’s nice to have a familiar face in their line of work
Sometimes they stay until closing time, and if you’re shutting up they ALWAYS walk you home
Thomas the Tank Engine initiation rituals…The engine Lemon decides to give you is forever stuck onto your uniform as a badge of honour
Making fun of Tangerine for being grumpy and only liking black coffee… He orders a muffin just to shut you all up
“Would you two grow up, would ya? Can’t beat a classic Victoria sponge anyway.”
The one time you offer them to have a meal at your house it’s the sweetest thing ever: takeout or home cooked, they lap it up whilst they tell you crazy stories about their travels
They would LOVE home baked/cooked goods in particular though, it makes them feel 'normal' and like a family
They'll always bring you gifts from the different places they’ve been!! Ex. A Momomon from Japan or a snowglobe from Switzerland
I feel like Tan gets comically angry if he opens your fridge and sees that you only have oat/almond milk…He can’t get over the fact that it’s a ‘fucking NUT, it’s not proper milk’
Lemon using you as a parent, telling on Tangerine for everything- "I'm telling them that you stole from that vendor. You said you were trying to kick that habit, mate."
You figuring out that ‘outside contractors’ means something shady, but you don’t care bc they’re your friends
Tangerine is better with pets than Lemon, who isn’t really fond of them. Your animal will either love Tan or hate him, and there’s no in between
Being worried when they disappear for long periods of time :(
They're not the best at comfort (Tangerine in particular) but they try. Lemon suggests a relevant Thomas episode to help you get through it
Your watchlist is filled with animated/children's films
If there’s a stray/abused animal they find on a mission, they’re bringing it back to you. Surprise, you have a pet!
Them having your back. Tangerine is definitely beating up someone for you, and they’ll give you a bit of cash if you’re ever running behind on rent.
Them having a tiny photo of you in their jacket/wallet to look at and remember the good times missions <3
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loserdiaz · 4 months
💌 dear april 💌
ignore the fact that i totally misinterpreted what we were supposed to do for the anon valentine thing lol
i'll be honest lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in and when you got your arms around me ooh, it feels so good i had to jump the octave i think i got an ex but i forgot him and i can't find my chill, i must have lost it i don't even know i'm talkin' nonsense
i need you to know how grateful i am that i met you <33 you bring me so much happiness and you just make me feel so alive and free from everything and when i'm with you i can just have fun and actually enjoy life <33
i didnt have time to make a gift to you, although i really wanted to :((
but here's a few gifts for you:
i love you as buck loves eddie in your fics <333
we're like hot chocolates and marshmallows, you're hot and im on top of you (SORRY gjlkldfshj)
anyways, we should snuggle by the fireplace, eat cookies and chat or watch a movie, whatever you want <3
i love you, like a lot and i feel like i'd be very self loathing if i didn't meet you <33
💌secret (HONK) admirer <33 💌
okay i know im answering this so late 😭😭😭😭 it's been a day for me, sorry baby :((((
but also! i think i would've known it was you without the other ask you sent me bc of the sabrina lyrics and just bc ur the sweetest and loveliest and im obsessed with ur every word.
im kissing you, making out with you and redacted stuff that belongs in our room in hoe town 🫣 ILYYYYY TO THE MOON AND TO SATURN 🩷
psps you didn't have to give me anything!!! the fact that i met you and i get to talk to u is gift enough 🥹🥹
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