#anyways sebas looks so fucking good
bubbarnes · 1 month
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“... so the film describes america of the eighties and gives us a hint as to how the world has become, what it is today. and it's also the story of a platonic love between a master and a student”.
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finex09 · 3 years
u kno ur in deep when u can recognize ur fav from the blurriest, darkest, most ill shot photograph ever
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 8)
(chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5) (chapter 6) (chapter 7)
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smut... a minor injury... a motorcycle... a teeny tiny bit of angst?? honestly it's just pretty normal aside from the smut
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You actually fell asleep without anything too untoward happening, just kissing and cuddling and whispers that didn't make much sense to each other but still made your heart flutter each time.
Waking up, though, was another story entirely.
"Arăți frumos în timp ce dormi," he mumbled into the crook of your neck, pulling your hips back so you could feel his hard cock against your ass. You hummed and snuggled up closer to him, bathing in his warmth as much as possible.
“I swear I’ve never slept so well in my life,” you mumbled as you reached back to run your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck. “I need you in my bed all the time so I can finally get some rest.”
He smiled against your skin, sucking on that spot just behind your ear that made your eyes roll back in your head. “Il vrei?” he asked huskily, and you didn’t even care what he was asking; when he said it like that, the answer was always ‘yes.’ You nodded happily, biting your lip, as he started to push your panties down and helped you arch your back so he could guide his cock to your entrance.
You still gasped and clutched at the sheets beneath you, you couldn’t help it even if it wasn’t your first time discovering how thick he was. It was just barely painful for one fleeting moment before it faded into that delightful fullness, his strokes long and slow as he sighed against your ear. “Seba,” you whimpered under your breath.
“Sunt mai bun decât el, nu-i așa? Nu te-a futut niciodată atât de bine,” he growled a little, holding you tighter. “Sper că știe. Sper că știe că am făcut dragoste cu tine și că sunt îndrăgostit de tine.”
You couldn’t be sure if it was his words in your ear or his arms so tight around your chest that made it a little hard to breathe, but something was so different about the way he was speaking now than you’d ever heard him before. It was difficult to describe— not quite angry, but so passionate it could almost seem that way. You could feel it in the way he moved inside you, too; he was clearly holding back, like there was a storm beneath his calm surface.
You wanted all of it. Turning back, you kissed him and pulled his hair a little, hoping it would get the point across. It seemed to, considering how he gasped and sped up, fucking you harder and deeper as you moaned a little louder than you meant to.
“Când a fost aici, am vrut să te sărut,” he continued in a low voice, speaking right against your parted lips. “Am vrut ca soțul tău să vadă. Am vrut să te arunc în patul ăsta și să te fac să țipi, pentru ca toată lumea să te audă. Am vrut să știe că sunt eu.”
“Yours,” you said before you could stop yourself, and thankfully you didn’t have to worry too much about the implications of it because he couldn’t understand what you meant. He grabbed your face anyways, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he stared into your eyes.
“A mea,” he purred, fucking you faster until you started to whine and arch your back harder.
“F-fuck, I’m gonna—” you stammered, but he nodded before you could finish, encouraging you with whispered words and a hand slipping down between your legs to rub your swollen clit. You cried out, instinctively reaching out to grab his arm, but he held fast and kept up the pace, sending you tumbling over the edge before you had really prepared yourself for it. Unintentionally, you held your breath for a few moments as it washed over you, the tension releasing finally with a long sigh.
The very moment you began the denouement from your peak, he pulled out and rolled you onto your back, slipping right back in as he slotted his body between your legs. You whimpered and gripped his shoulders, and he got right back to his pace— but this time your body couldn’t take as much of the force and so it began to rock the bed, his headboard slamming into the wall. At first neither of you cared until he glanced up and hissed, “rahat.”
“What?” you asked, sitting up and craning your head around to see he’d clearly damaged the wallpaper there. “Oops,” you giggled, “guess we should take a break and fix that—”
He pushed you back down onto the bed as you yelped, capturing you in a hungry kiss; one arm slipped under your shoulders, holding you tight, while the other reached up so his hand could grip the headboard and hold it still as he started to pound into you again. You moaned weakly and relaxed in his embrace, feeling the bed still rock slightly under you but much more interested in the feeling of his cock slamming right into the most sensitive and overstimulated spots inside your channel.
“Oh god,” you sighed as you couldn’t stop your head from falling back into the pillow, closing your eyes to dodge the way he stared down at you with an intensity that bordered on fury. He moved in to bite at your neck instead, and if you were any more in touch with reality you would’ve complained that you didn’t bring many clothes that would cover his bite marks, but you were much too lost in the sensation he was bringing you for that.
“Atât de bine, atât de bine,” he chanted with a growl, “voi veni… atât de aproape…”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “please, Seba— yes, right there, oh fuck!”
You came again, technically, but it was nothing like the first time— more shallow but less brief, like the pleasure was spread thinner and wider, until you worried your vision would go completely black. He grunted loudly as he filled you, still thrusting roughly with each pump of his release into you, but finally he slowed and sighed, his breaths coming hard and fast as he let go of the headboard and held you tightly.
He seemed exhausted, honestly, and you laughed breathlessly as he collapsed on top of you. “You can’t be so worn out this early in the morning,” you scolded as you kissed his shoulder.
“Nu voi mai părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he groaned.
“At least let me up so I can shower!” you protested, trying to push his limp weight off of you and failing pitifully as you laughed.
“Nu, nici tu nu vei părăsi niciodată acest pat,” he cooed, covering your face in kisses as you laughed harder. Only when you defensively pinched his arm did he pull back and pull out, letting you slip out from under him.
“I’ll be back soon,” you promised as kissed him on the cheek, dashing to the bathroom and getting one last glance at him shaking out his sore hand before you shut the door.
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Chapter 38 done… only five more to go, if your outline was to be trusted (which it most certainly should not). Still, you were finally reaching the real height of the tension, the climax of the story likely to hit as soon as the next chapter.
But it wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t what you thought you would write when you sat down here months ago and began with page 1. In fact, it was better.
You sighed a little, looking away from the typewriter for the first time in maybe an hour or more, glancing out the window where the sun was starting to set and painting the whole countryside in an orange glow; but it wasn’t the only thing making the leaves change colors— fall was undeniably on the way, enough so that poor Sebastian was raking leaves already. And, because evil is a real and powerful force in this world, he had started wearing a shirt while working outside.
Not that it wasn’t still buckets of fun to watch him go: you found yourself leaning against the window frame to drink in the sight of him, smiling widely to yourself as he sighed and wiped his brow.
All of a sudden, he turned and caught you ogling, making him grin and you laugh with embarrassment. He waved at you, and you waved back, resigning to getting back to work for just a few more pages…
The creaking of the stairs made you realize someone was coming, but with Sebastian just outside it could only be Mrs. Alberti. With a sinking feeling in your gut, you ran to the closet to rifle through your sweaters, hoping to find something with a high neck. Nothing looked long enough, making you groan in frustration.
She knocked on the door and you jumped slightly. “One moment!” you called out to her, digging up a random scarf and throwing it around your neck to hastily cover the bruises Sebastian had left on you. “Yes, come in,” you finally sighed with relief as you threw yourself back into the chair.
“Good evening,” Mrs. Alberti smiled sweetly as she peeked through the crack in the door, “I just wanted to offer to cook dinner here tonight. I’m making a big recipe so I figured I might as well, unless you had your own plans.”
“No, that would be lovely,” you nodded, “thank you.”
“Just come downstairs in about, oh, fifteen minutes and it’ll be ready,” she explained.
“You don’t want any help in the kitchen?”
She scoffed a little. “From you?”
You chuckled at her brutal honesty. “Okay, point taken.”
“Sorry, dear, it’s just that I wouldn’t want your… Western sensibilities to muck up the recipe,” she defended.
“I can’t blame you,” you smirked. “I’ll be down in a quarter hour.”
She nodded and shut the door again, leaving you to unwrap the itchy scarf from your neck and let out a slow breath.
Of course, with an imminent deadline you couldn’t actually get any good work done, so you just read back over some older chapters and made a couple simple edits. All too soon, you checked the clock and realized you should go ahead and make your way to the kitchen.
You took a deep breath as you stepped into the entryway where the smell of Mrs. Alberti’s cooking emanated through the rest of the house. It brought back memories of when you were here with Michael and she cooked for the both of you. Those memories were wonderful once, then soured, but now you were coming to appreciate them again. Although, it was easier to enjoy them when you imagined the black eye your soon-to-be-ex was likely sporting now.
You took a seat at the table and let her serve you, even though it made you feel a little guilty; you knew she would never let you serve yourself when she was cooking.
“How’s your novel coming along, dear?” she asked as she took her own seat and you began eating.
“Well,” you began with a little sigh, “stories have a mind of their own, Mrs. Alberti. All this time I thought I was writing a thriller— something scary, gritty, maybe even tragic. But I’m coming up on the end of it and I’m realizing that all this time, I’ve been writing a romance.”
She smiled, glancing behind you to the doorway. “Yes, things have a funny way of turning out differently than we expect.”
Wondering what she was looking at, you turned to find Sebastian leaning against the wood frame, wiping his hands on a towel. “Bună seara,” he greeted.
“Sit down, Sebastian, have some dinner,” she offered to him as she stood up to pour him a new portion of soup.
He nodded and sat at the table, “multumesc,” he mumbled when she put a bowl in front of him.
You fell into a comfortable silence after that, everyone eating their meals quietly. It was nice to have a moment of normalcy— your new normal— after such an eventful day previous.
“So,” Mrs. Alberti broke the silence unexpectedly, “you two had sex?”
You instantly spat out your sip of soup, making Sebastian give you a concerned look; you waved dismissively as if to say you were fine, though you coughed a couple times. “I… uhm— how did you—?”
“He was whistling while he gardened today,” she explained, “and you look the happiest I’ve ever seen you.”
“To be fair, I think the first thing is because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you added with a little laugh.
“And the second thing?”
“...at least partially because he punched my husband yesterday morning,” you admitted.
“Fair enough,” she chuckled, “but don’t think I don’t see the way your shoulders aren’t so tense and you’re smiling all the time. I know a woman in love when I see one.”
“L-love?” you questioned instantly, choking on the word.
“Oh, honey,” she sighed, almost a look of pity on her face, “did you not know? It’s all over your face.”
You took a slow breath and pondered your meal before taking another bite. “No… I knew,” you admitted, “I guess you just put it really bluntly.”
She smiled. “It’s how we do things in Hungary. You should be honest with him.”
“With what words?”
“Sounds like you don’t need them,” she smirked. “I’ll leave you two be, then. You’ll have to tell me how it goes.”
She bid Sebastian goodnight with a little wave, and he nodded back happily; with the back door shut as she headed to her own house, you two were alone again. He took a sip of his soup and you finally noticed the marks on his spoon-holding hand.
“Your hand…” you realized, pointing to it, remembering with burning cheeks how he got that injury.
“Ah,” he smiled, looking down at the purple knuckles and smiling as he rubbed them gently. “Un sacrificiu demn.”
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After dinner, you picked up with some reading (so much more relaxing than writing, believe it or not) and Sebastian joined you for the same on the couch.
Just laying together like this— quiet, relaxed, and totally at peace— was igniting feelings inside you that you had gone without for so long that you’d forgotten they existed completely. Resting your head on his chest, between the unbuttoned halves of his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat and it was soothing yet invigorating somehow.
He held his book up over your head while you used one hand to hold yours open and read through the space between his chest and his arm. It wasn’t the most ergonomic position necessarily, and your arm was definitely getting tired, but it was worth it to be close to him in these little ways.
"Book?" he asked innocently after a long stint of silent reading, setting his own aside to look down at you.
You closed your book and looked back up at him, resting your chin on his chest. "The book I'm reading? It's good," you nodded (as much as you could without stabbing him in the sternum with your chin, that is).
"Nu, book ta," he clarified, poking your forehead, before making a motion like he was typing.
"My book!" you realized. "Yes, the book I'm writing, it's nearly done…"
Your heart started to sink inside your chest.
"And when it's done, I'll go back to London. Like I planned from the beginning. And it'll be published and I'll start from scratch at a new life… alone.”
You cleared your throat and looked away. “Ești în regulă?” he asked quietly, sounding concerned.
You shook yourself out of it, smiling back up at him. “Let’s go into the city tomorrow,” you decided. “I need some things, if I’m going to be staying longer…”
He seemed to appreciate that you were telling him something, but couldn’t determine what. “Nyíregyháza,” you explained, “let’s drive into the city.” You pantomimed a steering wheel to explain yourself better.
“Ah,” he nodded, “nu într-o mașină. Îmi luăm bicicleta.” He returned with the motion of steering a bike— and when he curled his fingers to rev the proverbial engine, you realized he meant a motorbike. “Motocicletă,” he smiled.
“You drive a motorcycle?” you realized with a little gasp.
“Da,” he grinned, a little more mischievous than before.
“Oh, you really are gonna be the death of me,” you laughed. “Let’s go see this bike of yours.”
He helped you up off the couch and escorted you to the shed across from the house, the last light of sunset just barely enough to illuminate the way. You knew he worked in here sometimes, but you never realized he was doing mechanic work— indeed there it was: a motorcycle, right by Mrs. Alberti’s car, clearly quite old but restored to decent condition. “Iată-o, fetița mea,” he announced as he raised his arms to present it to you.
“Wow, you’ve been working hard,” you realized as you looked around at all the parts and tools strewn about.
“Avea nevoie de un alternator nou și ceva de lucru în interiorul motorului, dar acum funcționează la fel de bine ca nou... dacă nu chiar mai bine,” he enumerated as he knelt down in front of it, grabbing a towel to rub a spot of dirt from the headlight. “Vrei să conduci acum?”
You tilted your head.
“Acum,” he repeated, standing up and pulling you closer, tilting his head back toward the bike. “Sa mergem acum.”
“You want to go for a drive now? It’s pretty late, I was about to go to bed,” you protested meekly.
“Haide,” he smiled, stepping back and pulling you with him. “Plimbare pe spate.”
He handed you a helmet that had been resting on one of the handlebars, and you dutifully put it on as he got on the bike and fiddled around with it for a moment, kicking out the kickstand and finding his balance before getting it to start with a roar that echoed around the shed. He beamed proudly, looking up at you. “Eh?” he prompted with a nod.
“Yeah, it sounds great,” you encouraged with a thumbs up.
“Ce mai face casca?” he asked, leaning forward to knock his fist on your helmet lightly, making you laugh.
“Yeah, it’s good,” you nodded.
“Atunci alătură-te mie,” he instructed as he patted the seat behind him. You took a quick breath and got on, wrapping your arms around him. “Mai strâns,” he mumbled, pulling your arms in to hold him tighter. You smiled and rested your head on his back, yelping slightly when the bike lurched forward and he steered you out of the shed and into the grass outside. He was very slow at first until he steered to the gravel road, at which point he instantly picked up speed until the wind whipped at your face. His unbuttoned shirt was flying in every direction, leaving him totally unprotected from the night air, but he didn’t seem to mind, holding fast as he took you down the road, hugging the turns letting the headlight illuminate only as much as he needed to see.
When you looked up, you could see the stars more clearly than ever. You sighed and hugged him tighter, amazed at how they didn’t move at all while the world on the ground flew by. It made sense, obviously, with them being millions of miles away, but it was jarring how different the speed of the world could look from different perspectives. And as exhilarating as it was to see the countryside roll by in a blur, you preferred the steady night sky; you didn’t want to think about this moment flying by, about the fleeting nature of all of this. You wanted to believe this would always be here, just like the stars. You wanted to focus on the things that would never leave you, the moments that would become lifelong memories, and not on the reality of how beautiful things are not usually permanent things.
“I love you,” you whispered against his ear, quiet enough for your words to be blown away into the night. A small tear left a hot trail on your chilled skin, blown back over your temple instantly by Sebastian’s acceleration.
In silence, you drove into the unknown with him, letting yourself forget about the rest of the world for just a little while longer. You deserved that.
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babybluebex · 3 years
desperate hearts (and bodies) [sebastian stan] NSFW!!
➽ pairing: sebastian stan x fem!reader (y/n) ➽ word count: 2.5k ➽ summary: while watching his new movie, sebastian makes a deal with you: you’ll watch the movie until the credits roll, or else.   ➽ warnings: NSFW/MDNI. explicit language, smut, fingering (f!receiving), teasing, slight dom!seb ➽ a/n: i have no logical explanation for this, so just have it lol​
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It took a lot of convincing to have Sebastian watch one of his movies. He hated seeing himself work and, ever the perfectionist, found apparent flaws in his performance that neither the director nor editors had “managed” to find. He was against it at first, but, when I told him that I was too scared to watch his new movie The Covenant alone, he agreed. This man was such a pushover. We had known each other since high school when we paired together as scene partners for our school’s drama department. Seb was a senior when I was a freshman and we always got along, albeit at a casual distance. It wasn’t until we were in college together and I was randomly assigned him as a student mentor that we grew close, eventually kissing and fucking and revealing our long-boiling feelings. 
We had been together for nearly two years by this point, and I had seen him through every single professional role. When we reunited, he had just had a small role on Law and Order, and he had only gone up from there. The Covenant was the first horror-type movie he had ever done, and I had gotten a basic-enough synopsis from him for me to avoid it. However, being the dutiful girlfriend that I was, I wanted to support him and watch it, and that’s where the begging came in. 
Sebastian was a pushover. One hell of a pushover. I usually had to pout and he gave in to me, but watching his own movie came at a larger price, not that I minded it. As we sat down to watch the movie, my knees still ached from our earlier “negotiation”, and Sebastian grabbed my legs and hauled them into his lap. He clicked his tongue a few times, then said, “Baby girl, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“It doesn’t hurt,” I shrugged, but winced when he pressed a finger into the red patches. 
“Right,” he said with a smile. “And I’m the Queen of England.” 
“Put on the movie, would ya?” I chuckled. “Shut your mouth.” 
“You love my mouth,” Sebastian teased, tickling my thighs, and I sighed. 
“I do, but it’s annoying sometimes,” I said, and I kissed my finger and pressed it to his bottom lip. “Movie. Please?” 
The moment he came on screen, I felt a familiar heat in my stomach. He was a piece of shit high school guy in this movie, but he was so insanely hot. The female characters were falling all over him, but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t share the affection. “Aww, look at you,” I cooed, leaning over to tickle his chin. “Little teenage dirtbag Seba.” 
“Is this why you wanted to watch this?” Sebastian laughed, smacking my hands away. “To make fun of me the whole time?” 
“No,” I said. “I want to support you, damn it. I just have the privilege of making fun of you.”
Sebastian sighed, playing shaking his head, and he whispered, “You’re gonna kill me, woman.” 
“I sure hope not,” I said, turning my attention back to the screen for a moment. “But it looks like Pogue might. What the hell kinda name is Pogue anyway?” 
“I wish I knew,” Sebastian shrugged. “Oh, she was nice, though,” he added, pointing at the blonde girl on screen. “Really sweet. Said you were pretty.” 
“You showed her a picture of me?” I asked. 
“Well, not intentionally,” Sebastian said. “I was using a Polaroid of you as a bookmark and she handed me my book at one point in the makeup trailer and asked and… You know I love talking about you. I had to indulge her.” 
“You keep getting better everyday,” I told him with a smile. 
“You too, baby girl,” he said. “I’m getting a beer. You want one?” 
“Nah,” I said. “But if it comes with a tall Romanian, I might have to rethink that.” 
“Two beers, coming up,” Sebastian said, sitting up to go. Before he fully stood up, though, he tugged me close and kissed me slowly. His kisses were to die for, and I would never grow tired of them. His tongue dipped into my mouth and his hand began to inch my shirt up, but I grabbed his wrist quickly. 
“Stop trying to distract me, Seb,” I whispered, biting his plush bottom lip. “We’re watching this movie.” 
“Fuck,” Sebastian hissed, and I released his lip. “Thought I had you there.” 
“You’ll have to try harder than that,” I told him as he stood up. I watched him as he walked to the kitchen, pulling his jeans back up his hips, and I couldn’t help but admire his ass. Even in high school, Sebastian had a nice body, and it had only gotten better with age and time. I turned my attention back to the movie, and Sebastian quickly returned with our drinks. I took a sip of mine before settling fully into his lap, and his arms went around my waist. “Okay, hold on, I’m confused,” I said quickly. “So those four guys are, like, witches? Wizards? Can guys be witches? Anyway, there’s four of them, but they sense a disturbance in the Force?” 
Sebastian laughed deep in his chest. “I mean, pretty much,” he said. “You’ve got it.” 
“Chase is the fifth power,” I said quickly. “I’m calling it right now.” 
“Woah, hold on, what makes you think I’m the bad guy?” Sebastian asked with a quirk of his lips. 
“I just know, man,” I said, taking another drink. “I know how these movies work, and you’re super hot-- more than the leads, actually-- and you’re a new guy. The bigger twist would be if he isn’t the fifth power.” 
Sebastian hummed for a moment, then he sighed and mumbled, “Fuck me, you’re good at this.”
I gave a victory laugh and kissed his cheek, and he sucked his teeth in fake annoyance. “You’re way too smart for this, I’m never watching any movies with you again,” Sebastian grumbled. 
“Aww, Seba, don’t be like that,” I pouted. “I still wanna watch this.” 
“Fuck!” Sebastian huffed and threw his arms in defeat. “What do I have to do to turn this movie off?” 
“You said that I’d have to suck your dick and we’d watch this movie,” I began. “And I did, and I did it good. So, we are watching the movie until the goddamn credits roll.” 
“Mmhmm,” Sebastian grumbled, drinking his beer. “Alright then. Until the credits roll.” 
Sebastian put his drink down a few minutes later, his hands slotting between my thighs. His hands were always freezing and it was a usual thing for him to warm his hands on some part of me; sometimes, it was under my arm or on my tits. Today, it seemed, was between my thighs. His thumb stroked my skin in slow and languid motions, and, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think it was innocent. He gave a sigh from his plump, pink lips, and he leaned his head on my shoulder, his eyes stuck to the TV screen. My fingers threaded through his hair absently as I watched Chase and the other witches go about their high school antics, and a familiar pressure grew between my thighs when the camera moved into a locker room. Sebastian was there, his shirt undone and his tie hanging loosely around his neck, and I gave a small gasp. 
“Everything alright?” Sebastian whispered in my ear, giving it a delicate kiss. “You seem a little shaken up.” 
“I’m good,” I replied. “Just… Your hands are fucking cold, man.”
“Yeah,” Sebastian chuckled. “It’s a curse, baby girl. But you seem… I don’t wanna say it because I don’t think you deserve the satisfaction, but… Are you turned on?”
I shrugged. It was embarrassing as hell that I was turned on by Sebastian in a movie, especially when I was sitting in his lap. “You know I love your abs,” I mumbled, picking at the label on my beer bottle. 
“So that’s a yes?” Sebastian hummed. He leaned in and kissed my neck, his thumb moving just a bit higher up my thigh. “Just the sight of me gets you all hot, huh? I don’t even have to be doing anything.” 
“Seb--” I began, but his lips attached to the spot on my neck that we both knew was my weakness. He gave it a few gentle nips with his front teeth, then soothed the sting with his tongue, and I clenched my teeth together to control my noises. His hand went higher and higher still until it reached the hem of my panties, and he slowly pushed his fingers into it. He was quiet and gentle as his hand moved, continuing to kiss my sweet spot as his palm pressed against my heat. The heel of his hand was right against my clit, just barely making enough contact, and I wriggled helplessly to get him where I wanted him. 
“Watch the movie, baby girl,” Sebastian whispered, his voice low and rumbling. “You’ll miss something important.” 
I groaned softly. “Sebastian,” I mumbled. “Please, love--” 
“Please what?” Sebastian whispered. “What do you want, baby girl?” 
“Touch me,” I panted softly. “Please.”
“You said we were going to watch this movie until the credits roll,” Sebastian said slowly. “I’ve already seen it-- fuck, I’m one of the leads--” My legs tightened at his words, trapping his hand against my wet heat, and he laughed. “So, you’re gonna watch this movie. The entire thing. And you’re not gonna worry about what I’m doing. Alright?” 
I nodded, fixing my gaze on the screen once more. I didn’t expect him to push on as quickly as he did, but he ground his hand against my sensitive clit almost the moment I agreed. I gasped in surprise and I felt Sebastian smile against my neck as he continued to kiss my weakest spot, and he whispered, “Goddamn, baby. So wet for me.” 
His fingers nudged me open and the tip of his middle finger began to press into me. He was moving just too slow and it was annoying the hell out of me, and I lifted my hips to have his finger in deep. “Oh, no,” Sebastian whispered, his voice a low rumble. “Don’t do that. Just relax, baby.” 
“Seb--” I whined hopelessly. I knew that, no matter how much I begged, he was ultimately going to do what he wanted. He was an ass that way. “Please, babe.” 
“Please what?” Sebastian said, dragging his teeth along my neck. 
“More,” I whimpered. I was so fucking pathetic, but Sebastian just did something to me. No matter what, he could break me down to a crying, begging mess of a girl. 
“More?” Sebastian repeated. “Like this?” He added his ring finger with excruciatingly slow speed, and his thumb came to rest on my clit at the same time. My thighs quivered at the feel of his cool rings on my wet and tender skin, and I whined high in my throat. “Oh, so good, baby girl. Taking my fingers like this, such a good little whore.” 
For a moment, I dared to look away from the television in favor of my boyfriend, and I found his steel-blue eyes locked on my face. A single dark eyebrow quirked, and he said, “You just can’t follow rules, can you?” Then, seeing my flushed face and bitten lips, clicked his tongue and cooed. “Aw. Want me to fuck you stupid, baby? Doesn’t seem like that’ll take too long.” 
“Seb,” I breathed. “Just…” I flexed my hips, hoping that he understood, and he gave me a devilish smile.
“This is the good part,” Sebastian whispered in my ear, and his fingers began a slow and steady pace. “Watch it, baby girl.” 
My entire body was burning hot, and I squirmed in Sebastian’s arms. He was on screen, his eyes tinted fully black as he pinned one of the boys to the floor, and I felt a spasm of lightening in my stomach when his fingers finally found that spot inside of me. I jostled in his lap and bit back my moan, and he gave a little huff. “How bad do you want it?” He whispered. “Bad enough to beg for it?” 
“Yes,” I sobbed. “Please, Seb, please, fuck me. I need you so bad, please, please, Seb.” 
Sebastian groaned deep in his chest, and his mouth latched onto my neck. He sucked at the sensitive skin, surely leaving a mark, and he dragged his fingers in and out of my wet heat. “Look at that,” Sebastian whispered as Chase landed a kiss on his opponent’s cheek. “I am the bad guy. You were right. How are you so fucking smart, baby?” 
“I know you,” I said, my cheeks burning with his praise. “You wouldn’t play a good guy.” 
“Ah,” Sebastian sighed. “I knew you were smart. Now, be a good girl for me and come all over my fingers. I know how bad you want to. Maybe, if you keep being so good for me…” His lips brushed my ear before he gave me a soft kiss on my hot cheek. “I’ll let you come on my cock later.” 
Sebastian’s thumb made fast circles around my throbbing clit as I tried to do as he told me and watch the movie, but I was completely distracted. I could feel his hard cock through his jeans, and the thought of having him fuck me while his movie played was enough for me to shout “Seb!” and make a mess on his fingers. My thighs trembled as Sebastian shushed me comfortingly, and he pushed my hair aside and cradled my face in his free hand. “Oh, good girl,” he whispered softly. “So, so good for me, baby. Are you feeling better now?” 
I nodded and swallowed thickly, my throat dry and tight. Sebastian brushed his lips against mine warmly, and he finally pulled his fingers from my throbbing cunt. The room was dark, only the television giving any light, but I still saw his fingers glistening in the light. He handed me his beer with his free hand and, before I could say anything, popped his fingers in his mouth. I watched him for a moment before taking a drink; even though the beer was a little warm, it helped soothe my throat. “Thanks,” I said softly. 
“Mm,” Sebastian hummed around his fingers, then pulled them out. “For what, baby? You know I like making you feel good.” 
“I don’t know,” I said. “I just always like to thank you.” 
“No need for that,” Sebastian said. “I know you appreciate it.” There was a pause, and then he groaned. “Fuck, c’mon! You guessed the twist in the first ten minutes!”
“It’s--!” I started. “It’s a PG-13 horror movie! These things are formulaic! You-- You aggravate me. Good thing you’re cute.” 
“Or what?” Sebastian laughed. “You’d dump me?” 
“Maybe not dump you,” I shrugged. “But I certainly wouldn’t let you fingerblast me while we watched a movie.” 
Sebastian laughed, his eyes crinkling up, and he said, “God, you act like there wasn’t any romance.”
I scoffed. “Was there?”
“Oh, baby girl,” Sebastian chuckled. He pulled me back into his lap, my thighs straddling his waist, and he kissed me hard, his tongue dipping into my mouth. “I’ll show you fucking romantic I can be.” 
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oigimi · 3 years
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I posted 390 times in 2021
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184 posts reblogged (47%)
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I added 636 tags in 2021
#fav - 152 posts
#ikevamp - 117 posts
#ikemen vampire - 117 posts
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#ikevamp arthur - 45 posts
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Longest Tag: 104 characters
#obv criticize cybird if u want to but some ppl just harp on abt how ike(x) is the worst and it’s liek hi
My Top Posts in 2021
what each ikevamp character would be most surprised by in the 2020s
arthur: starbucks
comte: people still don’t know vampires exist
dazai: antidepressants
isaac: the amount of kids who hate physics class
jean: audiobooks
leonardo: “da vinky?”
napoleon: his role in “bill and ted’s excellent adventure”
mozart: cats the musical
sebastian: the iphone 13
shakespeare: gnomeo and juliet
theo: deviantart
vincent: digital art software
150 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 19:16:20 GMT
ikevamp kr gifs 2
@ghostlywinnerengineer since you requested these!
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See the full post
152 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 00:46:39 GMT
me: so it’s called despacito and if people actually took it seriously as a song we could’ve had a resurgence of music similar to the 2000s era of pop
isaac: wait you guys went to the fucking moon??
me: yes anyway music used to be so raunchy like look at all of rihanna’s early discography??? so scandalous but full of bangers and no one cared so that’s why i think
isaac: the moon????? in the fucking sky?????????
168 notes • Posted 2021-04-07 06:42:47 GMT
. vincent, mozart, and arthur with children! .
. i wanna do sebas jean and napoleon next teehee .
Vincent’s baby is a little boy with his golden hair and your eye color.
He’s got his father’s kissable cheeks and adorable smile!
Vincent was born to be a father
He always insists on changing baby’s diapers and burping him and getting up in the middle of the night to soothe him.
His favorite thing to do is cuddle the baby while he sleeps.
He’s just so warm and peaceful and cute!
Sometimes he wraps the baby in his scarf.
Of course Vincent is gonna have an ocean of art supplies for your son to play with
The stuff he has is good, but he wanted to go out and get stuff just for the baby to play with.
And he wanted to be sure it was child-safe!
Vincent gushes over every piece of work your son makes.
“I love the colors you chose! That’s such a beautiful shade of green!”
You explain to Vincent how in your time, parents sometimes put children’s drawings on the refrigerator.
He loves this idea.
It’s not just the refrigerator that hosts your son’s artwork, it’s the whole kitchen!
Eventually Sebastian complains about the amount of room the little Van Gogh’s masterpieces are taking up, so Vincent moves them to his art room.
He likes being able to see them anyway.
The little boy loves Uncle Theo so much.
He follows him around when he isn’t following Mommy or Papa.
For his birthday Theo gives him a plushie of a golden retriever!
Your son can’t stop giggling and thanking his uncle, and decides to name the plushie King after the real dog.
He’s a sweet boy, and steals the hearts of everyone in the mansion.
One day he’s going to get one of his own pieces hung up in a gallery for all the world to see.
Vincent cheers him on, adoring everything his baby boy puts out.
He’s known since the moment his son was born that he was going to be fantastic.
Mozart’s baby is a little girl with white hair and purple eyes just like him.
See the full post
174 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 02:01:18 GMT
so why does dazai walk around w his shirt completely open and his titties out for the whole world to see and more importantly why is mc not putting them in her face !!!!
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188 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 18:40:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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oxiosa · 3 years
You’ve asked me this before but because of that post I will now uno reverse card and ask for more of YOUR hcs about trouble kid Martin and stepmom Chiara, pretty please 🙏
Your wish is my command~
I imagine the first time they met was completely accidental and very awkward on Chiara’s side. She had been dating Antonio for a few weeks when he invited her over to his place, and maybe they were getting a little too cosy on the couch when the front door opened and a fucking kid came in. Chiara was shocked, to put in mildly, but the kid barely spared them a look and an unimpressed “what’s up” before walking past them. Chiara turned to Antonio silently asking for an explanation. Oh yeah, Antonio had forgotten to mention! He has a son :D
As months went by and things with Antonio got serious, I think Chiara was the one to insist on properly meeting Martín. She had meet him by passing in a rather awkward situation but Antonio had never introduced them. So they decide to organise dinner at Antonio’s place.
Tincho was neither impressed or interested on meeting Chiara. She seem a little better than the young women his father usually went for, but he knew she wouldn’t last – none of the others had. So he pretty much didn’t bother. I imagine Chiara prepared a very nice dinner so they could start all over with the right foot, and Martín pretty much went “Nah, pass. I already have plans, I’m going to Sebas’ place” and ditched them. Which of course didn’t leave the best of impressions.
I think Chiara was surprised to learn how young Martín was. Tincho always was a tall kid which made him look a little older than he already was. Also, with the way Antonio had spoken of him and the freedom and independence he gave the kid she was expecting a teen.
When Antonio and Chiara got married, she moved in and the nightmare begun :)
She was the one to put order in the house. Antonio kinda had the life of a young bachelor; he spent most of his time at work, came home late, didn’t have much work for house work. Martincito, being a kid, wasn’t very helpful either (quite the opposite), so it was pretty messy. Not just in dirty, but also as in “there’s barely food in the fridge, no one is taking out the trash, no one did the dishes, there are piles and piles of dirty clothes by the washing machine, the junk mail keeps piling up, etc etc”. She was not living in a dump, so upon her arrival things had to change.
One of the many things that had to change was Martín’s lack of respect. She had a very harsh approach at first that didn’t work out at all. She was very aggressive and abrasive at first, which only pushed Martín further away; the more she pressed on him, the more he rebelled against her. She made it her mission to put some order and respect in this house, set a bunch of rules Martín didn’t follow nor appreciate. It kinda turned into a cold war in which Chiara set rules, Tincho broke them, and she took away his privileges. She went through his things, confiscated shit, locked the front door and windows. I even imagine she went as far as taking Tincho’s bedroom door’s key and handle so he couldn’t shut himself in. All sort of shit that only aggravated wild Martín. To him, she was the Evil Stepmother.
I think Chiara didn’t have the whole picture when she moved in and started handling Martín. She had Antonio’s side of the story in which there was no issue, so Martín seemed like a nightmare of a stepson for no reason whatsoever. Antonio was a nice sweet guy, she couldn’t imagine why his son was terrible except that maybe he was a spawn of the devil. But as time progressed, she got to see first-hand how Tincho was pretty much raising himself and she begun to understand the source of his anger. I think the realisation hit close to her heart; Chiara had lived something similar, she had been a lonely neglected child angry at the world as well. She knew how Martín felt, saw herself mirrored in him, so it became personal. At first it had been about teaching this brat about respect and authority, but now it was about making it right by this kid. She felt a need to show him love and care and to give him the attention he needed, to teach him in return there were rules and an authority he needed respect so he could grow to be a better person.
She became very invested on getting closer to Tincho. She tried a different approach, tried to be smarter about it. She was still stern and harsh, but instead of butting heads with Martín she decided to remain a wall; she didn’t actively push against him, but she didn’t bulge either. She didn’t force Martín back into his place like she had tried before, instead she let him figure out on his own that there was no way past her and her rules - even if that took him slamming his head into her wall a thousand times. It was about waiting until Tinchito tired himself out and learnt to listen. It was not easy, but it had better results. Whenever Martín did as was expected of him, she rewarded him returning the privileges she had taken one by one. The peak of the rewards was her trust: she basically challenged Tinchito not to let her down, to show her he could be a good boy and play by the rules.
Martín was far more receptive to this approach, if a little distrustful at first, as if he thought she was luring him into a trap. He was not used to an adult keeping tabs on him, least of an adult asking about his day, interest, etc. He was a little hard to win, but at the end of the day he craved the attention Chiara was offering.
As I said on the post that started all these, Chiara signed him into rugby. Tincho was very reluctant at first, and the only way to get him to go was by bribing him. Chiara watches the whole thing: she sat by the bleachers with the posture of a lady and calmly observed as her stepson got turned into mush. Once it was over and Tinchito returned to her, exhausted and in pain and covered in mud, she invited him some well-earned ice cream (it kinda became their thing). I think this was one of the main milestones for Tinchito’s taming. It gave him an outlet to his energy, it gave him a team and sense of belonging, and it also taught him values, as it happens with sports. This made him a lot easier to handle, which resulted in a smoother reception to the boundaries Chiara set.
I really like the hc that she taught him how to cook. I imagine one day she caught Tincho cooking some lunch and was very much unimpressed. She asked what he normally cooked when his dad wasn’t home (aka most of the time), and she basically had to sit down upon learning this kid has been living of frozen food re-heated in the oven and pasta and junk food and the sort of thing a kid would pick for dinner if left to their devices. She threw whatever shitty frozen thing Martín was making and cooked for him, demanding he paid careful attention.
Chiara is the only one who has ever seen Martín show his true feeling about Antonio, the only one who has seen him cry about it. Maybe it was during some event Antonio missed; Chiara was there, saw the way Martín’s eyes searched for his dad and how his face fell when she told him he couldn’t make it in time. Martín tried to shrug it off, told her it was ok, he was used to it and anyways Tincho liked Chiara better, the two of them had more fun together without Antonio, all of this while his eyes filled up with tears and his smile trembled. She hugged him, let him sob like a baby on her chest while she petted his hair and kissed his crown.
She was also the one who forced Antonio to be around for his son. When she married him, she wanted to make a home and that included having Antonio in the picture. She didn’t always succeeded, but she tried.
And well then there's the one we already said: she spotted right away Tinchito's eye trailed after other boys rather than girls, also was the one who installed some sense of fashion once he was over his awkward teenage phase.
And those are kinda the ones I have, I wouldn’t mind if anyone wanted to add some more :D
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hi I'm back again. Anyways; as always you don't have to answer if you don't wish! How do you think the residents would react to a young Pureblood MC? (I'm talking about young like a minor.) With that Gen Z in a nutshell personality. Obviously no romantic feelings, just in your opinion how do you think they'd react? all of my questions are just "coincidentally" oddly specific aren't they, totally
Oh shit whaddup I love the idea of Gen Z MC!!! Young pureblood it is, here we go! I’m going to be moving from the assumption that they’re like Comte/Leo; very sympathetic to humanity and sometimes have existential crises (trauma babeyyyyyyyyy). As such, I’ll also be assuming she’s not super close to her family given she rejects the larger vampiric hierarchy/superiority paradigm, memes and modernity, all that jazz
I hope this fits the bill! c:
Under a cut bc is a lonnnnnnng boi~ Click after Napo to see everyone else’s! No explicit triggers that I’m aware of, but if anybody sees anything I missed feel free to let me know
Comte’s reaction:
Absolute baby, he has decided this is his grandchild--no he will not change his mind or take constructive criticism. Get’s ESPECIALLY concerned when he starts to see signs of that “nothing in life matters 😎” nihilism, but doesn’t pester them about it or becomes naggy. Growing up he had similar issues with the prospect of eternal life surrounded by creatures with a mortal lifespan, so he doesn’t judge. He’s more like nah we all hit that vibe, let’s see if we can get their mind off it c: I feel like Gen Z really understand and appreciate the importance of culture and art, so I feel like they would bond a ton over trips to museums/plays/concerts! Invites them to tea time if he ever sees them particularly silent (ah yes, repression) or particularly tired, and does his best to ensure their safety without being intrusive (has briefed the men to escort/accompany her as needed, though Sebas usually does it).
If he sees fangs out around baby he will thrash the shit out of the perpetrator--unless it’s an accident. No excuses. That’s a child. Doesn’t give a FUCK if they’re another pureblood even with all the arranged marriage bullshit. He said what he said. (Remember that biting between vampires or vampire + human relations is considered something that’s only done between intimate partners, so he is having none of that for a minor)
Leonardo’s reaction:
Also certified granddad, but he’s the one that enables shenanigans and is just like “oh worm” when it comes to the existential dread (it’s a Tuesday). At first though Leo is basically that meme like: (Stupidman = Leo, Maddie = MC)
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Not all purebloods are necessarily dangerous, but most are either incredibly indifferent to the plight of others (especially humans) or actively range from like playing social mind games to being sociopathic murderers/etc. the list goes on. As such, Leonardo is suspicious to no end until he sees that the kid really doesn’t have any ill will in her. She jokes with Sebas (they quote vines on the daily) and works with him normally; even when Leo asks Sebas he’s just “????? bro she’s just my kouhai, thanks for worrying tho”. One day he’s tasked with escorting her to grab groceries and assorted things for the mansion, and she freezes in place before bolting across the street. Turns out she saw a kid trip in the road and fall, and a carriage was moving fast from the other side--it likely wasn’t going to be able to stop. She scoops up the kid and holds them close, and when the parents try to thank her profusely she just seems more uncomfortable with the praise than triumphant. She didn’t want the kid to get hurt. If she could do something about it, it was as simple as that.
From that point on they’re hella chill and hang out together, usually just bonding in silence. If they’re an artist, he’ll offer them pointers and technique manuals--will help however he can. If not, they’ll just be reading together in the library now and again. If she falls asleep, he’ll tuck her in and watch over her (cue red eye meme when the door opens, but then it’s just Vincent so he c:). He’ll often pay close attention to her eating habits to make sure nothing’s amiss with her health since she’s still a growing pureblood. If she struggles with what she is a lot (given she’s sympathetic to human beings) he’ll synchronize his Rouge drinking with hers to make sure she doesn’t starve herself ;-;. Even if she’s just forgetful about drinking/eating, he’ll do what he can to make her life easier (that’s how he shows his affection uwu)
He will, of course, also tease her about being a baby until she kicks him in the shin while Comte sighs and tells him to knock it off with a smack upside the head
Napoleon’s reaction:
Not granddad energy, but you better believe he’s in a weird territory between sheer admiration and “I am your older brother now, eat your vegetables” “But I don’t even need vegetables” “Eat your vegetables and I’ll take you to a crepe shop” “............deal” 
Basically it’s unlikely MC is super close to her siblings or even has any (pureblood children are a rare feat) so she’s like......wary, but then she just ???? this is.....kinda nice? Just having somebody that cares in a chill way, but still fully encourages her to throw men across the street if they’re hurting women/children (high fives her every time). He’ll often invite her to the swordplay lessons with the kids alongside Isaac’s teaching; she’s free to join in the learning, or honestly just hang out with people closer to her age (he’s v concerned about her having friends that she can relate to and talk to freely). 
Protective in a subtle way, like Leonardo. Escorts her places and helps her carry groceries without fail when Sebas is running other errands. She becomes his crepe shop cover buddy whenever he has an intense hankering for sweets: “wanna go to that crepe shop around the corner” “you’re just too chicken to go alone, fool” “do you want crepes or not nunuche” “............BOKBOKBOK” “aight that’s it **gives her a noogie**” (they go anyway and have a marvelous time rating the crepes from best to worst, they got a whole list goin’) 
Glares Arthur down if he so much as LOOKS in her direction
Mozart’s reaction:
Mozart is just the “what is with this sassy, lost child?” meme. Doesn’t dislike them, but they are just not remotely threatened by his haughty disdain by any extension. And he HATES IT. The MC is always just “Okay, boomer” and he just ?????? He doesn’t know what it means but it’s openly dismissive, so he mad.
Like idk if y’all know this meme, but it’s the same energy as:
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It’s only when he notices she’s always punctual and careful with his requests that he starts to warm up. For example, she makes him a mocha by combining the way he likes his coffee and hot cocoa to perfection when he falls asleep at his piano. (She feels bad for him after Comte explains because--though he’s got a stick up his butt--he’s clearly distressed in his new surroundings ;-; Plus, the kind of perfectionism Mozart exudes is an extension of internalized shame, and when she begins to see that she really shifts her approach.) As such, he begins to soften to her presence. He begins to see that she isn’t indifferent to his existence, it’s more that she sees no need for intimidation and believes admiration is earned (basic respect isn’t a privilege, it’s a right). When he figures that out, he stops being so barbed and terse--starts to relax. Offers to let her stay and listen to his pieces if she wants, and she’s honestly touched given his clear struggle with vulnerability. Cuddles with Schelm at the window as he plays, and they become good friends. 
As a result, Mozart becomes fiercely protective despite her sturdier nature as a pureblood and has hissed venom at Arthur about the fact that she is off fucking limits. Doesn’t leave her alone in the same room as the other men unless it’s with Jeanne or Comte; he don’t trust like that.
Arthur’s reaction:
Sweating a lot at the sudden collection of baleful eyes sticking to his back everywhere he goes, but figures he brought it on himself to an extent. That being said, he can’t really get a word in edgewise given she just walks away when he tries to engage in conversation or compliment her.
Tough nut to crack this one, but he doesn’t let it discourage him. The only way she’ll give him the time of day is to play chess--and she kicks his ass soundly every single time. He’s fascinated by her extensive analytic ability, but she keeps silent about her strategies and thinking. Dazai and Theo always love to watch him get his ass handed to him, but he considers it a really interesting experience; it gives him insight into her mind, no matter how much she tries to hide. Patient, efficient, brutal--this kid has seen some shit, probably.
It’s after that point he just concedes she probably won’t let him in, though it doesn’t diminish his curiosity about the future; and perhaps traces of dread. What does the future look like for both her and Sebastian to be that stoic and aloof? It worries him...
Vincent’s reaction:
Vincent is v v impressed by her sense of self, and honestly sees a lot of Theo in her. She’s a little more reticent than Theo, but she has this same commitment to protecting the vulnerable and penetrating through the lies/shitty convictions of others. She is not a person who bends easily, but even so there’s a quiet kind of gentleness to her: she always chats to him v calmly, asks if he needs anything and is doing okay, doesn’t get impatient when he drops things or forgets his apron for the laundry. I think he would respond very positively to her presence, even if it wasn’t intentional. He just brightens up like a little sun and asks her out to picnics for fun; he has no greater intention than enjoying her smile and silly antics (he doesn’t always understand the references, but the way she executes it with so much dry wit--like Theo--makes him laugh). He just feels the warmth of family/familiarity around her ;~;
Ironically, they’re both exceedingly concerned for the other because they’re too self-sacrificing jkashlgdks like this is 100% a case of “I can’t let a young lady risk getting hurt” “Vincent I’m literally indestructible please just let me do this” “But it still hurts” “But I don’t want you to scar--” (This conversation extends so long that the author felt it would be more beneficial to add an etc. here). 
He admires her and trusts in her abilities more due to the nature of her maturity, treats her like a cherished friend and sometimes younger sibling (not condescending but very indulgent; gives her the last of his sweets for example, or pats her on the head when she’s feeling gloomy--more of a wholesome puts her first). But make no mistake, he will throw hands in milliseconds if she gets ganged up on or can’t handle a threat--he just lets her handle most things bc she’s capable~
Isaac’s reaction:
Torn. Because on the one hand, she’s very serious and conscientious about her work--doesn’t want to inconvenience or trouble anyone--and he relates to that heavy.
She’s also got insanely chaotic energy when the mood strikes, so when Dazai starts doing his random shitfuckery you better believe MC is upping the ante. (I’m talking AH. ENSLAVED MOISTURE. levels). So Isaac essentially oscillates between thankful for her fortitude to bashing his head against a table for every second he knows her.
In all seriousness though, I would see Isaac as being pretty concerned. Like Vincent, they’re both self-sacrificing to a fault--and he doesn’t want that for her, especially given how young she is. Often tells her not to overdo it or to ask for help if she looks overwhelmed, though it’s not condemning; he says it softly with a neutral look on his face. (He considers it a Certified Mood^TM). He just wants to give back all the care she puts into helping around the house. He doesn’t feel right watching a kid work so hard without reminding her that she should find time to have fun and live for herself too. There will be plenty of time when she’s older to get serious.
He has a fairly easy time interacting with her because of his experience with kids; he takes her seriously (when she’s not clowning) and treats her autonomy with respect. If anything, she’s probably the protective one. She knows he’s an aberrant so she pays laser attention to when he’s suffering and brings him Rouge (not scared because she’s stronger than him and not human lmao, and she sees no need to put Sebastian at risk). When that uni pres pesters him, she goes cold and angry and asks the man to step off when she sees him start to downspiral. They’re essentially on equal footing (he has more life experience, she has more bodily strength/confidence). They're just chill and kind with each other (babies of the mansion, beloved by all).
Theodorus' reaction:
Because he is a manchild, he will be chill/generally indifferent until Vincent starts being indulgent with her (bro-con). He won't be violent or anything like that, but he will pout a storm and try to verbally shoo her away. Because she's a woman, intelligent, and likely a feminist--this will become hilarious because she will not remotely take him seriously. She will just ignore him or roast him in seconds before moving on with her day. Otherwise he doesn't care much because he doesn't have time to play babysitter (unless there's no one else to help).
At the most, he'll make sure she's safe and use the excuse that Vincent would be upset if he did anything less. If she likes/loves dogs and plays with King while she's there, he'll soften up and thank her for taking care of him. If she makes hella pancakes, he'll be the proudest about it--ruffling her hair. If she protects Vincent in any capacity, he'll be torn between jealous, grateful and impressed; he likes a kid that can hold their own and take responsibility within their abilities.
So their relationship is v much like a chill uncle with their niece; fond, but not necessarily super close or spend a ton of time together. He has his priorities, but he won't be an asshat (mostly).
Jeanne's reaction:
Jeanne is confused on so many levels. He doesn't dislike her spunk he's just staggered by her level of sheer reckless, righteous rage. (And he's a bit wary in the face of another pureblood as a potential enemy) but after a bit more time around her he relaxes. She's fairly simple to understand when you get to know her; cares about others to a fault, existential dread, overworks herself. Stays watchful, but he just treats her like the younger kids that Napoleon brings by the weapons shop when they need armor for practice. It can get a little funny because he’ll just be like “uhhhh uh kids like sweet stuff right? Here have some of the macaroons somebody brought by earlier, I don’t like ‘em that much anyway.” And she just “??? Thanks???” He doesn’t mind being around her, just doesn’t really know what to say so they often fall into comfortable silence after exchanging small talk. She likes that he isn’t complicated; what you see is what you get with Jeanne. It’s nice not to have to keep her guard up every second of the day,
When he sees her feeling particularly down, he’ll take her to that little field of white lilies behind the mansion during a full moon night. The silver light seems to make the petals emit an ethereal glow, and she makes him a flower crown in thanks. He listens kindly if she wants to talk, and if she doesn’t--that’s okay too; he’ll just give her a head pat.
Honestly he finds a lot of relief in the fact that she's a pureblood, because he feels less nervous about her being fragile or her getting fatally hurt when he’s not around. Will still be very gentle with her and protect her when she’s in proximity
Mission Status: Fucking Wholesome
Dazai’s reaction:
Big brother time? It’s big brother time!!!! He instantly makes it his subtle mission to look after her, though he’s v lowkey abt it. She takes one look at this depressed mofo climbing in through the window and just goes “aw yeah, this guy FUCKS” and they become besties at a glance. They basically make a game out of who can be the most absurd whenever they’re in the same room. Comte and Leo find it utterly hilarious, Napoleon is digging a grave for Isaac in the backyard (we all know his heart won’t be able to take it. Mozart is probably next. A moment of silence for our fallen.)
I just imagine them like that one post (@/acoolguy):
Dazai: You ever have to shake your leg because there’s a rock in it? MC: That’s your bones Dazai: Every day I learn some more
He’ll always share treats with her and brings her along for walks if she’s feeling wanderlust; he knows how hard it can be, how restless the heart becomes so far from home. He does his best to distract her with their ongoing jokes, but one day it starts raining very suddenly while they’re out. He rushes her under the nearest tree with broad, broad leaves and settles his haori/overcoat over her head. He looks incredibly serious as he looks to the sky--almost glowering at the dark clouds gathering, He doesn’t look at all like his usual fun-loving self in that split second, even though he’s back to his good-natured chirping “Guess we’ll just have to wait out the downpour. MC, are you cold? I should have been more careful.” She shakes her head and shares the coat with him, holding it out insistently until he relents. Their hands brush and she notices they’re freezing, but she doesn’t say anything. She seems to sense he has a lot on his mind, and leans her shoulder against his. The silence feels fragile; she doesn’t want to risk shattering it--shattering him. It is often said that it is an act of great courage to wipe away someone’s tears. But it can also be an act of great gentleness to turn away, to pretend one cannot see them fall (whether visible or not).
One day, after MC returns to her own time, Dazai returns to his room to find two shadows hanging from his window. Though a little crude--they’ve obviously been made by a beginner--it’s clear what they are. Rain ghosts. (Sebastian later explains it was MC’s wish that he have them, and Dazai only smiles very, very gently in response.)
Shakespeare’s reaction:
MC gets one look at him and knows something’s off. She can’t quite tell what it is, but he doesn’t feel like the rest of the family. She can sense something behind him, something lurking; but she can’t quite place it. (Comte has mentioned before that purebloods can sense each other, so I imagine MC knows right off the bat he isn’t a normal sired vampire--she just doesn’t know enough to identify exactly what it is.)
That being said, she is sus. He keeps talking like some kind of weird ass court jester/fae, and she hated his work when she had to do it for school (only enjoyed the Hamlet memes because, let’s be real, that shit is uproarious). When he tries to coax her to see Vlad with him, she says “'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.” And he just freezes in place before he starts laughing. Considers their battle of wills well-played, and warns her not to go out alone--doesn’t bother her again. Though sometimes enjoys listening to her conversations with others for good roast material. (No he is not taking notes, no this new chara is just fire and feral for no good reason--nothing to do with MC)
Sebastian’s reaction:
The l o r e, MC. Give him the forbidden pureblood lore. Will be incredibly curious and ask about what vampires are like outside of the mansion, for science of course. If he senses discomfort though his questions will die down completely--it’s not his intention to make her uncomfortable. He’s just curious! 
Despite his stoicism he’s actually a very, very understanding and warm person.  Will listen to any teenage jadedness or hopelessness with fond patience, recalling the days he was similar. He’ll offer what advice he can. He’s not one to be preachy, but if he sees someone at a loss, he’ll offer what he thinks might be a productive direction for them. Given her removal from her home and parents--even though she’s already well into high school--he’ll sympathize deeply with her position. Will be a firm but gentle guardian (hello Mansion Mom #2), offers her candy every time she does a chore exceptionally well or offers assistance without prompting. She’s sus and takes it reluctantly at first, but after she tries one in private secretly loves them. Sebas is just silently “you like krabby patties don’t you, squidward”. If she’s honest, she’s comforted by the sense of normalcy and care he gives, the harmless joking and easy respect for others (unless otherwise provoked).
When she finds out about his hobby considers him to be a Fucking Nerd^TM and wants to shove him into a locker, but in reality is endeared by how much he genuinely cares about the men. She thinks it’s a harmless fascination, and she senses the oddest...ephemerality about him. Because of this, she becomes pretty protective; he’s a human and he’s too nice for his own good. While she identifies in one sense, she worries in another. Pureblood are sturdy, but humans can’t necessarily sustain that kind of constant self-giving for long...
Also bc my tag game too strong adding it here: #i love the prospect of pureblood MC trying to bring Sebas and Napo together #MC: bruh i got this #Sebas, full of gay panic: wait, MC nO--
Meme tl;dr in the tags also for your enjoyment! I’m sorry this one took a little longer than most to finish!
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thethingswe-did · 2 years
march 10 2022
It’s interesting to me how a change in energy levels can make it harder for me to remember what I did the day before. I think we were more right about the idea of writing down our day to day being helpful than we may have thought; it’s easy to forget all the good in the day, especially when you wake up tired.
I walked the dog in the morning and enjoyed my coffee and some journaling time, and then went downstairs to finalize some house stuff with Kim. It’s the first time we’ve spoken face to face since our argument, and she said nothing about the argument itself (or felt the need to give condolences about my grandpa, or .. you know .. wish me a happy birthday), so it was all business and I guess in a way that’s a relief. She never replied to my e-mail, so I suppose that’s that. On one hand, I’m glad to say goodbye to the drama. On the other, I feel like I’m mourning the loss of a relationship where I felt there was trust. 
Moving on, I suppose.
I went to the gym after that for the first time in a long time, and was pleasantly surprised that my cardio isn’t too shabby for someone who hasn’t ran in quite a while. My muscles, however ... not in great shape, haha. I was proud of myself for going, and I’m looking forward to making the gym one of my “third places” - somewhere I feel happy to go that isn’t my work or my house (which is the same fucking building anyway). 
When I got home I was absolutely pooped. I am reminding myself that working out and getting work done in the same day, especially when I haven’t done any sort of real exercise in years, is very challenging. I got the bare minimum done and then settled into bed to play pokemon for a couple hours.
Around 6:00 I ran around like a crazy person to clean the house (which was sort of a wreck, as it usually is, somehow) and then Jason and Edmond came over around 7:30, right when Sebas got back from work. We shared a bottle of red wine, wished Jason safe travels as he is moving to New York, and played some Mario Party until I headed up to bed around 11:30. I fell asleep to the sounds of them giggling and screaming at the TV, which is sort of adorable, to be honest.
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: Valentine’s Day Special
House Isekai Masterlist
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[Mezame no Waltz - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
Yuki hummed happily as she stepped through the dorms of Garreg Mach Monastery, boxes of chocolates in her arms.
She finally arrived at the entrance to House Isekai’s classroom and opened the door.
Inside, Byleth, Megumi, Towa, Sharon, Doomguy, Sara, Angelica, and Cocytus turned to look at her.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan?”
(Angelica) “Oh yikes, that’s a lotta boxes!”
Angelica, Sharon, Doomguy, and Towa walked over to Yuki and helped take some of the boxes.
Each one of them had a box yet Yuki still had a tower in her arms as she sat them down on the table.
(Yuki) “Whew, thank you! That was getting heavy!”
(Sara) “Are these chocolates?”
(Yuki) “Yup! I made these with Mercedes, Ashe, and Dedue! We made it for everyone in House Isekai!”
Yuki excitedly grabbed the boxes and handed them individually to the staff members.
(Byleth) “We appreciate it, but what’s the occasion?”
(Yuki) “Well, Fodlan seems to share the same calendar as most of us, and right now it’s February 14th! Which means its Valentine’s day! Normally these are given to the people you love in our world, so that’s why I’m giving it to everyone!”
(Byleth) “Valen...tine’s?”
(Sara) “...So, when you say hearts you mean-”
(Sara) “Ok, figured. Just wanted to make sure, we never know with your group-”
(Towa) “A-Anyways! Yuki, thank you so much!”
(Megumi) “You still have a lot of boxes Yuki-chan, do you need our help?”
(Yuki) “Nope! I know you guys are really busy, so leave it all to me!”
(Sharon) “If that is what you wish. Again, thank you very much, Miss Yuki!”
Yuki saluted the staff and walked off with significantly less boxes in her arms.
Doomguy was the first one to open his box of chocolates.
It seemed fairly standard, heart shaped chocolates, but several appeared to be something similar to dog treats. They had the label “For Daisy.”
And more importantly, he had a note specifically for him.
“For Slayer: Thank you for being so nice, even though you can be really scary!”
Doomguy was seen smiling through his helmet as everyone else opened theirs.
“For Towa: Thank you for working so hard!”
“For Angelica: Thank you for not hitting on us!”
“For Cocytus: Thank you for teaching Kurumi how to fight!”
“For Sara: Thank you for looking out for us and Megunee!”
“For Sharon: Thank you for being House Isekai’s retainer!”
“For Byleth: Thank you for everything you’ve done for us!”
“For Megu-nee: Thank you for being the best teacher ever!”
Everyone looked back at the door smiling. Except Angelica.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan...”
(Sara) “Hah, bet she’ll lighten someone’s day.”
(Angelica) “...Do I really hit on people that much?”
(Everyone) “Yes.”
Rest of House Isekai under the cut!
Abyss, Denizens of Nazarick’s Room
[Oath of Loyalty to the Supreme Being - OVERLORD OST]
After saying hello to Yuri and the other Ashen Wolves, they directed Yuki to where Ainz’s group was.
Ainz knocked on the door politely and waited.
There was no response for a minute before she heard something behind her.
Turning around, Demiurge was right in front of her, looking down.
(Demiurge) “Ah, Miss Takeya. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
(Yuki) “Valentine’s Day! I’m giving everyone some chocolates, including you Mister Demiurge!”
He took a moment to examine one of the boxes and sure enough, there were labels for each member, including Ainz.
Demiurge nodded and opened the door for her.
(Demiurge) “Right this way.”
As she followed Demiurge, she failed to notice that several members were now eyeing her suspiciously.
(Shalltear) “Oh, it’s her.”
(Aura) “Weird, Yuki’s got a lot of boxes.”
Demiurge stopped in front of Ainz, who was in the center of the room with Albedo, overlooking a war table of some sort.
Ainz looked at Demiurge, then at Yuki.
(Ainz) “I see we have a delivery.”
(Demiurge) “So it would seem, my lord.”
(Yuki) “Yup, I got a box for everyone here!”
This made Ainz curious. Yuki making something for them?
(Ainz) “Everyone, to the center of the room.”
Everyone in the room dropped what they were doing and followed Ainz’s instruction, getting on one knee.
Ainz grabbed a box and opened it up.
“For Ainz: Thank you for being a good friend to everyone, despite our differences!”
(Ainz) “Ah, a Valentine’s box.”
(Yuki) “Oh, you know what it is too, Ainz?”
(Ainz) Lots of Valentine’s events happened when I was playing Yggdrasil. Never cared too much about these since I never had a girlfriend or whatever but...eh. Made for fun collectables throughout the years. Why discard this one? “Yes, I do. Thank you very much.”
(Shalltear and Albedo) “WHAT?!”
[Shut up, lower life form - Overlord OST]
Ainz immediately noticed that they were frothing with rage.
(Ainz) Shit! That’s right, they think this is solely romantic! “AHEM! Do you have a problem with this gift, you two?”
(Albedo) “Of course, Lord Ainz! How could the man I love accept a gift so precious and romantic from...FROM HER OF ALL PEOPLE?!”
(Shalltear) “IT’S UNACCEPTABLE!”
(Ainz) You got to be fucking kidding me-
(Yuki) “Romantic? But these are friendship chocolates! I made everyone here friendship chocolates, including you two!”
(Ainz) Oh thank god.
Yuki grabbed their boxes and happily walked over to them.
Albedo and Shalltear looked at each other with an eyebrow raised, then opened the box.
Sure enough:
“For Shalltear: Thank you for protecting us when we’re in the Monastery!”
“For Albedo: Thank you for protecting us when we’re in battles!”
(Albedo & Shalltear) “...Oh.”
Demiurge, Aura, Mare, Sebas, Pandora’s Actor and the Pleiades got their chocolates as well.
“For Demiurge: Thank you for giving us the knowledge of Fodlan!”
“For Aura & Mare: Thank you for being someone the younger students of House Isekai can talk to!”
“For Sebas: Thank you for helping Sharon and the other staff out!”
“For Pandora’s Actor: Thank you for always making us laugh with your fantastic performances!”
“For the Pleiades: Thank you for keeping us safe!”
(Yuki) “Anyways, that’s all I wanted to do! Thank you for your time!”
Yuki bowed and quickly left the room.
Ainz slowly turned to Albedo and Shalltear, who started sweating.
(Ainz) “Of all the people to be skeptical of, you really chose Yuki...?”
S.E.E.S, Dormitory
[Iwatodai Dorm - Persona 3 OST]
(Minako) “Oh, hey Yuki-senpai!”
(Yuki) “Hello! Happy Valentine’s!”
Everyone turned to the door and saw Yuki unloading chocolates.
(Junpei) “Oh, sweet! Chocolates!”
(Yukari) “Jeez, the year flew by so fast!”
As Yuki handed the chocolates out, some of S.E.E.S spoke amongst themselves.
(Akihiko) “Can’t believe she’s the same age as us.”
(Mitsuru) “It is a bit weird, isn’t it?”
(Shinjiro) “Who cares how old she is? She’s more considerate than some people I know here.”
(Akihiko) “Hmph.”
(Koromaru) Bark!
(Aigis) “Yuki-chan, Koromaru wishes to have some chocolates.”
(Yuki) “Oh, sorry! I don’t think you can eat any of these, but don’t worry! We did make a tasty treat for you!”
Koromaru wagged his tail excitedly.
(Ken) “Thanks, Yuki-senpai!”
(Junpei) “I think this is the first time I’ve gotten chocolates from a girl-”
(Yukari) “Jeez, Stupei! Is that ALL you can think of right now?! This is obviously friendship chocolate!”
(Junpei) “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I was just makin’ an observation!”
(Fuuka) “A-Anyways, thank you so much!”
(Yuki) “Sure thing!”
(Minato) “...You could at least say thank you before stuffing your face, Minako.”
(Minako) “Huerh?Owhrite!Thamfkyu!”
Minato rolled his eyes and finally noticed the note written to him.
“For Minato: Thank you for being so nice!”
“For Minako: Thank you for helping Yuuri out with her problems!”
“For Fuuka: Thank you for helping me with tech problems!”
“For Junpei: Thank you for helping Kurumi how to fight better!”
“For Yukari: Thank you for teaching Miki how to use a bow!”
“For Mitsuru: Thank you for being smart to help us out in battle!”
“For Akihiko: Thank you for helping Kurumi train!”
“For Shinjiro: Thank you for teaching me how to cook!”
“For Aigis: Thank you for protecting us in battle!”
“For Koromaru: Thank you for playing with me!”
“For Ken: Thank you for your help with studying!”
(Yuki) “Okay, that’s it for this group, I have to go now!”
S.E.E.S waved her off as she left the dormroom.
(Minako) “Hah, being nice? That’s a first-”
(Minato) “Piss off.”
Investigation Team, Dormitory
[Signs of Love - Persona 4 OST]
(Teddie) “Hey, it’s Yuki-chan!”
(Yu) “Hey, what’s with the boxes?”
(Yuki) “Valentine’s!”
(Chie) “Jeez, that’s a lotta boxes! Here, lemme help you with that!”
(Rise) “Oh, that’s so nice of you, Yuki-senpai! Thanks so much!”
(Teddie) “Is...Is this a confession?! I don’t know what to say!”
(Yosuke) “It’s not a confession, idiot! It’s friendship chocolate!”
(Teddie) “Yikes! It was just a joke! Why do you sound so angry? What, do you have firsthand experience on getting nothing but friendship chocolate?”
(Yukiko) SNRK!
(Naoto) “Thank you for your gift, Yuki-senpai.”
(Kanji) “Cool, love chocolate! Thanks man!”
“For Yu: Thanks for always taking the time to help out Yuuri!”
“For Yosuke: Thanks for being like a big brother!”
“For Chie: Thank you for being like a big sister!”
“For Yukiko: Thank you for the gag glasses and making us laugh!”
“For Teddie: Thanks for always making me smile!”
“For Naoto: Thank you for spending time with Miki!”
“For Rise: Thanks for helping us with the Ball concert!”
“For Kanji: Thanks for teaching me how to knit cute animals!”
(Yuki) “Alright, I have a few more stops to make, catch you later!”
Everyone said goodbye as she walked out the room.
(Yosuke) “...Wait a second, when did you give Yuki gag glasses?!”
(Yukiko) “That would ruin the surprise!”
(Chie) “Ugh, great. I thought we got rid of all those by now...”
Phantom Thieves, Dormitory
[No More What Ifs (Instrumental) - Persona 5 Royal]
(Yuki) “Hello, Valentine’s delivery!”
(Akira) “Oh, it’s already Valentine’s?”
(Ann) “I didn’t even know Fodlan had one!”
(Makoto) “They most likely don’t, but they do share our calendar year. I suppose it makes sense for those from our world to celebrate it.”
(Ryuji) “Eff yeah, hand that stuff over!”
(Haru) “Oh, how thoughtful!”
(Yusuke) “Hm, it has been a while since I’ve had any food...”
(Futaba) “Dude, you get FREE food for being a student, how the heck have you not eaten?!”
(Morgana) “Hmph...Wish I could cook chocolate, then I could give mine to lady A-”
(Kasumi) “Thank you, Yuki-senpai!”
(Akechi) “...You know how I am and you’re still giving me chocolate? Ugh, fine whatever, hand it over.”
“For Akira: Thank you for being so fearless in fighting!”
“For Ann: Thank you for all the sweets you’ve shared with me!”
“For Ryuji: Thank you for teaching us how to run and fight better!”
“For Yusuke: Thank you for your wonderful paintings of our class!”
“For Morgana: Thank you for driving us all around Fodlan!”
“For Futaba: Thank you for playing video games with me and Kazuma!”
“For Makoto: Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student!”
“For Haru: Thank you for teaching us how to garden!”
“For Kasumi: Thank you for teaching us how to protect ourselves and jump out the way of danger!”
“For Akechi: Even though you don’t like a lot of us, me included probably, thank you for all that you’ve done for us!”
(Yuki) “Okay, 3 more groups to go, see you all around!”
(Akira) “How sweet of her.”
Akechi stared at his box, then shrugging, making no comment as he ate his chocolate.
Class VII, Dormitory
[Afterschool Hours - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel OST]
(Emma) “Oh, hello Yuki!”
(Yuki) “Hello, I have Valentine’s chocolate for everyone!”
(Fie) “Thanks.”
(Elliot) “Oh, thank you, Yuki!”
(Laura) “I believe this is the first time I’ve gotten something like this.”
(Machias) “It is very much appreciated.”
(Jusis) “You have my thanks.”
(Alisa) “Aww, thank you!”
(Gaius) “These don’t look half bad, thanks.”
(Crow) “Hell yeah, hand that good stuff over!”
(Emma) “Thank you!”
(Rean) “If you needed some help passing these out, we would’ve been glad to, you know!”
“For Rean: Thank you for everything that you do for House Isekai, don’t wear yourself out too much!”
“For Alisa: Thank you for teaching me how to use the bow!”
“For Elliot: Thank you for teaching us how to play music for the concert during the ball!”
“For Laura: Thank you for giving Kurumi combat lessons!”
“For Machias: Thank you for teaching Miki how to play chess!”
“For Fie: Thank you for teaching me how to nap anywhere!”
“For Gaius:  Thank you for teaching me how to paint!”
“For Emma: Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student!”
“For Jusis: Thank you for helping us out with the more physical chores!”
“For Millium: Thank you for always making us smile!”
“For Crow: Thank you for teaching me how to gamble!”
(Yuki) “Okay, two more to go! See you later!”
(Rean) “Crow...”
(Crow) “’Sup, Rean-bean?”
(Rean) “When did you teach Yuki-”
(Crow) “GOT TO GO.”
Konosuba Gang, Mess Hall
[You should have many companions - Konosuba OST]
Kazuma sat alone on the docks as he was fishing, Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua not too far behind, speaking to each other.
(Aqua) “Oh, hey Yuki!”
(Kazuma) “Yo.”
(Yuki) “I got chocolate for you four!”
(Megumin) “Oh, sweet!”
(Darkness) “Ah, thank you dear.”
(Kazuma) “Put it over here, yeah?”
Yuki nodded and gave everyone their chocolate.
“For Aqua: Thank you for your water tricks!”
“For Darkness: Thank you for always protecting us!”
“For Megumin: Thank you for casting the coolest explosions ever!”
“For Kazuma: Thank you for always being so nice to me. And to everyone when they really need it. I know you don’t get along with Kurumi well, but it means a lot that you try to.”
(Yuki) “Okay, I got 3 left! See you later guys!”
Kazuma didn’t say anything as he smiled, looking at the box.
He shook his head and continued fishing, putting a chocolate in his mouth.
(Kazuma) “...Being so nice, huh?”
School-Living Club, Dormitory
[Yasashisa ni Fureta Toki - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
(Yuuri) “Welcome back, Yuki-chan.”
(Kurumi) “Busy day, I take it?”
(Miki) “Are those boxes?”
(Yuki) “Yup, handed them out to everyone in House Isekai! I saved the best group for last!”
Yuki gave the final three boxes to them and smiled.
(Yuki) “Happy Valentine’s!”
“For Yuuri: Thank you for getting us through the hard times we had in our world, and for never failing to look out for us, even when it hurts yourself to..”
“For Kurumi: Thank you for protecting the three of us, from last world and even now.”
“For Miki: Thank you for becoming my friend, and for joining the School-Living Club.”
Yuuri put the chocolate down and smiled. She gave Yuki a hug, which Kurumi joined in.
(Kurumi) “Come on, not gonna join in?”
(Miki) “I-I think I’m good, thank you!”
(Kurumi) “GET OVER HERE-”
(Miki) “WAH!?-”
Kurumi reached over and had Miki join in the group hug.
Miki was flustered for a moment before just sighing and embracing her fate.
Yuki had a tear running down her eye as she hugged them back.
(Yuki) “W-Why...am I crying? We’re all together...So...Why...?”
(Everyone) “...”
Yuuri, Kurumi, and Miki hugged each other tighter as sniffles from Yuki were beginning to grow louder.
Megumi looked through the door and wanted to say something, but heard a voice behind her.
(Sara) “...You haven’t told Yuki what happened to you, yet?”
(Megumi) “...No. I’ve been trying to find the right time.”
She smiled at seeing her students safe. Even though she didn’t know Miki all too well, she was glad they had found another survivor.
That means there were still people alive other than them. There had to be.
(Sara) “Well, I won’t tell you when to speak to them but, if you don’t act, then you may lose that chance forever. Not many people get a second chance like you.”
Megumi stared at her arm where the infected’s bite used to be. It was thanks to Aqua that she didn’t turn.
(Megumi) “...Right.”
Sara smiled and hit Megumi’s shoulder.
(Sara) “Come on, let’s grab a drink together. We can complain about our single lives together this Valentine’s.”
(Megumi) “Huh? But that’s never been an issue for me-”
(Sara) “Tonight it will!”
Megumi sighed but smiled, it was going to be a lively night.
Yuki opened the door and saw Megumi walk off with Sara. She wanted to say something to her but instead just smiled.
(Yuki) “I can speak with Megunee later...”
Nodding, she walked through the dorms, humming to herself. Her Valentine’s day plan was a success.
Give something to the friends she loved.
[Harmonize Clover - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
The chit-chat on the way home It's girl's secret, right Even if the 5 o'clock chime rings We talk enough yet, I wonder why?
The small four-leaf clover Fu... swaying in the breeze Hey, of course, yes, of course Hope that tomorrow will be sunny
The road I walked with everyone "The usual place" is the watchword Ah... the sheep cloud that looks like going to be burnt Dazzling Some day, days like these Even if the memories fade Hey... A lot of smile I feel like to give it now
Guess this kinda gives away how I feel on Valentine’s, huh? 
To me, Valentine’s is a day where you give appreciation to the people you love. Friends, family, whoever means a lot to you.
So, this is kinda my lame way of saying I appreciate everyone who follows this blog.
If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to make a blog of this caliber, write something that means so much to me, or even just have fun stupid ideas with ya’ll.
I’ve been writing on tumblr for a long while, but I think this is the first valentine’s where I’ve written something from the heart.
Being able to appreciate House Isekai, something I hold dear to me, with ya’ll.
I hope you all can appreciate this too, with many more posts to come, especially Shadowbringers!
Thanks for your support, love ya guys.
- Chris
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How I would rewrite Violetta
TL;DR: Less lies, still a lot of drama. Also everyone is bisexual, because I say so.
~Season 1~
Okay the biggest thing here is that Germán knows she goes to the studio already from the beginning
He also knows Angie is her aunt - however, Violetta doesn’t know.
When Angie appears, Germán recognizes her. Of course he does, he should’ve known his dead wife’s family?
Angie BEGS him not to take Vilu away from her again. Germán agrees, but tells her not to tell Vilu about it. Instead, she should just be her governess until Violetta “is ready” (or, really when Germán is ready)
Angie says she still works at the studio and so when Vilu hears about it, she really wants to apply. Germán is hesitant, but he also wants her to be happy. His one condition though, is for her to not participate in any large events (oop)
Not much changes for Jade and Matias - except that they desperately try to find out whatever Angie is hiding (Ramallo and Olga tries to find out, too)
Okay, now for the love!! 
Honestly? The love triangle with Leon and Tomas stays mostly the same. I’ll deal a bit more with the love stuff in further seasons
Also, it’s the first season, too. If they are acting a little immature and don’t trust each other, they’ll just grow and learn.
Ok I recently rewatched the episode where Violetta like... writes “amiga” in her diary as she looks dreamingly at Francesca? Like girl did you get a crush on her?? I know you wrote “friend” but your look says more.
Ok probably not but IT’S MY REWRITE and now I decide Vilu and Fran have a small crush on each other. It doesn’t lead to anything (yet), but it’s there and the only one who really seems to notice is Camila
Or, well. She knows her friends have crushes on others but she’s also like “Heh, i’m gonna go, you two can continue to talk if you like”
The big DRAMA is of course, when Violetta joins the youmix competition
Her dad already had a grudge for her singing in the theatre, but now she just has to really hide this
Which is harder when she like. Shares a house with Federico, who’s getting a lot of fans that wants to follow him home. So when they see her, they be like “OH MY GOD THEY ARE ROOMATES” and so Vilu’s fans are there too and she panicks because her dad cannot know
Vilu’s biggest comfort object is her diary, she carries it everywhere in canon (like, even in later seasons when she’s famous she always has it around). In my rewrite, not much changes, except for the fact that Ludmila constantly tries to steal it to destroy her. So anyway, Violetta decides to get a lock with a number combination to open it (as she figures if she has a key she can lose it). Her combination changes a lot. It’s most often two or three letters of a person she likes. Examples are 12-22 (LV, Leon Vargas), or 6-18-1 (FRA, Francesca). One time she even put 12-21 (LU, Ludmila) just to trick Ludmila, as Ludmi never would think Vilu would put her name there.
Violetta finds out Angie is her aunt by overhearing a conversation between her and Pablo. Though, they solve it rather quickly and then get even closer, just like in canon.
In the end, they don’t move away, but Germán does not let her participate in the final show as she’s kind of grounded after he found out she was in youmix and all that
But then he lets her. All is good. Tomas goes to Spain, Violetta is like “I don’t wanna date anyone”
BUT as Tomas goes to Spain she gives Leon a little smirk as if to say “we’ll see what I say about that though, after the break ;)”
The last thing I wanna say about season 1 is that we all know Andrés is canonically a disaster bisexual (come on, think about it) and I just want to embrace that more
~Season 2~
I know how it’s gonna go for Fran and Diego, so i’ll let them have some little nice scenes in a buildup for s3 (as most of their scenes this season was just “I don’t trust you, Diego”, “Francesca, let me explain”, “No fuck you”)
Honestly I want Ludmila to be a LITTLE nicer this season so she has no pact with Diego
Instead, Ludmila just talks shit about Violetta to him and he’s like “but she’s cute?”
So Diego literally flirts with Vilu to show Ludmila she’s not bad and Ludmila is like “wtf why are you embarrasing yourself”
There’s not a lot of that “Leon you have to trust me” bullshit that Leonetta has. They DO trust each other and honestly they just bond over their shared annoyance with Diego
(But secretly, BOTH of them kinda feel attracted to him)
(Very fun fact one of the first edits I ever saw was one where they shipped Diego and Leon and 12yo me was like “oh wow this kinda makes sense??” and rewatching the show I realised the TENSION™ they had)
Ok. 2x20. The scene I think y’all know i’m reffering to actually caused a series of events to happen later in the season in canon. If Diego had not kissed Violetta, she and Leon wouldn’t have broken up (atleast not that time), German wouldn’t have started to spy on Violetta after feeling like he had to protect her, which would’ve caused Angie to find out and feeling like she couldn’t take it any longer and move to Paris and Violetta and German to start arguing for like 15 episodes because of lies. ALL THAT HAPPENED, originally because of Diego kissing Violetta. I’m not saying it was entirely his fault, but. I’m just- hdsoksyhufshua okay I think it’s just my inner 11yo still bitter about what happened
The show goes as planned. They fake kiss as they planned to. Everyone is happy for a while. Though, on cameras it looks like a real kiss, so the fans are like. Asking if Violetta and Diego are dating. Diego does not deny this.
Leon and Violetta do break up, because we need drama. Though, it’s more like a mutual agreement rather than an argument. It just became too much for them to handle when Violetta got a contract with youmix, Leon and his motorcross and Diego hovering over them all the time. They needed a break.
Diego and Violetta do get together, but they kinda do like in canon: She is annoyed with him until she finally just gives up and accepts his love.
Germán does not spy on Violetta, but he does consider reading her diary (he doesn’t)
Jade and Matias are no longer relevant. They do make cameos sometimes, but Esmeralda doesn’t know them. Even the viewer believes she’s nice. We only get some small hints of something being off - like Ambar saying “be nice to them” and Esmeralda sometimes giving people strange looks. But then comes the wedding day - that’s when SUDDENLY, the cops arrive! They explain everything - they have been after her for a long time and they recently found out she was gonna marry German for his money and then take it all and flee the country. Drama on top and it’ll be a real classic soap opera betrayal
Angie leaves to France as she just... got an opportunity to work there and she says yes
Camila spends this season dating a bunch of different boys, right? I think this is the perfect place to be a little inclusive and let her be the bi flower queen she is and let her date some girls too. Like switch Seba’s gender or something, not much will change.
Fran and Vilu already had something going on after the whole ”Francesca almost going back to Italy” storyline and they get even closer as they get lost in Madrid. They were already close, but as they argue for being lost, something just... happens.
Actually the same thing happens with Leon and Diego.
What exactly happens? They almost kiss. They do not kiss, but it’s like it almost happens. They just... get very close and stare at each other before realising. They react differently to this
Francesca and Violetta at first get awkward. They are like “oh- okay.” and then become silent for the rest of the day. It’s not until they are alone in their hotel room that Vilu is like “...what happened today?” and Francesca is like “What are you talking about? I don’t know? Goodnight!!”
Leon and Diego refuse to mention it. They are annoyed as it is. But they do think about it
Yes, I did get this idea after I rewatched ep75 and Leon was like “we were late because this dude didn’t stop fixing his hair” and I was like “DRHSKEHJYU I’M-”
The most heartfelt scene in canon is when Violetta finds out about Diego and Ludmila’s pact, goes out on stage crying and Leon saves her. Like, Leonetta wasn’t the most stable couple but him saving her when she was so distressed... that’s love, dammit!! And I would love to include it somehow.
But: I can’t really find a reason for her to be so upset she can’t sing. So she does sing, that goes well. But as she does, Diego, Fran and Leon argue. Leon is convinced Diego isn’t actually in love with Vilu, Diego is just out for fights and Francesca is like “i’m on Leons side but stop arguing also I think I like Vilu too but that’s beside the point right now I guess?”
She sings “Te Creo” as she was going to, and they like. Do the opposite of what she sings. Or, the complete right thing to what she sings. It’s unclear.
Anyways as she finishes, all of them has to go out on stage to thank the audience and Violetta is like “dafuq is wrong with all of you”
As she tries to help them, Diego says something out of anger that hurts her. Maybe a “I don’t think I really love you” or something maybe a little more hurtful than that. She gets teared up, breaks up with him and run away
Francesca says “You know, I was actually beginning to like you, and now this”, which makes him feel oddly hurt. He doesn’t really know why, yet.
Fran and Leon run after Vilu. There’s the leonetta comfort hug scene ™ there, but also a comfort scene with Fran when they are in their room and she just takes Vilu’s hand while they stare at each other.
Marco is here. Uh. Tbh I don’t know what to do with him?? Because he like. Vanishes to London in s3 canon so Fran can be with Diego so idk man. 
He doesn’t send her like a million flowers in Madrid or visits, but he does call and miss her. Marco was a sweet boyfriend for her, really. Though, he kinda was just. Nice. Nothing more. Their relationship didn’t evolve a lot? 
Though after the random almost-kissing Vilu incident that Francesca doesn’t want to talk about, she kinda grows closer to Marco again.
Back in Buenos Aires, Violetta doesn’t really have an argument with German as he didn’t spy on her in this, so she simply has trouble writing Soy mi mejor momento until German is like “Violetta that’s your mothers poem-” and they have a little father-daughter bonding over finishing it
She is however not really ready to just go back to Leon after recently breaking up with Diego and so she has that “why does no one ask me what I want” scene like she did in ep76.
But then Leon sings Nuestro Camino and she’s like “I DREAMED THAT WE SANG THAT TOGETHER WTF” and he’s like “OMG SAME??” and they bond over the fact that they are soulmates who share dreams or smth, and so they get back together
Diego and Leon do not speak of Madrid, but they do this very manly but also tension filled handshake as if they “accept” each other.
Francesca and Vilu also doesn’t really speak of the fact that they had a little moment in Madrid either, but they do share some smiles and Camila is like “did something happen??”
Leonetta is a couple again. The New Years show is a hit and that means youmix will let them do a world tour (I literally realised NOW, that the reason they are on tour in season 3 is because of the last show in s2, they mentioned in some passing scene some episodes before about it being a world tour)
Oh also Ludmila and Federico have basically the same kind of romance they had in canon, same with Naty and Maxi (Naty and Maxi’s kiss where Maxi had to switch his cap around was so cute uWu)
Oh and also Gregorio and Diego? Same as canon. That shit was emotional.
Lara, I forgot about Lara... uuuh. She’s just a mechanic. She disappears after s2 anyway so
 ~Season 3~
Honestly s3 was kind of a fanfiction already when you think about it??? So in this rewrite I guess I could just GO OFF with everything :D
Hmmm yeah Priscilla is still a fucking psychopath but she will suffer even more god I hate that woman HOW CAN YOU PUSH A CHILD DOWN SOME STAIRS AND FORCE YOUR DAUGHTER TO HURT PEOPLE-
Everything is well with all couples but being on tour and hanging out so much all the time, they get a little... cramped. So they easily get grumpy and yell at each other
Leon and Violetta knows this, and so they don’t get mad at each other when the other one is upset. They understand. So as Violetta gets her birthday wish, she doesn’t really complain at all. Sure, she does get a little scared when they fly off, but she’s honestly just happy to spend some ✨alone time ✨with her soulmate and lowkey wishes no one would find them 
All the couples break up and Leonetta is like “nah it will not happen to us UwU” and then it just. Gets to them too. They just simply have to be apart before they hate each other. Their breakup happens around the same time as canon.
It felt kind of ooc for Violetta to dress up as another person to spy on Leon but it was still kinda funny. So Roxy will stay, we’ll just change it a bit
She doesn’t create Roxy to spy on Leon, but because of Francesca. Fran is getting confused with Marco leaving and now she’s starting to get feelings for Diego... a part of her just wants to disappear and think about something else. So Violetta is like “What if we dress up and go out” and they do, and fool everyone
And so... when boys they know start to flirt with them, they just panic and say they’re not single. But they can’t make up fake boyfriends so they say they are dating each other.
Which makes Andrés interested - he’s like “wow two girls can date that’s cool”. Camila is also interested, she’s like “WOW ALL MY FRIENDS ARE STRAIGHT I CAN BOND WITH YOU OVER BEING NOT STRAIGHT”
Anyway it’s hard to keep it together when Camila is talking about Vilu and Fran - to Vilu and Fran, in disguise.
Hmmmm ok I literally almost forgot about Gery and Clement lol?? Tbh, of all the “lover rivals” they are the weakest this far. Leon and Vilu didn’t even feel that attracted to them anyway. 
Gery is not straight in the slightest? Like girl that haircut and the HALF SHAVED EYEBROW like please. She’s pansexual, i’ve decided. She has a crush on both Leon and Violetta, but she does not really know how to handle that. So she never does. She talks about it with Clement, though and the two of them bond over being nervous messes who can’t talk to their crushes
There’s no Alex, tbh. Clement is just Clement. His dad lets him attend the studio but he’s also like “ugh I wanna support your dreams but you could take economy classes on the side??”
They are not out for breaking Leonetta apart because I for once just want ONE season when there’s no one else Leonetta wants to be with. They just want to be with each other and the whole season is them just kinda... figuring stuff out before getting back together.
Also Fran and Vilu have this thing going on now when they pretend to be a couple as they are dressed up as other people and they have to handle that
The plan was for them to only really dress up once but now their friends wants to get to know Roxy and Fausta and they just have to continue it
Camila is the first one to find out and her reaction is “I always knew you two had a thing for each other but this is just strange, why can’t you date as yourselves?”
To which Vilu and Fran as a response just shut down, not knowing at all how they feel about anything anymore.
Camila notices they seem to not wanting to talk about it, so she decides to make up a plan to make them talk. Though, it solves itself when Vilu and Fran get locked inside a closet at the studio (because of course they do)
In there they talk about what happened in Madrid last year, when they almost kissed. They are unsure what that meant. They admit that it was thrilling to pretend to be a couple, when they were Roxy and Fausta. But the thought of dating as Vilu and Fran... it feels strange. Especially because of all the stuff with Diego and Leon.
But they do decide to try to kiss, just to see - and as soon as their lips touch, someone opens the closet. It’s Diego and Leon. They are kinda shocked.
The girls explain the situation and Leon is like “You know what we almost kissed in Madrid too wtf”
They also reveal they are Roxy and Fausta and Leon is kinda embarrased because he got a crush on Roxy
The girls discussed how it was kissing - they liked it, but... they don’t know. Because they also feel kind of a strong connection to Diego and Leon respectively
So they like... make a promise. If it doesn’t work out with the boys, they’ll date each other.
But they end up with the boys... atleast for now, heh.
The whole “Leonetta will only be friends” plot is still here just because I love it so damn much they are such dorks they literally think they can stay friends lol
So yeah Gery and Clement start dating and they are basically as cute as Naxi. Honestly since I removed the whole “ruin leonetta” plot they have little purpose - so that’s why I made them crush on Leonetta on a distance and never do anything. We need some people to relate to, some people just never confesses and just go around crushing on people without telling lol
German proposes to Angie and Leon kinda plans to propose to Violetta. Not yet, since they’re like 19 (they aren’t finchel lol), but he has plans. 
“Ok thanks future father in law” was a top 10 iconic Leon moment and I just wanted to include it
It ends kind of like canon.
Ok! I just wrote most of this spontaneously. Maybe it wouldn’t be that good, really i’m just brainstorming. This show was everything to me when I was a preteen even though I realise it was probably not good (I lost a bit of interest in season 3, idk that season was a little more off to me)
I probably forgot a lot, since there were like a million plots, but this was just for fun so yeah don’t take it super seriously. Also thank you if you made it this far. 
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honeycashmere · 4 years
Kiss It Better
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Language, a little jealous seb
Summary: Sebastian Stan and Unnamed ofc have been broken up for a year. Things were not mutual. They run into each other and it gets steamy. Sometimes we have to push our pride away and just fuck.
Note:  I posted this on my AO3 acct (@ goodonesgo) on October 18, 2016
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It was a Saturday night and I was on a date with a doctor named Danny. We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months and tonight he was on call. We decided to grab some dinner anyways. Danny wanted to try out a restaurant he’s never been to. So I had no clue where we were going and suddenly when we stepped outside our cab… I recognized it all.
“Are you sure you want to eat here?”
“I’ve never been here before. Why what’s up?”
“Nothing,” I said walking towards the entrance. I swallowed hard. Maybe he wouldn’t be here. Maybe he isn’t even in the city or in the country. I don’t know. We sat down in a cozy corner. We ordered our drinks and appetizers. Everything seemed to be going smoothly till I heard them.
“Hey guys! Look who it is!” I turn around to see a group of men and woman. Whom I knew a long time ago. We all said hello, kissed cheek to cheek, and had polite small talk. “It’s so good to see you hun. Anyways sorry about interrupting your… date?”
And just as fast as they came to greet me they left, going back to linger by the bar.
“How do you know all of them? I don’t think I’ve met any of them before.” Danny smiled impressed at the group of lively friends he thinks I have.
“They’re…. not really my friends. They’re my exes. Ugh. Sorry. Is that weird? I’m sorry!”
“No it’s okay,” he smiled. “They seem like fun.”
I smiled back at him feeling reassured and confident that Danny was a really nice guy. As we finish our dinner Danny gets his phone call. “Sorry,” he said. “They need me.”
He got up placing money on the table, giving me a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug before he left. The waiter came by and took care of the bill while I decided to finish off my glass of wine before I left. I suddenly felt different. My skin became warm with the sensation of having two beaming eyes on me. I’m hesitant on looking around but as I look up from my wine glass; there he was. He walked so smoothly towards me and he looked so damn good.
“Hey beautiful,” he said as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. His breath sent shivers down my spine and I had to maintain my composure. I smile politely, “Hello Sebastian.”
“All alone?” He questioned curiously.
“He had to go. How have you been?”
“Busy. Working.” He sat down in Danny’s chair.
“That’s good! That means you’re getting more jobs. That’s great.”
He smiled at my response and then it quickly faded. The last time I saw Sebastian we were yelling at each other in his trailer while he was shooting one of his movies. It was dramatic and escalated so quickly. It has been a year and some of the details of that night are becoming blurry. I do remember that Sebastian was letting his jealousy get out of hand and I was very annoyed that day. I was so upset that I broke it off with him and went home back to New York. Changed my number and moved to a different apartment once my lease was up. He tried to contact me for a couple of months but got the picture. I didn’t want anything to do with him.
“You look good,” I said trying to fill the silence. “I have to go but it was nice seeing you Sebas-”
“How long have you guys been dating?”
“A couple of months,” I said with a shrug.
“Care for a walk?” He smiled that oh so charming smile. Which used to make me weak. I pause giving it some serious thought. I did feel bad about how we ended things or how I ended things. I felt as though I owed him this. I would get a chance to see if he was okay. I hoped he was okay.
Hesitantly, I agree. “Sure.”
We headed out into the night. Walking the city streets side by side. Talking about our friends, new bars to go to and who’s gotten married within this past year. Thank god I wore comfortable shoes. We walked what felt like 50 blocks. We talked about everything from NASA to the election. We talked about everything except us. When we arrived at my apartment, I know I should of said goodbye and never try to run into him again. I know he should of gotten a cab from my place and left but something felt so unfinished. I kindly asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee. Sebastian’s eyes brightened with a surprised look. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah it’s just coffee.” I said smiling to reassure him.
We sat in my living room while we waited for the coffee to finish up. There was this slight awkward tension. I suddenly heard him chuckle to himself.
“Aren’t you going to ask me?”
“Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m seeing anyone?”
I was caught off guard. Everything was going so smooth, casual, fun when we were talking outside. The mood suddenly shifted while we sat there. “You don’t have to tell me anything,” I said. “You don’t owe me anything.”
Sebastian looked at me with his glossy eyes that seemed to darken. He moved closer to me. Something had changed within him. Something lit a fire. Did I do that? He got up looking around my apartment on purpose as if he were circling around a certain topic. “Does he live here with you? He doesn’t, right? Does he sleep in your bed every night?”
“Wow. Um that’s really personal but to answer your question; no.” I was starting to feel a little bit of regret asking him to come up for coffee. I recognized this side of him. “You’re being really strange.”
Sebastian broke face. He seemed to calm down as soon as he realized my reactions weren’t exactly positive. “I’m sorry.”
He sat down, across from me, staring at my hands. His eyes traveling to mine. His thoughts seemed so mysterious. I didn’t know what he was going to say or do. I mustered the courage to ask him what he wanted me to ask him, “So, are you seeing anyone?”
He grinned at my question. “Not anyone special.”
I smirked. What a wicked man. “That’s kind of harsh to say about them. I bet their nice girls Seb.” He leaning in so close to my ear, I could feel his hot breathe and a familiar tingling sensation run down my body. “They’re not you.”
I felt like getting up and fleeing. I was seeing Danny. He was a doctor and he was nice and we liked each other. I was about to get up but Sebastian quickly grabbed my hand. Motioning me to sit back down. So I sit, feeling this nerve in my stomach. He paid so much attention to my eyes, I felt like looking else where. I didn’t want him to read me. “So are you guys serious?”
“No. We’re not exactly exclusive like that just casual,” I said, pulling my hand away from him.
“Then why are you seeing him?” His tone of question was more serious and demanding without being too aggressive.
“He’s nice,” I said quickly. I really couldn’t think of anything else honestly. The next thing I noticed was Sebastian moving my hair away from neck. Feeling the tingle of hot breathe again and the touch of his lips on my skin. Oh god. He started to suck and run his kisses towards behind my ear. My weakest place. He knew exactly where. I placed my hand on his chest trying to shove him away but he instead grabbed it. He sucked at my neck and gave me a tiny bite which caused me to gasp. A love bite.
“Don’t you miss how this feels?” He says against my skin. I froze from his touch and then I pulled away.
He looked into me with kindness in his eyes as if he understood how I felt. I still felt the fire burning between our bodies. He brushed the back of his head with his finger tips fearing that I would be upset with him trying to make a pass at me… “Should we… talk first?” He suggested. I know he wanted to talk about how we broke up but the truth is, it doesn’t matter as long as I can feel what he’s feeling...
After all this time, I could still see a little bit of hurt in his eyes. The same hurt eyes I saw when we broke up. My pride said don’t turn back but somewhere inside, my heart said fuck my pride. I pressed my forehead lightly against his, breathing in his delicious cologne, and whispered, “I can’t quite you.“
Our mouths collided into a passionate kiss. I quickly pulled Sebastian’s shirt over his head. His hands reaching for me, grabbing me, pulling my clothes off piece by piece. My hands unbuckling his belt. Every article of clothing landing on my living room floor. He picked me up in his strong arms, carrying me to my bedroom, like he’s done so many times before. We laid in bed. Lips unseparated, legs tangled, his hand caressed my side and moved down my cheek.
I bit his bottom lip, knowing he’d like that. “Baby it’s yours.”
Sebastian gave me a devilish smirk and a light slap on my ass. He got on top of me and pressed his lips against mine before moving down to my neck. His hands ran wild over my body. They caressed my breast and then his mouth found its way there. He gave each nipple a suck a flick with his tongue. I found his hand had moved down, his fingers found my clit and began rubbing. I moaned under his touched. I can feel him harden against me.
I found myself saying, “I need you Sebastian.”
He slowly slide into me. Our bodies moved in rhythm, perfect symmetry and familiarity. God, I’ve missed him inside of me. His moves were slow, letting each stroke of pleasure linger between us. His lips landed on my neck, sucking away at the skin, grinning with each moan that escaped my mouth. The sound of our deep breathes filled the room. “Fuck me,” I moaned.
He stopped raising his eyebrow in excitement and then flipped me over. I arched my back, gently backing up right into him, giving him the perfect view. I lay my head on one side of my cheek so that I had the perfect view of him. He thrusted fully into me causing me to experience a mixture of pain and pleasure and lack of control over myself. “You’re so deep.”
He began thrusting hard and deeper into me. I could feel our bodies click with each hit. I could feel the intensity of his pulls and push. Then he pulled out without warning, leaning down giving my lips a lick. His tongue wondered lower to my clit. I moaned at the pleasure as he began to play. His hands caressed my ass while his tongue massaged me with long strokes. I felt his hand smack my ass, one time, two times, three times. I moaned at his lack of warning and the feeling of being a bit powerless. I grinned and chuckled thrilled by the pain.
“Own it,” I said looking straight into his eyes. He chuckled against my skin, getting back into position, ready for me again.
“Ooh slow baby,” I said as he began sliding into me again. “Slow? That’s strange because I remember a particular nasty girl who loved it fast and rough.” That wicked smirk appeared again. “You know I like to change it up baby.”
He began thrusting slowly into me, his hand reach beneath me. I could feel the pressure of his fingers on my clit. He rubbed them in circles. My hands began gripping the sheets. I could feel the pressure of my body wanting to cum.
“Don’t stop,” I beg. “Yessss, cum on that dick,” he said in demand.
I could feel it build and as my orgasm hits I scream. I could feel body clench around his cock wanting to push him out but he stayed still. He grinned with complete delight that I had given him what he wanted. Sebastian begins thrusting faster and harder into me. I gripped the sheets even harder, my mouth biting them to muffle my moans. He didn’t give me a chance to come down from my high. “Does he fuck you like this?” He slapped my ass waiting for a response.
“No,” I manage to say. His thrust were so hard I felt like my body was going to fall over. He pulls my body up, still thrusting into me. He grips my neck kissing my shoulder.
“Fuck!” He said letting out the sexiest moan and I feel him cum inside me.
Before fully letting me go he turned my head, giving me the most passionate kiss. I laid on my back staring at him as he collapse next to me wth a smirk. He grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss. He turned his eyes to me before turning his body to face me. I anticipated what he was going to say. I wondered what he was thinking. I felt like I knew what he was thinking.
“We’ve never had sex,” I said knowing he’d be surprised. “Really? Why?” “Because I don’t love him.”
Sebastian smiled the biggest smile, kissing my lips. “You’re still the one that I adore.”
“It’s always going to be yours.”
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chibimyumi · 4 years
Forgive me for being ignorant, but I’ve always been scared about asking this question because it’s 2020 and I should be aware by now- but what does trans mean? If you’re a trans-boy does that make you a boy that’s transitioning to a girl? Or a girl that’s transitioning to a boy? Every time I look it up I seem to be getting a different answer. And how does sexuality fit in? I hope I’m not being offensive... I just never learned and haven’t had the courage to ask anyone until now.
Dear Anon,
Please don’t worry, people are not BORN with knowledge. It is something other people might benefit from remembering too ^^ I can tell you ask the question in good faith, and I am flattered that you thought that I could give you trustworthy information.
The question you have is a very simple and yet complicated question, so PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR SIMPLIFYING THINGS DOWN LIKE THIS.
1. What are gender, sexuality and sex?
Let us first look at this question using a pizza. Dough is one thing, cheese is another, and so is tomato. Together they make up a pizza. But what makes the dough ‘dough’,  has nothing to do with the cheese.
Cheese NOT on a pizza is still cheese, and the fact that it is cheese is likewise NOT determined by whether the tomato is there or not. All these things are “individual things” that are the “ingredients that make up a pizza”.
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This may seem bullshit talk, but this just serves as a metaphor to understand how different things exist on their own, but are indispensable in making up another ‘combination’. (Smart-asses out there, don’t pretend to be smart by being willfully obtuse or pedantic for now, please.)
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Now let us look at gender, sexuality and sex, wherein gender is the dough, sexuality the tomato, and sex the cheese.
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In humans too, gender, sexuality and sex are three different ‘key ingredients’ that shape the basis of who we are (the margarita pizza. Only later we add the toppings like olives, meat, or pineapples (which are kinks! Not for everyone, but much beloved by its lovers.))
In a human too, just like dough, tomato and cheese, ‘gender’, ‘sexuality’ and ‘sex’ exist separately, and do NOT determine the ‘nature’ of the others.
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Step 1. There are 3 primary questions to ask.
Q1a: What is your gender? Who do you identify as? Do you identify as man, woman, otherwise, or different genders depending on the day?
Q1b: What type of person are you interested in romantically and/or sexually? Men? Women? Both? All genders that exist? Or are you not romantically/sexually interested at all? (There are too many different sexualities, so I shall leave it at this for now.)
Q1c: What ‘sex’, or with what primary genitals were you born with? Upon birth, doctors see our genitals and label ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ on us depending on what genitals they see. Some children are born with ‘intersexed’ characteristics. And depending on the doctor again, someone is then labeled ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ again. (This too is a topic for another time.)
Step 2. In order to understand what ‘transgender’ is, let us look at Q2. “Combine the answers from Q1a and Q1c. Do you identify as the ‘sex’ your doctors assigned to you at birth?
Hypothesis: Let’s say you were born with a vagina, and your doctor therefore assigned you to be ‘a girl’. Are you comfortable with being a girl/woman, and do you feel that correctly reflects your identity too?
Yes. ➡You are probably ‘cis-gender‘.
No. ➡ This is a VERY broad thing here, but most crudely, if you feel like being labeled ‘girl’ because you were born with a vagina does not reflect who you really are, and you identify as ‘man’, ‘something else’ or ‘also something else’, you are probably ‘trans-gender’.
Bonus: If you identify as ‘otherwise’ or specifically as ‘neither man or woman’, this is usually called ‘non-binary’. If you feel like you are sometimes one gender, and sometimes another, that is usually called ‘gender-fluid’. “Non-binary” and “gender-fluids” are two of the many options that fall under the umbrella of ‘transgender’ too.
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2. Simulation through ‘Black Butler’
I have selected Nina Hopkins as our first example because she is one of the few character from whom we know their gender identity, AND have one clear established gender she is romantically/sexually interested in.
Q1a: Honestly... Nina can’t shut up about how proud she is to be a woman.
Q1b: Given how antagonistic she is towards men and how she fondles women... she probably likes women.
Q1c: For metaphor’s sake we shall assume she was born with a vagina. So her birth was probably announced with the words “it’s a baby girl!”
GENDER: Nina is proud to be a woman, and seemingly happy to be assigned as such. Therefore she is a cis-gender woman (or cis-woman).
SEXUALITY: Who someone is sexually/romantically interested in is by NO means determined by your sex or gender. So Nina’s sexuality is an altogether separate category. The only part that has SOME role is ‘gender’, but ONLY in the ‘name’ that someone gets. Namely: Nina identifies as ‘woman’. Nina likes ‘women’. A woman who likes women is ‘a lesbian’. Hence, Nina is a cis-gender lesbian.
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PIZZA: The pizza identity of Nina is probably a pissaladière. Caramelised onions, anchovies, garlic and olives? Strong flavour to the point of choking, not for everyone, but VERY beloved by its lovers.
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Now let us look at Grell, a character who is surrounded by many controversies, even though she is arguably one of the least gender ambiguous characters in the Kuroverse XD. Unlike for Nina, questions Q1a to c can easily be filled in without too much hypothesising.
Q1a: Grell has said multiple times in the manga that she identifies as woman.
Q1b: Grell likes MOSTLY men with potentially some rare exceptions (Madam Red???).
Q1c: Grell was born with a penis and assigned to be ‘male at birth’.
GENDER: We see that Grell was ‘assigned male at birth’, but is uncomfortable identifying and living as a man. Rather, she constantly calls and presents herself as a woman. Hence, Grell is a transgender woman. (Dear Anon. Yes, we call somebody by their ‘preferred gender’, not their ‘originally assigned gender’. Let’s just say that Grell for example would never let anybody call her a ‘trans-man’. The thing of coming out as transgender is partially to ‘break away from your ‘assigned’ gender and living as your ‘discovered true gender’.)
SEXUALITY: We don’t know for certain whether Grell was romantically interested in Madam Red, but we do know for sure that she is 99% of the time interested in men. Grell identifies as woman. A woman who likes MOSTLY men, but maybe very occasionally other genders, is probably bisexual or pansexual. Hence, Grell is a trans-gender bi-/pansexual woman.
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PIZZA: Grell’s pizza identity is indisputably PIZZA HAWAII. Fight me. Endless controversies and debates about FUCKING PINEAPPLES!! Not for everyone either, but people who love this pizza will defend it TO THEIR GRAVES!
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Sebastian.... is a whole different can of worms, cockroaches and tarantula spiders... BUT SINCE I HAVE OPENED IT BEFORE ANYWAY, LET’S OPEN THIS AGAIN!
In this post I have touched upon how we cannot be sure Sebastian is ‘male’, much less assume he has a gender to begin with. But there are no characters in this series that are confirmed to be neither man or woman, let us use Sebastian just to add to our simulation test here.
Q1a: Sebastian has said that “he is nothing, but can become anyone.”
Q1b: N.A.
Q1c: The genitals he was born with was probably ‘black goop miasma’, but in his current human form he probably concocted a penis.
GENDER: Eerm... he is ‘masculine presenting’, FOR NOW... but as Sebas has also said that “he is nothing and can be anyone”, and can take the shape of even a table... I’d say it’d be unreasonable to assume he identifies as a gender we know of. Gender, after all, is a purely human construct. (Click here for more details on gender and human society.) Hence, IF according to human standards, then Sebas would be non-binary and/or gender-fluid. As discussed above, these two fall under the ‘transgender’ umbrella.
SEXUALITY: So far in the series we have only met 1. humans, towards whom he has not shown any romantic or sexual interest (and as humans are cattle to Sebastian, this is very understandable), and 2. reapers, towards whom Sebas has also not shown any romantic/sexual interest (and since all these reapers are actively after his blood, that is quite logical too.) 
“What about Ciel???” Short answer: LOL. Click here and here for the full answer.
“What about Beast?” Short answer: Nope. Click here for the full answer.
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PIZZA: The pizza identity of Sebas is CLEARLY a quattro formaggi. Someone as cheesy as him can only be a quattro formaggi.
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Welp... I guess that’s the most schematically simplified version I can give on gender, sexuality and sex for now... I hope this helps?
For more, please use this masterpost on gender in Kuroshitsuji.
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What is YOUR Pizza identity? Let me know which pizza you are and why (。•̀ᴗ-)✧🍕
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liveblog: kuroshitsuji, book of atlantic...
do i need to type this up saying as how i already know what’s gonna happen because i’ve read the campania arc multiple times and it’s one of my favorite arcs in the series?
the answer is no, but i’m gonna anyways
this is fucking long so it’s going under a read more because, while i have no problem subjecting y’all to my ramblings, i’ll spare you this once. it’s full of spelling errors that i cannot be bothered to change.
i’m already here for this animation
just to be clear, yes this IS my first time watching this movie
finny is the cutest and i cannot be argued on this point
“i’ve always wanted to travel on a ship”
i guess whatever boat mey rin actually was on when she came to england doesn’t count
i lovelove the animation of the ship i really do
lau and ran mao!!!!!!
oh the logo through the smoke with the haunting music nicenice
aahh i forgot about edward’s affection for ciel haha
god sebastian looks SO DIFFERENT with his hair slicked back
oh shit double charles look so good?!?!
i hope that, the animators throw in a titanic scene for us please
i love snake so much!!!!!!!
ohymgod my favorite part of this arc
i legitimately shed a tear of laighter every time
it’s so fucking absurd
i love it
literally only the iscount druitt would think of that phoenix move
me as the undertaker laughing my ass off
fucking druitt!!!!
ciel will forever be traumatized by being called a cock robin during the jack the ripper arc
highkey me too haha
i just want to thank yana for the pose, and the animators for animating this pose because i’ve been given life
i wonder if experiemnts like the aurora’s society are still being conducted today...
the electrical impulses are correct, that’s for sure
haha the bite of a zombie
its a good thing that it’s not contagious because that would be fucking annoying
question: what the hell happens to all the silverware that sebastian uses? does he go around and collect it when the fighting’s done? or does the phantomhive manor just have ridiculous orders for silverware?
i’m really loving ronald?!? like how he talks and everything. his VA is really bringing him to life
so... maybe i missed this in the maga as well but, what was the trigger for all the animate corpses to wake up from thir coffins??
ronald using his lawn mower as a segwey
were the bizarre dolls gonna wake up at the time they did regardless/
should i just ignore it because it moves the plot?
i’m leaning towards the latter since it adds Drama(tm)
sebatian being dramamtic and doing twirls in the air
would it... actually hurt sebastian to get it by these zobies?
ciel remembering sebas in his stripper heels nice
so lie... snake MUST KNOW that something’s up with sebastian after that display like for real you don’t just watch ONE GUY demolish a whole bunch of zombies and not think “hm what the fuck?”
aslso, i’m sure that the phantomhive manor just has ridiculous orders for silverware
also i cannot believe i was ROBBED of seeing new york
i love ciel’s little gun pew pew
gott alove that lizzyisn’t even phased by ciel pointing a gun at the doc’s face, nor a poisonous snake wrapped around him
lizzy, scared of violence?? never
edward and edward looking to frances for approval
sebastian being exasperated with th emidfords and the situatio i’m sure haha
welp rip campania
me as ronald though “the guys in management are askig for to much”
“if you ram suc a big thing into her she’ll break”
idl sounds like you werenm’t prepped enough grell haha
why the fuck is sebastian running when he could dead just... maybe not teleport but get to where he’s going much faster
i that... is that some rendition of celine dio in the back??!?
“we only have 1034 collection sleft”
ciel caring about snakes snake :’)
ciel has NO TIME!!!for lizzy beintg cute. LIFE OR DEATH
but also here’s a jacket for his finacee
you know, now i’m watching this animated, why the fuck was i wasking for titianic scenes when a) this who arc is titanic b) grell and ronald did the iconic scene c) we got the dude leaving via the elevator
i dead don’t remember zombie horses!!!!
i am loving!! double charles
imagine trying to save your master and his fiancee and your mortal enemy/person who’s infatuated with you showd up out of nowhere
“who is he?” “just apervert”
like, now that i think about it, why the FUCK did ronald engage in a fight with sebastian when he’sworried about hisjob and overtime?
like talk about a waste of time my guy
this scene in the manga change my whole outlook o her, truly
oh right lizzy’s fther’s name is alexiswhoops and i will not go back and change it
i lvoe that they animated this whole thing with lizzy
thatese chapters in the manga, to repeat myself, really changed the way i looked at her and understood her character, and i’ glad that the animators kept it
ciel’s weak as fuck
lizzy: “i’ll carry you onmy back”
me as sebastian laughing at ciel
“death is a rule that you cannot take back no matter what”
you know... i really want to make a post about druitt
druitt not speillnig a drop of wine is the same energy as that dude in jurassic world not spilling his margaritas
aahh my second favorite part of the arc! where everyone wants to kill druitt
druitt comparing himself to nero will never ot be funny
me as ciel in the background dying from embarrassment
also me as undertaker laighing my ass off
also i love seeing greel properly doing his job
this is some dramatic reveal frm undertaker and i’m here for it honestly
oh no he’s hot
actually what is thr going rate of laughter?
oh i looovveee this animation of undertaker’s explanation
this animated fight has me LIVING!!!!!!!
god it’s still BRILLIANT!!!! what udnertaker did to get sebastian to come near him
also this fucking drawn out montage of sebas and ciel reaching out for each toher?? my heart
this sequence of demon!sebas turning into sebas is great and i love it
ciel naming sebastian, sebastian, is abslutely one of my favorite interactions between them
“don’t waste my time” coming from the demon that said that this is all gonna pass in an instant anyways
guys, you dont understand how alive i feel seeing my favrotie interactinos animated righ tnow like this is the quality animation i live for
i wanna write a whole thing about how the turning point in their relationship was when ebastian protected ciel from his nightmares
but why writie soemthing when yana has expressed it so clearly??
sebastian’s eager hand!!!!!
he was just o ready!!!! to have his meal!!!!
but ciel said sike!!!!
i love how it’s so fucking clear that ciel’s ultimate fear is losing sebastian
the sub said “oh no!” but i know that “shimatta” (?) translates to something harder, more like damnit?
ciel’s faith in sebastian.. gives me life
hoenstly though would would happen is sebas were to actually kill off a shinigami?
undertaker: hey didn’t you kill people?
grell: shut the hell up and don’t bring that up again
if there’s one thing i WISH we were blessed with, it was a “paint me like one of your french girls” scene
and it could’ve involved any character
my favorite scen!!!!!!
“you don’t need to request anything of a servant. please give me an order”
i feel like i could write songs about this scene hoenstly
same thing with the sunset scene - my feelings!!!
have we talked about the symbolism behind the sunrising when ciel gives sebastian his name, and the sun rising after sebastian protected ciel from the zombies after being severely injured by undertaker’s death scythe?
“sebastian... you did well today”
“please stop... i dont wish to see a storm after all this”
like... the music, the sunrise, the settings/circumstances?
amazing. stunning. noteworthy.
oh grell and william!
yo are there really just not enough grim reapers like do not enough people kill themselves??
sebastian looking up into the suuunnnn
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lilyshale-archive · 5 years
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the wedding invitation showed up unannounced, on a regular tuesday morning.
josie had just been grocery shopping, her hands struggling to keep hold of all the bags she ended up leaving with, as she stood in front of the rows and rows of mailboxes. giving up with a huff, she dropped her bags beside her, as she absentmindedly dealt with her pesky lock.
she knew it was coming. she knew sebastian and taylor were getting married. but despite this concrete fact, josie had allowed her mind to humour a scenario where it didn’t happen. where sebastian showed up at her door late one night and confessed his feelings for her, matching the very same feelings she’d always felt for him. it was pointless, not to mention torturous, to allow herself such childish daydreams but.. — that was josie’s problem. she always humoured a but, and as her eyes landed on the thick, white coloured, embossed envelope now resting among her other flyers and bills, she realized that had to come to an end.
and so she grabbed the dumb envelope, and shoved it into one of her shopping bags, along with the rest of mail she had waiting for her. she picked up her bags, turned on her heels, and made her way up to her apartment, leaving her stupid but in her dust.
only.. the damn envelope was now taunting her — really, it was. josie had thrown it haphazardly down on her coffee table before she headed into her kitchen to put away her groceries. tossing it aside with as little care as she felt towards the invite itself, or so she told herself. she tried, desperately, to focus on her fruit. making sure to place every last apple carefully in its place in her produce drawer within her fridge. line each box of cereal up perfectly. that nothing was out of its place. that everything she could control, was under her control.. because, as she glanced over her shoulder towards her coffee table, she could have sworn the envelope was dancing now, sticking a tongue out at her as if to say ‘ha ha ha you silly silly girl’.
god, she was going crazy.
groaning, jos ran her hands through her hair, huffing loudly. enough was enough. placing the envelope, she headed straight for her bedroom, walking with purpose— not allowing anymore strange distractions to burst her bubble. once inside, she planted herself right down at her desk, and ripped a piece of paper from a notebook, tugging a pen lid off with her teeth and spitting it across the room. josie knew what she needed to do. she needed to clear her head. get all her damned thoughts out and organized.. maybe then she could put this all behind her.
dear sebas..
timing, huh? i know, i know. timing’s a bitch, it’s probably one of the most famous sayings in the damn world. i should have heeded the warning, i guess but i’ve never been very good at following instruction.
but you know that. remember that time, right after we got back from the show, and i had bought that new ikea bed frame? i tried putting it together for days, seriously. three or four, before you showed up and got the damn thing up and ready in a matter of seconds.
what was it you said? ‘damn jos, they don’t call them suggestions, now do they?’
it’s just.. do you ever stop and think about how crazy it is we even met? we were on a reality show, that’s insane to think about. especially considering where we are now in our lives. like.. you’re getting married! married, wow. and look, i’m happy for you. i really am and i want you to remember that before you continue reading. okay? promise me you’ll hold on to that.
don’t get married.
i love you. i think i’ve always loved you and i know, the timing.. it’s all wrong. it shouldn’t be like this but i don’t have any other choice. i am in love with you and it’s killing me. you’re killing me, sebas.
i thought i could ignore it, go the rest of my life pretending we were always just friends but after seeing you at your moms? i realized i can’t. i want to be more than that to you. i want to be your family. i used to be.. i like to think i was, anyway. all those nights in your mom’s backyard, looking up at the stars after the afternoon bbqs. there was something there. i know it and i think you know it too.
i don’t know what went wrong, where we.. got off track but don’t marry her. give me a chance, give us a chance. i have to know.. and i think you do too. don’t let us be an almost, sebas. don’t let this be the end of our story. give me a shot to show you that we were always the perfect match, that we’re the only match that matters.
allow yourself to love me, i promise i won’t ever take you for granted again.
yours, always..
pushing herself away from the desk, jos wiped away the single tear that had fallen from upon her cheek. after taking a deep breath in, and letting it out, she folded the piece of paper in half, then in half again and stood up. she tucked the paper into her sweater pocket, telling herself she would recycle it later as she made her way back out to her living room and headed straight towards the wedding invite. she tore the damn thing up, badly circling ‘yes’ in regards to whether she would be attending or not.
that was it. it was all over. josie was going to let sebastian go. she was going to move on with her life, starting right now.
it wasn’t until weeks later, while she was throwing pieces of popcorn into her mouth as she watched the newest season of are you the one, did she remember the letter.. and the fact that she hadn’t exactly remembered to recycle it. she jumped up, knocking the bowl which held her snack to the ground as she rushed towards her bedroom. she scrambled around in search of the sweater in question, tearing her room apart, not stopping until she had the fabric between her figures.. only— fuck. jos’ shoved her hands in either pocket, searching.. searching.. but there was nothing. less than nothing. the letter she’d planned to throw out, along with all the feelings confessed within it, was gone.
collapsing to the floor, josie struggled to remember the last place she’d worn the damn thing — — her eyes going wide when it’d come to her. sebas’ mom’s house. three days earlier.
“fuck..” the blonde mumbled, bringing the sweater to her head, throwing it over herself like an invisibility shield. “fuck.. fuck, fuck.”
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I'm back again (what a surprise lol), if you feel up to it would you mind writing hcs for Jean with the letters Q,T, Y & Z? If that's too much please feel free to take a letter or two off! Tysm 💖
Haha, no worries!! I could gush about Jeanne all day, I really loved writing these!! 💕💕💕 Under a cut because of length (we all know I’m a verbose thot 😂😂😂):
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
Q = Quality Time (how does he like to spend time with her?) 
Jeanne loves to do anything MC wants to do (within reason). Any amount of time with her anywhere fills him with bliss. (The heartbreaking alternative to this is that, while he understands they both have things to do that require them to be apart during the day, he misses her presence dearly.)
She wants to bake? He will sit there in the most embarrassing apron and chef hat known to man, and he won’t give a single fuck as long as MC is genuinely delighted and having a marvelous time. In a meadow overflowing with flowers? He’d enjoy the atmosphere alone, but the feeling is just multiplied a thousand-fold at the sight of MC weaving little flower crowns. She places one on his head and excitedly tries to show him how to make one himself, and he just smiles fondly. She wears the crown he makes no matter his lack of skill for the delicate task, and her insistence fills him with such unabating warmth. He struggles to do more mundane tasks and doesn’t really understand where all her energy comes from sometimes, but even so it brings him endless amounts of joy. Will escort her anywhere she wants to go without a single complaint; theater? You got it. Concert? Sure. Watching paint dry? Sick, time to get out the sword polish and chill. (It’s like Netflix and chill, only worse.)
The only places he will ever hesitate to bring her are places that are potentially dangerous; let’s say the black market, or the local casino, Vlad’s castle, etc. etc. He doesn’t like to expose her to unnecessary risks, but he also won’t stop her if she has a good reason/really wants to go. He’ll just glare at every potential threat and stick to her side like glue.
His personal favorite way to spend time though is in settings where they have quiet and privacy, where it’s just the two of them. Whether they’re in the gorgeous field full of lilies behind the mansion or cuddling in their bedroom, he is at his most comfortable and content wherever she is in his arms and they are left alone. (Let it be known that he doesn’t hate others, he just can’t help that he finds larger groups of people exhausting to keep up with--and he’s always on guard to ensure MC’s safety.)
T = Time (how long did it take them to get together?)
(I’m going to preface this by saying: I’m well aware that ikevamp speeds things up but I tend to see that as a narrative necessity; I think a lot of the men would work up to their romance more slowly, ideally.)
With Jeanne it’s a little funny because he develops affection/intrigue for people fast, so it’s fairly obvious when he starts crushing on MC. (I can’t stress enough, Sebas and Mozart are BOTH lenny face from like the first fucking day, it’s the funniest thing in the world. ANYWAY--). He’s similar to Leonardo in that way; there are certain qualities he inherently finds appealing, so he naturally gravitates to people that reflect them. However, a more abiding love--the desire to form a romantic bond with someone--takes more time for him. He and Sebastian share this quality (ISXJ amirite); they fall more and more deeply in love with the person they cherish as they form consistently pleasant memories in their proximity. More than anything, these two stoic characters need somebody that makes them feel safe, appreciated, and profoundly seen.
Her relentless desire to reach others in a positive way is the first thing that attracts Jeanne’s attention, but otherwise he is absolutely a slow burn when it comes to being committed to another person. He needs time to fall in love with all the little parts of his MC (all of which he finds endearing uwu), to develop trust and see that his MC can handle him, too. He knows he’s...a lot...so he can’t really be comfortably intimate without having the other person see the best and worst of him. If MC can face his past with sensitivity and earnest concern--without being overwhelmed--then he will well and truly be a goner for them. That’s the thing about Jeanne: he needs time to feel comfortable with his decision, but when he has decided he’s one of the most devoted lovers in existence. 
Given his necessity for security, he needs somebody who can see him at his most vulnerable without panicking and gently bring him back to himself--someone who doesn’t mind his wooden nature and difficulty expressing himself. I would say getting together would take at least a year and a half, at minimum. He needs somebody that, for all of his reticence and power, recognizes that he means absolutely no harm to anyone so long as they aren’t hurting him or anyone else. Under normal circumstances (rather than expedited ones), I imagine those difficult topics wouldn’t come up that quickly.
If we’re talking together as in hanky panky, I think it would take him a little while beyond that--but that would depend on his partner, too. If she needs time or doesn’t want it at all, he will wait any length of time or not engage at all. If she’s more desirous, he will engage faster and with more frequency. He likes being intimate and close to her, but would never insist on it if it made her unhappy. 
Y = Yes (how would he propose to her?)
When it comes to Jeanne, I think his proposal would be simple, direct, and entirely expected--but no less heartfelt and deeply romantic. He’s a man of few words, but whatever he lacks in eloquence he makes up for in charged brevity. He doesn’t much understand the social conventions/expectations tied to marriage in this era (and he does not listen to Comte either) so I imagine it comes to him naturally in the course of being with her.
It’s a few years into their relationship, and he’s smiling because she’s dazzling--whether it’s humming in the garden, or staring at the stars, or curled up close to his heart in his shared room; he just knows. Whether it’s a sin, or unconventional, or something he doesn’t deserve--none of those things are strong enough to deter him anymore. He wants to be the one that she turns to always when in need, wants to protect everything that she is--a sweet beacon in a world where he knows how easily that kind of brave light is snuffed out. Honestly more than anything, she just makes him feel like it’s okay to hope again, that it’s okay to want good things for himself and the future. He was a soldier once branded a traitor, but that isn’t who he has to be anymore. Now he has a choice; he’s free to move forward however he wishes. She taught him that.
Bright eyes turn to him, smooth skin glowing in the moonlight beside him. She’s beautiful; he doesn’t think any amount of time will ever be enough to fully appreciate the blessing of her existence. As if she could hear his thoughts, she encourages him to share. She was always like that, always so perceptive and patient, no matter how much he struggled to articulate something. He much preferred the sound of her voice over his any day. “Is something on your mind, love? Something good happen today?”
He was fully aware he had none of the wit or charm that other men possessed, and while he wished he could be that for her--it simply wasn’t within his capabilities. So he used the words he understood best, following his direct nature: “Will you marry me?”
Her eyes widen a little, but the surprise is muted; it was more a matter of time than anything else. Even so her eyes glisten, and before he can try to calm her (her tears dissolved all his good sense, sent his heart into chaos), her arms are tight around him. He can hear her heart racing, even faster than his own.
“Of course I will! Yes, Jeanne!”
He’d hoped she wouldn’t hate the idea but her excitement, the tenderness that lingers in the way she cradles him close, makes him smile against her shoulder. His arms tighten around her, and he renews his vow to be her sword--the one and only man to protect her until the end of their days. (Yes, Mozart later drags his ass to the jeweler’s to get a proper ring 😂😂😂)
Z = Zen (what makes him feel calm?)
There are very few things in this life that bring Jeanne peace, but I think the highest things on that list would be MC’s voice/presence in general and his little babie Cherie (bonus points if the two are playing together, he just melts Mon Dieu 😭💖💖💖 ). 
He’ll often ask MC to read to him, if she’s so inclined, when his literacy improves. He loves the soft sound of her voice, and he wants to keep improving on his ability to communicate with more clarity. It makes her so happy when he leaves her coherent notes and manages to convey his thoughts with greater accuracy, so it really motivates him to keep striving. He likes it even better when she gets really into a reading, doing silly voices or changing the dynamics of her voice to fit the piece’s mood. It makes him smile; so excitable and cute. Though alternatively, she could be reading the phone book for all he cares; it’s enough to soothe him right to sleep. Sometimes--and especially when he’s had bad nightmares, retraumatizations, or when he’s overstimulated--she’ll fit him gently in her lap and just talk until he falls asleep. She’ll sing, read, talk about things they’re looking forward to, talk about things she needs to do tomorrow, talk about silly shenanigans that happened in the mansion recently; anything that will bring him back to her and her love. It really works to center him, to situate him back in the present moment instead of rattling around in his own head.
It’s honestly much like the sea and the shore, though there may be tides--the water recedes and surges--she will always be there to meet him.
Cherie is his baby girl and such a sweet kitty that he can’t help but smile whenever she bounds over to him. A little ball of energy, he’s always getting her toys, toting her around, and petting her gently. Whenever Cherie and MC are together in front of him, his heart about explodes from the uwus of it all; they’re his most cherished ones, and he loves to see them get along. MC will usually be giggling and cooing at the pretty tiger, and Cherie soaks up the affection with obvious glee. Just watching them is enough to make his heart so light--he can’t think of anything else that makes him relax down to the marrow.
He will also find a lot of calm after lovemaking, which is something that surprises him--something he never expected. Jeanne has a hard time connecting with other people; not because he doesn’t care, but because emoting in conventional ways can be a challenge for him. He doesn’t have He Who Must Not Be Named’s charm, he doesn’t have Napoleon’s easy confidence, he doesn’t effuse Vincent’s natural warmth. He’s aware of how little he emits tangible humanity according to the perceptions of others. It leads to him feeling isolated everywhere he goes, even if people don’t particularly dislike him. Even so, his MC knows that for all his struggle to express himself, he possesses a deep, fiery wealth of emotion and passionate feeling. He cherishes her willingness be vulnerable alongside him; to embrace the good and the difficult parts of him in stride. He is left awestruck by the extent of her fervor and loving heart every single time, and in the aftermath he finds himself at such startling peace with his existence. No pain, no hollowing loneliness, no guilt, no intrusive thoughts--just her warm body against his, so trusting--as she sleeps. He’s grounded in the moment, he feels tethered to her, and he doesn’t know how to handle the full feeling in his chest, the way his heart feels too many sizes too big. He spends many nights adjusting to that feeling of fulfillment, reveling in this new boon--among the dozens she’s already given him. Will wonders never cease?
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killmongerdreams · 7 years
a friend like mine
 Summary: A discussion about a break up leads to….interesting revelations. || Sebastian x Reader || part 1 of 2
Warnings: discussion of kinks, [in the second part] —> smut and all that entails, thigh riding, choking, some other stuff but i’ll put it in the warnings for the next one
Note: :))))
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“It’s a Friday night, you should be out on the town, not barricaded in my apartment with me,” Sebastian’s got an accusatory look on his face, eyebrows raised high. He’s sprawled out on one end of the couch while you occupy the other, beer bottle in one hand and phone in the other. You’ve got your feet in his lap, wine glass filled to the brim and a good buzz flowing through your veins. If the glassy, slightly unfocused gleam in his eyes is any indication, then he’s in the same boat as you are. 
“I wanted to spend some time with you, that a problem?” you ask.
“Yes!” he laughs, and you can’t help but giggle along with him. “But seriously, shouldn’t you be out with your boyfriend? Mike or whatever his name is? Don’t you think he’d have a problem, you in my apartment drinking wine and sitting in my clothes?”
“It’s Mark,” you mutter quietly. The mention of him immediately kills whatever good vibe you had going on. You set down your wine glass and he mirrors your movements, setting his beer on the table. You pick at the sleeves of the sweatshirt you’re wearing, the navy blue one with NASA scrawled across the front of it. It’s Sebastian’s favorite, and yours as well.
His eyebrows furrow in the middle, lips forming into a pout when he takes note of how you shut down. Hands pull you into his body, letting you cuddle into his chest. “What happened?”
“Cheated.” you explain quietly. Sebastian makes an outraged noise under his breath but you shush him. “S’fine, he was a bad lay anyway. I feel sorry for the girl he’s fucking with his needle dick now.”
That startles a laugh out of him and you smile, swatting his hand when he tries to poke at the dimple in your cheek. “Was he really that bad?”
You nod, stifling a laugh into your hand. “Never came, not one goddamn time.”
“There’s no way in hell.” Sebastian’s staring at you with wide eyes. He shakes his head, like the information you’ve gave him will make sense if he jumbles it up a bit. “How long were you with him again?”
“A year.”
“He never made you come at least once in a fucking year!?” There’s an angry tenor creeping into his voice and when you look up at him, he’s frowning. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Piece of shit dudes like that.” Sebastian mutters. His arms slide around your waist, holding you tight to him. He huffs out a breath, the warmth of it hitting your hair. “If you were my girl, I’d be obsessed with giving you pleasure.”
You laugh, not taking his words to heart, ignoring the way heat spreads throughout your body. “I know, Seba,” you pat him on the cheek, rolling your eyes. “I know.”
You did know. You’ve heard him talk about women, when there’s liquor on his tongue to turn it loose. You’ve been his audience many a times, listening to him spiel on and on about how he loves to bring a woman to orgasm. You’ve seen the way his eyes have darkened as filthy words roll from his mouth. You’ve felt the air, the way grows thick with sexual tension the longer he speaks. 
You’re not gonna lie - you’ve thought about how it’d feel to be brought to bed by the man. You’ve always wanted to see if the way he speaks is true. You’d never actually follow through with it, though, because, let’s face it, a god like him would never want someone like you. And then there’s the whole you two being best friends thing. You’re fine with being his friend, only entertaining your fantasies when you’re well and truly alone.
“Pisses me off. “ Sebastian takes his beer back off the table, downing the rest of it in one go before he reaches for the case on the floor, cracking open another. You follow his lead, trying to nurse your buzz back to life. It’s silent for a while, you working through another glass and him going through two more beers before he speaks up again.
“He ever go down on you?”
You’re not phased by the question, merely shrugging your shoulders. “If you call him haphazardly poking his tongue around going down on me, then yes. I’m not even sure he knew what my clit was.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he swears. You nod in agreement, taking a long draw of your wine. He gets quiet again, and by the way his bottom lip pops out, you can tell that he’s thinking. 
“What do you like?” he asks suddenly. Your eyebrows raise of their own volition, not entirely sure if that’s what he’s asking. 
“Are you seriously asking me that right now?” you question, watching him nod. “What I like sex-wise?”  He nods again. 
You knock back the rest of your drink, settling comfortably into his chest. You think for a moment, blurting out the first thing that comes to mind, “Thigh riding.” 
“Thigh riding.” he tries the word combination out on his tongue. “Like, you grinding your cunt down onto the guy’s thigh? What’s so good about that?”
“The friction is amazing, ‘specially if the guy’s got some built thighs.” you can’t help the little smirk that comes to your lips. 
“Anything else?” his voice has gone deeper, rougher around the edges than it was five minutes ago. You brave a glance at him, see the way his pupils expand, black overcoming blue. His teeth are digging into his lip and you can’t help but want it to be yours instead of his. 
“Choking”s a big one.” you hold up a hand, ticking off your preferences as you go along. “Being dominated in general, really. Biting, being held down, being spanked. Uh, I like to be called pet names and stuff, too,”
“Pet names?” he asks you. His words are languid and just the tiniest bit slurred together. “Like princess, babygirl, things like that?” You nod.
“Kitten?” he tries, grinning when your hips shift just a bit. “Really? Kitten gets you going?”
Blushing, you smack his chest. “Should’ve never said anything, oh my god,”
“I’m not making fun, I promise.” He tucks his head into your neck, chuckling quietly. “I have an idea.”
“You have an idea,” you parrot back at him. 
“I wanna get you off.”
You freeze, because, surely he didn’t just say that. “W-what?”
“I wanna get you off.” he repeats. He holds on to your waist, squeezing ever so gently. “Let me make you come, Y/N.”
“I-” Oh, what the hell. “Okay.” 
Sebastian grins like the cat who ate the canary, manhandling you so you’re straddling his lap, facing him. His eyes are already hooded, heavy with lust as he stares at you. There’s a smirk tipping at his lips, and you feel so exposed, so vulnerable, and you’re not even naked yet. 
You’re not sure who leans in first, but you don’t care, because he’s kissing you, slow and unhurried. He licks into your mouth with sure, confident strokes and he moans when your fingers find his hair and pull. 
“Fuck, kitten,” he parts the kiss with a nip to your bottom lip. He’s breathing heavy, and when you look down, you can see the imprint of his cock pressing against his sweatpants. You whimper, because, you can tell, he’s big. He leans forward, pouty lips caressing the skin of your throat. He bites down and you moan, hips rolling down his erection with a moan. “You’re gonna lose the clothes,” he breathes out, voice deep. “And you’re gonna fuck yourself on my thigh, give me a little show.”
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