#anyways last night she came at me WRECKLESS claiming shes been told i said some horrible ass shit about her that i Literally Did Not
our-lady-of-mcr · 5 months
yet again wondering when ill realize that certain people do not change and are always going to try to fuck me up ):
#self#basically this friend i have who is....an enigma#we have had like 3 or 4 falling outs bc shes a fucking psychopath and loses her shit a few times a year since ive known her#anyways last night she came at me WRECKLESS claiming shes been told i said some horrible ass shit about her that i Literally Did Not#and she said some mean ass shit to me#anyways....i keep trying to pretend like its not effecting me but like....no it fucking sucks to have someone you were incredibly close with#just decide theyre going to believe other people over you#she was being so mean and i made it so ungodly obvious that i dont feel negatively about her and that i genuinely just wish her well#and everyone ive talked to about it that knows her just keeps trying to get me to block her and all say the same hateful stuff they always#used to when it comes to her...which trust me at this point i fucking get it#but i hate that i still want to defend her after she refused to listen to me and basically called me a charity case#fun fact cunt!! i actually have other friends and people who genuinely want me around meanwhile besides me all you have is friends who have#told me they think you are literally dangerous and scary and you have your mom and shitty fiance and your god damn baby#but sure im the fucking charity case#im also just....i am too fucking old for this shit and shes even older than me and has a god damn kid like im begging you just mature a bit#not to god damn mention she blamed every single one of her problems on me NEWSFLASH no i didnt sister#that was all you and your doing!!!#anyways sorry for the rant and god bless anyone who read these tags i am So Sorry
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monsterfuneral · 4 years
1960 / The Comfort
Headcanon Series: Paul’s Life Through The Decades
Warnings: Fluff, Family bonding, Paul is finally happy, then I rip it away :), character death, brief mention of cancer, angst, kidnapping, trauma responses (abuse resulting in memory loss)
Words: 1.4k
Author’s Note: This one just makes me soft man, also Daisy is an OC I made specifically for these headcanons I hope you like her. Anyway this is my personal favorite part so I hope you guys enjoy!
Questions regarding any of these headcanon posts are greatly welcomed! If you have your own headcanons or questions regarding mine, I would love to hear them! See you guys in the next part!
Series Masterlist
- When I tell you Paul embraced the 60s with open arms I mean it. His previous vengeful nature had finally been shooed aside and he was left with a new decade to start fresh, and he did. They had finally moved to a new place, David’s hometown, Santa Carla. The three vampires moved into an old hotel that had been sucked underground by an earthquake, though David didn’t divulge much about his life or what this place truly meant to him, being a pretty private person he kept his lips tightly sealed. 
- Paul had come to love walking around at night, the ocean breeze ruffling his now shaggy hair as he stared up into the night sky. He had found peace in being alone with his racing thoughts, sometimes commentating with himself about the things he saw or thought about in order to keep himself entertained. He was mostly thankful that the others finally trusted him to be alone again, he didn’t have Dwayne trailing after him in order to make sure he didn’t slip back into old habits. 
- He also started attending concerts more. Music had always been something he thoroughly enjoyed. But his parents restricted it being played in the house growing up, unless it was strictly gospel, saying any other form of music was a pathway leading straight to the devil’s door. Thankfully now without being underneath his parent’s judgemental gaze, he allowed himself to be consumed by music. Plus he knew by now he would be going to hell either way, so why not indulge yourself in the simple pleasures? So he sang along with a joyful smile on his face.  
- One of the most memorable nights of Paul’s undead life was after his first concert he attended. He had met a boy hanging by his waist over the railing of a bridge giggling to himself as he stared down at the intimidating drop. Paul asked what exactly he was doing and the stranger just said “I feel like I'm flying, man.” His words were slightly slurred and his shoulder length curls were blowing in the wind revealing his boyish face, the apples of his cheeks glowing red from the chilly air and probably a little something else.
- It was safe to say he was curious about this one. Such a strange man in loose fitting clothes just wandering about in the night clearly inebriated without a care in the world. They hit it off pretty quickly, Marko’s personality was so different from his vampire companions. Paul was able to make jokes without the fear of complete silence, or David’s infuriating smirk. Marko was a bright light in Paul’s darkness, someone who he felt an instant connection to. They would both ramble back and forth, Marko meshing perfectly with Paul’s mile-a-minute mind and Paul keeping a close eye on the wreckless stoner who seemed to have a smile that could outshine the sun.
Marko was what brought out Paul’s true self. The wild child his parents claimed him to be apparently wasn’t as wrong as he had thought.
- Marko had introduced him to his friend Daisy, an older woman who had a gap-toothed smile and wild red curls. She, much like Marko, was a beam of light. They had told him the story of how they met, how Marko had been homeless in New York after his mother was murdered, and how he had found Daisy when they both hopped into the same boxcar on a train. Marko had said she was like a mother to him and it warmed Paul’s heart seeing how close they were. 
- David and Dwayne had even tagged along on occasion to smoking circles, listening to Daisy go on about her life before and after being homeless. She was a sentimental person who felt like she belonged with the trees more than anywhere else, saying her soul had been drawn to the forest and she never looked back. The two vampires had also gotten along with Marko, it felt like things were finally evened out when the five of them were together. There were no hissing arguments between David and Paul, no petty cold shoulder, just a bonfire and a shared joint and some stories being told.  
- Daisy had even taught Paul about the wonders of astrology, and gifted him one of her favorite crystals much like she had done with Marko when they first met. She, like Marko, had become a beacon of light in his life, like a sister to him. She was always dragging him up to dance around the fire to her favorite Janis Joplin song, singing the lyrics with a half smoked joint between her fingers. He truly felt at home, for the first time ever, he felt loved and wanted. 
- While he knew David and Dwayne cared for him, this felt different. This was a kind of bond that made him truly believe that soulmates were real, the deep connection he had with Daisy and Marko felt like nothing he had ever felt before, and there was absolutely no way he would give it up.
- Marko and Daisy had ended up finding out what they were when Paul got too high one night and let it slip. But much to everyone’s surprise neither Marko nor Daisy minded. They had told them about how they had met a handful of vampires and even werewolves during their adventures, so they weren’t exactly strangers to the supernatural. That only served to bring them all closer together, with their secret out in the open it was all smooth sailing.
- Until Daisy got sick. They all began noticing her wincing, the pained look on her face whenever she would move, the way she seemed weaker and found it hard to walk some days. Without access to doctors it was hard to figure out exactly what it was, at first they had assumed it was just something small, but she only got worse. 
- They had come to the conclusion that it had to be some kind of cancer. That was when Paul had helplessly begged Daisy to let them turn her, unshed tears in his blue eyes as he crouched down next to her sleeping bag. 
- But she only smiled, cupping his cheek gently before saying “I’m not meant to live forever kid, souls like mine are meant to die out.” She almost seemed at peace when it came to the idea of dying. 
- When she started to get more and more sick she eventually told them where she wanted to be buried. Deep in the forest underneath a large oak tree. 
- So when Daisy finally gave her last breath by the fire, Paul and Marko did exactly as she asked. They had cried at her grave until the sky started to lighten and the threat of Paul dying too was almost unavoidable. 
- The next night Paul urgently asked Marko to become one of them, saying he couldn’t lose his best friend, his soulmate. 
- It didn’t take much to convince Marko, after all he had quite literally lost the only person who he stayed human for, but that didn’t mean he had to lose everything. So he turned and joined them happily. Marko’s adjustment to vampirism was rocky but not nearly as bad as Paul’s, he had cravings and would sometimes go overboard but he had three people to help him gain control, he wasn’t alone like Paul had felt. 
- By 1964 Paul had finally become closer to David again. He had taken Dwayne’s advice and talked to him about all the things that had eaten away at him for the past two decades, Dwayne and Marko serving as mediators when things got a little more heated. But they had come to an agreement, an understanding. 
- But it seemed just as the dust was settling again things only got kicked up again when a couple of vampire hunters ambushed Paul one night, kidnapping him and using him as bait to lure in the others. The abuse he endured had left spots in his memory, not able to even remember just how bad things had gotten, it was all just flashes of him screaming and begging for mercy. 
- David quite literally tore through the hunters in order to save Paul, a crazed look in his eyes which only softened when Paul was finally safe. It almost felt like for the first time in three decades Paul had been reduced back to the cowering boy he was when David first met him. It was a hard sight for all of them to take in, especially Marko. It took a good five years for Paul to fully recover from the traumatic experience. 
But now his relationship with David had been set in stone, David had proven that he would go to any lengths to keep the boys safe, no matter how dangerous. 
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