#anyways ty anon for letting me procrastinate a bit
sieglinde-freud · 10 months
I am also avoiding finals twinsiiieees 12 for Alcryst?
duuuuude best of luck on whatever you got goin on, i know damn well i just bombed mine today so lets hope yours goes a bit a better!! rootin for you
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
ooogguyghh… alcryst… well i think that guy is bi as fuck!! i dont really know much beyond that though. i do like alcryst a lot, but i never went tooooo in depth on him when i was going insane over engage, yk? i was definitely more all over the solm characters. you know what i think him and takumi are boyfriends in askr though. like did you see those forging bonds.
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like are u seeing what im seeing here… archer boyfriends with inferiority problems in part due to their own respective older brothers they place as superior to them but they handle it in two wildly different ways but i think they could bring out the best in eachother. DO YOU SEE MY VISION ANON. PLEASE SAY YES or just like. nod your head. youre on anon so…. yeah just nod and i’ll feel it. i gotchu. please nod.
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Tying-Werewolf!Billy-Down Anon here. I am currently procrastinating studying for a Linguistics final, and what better way to do so than analyzing our favorite Billy Russo.
So, thinking about it werepanther!Billy thoughts, and given the fact that he is more Deliberate and Calculative than werewolf!Billy, I feel like he’d vibe better with a partner who is just as coolheaded and cutthroat? Like, before Reader even knows what he is, when they have to work together, Reader matches him stride for stride while on a mission—she’s the perfect image of competence and efficiency and werepanther!Billy is just like oh. Oh. I like you.
And maybe going off of that one werepanther!Billy post (I think it was either today or yesterday, and I can’t remember if it was by an anon or a specific user), Reader thinks that Billy doesn’t like her when they first meet/work together because he is so naturally nonchalant I hc that mans really just had a resting bitch face which he uses to his advantage. But because it’s like maybe a one-time job or maybe just a short working-together period at Anvil, she just shrugs it off and continues to work with him as a means to the ends (modified Pride and Prejudice vibes anyone??).
Anyway, so, Billy gets used to working with her—gets used to having someone watching his back and trusting her to do it and even kind of looking forward to it and oh no ~feelings~.
Now, Billy, especially werepanther!Billy, doesn’t strike me as the kind of person to let go of something he want. No—no way. He’s the kind of person to pull some strings to get Reader—whether she be some kind of freelance agent or working for another company similar to Anvil—to continue working with him on projects, desperately trying to get closer to her but super nonchalantly (kind of like when a house cat just so ‘happens’ to be in the same room as you, near you, and oh well I’m at your desk might as well lean over to give me some always-deserved head scratches, yes?).
Reader is frustrated because Jesus Christ how many problems does Anvil have that require her level of expertise, along with Russo’s?? Why does she have to keep working with him???? At least let her work with Frank so she doesn’t have to deal with Russo just judgingly (affectionately) staring at her all the time.
She’s there so often that at some point Billy just gifts her an office (suspiciously near his even though there aren’t even any other offices on his floor), still riding the faux-nonchalance wave like his life fucking depends on it.
With all this in mind, I can’t tell which I like better in terms of Reader a) finding out what Billy is, and b) found out that he doesn’t hate her, he actually likes her to the point of loving her.
Given they’re working on missions together, it could be a case of a honeypot scenario where Reader has to seduce someone for information and Billy, stuck on comms as backup should she need it, is chomping at the bit to just get her out of there and see if she’ll talk to him as sweetly as that fucker she’s currently flirting with. Mission goes one of two ways: either Billy butts in as soon as things start to get a little too physical for his liking (Reader leans in like two inches from the target’s ear to whisper into it and lightly touches the back of the target’s hand), or she succeeds in getting through with the mission with minimal sexy times implied and comes back to a half-transformed Billy with eyes dark with anger, possessiveness, and lust.
That’s all well and good, but it could also also be the result of Reader getting hurt during a mission (I am a slut for angst). I think the best way for this to go down is for Billy and Reader to be far apart when on a mission when she suddenly stops responding to her comms. The system from her end is still on—jammed, most likely—but she isn’t responding and he can hear gunfire spewing and voices that aren’t hers shouting through it. Cue our normal calculative Billy going ballistic—I’d say he transforms completely out of sheer rage to get to her, tear her assailants apart, and then rest pressed up against her body while they wait for help. Reader wakes up (from either a serious bonk on the head or from a moment of consciousness amidst bleeding out) and sees this fucking giant panther staring at her as it rests against her thigh (they’re in the middle of some major city, how the fuck is there a wildcat here??). For a second, she’s terrified (a valid response), but then the thing starts purring while looking at her and nuzzling up against her side and she’s like… okay…? (Maybe there are dog tags around it’s neck and she parses from that that it’s Billy, but I honestly think it’d be funnier if she passes back out soon after that, wakes up, and is just like ‘yeah, got rescued by this giant panther… idk what is up but maybe we need to get the stray population here under control before we do anything else’).
TL:DR werepanther!Billy loves a Reader who is fucking good at kicking ass along side him, is shit at showing it, and thus a slightly oblivious Reader thinks he hates her and so mildly dislikes him by association—hijinks most certainly ensue.
Let me know what you think of all that (I am so sorry that I basically just wrote an essay about this… I’ve been drowning in thoughts about this and needed to purge my mind of them so I could get back to work). As always, I love your content and thank you so much for brightening our days with it :)
Babeee.... I hope you know I'm gonna use some of this, but it was so good and exciting to read. I wrote the reader in as some sort of cybersecurity specialist, fitting Anvil for an improved security system. She's smart, but also sarcastic as hell and gives the honest truth everytime.
I hope you read the first little part and liked it, this ask helped me a bit to develop a game plan 😅😅 though we'll see how well i write it.
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